The Flight Deck

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The Flight Deck team

The complete document Is available at Virtual PIA and its associates, for themselves and for the owners of any material advertised or contained here in, for whom they may or may not act give notice that: 

This publication is meant for non commercial use only. It may not be redistributed by any person or agent whatsoever All information and or artwork including images given in this publication have been obtained from a large number of contributors. The Administrators*, Editors or associates of VPIA are not in any way whatsoever responsible for breach of copyright in any contribution Should you believe a breach of copyright has occurred, please contact us Intending purchasers should satisfy themselves as to the truth or accuracy of all information given as is otherwise necessary; no person associated with VPIA, has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatever in relation to any products advertised unless mentioned

Concept: Adnan Sajid (PIA10283) Editors : Adnan Sajid Perry Green Ahmed Ahsen Members of the VPIA team

Contributors: Without whom, this publication would not have been possible. Thankyou all, for extending your work to reach more people. Abbas Ali Team Benjamin Miller Clare Bloomfield Damiano Gualdoni Fahad Aziz Frederic Dumas Ian Madigan Capt. Johnny Sadiq Konstantin Von Wedelstaedt Mirza Rizwan Beyg Murtaza Sattar Omer Zakaria Pawel Guraj Pete Keen Robert Whitwell Saad Asad Cheema Sameer Haqqi Syed Ashar Ali Torsten Maiwald And many, many others

The material within this publication is produced or provided by the owner and or their associates and or publishers of that work, for general information purposes and no monetary profit. *Administrators: Hashim Jabbar Memon & Ahmed Ahsen

Cover Photo: Ian Madigan Last page Photo: Murtaza Sattar Pakistan photos: Taha Zuberi (75 & 93)

This is a non-commercial magazine All material within is presented for information purposes only and remains property of respective owners.


Contents Introduction to ‘The Flight Deck’ 5 Behind the scenes: VPIA Management 6 Associates: Partners in crime 7 "The Wind under my Wings": The VPIA story 8 “How I got the bug” 11 Open letter to Microsoft on closure of Ace Studios 15 The Ispahani Hangar 18 Worth the trip: Airports to see 22 Project Open Sky 23 “What's the point of Virtual Airlines?” 26 VPIA’s new year event 28 Feature: AP-OOI and the A310 30 Pages of history 38 Interviews 39 The Connie who couldn’t die 51 Route Map 52-3 Trip Report: The Shaheen experience 62 Health tips 67 Capt. Johnny Sadiq's book reviews 68 Interesting publications 70 The treasure chest: MSFS in Pakistan 71 MSFS as a training aid 73 Ready For Pushback 747 review 77 MSFS Controllers 79 Airport Enhancement Services review 82 Abacus 787 review 83 TU-154 review 85 F-86 Sabre review 86 Real Environment Xtreme 87 FS Flying School review 88 FlightSim product reviews 91 Technical: FSACARS issues 94 Pakistani aviation news 95 From around the world 97



 PILOTS PIA10275 PIA10354 PIA10369 PIA10370 PIA10366 PIA10340 PIA10328 PIA10309 PIA10170

Ghulam Mohiuddin Omais Maqbool Saad Cheema Shoaib Khan Uzair Ansari Imran Zulfqar Kamran Akhtar Mohammad Salman Perry Green

 FAVORITE AIRPORTS: DEPARTURE Karachi Lahore Islamabad Dubai Manchester Peshawar Multan New York JFK Toronto Quetta

 FAVORITE AIRPORTS: DESTINATIONS Karachi Lahore Islamabad Dubai Manchester Peshawar Toronto New York JFK London Heathrow Abu Dhabi



An Introduction Dear reader, Thankyou for downloading the first issue of Virtual PIA's quarterly magazine. Virtual PIA, the only virtual airline based in Pakistan, is proud to bring yet another first for the aviation & flight simmers community. "The Flight Deck" promises to provide with you the latest happenings in the flightsim community and Pakistani aviation, and will bring you up to date with VPIA's latest news. Starting from December, we launched a series of highly successful events, aiming at pilots from the ATR turboprop to the 747. The pilots' response has shown the high level of interest in such events, and we will continue to arrange such events regularly. Most of our events are based on real world events, trade exhibitions, etc. Furthermore, we also aim to provide a highly realistic series of events for 'Pakistan 1' - the Presidential VIP aircraft. With the release of its updated repaint by our valued member and repaint specialist, First Officer Kim Green(PIA10363), we will simulate all of its further operations. Speaking of designers, PIA10XXX, Abdul Haseeb Kamal, is new on the block, and has proven his work already by releasing highly accurate and detailed sceneries of Quetta (OPQT) and Bahwalpur airports. "The Ispahani Hangar" contains all the latest on our releases, and future works.

Thanks to Mr. Robert Whitwell, and the entire team, we are proud to bring you reviews directly from which we hope you will find informative and useful. We also have an interesting article by Mr. Frederic Dumas of, and some interesting feature interviews. A lot of painstaking work has been carried out to bring to you exclusive PIA photos, and the latest news from around the world. Starting a new era in the history of Pakistani flight simulation, we have lots of new and exciting changes in the pipeline for you. Such changes, while they have been undergoing testing for the last 3 months, are kept under the covers, and tested endlessly to ensure seamless transition of all materials and data. The latest change by the time you see this magazine will be our new photo gallery. By the time we are done with it, it will have the largest collection of PIA images from flight simulator. You can also have your pictures featured in the gallery, simply by posting them on the VPIA forums.

While we fully had plans to bring online section by section of VPIA’s new design, the recent stealing of our work – from VPIAH website, as well as copying our web design ideas and effects, has unfortunately forced us to keep all

changes and progress in a highly controlled environment, until full copyrights are registered, to avoid misuse again. As a note, all material in this magazine is © at the respective authors and Virtual PIA. Reuse in any form is strictly prohibited. Countless contributors have participated in the development of this document, and as such, we are not responsible for violation of copyrights caused by material contributed by someone as their own. Should you note any violation, please contact us. Lastly, we are extremely proud to welcome two more members to our management team – Capt. Mohammad Salman(PIA10309) and First Officer Irfan Khan(PIA10379), who we are extremely confident will bring about significant development to this organization. A special note of thanks from all of us goes to our SVP, Capt. Perry Green (PIA10170), who is the true force behind VPIA. You will find a special article written by him in this magazine as well. We are always open to comments and innovative ideas from all members. That is how VPIA came into existence. This magazine, conceived by Adnan Sajid (PIA10283) is a testimony of our intentions. We hope you will thoroughly enjoy this issue, and we look forward to contributions from you for our next issue. Sincerely, The Editors




Management Hashim Jabbar Memon

Ahmed Ahsen

Perry Green

Designers & Developers

Senior Vice President Director Corporate Development Director HR Director Internal Affairs Director Public Relations & External Affairs Director Resource Management Director Flight Safety

Abdul Haseeb Kamal Ahmed Ahsen Bilal Aslam Edward Cox Gareth Thomas Irfan Khan Jonathon Sze Kimberly Green Stephen Groom Umair Ayaz

Welcome on board……………………….. Mohammad Salman General Manager Scheduling Fleet Manager

Irfan Khan General Manager Promotions & Advertising Creative Developer Aircraft repaint specialist




PARTNERS IN CRIME Virtual PIA has come a long, long way, with the enthusiasm and dedication of our pilots, and with the unconditional help of our supporters;

friend and supporter of VPIA. He has always provided unconditional help, assistance and advice whenever we seek it. We salute Mr. Abbas Ali for his dedication and enthusiasm and for his continuous support of VPIA.

Virtual PIA is also proud to be associated with the following virtual airlines and looks forward to developing a strong and promising relationship with them:

PakistaniAviation KLM-VA,based in the Netherlands, has been a constant pillar of support for VPIA. With technological assistance in virtually every aspect of operation, KLMVA’s Michiel Wiegers and Jeroen Van Ruler have gone out of their way, time and again to assist us in every possible manner. The entire VPIA team and pilots thank Mr. Wiegers and Mr. van Ruler for their contribution and assistance in developing VPIA.

History of PIA is no stranger to any Pakistani aviation enthusiast. Truly the ‘’ of Pakistan, this website offers a huge database of PIA photos and information. Over 100 pages are dedicated to photos of PIA crews. With an extremely active forum, HOP is the spot for Pakistani aviation enthusiasts. Mr. Abbas Ali, founder and owner Of HOP, has been an all-weather

Pakistani is another wonderful website. Its name pretty much explains it all. To date, it maintains the most extensive directory of Airlines/ flying clubs/ associations in Pakistan. The site’s forums have a wealth of information for pilots, aviation professionals, and aspiring aviation professionals in Pakistan and around the world. The site has lots of rare photos of almost every organization that has ever owned or operated aircraft in Pakistan.

Flight Sim Pakistan, was Pakistan’s most popular flight sim related web site. Mr. Ali Mujtaba, Mr. Umair Ayaz and Mr. Raihan Shehzad of FSP have supported VPIA a lot in our work. Ali Mujtaba and Umair Ayaz contributed a lot to the file development and designing department at VPIA. The whole idea of ‘Virtual PIA’ was brought forward at FSP forums, and that is also where the management team met up and got together to make Pakistan’s first regular virtual airline.




The Wind under my wings………… Virtual Pakistan International Airlines, is the only Pakistan-based virtual airline. This articles takes a look at how VPIA started and how it has evolved. st

It all started on February 21 , 2005, when I stumbled upon a wonderful site by the name of ‘Flight Sim Pakistan’ ( I had been toying around with Flight Simulator for about 3 years at that time, and was part of a very large virtual airline, SN Brussels VA. It was one of the few VA’s supporting FS2000 at that time, and having a huge Virtual PIA’s older banners infrastructure and route network I gladly joined them. For quite some time, everything went on smoothly, until I started thinking about PIAwhat if…..I could get PIA aircraft into my flight simulator? I got introduced to, and one day through Google stumbled upon Flight Sim Pakistan. From there started a journey of countless and never ending emails to the website’s team, about a ‘Virtual PIA’. With the utmost patience, I was guided to Mr. Raihan Shehzad, who had successfully operated a PIA virtual for some time. Unfortunately, it had shut down in 2005, for some reasons. A series of Messages appearing at FSP forums, in 2005 (by Ahmed Ahsen)




From there, I met up with another avid flight simmer, Hashim Jabbar Memon, who had taken the development project of ‘PIA Virtual’ (PIAV) to its initial stages with a functional web page, gallery and pilot roster. Together, we had many discussions, and finally settled upon the name ‘Virtual PIA (VPIA)’. The day was March 5th, 2005. Consequently, Hashim and I started working on a new virtual airline – VPIA. At first, like hundreds of VA’s out there, we looked for a good, free hosting website. For a small period of time, Hashim researched .com and .org domains, and finally, we settled upon a Canada based web hosting company, that had a regional office in Lahore. We settled on ‘’ as our address. As soon as the domain name was reserved, Hashim and I took a running start and designed numerous pages within the scope of a few days. Microsoft Frontpage was used for all the designing. The biggest challenge was no doubt, creating flight schedules. While Hashim worked on pilot applications, PIREP submission forms and the like, I got busy with flight schedules. Completely wiped out after making 747, 777, 310 and 737 schedules, I left the F-27 schedules to Hashim, who finalized them in a short span of time. Our plans were coming to fruition beautifully. For the download section, all developers of FSP gladly agreed to provide links to their files, and we set up an extensive download section, for aircraft from FS2004 to FS2000. Mr. Abbas Ali ( designed our first ‘banner’ and this started a very close friendship between us. From those days, Mr. Abbas Ali has supported us at every turn. Finally we were ready to blast off. th The day was April 20 , 2005.

One of VPIA's banners, courtesy, Mr. Abbas Ali.


The big launch came on April 21 , of 2005. From History of PIA members, we received then, and continue to receive now, a lot of support. Many, many members signed up and we were delighted to see an inbox full of applications for new pilots. A lot of the regular visitors at H-O-P registered at VPIA. Unfortunately, at that time, the PIREP system was more complicated than they had anticipated, and we saw many inactive pilots. However, some of them do remain at VPIA, even today. At its peak, VPIA held monthly events – not even close to what we are doing at this time, but still we did at that time, what we could, to breathe life into this VA. In 2007, we also acquired the services of KLM-VA’s web designer, Mr. Michiel Wiegers, who assisted us with the VPIA website, and we implement FSACARS as our primary logging system. Sadly, it was the end of our support of FS2000 and FS1998. The st day was 21 April , 2007. As VPIA continued to grow, Hashim’s brother Anil, and their friend, Fahad Aziz, joined us at VPIA. Both of them did excellent work, including the most up to date flight schedules and aircraft scheduling information. VPIA schedules, for the first time, were developed on a one week period of aircraft performing particular flights. To this day, the same practice continues. As Anil and Fahad continued their higher studies, eventually VPIA fell behind a little. It had been an excellent couple of years.

In 2007, VPIA proudly inducted our SVP, Perry Green – who from the moment he committed his services to VPIA, has been the working force – the clockwork if you like – behind this organization. His excellent skills kept VPIA out of the list of ‘extinct virtual airlines’ during the next 2 years, when VPIA slowed down to a crawling pace. Had it not been for Perry, today, VPIA would not have been online. In mid and late 2009, VPIA expanded its management team, to include two highly gifted individuals, Irfan Khan, and Mohammad Salman. Both are UAE based professionals deeply involved in flight simulation. Their enthusiasm speaks for itself, as both regularly pull all-nighters for their VPIA assignments. We are proud to have people like both of them on board with us. Along with Perry and Salman, Irfan breathed back the enthusiasm of VPIA into me and Hashim. Together, we set on a new journey to bring about a new change into the VA, and to regulate it, and ensure a consistent presence on the web. Thanks to managers like Irfan and Salman on board with us, VPIA is moving rapidly toward the right direction, with Irfan single-handedly handling several aspects from aircraft repainting, to creative development. Salman on the other hand, is responsible for fleet management and producing schedules for VPIA and VPIAH. My thanks go out out to Hashim Jabbar Memon – for being there – as a very patient and supporting friend, as an advisor, as a mentor, as a web designer – whenever needed. And my thanks go to all of you – Our pilots, our supporters, contributors, and designers – Without all of you, Pakistan International Airlines – ‘The airline of the East’- would still be missing from the virtual airline world. Thank you all!






How I got involved by Perry Green

Photo: Syed Ashar Ali

A virtual airline (VA) is an Internetbased association for flight simulator enthusiasts. Its purpose is to add to the pleasure of flight simulation by replicating the structure of an airline. The members of the VA agree on a set of rules by which they will fly. This usually includes regimented flight schedules, planned routes, aircraft types, and a variety of goals which must be fulfilled. Membership is generally free of charge, however, some VAs are quite selective about accepting pilots, in some cases requiring that they first pass knowledge tests. Other VAs are more easy going. If you are reading this Article for the first time, stop and ask yourself one simple question. What thoughts and expectations did you have when you decided to apply to join VPIA? Why did you join a Virtual Airline? I have been involved in Flight Simulation since the days of the Amstrad CPC 464, basic Graphics on a very basic Machine. How things have changed with the constant advances that make running

How things have changed with the constant advances that make running Flight Simulator at faster and better Graphics. However back to the issue on Hand, Why did you join a Virtual Airline? My involvement with any Virtual Airline has only been 5 years. Previously I started out as a member of a very small UK based Virtual Airline mainly confined to flying B737/2 between Manchester, Glasgow, Cardiff and Plymouth in the South West of England. This soon became a chore rather than a form of enjoyment. I had spent a full hot summers day at Manchester’s Aviation Park with a Camera full of various Aircraft, Fly be, British Airways, Monarch, Emirates, Globe span just to name a few. Then came one particular Airline which was one of the few operating B747s into Manchester. Pakistan International Airlines. A quick Web search soon revealed all the usual facts regarding PIA and its operations. Then a new search revealed something completely different. Virtual Pakistan International Airlines (VPIA).

This was definitely very interesting! So having fully explored VPIAs Home Page I decided that’s it, filled in my application and pressed the Send option. Within a few Days I had received a reply that contained the opening words “welcome to VPIA”. I had transferred 88 hours over to VPIA which gave me the Rank of First Officer Short Range………….back flying B737s again! My Base was Lahore, which until then I had only a very rough idea of Pakistan’s main Cities and where they were geographically located. This was going to be a very steep learning curve indeed! The first task was to log in to VPIA and download and install FSACARS. I must admit that it was not straight forward but finally the job was complete. Next came my flights. VPIA were using a monthly roster system which meant some one had the monthly task of rostering every Pilot a full month of Flights. This was all in the Hands of Chief Pilot Planning and Scheduling, Fahad Aziz. Fahad must have had the most hectic position at VPIA! Of course we no longer have this system due to its very time consuming nature.




Welcome to VPIA! PIA10395 PIA10396 PIA10397 PIA10398 PIA10399

Jamaal Brathwaite M. M. Farooq Taha Hasan Latif khan Zahid amin

And on the other hand…….. *VPIA completes the 50 file mark at *Project Opensky’s 777-200s are now available in Full PIA colors. Look out for the details in the ‘Ispahani Hangar’. *Pakistan Airforce’s presidential Airbus, AP-OOI is now available at *Quetta airport scenery is now available * Bahawalpur airport scenery is also available at * Sneak peak of new Karachi airport scenery in development!

Meanwhile, in the skies above us……… Controller: "USA353 (sic) contact Cleveland Centre 135.60. (pause) Controller: "USA353 contact Cleveland Centre 135.60!" (pause) Controller: "USA353 you're just like my wife you never listen!" Pilot: "Centre, this is USA553, maybe if you called her by the right name you'd get a better response!"


My first roster flight was on the 2 of November 2006, flight PIA255 Lahore to Islamabad………with a B737! FSACARS was still a mystery at that point, I knew exactly what it did after reading the Manual. However the thought remained, am I being watched, who would be looking at my progress on the Home Page! A very good flight by the time we arrived at Islamabad and I was quite pleased to see my first flight in my Logbook. The good thing about being with a Virtual Airline is that you very quickly learn and improve new and old skills. The option to keep your flights nice and simple or bring out and use Checklist and Charts is totally optional, the choice is yours. VPIA have some very professional and perfectionist people when it comes to virtual Pilots, a real asset and credit to this virtual airline. If you want to know something, just ask. This certainly has helped me out in the past. A question posted in the VPIA Forum will always soon have a reply with advice or comment. After a period of about 1 year I had managed to be consistent and complete most, if not all of the flights that were allocated to me. Then I discovered a new type of operation would be taking place. The Hajj schedules. This led me to do a lot of research and understand exactly what Hajj schedules meant and the importance they had. Then came Eid, again the Web became a valuable tool of research. Someone suggested we operate Mango Flights and again it was back to the Web to find out exactly what this would mean for VPIA. VPIA as a Virtual Airline has become a great educational and friendly Airline providing Schedules for special Calendar Events but also include Links to reliable and good sources of additional related material. A great advocate of promoting understanding in cultures, friendship and fellowship.

I received an E Mail directly from VPIA’s administrators with the invitation to join the VPIA management team as Human Resources Manager in 2007. This was a little bit of a shock; I had no knowledge or understanding at all how the internal workings of VPIA worked. Slightly apprehensive, I accepted the position for a trial period which is normal practice for all new Management at VPIA. With the guidance of Ahmed and Hashim the various rules and procedures soon became easier to learn and follow. The most time consuming but important job was new Pilot applications and managing our current Members. In 2007 my position was changed to Senior Vice President Internal Affairs & PR. This allowed me to really start to propose and implement changes which ranged from basic VPIA operations to producing Schedules and new initiatives for our members. Virtual Flight was the reason I came to VPIA so maintaining active Pilot status was also a high priority. To fast forward as we enter 2010. VPIAs members will see more and more changes as the Administrators and Team finally implement changes. The VPIA Web Site is now being continually changed. New flight initiatives are being introduced, more special flights based on fictional and non fictional world events and online operations. Our biggest new venture came from a member’s E mail request to fly the old PIA fleet; this has now been developed as Virtual Pakistan Heritage. Finally a word of thanks and appreciation to all of our members. A very talented and knowledgeable group of People, many of you who have E mailed me on many occasions. Always a pleasure to hear from you. Best Wishes for 2010 to everyone.








An open letter by Mr. Frederic Dumas (Sim Flight Network) To: Phil Spencer VP of MS Games Studio Redmond, WA “An open letter regarding the incomprehensible decision to kill Flight Simulator development.” Dear Mr. Spencer, I have reason to believe that you are, at least partially, responsible for the killing of Flight Simulator, through laying off the entire 'ACES studio' at Microsoft. I would like to make you aware of my view on that incomprehensible decision. I think I can safely say this is the view of tens and very likely hundreds of thousands of dedicated flight Simulator fans and users all over the world. YOUR customers, as well as mine. My guess is, knowing some of what happened internally at MS in the past years, that someone in the management or finance department noted that the ‘Flight Simulator game’ was not raking in anywhere near as much money as Windows, Microsoft Office, Exchange or any of the Xbox games. Of course it was not, and it never did. ‘We’ all know that. The Flight Simulator market was and is a niche market compared to MS’ other products, and certainly compared to the rest of the world’s gaming industry.

But you see, THERE is the problem. Flight Simulator is NOT a game, even though it can be used as such and even if Microsoft’s marketing folks tried to sell is as such. However, I am pretty sure that many people within Microsoft never acknowledged that. Or even understand. Flight Simulator is exactly what the title implies: a simulation. Maybe you've never used it? Then let me explain you the basics of it. FS(X) is not only of aircraft or the flying with them, not only of the instruments and controls. No, MS Flight Simulator is the ONLY simulation in the world that you can use on a PC and that simulates the World of Aviation in the broadest sense. It has all of the world’s airfields and airports included, in various levels of sophistication and realism; it has a wealth of various aircraft from the venerable Piper Cub to the latest Boeing 777. But it also has all weather effects with clouds, rain, snow and storms, and it has the world’s landscapes modeled. Not just some little areas around one of the airports as regular 'games' would have, but the entire globe! It has sounds, Air Traffic Control that tells you where to go, Artificial Intelligence aircraft that fly around you, even road traffic and all sorts of boats underneath your plane. It has all the seasons, light and dark, the sun and the moon, bad weather and good.

“someone in the management or finance department noted that the ‘Flight Simulator game’ was not raking in anywhere near as much money as Windows,Microsoft Office, or any of the XBox games”

In short Flight Simulator offers you everything you may find in real aviation with the only exception being the risk of actually killing yourself!

“It has been the first window pun intended - into the world of flying for so many kids, many of whom are now pilots.”

What is even more important however is that Flight Simulator has brought flying to many hundreds of thousands of people who would love to go flying, but can’t, for whatever reason. Word has it that you have sold a million copies of the latest version alone! It has been the first window - pun intended - into the world of flying for so many kids, many of whom are now pilots. It is the only program that has sparked not a few fan sites but actually thousands of Internet communities that not only provide news and help to its participants, but that also fulfill a social role in today’s fast-paced world, where so many people get isolated. It drives thousands of sophisticated model cockpits all over the world, many of them being used for real-world training in various forms. I dare say that Microsoft Flight Simulator has been the best medicine for many people, taking them away into the virtual skies, forgetting their pains, heartaches, worries and misery and making them ‘pilot’ for a few happy hours at a time. And although FS will live on, and third party add-on developers and publishers will continue to build new parts for it, it is THAT what Microsoft has taken away from them and from all of us.




That ‘history’, that part of our lives that has always been there and should always have remained there. So I, in the name of tens, and more likely hundreds of thousands of dedicated Flight Simulator users around the globe, I hereby kindly ask you to t hink about the implications of stopping a unique program and 'movement', of taking away an 'icon' of the Gaming Industry, Microsoft and of all flight simmers worldwide. And of throwing away ESP with it. I wonder, how many passionate customers you have for MS Office? Or Windows Vista? I guarantee you that the Flight Simulator customers are passionate. About aviation in general and about your product in particular. For almost thirty years already. There is the difference with anything else you have ever produced! So therefore please reconsider this most unfortunate decision, knowing that MS Flight Simulator is not your run of the mill Microsoft product and knowing how much you have hurt such a huge number of your customers. Thank you kindly for your time Best but sad regards, François A. 'Navman' Dumas Managing Editor The simFlight Network

Join the race







The Ispahani Hangar All the latest file developments from VPIA and VPIAH Welcome to ‘The Ispahani Hangar’, where we strive to collect the latest information and updates on flight simulator releases for PIA and Pakistan. Virtual PIA prides itself on having a strong and dedicated team of developers; Kimberly Green Abdul Haseeb Kamal Irfan Khan Ahmed Ahsen Here are some of the ‘hottest’ files around. To download any of them, simply search for the file name at

* FS2004 Boeing 777-240ERs 3 pack Filename: FS2004 PIA Boeing 777-240ER 3 Pack Pakistan International Airlines PIA 3 pack Boeing 777-240ER's v2 AP-BGJ, AP-BGK and AP-BHX in the Baluchistan provincial livery, carrying the title "Quetta - Nature's Orchard" utilizing Project Opensky POSKY 777-200 v2 model. Contains FULL VIRTUAL COCKPIT, ground service vehicles, tow truck, catering trucks, stairs, luggage loaders and containers painted in standard PIA colors. Contains all open sky updates till 2009 including virtual cockpit and tow truck. Updated .mdl and fde. By Ahmed Ahsen. Above aircraft are available individually,

* FS2004/FSX Pakistan Air Force

Presidential A310, AP-OOI Filename: Textures only. Requires payware CLS or Just Flight A310 package. By Kimberly Green.

*FS2004 PIA Boeing 777-240LR

Pakistan International Airlines B777-240LR registration AP-BGZ, "World Distance Record Holder", features full virtual cockpit. Contains ground service vehicles, tow truck, catering trucks, stairs, luggage loaders and containers painted in standard PIA colors. Contains all updates until 2009 including virtual cockpit and tow truck. Updated .mdl and FDE. Filename:

The VPIA 777’s had more than 6200 downloads in one month. That’s 205 downloads every day!




* FS2004 Scenery--Quetta Airport

Filename: By Abdul Haseeb Kamal, a wonderful scenery enhancement for FS2004.

*FS2004 Scenery-Bahawalpur Airport

Filename: By Abdul Haseeb Kamal, a detailed enhancement of Bahwalpur.

* FS2004 OPKC Photoreal Scenery

* PIA AI Package Filename: PIA flight plans and AI aircraft in various liveries. You must use the World of AI Installer to make this package work (WOAINS24.ZIP). By Mike Theisen, Peter van der Veen, Marten Weber.

*FS2004 PIA Boeing 777-300ER

*FS2004 PIA A300 "Mango Season"

Filename: This beautiful livery was released to coincide with VPIA's new cargo operations based on the seasonal exportation of Pakistan mangoes. Registration AP-BAX. Full aircraft included. A300 model package by SGA. Livery designed and painted by Kimberly Green.

Filename: AP-BHW, textures only for the Overland B777-300 model. Pakistan International Airlines repaint by Stephen Groom. * FSX/2004 PIA B 777-200ER & LR

* FS2004 Allama Iqbal Airport

Filename: Photoreal scenery based on Virtual Earth images. Night textures not included and images in low resolution but frame rate friendly. By Syamsani Shamsuri.

Filename: Detailed scenery of Lahore airport.By Bilal Aslam * Scenery—Chitral, Gilgit, Skardu

* FS2004 PIA ATR 6 pack 6 ATR liveries, AP-BHI,BHJ,BHM,BHN,BHO, BHP in latest colors, by Ahmed Ahsen & Edward Cox.

Filename: This package includes scenery for North Pakistan and the Jammu and Kashmir region, with detailed sceneries of Chitral, Chilas, Gilgit, Skardu and others.

Filename: AP-BGK and AP-BGY, for the overland model, by VPIA partner, Mr. Gareth Thomas.

* FS2004 PIA Airbus A321-232

Filename: Umair Ayaz’s beautiful repaint, depicting an A321 leased from Air Inter during 2006 by PIA. Wears special hybrid livery, on the beautiful iFDG model.






* FS2004/FSX PIA 747-300

Also under development……….

On Project Open Sky’s v4 model, the new repaint will feature 5 repaints, AP-BFU “Islamabad”, AP-BFV “Peshawar”, AP-BFW “Lahore”, AP-BFY “Ziarat”, AP-BGG “Kaghan” with ground service vehicles, tow truck, catering trucks, stairs, luggage loaders and containers painted in standard PIA colors. By repaint specialists Irfan Khan, and Ahmed Ahsen.

- CLS PIA DC-10 AP-AYM in Green & Gold livery - Wilco 737 provincial tails - Aerosoft Twin Otter - PSS 777-300 PIA liveries - CLS A300 PIA liveries

* FS2004/FSX PIA 777-300 After a highly popular series of POSKY 777’s in PIA colors, the new release will be on 777-300s, with full virtual cockpit, ground service vehicles, tow truck, catering trucks, stairs, luggage loaders and containers painted in standard PIA colors. Will include AP-BHW “Lahore” in white rudder livery, and AP-BHV “Thar” and APBID “Gilgit”. By Stephen Groom and Ahmed Ahsen.

* FS2004 PIA L-1049 Constellation In the spirit of developing PIA’s historical routes and fleet, PIA’s Lockheed L-1049 Connie is being developed. There will be a total of 5 repaints, on the wonderful Constellation model by Mr. Manfred Jahn. Repaint by texture specialists Irfan Khan and Ahmed Ahsen.

* FS2004 PIA F-27 As another part of VPIA heritage’s development, PIA’s Fokker F-27 series aircraft in more than 31 liveries and 3 variations of each livery. By repaint specialists Irfan Khan and Ahmed Ahsen. Model by Mike Stone.

* FS2004/FSX Karachi Airport Scenery Under development by Mohammad Sarmad Khan, this project is reviewed in the following sections.




Flying High high

Enjoy flying at some of the airports most challenging and beautiful airports. Experience the effects on your aircraft as air density decreases with an increase in altitude and temperature.

SLCN Charana

Bolivia 13320 6562

SLLP El Alto

Bolivia 13313 13116

Check out some of the highest airports in Flight Simulator 2004. (source:

SPNP Ventilla







SLPO Nicolas Rojas Airport

SPRF San Rafael




SPIY Yauri

VI1M Fukche




SPVI Vicco




SLCC Copacabana




ICAO SPJL Inca Manco





12545 13780

SCKP Coposa Chile

12468 10499

SLOR J. Mendoza


12145 7723



12106 4921

TJ0E Murgab

Tajikistan 11961 8208

SASQ Quiaca

Argentina 11417 8858

13123 7546

Bolivia 12913 9252 Peru

12795 8202

Bolivia 12591 5249


Aviation Dictionary *Airspeed: Speed of an airplane. Deduct 25% when listening to a Navy pilot. *Bank: The folks who hold the lien on most pilots' cars. *Cone of Confusion: An area about the size of New Jersey, located near the final approach beacon at an airport. *Engine Failure: A condition which occurs when all fuel tanks mysteriously become filled with air. *Range: Usually about 30 miles beyond the point where all fuel tanks fill with air.

In an afternoon of slot problems and congestion on the ground... Alitalia:- "Alitalia 123, do you have any good news for us?" ATC:- "It's nearly my birthday..."

PIA A300 at Kathmandu




One of the most known names in the world of flight simulation, POSKY, is world famous for their beautiful and true to life aircraft models. POSKY is for flyers who want probably the best looking aircraft around, with the simplest of procedures and controls. While most POSKY models rank above many pay ware models, the aircraft are simple to fly. We take a look at a review for some of POSKY’s model. by Pardave Lehry, “I remember back in the early days of Flight Simulator—when I started, it was still version 5.0, though I realize some of you have been using older versions—how crude the aircraft used to look. Remember the Northwest 747-400 that came with BAO's Flight Shop? You could count the number of sides on the fuselage. The team has released a lot of 747s. This time there are three variants: the 747300, the 747-400, and the 747-400D. The differences between the first two will be pretty obvious to most simmers. The 747400D was built by Boeing on request of the Asian carriers. Because it's a domestic-only aircraft, the seating capacity is slightly higher (568 as opposed to 524 on the -400), along with reduced range and beefed up structures that can withstand the many cycles involved with short haul trips. Because of the number of people that fly in Asia and the close proximity of the countries/airports served by the 744D, Asia is mainly where you will find this aircraft, hence the limited number of paint jobs available. “

Project Open Sky “As for the flight model, it is just as you would expect a heavy aircraft to behave. Taxi speeds are under 15 knots, just like all other jets with rotation speed for the 747-400 hovering at almost 170 knots when fully loaded. A climb speed of 330 knots is perfect, which will give you a cruise speed of Mach 0.86 up to FL330. If the aircraft is fully loaded, this will be your first stop. Beyond this, the aircraft will have great difficulty if it's too heavy. Approach and landing speeds of around 155-160 knots is ideal with flaps 30.” POSKY’s ‘V4’ series models for the 777 and 747 series feature numerous ground service vehicles, stairs, catering trucks and luggage loaders. VPIA is embarking on an exciting journey to share the PIA liveries on these aircraft.

“The POSKY 777s are again available in a wide variety of international liveriesRotation speed is around 160 knots when fully loaded, with 310 knots being a comfortable climb speed to reach cruise altitudes of up to FL410. Of all the POSKY aircraft, the 777 is the one that can climb the highest when fully loaded. On rotation, take a look outside with your view facing the nose and you'll see something that has never been seen before. In the real world, wings flex. It's natural for materials to flex because of physics. And now, for the first time ever, on the Project Opensky 777, you will see the wings actually flexing. Above 100 knots, the wings flex up, indicating that they are starting to take the weight.”



We take a look at some of the latest press releases from POSKY,

*Project Open Sky releases E-4B The E-4B Nightwatch is derived from the Boeing 747-200B and was introduced on the height of the cold war in 1973 as E-4A. In 1979 the last of four aircraft was delivered and equipped with new instruments, now designated E-4B. The E4B is constructed to serve as an independent advanced airborne command post to withstand the EMP (Electro Magnetic Pulse) after a nuclear weapon attack when parts of land based electronic equipment is unusable. The military leaders could control the entire armed forces of the US from this command post.

*Project Opensky releases Trent 800 Soundset for the 777 These sounds where produced by Emil Serafino exclusively for Project Opensky's Boeing 777v2 Series.

*RC-3 Republic Seabee for FSX

* Project Opensky releases Boeing 747SP Stratospheric (SOFIA) The observatory, which features a German-built 100-inch (2.5 meter) diameter infrared telescope weighing 20 tons mounted in a highly-modified Boeing 747SP aircraft, is approaching the flight test phase as part of a joint program by NASA and DLR Deutsches Zentrum fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt (German Aerospace Center). Major aircraft modifications and installation of the telescope has been carried out at L-3 Communications Integrated Systems facility at Waco, Texas.

*Project Opensky released the Third Millitary variants of 737NG, P-8A Poseidon, based on Boeing 737-800 and for replacing the P-3C.

Beside the standard animations the E-4B offers all 747v4A animations like ground equipment plus more: * Opening L1 door with custom interior according to best available detail (Shift + E, 1) * Opening Forward Cargo door (Shift + E, 2) * Opening L2 door (Shift + E, 3) * Opening Air Refuel Receptacle (Shift + E, 4) * Extendable Integral stairs in Forward Cargo Hold (Cargo 1 via POSKY Utility Panel) * Opening Cockpit Hatch (Cargo 2 via POSKY Utility Panel)






So what's the point? Photo M. Ali (Aer Pakistan)

A discussion from

What is the point/reason of Virtual Airlines? As one avid virtual pilot put it,

“……a wondrous place where grown adults can pretend to be real pilots and waggle their "I've got many more hours than you so I am a 'Captain' while you're a newbie" all the while silently commiserating together about the possibility of landing a 747-400 because the entire flight crew has eaten the fish and is in the toilets.”

That sums it up really beautifully. In all seriousness however, Wikipedia defines virtual airlines as, “A virtual airline is an organization dedicated to the hobby of flight simulation and models the operations of a real-world airline. Virtual airlines generally have a presence on the Internet, similar to a real airline and provide compelling, realistic, experiences similar to operations of a real airline.” Why do pilots join a virtual airline? There are probably as many answers to this as there are virtual pilots. However, the most common answer is that pilots are looking for more. After loading up Microsoft Flight Simulator with a host of aircraft, AI traffic and flying all over the place, pilots are looking for more. By joining a va, pilots are joining a community of aviation enthusiasts who share in your passion of this great hobby and will allow you to share your flight simulation knowledge and gain new knowledge and experience from others.

Depending on the virtual airline, how this community is developed can vary, but it is usually through group flights, events, contests, etc. I will be the first to admit that virtual airlines are not very everyone, but if you find the right one (and there are numerous to choose from) you will find that being a member of a virtual airline can be a lot of fun. Virtual airlines add a lot to your flying. They provide community and some organization to your simming. They create goals. OK maybe it's a kick to me to get a virtual promotion because I have reached a certain number of hours. A VA will also make you stretch in your skills and techniques because they will push you to fly planes and methods that you might not ever think of on your own.

“They provide community and some organization to your simming. They create goals” 26



Mostly, they are just fun for me. I like the interaction with other pilots who are into the same things I am. I like the structure of flights and planes that simulate what RW aviation is actually doing. I have learned a lot through participation in virtual airlines. I'm a much better virtual pilot than I was prior to getting involved with virtual airlines. The virtual airlines are not all alike. Some have a lot of structure and some have nearly none. Some do bush and charter and others only do one big airline like Delta and try to simulate it as closely as possible. Some do military air transport. You can probably find some outfit that is doing what interests you, and have a lot of fun with it. As another poster said, they aren't for everyone, but if you enjoy the community and a bit of organization in your flying you can really benefit from a good virtual airline.

“ A VA is a great way to A: Meet People B: Annoy People C: Fly with an Airline you like or dream about (like the ‘old’ PIA) D: Compete and show off your videos/screenshots.”

In a nutshell, a VA is what you make it. If you are interested in flying with a bit of structure then there is a VA out there for you, you just have to look. Make sure it does what you want it to do.

Delivering with care.

VPIA SpeedEx

Meanwhile................................. Student Pilot: "I'm lost; I'm over a lake and heading toward the big E.” Controller: "Make several 90 degree turns so I can identify you on radar." (short pause)... Controller: "Okay then. That lake is the Atlantic Ocean. Suggest you turn to the big W immediately ..." ** ** **

** ** ** ** ** **

Cessna 152: "Flight Level Three Thousand, Seven Hundred" Controller: "Roger, contact Houston Space Centre"




A look back at VPIA’s new year ‘Anything, Anywhere’ event.

With a highly successful series of events lining the month of December for our pilots, we decided to do something utterly and completely different – something new and innovative. With 2 new VPIA managers on board with us, Perry and I were able to better concentrate on developing a one of a kind event. Perry came up with an amazing idea – fly any aircraft, anywhere around the world – as the new year special. This special project quickly received appreciation from the entire management team, and we put together the framework and rules for this event. After much impatience, the day was finally there.


December 31 , 2009, marked the start, as numerous pilots took to the skies in aircraft from the Cessna Skymaster 337 and Twin Otter to the historic Boeing 720B and the ultra modern Airbus A380 super jumbo. We hope you enjoyed this new idea, and are enjoying our current events. A lot of new exciting events, taking you from South America to the Sahara and from North America to New Zealand are lined up. Separate events will be held for each aircraft type, with a number of events coming from real PIA flights, such as UN charter flights. Thank you all for making these events a success, and special thanks to our SVP Perry Green, and GM’s Irfan Khan and Mohammad Salman.




This New Year's we did everything that had wings.

What were you doing?





In 2007, then President of Pakistan, Gen. Pervez Musharraf was ‘gifted’ a VIP configured Airbus A310 from His Highness Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani, emir of Qatar. This article takes a look at the development of the A310, and at APOOI, from the day she rolled out of the Airbus hangar, to today, as she becomes a proud part of the nation’s pride – The Pakistan Airforce.

Airbus A310 AP-OOI

by Ahmed Ahsen and contributors On a warm May morning at Tolouse in 1989, from the Airbus hangars construction number 473 was rolled out – a series -304 Airbus A310. Test flown as F-WWCC, the jet was delivered to Somali Airlines as F-ODSV. The airbus retained its French registration as just 4 years later, she was sold to Yemen’s Al-Yemda in 1993. 3 years later, the airbus changed hands again, this time going to the Yemeni state carrier, Yemenia in 1996. Started in the mid 70’s the Airbus A310 was more than similar to the A300, ‘The Bus’. However, there were a lot of fine changes, including a more slender wing; the tail plane is smaller, the landing gear is shorter and the engines are hung slightly higher and further forward. According to, up to 65 per cent of the A310 airframe drawings were new. The A310 first began life as the A300B10, one of a number of projected developments and derivatives of Airbus' original A300B airliner.

T L F A A N I R DF Torsten Maiwald

Omer Zekeria

Exclusively for VPIA

Exclusively for VPIA 30



While based on the larger A300, the A310 introduced a number of major changes. The fuselage is 12 frames shorter compared to the A300, in addition to new and smaller horizontal tail surfaces, fly-bywire outboard spoilers and a two crew EFIS flight deck were incorporated. While the 35% commonality with the A300, the 310 still had a new wing design and undercarriage, in addition to a center fuselage above the wing box, while passenger exits were also relocated and the rear cargo door was redesigned. The highest possible wing loading was chosen, because of the inherently high power/weight ratio, which in turn meant the aircraft would perform much better at altitudes for flights under 1500NM. The most efficient long range cruise profile for the A310 started at 33,000 feet, as compared to 39,000 feet for its closest competitor, the Boeing 767. Airbus introduced the use of lighterweight carbon fibre reinforced plastic on secondary structures such as spoilers, airbrakes and rudder - first in trial on an A300 and then with the A310-200 when it entered service in 1983. Two years later, the A310-300 with its all-composite fin saw the first use of composites on primary structures, as well as the highly-effective addition of drag-reducing wing-tip devices which improved fuel efficiency. The A310 also marked Britain’s return to Airbus as a full partner. The British government put up a reported £50 million in a repayable loan towards development costs and from January, 1979, British Aerospace took a 20 per cent stake in Airbus Industrie, roughly equivalent to the work it would gain from being part of the consortium.

Pawel Guraj

Kimberly Green

Exclusively for VPIA

AP-OOI in Flight Simulator




Airbus took the next step in cockpit development on the A310, introducing electronic flight instrument displays that replaced many of the traditional analogue dials on the main instrument panel. This A310 “glass cockpit” used six computerdriven cathode ray tube displays to provide the captain and co-pilot with centralized flight and navigation information as well as monitoring and warning data. The glass cockpit subsequently was incorporated on the A300 as well, providing commonality between the two aircraft – an approach that was to be further developed on the other Airbus aircraft that followed. The launch customer for the A310 was Lufthansa, with Swissair following closely behind. Both received their first Airbus A310’s on the same day. KLM became the third enthusiastic customer for the Airbus A310.

“It’s like a propeller aircraft, response is very fast”(Capt. Alois Schneider, SwissAir) According to Flight Global, A310 pilots like the way in which the design of the aircraft is forgiving of sudden pitch or roll on landing or take off. The aircraft has to be at a 30° pitch-up angle on landing before the tail scrapes — normal landing pitch-up is 3-4°. The A310 allows 14° of roll on take-off before the wingtip touches. The tip always touches before the engine.

The crews also appreciate the combination of the three-color weather radar display with the navigational position and map display which reduces work for the pilots when they are climbing and descending through squall lines. The special feature in the PFD is its speed scale, which shows all reference speeds on a vertical line in relation to aircraft IAS. A most useful part of the speed scale is the speed trend vector, an arrowed line which shows the aircraft's speed trend over the next ten seconds if the same energy state is maintained. The ECAM also warns immediately of any impending problem. Often it detects potentially nasty situations — such as falling cabin air pressure. It then immediately tells the pilot exactly what to do about the problem, with the result that the fault is not allowed to get out of hand. Flight crew reaction to the A310 has been almost overwhelmingly enthusiastic. But there are a few areas in which they have had criticisms, and Airbus is now working to correct the problems.

Konstantin von Wedelstaedt

The most serious has involved the A310's three symbol generators, which take data from the aircraft's flight, monitoring, and navigation computers and present it symbolically on the CRT displays. At certain times the symbol generators have become overloaded with data, when densely packed FMS pages are required on the flight management computer screen. Because of this overloading, the pictures on the primary flight displays and screens have vanished for about 5sec at a time, leaving the pilots to rely on secondary instruments. A second feature the pilots have been less than satisfied with is that the autopilot is automatically uncoupled on the ground to keep it cool. The crews do not like the workload this leaves them during a short turn-round. Apart from having to reset the autopilot, they also have to switch off the fuel pumps, window heat, and pitot heat switches manually, then switch them on again manually a few minutes later. Airbus is also working to change this by 1984.

Exclusively for VPIA




Specifications Specifications: Powered by

used by PIA & AP-OOI used by PIA

48,000lb P&W JT9D-7R4D1s 50,000lb GE CF6-80A3 53,500lb GE CF6-80C2A2 59,000lb GE CF6-80C2A8 52,000lb P&W-4152 56,000lb P&W-4156


897kph/484kt long range cruising speed 850kph/459kt


6800km/3670NM A310-200 7982km/4310NM A310-300 9580km/5170NM HGW 310-300

(218 pax+fuel) High Gross Weight



Weights A310-200

Operating Empty Wt 176700 lbs Max Take Off Wt 313055 lbs




Kicking off in the late 70s, 255 aircraft were produced as per

179000 lbs 330695 lbs 361560 lbs


WING AREA 219 M 2357.3 sq ft




Maintenance checks on the A310 have started at longer intervals than for the A300. The specific check carried out twice weekly on the A300 is performed only once a week on the A310; the "A check" interval has been raised by to 250hr, and there is no "B check". The 24hr C check will be made every 13 months. Airlines also praise the excellence of the A310's airborne integrated data system (AIDS) which records a large set of engine and systems performance parameters in flight—particularly during cruise —to provide information for maintenance BAe and Airbus Industrie had also been evaluating roll control of the A310 by using a single aileron on each wing plus a contribution from the spoilers, but the final layout is still to be chosen. There are two ailerons per wing on the A300: an inboard, all speed surface; and an outboard, low-speed control. Flight testing of an A300 with one of the outboard ailerons locked central and incorporating spoiler was carried out by Airbus. For the A310 it is effective deletion of the outboard aileron which was implemented. Loss of roll power would be compensated by the spoilers' ability to decrease lift on the down-wing side..The A310 has a single ‘All Speed Aileron’ or ASA on each wing. The A310 wing is notable for its double-curvature wing skins, outboard wing skin joints and a two spar wing-box. Double-curvature (bending of the skin span-wise as well as chord wise) was adopted to allow sharper and more efficient tapering of the wing section between root and tip.

*A310-200 The first A310, the 162nd Airbus off the production line, made its maiden flight in April 1982 powered by Pratt & Whitney JT9D engines. The -200 entered service with Swissair. * A310-200C A convertible version, the seats can be removed and cargo placed on the main deck. * A310-200F The freight version available as a new build or as a conversion of the existing wide-bodied aircraft. The A310-200F freighter has the capacity to carry 39t of freight over a distance up to 5,950 km. *A310-300ET (Extra Tank) First flown in July 1985, the -300 has an increased MTOW and an increase in range, provided by additional centre and horizontal stabilizer (trim-tank) fuel tanks. This model also introduced wingtip fences to improve aerodynamic efficiency. The aircraft entered service in 1986, again with Swissair. No production freighters of the A310-300 were produced. Operators such as FedEx instead adapted ex-airline A310s into freighters. Most have been the -300 version. *A310 MRT/MRTT The A310 has been operated by many of the world's air forces as a pure transport (A310-300 MRT), however several have now been converted to the "Multi Role Tanker Transport" configuration by EADS, providing an aerial refueling capability, now in use by the German Luftwaffe and the Chilean Air force.

The Airbus A310 has long been the true work horse of PIA’s fleet, being deployed from Toronto to Rio De Janeiro to Heathrow to Tokyo, and on domestic routes throughout the country. Combined with the venerable design and high performance of the aircraft, the A310 has proved ideal for PIA. PIA took delivery of 6 series -300 Airbus A310s, during the early 90’s. PIA’s own birds are powered by GE engines. In 2004, PIA leased 6 Pratt & Whitney powered Airbus A310s from Airbus Asset Management. These ex-Aeroflot and exAir Jamaica machines continue to maintain the largest presence of any type in the PIA fleet, and continue to serve PIA’s varied routes. AP-OOI, after serving Somalia Airways, Yemda, and Yemenia Airways, was transferred to the Qatari government as A7-AAF in 1998. In 2007, the aircraft was gifted to the Government of Pakistan by His Highness Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani, Emir of Qatar, and from that point on it served under the Country’s past and present President and Prime Minister. The aircraft continued to be operated by PIA crews, and underwent all maintenance at PIA’s Ispahani Widebody Aircraft Maintenance hangar. As of December 2009, with sufficient PAF cockpit crews trained for the Airbus A310 at PIA facilities, and the Airbus was handed over to the Pakistan Air Force’s transport wing.




Pakistan: The VIP fleet As of 2009, the VIP transport fleet consists of; 1 x Gulfstream IV-SP (serial# J-755) 1 x Gulfstream G-IV-X G450 (serial# J-756) 1 x Airbus A310-300 (registration AP-OOI) 1 x CN-235-220 (serial# unknown) 1x Dassault Falcon 20-E (serial # J-753) In addition, the Air Force’s executive transport wing also includes 4 Embraer Phenom 100 VL Jets, Citation Excel J-754, in addition to Chinese Y-12 serial# 96-035, Rockwell Commander 690C Jetprop serial# 11667 and 11687. Both 707’s transferred from PIA to the PAF are now grounded or scrapped.

Copyright Saad Asad Cheema

INCIDENT REPORT In December 2007, while Traveling From Islamabad to Sharm-al Sheikh APOOI’s windshield cracked during cruise at FL310 and under the command of Capt. Zarak Khan and F/O I.Mughal, returned to Sharm-Al- Sheikh and landed there. It then flew empty to Cairo International Airport with minimum load and the windscreen was changed. The plane had a test flight late evening the same day before being declared fit for further journey.


Pakistan Government's AgustaWestland AW139

Exclusively for VPIA 35



Inside AP-OOI Photos kindly provided by 'OXON' Copyright OXON - No use without permission

Copyright OXON - No use without permission

Copyright OXON - No use without permission

Copyright OXON - No use without permission

Copyright OXON - No use without permission




From the pages of history

Exclusively for VPIA

Copyright Abbas Ali

AP-BAK arriving at Paris Orly airport.

Exclusively for VPIA A 1962 photo taken at Rawalpindi, shows from the left, Capt. Johnny Sadiq, then a First Officer, Ops. officer, Hafeez and First Off. Baakza. In the background, to the right, a PIA DC-3 can be seen. Virtual PIA is proud to have recieved acknowledgement and contributions from Capt. Johnny Sadiq.






Face to Face with Aviation photographer: Murtaza Sattar

VPIA proudly brings you interviews with some of the famous Pakistani Aviation Enthusiasts.

To see some great photos by Murtaza, click here

Murtaza Sattar Aviation Photographer by Perry Green

Murtaza may not be a Household name, but odds on are that you may have seen some of the Eye catching Photographic results that Murtaza has captured and posted on several Web Site Forums. Many of our members who are also regular followers of History of PIAs Web Site and Forum will recognise Murtaza as “Turbotraker”. I first met Murtaza back in 2009 at Manchester Aviation Viewing Park. Here is how we met. On May 29th 2009 I took the day off and equipped with a Camera and Scanner set off to Manchester s Aviation Viewing Park. This was the occasion of AP-BFU making its first EU flight after the lifting of operating limitations. It was a long time since PIA had been able to send a B747 into Manchester, so to be able to see a grand old Queen of the Skies was a day not to be missed. The viewing mounds were beginning to fill up with expectant people who had also come to see AP-BFUs arrival. That was when I noticed one person with a Camera and a large set of Lenses, patiently standing in a prime Photographic location over viewing the active Runway.

Copyright Copyright MurtazaMurtaza Sattar


At that point I strolled over and introduced myself and asked if this Chap was from HOP. “Yes I am Turbotraker” was the reply. What followed was conversation about aviation related subjects and finally AP-BFU gracefully arrived. Apart from the noise of AP-BFUs Engines the only thing to be heard was the non stop clicking of Camera Shutters at a very high speed.

Finally AP-BFU disappeared, “that’s it, I am off to watch the Man U match” were Murtaza’s departing words! VPIA approached Murtaza with the request of an interview to ask him about his hobby and involvement with Aviation Photography. Hopefully Murtaza’s comments may even inspire some of VPIAs members to have a go and produce some very professional shots.




Where are you based? I am based in Manchester UK How did you get into Photography? In 2002, I booked a trip to Guangzhou China for business. I booked Manchester to Helsinki to Guangzhou. The ticket showed the aircraft as being a MD-11. Not knowing much about aviation, I didn’t know what an MD-11 was. I had heard of Boeing and Airbus but never an MD-11. So I googled it, up came a website called with a selection of MD-11’s that’s what started me off. What was your first Camera? My first camera for aviation was a Canon 350D DSLR with standard 18-55mm and 55-200 kit lenses. What Camera do you currently use? I currently own a Canon 450D with the all important grip. What additional Lenses and equipment do you have access to? I now have a 100-400mm IS L lens this is the best lens I have every owned and would recommend to anyone. Also have the 18-55mm, 55-200mm, 1200mm telescope and a Manfrotto tripod for the night shots. Where can our members find your work posted? The majority of my work is on The best way to is to Google Murtaza Sattar.

Do you use Software such as Photoshop or keep your Photos in their original form? I am currently using Photoshop CS2 to do my editing and use Lightroom to do my file conversions from RAW format to TIFF format. Do you plan your shots with the scenery around you? Most of the time yes, it always makes for an interesting photo if you have a good background. What would you say makes a good Photograph? A photograph which has a nice sharp subject with a perfect exposure. The background needs to be interesting as well. Do you have a general interest in Aviation or just Photographic interest? I have a massive interest in Aviation and Aviation Photography. I enjoy looking back at my photos years after I have taken them. Do you belong to any Aviation or Photographic Groups? I started (along with fellow member Stu Docherty) the Manchester Photography Group (MPG) on am a member of northern-spotters group on Yahoo.

Have you ever completed any professional Photographic commissions? Other than cousins wedding and birthdays, nothing professional yet.

Have you travelled abroad on Photographic ventures? I always strive to get to countries that have spotter friendly Airports. I have recently been to Pakistan Lahore, Gibraltar and Malaga. I and some more spotters from MPG will be travelling to Zurich at the end of January 2010.

Do you have a favorite location to take Photographs? Favorite of all has to be London Heathrow’s Myrtle Avenue. The sheer number of heavies arriving from all over the globe makes the 4 hour drive well worth it.

Which Country would you say was the most difficult to Photograph Aircraft? (Can you explain why) The most difficult I have encountered is Pakistan. From my perspective, the most vulnerable places in Pakistan are the Airports. I presume for that reason the Police/Army do not want anyone taking photos near the airport that could be used for sinister motives.

Lahore's Allama Iqbal International, photo by Murtaza Sattar

Which Aircraft would you say looks the best-from a photographers perspective? The Boeing 747-400 without any competition. How long have you been taking Photographs of Aircraft? About 4 years




You have recently returned from a trip to Pakistan, which region did you visit? I travelled into Lahore, Multan and Faisalabad. I will be going to Pakistan again in the summer and hope to do some spotting in Karachi and Northern Areas. Did you manage to take a number Aviation Photographs while you were there? Yes I managed to sneak a few photos from inside the Aircraft, the wing and from the Concourse of Lahore Airport Have you had any funny things happen whilst Photographing at a Location? Yes, recently my friend and fellow MPG member Charles Cunliffe contacted me to say the brand new Qatar 777-200 will be taking off from Manchester for the first time. So I arranged to meet him at the end of the runway. On the morning of the departure I text Charles, he said he was already there at the airport. I told him I would be there soon. To get to the location, you have to park your car at least half a mile away and walk up hill to get to the vantage point. When I finally made it up there I had around 15mins to go before takeoff. Upon arriving on the ‘mound’ I noticed that there was nobody there, not even Charles. So I text Charles, he said he was at the right place and that I had turned up at the closed runway threshold. I had to run back to the car, make a mad dash all the way around the Airport, park up on a country lane, run as fast as I could to get to the threshold only to see the 777-200 turning on to the runway. Just managed to get a shot of it before departure. The crowd already there (some of whom I already knew) had to have a chuckle at my expense for getting the wrong runway!!

PAF C-130 at Skardu

Orient airways/PIA DC-3 cafe

What advice would you give to any other budding Photographers planning to set out? You can do Aviation Photography on a budget, always get advise from someone who does photography at the moment. Never give up, sometimes your photographs will come out sub-standard but practice will make you a better photographer. Never be to afraid to get ‘that’ shot (without breaking the law). Murtaza, thank you for allowing VPIA to complete this interview and every success in your future Photographic ventures. We look forward to see more of your Photographs in 2010.

PIA 737 at Skardu

An army helicopter at Skardu

PIA 747-300 AP-BFW at LHR after a long absence




Aviation photography legend: Saad Asad Cheema VIRTUAL PIA

Copyright Saad Asad Cheema Copyright Saad Asad Cheema


The most known name in aviation photography in Pakistan is that of Saad Asad Cheema. Having near 2000 photos on and, Saad has one of the largest collection of aviation photographs. Besides being an avid enthusiast and good friend, Saad is also a proud member of VPIA. Thanks to Saad for providing an interesting and detailed interview.

Please give us a little basic introduction about yourself, and where you live? Saad Asad Cheema, I am a student of aviation management, and live in Toronto, ON, Canada. Please tell us how you got the 'aviation bug'? As I grew up, aviation had always been there with me; with a dream to command an aircraft one day. My family (father, uncles, grandfather, etc.) had all served in the Pakistan Air Force while I was young. By the age of 8 (when my father retired from the Air Force) I had flown in various PAF aircraft and was familiar with many, namely the Beech 200, the Boeing 737, C-130, F-27, Mushak, and Y-12. As I recall, each flight I did was sitting on a window seat, and I continue to do so even till today.

Whether it was a racing car or Lego; I would make every single toy I had into an aircraft. As I started learning more about airplanes and airports, by the age of 11, I would entertain myself by constructing airports using strings as runway edges, compact discs as satellite terminals, empty toothpaste tube boxes and scrabble alphabets as runway markings. After constructing it all, I remember imitating flying my small schbak PIA aircrafts and operating them between my so called ‘bedroom airports’. Besides all that I would interest in books related to aviation, articles in newspapers relating aviation, flight simulator (95 – 2004), etc. Starting aircraft did you get into that? Every time I would hear my parents chat about an upcoming air trip, I would get so excited. Regardless of what country I might be traveling to, it was the flying experience I wanted to go for every single time, rather than the trip itself! After seventeen years of extreme passion towards aviation and travel, I realized that I needed to share, what my eyes have seen all this time, with my fellow Pakistani’s (there hadn’t been many photographs around the web from Pakistan for viewers to enjoy). Unfortunately, as I did not have enough money, I could not buy a good camera.

I planned on using a 3 MP webcam, which I would use to communicate with my distant relatives, to take pictures of airplanes and airports. What equipment/cameras have you used over the years? It had been six months of being a Canadian resident, and I really wanted to get a good camera; so, I started working just so that I could buy a good camera to full-fill my hobby. In 2004, I finally saved enough to buy a Panasonic FZ-20 which was a great camera at that time. After a year, this camera started having some issues so I ended up buying a Canon S1 IS as its replacement. By the end of 2005, I had realized that a digital camera was not what my passion was asking for; I needed to invest in a Digital SLR camera. After working at a portrait studio for almost three years, I was able to buy a Nikon D50. Today, I am still using a Nikon D50 with an 18 – 55 mm lens and a 70 – 300 mm VR lens, wide and telescopic lenses respectively, with various add-ons.

VIRTUAL PIA Copyright Saad Asad Cheema




How challenging is it for a Pakistani to be photographing airplanes in Canada? About five years ago, I was near the threshold of runway 24R, in a parking lot across from the runway, taking pictures of arrivals at Pearson airport, here in Toronto. A police officer came and parked his cruiser next to me and started asking questions as to why I was taking the pictures and that if he could see some form of my identification. I provided him with the documents and he started asking what my right is to be at that location. I told him off when he started talking about rights, with relations to freedom of expression and other rights that I have being on a private property rather than in an unauthorized area to the public; and how he does not have a right to interrogate a citizen performing normal/legal activities. Eventually, after taking my two cents, he decided to apologize and headed his way. Never had an issue since!

I suggested how a puzzle could be made out of it; and he was more than eager to pursue that, with the decision of having it printed. He asked me to select the shot and then the process began! I have been really busy in Canada for the past couple of years and therefore have been unable to award Airblue with any further contracts.

Any memorable/funny event that happened while taking aviation photos? The event is just a little funny, but more memorable. It was the first flight of the Airbus A380 into Toronto, and I was able to stand with my camera equipment on the Vista Cargo Terminal apron (this is right next to the Runway 23 Touch Down Zone – where the A380 had its landing planned). Right at the arrival time, the pilot planned on taking runway 06L which is on the other end of the airport, making it impossible for me to get there in time to take the first shots of the aircraft arriving into Pearson airport. It was a heart breaking event but it was all made up when the A380 started making its arrivals on runway 23 and now is a part of the view from my office window.

You recently started working at Toronto's Pearson international. How has that experience been? My job is with Vista Cargo Terminals at Lester B. Pearson International Airport. I work as an Operations Assistant, working directly under the Director of the company. Vista is a multi-modal facility which provides services to various airlines, cargo brokers, freight forwards and customs. My job functions are related to building operations. Most of the duties are non aviation but on occasions I do get to be on the airplane part of the job! This is a co-op job with a one year term and will be ending in April of this year, as a part of the aviation management program from which I will be graduating this summer (Insh’Allah). Advice to enthusiasts who want to get involved in aviation photography? Stay focused on what you want and try to excel in it before you step forward. Learn from other people’s experience and gain knowledge about your cameras. Many of us tend to learn one way of clicking pictures (Auto) and stick with that. I would strongly suggest everyone to go in detail with your current camera as it may have features you never knew you could use!

VIRTUAL PIA Copyright Saad Asad Cheema

You signed a contract with airblue for one of your photos to be featured on their inflight puzzle for kids, how did that happen? Who found the photo? Airblue was hosting a function in Lahore for its first year anniversary and I got a chance to meet with the Managing Director, Shahid Khaqan Abbasi. In our discussion he mentioned how he was aware of the shots that I had taken and asked me if I would be interested in presenting the airline with some.

VIRTUAL PIA Copyright Saad Asad Cheema




I think we are all waiting for this one: When is Airblue's A320 going to be delivered and what is the hold-up? I will quote Moin from HOP over here “Airblue is definitely taking delivery of this a/c.” It’s just that the banks have delayed releasing the funds for the payment owing to the current situation in the country. Many foreign banks are reluctant to provide loans and financing with the security situation in the country constantly deteriorating.

VIRTUAL PIA Copyright Saad Asad Cheema

Your thoughts on further development and improvements for Virtual PIA? VPIA has been doing a great job! Perry has been great with sending all the new updates and everyone else, Ahmed, Salman – all are doing a great job. It is a pleasure to fly with VPIA. The new year’s event has been a great addition to the flights. It would be great to see such flights more often (reason being Level D B767 ! ). The only suggestion would be if VPIA could induct a “special fleet”, which would be Level D B767 & PMDG B737, and repaint them in the PIA livery having them available for our flights! Thank you to the Virtual PIA management team for providing me with the opportunity of having this interview. Happy landings everyone!

Airblue inflight kid's puzzle Copyright Saad Asad Cheema

VIRTUAL PIA Copyright Saad Asad Cheema



Copyright Saad Asad Cheema

Copyright Saad Asad Cheema




Aircraft modelling expert:Sameer Haqqi We’ve been saving this up for last. VPIA goes face to face with Sameer Haqqi, aka ‘Connieman’. Well known on HistoryofPIA forums, Sameer is the man on anything and everything related to Remote Controlled Models. From building models from scratch to simpler jobs, Sameer has done it all. His enthusiasm and interest fits well with his work as a design analyst at Bombardier Aircraft. Sameer kindly took the time to talk to us and provided some wonderful pictures of his models as well by Ahmed Ahsen. Sameer bhai, thank you for taking the time to talk with us. Let’s start with how you got involved with models? Well Ahmed, I got interested through my Father, who worked for Saudi Arabian Airlines, and was an avid modeler himself. My first model that I put together was ECHI's 1/72 scale F16. I was 4-1/2yrs or 5 years old back then and it didn't turn out perfect but was good enough for a first model at that age. My first wooden model was C-150 from Gulliows kit at the age of 5. Where do you currently live? Currently I live in Toronto, and work at Bombardier Aircraft.

Copyright Sameer Haqqi Copyright Sameer Haqqi

From your childhood days, share some memories with us please? Once I visited my father at his work place in Jeddah, I remember seeing a B747100B HZ-AIG for maintenance and this was first time I ever walked under a B747, I was shocked and amazed to see how great this aircraft is in reality. Now it’s heart breaking to see the very same aircraft being scrapped.




You mentioned some fond memories of Lahore's Walton Airport; please share some of them with our readers. When we used to visit Lahore, my uncle used to take us to Walton airport. We used to race across the runway in our car from one end to the other. I used to walk around the Cessnas parked there and especially 3 crop-dusters that were in a derelict state at that time. You know we were kids back then, so for me being on the airport or around those Cessna's was an amazing thrill. In the late 90s, I re-visited Walton Airport for the last time when there was an RC model rally. I spent the whole day there without eating anything, it was so exciting for me to see these models flying and talking to their owners and pilots.

Currently how many models do you have? That’s hard to say. I cannot count them anymore! I have too many really, and the collection keeps growing. I have many models that I bought as left over projects and then of course kits and now scratch builts I’m working on. I also have numerous display models. I love making scratch built models especially in giant scale. It gives me a lot of satisfaction and I learn a lot also from other guys building their models, some time it's funny that there would 10 different ways to achieve same goal! I like building and rebuilding models that were damaged in some sort of mishap, I love building and re building models, to give them another life if possible. I also make models for other hobbyists who don't have time to do building or assembling themselves.

Ok, tell us what do RC aircraft use to fly? Tell us a bit about the construction, electrical system, fuel system, flap control/movement, aileron, rudder, elevator control and movement? Most RC airplanes use IC glow engines that run on liquid Nitro fuel. They have batteries as well as fuel tanks which are vacuum pressured for fuel distribution. Basically you need 4 flight controls to fly any RC airplane, throttle, rudder, elevator and ailerons, plus your model has to have a properly balanced centre of gravity to fly well. How much time can an RC stay in the air? Well that depends on the size of the fuel tank which in turn depends on the type of airplane and type and size of the engine(s). Tanks anywhere from 2oz to 2 liters are available now days. Usually if you fly at half power settings with an 8oz tank on .46CC engine, it will fly for 8-10 minutes. What about your C-130 model? The C130 will be a very heavy model, it will come close to 40 lbs dry, and I’m planning to use 4 x ST G75 engine with a 12oz tank for each engine. “Super tiger” is the engine brand. I’m shooting to fly the C130 for about 10 minute flights. What do you look for in weather and winds? As for weather is concerned, a calm light breeze is ideal with wind down the runway direction but that doesn’t happen all the time, so RC Pilots fly their models in cross wind situations also. What is the range of the remote control signal? That’s 1km horizontal and 3kms verticals for most new RC controllers.

What’s the highest you have flown your aircraft? About 800 feet or so, it’s hard to make an accurate guess. You have to realize that most model airplanes are not equipped with altimeters, so we just judge by the surroundings what height the model is at! But most of the time you don't want to fly above 200-300 feet as you can easily lose orientation of the model. This is due to the fact that you are on the ground, and it’s very easy to lose orientation. Many RC models have anti collision lights incorporated in them. Are we going to see that with the C-130? Yes my C130, Super Connie and Avro Arrow, will have lights, brakes, retractable landing gear and both the C130 and the Super Connie will have functional fowler flaps as well.

Tell us about the materials used in construction? You can make Balsa wood and Ply wood models, or you can use foam also. It all depends on the design and how the modeler wants to build his model. My Connie’s main structure is all foam with layers of fiberglass cloth on it. The C130 is combination of both built-up and foam core structure.

I guess the real cream would be wooden models because of the extra effort and workmanship that goes into it? Actually not true, models made of fiberglass can require the same or more amounts of workmanship and craftsmanship to get the product made.




I remember you shared a picture of 747 dream lifter model, how big is that? That one is a solid resin model made by Pacmin Models in the USA, this model was especially made for Boeing company. Its scale is 1/100.


Tell us how often u get a chance to fly your models? Whenever I get time, everyday if possible in the summer but for sure on weekends. In winters, I’d fly when it's not windy or super cold, but I do fly them in the snow. Which is your favorite aircraft - as a passenger and in your model collection? I love all my models. The ones I don't like for some reason, I sell or give away, depending on my mood. I do help out new comers in this hobby and at times I feel good if I can help someone by passing on a model that is good but not up to my taste or is just sitting around and collecting dust. In the real world aviation, my favorite airplanes are: Boeing 747 Classic, Concorde, L1049 Connie, L1011 TriStar, and Boeing 767-200. Tell me as an RC pilot, what are the hazards/ground obstructions, ground surface factors you take into consideration? Well, you have to be in an open area with no trees, poles, power lines or buildings in close proximity! You can fly off asphalt or concrete runways or even off of pressed grass grounds. You can't fly off loose pavement or grounds with fresh cut grass as there are chances that tiny dirt particles might go into the engine carburetor and choke it.

Copyright Sameer Haqqi

Copyright Sameer Haqqi




Any RC aircraft losses while flying? Oh yeah it happens quite often actually, one could lose an airplane due to many factors. Resisting crashes is the main part of this hobby, if you can't come back with a rebuilt or new plane due to financial reasons, you will stay behind the rest. This hobby can start from a couple of hundred dollars and go into many thousands of dollars you have to be brave when you come into this hobby. The last plane I lost was my twin engine B-25 bomber model, I wasn’t sure which of the two engines died at about 400 feet, it went into a spiral dive and crashed in the woods! Upon recovery and investigation, it turned out that left engine died due to air bleed as the carburetor had lost its tuning of the air mixture. Plus both outer wings broke off and bit of fuselage was damaged. I repaired it, changed the needle valve and brought it back to the same field 2 weeks later, then I flew it several times with a couple of engine failures but never crashed it's retired now and displayed in my hangar.

Copyright Sameer Haqqi

Tell us about your hangar? How big is it? My hangar is 17 feet wide and 30 feet long, its about 15 feet high. I have all my tools, building tables and power tools there, plus I have a good storage space there also. How about the grass behind your house? Is it suitable for a runway? At this time it's good for lighter electric planes and small .40sz -.60oz glow models but I do plan to make pressed grass runways in the upcoming spring season.

Copyright Sameer Haqqi




Tell me for an a/c like the R/C C130, how long a runway are we looking for? And since you built it from scratch, are you going to calculate its weight and balance, performance, speeds, etc? 1000 feet of runway will be required. Plans for this Palmer C130 have been around for 10 years now and many models have been built and flown to date, so it's proven design and that what I am following. In RC flying, which is the most challenging part? The T/O and landing, definitely! Since you are flying models from outside, you need to feel what a model is doing, especially when it's flown towards you and away from you. New pilots can easily lose their orientation unless supervised by experienced RC model pilots.

Have you taken any road trips to buy/get models? Yes many times, if I find something really rare and appealing and the price is good, I go after it. That is how I got my C130 model. I drove for 17hrs and covered 1500kms in a 24 hour road trip!

Ok, tell us about some future events where you will participate? The next RC event which I am looking forward to will be in May/June of 2010 so let see if I can go and fly my Learjet and Cutlass there. I am trying to get as much work as possible done on the Arrow at this time, if I complete it, it will be there too.

A memorable event from your RC flying/building days? Ahmed I am still building them.

Tell us about the C-130. Initially you planned to paint it in USAF colors. What changed your mind to paint it in PAF colors? That is a very good question! I have been in this hobby for a good 20+ years now, and all I see are USAF jets. Rarely have I ever seen something other than USAF stuff, plus I wanted to do a few models with Pakistani markings for some time now but I never got around to do them. Initially I wanted to do my C130 as USAF EC-130H with numerous antennas sticking out of the tail and under the wings...but then it was your comment on HOP which said something real nice about PAF's 64144 with RAIT scheme and I liked this comment very much, so I thought why not do a PAF model and fly it in the Canadian skies! This will also promote PAF's image on an International level. So that is how I decided to do my C130 in PAF colors.

Copyright Sameer Haqqi

Which model do you really want, but don’t have or lost? I really want my Connie to be flying in 2010 plus I have always dreamed of an RC model of the Concorde!, so either I will buy one or make one from scratch. I do regret selling my TF C182 that I had a few years ago! It was The Best model I ever had, I just wish I never sold it.

Advice to enthusiasts who want to get involved in RC modeling and flying? This is a great and relaxing hobby, keeps one highly involved and out of trouble! But these are not toys as perceived by most regular people and should be taken seriously especially when you have propeller turning at a few thousand RPMs and an engine running on highly flammable nitro fuel!...Any young lad at the age of 12-13 could enter in it with the supervision of an instructor or fellow experienced RC pilot.

Your thoughts on the work of Virtual PIA and further development? You are doing excellent work, especially when it comes to replication of airplane models, it's very impressive, keep up the great work you and your team are doing. I wish I could do the same but that’s not where I specialize. Plus I want to say thanks to VPIA and you Ahmed for taking this time to do this interview on me and my addiction of RC flying models.

Our honor and pleasure. And the last: you mentioned you can do some models on request, etc. What is the best way to contact you, and which models can you provide, i.e. RC, or static ones as well? You can get in touch directly with me at, plus I am working on a website to be launched soon. Folks on Facebook can do a search on "Sam's RC scale models" and join my group there. I can do RC and static models both, I used to compete with plastic scale models some years ago, one of my best model of “Pepsi Concorde” is presently at display in The Canadian Air and Space museum, here in Toronto.


























Copyright Syed Ashar Ali

Shaheen trip report

A look at the service of Pakistan’s low cost scheduled carrier by Ahmed Ahsen

Karachi - Lahore. One way. After experimenting with Airblue, this time, I tried out Shaheen. Had been over 10 years since I last flew a classic 737, a -200 version with Saudia. Before my departure, I checked the other options. The PIA fare for the same day was Rs. 7000, Airblue was at 6500, and Shaheen was 4100, for one way, Karachi Lahore. After Airblue recently started serving Lays Chips as the inflight meal, I thought why not give Shaheen a try? The airline has a local reputation of being the 'sky bus' of Pakistan, and among local rankings, places distinctly well below Airblue which is more of a family airline.

Copyright Syed Ashar Ali





Copyright Syed Ashar Ali

Anyways, the flight was to depart at 8 AM. I left for the airport via 'RADIO CAB SERVICE' at around 5:30 am. The Radio City Cab company has provided a safe, comfortable, affordable and efficient way to get to/from the airport. With very modest rates, the cabs are available 24 hours a day and offer services to other cities/towns from airports/your place of residence. I arrived at 6 am, well in advance to curb any delay caused by extended security checks. Check in was a breeze, not so much of a queue. On the counter next to me a passenger was arguing to be allowed to check in for his 7 AM Islamabad bound flight, which was closed now. I then went straight onto security, with 3 points open, it didnt take long, though lines were beginning to form. I then took a seat in the waiting area, with flights to Multan, Rahimyar khan and a couple of other places departing. A while later, I was pleasantly surprised to see local pop star, Shehzad Roy coming into the waiting area, and heading toward the PIA flight bound for Lahore. The morning flights to Lahore of PIA, Shaheen and Airblue leave at 8:00, 8:15 and 8:30 respectively. Had time for a quick autograph from him, Copyright Syed Ashar Ali along with about 14/15 other fans, and he was off on his flight to Lahore. PIA's flight this morning was a series 240 Extended range Boeing 777, AP-BGJ.




In a distance, I noted a Qatari A320 taking off, then a marvellous Emirates 777-300's RR engines with the distinct whine on start up. As the Emirati 77W taxied out, boarding was called for our flight to Lahore. Boarding was from a gate, down the stairs to the tarmac, then stairs onto the aircraft, unlike the Jetways normally used. Off went about as many people as a 732 can hold, in about 6 different lines, all condensing down to one line at the gate. Among this rush towards the gate, several people dropped their boarding passes, a couple dropped their ID cards (now required to be shown before leaving the terminal). Down the stairs, onto the waiting bus. The staff did their best to stuff as many people as they could in one bus. And off we went to the ramp, and our 737 - as I had hoped - one of the newly delivered ones from Cabot Aviation of South Africa, AP-BIT was our ship today. Up the stairs, and into the - *ahem* dark is the word that comes to mind - cabin. In contrast to the bright morning, the dark blue cabin with dim yellow lights really made the interior look really dark. Seats were quite comfortable, and legroom was suitable too (for 5'11''). As boarding continued, the cabin kept filling up till 4 or 5 empty seats were left! Doors were promptly closed, and the 2 very obviously unexperienced flight attendants took their position in the middle of the cabin for the safety demo, while the lead F/A started the announcement. The safety demo was observed with quite some amusement from the passengers (!).

Copyright Syed Ashar Ali

Copyright Syed Ashar Ali




For the first time I noticed there was a male flight attendant on board also, didnt know Shaheen had male F/A's as well. Anyways within a few minutes we turned onto the active runway (7L) and had a quick, powerfull take off for Lahore.

Copyright Syed Ashar Ali

The rest of the flight was uneventful. Meal service started off with a warm omelette, 1 bread roll, a croissant, a small piece of cake. The egg itself was a little tasteless, however the salt and pepper sachets proved of great use. Along with the meal, we were served with water and 2/3 different types of juices. One great thing was that there were 2 drink glasses placed on every tray, so you could get juice in one and water in the other, without mixing it in the taste of the juice. As the meal service concluded, folks were served with tea. Virtually every passenger had tea (except me). A little shut eye, and we began our descend into Lahore. Landing was firm, we quickly vacated the runway, and parked at one of the Jetways at Lahore's Allama Iqbal International, right next to AP-BGJ. A Saudia 743 was also visible. Having no checked in baggage I was out of the terminal in 10 minutes and off towards home.

Copyright Syed Ashar Ali

All in all, despite being a cheaper alternative, the inflight meal and the chance of flying a true classic aircraft is no doubt attractive to aviation buffs in Pakistan. Overall, the service was just fine, nothing more you can expect on a short 1:30 flight. The aircraft wasn’t ‘falling apart’, and the leather seats were comfortable enough. The public perception of poor maintenance, long delays and ‘rude flight attendants’ was pretty much non existent. Continued




The areas where Shaheen did great; * Full meal service * Low fare * Chance to fly a classic aircraft What can make SAI even better; * Better customer service * Better attitude of check in staff * Using more than 1 bus to board a 737! * Newer aircraft in the near future * A better designed website, with online booking feature that actually works

The airline was established and started operations in December 1993. It was formed as a project of the Shaheen Foundation. In October 1994 it was designated as the second national carrier of Pakistan and in February 1995 began international operations. When the airline started it operated a fleet of leased Tupolev Tu-154 aircraft on most of its domestic flights. Shaheen Air was given the status of being the "second national airline of Pakistan" during the first couple of years of operation, however this status is no longer recognized.

Copyright Konstantin von Wedelstaedt

As of 2009, SAI operates from Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Peshawar and Quetta to Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Al Ain, Sharjah, Kuwait, Muscat, Doha, Mashhad and on several UN/charter routes to/from Iraq.

With thanks to F/O Syed Ashar and Mirza Rizwan Beyg.

Copyright Syed Ashar Ali




Take Care

Health is a topic of great concern for the people who are sitting long hours before computers. Among them bloggers are the most common culprits who often face health problems due to their carelessness on their health and diet instead worrying about their blog and other parameters. Remember, health is very important and if you neglect it you have to pay penalty as it effects your thinking and working efficiency and indirectly effecting your productivity and what not everything. These are some of the problems faced by internet junkies. * neck pain * back pain * eye problems * headache or migraine * hand pain Lets now see in brief about these problems and I will suggest some tips to combat those problems.

*Neck Pain 1. Take small breaks between sittings at the computer and have a short walk for good blood supply to your brain. 2. Use speaker phones while talking. 3. Stretch your neck and do short rotation exercises between your works. *Back Pain 1. While sitting keep your knees little above your hip and instead of twisting your waist try to move your whole body. 2. Maintain your posture (sitting) straight and try to use low-back support chairs. *Eye Problems 1. do some eye exercises in between your work – I will suggest you one simple and easy one “ first blink your eyes several times and after that close your eyes and just roll your eyes clockwise and anticlockwise and in between this process take deep breaths and breath out and slowly open your eyes”. Do this for about 2 minutes in between your short breaks. 2. Try not to rub your eyes.

*Headache or Migraine 1. Headache can be caused more frequently due to eye strain as you work more time in front of computer screens so better consult doctor for checking your sight. 2. If your headache becomes intolerable and recurring frequently and periodically that might be a migraine so better get doctors opinion and best thing to avoid this problem is fight with stress related problems. *Hand Pain 1. As you type more and more there is a chance for getting hand pain so for that you have to do some finger exercises in between and before starting more importantly. 2. Just stretch your arms and flex your fingers in between writing posts or any other where you spend more time on typing.




Copyright Capt. Johnny Sadiq Come fly with me by Capt. Johnny Sadiq For purchase details; log on to If you are outside Pakistan, drop us a line, and we will put you in touch with the author directly. “Propellers” Rs575, US$10 ISBN 969-8784-48-9 279 pp., 215 x 140 mm This book is filled with flying adventures and events on the ground that happened, as the Chinese say, in ‘interesting times.’ It chronicles Johnny Sadiq’s career from his initial training to his promotion to piloting jet aircraft. This was no ordinary career—Sadiq’s baptism to airline flying was on the Northern Mountains of Pakistan, among the most dangerous routes in the world. These flights were flown on the DC-3 Dakota, and the Fokker F-27. Subsequently, after flying the SuperConstellation as co-pilot for nearly a year Sadiq qualified for command on the DC-3 and later the F-27.

Sadiq flew as an airline pilot for thirtyseven years and finished his career as senior instructor and check pilot on the mighty Boeing 747. This book covers the early years when he flew propeller driven aircraft. Captain Jan Sayed Mohammed Sadiq, usually referred to by his nickname Johnny, is a very ‘international’ person. He was born in England in 1938. His father was an Indian doctor who later became a Pakistani, and his English mother was of Irish descent. Johnny spent his formative years in England and wanted to become a pilot from an early age. The road to achieving this was far from easy. He was not selected for the Royal Air Force in 1957 mainly because of cutbacks in pilot strength at that time, but he was among the twenty possible candidates who survived the tests out of one hundred and fifty with only one being taken. He went to Pakistan to join the Pakistan Air Force but changed his goal and became one of the country’s leading airline pilots. In his career which spanned thirty-seven years, he had many unusual and exciting adventures. He retired in 1998 and now spends his time doing honorary part time

work with the Pakistan Airline Pilots’ Association and sailing and racing at the Karachi Yacht Club. An intriguing perspective from a debonair and flamboyant personality on what it was like to fly all those airplanes from the propeller aircraft of the 1950s, to the sleek turbo jet of subsequent decades.

“A sharp and wittily observed book… The author’s style is so smooth and catchy, that the book moves with mercurial ease. A very stylish book!” Jeeva Haroon She June 2006

“This story of post war airline flying in Pakistan is engagingly told by a pilot of considerable skill—and charm.” Ken Ellis Fly Past Sept 2006 Source:

Editor's Note: You can also contact us directly, and we will arrange the purchase and shipping of the book directly from Capt. Sadiq




Come fly with me by Capt. Johnny Sadiq For purchase details; log on to If you are outside Pakistan, drop us a line, and we will put you in touch with the author directly. “Jets”

Rs790, US$20, ISBN 969-8784-51-9 418 pp, 225 x 140 mm Paperback, 2008

Copyright Capt. Johnny Sadiq The book, subtitled Jets, tells the story of Johnny Sadiq’s career from his introduction to flying jet aircraft (the Boeing 707) until his retirement when he was an instructor on the Boeing 747. This story, filled with anecdotes and interesting flying adventures as well as behind the scenes goings on in airline flight training and management, covers more than thirty years. The author relates his stories with humour and sensitivity in his characteristic engaging way, telling it ‘like it was,’ warts and all. An engine fire while commanding a Boeing 707 flying out of Muscat in the UAE, followed by an approach with two of four engines not working, a near collision of wide bodied jets at New York, and a drama on board a Jumbo Jet out of Tokyo with a venomous snake loose in the cabin, are just a few of the incidents covered in this exciting saga.

Captain Jan Sayed Mohammed Sadiq, usually referred to by his nickname Johnny, is a very ‘international’ person. Born in England in 1938, his father was an Indian doctor who later became a Pakistani, and his English mother was of Irish descent. Johnny spent his formative years in England and wanted to become a pilot from an early age. The road to achieving this was far from easy. He was not selected for the Royal Air Force in 1957 mainly because of cutbacks in pilot strength at that time, but he was among the twenty possible candidates who survived the tests out of one hundred and fifty with only one being taken. He went to Pakistan to join the Pakistan Air Force but changed goals to become one of the country’s leading airline pilots. In his career which spanned thirty-seven years, he had many unusual and exciting adventures.

His travels to some of the world’s greatest cities gained him friends in many countries. He retired in November 1998 and now lives in a seaside apartment in Karachi with his Japanese wife Etsuko. He spends his time doing honorary part time work with the Pakistan Airline Pilots’ Association, sailing and racing at the Karachi Yacht Club, and writing his memoirs.

Meanwhile……………………………… Tower: "Airline XXX, it looks like one of your baggage doors is open." Captain (after quickly scanning the FE panel): "Ah, thanks tower, but you must be looking at our APU door." Tower: "Okay, Airline XXX, cleared for takeoff." Captain: "Cleared for takeoff, Airline XXX." Tower, during the takeoff roll: "Airline XXX, ahh ... it appears that your APU is leaking luggage..."





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The Pakistan Air Force, 1998-2008: A New Dawn by Alan Warnes

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Gems of aviation……………………… £24.95 with FREE P&P*

Get an exclusive, inside view of a dynamic decade for the PAF in an exciting new aviation title written by Alan Warnes, editor of AirForces Monthly .

Commissioned by the PAF’s Chief of the Air Staff, Air Chief Marshal Tanvir Mahmood Ahmed, in March 2008, the author was provided with exclusive access to the PAF, its personnel and aircraft.

Drawing on extensive knowledge and experience of working with the PAF since 2001, the author provides readers with the most up-to-date perspective on today’s PAF. Packed with 600 fantastic photos, you’ll learn all about the fighters, the squadrons, the people, the combat training, and the history and future of one of the world’s most significant air forces.

$12.50 ISBN: 969-0-01892-2 This extensively researched book deals with some of the greatest dogfights of PAF. Twelve classics of jet warfare are covered in graphic detail and include rare photographs along with paintings by PAF’s famous aviation artist, Group Capt S.M.A. Hussaini (Retd) and British artist, Eric Carless.A noteworthy feature of the air battles covered in this book is the candour with which the adversary’s side of the story is taken into account. Hitherto unknown facts regarding PAF’s exploits in Middle East wars have also been brought to light. The book includes a moving tribute to PAF’s famous hero, Sqn Ldr Sarfaraz Rafiqui. A glossary of air combat terms along with assorted information on fighter performance, air combat trivia, etc, facilitates effortless comprehension of a unique subject.

It was 1977 and we were on an old DC8 Air Lanka coming in to Colombo, Sri Lanka from Bangkok. The landing approach was pretty bumpy, but the biggest bump was saved for when we hit the tarmac - a massive shudder and shake - at least I hoped it was the runway.. We were soon however airborne again and climbing steeply when a voice with a heavy Indian accent came over the PA as follows: “I am sorry about the landing ladies and gentlemen, the pilot will now take over.” ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Rather snooty Captain: "Good morning tower XYZ requesting the information" TWR: "Good morning XYZ, surface wind light and variable, Runway in use is 23, temperature +15, dew point +5, QNH 1016. Captain: "Can you be a bit more specific about the wind tower?" TWR: "Certainly, 270 to 090, 1 knot gusting 2"!




Where to find flight simulator and related products in Pakistan Karachi *Rainbow Center Flight Simulator CD’s are available *Hobby Trac (Karachi) Flight Simulator payware add on’s A-9/2 Abid Square, Block 7, F.B Area, Karachi. 75950 Phone: +92 (0)21 6320643 *Hobby World (Karachi) Flight Simulator payware add on’s Hobby Shop and RC Training School Contact: Mr. Ahad.A.Wali Shop # 2, Plot 9-C, Sunset Lane 1, South Park Avenue, Phase II Extn., DHA, Karachi. Tel: +92 (0)21 5882292, +92 (0)3008244320 Training School: * Pak Hobbies Pakistan's First Online hobby shop. Website: Tel: +92 (0) 321-4115149 Email:

Lahore *Hafeez Centre Flight Simulator CD’s are available * Hobby Lobby (Lahore) By far the biggest and oldest hobby shop in Pakistan. They have it all and are always the first one and usually the only one to have new radio control products in Pakistan. They also have several Flight Simulator Add On’s. Main Address: Shop No. 29, Center Point. Gulberg III, Lahore. Pakistan. Phone: +92 (0)42 5764234. group.php?gid=21895076816

Islamabad *Hobby Trac (Islamabad) Shop#5, Basement Umer Plaza, Near Ali Medical Center. block 13F, Sector F8 Markez. Islamabad Phone: +92 (0)51 2851806 Website:

In most cities, Flight Simulator CD’s can be found at most malls having computer shops. You will have to search for the CD’s since most shopkeepers wont know for sure what you are looking for and will point you to some random F-22 game. As far as Flight Simulator Joysticks and controllers go, you can visit the following websites: * * * *

Meanwhile…………………………….. A 777 from the South Asian region (read:PIA) landing somewhere in the North of England experienced a fire on the undercarriage. It seems that some over enthusiastic greasing of the wheels by ground crew could be to blame. Apparently this is not a new phenomena as a ground controller was taxiing the same a/c type and operator just recently when a very similar incident occurred. Sadly the a/c had just reached the gate and so the pilots were no longer monitoring the RT but an eagle eyed ops vehicle had spotted the problem and radioed the tower. Ops: " Er ground this is ops on the Northern apron, the 777 on stand 208R has got a fire on it's port undercarriage." Ground: ( crash button already being depressed ) "Roger ops, how serious is the fire?" Ops: "Well it's not as bad as yesterday's!"






Flight Simulator : A Training aid Microsoft Flight Simulator has inspired many thousands of young “gamers” to pursue flight training in real life and has provided pilots with countless hours of entertainment. And even though there is an awareness that PCbased simulations—and Microsoft Flight Simulator in particular—are helpful as aids in flight training and pilot proficiency. With humble beginnings in 1977, ‘Flight Simulator’ often seen and marketed as a regular video game has grown to figures that were previously never anticipated. Microsoft’s Flight Simulator is infact, one of the longest running softwares, outdating even ‘Windows’ by 3 years! The flying area encompasses the whole world, to varying levels of detail, including over 24,000 airports. Individually-detailed scenery can be found representing major landmarks and an ever-growing number of towns and cities. Landscape details are often patchy away from population centers and particularly outside the USA, although a variety of websites offer scenery add-ons (both free and commercial) to remedy this.

“Microsoft Flight Simulator was an early product in the Microsoft portfolio – different from its other software which was largely business oriented – and at 25 years is its longest-running franchise, predating Windows by three years.”

The latest versions incorporate sophisticated weather simulation, along with the ability to download real-world weather data (Beginning with FS 2000). Also included is a varied air traffic environment with interactive Air Traffic Control player-flyable aircraft ranging from the historical Douglas DC-3 to the modern Boeing 777, interactive lessons and challenges, and finally aircraft checklists. MSFS caters to pilots, would-be pilots and people who once dreamed of being pilots alike. Microsoft Flight Simulator is less a game than an immersive virtual environment; it is usually complex and difficult to new users due to its realism, but it is rewarding for the skilled players at the same time.

With the common access to the internet, advancement in simulation technology and better and more powerful computers, ‘flight simmers’ took to the internet – forming communities of ‘virtual airlines’ – airlines for which they ‘virtually’ fly from their home computers. As far as real world aviation goes; MSFS has increased its presence among the next generation of pilots. It is extensively used during flight training. Some of the organizations that use MSFS as a training ad include; *US Navy * Flight Safety International(flight school) * American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics * AOPA Flight Safety lab

Precision flight controls ( Cirrus II 73



“So, you want to learn how to fly

a plane? No problem -- just find yourself a flight instructor and get ready to spend about $7,000 to get your private pilot certificate .Or you can go out and buy a copy of Microsoft Flight Simulator and a specialized controller for about $150, and learn on your computer.”

This is what Flight Simulator allows instructors to do -- to teach students the theory while not in the plane. For oftendifficult concepts like VOR navigation, entering traffic patterns, and understanding the basic flight instruments, Flight Simulator works as what is referred to as a "part-task trainer." It allows a student to work on one new concept at a time while not having to worry about keeping a plane in the air.


Of course, there's a lot about flying a plane that you can't learn in front of a computer. You can't learn how the controls feel, how the plane handles, or how to use your muscles to control it. But for many tasks in flying, Flight Simulator can be a great help to the learning process."An airplane cockpit is a terrible classroom, especially when you're trying to learn a new concept or skill," AOPA founder Bruce Williams said. "By the time you get into the airplane, ideally you should have a good basic understanding of the goals of a particular lesson. In the airplane you should practice and refine skills that you already understand, at least at a fundamental level. Flying is mostly a mental exercise -- you must understand what's going on and what to do with all the controls and instruments before you can use them effectively and properly."

THE FAA’s opinion CFR 14 §61.57(c) "to allow use of aviation training devices (ATD), flight simulators (FS), and flight training devices (FTD) for maintaining instrument recent flight experience." The FAA is allowing different means to maintain instrument currency. The pilot may use whatever method best suits his or her needs to maintain instrument currency by using the actual aircraft, flight simulator(FS), flight training device(FTD), or personal computer based aviation training device(PCATD), or a combination of all. Subject to certain limitations, a pilot may choose completing his/her instrument experience requirements in an aircraft and/or through use of an FS, FTD, or ATD.

Under new §61.57(c)(2), a person may use a flight simulator or flight training device exclusively by performing and logging at least three hours of instrument recent flight experience within the six calendar months before the month of the flight. A person would not need a flight instructor or ground instructor present when accomplishing the approaches, holding, and course intercepting/tracking tasks of §61.57(c)(1)(i), (ii), and (iii) in an approved flight training device or flight simulator. Only when a person is required to submit to an instrument proficiency check must a flight instructor or ground instructor be present.Therefore, a person who is instrument current or is within the second 6-calendar month period (See §61.57(d) for currency) need not have a flight instructor or ground instructor present when accomplishing the approaches, holding, and course intercepting/ tracking tasks of §61.57(c)(1)(i), (ii), and (iii) in an approved flight training device or flight simulator.

Gems of Aviation Busy airfield on a Sunday morning, circuit is filled with student pilots. TOWER: "ABC, no need to respond, cleared touch and go." ABC: "Cleared touch and go, no need to respond, ABC."




* Certificated Pilots can complement realworld flying with additional hours in the virtual skies, upgrading flying skills and learning about advanced aircraft and procedures. * Flight Instructors will discover new ways to use Flight Simulator as a teaching tool in ground school classes and pre- and post-flight briefings. * Virtual Aviators (Flight Simulator hobbyists) will learn more about realworld flying and enhance their enjoyment of virtual flying.

Copyright Muhammad Ali (AerPakistan)

If you have a copy of “Microsoft Flight Simulator as a Training Aid”, you can now earn WINGS credit from the FAA by completing a short quiz. You can register for the free online course (really just the quiz) at To learn more about the WINGS program, visit the same site. Applicable to both Flight Simulator 2004 and Version X, this new book merges the “virtual world” of flight simulation with “real life” flight training. It is the only book of its kind because it provides specific advice and tools for pilots, flight instructors, and students who want to use the world's most popular PC-based flight simulation as an effective, easy-to-use training aid. Here’s how Microsoft Flight Simulator as a Training Aid helps aviators get the most out of every hour in the air or the virtual skies: * Student Pilots can use the information in this book to enhance book-learning, review specific concepts and skills, and in preparing for formal flight instruction.






Ready for Pushback 747-200 by Jeffry Babb ( “Vmax systems has reproduced the 747200 in an accurate expansion for Flight Simulator 2004. The attention to detail is exemplary and Ready For Pushback benefits from the inclusion of fuel, hydraulic, electrical and other functional panels as well as FFRATS (Full Flight Regime Auto Throttle System). The package comes with 54 different aircraft liveries, a plethora of working switches and gauges, and failure modeling that includes engine flame-outs, engine fires and electrical failures. To bring the whole package together there's also a comprehensive 320-page manual. Are you ready for all this?” “If the Devil is in the details, then RFP has covered the details in a sinfully good manner. It is the little things about Ready for Pushback that make the flying experience top in its class, and I do mean

top. Let's first consider which class I am talking about. This is an analog flying experience, very few onboard computers, no glass, all steam, all dials. You will be busy, busy, busy. The constant need for the manual has to do with managing the operations of the aircraft and not the actual flying.” In my personal opinion though, the Project Opensky v4 model stands a lot better than the RFP model. I cannot get beyond the fact that the RFP model’s wings and engines, as compared to real world photos just don’t seem……..right. Perhaps it is the fact that I am used to seeing the POSKY model, or perhaps the millions of flight simmer’s who consider POSKY ‘the best out there’ are right. One thing I do know, when you compare real world photographs, the POSKY 747 will win hands down. See for your self.

Editor's Note: The RFP 747 is available free at and






Simulator Controllers Joysticks and other controllers are a great way to enhance your flight simulation experience. We take a look at some of the popular controllers used with Flight Simulator. Taken from X65F Pro Flight System

In a world first for a manufactured simulation controller, the X65F’s stick does not move; instead, like those found in real modern fighter jets, it responds to pressure that you exert on the handle, resulting in a fast, accurate and realistic response that will make you the ace in your squadron. With no moving parts and a shaft that is made from high grade steel, this provides incredible reliability and longevity. Connectivity: USB 2.0 Windows 7, Windows XP, XP64 and Windows Vista

Pro Flight Instrument Panel Featuring a stunning 3.5” colour LCD screen, the Instrument Panel can display 6 of the main cockpit instrument panels from Microsoft’s Flight Simulator X. Choose between 6 different flight instruments at the touch of a button * Altimeter * Attitude Indicator * Airspeed Indicator * Compass * Turn and Slip indicator * Vertical Speed

Pro Flight Multi Panel # A set of switches and LED display for use in controlling various aspects of flight simulation.Includes: * Full Autopilot panel with associated setting controls * Auto Throttle * Flaps * Elevator Trim wheel Works with Microsoft Flight Simulator X and 2004

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Pro Flight Headset

Pro Flight Yoke System

The cushioned headband guarantees comfort over long haul flights by preventing the ‘hotspot’ on the top of the head experienced with other headphones; the ear cushions fit snugly over the ears, providing excellent passive noise cancelling and ensuring you’re completely immersed in your flight simulation.

The Saitek Pro Flight Yoke System is highly engineered to meet the exacting needs of the true flight simulation enthusiast. Stainless steel shaft, ergonomic controls, integrated chronograph and separate throttle quadrant ensure a smooth, accurate and totally realistic flying experience. * Durable Stainless Steel shaft with precision bearings gives smooth and predictable elevator and aileron control * Used with the supplied SST Programming software, integrated mode switch trebles the number of controls you have at your fingertips * Accurately time each leg of your flight plan with the integrated chronograph * Separate throttle quadrant with additional switches to configure any combination of throttle, flaps, mixture or prop pitch. Mount on top, in front of your desk, pilot or co-pilot side so that the controls are exactly where you want them * Unique, 2-position desk clamp keeps your yoke and quadrant securely fixed no matter how extreme the flying conditions * Use the integrated USB Hub to easily connect other parts of the Saitek Pro Flight range of products, such as additional Pro Flight Throttle Quadrant or Pro Flight

Connectivity: 3.5mm audio connectors Works with: All PCs with a soundcard with 3.5mm connectors for audio Pro Flight Switch Panel Whether attached to the Saitek Pro Flight Yoke System, free standing on a desk or mounted into your own cockpit setup, the Pro Flight Switch Panel is an ideal way to expand the number of controls for your flight simulation setup. Control your landing gear, engine power, landing lights and 11 other important aircraft functions from one compact unit. * Realistic landing gear control with LEDs indicating actual gear status from Microsoft FSX * Start your aircraft engines and access other cockpit functions with ease * Conveniently attaches to the base of the Pro Flight Yoke System (sold separately) Connectivity: USB 1.1/2.0 Works with: Windows XP, XP64 and Vista (all versions) Windows 7

Instrument Panel (both sold separately) * Saitek’s powerful Saitek Smart Technology (SST) programming software allows gamers to configure their controls to suit their preferred gaming style, and to save the configurations aspersonal profiles * 14 buttons * POV Hat Switch * 3-position Mode Switch * 3 axis levers on Quadrant * Elevator and Aileron Axes on Yoke Connectivity: USB 2.0 Works with: Windows XP, XP64 and Vista (all versions) Windows 7 Pro Flight Rudder Pedals Control the rudder and toe brakes of your aircraft with your feet - just like real pilots. Adjustable, smooth action gives you optimum control and realism, and brings you even closer to the experience of flying a real aircraft. * Self-centring pedals with adjustable damping * Precise rudder and braking control * Saitek’s powerful Saitek Smart Technology (SST) programming software allows gamers to configure their controls to suit their preferred gaming style, and to save the configurations as personal profiles Connectivity: USB 2.0 Works with: Windows XP, XP64 and Vista (all versions) Windows 7




And in the skies…..

Pro Flight Rudder Pedals

Flight Sim Yoke

CH Eclipse Yoke The all-in-one Eclipse Yoke shows its CH Products pedigree and is a solution for folks who don't want or need separate throttles, rudder pedals, and consoles for switches and knobs. It includes built-in power controls, which can be configured as throttle, propeller, and mixture levers or as two power levers, plus, for example, a spoiler control.

Flight Sim Yoke *Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP/XP64,Vista (all versions), Windows 7 * 5 axes and 20 buttons – 4 traditional push buttons – 2 bi directional flip switch buttons – 2 bi directional rocker switches – 1 eight direction POV HAT switch * Total of 144 programmable functions with Control Manager software (included) *Ergonomic Yoke handles with realistic in and out movement *Large sturdy mounting base with 7 foot USB cable * Plug and Play driverless USB installation

The Eclipse also adds several controls to the basic set offered on the Flight Sim Yoke—most prominently, paddles on either side of the hub. By default, the paddles are rudder "pedals" in Flight Simulator. The Eclipse is a welcome addition to the world of virtual cockpits. Most importantly, the Eclipse gives the typical virtual aviator a compact, easy-touse, option at a reasonable price. If you insist that a complete Flight Simulator "fort" is essential to deliver a realistic experience—for training or entertainment—like its rivals, the Eclipse alone won't suffice. But for most of us, the Eclipse more than meets the requirement for a set of controls that makes Flight Simulator a practical alternative to flying a real airplane.


In Pakistan

Situation: Civilian LearJet under military contract of some sort is taxiing for departure ATC: "Lear XXX, say direction of flight?" NXXX: "That's Classified" (Pause) ATC: "Lear XXX, expect a delay.." NXXX: "Umm, how long?" ATC: "Departure says that's classified..."

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ATC: Dynasty(China Airlines) 123 contact HK arrival on 119.3. (no response) ATC: Dynasty 123 contact HK arrival on 119.3. (no response) ATC: Dynasty 123 Hong Kong, do you read? (after some time) Dynasty123: Hong Kong arrival are you calling Dynasty 123? ATC: Dynasty 123 I've called four times, contact HK arrival now 119.3 Dynasty123: No HK arrival you only call us three times.

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An American freighter departing Rome some years ago: ATC: Freightdog 123, president. A/C: Um say again? <franticly reviewing NOTAMs during climb> ATC: Freightdog 123, president. A/C: Say again please? ATC: On your transponder, press ident. ** ** **

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Airport Enhancement Services Overall, AES impressed me as an elaborate, genuine and substantial contribution to FS9 with still lots of promising perspectives. Sounds biased, and probably is, but I really cannot make out anything substantial that should keep you away from installing it. by Michael "DocW" Wehner ( “With Control-Shift-W and after that F3, a little checkered VW-Van pops up (yeah, sadly enough, it pops up, but that is subject to change in further updates), its lights cutting through the darkness. I follow the little chap, and when he intends to turn for the next taxiway, he gives a turn signal in time and I can conveniently follow him to my chosen gate or stand – my nifty little follow me van. Driving through the ICAO-Alphabet, we could finally introduce outsells to another trusty fellow, a fully animated 3d Marshaller who would direct us into a parking position at a stand. Left, closer … closer … closer … stop – and the cut throat sign. However, at the modern jetways gates of Palma de Mallorca, automatic docking signs will direct the plane.

Now, for the first time ever, I find myself working through the shutdown checklist. While doing that, the whining siren of a moving jetway arises from the left. Panning around, I observe the rubber seal perfectly aligning to my jet. The only things left to be wished for are animated hugs and kisses at the arrival hall.

Saying that, it has to be pointed out that to get the most out of the AES package; you have to fly preferably an airliner, since features like jetways or the pushback truck make no sense in smaller aircraft.” Catch the full review here

AES is a tool that offers detailed adjustable and aircraft tailored ground services for certain, mainly Aerosoft distributed airports. It provides you with a fully automated pushback service, a follow me vehicle, an animated 3D marshaller, a visual docking guidance system, moving and well aligned jetways, stairways, catering vehicles and luggagebelt or container vehicles serving your plane. It offers these services only to the user plane, not to AI aircraft. A credits system enables you to buy credits and to use them to activate the services at additional airports. I had no serious issues with the package whatsoever, everything worked as advertised. Installation is smooth, using it is very intuitive and you only have to remember one keystroke to master the program in flight, or to be correct, while taxiing.



Flying the 787 Plagued by several delays, the 787 finally took flight on December, 2009. Long before that, flight simmers could experience flying the 787, in a pay ware package from Abacus. by Tim Capps (

“Perhaps given the uncertainty over just who will be flying the 787 when it eventually does go into service, all but two liveries-- Iceland Air and launch customer All Nippon Airways -- are virtual airlines. All-white versions are included for repaint, and the airplane is fully compatible with Abacus‘ painting program. You will also find many flights to load and try out without having to go through the trouble of planning them yourself. PDF documentation consists of a 44 page “Fly the 787 Dreamliner Manual,” “Boeing 787 Panel Information,” “FMC User’s Guide,” and a “Read Me” with some basic flight simulation information and credits.

If you have been following the 787 saga, you have a pretty good idea what to look for. Swept wings with raked tips, a smoothly tapered nose that is much less blunt than the cigar-like 767, and scalloped engine nacelles meant to reduce noise. A lot could be forgiven if visual details like these were nailed.

However, Abacus gets the nose badly wrong, giving the whole airplane a much more conventional look.On the real aircraft, it slopes down nearly to the bottom of the fuselage, giving it a distinctive “futuristic” profile. Abacus has the fuselage curving up to form a stubbier nose close to the center of the crosssection, below smaller windows that are more nearly vertical than the sleek, sloping windscreen of the real thing

Images: Abacus The engines do not look right either, being more nearly cylindrical than slightly eggplant-shaped as they should be, and the scallops are missing entirely.

The wings look quite good in flight, producing the unusually exaggerated wing flex seen in Boeing promotional illustrations. On the ground, however, they droop down oddly from the engine attachments before bending back up, and the strobe lights flash unconnected to anything in mid-air above.




The flight deck itself captures the Star Trek: Next Generation aesthetic of the real 787. The seats are white pod-like affairs, and the overhead, though vastly simplified, retains the curved lines of the new airplane. Boeing really went for points on style with this one, and The Airplane of the Future! vibes come across when you enter the virtual cockpit from the cabin. One thing that makes the external deficiencies a little easier to take is the inclusion of a fleet of service equipment that surrounds the airplane at the touch of a switch on the overhead. There is a catering truck that extends up to the service door, and forward / aft stairs for your passengers. There are also custom baggage trains, conveyer-belt loaders, a striped fuel truck and even an air cart. Details like this not only make your ramp look more alive, they provide a nice scale to appreciate the size of a big airplane like this. Inside, there is a cabin that is long enough to give a sense of what a ride in the Dreamliner might look like. Arches emphasize a feeling of space, and the pinkish bulkheads with blotches was Boeing‘s idea. The visual details, such as first-class seating, are pretty basic.” Catch the full review with more detail and some great screenshots here. /0909/Abacus/787.htm

And in the skies above us………… Tower : "ABC, continue ILS Approach, reduce to minimal approach speed "ABC : "We have already minimal speed" Tower : "For information, you have two heavy lined up ahead for departure on the rwy...” ABC : "Roger, reducing speed"

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East Asian Airline out of Sharjah eastbound - airborne off Runway 12 calls airborne. ATC clears ABC direct LALDO [entry point Muscat FIR on A1] climb FL330. ABC responds "Lodger - dilect RARLDO FL330". ATC responds "negative - direct LALDO" ABC responds "Lodger, dilect RARLDO". ATC responds "negative, negative track direct LALDO" ABC responds "how you spell RARLDO" ATC responds "RIMA ALPHA RIMA DELTA OSCAR"!!

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FSProTeam Tupolev 154 The Tupolev 154 is the Russian equivalent of a 727, and has had a long and distinguished career with the airlines. In Pakistan, Shaheen Air, operated TU-154’s for quite some time. Take a look at FSPro Team’s fabulous freeware add on, review by Angelique Van Campen, from

“The Tupolev Tu-154 is a Soviet mediumrange Tri-jet airliner similar to the Boeing 727. It was the mainstay of Soviet airlines for several decades and carried about half, or approximately 137 million, of the passengers flown by Aeroflot and its subsidiaries during that time. The aircraft has been exported to and operated by at least 17 foreign airlines. It remains the standard airliner for domestic routes in Russia and other states of the former Soviet Union, and to a lesser extent in eastern Europe. The Tu-154 is designed to handle unpaved and gravel airfields, and often operates in extreme Arctic conditions.

External model Where should I start discussing or criticize the external model? There’s no need for this. The external model with all its details and I also mean “tiny” details, looks awesome. I know, it’s very easy to write this down but believe me, it really is.

Virtual cabin/cargo compartments and animations This will be a very short chapter, although it depends on what you expect, what you want to see and if it has your interest. As written in most of my reviews, I’m not so interested in having nice looking cabins and cargo compartments unless the cockpit or flight deck is state of the art. Here the available cockpits are looking good and very realistic as far as I can judge, but there’s no virtual cabin, except for the very small cabin area related to the movable passenger doors.

Images: FSProTeam 2D Cockpit Normally a 2D cockpit doesn’t offer anything more then a few sub-panels however, this Pro Team Tupolev offers lots of panels and before you know it you’re lost. Not completely true as long as you follow the manual. Don’t try to figure things out yourself unless you can read Russian. I can’t so therefore I need to follow the manual step–by-step. Even with my long real aviation maintenance experience, I’m lost in this aircraft. Certain instruments look familiar to me because of the instrument look and its lay-out, but others like light switches or even connecting APU or External Power, is suddenly more difficult since I don’t understand what’s written on the panel itself.” Check out the complete review with more great screenshots here 0909/ProTeam/Tu154M.htm

Get the aircraft free at:



Sabre F-86 Image: Section F8

Alexis Esguerra, an contributing reviewer takes a look at the once workhorse of many airforces around the world, the F-86 Sabre. “The air superiority icon of the Korean War. Care to take a guess? It's an age-old debate, and it usually boils down to choosing between two planes. One is the MIG-15, a classic and extremely capable Soviet-made fighter that shocked the allies with it’s abilities; the second is the plane that ended up being it’s primary adversary in the skies. That plane would be the F-86 Sabre, North American’s six-shooter that wrestled air superiority away from the MIG-15. Generally considered America’s first successful combat jet fighter, the single engine F-86 established a whole new set of standards in its day. The reflective texture qualities are great and festooned with stencil and panel details that, while not crisp when looked at close up, give the plane a convincing appeal, especially when viewed from a distance. The cover shot at the top says it all; my wife, who happened to walk in while I was writing this review, asked when and where I had snapped a photo of ‘those two planes’.

In cold and dark mode with the canopy opened, you’ll find chocks in place, an engine exhaust cover plugged in, flags covering pitot tubes that actually flutter in the wind, and the pilot gone. Rather irresponsibly, he also left his helmet and parachute lying on the left wing (smirk), and I was pleased to note that helmet’s appearance varies between Miss Joan and ANG.

Optionally, one can open up the gun ammo bays to peer into the ‘teeth’ of the F-86 - it’s left side ammunition bay. With the Engine Master Switch on, the plane is cleaned up for flight, and an animated pilot is suddenly seated, all ready to go. Lastly, a well-rendered ground power unit is provided when it is time to start up the engine.

Inside, the cockpit is decidedly old tech. I’ve had the pleasure of flying a restored 1957 T-34 military trainer, and the 2D panels of the Sabre was reminiscent of that real-world bird. The VC cockpit is similarly old and beat up, and one step better in terms of rendering; the textures are much sharper here that what I found outside and the legibility of the gauges and placards are extremely good.

Admittedly, I have never heard a F-86E in all its true glory (at least not close up), but the central item of the sound set, the J-47 engine, does have a certain degree of credibility to it. If working with old 707s, 727s, and DC-9s has taught me anything, it’s that early jet engines were loud, and the one in this Sabre certainly has that characteristic. It also shared the era’s penchants for being one smoky powerplant, and having a rather slow spool up time (especially from IDLE to 63%), two facts that the developers included.I would be remised not to mention that F8 also included a ground power unit, which was historically required to start this aircraft. It too is also realistic in its note. With full flaps and throttle to the firewall, the Sabre takes a little effort to get airborne, as with any early jet fighter of the day. The good news is once off the ground with some speed built up, it likes to keep things that way. Pointing the nose skyward, the cleaned up F-86 easily maintains a climb rate of approximately 5000 FPM.” Read more here 1208/SectionF8/F86.htm

The best part? Its free. Get it at




Real Environment Xtreme An award-winning, photo-realistic, hidefinition professional graphics package, weather tool & flight planner for Microsoft Flight Simulator X and Flight Simulator 2004.

Features: *Full-featured NEW built-in Weather Engine (Built on Real Life meteorological algorithms using synoptic, meso-scale, and micro environment weather formulas for Real and

* Flight Planner (Ability to create and file a Flight Plan using true to life flight requirements) *Hi-definition, ultra-realistic photo-real 3D clouds (stratus, wispy, cumulus and highly realistic rendering of cirrus clouds as seen in the real world) *Sky color environments (Includes smoothing horizon transition & visibility smoothing for dawn, day, dusk & night)

*Convincingly real water environments with tropical reef simulation, end user color controllable, including tropical with reef simulations, inland and ocean, wave turbulence/frequency, environment variants & coloring. Also new realistic type of wave and reflection included in many variations *Airport environments (photo-real asphalt & concrete runway textures, new runway and ground bump-mapping, asphalt taxiways, concrete taxiways, realistic taxiway markings, airport signage, airport parking and general photorealistic airport ground scenery) *Multiple variations of sun, lens flare & brand NEW lightning bolt algorithms, which creates a visually stunning array of lightning situations *Fully integrated to select Sky, Cloud, Water, Airport, and Effect Themes based upon weather situation, season, and other synoptic, meso-scale, and micro weather conditions

*Enhanced Cloud Simulation to give a more 3D volumetric feel to cloud structures and the atmosphere *Lighting environments (runway lighting including simulated ground glow, stunningly realistic aircraft spotlights with variations for small to large aircraft, aircraft strobe lights, variations for add-on aircraft as well) *3d cloud & water resolution options for performance preference

Gems of Aviation…………………….. Taxiing down the tarmac, the DC10 abruptly stopped, turned around and returned to the gate. After an hourlong wait, it finally took off. A concerned passenger asked the flight attendant, "What was the problem?" The attendant explained, "The pilot was bothered by a noise he heard in the engine and it took us a while to find a new pilot."




FS Flying School

Here are the main new features of FSFlyingSchool2010:

FSInventions announces the expansion of their product line with a new version of their FSFlyingSchool add-on for FSX and FS2004. - A team of Flight Instructors who talk to you, giving you immediate, detailed advice on your flying technique. - Unique scoring system rates all phases of flight: taxi, take off, cruise, approach, landing and much more. - Fly a whole flight or just practice landings - you always receive a detailed score. - Your flights and their scores are tracked in full detail in your own FSFlyingSchool logbook (itself in 2 convenient formats). - Submit your best scores to the FSFlyingSchool web site to show off your flying skills to the rest of the world. - Focuses on airmanship and recording your achievements. Track your progress as you improve - take satisfaction from doing difficult things correctly . - Works with the Flight Simulator community's favorite aircraft FSFlyingSchool2010 takes FSFlyingSchool to a new level with a host of new features.

*TRAFFIC! TRAFFIC! Instructor optionally comments on the position, type and activity of both air and ground traffic and issues warnings if aircraft are getting too close. Things can get hectic at busy airports so your instructor will help keep you out of trouble. *Waypoint Advice Instructor optionally advises when the next waypoint in a flight plan is approaching and reports its ID and type and advises the turn which must be made when it is reached. This gives you a hand setting up for that next important stage of the flight plan. *Navigation Aid Advice Instructor optionally advises which radio to tune for the next NAVAID (Navigation Aid) in the flight plan (VOR or NDB) and reports the ID and type of the NAVAID, how to use its signal, and the course which can be tracked with it. It all helps the pilot stay on track and is a gentle way of introducing the pilot to the basics of VOR and NDB navigation. *Even more helpful cues and suggestions from your instructors.

*FSFlyingSchool's Career Analyzer provides an in depth analysis of all flights flown with FSFlyingSchool. This unique graphic display examines over 70 different aspects of the pilot's performance during landings, circuits and flying in general. Each pilot in the FSFlyingSchool pilot roster can be examined separately, with options to examine flights in specific aircraft, or all aircraft together. Use the Career Analyzer to find areas of your performance which need attention and concentrate on getting them just right. *Highest scores come from good airmanship, often in challenging weather, with the least automation, but you can fly at whatever level is comfortable. *Instant tests of your airmanship: ask the instructor to immediately test your skills. *FSFlyingSchool immerses you in the simulation using immediate voice feedback from your chosen instructor. *Instructor tells you what you are doing wrong, when you do it. *From a Cessna 172 landing in a thunderstorm to an FMC controlled flight in a Boeing 747, FSFlyingSchool can handle them all.




*File a flight plan - follow it carefully to score more points. *Large selection of options allow you to configure FSFlyingSchool your way. *Fly anywhere you like and have your performance verbally evaluated and added to your custom log book. *Instructor detects subtle things you don't normally know about: G forces; trimming technique; taxiing in wind and lots more. *Performance immediately evaluated while you are still out flying: do not need to quit or even switch applications. No need to park or turn engine off to get a score. *Fly the pattern (circuits) around your favorite airports and have them evaluated in detail. *Always gives you detailed scoring of your performance; not a simple summary. *Failures system keeps you on your toes and your instructor can help you spot them. Over a dozen basic systems can fail, and in addition, so can multiple switches, gear, flaps, spoilers. Fuel can leak too...

*Improves your flying skills; makes your flying more realistic and attentive to detail. *Finds bad flying habits you may have. *Evaluates landing with or without ILS at any runway in the world. You can perform an ILS approach or a visual approach to any runway, with the instructor watching and helping you through the entire process. *Automatically creates FSFlyingSchool profile for any powered airplane. Any plane you choose to fly will be automatically detected by FSFlyingSchool and a profile for it will be created. *Pilot Briefing Tool analyzes all flights to find patterns of performance which need improvement This unique tool will look at all flights made with FSFlyingSchool and find areas which need improvement and advise you of those which you are perfecting. *Instructors give additional warnings before mistakes are made *Instructors have many new helpful and entertaining phrases

*Fly smoothly or you may damage your aircraft.

*Aircraft system failures integrated into scoring

*Multiple instructors to choose from with different personalities, genders and nationalities.

*FSFlyingSchool pilots are no strangers to aircraft failures, but they score extra points if the pilot retains control.

*Advises you of crosswind strength and relative direction at your intended landing site.

* Engine fires These are pretty serious, can lead to exciting times and are very dramatic at night.

*Instructor will advise you of your height, use of gear, flaps and more as you approach the runway.

Top Gear is a BBC television series about motor vehicles, primarily cars. It began in 1977 as a conventional motoring magazine show. In November 2005, Top Gear won an International Emmy in the NonScripted Entertainment category.Top Gear has also been nominated in three consecutive years (2004–2006) for the British Academy Television Awards in the Best Feature category. Clarkson was also nominated in the best "Entertainment Performance" category in 2006. In 2004 and 2005, Top Gear was also nominated for a National Television Award in the Most Popular Factual Programme category; it won the award in 2006, 2007 and 2008. Top Gear is filmed at Dunsfold Air Park in England. You can see the runway and aircraft parked in the background on Top Gear episodes. The airstrip was built by the Canadian Army during World War II as an emergency landing airfield.

*Monitors use of emergency communications





Latest FS Products

Boeing 747 RR Sound Pack Released

A2A/Shockwave - 3D Lights Redux

Aerosoft Airport Enhancement Svcs.

“Amazingly real and flawless package”

“One of the best add-on’s of the year”

Winner of AvSim Gold Star Award

Boeing 747 RR Sound Pack Released


TSS is proud to announce the 2nd installment in the TSS Boeing 747 series Sound pack for FSX, (also compatible with FS2004.) This features the sound cones in FSX, so you can enjoy the sound from every angle. With this sound pack, we have captured all the best sound moments, and put them together, to combine a truly stunning representation of the Rolls Royce engines. This sound pack works perfectly with the PMDG 747, so this would be a great sound upgrade for that. This sound pack can also be used with other Boeing 747 add-ons. Besides the real high quality recordings of the engines, this sound also includes: * Custom Wind * Custom Gear * Custom flaps * Custom Autopilot * Custom Stall * Custom Overspeed * Custom wheel rumble * and ambient cockpit sound,

*Over 40 new lighting effects including strobes, beacons, navigation, and runway lights

Right after you landed and departed on the runway, a follow me van will be waiting for you that brings you to the gate or parking of YOUR CHOICE. It adapts its speed to your taxi speed and even blinks its turn signals to alert you to a turn! As you get close to the gate you will see a 3d marshaller with detailed animation (far better than any being part of scenery products!) that guides you to your location and even signs you to cut your enigine(s). Then he plugs in his headphone and tells you the blocks are in location. At the same moment the jetway starts moving towards your aircraft and will PERFECTLY align to the door on your aircraft (any aircraft!). If the gate has dual jetways BOTH will work. Even the rubber seal that keeps out the rain is animated.

*Fully-realized 3D landing lights actually cast light into space *Microsoft Acceleration Expansion pack supported *Vintage, halogen, and modern xenon lights included *Installs into all Twenty-four Microsoft FSX aircraft *Entire new effects suite results in stunningly realistic night time environment *Easy, low-risk installer backs up all files into a single, organized backup directory *Lights can be added to any 3rd party aircraft

When you depart the jetway is moved back (you even hear the warning siren) and the ground crew will hook up the push back truck. Of course they will inform you of progress and tell you what to do. The push back is fully automated and AES even knows EXACTLY where to put the aircraft. The push back truck looks great and even has engine sound.



Airport Chart Gauge V2

Airport Facilitator X

“One of the most innovative utilities”

“An innovative replacement for AFCAD”

The Airport Chart Gauge shows you the layout of an arbitrary airport, no matter, whether the airport is shipped with Flight Simulator or included in an Add-On.

AFX is a powerful airport editor for FS2004 and FSX for both novice and expert Flight Simulator users. You can easily modify any of Flight Simulator airports, convert your favorite AFCADs to FSX and enhance them with FSX-specific features, or even design a new airport from scratch.

It doesn’t use any scanned charts, instead it takes its data directly from the Flight Simulator. The chart contains all taxiways, runways, heliports and parking places, including their identifiers, of course. With the Airport Chart Gauge you can easily find your way from your current parking place to the runway (or vice versa). Get it free at Make sure you download V2. Filename :

AFX allows you to add, modify, or remove runways, taxiways, and paths, taxiway signs, aprons, start location, nav aids, parking spots and many more airport features. For FSX airports, it can add fences, moving jetways, vehicle links and parking spots. The utility also gives you access to FSXspecific runway markings and other attributes. This payware will truly bring a new face to editing AFCADS. The powerful display feature will make this program a huge success. Available at Flight 1

FSWidgets - Electronic Flight Bag for FS2004 “One of the handiest applications for FSX” EFB2004 (Electronic Flight Bag for FS2004) is a software-based display system intended primarily for the simulated cockpit or flight deck. It virtually does away with the need for paper charts and other physical copies of documents such as aircraft operating manuals, performance data, approach charts and checklists. In real world aviation EFB devices usually consist of software and hardware (handheld tablet PC or integrated display). They can display a variety of aviation functions that in the past were traditionally accomplished using paper references. EFB systems may be approved to replace some of the bulky hard copy material that pilots typically carry in their flight bags. They can be found in everything from light single-engine props to multi-engine jet airliners. Available at FS Pilot Shop; product_info.php?products_id=2341 products.asp?product=afxv1





FSACARS questions On clicking "Accept Flight" the FSACARS returns an error " Buffer Over Flow" click ok to continue. on clicking Ok, FSACARS closed. Cannot accept , save or send the log.. Solution: Install FSACARS again and replacing the new FSUIPC with the old one. At the end of the flight when we click on "accept flight" the error message show "Tampered log" . Solution Some times when you send log, due to sever and internet connection problem, its not sent completely. So that means a bit of your last log is still saved on your PC. And FSACARS considers it as tampered. So when you fly next time and try to click acc ept flight it would say tampered log. Now the solution to this problem. whenever you face this problem, dont close FSACARS. Minimise it. Go to the folder where FSACARS is installed. usually C:\Program Files\FSacars. in there you would find a file named PIAxxxx.dat - delete this file. go back to fsacars and save the log again. You should have your problem solved. FSACARS gives various errors on vista. Solution: Users of Windows Vista will need to run FSACARS AND FS9 as Administrator in order that Vista and FSACARS bo th fully connect. Once you have set up Flightsim and require to run FSACARS you must Right Click on FSACARS Icon and select Run as Administrator from the drop down list. Please also check that you have the very latest FSUIPC file installed. Freeware versio ns of FSUIPC can be downloaded from the official site as shown below. Latest version for FS2004 is 3.93 If it still gives you errors, download and install the old version of FSACARS. DO NOT UPDATE IT to 4.0.15. Just update FSUIPC. This method also works.

FSACARS basically sends “Packets” (current position, altitude etc of your flight) over the internet every 15 or 30 seconds. F SACARS will run without an Internet connection but if it has one when it starts then looses it, the program gets confused. Also FSACARS saves its information in a MS Access Database and some temporary files, if it doesn’t have access to create the Database and/or the tem p files it gets very confused and causes errors, so be careful about your connection.



From around the world Copyright Saad Asad Cheema

Copyright Murtaza Sattar

Copyright Konstantin von Wedelstaedt

PIA’s Hajj operation winds up The 2 month long pre and post Hajj operation has finally ended, plagued by cancellations, numerous delays of up to 9 hours an d a lot of angry passengers. Delays have been attributed to limited slots at Jeddah’s King AbdulAziz International and bad weather/ visibility in Pakistan which lead to delays in the aircraft reaching Jeddah in the first place. BA rumored to start up Silakot as Singapore Airlines bids farewell to Pakistan BA World Cargo is rumored to start cargo flights to Sialkot, as Singapore Airlines bids farewell to Pakistan. The decision has been taken to suspend twice-weekly operations to Pakistan. The last Singapore-Karachi-Lahore service will be operated on 17 February 2010. Sad to see all but the Middle Eastern airlines leaving Pakistan, which as “The Gateway to the East” once hosted BA, Lufthansa, KLM, Air France, Swiss Air, Aeroflot, UTA, Sabena, PAN AM, Interflug, TAROM(Romania) and JAT(Yugoslavia) New Security regulations for travel to USA All passengers will be allowed only one (01) hand carry bag with size restriction of 56X45X25 cm. No liquid will be allowed in hand baggage under any circumstances. Security Personnel will carry out strict search of all US bound passengers and their hand carry bags at gate before boarding the Aircraft. PAF Receives First Saab 2000 ERIEYE AEW&C Pakistan Air Force (PAF) has received first of four Swedish-built Saab 2000 ERIEYE Airborne Early Warning and Control System (AEW&C) aircraft. Pakistan intends to liberalise Air Service Agreements According to a presentation of the Civil Aviation Authority, Ministry of Defence and Civil Aviation Authority intends to hold talks with Italy, Saudi Arabia, Canada, Ukraine, Egypt, Singapore, Iran, Ireland, Syria, Turkey, UAE and South Africa to liberalise the ASAs. Among the airlines named are Virgin Atlantic, BMI, Cargolux, TAM AIR Georgia, Air Slovakia and GMG Airlines (Bangladesh) in addition to Al Jazeera (Kuwait), Bahrain Air and NAS Air (Saudi Arabia)



Copyright Murtaza Sattar

Copyright Murtaza Sattar

Copyright Saad Asad Cheema

Along with Barcelona, flights to London-Heathrow from KHI and Manchester from ISB will also be upgraded to Boeing 777 from January onwards. 777s have been doing Kathmandu on and off during the past, and rumored to take over the Tokyo and Beijing sectors as well. Dhaka has been upgraded to 777 on 1 of 5 weekly flights from KHI PAF receives first Air-to-Air refueling aircraft 4 is the magic number, as the PAF received its first IL-78 tanker from Ukraine. By virtue of its capability to refuel fighter aircraft in air, PAF’s overall potential in terms of its effectiveness to defend the airspace of Pakistan will be significantly enhanced. Rs6.18 billion designated for Gwadar Airport th

PK701 ISB-MAN diverted to Moscow on December 20 , 2009. AP-BDZ had a faulty fuel pump indication PIA is considering dropping Glasgow due to low passenger loads while services to Chicago are rumored to resume Shaheen’s fleet grows to 11 Shaheen Air International is steadily receiving a steady supply of 737-200s from South Africa. 3 more are expected to join the fleet. Pakistan signs deal for Chinese J-10 fighters Pakistan has reportedly reached a deal with China to buy 36 Chengdu J-10B fighters in a deal worth around $1.4 billion.result in Islamabad eventually acquiring around 150 of the multirole fighters.To be designated as FC-20s in Pakistan, the aircraft will be upgraded versions of the J-10 fighter that officially entered Chinese air force service in early 2007. The type is China's most advanced indigenously developed military aircraft.Last year, Pakistan confirmed an order for 18 new F-16C/D Block 52 fighters, with options for another 18. It is also buying several refurbished F-16s, and Lockheed is also under contract to upgrade 34 F-16A/B Block 15s.However, Islamabad has also maintained its close relationship with China. The partners have jointly developed the Chengdu/Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) FC-1/JF-17 fighter, with Islamabad having received its first two Chinese-built examples in March 2007. It has since taken delivery of around a dozen JF-17s. PAF to buy 4 Chinese AWACS aircraft Pakistan will also buy four KJ-200 or KJ-2000 (unconfirmed) Airborne Early Warning and Control System (AEW&C) from China. The KJ200 is a turboprop based on the AN-12 while the KJ-2000 is a Chinese version based on the IL-76. The radar on these aircraft is similar in shape and size to Saab ERIEYE Airborne Early Warning and Control System (AEW&C).



Copyright Murtaza Sattar

Copyright Murtaza Sattar

Copyright Konstantin von Wedelstaedt

*Malaysia Airlines (MAS) confirmed it has ordered 15 Airbus A330-300s with options on another 10. Worth a total of nearly $5 billion, the aircraft will be delivered between 2011 and 2016 and will serve the South Asia, China, North Asia, Australia and Middle East markets.MAS already operates three A330-200s and eleven A330-300s *An American Airlines Boeing 737-800 has run off the runway at Kingston-Norman Manley International Airport in Jamaica. In the incident the aircraft came to rest on a beach with the main landing gear collapsed, the right engine torn off and severe cracking to the fuselage. The Jamaica Observer reports that 40 passengers from the 148 on board were injured and taken to the Kingston Public Hospital, although none are thought to be in a serious condition. The aircraft is believed to have been Boeing 737823 N977A, built in 2001 *ZA002, the second Boeing 787 Dreamliner made its first flight from Boeing’s Paine Field in Everett, Washington.ZA002 wears the colours of the launch customer for the 787, All Nippon Airways (ANA), which receive the first production aircraft next year. *Bahrain International Airshow The inaugural Bahrain International Airshow (BIAS) 2010 will provide a totally new concept to the global aerospace community. BIAS is set to stage one of the most influential and prestigious aerospace hospitality events in the region. *Qantas will commence A380 services between Melbourne and London *CFM engines for Chinese airliner.COMAC believes there is a global market for more than 2,000 C919 aircraft through to 2036. "We are very pleased to work with CFM on our new C919," said Zhang Qingwei, chairman of COMAC. "The leading-edge technology incorporated in the engine, coupled with all of the benefits of a completely integrated propulsion system (IPS), will enable us to build a very competitive aircraft for the global market." The Chinese company has opted for a complete IPS for t he C919 - CFM will provide the engine and Nexcelle, a partner company, will provide the nacelle and thrust reverser. *More Boeings for ANA. All Nippon Airways (ANA) is to buy more Boeing 767 and 777 aircraft, says Boeing.ANA currently operates 55 767s and 43 777s, and has ordered five 777-200ER (Extended Range) and five 767-300ER jetliners valued at approximately $2 billion for operation from 2012. *Ryanair halts talks with Boeing. Ryanair confirmed it has pulled out of talks with Boeing about acquiring up to 200 of its 737-800 Next Generation model between 2013 and 2016, although it says this will not affect its plans to take delivery of 112 737-800s during the next three years. *South African Airways to get A330-200s.Aircastle Limited says it is to lease six Airbus A330-200s to South African Airways (SAA) from 2011. *Airbus China achieves its target.To date eleven A320 family aircraft have been delivered from Final Assembly Line China (FALC) in Tianjin on schedule.The first A320 assembled at the FALC was delivered to Sichuan Airlines via Dragon Aviation Leasing on June 23; since then, five A320 and five A319 have followed with deliveries to Sichuan Airlines, and China Eastern Airlines.



Copyright Konstantin von Wedelstaedt

Copyright Murtaza Sattar

Copyright Konstantin von Wedelstaedt

*Emirates has taken delivery of its sixth Airbus A380. *Virgin Galactic unveils ‘SpaceshipTwo’.At Mojave Air and Spaceport in California, Virgin founder Sir Richard Branson and designer Burt Rutan revealed ‘SpaceshipTwo’ (SS2) to the press for the first time. Designed to be the first manned commercial spaceship, Virgin Galactic hopes that SS2 will take many thousands of private astronauts into space, once testing and US government licensing has been completed. *Algerian national airline Air Algérie has ordered four ATR 72-500s. *Korean Air goes for 747-8. Korean Air is to buy five new Boeing 747-8 passenger airliners in a deal worth approximately $1.5 billion. The airline has already ordered seven of the freighter version, and will become the first Asian airline to operate both types.Deliveries of the new order are expected between 2013 and 2015 and the aircraft will be operated on long-haul routes between the Americas and Europe. *US Airways to defer 54 new airliner deliveries.US Airways announced that it is to defer purchasing 54 Airbus aircraft previously scheduled for delivery between 2010 and 2012, which will now be delivered in “2013 and beyond”. It also said that A350 XWB operations will be postponed by two years until 2017. *Gulf Air’s new strategy.Middle Eastern airline Gulf Air, the flag carrier of the Kingdom of Bahrain, outlined its new strategy to “become commercially viable in 2010” with route and aircraft fleet changes. The first of its A340-300’s is being scrapped as this is written. The airline has 15 A320’s on order. *First 777 for Philippine Airlines. Philippine Airlines (PAL) received the first of two Boeing 777-300ER (Extended Range) aircraft it has leased from US-based company GE Capital Aviation Services (GECAS). * BA has also received their first 773. *Air Austral goes big.has ordered two Airbus A380s in an 840-passenger single-class configuration. The aircraft will be operated on the high-density route from Roland Garros Airport in Sainte-Marie, La Réunion to Paris. *Oman Air has bought five Embraer 175 ‘E-jets’. *Boeing's new 747-8 Freighter sports a special ‘light’ livery for flight testing. *Boeing’s Algerian deal. Air Algerie will buy seven aircraft, bringing its NG fleet to 22 aeroplanes. The airline’s 737s will incorporate the ‘Blended Winglets’, which reduce fuel burn by approximately 4%.




Copyright Konstantin von Wedelstaedt

Copyright Konstantin von Wedelstaedt

Copyright Konstantin von Wedelstaedt

*Airbus will be installing ‘Sharklet’ wingtip devices to its A320.Air New Zealand will be the launch customer as the ‘Sharklets’ will be fitted to its new A320 fleet, due for delivery from 2012. The wingtip extensions are expected to result in at least 3.5% reduced fuel burn, equating to a CO2 reduction of around 700 tonnes per aircraft a year. *SV 747-100s set to retire. *PIA set to revamp tail design. *Chapter closes as Boeing finally delivers last of original 747s , Boeing has finally - and quietly - delivered the last of the original 747 family off the line, a -400ER Freighter (MSN 37304). The General Electric CF6-80C2-powered aircraft, which is the 1419th 747 to be built, was officially delivered on 10 November to Kuwaiti freighter cargo start-up LoadAir, along with its sister-ship.The hand-over of the last original 747 marks the end of a chapter in Boeing's Jumbo Jet story, which began 40 years ago with the delivery of 747-100 N733PA to Pan Am on 12 December 1969. *DHL introduces 767ERF. Delivery company DHL Express has begun using the Boeing 767ERF between Germany and the USA. Six aircraft will eventually join the DHL fleet by the end of 2012 replacing the MD-11F currently used. *First 777F for FedEx. It’s the ninth 777 Freighter to be delivered by Boeing, which calls it a “game changer." It claims that transit times from points in Asia to the FedEx hub in Memphis, Tennessee, will drop by one to three hours compared with the MD-11 Freighter. *EK A380 set to start Jeddah in 2010 *EK A330 to start services to Prague * Air India will suspend codeshare service with Singapore Airlines, starting 01JAN10 *Singapore defers deliveries of eight A380s by between six and 12 months. *Saudia starts A330 service to Karachi * Saudi A320’s being delivered *Malaysia Airlines (MAS) is to acquire six Airbus A380s from its major shareholder, and assume responsibility for two current Boeing 777s and two 747s, in order to increase fleet ownership.While the A380s were initially due to start arriving in January 2007 the first delivery was postponed, initially to January 2011 and then to August 2011. *China Eastern Airlines has agreed the purchase of 16 Airbus A330 aircraft




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