What is
Internet and Web?
What is Internet
• Internet is a worldwide system of computer networks. Which means the largest computer network in the world that connects billions of computer users.
• The word “Internet” comes from the combination between Interconnection and Network.
• Network is a collection of computer devices connected and it’s enable to access almost any information, communicate with anyone else in the world, and do much more.
The world internet is started.
US government allowed businesses to connect to internet.
First “freenet” created in Case Western Reserve University.
Father of Internet Vint CerfWhere does the Internet comes from???
• The World Wide Web (WWW) - usually called as Web - is a collection of different websites you can access through the Internet.
• A website is made up of related text, images, videos, audios and other resources. We can access this information with the help of web browsers.
• The World Wide Web was originally designed in 1991 by Tim Berners-Lee
Evolution of Web
1980’s to 2004 2004
• Static web pages
• Brochure ware
• Mostly publishing
• No communities
• Social media
• Keyword search
• Rich user experience
• Tagging
The first website of WWW 1.0
Apples’ website - WWW 2.0
Link here Website archive
• Highly mobile
• OpenID
• Semantic search
• Micro blogging
• A webpage is a document or resource of information that is suitable for the World Wide Web and can be accessed through a web browser and displayed on a monitor.
• The information is usually in HTML or HXTML format, and may provide navigation to other webpages via hypertext links.
• A webpage contains text, graphics, audio, video and other web documents.
• A webpage has a unique address called Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
Web Browser
• A web browser is an application for retrieving and presenting information resources on the World Wide Web.
• First web browser was developed in 1991.
• It allows to locate, view, and navigate the web.
• It can have a Graphical User Interface, Meaning they can display pictures in addition to text and other forms of multimedia such as sounds and video.
Chrome Edge Firefox Opera Safari
Protocol means a set of rules or guidelines.
• Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
• Internet Protocol (IP)
• File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
• Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
• Networks News file Transfer Protocol (NNTP)
• Transformation Control Protocol (TCP)
Advantages of Internet
• Communication In terms of sending and receiving information across.
• Research In order to do research we need to go through hundreds of books. Using the internet we can search anything with ease.
• Education There are number of books, references, help centers and materials available on the internet to make the learning process very easier.
• Financial Transaction Using the internet we can make the financial transaction so easily and saves time.
• For Updates like news etc.
Disadvantages of Internet
• Theft of personal Information
• Spamming
• Malware threats
• Social isolation, obesity and depression.