Actions That Will Make your Workday Better and Meaningful

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admin-iinlife  Executive coaching,life coaching |  May 22, 2018

Work can be incredibly hectic, and there are days when you are just counting the minutes until it’s time to go home. However, work doesn’t have to be stressful, and you certainly don’t have to hate it. In fact, with just a few attitude adjustments, you may even start to see work in a whole different light. It’s that transition time again, and we’re all thinking about getting into new routines, starting back to school, and switching over from long summer days to cool fall evenings. With the change in season comes the perfect opportunity to give your productivity and work habits a little boost. Here’s some simple ways to make the most of your time, get inspired, and increase your success.

1. Engage the important, not simply urgent You will be having so many urgent requests whole day. You may start the day with the swirl of emails, calls, noti cations, reports, meetings and many more. There will be something always to grab our attention. The problem is we are allowing our energy and attention to be diverted in so many directions. There will lot things that are “urgent”, but are they actually important? Instead of wasting your energy to simply allocated by reaction, you should be intentional and choose to invest your time in the things that are of most importance. Prioritize by productivity and your days will re ect it!

2. Focus On One Thing at a Time You’ll nd that you move through your day faster when you complete one task at a time rather than attempting to do multiple things at once. Each item on your list particularly the high-value tasks need your full concentration. Once you’re done, move on to the next and don’t let the thought of the next project distract you from what you are currently doing.

3. Decide to see the good in every situation. Create PDF in your applications with the Pdfcrowd HTML to PDF API


It’s amazing to see how swiftly things can turn around when we turn our attitude in a new direction. A tough situation becomes a learning experience and an opportunity for growth. Attitude is everything, so make sure yours is helping you go in the right direction. What you look for, you’re sure to nd. Seeking the things that could go wrong? Always looking with a critical eye? You’re going to nd exactly that. Looking for the good, the fun, and the positive? You’re sure to see all that and enjoy the ride! Train your mind to always be looking for the good in everything. Choose a good attitude and you’ll nd that your days are happier because of it.

4. High-value activities in the first hours of the morning: How you start your morning will decide how the day treats you. The minute you wake up, get moving. Give a positive start to your day. Morning is that time of the day when your brain is in one of the most creative states. It is said that “The rst 3 hours of your day can dictate how your life turns out”, we’re most creative in these early hours of the day which are most precious for maximized productivity. Also, many successful people prefer to do high-value tasks in the rst hours of the day to get a feeling of accomplishment, and therefore to look forward to a better day every morning. High-value tasks can be work related or something that leverages your creativity for the whole day. Eventually, you will nd everything in power and get more done in less time.

5. Know when it is time to take a break and rest. Putting in consistent effort is hard and results don’t come overnight, so the option to just give up can seem like a good idea, especially when we are tired. Instead of running yourself ragged, know your limits—both physically and mentally—and plan time for creative rejuvenation. We have to unplug, relax, and renew our spirits. It is essential to productivity and success. Resting is not a sign of weakness, but rather a sign of wisdom. Marathon runners know when to increase speed and when to conserve energy to make it for the long haul. The same is true in our daily life and workday

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routine. Know when to push the limit and when it’s time to take a break. Don’t give up because of fatigue; instead, regain your strength and get ready to persist once again! Work doesn’t need to suck. In fact, approach it with the right mind-set, and you’ll get through your day effortlessly. A few bonus tips would be to take a few walks around the of ce to get your energy up and keep your meetings light. To make your day truly meaningful, focus on how things will go right rather than worrying about what could go wrong attend executive coaching classes keep your work life coach happier.

6. Complete tasks We are always deluged by many pending tasks and on top of it we get urgent requests which we cannot turn down. There are unexpected meetings and reviews which occupy time. At the end of the day most tasks remain un nished. All incomplete tasks have two problems 1. It adds to the existing overload 2. It leaves us with a feeling that there was no progress that day. 3. Makes our stress levels worse.

Completing one or two important tasks every day will give us a sense of satisfaction and reduces stress signi cantly. Remember to complete tasks before leaving of ce even if it means staying up an additional half an hour Total Views : (25)

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