Finding Time for all important things

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admin-iinlife  life coaching |  June 21, 2018

Time management is a very important skills every multi-task worker should learn. With a good time management skills, you can easily get the time to do the things that are important to you, whether it is your professional or personal life. Time management can be challenging to those who are new to freelancing or self-employed. Â Life has a habit of pulling us in all sorts of different directions. It can be incredibly stressful and overwhelming. At those times, it makes us to feel like we have nothing left to give. Time management is a tricky issue. Here are some of the things you should follow in your life to manage a time.

1. Prioritize Prioritizing is very important in life to accomplish anything. First, you have to decide what is important to you. Then you have to prioritize that, and do your work according to priority. Then whatever time is left can be given to less important tasks. Not completing less important tasks does not create any negative feelings nor does one feel frustrated and depressed.

2. Set your goal You should set both your short and long-term goals. In every business they call it as tactics and strategy of work. Strategy is the long-term goal. Tactics are the combination of short-term goals that will help you achieve your long-term goal. For example, If you want to become a writer rst you need to start writing an article or a blog. Once you set your goal and a timeline associated with the goal, then setting up time for that is much easier.

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3. Be specific Your thinking must be a crystal clear to achieve a goal. If the goal is very generic then it is dif cult to de ne speci c tasks to achieve them. If the tasks are not speci c then it becomes dif cult to prioritize and hence results is poor time management. It may lead to feel an imbalanced life.

Read Also – It’s Time for a Major Life Change 4. Plan Ahead You should keep it in your mind one question which is “what will be the next step?” Planning is very important in any goal. It is unwise to start action without doing a certain amount of planning. Planning also allows you to look at possible failures and obstacles in your progress towards the goal. Once planning is done which includes major milestones then tasks and sub tasks can be made with timelines. Then it becomes easy to allocate time for each task and also allows you to track its progress. Keep the planning is such a manner that it allows a certain amount of exibility. It is also wise to be realistic about timelines. Sometimes in the excitement and optimism of goal planning you might keep very aggressive deadlines. Failure to meet them very early can be very discouraging and many time people give up the goal because of that.

5. Optimize Your Processes You have to optimize the work what you are doing on a daily basis. Look at once the way you’re currently doing things and see if there are any steps you could combine or cut altogether. Optimization process is nothing but better management of time, because so many works have the same steps to complete so combining all those things can help to reduce time consumption.

6. Don’t Waste Time Be careful, time is very precious. Look at the things that waste time during your typical day. Social media is a de nite time waster. Use it minimally. Nowadays most people spend between 4-8 hours on social media. It just

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occupies your day. One easy way to realize this is to see how you feel after spending your day on social media. They are just major interruptions in your attempt to reach your goals. Good time management allows you to accomplish more work in a shorter period of time. It helps to lower your stress and helps you focus on your goals, which leads to success in life. All successful and happy people in life have gured out the best time management strategies for themselves. It is time you started and moved in the same direction. Just do it and see how much difference it brings to your life. Total Views : (21)

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be speci c

Getting the Most Important Things Done Every Day

How to make time for things important to you life coaching in Bangalore

Important things for time

optimize your processes

plan ahead

Life coach in Bangalore set you goal

The most important thing in life

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