Healthy Yoga Issue 3

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Complementary Therapies For Your Mind, Body and Soul APRIL/MAY/JUNE 2015















Do you want to become a Kids Yoga Teacher? 3-day Rainbow Kids Yoga Teacher Training Bangkok Lullaby Yoga, QHouse Lumpini Date

8 – 10 May 2015


9 am – 6 pm


22,000 THB Early bird fee

(up to 3 weeks before the training date).

24,000 THB Full tuition

The 3-day Rainbow Kids Yoga Teacher Training is a comprehensive, intensive and practical certification course. Be prepared to practice and learn to teach yoga while laughing, dancing, playing and singing. The Rainbow Kids Yoga Teacher Training is well rounded and intensive, with practical theory, discussions and TONS OF FUN!

You will graduate with immediate tangible knowledge and tons of fabulous ideas to create original, captivating and fun yoga experiences for kids of all ages, anywhere in the world!

The instructor for this training is Lei. Training will be translated in Thai.




APRIL 2015

Publisher DR RAJ





6 8 9

YOGA THERAPY Tonsillities Eye Exercise Detox Through Kriya


COVERED GIRL Janya Phlaphongphanich




AYURVEDA Home Remedies




NUTRITION Lets Look at Your Child Breakfast


HEALTHY FOOD Healthy Snack for Kids


FITNESS Happy Hour


EXPERT TALK Ask the Expert

26 27 28

PHOTO GALLERY Little Healthy Yogi in BKK Reader’s Photos From Across The Globe Events


Graphic Designer VISHAL RAI



EDITORIAL OFFICE: Apt-7 A, Komal Villa, 57/2-3 Sukhumvit Soi-12, Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110, Thailand. Mob- 08-47 567 998 E- Healthy Yoga Magazine SUBSCRIBE NOW

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8 18 22 24

READERS’ LETTERS Dear Healthy Yoga I had read the benefits of yoga in one of Healthy Yoga’s magazines. I started my yoga classes in mid-January and am pleased to report that my blood pressure has returned to a normal reading of 120 over 80. In addition, I have also lost over 6kgs and more than an inch from around my waist. I practice the breathing, stretching and meditation techniques every morning twice a week. My overall physical health has improved and ability in stress management has increased as well. Yoga has and will continue to be a constant practice in my life. Nigel Melhuish

Write to the editor at:

Healthy Yoga Magazine available in online. Go to...

Wellness Everyday: Healthy Yoga magazine is very informative and motivating as it gives us tips for simple yoga postures and healthy eating habits as well in our day to day life. The steps of every postures are written so clearly that anybody can do them at home. The postures for specific health problems are also good to know. Overall this magazine is very colorful and well documented.I love Healthy Yoga

Chandana Suri

As children growing up in India we might remember that in those days we considered anything Indian as low quality and bunch of exaggeration. The benefits of Yoga was also considered one such over exaggeration. Thanks to the internationalization of this ancient Indian form of exercise that today we not only once again have rediscovered the benefits of Yoga but also started to believe it. Thanks to "Healthy Yoga" the knowledge is available right at our doorstep and that too free of cost. What else could we ask for in this ever busy lifestyle that we have adopted. My sincere thanks to Yogiraj Dr. Rai for giving us this opportunity to benefit from his knowledge and a chance to interact with him on a regular basis through this magazine to lead a healthy lifestyle.

vishwajeet singh


Joining YOGA has been a very pleasant experience for me.It is helping me to come out of negative emotions and to tackle my physical ailments.I wish every person must experience this and feel blessed in such stressful environment of day today hectic life.Thank you God and Healthy yoga Magazine.




ear valuable readers, Welcome to our Healthy Yoga magazine. As we know Kids are the brightest future of our affluent society. Their mind is like soil which has not been developed yet, therefore it is the parents or families job to understand the nature of this soil, fertilize them enough so that they flourish into fragrant flowers. This can only be achieved by the practice of Yoga and Pranayama that transforms children’s undeveloped minds into the level of broader consciousness. There is a certain ambiguity arisen among people regarding the age of learning yoga. Let me formulate this dilemma by saying as long as a child is eager to sit with you in your yoga class and display fun in learning some yoga postures, let them freely do so however the precise age to start learning yoga could be 6 years depending on the childs interest. In this respect, we interviewed one of the youngest yogi in town Janya Phlaphongphanich (check on page 10). The other important aspects of doing yoga is to develop kids physically and mentally strong by stimulating visualization power, increasing the capacity to absorb new knowledge quickly, in the development of inner strength by accelerating metabolism rate and boosting immune system. There are several emotional disturbances including aggressiveness, hyperactive behavior, dullness, dissipation, sluggishness etc. that can be seen in our kids in the early stages due to the irregularities in hormone secretion from some specific glands like adrenal gland, thyroid gland and pituitary gland which can only be ameliorated by the regular practice of yoga and breathing (Pranayama). Healthy nutritional diet is also essential for a kid. Many diseases such as Eczema (Page 12 ), Obesity are highly common in kids that are caused by the consumption of unbalanced and processed foods. Food intolerance and allergic reactions to food have become a significant subject nowadays. Overall I would say the practice of Yoga and Pranayama in addition to healthy diet have profound positive effects in a wide spectrum on a kid’s body fostering concentration, creative minds, cheerful behavior and active reactions. Sincerely regards, Vishakha (Co-editor) and Healthy Yoga Team


Yoga Sutras of Sage Patanjali is an T heancient classical text, which succinctly

presents the profound teaching of yoga in 196 concise sutras or threads. Every word of each sutra is significant, and a deep understanding of Sanskrit, has the insight of an enlightened master. Each Sutra has been interpreted for the readers in each issue.

Sutra 3: Defination of Asanas

Sthirasukhamasanam!! Asana means ‘that position which is comfortable and steady’. The word asana is used for the meditation posture. Asana here does not mean the physical yoga exercises. Generally, this word asana is taken to mean yogic exercises, but here it only means a posture which is meant for meditation. For example, Swastikasana, Siddhasana, Padmasana and Sukhasana are the asanas meant for the meditation, but there is no bar to other postures being counted as asanas. Asanas can also be performed for curative or health reasons. By gently stretching the muscles, massaging the internal organs and toning the nerves throughout the body, the health of the practitioner can be wonderfully improved and many diseases, even the so-called ‘incurable’ ones can be eliminated or eased.




f you open your mouth and look in a mirror you will see two masses of spongy tissue seated at the back of the mouth in front and on each side of the throat. These are called the tonsils. Sometimes, however, the buildup of toxins within the system becomes too great and this overwhelms the lymph nodes. Under these circumstances the nodes themselves become infected. In the case of the tonsils the result is a painful inflammation and fever known as Tonsillitis. Yoga approaches this ailment in a more natural manner. Through Simhasana (the lion pose) the entire body is purified of poisons and the occurrence of tonsillitis and other ailments connected with the lymphatic system becomes less likely. The practice of Lion pose results in excellent massage and stimulation to the organs of the throat, in particular the tonsils. It stimulates the blood flow to the tonsils and thereby flushes out accumulated toxins. As such it is a powerful method for preventing and often removing tonsillitis.

METHOD: Sit in Vajrasana with the knees apart. Place the hands between the knees with the fingers pointing towards the body. The eyes should be kept open during the practice, with the gaze directed at the center of the eyebrows or at a point on the ceiling in front of you. Inhale through the nose. At the end of the inhalation, open the mouth and extend the tongue outwards and towards the chin as far as possible. Exhale slowly. Simultaneously produce a clear, loud and steady vocal sound from the throat; in other words an AH sound. If one wishes the tongue can be also moved from side to side while emitting the sound. At the end of exhalation close the mouth and breathe in. This is one round. Do as many rounds as time permits.


Lion pose massages the throat region and squeezes out stagnant, impure blood so that it returns to the kidneys for purification. Y



he following five asanas are to be specifically used in the intestinal cleansing practices of Shankaprakshalana (stomach wash with water).


Drink 2 glasses of salty warm water and perform the following five poses eight times each:


1 Tadasana (the tree pose)




Tiryaka Tadasana (the wind-blown tree pose)

Tiryaka Bhujangasana (the twisting cobra pose)


It is therefore highly recommended for those with chronic constipation, gas, acidity, indigestion and other digestive ailments. It is beneficial for the kidneys and urinary systems, preventing infection and kidney stones.

Kati Chakrasana (the waist rotating pose)

Udarakarshan (the abdominal massage pose)

Now go to the toilet and try to evacuate the bowels.


People with ulcers, high blood pressure or other serious medical conditions should not practice either form of yoga except under the guidance. Y



Exercise 3: Front and sideways viewing

Exercise 1: Palming


it facing the sun and close the eyes. Rub the palms of the hands together vigorously until they become hot. Place the palms over the eyes. Feel the warmth and energy being transmitted from the hands into the eyes. After two to three minutes, remove the hands, keeping the eyes closed throughout. Repeat the exercise at least three times. This yoga is best practiced at sunrise, and it relaxes, revitalizes, and recharges the optic nerves.

Maintain the same position as in exercise 2, but place the left thumb on the left knee so that it points upwards. Hold the right thumb to the right of the body so that it points upwards. Without moving the head, focus the eyes on the left thumb, then on the right thumb, and then to the left thumb again. Repeat the process 15 to 20 times, then rest and close the eyes, practicing the technique mentally. Repeat the same procedure on the other side of the body.

Exercise 4: Rotational viewing

Exercise 2: Sideways viewing

Assume a sitting position with the legs straight in front of the body. Hold the arms straight and out to the sides at shoulder level, with the thumbs pointing upward. Without moving the head sideways, focus the eyes on the following, one after the other: left thumb, the space between the eyebrows, right thumb, space between the eyebrows. Repeat this cycle 15 to 20 times and then rest.


Maintain the same body position as in exercise 3. Place the left hand on the left knee and hold the right fist above the right leg. The right thumb should point upward and the arm must be straight. Make a large circular movement with the right thumb, moving to the left, then upward, curving to the right, and finally returning to the starting position. Keep the eyes focused on the thumb without moving the head. Repeat the practice five times clockwise and anti-clockwise with each thumb. Finally, close the eyes and rest.

Exercise 5: Up and down viewing

Maintain the same position as exercise 4. Place both your fists on the knees, with both thumbs positioning upwards. Keeping the arms straight, slowly raise the right arm as high as possible, while following the movement of the thumb with the eyes. Slowly return to the starting position, all the time keeping the eyes focused on the thumb without moving the head. Practice the same movement with the left thumb. Repeat the practice five times with each thumb. Finally close your eyes again and rest.

Yogic Techniques

The following yogic techniques and asanas are very beneficial for the eyes: Sirshasana (Headstand Posture), Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand Posture), Surya Bheda Pranayama, Shashankasana (Moon Pose) and Jal Neti Kriya. But please, unless you are a seasoned practitioner, do not try any of these postures without the supervision of a yoga teacher.

Exercise 6: Distant and near viewing

Sit in the same pose, relax your arms. Focus the eyes on your nose. Then focus on a distant object. Focus on the nose again. Repeat the process many times. Lastly, close your eyes and relax.

Eye- friendly Diet

Vitamin A is directly responsible for the strength and power of the eyes. Hence, foods that are rich in vitamin A must be taken. Vitamin A is contained in all orange and yellow colored vegetables, such as carrots and pumpkins, and in fruits like mangoes, papayas, and oranges. Y




Phlaphongphanich J


Interview- Vishakha anya Phlaphongphanich has been learning yoga since the mere age of 4 and she splendidly performs numerous poses by herself. We interviewed her with mother Rasmegh Phlaphongphanich on this.

Dear Janya tell us about yourself. Where do you study and what are your major interests other than doing Yoga?

I’m 6 years old and I study in Bangkok Patana School. I love yoga, and I also love to paint, and do arts and crafts. You might be the youngest kid in


Bangkok who has been practicing yoga from such a tender age. How does it feel? For how long have you been following your practice? Do you have your own private instructor?

Mrs. Megha- Yoga is a lifelong practice and great exercise for mind body and spirit – I suppose a part of me wished I had started much earlier, which is why I chose to expose my children to it when they were young. However, I didn’t know if Janya was too young to start yoga or not – I didn’t want it to be something that I made her do, but rather a practice that she would choose to do herself. The first time Yoga instructor Visha came over, around two years ago, it was to teach me yoga, not Janya. However, Janya took an immediate liking to her and was keen to “do yoga with Mama.” Some days she would just get up and leave after 10 minutes of yoga, and other days she would stick around for the full class. I never forced it upon her, but as time passed, she became more engaged with the poses and the stretches and was able to carry a full class by

herself. Janya- I am proud of myself because it is not so easy but I still like to do it. I enjoy learning with teacher Visha because she teaches me how to do yoga. When I have pain, she tells me what to do, and I do it with her and it becomes better. I also like telling her stories and distracting her! She is very kind.


How does yoga help in your school activities and studies? Do you see any changes after you have started doing yoga classes?

Mrs. Megha- When Janya first started, she would get frustrated if she couldn’t do or hold a certain pose. At four years of age, that is to be expected I suppose. However, I notice she has now developed the ability to persevere and try until she can do her best and doesn’t act out in Frustration she just laughs if she can’t do it the way she is meant to! I now also see this reflected in her reading and writing efforts as well – she is calmer and continues to persevere, and doesn’t


leave in frustration. In addition, I appreciate the breathing exercises she does with Visha – anything that helps her learn how to center and calm herself down is a huge advantage for her as she grows! Janya- Yes, because when I had pains on my ankle and one time on my neck, yoga has helped me with those pains. Also some poses I couldn’t do before I can do them better now.


What would you want to be in the future? Would you like to do something related to this field as you are so good in it? Would you continue learning yoga? A: Yes, even when I’m big I want to do yoga. I want to be an engineer and fire fighter when I grow up.


Lastly we will love to know your favorite yoga poses.

A: I love the wheel pose and the one where my legs are up in the air.




CONTACT- 0983124270 11



ne of the common health ailments we get to see amongst kids presently is Eczema also known as ‘Atopic Dermatitis’. According to a research, one out of every ten child is suffering from this problem. Eczema is a skin allergy that happens on a sensitive skin that leads to rashes, reddish patches, swelling, dryness and intense itchiness. There are numerous causes why Eczema happens. On one hand it could be hereditary caused by Asthma and on the other hand it could be caused by improper diet and absence of physical practice with correct breathing in the lifestyle. It can also be caused by climate incompatibility. Therefore, it is not surprising to find this deficiency in the populous cities. Pollutions, additives, chemicals and detergents are some of the few allergens that cause Eczema. Hence, protecting our kids from this illness and healing it by offering decent diet plan and physical routines such as Yoga, we can easily get rid of this ailment. Eczema is a kind of inflammation that can be found in any parts of the body in a form of irritation on wrists, arms, knees, legs, feet or face.


Having its anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties, Turmeric is one of the types of medicinal herbs that have discovered to be a potential candidate to treat Eczema along with its hundreds of other benefits. Turmeric is a very common ingredient in Indian cooking methods. Turmeric has a tendency to fight inflammation, bacteria, toxins, viruses and fungus infections. It balances your cholesterol levels, escalates the immune system, cures gastritis, acidity, constipation, stomach ulcers and swollen by stimulating your liver and the entire abdominal organs altogether.



It can be consumed in any form whether it is in roots or powder. You could have a turmeric ball daily in the morning. You can even prepare it by yourselves and store in your refrigerator. It can also be applied warm with clean hands to the affected area blended with Aloe Vera or Clarified butter (Ghee) or even Neem (Azadirachta indica) expeller oil. It will instantly provide coolness in the region.

TRIPHALA (Terminalia chebula and Terminalia belerica) Triphala is one of the compelling ayurvedic herbals and prominently impressive in curing any sort of disorders in the digestive system. Triphala is an anti-inflammatory herb that enhances your immune system, cleanses your colon and also helps you in digestion procedure and weight loss. Triphala is a synthesis of three powerful fruits called Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica), and Haritaki (Terminalia chebula). It detoxifies the whole body system eliminating accumulated toxins, wastes, bolstering the related organs including liver, intestines which have major roles in alleviating eczema. It nourishes and purifies every cell in our body. It should be consumed daily though, in order to get the optimum results. It is considered to be one of the most effective herbs in the treatment. It can be taken as pill before going to bed or as half spoon powder form in around 250ml of warm water.


ASANA (YOGA POSTURE) Surya Namaskara (Sun Salutation Pose) Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand) Shashankasana (Moon Pose) Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend Pose) Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) Shalabhasana (Locust Pose) Halasana (Plough Pose) Savasana (Corpse Pose)

PRANAYAMA (BREATHING PRACTICE) Kapalbhati Nadi Shodhana Pranayama Ujjayai Pranayama Bhramari Pranayama Bhastrika Pranayam

Lastly but not the least, most importantly observe your kids carefully and see what really suits them and continue using that as every kid has different body conditions and features. Essential diet and relaxed lifestyle will definitely heal this illness in addition to physical exercise and proper breathing. Remember in the case of eczema nutrition and mental imbalance play major roles in precipitating and alleviating the condition or any physical malfunctions.



If you see any single symptom in your child of having Eczema, don’t be late to follow above given cure alongside of diet. Dairy products, corns, saturated foods, sour foods such as pickles, yoghurts, extreme salty and sugary foods along with eggs, nuts, wheat, coffee, tea and spicy foods should be prohibited. Have more organic/vital fruits and vegetables to them. Let your child to wear loose fitting attire and to drink plenty of water every day in a number of 8 to 10 glasses. Identify the specific allergens and avoid the exposure. Apply Aloe Vera, Neem Oil, Coconut Oil or even natural lotions twice a day. Don’t let your kid to scratch the area with the finger nails, it will only make the infection worse. Keep your kids away from dust and pollution.

Hereditary Allergies with some products Foods such as dairy products, processed meals, sugar, salt, sour and snacks Stress Improper breathing Lack of exercises Constipation Anxiety Insomnia Excessive toxins Lack of energy and low metabolism rate Heat Weak digestive organs Over usage of cosmetic products



Home Remedies RHEUMATISM


n effective way to treat rheumatism would be to have one or two tsps of raw potato juice before meals.Mix Carrot juice and Lemon juice in equal proportions. Have a large spoonful of this concoction, everyday, to cure rheumatism.


One natural treatment for acidity is chewing a few Basil (Tulsi) leaves after a meal. This does not just work as an antacid but it helps the body to absorb food but also prevents reflux and the formation of ulcers. Sucking a piece of Clove after meal helps in reducing acidity problem.


A flake of Garlic swallowed with water taken with empty stomach daily in the morning can be helpful in solving many stomach & gastric problems.


Eating an Apple on an empty stomach in the morning relieves one of migraine pain. This must be done for few days.



Mix 2 teaspoons of Honey with equal quantity of Ginger juice. The concoction helps to expectorate mucus, providing relief for the common cold, coughs and sore throat.


Lemon is one of the richest sources of Vitamin C on the planet and it also contains nutrients like Vitamin B, Riboflavin, Phosphorus, Magnesium, and Calcium. Lemon juice with warm water can also help to eliminate waste in your system and serve as a Liver tonic. Daily intake of Lemon water has several health benefits: It keeps your stomach healthy; acts as cure for nausea, heartburn, indigestion, high blood pressure, stress, and depression.


A simple remedy for Anemia or iron deficiency is to have 3 to 4 pounds of soft Dates with Milk and add a little Ghee in it. Eating this mixture will help to prevent anemia.


Tomato paste is one of the most effective remedies for dark circles. You can make it easily at home. Take one or two fresh Tomatoes, one tablespoon of Lemon juice, a pinch of Gram flour and Turmeric powder. Blend these ingredients nicely until they become a thick paste and apply it very gently around your eyes. Rinse it off gently with clean water after 10 or 20 minutes. Repeating this process twice or thrice every week will make your skin tone around your eyes lighter and will eventually make your dark circles go away completely. Y



Sita Rao S

ita Rao is a certified Pranic Healing Instructor in Basic, Advanced and Psychotherapy from 1997,having taught in India and abroad. Sita Rao also uses Reiki, Tapping, Bach Flower and Pranic healing therapy on her clients, going by the need and requirement. The results are manifold and ultimately benefit the patients. Sometimes she uses a combination of two therapies to produce noticeable results. Interview- Dr. Raj

REIKI Is it possible to cure high blood pressure with Reiki?

One cannot cure anything. Reiki can heal the problem because it works at the physical, emotional and mental levels.

Is it absolutely necessary to have a Reiki initiation to be able to lay hands on? Yes. The Reiki practice should be initiated in order to apply hands on or even distant Reiki.

Does the same quantity of Reiki flow in everyone?

Reiki being a universal energy does not differentiate in its flow. However, a receptive and open channel perceives its limitlessness.

Can we harm anyone with Reiki?

One can do no harm with Reiki because the practitioner is only a channel of the energy, and not the doer. Divine is the doer.


Does Reiki amount to faith healing?

No. It is not faith healing; but faith enhances its flow.

How is it that we sometimes do not feel anything in our hands?

This question can be answered in two ways: one, from the patients’ point of view: when there is disease, there is lack of or depleted Ki; when the universal Ki flows to the affected areas, it dispels the darkness, i.e. fills it up with healing energy and creates wellness. Second is from the healers’ point of view: it is possible that the one who has been practicing for a long time, is so used to the energy that he / she does not feel the actual flow of energy; nevertheless, it is present.

Is this possible to develop interference with our karma to other people while doing Reiki?

Interference happens only when there is an aspect of ego or doership. A Reiki healer is only a channel and should constantly remind himself/ herself of the same. This way, the healer is not attached to the result and cannot be affected by the Karma of others. This holds good not only for Reiki, but other healing modalities as well. Y


132 Sukhumvit Rd, Bangkok, Thailand Tel: +66(02)255 3711-3 Fax: +66(02)254 2180 E-mail:,



hinese Pearl Barley also known as Job’s Tears is famous for its numerous health properties. It works to eliminate obesity, allergies, skin rashes, indigestion, livers, spleen malfunctions and lungs disease. Chinese Pearl Barley salad could be an optimum choice for breakfast or even evening snacks. By Himisha Mehta


Chinese Pearl Barley salad (Job’s Tears)



Mix all the ingredients and serve.

1 bowl Chinese pearl barley boiled 1 bowl of chopped carrot, cucumber, capsicum, lettuce, tomato 1 tablespoon chopped coriander Chopped green chili to taste Salt and lemon to taste


Calories, Fat, Carbohydrates, Iron, Calcium, Protein, Fibers, Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium, Vitamin B-6


Banana berry nut smoothie is another wondrous alternative for Kids breakfast. It is a health source of body detoxification, stimulating the entire digestive system as well as immune system, mental eloquence, boosting memory power and bestowing nutritional aid.


1 to 2 Bananas 1 cup around 8 ounces Ice ½ cup or 4 ounces of Milk 1 or 2 tsp Sugar/Honey 1 scoop or 3 ounces vanilla ice cream ½ cup of Berries 4 chopped Cashewnuts, Almonds and Walnuts


Peel and chunk the bananas into pieces. Put the bananas, berries and nuts into the blender. Add milk, and sugar or honey into it. Top it with vanilla ice cream and crushed ice cubes. Blend all the mixture until it reaches to the thickness you desire. Serve the smoothie in a glass and garnish it with one piece of berry or cream.


Calories, Fat, Carbohydrates, Iron, Calcium, Protein, Cholesterol, Fibers, Antioxidants, Vitamin C, Magnesium, Vitamin B-6, Potassium




Lets Look At Your s Child’ Breakfast

Everyday Tip Add cinnamon to your breakfast. Cinnamon regulates and stabilizes your blood sugar (and tastes good!)

By Narisa Phichitsingh

Have you been reading the labels of your children’s cereals? Kellogg’s Frosties 11 g of sugar for 30 g of cereal This breakfast cereal is 37% sugar!

The Rule of 5


hen buying cereals follow the Rule of 5. The cereal should have more than 5 grams of fiber per serving and less than 5 grams of sugar. It is important that the breakfast


cereal contains a high level of fiber to keep your child satiated and a low level of sugar to not spike their insulin levels in the morning (which can cause energy drain later in the day). Popular brands of cereals do not pass this test and it can be difficult to get your child to switch over to breakfast cereals that are not as exciting and colorful. Maybe it is time to search for or create healthier and more satiating options. Here are 3 Creative Breakfast Alternatives They can be modified or used to give you ideas for your own homemade creations.

Chia Seed Pudding

Chia Seed Pudding

Smoothie Bowl

Chia Seeds are a super food that are high in Omega 3s, very high in protein (even higher than tofu, eggs and whey protein powder!) and dense in fiber (just 100 grams has over 150% of the fiber you need in a day). 100 grams of chia seeds also has 63% of the calcium you need in a day. So forget the milk and eggs for now! The ratio of chia seed to soymilk (or any other milk) should be about 1:4. Add honey, cacao power or brown sugar – or modify ingredients to your liking. Tip: Make this overnight and refrigerate to save time. It takes some time for the chia seeds to absorb the milk and turn into a pudding.

Smoothie Bowl

Blend frozen bananas with (or without) frozen berries. This will create a pudding-like blend. Top this with nuts to add protein and fiber to your breakfast. This is a good ice cream alternative as well for an after school snack– the consistency can be varied with your blending technique and additional ingredients. Experiment! Tip: It is handy to keep frozen bananas in the refrigerator. Make sure to freeze them when they are ripe and without the peel.

Avocado Toast

Avocado Toast Y

Select dark or specialty breads to make sure it is high in fiber. Make sure to avoid Farmhouse white breads as they are bleached and contain no nutritional value. For a more gourmet option: add cottage cheese, smoked salmon or cucumbers for a vegetarian option.


FITNESS By Sunil Happy Hour Bajaj


veryone alive has at least one similarity. They all want to be HAPPY. However, being happy does not come automatically for most of us like many assume. It is something we have to work on. There is no on-demand button to achieve instant happiness. It is not difficult, but is something we have to work on. There are some people we all think of as “happy go lucky”, but they are very few and far between. They have probably grown up around the parentage, circumstances, environment, or schooling which facilitates this happy attitude. Happy people are usually socially fluent, helpful, and very pleasant to be around. Most of us strive to be like these happy-go-lucky species, but we don’t do much to attain the state.


We are ready to work on everything else---we go to the gym to build muscles, we do cardio workouts to be fit, we slog at school to get good grades, we put our heart and souls into our careers to attain a better life, but we do little or nothing to ensure we are happier. Being happy is a work in process and is quite simple if we are determined to be so. It is a choice. Once you make that choice and consciously constantly act upon it, life is one long Happy Hour! It starts becoming a habit and slowly becomes an inherent part of your personality. How does one start. It is really simple. Make sure every morning you DECIDE to be happy. Gradually incorporate as many of the following into your daily life as possible;

Keep a few minutes daily to have a mini vacation, it can be as simple as watching or listening to your favorite radio program, taking your dog for a walk or going for a walk; whatever makes you happy. Laugh every day, even if you have to force it. Remember, laughter is an instant vacation. Keep life simple. Speak to a good friend often, even for a minute. This is better and cheaper than paying shrinks. Meditate, or pretend to. Everybody has special memories which bring smiles to their faces. Keep an inventory and think of them often. It’s like watching Happy TV, and free. Listen to music you love. Keep a playlist ready. Even one special song changes your day. It isn’t easy, but stop criticizing people. If you cannot say something good about someone, just don’t talk about them. Surround yourselves with good people. Make good friends and nurture your relationships with them. Try not to take things personally. Be Teflon coated. Spend time with children, they are really fun. Remember that happiness is infectious so try to surround yourself with happy people. Use the F word frequently, FORGIVE. Eat dark chocolate. Cultivate meaningful hobbies, so as you age, you have things you are passionate about. Take a few minutes every evening and be thankful for the good things that happened to you that day---you will be surprised at the list! Remember, nobody can make you unhappy without your permission. Lastly, work hard and honestly, but don’t be too hard on yourself; you are not going to get out of this world alive, no matter what you do.

Look at things in a positive light. Life isn’t about your glass being half full or half empty. Be happy you have a glass! Smile as often as you can, even when you are not happy. The more you smile, the happier you become. Be helpful to people, say kind things. This will make you the happiest. Exercise. Get out in the nature. Get some sunshine every day.



Ask The Q Expert


What do you think yoga has to offer on a practical level to people who are listening now, who have jobs, live in the world and whose time is limited?

Yoga has to offer health, peace of mind freedom from tension, and the possibility of a higher quality of mind. For that they must set apart at least thirty minutes from their life and invest it in the practices of yoga for mental and spiritual wellbeing.


What a right time of day for yoga?

The best time to practice is before breakfast, early in the morning, though other times are also suitable. Ideally practice ought to be carried out daily, but it is not necessary to set yourself a strict timetable. Setting aside a regular time is good for establishing a routine. Don’t worry if you stop for a period of time, you can always start again.


We are told that yoga can help in the treatment of physical and mental illnesses. I am especially interested in knowing how yoga can help in mental illness?

When you practice yoga you are transforming your nature and at the same time you are improving the quality of your mind. Through the practices of healthy yoga you are trying to balance the influxes of the nervous systems, which of course affects our mental behavior . There is also a very integral system in the healthy yoga philosophy called the balancing or compensation in the knots which we would say are endocrines. Through the practices of hatha yoga . raja yoga and bhakti yoga there is always a possibility of bringing about a state of mind or emotion, a biological process, through which the mental disorder descended from any of these sources can be eradicated.


Yoga can even influence the biochemical imbalances which occur in the brain?

Sure! Even through the practice of pranayama, by a process of concentration, and by creating a change in the brain wave patterns.


I have been suffering from numbness of hands and feet for a long time. Is there a connection between low blood pressure? How can we increase blood pressure?

Our Expert

Numbness of the body is due to pressure in certain parts of the body and organs which inhibit the supply of blood. Even normal, healthy people experience this numbness when they lie or sit in the wrong posture. In Yoga, we believe numbness of any part of the body is due to postural defect. So it is more important to correct the body posture. Certain yoga poses , Pranayama, and bandhas help to raise the blood pressure. Asanas should be dynamic, like surya namaskar and trikonasana. Kapalbhati , uddhyana bandha, jalandhara bandha, and agnisar kriya will also help to raise the blood pressure.



At what age should you teach pranayama to children?

M.D. (Alt. Med.), Ph.D.(Yoga), N.D.(Naturopathy), Ayurveda Ratan.

Experience- 32 years (since 1982) Write to him at

After four years, but with no retention. Simple Breathing only.



Can one teach bhramari pranayama between the ages of two and a half and four years?

B.D.S., M.I.A.I.D.(Bombay) Dental surgeon & Oral Implantologist

Write to him at

Yes, it help them and children like to make the humming sound ‘mm-mm-mm-mm…..’ Y






Arish Heidy Cho Ananya Suri

Janya Krishna








THE GLOBE Featuring the most awesome photos sent in by our healthy yoga community of Yogis, Meditators, and athletes.


Anita Amini







Yogi Lalit

Omroom Bangkok Events

Yogatique Bangkok Events

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Prem Yoga and Prana Center Event

Little Yogi Bangkok Workshop


Healthy Yoga Thailand

Health is the fundamental aim of Life


Therapeutic Yoga Yoga for Kids Yoga for Weight loss Yoga for Healthy life (Healthy Yoga) Pranayama and Meditation


A private class for all ages, Workouts available at your convenient time and place. Please contact for schedule and reservation. Prices start at B 2000/-for a 10 classes course.

For more information, please contact Healthy Yoga Apt-7 A, Komal Villa,57/2, Sukhumvit Soi-12,Bangkok, 08 996 575 04,


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