Volume 28/issue 4
july/august 2020 US$15
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Contents july/August 2020 VOLUME 28 / ISSUE 4
Australian Army Tiger Armed Reconnaissance Helicopters (ARH) operating off HMAS Canberra during Indo-Pacific Endeavour 2019. (Royal Australian Navy)
With growing threats all around, the Japan Maritime Self-Defence Force needs to bolster its electronic warfare capabilities. Dr. Thomas Withington reports
There has been a quickening in the development and adoption of unmanned rotorcraft for naval forces as Andrew Drwiega explans.
Christopher Foss details some of the complexities designed into ammunition for 105mm and 155mm artillery.
Andrew Drwiega looks at whether Airbus has done enough to gain a reprieve for its ARH Tiger fleet or will the ADF feel that enough really isn’t enough.
Jon Lake examines the development of high tech combat helmets for today’s front line pilots.
Warship building in Australia is now a headline commitment, reports Tim Fish.
Asian naval shipbuilding is meeting the trends of regional requirements. Tim Fish explains.
Just as UAS has risen in importance for the military, so has the need for bringing them back down to earth, as Stephen W Miller finds out.
Maritime deployment for SOF requires a new look at what they will need as Great Power competition makes a comeback, says Andrew White.
JR Ng reviews South Korea’s investment in keeping its forces current and in line with the threat from the North.
| july/AUgUST 2020 |
Ben Ho looks at historical examples of why the security of air bases needs to be regularly reviewed.
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order tension between India and China turned into actual conflict on Monday 15 June when reportedly over 60 soldiers from both sides were either killed or injured. The fighting took place in the Galwan Valley region of Ladakh, in the western Himalayas.
This region in northern India includes the states of Jammu and Kashmir, and Ladakh, both within the very sensitive area of what was Indian Administered Kashmir. That changed in August 2019 when the Indian Government amended Article 370 which had given Jammu and Kashmir the power to have a separate constitution and autonomy over its internal administration, granted through the 1954 Presidential Order. This provoked a predictable reaction from Pakistan saying that it would not give up on its claims to the region due to nearly 70 percent of the population being Muslim. Regular border clashes with Pakistan, especially over the historically contested Siachen Glacier, added to the Indian government’s decision to tie the region further into India.
Over the border on the north eastern side of Ladakh is Chinese administered Aksai Chin, part of the Xinjiang and Tibet Autonomous Regions. This is claimed by India which views it as the eastern most part of Ladakh. Although very high, around 14,000 feet on average, it is sparsely populated but close enough to the Sunni Muslim population of Uyghurs, who are native to the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. The Chinese authorities have been persecuting the Uyghur communities for their religious and cultural beliefs since 2014 and it has been widely reported that hundreds of thousands of Uyghurs are being kept in mass detention camps which China euphemistically calls re-education camps. The presence of the China National Highway 219, which runs through the Aksai Chin and Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region allows the Chinese military to quickly bring forces into the disputed area. India has seen this as a strategic weakness and has been extending its own local road network and improving airfields. Some of this work was, China claimed, being extended into the Aksai Chin area, which may have been a trigger to the conflict. However, as this issue of AMR was closing, reports were emerging from Indian media that satellite imagery was showing that the Chinese were damming the Galwan river at the Sino-Indian border to obstruct its flow, a move that could alter the geography of the land. The aim of this could be to physically alter the terrain to somehow strengthen China’s claims in the area. As I reported in my Bunker Briefing on Monday 22 June (www.armadainternational.com), Indian Defence Minister Rajnath Singh met with Chief of Defence Staff General Bipin Rawat and three service Chiefs on Sunday 21 June to discuss the situation in Ladakh. He reportedly gave them “full freedom to deal with any aggressive behaviour by China‘s People’s Liberation Army along the Line of Actual Control (LAC),’ with the military tasked to keep a “strict vigil” on all Chinese activities. China, of course, is no stranger to altering geography to gain strategic advantage. The island building campaign that has been ongoing in the South China Sea is a perfect example of the lengths to which the Chinese government will go. And this has not been the only site of military border conflict between the two countries. In 2017, Indian and Chinese troops again clashed over China’s attempt to construct a road in the Doklam plateau region, an area described as the tri-junction border area between China, Bhutan and India. A pattern is emerging of a strengthening China asserting its dominance over disputed areas and places where it historically not have full control, such as in Hong Kong. Watch out for more of the same, particularly around the increasingly disputed Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea, and of course the great prize for the Chinese government - Taiwan. Andrew Drwiega, Editor-in-Chief
Editor-in-Chief: Andrew Drwiega Tel: +44 1494 765245, E-mail: andrew@mediatransasia.com Publishing Office: Chairman: J.S. Uberoi Media Transasia Limited,1603, 16/F, Island Place Tower, 510 King’s Road, Hong Kong Operations Office: President: Egasith Chotpakditrakul Chief Financial Officer: Gaurav Kumar General Manager: Jakhongir Djalmetov International Marketing Manager: Roman Durksen Digital Manager: David Siriphonphutakun Sales & Marketing Coordinator: Wajiraprakan Punyajai Art Director: Hatsada Tirawutsakul Production Executive: Wanlaya Thiangrungreung Circulation Officer: Yupadee Seabea Media Transasia Ltd. 75/8, 14th Floor, Ocean Tower II, Soi Sukhumvit 19, Sukhumvit Road, Bangkok 10110, Thailand. Tel: 66 (0)-2204 2370, Fax: 66 (0)-2204 2390 -1
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The COMINT gathering station in Chitose. The large circular antenna arrays used for collecting HF COMINT and locating emitters can be clearly seen in the centre and bottom left-hand corner of this image.
While Japan has long been involved in the electronic warfare domain, the country’s navy needs to enhance its strategic EW capabilities.
apan is an Electronic Warfare (EW) veteran. In an incident now worthy of the EW Hall of Fame, 116 years ago, the crew of a Royal Navy ‘Eclipse’ class protected cruiser stationed in the Suez Canal found that they could intercept Russian Navy High Frequency (three megahertz/MHz to 30MHz) radio communications. The Communications Intelligence (COMINT) gathered by the crew of HMS Diana on 28 January 1904 warned that the fleet of Tsar Nicholas II, who would be the last Emperor of Russia, was mobilising and heading into the
by Thomas Withington Pacific. The intelligence was duly passed to the UK’s ally Japan, with the Imperial Japanese Navy performing a surprise attack on the Imperial Russian Navy stationed at Port Arthur, which today resides on the coast of Liaoning province in the northeast of the People’s Republic of China. The Russo-Japanese War was now underway. COMINT collection would be performed by Japan during the conflict, with Russian communications intercepted and their codes broken. Over a century later, Japan continues to be heavily involved in the collection of
| Asian Military Review |
Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) with the country’s JMSDF (Japan Maritime SelfDefence Force), like the country’s other armed services, reliant on this intelligence. SIGINT refers to the communications intelligence, and electronic intelligence, the latter of which mainly pertains to radar transmissions, collecting by SIGINT practitioners.
THREATS The JMSDF has much to worry about. Its maritime neighbourhood includes the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) of the People’s Republic of China to the
sea power
to address these potential threats, and also disputes with the Republic of Korea (ROK) over the jointly claimed Dokdo/ Takeshima Islands in the southern Sea of Japan and with Taiwan over the sovereignty of the Senkaku Islands northeast of the island. Prof Tanter argues that “it isn’t really possible to describe the Republic of Korea as an ally of Japan, much to the despair of US alliance planners.” Consequently “precise levels and areas of Japan-ROK intelligence sharing have been difficult to track, other than through the public vicissitudes of the Japan-ROK GSOMIA (General Security of Military Information Agreement).” The GSOMIA as an intelligence sharing pact between Japan and the ROK which also involves the US, intended to enhance intelligence sharing vis-a-vis the DPRK. The pact has come under marked strain in recent years against a backdrop of tensions between Japan and the Republic of Korea regarding the former’s colonial rule of the Korean peninsula between 1910 and 1945, and Japan’s conduct there during the Second World War. The JMSDF’s SIGINT posture rests on the collection of COMINT and ELINT by ground installations, warships and aircraft. The principle clearing house for all SIGINT received by the JMSDF
is the Ocean Surveillance Information System (OSIS) based at the navy’s fleet headquarters in Yokosuka, on the southern coast of Honshu island.
SHORE STATIONS The Japanese government maintains several ground stations operated by the JMSDF tasked with collecting SIGINT including HF traffic from shipping with a high emphasis placed on the location of these signals as a means of tracking vessels of interest. Stations are located in Miho on the west coast of Honshu Island, and at Chitose on the southern coast of Hokkaido Island. This latter station is primarily tasked with intercepting HF traffic from the Russian Far East, which almost certainly includes Pacific Fleet HF traffic. The SIGINT facility on the island of Kikai-Jima at the southern tip of the archipelago performs a similar role although it is likely to be largely concerned with collecting COMNIT from the PRC. Other COMINT collection facilities are based at Wakkanai, on the northern tip of Hokkaido which may be tasked with collecting COMINT from the DPRK and Russia, Nemuro in northeast of the island; Kobunto on the west coast of Honshu, also probably focused on the DPRK; Tachiari in the north of Kyushu,
US Navy
southwest, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s Korean People’s Navy (KPN) to the west and the Russian Navy’s Pacific Fleet headquartered in Vladivostok to the northeast. Japan’s close relationship with the United States, and its strategic rivalry with the first two nations makes the Sea of Japan, the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea all areas of interest, and of potential tension, for the JMSDF. Professor Richard Tanter, a senior research associate at the Nautilus Institute, a think tank based in Berkeley, California and co-author with Professor Desmond Ball of The Tools of Owatatsumi, a seminal discussion of Japan’s SIGINT gathering apparatus, told AMR that over “the past three decades Russia concerns have been surpassed by perceived North Korean and (on a much larger scale) China threats, (particularly) China’s expanded regional pattern of intrusion into Japan’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and defence-sensitive locations.” Moreover, the Japanese government is wedded to a doctrinal requirement for the JMSDF to protect sea lines of communications up to 540 nautical miles/nm (1000 kilometres/ km) from the country. Little surprise then that the EW capabilities of the JMSDF and Japan’s armed services writ large have evolved
The US Navy and JMSDF continue to enjoy high levels of cooperation and intelligence sharing. This may include some sharing of ELINT gathered by US Navy space assets.
| july/August 2020 |
Toshinori Baba
data which is later analysed and shared with the JMSDF and Japan’s other armed services. Conversely the ships and aircraft may collect SIGINT which is used at the operational level directly by the JMSDF and by Japan’s air and ground self defence forces. For example, ELINT collected by the EP-3Cs concerning potentially hostile ground-based air surveillance or fire control/ground controlled interception radars would be of great interest to the air force alongside the navy. ELINT and COMINT gathered by JMSDF assets is believed to be analysed by the navy’s Electronic Intelligence Centre which will also receive and process ELINT delivered from Japan’s other defence and intelligence communities. Thoughts are now turning to the EP-3C’s replacement. Japan is currently flight-testing its new Kawasaki EC-2 ELINT platform which is expected to enter service with the JASDF over the coming year. This same platform could yet replace the JMSDF’s EP-3Cs.
south of the ROK and at Ishigaki in the south of the Ryukyu archipelago west of Taiwan. Additional ground stations have been completed in the city of Miyakojima on Myako Island in Okinawa prefecture, Japan’s southernmost prefecture, and two additional stations on the island of Yonaguni one of Japan’s westernmost inhabited islands. A station has also been constructed on the island of Iwo Jima in the Bonin Island archipelago 540nm (1,000km) south of Tokyo. Prof Tanter says that the construction of these stations means that Japan now has a SIGINT gathering apparatus which covers the entirety of the country’s 110,199 square nautical mile (377,975 square kilometre) EEZ; the eighth largest in the world.
VESSELS Ships operated by the JMSDF thought to be used for SIGINT collection include the polar icebreaker Shirase which and three oceanographic research vessels, the Futami, Nichinan and Shonan, open sources state, may assist SIGINT gathering efforts. Nonetheless, some sources say that these vessels are primarily concerned with the collection of acoustic intelligence. Prof Tanter argues that as these vessels
“are inadequate to extend their SIGINT role to match further seas ambitions” for Japan. Japan’s warships, particularly its large surface combatants are outfitted with Electronic Support Measures (ESMs) capable of gathering COMINT as well as ELINT. At best these will be capable of collecting such intelligence at the tactical and operational levels, in support of a task group. The problem for the JMSDF is that it lacks the capability to collect SIGINT at the strategic level. This could become an increasingly pressing priority in the Asia-Pacific as tensions with the DPRK and PRC show no immediate signs of lessening. It might become prudent for the JMSDF to invest in a strategic SIGINT gathering vessels, although there are no immediate signs that such an acquisition is in the offing.
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The JMSDF icebreaker Shirase may have a residual role in collecting SIGINT, although the ship is not optimised for such a mission, and thus the navy has a need for a strategic-level
Beyond the capabilities discussed above, the JMSDF continues to maintain close links with the US Navy. This is highly apparent in the intelligence-sharing arena and is illustrated, Prof Tanter says, by the colocation of the US Navy Seventh Fleet and the JMSDF headquarters at Yokosuka naval base on the southern coast of Honshu. He continues that the US Navy and JMSDF collaborate in several initiatives: For example, the
AIRCRAFT Although the JMSDF lacks dedicated SIGINT collection vessels, this is not the case for aircraft. The fleet has four Lockheed Martin EP-3C SIGINT aircraft, closely based on the EP-3Es flown by the US Navy. It is possible that the division of labour sees the shore stations tasked with the strategic collection of ‘raw’ SIGINT
| Asian Military Review |
The circular HF COMINT collection array is clearly visible in this overhead picture of the SIGINT station on Kikai-Jima. This facility is most probably tasked with collecting COMINT vis-à-vis PRC HF traffic.
! E IC
A JMSDF EP-3C is seen here on the ramp in the foreground of this picture. There is the possibility that this aircraft will be replaced in the future by a version of the EC-2 SIGINT aircraft equipping the JASDF.
SIGINT obtained by the JMSDF platforms discussed above is fed into the force’s Ocean Surveillance System (OSIS) and some of this data is shared with the US Navy, Prof. Tanter continues. The OSIS also includes acoustic, ELINT and imagery intelligence drawn from JMSDF underwater acoustic sensors, coastal radar stations, maritime patrol aircraft, naval and coastguard vessels. Meanwhile the Japanese government’s Misawa satellite station in northeast Honshu acts as a ground station receiving raw ELINT from the US Navy’s Naval Ocean Surveillance System constellation of 18 Intruder satellites operational since 2001. It would be surprising if at least some of this ELINT was not shared with the US’ close ally and its host for the Misawa portion of the Intruder network.
CHALLENGES One of the major problems facing the JMSDF is that it is largely reliant on the JGSDF and JASDF for much of the relevant ELINT and COMINT it receives. The force will need to acquire new SIGINT aircraft, and will probably need a dedicated SIGINT vessel at some point in the near future if it is to develop an independent and capable strategic and operational SIGINT collection capability: “Apart from underwater surveillance,
the JGSDF does most of the maritime surveillance,” notes Prof Tanter. With the EEZ fully covered with by SIGINT collection ground stations, Prof Tanter argues that investment is now needed into “surveillance ships and SIGINT satellites” alongside the extension of airborne SIGINT collection coverage into the South China Sea and the South Pacific: “The latter would depend in part on deeper interoperability and operational integration with partner countries” such as Australia and the US, Prof. Tanter continues. The JMSDF clearly needs to invest in its SIGINT collection, not only to aid the fleet, but also to feed into the wider Japanese intelligence apparatus. On the one hand, investments to this end could herald billions of dollars of expenditure. Nonetheless, such capabilities in terms of ships, aircraft and the all-important ESMs that will equip them could easily be sourced domestically. It is noteworthy that the EC-2 is being built indigenously and, although specific details regarding its ESM are sparse, this will almost certainly be sourced domestically. Companies like Fujitsu and Mitsubishi Electric are acknowledged EW centres of excellence. While both have largely demurred from exports, as a result of Japan’s arms proliferation strictures, they are firmly
| Asian Military Review |
established as domestic EW suppliers. The domestic approach allows Japan to remain independent in terms of reliance on electronic warfare equipment while exploiting the competencies in electronics and computing where the country has a justifiably enviable reputation. That said, any global economic slowdown as a result of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic could make its mark on the Japanese defence budget. In December 2019 Japanese defence expenditure increased for the eighth year running enjoying a 1.3 percent growth on the previous year to take defence spending to $48.6 billion until 2021. In total, the country’s defence budget has increased by 13 percent since 2012. A global recession could cause this trend to flatline or reduce in the coming years, particularly if Japan’s military and policy makers believe that the JMSDF’s SIGINT appetite can continue to be satisfied from existing capabilities owned by other services. It maybe 116 years since Japan helped raise the dawn of SIGINT, yet the Land of the Rising Sun will continue to face security challenges in the naval domain. The extent to which the JMSDF it can meet tomorrow’s security challenges will depend in part on Japan’s ability to procure today the SIGINT tools her navy will need. AMR
An aviation support maintainer inspecting the main rotor assembly on the Schiebel S-100 Camcopter prior to its flight from Jervis Bay airfield, close to HMAS Creswell. in February, 2020.
A number of OEMs are at various stages of developing unmanned rotorcraft that can be used off the back of a variety of warships.
by Andrew Drwiega
report on the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Market published by MarketsandMarkets, intelligence and market research company on 29 October, 2019, concluded: “Asia Pacific is projected to be the fastest-growing market for UAVs during the forecast period (2019-2025).” The growth is forecast across both the military and civil sectors. While there will be undeniable high civl sector growth, the report points out that it will be the military budgets from countries such as China, India and Japan that have been “increasing on a yearly basis, which has subsequently led to the adoption of military UAVs, as they assist in the collection of battlefield data.” The report highlights the increasing development of flight control systems together with advances being made in sense and avoid that will drive the adoption of UAVs forward. In the military, not subject to commercial regulations, there will be a significant increase in the beyond line of
sight (BLOS) segment of the market due to the need for UAVs to be capable of longer ranges and greater endurance. According to the report: “Based on mode of operation, the fully autonomous UAVs segment is projected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period.”
Unmanned naval rotorcraft In the Indo-Pacific, the Australian Armed Forces have been leading the way in their planning for, and adoption, of unmanned systems for both land and maritime deployment. On 25 October, 2018, the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) officially commission the 822X Squadron to conduct all its evaluations regarding UAS entering the current and future maritime fleets, as well as managing them operationally onboard ships. Currently the Squadron’s responsibilities will include the deployments of Schiebel’s sensor carrying S-100 Camcopter and the lighter long endurance Insitu ScanEagle. Aside from the core tactical role that UAS will serve when operating with the
| Asian Military Review |
RAN, which is delivering Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR), the UAS are likely to play an increasingly greater role in war fighting by delivering contributing capabilities into surface and amphibious warfare, anti-submarine and fire-support roles, as well as supporting interdiction operations and assisting with all round force protection. On 9 March the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) and Schiebel completed acceptance tests of the Camcopter S-100’s new heavy fuel S2 engine. The company billed the engine as “as a next generation replacement for the current propulsion unit.” Its arrival will increase the performance of the S-100 and allow it longevity while waiting for the new naval vessels to be commissioned. Austrian company Schiebel was awarded a contract to develop a naval VOTL UAS capability following its selection in 2017 as a result of Navy Minor Project (NMP) 1942. The test flights were designed to demonstrate not only the endurance of the S-100 but also the “Maximum Take Off Weight (MTOW) - with multiple payloads.” These included an L3 Harris Wescam MX-10 real-time Electro-Optical/ Infra-Red (EO/IR) camera, an Automatic Identification System (AIS), a L3 Harris Bandit transceiver and a Mode-S Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast (ADS-B) transponder. Schiebel stated that it developed a new proprietary S2 heavy fuel engine, which uses JP-5 (F-44) and Jet-A1 fuels, to “enable the RAN to continue to expand their test and evaluation programme, examining advanced Vertical Takeoff and Landing (VTOL) UAS capabilities ahead of the Sea 129 Phase 5 Programme.” This programme’s aim is to determine the UAS that will operate off the RAN´s new Arafura Class Offshore Patrol Vessels (OPVs), and the new Hunter-class frigates. The UMS Skeldar is rapidly working its way into contention for any navy in the Asia-Pacific looking for a maritime VTOL capability. The UMS Skeldar, a joint venture between UMS Aero Group and Saab signed in December 2015, was a contender for the RAN contract in 2016. Since then recent successes have included the selection of the Skeldar V-200 by the German Navy announced in August 2018 and by the Canadian Navy in May 2019, with further announcements expected imminently regarding other European naval contracts. However, in 2016 the Indonesian
P r o m o t i o n
ositioned as one of the world’s most advanced and versatile naval defense systems, IAI’s Barak MX is a mature, sophisticated maritime air and missile defense system that is currently in various stages of deployment on 30 naval vessels. The system can defeat a wide spectrum of threats encountered at sea, ranging from airbreathing (fighter aircraft, guided and cruise missiles), rotary-wing (helicopters, drones), and gliding and ballistic threats, or other aerial capabilities that may evolve in the future. As a modular surface-to-air missile system, Barak MX integrates cutting edge sensors, computing systems, advanced algorithms, datalink communications, and interceptors into a complete air and missile defense system. Unlike inflexible legacy systems defined by firm configurations (sensors and interceptors), Barak MX can integrate with different radars, launchers, and missiles, thus optimized to the user’s unique challenges. Barak MX comprises three building blocks – IAI and/or customer supplied sensors, a range of interceptors, and a network-centric Battle Management Center (BMC) tailored for joint force, air and missile defense.
MFSTAR- both operational cutting-edge radars developed by IAI\ELTA. Barak MX also has options for simple integration with any legacy radar and sensors the customer provides. The advanced modular system design of the BARAK MX enables software based upgrades and enhancements to address evolving threats and challenges over the system life time. A universal launcher can house three types of interceptors, enabling the user to determine the defense strategy and tailor the battle economy to their specific requirements. This approach provides Barak MX customers with unique plug and play capability mixing sensors and interceptors, making the entire system more affordable by achieving the lowest cost per kill. Currently, Barak MX supports a selection of short and medium-range interceptors that share many common elements and components. These include the Barak Medium-Range Air-Defense (MRAD) missile, a short-range interceptor capable at a range of up to 35 km. The missiles use an advanced active RF seeker optimized against highly maneuvering and low-radar signature targets. The Long-Range Air Defense (LRAD), which is operational on several platforms, intercepts targets at ranges up to 70 km. Both MRAD and LRAD use the same RF radar homing seeker as well as most of their hardware and software. MRAD employs a single pulse rocket motor, while LRAD uses a dual-pulse solid rocket engine to provide high maneuverability in the end game, even at long ranges. The MRAD and LRAD effectors can be mixed in any combination in the eight-cell universal vertical launcher.
A Flexible Approach
The system integrates IAI’s fully digital phased array radars in a variety of sizes and configurations, from a single rotating face ALPHA radar or the static four-face array
| may 2019 |
Another version, Barak LRAD-ER, uses a propulsion system comprising a booster and dual-pulse rocket engine thereby extending the missile’s effective intercept range to 150 km. The RF seeker and datalink used on this variant were adapted accordingly. By adding LRAD-ER interceptors, Barak MX extends its defensive capability to defeat ballistic missiles. LRAD-ER also fits into the universal launcher, offering users an upgrade opportunity when required.
Protecting the Naval Task-Force
While Barak MX offers an impressive performance when operating in standalone missions, its unique capabilities shine when operating in a group employing the proprietary Joint Task-Force Coordination (JTC). This mode of operation provides the task force a cooperative engagement capability currently operated only by the US Navy. As an integral part of Barak MX, JTC has been implemented with operational Barak systems and has been demonstrated in operational testing by the Indian Navy. JTC enables members of a task force to contribute to, and share, a common situational picture, receive target allocations and tracks from the command ship and perform intercepts in a network-centric operation. Under the JTC concept, the sky picture and early warning are processed and synthesized at the task-force level. The unified picture is used in order to allocate targets and missions to the different task-force members. This coordination ensures optimal use of interceptors, eliminates ‘double booking’ of targets, and ensures vessels remain armed to continue the mission. Compared to other naval anti-air and missile defense systems built to rely only on the platform resources on which they are installed, IAI’s Barak MX offers a unique network-centric area defense capability achieved by sharing sensors and interceptors from the different vessels operating in the task force. With a modular design and software customization, Barak MX offers an affordable tailored solution to meets customer requirements.
The predecessor of the VSR 700, the Cabri G2 helicopter aboard the French Navy frigate Forbin back in 2017.
Ministry of Defence became the first military customer for the V-350 civil type of UAS offered by Skeldar, and was delivered together with a training package. it is more simple to certify to civilian standards. The V-200 has already been proved as an asset in anti-piracy operations, having been used during EU Naval Force (EU NAVFOR) operations off the coast of Somalia during Operation Atalanta. This role could be similarly exercises by countries around Asia. Airbus performed the first flight
of its VSR 700 prototype UAS, albeit tethered, on 8 November last year. The test was conducted at a facility near Aix-en-Provence in the south of France. According to the company, it successfully completed a number of take-off and landing cycles, with the longest lasting around 10 minutes. The VSR700 has evolved from the light Guimbal Cabri G2 helicopter, an optionally piloted version of which Airbus first flew in 2017. At this early stage of testing the VSR700 prototype was tethered with a 30 metre cable to comply with regulatory authority requirements. Testing will continue in 2020 towards the first free flight which will then be followed by more complex flight testing. The VSR700 has evolved from light Guimbal Cabri G2 helicopter, an optionally piloted version of which flew in 2017. “This first flight of the VSR700 prototype is a major milestone for the programme as we make progress on the operational demonstrator for the French Navy that will perform trials in 2021 in partnership with Naval Group,” said Bruno Even, CEO at Airbus Helicopters. Further planned testing over the next couple of years will involve parallel testing of onboard applications to validate the UAS and mission performance. MTOW is in the 500-1000kg range. The prototype now has its own avionics and advanced flight control system. The pilot cockpit has also been replaced with a payload bay to house mission equipment. A second demonstrator for the French Navy’s Airborne Drone System “Système de Drone Aérien pour la Marine” (SDAM) - programme has been confirmed by the French Defence procurement UMS Skeldar
UMS Skeldar’s V-200 is gaining the attention of naval operators, from Canada and particularly Europe.
| Asian Military Review |
agency (DGA) as part of the PlanAero. This second SDAM prototype will be aimed at identifying the equipment and specifications needed to meet the French Navy’s expected operational needs. Sea trials aboard a French Navy multipurpose frigate (FREMM) will take place at the end of 2021. The AWHero is Leonardo’s entry into the maritime UAS market, although the company will also offer it as a land asset. In the 200kg class, it is currently undergoing its military certification by ARMAEREO in Italy. Leonardo states that the AWHero’s Military Type Certificate from the Italian Military Authority (DAAA) “is expected in the late 2020 timeframe”. It has already been demonstrated in the European Defence Agency (EDA) Ocean2020 exercise in the Mediterranean Sea. Operating from an Italian Navy FREMM frigate, and mounting an EO/IR turret with AIS transceiver, it successfully detected, identified and tracked the targets. The Hero is NATO STANAG-4586 compliant and operated from a Ground Control Station (GCS) by two operators and has been designed to utilise sensors, datalink, data processing and analysis, with cyber security. Flight testing is currently underway (after a brief stop due to the COVID-19 crisis) and will continue through 2020. One regional development that has had a slow beginning is the Indian Naval Rotary Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (NRUV), which has been a joint development between Hindustan Aeronautics (HAL) and IAI’s Malat Solutions. The initial role for the NRUV was to be as was to be as a communications and ISR maritime asset but development has been predictably slow. The platform is an an upgraded Chetak, now called Chetan (which is a manufactured under license Alouette II) with a Turbomeca TM 333 2M2 engine. it is transformed into a rotarty UAV through IAI’s Helicopter Modification Suite (HeMoS). Available data indicates that it is likely to have a maximum endurance of six hours with a 120km range. Sensors suggested for the UAS include maritime surveillance radars and electro-optical payloads that would include signals and communications intelligence gathering SIGINT/COMINT. One prototype has reportedly been produced although further details of testing are not known. AMR
THE CROSS-DOMAIN MARITIME SOLUTION SeaGuardian is the revolutionary interoperable cross-domain solution – its world-class sensor suite, persistence, and low operating cost combined with its civil airspace compliant design make it the ideal platform for superior maritime domain awareness. From a family of trusted UAS surpassing 6M flight hours.
Leading The Situational Awareness Revolution
Nammo’s range extension solutions for artillery range from 40+km range with base bleed to ramjet-powered shells capable of 150km or more.
MAKING THE SHELL FIT THE JOB Artillery ammunition developments are driven by greater flexibity of round, the need for more range and increased accuracy.
he fielding of new conventional tube artillery systems, be they towed or self-propelled (SP), is only one part of a total artillery capability that also takes into account the key roles of artillery fire control, target acquisition and ammunition. While 105mm artillery are still used by air assault and commando type artillery units, 155mm is the most widely deployed calibre and that is the main area where investment is taking place. For many years the standard 105mm high-explosive (HE) projectile was the United States developed M1 which, when fired from the Oto Melara (today Leonardo) 105mm Model 56 Pack
by Christopher F Foss Howitzer, achieved a maximum range of 10.5 kilometres. New 105mm artillery systems had a longer barrel and fired a new generation of ammunition. The Royal Ordnance (now BAE Systems) 105mm L118 Light Gun fired an L31A4 HE projectile to a maximum range of 17.2km Other types of round include the L52A2 smoke. Still under development is the XL32E1 HE base-bleed (BB) with a range of over 20km. This uses a gas generator to reduce the vacuum at the bottom of the shell which reduces the drag. For training, the barrel of the 105mm L118 Light Gun could be changed for a shorter barrel to enable the older and cheaper 105mm M1 ammunition to be
| Asian Military Review |
used; this version referred to as the L119 Light Gun. The only competitor for the 105mm L118 Light Gun is the more recently developed Nexter Systems 105mm Light Gun which, although not adopted by the French Army, has had major success on the export market with sales made to Belgium, Canada, Colombia, Indonesia, Singapore (no longer deployed) and Thailand. The 105mm Light Gun fires a new family of ammunition developed by Nexter Munitions including HE Hollow Base (HB) with a maximum range of 15km and BB with a maximum range of 18.5km, with other rounds also including smoke.
l and warfare
PART OR WHOLE In addition to the actual 155mm artillery projectile, other elements include the charge system and the nose mounted fuze. Some countries have competitions for a complete artillery ammunition package while others have a competition for each part. Conventional 155mm bag charges are giving way to Modular Charge Systems (MCS), or bi-MCS. These are more efficient and well suited to automatic ammunition handling systems and are being fitted to an increasing number of SP artillery systems to increase rates of fire and reduce crew fatigue. A number of contractors produce MCS including Nexter Munitions/ EURENCO, Nammo, Rheinmetall Weapons & Munitions and Rheinmetall Denel Munitions. In April 2020, the latter announced an $80 million international contract for their latest 155mm Tactical Modular Charges (TMS) for delivery in 2021. The main types of 155mm ammunition are still HE, smoke and illuminating but the requirement for increased range has been achieved via HB, BB or rocketassist (RA), with a few 155mm projectiles having a combination of BB and RA. China North Industries Corporation (NORINCO) market a complete family of 155mm projectiles and associated charges with their 155mm DDBO3 ERFBBB-RA HE projectile claimed to have a maximum range of 51km when fired from a 155mm/52 calibre weapon. Rheinmetall Denel Munitions also has a similar projectile called Velocity enhanced Long Range Artillery Projectile (V-LAP) which combines BB and RA to achieve longer ranges. During a demonstration in November 2019 a KMW/Rheinmetall PzH 2000 155mm/52 cal fired a V-LAP to a range of nearly 67km with a new top charge while the G6 howitzer with a 155 mm/52 cal and a 25 litre chamber with a modified M64 Zone 6 charge fired a V-LAP to a maximum range of 76km.
Another type of 155mm munition is the Extended Range Full Bore (ERFB) which is more streamlined projectile with nubs and which can be of the HB, BB or RA type. Using internal research and development funding, NAMMO has developed and placed in production its new IM HE ER projectile designated NM269 which is claimed to have an enhanced blast effect to defeat armour as well as soft targets. The maximum range when fired from a 155mm/52 calibre ordnance is 41km when using six Rheinmetall DM72 MACS. This is available with a BB or HB unit which can be attached in the field and is supplemented by illuminating, smoke and practice projectiles. Spanish company EXPAL is now in quantity production of the 155 ERO2A1 HE projectile for the Spanish Army. The ER designation refers to Extended Range which is achieved using a more streamlined shape with filling being of the IM or conventional HE type. It can be fitted with a HB or a BB unit with the latter achieving maximum range which is 30km when fired from a 39 calibre ordnance and 39km when fired from a 155mm/52 calibre ordnance. In Turkey, MKEK produce a wide range of ammunition including the 155mm HE Extended Range Mod 274 which has a maximum range of 39km when fired from the Firtina 155mm/52 cal SP artillery system used by the Turkish Army. Like many countries they also make the older US 155mm M107 HE projectile which is cheaper and has less range and therefore ideal for training purposes. To further increase range a number of contractors are working of 155mm ramjet artillery projectiles including NAMMO (Norway) and Poongsan (South Korea). The main drawing back of all artillery is that as range increases, so there is a greater dispersion, requiring increased accuracy.
for follow up forces as well as civilians and for this reason these are no longer deployed by many countries, although they are still manufactured by countries such as China and Russia. A number of 155mm artillery projectiles have been developed and fielded to enable AFV targets to be successfully engaged; these include BONUS and SMArt. The 155mm BONUS is a joint development between Nexter Munitions (France) and BAE Systems (Bofors) and, in addition to being deployed by France and Sweden, is also fielded by Finland, Norway, Saudi Arabia and more recently the US Army. BONUS contains two sub-munitions and sensors, and when fired from a 155mm/39 caliber ordnance has a maximum range of 27km or 35km when fired from a 155mm 52 calibre ordnance. The 155mm SMArt was developed by GiWS, a joint venture company between Rheinmetall and Diehl and contains two sub-munitions with an Explosively Formed Projectile (EFP) warhead to penetrate the top of AFV. Production was undertaken for Germany followed by Australia, Greece and Switzerland. Although production was completed it is likely to start again as the early shells for Germany are running out of shelf life. The US Army has fielded the Raytheon Excalibur M982 155mm precision guided projectile which uses a jam resistant
Christopher F Foss
One of the more recent trends for all types of ammunition is that the user requires them to be Insensitive Munition (IM) compliant and an increasing number of countries, especially those in NATO, are insisting that future ammunition procured must be IM compliant (Insensitive Munitions are designed to withstand stimuli representative of severe but credible accidents).
ANTI ARMOUR To counter mass attack by armoured fighting vehicles (AFV) 155mm projectiles carrying sub-munitions have been developed and deployed. These sub-munitions have a small calibre highexplosive anti-tank (HEAT) warhead which was designed to penetrate the vulnerable upper surfaces of AFVS. Some of these sub-munitions had a high dud rate and were therefore a danger
| july/August 2020 |
Nexter Munitions 155mm projectile family includes, from left to right, smoke (LU 217), Illuminating (LU 215), HE (LU 211) and HE Insensitive Munition (LU 211 IM)
Northrop Grumman
Northrop Grumman M1156 Precision Guidance Kit (PGK) is a direct replacement for a standard artillery fuze and provides a step change in accuracy
German 155mm DM702 SMArt artillery projectile carries two sub-munitions with an advanced warhead designed to defeat the upper surfaces of armoured vehicles
internal Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver to update the inertial navigation system (INS). This gives an accuracy of less than two meters. When fired from a 155mm artillery system such as the M777 used by the US Army and Marine Corps, a maximum range of 39.3km using a Zone 5 Modular Artillery Charge Systems (MACS) is achieved. Excalibur has three fuze modes: point detonating (PD), PD delay and height-ofburst. Leonardo of Italy has completed development, industrialisation and qualification of the Vulcano 155mm Ballistic Extended Range (BER) projectile for the Italian Army. Vulcano features a sub-calibre finstabilised airframe which is loaded with IM compliant HE with a patented rings pre-fragmented warhead. It is fitted with a nose mounted multi-function fuze which can be set for height, impact/ delayed impact, time or self-destruct functions. When fired from the PzH 2000 155mm/52 cal SP artillery system deployed by the Italian Army a maximum range of 50km is achieved using four MCS plus one additional charge integrated into the Vulcano projectile. The follow on Vulcano Guided Long Range (GLR) features an autonomous Inertial Measurement Unit/GPS guidance
system, is also IM compliant and fitted with a multi-function fuze. In addition, there is a semi-active laser (SAL) guided version with Leonardo working with Diehl Defence of Germany. Nexter Munitions is developing the Katana PGM with Katana 1 being of the GPS/INS type which would be followed by 2a INU/GNSS and 2b with a SAL guidance system.
GUIDANCE KITS US Army has fielded the Northrop Grumman M1156 Precision Guidance Kit (PGK) which is a direct replacement for a standard artillery fuze. It contains GPS guidance using fuzing functions and an integrated GPS receiver to correct the inherent errors associated with a ballistic firing solution. This increases accuracy and reduces the number of projectiles required to neutralise the target so reducing the logistic chain. This is used with the US 155mm M795 and M549A1 HE projectiles with mission critical data being loaded into the PGK using the Enhanced Portable Inductive Artillery Fuze Setter. By April 2020 over 50,000 PGK had been produced and export sales made to Australia and Canada. Test firing had been conducted with a number of other artillery systems including the German PzH 2000. This fired a Rheinmetall DM111 HE projectile out to a range of 27km with all 10 rounds landing within five metres of the target. There are other course correction systems including the Nexter Systems Spacido and the Top Gun from Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI) which has been adopted by the Israel Defense Force for its 155mm artillery projectiles.
LASER GUIDED PROJECTILES The US Army did field the 155mm M712 Cannon Launch Guided Projectile (CLGP) and this has seen combat in the Middle East. Production of these was completed
| Asian Military Review |
by Martin Marietta many years ago. This was a laser guided projectile (LGP) although the main drawback was that the designator had to be in line with the target. More recently airborne designators, for example installed in an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), can also be used to designate the target in addition to ground based laser designators. NORINCO is currently marketing a complete family of LGP including the GP155 with a maximum range of 20km and GP155A with a maximum range of up to 25km. Both of these have a HE warhead and are claimed to have a hit probability of 90 percent. A more recent development by NORINCO is their 155mm GP155B projectile with GPS and BEIDOU satellite navigation. This is claimed to have a maximum range of up to 35km and is fitted with a HE warhead with a circular error of probability (CEP) of between 1520m claimed. NORINCO also market a 122mm LGP called the GP122 for use with 122mm artillery systems such as the widely deployed Russian D-30 and its numerous SP equivalents. The Russian KBP Instrument Design Bureau has developed a family of 152mm and 122mm LGP and for the export market developed a 155mm Krasnopol. This is known to have been used by India with its Bofors FH-77B 155mm artillery systems during operations on the border with Pakistan. The latest 155mm is the Krasnopol-M2 (K155M) which is fitted with a HE fragmentation warhead a maximum quoted range of up to 25km. It is used in conjunction with the Malakhit Automated Fire Control Systems which includes a tripod mounted laser designator and rangefinder unit with a thermal imager, commander’s computer and a radio set. At the firing position is the commander’s computer, radio set and gun transceivers kit. AMR
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Royal Australian Navy
The ability to operate effectively off warships is a major requirement for the Australian Army's attack helicopter.
ARH - STICK OR TWIST The Australian Defence Force is closing in on
a decision on whether it will keep faith with its Airbus Tigers, or risk going for a new type of attack helicopter.
by Andrew Drwiega
he Australian Defence White Paper in 2016 provided a recommendation that the Australian Army’s Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter (ARH) Tiger fleet have a limited sustainment while the Australian Defence Force (ADF) launched a Request for Information (RfI) that would seek a potential replacement. This was called LAND 4503. This RfI is due to close on 22 July 2020 with three contenders having been identified. The task before the Helicopter Systems Division (HSD) of Defence’s Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Group (CASG) is to recommend one of three options: 1. Keep the Tiger fleet with upgrades suggested by Airbus.
2. Acquire a new attack helicopter fleet from Bell, the AH-1Z Viper 3. Acquire a new attack helicopter fleet from Boeing, the Apache AH-64E. In late 2004, the Australian Army received the first of 22 Tigers. However, figures released by the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) revealed that Tiger was late in meeting its original final operating capability (FOC) deadline by nearly seven years, from 2009 to April 2016. The current RfI is seeking 29 attack helicopters and, following the painful experience of bringing Tiger into full service, has set the initial operational capability (IOC) for the first squadron of 12 aircraft in 2026, followed by a full operational capability (FOC) in 2028. While there is no room to provide a
| Asian Military Review |
full discussion of the capabilities of the three options, Airbus was keen to mount a defence of why its Tiger should be retained.
Keeping the Tiger Andrew Mathewson, managing director and Head of Country at Airbus Australia Pacific, naturally argues in favour of keeping the Tiger. “The 2016 Defence White Paper is some time ago now, but in 2016 the government announced that Tiger would be replaced. Since then a lot of work has been done by industry and defence to make Tiger work as best that it possibly can.” While the Tiger was beset with supply and integration difficulties as it slowly worked up to passing its FOC, Mathewson says that the company has now turned the corner in overcoming previous difficulties: “Airbus has improved the supply chain to the extent that 93 percent of planned missions succeed [it was 65 percent in 2019]… and the end user is now happy with the Tiger’s capability.” He added that its reliability is now comparable to any of its competitors. The Airbus proposal’s main line of attack is that, now that the Tiger is operating to the Australian Army’s satisfaction, the cost to extend its operation life out to when the Australian government believes that it will acquire its next generation helicopter, around 2040, can be halved compared to buying a brand new type and establishing expensive through life costs for what is likely to be less than 20 years. “We are pleased to say that we can save the Government more than $2.1 billion (AUS$3 billion) by retaining Tiger in service and extending its life out to 2040…Our proposal to government is to bring the decision forward, keep Tiger in service and integrate it with the next generation of Future Vertical Lift when it comes,” states Mathewson. Addressing the question about how Airbus would work to integrate and network Tiger into what is largely becoming an ADF air fleet based on US manufacturers technology - Lockheed Martin’s F-35A Lightning IIs, Northrop Graumman’s MQ-4C Tritons, General Atomics MQ-9 Reapers, Boeing’s P-8A Poseidons and potentially the unmanned combat air vehicle (UCAV), Loyal Wingman, Mathewson said that Airbus did have a solution. “When Tiger was introduced none of
AIR power
Andrew Mathewson, managing director and Head of Country at Airbus Australia Pacific.
the datalink systems were profoundly present, and now they are more effective and Tiger has to adapt to that,’ he said. “The Australian Army operates off a bespoke [Elbit’s] Battle Management System (BMS); we have already put in a system that talks to the BMS, but [going forward] we will incorporate Link 16 into the aircraft so that there will be no issues from a data or communications perspective.” This is not necessarily part of the Mk3 upgrade that would apply to the other three nations operating the Tiger. The Australian government has become ‘risk averse’ in wanting an attack helicopter that does not need further lengthy development or insertion of unproven technology. In addition to the problems associated with Tiger, its negative experience and eventual cancellation of the RAN’s Kaman SH2G (A) Super Seasprite programme in favour of Sikorsky’s MH-60R in 2008 is an indicator that the ADF wants to use tried and tested aircraft that have a good user community base. Talking of the upgrade plan that Airbus was submitting to the government for consideration, Mathewson said that the company it would “incorporate all low risk modifications that are easy to implement and that are conducted here in Australia. The thing that didn’t exist all those years ago and now exists is an understanding of the technologies around Tiger and other systems within Airbus Australia.” “Today we are developing software in Australia, for Australia on our own rigs. When the Commonwealth bought the Tiger it also bought a software support capability so that software can be developed in Australia. We have an agreement with Europe to sell software updates back into Europe on Tiger and NH-90.”
This would not necessarily be the case if the ADF was to acquire a new and established attack helicopter such as the Bell AH-1Z Viper or the Apache AH-64E Guardian. To stay with Block upgrades as they are issued by Boeing for the US Army’s fleet of nearly 800 Apaches, particularly software upgrades, the acquisition would leave little room to manoeuvre to terms of how the aircraft was set up. “Even if the Land 4503 goes exceptionally well and they meet the planned full operational capability in 2028, you are going to start withdrawing aircraft in 10-12 years [to make way for the next generation rotorcraft],” states Mathewson. “So you have an investment of up to $3.5 billion (AUS$5 billion) and [quite quickly] that bridging capability would begin to be withdrawn.” Mathewson added that when the 2016 White Paper highlighted 76 capability deficiencies, the majority of those were from the mid-life upgrade programme, such as the ability to operate in a mannedunmanned teaming arrangement. “They weren’t deficiencies against the Tiger contract but were against the future requirement for Tiger. For the Chinook capability there is a similar list of deficiencies, also for the Seahawk Romeo, but the ANAO did not make a same level of comment on those upgrade deficiencies, just Tiger.” Mathewson said that Airbus and the Army had overcome many of the challenges that were initially levelled at the platform. Accused of Tiger incurring high operating costs and cost of ownership, he said that many factors were included in the overall cost, including through life support, upgrades and dealing with obsolescence, maintenance and aircrew training, and people embedded in Airbus. The actual cost of the aircraft operation is just over $6,000 (AUS$9,000) per hour which is a valid comparative figure.” He added that when compared with another aircraft, such as Boeing’s Chinook, most of the training was conducted overseas. “We want people to compare like-for-like in their analysis,” he said. The Army needs to deploy its attack helicopter onto Royal Australian Navy (RAN) warships, and rivals are keen to point out that Tiger is relatively deficient in this capability. In answer to this charge, Mathewson said that by March “the first of class flight trials have been completed and the Tiger can operate off the Landing Helicopter Docks.” He added that as the
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Tiger is a composite structure, it doesn’t require the same level of maintenance as all metal aircraft. Airbus has offered an additional seven H145Ms to the ADF to make up the numbers in the LAND 4503 to the stipulated 29 rotorcraft. Mathewson says that these can “deliver a greater capability in Darwin where there are no support aircraft.” This would be an integrated logistical capability. Buying an extra seven Tigers to make up the whole fleet to 29 attack helicopters would not be cost effective as the original production line has closed. Additional helicopters are required by the ADF for its Special Forces Land 2097 programme, where 21 helicopters have been specified. Mathewson believes that by offering seven H145Ms (the same type if will offer for the Land 2097 programme), this would offer the ADF an opportunity to further standardise its rotorcraft fleets. So in summary Airbus proposes to upgrade the existing 22 Army Aviation Tigers, deliver seven H145Ms, and in doing so save up to $2.4 billion (AUD$3.5 billion).
Buying the Viper Bell is ready to supply the Australian Army with its AH-1Z Viper. Javier Ball, Bell’s military sales manager responsible for LAND4503 and in a previous role was the senior US liaison officer to the ADF. He was focused on setting up US force posture and enhanced aircraft cooperation initiative between the RAAF, the USAF and other aviation assets. “I have watched the Australian amphibious capability grow from nascent beginnings to the end of PacificEndeavours exercises,” said Ball. Through that experience, he said he had gained a good insight into Australian defence requirements. In pressing the case for Bell’s AH-1Z he submitted: “The Zulu offers a completely encapsulated programme that reduces risk but provides options to government and the only offering that is specifically built to operate in an expeditionary environment and off operate off a ship without any degradation of capability.” Ball points to the Land 4503 RfI and highlights what he sees is a need for marinised capabilities. To achieve this he states that “the Zulu is the only offering that can be delivered without any modifications or upgrades that can operate off a ship, has the lowest acquisition cost, greatest capability set
AIR power
and lowest total life cycle cost” (referring “We are aiming to establish a balance between FMS and DCS and we are now to a Royal United Services Institute in the process of discussions between document, written by Scott Lovell called the Australian and US governments Australian Defence Capability Analysis regarding an offset programme, looking Project LAND 4503 - ARH Replacement to maximise Australia industry content Program. Some of the comparisons made in our solution.” He added that BAE within this report are however disputed was certified for all aero modifications by Airbus’ Mathewson). which could be carried out in Australia. “When you put a non-marinised All maintenance, he said, would be at helicopter onboard ship and the blades the operational location of the squadron don’t fold when you require fresh water including deep maintenance. However, washing because it is not marinised, all the Viper is a new helicopter with USMC the ordinance is usually different too - US not yet requiring that level of deeper Army US ordinance is different from US maintenance and AH-1Zs are still rolling Navy ordinance which effects how you off the production line. store it and move it around the ship,” said Ball made the point that the USMC’s Ball. Vipers are already qualified to operate off Other aspects that make the Zulu the RAN’s LHD’s so the transition would an appropriate buy, stated Ball, is that it be nearly seamless if they were also was designed for safe overwater flight acquired by the ADF. and, should the need occur, to survive a In terms of training the pilots, Tink water impact landing and has “multiple said that BAE in Australia had an redundant systems so if you do lose an extensive experience for training, not engine you can still get back to the ship.” only aircrew - over 430 pilots - but also Bell’s proposal is the basic maintainers and sustainers. The customer configuration that the USMC gets, but it could decide how much training, and is up to what the government stipulates where, was required. so there is flexibility. Bell would offer In terms of delivery, Ball said the either a Foreign Military Sale (FMS) or a first aircraft to achieve IOC should occur hybrid FMS/ direct sale (DCS). “This is around 2025 with FOC by 2028, but he why we talking to BAE Systems Australia revealed that Bell could deliver IOC in who can provide all the in-country maintenance, overhaul and sustainment.” 2024 and could achieve FOC in 2025. In terms of Manned/Unmanned Bell is conscious of the industrial side teaming with unmanned aerial vehicles and particularly offering jobs and third (UAVs) the USMC is at Level II, but the party supply relationships under the BAE offer would be Level III although there umbrella. has been no specific request for this. Rowan Tink, business development Tink concluded that “Viper is the manager at BAE Systems Australia said:
only rotary wing aircraft that integrates air defence into the National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile System (NASAMS), Air Warfare Destroyer (AWD) and F-35 for identification, detection and duelnode.” It also integrates with the RAAF’s E7 Wedgetail, he added.
Buying the Apache The Boeing Apache AH-64E Guardian is the third option, and a very well known and mature alternative. Acquiring the Apache would tie Army Aviation into the US Army’s Block upgrade sustainment programme with Boeing. The US Army is looking to operate its newer Apaches through to the 2060s, due to the time needed to replace the 791 of them in Army Aviation with whichever aircraft was selected through the FARA programme. Boeing is currently delivering the AH-64E V6 upgrade which has further software updates. These updates will continue through to at least 2040, if not beyond. TJ Jamison, director, Vertical Lift International Sales at Boeing, said that the ADF’s selection of Apache could be cost effective if they tied in with the US Army’s multi-year acquisition strategy. Boeing’s global supply chain network may well see airframes being delivered to Australia from existing production facilities such as that in South Korea with completion being completed locally in Australia. The Apache’s obvious strengths are its well proven fire control radar, with the V6 upgrade extending its range from 8km to 16km, allowing it to coordinate attacks particularly during deep reconnaissance missions and working with UAVs. Its MUM-T capability also means that live video feed can be share with others in a Joint Fires Network through Link 16. In the maritime domain, the V6 upgrade to the fire control radar allows it to take into account sea states during the detection and classification of vessels, including smaller, lighter craft. Jamison said that the radar can classify 260 potential targets and prioritise ten.
Four USMC AH-1Z Vipers with Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadrons 169 and 469 fly together during Exercise Viper Storm at El Centro, California, 11 Dec, 2019.
| Asian Military Review |
At time of writing, Australia has not been as economically damaged as many other countries, particularly those in Europe and the United States. Defence budgets are one of the first areas that governments look at to save money. If the Australian government does require cost savings then replacing the
Boeing's AH-64E Apache will be around for a long time and investing in the US Army baseline model will assure long term upgrades and support.
Tiger might become a lower priority. The ADF, mindful of China’s expansionist foreign policy, might continue to invest in the extension of its Intelligence, Surveillance and Recconnaissance (ISR) capabilities while continuing the expensive purchase of its Lockheed Martin F-35 fleet and maintaining the transformation of the Royal Australian Navy (RAN), particularly the replacement of the Collins-class submarines. By investing now in either the Bell or Boeing attack helicopters, the ADF may be setting the foundation through potential compatibilities with its next generation rotorcraft, as both of the US manufacturers are deeply committed to the US Army’s Future Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft (FARA) and Future Long-Range Assault Aircraft (FLRAA) development programmes. Both the Bell AH-1Z Viper and the AH-64E and due to remain in service for decades to come with both the US Army and the USMC, reducing risk in terms of costs and future proofing. AMR
Photo credits: ©ECPAD/France/A.Roine
Never Home
The CAESAR® artillery system in Mali
BAE Systems
The Striker II helmet-mounted display combines a 40 degree field of view, daylight readable color display and integrated night vision.
LOOKS REALLY CAN KILL! Tracing the development of high tech flying helmets for frontline pilots.
by Jon Lake
lying wearing a helmet mounted sight, a pilot only has to look at the target to cue the onboard weapons, while the data displayed in front of the pilot’s eyes frees the need to constantly look down at the cockpit displays, or even to look ahead through the Head Up Display (HUD). The simple leather helmets worn by the earliest military aviators provided warmth in an open cockpit, but afforded little protection, and no extra functionality. Most aircrew also wore separate goggles, and sometimes a silk scarf over the unprotected lower part of the face. By the Second World War, helmets had gained oxygen masks and integral headphones. The arrival of the jet age saw the widespread introduction
of ejection seats, and a hard outer shell was worn on the head, creating the first ‘bone dome’ or ‘brain bucket’. Goggles gave way to a visor, which was soon made integral with the helmet itself, but helmets themselves then changed very little until the 1970s and 1980s, though efforts were made to reduce their weight, to improve their comfort, and to provide better protection. The development of night vision goggles in the 1960s and 1970s initially led to no major changes to helmet design. NVGs were typically mounted on the front of a helmet (usually replacing the visor) on a simple mount that allowed them to be swung down into the pilot’s sightline when required. Heavy batteries were sometimes Velcro’d to the back of the helmet to compensate for the
| Asian Military Review |
additional weight at the front. The next major change came with the development of missile cueing systems, which were designed to allow a fighter pilot to ‘point’ the seeker head of a missile at its target, rather than having to ‘boresight’ the enemy aircraft – manoeuvring to place the enemy aircraft centrally in the head up display where the missile seeker would ‘see’ it. The first useable helmet mounted missile sight was probably the Honeywell Visual Target Acquisition System (VTAS) produced for the US Navy, with a ‘granny glass’ monocular eyepiece providing an aiming reticle, and comprehensive head trackers to allow the weapons system to work out exactly where the pilot was looking. The system could direct the radar where to point, which in turn cued the missile seeker, and there was a mode that allowed the helmet to directly cue the seeker. The system could also provide simple up/down left/right cues to direct the pilot’s eye onto a target. The system was fielded on about 500 Navy and Marine Corps F-4 Phantom fighters from 1973 to about 1979, but was then abandoned, though it did influence work on similar systems being developed in South Africa and the Soviet Union. The South African Cat’s Eye HMS programme resulted in the first operationally deployed helmet sight, initially teamed with the indigenous Armscor V3A Kukri AAM on the Mirage F1. Soviet HMS studies started in 1969 at the Kiev Arsenal plant, resulting in the development of the Schel-3U, which was ordered into production in 1977 to equip the new MiG-29 and Su-27 fighters. The combination of the Schel helmet sight and the new thrust vectoring R-73 (AA-11 ‘Archer’) gave the new fighters a formidable ‘off boresight’ capability, and kick started the development of a new generation of helmet-mounted sights and display systems in the West. A very similar Marconi/Honeywell Helmet Mounted Sighting System was used by Royal Air Force Jaguars (and later Tornados) primarily for sensor cueing, slaving the TIALD laser designator pod to the pilot’s sightline, demonstrating that helmet sights are not only useful in the air-to-air environment. It could also be used to update the aircraft’s navigation system, and, of course, for off-boresight missile aiming. Attack helicopters provided the first application for more complex helmets. The Boeing AH-64 Apache’s Integrated
A British Army Boeing AH-64D Apache pilot wearing a monocular Integrated Helmet and Display Sighting System (IHADSS).
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Helmet & Display Sighting System (IHADSS) allows the pilot or gunner to slave the helicopter’s 30mm M230 Chain Gun to their helmet, so that the gun points where they are looking. The helmet can also be used to steer the slewable thermal camera system and sighting system mounted on the nose of the aircraft. The helmet’s monocular display had a 40° by 30° field of view, presenting video and raster symbology. Israel’s Elbit Systems produced the first modern Western HMD to enter operational service. Like the older South African system, the company’s DASH (Display and sight helmet) used a CRT to project symbology onto the spherical visor to provide a collimated image to the pilot. Produced in a succession of progressively improved versions, the original DASH provided the basis of a digital variant with advanced video and colour capabilities and also led to a number of derivatives, including the US Joint Helmet-Mounted Cueing System (JHMCS)
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A major challenge that many Asia-Pacific military forces are having is that they are transitioning from a stovepiped, service-only architecture for their battle management systems or their mission command systems, over to something that’s fully joint, coalition, and combined forces interoperable. The elimination of stovepiped architectures prevents voice, data and video communications within and between forces from being isolated. Leonardo DRS Land Electronics, with their experience through Mounted Family of Computer Systems (MFoCS) battle management and international battle management capabilities, can help these communication systems to become interoperable. Integrating digital communication within their formations and within their services can significantly benefit the military. The integration can also provide a significant advantage for first responders to efficiently and effectively take action in natural disasters or other major events, allowing interoperability between military forces and civilian organizations. When warfighters’ lives are on the line, detecting and locating the enemy or fellow soldiers on the battlefield is critical. Situational awareness is a crucial part of understanding current conditions in a Multi-Domain Battle environment to ensure the warfighter can integrate Army, joint, inter-organizational, and multinational capabilities that allow him to visualize and create windows of multidomain superiority through fire and maneuver to positions of relative advantage in decisive tactical and operational level operations for the mounted platform and dismounted user, leader, or commander. To do this, mission command uses a combination of hardware and software to enable centralized interaction while integrating Command, Control, Computers, Communications, Cyber, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C5ISR). Also, integrating Electronic Warfare (EW) platforms and weapons subsystems into one holistic capability can
give the warfighters the ability to monitor, control, and interact with the entire system simultaneously. As an example, in 2014, Leonardo DRS Land Electronics, in partnership with key industry partners, undertook a substantial C4I demonstration of a new tactical command & control capability for a Middle Eastern customer. The experience Leonardo DRS had derived from delivering similar capabilities to the US Army on FBCB2 as well as the Mounted Family of Computer Systems (MFoCS), and with the British Army on Bowman, was the base on which its DDU capability had been designed and built. At the core of Leonardo DRS’ approach to this new C4I capability was a highly innovative piece of technology called the Data Distribution Unit (DDU). The DDU, also referred to as the ‘Magic Box,’ enables voice, data, sensor and video applications and vehicle services to be integrated via a common line replaceable unit (LRU). This is ideal for a tactical vehicle & command post environment where space is tight and an effective approach to size, weight & power (SWaP) is a key requirement. The DDU-3, the version of the DDU used for formative phases of this key project, is where all of the primary system functions meet and get integrated. It is open and agnostic and supports multiple Virtual Machines (VM), one of these supporting the Systematic SitaWare™ BMS and Mission Planning application. It also interfaces with the tactical radios. For this Middle Eastern customer, as it is with many such systems, the ability to fully utilize the existing tactical communications infrastructure was vital. The DDU’s ability to interface to up to four (4) concurrent tactical radios, potentially
ADVERTORIAL each from a different vendor and with disparate waveforms, was a key to providing the voice and data interoperability. An inbuilt Wave-engine provides the ability to securely cross-band between say a Harris 7850M and Thales PR4G or even a 4G/LTE connected user interface (UI) device. This capability, coupled with the ability to interface the same DDU-3 to SatCom and LTE systems, was a gamechanger and provided a degree of flexibility not possible before. The DDU-3 also benefits from an embedded GPS (either commercial or Selective Availability Anti-spoofing Module (SAASM)) and as a backup to GPS, the option of interfacing enhanced long-range navigation (eLORAN) or L-Band for beyond line of sight Blue Force Tracking (BLOS BFT) services is also possible. The DDU-3 can also be interfaced to an INS/INU to provide system applications with a continuous dead reckoning of position and velocity. The DDU-3 was the foundation of delivering smart and cost-effective integration of the communications and sensor environment. A highly effective Vehicle Intercom System (VIS) solution could also be integrated via the DDU-3, either to the network or standalone via its own Radio Interface Unit (RIU). The Leonardo DRS VIS is a digital-quality and resilient solution to providing cost-effective voice communication within tactical vehicles and command posts. The success of the live evaluation followed by implementation of an initial brigade of the new capability was the trigger for this key customer to roll out the system across additional brigades where DRS will be providing an enhanced version of the DDU in the form of the DDU-4 along with upgrades to the Vehicle Intercom System and a new multi-touch Commander’s Display. As tactical vehicle environments have become more complex over the years, Leonardo DRS has been required to develop new hardware and software capabilities for the DDU. The Galileo Situational Awareness system being delivered to a SE Asian customer integrates several primary vehicles’ systems into a capability that significantly reduces the reaction time to a threat and the decision time taken to engage with this threat. The system also provides the means to share situational awareness both on the platform and with other networked vehicles in the same area of operations, as well as with high-echelon command posts and Headquarters (HQ). An interface connects the DDU-4 and the shot detection acoustic array with the weapons system turret and the infrared radiation (IR)/day camera and the Battle Management System (BMS). The system integrates many C5ISR capabilities. A prime example of these capabilities, and one of the primary functions of the system, is to detect a gunshot and locate the source automatically. The system can then geolocate the source of the shot, pass a message to the overhead weapons system and automatically put its weapon and associated sensors, such as the camera and laser range finder, on the detected threat. The commander of the vehicle is presented with this data and the related imagery from the weapons system and other vehicle cameras through the high-resolution touch screen display, and can, in conjunction with other vehicle crew, decide how to engage with the threat. This entire sequence takes seconds and dramatically increases the ability to react rapidly to the threat.
The DDU is also connected to the BMS and as a result, the tactical network. The BMS application can be an application running on the DDU or could be an existing BMS system hosted by another processor. The DDU application has several critical pieces of data that are crucial to sharing any given event with other vehicles that it is deployed with and that can assist in suppressing the threat or would benefit from knowing about the threat. The DDU can pass this data to the BMS application, and in turn, the BMS application can plot the details of the detected shot on a battle map that is shared across the network. Data including azimuth and inclination of the vehicle along with Laser Range Finder (LRF) data can also be shared, significantly increasing the level of situational awareness. Leonardo DRS understands that enhanced situational awareness capabilities will be required to integrate with the military, civil and non-military land and sea platforms in a multi-domain battle environment. The integration includes hosting a variety of software applications on the DDU and interfacing with the various vehicle platforms, its subsystems, current military and commercial networks, and a variety of existing and new sensor technologies. This integration could potentially include platform sensor integration, leveraging additional military and commercial radios and networks for failover communications, weapons systems integration, video collection and distribution, etc. Leonardo DRS has a portfolio of fielded proven capabilities that could enhance any military’s position by providing a set of already developed mature technologies that together will provide enhanced situational awareness. These features include but are not limited to the following: advanced IP routing and switching, sensor integration including weapons systems, commercial and military radio integration, voice cross banding, video integration, Battle Management System (BMS) integration and the ability to leverage commercial cellular networks. The new DDU-4 is a powerful Intel Xeon Quad-core computing and networking platform allowing multiple and simultaneous executions of various DRS and third-party applications and software. The DDU’s functionality combines traditional computing, networking and distribution technologies into a small form factor, and embedded technologies allow the DDU to be deployed in a non-obtrusive manner without infringing on critical space or power requirements. The DDU provides an “everything over Ethernet” backbone, allowing one or multiple users to access all electronics data within the vehicle. Numerous standard and non-proprietary interfaces are available on the DDU to allow connection to existing legacy mission equipment as well as support future integration requirements.
Learn more at LeonardoDRS.com
AIR power
Rockwell Collins ESA Vision Systems (RCEVS), the joint venture between Elbit Systems of America and Rockwell Collins, will incorporate the Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System II (JHMCS II) helmet-mounted display (HMD) into Republic of Korea Air Force (ROKAF) F-16 aircraft
JHMCS (pronounced juh-hamicks) was a derivative of the DASH III and the Kaiser Agile Eye, and was developed by a joint venture company formed by Elbit Vision Systems International (VSI) and Rockwell Collins (who bought out Kaiser Electronics). JHMCS presented collimated cursive symbology and raster scanned imagery to the pilot in monochrome, displaying FLIR/IRST pictures for night operations and allowing standard nightvision goggles to be used. The Digital JHMCS (D-JHMCS) is an upgrade to the existing system, and added advanced video and colour capabilities. It provides NVCD (night symbology) and offers improved comfort and a better optimised centre of gravity. The newer JHMCS II system is designed for new applications and provides a new optical-inertial head tracker which does not require cockpit mapping. It also uses a new lightweight Aircraft Interface Unit (ACIU) which does not require a mounting tray or additional cooling and has support for virtual training. Both D-JHMCS and JHMCS II can be integrated with Elbit’s Canary system, which can provide advance warning of hypoxia and can trigger automatic aircraft recovery if the pilot loses consciousness. Integration on US frontline fighter types and adoption by the US armed forces has given the JHMCS a tremendous competitive advantage, but there are other options, some of them more capable. The latest derivative of the DASH is
Elbit’s TARGO 2 which was originally marketed as a low-cost, low-integration solution for light attack, airlift, and trainer aircraft. Interestingly, the TARGO 2 has been selected by a number of recent Dassault Rafale export customers, while the Swedish Defence Material Administration (FMV) has ordered an unspecified number of Targo helmetmounted display and sight (HMD/S) systems for the new JAS-39E/F Gripen. Elbit Systems used DASH technology as the basis of the new Jedeye helmet mounted system developed for rotary wing applications. The system has an unusually wide 70 by 40 degree field of view, and can present dual-vision 3D imagery, useful for augmented reality applications, including brownout mitigation systems. Sextant Avionique (now part of Thales) has developed a family of Helmet Mounted Display systems, initially producing the futuristic-looking TopSight for the Rafale and late model Mirage 2000. The helmet uses a contoured external face guard which covers the oxygen mask, with no impairment of the pilot’s peripheral vision. Topsight provides a 20 degree field of view for the pilot’s right eye, and employs electromagnetic head tracking. The heavier TopNight and TopOwl use more advanced optics and project collimated imagery overlaid with symbology, providing a 30 x 40 degree binocular field of view, optimised for adverse weather and night air to ground
| Asian Military Review |
operations. TopOwl provides integrated night vision using light intensifiers placed on both sides of the helmet, removing the need for separate NVGs. Turkey’s Aselsan is developing a similar system, known as the AVCI Helmet Integrated Cueing System for the T-129 ATAK helicopter. Thales developed the Scorpion Head/ Helmet-Mounted Display System to meet a USAF/ANG/AFRes requirement. A full-colour monocular, the Scorpion Helmet Mounted Integrated Targeting system uses a Hybrid Optical based Inertial Tracker (HObIT) requiring no mapping of the aircraft cockpit, and can be installed on a standard issue USAF flight helmet without special fitting. It is fully compatible with standard and panoramic Night Vision Goggles, and can be worn behind a standard clear, glare, high contrast, gradient, or laser protective helmet visor. Originally known simply as the HEA (head equipment assembly) or HMSS (Helmet-Mounted Symbology System) the Striker helmet developed by BAE Systems for the Eurofighter Typhoon is platform agnostic, and a derivative, the Cobra, is in use on the Saab JAS39 Gripen. The original Striker was distinguished by a rash of bumps over much of the surface. These bumps were infra-red LEDs used in association with three sensors in the cockpit for accurate head tracking, in order to accurately calculate exactly where the pilot is looking with no lag or latency. An advanced derivative the Striker II, is lighter and more comfortable to wear and incorporates an integral night vision camera inside the helmet, allowing it to be used at night. Striker II is claimed to be the world’s only helmet-mounted display that combines a daylight readable colour display, a 40° field of view, and integrated night vision. The Striker II supports the display of imagery from high resolution sensor systems including distributed aperture systems like that fitted to the F-35, and which effectively allows a pilot to ‘see’ through the body of the aircraft. One feature of the Striker II that is claimed to be unique is its 3D audio capability, which is coupled with intelligent active noise reduction (ANR). The 3D audio system provides 360-degree directional audio, allowing the pilot to hear threat warnings from the appropriate direction, and to tailor the direction from which specific communications are heard, so that ground communications appear
to sound as though they originate from below the aircraft. The ANR system greatly improves audio clarity by significantly reducing environmental noise, even on board the noisiest platforms. The Striker II is very light, with better balance and a lower centre of gravity than most of today’s current HMD/NVG solutions. This improves pilot comfort during high g manoeuvres, reduces neck loads, and decreases fatigue during long endurance missions. The inner liner is manufactured to the exact shape of the wearer’s head, using laser scanning, and is finished with Italian leather. Helmet fit is carefully tailored to ensure optimum weight distribution for every individual pilot. The closely related Cobra HMD used by South African and Swedish Gripens combines a helmet and display system developed by BAE Systems, display symbology by Saab, and a helmet tracking system provided by Denel Optronics of South Africa. The Lockheed F-35 Joint Strike Fighter was designed without a head up display, meaning that the pilot relies completely on his Helmet Mounted Display System (HMDS) for critical flight and weapons aiming information, which effectively provides a virtual Head-Up Display. The F-35 HMDS was developed by RCEVS - a joint venture between Rockwell Collins and Elbit Systems’ Vision Systems International. The F-35 HMDS provides the usual
Elbit Systems of America
The Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System II is used by Republic of Korea Air Force (ROKAF) F-16 pilots.
off-axis targeting and cueing capabilities and comprehensive symbology, but can also present video imagery in day or night conditions, including video from the aircraft’s Distributed Aperture System. This allows the pilot to virtually ‘look through’ the cockpit floor (for example). The HMDS also provides fully integrated visor projected night vision capabilities. The HMDS suffered from severe night-vision, latency and jitter problems during development, and in September 2014, Lockheed Martin awarded a contract to BAE Systems to develop an alternative ‘low risk’ helmet design BAE proposed a hybrid helmet that combined the two-part inner and outer shell design of its Striker helmet with a clip-on Q-Sight holographic monocular display, an optical head tracking system and conventional ‘swing down’ binocular NVGs.
The BAE helmet achieved every milestone and promised to offer a reliable, dependable and affordable alternative to the RCEVS design, but would have required some changes to the cockpit. It was originally planned that both helmets would take part in a competitive fly-off, but the competition was cancelled on cost grounds when problems affecting the original helmet started to be solved. One of the final issues to be solved was inadequate helmet line-of-sight accuracy for strafing. This was eventually sorted by replacing the original head tracker with a new hybrid optical-magnetic tracker. The HMDS is the first aircraft primary flight display to be worn by the pilot, and is claimed to be a third-generation HMD system. Rockwell Collins is hoping to find other applications for the F-35 HMDS, but with a quoted price tag of $400,000, the market may be limited. AMR
WA Government
naval directory
The Australian Marine Complex at Henderson in Western Australia. The yard does all the sustainment of the Collins-class submarines apart from Full Cycle Docking periods and supports the Anzac-class frigates. It is likely to be the next shipyard to get an upgrade.
SHIPBUILDING UNDERWAY DOWN UNDER Australia’s plan to ramp-up sovereign shipbuilding gathers pace.
ustralia has ambitious plans for the construction of new anti-submarine warfare frigates and dieselelectric submarines that will modernise Royal Australian Navy (RAN) capabilities in the next decade. In order to deliver these platforms the government has devoted $680 million (A$1 billion) in its Naval Shipbuilding Plan to build two new shipyards at Osborne, South Australia. These will give Australia a sovereign shipbuilding capability to produce both frigates and submarines in Australia. Australian Naval Infrastructure (ANI) is the organisation – created in 2017 mandated to develop, own and operate new shipyards that will achieve this task. The first shipyard at Osborne South has been completed and is to be handed
by Tim Fish over to prime contractor BAE Systems on 1 July. The company will run the shipyard under license to build the nine new Hunter-class frigates. The second shipyard at Osborne North is still under development and will eventually be used by Naval Group to build 12 new Attackclass submarines. Andrew Seaton, CEO of ANI, told Asian Military Review that there are ‘different approaches’ to the construction of the North and South facilities. He said that Osborne South was designed by Odense Maritime Technology as a ‘generic’ shipyard built by construction company LendLease. This means that it can not only build the Hunter-class but also future warships up to destroyer size with a maximum 170 metre length and 10,000 tonnes displacement. “BAE were told what
| Asian Military Review |
shipyard they would be given, but around the edges like the pipe shop we have worked with BAE to make sure the flow of materials meets their requirements,” Seaton explained. “The new yard is a standalone yard and will ultimately be integrated into the existing yard. The Hunter-class frigates and new Arafura-class offshore patrol vessels will coexist for a time in the existing yard until the OPVs are finished – maybe by the end of 2023 – and then from Hunter, BAE Systems will effectively lease the whole yard from us," Seaton explained. “All the equipment is in there and is being set to work. It is really for BAE to come in and familiarise themselves with the facility and begin training so we will have the original equipment manufacturers come back and train the
Regional naval directory
BAE workforce to begin prototyping in December this year,” he added. The new yard is located next to the existing ASC Shipbuilding yard at Osborne South which built the RAN’s Hobart-class Air Warfare Destroyers (AWDs) that were completed in March. It is now building two of the 12 new Arafura-class OPVs. Seaton said that not all of the $363 million (A$535 million) for the Osborne South project was spent and the remainder would be used to modernise some facilities at ASC. A BAE spokesperson told AMR that the existing construction halls, currently being utilised for the OPV programme, will be modernised in the next phase of the redevelopment project. “When combined with the five new buildings and associated infrastructure, this will create a seamless facility where design, manufacture, outfit, consolidation, and test and activation can take place,” they added. Unlike the earlier AWD construction programme, which assembled ship blocks that were built around the country, the new shipyard is vertically integrated meaning ‘steel in, ships out’ with the capability to build all the ship blocks itself, assemble them and launch the vessel.
Phased Approach
the Naval Shipbuilding Plan for the construction of both yards was $680 million but the final bill for the construction of the Osborne North yard has yet to be publicly announced. As in the South, there is also an existing ASC shipyard at Osborne North which conducts Full Cycle Docking maintenance on the RAN’s six Collinsclass submarines. A decision is yet to be taken by the government about whether the operations of this facility will move to Western Australia. “At the moment everything we are designing and building will have flexibility awaiting that decision,” Seaton said. “If Collins’ sustainment stays in in Adelaide we will stay with ASC as a tenant here as well as Naval Group. If Collins sustainment moves to Perth then ASC will still have a presence here in some form or another but we will integrate the yards,” he explained. Meanwhile the Australian Marine Complex in the Henderson Precinct south of Perth in WA could be set for an upgrade should ASC’s Collins Full Cycle Docking facility move there. Seaton said that ANI already owns some assets in Henderson and although it does not have sight of future plans just yet, if there is new shipyard capabilities required there “then the expectation is that ANI would become involved.” AMR
Seaton said the site at Osborne North is being built to a ‘bespoke design’ using a phased approach that is “progressing
the design of the yard with the capability of the submarine itself.” The design is yet to be finalised but it involves Naval Group, ANI, Lockheed Martin, the Commonwealth and construction firm Laing O’Rourke under an integrated project team arrangement. The final design of the new Osborne North shipyard will be depend on Naval Group’s construction methodology for the Attack-class submarines. Initial buildings under Phase 1 are under construction and will be followed by a second main phase. “It is a staged construction schedule so as each part is completed the facilities are handed over to Lockheed Martin and Naval Group. Concurrently with what is happening [under Phase 1] the planning and design for Phase 2 is also underway. Phase 2 is the main production facility and the support systems for that, which is happening as the building of two buildings under Phase 1 are underway now,” Seaton explained. A spokesperson from Naval Group told AMR that it is continuing to work with ANI on the design of the Submarine Construction Yard and the implementation of manufacturing systems. “The construction halls, blast and paint workshop, warehousing and other facilities for the Future Submarine Construction Yard in Osborne are expected to begin to take shape onsite from this year,” the spokesperson said. The total amount identified by
The new shipyard at Osborne South consists of a large new ship assembly shed (seen on the left), block assembly hall (in the centre) and a steel fabrication and unit assembly hall (on the right).
| july/August 2020 |
naval directory
SIGMA 10514 PKR1 frigate for the Indonesian Navy during final stages of construction at local shipyard PT Pal
SE Asian shipyards, traditionally smaller, look to build affordable vessels but may face economic peril in the post-COVID-19 world.
fforts to improve naval shipbuilding capacity are mixed across the Indo-Pacific region and depend largely on the naval shipbuilding programmes that are underway or planned. Some countries are developing ship programmes because of increased threats in the maritime domain, but most want to get industrial self-reliance in an area that can boost the economy, create jobs and bring in technology as well as help project status internationally. Dr Collin Koh Swee Lean, from the Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS) in Singapore told AMR: “Most of the Indo-Pacific region’s modern shipyards are found in Northeast Asia, such as in China, Japan
by Tim Fish and South Korea. In the Oceania, we’ve Australia. In South Asia, there’s India. In Southeast Asia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam possess the region’s most modern shipbuilding capacities.” He added: "Myanmar is one example that’s often ignored, though the growth of its naval shipbuilding capacity is geared towards meeting domestic needs. Still, in the long run, the capacity could position the country well for export prospects. And so is the case of Bangladesh, which is clearly also looking at export opportunities." Colin said that that in South East Asia the enhancement of shipyards has been "minimal" with "perhaps the exception of Indonesia which has recently acquired the capacity to build its first submarine
| Asian Military Review |
under DSME licence." In South East Asia there are shipbuilding programmes underway that centre on OPVs and frigates. The main OPV programmes are being undertaken by the Song Thu Group in Vietnam; by Destini/THHE in Malaysia; Bangkok Dock in Thailand; and both PT Citra and PT Malindo in Indonesia. In South Asia the Thanlyin shipyard in Myanmar is building new OPVs and in Bangladesh there are signs that naval shipbuilding capacity is being expanded at Khulna Shipyard. OPVs are the simplest of naval vessels to build and these countries are able to use their existing commercial shipbuilding facilities to undertake OPV projects. More complex warships like frigates are much harder to construct. Malaysia is
naval directory
Damen Song Cam Shipyard, Damen’s first formal Joint Venture yard in Vietnam
pushing ahead with frigate construction at Boustead Naval Shipyard, in Indonesia this capability is being centred upon PT Pal, and in Pakistan Karachi Shipyards is undertaking frigate construction too. But all are being undertaken with the assistance from overseas companies with a significant degree of technology transfer. Collin said: “Generally across the Indo-Pacific, OPVs and frigates are areas of focus because of not only domestic maritime forces imperatives but also for export prospects. These assets tend to be popular on the international naval market, more affordable for more navies and coastguards. The trend towards OPV, is the result of a general proliferation trend for maritime law enforcement agencies, especially in the Indo-Pacific where there’s a considerable market for such vessels. But in Northeast Asia, there are not only OPVs and frigates, but destroyer programmes also in vogue.” Technology transfer has been required to enable shipyards to embark on these projects. The main challenge has less to do with precision machinery that can be acquired commercially but more related to systems integration. “This is a major hurdle those lesser shipbuilders in the region have to overcome and this is only possible through technology transfer,” Collin said, “The other challenge is manpower – not just skilled welders and draftsmen,
but also the engineers. They have to be adequately trained, and able to ensure quality control in the shipbuilding process.” Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding (DSNS) has been one of the more successful companies in the region and is assisting several yards in Vietnam and Malaysia’s Destini with OPV programmes and PT Pal in Indonesia with the construction of frigates. Roland Briene, commercial director at the company told AMR that DSNS helped the shipyards with both infrastructure requirements and technology transfer. “In most cases the facilities were already there but they usually need some minor modification,” he said. Modifications were discussed with the shipyards and would reflect the building strategy for the ships. “The building strategy has to be aligned with the infrastructure, what kind of launch, what kind of transfer of blocks on the premises of the shipyard is needed. If that means extension of sheds or an extra loader to carry blocks around the yard or different welding machines that will be discussed, that is the kind of advice we provide. Those are key elements, the bigger the project the more tailored it gets,” Briene added. In Vietnam DSNS’s partner yard in Haiphong required an extension of its sheds and improved storage facilities considering the sensitivity and
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complexity of naval vessels. “If you bring sensors and weapons to the shipyard they need to be stored in a preserved way in terms of temperature and humidity and that is what we had to build with the yard,” Briene explained. In Indonesia, PT Pal had the necessary infrastructure and it was more about delivering specific skills that would enable a transition from commercial ships to frigate construction. Here, Briene said that one area of focus was the upgrade in welding skills and equipment specific for that project. “If you build tankers and now go to navy ships the steel plate thickness is much less, it is not a heavy steel welding that you are used to you need more specialised welding. Also if you have to install sensitive sensors and radar systems that are not on container ships, that requires an upgrade of those skills too. We provide them with that,” he said. This is the kind of mix of assistance that is required to develop shipyards in the region and depends largely on the scale of the project and the existing facilities and skills sets. But bringing in technology is not always a simple process. Collin said that whilst it is very important recipient countries “need to create the necessary domestic conditions for technology transfer to be effective. This includes creating the regulatory frameworks or policies to make it effective and efficient, and also, the requisite human capital.” In addition he said that there that are some local shipbuilders that aren’t necessarily satisfied with the extent of technology collaboration with foreign vendors, “with some complaining that they are denied full access to the requisite tech, or not fulfilling contractual terms on transfer of technology generally.” But the outlook looks bleak following the COVID-19 pandemic. Spending on health and other social and economic programmes means that the outlook for navies is uncertain. Collin said that if demand for maritime forces could be undermined and this in turn will affect the shipbuilding developments. “The smaller players will be amongst the hardest hit, whereas the larger and more established ones in the region could more or less stay buoyant with sufficient government intervention and support,” he said. “We’ll be lucky if we see the existing ones remaining intact long after the pandemic and its economic fallout, which could result in complete shutdowns or mergers and consolidation.” AMR
P r o m o t i o n
laying an important role in the efforts of Turkey’s defence sector to develop indigenous technologies, which have witnessed significant advances in recent years, STM Savunma Teknolojileri Mühendislik ve Ticaret A.Ş. offers critical solutions especially to the Turkish naval sector, and to the autonomous drone system and cyber security fields, under the leadership of the Presidency of Defence Industries (SSB). The company’s activities aimed at meeting Turkey’s local defence and technology needs, and at opening up to the international market with its expanded capabilities and activities, have allowed it to maintain its rank on the list of the world’s top 100 defence companies.
MILGEM Ada Class Corvette
Playing a critical role in meeting the needs of the Turkish Naval Forces
In line with the county’s NATO membership, the Turkish Navy, as one of the most active navies in the world, conducted the largest ever exercise in Turkish history during which its operational capabilities were tested. The exercise was conducted simultaneously in the Eastern Mediterranean, the Aegean Sea and the Black Sea with the involvement of 131 ships, 57 aircraft, 33 helicopters and 25,900 personnel. Also involved in the exercise were
MİLGEM Ada-Class Corvettes, constructed with a localization rate of 70 percent, in which STM assumed a significant subcontractor role. Building on its involvement in the MİLGEM programme, STM then became the main contractor in the I-Class Frigate project, again to meet a need of the Turkish Navy, and on schedule to start deliveries in 2023 with a minimum localization rate of 75 percent. The company is also the main contractor in the Test and Training Ship TCG Ufuk (A-591) project, which will be Turkey’s first intelligence ship, and has assumed important roles also in the submarine modernisation and construction projects of the Turkish Navy. With the successful completion of the modernisation of two AY-Class Submarines, STM has now become a pilot partner in the modernisation of four Preveze-Class Submarines. Another programme in which STM has played a critical role is the New Type Submarine Project with an Air Independent Propulsion System (Reis Class).
Agosta 90 B
Technologies and capabilities of the Turkish Navy at the service of friendly and brotherly countries
STM is exporting its capabilities and services to friendly and allied nations, bringing the experience it has gained in the projects carried out to meet Turkey’s needs. The company is continuing its activities as the main contractor in the project for the PNS MOAWIN Fleet Tanker, which was designed by STM for the Pakistan Navy (PN), and which was built by Karachi Shipyard and delivered to PN, as well
as in the modernisation project for Pakistan’s Agosta 90B Khalid-Class submarines. Having won the trust of the Pakistan Navy with the success of its projects in the country to date, STM is currently involved in the construction of Four Ada-Class Corvettes, to be built by Turkey for Pakistan. The company is bringing all its engineering capabilities to the project for the procurement and integration of the main propulsion system.
Pakistan Navy Fleet Tanker (PNS MOAWIN)
Attracts the attention of the world’s navies
Pioneering efforts to promote NATO-member Turkey’s deterrence capabilities in the naval field, STM is today developing flexible solutions that will meet the needs of the world’s navies through surface and underwater naval platforms. Within the scope of its activities, ranging from design to construction and modernisation, it offers engineering solutions over a wide spectrum, including production in the respective countries’ shipyards and local participation, increasing the capacities of the shipyards when needed. STM specialises in equipping the systems being used successfully by the Turkish Navy in the field with high-quality and affordable engineering solutions embodying state-of-theart technologies, and offers long-term service support and indigenously developed weapon systems. In this way, the company ensures that the systems are not affected by imposed embargoes, allowing them to be used also by the navies of friendly and allied nations.
Achieving the ‘hard kill’ of a UAS using guns has generally been the preferred option for military operating on the front lines. The US Marines have coupled radar detection, electro-optic identification and aiming with the high volume of fire of the Gatling style gun in its CUAS system.
A widening range of methods are being fielded to take down UAS depending on their size.
by Stephen W. Miller
nmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) offer new threats as well as new capabilities to the military. At least 95 countries and groups have versions of UAS ranging from the sophisticated and expensive systems designed to fly at extreme altitudes for extended periods down to the simple and inexpensive hobby-type systems. The latter, referred to as Groups I and II (those under 55kg), range from those small enough to fit in the palm of the hand to larger ones weighing a few kilograms with limited payload range and endurance that are locally controlled. These readily available UAS platforms are proliferating rapidly creating challenges both on the home front and over all areas where the military operate, from the battlefield to rear support and logistics areas. Colonel David E. Shank, Commandant of the US Army Air Defence Center and School explains: “The UAS adds a new dimension to the aerial battle. The Group I and II have proven to be particularly adaptable in responding
to countermeasures. They have rapidly changed tactics and control mechanisms to reduce vulnerability while still achieving their mission capabilities. As a result developing equally adaptable defeat solutions has been a near term priority.” Originally introduced as primarily an information gathering system, the UAS grew more capable through the introduction of more precise navigation using GPS, improved flight controls, and greater payloads. These allowed fitting of higher resolution cameras and laser rangefinders enhancing their surveillance and permitting them to provide targeting information for artillery. “The effectiveness of combining the UAS and indirect fires was well demonstrated by the Russian’s in the Ukraine.” Col Shank shared, “as a new and important element of combined arms warfare.” Perhaps inevitably, UASs were ‘jury-rigged’ to carry and crudely drop improvised explosive devices. Typically, as used by ISIS fighters in Mosul, these were hand grenades with fins fastened by
| Asian Military Review |
duct-tape. However, on 14 September 2019 a tactically coordinated attack entirely by unmanned systems occurred on Saudi Arabia’s state oil group Aramco’s sites at Abqaiq and Khurais. A mixed formation of cruise missiles and small drone UASs approached undetected by sophisticated, advanced air defences. Programmed to fly hundreds of kilometres along remote routes they were able to attack from unexpected directions simultaneously striking critical facilities. Douglas Barrie, an air power fellow at the International Institute for Strategies Studies (IISS) stated that “the level of complexity of this attack is above all that we have seen before. It raised a question mark as to the quality of the protection available against UAV / drone attacks. The fact is that complex networks of air defence radars linked to guided missiles and advanced fighter jet squadrons are not designed to counteract this relatively cheap and disposable technology.” If there ever was a question about potential tactical value and seriousness of the threat the UAS posed this attack resolved it.
Multiple Scenarios Luke Layman CEO of MyDefence North America explains that “UAS operations create third-dimension awareness... with unmanned systems being used for tactical operations that range from deception and disruption to surveillance and kinetic response. Force protection and critical infrastructure managers must include these in their planning considerations… they now must be aware of what they can’t see- and more importantly, what can see them!” One of the unique challenges in countering the UAS is the wide number of ways it can be employed and the quite different conditions faced in each potential scenario. Addressing a UAS operating in an urban civilian environment needs to consider the possibility of unintended collateral damage that might occur when taking it down. Similarly, providing continuous all-around protection to a fixed site requires an entirely different platform and performance than offering the same coverage to a moving convoy or a tactical military unit. The appropriate countermeasure differ in a peacetime versus combat scenario even between that faced in a terrorist incident, insurgency and peer-on-peer warfare. As a result the litany of possible approaches to defeating the UAS has of necessity needed to be broad. However, the principles in defeating the UAS in every
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Manportable, handheld CUAS systems. The US Army forces in the Republic of Korea have fielded the Battelle developed DroneDefender now offered by Dedrone.
scenario remain the same: Detect & Track, Decide (Identify /Characterise), Target and Defeat.
Detect The Group I, II and many III UASs are designed to operate at low altitudes. Often flying to blend with the terrain, trees and building of its surroundings or flying well above the ground where its small size and quiet operation make it inconspicuous. Lee Dingman, president and COO at Ascent Vision explains that the “initial detection of a UAS can be extremely difficult as they typically have very low visual and aural signatures“. A field assessment of multispectral technologies ability to find UAS’ in flight conducted by the Faculty of Military Technology, University of Defence in the Czech Republic found human eye detection was only reliable inside 100 metres. Even thermal cameras and acoustic devices were effective only to around 350m when required to observe a broad area. Despite their very low radar cross-section (RCS), radar still provides the best detection ranges. In trials, X-band radar provided detections at around 3000m. As an element of its Xpeller Counter UAS system, Germany’s Hensoldt utilises its SPEXER 360 X-band Doppler radar which is optimised for small target detection even in cluttered backgrounds. Company spokesperson, Carina Englehardt, stated that “the system at 44 pounds (22 kilograms) is lightweight yet able to offer maximum protection under a variety of conditions and ranges. “ It will detect a Micro UAS with a 0.03m² RCS at 1.6km but also other low and surface targets like a man (which has a 0.5m² RCS) at 4km or truck
(10m² RCS) at 8.4km. Thus, the system is also able to offer full intrusion detection against both ground and aerial threats. The Czech field tests further demonstrated the need for both rapid and accurate detection and confirmation at the greatest range. What became clear is that the UAS is a dynamic target always in motion presenting a nimble and often momentary target. Even with a moderate flight speed of about 10–15 meters per second (mps) a UAS can quickly close a distance of 300 meters in only 20–30 seconds. It can, thus, quickly evade, move beyond detection, or be on top of or beyond an observer virtually in seconds. The detect to decision chain must, therefore, be rapid and precise to have any relevance. The challenges posed by the small UAS are more analogous to those of detecting and tracking rockets and artillery and mortar projectiles in flight – referred to as C-RAM – than to systems targeting conventional airborne platforms. “Recognition of this influenced the selection of the KuRFS radar for our Howler CUAS system” relates Don Sullivan, chief technologist at Raytheon Missile Systems. He explains: “the UAS is particularly difficult to find and track. Not only are they often a small target but they are flown at low altitudes that present a clutter or false signal returns for radar. The Ku radar is already proven in detecting and tracking incoming projectiles in C-RAM, thus, has also been particularly effective against these small UASs as well.” Ascent Vision’s X-MADIS and E-MADIS employ pulse Doppler S-Band radar with four fixed ‘staring’ antenna each with 90 degrees spatial coverage oriented to provide all-around surveillance. Dingman shared that the system can not only provide nano UAS detection at 3.5m but also larger UAS’, fighter aircraft and helicopters at up to 25-30km for the later. An additional advantage is that coupled with the company’s software it is able to track and correlate multiple threats including UAS swarms.
is, in fact, a target of concern, accurately identify it and assess the nature of the threat. In the process target tracking and engagement options and targeting solutions will be determined. The complexity of the environments in which the UAS operates often requires the use of multiple sensors to accomplish this. In the University of Defence trials optical tracking and discrimination of the UAS proved highly efficient particularly for thermal IR heat sensing devices using narrow field of view (NFVO)/high magnification. However, use of the NFOV made initial capture of the target image problematic without outside azimuth designation.
Defeat – Soft Kill With a positive threat confirmation and identification the UAS must be neutralised. This can be by physically engaging and destroying it in a ‘hard kill’ or by neutralising it in a ‘soft kill’. The later, referred to as non-kinetic most often is directed to disrupting the UAS’ operation by jamming or deceiving its controls, navigation signals or operator data link tcausing it to crash or be hijacked and captured. Raytheon’s MESMER even seeks to manipulate its radio frequencies to control a hostile drone. These techniques can be less effective where the UAS has autonomous navigation and is programmed to default to return to a safe landing point should positive control be lost. Most soft-kill utilise electronic warfare jammers intended to disrupt control of the UAS or, as Luke Layman points out, “even the pre-programmed course UAS likely has a data link to send video which can be interrupted”. A Hensoldt
US Army
Decide Determining that a possible threat is present it must then be confirmed, positively identified and classified prior to any counter action. Experience has demonstrated that presently radar must be complemented with electro-optics and electronic radio frequency monitoring to acquire and then confirm the detection
| Asian Military Review |
The small signature presented particularly by the Group 1 and 2 UAS and its operation at very low altitude around obstructing terrain complicates detection. To date radar, like the SPEXER 360 X-band doppler used in Hensoldt Xpeller shown watching over a city, optimised to address specific parameters have proved the most efficient.
Northrop Grumman Achieving rapid kill of a UAS is critical. The 30mm combines offering a lighter weight gun with higher kill probability per rounds fired. The 30mm effectiveness will be significantly enhanced by Northrop-Grumman’s proximity fuse currently being certified.
principle concern with signal jamming is the possibility that other radio frequencies not associated with the targeted UAS could also be affected. This is especially sensitive concern in security in public and dense populated areas. In many potential situations a portable counter-measure is highly desired if not essential. Rifle style systems like DroneShield of Australia’s handheld DroneGun Tactical UAS disruptor carried by a single person can fill this requirement. Directed precisely at the target, they simultaneously disrupt RF control frequency bands, the GNSS capability (GPS, GLONASS), and can cut off the video link to the UAS controller. Oleg Vornik, chief executive office at the company shared that “the system forces drones into a fail-safe mode where they cannot be controlled by the operator.” Another handheld jammer with 1km range, the ORION-H, was recently presented by TRD Singapore. It is a manportable model of a family of ORION systems including backpack, stationary and vehicle mounted solutions. Another approach is to employ one’s own UAS to intercept and capture or down a hostile drone in these scenarios. Selex ES in the United Kingdom, a Leonardo company, offers its Falcon Shield designed to actually allow its operator to commandeer the UAS’s controls and make it land safely. The Dutch firm Delft Dynamics’ Drone Catcher is a quad-copter UAS with integrated camera with image recognition and tracking and a special pneumatic “net gun”. Manoeuvred to within 20m of the targeted UAS it lockson and then launches a net that captures the opposing UAS.
Defeat - Kinetic Kinetic kill seeks to destroy the UAS or physically disable it. More often the selection for this has been an automatic firing weapon in a remote weapon
l and warfare
station. These range from a Dillon Aero 7.62mm six barrel electrically powered Gatling type gun capable of 3000 round per minute, to the venerable M2 .50cal machine gun, and the 30mm M230LF auto-cannon. The later has become increasingly viewed as the weapon of choice. This preference will likely grow with the introduction of proximity fusing which would be demonstrability more effective against the UAS. Jarrod Krull, a Northrop Grumman spokesperson, shared that the company has such proximity ammunition for the 30mm which is undergoing Army certification. The advantage of ballistic weapons in the combat area are their inherent ability to engage other targets as well. Raytheon’s Howler takes another approach using its expendable, tube launched high speed Coyote missile, itself a form of turbo-jet propelled UAS, to execute the kill. It is coupled with the KuRF radar proven in the C-RAM role. It is being fielded by the US Army initially in a truck mounted form for site defence. Another possibility is the use of directed high power microwave energy which can incapacitate a UAS immediately by disrupting it’s electronics. It is directional and can have a narrow or wide beam with the later ideal for dealing with the multi-drone swarm attack. At the US Army 2018 Manoeuvre Fires Integrated Exercise (MFIX), a Raytheon High Energy Microwave (HEM) shot down 33 drones in groups of two or three. Michael Hofle, the company’s Product line director explains: “The high-power microwaves are really effective with a large swarm [of drones], because they have a large cone of effect". Another Air Force demonstration in September 2019 lead to the deployment of its Phaser HPM from Raytheon for field experimentation in airfield defence. Using an ISO container it is less suited for tactical use, however, Liedos is developing its TIGER (Time Integrated Gigawatt Electromagnetic Response) man portable system. Major investments are also being made in lasers. Given current power limits the smaller TUAS is a target that it is actually capable of addressing. In 2018 Boeing demonstrated a 5kW laser on the General Dynamics Stryker 8x8 armoured vehicle under the title of Mobile Expeditionary High Energy Laser (MEHEL). Its Compact Laser Weapon System (CLWS) was developed for a US Marine evaluation integrated onto the M-ATV. Raytheon’s HEL (High
| july/August 2020 |
Energy Laser) has also been successfully demonstrated at the US Army Manoeuvre Fires Integrated Exercise (MFIX 2018), shooting down a dozen manoeuvring drones. At the 2019 MFIX, Kord Technologies of Huntsville, Alabama showed its 5kW Mobile Expeditionary High-Energy Laser (MEHEL) on a Stryker. More recently in October 2019 Raytheon provided the US Air Force with a 10kWclass HEL mounted on a Polaris allterrain vehicle. It is a major step forward toward a workable tactical laser weapon system since it integrates a multispectral optical and infrared aiming system, laser cooling, and sufficient power for the laser (using 220-volt batteries originally built for electric race cars) on a compact mobile platform. Hofle suggests that “the laser and microwave systems are complementary. The former has longer range and better precision, so it can focus tightly to detonate an explosive payload or cripple targets that slip through defences.” An advantage of the laser is it can engage targets with less concern over replenishing ready ammunition. On the other hand current lasers require a dwell time on target to inflict sufficient damage to down it, reducing the system’s ability to rapidly address multiple targets in succession. In addition these lasers are effective only in engaging these Group 1 and 2 UAS limiting their overall tactical utility.
UAS and CUAS Future A February 2018 report from The Centre for the Study of the Drone at Bard College in Annandale-on-Hudson, New York, stated “drone technology itself is not standing still, Drones might be designed to reduce their radar signature. Counterlaser systems could protect drones from directed-energy attacks. Finally, forces might seek to deploy drone swarms, which present a range of vexing technical challenges”. That there is a distinct difference between solutions appropriate for countering civil security threat challenges and those of the battlefield must also be recognised. In the former the focus on simply addressing the UAS itself is acceptable. However, in the latter the UAS is assuredly becoming a new and integrated element of the larger combined arms. Therefore, the CUAS systems fielded must be similarly integrated and able to respond to all battlefield challenges if they are to be effective in combat. AMR
s p o t l i g h t
Asia Pacific SOF conduct submarine operations using MIBs during the Rim of the Pacific exercise in Hawaii in 2018. Similar CONOPS are due to be explored in July 2020 as part of the same exercise.
MARITIME FOBS FOR SEABORNE SOF Across Asia Pacific, special operations forces (SOF) are receiving upgrades in maritime capability to support emerging mission sets associated with the Great Power Competition (GPC).
esigned to counter potential military threats from the People’s Republic of China and/or the Russian Federation, regional SOF forces are rapidly evolving concepts of operation (CONOPS) to successfully engage with high capability adversaries and maintain tactical overmatch. Such considerations were explored at the US Special Operations Command Pacific’s (SOCPAC’s) Transregional Resistance Working Group (TRWG) in Monterey, California between 4-6 February 2020. According to SOCPAC officials, the overarching theme of the event was to compare “Russian and Chinese Aggression” across the region, with particular focus on strategic threats facing Mongolia and Taiwan which continue to “seek to increase efforts in the resilience and resistance areas of their national security strategy”. “After 20 years of sustained counter-
by Andrew White violent extremist organisation (C-VEO) fighting, SOF will see more of a pivot to the GPC. SOF’s inherent ability to be a flexible, agile, and adaptive force will continue to compliment the joint force as we focus on the GPC,” a SOCPAC spokesperson explained to Asian Military Review following the event. “SOF has always taken on multiple roles. Although we have been heavily invested in the counter-terrorism fight for the past 20 years, we haven’t lost our focus on the GPC. As we see our policy begin to shift focus from a CT fight to competing in the GPC, we will balance requirements based on priorities informed by assessments,” it was added. Critical to such a strategy are special operations in the maritime domain, given the strategic nature of seaways scattered across Asia Pacific, which include the Strait of Malacca between Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia. As a result, SOF across the region continue to upgrade SOF-specific
| Asian Military Review |
equipment to support littoral and Bluewater operational requirements both above and below the surface. Examples include Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat (RHIB), High Speed Interceptor Craft (HSIC) and Mothership vessels on the surface; in addition to submarines, dry deck shelters, swimmer delivery vehicles (SDVs) and combat diving equipment which can be employed in the sub-surface environment.
Surface Solutions Similar to ‘fly and drive’ operations employed by SOF in the ground domain, maritime components continue to consider the employment of ‘mothership’ concepts in Bluewater environments. Such a CONOP requires a large surface vessel to be forward deployed, acting as an ‘at sea’ Forward Operating Base (FOB) allowing SOF components to conduct the full spectrum of mission sets through the projection of multiple types of surface and sub-surface platforms. In February 2019, the UK Ministry of
Defence (MoD) disclosed plans to operate such a ‘mothership’ concept with former defence secretary, Gavin Williamson describing how “Littoral Strike Ships” could be equipped with modular roll on/ roll off mission suites. Speaking at the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) in London, Williamson explained how the MoD was seeking to “dramatically accelerate” the procurement of Littoral Strike Ships into service with the Royal Navy, confirming: “These globally deployable multirole vessels will be able to conduct a wide range of operations, from crisis support to warfighting. They’ll be forward deployed at exceptionally high readiness and able to respond at a moment’s notice, bringing the fight from sea to land. Our vision is for these ships to form part of two littoral strike groups, complete with escorts, support vessels, and helicopters.” The US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) has also toyed with the mothership concept, employing the special warfare support vessel MV Ocean Trader in a similar capacity, industry sources highlighted to AMR. In South Korea, SOF from the Naval Special Warfare Flotilla look set to benefit from the procurement of a Landing Platform Helicopter II (LPH II) surface vessel, according to documents disclosed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff on 12 July 2019. The 30,000-ton LPH II would be capable of operating as a type of ‘mothership’ to facilitate special missions across a wide area through the launch of rotary wing and tilt-rotor air frames in addition to armoured vehicles used to conduct sea-to-land operations. However, as of 20 April 2020, the South Korean government has yet to grant final approval for the programme to continue. At the more tactical end of the market, a number of SOF components across Asia Pacific including India’s Marine Commandos (MARCOS) are operating C-950D RHIBs from Boomeranger Boats in Finland, used by force components to conduct maritime counter-terrorism (MCT) operations. Measuring 9.5m in length with a 3m beam, C-950D RHIBs provide maritime SOF teams with a top speed of 60 knots with a maximum payload capacity of 2,000kg. “The Boomeranger Special Operations Boats are customised according to the requirements of the customer for troop transport and insertion, boarding, fire support, diver, kayak and inflatable
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Similar to fly and drive operations conducted in the land domain, maritime SOF can project RHIBs over greater distances using Airborne Systems’ MCADS, deployed from fixed wing aircraft. Here, two rigid-hulled inflatable boats (RHIBs) are dropped by MCADS for Special Operations Command Europe.
operations, helicopter-underslung, airdrop and transport by road, sea and air for worldwide deployment,” a company spokesperson told AMR. C-950D RHIBs can also feature a series of cargo rails on the deck in order to facilitate mission-specific arrangements of seating and equipment, dependent upon mission requirements. The RHIB can also be fitted with a telescopic mast to house radar, thermal imaging cameras and antenna payloads. As company sources explained, during maritime interdiction and Visit, Board, Search and Seizure (VBSS) missions, the mast can be retracted to protect valuable payloads from hitting nearby vessels. Finally, the C-950D can also be forward deployed using Airborne Systems’ Maritime Craft Aerial Delivery System (MCADS) which means vessels can be air-dropped from a variety of fixed wing platforms including A400M; C-17; C-130; as well as the CH-47 Chinook helicopter. In Malaysia, the navy’s PASKAL SOF unit is also seeking to enhance its maritime capabilities following an announcement disclosed in the 2019 Defence White Paper. According to the document, PASKAL could benefit from a Littoral Mission Ship as well as HSICs and “Special Forces Boats”, capable of supporting maritime CT missions in Bluewater environments.
| July/August 2020 |
According to the White Paper, any selected Littoral Mission Ship should comprise a “modular design [capable of being] equipped with additional weapons and systems to meet future operating needs”. Such an uplift in maritime surface capabilities was included in a solicitation by Malaysia’s Ministry of Defence on 19 July 2019, which demanded the acquisition of 18 surface vessels which could be immediately deployed to support ongoing CT operations in Eastern Sabah. Vessels will replace legacy CB90 FACs, as manufactured by Dockstavarvet in Sweden. Alternative platforms could include USSOCOM’s Combatant Craft family of Assault, Medium and Heavy surface vessels which continue to be rolled out across US Naval Special Warfare. On 14 April 2020, United States Marine was awarded a $108 million contract to deliver an undisclosed number of Combatant Craft Assault (CCA) surface vessels to Naval Special Warfare Group 4 as part of an indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity award. According to an official statement from United States Marine, CCA vessels (operated by Special Boat Teams 12 and 20) can be tasked with “medium range maritime interdiction operations in medium-to-high threat environments”, in addition to the discreet or clandestine
Teledyne Brown Engineering
s p o t l i g h t
Swimmer Delivery Vehicles remain a key capability set for SOF seeking a clandestine insertion/ extraction capability in the maritime environment. Examples include US Naval Special Warfare’s Shallow Water Combat Submersible, manufactured by Teledyne Brown Engineering.
insertion and extraction of small unit teams. CCAs, which are designed with a mono-hull design, can also be delivered via MCADS from C-17 air frames. Powered by a pair of diesel engines, the surface vessel includes an ISTAR mission payload comprising maritime radar, communications antenna and Combatant Craft Forward Looking Infrared camera featuring laser rangefinder and designator. CCAs can also be upgraded with a variety of armaments including 12.7mm heavy machine guns and 40mm grenade launchers. Future upgrades which might soon be made available to CCA operators include the development of a Surface Search Phased Array radar which would allow crews to detect and track low observable surface vessels on the water. Elsewhere, Russian SOF components are now equipped with Project 02800 Fast Attack Craft (FAC) which can be used to support maritime interdiction missions in littoral and Bluewater environments. With capacity to cary up to 10 personnel, FACs have a maximum speed of 43kts and can also be retrofitted with scalable levels in ballistic protection dependent upon the threat environment. As industry sources explained to AMR, Project 02800 FACs now augment Project 03160 Raptor HSIC vessels currently deployed to Tartus, Syria.
Sub-Surface In the sub-surface environment, SOF
components across Asia Pacific are turning their attentions to special mission capabilities associated with submarines. Similar CONOPS are due to be explored by SOF units from across Asia Pacific at the Exercise Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) between June/July 2020, organised by the US SOCPAC. Headed by an Operational Detachment Alpha (ODA) Team from the US Army’s 1st Special Forces Group, the SOF element of Exercise RIMPAC will see SOF units from South Korea, Japan, India, The Philippines, Peru, Chile and Brazil conducting small boat operations launched from strategic submarines from Joint Base Pearl Harbor Hickam in Oahu, Hawaii. These “maritime/dive and submarine operations”, as one SOCPAC official explained to AMR, allow small unit teams to deploy military inflatable boats (MIBs) from submarines when submerged. Additional CONOPS available to SOF include the deployment of Swimmer Delivery Vehicles (SDVs) from Dry Deck Shelters (DDS)- a concept which is already in operation with US Naval Special Warfare. Examples include South Korea’s Naval Special Warfare Flotilla which is working up special operations requirements for a fleet of KSS-III diesel-electric submarines being designed and manufactured by Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering. A contract, which was first announced by the Defense Acquisition Programme Administration in December
| Asian Military Review |
2018, saw manufacturing begin at the end of 2019. South Korean Navy SEALs attended RIMPAC 2018, declaring to AMR that they did not currently possess a submarine special operations capability. However, KSS-III submarines are expected to comprise some kind of capacity to launch clandestine small boat/SDV operations when submerged, industry sources suggest. Similar efforts are being developed by the Pakistan Navy which is due to receive an initial tranche of four submarines in 2022. Manufactured at the Karachi Shipyard and Engineering Works, as part of a technology transfer agreement with China, submarines are also expected to provide a sub-surface capability to support special operations of the Special Services Group (Navy). In Indonesia, the navy’s KOPASKA SOF unit is expecting to receive a new 22m mini-submarine design following disclosure of the concept at the IndoDefence 2018 exhibition in Jakarta, by shipbuilder PT Palindo Marine. According to SOF sources familiar with the project, KOPASKA is demanding a boat capable of remaining submerged for up to six days at an operating depth as low as 150m. The mini-submarine must also have a top speed of 10kts when moving underwater, sources added. Finally, SOF components across Asia Pacific also continue to ramp up their SDV capabilities to operate not only in a standalone mode but also in collaboration with submarines and larger mothership surface vessels. Examples include Russian SOF which first disclosed the deployment of Rotinor Black Shadow swimmer propulsion vehicles (SPVs) during an exercise in the Mediterranean Sea in September 2018. Russian SOF operators used the SPVs to insert in a clandestine fashion from Kiloclass submarines to undertake combat dive operations, sources revealed. The Australian Special Operations Command (SOCOMD) also continues to identify potential solutions to satisfy its search for a ‘next-generation’ SDV which could be forward deployed from submerged boats. The SOCOMD has been pursuing a requirement for ‘tens’ of SDVs with potential options comprising Alseamar’s inventory of Sphyrene and Coryphene SDVs, each of which can carry between three and six personnel each. AMR
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M i l i t a r i e s
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The South Korean defence industry is widening its skills and knowledge across all sectors, including tier supply.
he Republic of Korea (RoK, or South Korea)’s defence industry has been shaped by the country’s unique strategic environment, having evolved over several decades to address the requirements of its rapidly modernising armed forces and a national imperative to expand its national export potential. Enduring threats posed by an unpredictable and belligerent Democratic
by JR Ng People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK, or North Korea) as well as historical baggage with Japan and an increasingly powerful China have driven indigenous defenceindustrial advancement across the air, land, and naval domains and provided the RoK armed forces with a highly credible set of offensive and defensive capabilities. Despite the remarkable progress Seoul is seeking to decrease its reliance
| Asian Military Review |
on advanced technologies – especially command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (C4ISR) – from the United States as well as position its defence industry as an engine of growth for national economic development. The push for next-generation development is being spearheaded by the Ministry of National Defense (MND)’s Agency for Defense Development
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The indigenously built 8,500t Sejong Daewang (KDX-3)-class Aegis guided-missile destroyer.
(ADD) that was established in the 1970s to oversee licensed production of USdesigned weapons and munitions. There is a growing consensus that the South Korean defence industry has come of age with large homegrown public and private corporations such as Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME), Hanwha, Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI), Hyundai Rotem, Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI), and S&T Motiv – along with numerous mid-sized and small-medium enterprises (SMEs) – moving up the value chain from licensedproduction and equipment/platform upgrades to comprehensive development of high-end platforms and systems.
Land systems Land platforms and weapons have unsurprisingly emerged as one of the leading sectors within the South Korean defence industry, given that its principal customer – the RoK Army (RoKA) – is the country’s largest military service and responsible for countering the Korean People Army (KPA). Although equipped with comparatively obsolete equipment, the KPA nevertheless possesses large fleets of artillery and armoured vehicles that can adequately cover the distance to Seoul and other vital cities from wellhidden and hardened firing positions on
its side of the demilitarised zone. This has spurred the south to develop highly capable military vehicles, ranging from wheeled armoured fighting vehicles (AFVs) such as the Hyundai Rotem 6x6 K806 and K808 Wheeled Armoured Vehicles (WAVs) to the tracked K21 infantry fighting vehicle (IFV), K9 Thunder 155/52 mm self-propelled howitzer (SPH), and upgraded K1A1 and K2 ‘Black Panther’ main battle tanks (MBTs). One standout success is Hanwha Defense’s 46 tonne K9 Thunder SPH, which offers a sustained fire capability of three rounds/minute and a rapid-fire rate of eight rounds/minute. Besides being the primary SPH platform for the RoKA, the type has been exported to countries including Estonia, Finland, India (local production), Norway, and Turkey (local production). The K9 had earlier been a contender in the Australian Department of Defence (DoD)’s Land 17 Phase 1C artillery replacement programme, although the effort was abruptly cancelled in mid-2012, Australia again expressed strong interest in the SPH in mid-2019 with plans to sole-source 30 SPHs under the Land 8116 Protected Mobility Fires requirement, although a firm decision has yet to materialise to date. Hanwha is nevertheless in the
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running for the DoD’s Land 400 Phase 3 mounted close combat capability, which calls for the acquisition of up to 450 IFVs and 17 manoeuvre support vehicles worth between $6.8-10.2 billion (A$10-15 billion) to replace the Australian Army’s upgraded but ageing M113AS4 armoured personnel carriers (APCs). The company has proposed an enhanced version of its successful K21 IFV called the AS21 Redback. The 42t IFV will be operated by a three-person crew and accommodate up to eight fully equipped dismounts and will feature Australian firm EOS Defence System’s two-person T2000 turret and Elbit Systems’ highly integrated C4I suite. A Hanwha official told AMR that mobility testing of the Redback had already commenced in its Korean test facilities around late 2019 ahead of incountry assessments and the company plans to establish a “full-service” manufacturing and support plant in Geelong should it secure the contract in 2022. The Redback is competing against Rheinmetall’s Lynx IFV. “We believe that our Redback is a strong contender as it builds on the proven design and operational pedigree of the K21, which certainly meets or exceeds most requirements of modern armed forces around the world,” the
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official asserted. Meanwhile, Hyundai Rotem is positioning its K2 MBT for potential exports, having been actively marketing region-specific variants of the tank in recent years. The company appears to be especially bullish about its prospects in Africa and Middle East, having unveiled a desert-optimised K2 with modifications such as a turret shade, additional bustlemounted air-conditioning system, and supplementary dust covers and filters.
Naval systems
Likewise, the rapid assimilation of foreign technical expertise – notably from Western European shipyards between the 1960s and 1990s – has produced a naval shipbuilding industry that has evolved from upgrading and license-manufacturing foreign designs to producing indigenously-developed surface and underwater combatants. South Korea’s naval production capabilities are centred on DSME, HHI, and Hanjin Heavy Industries & Construction (HHIC), which as built at least 150 vessels for the RoK Navy (RoKN) ranging from the smaller Chamsuri and Geomdoksuri-class patrol crafts to the 8,500t Sejong Daewang (KDX-3)-class Aegis guided-missile destroyers and 14,500t Dokdo-class helicopter carriers. Recent successes include the Royal Navy’s new Tide-class Royal Fleet Auxiliary (RFA) replenishment vessels, which was built by DSME at its Okpo yard on Geoje Island in partnership with BMT Defence Services using the
latter’s Aegir afloat support ship design. DSME was awarded a $605 million (£452 million) contract in March 2012 for four 39,000t tankers to replace its retired Leafand Rover-class vessels. Elsewhere in the Asia Pacific, HHI is also delivering two 2,600t multirole José Rizal-class frigates to the Philippine Navy at a cost of $337 million. The vessels are derived from the company’s HDF-3000 design, which is originally based on the RoKN’s Incheon-class frigates. The lead ship, BRP Jose Rizal, arrived in Subic Bay on 23 May. Its sister ship, BRP Antonio Luna, is being fitted out and is expected to be delivered by the end of 2020. Despite having no experience in submarine development and construction prior to its acquisition of the KSS-1 Chang Bogo-class (Type 209/1200) and KSS-2 Son Won-Il (Type 214) – the latter featuring air-independent propulsion (AIP) – the diesel-electric submarine (SSK) designed by Germany’s Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft (HDW) were built locally by South Korean shipbuilders with the exception of the lead KSS-1 boat. This eventually led to the development of the fully indigenous KSS-3 Dosan Ahn Changho-class AIP submarine, the first of which was launched in late 2018 and is presently undergoing sea trials in anticipation of service entry in 2020. DSME has been actively seeking opportunities in the submarine-export market. It has exported a Nagapasaclass SSK – based on the Type 209/1400 design – to Indonesia and secured a contract for three follow-on boats in 2019.
BRP Jose Rizal frigate
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The company is also pursuing potential contracts in India and Peru. At the 2019 edition of the International Maritime Defense Industry Exhibition (MADEX) in Busan, DSME highlighted a new export SSK design called DSME 2000. The 71 metre long single-hull design features an underwater displacement of 2,180t and will incorporate a comparable suite of indigenous system developed for the RoKN’s latest KSS-3 SSKs, and will be equipped with lithium ion batteries for improved range and endurance. It is envisioned to offer a maximum operating range of 10,000 nautical miles and will be operated by a 40-person crew and will be able to accommodate up to 10 more personnel.
Aerospace Major aerospace companies such as KAI and the aerospace business of national airline Korean Air have over the past three decades developed extensive expertise relating to the maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) and upgrades of RoK Air Force (RoKAF) aircraft over the past three decades. It is now fully capable of indigenously producing a range of parts and airframe structures, including composite production component manufacturing, testing and simulation, and tooling. However, despite significant progress military aerospace industry remains dependent on foreign technologies to compensate for enduring capability gaps especially in the areas of advanced airborne sensors and aero-engines. Perhaps the most important military aerospace development currently underway is the Korean Fighter eXperimental (KF-X) programme being led by KAI with significant foreign input. KAI was awarded a contract in December 2015 to develop the KF-X and will supply six prototypes for ground and air testing with the aim of completing development by 2026. Thereafter, it will commence serial production of an initial batch of 120 aircraft that will replace the RoKAF’s ageing F-4E Phantom and F-5E Tiger II aircraft. Assembly of the first prototype is expected to be finalised by the end of 2020 and rollout following soon after. Despite its indigenous design, the KF-X features significant foreign content from European and US suppliers. For example, Collins Aerospace Systems is supplying several critical power and control systems such as the aircraft’s
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Surion medium helicopter
integrated and compact environmental control system (ECS) which includes air conditioning, bleed air control, cabin pressurisation and liquid cooling. The company is also supplying the aircraft’s engine start system components, including the air turbine starter and flow control valve. The KF-X will also feature Collins Aerospace’s latest variable speed constant frequency (VSCF) generator which is more efficient and 10 percent more power dense compared to the company’s
existing VSCF generators. Besides Collins Aerospace, the KF-X will include equipment provided by Cobham Mission Systems (missile eject-launchers), IAI ELTA (AESA radar development), Elbit Systems (terrain following/terrain avoidance TF/TA system), General Electric (F414-GE-400 engines), L3 Harris (BRU-47 and BRU-57 release systems), Meggitt (brake control system, carbon brakes, displays, wheels etc), and Saab (AESA radar development). KAI’s near to medium export
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strategies will continue to revolve around its T-50 Golden Eagle advanced jet trainer aircraft and its FA-50 multirole fighter variant. Both types have been successfully exported to countries including Iraq, the Philippines, and Thailand, with a company official noting that several other Asia Pacific and Middle East countries have expressed “strong interest” in acquiring advanced trainers and/or light attack aircraft. KAI is also pitching an upgraded version of its twin-engine, medium
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COVID-19 impact The push for increased exports has taken on greater urgency amid the Covid-19 coronavirus, which has seen the South Korean government slashing its annual defence budget by $733 million – with $577 million of this sum originally earmarked for the RoK Armed Forces’ modernisation – to reduce the economic impact of the pandemic. Nevertheless, local companies are set to benefit from a series of government initiatives aimed at ensuring the survival of the defence industry, which Seoul considers one of its key pillars of its national economy. Defence Minister Jeong Kyeongdoo said on 15 June that the Ministry of National Defense (MND) will roll out schemes including financial support and exemptions of penalties on late payments. He also noted that the MND will prioritise acquisitions from local companies over foreign imports for fiscal year 2021. AMR
multirole Surion Korean Utility Helicopter (KUH) called the Surion KUH 1E for export markets. Likewise, the helicopter was originally developed with a foreign partner, with Eurocopter (now Airbus) providing the main gearbox and rotor components and KAI providing the remaining content. While the Surion has found domestic success, it has yet to gain traction overseas although KAI believes it is close to securing a launch export customer. Meanwhile, KAI is developing the Light Armed Helicopter (LAH) – derived from the Airbus Helicopters H155 design – to replace the RoKA’s AH-1F Cobra and MD 500E/500MD helicopters. The LAH prototype was rolled out at the company’s Sacheon facility in early 2019, subsequently performing its maiden flight in July of that year. It is expected that the RoKA will acquire around 214 examples with service entry between the 2022-2023 timeframe. It is expected that the LAH will eventually enter the export market once it fulfils domestic orders.
KAI's T50i Indonesian export version.
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Analyst C o l u m n
n 1921, Italian Army General Giulio Douhet published Il Dominio Dell’Aria (or Command of the Air), a hugely influential treatise on airpower. While the book was largely an advocacy for what would be termed strategic bombing, it also makes several insightful points on other aspects of airpower, one of which is that of destroying the enemy’s air force at its point of origin. As Douhet asserted: “It is easier and more effective to destroy an enemy’s aerial power by destroying his nests and eggs on the ground than to hunt his flying birds in the air.” In other words, Douhet was proposing striking the enemy aircraft on the ground. This made a lot of sense then and still does today. After all, aircraft have always been considered ‘soft targets’ given that they are thin-skinned and are virtually sitting ducks (no pun intended) when on land. (Of course, the proviso is that one must first penetrate the adversary’s outer defences to carry out such an attack). Douhet’s quote came to my mind when I was reminded last month of the anniversaries of two highly effective attacks by land forces on airfields in recent decades: the 1982 Pebble Island operation during the Falklands War and the terrorist attack in 2011 on the Pakistan Naval Station (PNS) Mehran. Indeed, both involved only a scattering of attackers, but they exuded effects disproportionate to their limited numbers. Pebble Island 1982 is one of the most audacious special operations forces (SOF) missions in history. On the night of 14-15 May, 1982, over 40 members of Britain’s Special Air Service (SAS) struck the Argentine held airstrip on Pebble Island, whose operational potential was deemed to jeopardise the upcoming amphibious landing by the closing British Task Force to reclaim the Falklands. In a strike reminiscent of their forefathers during the
North African campaign against German Luftwaffe airfields, the SAS troopers destroyed 11 Argentine aircraft using anti-tank weapons, explosive charges, and mortars. Fuel and ammunition stores were also hit. Just one British soldier was injured, and the operation was regarded as a complete success. Twenty-nine years later, on the night of 22 May, 2011, up to 20 fedayeen from the Pakistani Taliban and Al Qaeda brazenly infiltrated and assaulted the headquarters of Pakistan’s naval air arm at Karachi. Within 20 minutes of infiltrating PNS Mehran, the militants using rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs) had destroyed two Lockheed P-3 Orion maritime surveillance aircraft, each costing some $45 million. A few other aircraft were also damaged. The Islamabad Government activated its SOF to retake the base, and at the end of the 16-hour incident, 18 Pakistani military personnel were dead with another 16 injured. Four fedayeen were killed, two escaped, and the rest captured. This was a relatively low price to pay to inflict costs worth many millions of dollars on their adversary. Unsurprisingly, the Pakistan Navy was castigated by the media over the attack, which came during a period where social media was on the ascent. The two airbase raids highlight how derring-do, surprise, and arguably some luck by small units of men could circumvent seemingly tight defences. They have also cast the spotlight on airbase security, an issue that has been debated since the exploits of the British SAS in North Africa. The lessons learnt from many decades of dealing with airbase security were arguably not heeded during the spectacular Camp Bastion attack carried out by the Afghan Taliban on the night of 14 September, 2012. Lapses and shortfalls in perimeter security led to 15
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fedayeen dressed in American military uniform successfully infiltrating the airbase in Helmand province. Although Camp Bastion was described as “one of the largest and best-defended posts in Afghanistan”, an intense four-hour firefight ensued where even pilots and maintainers were called to fend off the militants. Using various weapons, including RPGs and suicide vests, the fedayeen shot up eight United States Marine AV-8 Harrier jets and inflicted damages amounting to some $200 million. Two Marines were dead at the end of the siege, with another 17 wounded. Only one militant was captured, and the rest killed. Indeed, one commentator termed the incident as “the worst loss of US airpower in a single incident since the Vietnam War”. Like the PNS Mehran strike, Camp Bastion 2012 was arguably a military victory for the extremists in purely financial terms. More importantly, it was also a major propaganda coup for the Taliban in the “war of the narratives”. Penetrating attacks by small numbers of determined and skilled personnel could pose an effective threat to airbases. There have been many other instances of such operations: including several during the Tet Offensive by the North Vietnamese forces during the Vietnam War. In the future however, a tech-savvy extremist group targeting an airbase need not simply rely on ground infiltration. By using cyber to jam security systems, and unmanned aerial vehicles (which may be weaponsied and may be swarming) to confound the airbase’s defence, infiltration by a determined group could result in even greater success. AMR