Types of Flows in Mulesof
Mule applications are designed using one or a number of flows. Typically, a Mule application begins processing a message it receives at an inbound endpoint during a flow. Relative to the flow that triggered its execution, flows and sub flows will process messages either synchronously or asynchronously.
Types of Flows: 1.Sub Flow 2.Synchronous Flow 3.Asynchronous Flow
1. Sub Flow • A Sub flow processes messages synchronously (relative to the flow that triggered its execution) and persistently inherits alongside the processing strategy and exception strategy utilized by the triggering flow. • While a subflow is running, processing on the triggering flow pauses then resumes merely the subflow completes its processing and hands the message back to the triggering flow. • Subflows are ideally suited to code reuse. So you'll be able to write a selected block of code once, then reference identical subflow repeatedly from within the same application.
2. Synchronous Flow: • A synchronous flow processes the messages synchronously (relative to the flow that triggered its execution). While a synchronous flow is running, dealing out on the triggering flow pauses then resumes only after the synchronous flow completes its processing and hands the message back to the triggering flow. • However, unlike a subflow, this kind of flow do not inherit processing or exclusion strategies from the triggering flow. • Therefore, you'll be able to place the synchronous flow’s processing and exception strategies to behave in a different way from the exception strategy you configured for the flow(s) which triggered its execution.
• This type of flow processes messages on one thread, that is ideally suited to transactional processing.
3. Asynchronous Flow: • An asynchronous flow simultaneously and asynchronously process messages in similar to the flow that triggered its execution. When flow passes a message to an asynchronous flow, after that triggering its execution, it all together passes a duplicate of the message to the following message processor in its own flow. • Thus, the two flows – triggering and triggered – execute at the same time and independently, each finishing on its own. This kind of flow doesn't inherit processing or exception strategies from the triggering flow.
• In clusters of Mule servers, messages will migrate between nodes when sent to associate asynchronous flow. This enables load balancing between nodes and better performance of the application.
This type of flow processes messages on multiple threads. Asynchronous Flow B will carry out lengthy tasks, similar to writing data to an outside database or emailing a message, without holding Flow A, the flow that triggered its execution.
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