Interactive media solutions
nteractiv Interactive Surface
Introduction Turn your boring floor, wall or bar into an interactive sales medium! The iFloor turns your boring floor into a breath-taking, magical interactive experience for your customers or passers-by. It displays interactive, lively content that people can touch and play around with. And, more important, it increases sales! By using the touch free interaction in the interactive floor software, the customer is transformed from being an observer into a participant. He is not only being entertained, but you can also send him your message in an appealing way, thus making the recall effect much stronger than that of standard advertising media. The iFloor system consists of a sensitive infrared sensor that observes people’s activity. This sensor is connected to a computer with a high performance 3D engine running the iFloor software. The iFloor software then generates a visual effect, which is displayed by one or more projectors or any other display technology.
What do you need? •
One or more projectors
Pc with iFloor software
IR Sensor
Projection Floor
Additional elements are: •
Sound system
Truss mounting
• Cube •
Wireless Network
These elements are only supplied on request
Combine your corporate design with our iFloor Our Interactive Floors uses the iFloor software designed by Vision2Watch. This software can betailored specifically to your multimedia advertising, marketing or general business needs. •
Promote YOU and make your business premises really stand out
Generate revenue through advertising
Communicate your message in a unique, fun and memorable way!
Vision2Watch B.V. - Kryptonstraat 102 - 2718 TD Zoetermeer - The Netherlands
Application areas The iFloor system can be used in various application areas, such as: •
Trade shows and events
Hospitality: bars, hotels, clubs, lounges
Recreation: museums and amusement parks
Shops: use it as an advertising medium
Digital signage and the out-of-home media
Children’s play areas
General information Installation Depending on the situation, the system can be installed in a number of ways. Most common is that the system will be mounted on a truss setting. This maybe an existing truss arrangement or one that came with the product. Here, the projector is mounted to a suspension module and it is clamped with double clamps on the tubes of the trusses.This same principle is applicable when mounting to the ceiling. Another possibility is using a mirror plate: a plate designed by Vision2Watch that can be placed on the ceiling containing computer, projector, camera and mirror. This makes the system more compact and less obtrusive to work with. All installations are dependent on the situation and the items are deliveredin with Vision2Watch.
Effects Vision2Watch offers a large number of effects, from a fish pond to a puzzle or even an interactive soccer game. All effects can easily be customized according to the customers’ demands by just changing the pictures in the effect. This can even be done from a remote location, as all systems offer a network option. Also, a playlist can be created. By using this feature, you can create specific time settings for each effect.
tel. +31- (0)79362 46 60 - -
Vision2Watch B.V. Kryptonstraat 102 2718 TD Zoetermeer The Netherlands tel +31(0)79 362 46 60 email: