1 minute read
from Issue 279
by York Vision
ABOUT THIS TIME of year, we start to see an annoying trend in English weather: sunny skies, with blisteringly cold winds. This means that whilst it looks like a beautiful day for a campus stroll when you look out of your window in the morning, it’s actually hell on Earth trying to get to campus without being blown away into oblivion.
Spring is just around the corner, a season where campus becomes filled with baby ducks and geese that, whilst may be cute now, will soon grow up and start chasing you across Derwent on your way to the Spring Lane Building.
But what about now? Mid-February, it’s still cold, but the sun is shining more than ever. Long gone are the days where we have to wear three or more layers, but where is the summer sun we all crave?
Yusu Elections
IT’S THAT TIME of year again: roll on the YSTV 60 second manifestos and the incessant social media campaigns, it’s YUSU elections season.Whether you are actively running in the elections (if so, see our Elections pull-out to spot yourself!), are part of student media trying to ensure candidates meet your deadlines, or just your average student, YUSU elections are quite an exciting time to be on campus.
Getting flagged down on your way to classes to vote for candidates, being asked for endorsements from friends and seeing the same Canva templates splattered across your Instagram feed, YUSU elections are a great way to meet new people and use your student voice to vote for what matters to you!
With sabbatical officers re-running (again, see our Elections supplement) and heavily contested Part-Time Officer positions, Elections Results Night is something that candidates, student media and the wider student body can all look forward to at the end of week seven.
I’d heavily urge you to read our Elections Supplement, even if you’re not wanting to get involved, to see the hard work the Vision team have put in this year.