Thinking Ahead 17-3 Spring 2014

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THINKING AHEAD The Newsletter of Vision Ministries Canada




What Are You Trying to Do?


New Creation Church Winnipeg


Chaplain Likes to Be on the Frontier


The Boat is in the Bay: Why Context for Ministry Matters

Rosemount Bible Church: “Bringing Shalom” to their God-given community



Engaging Mental Illness in Society and the Church p 10

Positive Conflict Resolution


The Jesus Network Partners with New Canadians to Share the Gospel

p 11

Marketplace Ministry: Enviro-Stewards

p 11

Can God and Science Co-Exist?

p 12

First Nations and Non-Indigenous Canadians: Finding a Way Forward

p 6-7

“What are you trying to do?” by Gord Martin


he answer to that question is as important today as it was 22 years ago when Vision Ministries Canada began. Back then, the question had a second part, “Are you starting a new denomination?” So what are we trying to do? VMC is attempting to change the face and soul of Canada by reintroducing the Gospel to Canadians at a grass roots level. This is done in two ways—we help start more outreach-oriented churches and assist existing churches to become more effective at reaching their communities. When VMC began in 1992, we communicated with about 50 Ontario congregations. Today we are talking, networking, and collaborating with 170 + churches across Canada and have been involved in some way with the planting of more than 70 congregations. VMC aims to get church leaders working together to make a difference in our country. To do that, they must be clear about why they exist and what they are supposed to be doing. Our work has only begun! As you know, the influence of the Christian Gospel has declined sharply in Canada

in the past half century. Can Christians think and act shrewdly enough to reverse this trend? (Luke 16:8, 9) Will we believe Him, think ahead, take advantage of our relational capacity, sacrifice, and work together to change the picture? You may say, “Work together with whom?” Work together with the people in your church, with the churches in your neighbourhood, with the churches in your city, with your church network and alongside all the Christians in Canada! And yes, we are eager for you to join forces with us. For congregations that don’t belong to a denomination or an association, VMC provides a trusted network with which they can collaborate for church planting and other cooperative activities. As we get to know and understand each other, trust increases and more can be accomplished. And when leaders interact with VMC leaders and each other, they become more effective in their own communities. Hopefully the result will be changing the face and soul of our country as we cooperate. Boundaries and walls between churches and denominations are diminishing—this is a good thing because it gives us new

Gord Martin (far left ) with a VMC ministry team consisting of Shaun Kernaghan, Chris Atkinson, Brian Larmour, Doug Loveday, and John Mackie that went to Kenya and Burundi in 2013. Though VMC’s focus is on Canada, Gord loves to foster the vision of “More and Better Churches” around the world.


VMC is attempting to change the face and soul of Canada by reintroducing the Gospel to Canadians at a grass roots level. freedom to work together. But will we actually do that? At VMC we are finding great openness with evangelical denominational leaders. They are accepting and respectful of one another. We enjoy good relationships with them. They are willing to collaborate, especially in the realm of church planting, one of our great priorities. And, by the way – most church planting is done cooperatively by denominations, associations, or networks of churches. Evangelical denominations are becoming more like cooperating mission agencies rather than competing elements of the body of Christ. That is good. We want to be a part of this growing, cooperating movement of the church of Christ in Canada. “Are you trying to start a new denomination?” No. We do want to become an effective and spreading network of churches without the excessive controls and administrative weight that has characterized many denominations. Come with us. Let’s find a way to do it together in Canada and beyond.

Chaplain Likes to be on the Frontier


Board of Directors Jim Doherty, Toronto David Knight, Waterloo Ron Seabrooke, Linwood, ON Ken Taylor, Waterloo Binghai Zeng, Toronto

by Sandra Reimer


haplaincy is a ministry of presence,” says Chapel Life Coordinator, David Dytynyshyn, who works at Canadian Forces Base Bagotville in Quebec. Prior to becoming a chaplain, David pastored for 18 years; 11 years in a Frenchspeaking church in Quebec and seven in an English-speaking church now known as Hope Community Church in Sherbrooke, Quebec. Then, while doing his Master of Arts in Theology at the University of Montreal, David applied to the Canadian Forces as a Reserve Chaplain. He enjoyed the experience so much that he decided to switch over to the Regular Force Chaplaincy. “I have a missionary heart. I found that when I was a pastor I was not spending enough time with people in the community,” says David. For the first two years, David was stationed with recruits going through basic training. This high stress situation made for lots of visits to the chaplain. Some of the men and women were challenged by the difficult training and didn’t like being at the lowest rank. David took satisfaction when he was able to encourage them to stick with it and later saw how they matured. Always an athletic person, at times David joined the recruits for physical training at 5:15 am or on rucksack marches. “The guys said that the instructors were nicer to them when a chaplain was present. Just by being there we made a difference.” David and his wife Nancy, originally from Ontario, sensed a calling to Quebec early in their marriage and moved there from seminary studies in the Chicago area 28 years ago. “Quebec is much more secular than English Canada,” he says. They learned to speak French fluently and raised their five children in the province. In his current position at CFB Bagotville, David leads a weekly Protestant service in English. He is also available when anyone wants to

Staff Gord Martin, Jay Gurnett, Henrietta Koenig, Jeremy Horne, Doug Loveday, John Riley, Indiana Salai Cungcin, Mark Anderson, Pernell Goodyear, Al Rahamut, Gary Allen, Paul Fletcher Thinking Ahead/Vision Ministries Canada 145 Lincoln Road, Waterloo, ON N2J 2N8 Phone: 519-725-1212 Toll-Free: 1- 877-509-5060 Fax: 725-9421 e-mail: Western Canadian Office: 519 681-2934 x23 or email

Military Chaplain David Dytynyshyn went on exercises in Alaska with CF18 fighter pilots and support technicians from 425 ETAC. He has also been to Kansas and Iceland with the squadron. Normally David is stationed at Canadian Forces Base Bagotville in Quebec where he is Chapel Life Coordinator for the English-speaking chapel community and has a ministry of presence/ counselling for both English and French speaking military members. David belongs to a network of chaplains connected to VMC. Photo Credit: Imaging Section CFB Bagotville

talk about spiritual matters or needs general counselling. The services on base are open to the public and in fact the church, called Emmanuel Chapel, is the only English-speaking Christian congregation within 200km. “I like to be on the frontier, doing new things.”

Thinking Ahead is published 3 times/year in an effort to connect like-minded Christians and their local churches and encourage them to work cooperatively, especially in evangelism through church planting and church extension. Subscriptions are free, but VMC encourages supporters to send $15/year to help cover costs (no tax receipt given for subscriptions). Spending of funds received by VMC is confined to board approved programs and purchases. Each gift designated toward an approved program will be used as designated with the understanding that when any given need has been met, designated gifts will be used where needed most. Gifts of $20 or more are acknowledged with an official tax receipt. VMC is committed to financial accountability; all accounts are audited by an independent auditing firm; financial statements available on request. We appreciate notification of double mailings, names for our mailing list, or if a name should be deleted. Articles may be copied for limited circulation without permission. Please include the credit line: “Reprinted from Thinking Ahead 1-877-509-5060/” Editor: Sandra Reimer Designer: Audra Noble Reimer Reason Communications THINKING AHEAD // 3

The Boat is in the Bay: Why Context Matters for Ministry by Sandra Reimer


n a grassy patch next to the bus station in downtown Hamilton, ON, church planter Pernell Goodyear sat down on a bench to enjoy his lunch. A shabbily dressed man, pushing a grocery cart and talking to himself, sidled up to Pernell and whispered in his ear, “The boat is in the bay.” “Context is everything. Not just with church planting but with church leadership in general,” says Pernell, who now leads a congregation in London, ON “The actual Good News does not change, but everything else is up for grabs.” He says that the North American church got off track when modernity ruled our culture. In a modernist view, things are black and white, right or wrong, and context doesn’t matter. “Under modernity we bought into the idea that there are universal ministry principles and models that can be applied anywhere to produce the same results.” Pernell adds, “Now in what some call the post-modern era, characterized by uncertainty and a comfort with mystery, we need to rethink our ideas of ministry.” While living in downtown Hamilton in Canada’s third poorest neighbourhood with their three children, Pernell and his wife Margie understood how to build community. “The context of my neighbourhood was that everyone sat out front. ‘Uncle Louie’, who lived four doors down, knew what all the kids in the neighbourhood were up to before their parents did because he constantly sat on his porch.” In this impoverished urban area people were openly hungry for community. The Goodyears hung


The actual Good News doesn’t change but everything else is up for grabs. –Pernell Goodyear, Pastor and VMC Church Planting Coach out with their neighbours and hosted street parties. “Being a good neighbour in Hamilton meant being involved, sharing, and being open.” But when Margie and Pernell moved to suburban London, ON to pastor and revitalize a 125-year-old congregation, it took some time to understand their new context. “To be a good neighbour in the suburbs means to be quiet and to mind your own business.” They struggled with the fences and the lack of obvious community. Then they had an idea. The Goodyears planted a vegetable garden on the public side of their fence that abutted a green space with a path leading to sports fields. Above the garden hung a side that said, “Please help yourself to vegetables.” This was a great conversation starter. “So many people couldn’t believe that we would plant a garden and give away vegetables for free.” According to Pernell, we all have a choice. We can push the button on our garage door openers and stick to ourselves or we can get creative and figure out how to connect with our neighbours. “There is a way everywhere.” Challenging the North American church and himself, he says that we need

to rely less on “heroic” leaders and onesize-fits-all principles and instead listen to the Holy Spirit. “The Spirit of God is up to something in my neighbourhood, I need to find out what it is.” He and his congregation at Hillside Church take time for listening prayer and community discernment. They also study the Bible and allow “scripture to read them” in order to hear God’s voice and determine what he wants them to do. If Pernell had been waiting for a boat, the homeless man’s message delivered on the park bench would have been great news. But he was enjoying his lunch and the message had no meaning because it was given in the wrong context. Pernell says that at times the North American church does the same thing. “We shout the Good News at people, answering questions that they have not asked.”

In addition to leading Hillside Church in London, ON, Pernell Goodyear is a VMC church planting coach.

Positive Conflict Resolution by John Ferris


hen people engage in conflict, whether it is in a courtroom, their home, in a church meeting or their workplace, relationships are inevitably damaged. Conflict robs people of time, energy, money and opportunities in ministry or business. Worst of all it can destroy one’s Christian witness. When believers are embroiled in disagreement or estranged from one another they are not likely to pay attention when we speak to them of the reconciling love of Jesus Christ. However the opposite is also true. When Christians learn to use positive conflict resolution skills, conflict can become an opportunity to strengthen relationships, preserve resources, and make their lives a testimony to the love and power of Christ. As people reconciled to God by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, believers are called to respond to conflict in a way that is remarkably different from the way the world deals with disagreements. Conflict provides opportunities to glorify God, serve other people, and grow to be like Christ.

Positive Conflict Resolution focuses on four basic principles: 1. Glorify God with Your Attitude Instead of focusing on personal desires or dwelling on what others have done, individuals seek to maintain a loving, merciful, and forgiving attitude—which glorifies God. 2. Get the Log Out of Your Eye Instead of blaming others or resisting correction, individuals take responsibility for their own contribution to conflicts. Believers confess their sins to those they have wronged, asking God to help them change any attitudes and habits that lead to tensions. They seek to repair any harm they have caused. 3. Gently Restore Instead of pretending that conflict doesn’t exist or complaining about others, individuals will overlook minor offenses. They will talk personally and graciously with those whose offenses seem too serious to overlook, seeking to restore them rather than condemn them. When a conflict with a Christian brother or sister cannot be resolved in private, individuals will ask others in the body of Christ to help them settle the matter in a biblical manner.

4. Go and Be Reconciled Instead of accepting premature compromise or allowing relationships to wither, individuals will actively pursue genuine peace and reconciliation. Christians will forgive others as God has forgiven them, and seek just and mutually beneficial solutions to their differences. By God’s grace, these principles are applied as a matter of stewardship, realizing that conflict is an assignment, not an accident. Success in God’s eyes is not a matter of specific results, but of faithful, dependent obedience. A biblical response to conflict will bring praise to our Lord and lead others to know His infinite love. John Ferris (lawyer and practising mediator) & Pastor Shirley Ferris (retired school principal, teacher trainer) are seminar facilitators on the topic of Positive Conflict Resolution. Pathway to Peace Ministry provides training for pastors, leaders and members of the community. Seminars are offered both internationally and locally. Contact them at: path2peacejsf [at] g mail [dot] com.

Burundi Partnership VMC has put its partnership with Communauté des Eglises Emmanuel (CEEM) in Burundi on hold. There are leadership issues that need to be clarified before we can proceed with our intended joint projects. We continue to be in communication. As a result, the VMC teaching team will go to Kenya this summer but not to Burundi. Pray that our brothers and sisters in Burundi will resolve the necessary issues so that we can go forward together. – Gord Martin, Executive Director, VMC


First Nations and Non-Indigenous Canadians: Finding a Way Forward M any Canadians have little understanding of the people that inhabited this land before Europeans arrived. According to Ray Aldred, Director of My People International, like politics, and religion, First Nations issues do not make polite dinner conversations. Many Canadian Christians are reluctant to discuss these things because they think the injustices happened a long time ago and don’t apply to them or just because they’re painful. Ray quotes former Prime Minister Paul Martin who says, “Canadians have a hard time seeing themselves as a colonial power with regards to Natives.” Not only was land taken or purchased for paltry sums, for 150 years children were removed from their indigenous parents and forced to attend residential schools. There was an attempt to distance them from their families, their language, their culture, and their spirituality. “The government wanted to civilize them and the church wanted to Christianize them,” says Ray. Ray believes it is important for Christians to face First Nations’

concerns, because we are “part of the problem and part of the solution.” He says, “With the fall there is a breaking of relationship between God and people, people and people, and people and the land. The church in Canada through residential schools re-entrenched the effects of the fall [for First Peoples].” With recent grassroots movements like Idle No More, it is clear that these concerns are not going away. So what can individual believers and churches do? First of all, they can get educated about the historic and present

Vocabulary for Discussion about First Nations’ Concerns


hough there is not complete agreement on respectful terms, Ray Aldred suggestions using “Indigenous” or” First Peoples” to describe the descendants of the people who lived in Canada before Europeans arrived. These terms encompass Inuit (people in the North), First Nations (like the Iroquois, Mohawk, Cree etc.) as well as the Metis (historically of mixed European and First Nations parentage). First Nations is a term like “European”, it is general rather than specific. If you want to talk about someone’s specific heritage you would say Dutch or French or in the case of a First Nations person you would say Seneca or Mohawk. Just as Europeans have a variety of languages and general characteristics, people from the 65 First Nations groups in Canada differ.

Margaret Commodore of the Sto:lo First Nation, and a former member of the Yukon legislature, tells of the abuses she suffered at residential school during a national event in BC hosted by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in 2013. Credit: Melissa Knapp


relations between First Nations and non-indigenous Canadians. (See recommended resources) While they learn, Ray cautions us to be prepared to embrace complexity. In the media, we often hear about poverty and substance abuse among First Peoples. As compassionate Christians, we want to alleviate suffering but sometimes this leads to paternalism. “This is the danger of looking at another people group as a mission field. Because then you can think that you have something to offer them but they have nothing to offer you.” Ray encourages Canadian

First Nations students at a residential school in Red Deer, Alberta. Photo Credit: United Church of Canada Archives, 93_049P850N

Christians to be open to learning from First Peoples. Non-indigenous Canadians tend to be very individualistic—we could gain understanding from the First Nations’ emphasis on community. As well, indigenous culture groups have a great respect for the earth— treating it like a mother—not to worship it but understanding the inextricable connection between people and the land. “If we kill the land, we kill people,” says Ray. Mainstream Canadian culture tends to focus on the monetary value of things and short-term gain while traditionally First People’s thought longer term. “They consider the impact of their actions seven generations in the future and ask, ‘How will it affect my grandchildren and their grandchildren.’” Though Christians do have the gospel to share with all people in Canada, Ray says they should look for the ways God has already been active among First People groups. He also says there is much to learn from the dialogue with indigenous groups about faith even if they don’t accept Christ. Churches can get involved with advocating alongside First Nations, Metis, and Inuit groups as they begin to understand their concerns. We can call for justice for land claims, listen to painful stories without judging, refuse stereotypes about First Peoples, and combat racism. Western Christians can welcome Indigenous people into their churches like they would anyone else—not as people needing pity but people with things to receive and to give. Ray says our churches also need to be a place where strong emotions, including anger, can be shared. “It needs to be a place where you can be half-healed without fear of someone trying to fix you.”

Gain Understanding Resources Ray Aldred Recommends...

Skyscrapers Hide the Heavens: A History of Indian White Relations in Canada by J.R. Miller

Ambrose Seminary Assistant Professor Ray Aldred believes it is important for Christians to face First Nations’ concerns, because we are “part of the problem and part of the solution.”

The Dispossessed: Life and Death in Native Canada by Geoffrey York

Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples A comprehensive report published in 1996 that has many helpful recommendations that have not been implemented.

Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada In an effort to acknowledge and address the injustices and harms experienced by First Nations people through the Indian Residential School system (IRS), the Federal Government established the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Through the commission, stories are gathered from residential school survivors, reconciliation events are held, and Canadians are educated about the IRS.

Idle No More Idle No More calls on all people to join in a peaceful revolution, to honour Indigenous sovereignty, and to protect the land and water.


I t is great to see people who are so happy to be together that they want to invite others. The spirit of cooperation is beautiful. — Pastor Frank Robertson, New Creation Church

Church Profile: New Creation Church Winnipeg by A.A. Adourian


innipeg-based New Creation Church (NCC) started with 50 people from an existing congregation. Two years later this cross-cultural, transgenerational church has about 75 regulars on a Sunday. While the church has a large number of First Nations people and immigrant families from Burma and the Philippines, long-time Canadians also attend, attracted by the fellowship, teaching and worship. The largest ethnic group is the Karen (pronounced Kah‘wren), originally from Burma. Involved since the inception of the church, many of the Karen feel a sense of ownership of the congregation. They also appreciate the


pastoral care they receive. About half of those in the congregation are new Christians or “not yet Christians.” Members invite classmates and coworkers, children bring friends from school—all feel welcome. Pastor Frank Robertson says, “It is great to see people who are so happy to be together that they want to invite others. The spirit of cooperation is beautiful.” Even among those who previously considered themselves believers, new faith is taking hold at NCC. They are discovering the need to make a personal decision to follow Jesus and to have the Spirit of God in them (over and above being born into a Christian family). Robertson shares that this multi-ethnic

congregation “really wants to get along and love each other.” During the week, members host worship services in their homes and assist each other with dayto-day tasks like finding jobs, caring for houses, fixing washing machines, and filling out government forms. Some of the Karen, who come from tropical Burma, have never owned a home with a chimney—that’s where Canadian-born members can help. Together they live out their faith, both in good times and bad. “VMC was there from the beginning,” says Roberton. He appreciates the support he has received from VMC staff, including Gord Martin, as well as leaders from other VMC network churches like Jim Hayes of Charleswood Community Church.

Rosemount Bible Church: “Bringing shalom” to their God-given community by A.A. Adourian


fter years of searching for a new building to accommodate growth, Rosemount Bible Church decided to invest in an upgrade instead. Sharing his joy at the newly-approved $1.6 million expansion plan, Director of Pastoral Care and Community Engagement, Nick Azzuolo, remembers, “this is where I was saved, and years later am serving as full-time staff. ” Reflecting on his almost twenty years at the church (RBC), he continues, “What I really like about RBC is the people. There has always been an emphasis on proper welcoming and inclusiveness. For me, it is a place where people demonstrate faith through actions.” Established in 1929 on the eve of the Great Depression just outside Montreal, RBC has demonstrated faith for many years. Azzuolo points to RBC’s focus on being missional, prayerful, Christcentered, and faithful to what the Bible teaches as central to maintaining its evangelistic fervor. A natural outpouring of this faith is compassion through service and “bringing shalom” to their community. This compassion is underscored by RBC’s presence as an English church in a predominantly French neighbourhood. RBC does not expect Francophones to attend their church, but is compelled to “minister to the people God brings.” And God has brought together a crossgenerational, multicultural church where 25% of the 260-person congregation is less than 25 years old. The city of Rosemount also has one of the highest ratios of seniors within Montreal. At the

Worshippers represent their nations during a service at Rosemount Bible Church service near Montreal.

end of a recent ALPHA course, an 83 year-old was baptized as one of three new believers at RBC. Newcomers hail from the Philippines, China, Columbia, and Africa—adding to the existing diversity of a mostly English, French, Italian and Hispanic congregation. One of the ways RBC seeks to integrate newcomers with existing members is through its “Take 20” program—a 12-week English conversation course using one-to-one pairings and a biblical framework. Guided by a thematic biblical passage, students practice conversation, improve pronunciation, and build relationships within the church outside

of their comfort zone. RBC also includes newcomers on their leadership team in order to better represent the ethnic diversity within the congregation. These programs, a clear direction on their expansion efforts, and a community focus in Rosemount, have increased a sense of unity within the congregation. Reflecting back, Azzuolo now sees, “God was preparing RBC to have a vision for ministry instead of simply finding a new building to accommodate more people. God convicted us our work in Rosemount was not over yet, and now our vision for the building is connected to our ministry.”


How Followers of Jesus Can Engage Mental Illness in Society and the Church by David Reist


ll of us probably know an individual or family that is affected by mental health issues. Because of our Christinspired compassion, we want to be helpful. But a lack of information, relative silence in churches historically, and the absence of a robust theology to help us think about mental illness, leaves us scratching our heads. We may despair about being able assist at all. Deep down many of us are afraid. Not only because we do not understand mental illness, but because illness in general can arouse powerful psychological mechanisms that compel us to distance ourselves from those who are afflicted. Sometimes we are drawn to take care of those who are ill, other times our reaction may be to avoid or turn away. When we appreciate that part of our humanity, we can address our own brokenness and respond with authentic love, rather than tolerance or attempts to


themselves, they are an insufficient way to follow Jesus in loving those who suffer from mental illness. We need to consider not only what we can “do”, but who we can “be”, as individuals and as a community of faith present in the lives of those who suffer. Superficial relationships abound in our neighborhoods and in our faith communities. We don’t recognize the mental anguish and difficulties that surrounds us, often because we are not listening or truly present in the lives of others. If you want take a step of love in engaging the epidemic of mental illness, start by cultivating authentic, supportive, committed relationships with people in your church and your neighbourhood. Soon you will find emotional pain living on your street and in your faith community. Resist the urge to fix problems or people. Don’t try to reduce your own discomfort with the pain of others by teaching, advising, or persuading. Instead, be incarnational. Allow the life of God that lives in you to demonstrate transforming love, hope, and grace in an intimate embrace of those suffering around you. If we fail to help those with mental illness and their families, it is not usually because our knowledge is inadequate. It is because we do not know how to love as Jesus does. He loves without agenda, without reciprocation, and at great personal cost. Jesus loves those we find unpleasant. And he loves personally in the midst of the great mystery of human suffering.

If you want take a step of love in engaging the epidemic of mental illness, start by cultivating authentic, supportive, committed relationships with people in your church and your neighbourhood. appear benevolent. Our temptation may be to think in terms of what we can do for people. We prefer programs and ministries because they allow us a certain level of distance. If we provide programs directed at helping those with mental illness, we can approach from a safe, slightly “clinical” distance. There’s nothing specifically wrong with programs. Nor am I suggesting that gathering information and deep theological reflection is not desperately needed and helpful. But by

Drs. David and Nicole Reist are registered clinical psychologists with private practices in London and Woodstock, Ontario. They strive to reflect through their work the love, forgiveness, grace, and compassion they have experienced from God in their own lives.

thejesusnetwork The Jesus Network Partners with New Canadians to Share the Gospel by Sandra Reimer


he Jesus Network (JN) recognizes that new Canadian believers have language and culture keys, as well as personal testimonies, that unlock the hearts of other newcomers. The Jesus Network staff have found that when new Canadians become followers of Jesus, they share their faith with family and friends in Canada as well in their countries of origin. The love of Jesus spreads through their natural networks— that’s “the Jesus network.” Over the past seven years, the ministry, which is centred in Toronto, has grown as new believers are discipled and empowered. A woman, that the group calls “Dreamer” for safety, is now on staff with Jesus Network ( JN). Originally from a Middle Eastern country, Dreamer visits and prays with hundreds of neighbours. Alongside other JN staff and volunteers, she follows up with those who express interest after receiving a Christmas basket or Jesus Film DVD given

through their massive annual Christmas outreach. The Jesus Network also partners with new Canadians who were Christian leaders in their previous countries. Samson shares the gospel with Pakistanis in the GTA. He leads three home groups and also helps run a monthly service. Samson is employed parttime by Jesus Network but also works a night shift to support his family. This is the reality for many new Canadian church planters. Jacob and Sri planted a church for Indonesians living in Toronto and beyond in 2009, and joined forces with JN in the Spring of 2012. Currently about 35 adults and children worship together in the Indonesian language on Sunday afternoons and reach out through

the week. The group is connecting with people from a Buddhist background. Endrit is passionate about reaching fellow Albanians living in the GTA,— there are approximately 18,000 and most are Muslim. Endrit hosts a weekly Albanian service at a Toronto church. Curious friends, family members, and acquaintances learn about Jesus at the service but most of the ministry happens in one-to-one conversations. Jesus Network provides spiritual, practical, financial and emotional support for these church planters. Newcomers often have few connections with established Canadian churches; JN helps to bridge the gap. Resourcing new Canadian church planters frees them up to reach even more new immigrants. Please pray for these leaders of the future church in Canada.

Marketplace Ministry: Enviro-Stewards r.pdf








Money doesn’t last but any effect you have on people lasts forever.


–Bruce Taylor, President, Enviro-Stewards


ruce Taylor, a member at Lincoln Road Chapel in Waterloo, ON, integrates his faith with his work as President of an environmental engineering firm. As a certified Benefit or “B” Corporation, his ten-employee company pursues environmental and social goals while making a profit. “Revenue is like blood. We need blood to survive, but the purpose of life isn’t to make blood,” says Bruce. In addition to helping North American companies reduce waste, conserve water, and do business more sustainably, through their charitable arm Enviro-Stewards started safe water projects. Recently, Enviro-Stewards made award-winning recommendations Bruce Taylor, pictured above with a woman who benefits to Tim Horton’s Fruition Fruit & Fills that saves $490,000/ from his safe water project in South Sudan. In April 2014, year and reduces greenhouse gas emissions by 30%. With Bruce’s company Enviro-Stewards was recognized as one part of the savings, Tim Horton’s sponsored 40 of Enviroof the top 10% of B Corporations in the world for its social Stewards’ BioSand Filters that purify 800,000 litres/year of and environmental impact. drinking water in South Sudan.


Dr. Basil Favis teaches Polymer Physics at the École Polytechnique de Montréal of the Université de Montréal. He contrasted neoathesim with Christianity at a January 2014 talk at McGill University. Dr. Favis is an elder at Westview Bible Church.

Montreal Professor Addresses the Question “Can God and Science Coexist?”


n the evening of Wednesday, January 29th, Dr. Basil Favis was invited to speak at McGill University, contrasting neo-atheism and Christianity. His talk focused on whether science and faith are compatible. He showed slides relating to some of the Christians who were key founders of modern day science. He also talked about the origins of the universe and the limits of science. The event was organized by Power to Change and was open to the general public. Dr. Favis teaches Polymer Physics in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the École Polytechnique de Montréal of the Université de Montréal. He has

authored or co-authored more than 170 scientific papers. In 1995, he was the recipient of the Syncrude Canada Innovation Award of the Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering. He is also an elder at Westview Bible Church in Montreal. “Basil has done a number of these lectures in both French and English. He is extremely effective in communicating to the young intellectually inclined science students in a college or university setting,” says Westview Elder Chair, Sam Watts. Dr. Favis had this to say about the event:


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The talk at McGill was a defining moment for me related to just how great our God is and how He is moving in the lives of people in this beautiful city of ours. The room was totally packed out at 200 and a number of the Power to Change (P2C) organizers had to stay outside and miss the talk due to fire department regulations. I spoke for about an hour on the topic “God and Science. Can they Co-exist?” and concluded with my personal testimony. Afterwards I think I could have counted about 40 hands for questions. We spent about 30 minutes on questions and honestly it could have gone on all night. The depth and the quality of the questions was awesome. The tone was respectful and open throughout. Afterwards a flood of students came up to the podium and we continued talking for about another hour and a half. The Holy Spirit was moving hearts. P2C did a good job since the room was full of people who were seeking. They had placed a follow-up card at each place in the room and 50 people filled them out with an interest to continue the discussion. A few other students have been in touch with me personally. I am humbled by the greatness of our God. May His name be praised!!! Watch and listen to Dr. Favis’ lecture at

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