Are Vinyl Letters Reusable and Why Use Wall Stickers Are Vinyl Letters Reusable Rarely, if ever. I’ve never re-used a vinyl letter, and I’ve been in this trade for 21+ years. Vinyl material that vinyl letters and graphics are created from come on a roll, and the vinyl itself has an acrylic adhesive applied to the backside of the vinyl, which then is bonded to a “release liner.” The release liner is a slick paper that allows the vinyl to bond to the liner through the cutting process until a transfer tape (usually) pulls it away from the paper, but only when the installer is ready for it to release. Vinyl letters and logos are cut with a vinyl cutting plotter. The designer will typically create a design, get approval from you, the client, then place the roll of vinyl on a plotter. He or she then sends a file to the plot queue and releases it to be cut. Once the image, logo, or letters have been plotted, the sheet is taken out to a table in the shop and “weeded.” Weeding is the process where the vinyl that is not part of the image is removed from the release liner. Once the weeding is completed, the graphic is masked with “transfer tape.” Then, the sheet of vinyl graphics that has been taped over is placed on whatever substrate the client has specified (a sign, window, or vehicle, etc.), taped along one edge in position, flipped upside down, the release liner is removed, and then the vinyl graphic is squeegeed down with a stiff plastic squeegee. Now I’ll get to your original question which was “is vinyl lettering reuseable?” As stated in the previous paragraph, the letters have now been affixed to a substrate, and within seconds has “purchased” to the glass or sign material or vehicle. If you were now to try to remove that letter or graphic, it would simply stretch or tear, rendering it unusable. So, again, the answer to your question is pretty much just no. For more about vinyl lettering, check this: Why Decorate with Vinyl Wall Stickers Personally, I wouldn’t, but I know lots of people who would, so that’s why there are so many wall decals available. And yes, vinyl wall art is basically a sticker, also known as a decal any many locales. I asked around to some of the people I know and they helped me out as to why a person might want to utilize wall stickers in a home or office. So, why would you use wall paper? Well, one friend said, because it makes a room more visually warm and interesting. So, the same could be said for a wall graphic decal. Many people like to use them to change up the look of a room, and because they’re removable when you’re bore of it in a few weeks or months, you can peel it off and replace it with another graphic. No problem. I think that’s why some people like wall stickers, but personally, and this doesn’t help my biz at all, I prefer wall paper.