Why Use Banners and Signs at Trade Show Exhibits Many business owners realize the value of attending the trade shows and convention halls presentations. They know that is where they’ll likely put on a show that will certainly attract attention and most assuredly bring in more business for their company. As those passersby thunder down the aisles like a herd of buffalos, they spot attractive print displays and stop by for a visit and perhaps a brochure or free samples. But what cause them to stop by your stand in the beginning are the banners and signs you use. Selective use of bright, colorful and appealing designs can mean the difference between going home without your samples, brochures, or any new customer attention and having an thoroughly enjoyable time at the show while also gaining new clientele that will surely remember you when they next need whatever it is you have to offer. Signs were invented by sales personnel to do the work for them! When a salesman first put up a sign promoting their business or what they had to offer it was as if they’d employed another person on their sales staff. They are meant to do the work of a sales person and grab attention of all who can see them. Why not go bold with your graphics and attract even more interested buyers than just a single sales person possibly can. Everything from labels to stickers, overlay decals, and decal on trucks and other business vehicles are meant to promote the business and grab the attention of the public. They can be made from vinyl, polyester, wood, glass, as well as various metals such as brass, copper, steel, aluminum, and even bronze. When properly employed, they can be worth their weight in gold! Good advertising doesn’t cost but it sure pays! There’s an old adage that states that “it takes money to make money” and that is surely true, especially in today’s economic downturn and present conditions. Many business owners are afraid to spend much on their advertising campaign for fear it’s only money down the drain, so to speak. But not advertising will only serve to bring your business to a stagnant condition where it won’t generate any revenue whatsoever, making the future of your business enterprise rather bleak! Don’t be afraid to Boldly Go with your advertising banners! Gathering new customers is necessary to bring in “new blood” to your business, and even for keeping your already established clientele. Bringing in newcomers can increase your revenue while also attracting even more customers who are friends and contacts with your new clientele. Banners and signs will help attract the attention of those who are walking the trade shows. Using bright, color-filled and exciting graphics always garner the attention of all who attend those shows as well as any passersby at convention halls and shopping malls if you sets up your promotional venue in a visible and attention gaining location. You only get one chance to win over new customers Even those who have a thriving business only have but one chance to gain new customer interest and one opportunity to beat out the competition. Why not spend that opportunity with well-planned advertising display that give a positive message to all who pass by your booth at trade shows? How can you possibly hope to beat out the competition without banners that outshine theirs? Affordable and absolutely effective prints will make your business shine while your competitors lag behind. Do not allow your promotional tools to look cheap when you can promote with brilliantly colored displays that “pop”! Remember, your competition that uses sub-standard items and less-than-effective promotional