PES Brochure

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A farm located in San Miguel County was one of four that participated in the 2021 PES Pilot Program. The landowners implemented the following practices as a part of their land management philosophy, and received payments as outlined below. Practice Practice ID Name 342 Critical Area Planting 528 Prescribed Grazing 590 Nutrient Management 612 Tree/Shrub Establishment

Acreage/ Plot ID EQIP Payment/ SMC Bonus Total Unit Total Unit Payment Payment 0.86 1 $443.77 $221.89 $572.46 63.21


5.82 3.13




3a, 3b $219.62



4a, 4b $183.62



TOTAL 2021 PAYMENT Payment 1 Upon contract execution Payment 2 Upon mid-season review of operations Payment 3 At year end

$5,688.08 40% of total $2,275.23 40% of total $2,275.23 20% of total $1,137.62


For more information and to participate in the San Miguel County Payment for Ecosystem Services program, go to

PURPOSE OF EACH PRACTICE CRITICAL AREA PLANTING »R ehabilitate and revegetate degraded sites.

PRESCRIBED GRAZING » I mprove or maintain desired species composition and vigor of plant communities. » Improve or maintain quality and quantity of forage for grazing and browsing animals’ health and productivity. » Improve or maintain surface and/or subsurface water quality and quantity. » Reduce accelerated soil erosion and maintain or improve soil condition.



»M aintain or improve desirable plant diversity, productivity, and health by establishing woody plants. » Create or improve habitat for desired wildlife species compatible with ecological characteristics of the site. » Control erosion. » Improve water quality. Reduce excess nutrients and other pollutants in runoff and groundwater. » Sequester and store carbon. » Restore or maintain native plant communities. » Provide for beneficial organisms and pollinators.


»T o properly utilize manure, municipal and industrial biosolids, and other organic by-products as plant nutrient sources. » To maintain or improve the physical, chemical and biological conditions of soil.

» Improved soil health. » Water retention with improved water quality and quantity. » Improved wildlife habitat. » Sequestered carbon.

MADE POSSIBLE BY San Miguel County began the PES program under former Commissioner Art Goodtimes. Initial work included a small-scale pilot study at seven sites within the County. The County was subsequently awarded a grant from the Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB) for the further development/administration of the program.

PAYMENT FOR ECOSYSTEM SERVICES PROGRAM Financial Benefits Available for Implementing Best Practices on Farms and Ranches in San Miguel County

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