A farm located in San Miguel County was one of four that participated in the 2021 PES Pilot Program. The landowners implemented the following practices as a part of their land management philosophy, and received payments as outlined below. Practice Practice ID Name 342 Critical Area Planting 528 Prescribed Grazing 590 Nutrient Management 612 Tree/Shrub Establishment
Acreage/ Plot ID EQIP Payment/ SMC Bonus Total Unit Total Unit Payment Payment 0.86 1 $443.77 $221.89 $572.46 63.21
5.82 3.13
3a, 3b $219.62
4a, 4b $183.62
TOTAL 2021 PAYMENT Payment 1 Upon contract execution Payment 2 Upon mid-season review of operations Payment 3 At year end
$5,688.08 40% of total $2,275.23 40% of total $2,275.23 20% of total $1,137.62
For more information and to participate in the San Miguel County Payment for Ecosystem Services program, go to www.sanmiguelcountyco.gov/PES
PURPOSE OF EACH PRACTICE CRITICAL AREA PLANTING »R ehabilitate and revegetate degraded sites.
PRESCRIBED GRAZING » I mprove or maintain desired species composition and vigor of plant communities. » Improve or maintain quality and quantity of forage for grazing and browsing animals’ health and productivity. » Improve or maintain surface and/or subsurface water quality and quantity. » Reduce accelerated soil erosion and maintain or improve soil condition.
»M aintain or improve desirable plant diversity, productivity, and health by establishing woody plants. » Create or improve habitat for desired wildlife species compatible with ecological characteristics of the site. » Control erosion. » Improve water quality. Reduce excess nutrients and other pollutants in runoff and groundwater. » Sequester and store carbon. » Restore or maintain native plant communities. » Provide for beneficial organisms and pollinators.
»T o properly utilize manure, municipal and industrial biosolids, and other organic by-products as plant nutrient sources. » To maintain or improve the physical, chemical and biological conditions of soil.
» Improved soil health. » Water retention with improved water quality and quantity. » Improved wildlife habitat. » Sequestered carbon.
MADE POSSIBLE BY San Miguel County began the PES program under former Commissioner Art Goodtimes. Initial work included a small-scale pilot study at seven sites within the County. The County was subsequently awarded a grant from the Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB) for the further development/administration of the program.
PAYMENT FOR ECOSYSTEM SERVICES PROGRAM Financial Benefits Available for Implementing Best Practices on Farms and Ranches in San Miguel County