Visitation Admissions Viewbook

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Lower School

Middle School

Upper School Arts Athletics

A message from the head of school I once heard laughter described as “carbonated holiness,” a phrase that strikes me as apt whenever I walk through the Visitation hallways. I see braces and Band-Aids, tangible signs of growth, of straightening and healing. I see decorated lockers and stuffed backpacks, golf clubs and violin cases. And amid that spinning kaleidoscope of childhood and adolescence, I see a sacred purpose. To partner with you in educating your children is the greatest privilege we can imagine. We do everything possible to meet their academic, emotional, social and spiritual needs, which demand of us a grounding sense of past and a daring vision of future – history and possibility, tradition and innovation. They dwell together here, sealed by the Sisters’ gentle smiles and fervent prayers. Whether you are seeking childcare for your infant or collegeprep instruction for your teen, consider making this special place their second home. When I hear their peals of laughter, I know our students are embracing the adventure of education and absorbing the Salesian virtues we instill: liberty of spirit, joyful confidence, cheerfulness and humility. They are learning to be who they are and be that well. How good it is to be driven by such a clear purpose. The rest of their lives will be shaped by the work we are doing here and now. Dawn Nichols, Ed.D. Head of School


Embracing the adventure of education

Head & Heart In the classic Catholic tradition, Visitation School provides an education of the highest form, integrating the mind, body and spirit. One feeds another.

Academically, Visitation teachers draw on the past and tap into the future, applying innovative 21st-century methods to rigorous traditional instruction. Intellect is celebrated at Visitation. Students realize it is cool to be smart. They become lifelong learners whose insatiable curiosity makes every day an adventure.

“For the 13 years I have attended Visitation, I have been

The beauty of a Visitation education is the way reason meets

blessed with the utmost care and trust from my

faith. For decades the Sisters, faculty and staff at Visitation

teachers. My education has been enriched with

have nurtured faith. It is a lasting gift.

challenging academics, problem-solving techniques,

In a noisy world, our students understand the value of silence. Prayer is woven throughout the school day, starting with a daily offering and culminating with all-school Masses, when hands are extended, voices are lifted and prayers are said together.

and social skills infused with Salesian leadership. Now it is my turn to use these tools, not just for future schooling, but for life. Visitation has given me the strength, in all aspects of my life, to accept others for who they truly are, and I continue to aspire to be a positive role model for others.�

Elizabeth ‘10 2

Spiritual development begins in relationships. Students grow in relationship with God, in relationship with the Visitation community and in relationship with the broader community. Visitation School spans every age, from two-weekold infants to 90-year-old nuns. There is something remarkable about having that spectrum under one roof. It allows for friendships of every shape and size: prayer partners, playmates, mentors, academic tutors, sports captains, and more. Within these intricate social layers, Visitation students develop a respect for the young and the old. They cultivate a faith that is at once personal and communal. And they discover the secret of service:

“Visitation continues to be a place where relationships are rich soil for my experience of God. As a student at age 14, I did not yet appreciate that I was making friends for life. These friends continue to inspire and encourage me to strive for wholeness and holiness. Visitation has always been a second home of nurturing -- of discovering that joy comes in relationships and in the simplicity of a service-oriented life. I have been inspired by the Visitation Sisters, who are deeply committed to living a way of life guided by the Salesian tradition of ‘great humility before God and great gentleness with neighbor.’” Anne ‘82, Director of Salesian Studies 3

when much is given, even more is received.

"Our daughter Hannah graduated in 2007, and our youngest daughter, Grace, now a sixth grader, began her Visitation education in Montessori. We believe our children have received unparalleled academic development. However, our love for Visitation goes much deeper. We have found a strong sense of community that is grounded in the hearts of the Sisters and present in our relationships with other parents and reflected in the social awareness of our daughters. Ultimately, we have come to grasp the true fabric of this place: the intellect and community that stands upon its Catholic, Salesian character. The teachings of the founders St. Francis de Sales and St. Jane de Chantal provide the Sisters, staff, students and parents access to virtues that give life to our community." Ron and Mary Beth, current parents

Throughout all this formation, there is an ever-present levity. Our faculty believe learning should be fun. Students are encouraged to play, to take risks, to roll up their sleeves and get their fingers dirty. When students are having fun, mistakes do not feel like disasters; they feel like hiccups.


“Visitation is renowned for providing a first-rate education rooted in the Christian tenets of Salesian Spirituality. This excellence exists throughout all stages of Vis, from the early childhood program to the Lower and Middle Schools and finally to the Upper School. Academically, my experience was truly valuable, providing me with a foundation of study skills, communication tools, and a work ethic that I use every day. In addition to this strong educational backbone, I have experienced Visitation’s famous motto, non scholae, sed vitae, through the life-long friendships I formed at Vis.”

Christian Pilhofer, sixth grade alumnus ‘99, with his sister Sophie ‘09

“It is an honor and privilege to educate your children in our home. We help our young people see their infinite worth through a superb education so that they, in turn, can see the worth of others.” Sr. Marie Thérèse Conaty ‘46

The important work of education is achieved with heavy doses of humor and heart. 5


The first years of school lay the foundation for academic success, and Visitation’s faculty and staff take great care to provide the strongest foundation possible. In our Lower School, students discover a safe, loving community that empowers them to explore, create and grow.

Lower School

Our students enjoy state-of-the-art facilities that few elementary schools can rival, including a 40-acre campus, an eco-friendly outdoor classroom, a cutting-edge computer lab, a dedicated art and science suite, a professional-quality theater, a ballet studio and an intimate chapel linking the school and the






environment, helping us stimulate young minds while opening their hearts and stirring their souls.

“I love Vis because I get a good education and there are good teachers. My favorite subjects are science, math and gym. I like the learning at Vis, and I have nice friends.� Abraham, third grader 7

quite realizing it. Sharing with your neighbor, waiting your turn, playing gently, and showing respect towards teachers and other students became commonplace as we discovered the vast world around us. I

Lower School

"From an early age, we began learning the basics of ‘Live Jesus’ without

experienced this blessing each day at Visitation." Becca ‘10 (attended Montessori preschool through grade 12)


Incorporating technology is important to our faculty. Smart Boards allow teachers to provide instruction that is crystal clear. Another superb tool our students benefit from is the PicoCricket, an invention kit that integrates art and technology to spark creative thinking. Our faculty and staff make a point to demonstrate the





encouraging students to connect dots and disciplines. They do this with a great spirit of discovery. Laughter and smiles are hallmarks of Visitation Lower School, where children delight in uncovering new ground together. In doing so, they create lasting bonds. So come, join our family!

“Every teacher seeks out lessons that move beyond the classroom walls and last beyond the final bell. One of the things I appreciate most about Visitation is its commitment to life-long learning. It is displayed here on our flag when you first enter the building – non scholae, sed vitae, not for school, but for life – and, more importantly, it is carried out in every lesson taught.” Steve, fifth grade teacher 9

Visitation community uniquely provides them with an awareness and expectation that sensitivity, kindness, hard work and generosity are not optional. The spirit of the

Lower School

“We are raising our boys to become good men, and the

school and the quiet but strong influence of the Visitation Sisters leave no question that high standards are the norm – academically, socially and spiritually. Very simply, we love Visitation. It is unlike any other school, and we feel so privileged to be part of this community.” Brian, current parent and parent of alumnus


Middle School is a place where independent spirits are celebrated. Our teachers are exceptional in that their knowledge and love of this age group shine through all they do. Whether they are coping with homework, acne, or the calculus of social networking, Middle Schoolaged children face challenges. But the Visitation faculty is uniquely suited to guide your sons and daughters through the tender, tangled issues that arise with adolescence.

Middle School


It can be hard to keep up with the rapid growth that preteens experience. Our new “Gateway Year” Program is designed




rapidly-changing academic, social and emotional needs. Our teachers take extra effort to prepare sixth-graders for It their Middle School experience. The

Middle School

Gateway Year eases students through that transition, enabling the girls to bond with Upper School students while preparing the boys for Saint Thomas Academy. We have found that seventh grade is an ideal time to begin single-gender education for girls. Our seventh and eighth grade girls excel academically, gaining added focus and confidence in the classroom – and beyond. Suddenly they are taking on new leadership roles or finding other ways to discover and express their individuality.

“I teach at Visitation because I am given the opportunity to be so much more than a teacher as a member of the Visitation community. Besides being given the resources and support to teach a challenging and exciting class, I also get to be a mentor, an advisor, and even a friend. This season I get to add ‘Visitation parent’ to that list and now – more than ever – I appreciate all that Visitation does for its students, its teachers, and its families. It is both humbling and energizing to be a part of something so much bigger than me.” Zindy, Middle School Science teacher


Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) initiatives, which utilize the model of inquiry and design, provide wonderful opportunities for students to grow as innovators, inventors, problem solvers, critical thinkers and clear communicators. Our Middle Schoolers develop into spirited, independent learners whose individuality is embraced and nurtured. They thrive in small classes that spark big ideas. When they graduate from eighth grade, they are joyful, confident leaders.

The middle years matter. Visitation makes the most of that pivotal juncture.

“At Visitation, we have awesome teachers who help me learn and grow and dream!� 13

Frannie, Middle School student

“Visitation has blessed our family for nearly a decade now. As parents of two very active boys – Sam, age 14, who graduated from Visitation in 2009, and Jack, age 8, a third grader in his sixth year at Vis – we have found the familial environment and strong community, combined with the exceptional academic program, to be the perfect school for our boys and the perfect balance for our family. We are raising our sons to be children of God. The spiritual foundation and Salesian values of Visitation echo our own family's values. They not only support our goals, they advance them.” Ann, current parent and parent of alumnus

Middle School

curious and voracious, lifelong learners but also kind and loving


Upper School is where the exuberance of adolescence takes on a certain elegance. Grace and wisdom abound. Here, young women become lifelong leaders, nurtured by an exceptional academic and spiritual environment. They benefit from the focus of single-sex classrooms and the simplicity of single-sex hallways. It is a liberating experience.

Upper School

As students develop deep ties with classmates, they also recognize their role within the Visitation family, mentoring the younger students, trusting the teachers and emulating the Sisters. They become leaders who are both visionary and humble. Upper School students possess a sense of community and responsibility. They see the bigger picture and dream of the contributions they can make to it. These skills evolve in concrete ways with courses and programs that are as rigorous as they are rewarding. Throughout our courses, teachers help students become strong writers and readers, articulate communicators in English and world languages, and compassionate citizens in an ever-changing world. We want our girls to understand the importance of history and its impact on the future, ask deep philosophical and moral questions, and express themselves through the arts. We help girls explore their natural and physical worlds through science, math and engineering. And we always strive to make connections between school and the world that these girls will enter in college and beyond.


Our faculty members believe in the long-term




education. They know Upper School students will become strong women and outstanding leaders who go on to solve many of the 21st century’s complex problems. As our students refine their leadership skills, they also take important strides in self knowledge, learning how to accept their gifts and their faults. They embrace the qualities that make them unique, celebrating individuality amid great pressure to conform. Their world is charged by possibility.

but in the hallways pouring out Salesian spirituality from their hearts. There is something so human about Salesian Spirituality that keeps drawing me

Upper School

"The Sisters were not in our classrooms instructing us to memorize a quote,

deeper. It does not call for perfection or withdrawal from society; Salesian spirituality calls us to open our hearts to the love of God despite our own imperfections. ‘Live Jesus’ is not a command we force on one another. It is an invitation that asks Jesus to enter our hearts and work through us. It is a simple prayer: Jesus, live in me and around me."

Claire ‘10 (attended Montessori preschool through grade 12) 16

“I often think of my teachers at Vis as if they are my parents. Growing up, my parents always encouraged my sisters and me to have a good relationship with our teachers. My mother, who was a school teacher in Viet Nam, w o u l d often talk about her former students and how she loved and cared for them as if they were her own. I felt that my teachers showed that same care and concern for me. I feel lucky and blessed to have had this incredible opportunity to attend Vis. To experience the love, kindness and support from the Visitation faculty and staff was an extra gift.” Oanh ‘94


“Vis has an absolutely unique academic environment. Students are intellectually engaged and clearly focused on ideas. We have created an environment where all of us are working toward the same mission and goals – a very powerful thing.” Rich, Upper School teacher

Upper School

“We selected Visitation because we wanted strong academics and a faithbased environment. Ten years later, Visitation continues to be a great fit for our three daughters. Vis has connected with each in a way that we know will guide them through their lives, thus realizing the school motto of not for school, but for life.” John and Lisa, current parents


Visitation students pursue the arts with grace and gusto. It is a place where they can explore the edges of the human experience – a well-timed punchline and the power of a pause, a rollicking march and a haunting symphony, the profound essence of comedy and tragedy.

The Arts

“Visitation, to prepare me for New York University, specifically the Tish School of Arts, was overwhelmingly delicate with my talent and what I wanted to pursue. Vis has rigorous, college-prep academics, but at the same time the theater and arts departments are outstanding, cultivating whatever students can give them.” Kate ‘06 19

Educating the whole student in mind, body

“What I really liked was the focus on the arts! Both design and physical arts... drawing, dance, acting. That is something Vis has that makes it so unique.”

and spirit is a hallmark of Visitation. Our young artists have fun learning about balance. They seek symmetry as they look at lines and examine textures. They observe the interplay between a brilliant red and a muted pastel, between a lead role and a supporting role. And they come to appreciate the role of an artist operating within a finely-tuned community, resulting in that beautiful end goal: harmony.



Vocal and Instrumental Music (Montessori – grade 5)


VISTA Jazz Band

Orchestra (grades 4 & 5)

Theatre 101


Visual Arts (Kindergarten – grade 5)

Bel Canto Choir


Chamber Choir

Mixed Media


VISTA Orchestra

Printmaking/Computer Graphics

Visual Arts


Ceramics: Pottery

Vocal and Instrumental Music


Ceramics: Sculpture

Band Orchestra

Co-curricular Opportunities VISTA Productions (the combined theater group of Visitation

Co-curricular Opportunities

and Saint Thomas Academy students in grades 9-12) –Three main stage productions a year

POPS vocal group (Vis 7th and 8th graders may try out)

–Scenic and Technical Crew –VISTA Improv Team


Middle School Musical (Vis and STA grades 6 - 8)

–VISTA Theatre Council


Visitation offers a wide array of athletic avenues. In competition and in collaboration, our athletes develop many virtues. They learn grace in defeat and humility in victory. They witness the magic of teamwork and the power of persistence. They take risks and laugh along the way. They feel the limits of the human body – flexing a muscle, nursing a wound, reaching and rebounding. They stretch, they swing, they sweat, they slide, they score.


Young athletes gain first-hand insights into relationships: coach

Young athletes cultivate joyful optimism and quiet confidence.

and player, captain and teammate, offense and defense. They

They understand that every performance requires practice.

set goals and rely on teammates to achieve them. Together

And when the game begins, they experience the unity of head

they build momentum and overcome hurdles. They pace

and heart.

themselves, recognizing when to jog and when to sprint.




K-8 swim/dive

7-12 cross country running

5 co-ed soccer

7-12 swim/dive

5 volleyball

7-12 tennis

5 boys basketball

7-12 alpine skiing

5 girls basketball

7-12 nordic skiing

5 boys baseball

7-12 hockey

5 softball

7-12 track 7-12 golf


9-12 soccer

K-8 swim/dive

9-12 volleyball

6 co-ed soccer

9-12 basketball

6 volleyball

9-12 lacrosse

6 boys basketball

9-12 softball

“Visitation’s educational environment effectively teaches the Salesian values, which I have seen consistently reflected in the outstanding behavior of the student athletes I have had the privilege of coaching. The Visitation athletes always give their best and maintain positive attitudes in practice and in competition. Winning or losing, they support each other and respect the competition.� Ted, Varsity Hockey coach

6 girls basketball 6 boys baseball 6 softball 7/8 soccer 7/8 volleyball 7/8 basketball 7/8 softball 7/8 lacrosse 7-12 cross country running 7-12 swim/dive 7-12 tennis 7-12 nordic skiing 7-12 hockey 7-12 track 7-12 golf


7-12 alpine skiing


2455 Visitation Drive Mendota Heights, MN 55120

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