be there be .brussels
action plan 2020
TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................................................9 1.1. VISIT.BRUSSELS : A VISION FOR THE BRUSSELS-CAPITAL REGION.........................................................11 1.2. VISIT.BRUSSELS : A MISSION TO PROMOTE THE DESTINATION.................................................................11 1.3. 2018-2023 MANAGEMENT CONTRACT..................................................................................................................11
2. OBJECTIVES AND STRATEGY....................................................................................................................13 2.1. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES..........................................................................................................................................14 2.2. MAIN OBJECTIVES AND KPIS FOR 2020..............................................................................................................16 2.3. THE ACTION PLAN FOR 2020...................................................................................................................................17 2.3.1. THE TRANSFORMATION OF VISIT.BRUSSELS...........................................................................................17 2.3.2. DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION : A " DIGITAL-CENTRIC " APPROACH....................................................18 2.3.3. ORGANISATIONAL TRANSFORMATION : HUMAN RESOURCES AND OPERATIONS......................18 2.4. THE MAIN STRATEGIC ASPECTS......................................................................................................................19
3. ACTION PLAN FOR MANAGEMENT – CONVENTION & ASSOCIATION.............................................21 3.1. MISSIONS..................................................................................................................................................................... 22 3.2. OBJECTIVES AND KPIS OF THE DEPARTMENT................................................................................................ 23 3.3. CONVENTION BUREAU............................................................................................................................................. 24 3.3.1. RESEARCH AND TRAINING ACTIVITIES.................................................................................................... 25 3.3.2. SALES AND PROMOTION CAMPAIGNS...................................................................................................... 25 3.3.3. COMMUNICATION CAMPAIGNS................................................................................................................... 26 3.3.4. CAMPAIGNS TO IMPROVE THE EXPERIENCE & SUSTAINABILITY................................................... 26 3.3.5. COLLABORATIVE CAMPAIGNS WITH PARTNERS................................................................................... 28 3.4. ASSOCIATION BUREAU............................................................................................................................................ 29 3.4.1. TRAINING ACTIVITIES..................................................................................................................................... 29 3.4.2. RESEARCH AND MONITORING ACTIVITIES.............................................................................................. 29 3.4.3. COMMUNITY BUILDING CAMPAIGNS......................................................................................................... 29 3.4.4. COMMUNICATION CAMPAIGNS................................................................................................................... 30 3.4.5. CAMPAIGNS TO IMPROVE THE EXPERIENCE.......................................................................................... 30 3.4.6. COLLABORATIVE CAMPAIGNS WITH PARTNERS................................................................................... 30 3.5. AMBASSADOR & INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMMES........................................................................................ 30
4. ACTION PLAN FOR MANAGEMENT – CULTURE & CITY LIFE .............................................................33 4.1. MISSIONS..................................................................................................................................................................... 34 4.2. OBJECTIVES AND KPIS OF THE DEPARTMENT................................................................................................ 37 4.3. INTRODUCTION : THE CULTURE & CITY LIFE DEPARTMENT........................................................................ 38 4.3.1. INSPIRE, PLAN, EXPERIMENT AND SHARE.............................................................................................. 38 4.3.2. DESTINATION MANAGEMENT : DEVELOPING THE DESTINATION..................................................... 39 4.4. PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT : THE TRANSVERSAL SERVICE........................................................................... 40 4.4.1. BRUSSELS CARD PROMOTION..................................................................................................................... 40 4.4.2. EXTERNAL MISSIONS LEISURE................................................................................................................... 40 4.4.3. WINTER & SUMMER IN BRUSSELS CAMPAIGNS.................................................................................... 40 4.4.4. SALES GUIDE 2021............................................................................................................................................ 40 4.4.5. BRUSSELS AIRPORT ACCESS BROCHURE................................................................................................41 4.4.6. BROCHURE FOR THE GENERAL PUBLIC OR " THIS IS BRUSSELS " BROCHURE............................41 4.4.7. DESKTOP MAPS..................................................................................................................................................41 4.4.8. EVENTS AGENDA................................................................................................................................................41
4.4.9. PROMOTION IN HOTELS...................................................................................................................................41 4.4.10. WELCOME PACKS AND CONTESTS............................................................................................................41 4.4.11. TOURISM SIGNS – MUSEUMS, CULTURAL CENTRES, ETC..................................................................41 4.4.12. VISIT.BRUSSELS DAY : THE ANNUAL MEETING OF PARTNERS........................................................ 42 4.4.13. MONTHLY NEWSLETTERS............................................................................................................................. 42 4.4.14. B2B EXCHANGE PLATFORM......................................................................................................................... 42 4.5. EUROPE......................................................................................................................................................................... 45 4.5.1. CONSULTANCY................................................................................................................................................... 45 4.5.2. NETWORKING...................................................................................................................................................... 46 4.5.3. CONTENT DEVELOPMENT.............................................................................................................................. 46 4.5.4. PROMOTION........................................................................................................................................................ 46 4.5.5. EXPATS................................................................................................................................................................. 46 4.5.6. EUROPEAN CITIZENSHIP............................................................................................................................... 46 4.6. HERITAGE...................................................................................................................................................................... 48 4.6.1. ART NOUVEAU & ART DECO........................................................................................................................... 48 4.6.2. SURREALISM...................................................................................................................................................... 49 4.6.3. NEOCLASSICAL................................................................................................................................................. 49 4.6.4. UNESCO................................................................................................................................................................ 49 4.6.5. VALORISATION OF HERITAGE....................................................................................................................... 50 4.6.6. HERITAGE COMPETITION............................................................................................................................... 50 4.6.7. IRIS FESTIVAL IN THE COMMUNES............................................................................................................. 50 4.6.8. BRUEGEL 2019.................................................................................................................................................... 50 4.6.9. CAROLUS V FESTIVAL...................................................................................................................................... 50 4.7. ARTS & CREATIVITY................................................................................................................................................... 53 4.7.1. CONTEMPORARY ART...................................................................................................................................... 53 4.7.2. COMIC STRIPS................................................................................................................................................... 54 4.7.3. FASHION............................................................................................................................................................... 55 4.7.4. DESIGN................................................................................................................................................................. 57 4.7.5. JAZZ....................................................................................................................................................................... 58 4.7.6. PERFORMING ARTS.......................................................................................................................................... 58 4.7.7. BRUXELLES SUR SCÈNES – THE CAFE-THEATRE FESTIVAL............................................................... 58 4.8. CITY LIFE....................................................................................................................................................................... 60 4.8.1. GASTRONOMY .....................................................................................................................................................61 4.8.2. SUSTAINABLE TOURISM................................................................................................................................. 62 4.8.3. ACCESSIBLE TOURISM................................................................................................................................... 62 4.8.4. URBAN CULTURE............................................................................................................................................... 63 4.8.5. NIGHTLIFE............................................................................................................................................................ 64 4.8.6. SPORT................................................................................................................................................................... 65 4.8.7. LGBT....................................................................................................................................................................... 66 4.8.8. KIDS....................................................................................................................................................................... 68 4.8.9. STUDENTS........................................................................................................................................................... 69 4.9. CULTURAL COMMUNICATION : AGENDA.BRUSSELS................................................................................ 70 4.9.1. A COMMON STRATEGY......................................................................................................................................71 4.9.2. THE DATABASE AND THE AGENDA.BRUSSELS WEBSITE.................................................................... 72 4.9.3. COLLABORATIONS............................................................................................................................................ 73 4.9.4. LAST MINUTE TICKETING : ARSÈNE 50...................................................................................................... 73 4.10. DISCOVER THE CITY.......................................................................................................................................... 74 4.10.1. THE NEIGHBOURHOODS............................................................................................................................... 74 4.10.2. GUIDED TOURS................................................................................................................................................ 76 4.10.3. GREETERS......................................................................................................................................................... 76 introduction 5
4.11. WELCOME.................................................................................................................................................................... 78 4.11.1. THE INFORMATION OFFICES........................................................................................................................ 78 4.11.2. EXPERIENCE.BRUSSELS.............................................................................................................................. 79 4.12. SCREEN.BRUSSELS FILM COMMISSION......................................................................................................... 80
5. ACTION PLAN – SALES & MARKETING.....................................................................................................83 5.1. MISSIONS..................................................................................................................................................................... 84 5.2. OBJECTIVES AND KPIS OF THE SALES & MARKETING DEPARTMENT..................................................... 88 5.3. OFFLINE COMMUNICATION.................................................................................................................................... 89 5.3.1. CAMPAIGNS........................................................................................................................................................ 89 5.4. DIGITAL COMMUNICATION..................................................................................................................................... 90 5.4.1. CAMPAIGNS........................................................................................................................................................ 90 5.5. PRESS............................................................................................................................................................................ 92 5.5.1. CAMPAIGNS........................................................................................................................................................ 92 5.6. COPYWRITING & TRANSLATIONS......................................................................................................................... 94 5.6.1. CAMPAIGNS ....................................................................................................................................................... 94 5.7. SALES & PROMOTION............................................................................................................................................... 95 5.7.1. CAMPAIGNS........................................................................................................................................................ 95 5.8. FOREIGN MARKETS................................................................................................................................................... 98 5.8.1. CAMPAIGNS........................................................................................................................................................ 98 5.9. MARKET INTELLIGENCE........................................................................................................................................ 100 5.9.1. CAMPAIGNS...................................................................................................................................................... 100
6. ACTION PLAN – EVENTS & FAIRS........................................................................................................... 103 6.1. MISSIONS................................................................................................................................................................... 104 6.2. OBJECTIVES AND KPIS OF THE DEPARTMENT.............................................................................................. 105 6.3. BRUSSELS DAYS...................................................................................................................................................... 106 6.4. EVENTS........................................................................................................................................................................ 107 6.4.1. CONTEXT OF THE CAMPAIGNS................................................................................................................... 107 6.4.2. DEVELOPMENT STRANDS............................................................................................................................ 107 6.4.3. THE MAJOR TOURISM EVENTS................................................................................................................... 107 6.4.4. EVENTS WITH TOURISM POTENTIAL........................................................................................................ 115 6.4.5. SPECIFIC EVENTS AND SUPPORT............................................................................................................. 118 6.5. FAIRS............................................................................................................................................................................ 122 6.5.1. CONTEXT OF THE CAMPAIGNS................................................................................................................... 122 6.5.2. TOURISM FAIRS............................................................................................................................................... 122 6.5.3. OTHER INTERNATIONAL FAIRS AND EVENTS........................................................................................ 124 6.6. THEMED YEARS................................................................................................................................................... 128 6.6.1. CONTEXT OF THE CAMPAIGNS................................................................................................................... 128 6.6.2. A REMINDER OF THE DYNAMIC.................................................................................................................. 128 6.6.3. MAJOR PROJECTS AS SUPPORT FOR THE THEMES............................................................................ 128 6.7. IMPROVED SEASONALITY OF EVENTS.............................................................................................................. 129
7. ACTION PLAN – FINANCE & OPERATING...............................................................................................131 7.1. OBJECTIVES AND KPIS OF THE DEPARTMENT.............................................................................................. 132 7.2. MISSIONS................................................................................................................................................................... 132 7.3. FINANCE & ACCOUNTING...................................................................................................................................... 133 7.3.1. MISSIONS........................................................................................................................................................... 133 7.3.2. CAMPAIGNS...................................................................................................................................................... 134 7.4. HUMAN RESOURCES............................................................................................................................................... 135 7.4.1. MISSIONS........................................................................................................................................................... 135 7.4.2. CAMPAIGNS...................................................................................................................................................... 135 7.4.3. OBJECTIVES AND KPI OF THE DEPARTMENT........................................................................................ 136 7.5. IT & TELECOMMUNICATIONS............................................................................................................................... 137 7.5.1. MISSIONS........................................................................................................................................................... 137 7.5.2. CAMPAIGNS...................................................................................................................................................... 137 7.6. BUILDING MANAGEMENT...................................................................................................................................... 138 7.6.1. MISSIONS........................................................................................................................................................... 138 7.6.2. CAMPAIGNS...................................................................................................................................................... 138 7.7. INTERNAL SALES...................................................................................................................................................... 139 7.7.1. RENTAL OF THE BIP AND THE TRAM EXPERIENCE MISSIONS......................................................... 139 7.7.2. CAMPAIGNS...................................................................................................................................................... 139 7.7.3. TICKETING MISSIONS.................................................................................................................................... 139 7.7.4. CAMPAIGNS...................................................................................................................................................... 139 7.8. ADVERTISING AND SPONSORING...................................................................................................................... 140 7.8.1. MISSIONS........................................................................................................................................................... 140 7.8.2. CAMPAIGNS...................................................................................................................................................... 140 7.9. MANAGEMENT CONTROL...................................................................................................................................... 140 7.9.1. CAMPAIGNS...................................................................................................................................................... 140 7.10. CONTRACT MANAGEMENT.................................................................................................................................. 141 7.10.1. CAMPAIGNS.................................................................................................................................................... 141 7.11. INTERNAL CONTROL.............................................................................................................................................. 141 7.11.1. MISSIONS......................................................................................................................................................... 141 7.11.2. CAMPAIGNS.................................................................................................................................................... 141
8. GLOSSARY.................................................................................................................................................... 142
introduction 7
1. Introduction
1.3. 2018-2023 MANAGEMENT
visit.brussels aims to position the Brussels-Capital Region on the local and international scene as the capital of 500 million Europeans. A veritable " world city ", where every day more than 183 different nationalities live together, the Brussels metropolis is the most cosmopolitan in Europe.
The first management contract between visit.brussels and the Brussels-Capital Region was signed in 2018. This contract lays down a general framework : it formalises the relations between visit.brussels and the G overnment of the Brussels-Capital Region, and sets out their respective obligations. It also sets measurable strategic and operational objectives for each of visit.brussels’ missions.
As a capital of diversity and openness, Brussels is also the capital of the good life and creativity. Drawing on these intrinsic strengths, visit.brussels strives to develop sustainable and high-quality tourism that respects the city and its inhabitants.
1.2. VISIT.BRUSSELS : A MISSION TO PROMOTE THE DESTINATION visit.brussels’ mission is to promote the Brussels-Capital Region as an attractive and unmissable destination, both nationally and internationally. To this end, visit.brussels is engaged in a city marketing approach, in order to highlight the competitive advantages of the destination. In partnership with local stakeholders, it works to develop the tourism offer in Brussels and the policies that welcome visitors and residents.
introduction 11 Mont des Arts © TTstudio
2. Objectives and strategy
2.1 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES The strategic objectives set out in the first management contract commit visit.brussels until 2023. Each of these objectives is accompanied by performance indicators to be achieved by this deadline. To guide the work of visit. brussels, important milestones have been set year by year; they will be detailed in this 2020 Action Plan. These performance indicators have been broken down by department and project. As veritable dashboards for operational teams, they make it possible to measure the success of the campaigns carried out by visit.brussels. To achieve its objectives, visit.brussels relies on the dynamism of its highly qualified teams.
Art. 4 of the 2018-2023 Management Contract : Increase the number of visitors. Between 2010 and 2014, the number of overnight stays in Brussels increased by 40 %, reaching 7 million. In 2015, the attacks in Paris and the lock-down in Brussels resulted in a drop of nearly 5 % in the number of visitors over the full year. This decline worsened in 2016, following the attacks in Brussels and the closure of Brussels National Airport, with decreases of visitor numbers of up to 30 %. In 2017, Brussels recovered from these tragic events, allowing it to keep the ambition formulated by visit.brussels at the end of 2015 on course : to aim for gradual growth in order to exceed the symbolic threshold of 10 million overnight stays by the end of the Management Contract. The aim is not only to increase longer-stay tourism but also day tourism. In 2017, visits to the region’s museums and attractions increased compared to the previous year, returning to the 2015 figures. The aim is to continue achieving growth of around 5 % annually. Professional tourism proved to be more stable in the face of the events of 2015 and 2016, and an upswing in demand was observed. This growth needs to be consolidated, by increasing the number of conventions and fairs organised in Brussels. In addition, the aim will be to encourage these professional tourists to return to the Brussels-Capital Region in a private context. Art. 5 of the 2018-2023 Management Contract : Strengthen the image of Brussels. Following the major campaigns organised in 2017 ( the international image campaign " Where will Brussels take you " and the MIXITY.brussels2017 theme year, visit.brussels continued to strengthen the brand image of the capital in its various dimensions and as a major cosmopolitan capital. The cultural offer is a major foundation of a city’s image, particularly in Brussels. The region is home to around 100 museums, and every year hosts some 23,000 cultural events,
which can be found in the agenda.brussels database. Culture is therefore a key element in the region’s image. It shapes a " Brussels imagery " which must be clearly identifiable by visitors, tourists, professionals and the people of Brussels themselves. That is why it is essential to make sure that the communication around this cultural offer is directed at all of the above-mentioned target groups. Art. 6 of the 2018-2023 Management Contract : Promote the tourism and cultural offer in the 19 communes of the region. The Association must ensure that there is a match between visitor numbers and living quality. The tourism and events offer must be developed in good cooperation with the citizens of Brussels. To this end, the Association will incorporate the offer of the 19 communes of the region in order to strengthen collaboration with the various stakeholders. This objective corresponds with Brussels’ desire to promote sustainable and high-quality tourism, by encouraging the dispersion of visitors throughout the territory of the Brussels Region. The aim is firstly to highlight the Brussels neighbourhoods and the diversity of what they have to offer ( culture, shopping, hotels and restaurants, etc. ) and secondly to ease pressure on the city’s central core. Finally, putting the various communes and neighbourhoods of the capital in the spotlight will make it possible to broaden the tourist offer and consequently increase the duration of stays and positive feedback from visitors.
Objectives & Strategy
2.2 MAIN OBJECTIVES AND KPIS FOR 2020 MAIN OBJECTIVES AND KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS TO BE ACHIEVED BY 2020 : • Number of MICE/Leisure overnight stays : 10 million overnight stays, all types of accommodation included. In other words, 15 % more than in 2018 • Difference between the month with lowest visitor numbers ( January ) and the month with highest visitor numbers ( October ) : 25 %, compared to 29 % in 2018 • Visitor satisfaction rate : 90 % ( the same as in 2018 ) • Visitor numbers to museums and attractions : 4.5 million visitors, versus 4.2 million in 2018 • " Reputation score " ( established by the Reputation Institute ) : reach the Top 20 in the world ( 30th position in 2018 ) • Standard deviation between the number of events, overnight stays and museum visits per commune and the average number of events over the 19 communes : < 2.07 ( standard deviation 2018 ) • Occupancy rate : 80 % compared to 75 % in 2018. • Training : increase staff training hours by 20 %.
16 Objectives & Strategy
2.3 THE ACTION PLAN FOR 2020 2.3.1. THE TRANSFORMATION OF VISIT.BRUSSELS Over the last three years, the scope of visit.brussels has significantly expanded, with the integration of the teams of the three former non-profit Brussels tourism promotion associations in 2015 ( visit.brussels, the BIP and the Brussels-Europe Liaison Office ). Since 2017, and as part of the regionalisation of competence for tourism, visit.brussels has also welcomed some of the teams of the non-profit organisation Wallonie-Belgique Tourisme ( WBT ). At the same time, the way in which visit.brussels operates has been overhauled, in order to comply with the legal requirements imposed by its status as a public interest organisation ( PIO ) and as an institution consolidated in the regional budget since January 2016. Faced with these changes, it became necessary to make visit.brussels a coherent unit, with a clear strategy and operating in the spirit of collaborative management : management focused on the well-being of employees, building a veritable " whole ".
To support this transformational process, an audit was initiated in 2018 of visit.brussels’ IT and digital strategy and its human resources management. This analysis led to the launch of a range of transformation projects involving all of the teams, in 2019. These projects will continue until the end of 2020. This new dynamic is driven by a dedicated " transformation team ". This team brings together staff from the various departments and is supported by an external agency which specialises in the digital transformation of organisations. This collaboration should result in visit.brussels version 2.0, involving all teams in a process of co-creation. Naturally, the choices made during this transformation process will have an impact on the implementation of the Action Plan. If the objective is to achieve the performance indicators set for 2020, adjustments will have to be made depending on the options taken by the transformation team.
The digital transformation of visit.brussels is a major challenge for its future. This will make it possible to revitalise and strengthen its strategy and practices, in order to achieve the ambitious objectives set out in its management contract. It will also make it possible to meet the expectations of its visitors and partners as effectively as possible. In this sense, visit.brussels’ digital strategy is a means to achieve its overall strategy, not an end in itself.
Objectives & Strategy
2.4. THE MAIN STRATEGIC ASPECTS 2.3.2 DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION : A " DIGITAL-CENTRIC " APPROACH visit.brussels embarked on its digital transformation as part of its 2019 Action Plan. The objective was to make visit.brussels a " digital-centric " organisation. With a view to co-construction, the study conducted by the Digital Tourism Think Tank ( DTTT ) at the end of 2018 involved employees who wanted to contribute to the brainstorming. The strategic recommendations resulting from this study were presented to all staff in January 2019. A significant portion of these recommendations will guide the transformation team in accomplishing its mission. The digital transformation is not limited to front-end web development or external communication; it encompasses the entire organisation of work, and changes the way everyone works. It also requires a better integration of " internal " systems ( SAP, CRM, Office 365, with One Drive, Yammer, etc. ). This transformation is essential to guarantee visit.brussels’ development and respond as effectively as possible to the missions set out under the 2018-2023 Management Contract.
This first phase of the transformation, which is based on the study by the Digital Tourism Think Tank ( DTTT ), made it possible to lay down 6 main strategic aspects.
The comprehensive transformation of visit.brussels’ operations necessarily involves adaptations and evolutions in terms of human resources. At the end of 2018, an analysis of visit.brussels’ HR policy led to a raft of recommendations. These concerned both the HR policy itself and the very structure of visit.brussels.
• visit.brussels, a Digital first organisation.
As such, in 2019, new workplace regulations and a new wage policy were implemented. In addition, the recommendations relating to the structure of visit.brussels were integrated into the change process, in the same vein as the recommendations relating to the digital transformation. All these recommendations will be taken into consideration by the transformation team, to help the structure move forward, achieve efficiency gains, and facilitate the implementation of the visit.brussels strategy.
• visit.brussels, an organisation that values innovation and creativity.
• For visit.brussels, becoming a Digital first organisation means giving priority to digital tools, both in its internal operations and its communication campaigns, to gain in agility and " firepower ".
• The concepts of innovation, creativity and entrepreneurial culture must be at the heart of visit.brussels’ work. They will be encouraged internally and disseminated to the network of partners. • visit.brussels, a data and results-oriented organisation. • visit.brussels’ strategic choices are based on the data and knowledge produced by various studies; they aim to achieve the objectives set and the specific results expected. • visit.brussels, an organisation focused on the needs of customers and visitors. • By their very nature, the needs of customers and visitors to Brussels are at the heart of visit.brussels’ concerns, which focuses on developing experiences and products that meet them. • • visit.brussels’ target audience is multi-faceted. In the first instance, it is made up of the people of Brussels. In effect, extending the reach of the region, which visit.brussels strives to do every day, must, above all, be beneficial to the inhabitants of Brussels themselves, and contribute to their well-being. • • National and international visitors, visiting the territory of Brussels for professional or leisure reasons, make up visit.brussels’ second target audience. •
18 Objectives & Strategy
• Last but ( certainly ) not least, travel professionals and all local tourism and culture actors form the third target audience, in their capacity as spearheads of the dynamism of the tourism development sector. • visit.brussels, an organisation which develops a coherent and specific value proposition for Brussels • In a co-creative process involving its various partners, visit.brussels develops a coherent and specific value proposition in Brussels, with which everyone can identify. To strengthen this, visit.brussels produces content that is in line with this value and with Brussels’ identity. Residents and visitors are invited to take ownership of it, through striking and diverse experiences that reflect the added value of the destination. • visit.brussels, an organisation that works on the basis of triple performance : people, planet, profit • visit.brussels is committed to ensuring that its campaigns are beneficial, in the long term, to each of these three aspects, which are the three pillars of sustainable development. This necessary " sustainability " is transversal; it forms the cornerstone of all the projects and partnerships organised by visit. brussels.
Objectives & Strategy
3. Action plan for management Convention & Association
3.2. OBJECTIVES AND KPIS OF THE DEPARTMENT Art. 29 of the 2018-2023 Management Contract : The Association will develop major conventions and trade fair business by directing its commercial approach towards the centres of excellence in Brussels. Events are hosted according to their ability to generate positive impacts for the region. The aim is to strengthen a comprehensive development strategy for the destination. In this respect, it relies on an internal partnership with the tourism attaches of visit.brussels based abroad, and externally with impulse.brussels, Innoviris and Brussels Invest & Export in particular. Art. 30 of the 2018-2023 Management Contract : The Association will implement a monitoring and research system for the centres of excellence and the international conventions and exhibitions sector, in order to continue to position itself as relevantly as possible in these sectors, identify events to be attracted or created in Brussels, and monitor the emergence of new growth sectors. This analysis work must be conducted in synergy with the Research & Development team, as well as with our regional partners Innoviris, Impulse, Brussels Environment and Brussels Invest & Export. Art. 31 of the 2018-2023 Management Contract : The Association will extend the reach of the region and strengthen its international image as an international capital for trade fairs and conventions. Art. 32 of the 2018-2023 Management Contract : The Association will generally be involved with the following target group : international associations as well as professionals from the " Meetings Industry ", i.e. organisers of conventions, fairs, conferences and incentives, and the various actors from this sector.
OBJECTIVES TO BE ACHIEVED AND PERFORMANCE INDICATORS SPECIFIC TO THE DEPARTMENT DESTINATION MANAGEMENT CONVENTION & ASSOCIATION • Number of requests for conventions generated : 3,900,000 days/convention attendees, +20 % compared to 2018; • Number of requests for conventions generated : 665,000 days/convention attendees, +20 % compared to 2018; • Satisfaction rate among convention organisers, associations and ambassadors : 4.5/5 ( 4.3/5 in 2018 ); • Net Promoter score of convention and exhibition participants : 25 % ( 19 % in 2018 ); • Requests to set up/relocate head offices : 25 These operational objectives are developed within each department.
3.3. CONVENTION BUREAU 3.3.1. RESEARCH AND TRAINING ACTIVITIES To support the active prospecting of the Convention Bureau, a monitoring system has been set up. In 2020, a particular effort will be made to identify corporate events, while continuing the work to attract associations. At the same time, the team’s business developers continue to prospect Brussels’ academic institutions and raise awareness among the actors in this sector.
Ambassadors Gala
One of the major objectives of the Convention Bureau is to identify the congresses, exhibitions and conventions that the Brussels-Capital Region could host within its territory. As such, it actively carries out prospecting, looking for ways to persuade organisers to host their events in Brussels. In 2020, research efforts will continue on the 5 centres of excellence for which the region can count on a strong offer, in the research and/or industry sectors : • • • • •
Life sciences & bio-pharmaceuticals; Information and Communication Technologies – ITC; Sustainability and clean technologies; Creative industries and media; Business services.
action plan for management
association & convention
Why target these 5 main areas ? Because the presence of specialists in these areas within the territory encourages bidding and the hosting of these types of events. In addition, these themes are of particular local interest. Moreover, for the destination, hosting congresses and conventions linked to these centres of excellence generates long-term benefits. In fact, these events strengthen recognition of the Brussels-Capital Region in these 5 areas of expertise and help position Brussels as the preferred location for companies or research centres linked to the main areas targeted. In this sense, congresses and conventions help strengthen the economic dynamism of the region. To fulfil its missions, the Convention Bureau will implement targeted campaigns.
The monitoring focuses on the Top 20 international events with more than 1000 participants, planned for the coming 5 years. When organised in Brussels, these events help extend the reach of the region and its economic dynamism; they can also foster the emergence of niches and new recurring events. In addition to its prospecting work, the Convention Bureau collects and consolidates quantitative and qualitative data on congresses, trade fairs and conventions organised in Brussels, with the aim of improving the Brussels offer and the development strands of the department. Analysing this data makes it possible to identify the most promising segments for the destination and potential new targets to approach. A specific study will be carried out on the market potential of lobbyists present in Brussels, and on China. The Convention Bureau also plans to analyse the long-term impact of these events on the region. The business developers and meeting experts need to become veritable " cluster experts ". In this regard, they will benefit from specific training to improve their knowledge of the sectors related to the centres of excellence. Having gained this expertise, they will be able to participate
in co-creating content, alongside event organisers. The department also undertakes to catalogue the various financing possibilities for congresses, in order to assist the organisers in setting up their projects. In addition, teams will be trained in sustainable development issues, in order to better support the organisers with this theme. Finally, the Convention Bureau will analyse the impact of the collaboration with the American platform Cvent, in order to assess its productivity.
3.3.2. SALES AND PROMOTION ACTIVITIES In 2020, the Convention Bureau will organise sales missions in its priority markets ( the United Kingdom, France, the United States, Germany ), targeting the cities which have important agencies and customer accounts. In addition, it will organise themed fam trips, in collaboration with its partners, and commercial campaigns, in Belgium, with new and prospective customers. Particular attention will be given to submitting candidacies designed to attract key events of the Meetings Industry, as well as the hosting and organisation of these events. Through the " Congress & Fairs Support Programme ", the department will support a number of congresses selected by a jury, in the form of subsidies or dedicated services. In 2020, for the first time, a sustainability criterion will be included in the candidacies. This programme aims to promote Brussels as a destination for event organisers.
action plan for management
association & convention
The minimum size of eligible dossiers has been increased to 500 participants, to direct the Convention Bureau’s support towards major events. Elsewhere, priority will be given to candidacies for which Brussels is in competition with other destinations. To be selected by the jury, candidates must also meet the following three requirements : • Attract a minimum of 30 % of participants who are non-resident in Belgium, and from 3 different nationalities; • It must last at least 2 days, with 1 overnight stay; • It must contribute positively to the image of the region. In addition, ambassadors wishing to launch new recurrent events in Brussels will receive specific support. Finally, to meet the demand of certain meeting organisers, a reflection will be made on the possibility of establishing a partnership with two other cities, positioned on similar centres of excellence, in order to respond to grouped bids.
3.3.3. COMMUNICATION CAMPAIGNS The branding of Brussels as a destination In close collaboration with the communication department of visit.brussels, the Convention Bureau will work to develop a coherent and specific value proposition for the Meetings Industry sector. The objective of this branding is to offer meeting planners a unique value proposition, highlighting Brussels’ strengths as a congress
action plan for management
association & convention
destination, while strengthening the arguments in favour of the region. The Convention Bureau’s communication This branding will serve as a basis for the Convention Bureau’s communication. To win over meeting planners, it will rely on storytelling techniques and promoting authentic experiences. The destination must be promoted with confidence and pride, mobilising all available communication channels. Particular attention will be paid to the online channel. A new website, specifically dedicated to the Convention & Association Bureau, will provide important practical information for decision-makers, and will highlight customer experiences. In addition, work will be carried out to optimise its referencing. Campaigns based on the Brussels identity and the experiences of participants and organisers of MICE events will be undertaken on social networks. Newsletters and press releases will report on new developments in Brussels, but also on the region’s success stories in the MICE sector. In addition, to keep abreast of developments and innovations in the sector, and to contribute to its own visibility and the visibility of the destination, the Convention Bureau will be present at key events in the sector ( ICCA, IAPCO, PCMA, ASAE, etc. ). In response to requests from event organisers looking for alternative accommodation lists, communication tools will highlight the variety of accommodation available : hotels, guest rooms, etc.
Digital brochures specifically dedicated to convention attendees will present the available experiences during or after their congress, conference or fair. Finally, work will be done to identify the international awards which are capable of extending the reach of the destination on its 5 themes of excellence.
3.3.4. CAMPAIGNS TO IMPROVE THE EXPERIENCE & SUSTAINABILITY For a destination, the customer experience is an important differentiation tool that allows it to stand out from its competitors. With this in mind, it is necessary to better understand the " customer journey " of a congress attendee, in order to better adapt the proposed offer. The sustainability of this experience is another factor which is growing in importance. Much more than a simple trend, sustainability is a key issue for the future and the attractiveness of the destination. To improve the visitor experience and the sustainability of the destination, the Convention Bureau will implement a series of targeted campaigns. In particular, it will conduct an in-depth reflection on how to improve the sustainability of the services offered and reinforce the integration of the Brussels destination into the circular economy and social responsibility. In particular, this will involve : • including the services that help organise " green " meetings in bid books, including themes of food waste, soft transport modes, etc.; • also including community outreach activities; • providing more sustainable visitor reception facilities; • helping suppliers become more sustainable; • raising awareness among a wide audience of the sustainability endeavours made by the destination.
It is also necessary to improve the visibility of Brussels’ tourism and cultural offer, which is not well known among congress and exhibition participants. The aim ? To encourage the latter to prolong their visit, or return to Brussels another time. The aim is, therefore, to improve the quality of the information provided upstream, when participants register for an event, but also on site, when they are welcomed. In addition, developing a simple communication tool will allow the partners to inform their customers about the cultural and tourism offer in Brussels. " Authentic " experiences are increasingly popular with participants and congress organisers. Brussels boasts various initiatives offering authentic experiences; they will be promoted using communication tools dedicated to congress attendees. The same trend can be observed in the organisation of MICE events themselves. Increasingly, organisers are seeking to include awareness raising activities that allow them to connect with the local community, thereby promoting a more sustainable impact. The Convention Bureau must know the offer in Brussels inside out, in order to integrate it into the proposals made to organisers. Another new trend observed in the Meetings Industry is the actual structure of meetings. Technological developments are changing the way people communicate, get informed and manage their networks. That is why the Brussels-Capital Region needs to focus on connectivity and innovation, in collaboration with other regional institutions, to create synergies with local industry. In addition to the support programme, the Convention Bureau will study the possibility of creating a hospitality package including reception services, in collaboration with the partners concerned in the ongoing bids.
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3.4. ASSOCIATION BUREAU 3.3.5. COLLABORATIVE ACTIONS WITH PARTNERS To carry out its missions successfully, the Convention Bureau needs to ensure strong collaboration with its partners. Various actions will be implemented to facilitate these collaborations throughout the year, and for the various Brussels operators to work together, guided by the same objective. As such, several times a year, training and exchange sessions with the Brussels partners will be organised. In particular, the Convention Bureau will propose setting up working groups on specific subjects, such as raising awareness of hospitality in the various places where tourists meet. Structural collaborations will be set up with other institutions in the region, including hub.brussels, perspective. brussels, Innoviris and STIB. All the partners will be involved in promoting the destination. To support them in their efforts, the Convention Bureau will develop sales tools, which will be made available to them.
As well as being the preferred destination for the MICE sector, Brussels is a global capital for international associations. The region hosts more than 2,000 of them. Brussels therefore positions itself as the principal European hub in this regard. These associations are part of the economic dynamism of the destination, as employers, consumers of services, and the principal organisers of international congresses. The Association Bureau intends to strengthen Brussels’ image among associations in order to continue to attract them to the capital. It develops activities and services specifically dedicated to promoting the networking of international associations and creating new economic opportunities in the Brussels-Capital Region.
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To carry out its missions successfully, the Association Bureau will ensure that it has thorough knowledge of the international association sector, by : • monitoring the activities proposed by the other cities which promote the hosting of associations; • monitoring new trends in work, mobility and management in the associations sector; • improving the database of associations present in Brussels; • satisfaction studies completed by the associations present in Brussels and meetings with new associations present in the territory.
The Association Bureau is committed to developing the competencies of the associations present within the Brussels territory, and improving their knowledge of the destination. It carries out the following activities in particular :
The Association Bureau will also seek to strengthen the community and networking of international associations present within Brussels’ territory. As such, it ensures the following in particular :
• promoting Brussels events dedicated to associations, via the website of the Association Bureau; • creating in-house events, or partnerships, in the events industry; • informing the public regarding the specifics of international associations; • creating a support programme for new associations setting up in Brussels; • organising the European Association Summit ( EAS ), an annual meeting of international associations, featuring 2 days of conferencing, networking and exchange, with, in 2020, the promotion of the Business Services centre of excellence.
• creating a virtual community for international associations, with a dedicated programme of activities; • organising the Association Summer Event, offering its members a framework for networking, a presentation of services dedicated to international associations and summer activities in Brussels; • organising, using the same model, the Association Winter Event; • creating one themed event per month, throughout the year, to propose new perspectives on services and destinations in Brussels.
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3.5. AMBASSADOR & INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMMES 3.4.4. COMMUNICATION CAMPAIGNS In terms of communication, the Association Bureau will continue the campaigns started in previous years. In 2020, it will also focus on : • overhauling its website, both in terms of content and interface; • creating a digital platform to manage the community of associations present in Brussels; • increasing its activities on social networks and in the publications dedicated to the target audience of international associations; • organising an event in Germany, targeting associations; • sponsoring the UIA Roundtable Europe in Prague.
3.4.5. CAMPAIGNS TO IMPROVE THE EXPERIENCE To improve the experience of its target audience, the Association Bureau will continue to develop services proposed to international associations via the One Stop Shop, an information point which is open for all questions related to setting up an association in the region. It also plans to create a guide – or " partner finder " – on the website, and to implement a veritable programme to welcome associations.
3.4.6. COLLABORATIVE CAMPAIGNS WITH PARTNERS In collaboration with its partners, the Association Bureau will develop themed activities in the Brussels-Capital Region, and internationally, to increase the networks of associations in Brussels. To achieve this, it plans to organise a series of events with partners, including : the European Society of Association Executives, the FAIB, the UIA but also Association Management Companies and other major players in the sector.
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One of visit.brussels’ key missions is to lead the destination’s bids for major international events. With the support of local experts federated within its Ambassadors programme, visit.brussels strives to convince the organisers of trade fairs and congresses to choose Brussels for the organisation of their events. New ambassadors are identified every year, both in the academic and scientific worlds. This programme highlights the work carried out by these experts and the region’s centres of excellence. It also helps strengthen the international reputation of the destination.
Finally, a Careers Day will be organised for all students in their final year of tourism studies, whether they are pursuing their studies at a Brussels college or at one of the capital’s universities. Organised in collaboration with partners in the sector and other Brussels bodies responsible for developing tourism, the Careers Day aims to highlight careers in tourism to Brussels students.
To bridge the gap between the academic world and business, visit.brussels also plans to intensify its relations with the private sector, particularly within the 10 largest Brussels companies in each cluster. The aim will be to identify potential new academic and scientific actors and invite them to join the Association Bureau’s pool of ambassadors. The objective is to attract a larger number of corporate events, and benefit from new sources of content for events relating to the sector. The Ambassadors programme will also facilitate the networking of international organisers with the academic world, business and local-level politics. Cultural and tourist attractions will be proposed to the ambassadors, to improve their knowledge of the destination, and thank them for their work. To better understand the demands and opinions of customers, an Advisory Board composed of international specialists in the congress sector ( PCO’s, international associations, etc. ) has been set up. The result of this initiative was a range of suggestions aimed at strengthening Brussels’ competitiveness and increasing its share of the international MICE market. These suggestions include developing the Brussels brand, the importance of international associations in Brussels, the circular and sustainable economy, etc.
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4. Action plan for management Culture & City life
4.1. MISSIONS Art. 7 of the 2018-2023 Management Contract : The Association will work on a strategy based on City Life themes that are essential in developing city breaks. These themes linked to daily life in Brussels are constantly evolving to better reflect the reality of the local environment. They ensure interaction between visitors and residents. For example, we can highlight : • The urban culture theme, which aims to bring together all the disciplines generally described under the term culture 2.0, which is conceived mainly for an urban and connected 18-35 year-old target group. • The gastronomy theme, which continues to valorise the value of our local gastronomic heritage. The world of beer, in constant evolution, will also be highlighted in preparation for the hosting of Belgian Beer World at the Bourse in the near future. • The sport theme, for which there is an enhanced approach with systematic lobbying work for the organisation, in the short and medium term, of national and international sports competitions. • The LGBT community, which remains a priority target more than ever. It was among the first communities to return en masse to Brussels, and the capital is now considered one of the most friendly destinations by this target group. • Children and families who benefit from a particularly attentive approach, in order to make Brussels a first choice destination for this target group. In this context, an educational offer is being implemented in order to attract the country’s schools. The development of a targeted offer for families is also being fostered. • Sustainability and eco-tourism are reinforced in terms of promotion. Brussels is one of the European capitals with the highest number of green spaces per inhabitant, and this advantage must be capitalised on. • ( … ) Art. 8 of the 2018-2023 Management Contract : The physical reception of visitors is one of the primary missions of the Association. It needs to be high-quality and adapted to visitors’ expectations. The Association encourages collaboration between the reception offices of visit.brussels and the partners responsible for welcoming visitors to Brussels ( the accommodation sector, museums and attractions, etc. ).
Art. 9 of the 2018-2023 Management Contract : The Association is responsible for the communication and tourist and cultural promotion of the events that are organised within the territory of the region, based on an affinity marketing strategy which corresponds to the Brussels DNA, thereby aiming to reach members of various communities of interest ( e.g. comics, Art Nouveau/Deco, jazz, surrealism, Europe, contemporary art, gastronomy, urban culture, etc. ) or identity communities ( e.g. families, LGBT community, people with disabilities, etc. ), highlighting the advantages of Brussels for these communities. Art. 10 of the 2018-2023 Management Contract : Brussels’ artistic and cultural life is rich and diverse, and stands out in particular thanks to its creativity and contemporary scene. The Association gives them maximum visibility in order to extend the region’s reach throughout the four corners of the world.
Art. 12 of the 2018-2023 Management Contract : Brussels boasts a unique cultural and architectural heritage. The goal is to build on the project which was implemented by the Brussels Museums Council in 2016 ( Master Pieces ). Heritage is promoted at the international level through major events. Art. 13 of the 2018-2023 Management Contract : The Association is responsible for facilitating filming in the region and promoting it as an attractive location for national and foreign productions, under the brand " screen.brussels ". The Association ensures that filming is coordinated as optimally as possible, and that a positive image is projected abroad.
Art. 11 of the 2018-2023 Management Contract : The Association is therefore working to implement a cultural communication strategy adapted to the Brussels reality, and meeting the needs of both the cultural and tourism sectors. In this context, it plays a coordinating and cultural governance role. This strategy is being developed jointly with the Brussels Arts Network ( RAB ) and the Brussels Kunstenoverleg ( BKO ) in close collaboration with various cultural operators in Brussels. The strategy has been formalised with the development of the brand agenda.brussels. destination management
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TARGET GROUPS Art. 14 of the 2018-2023 Management Contract : The Association is likely to be involved with the following target groups : •
For the 4 themed clusters and ‘Discover the city’ : the Belgian and foreign public ( B2B and B2C ) interested in the clusters, i.e. the promising themes and targets that are part of the Brussels DNA. This is part of the integrated affinity strategy of visit.brussels. • For cultural communication ( agenda.brussels ) : The Brussels and Belgian public who are interested in culture. • For the information offices : visitors ( Belgian and foreign ) who are in Brussels ( B2C ). • For screen.brussels : the producers, directors and others ( Belgian and foreign ) who are likely to film ( movie, documentary, etc. ) in Brussels. Art. 15 of the 2018-2023 Management Contract : The Association is attentive to the target group of expats in Brussels for two reasons : they are very interested in the cultural offer and tourism, and may become " informal " ambassadors. In this context, the Association provides them with all necessary information, and organises a special welcome. Art. 16 of the 2018-2023 Management Contract : The Association raises awareness among the Brussels tourism actors to ensure the reception of people with reduced mobility, and disabled people ( accessible tourism ) and also ensures the implementation of appropriate communication tools.
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4.2. OBJECTIVES AND KPIS OF THE DEPARTMENT OBJECTIVES TO BE ACHIEVED AND PERFORMANCE INDICATORS SPECIFIC TO THE DESTINATION MANAGEMENT CULTURE & CITY LIFE DEPARTMENT • Number of pages viewed on affinity web pages ( visit.brussels ) and affinity sites : +10 % compared to 2019 • Share of cultural offer linked to affinity themes ( jazz, contemporary art, performing arts, fashion and design, comic strips ) in relation to the overall cultural offer : maintain or increase the proportion, compared to 2019 • Visitor satisfaction in information offices : 4.5/5 ( 4.38/5 in 2018 ) • Number of pages viewed on the agenda.brussels website : 5,065,000 ( +10 % compared to 2019 ) • Number of events displayed in the agenda.brussels database and number of partners publishing their events there : +5 % compared to 2019 • Number of partners disseminating a cultural agenda from the agenda.brussels database : +5 % compared to 2019 • Satisfaction of partners during organised events : 4/5 • Visitor satisfaction with tourism content ( quality barometer ) : 3.4/4 ( 3.35/4 in 2018 )
4.3. INTRODUCTION : THE CULTURE & CITY LIFE DEPARTMENT In recent years, the way people travel has changed dramatically. The way travellers prepare for their visit and then experience it is also continually evolving. In reality, these changes affect all phases of the customer journey. For each of these phases, it is therefore a question of analysing and understanding what the role of a DMO can be.
To make someone want to visit a destination, the methods of the past ( press campaigns, promotional campaigns, etc. ) are no longer enough. The development of the Internet has propelled web influencers to the forefront, along with the major internet players, whose recommendations are based on everyone’s browsing behaviour and " online life ". In parallel with this phenomenon, word of mouth also plays an increasingly important role.
The missions of DMOs are evolving. The " Destination Management " aspect is becoming the predominant feature. Destination management aims at developing the destination. It therefore involves supporting the development of new high-quality experiences, but also in enhancing the existing offer.
Once the destination has been chosen, the traveller organises most of their procedures and preparations online. During their visit, they first want to visit the destination’s major sights. More and more, they also want to have authentic experiences, meet locals, get tips, etc. In the age of social networks ( Instagram, Facebook, etc. ), an experience is immediately shared with a wide network of friends or followers, both near and far : it can therefore potentially fire up someone’s wanderlust, or inspire an idea for a trip. That is why special attention must be paid to the quality of the visitor experience, from the beginning to the end of the trip. This is no easy task, as there are many links in the chain, and these encompass a variety of actors and intermediaries.
Of course, customer satisfaction is a prerequisite for the sustainable development of tourism. Customer expectations must be met or even exceeded. As such, it is the DMO’s responsibility to ensure that all trips made within the borders of its destination are of optimal quality. The Destination Management Culture & City Life department therefore has an important role to play. In particular, it has to : • ensure the perfect welcome for visitors; • develop the destination; • provide content to promote the destination. The campaigns described below contribute to these roles; they aim to improve the experience, and develop the destination.
In 2020, all contacts with tourism, cultural and event operators will be recorded in the CRM. This systematic follow-up will allow the department to rely on a complete monitoring of the various requests for information or support, the advice given and the partnerships developed ( collaboration, communication support or co-production ). Developing the destination also involves distributing visitors more effectively. The idea is to " open up " different neighbourhoods to them, by developing a more interesting offer in these areas. The department will produce specific content, in order to provide communication on the countless experiences to be enjoyed in the different neighbourhoods of Brussels. In addition to their role as facilitators of the sector, the experts are therefore also a source of content. They are experts in their fields and keep abreast of new developments, projects, or events that concern them. This in-depth knowledge of one or more specific areas is extremely valuable : it nurtures the campaigns carried out by the teams of the Sales & Marketing department, in terms of communication, promotion, sales and press relations. This combination of content and form, within the same entity, is a major asset for promoting Brussels.
visit.brussels has a direct impact on a visitor’s experience, in particular when they pop into visit.brussels’ information offices, or the experience.brussels exhibition. The other services of the Destination Management Culture & City Life department do not have a direct impact on a visitor’s experience and therefore have a different role, and another approach to developing the destination. Each expert maintains their network, in their specific sector( s ). They are familiar with the Brussels partners and help them to collaborate. They share their knowledge of the tourism sector with them, and encourage them to develop new projects.
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4.4. PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT : THE TRANSVERSAL SERVICE 4.4.1. PROMOTION BRUSSELS CARD visit.brussels is responsible for promoting the Brussels Card among professionals and the general public. This key product, a veritable gateway to Brussels, is also promoted among tour operators, third party web sites and affiliated partners by the Sales & Marketing department during fairs and exhibitions or any other sales action. A dedicated information flyer is printed every year and distributed via BHS Promotion, or any other specialist distributor of the target audience. Web campaigns and urban signage also promote the Brussel Card. Sales to individuals are organised via the Brussels Card website, integrated into the visit.brussels website and in the information offices. The B russels Card is available as 9 different products, depending on the duration chosen ( 24 h, 48 h or 72 h ) and the type of transport chosen ( tourist bus or public transport ) .
4.4.2. EXTERNAL MISSIONS LEISURE At the request of the organisers, visit.brussels regularly runs a stand on specific events to promote the region’s cultural offer. These requests, which may be made by the subsidising authorities, usually occur at the
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last minute. Most of the time, participation in these events is free of charge; however, it is advisable to envisage — or produce — appropriate promotional material, hire staff on an ad hoc basis, etc.
tourism in Brussels. Strategically, groups are a key target for visit.brussels, which is why it ensures that it meets their expectations by developing an offer that’s specifically designed for them.
4.4.3. WINTER & SUMMER IN This offer is explained in a sales tool, BRUSSELS CAMPAIGNS the Sales Guide, which describes in visit.brussels develops online and offline promotional campaigns which are specially dedicated to the low seasons ( summer and winter ), in collaboration with the affected sectors ( hotels, museums, attractions, restaurants, etc. ). These campaigns aim to help hoteliers make their package offers more attractive, during the period when hotel occupancy is at its lowest. They also facilitate calls to action towards hotel offers, while making the permanent offer attractive. From 2020 onwards, these promotional campaigns ‘Winter in Brussels’ and ‘Summer in Brussels’ will be coordinated by the Sales & Marketing department. The cultural content of these campaigns is provided by visit. brussels’ Product Development department.
concrete terms the products of each theme. Primarily used by the Sales Department and Foreign Markets Representatives, it is intended for the prospecting and active sale of the destination among tour operators, agencies and corporate customers. Published in the various languages of the priority markets, the Sales Guide is also available to visit.brussels’ partners to help them sell the destination. The content is written by the Culture & City Life department, in collaboration with the Sales departments. An online version of the Sales Guide was developed in 2019 to improve data updating. The offer is easily verified and provides constantly accurate information.
4.4.4. SALES GUIDE 2021
The Culture & City Life department is responsible for developing themes and targets which are crucial for
The department ensures that an access and information brochure is updated and printed for passengers
arriving at Brussels Airport or, on request, at other locations. This access brochure responds to a strong demand : simple and efficient, it provides clear and user-friendly information to enable travellers to get to Brussels.
4.4.6. BROCHURE FOR THE GENERAL PUBLIC OR " THIS IS BRUSSELS " BROCHURE The brochure This is Brussels contains a map of the city, a description of the main themes of the destination and the " must-see " sights. It is sold in the information offices. Incorporated into a welcome pack, it is also distributed to influencers or on the occasion of Fam Trips and Press Trips, in welcome packs for expats, etc.
4.4.7. DESKTOP MAPS At the request of the hotel sector, visit.brussels publishes a city map twice a year in desktop format ( blocks of 50 sheets A3 ). This free map highlights the 5 neighbourhoods with the highest hotel density and includes the 6-monthly agenda of cultural highlights. It is distributed to members of the Brussels Hotels Association ( BHA ) and HORECA by the federations themselves or by visit.brussels.
4.4.8. EVENTS AGENDA This seasonal brochure, of which 45,000 copies were printed in English, is intended to promote the current quarter’s events to tourists. It’s distributed in hotels and cultural destinations, via specialised networks. It’s also available in the information offices of visit.brussels and in welcome packs. During the winter and summer seasons, when the Belgian public is a major target group, it is also published in French and Dutch.
4.4.10. WELCOME PACKS AND CONTESTS The department is regularly asked to provide prizes ( Brussels Cards, overnight stays in hotels, guided tours, etc. ), for the competitions organised by the partner organisations : STIB, the written press, online or television, etc. For the reception of VIP guests, or winners of competitions, the department provides welcome packs containing information on the Brussels offer and gifts.
4.4.11. TOURISM SIGNS – MUSEUMS, We will analyse the possibilities of CULTURAL CENTRES, ETC. increasing the visibility of the tourism and cultural offer in hotels by purchasing digital media space. This should allow us not only to promote cultural events via agenda.brussels to an audience staying in Brussels, but also to highlight the region’s tourist attractions, the main events of the moment ( e.g. Banad, the Iris Festival, Art Brussels, etc. ) and the experiences in the area where the hotel is situated ( eating, drinking, visits, etc. ). In the same vein, it is useful to facilitate hotel guests’ access to practical information such as transport in the city, Brussels Airport flight schedules, etc. This is part of the strategy of decentralised tourist welcome.
visit.brussels is responsible for maintaining, repairing and replacing the 52 banner poles that belong to the Brussels-Capital Region. Since 2017, visit.brussels has delegated this task to a specialised company through a service contract. These banners are produced by the communication department of visit.brussels.
4.4.12. VISIT.BRUSSELS DAY : THE ANNUAL MEETING OF PARTNERS Since 2017, the Culture & City Life and Association & Convention departments have organised a B2B meeting day to present the cultur-
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al year and the work done by visit. brussels to interested stakeholders : DMCs, PCOs, the cultural sector, etc. The 4th edition of visit.brussels day will be held in 2020.
4.4.13. MONTHLY NEWSLETTERS Every month, a newsletter is sent to 900 professional contacts in English, French and Dutch. It features various sections : new features from visit.brussels, events of the month, new restaurants, guided tours and a " miscellaneous " section.
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4.4.14. B2B EXCHANGE PLATFORM In 2020, to help the sector enhance decentralised visitor welcome, visit.brussels will create an exchange platform for all Brussels tourism actors : hotels, museums, art centres, etc. This new tool will foster information sharing and direct contact between visit.brussels and its various partners.
4.5. EUROPE The Europe team promotes and develops the offer proposed in the European Quarter, whether or not it is linked to the " European brand ". It advises the other departments of visit. brussels, develops networking and undertakes campaigns to increase the production, cohesion and quantity of content in the European Quarter, in cooperation with the association’s partners. It also seeks to improve the image of the European Quarter and " humanise " the theme of Europe, in particular by involving the target group of expats and Brussels residents in the European debate.
4.5.1. CONSULTANCY The Europe department organises various meetings and coordinates projects in order to stimulate cooperation between partners, particularly within the European quarter. For example, the Europe team is actively involved in developing the Neighbourhood Walk for the European Quarter, distributed in four languages ( English, French, Dutch and German ) and the brochure for guided tours in the European Quarter. The Europe department actively participates in press trips ( around 4 per year ), fam trips, visit.brussels Day, Brussels Experience Days and meetings with the foreign representatives of visit.brussels.
4.5.2. NETWORKING The Europe team organises quarterly meetings – the GT Tourism – with the visitor services of the European institutions. These working groups serve as platforms for information exchange and stimulate the creation of joint projects between institutions. European actors also network in the context of the European Quarter Networking Event & Lunch : a meeting every 6 months that brings together around 100 representatives of the actors in the European Quarter. The event allows them to familiarise themselves with new projects and get involved in new collaborations. At this event, visit.brussels aims for a minimum satisfaction rate of 80 %.
European Parliament in Brussels
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SCHOOL VISIT EUROPE © visit.brussels – Jean-Paul Remy
4.5.3. CONTENT DEVELOPMENT In 2020, the " multistakeholder " approach of the European Quarter will be continued. In addition, visit. brussels will play an active role in implementing the memorandum developed in co-creation through investments in the image, its development and the governance of the territory.
4.5.4. PROMOTION The Europe team supports the promotion of the European Quarter by organising promotional campaigns in collaboration with the social media team. It also supports the EU’s Open Day, for which it covers part of the funding, the promotion of visitor-tourist reception and certain logistical aspects, in close collaboration with the EU institutions.
4.5.5. EXPATS Expats are the ideal ambassadors for the capital of Europe. An authentic, open and impartial reception policy, in cooperation with the Office of the Commissioner for Europe and international organisations, is the best guarantee of this. In 2020, the Europe team will distribute 10,000 welcome packs to EU staff, diplomats, and Erasmus stu-
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dents, and will send 10 newsletters ( be.expat be.brussels ) to around 8,500 expats. It will run its own Facebook page and organise a campaign targeting one or two media channels dedicated to expats, to provide information about the various cultural and tourist events in the region. In addition, the team also offers around ten information sessions to expat groups – beyond the European institutions alone – during which it provides a range of tips and tricks for cultural and social life in Brussels. Finally, the team develops social media campaigns targeting the expat population, and publishes the quarterly visit.brussels agenda on a " totem " in the European quarter.
4.5.6. EUROPEAN CITIZENSHIP The Europe Direct Brussels information centre is responsible for providing information to Brussels residents about the European Union. What’s more, it seeks to engage in a dialogue with citizens, answering their questions, by telephone or e-mail, and making documentation available to them, at the BIP and in a number of public libraries. This centre has its own website and Facebook page : it publishes articles several times a week.
In addition, Europe Direct Brussels publishes a newsletter for the education sector every 6 months, to raise awareness among young people in Brussels and their teachers of the concept of European citizenship. It organises activities for pupils aged 11 to 12, allowing them to discover the EU in a fun way. Finally, it trains primary and secondary school teachers to present a pedagogical approach to the EU in the classroom. Europe Direct will continue to be present at various events for the general public, including the Iris Festival. It will also organise various events, debates and civil dialogues regarding the main political priorities. A number of these events are organised in cooperation with European associations. Finally, Europe Direct is also regularly present in the media, in particular on several Brussels radio stations.
Survey newsletter Europe
Europa Building © Glen photo
Newsletter Europe
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Although Brussels has a rich and varied architectural offer, Art Nouveau is by far the capital’s most representative style. The region is home to Victor Horta’s first Art Nouveau house, Hôtel Tassel. Several houses designed by the Brussels-based master are listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
The Brussels-Capital Region is a " surreal " region; it has been home to various painters of this genre and one of its most prominent figures is none other than René Magritte.
The neoclassical style can be seen throughout the region’s territory; and interest in this period is growing. As such, in 2018, explore.brussels organised its first " Brussels Neo-classical weekend ". In the same year, the commune of Schaerbeek published a leaflet listing all the neoclassical buildings within its territory. In 2020, the brochure explaining the neoclassical heritage of Brussels, for which the first edition is scheduled for the end of 2019, will be revamped and adapted.
As part of the promotion of this theme, visit.brussels organises various initiatives. It supports events and institutions that contribute to the image of Brussels’ architectural heritage, including the Banad Festival, Artonov and the Brussels Biennale of Modern Architecture ( Art Deco and Modernism ). In addition, it ensures the visibility of the architectural offer of the destination in the international media. Finally, it actively works towards getting more and more Art Nouveau houses opened to the general public. 2020 will mark 20 years since four of Victor Horta’s houses were recognised by UNESCO : Hôtel Solvay, Hôtel Tassel, Hôtel Van Eetvelde and Victor Horta’s home and workshop ( now the Horta Museum ). Several partners will develop a ‘Horta pass’ that will give access to various sites, including the Hôtel Solvay, the Horta Museum and the Art & History Museum ( Horta-Lambeaux Pavilion and Magasin Wolfers ). visit.brussels will take care of promotion and distribution. Cauchie House
At the information offices of visit. brussels, this theme is hugely popular among visitors. As such, in 2018, visit.brussels published a leaflet putting René Magritte in the spotlight. Available in the information offices, it was so successful that it quickly ran out of stock. The leaflet will therefore be revamped and republished. The new version will feature a walking route connecting the painter’s house, where visitors will discover some of his private life, and the Magritte Museum, which houses a large number of the artist’s major works. The new leaflet will also mention the opening of the Museum of Abstract Art, an extension of the René Magritte Museum. These leaflets will also be available in the information offices, as well as being distributed at fairs and during trips abroad.
visit.brussels also plans to organise a press trip or competition focused on neoclassical themes, as part of the " Brussels Neo-classical Weekend " organised by explore.brussels.
4.6.4 UNESCO To promote UNESCO’s World Heritage List, visit.brussels will draft an article which will be published in World UNESCO magazine. visit.brussels will also organise a competition in which tourists can win guided tours of certain sites on the UNESCO list. Promotional campaigns are also planned on social networks. As a member of the OWHC ( Organisation of World Heritage Cities ), Brussels is a candidate to organise the Organisation’s biennial congress in 2023.
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Initiated several years ago, the work of valorising Brussels’ heritage continues and is gradually reaching its conclusion. Trilingual leaflets have been made available to the public in some of the most popular tourist sites : the Cathedral, the Atomium, the Palace of Justice, Schaerbeek Station, Sablon Church, etc.
In 2016, the " Bruxelles Bienvenue " project was incorporated into the Iris Festival under the title " The Iris Festival in the Communes ". For one day, this event offers communes the opportunity to open unusual and unfamiliar places to the public.
Since 2018, these leaflets have been available for kids, with adapted text and illustrations; they are currently available at the Cathedral and at Halle Gate. The aim is to publish two or three new leaflets every year, targeting sites that are attractive to the capital’s youngest visitors. As these leaflets were in high demand, they needed to be reprinted. If necessary, they may need to be updated.
4.6.6. HERITAGE COMPETITION Every year, 18 April marks the International Day of Monuments and Sites. To mark the occasion, visit. brussels is organising a competition to promote Brussels’ heritage. Two lucky winners will win a two-night city trip for two people, including two meals and two guided tours ( the Grand-Place and Brasserie Cantillon ). The plan is to base the 2020 competition on the theme of " green heritage ".
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4.6.8. BRUEGEL 2019 The Bruegel 2019 themed year will continue into 2020. Indeed, various exhibitions organised to mark the commemorations for the 450th anniversary of the death of the Dutch painter will continue until the autumn. Promotional campaigns and Facebook competitions will be organised to garner lasting interest in the project in 2020.
Every year, a number of Brussels communes are put in the spotlight. In 2020, it is the turn of Schaerbeek, Woluwe-Saint-Pierre, Woluwe-Saint-Lambert, Evere and SaintJosse-ten-Noode. The visuals for the event will be updated, to make the image more attractive and dynamic.
4.6.9. CAROLUS V FESTIVAL This festival dedicated to the Renaissance has become an unmissable event in Brussels’ cultural life. Every year, it brings together a growing number of partners. Its programme, both historical and festive, is part of the " European routes of Emperor Charles V " cultural network.
Street art Bruegel
Among the campaigns planned for this event : the arrival of " family " influencers and bloggers, as part of Family Day, and a press trip around the Ommegang, for the Spanish press. Brussels Experience Leisure
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4.7. ARTS & CREATIVITY Brussels’ reputation as a city of contemporary art is well established. In recent years, the capital has seen various leading French and American galleries and new art centres set up, as well as the inauguration of the Millennium Iconoclast Museum of Art ( MIMA ) and the ADAM Brussels Design Museum. These have added to the already highly fruitful programmes of wellestablished institutions such as WIELS and BOZAR.
Brussels is also, and above all, a city of artists, where countless visual artists, choreographers, performers, designers, etc. have all flourished. There is a perpetual buzz in the capital; it is chock-full of exhibitions and events, both small and large scale. Throughout the year there’s always something for aficionados of contemporary creativity. 2020 will not be lacking in new projects. The opening of CASTII ( Center for Arts, Sciences, Technologies, Innovations and Inclusion ) is highly anticipated, as is the extension and renovation of iMAL in Molenbeek ( centre for digital cultures and technology ) and the opening of the Barzilaï-Hollander collection in Forest. This is on top of the opening of the KANAL Centre Pompidou, and the reopening, following construction works, of the Museum of Ixelles, by 2023. To boost the Brussels’ contemporary art offer, visit.brussels has developed a project with multiple aspects. As such, it plans to : • give priority support to unifying campaigns that contribute to the visibility of the destination, such as festival events ( for institutions and artists ) and fairs ( for galleries and artists ); • strengthen Brussels’ image as a city of contemporary art in a neighbouring country, through a global press campaign in the country in question, to garner interest on the part of journalists, help them discover the capital, and generate valuable editorial content; • take advantage of the highlights of contemporary art for the purpose of communication : press visits, press conferences, promotion on websites, or via newsletters, etc.; • encourage interdisciplinary work with transversal projects, to broaden the range of media and communication supports, in collaboration with different clusters; • highlight Brussels artists, by broadcasting video clips on social networks, in order to bring the city’s attractiveness to a wider audience interested in art; • support original projects that encourage mobility in the city, such as Brussels Gallery Weekend; • produce high-quality affinity content highlighting the arts sector, in particular for the Brussels art guide and NECA; • Promotion of the exhibitions and events offer relating to this theme in Brussels via the agenda.brussels website, and highlighting it in the weekly newsletter.
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4.7.3. FASHION Fashion is a dynamic sector which is increasingly in vogue in Brussels. Dansaert, Bailli, the Marolles, Sablon, Louise... the capital’s neighbourhoods are teeming with emerging talents, established Belgian and Brussels designers, and trendy boutiques.
Brussels Experience Leisure
Various fashion events highlight the creativity of Belgian talents, including the Brussels Fashion Days, the Cambre fashion show, the MAD fashion sales, and Ethnotendance... In addition, every year, the Fashion and Lace Museum and the MAD Fashion and Design platform put on high-quality exhibitions.
To support dynamism in the sector, visit.brussels will prioritise : • collaboration with the fashion institutions in Brussels; • promotion and support for events organised by partners at national and international level, through its communication channels : social networks, press releases, etc.; • the organisation of press trips to give these events international visibility; • developing a " shopping " leaflet offering visibility to a selection of boutiques of Belgian and Brussels designers and small trendy boutiques that eschew ‘fast fashion’.
Driven by the dynamism of the cultural sector ( museums, comic strip murals, comic strip guided tours, the Brussels Comic Strip Festival, etc. ), but also the professional sector ( publishers, booksellers, authors, schools ), comic strips are one of Brussels’ most vibrant themes. For 2020, visit.brussels is committed to strengthening Brussels’ position as the " Comic Strip Capital ", especially among young people. To achieve this, various strands will be prioritised : • raising awareness within the sector of the need to create experiences within their institutions; • strengthening visit.brussel’s presence in the specialised and general press; • collaboration with actors from the sector on projects to promote the international reach of the theme; • promoting comic book activities on all visit.brussels’ networks; • supporting projects that help promote comics among the public; • developing communication tools. ADAM – Brussels Design Museum
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4.7.4. DESIGN Brussels design is driven by various new initiatives and a growing number of young talents. In the space of a few years, it has become one of the key themes for the image of Brussels. Strongly linked to the contemporary art and fashion sectors, design is deployed in events ( trade fairs or exhibitions ) that bring together art galleries, visual artists, designers and stylists. Two major events mark the " design " year : Design September and the ‘Collectible’ fair – in the space of just two editions, the latter has become the highlight of its domain. Not to mention the Uptown Design Tour in September, Nationa( a )l in November, or the BRAFA fair, which hosts some of the biggest names in design. As for the sites dedicated to design, Brussels now houses a dedicated museum, the ADAM Brussels Design Museum, in addition to the Brussels Fashion and Design Platform ( MAD ), which promotes Brussels designers. The fashion campaigns to be carried out in 2020 are based on two main principles :
Arkadia, MIMA, Permanent Collection
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• ensuring better visibility of existing initiatives by inviting foreign journalists and promoting events through the communication channels of visit.brussels ( social networks, agenda.brussels, visit.brussels, etc. ); • promoting Brussels’ design offer abroad, in particular at international fairs such as the Salone del Mobile in Milan, Barcelona Design Week or Paris Design Week, in collaboration with MAD, and/or Wallonie-Bruxelles Design Mode and Flanders District of Creativity;
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4.7.5. JAZZ Brussels and jazz are closely linked. The " jazz " history of the capital is characterised by emblematic figures including Billie Holiday, Django Reinhardt and Toots Thielemans. This history continues with a new generation of musicians, who constantly push the boundaries of this art form. To promote and strengthen Brussels’ cultural offer in the jazz world, visit.brussels will work to strengthen general communication on the Jazz offer in Brussels, through social networks, the jazz.brussels website, weekly newsletters and quarterly printed brochures. visit.brussels will also ensure the promotion and visibility of major jazz events in Brussels ( posters, online and offline advertising, in Belgium and abroad ), emerging festivals, new venues and new initiatives. It will also organise press trips targeting journalists from specialised media, to produce publications on jazz events in Brussels. Federating initiatives such as the International Jazz Day Organiser will be supported. In addition, visit.brussels will coordinate a jazz event in the city, following UNESCO’s International Jazz Day and the birthday of Brussels jazz icon, Toots Thielemans. This project will be organised in collaboration with UNESCO and Brussels partners. For visit.brussels, 2020 will also be about consolidating the links between the jazz world and the tourism sector, by ensuring a better integra-
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tion of jazz at all levels of visit.brussels’ operations. It will enter into a partnership with STIB to strengthen the presence of jazz in the city, in particular by broadcasting jazz in metro stations during the Brussels Jazz Festival, the Brussels Jazz Marathon and the International Jazz Day. Finally, partnerships will also be set up with actors of the hotel sector to create a package that will enable them to easily provide information to their customers about the jazz offer in Brussels.
4.7.6. PERFORMING ARTS The department ensures the yearround promotion of the complete, live performance offer in Brussels, via the website agenda.brussels. This offer is also highlighted in the weekly newsletter of agenda.brussels, via the Facebook page, and through the website Arsène 50, for partner institutions. visit.brussels implements online and/or offline promotion and communication initiatives on the occasion of major events on the Brussels scene, including Brussels Dance, the Kunstenfestivaldesarts, the International Brigittines Festival, etc. In addition, visit.brussels organises press trips as part of key events which contribute to Brussels’ image as a creative and contemporary region : the Brussels Dance/Performatik/Festival XS, the Kunstenfestivaldesarts, the International Brigittines Festival, etc.
Finally, Brussels theatres and festivals will also be promoted abroad, for example in the context of the Festival d’Avignon, or in partnership with the Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles in Paris. Our partners from the performing arts world are also highlighted in our tourist information centres.
4.7.7. BRUXELLES SUR SCÈNES – THE CAFETHEATRE FESTIVAL Launched in 2016 by the French Community Commission ( COCOF ), the " Bruxelles sur scènes " festival celebrates the culture of proximity, which drives the heart of the capital and the Brussels neighbourhoods. In November 2020, around 15 cafe-theatres will enhance their usual programming, which will be highlighted for the occasion. With 40 different shows, combining music, humour, theatre and poetry, to be discovered over a drink or dinner, this festival offers cafe-theatres an opportunity to win over a new audience. The most frequent visitors will be able to use visit.brussels’ reasonably priced pass.
Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Nathalie Douxfils, Académie d’Anderlecht
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4.8. CITY LIFE 4.8.1. GASTRONOMY Brussels enjoys an excellent reputation in terms of gastronomy; a reputation that is based as much on its many Michelin-starred restaurants as on the quality of its fritkots ( chip shops ) and its new artisanal breweries. The work developed by visit.brussels for the gastronomy sector is based on two complementary principles : valorising tradition and supporting innovation. Valorising the culinary traditions in Brussels is fundamental to the city’s attractiveness and economic strength. Developing labels, competitions and other forms of valorisation makes it possible to highlight the major assets of Brussels’ culinary heritage ( chocolate, beer, chips, etc. ) while fostering quality and positive emulation. But the destination cannot rely on the appeal of its key products indefinitely. It also needs to focus on innovation to build the culinary traditions of tomorrow, and therefore maintain its role as a European leader in innovative gastronomy. In this area, there is still room for improvement, particularly at visit.brussels’ B2B and B2C events. visit.brussels will focus its efforts on supporting innovative projects, which will provide real added value for Brussels, a gastronomic city with a special past and future.
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In recent years, visit.brussels has been working to convey Brussels as a region which is concerned about its sustainability, in particular by raising awareness among actors in the sustainability sector. The aim is to continue developing sustainable tourism, which is perfectly compatible with respecting the environment, the city and its inhabitants.
The sustainability of the destination is based on the three pillars of sustainable development : the environment, the economy, but also the social aspect. As such, it is closely linked to the notion of accessibility for all. Accessible tourism helps improve the quality of life of all citizens by anticipating the social and economic consequences of extending life expectancy. Moreover, the sustainable development goals adopted by the United Nations in September 2015 implicitly recognise the accessibility and inclusion of persons with disabilities as one of the key principles of sustainable development. Developing tourist numbers therefore requires the development of an offer which is accessible to all.
Launched in 2016 to meet the growing demand of visitors, this theme highlights Brussels’ offer of pop culture, street art, tattooing, etc. and any other discipline related to " street culture ".
To achieve this, various campaigns will be prioritised : • the strategic positioning of visit.brussels as an eco-dynamic company, by implementing more sustainable management of B2B and B2C events ( EAS, the Iris Festival, the Brussels Comic Strip Festival, etc. ); • the promotion of eco-label tourism infrastructure ( accommodation, venues, museums and attractions ), with a target of 70 eco-label infrastructures in 2020 – versus 51 in 2018; • raising awareness in the Brussels tourism sector of the advantages of a green and sustainable policy, through workshops and round tables; as well as collaboration with explore.brussels for BANAD Festival. • the development of bicycle tourism, in synergy with Brussels Mobility’s " Bike for Brussels " campaign; • the valorisation of the region’s green spaces ( parks, the Sonian Forest, Promenade Verte ( Green Walk ), etc. ); • strengthening the attractiveness of tourist areas located outside the immediate city centre, in particular the Canal area and the European Quarter; • the creation of synergies to encourage river-based tourism around the brand new passenger terminal of the Port of Brussels : the Brussels Cruise Terminal; • the development of communication aimed at the general public, centred around two key periods : green spaces and blossoms in spring, and soft and active mobility in September; • collaboration with regional administrations including Brussels Environment and Brussels Mobility, PIOs, communes, the academic world, etc. on campaigns related to the development of sustainable tourism.
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Various campaigns will be undertaken in this respect : • the promotion and development of collaborations with handy.brussels ( AMT Concept ); • the valorisation of ACCESS-I certification ( for hotels, museums, events, etc. ); • the development of collaborations between the " Toerisme voor Autisme " project and the cultural sector; • collaboration with explore.brussels for BANAD Festival; • improving the accessibility of events organised by visit.brussels and promoting the " Handy Events Guide " for professionals; • awareness raising among actors from the tourism and culture sectors by organising round tables and specific training; • the publication of new tools ( brochures, digital tools ) adapted to this target audience.
The " Pop culture " pillar : Campaigns will be carried out to valorise and consolidate the complete Brussels events offer ( Comic Con Brussels, Made in Asia Fair, BIFFF, Festival Anima, Brussels Game Festival, Comic Strip Festival, etc. ). The aim is to offer a more coherent and attractive tourism product, both nationally and internationally. To achieve this, tools adapted to this target audience will be published ( brochures, digital tools, etc. ), and promotional campaigns will be carried out using specialised media.
Street art
The " street culture " pillar : The " street culture " pillar will focus, above all, on the visitor experience. All the activities, events and artistic itineraries are presented as a global showcase of " urban Brussels " : a group of multidisciplinary specificities that mixes art, music, design, fashion, but also gastronomy and lifestyle. As such, the department is committed to developing specific editorial content ( video clips, instameet, etc. ) for publications and social media, and carrying out promotional campaigns and/or advertising campaigns for general and specialised media. Street art Bruegel
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4.8.6. SPORT
From underground electro to hip-hop and techno, the various facets of Brussels’ nightlife are a major tourist attraction for the destination. The Brussels nightlife sector, which is vibrant and diversified, has recently been marked by a series of openings – or reopenings – of emblematic venues ( C12, Mirano Continental, La Cabane ) and the sustainability of specialised events ( Listen ! Festival, Brussels Electronic Marathon, etc. ) or " general public events ", such as the 25th anniversary of Fuse at Palais 12, in 2019.
The long-standing work on the sport sector is bearing fruit. In 2020, it will take shape on various levels : the hosting of major sporting events, including the European Fencing Championship – Veterans, the Tokyo Festival at the street level, as part of the Olympic Games in Tokyo ( + the Belgian pavilion project in Tokyo in collaboration with BI and hub ), and the organisation of a concert event for the return of Belgian athletes to Brussels and the departure of Paralympic athletes to the Japanese capital. This is in addition to the first Brussels Triathlon, for which visit.brussels has been a partner since its inception.
In order to develop this aspect of Brussels tourism in a sustainable and intelligent way, visit.brussels has been entrusted by the regional government with setting up a " Night Council ". The aim ? To define an effective framework, which is capable of anticipating and regulating possible hazards related to night-time activities, while developing the sector. This structure will encourage regular meetings with the various actors from this domain.
Belgian Pride Brussels 2019
In terms of promotion, the focus is on the visitor experience through various media : video clips, instameet, social networks, etc. visit.brussels will also carry out campaigns to promote the " visibility " of the nightlife offer in the region, through displays, street lights, etc. In addition, specialised press trips are planned.
These events will help promote Brussels’ image as an unquestionably sporting and dynamic destination, positive and oriented towards welcoming all nationalities. At the same time, visit.brussels continues to support and promote existing events that mark the Brussels sporting calendar, including the Brussels 20km and the Memorial Van Damme Diamond League event. The communication for these events, aimed at actors from the sports world in the Brussels-Capital Region, will be strengthened. visit.brussels also plans to propose joint bids with Toerisme Vlaanderen and event flanders, with the aim of hosting new top-class sporting events, such as EKAthletiks, in 2024, 2025 or 2026. The region will also be a candidate to host an International Forum and the final of the League of Legends World Championship. Thanks to the information collected following the organisation of the 2019 Grand Départ of the Tour de France, we will also be able to capitalise on the expertise gained and, making the most of the 2019 exhibition, attract the organisational committees for major events. Finally, in February 2020, visit.brussels will participate in Global Sports Week, to consolidate the destination’s foothold in the international sports scene in terms of hosting and organising events. As such, visit.brussels’ 2020 sports sector promotion mantra will be : prospecting, reception, support, synergy and expertise.
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4.8.7. LGBT LGBT nights-out alone result in 80,000 overnight stays in Brussels. " La Démence " nights-out bring together more than 38,000 participants every year, from 101 different countries. Belgian Pride is the major annual event within this sector. Every year, it kicks off the LGBT+ events season around the world, bringing together more than 100,000 people in the streets of the historic centre, the Mont des Arts and the Saint-Jacques neighbourhood. Moreover, Brussels Pride is the event which attracts the highest proportion of foreign visitors ( 40 %, compared to 25 % on average ). In 2020, visit.brussels will continue to support Belgian Pride and the " La Démence " nights, as well as all the events that will meet the expectations of the community in question. Work will also be done to improve the reception and inclusion of this target audience in all cultural events. In this sense, visit.brussels will also ensure that the catering sector is aware of diversity as a whole, to help make Brussels the LGBT capital par excellence.
Belgian Pride Brussels 2019
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A range of campaigns will be carried out to promote Brussels internationally as an LGBT capital : • the proactive reception of specialised journalists ( Belgian Pride, La Démence, anniversary, Girls Heart Brussels ), in collaboration with the press service; • promotional campaigns for both La Démence weekends in April and October; • a promotional campaign around Belgian Pride ( in February, March, and April ); • an advertising campaign around Bear Pride ( August to October ); • promotional campaigns around the Girls Heart Brussels weekends • national and international promotional campaigns in KET, the Brussels queer magazine, including a map of the region and the city, with a focus on the Rainbow Village and LGBT venues; • poster campaigns ( " Did you plan your after party yet ? " ) in LGBT venues in 10 major cities, in Belgium and neighbouring countries, in collaboration with the cultural sector; • the presentation of the results of the LGBT European tourism survey conducted by visit.brussels at ITB 2020, at a conference. To carry out its campaigns successfully, visit.brussels relies in particular on its involvement with the Brussels LGBT community, through sports or cultural associations. It will also continue to carry out projects related to " inclusion in culture ", in line with the 2019 programme; as such, a major exhibition will be scheduled in the context of Pride 2020, in collaboration with the City of Brussels. Finally, in terms of sales campaigns, visit.brussels will monitor the offer with specialised tour operators.
Belgian Pride Brussels 2019
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4.8.8. KIDS visit.brussels is committed to strengthening its communication with school-age target audiences. In this regard, the brochure " Educational offer and activities in Brussels " will be updated, reprinted and distributed by email throughout schools in Belgium. This brochure refers to the website www.ecoles.brussels, which offers teachers a wide range of high-quality school trips. This site will be updated in early 2020 to ensure it remains useful. Finally, in collaboration with the Sales team, the department will draft a complete document for tour operators working with school groups. According to a recent survey, 97 % of families travelling to Brussels consider the city to be welcoming, a result that reflects the quality of the work carried out for this
target audience, and its importance for developing tourism in Brussels. Naturally, this work will continue in 2020 through, among other things, the production of targeted communication tools, contacts with the press and influential bloggers and vloggers, the improvement of the content of the www. visit.brussels/kids site, and its referencing with the target audience. The actors in the sector will continue to benefit from the support of visit.brussels, in particular in terms of organising events and communication. The results of a study carried out in 2019 will make it possible to identify clearer and more detailed development avenues – avenues that will take shape from 2020 onwards through the implementation of a range of campaigns for this target group.
I love science festival
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4.8.9. STUDENTS With its 90,000 students ( a continually growing number ), Brussels remains Belgium’s leading student city and is an important hub for students and teachers from abroad. In 2019, a first " student life " unit was created within perspective.brussels. Subject to funding, visit.brussels will continue this dynamic by creating a digital and generalist reception platform, combining useful information and existing initiatives, and by offering a " culture pass " specially dedicated to students. These campaigns are part of the reception and recruitment strategies of the various higher education and university institutions present in Brussels.
I love science festival
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4.9. CULTURAL COMMUNICATION : AGENDA.BRUSSELS 4.9.1. A COMMON STRATEGY The Brussels-Capital Region, the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, the Flemish Community, COCOF, the VGC and visit. brussels are intensifying their collaboration in order to promote the cultural offer in the Brussels-Capital Region, by developing a common cultural communication strategy. This mission was entrusted to visit.brussels by a decision of the interministerial ‘Culture’ conference, in April 2018, making agenda.brussels the site and reference brand for cultural communication in the Brussels-Capital Region. visit.brussels is working to implement a common cultural communication strategy adapted to Brussels’ specific situation and meeting the needs of the cultural sector. It is playing a coordinating and cultural governance role. This strategy is being developed jointly with the Brussels Arts Network ( RAB ) and the Brussels Kunstenoverleg ( BKO ) in close collaboration with various cultural operators in Brussels.
BRAFA 2019 © Fabrice Debatty
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4.9.3. COLLABORATIONS In accordance with the recommendations made at the inter-ministerial conference in April 2018, a consultation committee will bring together the main Brussels actors involved in cultural communication, every 6 months. The consultation and discussion sessions will continue in 2020.
agenda.brussels aims to offer the general public and cultural operators in Brussels a comprehensive overview of the cultural offer in the Brussels-Capital Region, in French, Dutch and English. The site also aims to power the various cultural communication tools of the communities, community commissions and communes, as well as the open data of the Brussels Regional Informatics Centre. The ergonomics, graphics and accessibility of the agenda.brussels website were enhanced in 2019, based on the recommendations of the Brussels Arts Network and the Brussels Kunstenoverleg ( RAB/BKO ) and in line with the recommendations of the AnySurfer organisation. The new version gives priority to the front-end user experience, and aims to simplify the back-end ( extranet ). For 2020, an online ticketing system for a number of events will be implemented, with a " shopping basket ", " wishlist " and " multiple purchases " features. In addition, the CMS will be optimised to facilitate the work of the webmasters. The development of more qualitative and original content will improve the website’s referencing. The aim is to enrich the content provided by operators, publish articles on cultural news and disseminate content from the Brussels media, by forging relevant partnerships.
Africa Museum
In addition, to mark the start of the cultural year, visit.brussels will organise a major networking event, bringing together the Brussels cultural operators and actors involved in cultural communication ( media, public authorities, communication managers, etc. ).
4.9.4. LAST MINUTE TICKETING : ARSÈNE 50 In 2019, the last minute ticketing site Arsène 50 was completely redesigned to make it responsive, i.e. adapted to all media. As such, users can now buy a half-price ticket with just one click, including from their smartphone. In 2020, the back office will be integrated into the ticketing software, and the system will be highlighted through a range of promotional campaigns : • the printing of new flyers; • campaigns on social networks; • various publications and advertising campaigns; • a partnership with BRUZZ; • annual publication in ‘Le Petit Futé’, the ‘Guide du Routard’ and the ‘Scènes du Soir’ supplement.
Arkadia, Boris Tellegen in het MIMA museum┬
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4.10. DISCOVER THE CITY The ‘Discover the City’ team offers a range of tourist and cultural activities and initiatives ( guided tours, Greeters, tours, workshops, teambuilding, etc. ) in order to contribute to the visitor’s experience during their discovery of Brussels and its neighbourhoods. To achieve this, it relies on strong local references, actors and guarantors of the authenticity, conviviality and Brussels’ DNA.
The service will develop its promotional activities based on the region’s treasures; it will draw its content from these and ensure that the destination’s digital and marketing campaigns contribute to bringing visitors’ needs and the sector’s offer closer together.
4.10.1. THE NEIGHBOURHOODS The tourism approach to the neighbourhoods falls within the context of the regionalisation of tourism, and is the legacy of MIXITY.brussels 2017. Specifically, it meets the strategic objective of deploying tourism in the 19 communes, in order to avoid an excessive concentration of activities and tourists in the city centre. Through the neighbourhoods, which are all " mini-destinations " waiting to be explored, visit.brussels aims to offer a fully-fledged tourist experience. The communication-oriented approach of the neighbourhoods meets the need for authenticity and slow tourism of visitors returning to Brussels, but also the expectations of first-timers, looking to extend their stay in the capital. As such, visit.brussels will promote signing initiatives in the neighbourhoods. In addition, visit.brussels will also organise a reflection with STIB on the " tourism aspect " of tram lines, with the aim of bringing visitors to the various neighbourhoods and communes of Brussels. These tram lines will become tourist routes in their own right.
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For 2020, the ambition is to work on 10 priority neighbourhoods, in order to attract visitors from the city centre, as well as repeat visitors. The neighbourhood-focused approach will also be implemented through specific campaigns, according to the target audiences identified during the campaigns carried out by visit.brussels ( MICE, expats, Brussels, B2B, the Spanish and French markets, etc. ). The 10 priority neighbourhoods in 2020 : • • • • • • • • • •
1. Flagey 2. Châtelain/Bailli 3. Saint-Gilles Centre 4. Heyzel 5. Matonge/Saint-Boniface 6. European Quarter 7. Dansaert/St. Catherine 8. Marolles 9. Canal ( and Tours & Taxi ) 10. Louise/Uptown neighbourhood
The neighbourhood-focused approach is transversal : it involves in particular the Sales Leisure, Sales MICE, Events and Culture and City Life departments, and is based on collective work conducted with local actors to promote the attractiveness of the neighbourhoods. The Discover the City service will also incorporate digital marketing to develop concrete campaigns to promote the neighbourhood experience.
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The Discover the City service incorporates the guided tour offer into the marketing and digital strategy of visit. brussels. The service ensures its visibility, in connection with the international offices, tourist information offices, press, media and sales partners.
Bruxelles différemment
Les Greeters de Bruxelles vous invitent à découvrir la ville à travers les yeux d’un habitant.
visit.brussels aims to convert as many requests for information and guidance as possible into specific methods of welcoming and discovering in Brussels. Among other things, this includes : Guided tours
• offering guided tours linked to events organised by visit.brussels or by a partner; • increasing the participation rate of public guided tours of the Town Hall; • facilitating the booking of guided tours for individual visitors; • integrating and converting the offer into the destination’s content and storytelling strategy; • developing information tools and digital campaigns for promotion and conversion.
Les Greeters ?
Ce sont des bénévoles bruxellois, passionnés par leur ville, ayant le sens de l’accueil qui partagent leurs coups de cœur, leurs bons plans,
leurs anecdotes, leur quartier, le temps d’une rencontre. Une expérience unique où échanges et découvertes seront au rendez-vous. Pour individuel (jusqu’à 6 personnes)
Greeters brochure
Neighbourhood walks brochure
4.10.3. GREETERS Greeters are Brussels-based ambassadors, volunteers and enthusiasts, willing to welcome visitors from all over the world and help them discover their city or region, on a personalised tour. The Greeters give Brussels an undeniably human and welcoming face, at a time when " storytelling " and " experience " have become unmissable concepts for the tourism promotion of a destination. In 2020, efforts will be made to recruit more young volunteers, bearing in mind that the target group interested in the Greeters offer primarily falls into the 25-34 age group. In addition, the aim will be to increase the digital visibility of the Greeters, via social networks, to reach a total of 800 walks ( compared to 700 in 2018 ) and welcome around 1,600 tourists.
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4.11. WELCOME 4.11.2. EXPERIENCE.BRUSSELS In 2020, experience.brussels will continue its educational and pedagogical role. The internal organisation and communication will be overhauled, with a view to increasing the number of academic group visits. The aim is to make these group visits key steps in the school lives of Brussels schoolchildren and students, but also Belgians and foreign nationals staying in Brussels.
Information office at the BIP
4.11.1. THE INFORMATION OFFICES For many visitors, tourist information offices are the starting point for discovering the destination. The attractiveness of the destination and the visitor’s satisfaction therefore depend on the quality of the welcome, the receptiveness of staff and the advice given. That is why the personalised approach of visitors is encouraged. The staff at the information offices are veritable ambassadors for the region. As such, they need to be trained, in order to enrich and maintain their knowledge of the tourist offer in Brussels. This continuous training requires visiting new tourist attractions ( exhibitions, new sites, etc. ) and discovering new experiences. Internal communication tools will be enhanced to enable staff at the information offices to be fully up-to-date regarding the latest tourist trends in the destination. Synergy with the other visit.brussels teams will be intensified : meetings will be planned throughout the year to enable staff at the information offices to be as up-todate as possible regarding the campaigns undertaken by the various departments. In addition, regular information sessions will be organised with product experts to enable them to present their publications. Staff at the information offices will be consulted on their experience in the field, in order to optimise the content of the tourism promotion tools published by visit.brussels.
The Welcome service will participate in efforts to improve decentralised reception, in collaboration with the other visit.brussels departments ( external missions ) and tourism partners ( hotels, museums, etc. ). During the high tourist season ( July and August ), it will continue to offer an external welcome by joining forces with coucou.brussels, to stimulate interaction between tourists and the inhabitants of Brussels. The product offer marketed in the information offices will be updated : priority will be given to quality products that reflect the region’s DNA, and to articles directly linked to the themes and key events that will mark 2020. Every now and then, the information offices will be " dressed " in the colours of these events.
experience.brussels also targets both Brussels-based and Belgian family audiences, by opening its doors free of charge, at least once a month and on the occasion of the Iris Festival. Particular attention will be given to highlighting activities aimed at this target audience. In addition, experience.brussels intends to develop its partnerships with the tourism, cultural and association sectors. As such, for the fourth year in a row, it will host a Brussels museum on the occasion of the Museum Night Fever, and will put it in the spotlight by creating a specific programme. A pilot project will also be conducted in partnership with the Heritage and Citizenship Classes, and will then be evaluated. In addition, experience.brussels will continue to support the Kunstberg STAGE Mont des Arts, a bilingual course for children aged 7 to 12, carried out in collaboration with several museums in the neighbourhood. Finally, funds will be made available to renovate a room in the permanent exhibition.
Museum Night Fever @ experience.brussels
Finally, the staff of the information offices will strive to increase the sale of shows via the Arsène 50 and Box Office tools.
Educational activities @ experience.brussels
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destination management
culture & city life
4.12. SCREEN.BRUSSELS FILM COMMISSION The screen.brussels Film Commission service of visit. brussels, in close collaboration with the 3 other screen. brussels entities, promotes the destination as an attractive location for national and international productions. Its other role is to facilitate filming. For 2020, the objective to issue filming and parking permits is a major undertaking : in order to ensure optimal efficiency, the service will try to harmonise procedures as much as possible with the 19 communes in the region, taking the collaboration with the City of Brussels as an example. In order to contribute to the image of Brussels, this service also supports major film-related events in Brussels, including the BIFFF, the BrIFF and the Brussels Short Film Festival, as well as previews of films shot in the Brussels-Capital Region. Involved since 2016 in sustainability, the screen.brussels Film Commission will continue to develop the initiatives undertaken to promote environmentally-responsible filmmaking, through closer collaboration with partner regional services ( environment, cleanliness, mobility, etc. ) and awareness raising for all actors in the field – primarily students of Brussels film schools. Finally, it will coordinate communication regarding eco-filming within the EUFCN ( European Film Commission Network ).
Les Misérables, by Andrew Davies and Tom Shankland © BBC-LookoutPoint
80 destination
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L’Uomo senza Gravità, by Marco Bonfanti © Marc Bo
5. Action plan Sales & Marketing
5.1. MISSIONS OFFLINE COMMUNICATION : Art. 47 of the 2018-2023 Management Contract : The Association will disseminate a strong and positive brand image of Brussels and will ensure consistent communication in all campaigns and promotional campaigns. The visual identity and tone of communication, clearly identifiable and recognisable, will be in line with the city marketing of the region. The image of Brussels conveyed by visit.brussels needs to match its identity, and reflect its strengths : its cultural and events offer, its heritage, its accessibility, its gastronomy, its accommodation offer, its cosmopolitan nature, etc. This image needs to encourage an affinity-based approach and be in line with the city marketing of the region ( and the " be.brussels " brand ). It updates the image and identity of the region and its brands to ensure a strong positioning in an integrated marketing strategy. Art. 56 of the 2018-2023 Management Contract : Managing a photo library and video library. The Association will manage and maintain a photo library and video library in Brussels for various uses : illustrations for websites and brochures, visual sound-bites for posts on social networks, sales tools for presentations to professionals, material available to the press, etc. Art. 61 of the 2018-2023 Management Contract : Selling media space. The Association will sell media space and offer sponsors products and events organised by the Association in order to strengthen events and campaigns with the Association’s own revenues.
DIGITAL COMMUNICATION : Art. 48 of the 2018-2023 Management Contract : The Association will be mindful of developing a digital strategy by ensuring the emergence of open data in the Brussels Region in the context of smart cities. It positions itself to face this new challenge as a veritable content provider from both a tourism and cultural perspective. It allows developers and all of the Brussels actors to access this data. It develops new digital marketing tools, including : content marketing, automation marketing, tracking, re-targeting, targeted data collection, and the seamless integration of social networks. It improves the ranking of sites and increase the traffic they generate. The websites of visit.brussels are among the main sources of information and incentives for potential visitors to the region.
Art. 58 of the 2018-2023 Management Contract : Promotion of social networks. The importance of social networks as vectors of communication and sharing is widely acknowledged in the tourism world. The Association promotes Brussels and its offer ( museums, attractions, events, culture, gastronomy, etc. ) in an attractive and engaging way, and ensure the daily follow-up of social networks ( Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Flickr, LinkedIn… ). It conducts campaigns to increase the audience on these social networks ( Facebook ads, Twitter ads, Instagram, Display, SEA, etc. ). It initiates campaigns with key influencers in the field of social networks ( Instagramers, etc. ).
PRESS : Art. 50 of the 2018-2023 Management Contract : The Association will focus on promoting, in the broadest sense, the region as a tourist destination, among the press. For national and international media, it drafts press kits and press releases, and organises press trips on topics of importance to the region, linked to cultural and leisure events, conventions and current events ( new exhibitions, new museums, developments, etc. ). Close contacts are maintained in Brussels in collaboration with visit.brussels offices abroad and other partners including Brussels Invest & Export and the tourism sector. The Association adapts its modus operandi to respond flexibly and effectively to the development of digitisation and the acceleration of IT ( blogs, vlogs, influencers on social networks, etc. ).
COPYWRITING & TRANSLATIONS : Art. 57 of the 2018-2023 Management Contract : Multilingual communication. The Association will strengthen its multilingual content in 8 languages ( French, Dutch, German, English, Spanish, Italian, Chinese and Portuguese ). The site is comprehensively developed in the three priority languages ( French, Dutch and English )
and occasionally in the other languages, to be able to respond as effectively as possible to the various priority markets. It is responsible for drafting, rewriting and translating the tourist content of the sites, with the aim of enhancing the image and attractiveness of the " Brussels " brand.
SALES & PROMOTION : Art. 49 of the 2018-2023 Management Contract : The Association will make optimising the proactive commercial prospecting of leisure and MICE on local and foreign markets a priority, as well as identifying the results of each of the campaigns carried out, based on predefined performance indicators. The campaigns carried out mainly target the twelve priority markets : Belgium, France, Great Britain, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, the United States, Brazil, Russia, India and China. They aim to position the region as an essential destination for organising meetings and conventions, and to ensure the growth of leisure tourism. In this context, the Association participates in economic, princely and State missions, which correspond to the implemented strategy. Art. 52 of the 2018-2023 Management Contract : The Association will bring together actors in the field around joint communication campaigns. It unites the Brussels tourism offer in order to have a more effective impact on foreign markets, by proposing lower-priced campaigns to its partners. At the same time, it adopts a personalised approach among its active partners, in order to identify the needs inherent to the various sectors in Brussels. Art. 53 of the 2018-2023 Management Contract : The Association is likely to be involved with the following target groups : In terms of markets : • the Belgian market, to focus on national tourism and attract Belgians to the region ( e.g. during major
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events ); • the nearby international markets ( FR-NL-UK-ES-ITDE, identified as priority markets, where the Association’s tourism attachés have been in place since 2017 ); • the BRIC + USA markets represented by consultants in communication agencies. Targets and Themes : Firstly, the Association’s campaigns target a B2B audience • BUSINESS via a " corporate meeting planner " : this target group is identified based on the centres of excellence, i.e. the main sectors of activity that are growing in each of the markets and PCOs ( professional congress organisers ). • LEISURE : public identified on the basis of clusters, i.e. the main themes and targets of interest in each of the markets. This is part of an overall strategic approach to integrated affinity marketing. Secondly, the Association’s campaigns target a B2C audience, thanks to promotional materials for the general public, including co-marketing campaigns with tour operators, digital and offline media purchases.
FOREIGN MARKETS : Art. 67 of the 2018-2023 Management Contract : The Association will have tourism attaches and external agencies ( consultants ) at its disposal within priority markets ( France, Germany, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Brazil, Russia, India, China ), responsible for marketing and promoting the destination in their respective markets. This aim of this presence is to facilitate interaction with local tourism actors. Reporting directly to the Brussels head office, the tourism attaches and staff of external agencies carry out their missions under the supervision of the head office, which provides support. They work with the AEC of Brussels Invest & Export, as well as with economic, diplomatic and tourism attachés in other regions to handle certain common subjects. In addition, the tourism attaches and external agencies prepare lists of journalists who could help promote the region, by specifying the affinity themes that
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concern them : tourism, business, art and culture, gastronomy, etc.
MARKET INTELLIGENCE : Art. 46 of the 2018-2023 Management Contract : The Association will improve knowledge and insight of the MICE tourism and leisure sector, so that the organisation can optimise its campaigns. Its role is therefore to produce and acquire the necessary information. This function is central to the strategy to transform the Association into a data-centric organisation. It provides the partners of the Association with optimal knowledge of tourism and cultural activity in Brussels. Art. 54 of the 2018-2023 Management Contract : The Association will measure the completion of all missions based on performance indicators.
close collaboration with the hotel sector and recognised tourist accommodation, to ensure the coherence and complementarity of their campaigns. Brussels needs to enrich and diversify its tourist accommodation offer. To meet the growing needs of tourists, it will be necessary to support the development of hostelry and alternative tourist accommodation solutions in Brussels ( apart-hotel, tourist residence, private accommodation, youth hostels, campsites ). It is essential that this tourist accommodation sector continues to develop qualitatively and quantitatively, and have large-scale presence in the Association’s campaigns, both on its website and through specific campaigns for its promotion. Awareness raising campaigns, information and support campaigns will be conducted with this target group, in collaboration with the actors in the field.
Key Performance Indicators : • • • • • •
Number of MICE/Leisure overnight stays and arrivals Occupancy rate Visitor satisfaction rate Attendance of museums and attractions Impact studies on the reputation of Brussels Breakdown of events across the 19 communes
Art. 60 of the 2018-2023 Management Contract : Support for start-ups. The Association welcomes and supports start-ups which are active in the Brussels tourism sector, in addition to the services offered by the Cluster Hospitality housed within the Brussels Enterprise Agency. In the long term, the Association will develop a common strategy with this cluster to support start-ups. Art. 66 of the 2018-2023 Management Contract : Develop a " Quality Plan " based on tourist feedback. The Association develops a Quality Plan to ensure that the services proposed to tourists visiting Brussels meet their expectations. It handles received complaints, directly or via an online questionnaire, and provides an interface with partners. It develops awareness raising sessions and training for the tourism actors in Brussels. Art. 73 of the 2018-2023 Management Contract : Collaboration and cooperation. The Association develops
sales & marketing
5.2 OBJECTIVES AND KPIS OF THE SALES & MARKETING DEPARTMENT OBJECTIVES TO BE ACHIEVED AND PERFORMANCE INDICATORS SPECIFIC TO THE DESTINATION MANAGEMENT SALES & MARKETING DEPARTMENT • Number of visitors to the various visit.brussels websites ( traffic ) : 22 million page views ( +15 % compared to 2018 ) • Engagement rate on social networks : 30 million interactions ( +5 % compared to 2018 ) • Number of press clippings ( national/international ) : 3,000 press articles covering the destination. • Satisfaction rate regarding commercial activities ( exhibitions, fairs, workshops, roadshows, missions, etc. ) with partners : 4/5 • Number of participants at the Quality Academy : 500
5.3.1. CAMPAIGNS The Offline Communication service has a multi-faceted and intradepartmental role. In the first instance, it is responsible for developing a strong, attractive and coherent tourism brand identity for the Brussels-Capital Region. This identity is translated into a graphic charter, which can be used in all communication activities carried out by visit.brussels. The service will ensure that all of visit.brussels’ communication is in line with this.
01 > 05 MAEI
In addition, this involves producing graphic work and communication tools for all visit.brussels’ teams : Culture & City Life, Convention & Association, Events & Fairs, Operating & Financial, Sales & Marketing. These tools include : #IRISBRUSSELS
• advertising material ( adverts, posters, banners, etc. ); • brochures, plans and other publications in paper and digital versions ( regional and desk pad plans, the Let’s Meet, call brochures, themes, event and seasonal brochures ); • promotional and welcome material, for campaigns conducted in Belgium and in the various foreign markets ( flags, roll-up banners, merchandising, signage, etc. ); • equipment for decorating stands used during events, fairs, exhibitions, workshops, etc.
In addition, the Offline Communication service is responsible for developing a communication strategy intended for visitors to the Brussels-Capital Region. It provides Brussels cultural and event actors with negotiated preferential rates for the use of cultural and event-related advertising space. Online and offline communication campaigns are coordinated and planned in consultation with the requesting departments. As such, the Offline Communication service plays the role of internal account manager. Finally, this service is also responsible for assessing the performance of the implemented campaigns, based on a number of indicators : Brussels’ reputation, the value of media deals, etc.
The service will also ensure that visit.brussels’ photo and video library is updated and managed. To implement this, it will solicit specialist photographers, produce generic videos ( leisure and MICE ) and themed and event videos, to meet the needs of the various departments. The photo library is made available to visit.brussels’ various teams, while a catalogue of royalty-free photos and videos is available online. There will also be a need to develop promotional campaigns and negotiating media deals in order to optimise visit.brussels’ financial resources and generate maximum visibility for the destination, as well as for events and the tourism and cultural offer.
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Summer 2019 brochure
sales & marketing
A new way to discover Brussels.
tion is given to sharing experiences and storytelling.
To accelerate the digital transformation, the Digital Communication department carries out projects and campaigns in line with digital marketing trends and the evolution of technical tools.
The websites of visit.brussels are among the main sources of information for potential visitors. As such, considerable efforts are made to increase the number of visitors and visits, and to extend the length of time of these visits. To achieve this, it is necessary to optimise the ranking of each website, in particular through the use of search engine optimisation ( SEO ), and digital media buying campaigns.
To achieve this, visit.brussels participates in training sessions and workshops on this theme, and keeps up-to-date with developments in digital marketing techniques. In 2020, visit.brussels will transform its digital systems and evolve its digital communication campaigns. These transformation projects will be carried out based on the conclusions of the audit carried out in 2018 by a specialised external agency ( Digital Tourism Think Tank ), in line with the campaigns undertaken in 2019. This transformation covers the back office, the CMS, and the content and communication strategy and digital organisation of the company. In this context, visit.brussels will undertake a complete overhaul of its tools and web portal, starting in 2020. The transformation will also affect all business lines; it will therefore generate changes in the following activities : The Digital Communication service develops and manages visit. brussels’ digital tools. It updates nearly forty websites – and " mini-sites " – linked to visit.brussels’ events, products or specific campaigns. It also works on the continuous improvement of the two existing portals ( visit.brussels and agenda.brussels ) to meet the expectations of the various departments.
Your real-time city guide.
Conscious of the need to disseminate high-quality information to its partners, the service ensures the sharing of the databases of visit.brussels – i.e. approximately 8,000 locations and 30,000 events, in open data.
Aware of the importance of other travel and online booking platforms, the Digital service will closely monitor their evolution and forge partnerships. The Community Management hub is developing Brussels’ attractiveness and its offer via social media and social networks ( Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, WeChat ( China ), etc. ). These digital channels have become one of the main sources of traffic to content sites, so the hub ensures that the Brussels destination is presented in an attractive way, through paid campaigns and collaborations with specialist influencers, particularly on Instagram and YouTube.
visit.brussels Facebook page
Videos specially adapted to social networks ( video snacking, GIF, text videos, square format videos, stories, etc. ) will be produced to reach the millennials target group. The destination needs to be promoted through short and to-thepoint videos, illustrating the experiences ( tourist or otherwise ) related to the affinity marketing strategy. B2B and B2C newsletter campaigns are managed using a specific e-marketing tool. These campaigns make it possible to collect data on the various user groups and centralise it, in order to roll out an editorial strategy adapted to each target group. E-mailing campaigns intended for priority target groups take account of the new GDPR regulation.
This content strategy is based in particular on the daily updating of content, based on contributions from the various departments.
Banner for now.brussels 2019
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Digital communication campaigns will be organised to ensure maximum visibility of the tourist and events offer of the destination, specifically highlighting promotion of the summer and winter seasons. In terms of editorial content, particular atten-
Instagram account of visit.brussels
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5.5. PRESS
To draft the relevant press releases and kits, the press service works closely with experts from the Culture & City Life, Convention & Association and Events & Fairs departments. It draws on a database of journalists identified according to clusters. International accredited journalists in Brussels are the subject of special focus due to their role in disseminating the international image of Brussels.
Visites guidées à Bruxelles
The restaurant at MIMA
BRUSSELS Head west to the Molenbeek neighborhood to experience the city’s creative pulse up close. Why Now: These days, Brussels’ Molenbeek district is in the midst of a major rebrand. The former industrial powerhouse has invested in revitalization efforts and hopes to shed unsavory associations along the way. At the forefront of renewal—particularly along the BrusselsCharleroi Canal—art, design and social
enterprise commingle in surprising ways. Where to Go: A former brewery that phoenixed into a museum in 2016, MIMA challenges visitors to examine street art’s role in society and the impact of protest. Its current exhibit, Dream Box, jolts imaginations as posters, paintings and audio and video installations explore the theme
of illusion. Outside, the canal walls are a showcase for numerous graffiti works and colorful portraits. Be sure to gaze up at the spinning pinwheels dotted along its length. Sleek concept shop Knits & Treats sells local and international fashion labels—including graphic T-shirts by Arte Antwerp, menswear by Daily Paper and Karhu
sneakers—while an in-house barista serves coffee and snacks in the pastel-hued sitting area. Bel Mundo restaurant’s onsite garden is filled with organic, seasonal produce for a rotating dish of the day, like tangy Senegalese chicken yassa or fresh salad with goat cheese, apple and honey. The eatery is part of social impact organization Atelier Groot Eiland, which also has a woodshop that furnished Bel Mundo and a market that sells extra produce. Tours of the entire operation are available in English, Dutch and French. — L I G AYA
THE SPROUT PENCIL Watch more than just your ideas spring to life when you use this graphite pencil. After writing, drawing or doodling to your heart’s content, plant the stub and be rewarded with fresh herbs, vegetables or flowers. $12.95/five
HIT THE TOWN → Le Palais de Balkis Nosh on halal-friendly charcuterie, cheeses, salads, sandwiches and pie.
→ Brasserie de la Senne Popular brewery pouring traditional Belgian beer with a modern twist.
→ LaVallée
UNCOMMON GREEN CITY MAP INSULATED HYDRATION BOTTLE Show off your city every time you take a sip with this made-to-order water bottle. Choose from thousands of towns across the U.S. and even add a personalized message to the BPA-free, 21-ounce container. $34.50
Plug in at former laundry factory turned shared workspace.
La Calenda
Visites guidées à
Have a royal stay at the new Legoland Castle Hotel in Billund, Denmark, choosing from colorful princess-, dragon knightand wizard-themed rooms • Can’t make it to Denmark? Its hallmark pastries have landed in NYC at an oupost of revered Copenhagen bakery Ole & Steen • Chef Thomas Keller celebrates the flavors and artisans of Mexico at his latest eatery, La Calenda, a low-key (read: affordable) spot in Napa Valley • Views of the Forbidden City beckon from throughout the Mandarin Oriental Wangfujing Beijing, including from many of the spacious rooms • Soar 17 stories high on the world’s tallest pendulum ride, the now-open Wonder Woman Lasso of Truth at Six Flags Great Adventure in Jackson, New Jersey.
TUMI VOYAGEUR HAGEN BACKPACK This stylish yet durable backpack lets you can get back to nature while also giving back to nature. It’s made from recycled water bottles and nylon and has spots for all your stuff, including a padded laptop pocket, so you can be green on the go. $375
Delta sky
vec son patrimoine historique et artistique particulièrement riche, Bruxelles continue à surprendre et émouvoir les visiteurs du monde entier. Réputée pour sa légendaire Grand-Place (classée, avec les rues adjacentes, au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO depuis 1998) et le non moins célèbre Manneken-Pis qui appartient indiscutablement au patrimoine culturel de Bruxelles, la capitale européenne est aussi l'un des berceaux de l'Art nouveau et du surréalisme sans oublier que l'on y mange divinement bien. Carpe Diem
10 Privilèges
a réputation gastronomique de Bruxelles n’est plus à faire. Longtemps ville-reflet de l’évolution de la scène gourmande française, c’est d’ailleurs à Bruxelles que, pour la première fois, un restaurant fut récompensé de trois étoiles au guide Michelin hors de France. Mais Bruxelles bénéficie surtout d’une identité propre aujourd’hui. Elle jouit à la fois de cette truculence typiquement flamande que l’on retrouve également chez ses voisines nordistes et d’un cosmopolitisme authentique découlant de son statut de ville-carrefour, centre névralgique de l’Europe. A Bruxelles, manger est une fête perpétuellement renouvelée. On y prend autant de plaisir à se lécher les doigts en mangeant de savoureuses frites en rue, une injera éthiopienne, une foccacia ligure, un lahmacun turc ou à s’attabler dans de prestigieux restaurants étoilés, dont le Comme chez Soi, étoilé depuis plus de soixante ans ou la Villa in The Sky dont le container vitré est posé au sommet d’une haute tour. Quant à la cuisine belge, si proche de la cuisine de France, elle retrouve aujourd’hui toutes ses lettres de noblesse et de nombreux chefs n’hésitent plus à mettre en valeur ce patrimoine et ce terroir si riches. Moules blanches nacrées, frites croustillantes, chocolat aux arômes hypnotiques (65 chocolatiers dans la capitale), gaufres délicieusement collantes et bières amères et subtiles : Bruxelles offre aux gourmands et aux hédonistes de toutes les origines toutes sortes de raisons de s’y attarder. Sa gastronomie variée s’exprime à la fois dans les restaurants étoilés Michelin et dans des dizaines établissements recommandables aux idées innovantes. Gastronomie, restaurants bio, cantines branchées, food trucks, friteries, tout ce qui vous passe par la tête, Bruxelles vous le propose. Sans oublier les activités uniques : le Tram Experience qui vous permet de diner à bord d’un tram tout en visitant la capitale pour maximum 34 personnes; une expérience hors du commun pour les gastronomes. ›
Carpe Diem
©visit.brussels - Jean-Paul Remy
The Press service carries out media campaigns : distribution of press releases and press kits, organisation of press conferences and interviews. It manages relationships with journalists, prior to events, puts them in contact with the relevant actors, and develops visit.brussels’ general and institutional tourism communications. Since 2019, the press manager has also been the spokesperson for visit.brussels.
Visites guidées à Bruxelles
Conseil d’expert : Le label Brusselicious a été établi en 2017 pour désigner tous les restaurants bruxellois proposant une cuisine belge de qualité. Il distingue aussi les meilleures friteries. Ce label est accordé aux restaurateurs par un jury de journalistes indépendants. Il est donc très fiable. La liste des restaurants labellisés est disponible sur le site internet ainsi que dans la plupart des hôtels de la capitale et dans les bureaux d’accueil. Nouveau ChOCO StORy BRUSSElS, le temple du Chocolat, déménage et vous accueille dans un tout nouvel écrin en 2019. Plus moderne, plus interactif et toujours aussi gourmand. Plongez dans l’univers du cacao et du chocolat, traversez un temple maya, là où les fèves étaient consommées il y a 5000 ans, embarquez à bord du bateau de Cortès qui a ramené les fèves de cacao en Europe ; découvrez comment le chocolat était consommé à la Cour de France au 17ème siècle puis comment il a été façonné en « Praline » au début du 20ème siècle en Belgique. La culture du cacao et sa transformation n’auront plus de secret pour vous. Démonstration, dégustation et audioguide inclus dans la visite. tarif entrée adulte : 9.50€. http://choco-story-brussels.be/ Privilèges Magazine Carpe Diem France
16 d e l t a s k y / a p r i l 2 0 1 9
The service organises customised press trips, linked to themes, products and events monitored by the Culture & City Life and Convention & Association departments. It prepares multilingual communication materials ( invitations, press releases and press kits ) for Belgian and foreign journalists.
The press trips are essential tools for promoting the destination. In effect, journalists, bloggers, vloggers and influencers are all potential ambassadors for the region among the general public, or to one of the target groups. These trips are aimed primarily at journalists specialising in leisure tourism and conventions, and journalists interested in affinity-related themes. Each trip offers a tailor-made programme, made up of meetings with experts on the destination and key themes, and visits to key places. Certain press trips are linked to major inaugurations, events or specific themes. Banad festival
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5.6. COPYWRITING & TRANSLATION The Copywriting & Translation team manages online and offline translations into French, Dutch, German, English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Chinese, using its internal resources or translation agencies.
The Copywriting & Translation team manages online and offline translations into French, Dutch, German, English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Chinese, using its internal resources or translation agencies.
The Sales & Promotion department is in charge of implementing campaigns for professionals in the MICE and Leisure sectors. Project experts therefore organise commercial and promotional events, either alone or with Brussels partners : workshops, roadshows, fairs, fam trips, sales missions, etc. They work with their colleagues from the Convention & Association, Culture & City Life, Fairs and Foreign Markets teams to ensure the visibility and recognition of the destination through their activities.
It supports the various departments of visit.brussels ( Culture & City Life, Convention & Association, Events & Fairs, etc. ) by proofreading, translating and rewriting their editorial content. The content intended for distribution on the websites of visit.brussels needs to be available in the three main languages – French, Dutch and English – as well as in German, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese for more limited content. The texts produced by the Copywriting & Translations service adopt the written communication tone of visit. brussels, in order to enhance the image and attractiveness of the Brussels “brand”. In addition, in order to optimise the ranking of visit.brussels’ websites, the service applies web writing rules where possible. Translation software Trados will be used to improve the quality of translations and the efficiency of the service.
Drink at the Town Hall
Some of the campaigns are linked to specific events or organised around themes that are relevant to the destination. Others consist of participation in existing events. The campaigns carried out in partnership with Brussels operators are identified in collaboration with the sector in question : presence at international fairs and exhibitions, participation in workshops and sales campaigns on the various priority markets, etc. They represent a budget of more than €500,000, covered equally by visit.brussels and other Brussels operators. For the Belgian MICE market, the Sales & Promotion department plans to carry out campaigns including BBT online, Inspiration Seminar or Assistant Club. These events will enable the partners ( venues, organisers, group-friendly restaurants, hotels, etc. ) to promote themselves in the domestic market. In addition, a number of workshops will be offered to them on foreign markets, including M & I Forums, Meetings Space, Cvent Connect or Asae.
Brussels Experience Leisure – cultural rally
For the Leisure market, the service relies on two business developers in charge of promoting and marketing Brussels’ offer among tour operators and travel agencies. One focuses on European markets and the other on distant markets ( USA and BRIC ). Both work closely with tourism attachés and external agencies. The leisure business developers provide proposals for commercial campaigns, in Belgium and abroad. They present and defend the destination and its offer among its customers : WHO ( wholesalers ), TO ( tour operators ),
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OTA ( online travel agents ), etc. The leisure business developers also target groups, particularly in France, through works councils. In order to propose a relevant offer, they qualify the needs and expectations of customers, in collaboration with the product experts of the Culture & City Life department. They also negotiate with tour operators to include Brussels in as many of their programmes as possible. In addition, they keep the CRM up-to-date and ensure the quantitative and qualitative development of the customer database. The business developers for Europe and the USA/BRICs travel for trade fairs and workshops, including FITUR in Madrid, WTM in London, ITB in Berlin, and ATM in Dubai. The BRIC business developer organises sales missions with partners. They also go to events organised in Europe which are linked to their geographical target; as such, they may meet Brazilian tour operators based in Portugal, or Indian tour operators based in Great Britain. Finally, the leisure business developers participate in workshops or networking events, in particular with transport companies or chambers of commerce, to jointly sell the destination. The MICE business developers are part of the Convention Bureau, within the Convention & Association department. The Sales & Promotion department also organises fams trips to the priority foreign markets of the destination, both for MICE and Leisure customers. In addition, the department develops campaigns in partnership with carriers ( airlines and railways ) and with Belgian airports. Finally, it is also responsible for the tourism component ( workshops, seminars, networking activities, etc. ) of the economic and commercial missions organised by hub.brussels, according to the interest for the markets in question, as well as the tourism component of the princely missions, organised at federal level.
sales & marketing Brussels Experience Leisure – Gala dinner
The Meeting Space Spring 2019
M&I Forum Europe
Be Dining be networking Germany – april 2019
5.8.1. CAMPAIGNS The tourism attaches and external agencies help develop the MICE and leisure sectors, according to the specificities of the countries in question, and taking into account their respective market share. In the first instance, the external agencies for the BRIC countries will primarily focus on the leisure aspect. Within this sector, quality or value-added tourism will be of particular interest – mass tourism being less promising for the sustainable development of tourism in Brussels.
These contacts are made in the context of MICE and leisure fairs, during events which are specific to each market ( workshops, sales missions, training, etc. ), or during monthly sales calls and B2B meetings. The new contacts thus obtained continuously drive the CRM of visit.brussels.
The tourism attaches and external agencies develop and maintain a network of qualified B2B contacts ( leisure and MICE ) within their respective markets. Relationships are established face-to-face, or by telephone, through networking sessions.
• at least one major event ( MICE or leisure ); • at least one fam-trip in Brussels; • monthly B2B meetings in their respective markets ( excluding trade shows and workshops ), based on objectives set for each market.
In the MICE market, contacts with the PCOs ( Professional Conference Organisers ), as well as meeting planners of international associations or large private companies linked to the centres of excellence, are preferred. In the leisure market, the tourism attaches and agencies build relationships with tour operators and travel agencies.
They also participate in major trade fairs ( IMEX Frankfurt, IMEX America, IBTM Barcelona, WTM London, ITB Berlin, FITUR Madrid, TTG Rimini ); events for which their meeting agendas must be full.
sales & marketing
The tourism attaches for Europe also carry out at least three types of campaigns on their market :
maintain a network of qualified press contacts within their respective markets. Based on their contacts, they update visit.brussels’ database of journalists and collaborate with the press service of the head office, facilitating contacts on-site. Finally, the tourism attaches and external agencies supply all useful and relevant information to the head office of visit.brussels, ( market studies, trends, promising themes, new airlines, etc. ) with a view to optimising growth strategies and sales or promotional campaigns in their respective markets. The interaction between tourism attaches, external agencies, the visit.brussels head office and the Brussels partners takes place through meetings which are organised throughout the year.
Moreover, the tourism attaches and external agencies
sales & marketing
5.9. MARKET INTELLIGENCE 5.9.1. CAMPAIGNS The Market Intelligence service helps improve knowledge and insight in the tourism sector, to enable visit.brussels and its partners to optimise their campaigns. To achieve this, it is responsible for : • maintaining and continually improving the various tourism barometers; • producing a complete report on the events organised by visit.brussels; • producing studies, to enable visit.brussels and its partners to adapt their strategy and offer to the various affinity-based and geographical markets; • carrying out a survey of the international events organised in Brussels, for the UIA and ICCA rankings; • preparing an annual statistical report on Brussels tourism; • responding to questions and requests from the sector, from research, or the press. The Market Intelligence department is also responsible for developing and maintaining the CRM. It ensures the coordination of the systems in use, and provides daily assistance to all employees in the event of technical or functional problems. In addition, it ensures that the administration of personal data complies with the legislation in force ( GDPR ). Monitoring and improving the quality of the offer is also part of its missions. The team measures the level of visitor satisfaction, and feeds back the results obtained. It handles complaints directly, via an online questionnaire, and notifies the partners concerned. It is also responsible for organising training and awareness raising sessions for all the tourism actors in Brussels, in particular regarding the tourism offer, the welcoming of diversity in Brussels, and the specificities of priority markets. Finally, the Market Intelligence service supports entrepreneurship in tourism. For people with projects, it is the contact point within visit.brussels and it updates the data on the sector on the region’s open data platform.
sales & marketing
sales & marketing
6. Action plan Events & Fairs
6.1. MISSIONS Dat Art. 63 of the 2018-2023 Management Contract : The Association will co-produce the Brussels Days in collaboration with Brussels International and Brussels Invest & Export. This is a promotional exercise aimed at strengthening Brussels’ position on the international scene. For the occasion, actors from the tourism sector and companies in the region travel to major international cities to meet potential customers and partners. In this context, the Association and its partners organise BtoB leisure/meeting workshops, investor events, networking events, etc. Art. 64 of the 2018-2023 Management Contract : The Association will produce and co-produce events intended to strengthen the image of the region. These events are directly linked to the affinity-based themes developed by the tourist office, including comics, heritage, gastronomy, geek & pop culture, etc. To increase familiarity with these events, it works to develop events with strong brands, which are intrinsically linked to Brussels, and clearly identifiable by the Belgian and foreign target group, along the same lines as key events in the region such as the Iris Festival, the Comic Strip Festival, Eat! BRUSSELS or the Bright Brussels festival… At the same time, it increases familiarity of existing events organised by other Brussels structures, by providing material and financial resources ( co-production ) and/or advice according to the available budgets.
6.2. OBJECTIVES AND KPIS OF THE DEPARTMENT OBJECTIVES TO BE ACHIEVED AND PERFORMANCE INDICATORS SPECIFIC TO THE DESTINATION MANAGEMENT EVENTS & FAIRS DEPARTMENT • Attendance of visit.brussels events : 450,000 visitors of which 30 % foreign visitors. • Number of visitors to the websites ( traffic ) : 1.8 million page views • Number of press clippings : 300 articles, of which 30 % in foreign press • Number of Facebook followers : 65,000 • Global reach of social networks : 11 million
Art. 65 of the 2018-2023 Management Contract : The Association will ensure that Brussels is present in a range of fairs, both in Belgium and abroad. To achieve this, it works to optimise the presence of the region and its partners at all fairs. It analyses the impact of the various fairs and makes recommendations to partners, public bodies involved and the Government.
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Milan, Tokyo, Madrid, Paris, Berlin, Washington DC, Beijing, London, Amsterdam, New York... Every year, the Brussels-Capital Region showcases itself internationally as part of the Brussels Days. In 2020, it will set up shop in Dubai, with partners in the sector; it is a new opportunity to promote its assets ( economic dynamism, knowhow, cultural treasures, gastronomy, tourism potential, etc. ) beyond national borders. On the programme : B2B workshops ( leisure or MICE ), seminars, sales visits and " networking ". As in 2015 in Milan, the Brussels Days will benefit from the organisation of the World Expo in Dubai and collaborations with the Belgian Pavilion of the exhibition will be given priority.
• The campaigns are a support for the affinity-based policy of the Association ( Art. 7 ). • The campaigns are promoted via poster campaigns, media campaigns ( Art. 47 ), enhanced digital campaigns ( Art. 48 ) and press campaigns ( Art. 50 ). • The campaigns are organised in collaboration with Brussels partners, according to the theme ( Art. 52 ). • The campaigns are implemented in order to reach a defined public ( Art. 53 ) with a range of performance indicators ( Art. 54 ). • The campaigns support the solutions which reinforce the Association’s own revenues through offers, sales ( before and during the event ) and sponsorship ( Art. 83 ).
14>17 02/2019 www.bright.bRussels
Poster Bright Brussels 2019 40x60_BRIGHT.indd 1
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For 2020, the department has set itself 5 main development pillars. As such, a range of campaigns will be carried out in order to : • • • •
capitalise on the development of the five major tourism events; refine the image and concept of events with tourism potential; relieve congestion in the city centre; play an exemplary role in the sustainability and accessibility of events; • support third party campaigns and influence the Brussels event calendar.
6.4.3. THE MAJOR TOURIST EVENTS The 5 major events mentioned in the development pillars are firmly established in the Brussels tourist landscape. Every year, they attract between 50,000 and 200,000 visitors, therefore helping to strengthen the themes that make up Brussels’ DNA. These events have become veritable " brands " promoting the image of the region in Belgium and, increasingly, abroad.
Bright Brussels 2019
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Since being taken over by visit.brussels in 2017, Bright Brussels – Festival of Light has enjoyed stellar growth, both in terms of attendance and recognition. The 2018 edition attracted 110,000 curious attendees. In 2019, more than 200,000 people walked the route linking the Kanal Centre Pompidou to the SaintCatherine neighbourhood. This spotlight on a recently regenerated neighbourhood allowed visitors to discover various artistic and heritage treasures. In 2020, visit.brussels will continue to strengthen the international attractiveness of the event, and plans to increase the number of works exhibited and the length of the route. The aim is to respond to the public success while maintaining the easy-going nature of the event.
Bright Brussels – Festival of Light ( February )
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IRIS FESTIVAL ( MAY ) The Iris Festival celebrates the anniversary of the creation of the Brussels-Capital Region in 1989. Organised around 8 May, it marks the beginning of the capital’s summer events season, attracting around 85,000 visitors on average. The 2019 edition celebrated the Brussels-Capital Region’s 30th birthday. For the occasion, several changes were made to the programme, including moving the evening celebrations from Sunday to Friday, in order to reach a wider audience, and enhancing its festive character. For 2020, various development avenues have been identified in terms of strategic partnerships, in particular with the European institutions or specific cultural operators in Brussels ( Bozar, Flagey, Cinematek, Museum of Natural Sciences, etc. ). There are also plans to organise a thorough reflection on the public offer for the duration of the event.
EAT! BRUSSELS, DRINK! BORDEAUX ( SEPTEMBER ) Since 2012, this festival has been bringing its original concept to the paths of Brussels Park. It has various ambitions : to showcase around twenty Brussels chefs around a " signature dish ", created especially for the event, to promote a dozen or so regions of the world through their gastronomy, and to celebrate food and wine pairings, in the presence of more than 60 Bordeaux winegrowers. From 2020, a strategic partnership with a Brussels operator will enable the event to relocate to a neighbourhood which is enjoying rapid change in a priority development area.
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150th anniversary of the Brussels tram
BELGIAN PRIDE ( MAY ) For many years, Belgian Pride has been co-produced with the non-profit organisation of the same name, producing an active and positive collaboration. Brussels Pride kicks off the season of LGBT+ events throughout the world. Every year, it unites a large and diverse public, parading through the streets of the historic centre, from the Mont des Arts to the SaintJacques neighbourhood. Celebrating sexual diversity in a region with more than 180 nationalities is a matter of course. In addition, the event reinforces Brussels’ reputation as an open and tolerant destination par excellence.
01 > 05 MAEI
EAT! Brussels 2018
Belgian Pride Brussels 2019
Iris festival 2019
150th anniversary of the Brussels tram
THE BRUSSELS COMIC STRIP FESTIVAL ( SEPTEMBER ) The Brussels Comic Strip Festival is the major event of the 9th art, both for professionals and for countless comic book aficionados. The event brings together more than 50 publishers, gallery owners, dealers and authors. More than 100 stands, conferences, screenings, exhibitions, more than 300 signing sessions, events : the richness of its programme attracts between 90,000 and 100,000. Every year, a new balloon joins the essential Balloon’s Day Parade, adding to the procession of emblematic characters of Belgian comic strips, wandering through the streets of Brussels. For the opening of the event, the Brussels Comic Strip Festival presents the Atomium Comic Strip Prize at a ceremony in BOZAR. From 2020, a strategic partnership with a Brussels operator will enable the event to relocate to a neighbourhood which is enjoying rapid change in a priority development area.
Events with " tourism potential " are events that have been recently launched, or linked to a " niche " theme, that welcome between 1,000 and 25,000 visitors. In 2020, visit.brussels will work to strengthen the identity, aura and international reach of these events.
6.4.4. EVENTS WITH TOURISM POTENTIAL DIGITAL SPRING IN BRUSSELS ( MARCH ) Digitale Digital Spring in Brussels is inspired by the parent event in Montreal. A 100 % free event, its first edition was held at the Kanal-Centre Pompidou in 2019. Over the course of a weekend, Brussels residents and tourists, young and old, both newbies and connoisseurs, discovered an exhibition, participated in augmented reality experiences, learned how to code and created their own video game. The opening evening offered a show combining artificial intelligence and classical music. This first edition confirmed the interest of the general public for this type of initiative and the richness of the Brussels offer in this area. The emphasis will be placed on developing this type of event in Brussels, and synergies will be pursued and strengthened.
THE I LOVE SCIENCE FESTIVAL ( APRIL ) In 2018, to mark its achievements in scientific research, the regional government entrusted visit.brussels and Innoviris with devising and organising an event which would bring people together to promote science. Organised from April 2018 at Tour and Taxis, the " I Love Science Festival " has brought together a large number of actors raising awareness of science, and offered the public activities, shows, exhibitions, workshops, open labs, etc. The festival also proposed national and international science trucks, with a nod to the food truck movement. For scheduling reasons, in 2019 the festival moved to Brussels Expo for the next two years, in search of an ever-growing audience ( 10,000 visitors in 2018 ). For future editions, the aim is to broaden the target audience of the event, and establish new partnerships.
I love science festival
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Digital spring in Brussels
FRUNCH AT THE BIP ( MAY-AUGUST ) Every Friday from May to August, Frunch ( or Friday Lunch ) offers a clever mix of food trucks, cocktails, music, a sun terrace and a range of activities, offering a relaxing moment during lunch. This gastronomic street food event in Brussels, which in 2020 will celebrate its 7th anniversary, takes place in the main courtyard of the BIP. It targets both the various workers around the Place Royale, and passing tourists.
NATIONAL DAY AT THE BIP ( 21 JULY ) To mark Belgium’s National Day, the BIP offers free activities, especially for families. Games are available to the public in the main courtyard of the building, which also houses a bar.
BRUSSELS DESIGN SEPTEMBER AT THE BIP Saint Nicolas and the school children of the Brussels-Capital Region
SAINT NICOLAS IN THE BRUSSELSCAPITAL REGION ( DECEMBER ) As every year, at the beginning of December, Saint Nicolas makes a detour to the capital. Arriving by boat on the edge of the canal, he is awaited by thousands of Brussels youngsters aged between 5 and 8 years old. On the programme : snacks, hot chocolate, face painting, balloon modelling and handouts of sweets and gifts. It’s a 100 % free event in the purest tradition of the seasonal holidays. Saint Nicolas in the Brussels-Capital Region is organised in collaboration with the Port of Brussels.
SEASONAL ILLUMINATIONS OF THE COMMERCIAL NEIGHBOURHOODS OF BRUSSELS ( DECEMBER ) Since 2016, the Brussels-Capital Region has entrusted visit.brussels with coordinating end-of-year illuminations in the south-east section of the inner ring of the region ( Chaussée de Charleroi, Avenue Louise, Rue Jean Stas, Place Jourdan, Rue Dejoncker, Avenue de la Toison d’Or, Boulevard de Waterloo, Rue du Grand Cerf and Goulet Louise ). Since 2017, other neighbourhoods around the inner ring have been involved in the event, including Porte de Namur and the newly renovated Chaussée d’Ixelles.
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6.4.5. SPECIFIC EVENTS AND SUPPORT In addition to the 5 major events, and events with tourism potential, visit.brussels also organises specific events, responding to missions that go beyond mere tourism promotion. In addition, it also supports a series of events produced by the partners. For all of these events, the attendance criterion is not part of visit.brussels’ 2020 Action Plan.
VISIT.BRUSSELS AWARDS ( APRIL ) Each year, the visit.brussels Awards reward a number of tourism initiatives that contribute to the international reach of the region or to improving the quality of the visitor welcome. The winners are selected by the general public ( except for the Congress & Fairs category ) and a jury of professionals from the Brussels tourism world. The awards ceremony is a nomadic event; in the past, it has enabled visitors to discover new places in Brussels, including Drohme Park, Kanal Centre Pompidou, the Hôtel de la Poste of Tour and Taxis, and the ADAM, the Brussels Design Museum.
Over the years, Brussels Design September has become the unmissable event for design enthusiasts. The event offers a meeting place for Belgian and international designers and architects, through exhibitions, conferences and an urban route open to the general public. At the BIP, the ticket office room houses the exhibition of a Belgian designer, while the building is transformed into a central information point for the festival.
BAL NATIONAL AND RESTO NATIONAL ( 20 AND 21 JULY ) Organised on the Place du Jeu de Balle, the Bal National and the National Resto are two separate events celebrating Belgium’s National Day. On 20 July, the Bal National non-profit organisation organises a series of concerts with a typically Belgian programme. The next day, hundreds of portions of mussels and chips are served for a reasonable price. visit.brussels has been supporting this project for many years.
visit.brussels awards
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6.5. FAIRS IMEX – MAY ( FRANKFURT MESSE – FRANKFURT ) ( MICE ) IMEX is one of the most important MICE fairs in Europe. It is aimed at companies, agencies and international associations, and brings together nearly 4,000 potential clients ( for 65,000 meetings ) as part of its " hosted buyers " programme. These hosted buyers come from around the world, despite it being primarily European visitors.
Imex – Frankfurt
6.5.1. CONTEXT OF THE CAMPAIGNS • The campaigns, implemented with the aim of promoting a strong and positive brand image of Brussels, ensure consistent communication ( Art. 47 ); • The campaigns are aimed at optimising proactive commercial prospecting for leisure and MICE, in local and foreign markets ( Art. 49 ); • The campaigns are organised in collaboration with the Brussels partners, according to the theme and the expectations of these partners ( Art. 52 ); • The campaigns are implemented in order to reach a defined public ( Art. 53 ) with a range of performance indicators ( Art. 54 ); • The campaigns support the solutions which reinforce the Association’s own revenues through corporate offers and sales ( Art. 83 ).
6.5.2. TOURISM FAIRS FITUR – JANUARY 2018 ( FERIA DE MADRID – MADRID ) ( LEISURE ) FITUR ( Feria Internacional de Turismo ) is one of the largest tourism fairs in Spain, aimed at professionals and individuals. 47 % of the professional visitors come from Europe, 16 % from the United States, 7 % from Africa, 11 % from Asia and 3 % from the Middle East. The
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first three days are exclusively reserved for professionals, while the next two days are also open to the general public. Since 2018, visit.brussels has shared a stand with VISITFLANDERS, under the banner " Belgica : Flandes y Bruselas ".
Holiday fair
IMEX America is the American counterpart of IMEX Frankfurt; the ideal place to meet North American and international buyers. It is primarily aimed at companies, agencies and international associations and offers exhibitors the opportunity to develop their business internationally. In 2019, visit.brussels and VISITFLANDERS will share a joint stand under the name " Belgium : Brussels & Flanders ".
To promote the Brussels-Capital Region to a Belgian public, visit.brussels participates every year in the Holiday Fair, alongside other Brussels associations and tourist attractions. With 100,000 visitors and nearly 800 exhibitors from more than 50 countries, it is the largest B2C event for tourism in Belgium.
WTM ( World Travel Market ) is the largest B2B trade fair for leisure tourism, matching supply and demand in the tourism industry and targeting the English-speaking market in particular ( United Kingdom, United States and Commonwealth ). Destination Management Companies ( DMC ), tour operators, hotels and events industry players, group leaders and coach companies all meet there.
ITB ( Internationale Tourismus Börse ) is the largest fair in the world dedicated to tourism. German tour operators are present in large numbers. This fair is a gateway to the markets of Eastern and Central Europe. The first three days are reserved for professionals, while the next two days are also open to private individuals.
IBTM World is one of the main fairs of the MICE sector. It is aimed at companies, agencies and international associations. Its hosted buyers programme brings together nearly 4,000 potential international ( mainly European ) clients, who together make around 80,000 appointments beforehand.
Holiday fair
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In March, mipim, the largest international real estate market brings together the major actors from all sectors of professional real estate : offices, residential, retail, health, sports and logistics. As such, it offers unrivalled access to the largest real estate development projects and international sources of capital. Created in 2014, the " Belgian pavilion " concept offers joint presence, image, marketing and communication, under the name of " Surreal Estate " ( in collaboration with Ghent, Antwerp, AWEX and the BrusselsCapital Region ).
6.5.3. OTHER INTERNATIONAL FAIRS AND EVENTS BRUSSELS BOOK FAIR – MARCH ( TOUR & TAXIS – BRUSSELS ) ( IMAGE OF BRUSSELS ) A giant bookstore in the heart of Europe which has been active for fifty years, the " Brussels Book Fair " has become a major cultural event. Set in the historic Tour & Taxis site, this fair brings together all the actors from the world of books. All the publications on the Brussels-Capital Region and its heritage are sold here, at a stand that also highlights the comic strip offer in Brussels.
BATIBOUW – MARCH ( BRUSSELS EXPO – BRUSSELS ) ( IMAGE OF BRUSSELS ) Batibouw is the largest construction, renovation and home show in Belgium, and is aimed at professionals and private individuals. In collaboration with hub.brussels, logement.brussels (Bruxelles Logement), fonds.brussels ( the Housing Fund ), environment.brussels ( Brussels Environment ), urban.brussels ( Brussels Planning and Heritage ) and homegrade.brussels, the Brussels-Capital Region provides all information regarding buying, loans, permits, renovation and new construction grants in Brussels.
MIPIM – MARCH ( PALAIS DES FESTIVALS – CANNES ) ( IMAGE OF BRUSSELS ) In March, the largest international real estate market brings together the major actors from all sectors of professional real estate : offices, residential, retail, health, sports and logistics. As such, it offers unrivalled access to the largest real estate development projects and international sources of capital. Created in 2014, the " Belgian pavilion " concept offers joint presence, image, marketing and communication, under the name of " Surreal Estate " ( in collaboration with Ghent, Antwerp, AWEX and the B russels-Capital Region ). Under this banner, the Brussels-Capital Region enjoys exceptional visibility, with 7,007 unique visitors in 2019 in the Belgian pavilion. The region has a stand to present the main real estate projects in its territory. It also organises conferences and calls for projects, in collaboration with the Brussels operators in question : hub.brussels, sau-msi.brussels, perspective.brussels, citydev.brussels and urban.brussels.
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SEAFOOD EXPO GLOBAL / SEAFOOD PROCESSING GLOBAL – APRIL ( BRUSSELS EXPO – BRUSSELS ) ( IMAGE OF BRUSSELS ) Seafood Expo Global / Seafood Processing Global is the world’s largest seafood fair. It hosts more than 1,800 exhibitors from more than 75 countries and offers the nearly 30,000 visiting professional buyers a unique opportunity to deal with fish suppliers from around the world. visit.brussels organises an information and sales stand for tourism products, and organises the " mobility " section of the event, in collaboration with the organisers and Brussels Expo. As such, five return shuttles are organised from various parts of the city centre to Brussels Expo and Brussels Airport, while a taxi rank is set up at the event site. Produced by visit.brussels, an information brochure on the shuttles, sights and good tips for the Brussels-Capital Region is distributed to all participants and made available in Brussels hotels.
WE ARE REAL ESTATE – MAY ( BRUSSELS EXPO – BRUSSELS ) ( IMAGE OF BRUSSELS ) This is the latest Belgian trade fair related to the real estate sector. With the move of Realty Summit to Knokke in September and the scrapping of the slot at the end of May by Easyfairs, this is another professional Belgian trade fair which has taken over from Brussels, Matexpo, which already organises a trade fair with the same name in Kortrijk. We Are
MAPIC – NOVEMBER ( PALAIS DES FESTIVALS – CANNES ) ( IMAGE OF The Brussels-Capital Region has a BRUSSELS ) Real Estate is in a less exclusive segment than Realty Summit. stand here, presenting the main real estate projects in Brussels. It also organises a conference in collaboration with the Brussels operators in question : • • • • •
hub.brussels, sau-msi.brussels, perspective.brussels, citydev.brussels, the Housing Company of the Brussels-Capital Region ( slrb-bghm.brussels ), • and urban.brussels.
REALTY SUMMIT – SEPTEMBER ( CASINO – KNOKKE ) ( IMAGE OF BRUSSELS ) Realty Summit is the largest gathering of real estate professionals in Belgium and Luxembourg. For professionals, participation allows them to get a feeling for the sector, and meet decision-makers. They can discover the latest trends, ideas and perspectives, learn about the latest real estate projects and meet their future business partners.
To discover the best of the international commercial real estate market, MAPIC is a must. The show welcomes 8,400 major actors from the sector from 78 countries, including more than 2,100 retailers, 2,500 developers and 1,000 investors. For the occasion, around 100 conferences and pitching sessions, led by more than 200 experts, are proposed to visitors. The Brussels-Capital Region has a stand there, presenting the main commercial real estate projects in Brussels. It also organises various conferences, in collaboration with the Brussels operators concerned : hub.brussels and the Brussels communes.
Seafood stand
After a decade or so in Tour and Taxis, the organiser of the fair, Easyfairs, decided to move the event to Knokke, and to position it in a more exclusive segment, much like MIPIM in Cannes. The region will hold a conference there. Batibouw stand
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Based on a decision by the Government, the Association may organise themed years. On this basis, it proposes to the Government the strategy for the coming years based on the achievements of previous themed years. These themed years are not part of the present Management Contract, they are the subject of delegated missions in accordance with Article 82. ( art. 19 )
The dynamic of the themed years has evolved, as has the way in which the destination is promoted. Promoting Brussels needs to be seen in relation to its key themes, using existing tools or important new features.
6.6.2. A REMINDER OF THE DYNAMIC In the past, various themed years have been organised in the Brussels-Capital Region that reflect Brussels’ identity. • • • •
2006 : Fashion and Design 2009 : Comic strips 2012 : Gastronomy 2017 : Diversity
These themed years gave rise to permanent events ( the Comic Strip Festival, EAT Brussels DRINK Bordeaux ), a design and fashion platform ( MAD Brussels ), and projects in urban environments ( comic strip murals, MIXITY murals ). In the same vein, various awareness raising campaigns have been implemented by visit.brussels to promote the destination, around a specific discipline. • • • •
2016 : Contemporary Art in Paris 2017 : Dance in Berlin 2018 : Theatre in Italy and France 2019 : Jazz in Edinburgh
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Contemporary art and beer are among the major themes of Brussels’ identity. With the reopening of the Kanal Centre Pompidou project in 2022-2023 and the launch of the Beer Temple at the Bourse in 2022, they will be used to highlight the image of Brussels, in Belgium and abroad. Based on these two strong themes, a number of existing events will also contribute to this dynamic. It will fall to visit.brussels to coordinate everything, and support or adapt the offer in order to maximise its international impact.
6.7. IMPROVED SEASONALITY OF EVENTS Various periods in the Brussels’ events calendar are still too empty to attract a sufficient international audience. The months most affected by this lack of events are January, February and August. An initial improvement was observed, thanks to the launch of the Brussels Festival of Light ( Bright Brussels ) in 2017. Efforts to improve the seasonality of events need to be continued. That’s why visit.brussels will support initiatives to strengthen the offer during these periods, subject to the resources made available by the Brussels government. This dynamic is for the medium-term; it requires multi-year development and needs to be based on public and private investment.
7. Action plan Finance & Operating
7.1. OBJECTIVES AND KPIS OF THE DEPARTMENT • Developping range of indicators making it possible to measure the impact of visit.brussels’ HR policy, compared to other actors in the sector : absenteeism rate, turnover, hourly training volume and prevention. The digitisation of our HR tools will be at the heart of our efforts to optimise our processes. • The performance of the department will be evaluated on its ability to file the general accounts before 31 May, and obtain from the auditors an unqualified opinion on the annual accounts. • In order to assess the transition to Office 365, an indicator will monitor user adoption based on its key products ( Exchange, SharePoint, OneDrive, Yammer, Dynamics and Skype ).
7.2. MISSIONS The Finance & Operating department provides administrative and financial services to the whole organisation, in accordance with its corporate objective. Its work pertains to the following areas : • • • • • • • •
Finance and accounting Human resources IT and telecommunications Building management Internal sales Management control Governance Internal control
7.3. FINANCE & ACCOUNTING 7.3.1. MISSIONS The primary mission of the Finance & Accounting department is to record the complete accounts, in accordance with the law of 2 May 2002 on non-profit organisations, and the ordinance of 23 February 2006 laying down the provisions applicable to the budget, accounting and audit ( OOBCC ). The general account of visit.brussels is made up of the annual accounts – the economic interpretation of its activities – and the budget execution account, which reflects the use of budgetary authorisations. The general accounts are recorded in accordance with the standard rules of double-entry accounting. It covers all the assets and entitlements of the accounting entity, as well as its debts, obligations and commitments of all kinds. Cost accounting makes it possible to follow-up the various activities of the accounting entity, in particular to justify subsidies. Finally, the budget accounting is kept in line with the general accounting. It allows permanent monitoring of the execution of the budget, in terms of expenditure and revenue.
Art. 84 of the 2018-2023 Management Contract : The budget must be shown to balance. The Association undertakes to ensure a balanced budget. This balance must also be achieved in ESA terms, unless the Minister grants an exemption. Art. 85 of the 2018-2023 Management Contract : The commitments entered into by the Association pursuant to this management contract must remain directly linked to the financial resources at its disposal and in particular to the subsidies allocated to it to fulfil its missions. Art. 86 of the 2018-2023 Management Contract : The accounts of the Association will be audited by external auditors who are members of the Institute of Company Auditors. Art. 87 of the 2018-2023 Management Contract : The Association must comply with all the audits provided for in the Ordinance of 23 February 2006 laying down the general provisions applicable to the budget, accounting and audit, and must have its commitments and payments audited by an external auditor.
Art. 77 of the 2018-2023 Management Contract : The provisional budget is made up of : • the budget in which the Association assesses its income and expenditure; • during the year for which it is established; • where applicable, a plan of measures to maintain a balanced budget; • an investment plan justifying the depreciation charge for assets planned to be acquired in the current financial year. The Association adapts this provisional budget according to the subsidy provided for in the general expenditure budget of the regional government.
finance & operation
To fulfil the missions entrusted to it to the best of its ability, the Finance & Accounting department will :
The Human Resources department is responsible for HR policy, recruitment, careers management, payroll, staff administration and mobilisation and development of all employees in the organisation.
• ensure the evolution of the accounting plan, which includes a system of standard accounts and rules for recording, allocating and evaluating transactions; • analyse the detailed reporting of the provisional budget, in order to guarantee a balanced budget; ( Art.77 ) • support operational staff in following up project budgets; ( Art.77 ) • comply with administrative and financial procedures; • organise awareness raising workshops on financial themes ( OOBCC ) for all departments; • continue the process of digitising documents; • apply the budgetary principle of " accrual accounting " and monitor the provisional budget; ( Art.84 ) • prepare the accounting and budgetary closing file, for the certification of the accounts by the external auditors; ( Art.86 ) • integrate the approval process for financial transactions ( commitments, payments ) within the regional SAP. ( Art.87 )
7.4.2. CAMPAIGNS In 2020, the HR department will support the transformation of our Association. This implies the adaptation of our organisational chart in the perspective of an organisation focused on digital. Managers will be supported in the new implemented HR policy following the introduction of the new work regulations and the new salary policy. The HR department will continue to organise individual training plans to facilitate the integration of new employees, implement a policy to support workers older than 45, and conduct well-being policies in line with our new Working Regulations. The new wage policy will also be implemented. The HR department will gradually implement the recommendations resulting from the analysis carried out at the end of 2018-early 2019. Organisation of social elections in May 2020 and smooth establishment of the new consultation bodies ( EC – CPPT ).
finance & operation
finance & operation
OBJECTIVES TO BE ACHIEVED AND PERFORMANCE INDICATORS SPECIFIC TO THE HR DEPARTMENT • Absenteeism rate below the standard in the Belgian market; • Turnover below the average for the associations sector; • Hourly training volume higher than in 2019; • Implementation of a diagnosis for the prevention of burn-out.
The ICT department manages and maintains the IT infrastructure on a daily basis to ensure the continuity of IT services for staff. It also handles relations with the regional telecommunications provider IRISnet and provides employees with the required working desktop environment, and takes care of management and technical support.
In 2020, the ICT department will continue the deployment and integration of cloud services within existing services. To this end, the ICT department will enhance and encourage the use of solutions within the Microsoft Office 365 package to ensure that employees get the most out of it. Particular emphasis will therefore be placed on the collaborative functionalities of Office 365. An in-depth budget analysis will make it possible to identify ways to optimise contracts for maintenance and recurring licences. In the same spirit, competition between external support activities will be reopened to assess the opportunities for outsourcing standardised services at the lowest cost. In order to meet the various recommendations made by the auditors, the ICT department will start writing and implementing a Disaster Recovery Plan. To build this plan, management tools will first be implemented based on the inventory conducted in 2019 and based on the processes to be set out in 2020.
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7.7. INTERNAL SALES 7.7.1. LOCATION OF THE BIP AND THE TRAM EXPERIENCE MISSIONS The mission of the Internal Sales department is to increase the revenues generated by the BIP and the Tram Experience, and to make them important elements that widen the reach of the Brussels-Capital Region. As such, campaigns will be conducted to increase awareness of the BIP, as the House of the Region, among Brussels inhabitants and the Belgian and international public. This will also involve strengthening the Tram Experience’s position as a symbol of Brussels gastronomy.
This department is responsible for the technical management of the building. As such, it is responsible for maintenance, security and works, in coordination with the owner.
In 2020, the Building Management department will carry out the necessary campaigns to complete its missions, which are to :
The Building Management department takes care of the well-being and comfort of employees. In continuous contact with the directorates, it ensures that activities are carried out under the best possible conditions.
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• ensure the maintenance of the building – which implies the drafting of public contracts and the monitoring of subcontractors; • ensure the security of the site and it assets; • ensure access management as regards the resources of the building.
In 2020, the Internal Sales department will take advantage of the maintenance and technical renovation work carried out by STIB to renew the Tram Experience concept. While maintaining the B2C offer, the Tram Experience will extend its efforts to attract more B2B customers.
7.7.3. TICKETING MISSIONS The aim of the Ticketing team is to facilitate the booking of tickets for the events of visit.brussels and Brussels cultural operators, enabling access to their events for a wide audience via the agenda.brussels & Arsene50 websites.
7.7.4. CAMPAIGNS In 2020, this team will continue to integrate new ticketing software to optimise the user experience, and will seek new partnerships with cultural venues to expand its offer. In 2020, the aim is to sell at least 130,000 " Box Office " tickets and 35,000 " Arsène 50 " tickets.
The Internal Sales department is aiming for an occupancy rate of 80 % for the BIP rooms and 90 % for the Tram Experience. As regards the BIP, the aim is to propose at least 500 events there each year.
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7.8. ADVERTISING AND SPONSORING 7.8.1. MISSIONS This team optimises the product and event offer of visit. brussels for advertisers. It seeks sponsors for the events organised by visit.brussels, and maintains contacts with its partners.
7.8.2. CAMPAIGNS In 2020, the Advertising and Sponsoring team plans to : • reinforce existing sponsoring contracts; • develop visibility reports in order to approach potential new sponsors; • continue long-term sponsorship of visit.brussels’ key events ( Tram Experience, EAS, Frunch, Comic Strip Festival, etc. ).
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7.9. MANAGEMENT CONTROL A Brussels-Capital Region government decree requires visit.brussels to measure the accomplishment of its strategic and operational objectives, as set out in notes and guidance letters, management contracts, strategic plans of representatives of government departments and agencies, and annual operational plans of administrative units. The mission of the Management Control department is to carry out an evaluation of the organisation’s performance.
7.9.1. CAMPAIGNS To achieve this, the Management Control department has laid down operational and strategic Key Performance Indicators ( KPIs ), which it manages by setting up an internal dashboard. It communicates the results of its evaluations to the Management Committee and responds to any requests from the region.
7.10. CONTRACT MANAGEMENT The mission of this department is to lay down general rules for drawing up contracts ( with customers and suppliers ), and to verify that they are complied with, in collaboration with project managers. It helps the various visit.brussels departments and teams to achieve their objectives, by laying down effective contractual procedures, preventing potential litigation risks and collaborating in the settlement of disputes.
7.10.1. CAMPAIGNS In 2020, the Contract Management department will develop a process to facilitate the management of public contracts in all departments, including the development of standard specifications. It will organise awareness raising workshops for legal questions ( OOBCC ), intended for all employees of the organisation. Finally, it will ensure the launch of the new procedure to manage purchase orders.
7.11. INTERNAL CONTROL 7.11.1. MISSIONS The Internal Control department helps control activities, and improve the effectiveness of operations and the efficient use of resources, taking into account operational, financial and regulatory risks. It ensures compliance with laws, regulations, instructions and guidelines set by the regional government. Lastly, it monitors the company’s internal processes and the reliability of financial and budgetary information.
7.11.2. CAMPAIGNS The Internal Control department will ensure compliance with administrative and financial procedures, and the follow-up of its risk mitigation recommendations. As such, in 2020, it will set up a Risk Management Committee. In addition, it will conduct training activities for visit. brussels staff, by organising internal workshops.
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8. GLOSSARY • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
AC Forum : Association & Conference Forum ANIMA : The Brussels International Animation Film festival ASAE : American Society of Association Executives ASO : Amaury Sport Organization ATM : Arabian Travel Market Atrium : Agence Régional du Commerce B2B : Business to Business B2C : Business to Costumer BANAD-festival : Brussels Art Nouveau & Art Deco festival ABAE : Agence Bruxelloise pour l’Accompagnement de l’Entreprise Bid books : application candidate BIE : Brussels Invest & Export BIFFF : Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival BIP : House of the Capital Region BKO : Brussels Kunstenoverleg BME : Brussels Meeting Experience BRIC : Brazil, Russia, India en China BRUZZ : weekly magazine for Dutch speaking in Brussels BUP : Brussels Planning and Heritage CMS : Content Management System COCOF : Commission communautaire française BOIC : Belgian Olympic and Interfederal Committee CRM : Customer Relationship Management DCM : Destination Management Company DMO : Destination Marketing Organization EAS : European Association Summit eB! experience Brussels EUFCN : European Film Commission Network Fam Trips : “familiarization trip; ERDF : European Regional Development Fund FITUR : Feria Internacional de Turismo GT Tourism : (Group travail) : work group Hub.brussels : The New Agency for Company support in Brussels IAPCO : International Association of professional Conference Organizers IBGE : Institut Bruxellois pour la Gestion de l’Environnement IBTM : Incentive, Business Travel & Meetings Exhibition ICCA : International Congress & Convention Association ICOMOS : International Council on Monuments and Sites ICT : Information & Communication Technogoly IMEX : Worldwide Exhibition for Incentive Travel, Meetings and Events ITB : International Tourismus Börse (Berlijn)
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ANNEXES • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
KPI : Key Performance Indicators KU Leuven : Katholieke Universiteit Leuven LGBT : Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender M & I : Meetings & Incentives MAD : Brussels mode-en design platform MAPIC : The International Retail Property Market MICE : Meetings, Incentives, Congresses and Events MIPIM : The World’s Leading Property Event OOBCC : Ordonnance organique budget, comptabilité et au contrôle OTA : Online travel agents PCMA : Professional Convention Management Association PCO : Professional Conference Organizers RAB : Réseaux des Arts à Bruxelles GDPR : General Data Protection Regulation ROI : Return on investment SAP : System application production SEC : Système européen des comptes STIB : Brussels Intercommunal Transport Company TO : tour operator UIA : Union of International Associations UNESCO : The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UP-festival : International Circus Biennial VAF : Vlaams Audiovisueel Fonds WHO : Wholesalers WTM : World Travel Market
Executive committee • • • •
Ahmed Medhoune, President Frank Lelon, Vice-President Patrick Bontinck, CEO Geert Cochez, Deputy CEO
Board of Directors • • • • • • • • •
Ahmed Medhoune, President Frank Lelon, Vice-President Alexandre Dermine Benoît Miller Vanessa Rigodanzo Pieter Van Damme Charles-Eric Vilain XIIII Karine Lalieux, Representative of the City of Brussels Marion Lemesre, Representative of the association of the city and municipalities of the Brussels-Capital Region
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Pieter Van Damme Charles-Eric Vilain XIIII Karine Lalieux, Representative of the City of Brussels Marion Lemesre, Representative of the association of the city and municipalities of the Brussels-Capital Region Ariane Deguelle, Square David Boon, Brussels Expo Frédéric François, Febelux Marc Van Muylders, Horeca Tim Beernaert, La Monnaie Pieter Van der Gheynst, Conseil des musées Olivier Poulaert, B&B Michaël Merchiers, Attractions & Tourisme Lynn Cailliau, BKO Noémie Vanden Haezevelde, RAB Julie Almau Gonzalez, Atomium Christian Bouchat, FGTB Grace Papa, CSC Rodolphe Van Weyenbergh, BHA
General Assembly
Management Committee
• • • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • •
Ahmed Medhoune, President Frank Lelon, Vice-President Alexandre Dermine Karine Lalieux Marion Lemesre Benoît Miller Vanessa Rigodanzo Pieter Van Damme Charles-Eric Vilain XIIII Jérôme De Mot Nancy Ngoma Tom Reinhard
Strategic Committee • • • • •
Ahmed Medhoune, President Frank Lelon, Vice-President Alexandre Dermine Benoît Miller Vanessa Rigodanzo
Patrick Bontinck, CEO Geert Cochez, Deputy CEO Majid Riahi, CFO Micha Kapetanovic Elisabeth Van Ingelgem, Director
Secretary General • Véronique Cordier The Team of visit.brussels The composition and contact details of the visit.brussels team are available at www.visit.brussels > About > Discover the team.
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E.R. / V.U. : P. BONTINCK – visit.brussels, RUE ROYALE / KONINGSSTRAAT, 2-4 – 1000 BRUXELLES / BRUSSEL