Ieper 2012

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Grote Markt 34 | 8900 BE-Ieper | Tel. +32 (0)57 239 220 |

Introduction Contents 2 INTRODUCTION








15 FIRST WORLD WAR 17 RECREATION 19 GROUPS 19 Ypres... always

something to do in 2012 20 THREE TOWNS ON THE


21 RESTAURANTS Ypres Tourist Office Cloth Hall | Grote Markt 34 | BE-8900 Ieper Tel. +32 (0)57 239 220 | Fax: +32 (0)57 239 275 |

Ypres 2012 |


Ypres is a city with a very rich and varied past. During the Middle Ages Ypres was a flourishing trading centre. In those days Ypres was one of the main Flemish cloth centres next to Bruges and Ghent. The impressive cloth hall bears witness to this golden age. Saint Martin’s cathedral and the splendid ramparts also date back to this period. During the First World War the charming town was reduced to a heap of rubble. Ypres was almost entirely destroyed by four years of senseless violence. The citizens of Ypres rebuilt their city with respect for the past.



Opening hours: Daily from 9 am to 6 pm (Saturdays, Sundays- and public holidays as from 10 am) From 16 November through Mars from 9 am to 5 pm. Closed on 25/12 and 01/01 Colophon Editorial & coördination: Toerisme Ieper | Michelle Martens Graphic design: Grafische dienst Ieper | Frederik Pattyn Fotography: Stad Ieper | Tijl Capoen B.AD Michiel Hendryckx

The city is surrounded by a green belt, the ramparts. You can walk along them from the Ammunition Dump past the Menin Gate up to the former open swimming pool. The Menin Gate is the greatest war monument under which the Last Post is sounded every evening at 8 pm to keep the memory of the many victims alive. The In Flanders Fields Museum tells the story and the memories of WWI by means of personal testimonies and modern techniques. The surroundings of Ypres have a great deal to offer also. This brochure will help you discover Ypres. It lists the places of interest, sites, museums, events … The city map and the map of the surroundings will act as a guideline.

Visit the brand new Visitors Centre for Ypres and the Westhoek, located in the western wing of the Cloth Hall. There you will discover the many assets of Ypres, the Westhoek and French Flanders, over the border. The new In Flanders Fields Museum will reopen on the 11th of June 2012. 50 % larger, a more thorough personal approach, an entirely new scenography will immerse you in the history of the First World War. You will also be able to visit the Belfry Tower from that date onwards. On the 13th of May 2012 the 43rd Cat Parade will pass through the streets of Ypres. This parade and its many great acts guarantee a fun day in Ypres.

New In Flanders Fields Museum ▸ Info: In Flanders Fields Museum Grote Markt 34 | BE-8900 Ieper Tel. +32(0)57 239 220

The new In Flanders Fields Museum reopens in the Cloth Hall of Ypres on the 11th of June 2012. The renovation goes a lot further than just a new layout and embellishments. The museum will not only be larger, it will also provide the visitors with a more intense perception and richer experience.

▸ Opening hours 2012:


Open: 11 June - 15 November every day from 10 am to 6 pm

- the new museum is 50% larger - new education space where schools can organise workshops - new and larger knowledge centre, also at the Cloth Hall - new museum café with more than 100 seats - new and larger museum shop - more visitor’s comfort (new foyer and sanitary facilities, new stairs and lifts)

A more intense experience: - use of the most recent museum techniques - the visitor discovers 4 personal stories with the ‘poppy’ bracelet: automatic language choice + a special souvenir

A richer visit: - possibility to visit the Belfry tower

16 November - 31 December from Tuesday to Sunday from 10 am to 5 pm (ticket sale stops 1 hour before closing)

▸ Prices: Adults: ................................................................................... € 8,00 Youths 7 -25 years: ..................................................... € 1,00 Children < 7 years: .......................................................... free Every visitor: ............................................................... + € 1,00 for the poppy bracelet (after the museum visit you can redeem € 1 in exchange for the bracelet) Visit Belfry Tower: ............................................... + € 2,00

3 Ypres 2012 |

Almost 100 years ago, the region of Ypres was the setting for one of the most devastating conflicts in history. As the last witness have now passed away too, the In Flanders Fields Museum more than ever is the portal to the First World War in Flanders.

13 May 2012 | 43rd Cats Festival The theme of the 2012 Cats Festival is ‘cats and mice’. You are all familiar with the legend: the Cloth Hall of Ypres was ‘crawling’ with mice. These rodents could only be eliminated with the help of a large number of cats. However, the randy tom cats also had their fun. And soon the mouse plague became a cat infestation! But how do you exterminate so many cats? By throwing them from the highest tower naturally. And this is how we came to owe the popular traditional ‘Cat Throwing’ to the many thousands of mice! You must admit: those tiny mice do provoke the cats with their irascible patter! What a fun story to act out in a parade. This is why the 43rd Cat Parade will give birth to a small mouse parade. We won’t tell you what it is but rest assured: those delightful little rodents will be present. So start practising your screams!

Arrangement - A day filled with Cat Capers In the morning you explore the grandeur of the city centre of Ypres. An experienced guide will lead you to the most beautiful treasures while narrating some remarkable Cat Parade stories on the way. In the afternoon you can take place on one of the stands on the Grote Markt or at the station and attend the Cat Parade from a privileged viewing position. Indeed, when the cat’s away … Program: 10.30 am start of the guided walk from the Tourist Office on the Grote Markt Noon: Midday meal: Kirr with three regional snacks Cod ‘over de schreve’ (in a beer/cream sauce) Ice cream 3 pm Viewing of the Cat Parade from the stand on the Grote Markt or at the station Price: € 47 pp - stand Grote Markt € 42 pp - stand Leopold III-laan/Menin Gate/Station

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Information and reservation: Ypres Tourist Office, Grote Markt 34, BE-8900 Ieper Tel. +32 (0)57 239 220 - Fax: +32 (0)57 239 275 - Stand tickets: Leopold III-laan/Menin Gate/Station: € 15 pp Grote Markt: € 20 pp Access to the parade route is free

Cats Cut Kitties | 29 April 2012 2 p.m. | CC Het Perron The third edition of Cats Cut Kitties will be held on Sunday 29 April, two weeks before the Cats Festival. This award allows young hairdressers to demonstrate their creativity. They create a spectacular cat hairstyle with matching clothes and makeup. The models are presented on the catwalk at 5 pm!

Saturday 12 May 2012 Afternoon: Fun activity for kids on the Ypres ramparts and in the city centre 8.30 pm: Announcement Parade – Witches and cats predict the parade Fire Spectacle on the Esplanade

Sunday 13 May 2012 3 pm 6 pm 7 pm

start of the Cat Parade in the Leopold III-laan Cat Throwing from the Belfry Tower Witches Procession on the Grote Markt

Things to see | Places to visit 1

Cloth Hall | Belfry

The Cloth Hall served as a covered sales and storage place for cloth on the (now vaulted) waterway called the Ieperlee. The construction of the hall was completed in 1304. During the 1914-18 war the building was completely destroyed except for a section of the tower and a couple of walls. The reconstruction occurred under the guidance of architects J. Coomans and P.A. Pauwels.


The sturdy Belfry (70m) projects from the middle of the long face (125 m) of the building. The present spire with its openwork helmet and dragon (1692) was restored to its original form. Originally, the bottom tower section was used as a treasury. The middle section used to be an arms depot. The “Cat throwing” occurred from this floor. The 49 bells of the carillon are suspended in the “Bellringer’s house”. Above the central archway entrance “Donkerpoort”, under the coat of arms, is a statue of Our Lady of Thuyne, the patron of Ypres.

The 1st Floor of the Cloth Hall can be visited via the In Flanders Fields museum, open as from 11 June 2012. You can combine a museum visit with a visit to the Belfry tower. The Visitors Centre for Ypres and the Westhoek, the Museum Knowledge Centre, the museum café and the museum entrance are located on the ground floor.


Townhall | Nieuwerck

The Nieuwerck was built in 1619 against the east face of the hall and town hall. Resting on a row of pointed arches with large cross windows and a classical church window, this construction still has a fairly Gothic appearance, however, the decorations in the tympanums tend towards the Renaissance.



In the council chamber there is a splendid stain glass window after a design by Arno Brys and draft of murals by Charles Degroux (ca. 1870). This chamber is open to the public during the opening hours of the town hall.


The cathedral is a former Episcopal church in Gothic style reconstructed after the First World War. Bishop Jansenius and Count Robert of Bethune, the “Lion of Flanders” are buried here. There is also a beautiful side altar with an altarpiece and the miracle statue of Our Lady of Thuyne. The cathedral is open to the public, except during worship. (closed between noon and 2 pm). The tower is 100 m high and is not open to the public. The Lapidarium contains the old ruins of Saint Martin’s deanery. The Monastery building can be visited on the north side of the cathedral.

5 Ypres 2012 |

3 Saint-Martin’s



Memorial Church

This Anglican church was built in 1928-29 following the plans of London architect Sir Reginald Blomfield. This “Memorial Church” holds many reminders of the First World War. Everything down to the furniture was donated by British associations, regiments or individuals. This church is open to the public daily. (April September from 9.30 am till 8 pm; October - March from 9.30 am till 4.30 pm)


Cloister Gate | Theatre

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4 Saint-George’s

6 Old Seignory




15th century. The facade of this building displays a series of medallions representing the seven deadly sins. It was temporarily used as a town hall after the First World War.

7 Courthouse On the Grote Markt. Built by Arch. J. Coomans in Flemish Renaissance style. The hospital of Our Blessed Lady was located here before the First World War.

8 Menin


This well-known British war monument of WW1 was built in classic style after a design by Sir Reginald Blomfield. This gate displays the names of 54,896 soldiers missing in action. Every evening at 8 pm the Last Post is sounded.

9 Saint-James’


The choir dates back to the 14th century; the lower church is in Late Gothic style. The tower was built in 1636 and was given a stone spire during the reconstruction.


10 Irish

Cross | Munster War Memorial

The Irish Cross was built to commemorate the soldiers originating from the Province of Munster (Ireland), who fell in the Ypres Salient during the First World War.

11 Saint-Peter’s


A section of the west tower and one of the crossing pillars are all that remain of this originally Romanesque church (12th century).


Wooden house

The wooden house in the Rijselsestraat is a reconstruction of a 16th century house. At the beginning of the 19th century Ypres had more than 90 wooden houses. This house is not open to the public.


Lille Gate

The oldest still standing town gate with Burgundian towers (14th century).





18 19


Het Steen

The only preserved Ypres Steen (a stone house in the Middle Ages) was built at the end of the 13th century.


Merghelynck Hotel-Museum This stately building was built in 1774 after Lille master builder Thomas Gombert. François Merghelynck was the treasurer of Empress Maria-Theresia. See heading “Museums”.

16 Belle Almshouse This almshouse was one of the many foundations set up to care for the poor around 1276. The buildings were renovated in the 16th and 17th century. The most important items such as paintings and furniture have been gathered in the chapel. See also heading “Museums”.

Butcher’s House

The ground floor was built around 1275. The brick floor (1530) is crowned with 2 decorative stepped gables.


Old Fish Market | Fish Gate

In the old tollhouse (1899), also called Minckhuisje, the fishmongers had to pay toll. A little further there are two covered stalls. The Fish Gate with Neptune, the god of the sea, was originally built in 1714.


Ypres Reservoir Cemetery 20

Ramparts Cemetery

Commonwealth military cemeteries.

21 Commonwealth

War Graves Commission

The headquarters of the British Department for Military Cemeteries in Northern Europe is located in the Elverdingestraat 82. Visitors can request information on these cemeteries here. Tel. +32 (0)57 223 636, Fax: +32 (0)57 218 014,


Saint-Nicolas’ Church

This church is a new construction in Romanesque-Byzantine style. There is little to remind you of the former church. The parish has been abolished since 1994 and today the church houses the Municipal Museum of Education. See heading “Museums”.


Ramparts War Museum

Located near Lille Gate and the Ramparts Cemetery. Can be accessed via the café “’t Klein Rijsel”. See heading “Museums”.


Guild houses

On the Veemarkt stand Ypres facades of the 17th century (reconstruction).

7 Ypres 2012 |





34 35


The Gothic stepped gable dates back to 1544. This house clearly betrays influences of Bruges. The facade survived the First World War virtually unscathed.


31 Sluice

Biebuyck House

Cloth Hall Model

Gift of the Kiwanis service club. Executed in bronze. Explanatory text in Braille.

A low door, also at street level and to the right of Lille Gate, gives access to the sluice doors thus allowing to control both the lower lying Ieperlee and the rampart moats. The Ieperlee crosses the city from south to north and was navigable until the 15th century; today is it covered. Can only be visited with a guide.

32 Municipal

27 Casemats Vaulted rooms in the ramparts. Can only be visited with a guide.

28 Old

29 The


30 Gatekeeper’s

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33 Menin


Access to this vaulted room is at street level, to the left of Lille Gate. It is claimed that this is where staff officers of British Commander Plumer prepared the attack of 7 June 1917. That is when 19 depth mines were detonated under the German lines. Can only be visited with a guide.


Gate Model

Gift of the Kiwanis service club. Executed in bronze. Explanatory text in Braille.


The icehouse is a cylindrical cellar built in the rampart. This isolated space was used to store the blocks of ice that had been sawn out of the moats during frosty spells. The ice was not only used as a preservative but also as an anti-fever agent and as an anaesthetic for medical purposes. Can only be visited with a guide.

36 Australian



Lion’s Tower and Dominican’s Tower

Both towers belonged to the mediaeval fortifications. The ground floor and the vaulted access to these towers have been well preserved.

35 Ammunition

Commemorative Plaque Set up in 1993 to commemorate the more than 43,000 Australian soldiers who fell in the Ypres Salient during the First World War.

37 Indian


This monument was erected at the initiative of the Indian government. The British-Indian troops first saw action to the south of Ypres on 25 October 1914.

38 Ypres


Designed by Aloïs De Beule and unveiled on Sunday 27 June 1926, to honour the Ypres war victims, civilians and soldiers. The Ypres soldiers departed for the front from here. Since 2010 there is also a memorial plaque for the Ypres civilian victims of both World Wars.


The ammunition dump dates back to 1817 and was built on the foundations of a former French ammunition dump by the army of the Netherlands under William I. The building survived WWI, and was restored in 1998. During a guided visit you will be given an audiovisual presentation of the rampart and town history. Can only be visited with a guide.

A yellow line has been drawn in the city map in this brochure. Follow this yellow line along the main places of interest in the city to obtain a good idea of what Ypres has to offer.

32 32


Museums 32

Municipal Museum

In the former Saint John’s Almshouse the history of the age-old city of Ypres is displayed by means of old maps, prints, paintings, photos and pictures. Overview of Fine Arts in Ypres from the 16th century to the present day: paintings, sculptures, silverware, tin, showpiece furniture and porcelain. Splendid collection of pastels by Louise Dehem (1866-1922).

▸ Practical information: Ieperleestraat 31 | Ieper Tel. +32 (0) 57 239 220 |

▸ Opening hours: Daily from 10 am to 12.30 noon and from 2 pm to 5 pm (from April through October until 6 pm) Closed on Mondays, 25/12, 01/01

▸ Price:

To 14/10/2012

€ 2,50 pp → free with an entrance ticket to the In Flanders Fields Museum.

Picturesque Ypres: Ypres seen through the eyes of artists Exhibition in the Municipal Museum In the past year a digital inventory was drawn up of more than 140 paintings, kept in one of the five municipal museums of Ypres: the Arthur Merghelynck HotelMuseum, the In Flanders Fields Museum, the Belle Almshouse Museum, the Museum of Education and the Municipal Museum. All these works were also digitally photographed and are discussed in a “picturesque” new book: “Picturesque Ypres”.

9 Ypres 2012 |

The Municipal Museum of Ypres now presents more than 100 of these works. To this end almost half the rooms were emptied. The visitor is shown a striking chronological picture of Ypres as seen through the eyes of artists. Painter’s easels were not only positioned in the best known places (the Grote Markt) or before the best known buildings (Cloth Hall, Saint Martin’s Church). Far less known “picturesque” alleys and buildings were also discovered and immortalised by painters.



Merghelynck Museum

The Arthur Merghelynck Hotel Museum is at just a stone’s throw from the Grote Markt. It is established in a ‘mansion’ of 1774, designed by Lille architect Thomas Gombert in a transition style from Rococo to Neo-Classicism. After the First World War this mansion was faithfully rebuilt. A great deal of the contents of the house could be saved in time. This museum is probably Ypres least known but most special museum. This is where Arthur Merghelynck opened his

private museum dedicated to the lifestyle of the nobility in the 18th century in 1894. Excessively decorated stylish rooms succeed one another: a boudoir, a ‘golden drawing room’, but also intimate rooms like the bedrooms, the private drawing room or the Flemish kitchen. Everything is presented in such a way that you believe the rightful owners have just left the house for a couple of minutes. The archaeological collection of the city of Ypres is housed in the coach houses: 800 objects of the middle ages illustrate the ups and downs of the cloth industry.

16 16

▸ Practical information: Merghelynckstraat 2 | Ypres Tel. +32 (0)57 239 220 Fax: +32 (0)57 239 275 |

▸ Opening hours: Throughout the year this museum can only be visited by groups accompanied by a guide. Every visit must be requested through Tourism Ypres well in advance.

▸ Price: € 1,25 pp guide: € 50 (max. 25 pers./guide)


Belle Almshouse Museum

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The Bell Almshouse Museum exhibits the most beautiful items from the rich collection of the Ypres Public Social Welfare Centre (O.C.M.W.). Make sure you do not miss the painting of the Blessed Virgin. It was painted in 1420 and is one of the oldest paintings in Belgium. The museum also houses some remarkable items of furniture such as a unique linen press of the 17th century and the only tapestry owned by Ypres.

▸ Practical information: Rijselstraat 38 | Ypres Tel. +32 (0)57 239 220 |

▸ Opening hours: Daily from 10 am to 12.30 noon and from 2 pm to 6 pm. Closed from 1 November to 31 March and on Mondays.

▸ Price: € 2,50 pp → free with an entrance ticket to the In Flanders Fields Museum

22 22 Stedelijk

Onderwijsmuseum This museum is housed in the former Saint Nicholas church, a rarity in Flanders. The Museum of Education outlines the history of school education in Flanders from the middle ages to the present day. This is achieved by using miscellaneous and even extremely rare objects: copy books and books, manuals, wall charts, didactic material, original photos … The two reconstructions of classrooms of 1700 and 1930 are of particular interest.

22 22

▸ Practical information: Saint-Nicolas’ Church de Stuersstraat 6A | Ypres Tel. +32 (0)57 239 220 |

▸ Opening hours: Daily from 10 am to 12.30 noon and from 2 pm to 5pm (from April through October until 6 pm) Closed on Mondays, 25/12, 01/01

▸ Price: € 2,50 pp → free with an entrance ticket to the In Flanders Fields Museum

To 24/06/2012


Ramparts War Museum

The museum exhibits lifelike decors with original material and archaeological finds. You can walk over wooden duckboards in the reconstruction of trenches and tunnels. See, hear and experience the horror and madness of the First World War!

▸ Practical information: Rijselstraat 208 | Ypres Tel. +32 (0)57 200 236

▸ Opening hours: 10.30 am through 8 pm. Closed on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

▸ Price: € 3,00 pp

The Big Secret! Dealing with carnality and sexuality in education and training during the 20th century. Today it is obvious that children are taught sexual education at school. But until quite recently the subject was unmentionable. Not only at school, but at home too. If you grew up in a middle class environment hundred years ago you more than probably never got to hear about the birds and the bees.


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The exhibition The big secret illustrates the changing opinions on physicality and unveils the evolution of our attitude towards sexuality.


c a

Burghers as host

Six terracotta scale models show the evolution of Ypres: from agrarian settlement to a lively city. Household goods and beautifully decorated tiles tell you about daily life in the 15th and 16th century. There are also ruins from the First World War. This exploratory expedition ends in the “Steengoed Idee”, a ceramics store.

▸ Practical information: Kauwekijnstraat 5 | Ypres Tel. +32 (0)57 334 965

▸ Opening hours: This site can only be visited in the company of a guide and after reservation.


Hill 62 - Sanctuary Wood Museum

These grounds have been preserved as they were in 1918 with trenches, vaulted passageways, weapons, ammunition, slides and photos.



Hooge Crater Museum

This unique WWI museum is housed in a restored chapel in the place where one of the fiercest battles of Ypres was fought, and right opposite the ‘Hooge Crater Cemetery’. The private museum is highly recommended because of its life-sized reconstructions of war scenes, its extensive collection of weapons, equipment and photos! You can also enjoy an impressive ‘trench art’ collection in the cosy cafeteria.

Menin Road Museum

Museum with original objects and reconstructions of trenches and dug-outs.

▸ Practical information: Meenseweg 470 | 8902 Zillebeke Tel. +32 (0)57 201 136

▸ Opening hours:

▸ Practical information:

From 10 am until 10 pm. Closed on Tuesday.

Meenseweg 467 | 8902 Zillebeke Tel. +32 (0)57 468 446 Fax: +32 (0)57 468 712

▸ Price:

▸ Opening hours: From Tuesday to Sunday between 10 am and 6 pm, between 1st February and 15th December.

▸ Price: € 4,50 pp

€ 3,50 pp

e Front Line

Hooghe open air museum

A surprising number of war memories was discovered and is now carefully exhibited together with photographs of ‘t Hooghe during the Great War. There are also a few authentic bunkers in “Front Line Hooghe” of which one can be visited today

▸ Practical information:

Canadalaan 26 | 8902 Zillebeke Tel. +32 (0)57 466 373

Next to Hotel Kasteelhof ‘t Hooghe Meenseweg 481 | 8902 Zillebeke Tel. +32 (0)57 468 787


▸ Opening hours:

Ypres 2012 |

▸ Practical information:

Daily from 10 am to 6 pm.

▸ Price: € 10,00 pp

▸ Opening hours: from 10 am to 7 pm

▸ Price: € 1,00 pp

Walking | Cycling | Touring By Car ... In Flanders

Fields Route

The In Flanders Fields route is approximately 80 km long and is the ideal trip for exploring a number of major First World War sites and some other highlights in the region in one day. The objectoriented route starts from Ypres and takes you along secondary roads: important stops are Essex Farm in Boezinge with the John McCrae site, the Langemark Soldatenfriedhof and the Canadien in Langemark, the Memorial Museum Passchendaele 1917 of Zonnebeke, the French cemetery Saint-Charles de Potyze, Messines with its museum and peace carillon, Kemmel and Poperinge with Talbot House and the Hop Museum. → This map is available from the Tourist Office. A number of private organisations offer daily minibus trips with an English guide. → For more information:

By cycle … Cycle network fo the Westhoek A cycling network is a series of cycling paths signposted in both directions. There is a panel at each intersection stating the intersection number and the direction indicator to the next intersections. The Westhoek cycling network offers almost 1,000 kilometres of cycling enjoyment in one of the most beautiful touristic regions of Flanders. There is a map for the North and one for the South of the Westhoek, which also

Cycle rental includes Ypres. By means of the Ypres Salient map based on the intersections you will discover the landscape of the Ypres Salient on your cycle.

Themed ride on the cycling network Ypres Salient The Ypres Salient themed cycle route uses the junction signposting of the Westhoek cycle network. The Ypres Salient area was one of the most notorious areas along the whole of the Western Front during the First World War. This route links the modern-day appearance of the landscape to the historical facts. → These maps are available from the Tourist Office.

Peace route This 45 km long and entirely signposted cycling route starts and ends in Ypres. The route follows the Ypres Salient, the arched front line around Ypres, and first takes you to the provincial domain De Palingbeek and the sites of

Cycles can be rented in the city camping: ‘Jeugdstadion’ (from the 1st of March until the 12th of November

▸ Practical information: Camping Jeugdstadion, Bolwerkstraat 1 Tel. +32 (0)57 217 282 Fax: +32 (0)57 216 121 Hotel Ambriosia in d’Hondstraat rent also a limited number of cycles.

Solex rental You can discover Ypres and its surroundings in an original and fun way: by solex! This authentic means of transport of the Fifties and Sixties summons a nostalgic feeling for carefree, fun times of the past in many people. You can discover various defined routes around Ypres, Poperinge and Heuvelland by solex. The routes are stored in a user-friendly GPS and show you the culture and history of Ypres, but also the beautiful nature around Poperinge and Heuvelland. Not for individual renting.

▸ Price: € 30/pp for 1/2 day € 50/pp for a full day → More info:

13 Ypres 2012 |

Hill 60 and Hill 62. You then proceed to Zonnebeke and the British Tyne Cot Cemetery. You then go on to Langemark and to the German Soldatenfriedhof. The return ride takes you along Essex Farm Cemetery. This is where John McCrae wrote his war poem “In Flanders Fields”. → This map is available from the Tourist Office.

On foot ... Ramparts The ramparts of Ypres are the best preserved in our country. Their story started ten centuries ago when the town originated on the banks of the Ieperlee. Initially, the ramparts were little more than an earth wall with moats. Later stone walls and towers were added. Later still they developed into a complex structure with bastions, advance redoubts, moats and walls. The signposted route is 2.6 km long and will lead you along a quiet 90 minute walk. Along the route 23 information panels provide information on the various facets of Vauban’s ramparts.

Free folder available from the Tourist Office.

Heritage foothpath Ypres You will see bronze rivets with the outline of the Cloth Hall, the cathedral and the Menin gate at about every street corner. Bronze rivets are the signposting of the new provincial heritage footpath. The heritage footpath is 5.3 km long and provides the most complete footpath in the Ypres inner city. Three themes have been more thoroughly developed in the brochure. The first relates to the belfry which is classified as a world heritage site and the Cloth Hall. The second theme focuses on the personality of Arthur Merghelynck. This nobleman put his stamp on the ‘Hotel’ of the same name which now is a museum. A third perspective illustrates the reconstruction of the city after the First World War. Ypres, as a heritage site, is observed from three perspectives in three different ways.

The map is available from the tourism office.

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First World War

The Last Post Menin Gate

Every evening at 8 pm precisely the “Last Post” has been sounded since 1928 under the imposing arches of Menin Gate. This memorial shaped like a Roman triumphal arch displays the names of 54,896 soldiers of the then British empire who went missing in action. This memorial lists the names from the beginning of the war until 15 August 1917. The soldiers, who went missing after 16 August 1917 until the end of the war, are mentioned on panels at Tyne Cot Cemetery in Passchendaele. There are 34,984 of them. The Menin Gate was built in the location of the old mediaeval gate. During the First World War the British troops marched through this “gate” to defend the “Ypres Salient”. After the First World War grateful citizens set up the Last Post Association. The former enemies fell in almost as great numbers and are also involved in this solemn ceremony. From 1 January through 31 December and in all weather conditions the buglers of the Last Post Association sound the “Last Post”. On 11 November at 11 am a special Last Post ceremony takes place to commemorate the Armistice. → More information:

In the nineteen twenties more than 150 military cemeteries were built in and around the city and monuments were erected, Menin Gate being the most important. These monuments and cemeteries as well as the rebuilt houses, some of which were faithfully restored,

New Knowledge Centre In Flanders Fields

The knowledge centre owns more than 11.000 books on the First World War, 1000 topographic maps, an extensive photographic library, hundreds of newspapers and magazines from the period 1914-1918 and many original documents, such as letters and diaries.

As from the opening of the new In Flanders Fields Museum the Knowledge Centre will also be housed in the Cloth Hall and will be open from Monday through Friday during the opening hours of the museum.

still remind us today of the senselessness of war and of this most tragic period in the history of Ypres.

Yorkshire Trench & Dug-out

In 1997 the construction of a new industrial estate along the Ypres –Yser canal was started. During the works many remnants of the Great War surfaced. This is where the In Flanders Fields Museum (together with The Diggers) restored Yorkshire Trench to the original route of the British trench. The entrance and exit of the ‘deep dug-out’ of 1917 can also be seen.

Always open, to be reached via the Oostkaai – Bargiestraat

Canal Dyke John McCrae Site

Along the Ypres-Yser canal lies the well known site ‘Essex Farm Cemetery’ where John McCrae wrote his world famous poem ‘In Flanders Fields’ near this advanced dressing station on 2 and 3 May 1915. Today next to the military cemetery you can visit the fortified shelters in the canal banks as well as the actual canal dyke. Information panels and a footpath guide you through this valuable site. Fifteen year old Joe Strudwick was also buried in this place, he was one of the youngest British casualties.

Always open, to be reached via Diksmuidseweg

15 Ypres 2012 |

From October 1914 until October 1918 the battlefield was barely a few kilometres away from the centre. The trenches had been dug from North to South to form an arc around Ypres. In that famous Ypres Salient no fewer than five bloody battles were fought.

Military Cemeteries There are no Belgian or German cemeteries on the territory of Ypres. The largest Belgian cemetery in the area is located in Houthulst. Other Belgian cemeteries are located in Oeren, Hoogstade, Keiem, Ramskapelle, Steenkerke, West-Vleteren and Adinkerke. The German cemeteries can be found in Langemark (including students), Vladslo (sculpture group K채the Kollwitz), Hooglede and MeninWevelgem. St. Charles de Potyze is a French military cemetery along the Zonnebeekseweg where more than 4000 French soldiers were laid to rest.

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There are some 75 Commonwealth war cemeteries on Ypres territory. Two can be reached on foot from the Grote Markt namely Ypres Reservoir Cemetery (19) and Ramparts Cemetery (20). In the immediate vicinity of the centre there is Bedford House Cemetery (Rijselseweg) or Menin Road South Military Cemetery (Meenseweg).

Commonwealth War Graves Commission

The Commonwealth War Graves Commission was founded by Royal Charter in 1917 and is responsible for the marking and the maintenance of the Commonwealth war dead who fell during the First and Second World War. The Commission cares for a total of 1,7 million casualties in 149 countries. The funding of its work comes from the 6 Commonwealth countries of which the United Kingdom funds around 78% of the whole budget. The office based in Ieper, is responsible for the care of the Commonwealth war cemeteries and memorials in 11 countries in Northern Europe (Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland and Sweden) and employs over 200 staff to carry out its operations.

More information on the Commission and its work is obtainable from their website or from the following address: Elverdingestraat 82, 8900 Ypres, Tel. +32 (0)57 223 636


Recreation Bellewaerde Park

Meenseweg 497 | 8902 Zillebeke Tel. +32 (0)57 468 686 Fax: +32 (0)57 467 595

Unique surroundings for equally unique rides, the exotic Bellewaerde Park will delight all lovers of strong sensations, nature and escapism. Bellewaerde Park’s distinguishes itself with a wide variety of attractions, spread out over six - fun for the whole family and unforgettable experiences. It’s adventure with a capital A!


b Provincial

domain De Palingbeek

Visitors’ Centre De Palingbeek Vaartstraat 7 | 8902 Zillebeke Tel. +32 (0)57 230 840 At just a stone’s throw from Ypres, amidst a rolling and woody landscape, lies the provincial domain De Palingbeek. Ponds and marshes, old and young woods, orchards and flowery meadows, sunbathing areas or a playground alternate.


The abundance of biotopes guarantees a rich fauna and flora. Extensive signposted walking paths lead you to the most beautiful spots. With a little luck you may well meet the shepherd. The difficult grounds along the old canal are grazed by his flock of sheep. Pop into AstroLAB IRIS or visit the garden and animals of the Environmental Farm. Four attempts to dig a canal between Ypres and Comines and the violence of World War I left their mark in the landscape. In the Visitors’ Centre De Palingbeek you can delve into this rich past. You can also enjoy a drink and a snack in the cafeteria. In short, there is a great deal going on in De Palingbeek.

b c


Ypres Open Golf Dehemlaan 24 | Ypres Tel. +32 (0)57 216 688 Fax: +32 (0)57 218 210 Golf court with 9 holes at 3 km from the town centre. Golfclub De Palingbeek Eekhofstraat 14 | 8902 Hollebeke Tel. +32 (0)57 200 436 Fax: +32 (0)57 218 958


Golf court with 18 holes in the provincial domain De Palingbeek.

17 Ypres 2012 |








Sportcentrum Ypres LeopoldIII-laan 18 | Ypres Tel. +32 (0)57 239 400 Fax: +32 (0)57 239 409 The municipal swimming pool has one large and two small pools. There are two slides, a warm air wall and a sunbathing area for extra swimming enjoyment.


Ypres Beach

Lange Torhoutstraat 54 | Ypres Tel. +32 (0)477 641 819 or Tel. +32 (0) 472 497 794

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During the summer months you can also sunbathe in Ypres! The former outdoor swimming pool has been converted into a beach with ponds.







Sailing - Yzerstar

Pacific Eiland Eiland 2 (vlakbij Esplanade) | Ypres Tel. +32 (0)57 200 528

During a 4 hour boat trip between Diksmuide and Ypres we will connect the 2 different fronts. We will sail both the Yser and the Ypres-Yser canal.

Row a boat on one of the lakes or on the moats as an enjoyable alternative for discovering Ypres. Boat rentals as from 1 April through to the end of October.

This trip has a lot more to offer besides the story of the war. The impressive lowland of the Broeken along the Yser or the magnificent nature of the Ypres-Yser canal, one of the prettiest waterways of Flanders, will leave no-one untouched. The locks of Boezinge-dorp and Boezinge-sas ensure, today too, that we can bridge the level difference between the hills of the Ypres Salient and the lowland of the Yser front while sailing. The “sluicing” always is an exciting and impressive experience! Dates and info: → More information:


Ypres... always something to do

As a group you can reserve the services of a guide for a city walk, a tour or a museum visit. Please submit your reservation to the Tourist Office at least 2 weeks in advance.

There is always something happening in Ypres. Below you can find a list of events scheduled in 2011. → A complete list can be found on

MARS 02-10/03 Kattenfoor (amusement fair) 11/03 Kattenkoers (cycling tour) APRIL 06/04 - 08/04 De Gevleugelde Stad Street Theatre Festival 09/04 Flower Market 14/04-15/04 Local Taste Market 29/04 Cats Cut Kitties Hairdressing competition to announce the Cats Festival MAY 12/05 Announcement for the Cats’ Parade with fireworks 13/05 43rd Cats’ Parade 18/05 - 20/05 100 km of Ypres (international walking tour) JUNE 03/06 Holy Blood procession Voormezele 11/06 Opening New In Flanders Fields Museum 15/06 - 18/06 Dolle Dagen (sales in Ypres) 21/06 - 23/06 Geko Ypres Rally 29/06 Flanders Music Land (music event)

AUGUST 04/08 - 15/08 Thuyndagfair (amusement fair) 17/08 Ypres Sings 18/08 City Festival (live performances) 25/08 Closing day of the four days of the Yser (internation wlaking tour) SEPTEMBER 07/09 - 09/09 Tooghedagen (sales in Ypres) 09/09 Open Monument day 09/09 Dwars door Ieper (city run) 09/09 Finish In Flanders Fields Marathon 23/09 Ypres Memorial Tattoo NOVEMBER 10/11 4rd Stage of the Remembrance March 11/11 Commemoration of Armistice 11/11 Remembrance Concert ‘The Great War Remembered’ DECEMBER Ice rink and Christmas market

19 Ypres 2012 |

A guide costs 50 Euro for 2 hours and 25 Euro per additional hour.

→ Last Post Every evening at 8pm sounding of the Last Post under de Menin Gate → Market Every Saturday morning market on the Grote Markt of Esplanadeplein. → Musical Tuesdays Every Tuesday in July and till 7 August live performances on Sint-Maartensplein





Three Towns on the Front Line During the First World War the main scene of action was the Western Front. The Northernmost section extended over 70 km right across the Westhoek. In the North, from Nieuwpoort over Diksmuide to Steenstrate, the front line was defended by the Belgian army. At the end of October 1914 the front was divided flooding. The British and French armies were responsible for the defence of the South, from Steenstrate up to the Lys near Armentières, with the city of Ypres in the centre. Even today the Westhoek has three Towns on the Front Line, where a number of sites/museums remind us of its war history. Nieuwpoort and Diksmuide also boast many other strong points of interest that are well worth a visit.

1 Enjoy Diksmuide in an instructive, lively and interesting way ... For many years cloth weaving and butter products enriched the town of Diksmuide on the Yser. This is why you will discover many picturesque corners and an astonishing heritage during the Stadslinkwandeling (Town Link Walk) through the old historic centre, like the market with its Manneke uit de Mane (Man from the Moon) and the Town Hall, the Beguinage, the Fish Market, Saint Nicholas Church, the Small and Large Dyke, the old Flour Mills and the marina Portus Dixmuda.

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Many monuments, cemeteries and trenches remind us of the First World War 1914-1918. In the Dodengang (the Trench of Death or Mousetrap) and the Yser Tower the front is again brought to life and the sculpture of “The Mourning Parents” conveys a message of peace. In the immediate vicinity endless panoramic views invite you to walk, cycle or take a trip on the Yser. You will discover charming village centres, open spaces

and protected nature reserves. The healthy air obviously has a calming effect, however, bons vivants will soon discover a regional specialty or will enjoy the great atmosphere, particularly if they attend one of the many events. In and around Diksmuide you will find ‘rural’ accommodation as well as accommodation in the pleasant town centre, at a camping or in a star hotel, on the farm or in regional bed and breakfast facilities. In short: Diksmuide, at only 15 km from the dunes and the North Sea beaches, guarantees “instructive enjoyment” during a day trip or short holiday. Information: Toerisme Diksmuide Grote Markt 28 | BE-8600 Diksmuide Tel. +32 (0)51 519 146


Nieuwpoort: a perfect set of triplets

3 parts, 3 different characters, 3 totally different views and yet together they from one town: Nieuwpoort.

Nieuwpoort-stad remains connected to the sea and to the lively Nieuwpoortbad through the Yser estuary, which is its umbilical cord. Arguably the most beautiful cycling and walking route on the whole coast was recently built along this 3 km connection, offering a view of the enormous marina and of the nature reserve ‘De IJzermonding’. Now we come to the third triplet. At just a few kilometres from the busy coastal resort discover the charm of two small polder villages: Ramskapelle and SintJoris. Two villages that only seem to exist for walking, cycling and enjoying the tranquillity of its green landscape. By the way, did you know that due to its location on the Yser estuary Nieuwpoort enjoys a microclimate with more hours of sunshine than the rest of the coast? Information: Toerisme Nieuwpoort Marktplein 7 | BE-8620 Nieuwpoort Tel. +32 (0)58 224 444

First, there is the town centre with its mediaeval character and its tormented history. After 1918 the town was rebuilt according to the old street layout. The lock complex De Ganzenpoot, the King Albert I monument, the Town Hall are just a few silent witnesses of this glorious past. The fish market and its surroundings form the gastronomic centre of the town. Taste the sea bass in one of the fish stores or restaurants; this is a local specialty. Or taste the fresh shrimps or our first Belgian mussels that are cultivated off the coast of Nieuwpoort, and you will readily understand why we write Fresh Fish in capitals.


Restaurants Legende Closed on ... Kitchen open until ... Annual Holiday Inside seating capacity Terrace seating capacity

Menus from ... (excl. drinks) Children’s menu Accessible by wheelchair users Toilet for wheelchair users Specialities Regional specialities



Slachthuisstraat 58 | 8900 Ypres | Tel. +32 (0)57 218 218 | Fax +32 (0)57 218 799 | Bar - tea room - snacks - day menus - week menus - seasonal menus - à la carte receptions - banquets - seminars. The best guarantee for quality indulgence, be our guest!

Saturday midday, Sunday evening noon - 2 pm | 6 - 9.30 pm 1st of January/ 21st of December till 31st of December 100 72

€ 14 - € 50 yes yes seasonal, day-fresh cuisine


Au Miroir Grote Markt 12 | 8900 Ypres | Tel. +32 (0)57 204 788 | Pleasant setting on the Grote Markt of Ypres, good service, sun terrace. Restaurant/Tearoom in a nice atmosphere.

€ 14 - € 30 €7 no no pancakes, spaghetti, fish pan, fresh salads

21 Ypres 2012 |

10 pm 100 80



Kiekenmarkt 7 | 8900 Ypres | Tel. +32 (0)57 366 132 | The restaurant is located on a cobblestone square in the heart of the city of Ypres. Quality - use of day-fresh products and courtesy are our main assets. You can also enjoy a drink in our lounge section. Monday and Tuesday noon and Saturday noon 11.30 am - 2.30 pm | 6 - 11 pm 60 40 € 28 - € 45


from € 6 on yes yes grilled veal crown, warm vegetables, gratin potatoes and an ‘Ypra’ beer sauce


Grote Markt 14 | 8900 Ypres | Tel. +32 (0)57 201 760 | Fax: +32 (0)57 201 763 | Cosy brasserie-restaurant-tea room with a great view of the Grote Markt. Wide selection of excellent home-made dishes and snacks.

Tuesday 10 pm 60 44

De Fonderie

€ 7 - € 28 €6 yes yes meat stew with Tongerlo beer, fish dishes, salads, pastas,Tea room


Polenlaan 3 | 8900 Ypres | Tel. +32 (0)57 364 580 | Fax: +32 (0)57 366 320 | Trendy restaurant located at the renewed Picanol site. Lunch – month menu – à la carte. Indoor terrace - meeting room.

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Sunday and Monday 11 am - 2 pm | 6 - 10 pm 80 60

€ 20 - € 57 (Month menu, wines incl.) € 12 yes yes daily fresh products, southern inspired dishes


De Stoove

Surmont De Volsberghestraat 10 | 8900 Ypres Tel. +32 (0)57 217 948 | Mobile: +32 (0)496 308 277 or +32 (0)479 229 233 | Attractive restaurant, located at 300 metres from the Grote Markt. Honest and delicious cooking. Weekend menu at € 45 all in. Taste our mussels during the season. Tuesday evening, Wednesday and Saturday noon noon - 2 pm | 6 - 9 pm 6 - 10 pm (Friday and Saturday) Last week of July and first week of August 40

De Vier Koningen

€ 19 - € 49 € 25 yes yes Mazzarine cake of Poperinge, entrecotes, fish dishes, mussels (season)


Dikkebusseweg 148 | 8900 Ypres | Tel. +32 (0)57 448 446 | Fax: +32 (0)57 448 447 | At 1 km from the station, in the direction of Dikkebus. The kings of the card game deal spades for the bistro, clubs for the café/tea room, hearts for the banquet room with a 100 person capacity and diamonds for the multi-purpose meeting room (funerals).

Wednesday and Thursday (open for groups) noon - 2 pm | 6.30 - 9.30 pm End of February and End of August 50 - 100 50 € 35 - € 65 (all-in)

De Voerman

€ 12 yes yes From Classic to gastronomic dishes menu Vitesse at € 18 Pancakes, coffee with extras Party menus from € 35


Rijselseweg 10 | 8900 Ieper | Tel. +32 (0)479 505 849 | Pleasant restaurant located near the Ramparts of Ypres. Close to the Lille Gate. Grilled meat and fish dishes. Terrace for 100 people.

€ 30 - € 50 € 10 yes yes côte à l’os on the fireplace

23 Ypres 2012 |

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 10.30 pm 100 100

De Waterpoort


Brugseweg 43 | 8900 Ypres | Tel. +32 (0)57 205 452 | Fax: +32 (0)57 215 686 | In a trendy, warm interior with a splendid terrace, in addition to the dish of the day you can enjoy a culinary cruise through refined traditional dishes, grilled meat preparations and innovative suggestions. This restaurant will appeal to young and old who cherish atmosphere and style. Wednesday and Saturday noon 10 pm 80 40

Food & Grill Utopia

€ 20 - € 35 €6 yes yes World cuisine, grilled dishes, fresh salads


Elverdingestraat 8 | 8900 Ypres | Tel. +32 (0)475 318 888 | Utopia: the ideal meeting place for a cosy chat, an enjoyable drink or a game of snooker or pool. Utopia achieves a successful symbiosis between amusement and relaxation with outstanding cuisine as a bonus.

Wednesday - Tuesday evening (in the summer) week: 11 pm | weekend: midnight August 140 -

Gasthof ‘t Zweerd

€ 8 - € 25 €6 yes no pastas, scampi, large steaks


Grote Markt 2 | 8900 Ypres | Tel. +32 (0)57 200 475 | Fax: +32 (0)57 217 896 | Vibrant business with a new snack menu and suggestions. Daily choice between 3 course dishes of the day, spit-roasted chicken, spare ribs and gourmet grill to order. Every month there is a theme buffet with live acts and performances! Hotel with 17 beautifully refurbished rooms with bathroom.

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Tuesday 10 pm 15th till 21st of February 27th till 30th of August 12th to 23st of November 180 40 € 12 - € 80

€7 yes yes Spit-roasted chicken, chicken vol-au-vent, spare ribs, stone gourmet grill, eels, steaks Tapjesvlees, Senateur cake, eel in green herbs sauce

Het Zilveren Hoofd - De Ecurie


Rijselstraat 49 | 8900 Ypres | Tel. +32 (0)57 360 367 | Fax: +32 (0)57 364 618 | Restaurant De Ecurie is housed in the stables of the Merghelynck Museum where you can enjoy quality dishes at fair prices in a unique setting. Brasserie Het Zilveren Hoofd for fine and delightfully served salads and steaks or for a thirst quenching regional specialty. Sunday and Monday 10 pm 58 -

Hotel Regina

€ 13 - € 35 €8 yes yes salads, pasta, steak, lamb chops, fresh fish


Grote Markt 45 | 8900 Ypres | Tel. +32 (0)57 218 888 | Fax: +32 (0)57 219 020 | A brasserie and hotel with a warm welcome and an impressive view of the Cloth Hall. A day-fresh lunch, a delicious wine, a tasty coffee and allow your senses to enjoy the local dishes with a passion for perfection.

80 50

In ‘t Klein Stadhuis

€ 13,90 - € 50 € 7,90 yes no king crab and seasonal dishes


Grote Markt 32 | 8900 Ypres | Tel. +32 (0)57 215 542 | Fax: +32 (0)57 215 686 | Enjoy the warmth, style, friendliness, music, decor, creativity and fantastic view of this food-serving brasserie to meet your friends in this protected monument on the Market Square of Ypres.

€ 15 - € 30 €8 yes no shank in Tongerlo Prior, fresh salads, innovative dishes also vegetarian dishes

25 Ypres 2012 |

Sunday 10.30 pm | 11 pm (weekend) 70 50

Les Halles


Grote Markt 35 | 8900 Ypres | Tel. +32 (0)57 365 563 | Fax: +32 (0)57 215 686 | Throughout the day until late evening the attentive staff ensure a genuinely informal brasserie atmosphere, with respect for every true music lover and a great deal of attention for highly original and fresh quality dishes.

Tuesday 10 pm 120 70

New Shanghai City

€ 11 - € 20 €8 no no home made hamburgers


Vandenpeereboomplein 31 | 8900 Ypres | Tel. +32 (0)57 200 652 | Fax: +32 (0)57 363 035 | Centrally located top-class restaurant for amateurs of Chinese gastronomy – extensive parking facilities.

Monday and Tuesday noon 11.30 am - 2.30 pm | 5.30 - 11 pm 130 40

Old Tom

€ 9,50 - € 33 € 8,50 yes yes Chinese fondue, roast Peking duck


Grote Markt 8 | 8900 Ieper | Tel. +32 (0)57 201 541 | Fax: +32 (0)57 219 120 | Gastronomic restaurant known for its eel preparations, lobster and mussels. Fine wine cellar, whole range of regional beers. Tavern with smaller meals.

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Wednesday noon - 2.30 pm | 6 - 9 pm February 70 48 € 32 - € 50

€ 10 no no eel, lobster, oysters, mussels, local dishes all typical Ypres dishes

Pacific Eiland


Eiland 2 | 8900 Ypres | Tel. +32 (0)57 200 528 | Fax: +32 (0)57 424 292 | Refurbished interior, amidst the greenery on the historic Ypres ramparts. Pacific Eiland offers peace, freshness, 4 terraces, a bistro, tea room and an outstanding restaurant. Located at 500m from the station and at just a stone’s throw from the Grote Markt! Monday evening and Tuesday 10 am - 10 pm 16/02 - 29/02 | 22/10 - 07/11 150 200 € 14,50 - € 50 € 25 (all-in) yes

‘t Kattekwaad

yes daily fresh market products, business lunch, Altamira stone grill, day menu, pancakes Hare of the polders, pancakes fermented with Sint Bernardus beer, tapjesvlees and senateur tart on demand


Grote Markt 23 | 8900 Ypres | Tel. +32 (0)57 200 178 | Fax: +32 (0)57 218 392 | ’t Kattekwaad; a new trendy business where everyone feels at home, whether you are looking for a quick snack or for a more elaborate dish. Pleasant terrace with view on the market square. Highly recommended! Sunday through Thursday: 11 am -11 pm Friday: 11 am - midnight Saturday: 11 am - 1 am 72 28

‘t Leetvermaak

€ 5 - € 20 €5 no no mussels and chips (during the holiday months), steak of the house, chicken with chips, ribs, shank with mustard sauce


Korte Meersstraat 2 | 8900 Ypres | Tel. +32 (0)57 216 385 | This welcoming brasserie at the foot of the Cathedral focuses on your senses. Stunning decor, ear pampering listening music and delicious dishes.

€ 7 - € 20 yes yes tapas, salads, pastas, simmered dishes, home-made croquettes, original fish and meat dishes, international cuisine

27 Ypres 2012 |

Monday hole day and Tuesday midday + Saturday midday 11.30 am - 1.30 pm | 6 - 11 pm (Fridays and Saturdays until midnight) 16st of Juli through 6th of August 56 -



Grote Markt 19/21 | 8900 Ypres | Tel. +32 (0)57 217 521 | Fax: +32 (0)57 217 621 | Trendy restaurant with good service, pleasant terrace with a unique view of the Cloth Hall. The kitchen is continuously open and groups are always welcome.

Monday 10 pm 2nd and 3rd week of January 160 64

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€ 8,50 - € 40 €9 yes yes Seasonal and regional dishes, grilled dishes

Maps 1

Regional map


City map




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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Cloth Hall | Belfry Toerist Office In Flanders Fields Museum Town Hall Saint Martin’s Cathedral Saint-George’s Memorial Church Cloister Gate | Theatre Old Seignory Building Courthouse Menin Gate

9 Saint-James’ Church 10 Irish Cross 11 Saint-Peter’s Church 12 Wooden House 13 Lille Gate 14 Het Steen 15 Merghelynck Hotel-Museum 16 Belle Alms House Museum 17 Butcher’s House 18 Old Fishmarket 19 Ypres Reservoir Cemetery

20 Ramparts Cemetery 21 Commonwealth War Graves Commission 22 Saint-Nicolas’ Church School Museum 23 Ramparts War Museum 24 Guild Houses 25 Biebuyck House 26 Cloth Hall model (1/100) 27 Souterrains 28 Old Ice-cellar

29 The Island 30 Gatekeepers’ House 31 Lock Chamber 32 Municipal Museum 33 Menin Gate model 34 Medieval Towers 35 Ammunition Dump 36 Australian Commemorative Plaque 37 Indian Monument 38 Ypres Monument

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Lakenhalle | Grote Markt 34 | BE-8900 Ieper Tel. +32 (0)57 239 220 | Fax +32 (0)57 239 275

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