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We love our partners
Letter from the Visitor Services Director, Cindy Mackin
Turning a setback into a comeback. This is what has been driving Visit Loveland for the last two years. Fighting our way through a pandemic which decimated travel, groups, conferences and consequently our budget, to riding the waves of change in an industry that today still suffers from employment issues. We suffered our own loss of staff in 2022, however, Visit Loveland has continued to persevere keeping our vision and mission, our partners and our community at the forefront of all our decisions.
As leaders for Visit Loveland, we do not take this job lightly. We are charged with leading so much more than marketing. We are the keepers of the culture and as leaders of our destination, we are responsible for developing it, selling it, being the official face and voice of the destination and a champion for change. We are responsible for programs promoting a community as an attractive travel destination and enhancing its public image as a dynamic place to live, work and play. It is through this destination stewardship and brand importance, that we strengthen the community's economic position and vitality which provides opportunity for all the people in the City of Loveland.
2022 began with visitors masked, with a hesitancy to travel and a fear of the unknown. However, pent up travel demand aptly named “revenge travel” coupled with strategic marketing, better economic conditions and a growing resurgence of groups and conferences to the area led the way to a record-breaking year for travel to Loveland. Big wins for the Visit Loveland team included record breaking attendance and PR achieved at both Sweetheart Festival and Winter Wonderlights signature events, the creation and adoption of a new 5-year strategic plan and being awarded over $195,000 in state and federal grants!
2022 yielded record breaking lodging tax collections, record breaking sales and visitors to the visitor's center, triple digit increases on social media and website platforms. Visit Loveland is currently rebuilding an amazingly creative and talented team of experts. We are cautiously optimistic on the future of travel and will continue to work diligently in 2023 with all of our stakeholders to advocate, educate, collaborate and continue to tell our unique brand story to the world. Don’t call it a comeback… But its hard to call it anything else. Here’s to a successful 2023!