Monterey County Travel Impacts Report 2023

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The Economic Impact of Travel

2023 Preliminary Estimates

April 2024


Monterey County Convention & Visitors Bureau Monterey County

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The Economic Impact of Travel in Monterey County

2023 Preliminary Estimates

Monterey County Convention & Visitors Bureau



Dean Runyan Associates

833 SW 11th Avenue Suite 920

Portland, Oregon 97205

Table of Contents Summary................................................................................................................................................................................................ 6 Direct Travel Impacts / Summary Table .................................................................................................................... 7 Direct Travel Impacts / City-Level Summary Table 8 Direct Travel Impacts / Detailed Table 9 Overnight Volume & Average Expenditures 11 Secondary Impacts……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 12 Glossary................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14 Methodology........................................................................................................................................................................................ 15

County 2023 Preliminary Estimates


Monterey County / Summary

Travel Impacts 2023p

Post-pandemic growth in travel to Monterey County flattened in 2023. The county welcomed fewer overnight and day visitors compared to 2022, and spending associated with these travelers increased just 0.3%. Despite the slowdown in visitation, employment in the travel industry grew by 11.9% in 2023. As employment responds in a lagged manner to spending, this increase in jobs is attributable to the rapid spending growth of 2021 and 2022.

• Travel spending in Monterey County increased 0.4%, remaining at $3.0 billion in 2023.

• Direct travel-generated employment grew by 1,570 jobs, a 6.2% increase over 2022.

• Direct travel-generated earnings increased to $1.6 billion, a gain of 10.7% compared to 2022.

• Tax receipts generated by travel spending increased to $306.9 million, a gain of 0.7% compared to 2022.

In 2023, travel spending in Monterey County reached $2,963 million, marking a 0.4% rise from the prior year but 8.6% below 2019.

Note: These estimates for Monterey County are subject to revision if more complete data becomes available. Estimates for 2023 are preliminary – thus “2023p.”

The Economic Impact of Travel in Monterey County / 2023p / Prepared by Dean RunyanAssociates

Monterey County / Direct Travel Impacts

Summary Table

Note: Details may not add to totals due to rounding. Percent change calculated on unrounded figures. Employment and earnings estimates include CARES Act support.

7 The Economic Impact of Travel in Monterey County / 2023p / Prepared by Dean RunyanAssociates
Avg. Annual % Chg 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023p 2022-2023p 2017-2023p Spending ($Millions) Total 2,820.2 3,135.6 3,240.5 1,552.5 2,418.8 2,954.8 2,963.0 0.3% 0.8% Earnings ($Millions) Earnings 1,198.8 1,353.8 1,420.1 1,056.3 610.4 1,447.2 1,602.6 10.7% 5.0% Employment (Jobs) Employment 24,498.0 26,626.0 27,157.0 20,340.0 21,721.0 25,229.0 26,799.0 6.2% 1.5% Tax Revenue ($Millions) Total 250.8 285.4 297.8 183.2 224.2 304.8 306.9 0.7% 3.4% Local 124.7 146.4 153.5 97.0 129.3 177.1 177.2 0.0% 6.0% State 126.1 139.0 144.3 86.3 94.8 127.7 129.8 1.6% 0.5%

Monterey County / Direct Travel Impacts

City-Level Summary Table, 2023p

8 The Economic Impact of Travel in Monterey County / 2023p / Prepared by Dean RunyanAssociates Carmel Marina Monterey Pacific Grove Salinas Seaside Unincorporated /Other Monterey County Spending ($Millions) Total 215.3 110.7 819.3 123.4 253.8 127.9 1,312.6 2,963.0 Earnings ($Millions) Earnings 116.4 59.9 443.1 66.8 137.3 69.2 710.0 1,602.6 Employment (Jobs) Employment 1,947 1,001 7,410 1,116 2,295 1,157 11,872 26,799 Tax Revenue ($Millions) Total 22.3 11.5 84.9 12.8 26.3 13.3 136.0 306.9 Local 12.9 6.6 49.0 7.4 15.2 7.6 78.5 177.2 State 9.4 4.8 35.9 5.4 11.1 5.6 57.5 129.8

Monterey County / Direct Travel Impacts

Detailed Table

Note: Details may not add to totals due to rounding.

*Other Travel includes resident air travel, travel arrangement, and convention/trade shows.

9 The Economic Impact of Travel in Monterey County / 2023p / Prepared by Dean RunyanAssociates 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023p Direct Travel Spending ($Millions) Destination Spending 2,725.7 3,030.3 3,127.6 1,511.9 2,345.6 2,844.3 2,856.2 Other Travel* 94.6 105.3 113.0 40.6 73.2 110.5 106.8 TOTAL 2,820.2 3,135.6 3,240.5 1,552.5 2,418.8 2,954.8 2,963.0 Visitor Spending by Type of Traveler Accommodation ($Millions) Hotel, Motel, STVR 1,964.1 2,214.3 2,280.8 1,145.1 1,736.7 2,055.8 2,044.9 Private Home 172.6 190.6 205.0 71.2 199.7 223.3 229.2 Campground 43.9 46.0 49.6 41.5 53.9 70.3 74.7 Vacation Home 63.3 71.6 73.3 100.7 90.5 93.0 95.3 Day Travel 481.7 507.8 518.8 153.5 264.7 401.7 412.1 TOTAL 2,725.7 3,030.3 3,127.6 1,511.9 2,345.6 2,844.3 2,856.2 Visitor Spending by Type of Commodity Purchased ($Millions) Accommodations 716.0 835.4 879.1 449.2 823.9 985.7 956.4 Food Service 858.6 938.7 966.6 485.0 663.1 800.5 843.0 Food Stores 72.9 76.2 77.7 43.4 69.0 86.2 89.5 Local Tran. & Gas 224.0 260.7 266.7 102.6 174.8 240.3 226.9 Arts, Ent. & Rec. 367.8 392.8 394.0 184.2 260.4 298.9 309.3 Retail Sales 468.8 509.0 519.7 240.7 340.3 403.5 401.4 Visitor Air Tran. 17.5 17.5 23.8 6.9 14.2 29.2 29.7 TOTAL 2,725.7 3,030.3 3,127.6 1,511.9 2,345.6 2,844.3 2,856.2

Monterey County / Direct Travel Impacts

Detailed Table

Note: Details may not add to totals due to rounding.

*Other Travel includes resident air travel, travel arrangement, and convention/trade shows.

10 The Economic Impact of Travel in Monterey County / 2023p / Prepared by Dean RunyanAssociates 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023p Travel Industry Earnings ($Millions) Accom. & Food Serv. 656.4 743.9 786.1 561.2 337.1 854.2 924.0 Arts, Ent. & Rec. 396.7 438.6 454.5 348.6 194.5 461.3 539.7 Retail** 76.0 85.3 86.4 87.0 47.0 101.8 107.1 Ground Tran. 31.9 46.3 49.4 17.6 23.9 18.5 19.3 Visitor Air Tran. 16.5 17.6 20.1 19.5 1.4 1.5 1.7 Other Travel* 21.3 22.1 23.5 22.3 6.6 9.8 10.7 TOTAL 1,198.8 1,353.8 1,420.1 1,056.3 610.4 1,447.2 1,602.6 Travel Industry Employment (Jobs) Accom. & Food Serv. 16,615 17,941 18,160 13,347 14,574 17,021 17,962 Arts, Ent. & Rec. 4,668 5,065 5,359 3,750 4,015 4,908 5,490 Retail** 2,092 2,268 2,217 2,092 2,172 2,183 2,176 Ground Tran. 675 899 977 763 742 892 945 Visitor Air Tran. 132 136 136 118 22 22 23 Other Travel* 316 317 308 270 196 203 203 TOTAL 24,498 26,626 27,157 20,340 21,721 25,229 26,799 Tax Receipts Generated by Travel Spending ($Millions) Local Tax Receipts 124.7 146.4 153.5 97.0 129.3 177.1 177.2 Visitor 88.0 104.4 109.4 53.6 102.5 123.3 121.4 Business or Employee 36.7 42.0 44.1 43.4 26.8 53.9 55.7 State Tax Receipts 126.1 139.0 144.3 86.3 94.8 127.7 129.8 Visitor 91.6 102.8 106.5 50.9 75.7 87.2 87.4 Business or Employee 34.4 36.2 37.8 35.4 19.2 40.5 42.4 TOTAL 250.8 285.4 297.8 183.2 224.2 304.8 306.9

Monterey County / Overnight Visitor Details

Overnight Visitor Volume and Average Expenditure

Overnight visitor volume for Monterey County is based on cross-referencing visitor surveys and lodging data. Volume estimates therefore will differ from methodologies that rely solely on visitor surveys. Visitor Spending is a more reliable metric than Visitor Volume in accounting for changes in the travel industry, as it is more closely tied to economic data and lessens the variability from visitor surveys. Day travel estimates are not included because of data limitations.

Average Expenditure for Overnight Visitors, 2023p

Overnight Visitor Volume, 2021-2023p

49% Hotel, Motel, STVR share of overnight person-trips
The Economic Impact of Travel in Monterey County / 2023p / Prepared by Dean RunyanAssociates 11 Party Person Length Party Day Trip Day Trip of Stay Size Hotel, Motel, STVR $1,273 $3,295 $389 $1,008 2.6 3.3 Private Home $160 $562 $76 $267 3.5 2.1 Other Overnight $122 $362 $45 $133 3.0 2.7 All Overnight $551 $1,631 $203 $586 3.0 2.8 Person-Trip (Thousands) Party-Trips (Thousands) 2021 2022 2023p 2021 2022 2023p Hotel, Motel, STVR 1,945 2,086 2,030 595 638 621 Private Home 870 861 860 413 409 408 Other Overnight 1,106 1,238 1,282 408 454 470 All Overnight 3,920 4,185 4,171 1,416 1,501 1,498 Person-Nights (Thousands) Party-Days (Thousands) 2021 2022 2023p 2021 2022 2023p Hotel, Motel, STVR 5,036 5,401 5,257 1,539 1,651 1,606 Private Home 3,048 3,017 3,011 1,446 1,432 1,429 Other Overnight 3,310 3,660 3,782 1,234 1,354 1,398 All Overnight 11,393 12,078 12,051 4,219 4,437 4,433
Note: Private Home represents visitors staying with friends or family. (Glossary on page 14)

Monterey County / Secondary Impacts

Total Employment

Note: Values may not add to totals due to rounding. Employment includes full-time employees, part-time employees, seasonal employees, and proprietors.

MOST DIRECT JOBS Accommodations & Food Services MOST SECONDARY JOBS Professional & Business Services 12 The Economic Impact of Travel in Monterey County / 2023p / Prepared by Dean RunyanAssociates 0 10,000 20,000 Accommodation & Food Services Arts, Entertainment & Recreation Trade Transport Professional and Business Services Natural Resources and Mining Construction Manufacturing & Utilities Information Financial Activities Education and Health Services Other Services Public Administration Direct and Secondary Employment Direct Secondary 77% 10% 13% Share of Total Employment Direct Indirect Induced Secondary Industry Group Direct Indirect Induced Total Grand Total Accommodation & Food Services 17,962 443 650 1,093 19,055 Arts, Entertainment & Recreation 5,490 116 145 260 5,750 Trade 2,176 244 853 1,097 3,273 Transport 888 124 155 279 1,168 Professional and Business Services 283 1,966 548 2,514 2,797 Natural Resources and Mining 0 16 20 36 36 Construction 0 40 27 67 67 Manufacturing & Utilities 0 25 12 37 37 Information 0 139 64 203 203 Financial Activities 0 96 195 291 291 Education and Health Services 0 24 1,096 1,120 1,120 Other Services 0 200 455 654 654 Public Administration 0 101 111 212 212 All Industries 26,799 3,534 4,330 7,865 34,664

Monterey County / Secondary Impacts

Total Earnings

Note: Values may not add to totals due to rounding.

The Economic Impact of Travel in Monterey County / 2023p / Prepared by Dean RunyanAssociates 13
MOST DIRECT EARNINGS Accommodations & Food Services MOST SECONDARY EARNINGS Professional & Business Services
0 400 800 1,200 Accommodation & Food Services Arts, Entertainment & Recreation Trade Transport Professional and Business Services Natural Resources and Mining Construction Manufacturing & Utilities Information Financial Activities Education and Health Services Other Services Public Administration Direct and Secondary Earnings Direct Secondary 73% 13% 14% Share of Total Earnings Direct Indirect Induced Secondary Industry Group Direct Indirect Induced Total Grand Total Accommodation & Food Services 924.0 22.6 31.4 54.0 978.1 Arts, Entertainment & Recreation 539.7 8.0 9.8 17.8 557.5 Trade 107.1 22.6 55.8 78.4 185.5 Transport 19.3 9.1 8.4 17.6 36.9 Professional and Business Services 12.4 159.0 42.8 201.8 214.2 Natural Resources and Mining 0.0 2.4 2.1 4.5 4.5 Construction 0.0 3.4 2.2 5.6 5.6 Manufacturing & Utilities 0.0 3.0 1.6 4.5 4.5 Information 0.0 21.3 5.9 27.2 27.2 Financial Activities 0.0 7.8 15.0 22.8 22.8 Education and Health Services 0.0 1.5 95.3 96.8 96.8 Other Services 0.0 17.6 32.3 49.9 49.9 Public Administration 0.0 13.6 7.3 20.9 20.9 All Industries 1,602.6 291.7 310.1 601.8 2,204.4

Glossary Key Terms

Term Definition

2nd Home Homes under private ownership for personal use as a seasonal property where a lodging tax is not collected.

Day Travel A trip that involves non-routine travel of greater than 50 miles to the destination and but no overnight stay in the destination.

Destination Spending Direct spending made by visitors in a destination. Interchangeable with “Visitor Spending.”

STVR STVR stands for “short term vacation rental.” The category includes private and semi-private lodging rented by owners or property management companies (e.g., Airbnb & VRBO).

State Taxes State taxes generated by travel spending.

Local Taxes City and county taxes generated by travel spending.

Direct Employment Employment generated by direct travel spending. It includes full-time employees, part-time employees, seasonal employees, and proprietors.

Direct Earnings Total after-tax net income generated from travel spending. It includes wages and salary disbursements, proprietor income, and other earned income or benefits.

Other Spending Spending by residents on travel arrangement services and/or spending for convention activity.

Visitor Spending Spending by visitors in a destination.

Hotel, Motel, STVR Accommodation types that house transient lodging activity.

Other Overnight Overnight visitors who stay in a campground or 2nd home.

Private Home Personal residences used to host friends and family visiting overnight in the destination.

NAICS North American Industry Classification System.

Vacation Home Privately owned homes for personal use as a seasonal property.

Person Trip A trip made by a person to the destination.

The Economic Impact of Travel in Monterey County / 2023p / Prepared by Dean RunyanAssociates 14


Travel Impacts Methodology

The direct travel impacts reported in this analysis were estimated using DRA’s Regional Travel Impact Model (RTIM). First developed in 1985, this model estimates direct impacts at a local level without relying on annual survey research. The “bottom up” approach of the RTIM involves modeling of private and public data at the county level, ensuring that the final findings correspond closely with the various travel indicators available for each respective county. Results are then aggregated to regions and the state or disaggregated to the city level based on relevant indicators at these geographic levels. The result is a detailed profile of taxes, employment, wages, and spending that can be tracked consistently over time.

The economic impact associated with day visitors and overnight visitors is a primary breakout included in this report. Lodging tax data and survey data on visitor expenditures inform estimates of total spending associated with overnight visitors who stay in commercial lodging in the studied region. DRA maintains its our own expenditure distribution database for each state we work in, with input from multiple major survey providers. Inventory of campgrounds are collected for commercial and public sites, and occupancy is modeled based on a representative subset of sites. Sales attributable to travelers staying in their second homes are calculated from inventories from the US Census and public information on average utilization rates. Visitation of friends and relatives (VFR) is generally stable across time and geography, the primary driver for a destination being the local resident population. Estimates of visitor spending related to day travel can be driven by several factors, including proximity to nearby populous areas, opportunities for recreation and shopping, and inventory of lodging options compared to surrounding areas. Baseline estimates for day visitation are calculated as a factor of overnight visitation, the factor being derived from regional results of national visitor profile data.

Spending on travel-related activities translates into jobs, earnings, and taxes. Calculation of these direct impacts relies on public data on jobs, wages, and business receipts by industry for each geographical area. State and local taxes on travelrelated business also factor into triangulating direct travel impacts.

Findings in this report have been compared to various public and private data sources to ensure that the economic impacts estimates are as accurate as possible. Key private data sources used for purposes of this analysis include STR, KeyData, AirDNA, and OmniTrak. Public data sources include the US Census, Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), Energy Information Administration (EIA), Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS), California Employment Development Department (EDD), and the city governments of Carmel, Gonzales, Greenfield, King City, Marina, Monterey, Pacific Grove, Salinas, Seaside, and Soledad in California.

The Economic Impact of Travel in Monterey County / 2023p / Prepared by Dean RunyanAssociates 15

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