2 minute read
Dos Rosas Mansion
from Amazonas
by Visit Peru
Chachapoyas Province
The Chachapoyas Main Square The city center conforms to the characteristic checkerboard layout of colonial cities. In the middle of the square there is a bronze fountain. The square is surrounded by colonial houses with balconies worked in wood.
The Basilica of Saint John the Baptist The different styles of the building’s facade recreate its predecessor that collapsed in the earthquake of 1971. Art from the Quito school is among the works it houses.
Gilberto Tenorio Ruiz Exposition Hall Jirón Ayacucho 904, Main Square. Opening hours: Mon-Fri 8:00 am - 1:00 pm / 3:00 pm - 5:45 pm. It has four rooms in which cultural assets of the Chachapoyas culture are exhibited, which mostly correspond to donations from local residents. In the first room you can appreciate the location, flora and fauna of the region; In the second room, cultural objects of Chachapoyas-style ceramics are exhibited, with Cajamarca and Inca influence, textiles and organic objects; in the third room, lithic goods and in the fourth room, mummies.
The Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza Mansion At the intersection of Jirón Ayacucho and Jirón Ortiz Arrieta. Opening hours: Mon-Fri 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Hero and forefather of Peruvian independence, Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza was born on 17 April 1750 in this house that is currently the home and seat of the Bishop of Chachapoyas. The most notable features are the entrance, the main courtyard, the bishop’s hall and the reception hall. The house has both colonial and republican influences.
The Dos Rosas Mansion At the intersection of Jirón Amazonas and Jirón Merced. Opening hours: Mon-Sat 9:00 am - 12:00 pm / 2:30 pm - 6:00 pm. Ticket entry. This mansion built in the 18th century has colonial and republican architectural features. Its important rooms include the chapel and the sitting room. It has been owned by the Torrejón Montesa family since the end of the 19th century.
Independence Square Jirón Amazonas, block 3. This small plaza commemorates the Battle of Higos Urco, a victory of the patriots lead by Colonel José Matos.
The Yana Yacu Well Cerro Luya Urco, 1 km from the Main Square (10 min. on foot). It is said that during his visit, Saint Toribio made the waters gush to break the drought that was ravaging the city. Commemorating this, one of the well’s stones is etched with the figures of a mitre and a staff. Known also as the Cuyana Fountain, the locals say that single men who come to the city and drink the well’s waters will stay forever, attracted by the beauty of city’s women.
The Santa Isabel Nursery 3 km to the southeast (10 min. by car) of the city of Chachapoyas (take the road to the right at the first fork in the road to Levanto). Ticket entry by prior arrangement, telephone 920-642-228 / 927-677-487 Amongst the great variety of native flora that grows here, the area’s traditional orchids are a standout.