Development Opportunities in Plymouth

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CITY CENTRE Site reference: PLY7

COLIN CAMPBELL COURT Colin Campbell Court is a large site in the West End of the city centre currently providing a range of small scale retail units, residential and other town centre uses, and significant surface level car parking. It’s a prominent site on one of the city centre’s main junctions with active frontages along Western Approach, Union Street, New George Street, Frankfort Gate and Market Avenue. Its location is also key to delivering improved links between the city centre and Millbay’s waterfront. The redevelopment of the site offers significant potential to improve the West End and create a new residential neighbourhood and benefit from the both city centre living and access to the regenerated water front at Millbay Docks waterfront.

Opportunities and aspirations • • • •

Residential led mixed use development Residential potential for 300 units Suitable for a range of active ground floor uses Potential for residential and other suitable uses on upper storeys • Suitable for building height of five to six storeys • Size: 2.27 ha (5.61 acres) findlandandpropertyrentorbuy/citycentrecolincampbellcourt

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Colin Campbell Court Land at Royal Parade Mayflower Street East Cornwall Street East Cornwall Street West New George Street West Royal Assurance House Land at 19 The Crescent, Derrys Cross 9. Civic Centre and Council House 10. Railway Station 11. Plymouth University/College of Art 12. History Centre/Tavistock Place/ Chapel Street


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2 October 2018

CITY CENTRE Site reference: PLY8

LAND AT ROYAL PARADE The two blocks on Royal Parade are amongst some of the highest quality buildings in the city centre and are acknowledged for their heritage value and quality. The buildings occupy an important site in the city centre, with major retail anchors present in the heart of the primary shopping centre. Sensitive development of these blocks offer the opportunity to enhance the buildings appearance, heritage value and modernise the retail offer. Proposals for updated, extended and enhanced retail space with complementary uses on upper floors will be supported.

Opportunities and aspirations • Occupier opportunity • British Land own long leasehold interest • Located in the primary shopping area and adjoining major public transport interchange • Potential for updated and expanded retail space on lower floors including rear extensions • Suitable for a range of complementary uses on upper floors • Potential for additional building storeys up to eight storeys • Size: 0.93 ha/0.79 ha (2.3 acres/1.95 acres)

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Colin Campbell Court Land at Royal Parade Mayflower Street East Cornwall Street East Cornwall Street West New George Street West Royal Assurance House Land at 19 The Crescent, Derrys Cross 9. Civic Centre and Council House 10. Railway Station 11. Plymouth University/College of Art 12. History Centre/Tavistock Place/ Chapel Street



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8 October 2018

CITY CENTRE Site reference: PLY9

MAYFLOWER STREET EAST The site occupies a prominent position on Armada Way in the city centre, on the key route linking the town centre to the railway station and university. Located close to the regional shopping destination of Drake Circus, the site is identified for office led mixed use development, with potential for a mix of higher value uses. A key part of any proposal will be uses that generate activity at ground floor level.

Opportunities and aspirations • Office led development (34,000 sqm) • Potential for retail, food and drink uses • Suitable for student accommodation as enabling development • Residential potential on upper floors • Opportunity for landmark building • Suitable for building height of five to eight storeys • Size: 0.66 ha (1.63 acres)

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Colin Campbell Court Land at Royal Parade Mayflower Street East Cornwall Street East Cornwall Street West New George Street West Royal Assurance House Land at 19 The Crescent, Derrys Cross 9. Civic Centre and Council House 10. Railway Station 11. Plymouth University/College of Art 12. History Centre/Tavistock Place/ Chapel Street


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2 October 2018

CITY CENTRE Site reference: PLY10

CORNWALL STREET EAST This site is in a key gateway location for the city centre, located in the primary shopping area. It currently comprises a number of building and a multi-storey car park. Opportunity exists to significantly enhance and/or expand the car park through refurbishment or redevelopment as part of a comprehensive scheme for the wider site for retail led mixed use development, with active ground floor uses integrated into the design. The site provides the opportunity to integrate new residential and potentially office or other uses on upper floors with entrance lobbies prominently located on Armada Way or other key frontages.

Opportunities and aspirations • • • • • •

Retail led development Residential potential for 92 units Prominent site with active frontages on all sides Multi-storey car parking opportunity Potential building heights of five to eight storeys Size: 1.17 ha (2.89 acres)

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Colin Campbell Court Land at Royal Parade Mayflower Street East Cornwall Street East Cornwall Street West New George Street West Royal Assurance House Land at 19 The Crescent, Derrys Cross 9. Civic Centre and Council House 10. Railway Station 11. Plymouth University/College of Art 12. History Centre/Tavistock Place/ Chapel Street


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2 October 2018

CITY CENTRE Site reference: PLY11

CORNWALL STREET WEST There’s significant potential to continue to enhance this area of the city centre through redevelopment of existing poor quality buildings which are vacant or under used. Opportunity exists to also capitalise on the success of recent developments in the area, including the new Aspire student accommodation and the new coach station, which has given the area a new focus. The site has the potential to be significantly improved with new development providing for enhanced and expanded public car parking and development over new active ground floor uses to surrounding streets and new residential accommodation on upper floors.

Opportunities and aspirations • • • • • •

Residential potential for 79 units Commercial mixed use development Opportunity to expanded active ground floor uses Potential for multi-storey car park Building heights of five to eight storeys Opportunity for a north-south route connecting to key shopping streets and regenerated Pannier Market • Size: 0.8 ha (1.98 acres)

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Colin Campbell Court Land at Royal Parade Mayflower Street East Cornwall Street East Cornwall Street West New George Street West Royal Assurance House Land at 19 The Crescent, Derrys Cross 9. Civic Centre and Council House 10. Railway Station 11. Plymouth University/College of Art 12. History Centre/Tavistock Place/ Chapel Street


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2 October 2018

CITY CENTRE Site reference: PLY12

NEW GEORGE STREET WEST A prominent site which has frontage onto the three key retailing streets in the city centre. Opportunity exists to enable larger footprint retail units to meet the demand for modern retail space by extending the building to the rear and making better use of the surface car parks in the rear courtyards. Residential and other compatible uses can be achieved by increasing the building height.

Opportunities and aspirations • • • • • •

Retail led mixed use opportunity High quality existing building suitable for adaptation Residential potential for 30 units Key city centre site at heart of the primary shopping area Building heights of six to eight storeys Size: 0.49 ha (1.21 acres)

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Colin Campbell Court Land at Royal Parade Mayflower Street East Cornwall Street East Cornwall Street West New George Street West Royal Assurance House Land at 19 The Crescent, Derrys Cross 9. Civic Centre and Council House 10. Railway Station 11. Plymouth University/College of Art 12. History Centre/Tavistock Place/ Chapel Street


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2 October 2018

CITY CENTRE Site reference: PLY13

ROYAL ASSURANCE HOUSE This site occupies prominent frontage to key city centre streets, Armada Way, Royal Parade and New George Street. The building is already well occupied with retail at groundfloor and student accommodation occupying the upper floors. Opportunity exists to enable larger footprint retail units to meet the demand for modern retail space by extending the building to the rear and making better use of the surface car parks in the rear courtyards. Opportunity also exists to establish a residential presence on the site by increasing the building height.

Opportunities and aspirations • • • • •

Retail led mixed use development Residential potential for 110 units Potential to reconfigure and improve retail units Building heights of six to eight storeys Size: 0.49 ha (1.21 acres)

The building is assessed as being of highest quality contributing to the continuity of frontage to Armada Way and Royal Parade. However, there is also opportunity to further improve and modernise the external appearance of the buildings and frontages.

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Colin Campbell Court Land at Royal Parade Mayflower Street East Cornwall Street East Cornwall Street West New George Street West Royal Assurance House Land at 19 The Crescent, Derrys Cross 9. Civic Centre and Council House 10. Railway Station 11. Plymouth University/College of Art 12. History Centre/Tavistock Place/ Chapel Street






2 October 2018

CITY CENTRE Site reference: PLY14

LAND AT 19 THE CRESCENT, DERRYS CROSS This is a major regeneration site which has been cleared ready for redevelopment. The site has previously benefited from planning permissions for mixed use development including tall buildings. Part of the site is currently being used as a temporary car park. This site represents an excellent opportunity for range of uses within a quality setting. The site is identified for high quality mixed use development incorporating uses on the ground floor that can activate the surrounding streets and spaces. A wide mix of other uses is considered appropriate for upper floors including office and a substantial proportion of residential. This site could accommodate high quality tall buildings as landmarks in the city centre.

Opportunities and aspirations • Currently on the market as a development opportunity • Residential potential for 120 units • Mixed use development opportunity including; retail, leisure, hotel and offices • High quality setting including Grade 2 ‘Crescent’ buildings • Building heights of at least six storey, with opportunity for tall building • Size: 0.6 ha (1.48 acres)

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Colin Campbell Court Land at Royal Parade Mayflower Street East Cornwall Street East Cornwall Street West New George Street West Royal Assurance House Land at 19 The Crescent, Derrys Cross 9. Civic Centre and Council House 10. Railway Station 11. Plymouth University/College of Art 12. History Centre/Tavistock Place/ Chapel Street


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2 October 2018

CITY CENTRE Site reference: PLY15

CIVIC CENTRE AND COUNCIL HOUSE The Civic Centre is one of the most iconic 20th Century buildings in the city. It is strongly associated with Plymouth’s resurgence from the Blitz during the Second World War and housed Plymouth’s municipal offices. It is Grade II listed and occupies a prominent position in the local skyline. The site comprises the former Civic Centre, the Council House and the Civic Square, a registered park and garden at the site’s Armada Way frontage, together with the large area of surface level car parking to the west of the Civic Centre tower. The main building has been empty since 2013, when it was vacated by the Council. Urban Splash now hold the long leasehold. The Council House is still used for Council meetings and civic functions.

Opportunities and aspirations • Residential potential for 248 units • Mixed use development opportunity including; offices, hotel, food and drink, leisure and culture • Required to retain civic functions • Opportunity for a range of active frontages • Urban Splash own long leasehold • Size: 1.19 ha (2.94 acres)

This prime site is allocated for a mixed use redevelopment. Key to the success of the site is the necessity to provide uses at ground floor which create a level of activity and which results in accessible space.

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Colin Campbell Court Land at Royal Parade Mayflower Street East Cornwall Street East Cornwall Street West New George Street West Royal Assurance House Land at 19 The Crescent, Derrys Cross 9. Civic Centre and Council House 10. Railway Station 11. Plymouth University/College of Art 12. History Centre/Tavistock Place/ Chapel Street


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8 October 2018

CITY CENTRE Site reference: PLY16

Opportunities and aspirations • Mixed use development opportunity including; offices, leisure, small scale retail, education, student accommodation, multi storey car park and hotel uses • Gateway development with scope for significant intensification of development with new station entrance, enhanced pedestrian links and high quality public realm • Residential potential for 120 units • Opportunity for 4,800 sq m of offices • Plymouth City Council undertaking enabling development to unlock development opportunities for education and leisure uses • Size: 2.21 ha (5.46 acres)

RAILWAY STATION The railway station and its surrounding land offers a significant regeneration opportunity to improve the arrival experience into the city. Potential exists to utilise and modernise under used buildings and redevelop and intensify other areas to deliver a high quality gateway to the city. The station is at the northern end of Armada Way, the city’s public realm centrepiece boulevard extending to the Hoe and waterfront. Significant opportunity exists to improve connectivity between the station and Armada Way and improve the site’s prominence. The benefits are two-fold through providing a visual presence from the city centre to the station and as a direct link to the waterfront upon arrival into Plymouth. Plymouth is the busiest station in Heart of the South West Local Enterprise Partnership’s area. The station has seen passenger footfall grow by 4 per cent per annum since 2004 and now stands at 2.5 million per annum with an expected further growth in passenger footfall of 4 per cent per annum over the next 10 years, in response to key drivers including planned rail service improvements and population growth in the city. This equates to an additional 1 million passenger movements per annum within the next 10 years. The number of passenger movements is forecast to double over the next 25 years. As a regional hub, the station is an important gateway for visitors to the whole region.



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Colin Campbell Court Land at Royal Parade Mayflower Street East Cornwall Street East Cornwall Street West New George Street West Royal Assurance House Land at 19 The Crescent, Derrys Cross 9. Civic Centre and Council House 10. Railway Station 11. Plymouth University/College of Art 12. History Centre/Tavistock Place/ Chapel Street



8 October 2018

Images courtesy of AHR Architects

CITY CENTRE Site reference: PLY17

PLYMOUTH UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE OF ART Over recent years, there has been the ongoing consolidation and development of the Plymouth University campus, with a number of new developments. Plymouth College of Art has also had significant development on its site, including through the completion of its new landmark crafts building at Charles Street. The site is identified to support the ongoing enhancement of these universities and the integration with the History Centre as part of the North Hill/Tavistock Place cultural quarter and to strengthen their physical connections to the city centre, the Railway Station, surrounding neighbourhoods and the waterfront.

Opportunities and aspirations • • • • •

Continued enhancement of education facilities Education led mixed use campus Opportunity for incubator units/managed workspace Student accommodation Size: 10.46 ha (25.84 acres)

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Colin Campbell Court Land at Royal Parade Mayflower Street East Cornwall Street East Cornwall Street West New George Street West Royal Assurance House Land at 19 The Crescent, Derrys Cross 9. Civic Centre and Council House 10. Railway Station 11. Plymouth University/College of Art 12. History Centre/Tavistock Place/ Chapel Street


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2 October 2018

CITY CENTRE Site reference: PLY18

HISTORY CENTRE/TAVISTOCK PLACE/CHAPEL STREET The Box, a landmark project for the city, will regenerate the North Hill/Tavistock Place cultural quarter, providing a high quality landmark and visitor destination, located between the University and College of Art. It will secure the future of the listed museum and library buildings and the former St Luke’s Church, as well as create a high quality public space within Tavistock Place that will bring life to this part of the city. Construction of The Box is underway, opening in 2020. The site also includes adjacent land on Tavistock Place/Chapel Street in order to deliver a more comprehensive regeneration outcome for the area taking advantage of its location in relation to Plymouth University and Plymouth College of Art. To help enable use of this part of the site for university/ education purposes, student accommodation in the form of cluster flats is supported.

Opportunities and aspirations • The Box – a major new museum and cultural venue (under construction) • Higher education mixed use development opportunity • Enabling student accommodation as part of a mix of uses • New high quality public realm with new public square • Size: 0.65 ha (1.61 acres)



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Colin Campbell Court Land at Royal Parade Mayflower Street East Cornwall Street East Cornwall Street West New George Street West Royal Assurance House Land at 19 The Crescent, Derrys Cross 9. Civic Centre and Council House 10. Railway Station 11. Plymouth University/College of Art 12. History Centre/Tavistock Place/ Chapel Street



8 October 2018

Images © The Box (Plymouth Museums Galleries Archives)

THE WATERFRONT Site reference: PLY23

PLYMOUTH FRUIT SALES SITE This prominent waterfront site includes a major section of Shepherds Wharf on the east quayside of Sutton Harbour, together with a parcel of land fronting Sutton Road. It’s an attractive waterfront location close to the city centre, providing city living by the sea. The site has previous planning consent for residential-led mixed use development. The site has potential for a landmark mixed-use residential-led scheme which exploits its seafront setting and contributes positively to the existing high quality building styles that gives Sutton Harbour and the Barbican its locally distinctive character.

Opportunities and aspirations • Residential potential for 200 units • Residential led mix use development potentially including; retail, offices, hotel, food and drink, leisure and education facilities • Opportunity for a high quality tall building • Waterfront setting • High quality waterfront public realm • Adjoins a proposed major new public square • Size: 0.63 ha (1.56 acres)

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Plymouth Fruit Sales Site Sutton Road West Sugar House Sutton Harbour Fish Quay Register Office North of Cliff Road Millbay Waterfront Bath Street West Bath Street East (Pavilions Leisure Complex) 10. Stonehouse Barracks 11. Oceansgate 12. Drake’s Island 13. Melville, Royal William Yard





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October 2018

THE WATERFRONT Site reference: PLY24

SUTTON ROAD WEST The site occupies an attractive and prominent water front location on Sutton Harbour’s east quayside, close to the city centre, public transport and amenities. The quayside forms part of the Sutton Harbour Heritage Trail – the publicly accessible waterfront walkway looping around the quayside. Exeter Street, the major strategic transport route to the city centre from the east, forms the site’s northern boundary. Major residential and office mixed-use development has already taken place on the site’s formerly derelict industrial waterfront. There are recent planning applications for parts of the site for mixed-use/residential development, however, significant potential for redevelopment is still achievable.

Opportunities and aspirations • Residential potential for 194 units • Residential led mixed use development with potential to include offices, hotel, leisure and small scale retail uses • Active ground floor frontages to enliven all public streets and spaces • High quality public realm including new quayside public open space • Size: 0.9 ha (2.22 acres)

The site provides an important opportunity to make better use of the whole area, such that it contributes to Sutton Harbour as a sustainable community and a high quality waterfront destination. Introducing a more diverse mix of uses will help create a more vibrant, safe and welcoming area with a sensitive balance of day, evening and weekend activity.

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Plymouth Fruit Sales Site Sutton Road West Sugar House Sutton Harbour Fish Quay Register Office North of Cliff Road Millbay Waterfront Bath Street West Bath Street East (Pavilions Leisure Complex) 10. Stonehouse Barracks 11. Oceansgate 12. Drake’s Island 13. Melville, Royal William Yard





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October 2018

THE WATERFRONT Site reference: PLY25

SUGAR HOUSE The site holds a prestigious location on the waterfront at Sutton Harbour’s east quayside.Various planning consents were granted in the 2000s for mixed-use development here, and pile foundations were put in place. This former boatyard land has been used as a car park since 2009. The site provides a major development potential and is strategically important in terms of Sutton Harbour’s wider regeneration. The development of this key waterfront site should provide active ground floor uses to attract people around the quayside, encourage pedestrian footfall and improve the area’s vibrancy as part of mixed use development.

Opportunities and aspirations • Residential-led mixed use development, providing opportunities for offices and leisure use as part of a wider mix of uses • Residential potential for 150 units • Active ground floor frontages to enliven all public streets and take advantage of waterfront setting • New high quality quayside public open space • Size: 0.43 ha (1.06 acres)

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Plymouth Fruit Sales Site Sutton Road West Sugar House Sutton Harbour Fish Quay Register Office North of Cliff Road Millbay Waterfront Bath Street West Bath Street East (Pavilions Leisure Complex) 10. Stonehouse Barracks 11. Oceansgate 12. Drake’s Island 13. Melville, Royal William Yard





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October 2018

THE WATERFRONT Site reference: PLY26

SUTTON HARBOUR FISH QUAY Plymouth is a nationally significant fishing port, providing the largest 2015 tonnage of fish handling in England and hosting a major fish market. Sutton Harbour’s fishing fleet is a fundamental part of its economy and character and therefore should be protected and improved. There is significant scope to improve the site, including its Lockyer’s Quay frontage, to create a positive first impression for people approaching the site and the National Marine Aquarium (NMA) from the east. Future proposals should seek to optimise the Fish Quay’s public fish-retail, education and tourism potential in a way that draws from best practice in similar successful facilities in other cities, whilst ensuring the operation of the fish quay is not compromised.

Opportunities and aspirations • Enhancement of existing fish quay operations • Opportunities for complementary small-scale retail, education and leisure related uses • Optimising the unique waterfront setting • High quality public realm and building design • Size: 1.13 ha (2.79 acres)

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Plymouth Fruit Sales Site Sutton Road West Sugar House Sutton Harbour Fish Quay Register Office North of Cliff Road Millbay Waterfront Bath Street West Bath Street East (Pavilions Leisure Complex) 10. Stonehouse Barracks 11. Oceansgate 12. Drake’s Island 13. Melville, Royal William Yard




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October 2018

THE WATERFRONT Site reference: PLY27

REGISTER OFFICE This is a major opportunity site located on the Hoe at the southern gateway from the Hoe, Plymouth’s major waterfront park to Armada Way, the grand Abercrombiedesigned Boulevard which links the Hoe to the city centre and continues north to Plymouth’s Railway Station. The site is currently occupied by a late 20th Century two storey brown brick building housing Plymouth’s Register Office. Redevelopment of the site will be supported to create high quality architecture including a major new hotel use and an environment worthy of the site’s gateway location.

Opportunities and aspirations • Residential potential for 52 units • Suitable for mixed use development, including a quality hotel and housing • Active ground floor frontages to be encouraged to enliven all public streets and spaces • Size: 0.27 ha (0.67 acres)

Proposals will be expected to address the site’s frontages and have active ground floors, whilst being sensitive to the Hoe Conservation Area context and adjacent listed buildings. There is the opportunity to have a tall building in this location, given its position on the strategic approach to the waterfront along Armada Way from the city centre.

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Plymouth Fruit Sales Site Sutton Road West Sugar House Sutton Harbour Fish Quay Register Office North of Cliff Road Millbay Waterfront Bath Street West Bath Street East (Pavilions Leisure Complex) 10. Stonehouse Barracks 11. Oceansgate 12. Drake’s Island 13. Melville, Royal William Yard

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THE WATERFRONT Site reference: PLY28

NORTH OF CLIFF ROAD This site is on the prominent high ground at the western corner of Hoe Park with exceptional waterfront views and is highly visible from Plymouth Sound on the approach to the city by sea. The site was formerly occupied by a ten storey 1970s concrete hotel (The Quality Inn) in the Brutalist style. This building has recently been demolished and the site is currently vacant. A high quality hotel use should be provided on the site, or as part of a mixed-use scheme where a hotel use is a significant part of the scheme.

Opportunities and aspirations • Residential potential for 80 units • Opportunity for hotel led mixed use regeneration, including housing and complementary uses which supports the tourist function of the area • Development which respects the site’s heritage assets and water front context • Size: 0.91 ha (2.25 acres)

Residential accommodation could also be provided. Active uses, which support the tourism role of the area, should be delivered on the ground floor. Other uses as part of the overall proposal could include conference space, office, cafes and small-scale retail uses. This prestigious location presents the opportunity for a high quality, innovative building of significant height. Planning permission was granted for a hotel and residential led scheme in 2017.

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Plymouth Fruit Sales Site Sutton Road West Sugar House Sutton Harbour Fish Quay Register Office North of Cliff Road Millbay Waterfront Bath Street West Bath Street East (Pavilions Leisure Complex) 10. Stonehouse Barracks 11. Oceansgate 12. Drake’s Island 13. Melville, Royal William Yard





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October 2018

THE WATERFRONT Site reference: PLY29

MILLBAY WATERFRONT Millbay is a waterfront neighbourhood undergoing major regeneration. Over 400 residential units, 2,000 sq m of commercial floor space, a new marina and the landmark Plymouth School of Creative Arts have been delivered to date. Work is currently underway on delivering an extra care scheme and a further 137 residential units. The vision is for Millbay to become a major waterfront destination – enhanced as Plymouth’s international ferry port and potential cruise liner terminal – as well as a vibrant, sustainable mixed-use neighbourhood. ABP are the port authority, and Brittany Ferries operate from the port.

Opportunities and aspirations • Residential and office led mixed use development with potential for small-scale retail, food and drink uses, leisure, hotel, marine related uses and facilities for marine and other events and a multi-storey car park • Residential potential for 742 units (600 units at outline approval, plus 142 for Millbay Marina scheme) including extra care housing • Opportunity to create sustainable mixed use neighbourhood and a major destination and attractive international gateway • Potential to include 12,500 sq m of offices • Multi-storey car park • Size: 7.71 ha (19.05 acres)

Proposals for a new hotel and more commercial uses are in the pipeline. Improved links to the city centre through a new boulevard are proposed, with development fronting the boulevard expected to provide active ground floor frontages. The existing regeneration of the area has been driven by a partnership Homes England, English Cities Fund and Plymouth City Council. Private sector lead development is now increasing taking advantage of the unique appeal of the area. Within the waterfront areas are three piers, Millbay Pier, Trinity Pier and Clyde Quay, which are identified as important opportunities for open space for marine and cultural events, public-facing marine technology or arts space - potentially offering new flexible exhibition and studio space as a major new attraction - Increasing Millbay role as a destination.

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Plymouth Fruit Sales Site Sutton Road West Sugar House Sutton Harbour Fish Quay Register Office North of Cliff Road Millbay Waterfront Bath Street West Bath Street East (Pavilions Leisure Complex) 10. Stonehouse Barracks 11. Oceansgate 12. Drake’s Island 13. Melville, Royal William Yard


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October 2018

THE WATERFRONT Site reference: PLY30

Opportunities and aspirations • Currently available as a development opportunity: www.gva. • Residential potential for 300 units • Residential led mixed use with potentially; offices, small scale retail, cultural and community uses • Active ground floor uses • High quality public realm along new boulevard connection from city centre to the waterfront • Landmark tall buildings on key corners • Size: 1.19 ha (2.94 acres)

BATH STREET WEST Bath Street in the Millbay area is identified as a major strategic regeneration opportunity. Its location is also central to the delivery of a high quality strategic boulevard connection linking the city centre to the Millbay waterfront – a key aspiration for Plymouth since the ‘Mackay Vision’. The site is mostly cleared ready for redevelopment with substantial elements in the Council’s control, currently in use as surface level car parking. Proposals for Bath Street will contribute to the wider regeneration aspirations for the Millbay area which has already seen significant high quality development. The site is considered to be able to support a range of uses, including residential, commercial, and retail, community and cultural uses alongside improved arena facilities. It will be crucial for the successful regeneration of the area that active ground floor uses are provided along key routes, particularly the Millbay Boulevard. This will help to create a vibrant, mixed community with a strong evening economy.

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3 9 1 5

Plymouth Fruit Sales Site Sutton Road West Sugar House Sutton Harbour Fish Quay Register Office North of Cliff Road Millbay Waterfront Bath Street West Bath Street East (Pavilions Leisure Complex) 10. Stonehouse Barracks 11. Oceansgate 12. Drake’s Island 13. Melville, Royal William Yard





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October 2018

THE WATERFRONT Site reference: PLY31

BATH STREET EAST (PAVILIONS LEISURE COMPLEX) Bath Street in the Millbay area is identified as a major strategic regeneration opportunity. Its location is also central to the delivery of a high quality strategic boulevard connection linking the city centre to the Millbay waterfront – a key aspiration for Plymouth since the ‘Mackay Vision’ for Plymouth. The site is currently occupied by Plymouth Pavilions Arena and Ice Rink and associated surface level car park. Proposals for Bath Street should contribute to the wider regeneration aspirations for the Millbay area which has already seen significant development. The site is considered to be able to support a range of uses, including residential, commercial, and retail, community and cultural uses alongside improved arena facilities. It will be crucial for the successful regeneration of the area that active ground floor uses are provided along key routes, particularly the Millbay Boulevard.

Opportunities and aspirations • • • •

Residential potential for 323 units Enhanced arena facilities High quality public realm linking to new boulevard Mix of uses including small scale retail, hotel, leisure, cultural and community uses • Opportunity for tall buildings on key corners • Size: 2.3 ha (5.68 acres)

The Pavilions is Plymouth’s largest concert venue, as well as a mixed use arena providing conference and expo facilities. Redevelopment proposals should include a high quality refurbishment of the existing arena or the re-provision of new arena facilities within the eastern part of the site at the Western Approach junction. Primary access to the arena should be from the new boulevard.

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Plymouth Fruit Sales Site Sutton Road West Sugar House Sutton Harbour Fish Quay Register Office North of Cliff Road Millbay Waterfront Bath Street West Bath Street East (Pavilions Leisure Complex) 10. Stonehouse Barracks 11. Oceansgate 12. Drake’s Island 13. Melville, Royal William Yard





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October 2018

THE WATERFRONT Site reference: PLY32

Opportunities and aspirations • Residential potential for 400 units • Unique redevelopment opportunity • Suitable for a mixed use development potentially including; cultural, community, sports and recreation uses, hotel and small scale retail • High quality sensitive restoration and reuse of the site’s historic buildings • Size: 7.93 ha (19.60 acres)

STONEHOUSE BARRACKS The MoD intends to sell the historic Stonehouse Barracks complex as part of its review of the defence estate. The site, which has been occupied by the Royal Marines since 1760, is one of three purpose built barracks for the Marines in the UK, the others being at Chatham and Portsmouth. The site contains important groups of Grade II and Grade II* historic buildings as well as a scheduled monument. Stonehouse Barracks is a site and location of exceptional quality and opportunity. Its re-use will need to reflect its substantial heritage value, and a masterplan led approach to redevelopment will be required. The extensive site regeneration should be a high quality, sensitive mixed use area which provides quality residential units, sports, cultural and commercial opportunities, and also achieving strategic connections from the Millbay waterfront, South West Coast Path and the National Cycle Network.

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Plymouth Fruit Sales Site Sutton Road West Sugar House Sutton Harbour Fish Quay Register Office North of Cliff Road Millbay Waterfront Bath Street West Bath Street East (Pavilions Leisure Complex) 10. Stonehouse Barracks 11. Oceansgate 12. Drake’s Island 13. Melville, Royal William Yard




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October 2018

THE WATERFRONT Site reference: PLY33

Opportunities and aspirations • • • • •

Range of historic buildings suitable of sensitive reuse Direct deep water access to the English Channel Designated an Enterprise Zone Marine Industries Production Campus High quality design which preserves and enhances adjacent listing buildings • Size: 5.95 ha (14.70 acres)

OCEANSGATE Oceansgate, is the former South Yard within Devonport Dockyard which is developing to bring together marine businesses to create a world-class hub for marine industries in Plymouth. The site has been designated an Enterprise Zone which is a 25 year designation offering marine businesses financial incentives to invest in growth. The site provides direct deep water access to the English Channel and an unrivalled location for a wide range of marine businesses. Regeneration of the site is already underway with planning permission approved for the retention and conversion of existing buildings. The MoD has contracted to release further land within South Yard to the City Council for the development of a Marine Industries Production Campus. The site is home to three disused dry docks and contains an important groups of Grade II and Grade 11* historic buildings. High quality, sensitive development of the site will be supported with a strong marine focus. Should further land releases take place within South Yard, the Council will seek to extend the marine related development opportunities, as well as related cultural opportunities, given the potential it provides to enhance Plymouth’s standing as a major national and international marine centre.

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Plymouth Fruit Sales Site Sutton Road West Sugar House Sutton Harbour Fish Quay Register Office North of Cliff Road Millbay Waterfront Bath Street West Bath Street East (Pavilions Leisure Complex) 10. Stonehouse Barracks 11. Oceansgate 12. Drake’s Island 13. Melville, Royal William Yard


12 October 2018

THE WATERFRONT Site reference: PLY35

Opportunities and aspirations • Heritage-led regeneration, including the provision of a new hotel and associated visitor facilities and marine/natural environment-related research and development • Potential for renovation of the scheduled ancient monuments and listed buildings for new uses • Unique waterfront setting • Size: 2.79 ha (6.89 acres)

DRAKE’S ISLAND Drake’s Island is located in Plymouth Sound, about 600 metres south of the Hoe. Formerly known as St Nicholas Island, its strategic position led to it being fortified from at least the 16th century. The history and prominence of the island mean that it is strongly linked to the image of Plymouth. The island regeneration provides a unique opportunity for hotel led development providing sensitive re-use and which safeguards and enhance its historic and natural environment features. A large proportion of the island, including the casemated gun battery at the west of the island, is a scheduled monument. The group of four principal buildings at the north-west end of the island are Grade II listed. These comprise the 18th and 19th century former Barracks, Ablution Blocks, Commanding Officer’s House and Guardhouse. The range of remains and fortifications, and the prominent location of Drake’s Island, make it a heritage site of the greatest importance. Drake’s Island also has significant wildlife interest and is located within the Plymouth Sound and Estuaries European Marine Site. It will be critical that any development demonstrates that it will not have an adverse impact on these protected qualities. Planning permission was granted in 2017 for hotel development including conversion of Grade II listed Island House, Barracks and Ablutions Blocks, Scheduled Ancient Monument casemated battery and landscaping, refurbishment of jetty and infrastructure works.

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Plymouth Fruit Sales Site Sutton Road West Sugar House Sutton Harbour Fish Quay Register Office North of Cliff Road Millbay Waterfront Bath Street West Bath Street East (Pavilions Leisure Complex) 10. Stonehouse Barracks 11. Oceansgate 12. Drake’s Island 13. Melville, Royal William Yard






12 October 2018

THE WATERFRONT Site reference: PLY36.1

MELVILLE, ROYAL WILLIAM YARD Royal William Yard is home to the largest collection of Grade I Listed military buildings in Europe. The 15 acre (6 ha) former naval victualling yard benefits from a spectacular waterfront location with dramatic views across Plymouth Sound. The Melville Building is one of the few remaining buildings to be developed within this stunning award-winning development by Urban Splash. It’s the centre piece building of the site, with its prominent clock tower and central courtyard. Planning permission has been granted for the reuse of the building (16/01376/FUL) which provides flexibility for a number of uses, with a hotel sought as part of the mix. The site presents occupiers and investors with the opportunity to invest in a unique, historic waterfront regeneration site.

Opportunities and aspirations • • • • •

Occupier and investor opportunities Mixed use development with hotel use Potential for 3,000 sq m employment floorspace Sensitive conversion of heritage asset Size: 0.9 ha (2.22 acres)

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Plymouth Fruit Sales Site Sutton Road West Sugar House Sutton Harbour Fish Quay Register Office North of Cliff Road Millbay Waterfront Bath Street West Bath Street East (Pavilions Leisure Complex) 10. Stonehouse Barracks 11. Oceansgate 12. Drake’s Island 13. Melville, Royal William Yard




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October 2018


DERRIFORD COMMERCIAL CENTRE Derriford has a significant role to play in creating a new heart for the north of the city. A new commercial and district centre are at the centre of proposals. A range of uses will be supported including residential, main town centre uses (as part of a district centre) and employment generating uses. The introduction of other uses within and immediately around the mixed use commercial centre to generate high levels of activity (including offices and higher density residential uses as part of a wider mix of housing types) will be important to support the district centre and enable it to serve as a true focus for the north, providing more than shopping facilities.

Opportunities and aspirations • Mixed use development comprising new commercial floorspace in the form of retail, medical/health related uses, B1 offices and workshops, leisure and community uses, education, multi storey car park, and residential • Residential potential for 664 units, including extra care and student accommodation • Potential for 34,000 sq m offices • Supermarket provision as part of district centre • Scope for bespoke business park development • Pedestrian and cycle route to Derriford hospital, new public transport connections • Size: 18.7 ha (46.21 acres)

A strategic masterplan has been prepared to assist with bringing forward proposals to ensure that the overall vision for the area can be realised. It is expected that whilst the precise developments to come forward will be substantially market-driven, it is anticipated that each part of the area will have different characters, so, when taken as a whole, they provide a comprehensive focus and range of complementary uses in the north of the city. Planning permission has already been granted for a new international headquarters for The Range and a flagship store of 80,000 sq ft.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Derriford Commercial Centre Glacis Park Seaton Neighbourhood Plymouth Airport Plymouth Marjon University Woolwell Urban Extension/Park




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October 2018


GLACIS PARK This site in Derriford is a significant strategic opportunity for delivering a mixed use development that delivers new residential units, offices and potentially new education floorspace and small scale retail (appropriate to its location). The site benefits from frontage on to Tavistock Road, part of the strategic highway network and major public transport corridor. It is adjacent to an existing retail park and accommodates a significant council office building.

Opportunities and aspirations • Mixed use development potentially including; residential, offices, new education floorspace and small scale retail • Residential potential for 638 units • Potential for 18,000 sq m of offices • Requires a strategic master plan for whole of the site • Size: 14.88 ha (36.77 acres)


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Derriford Commercial Centre Glacis Park Seaton Neighbourhood Plymouth Airport Plymouth Marjon University Woolwell Urban Extension/Park




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October 2018


SEATON NEIGHBOURHOOD Seaton Neighbourhood received outline planning permission in 2013 and is under construction, creating a new residential community (800+ units) in the north of the city including commercial development and a local centre. The new neighbourhood will provide a mix of house types and sizes (approximately 200 already provided), with higher density housing provided in the north, adjacent to and integrated with employment uses and the new local centre. The new local centre will serve the day to day needs of local residents as well as the adjoining employment areas.

Opportunities and aspirations • Residential potential for 933 units (under construction) • Opportunity for 8,000 sq m B1 business space and other commercial uses • New local centre with a mix of shops and services • Direct access into Derriford Community Park • Size: 25.83 ha (63.83 acres)

The site is located next to the Derriford Community Park a new strategic recreational resource for the north of the city. The site also provides the high street section of the new Forder Valley Link Road which will connect the North of the city to the A38 and Strategic Highway Network. A new 3 form primary school has also been built adjoining the site.


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Derriford Commercial Centre Glacis Park Seaton Neighbourhood Plymouth Airport Plymouth Marjon University Woolwell Urban Extension/Park




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October 2018


PLYMOUTH AIRPORT The site of Plymouth airport is one of the city’s most strategic assets. While the airport has not been operational since 2011, there are opportunities for new general aviation operations to be reinstated on the airport site, enabling Plymouth and the wider area to have flights to other UK airport destinations.

Opportunities and aspirations • Range of aviation uses • Potential for temporary meanwhile uses • Size: 41.99 ha (103.76 acres)


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Derriford Commercial Centre Glacis Park Seaton Neighbourhood Plymouth Airport Plymouth Marjon University Woolwell Urban Extension/Park




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October 2018


PLYMOUTH MARJON UNIVERSITY The University of St Mark and St John (Marjon) is a single campus education facility for an academic community of approximately 5,000 people, including student accommodation on site. It plays a vital role in supporting the city’s continued growth and long term economic prosperity through the provision of further education. Opportunities exist within the site which support the continued educational use of the site which also consolidates and builds on its role as a sporting hub in the north of the city.

Opportunities and aspirations • Education facilities • Enhancement of strategic sports hub • Opportunity for other uses to support the campus development • Size: 17.51 ha (43.27 acres)


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Derriford Commercial Centre Glacis Park Seaton Neighbourhood Plymouth Airport Plymouth Marjon University Woolwell Urban Extension/Park




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October 2018


WOOLWELL URBAN EXTENSION/ PARK The key strategic residential opportunity to the north of the city is for an urban extension at Woolwell, capable of delivering significant numbers of new residential units (in the region of 2000), with improved infrastructure, a range of local services and facilities to support the new residential community including a primary school. Its location on the edge of the city and Dartmoor National Park should be carefully considered in any proposals, ensuring that development provides a high quality edge to the city.

Opportunities and aspirations • Residential potential for a new community of 2,000 units • New primary school • Deliver high quality accessible greenspace that incorporates areas for active recreation and play • Delivery of a new community park • Appropriate local facilities to support the new and existing residents • Size: 139.08 ha (343.67 acres)


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Derriford Commercial Centre Glacis Park Seaton Neighbourhood Plymouth Airport Plymouth Marjon University Woolwell Urban Extension/Park




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October 2018

EASTERN CORRIDOR Site reference: PLY48

SHERFORD NEW COMMUNITY The Sherford new community is and will deliver a real change to the area. The planning of the new community has been extensive and includes a new town centre, several smaller local centres, schools, leisure, other community infrastructure, employment opportunities and an extensive community park providing a strategic recreational resource alongside the major residential development. Development of the first residential units are underway, with a new community beginning to form and the first primary school in the new community received its first pupils in September 2018. The site is supported by a 200 ha country park with 70 ha of new woodland.

Opportunities and aspirations • • • • •

Residential potential for a new community of 5,500 units Potential for 67,000 sq m of employment floor space Provision of town centre and three local centres High quality public spaces throughout the development Delivery of 200 hectares of community park (including 70 hectares of tree planting) • Delivery of a new park and ride facility • Size: 224.02 ha (553.57 acres)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Sherford New Community Saltram Meadow Langage West Park Hill, Newnham Former China Clay Complex, Coypool 6. Plympton Health Hub



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1 October 2018

EASTERN CORRIDOR Site reference: PLY50

SALTRAM MEADOW Saltram Meadow, formerly Plymstock Quarry, is a new residential led development in a former quarry which already benefits from outline consent and a number of reserved matter permissions. The site is under construction with a new community developing, which will result in around 1600 new residential units, with associated facilities, including a new primary school, local centre and employment uses.

Opportunities and aspirations • • • • • •

Residential potential for a new community of 1,682 units Potential for 11,324 sq m of employment floor space Provision of new local centre including food store Primary school and sports facilities A 3g playing pitch and a multi-use games area Size: 50.61 ha (125.06 acres)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Sherford New Community Saltram Meadow Langage West Park Hill, Newnham Former China Clay Complex, Coypool 6. Plympton Health Hub



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EASTERN CORRIDOR Site reference: PLY51

LANGAGE Economic growth at Langage is of strategic importance to the city and wider sub region. Future development offers the opportunity to strengthen the role of Langage as an attractive destination for new employment and investment. The site already provides significant employment space, an Energy Centre as part of the ‘Energy Park’ with access on to the A38.

Opportunities and aspirations • Strategic employment area • Provision of 247,300 sq m employment floorspace • Size: 92.23 ha (227.90 acres)

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Sherford New Community Saltram Meadow Langage West Park Hill, Newnham Former China Clay Complex, Coypool 6. Plympton Health Hub



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1 October 2018

EASTERN CORRIDOR Site reference: PLY52

WEST PARK HILL, NEWNHAM A green field site suitable for new residential development on the eastern edge of Plympton, with views out into South Hams and access to Dartmoor. Opportunity for residential development is proposed along with a new primary school to meet the growing needs in the area.

Opportunities and aspirations • Residential potential for 400 units • Scope to provide local facilities to support the new and existing residents • Opportunity to provide integrated connection into existing communities • New primary school • Size: 24.24 ha (59.90 acres)

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Sherford New Community Saltram Meadow Langage West Park Hill, Newnham Former China Clay Complex, Coypool 6. Plympton Health Hub



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1 October 2018

EASTERN CORRIDOR Site reference: PLY53

FORMER CHINA CLAY COMPLEX, COYPOOL The former China Clay dryer complex to the east of Plympton on the edge of the Plym Valley provides the opportunity for comprehensive redevelopment of the site to deliver a new residential neighbourhood within an enhanced landscaped setting, providing connections for walking and cycling into the surrounding residential area and greenspace. The site benefits from exceptional views into the surrounding countryside. The site is mainly vacant and derelict with a strong woodland edge in an elevated position adjacent to the Plym Valley. Adjoining land has recently been developed for residential purposes. Other surrounding land is allocated for a new sports hub providing high quality recreational opportunities.

Opportunities and aspirations • Residential potential for 400 units • Direct connections to the new Boringdon Sports Hub and Plym Valley trail • Size: 30.48 ha (75.32 acres)

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Sherford New Community Saltram Meadow Langage West Park Hill, Newnham Former China Clay Complex, Coypool 6. Plympton Health Hub



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1 October 2018


PLYMPTON HEALTH HUB Mudge Way Plympton is a large(1.435 ha) attractive and prominent development site close to the town centre. Currently used as a large two practice doctors surgery with pharmacy and a separate community centre surrounded by several surface car parks. Opportunities now exist (subject to planning) to create a significant mixed use scheme on the site which will include a new replacement 3372 m2 Health Hub together with a new pharmacy and could include a mixture of other retail, commercial and residential uses appropriate for the site. The site is well placed being 200 metres from the main retail street in Plympton and has all main utility services adjacent to the site.

Opportunities and aspirations • Mixed use scheme that includes a Health Hub and new pharmacy • Could include a mixture of retail, commercial and residential uses • Size: 1.435 ha (3.55 acres)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Sherford New Community Saltram Meadow Langage West Park Hill, Newnham Former China Clay Complex, Coypool 6. Plympton Health Hub






1 October 2018

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