Welcome to Rijeka 01-2010

Page 1

RIJEKA Broj/Issue 1

Veljača/February 2010.

Godina/Year I


Riječki karneval / The Rijeka Carnival

Peto godišnje doba Fifth season Intervju / Interview

Manuel Salazar Palma Studentski kampus / Student Campus

Laboratoriji znanja Knowledge laboratory Skijanje, Europa kup / Skiing, Europa Cup


Nije za prodaju




7. Uvodnik / Editorial Tema Broja / This edition theme 8. Riječki karneval - Peto godišnje doba.


The Rijeka Carnival - Fifth season

Intervju / Interview 14. Manuel Salazar Palma Novi grad / New city

18. Arhitektonski studio Randić - Turato - Promijenjeno lice grada

Architectural office Randić – Turato - The changed face of the city

22. Hotel Bonavia - Prva dama hotelijerstva

Hotel Bonavia - The First lady in the hotel industry

26. Tower Center - Ultimativni shopping Tower Center - Ultimate shopping


Turistička zajednica Grada Rijeke / Rijeka Tourist Board Užarska 14 , 51000 Rijeka Tel / Phone: 051/315-710 e-mail: tz-rijeka@ri.t-com.hr


KOORDINATOR PROJEKTA / PROJECT COORDINATOR Hand Press d.o.o. e-mail: info@handpress.hr


Hand Press d.o.o. Mail: sandra@handpress.hr




NAKLADA / EDITION 4000 kom / pieces

ISSN 1847-5019 Izlazi dva puta godišnje / published twice a year






Wireless Rijeka

32. Studentski kampus - Laboratoriji znanja Student Campus - Knowledge laboratory

36. Elena Brumini - Mala velika glumica Elena Brumini - Huge-tiny actress

40. Riječki “antipleks” za istinske ljubitelje sedme umjetnosti Rijeka’s “antiplex” for truly lovers of the seventh art

44. Astronomski centar Rijeka - Riječki put do zvijezda Astronomy Centre Rijeka - Rijeka’s way to the stars

48. Skijanje, Europa kup - S planine na more i nazad

Skiing, Europa Cup - From the mountains to the sea and back

52. Marin Bosiočić - Tako mlad, a već velemajstor

Nevenka Koščić, Tamara Opačak Klobučar, Katarina Zorić, Damir Herceg, Barbara Grabušić, Gracijano Gregorović, Doris Žiković, Željko Bročilović Carlos


30. Wireless Rijeka




Musical enlightenment in Tunel

51. Europsko prvenstvo u šahu - Rijeka je na potezu.

Rino Gropuzzo, Miljenko Smokvina, Davor Žunić, Petar Fabijan, Petar Trinajstić, Antonio Bujan, Kristijan Vučković, Ratko Mavar, Goran Kovačić


28. Glazbeno prosvjetljenje u Tunelu



European Chess Championship - It is Rijeka’s move

Marin Bosiočić - So young, and already a grand master

54. Mozaik- događanja / Mosaic - Events Tako je nekad bilo / This is how it once was 58. Torpedo - Genijalni Luppisov izum Torpedo - Genial Luppis’ invention


63. Rino Groppuzo Slasni kutak / Tasty corner

70. Ukusan provod na Terminalu Tasty entertainment in Terminal

74. Medeni suveniri Honey souvenirs

78. Malvazija Dajla - Savršen pratilac

Malvasia Dajla - The perfect companion

80. Press clipping - Kako nas drugi vide / As others see us


Uvodnik Editorial

OGLAS Zašto Rijeku treba upoznati, što u Rijeci treba osjetiti, što treba vidjeti i što doživjeti? Što je to u Rijeci drugačije, posebno, neponovljivo? Čime Vas Rijeka može privući? Na ta pitanja zasigurno ima jako puno mogućih odgovora. Za mnoge, pa i mene, Rijeka je prije svega grad urbanoga duha, grad Mediterana i Srednje Europe, grad industrijske baštine te grad karnevala i rocka. U toj mreži doživljaja Rijeke, jedna se vrijednost uvijek ponavlja. Prepoznatljivi smo po otvorenosti svim različitostima i tradiciji tolerancije i multikulturalnosti. I zato je za mene upravo to najbolji odgovor na sva ova pitanja, a vama poziv da tu privlačnost Rijeke i otvorenost nas Riječana istražite i osjetite. Vodič koji listate bit će vam dobar poticaj da pronađete vaše odgovore i upoznate Rijeku kao Vaš grad. Vojko Obersnel, gradonačelnik

Why should you get to know Rijeka, what is it you feel in Rijeka that makes it so different and so attractive, and what is there to be seen and what is it you can experience in that city? What does Rijeka have that is so different, so special and unrepeated? What is it that Rijeka can attract you with? There are undoubtedly, a number of possible answers to these questions. For me as well as for many people, Rijeka is first and foremost a city of urban spirit, a Mediterranean and Central European city, a city with an industrial heritage as well as a Carnival and Rock music city. Within that network of Rijeka experiences, there is one value that keeps repeating itself. We are recognizable for being tolerant to any and all differences as well as for our tradition of tolerance and multiculturalism. So, this is the best answer I can provide to all the aforementioned questions and an invitation for you to explore and feel Rijeka’s attractiveness for yourself as well as encountering the openness that we, the citizens of Rijeka offer. The Guide you hold in your hands will be the perfect incentive for finding the answers to your questions and to becoming acquainted with Rijeka as a city for you, too. Vojko Obersnel, The Mayor


Tema broja / This edition theme


Piše / Text by: Doris Žiković

Fotografije / Photos: TZ Grada Rijeke / Rijeka Tourist Board

Riječki karneval - izokrenuto mjesto i vrijeme koje bi mnogi htjeli pretvoriti u stvarnost The Rijeka Carnival – a twisted time and place where many people would like to transform into reality

Peto godišnje doba Fifth season

Karneval je poput kazališne predstave u kojoj je svatko pronašao ulogu za sebe. Vrtlog emocija, neobuzdanosti, humora i strasti skriven iza maske. Upravo taj svijet dionizijske opijenosti, glazbe i plesa, svijet u kojemu nema zabrana, te povratak onom iskonskom što ga maska kao motiv simbolizira, razotkriva europski šarm Rijeke i njezinu multikulturalnu dimenziju. Vrijednosti Riječkoga karnevala uvijek se iznova potvrđuju. Događaj je to koji se nametnuo svojom posebnošću gradu, regiji i Hrvatskoj, kao peto godišnje doba – doba ludovanja i opuštanja sa svojim bogatim zabavnim, sportskim i kulturnim programom. U karnevalskome svijetu bezbrižnosti stvarno graniči s nestvarnim, a odglumljene uloge postaju zbiljske. Obojen u najšareniji spektar boja, prkoseći hladnoći, kiši, snijegu, ledu i hirovitoj buri, Riječki karneval je topao domaćin svakom čovjeku dobre volje koji bijeg od svakodnevice traži u igri, smijehu i zabavi.

Na vrhu vala Povijest Rijeke, poput Mediterana, ima svoje valove čije se gibanje doimlje kao listanje knjige, a iščitavajući to neiscrpno bogatstvo duhovnosti i profanosti, žrtve i oprosta, slabosti i karizme, saznajemo da je upravo ovaj grad i svojevrsna kolijevka karnevala na ovim prostorima. O Riječkom karnevalu pisalo se već davne 1877. godine kada je održan maskirani ples na kojem je sudjelovalo oko 600 kostimiranih plesača austrijskoga i mađarskog plemstva. Dugih šest stoljeća pokladne tradicije ovoga

A carnival is like a theatre show in which everyone has found a role for themselves. A whirlpool of emotions, unruliness, humour and passion is hidden behind the masks. Precisely this world of Dionysian intoxication, music and dance, a world with no limits, and a return to the original, symbolized by the mask as a motif, is able to reveal the European charm of the city of Rijeka and its multicultural dimension. The values of the Rijeka Carnival are continuously reconfirmed every year. It is an event which has imposed itself on the city, the region and on Croatia itself due to its particularity as the fifth season – a period of craziness and relaxation is followed by an entertainment, sporting and cultural program. In the carefree world of carnival the real confines with the unreal and played parts become reality. Coloured in the most colourful spectrum, challenging the cold, rain, snow, ice and capricious bura wind, the Rijeka Carnival is the hot host for every person of goodwill looking for an escape from everyday life through play, laughter and entertainment.

On the top of the wave The history of Rijeka, as well as the history of the Mediterranean, has waves whose moves look like the turning of leaves, and by reading this inexhaustible richness of spirituality and profanity, sacrifice and forgiveness, weakness and charisma, we discover that precisely this city is the specific carnival cradle in this area.



The Rijeka Carnival was first written about as far back as 1877 when a masquerade ball was held in which around 600 masked dancers from the Austrian and Hungarian aristocracy took part. Six long centuries of carnival tradition in this area and the influence of the Venetian and Austrian city carnivals together with elements of the old Slavic population folklore and mythology are the foundation on which the renewed Rijeka Carnival began creating its characteristic identity in 1982 and since then it has grown and developed. Starting with just three carnival groups and around hundred participants it has become an international event that counts over ten thousand participants from around ten world countries every year. The numerousness of the participants and visitors gained the Rijeka Carnival, full membership of the Federation of European Carnival Cities back in 1995 and selected it amongst the most important in the world, just next to the most famous ones in Rio de Janeiro, Venice and Nice. Exotic samba dancers, beautiful antique masks in the Venetian alleys together with gondolas, a large masked parade along Nice’s coast and allegorical floats and bell ringers on the Korzo. All of them conserve their tradition, but have also become recognizable events and an ever more frequent motif for visiting tourists.

Twisted, and again so right

kraja te utjecaj venecijanskoga i austrijskoga građanskog karnevala i elemenata folklora i mitologije starih Slavena temelji su na kojima je obnovljeni Riječki karneval 1982. godine počeo graditi svoj osebujni identitet i od tada raste i razvija se. Započevši sa samo tri domaće karnevalske skupine i stotinjak sudionika prerastao je u međunarodnu manifestaciju koja svake godine broji preko deset tisuća sudionika iz desetak zemalja svijeta. Brojnost sudionika i gledatelja priskrbila je Riječkom karnevalu 1995. godine punopravno članstvo u Europskoj udruzi karnevalskih gradova i svrstala ga među najznačajnije u svijetu, uz sam bok najpoznatijih u Rio de Janeiru, Veneciji i Nici. Egzotični plesači sambe, prekrasne starinske maske u venecijanskim uličicama i na gondolama, dugačka maškarana povorka duž obale u Nici te alegorijska kola i zvončari na Korzu. Svi oni čuvaju tradiciju, ali postaju i prepoznatljivi događaji te sve češći motivi turističkih posjeta.

Izokrenuto, a opet tako ispravno Riječke maškare tipične su za urbanu sredinu jer su čvrsto povezane s idejom društvenoga reda, usmjerene na odnos čovjeka i društva, te iz godine u godinu sve sklonije improvizacijama i aktualizacijama. Zato ih mnogi i nazivaju razotkrivenom kritikom društva, a značajke toga tipa su karnevalske skupine, testamenti i osuda lutke, povorke alegorijskih kola, društveno aktualni natpisi,

Rijeka’s masks are typical for their urban surroundings as are strongly connected to the idea of social order, directed by the relationship between humans and society in general, and from year to year are more favourable to improvisation and actualisation. That is why the majority call them the disclosed critic of society, and characteristics of this kind are the carnival groups, testaments and doll

plakati i transparenti, karnevalske novine, individualno maskiranje, plesovi pod maskama i gozbe, dječja karnevalska povorka. Karnevalsko je vrijeme izdvojeno vrijeme, čak i ključeve grada preuzima meštar karnevala, a tada u gradu ne vrijede uobičajena, svakodnevna pravila ponašanja. No, karneval nije nered, karneval nije obrnuti svijet. Okretanje svijeta naglavačke samo je jedno od karnevalskih sredstava, a nakon oduška u izdvojenom, izmišljenom svijetu predstave ljudi se vraćaju zbilji – korizmi. Da bi se mogle pomiriti, suprotnosti se moraju iskazati i prikazati: karneval zato iskazuje i red i nered, i dobro i zlo – izvrće suprotnosti i tako dokazuje njihovu prolaznost. Spaljuje se sukob suprotnosti pa se tako ritualno omogućuje početak novoga kruga svakodnevice. U praksi, karneval je vrijeme posjeta i zajedničkih gozbi, vrijeme pomirenja sukobljenih strana, vrijeme jačanja identiteta unutar zajednice. Vrijeme koje bi mnogi voljeli pretvoriti u stvarnost, jer je realnost najčešće daleko brutalnija. Na kraju izgori samo lutka.

Otkriveni grad A kada prestižni britanski časopis Sunday Times Riječki karneval proglasi atrakcijom godine i zabavom koju treba posjetiti. Kada jedan od najpopularnijih specijaliziranih magazina za poslovna putovanja u Europi, Business Traveller, na tri stranice objavi veliku reportažu o gradu Rijeci, za koju priznati britanski novinar Tom Chesshyre

conviction, the allegorical floats’ parade, the socially active signboards, posters and banners, the carnival newspaper, individual masks, masqued balls and banquets and the Children’s Carnival Parade. The carnival period is an isolated period, even the town keys are taken over by the Master of the Carnival, and the ordinary, everyday rules of behaviour do not apply during that period in the city. How, However, the carnival is not a mess; it is not a world in reverse. Turning the world upside down is just one of the carnival’s resources, and afterwards follows an event in a separate, imaginative show world, where people return to reality –Lent. In order to reconcile, contrasts have to be expressed and shown: because of that the carnival expresses both order and disorder, good and evil – turning contrast inside out and in so doing proves their transience. The conflict of contrasts is burned and ritually provides the beginning of a new everyday circle. In practice, the carnival is a period of visits and common banquets, a period of making peace between two conflicted parties, a period of identity strengthening within the community. A A period that many people would like to turn into reality as the true reality is on the whole much more brutal. In the end only the puppet burns.

Revealed city And when the prestigious British magazine, the Sunday Times proclaimed the Rijeka Carnival to be the






Antonja – podizanje Pusta

Antonja - raising of the Pust

Tradicionalno puhanje u antonjski rog, prigodan program Subota, 17.01. u 18,00 sati – Pehlin, ispred Doma, u 18,00 sati – Pašac, ispred Doma, u 19,00 sati – Zamet, ispred Doma

Traditional blowing into the antonja horn, suitable program Saturday, 17th January at 6.00 PM – Pehlin, in front of the Cultural Centre at 6.00 pm – Pašac, in front of the Cultural Centre at 7.00 pm – Zamet, in front of the Cultural Centre

Izbor kraljice Riječkog karnevala i primopredaja ključa Grada Petak, 22. 01. u 20,00 sati – Dvorana mladosti 3. Croatian Carnival Snowboard Session 2010.

Rijeka Carnival Queen Pageant and handover of the town keys

Subota, 30.01. u 16,00 sati – Korzo

Friday, 22nd January at 8.00 pm – Youth Sports Hall


3rd Croatian Carnival Snowboard Session 2010

19. Maškarani auto rally Pariz – Bakar

Karnevalsko je vrijeme izdvojeno vrijeme, čak i ključeve grada preuzima meštar karnevala, a tada u gradu ne vrijede uobičajena, svakodnevna pravila ponašanja. The carnival period is an isolated period, even the town keys are taken over by the Master of the Carnival, and the ordinary, everyday rules of behaviour do not apply during that period in the city. kaže da je zaboravljeni grad s odličnim noćnim životom, vrhunskim restoranima i prekrasnom obalom kojeg tek treba otkriti, ne treba ništa više dodati. I zato Rijekom treba šetati drugačije nego što to njezine ulice određuju. Te odrednice upućuju ka onim najatraktivnijim povijesnim i umjetničkim dokazima bogatstva koje se ne smiju mimoići, jer grad sv. Vida ne oskudijeva elementima vlastitoga urbanog identiteta koji proizlazi iz njegove prošlosti, kulture, znamenitih ljudi i njihovih postignuća. No, neosporna je činjenica da se identitet suvremenoga grada, osim na povijesti i baštini, temelji i na sadržajima koje nudi svojim žiteljima, ali i gostima koji ga posjećuju. Percepciju Rijeke ne možemo temeljiti samo na lijepoj priči iz davnine, već na stvarnim mogućnostima koje grad nudi. Sasvim otvorenom komunikacijom Riječani prihvaćaju utjecaje razvijenih europskih gradova. Nimalo ne čudi da mnogi grad na Rječini smatraju jednim od za život najugodnijih hrvatskih gradova. Sadržaji i prilike koje Rijeka nudi iz godine u godinu su sve raznolikiji. Kriteriji pri osmišljavanju gradske ponude moraju biti izrazito visoki i globalno konkurentni jer jedino takvi mogu uspjeti i biti zanimljivi izbirljivoj inozemnoj publici. A Riječki karneval nesumnjivo zauzima visoko mjesto u toj ponudi i pretvara Rijeku u zanimljivo mjesto za nezaboravan doživljaj kojem se uvijek rado vraćate. •

entertainment attraction of the year that needed to be visited; when one of the most specialized magazines for business trips in Europe, the Business Traveller, published a three pages report about the city of Rijeka, for which the recognized British journalist, Tom Chesshyre, refers to as the forgotten city with great night life, excellent restaurants and a beautiful coast which has to be discovered, there is nothing else to add. That’s why we should walk through Rijeka in a different way, not the way selected by its streets. These settings address the most attractive historical and artistic richness and are evidence which must not be overlooked as the city of St. Vitus would miss elements from its own urban identity which comes from its history, its culture, its eminent people and their accomplishments. But, the unquestionable fact is that the identity of a modern city, besides its history and heritage, is based on the contents it offers to its inhabitants and visiting guests as well. The perception of Rijeka cannot only be based on beautiful stories from the past, but on the real possibilities that the city offers. Thanks to the completely open communication, Rijeka’s citizens accept influences from other developed European cities. It is not surprising at all that many people consider this city on the Rječina River to be one of the most pleasant Croatian cities to live in. Contents and opportunities that Rijeka offers from year to year are more varied every year. The criteria whilst creating the city’s offer must be extremely high and globally competitive as only in such a way can it succeed and be interesting for the lickerish international public. And the Rijeka Carnival doubtlessly takes a high place in that offer turning Rijeka into an interesting place for an unforgettable experience to which you always willingly come back. •


Saturday, 30th January at 4.00 pm - Korzo

Subota, 06.02. u 10,05 sati – Rijeka – Kostrena - Bakar


14. Dječja karnevalska povorka

19th Masked Pariz-Bakar auto-rally

Subota, 06. 02.u 13,00 sati – centar grada

Saturday, 6th February at 10.05 am – Rijeka – Kostrena – Bakar

10. Oktanski bal

14th Children's Carnival Parade

Subota, 06.02. u 21,00 sat – Dvorana hotela Neboder

Saturday, 6th February at 1.00 pm – City Centre

srijeda, 17.02. u 18,00 sati – Dvorana ŠD »Zamet»

10th Octane Ball

Rotarijanski bal

Saturday, 6th February at 9.00 pm – Neboder Hall

Petak, 12.02. u 20,00 sati – Dvorana Zajednice Talijana (Circolo)

Wednesday, 17th February at 6.00 pm SC "Zamet" Hall

Carnival Party 2010 – CP10 12. do 14.02.– Gat, centar grada, klubovi sa organiziranim CP10 programom 21. Maškarani maraton Radio Rijeke Četvrtak,11.02. u 20,00 sati – Grobnička noć uz nastup grupe Azur – centar grada Petak, 12.02. u 19,00 sati – otvaranje Maškaranog maratona Radio Rijeke – centar grada u 20,00 sati – Zabava uz Koktelse - centar grada Subota, 13.02. u 12,00 sati – 4. Maškarana maneštra - centar grada u 20,00 sati – Maškarana zabava za mlade uz DJ-e i bendove Nedjelja, 14.02. u 19,00 sati – Maškarani maraton Radio Rijeke – centar grada Tradicionalni karnevalski koncert Gradske glazbe Trsat – Rijeka 7.02. u 19,30 sati – Hrvatska čitaonica Trsat

Rotarian Ball Friday, 12th February at 8.00 pm – Italian Society Hall (Circolo) Carnival Party 2010 – CP10 12th to 14th February - Pier, City Centre, Clubs with organized CP10 program 21st Radio Rijeka Masked Marathon Thursday, 11th February at 8.00 pm – Grobnik night with a performance by the Azur band – City Centre Friday, 12th February at 7.00 pm – Opening of the Radio Rijeka masked marathon – City Centre at 8.00 pm – Party with Koktelsi band - City Centre Saturday, 13th February at 12.00 pm - 4th Masked Maneštra (vegetable stew) - City Centre at 8.00 pm – Masked party for young people with DJs and bands Sunday, 14th February at 7.00 pm – Radio Rijeka Masked Marathon – City Centre

Čiket - Pidžama Party

The traditional carnival concert of Gradska glazba Trsat Rijeka

Subota, 13.02.2010. u 20:00 - Cafe-bar “Iskra"

7th February at 7.30 pm – Croatian Reading Room Trsat

27. Međunarodna karnevalska povorka

Čiket – Pyjama Party

nedjelja, 14. 02. u 12,00 sati – centar grada u 20,00 sati – Paljenje pusta – Adamićev gat i akvatorij Riječke luke

27th International Carnival Parade

Dokumentarna izložba fotografija 27. Riječkoga karnevala 20.02. do 15.03. – Izlozi Grada Rijeke i HKD na Sušaku

Saturday, 13th February at 8.00 pm – “Iskra” Café-bar Sunday, 14th February at 12.00 pm – City Centre at 8.00 pm – Burning of the Pust – Adamić pier and Rijeka Port aquatorium Documentary photo exhibition of the 27th Rijeka Carnival 20th February to 15th March The City of Rijeka shop-windows and Croatian Cultural Centre on Sušak


Intervju / Interview


Piše / Text by: Katarina Zorić

Fotografije / Photos: Ratko Mavar

Španjolski veleposlanik Manuel Salazar Palma rado dolazi u Rijeku koju doživljava kao živahan grad. Posebno ga veseli sudjelovanje na Riječkome karnevalu, ali i na diplomatskom balu koji vidi kao dobru priliku za razvijanje kvalitetnih poznanstava. Rijeka ga također podsjeća i na mnoge gradove iz njegove rodne Španjolske pa joj se zato uvijek vraća. O svemu tome, ali i prilikama koje će Hrvatskoj i Rijeci donijeti ulazak zemlje u Europsku uniju, Manuel Salazar Palma otvoreno je progovorio u našem razgovoru. Rijeku ste posjetili više puta. Kakvi su vaši dojmovi?

Manuel Salazar Palma

Rijeka je zaista lijep grad. Još otkad sam prvi puta bio u Rijeci, jako mi se svidjela. Dolazio sam zbog različitih razloga, a uspio sam vidjeti i većinu spomenika te lijepih lokaliteta. Rijeka se nalazi na vrlo privlačnom mjestu, na kvarnerskoj obali. Ako dolazite iz Zagreba, a sad se brzo stigne jer je dovršena autocesta, možete uživati u fantastičnom pogledu. Planina, morska obala i Kvarner sa svojim otocima pružaju osjećaj mira i opuštanja, a to nam svima treba i to je ono što svi tražimo. Do centra Rijeke volim doći starom cestom. Čini mi se da je Rijeka vrlo živahan grad. S jedne strane se nalaze luka i more, a s druge strane stare zgrade i ulice za šetnju. Zaista lijep grad… Bili ste i na Riječkome karnevalu koji je svjetski poznat karneval. Kako vam se svidjela ta manifestacija? Da, bio sam nekoliko puta. Svake godine nas pozivaju na Riječki karneval, a dolazimo već tri godine zaredom, od 2006. godine. To je vjerojatno jedan od najveselijih festivala u Hrvatskoj i mogu reći da sam uživao u svakoj minuti. Zahvalan sam gradskoj vlasti na čelu s gradonačelnikom Vojkom Obersnelom što nam je pružila priliku da i naše veleposlanstvo bude dio toga veselja te da uživa s dobro raspoloženim građanima Rijeke i svim ostalim gostima koji dolaze iz ostalih krajeva Hrvatske, ali i iz svijeta. Ja dolazim iz Španjolske, zemlje koja je nadaleko poznata po svojim karnevalima i paradama. U mnogim španjolskim gradovima svake se godine održavaju karnevali. Upravo zato smo uvijek cijenili karneval u Rijeci. Kad dođem, nastojim se prošetati gradom rano ujutro na dan karnevalske parade. Uživam gledati sve te karnevalske pripreme, sudionike i užurbane skupine ljudi. To je zaista jedinstven prizor. Promatrate ljude i njihove maske i shvaćate koliko su maštoviti i koliko paze na najsitnije pojedinosti. Međutim, ono što je još važnije su veselje, dobro raspoloženje i volja za sudjelovanjem na karnevalu. Vidite da su to ljudi koji su se ozbiljno

The Spanish ambassador, Manuel Salazar Palma willingly comes to Rijeka which he experiments as a lively city. He is particularly entertained by taking part in the Rijeka Carnival, as well as in the diplomatic ball which he sees as a good chance to develop quality acquaintances. Rijeka reminds him of many cities from his native land of Spain, so he always comes back. With regard to all this, as well as the possibilities that entrance into the European Union will bring Croatia and Rijeka, Manuel Salazar Palma openly expressed himself during our conversation. You have visited Rijeka a number of times. What are your impressions? Rijeka is a really beautiful city. When I was in Rijeka for the first time, I really liked it. I came here for different reasons, and managed to see most of the monuments and beautiful sites. Rijeka is located in a really attractive position, on the Kvarner coast. If you arrive from Zagreb, and you can now arrive quickly since the construction of the highway has been completed, you can enjoy the beautiful view. The mountains, the shore, the sea and the Kvarner Bay with its islands give a sense of peace and relaxation and that is what we all need and what we are all searching for. I like to approach the Rijeka centre from the old road. I think Rijeka is very lively city. On one side you can find the port and the sea, and on the other the ancient buildings and pedestrian streets. A really beautiful city… You have been to the Rijeka Carnival which is one of the world’s famous carnivals. How did you like that event? Yes, I have been here several times. We have been invited to the Rijeka Carnival every year, and we have already been here three years in a row, starting from 2006. This is probably one of the most cheerful festivals in Croatia and I can say I enjoyed every minute of it. I am thankful to the city government and particularly with the mayor, Vojko Obersnel who has given us this kind of opportunity so that our embassy can also be part of this cheerfulness and enjoy it together with the joyful citizens of Rijeka and all other guests who come from other parts of Croatia as well as from the rest of the world. I come from Spain, a country which is far away and known for its carnivals and parades. Carnivals are held in many Spanish cities every year. This is precisely why we always appreciated the Rijeka Carnival. When I come here, I try to walk through the city in the early morning before the carnival parade. I enjoy observing all those carnival preparations, participants


pripremali za to i koji su uložili puno truda kako bi na kraju imali što bolju i ljepšu izvedbu. Htio bih pohvaliti Poglavarstvo Grada Rijeke za sva njihova nastojanja i trud da organizacijski sve protekne u najboljem redu. Mislim da su kao organizatori uspjeli postići da se svaki posjetitelj karnevala u Rijeci osjeća kao da je kod kuće. Bili ste i na Riječkom diplomatskom balu. Kakva su vam iskustva? Je li bal dobra prilika za bolju suradnju među veleposlanicima, ali i za bolju suradnju s Hrvatskom kao zemljom domaćinom? Diplomatski bal je sjajna prilika za bolje upoznavanje s lokalnim vlastima. Istodobno, to je i dobra prilika za druženje s drugim veleposlanicima u opuštenoj atmosferi. Brojni veleposlanici redovito dolaze na Riječki diplomatski bal. Mogu reći da smo mi uživali kad god smo bili na tom zanimljivom događaju. Stvarno smo se dobro zabavljali i puno plesali. Naravno, katkad nije jednostavno kretati se i plesati među tolikim ljudima s maskama, posebno ako i sami nosite veliki kostim ili jedan od onih koji uključuje veliki nos, što je kod mene bio slučaj. Ali rekao bih da se upravo u tome krije ljepota i šarm tog događanja. Dođu mnogi ljudi s kojima možeš lijepo razgovarati, a s nekima od njih ostvariš i neka bolja poznanstva. Možete li usporediti Rijeku s nekim od španjolskih gradova? S kojim i zašto? Postoje neki gradovi u Španjolskoj s kojima bih uistinu mogao usporediti Rijeku. Primjerice, grad Almeria koji je smješten na jugoistoku Španjolske, na obalama Sredozemnog mora. I sam dolazim iz toga kraja. Čini mi se da je to grad koji je veličinom, aktivnom lukom i razvijenošću grada vrlo sličan Rijeci. Postoje, naravno, i drugi gradovi koje bih mogao usporediti s Rijekom. Španjolska je kao i Hrvatska zemlja uz more. Upravo zato imamo mnogo zajedničkih stvari, a samim time i mnogo prilika za suradnju u područjima u kojima dijelimo zajedničke interese. Španjolska trenutno predsjedava Europskom unijom i to u trenutku kada traju pripreme Hrvatske za ulazak u EU. Kakve su vaše prognoze o ulasku Hrvatske u EU? Pregovori Hrvatske oko ulaska u Europsku uniju nalaze se visoko na listi naših prioriteta. Želimo da se riješe sve tehničke poteškoće te da se pregovori što je prije moguće privedu kraju. Nekoliko puta naglasili smo kako je iznimno važan ulazak Hrvatske u EU. To je važno i za dobrobit Europske unije, čitave regije, Španjolske i naravno, Hrvatske. Hrvatska može računati na podršku Španjolske. Mislim da se Hrvatska ubrzano približava posljednjoj fazi pregovora. Još uvijek je čekaju određeni poslovi za odraditi, ali sam siguran sam u njezino daljnje napredovanje.


and groups of rushing people. This is a truly unique view. You see the people and their masks and realize how imaginative they are and how they watch out for even the smallest detail. However, what is even more important is the cheerfulness, good mood and will to take part in the carnival. You can see that these people have seriously been preparing themselves for this event and have put a lot of effort into their work in order to have, at the end, as good and as beautiful a performance as possible. I would like to praise the Government of the City of Rijeka for all their effort in enabling the organisation to run smoothly. I think that they, as organisers, have been successful in ensuring that every visitor to the Rijeka Carnival feels at home. You took part in the Rijeka diplomatic ball as well. What were your experiences? Is the ball a good chance for better cooperation between ambassadors, as well as for better collaboration with Croatia as the host country? The diplomatic ball is a great opportunity for getting to know the local government better. At the same time, is a good chance for spending time with the other ambassadors in a relaxed atmosphere. Numerous ambassadors regularly come to the Rijeka diplomatic ball. I can say we have always enjoyed whenever we have attended this interesting event. We had really good fun and danced a lot. Of course, sometimes it is not easy to move and dance among so many masked people, especially if you are wearing a large costume or one of those that includes a big nose, which was my case…But I would say that exactly in this kind of case is hidden the beauty and charm of this event. Many beautiful people with whom you can talk with ease come to the event, and with some of them you can even forge stronger relationships. Can you compare Rijeka with some of the Spanish cities? With which one and why? There are some cities in Spain with which I would truly compare Rijeka. For example, the city of Almeira which is located in south-eastern Spain, on the Mediterranean coast. That is where I come from. I think that is a city which is very similar to Rijeka in size, with its active port and development. There are, of course, other cities to which I could compare Rijeka. Spain is, like Croatia, a country by the sea. And precisely thanks to that we have many things in common, and because of this many opportunities for collaboration in areas where we have common interests. Spain at the moment chairs the European Union precisely in the preparation period of Croatia entering the EU. What is your prognosis on Croatia entering the EU? Croatia’s negotiations regarding entrance to the European Union are high on the list of our priorities. We want them to solve all difficulties in order to bring negotiations to the end as soon as possible. On a number of occasions, we have pointed out how important the entrance of Croatia

Uživam gledati sve te karnevalske pripreme, sudionike i užurbane skupine ljudi. To je zaista jedinstven prizor. I enjoy observing all those carnival preparations, participants and groups of rushing people. This is a truly unique view.

to the European Union is. It is important for the European Union’s benefit as well as for the whole region, Spain and Croatia as well. Croatia can count on Spanish support. I think Croatia is rapidly approaching the ultimate negotiation phase. It still has to carry out a few tasks, but I am sure of further Croatian progress.

Prema vašem mišljenju, kakve će koristi od ulaska Hrvatske u EU imati grad Rijeka?

In your opinion, how will the city of Rijeka benefit from Croatia’s entrance to The European Union?

Od ulaska Hrvatske u Europsku uniju koristi će imati čitava zemlja pa tako i grad Rijeka. Iskustva drugih zemalja pokazuju da im je ulazak u EU donio razvoj i napredak. Ulazak u EU Hrvatskoj će donijeti bolje poslovne prilike i poboljšanu ekonomiju koja će biti rezultat tržišnoga nadmetanja. Hrvatska može računati i na financijsku pomoć kroz EU fondove koji su namijenjeni ekonomskim aktivnostima te za infrastrukturalnu pomoć svake vrste. Sve u svemu, mogu reći da će biti boljih poslovnih prilika, a to je iznimno važno za stanovnike Hrvatske. Međutim, ne smijemo zaboraviti i da ulazak u EU donosi i bolji razvoj kulture i raznih društvenih područja poput turizma. Poboljšanje će se osjetiti na svim navedenim, ali i mnogim drugim područjima. Bez ikakve sumnje mogu reći da će koristi imati i grad Rijeka. Građani Rijeke već su puno puta pokazali inicijativu i volju za rad na razvoju grada i njegovoj boljoj budućnosti. Kako bi onda takvi ljudi mogli propustiti prilike koje će im biti ponuđene? •

The whole of Croatia as well as the city of Rijeka will have benefits from entrance to the European Union. The other countries experiences show that entrance to the European Union has brought them development and progress. Entrance to the European Union will bring Croatia better business opportunities as well as a better economy which will be the result of increased marketing competition. Croatia can count on the financial help as well on EU funds which are dedicated to economic activities and to infrastructural support of any kind. Altogether, I can say there will be better business opportunities and that is very important for the population. However, we must not forget that entrance to the EU brings better cultural development as well as development in many social areas such as tourism. On all this, as well as on other areas, progress will be felt. Without a doubt I can say that even the city of Rijeka will have benefits from it. Rijeka citizens have already shown their initiative and willingness for working on city development and its better future many times. How then could a population of this kind not make the most of any opportunities offered to them? •


Novi grad / New city


Piše / Text by: Barbara Grabušić

Fotografije / Photos: Arhitektonski studio / Architecture Office Randić - Turato

smatraju arhitektima koji su spremni investirati u nove zamisli. Radoznalo, nepredvidivo i uzbudljivo, riječi su koje najbolje opisuju Randićevsko-Turatovsku arhitekturu proizašlu iz njihovoga arhitektonskog biroa. „Svaki je projekt odgovor na određena nepoznata pitanja koja si vrlo često i sami postavljao prilikom rada na konkretnome projektu. Nijedan projekt nema unaprijed zadane elemente, a ponajmanje oblike i prepoznatljive recepte. Svakom zadatku pristupamo otvoreno i s velikom dozom radoznalosti. Trenutak rada u nepoznatom i konstantno otvaranje novih tema i pitanja čini arhitekturu ekstremno uzbudljivom i nepotrošivom u vremenu“, kaže Idis Turato.

U sljedećih 30 godina Rijeka će doživjeti urbanistički bum i transformaciju In the next 30 years, Rijeka will experience an urban boom and transformation

Neki od njihovih projekata u Rijeci poput stambenoposlovnog kompleksa Zagrad (2007.), poslovne zgrade na Korzu (2005.), pametne kuće u Agotićevoj ulici (2009.) i Pastoralnog centra Aula pape Ivana Pavla II u sklopu Svetišta Majke Božje na Trsatu (Nagrada „Viktor Kovačić“ za najuspješnije arhitektonsko ostvarenje u 2008.) vratili su gradu samopouzdanje, ponos i poticaj za daljnji razvoj. „U odnosu na uloženu i vraćenu energiju, zahtjevnost parcele, uzbuđenje rada na projektu i realizaciju svakako se izdvaja Aula pape Ivana Pavla II i otvaranje kompleksa staroga samostana te projektiranje perivoja, šetnice i trga s polivalentnom dvoranom. To je svakako jedan od najuzbudljivijih projekata u Rijeci s višestrukom

Promijenjeno lice grada The changed face of the City Prije samo dva desetljeća, Rijeka je bila tipični hrvatski industrijski depresivni grad. Danas se slika grada na Rječini drastično promijenila. Ono što je pripadalo prezrenoj riječkoj industriji iz davnih dana, od 19. stoljeća naovamo, danas je prepoznato kao industrijska baština, od Tvornice papira Hartera preko impresivnih lučkih skladišta do Tvornice Rikard Benčić. Osim toga, u Rijeci su niknule i nove hvalevrijedne arhitektonske građevine.

Arhitekti koji su regenerirali grad Višestruko nagrađivani arhitektonski riječki dvojac Saša Randić i Idis Turato - već dugi niz godina svojim projektima privlače pozornost domaće, ali i inozemne javnosti. Izvrsnim arhitektonskim ostvarenjima uvelike su izmijenili lice Rijeke. Ne čudi stoga što su ih na slavnome Harvardu proglasili uredom s najvećim potencijalom u ovom dijelu Europe, a u Hrvatskoj ih

Just two centuries ago Rijeka was seen as an industrially depressive Croatian city. Today, the image of the city that lies on the Rječina River has drastically changed. What once was part of disdained industry in Rijeka, from the 19th century towards the present day, is today recognized as an industrial heritage: from the Hartera Paper factory to the impressive port storehouses and the Rikard Benčić. Besides that, a number of worthy architectural buildings have been constructed in Rijeka.

The architects who regenerated the city The many times awarded architecture couple Saša Randić and Idis Turato have, for a number of years, been attracting the attention of the public, both nationally and internationally with their great architectural projects through which they have changed the face of Rijeka. It is not surprising that the famous Harvard University

pronounced them the most potential architectural office in this part of Europe, whilst in Croatia they are considered to be architects who are ready for investing in new ideas. Curious, unpredictable and exciting are the words that best describe Randić and Turato’s architecture emanating from their architecture bureau. “Each project is the answer to a specific unknown question which we very often ask ourselves during work on a specific project. No part of the project has set elements in advance, and even less so, set shapes or recognizable recipes. We approach each task openly and with huge curiosity. That precise moment of working in an unknown environment and the continuous opening of new themes and questions make architecture extremely exciting and inconsumable over time”, says Idis Turato. A few of their projects in Rijeka such as the Zagrad residential and business complex (2007), the business facility on the Korzo (2005), the smart house in Agotićeva Street (2009) and the “Pope John Paul II Pastoral centre. The Great Hall” as part of the Saint Mary Sanctuary on Trsat (“Viktor Kovačić” award for the best architectural accomplishment in 2008) have given self-confidence, pride and encouragement back to the city. “Taking into consideration the energy given and received, a demanding work load, and excitement during work on the project



Radoznalo, nepredvidivo i uzbudljivo, riječi su koje najbolje opisuju Randićevsko-Turatovsku arhitekturu proizašlu iz njihovoga arhitektonskog biroa. Curious, unpredictable and exciting are the words that best describe Randić and Turato’s architecture emanating from their architecture bureau.

Egzibicionizam i ambicija porukom. Drago nam je da smo imali priliku realizirati taj projekt s trsatskim franjevcima.“, ističe Idis Turato.

Urbanistička višeslojnost Poznato je kako se Randić i Turato srčano bore za revitalizaciju napuštenih tvornica, primjerice Hartere u Centar alternativne kulture. I njihov nagrađen projekt Muzeja moderne i suvremene umjetnosti u Rijeci oslanja se na postojeću infrastrukturu bivšega kompleksa Tvornice šećera Rikard Benčić. „Riječki urbani okvir i kontekst karakteriziraju upravo prostornourbanistička višeslojnost. To je osnovna značajka i komparativna prednost Rijeke u odnosu na druge gradove regije. Osnovna značajka rada u Rijeci je i neprestano nadograđivanje slojeva grada-arhitekture i njezino složeno i bogato transformiranje. Rijeka će svoj pravi urbani razvoj doživjeti u sljedećih 30 godina upravo na onim prostorima na kojima će napuštena industrijska područja transformirati u novi grad. Pod novim gradom podrazumijevamo novi life-style i drugačije navike ljudi koji će živjeti u takvom urbanom i socijalnom okruženju“, mišljenja je Turato.

and the realization of the same, I would definitely choose the John Paul II Great Hall and the opening of the old monastery complex as well as the projecting of the park, promenade and square with a Polyvalent Hall. This was surely one of the most exciting projects in Rijeka with a multilayer message. We are pleased to have had the chance to realize this project with Trsat Franciscans.”, points out Idis Turato.

Urbanist multilayering It is well known that Randić and Turato valorously fought for the revitalization of abandoned factories such as Hartera in order to turn them into the Centre for Alternative Culture. Even their award-winning project of the Modern and Contemporary Art Museum in Rijeka relies upon the existing infrastructure of the former Rikard Benčić Sugar factory complex. “Rijeka’s urban frame and context are characterised precisely by the spatial and urban multilayering. That is the main characteristic and a comparative advantage of Rijeka in comparison to other cities of this region. The main working characteristic in the city of Rijeka is the continuous layer upgrading of the city-architecture as well as its complex and rich transformation. Rijeka will

Saša Randić i Idis Turato uvijek će rado istaknuti i uspješne riječke radove svojih kolega poput Mosta hrvatskih branitelja i sportske dvorane Zamet, radova istaknutoga studija 3LHD, ali neće propustiti istaknuti da su kuće njihovih starijih i nažalost pokojnih kolega Kazimira Ostrogovića, Igora Emilija i Ninoslava Kučana utjecali na formiranje njih kao arhitekata. „Baviti se arhitekturom zahtijeva urođenu dozu pokazivanja i ambicije mijenjanja zatečenoga stanja. Arhitektura koja to nema ne može mijenjati grad, a još manje provocirati nove urbane scenarije, događanja i transformacije. Stoga arhitektura predstavlja neprestani javni nastup i vrlo sklizak teren koji traži veliku usmjerenost na problem i zadatak, javnu i društvenu odgovornost te punu svjesnost da arhitektura i takav rad u konačnici prvenstveno služe ljudima oko nas“, zaključuje Turato koji se može pohvaliti i činjenicom kako je njihov projekt Osnovne škole „Fran Krsto Frankopan“ u Krku dobio nagradu „Vladimir Nazor“ i „Viktor Kovačić“ te je bio nominiran za nagradu „Mies Van der Rohe“ kao jedno od 40 najboljih ostvarenja u Europi. •

experience its true urban development over the next 30 years precisely in the area where the abandoned industrial areas will be transformed into a new city. When talking about the new city we intend a new life-style and different customs of people living in this urban and social environment.” thinks Turato.

Exhibitionism and ambition Saša Randić and Idis Turato will always eagerly emphasize successful projects in Rijeka, the work of their colleagues such as the Bridge of the Croatian Defenders and Zamet Sports Hall, work of the eminent 3LHD studio and will tell you that houses made by their older and unfortunately deceased colleagues Kazimir Ostrogović, Igor Emilije and Ninoslav Kučan influenced them when becoming architects. “Being an architect requires a congenital dose of showing off and ambition for changing the current state. Architecture lacking this cannot change the city, and cannot provoke new urban scenarios, events and transformations. This is why architecture is a continuous public performance and a very slippery field which asks for great focus on the problem and task in hand, as well as public and social responsibility and full consciousness that architecture and this kind of work will, first of all in the end serve the people surrounding us.”, concludes Turato who can boast of the fact that their project for the “Fran Krsto Frankopan” elementary school on the island of Krk won the “Vladimir Nazor” and “Viktor Kovačić” awards and was nominated for the “Mies Van der Rohe” award for the 40 best realizations in Europe. •


Novi grad / New city


Piše / Text by: Gracijano Gregorović

Grand hotel Bonavia već 133 godine postavlja teško dostižne standarde

Fotografije / Photos: Grand hotel Bonavia

The Grand hotel Bonavia sets up hardly reachable standards that have already been achieved over the last 133 years

Prva dama hotelijerstva The First lady of the Hospitality industry

Državnici svjetskoga glasa, kulturnjaci i političari! Da, Grand hotelom Bonavia je u 133 godine prolazio pravi svjetski establishment. Osoblje se dobro sjeća Toma Sellecka, Ottavia Missonia, Nasstasie Kinsky, Petera Falka, Kirka Douglasa, Belinde Lee, George C. Scotta, Ally McGraw, ... Elegantno uređene sobe i apartmani, moderne konferencijske i dvorane za sastanke, vrhunski à la carte fine dining restoran ‘Kamov’, koji se izdvaja svojom bogatom domaćom i međunarodnom gastronomskom ponudom, stilski interijer, neponovljivi detalji i atraktivni wellness i fitness centar Comfort Zone Space Bonavia, čine hotel Bonavia jednim od najboljih poslovnih hotela u Hrvatskoj i popularnom bazom za istraživanje Istre i Kvarnera. Hotel je smješten u samome središtu Rijeke, svega nekoliko metara od Korza, omiljene gradske šetnice. Raspolaže sa 121 elegantno uređenom sobom, šest apartmana i jednim predsjedničkim apartmanom. Sve sobe su opremljene najnovijom tehnologijom koja podržava suvremene trendove poslovnih hotela. Naravno, tu je i hotelski restoran Bonavia Classic, zimski vrt, veliki aperitiv bar, caffe bar Dante s jedinstvenom terasom i pogledom na gradsku šetnicu. Tu je i moderni konferencijski centar kao idealno mjesto za održavanje sastanaka i ekskluzivnih primanja Important world statesmen, cuturalists and politicians - the true world establishment- have passed through the Grand hotel Bonavia over last 133 years. Staff members remember Tom Selleck, Ottavio Missoni, Nasstasia Kinsky, Peter Falk, Kirk Douglas, Belinda Lee, George C. Scott, Ally McGraw… Elegant rooms and apartments, modern conference halls and meeting rooms, excellent a la carte The fine dining ‘Kamov’ restaurant which is identified in its rich national and international gastro offer, stylish interior, unrepeatable details and attractive Comfort Zone Space Bonavia health, beauty and fitness centre that make the Bonavia hotel one of the best business hotels in Croatia and a renowned base for research into Istria and Kvarner. The hotel is located in the very heart of the city of Rijeka, just a few metres away from the Korzo, a favourite city promenade. It disposes of 121 elegant rooms, including six apartments and one presidential suite. All rooms are equipped with the latest technology that supports modern trends of business hotels. Of course, there is also the Bonavia Classic hotel restaurant, the winter garden, large aperitif bar, Café-bar Dante with its unique terrace and view over the city promenade. It also includes a modern conference centre which is an ideal place for meetings and offers


kapaciteta do 150 sudionika, koji na raspolaganju imaju i moderno opremljeni Poslovni centar.

Gradski luksuzni hoteli Bonavia spada u Gradske luksuzne hotele (City Luxury Hotels) koji okupljaju poslovne hotele u Hrvatskoj i Velikoj Britaniji te u svom portfelju, uz Bonaviu, raspolažu hotelom Sir Christopher Wren’s House Hotel smještenim u Windsoru. Bonavia je oduvijek bila pojam dobroga hotela u Rijeci kao što je to Savoy za London, Ritz za Paris i Plaza za New York. Bila je i ostala prva dama riječkoga hotelijerstva. Udaljen pola sata od Zračne luke Rijeka, sat i pol od zračne luke u Zagrebu, Ljubljani ili Trstu, te sat vremena od Zračne luke Pula, hotel najviše kategorije smješten u središtu grada nezaobilazno je mjesto u kojem odsjedaju poslovni ljudi tijekom njihova posjeta Rijeci. •


an exclusive reception for a total of 150 participants, who have a modern equipped Business centre at their disposal as well.

City Luxury Hotels Bonavia belongs to the City Luxury Hotels group which gather business hotels in Croatia and Great Britain and, as well as the Bonavia also have the Sir Christopher Wren’s House Hotel located in Windsor on their portfolio. The Bonavia has always been a term for a good hotel in Rijeka as is the Savoy in London, the Ritz in Paris and the Plaza in New York. The Bonavia was and has remained the first lady of the Rijeka hospitality industry. Half an hour away from Rijeka airport, an hour and a half from Zagreb, Ljubljana or Trieste airport, and one hour from Pula airport makes the hotel with the highest category in the city centre an obvious choice for business people arriving in Rijeka. •

Grand hotel Bonavia luksuzni je hotel s četiri plus zvjezdice koji zauzima posebno mjesto u povijesti hrvatskoga turizma jer već 133 godine pruža vrhunski smještaj i usluge. Bonavia je postavila standard usluga hotela visoke kategorije te kroz desetljeća postala prepoznatljiv gradski simbol.Kroz njezinu se povijest ocrtava društvena kronika Rijeke.

The Grand hotel Bonavia is a luxury four star hotel which has a special place in the history of Croatian tourism as it has been offering excellent accommodation and services for 133 years. The Bonavia has set a recognizable service standard for high category hotels, and over the decades has become the recognizable city symbol. Through its past it stands out in the social chronicle of the city of Rijeka.


Novi grad / New city


Fotografije / Photos: Rino Gropuzzo

Tower Center Rijeka idealno je mjesto za kupovinu i opuštanje The Rijeka Tower Centre – an ideal place for shopping and relaxation

Ultimativni shopping Ultimate shopping Jeste li spremni zakoračiti u budućnost shopping-a? Ako jeste, onda dođite u Tower Center Rijeka, jedan od najvećih trgovačkih centara u Hrvatskoj koji je još 2006. godine kad je otvoren postao omiljeno okupljalište Riječana i posjetitelja Rijeke, te sinonim za ultimativni shopping. A zašto je to tako? Jednostavno je za objasniti. Nadaleko nema takve koncentracije sadržaja koji će privući vašu pažnju. U modernoj i elegantnoj galeriji čeka vas 150 trgovina s ponudom najboljih međunarodnih i domaćih robnih marki. Od odjeće, bijele tehnike i namještaja, pa do gift shop-a, Tower Center Rijeka će uistinu ispuniti sve vaše želje. Tu je i jedan hipermarket, osam megastorova, te niz korisnih usluga i sadržaja: banka, mjenjačnica, kemijska čistionica, nail bar, frizerski salon, ... Osim kupovine nudi se i zabava koju možete potražiti u multiplex kinu ili Casinu na petom katu Centra ili u mnogobrojnim kafićima, restoranu, slastičarnama i dječjoj igraonici. I ljubitelji zdravoga života uskoro će doći na svoje jer se očekuje otvaranje fitness/wellness centra čime bi se zaokružila ponuda u Tower-u. Ovdje ćete, u neposrednoj blizini središta grada, pronaći sav potreban komfor. U Tower Centru Rijeka na raspolaganju vam je sedam etaža podzemnih i nadzemnih garaža s otprilike 2500 besplatnih parkirnih mjesta. Sve što trebate učiniti je opustiti se a potom se upustiti u obilazak svega ponuđenog. •

Are you ready to step into the future of shopping? Then come to the Rijeka Tower Centre, one of the largest shopping centres in Croatia which has, since its opening in 2006, become a favourite of Rijeka’s citizens and visitors as well as a meeting point and synonym for the ultimate shopping experience. Why so? This is easy to explain. No other place offers such a concentration of facilities at a distance that will attract your attention. In a modern and elegant gallery, 150 shops are waiting for you with the best international and domestic brands. From clothes, through to household appliances and furniture, to the gift shops, the Rijeka Tower Centre will certainly satisfy all of your desires. There is also a hypermarket here as well as eight megastores and a series of useful services and contents: bank, exchange office, dry cleaners, nail bar, hairdresser, etc. Besides shopping, the centre also offers entertainment which can be experimented in the multiplex cinema or Casino on the fifth floor, or in the numerous café bars, restaurant, patisseries and children’s play areas. Even lovers of a healthy lifestyle will soon be satisfied as a fitness/health and beauty centre is expected to open which will complete the Tower Centre’s offer. Here you will find all the necessary comforts close to the city centre. In the Rijeka Tower Centre you have seven floors of underground and above ground garages at your disposal, with around 2500 free parking lots. All you need to do is relax and launch yourselves into a visit of all the stores on offer. •


Novi grad / New city


Piše / Text by: Barbara Grabušić

Volite li glazbu i dođe li vam ponekad izaći na pozornicu i zasvirati jazz - imamo pravo mjesto za vas

Fotografije / Photos: Davor Žunić

If you like music and sometimes wish to get on a stage and play jazz, we have the right place for you

Glazbeno prosvjetljenje u Tunelu Music enlightenment in Tunel Jazz klub Tunel jest ništa drugo doli tunel u kojemu se, eto, ne nazire svjetlo na njegovu kraju, već je ono postalo svjetlo riječke glazbene scene. Njegova posebnost nije samo u neuobičajenoj arhitektonskoj činjenici da se iznad kluba nalazi željeznička pruga pa vam doslovce dvjesto tona čelika željezničke kompozicije povremeno juri nad glavom već i u činjenici da se u nešto više od godine dana postojanja afirmirao kao prostor u kojemu se svira izvrsna „in live“ glazba i to ne samo ona vezana uz jazz žanr. Štoviše, na maloj pozornici uvijek stoje instrumenti na kojima može zasvirati svatko tko ima za to volje i želje i dokle god tu svirku publika podržava. Nije nepoznanica, primjerice, da popularna riječka i hrvatska mlada pjevačica Tina Vukov voli dolaziti u klub i sjesti za klavijature, svirati si za dušu, naravno, na opću radost nazočnih, kaže utemeljitelj i voditelj kluba Sonir Srdoč, ponosan da se u Tunelu susreću studenti, turisti, profesori, liječnici i glazbenici, ljudi različitih godina, zanimanja i na kraju ništa manje važno, i različitih glazbenih uvjerenja.

The Tunel jazz klub is nothing but a tunnel where the light cannot be seen at the end, which has become the light of the Rijeka music scene. Its particularity is not only in its unusual architecture but in the fact that the railway passes above the club, so that literally two hundred tons of railway steel composition occasionally run over your head, but also in the fact that, in more than a year of its existence, it has affirmed itself as a space in which excellent “live”, not only jazz, music can be heard. Moreover on this small stage there are always instruments available on which anyone who so wishes or desires can play as long as their music is supported by the audience. It is not unheard of, for example, that the famous Rijeka and Croatian singer Tina Vukov likes to visit the club and play the piano, playing for her soul, of course, whilst satisfying all those guests present, says the founder and club manager Sonir Srdoč, proud that at Tunel students, tourists, professors, doctors and musicians, people belonging to different generations, professions, and last but not the least, people with different music tastes can all meet together under one roof.

Oduševljeni Britanci

Fascinated British

U Tunel se ulazi samo s jednim ciljem – uživati u nastupima respektabilnih domaćih i inozemnih jazz i inih majstora. „Ima tu i bluesa, ponešto rocka, soula i funka, malo alternative i zrno punka...Tunel dobro radi. Često puta ljudi stoje u redovima da uđu na koncert i to je super! U neveliki prostor jazz kluba stane stotinjak gostiju. „Smiješna je priča o londonskom bračnom paru u čijem je omiljenom klubu svirala švicarska klupska atrakcija Open Season. Svidio im se njihov nastup i htjeli su ih ponovno gledati. Kako je Open Season imao sljedeći najavljeni koncert upravo u Tunelu, dotični je par najavio svoj dolazak u Rijeku i zatražio rezervaciju stola. Pomislio sam kako sam predmet nečije neslane šale dok se Britanci nisu pojavili na koncertu. Klub ih je oduševio te su se vratili i sljedećega dana. Što na to reći nego da se potvrdila ona stara izreka kako se dobar glas daleko čuje”, priča Sonir Srdoč. U iznimno ugodnoj, gotovo kućnoj atmosferi izredalo se do sada više od stotinu koncerata, a uz to u klubu se održavaju i znanstvena predavanja u organizaciji studenata Medicinskoga fakulteta i književne večeri Zločestoće Jelene Tondini.

In Tunel you enter with one goal only – to enjoy the performances of respectable national and international jazz and similar masters. “Here you can listen to blues, some rock, soul and funk, some alternative music and sometimes even punk...Tunel works well, it often happens that people queue in order to get in and see a concert and that is cool! The not-so-big space of the jazz club can accommodate around a hundred guests“. There is a funny story about a married couple from London in whose favourite club the Swiss club attraction Open Season played. They enjoyed their performance and wanted to see them again. As Open Season had their subsequent concert announced precisely in Tunel, the respective couple announced their arrival in Rijeka and asked for a table reservation. I thought I was the object of someone’s joke until I saw the British couple appear at the concert. They were fascinated by the club and came back the following day as well. What can I say besides that the old proverb saying that good things are known everywhere was proved?” says Sonir Srdoč. In an extremely pleasant, almost homely atmosphere, more than a hundred concerts have been held up till now, and besides that science lessons held by the Medical University student’s organization and literature evenings performed by Zločestoća Jelena Tondini also take place in the club.

Oslobađanje notama U jedini riječki jazz klub mnogi hodočaste i u jutarnjim satima i uz šalicu kave „daskaju“ valovima mreže svih mreža, putem besplatne pristupne točke. Sve navedeno zaokružuje i izrazito „otkačen“ interijer. Klub nema ravnih zidova i stropa, već samo kupolu. Svi su elementi posebno dizajnirani. „Ispod Tunela teče i jedna mala rijeka“ kaže utemeljitelj riječkog jazz utočišta. Tunel je ipak i prvenstveno jazz klub, a jazz u svojoj biti i korijenima nije elitistička glazba. Potekao je iz klubova i nosi epitete prirodne, slobodne, demokratske glazbe i mjesto mu je upravo u klubu poput ovoga. A mi možemo samo zaključiti: ništa ovdje nije slučajno. Niti odabir glazbe, ni interijer,... I zato dođite u jazz klub Tunel na Školjiću, pa makar ne izašli na pozornicu da zasvirate. •

Freeing with notes “The only jazz club in Rijeka is visited by a number of people in the morning hours as well and with a cup of coffee and ”surf” on the free Internet. All of that is surrounded by the extremely “crazy” interior furnishings. The club does not have plain walls and ceiling, only the dome. All elements have been designed individually“. Under the Tunel a small river flows as well.” says the founder of the Rijeka jazz shelter. Tunel is however primarily a jazz club, and jazz is in its core and roots and is not elitist music. It originates from clubs and is described by epithets such as natural, free, democratic - music that should be played in precisely this kind of club. And we can only conclude: nothing here is casual. Neither the music selection, nor the interior, so come to “Tunel” jazz club on Školjić, even without getting up on the stage and playing. •


Novi grad / New city


Piše / Text by: Gracijano Gregorović

Najkvalitetnija Wi-Fi zona u Hrvatskoj The most quality Wi-Fi zone in Croatia

Fotografije / Photos: TZ Grada Rijeke / Rijeka Tourist Board, Rino Gropuzzo

Wireless Rijeka

Hot spot

Hot spot

Kad bi barem neki drugi statistički pokazatelji rasli kao što raste broj korisnika besplatnoga pristupa Internetu u Rijeci. Od početka projekta, broj korisnika besplatnoga bežičnog Interneta povećao se za deset puta. Inicijator toga projekta je Zavod za informatičku djelatnost Grada Rijeke koji je u suradnji s tvrtkom Krk sistemi d.o.o. omogućio građanima i svim posjetiteljima Rijeke besplatno korištenje Interneta. Signal pokriva uže gradsko središte, dio Trsata i kompleks bazena na Kantridi. Od listopada 2009. besplatno se bežičnim putem može pristupiti Internetu i u Centru Zamet te Art-kinu Croatia. Od ukupno 64 pristupne točke, 32 se nalaze na Korzu, njih 18 na tri lokacije na Trsatu, na Bazenima Kantrida je sedam pristupnih točaka, na Zametu šest, a jedna je u Artkinu Croatia. Maksimalan broj korisnika koji istovremeno mogu koristiti besplatni bežični pristup Internetu je 4000. Jeste na mreži? Niste? A što čekate? •

If only some other statistic indicators could increase as the number of free Internet access users in Rijeka increases. From the start of this project the number of users of wireless Internet is 10 times bigger. The initiator of this project is the Institute for information activity of the city of Rijeka which, in collaboration with Krk sistemi d.o.o. company has provided Rijeka’s citizens and all visitors the use of the free Internet. The signal covers the narrower city centre, part of the Trsat and the swimming pool complex on Kantrida. From October 2009 free wireless Internet has been available in the Zamet Centar sports hall and Art-kino Croatia cinema as well. From a total of 64 access points, 32 are located on Korzo Street, 18 of them in three locations on Trsat, seven at the Kantrida swimming pools, six on Zamet and in one access point at Art-Kino Croatia. The maximum number of users who can contemporarily use the free wireless Internet access is 4000. Are you on-line? No? What are you waiting for? •

Broj 1 Jačina signala na području pokrivenosti je do 50 dB što ovu mrežu, po jačini signala i s obzirom na veličinu područja pokrivenosti, čini najkvalitetnijom Wi-Fi zonom u Hrvatskoj. Biti najbolji nije mala stvar, a pogotovo kad je riječ o modernoj tehnologiji besplatno danoj na korištenje građanima. Brzina bežičnoga pristupa Internetu je sinhrono, do 10 Mbit. Onemogućen je pristup internetskim stranicama koje se općenito smatraju nepoželjnima, a veličina datoteke dozvoljene za prijenospreko HTTP-a ograničena je na 10 MB. Ukupna veličina poruke elektronske pošte ograničena je na 3 MB.

Kad boravite u Rijeci, sve što je potrebno da bi se pristupilo Internetu i to besplatno, jest ostvariti vezu s mrežom Wireless Rijeka putem Wi-Fi tehnologije. Ne treba vam tu neka posebna znanost, već samo prijenosno računalo. Uostalom sve će vam biti jasno prošećete li središtem grada jer svakih nekoliko metara, u lobiju hotela ili za stolom nekog od kafića, vidjet ćete turiste ili poslovne ljude kako surfaju mrežom. Rijeka se brine da boravak u njoj bude ugodan i da taj osjećaj ugode čim lakše prenesete svima s kojima ste u vezi.

During your stay in Rijeka all you need for free Internet access is to make a connection through Wi-Fi technology by means of the Wireless Rijeka network. There is no need for a particular science, just for a laptop computer. Anyhow, it will all be clearer if you walk through the city centre, because every few metres, in a hotel lobby or at the table of some café bar, you will see tourists and business people surfing the net. Rijeka is taking care that a stay here is as pleasant as possible and that this pleasure could very easily be transferred to all those you are in connection with.

Number 1 The signal strength within the coverage area is up to 50dB, which this net, with regard to the signal strength and taking the size of the coverage area into consideration, makes it the most quality Wi-Fi zone in Croatia. To be the best is not a small thing, especially when we are talking about modern technology being given freely for citizen usage. The speed of the wireless Internet access is up to 10 Mbit synchronous. Internet access to pages that are generally considered unacceptable is made impossible, and the file size allowed for transfer by HTTP is limited to 10 MB. The total e-mail size is limited to 3 MB.


Novi grad / New city


Piše / Text by: Tamara Opačak Klobučar

Fotografije / Photos: Rino Gropuzzo

Studentski kampus na Trsatu omogućit će Sveučilištu u Rijeci ulazak među 500 najboljih europskih sveučilišta The Student Campus on Trsat will enable the Rijeka University to enter among the 500 best European Universities

Laboratorij znanja Knowledge laboratory

Prije desetak godina riječki sveučilišni kampus bio je tek vizija, zamisao čije je ostvarenje većina smještala u daleku budućnost. Danas, pet godina nakon početka prvih građevinskih radova, na 28 hektara prostora nekadašnje vojarne Trsat niknuo je „grad u gradu“, a Rijeka s ponosom ističe da je time već postala moderni sveučilišni centar. Okončana je prva od tri faze gradnje kampusa koji će do 2016. godine biti u potpunosti izgrađen i predstavljat će cjelinu koja će moći živjeti svoj samostalni, specifični život, s dvadesetak tisuća stanovnika iz Hrvatske i inozemstva. Istodobno s građevinskim stvaranjem kampusa na Trsatu krenula je i reorganizacija rada na samom Sveučilištu koje se, kako navodi rektor, prof. dr. Pero Lučin, pretvara u sveučilište treće generacije, poput Oxforda i Cambridgea, poduzetna, živa sveučilišta koja pokreću zajednicu. Cilj je upravo ove godine, kad će u kampus useliti studenti i nastavnici Filozofskoga, Učiteljskoga i Građevinskoga fakulteta te sveučilišnih odjela za fiziku, matematiku, informatiku i biotehnologiju gdje se od listopada 2007. godine već nalaze studenti Akademije primijenjenih umjetnosti, ući na listu 500 najboljih europskih sveučilišta.

Graditelji budućnosti Proljetos je u samom srcu kampusa otvoren i prvi hrvatski Znanstveno - tehnologijski park - STeP Ri - u kojem su svoje mjesto našli znanstvenici i inovatori čija je zadaća znanjem, inovativnošću i novim tehnologijama razvijati poduzetništvo i educirati mlađe

Around ten years ago the Rijeka University Campus was only a vision, an idea whose accomplishment was seen in the distant future. Today, five years since the first construction works began, on 28 hectares of the former barracks in Trsat, a “town within the town” has been erected and Rijeka proudly emphasizes that it has already become a modern university centre. The first out of three phases of the campus’ construction has been terminated and the campus will be completely built by 2016 and will represent a complex able to operate an individual, specific life, with around twenty thousand inhabitants from Croatia and abroad. At the same time, as well as the construction work on the campus on Trsat, reorganization of work on the same University began which, as Prof. PhD Pero Lučin said, will become a third generation university, like Oxford and Cambridge, an active university core which will move society. Precisely when the campus will be inhabited by students and professors from the Philosophy, Teaching and Engineering faculty and from university departments of physics, mathematics, informatics and biotechnology - it has already been inhabited by students from the Academy of Applied Arts, this year’s aim is to be selected for the list of the best 500 European Universities.

Builders of the future This spring the first Croatian Scientific and Technological Park – SteP Ri was opened in the very heart of the campus – in which scientists and innovators found their place and whose task is to develop knowledge,


naraštaje. Gospodarski rast i razvoj te konkurentnost zemlje sve više ovise o znanstvenoj izvrsnosti u istraživanjima, inovacijama i transferu toga znanja u gospodarstvo u čemu je riječko Sveučilište učinilo veliki korak odlukom o jačanju svoga istraživačkog potencijala. U kampusu je smješten i Studentski savjetovališni centar, objekt studentske prehrane, regionalni centar CARNET-a, Informacijski centar, IT akademija i Centar za e-učenje riječkoga Sveučilišta. U drugoj fazi izgradnje, s čijim početkom se neće čekati, gradit će se Pomorski fakultet, Sveučilišna knjižnica, društveno-kulturni centar, sportski objekti i smještajni kapaciteti, a tu će svoje mjesto naći studenti dramske i muzičke umjetnosti, kemije, molekularne biologije te arhitekture i urbanizma. U trećoj fazi gradit će se objekti temeljnih medicinskih znanosti. Početak rada na kampusu bio je veliki dan za Sveučilište, jedan od najznačajnijih u njegovoj novijoj povijesti, dan kad je vizija za budućnost postala sadašnjost. Sad stotine predavaonica, vježbaonica, učionica, dvorana i laboratorija iščekuje studente čiju će kreativnost, strast i želju za znanjem poticati njihovi nastavnici u okruženju koje im pruža izvanredne uvjete za rad. Cilj im je zajednički - biti pokretači razvoja i graditelji bolje sutrašnjice Rijeke, regije i čitave Hrvatske. •

innovation and the development of new technologies for the activity and education of the younger generations. The economic growth and development as well as the country’s daily competitiveness depend evermore on scientific excellence with regard to research technology, innovation and the transfer of obtained knowledge into the economy and where the Rijeka University has taken a big step forward in its decision on research potential. The campus even includes a Student Advisory Centre, a student alimentation facility, a regional CARNET centre, an Information Centre, an IT Academy and Centre for e-studying of the Rijeka University. In the second phase of construction, whose start will not be postponed, students of music and dramatic art, chemistry, molecular biology and architecture and urbanism will find their place. A Maritime faculty, University library, social and cultural centre, sports facilities and accommodation capacities will also be built. In the third phase, on the other hand, facilities for the main medical sciences will be constructed. The beginning of construction on the campus was a big day for the University, one of the most important in its recent past where a vision for the future became part of the present, and hundreds of lecture-rooms, exercise halls, classrooms, halls, laboratories are waiting for students whose creativity, passion and knowledge will be stimulated by their professors in surroundings that offer perfect conditions. Their aim is common - to be initiators of development and constructors of a better future for Rijeka, the region and Croatia as a whole. •


Novi grad / New city


Piše / Text by: Barbara Grabušić

Mlada i uspješna riječka glumica Elena Brumini sigurno osvaja kazališnu publiku

Fotografije / Photos: Arhiva HNK Ivana pl.Zajca

Young and successful Rijeka actress, Elena Brumini safely enchants the theatre audience

Mala velika glumica Huge-tiny actress Eleni Brumini su daske ama baš sve u životu! Da, dobro ste pretpostavili, one kazališne, one koje život znače. Na njima podjednako uspješno glumi, pjeva i pleše, a kako i ne bi kada se virusom mjuzikla zarazila još u djetinjstvu. „S osam godina sam vidjela prvi mjuzikl u kazalištu, legendarne Webberove „Mačke“, potom „Moje pjesme, moji snovi“ s Julie Andrews i shvatila što želim raditi u životu“, prisjeća se Elena. Toj odluci vjerojatno je pridonijela i činjenica da je Elenin djed bio Raniero Brumini, veliki glumac svoga doba, toliko poznat da je po njemu nazvana godišnja nagrada koju riječki HNK Ivana pl. Zajca dodjeljuje za najbolju mušku ulogu. Svoje dječje snove ostvarila je Elena upisavši glumu, ples i pjevanje na The Bernstein School of Musical Theatre u Bologni u Italiji, gdje je 2004. godine i diplomirala. Ubrzo nakon toga počela je polako ali sigurno osvajati publiku na domaćem terenu u rodnoj Rijeci, krenuvši djedovim stopama. Debitirala je ulogom Silvije u predstavi „Zločin na kozjem otoku/Delitto all’Isola delle Capre“ u produkciji Talijanske drame HNK Ivana pl. Zajca, a zahvaljujući toj ulozi je 2006. godine na Međunarodnom festivalu Malih scena dobila prestižnu nagradu „Veljko Maričić“ za najbolju mladu glumicu.

Sasvim posebno kazalište Danas je Elena Brumini članica ansambla Talijanske drame riječkoga kazališta, čija posebnost leži u činjenici da je to jedini profesionalni ansambl nacionalne manjine na svijetu koji djeluje u sastavu jedne nacionalne kazališne kuće. Važno je istaknuti kako je svoju prvu sezonu u „Narodnome kazalištu“/„Teatro del popolo“ Talijanska drama/Dramma Italiano otvorila premijernom izvedbom komedije Carla Goldonija Il Burbero benefico 26. studenoga 1964. godine. Ostaju u trajnome sjećanju riječi intendanta, dr. Đure Rošića, na otvorenju prve kazališne sezone: „...u skladu s našim osnovnim stavom po pitanju ravnopravnosti nacionalnih manjina, u našem Kazalištu usporedo djeluju dvije narodnosne grupe – hrvatska i talijanska...” No, vratimo se sjajnoj Eleni Brumini koja se iskazala u predstavama poput glazbene komedije „Dodaj jedno mjesto za stolom/Agiungi un posto a tavola“ u kojoj

For Elena Brumini, the boards represent everything in her life. Yes, you supposed well, the boards in question are those found in the theatre, those boards meaning life. On them she is equally good at acting, singing and dancing. And how wouldn’t she be given that she had already been affected by the musical virus in her childhood. “When I was eight years old I saw my first musical in a theatre, the legendary Webber’s “Cats”, later on “The sound of music” with Julie Andrews too and I realized what I wanted to do with my life”, Elena recalls. This decision was probably encouraged by the fact that Elena’s grandfather was Raniero Brumini, a great contemporary actor, so great that, the annual award which Rijeka’s “Ivan pl.Zajc” Croatian National Theatre gives for the best male actor carries his name. Elena achieved her childhood dreams by studying acting, dance and singing at The Benstein School of Musical Theatre in Bologna, in Italy where she graduated in 2004 and soon after that began slowly but surely to enchant audiences on the domestic front in her native Rijeka following her grandfather’s footsteps. Her first role was Silvia in the show „Zločin na kozjem otoku / Delitto all’Isola delle Capre“ (Crime on Goats’ island) produced by Italian drama from the „Ivan pl. Zajc“ Croatian National Theatre and thanks to this role she won the prestigious “Veljko Maričić” award for best young actress at the International festival of small scenes in 2006.

A completely special theatre Today Elena Brumini is a member of the Rijeka theatre Italian drama ensemble whose particularity lies in the fact that it is the only professional ensemble of a national minority in the world to be included in a national theatre house. It is important to emphasize that Italian drama opened its first season in “Popular theatre” with the premiere of Carlo Goldoni’s comedy Il burbero benefico (Le Bourru bienfaisant) on 26th November 1964. In permanent memory, the words of PhD Đuro Rošić remain on the opening of the first theatre season: “…according to our main opinion regarding the equality of national minorities, in our Theatre, two national groups – Croatian


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je uz popularnoga pjevača Maria Lipovšeka-Battifiacu imala glavnu ulogu. Kritičari su zaključili kako je Elena Brumini „iznova pokazala svoju umjetničku svestranost i talentiranost, a naročito je upečatljiva bila u pjevanim dijelovima“. Ništa manje na pozornici nije plijenila pozornost u „Amy’s View“ gdje je za ulogu Amy Thomas također ovjenčana pohvalama kritike. „Brumini iz uloge u ulogu pokazuje sve veću zrelost, a svojom emotivnom snagom i prirodnošću pokazala je da se može nositi i sa složenim dramskim likovima“, pisali su uvijek strogi kritičari. I posljednjom odigranom karakternom ulogom „ Ružne/Brutte“ u istoimenoj predstavi još jednom je dokazala kako glumački i pjevački sjajno zna nositi kompleksan lik. Tako Elena Brumini nije iznevjerila niti sebe, ni kritiku i što je najvažnije ni publiku. „Uloga Brutte fantastična je i osjećam da ću je dugo pamtiti“, kratko kaže ta sitna djevojka zavidne glumačke energije i svestranoga talenta istinske histrionke. Razigrana, vesela, spontana, mala velika glumica - to je Elena Brumini koja s uspjehom mijenja glumačka lica. •

and Italian operate at the same time …” But let’s go back to the excellent Elena Brumini who proved herself by acting in shows such as the musical comedy „Dodaj jedno mjesto za stolom / Agiungi un posto a tavola“ (Add a seat at the table), where she, together with the famous singer Mario Lipovšek Battifiaca, had the main role. Critics stated that Elena Brumini “once again revealed her artistic universality and talent, and was especially distinctive in singing parts”. She did not attract less attention with her role as Amy Thomas in “Amy’s View” where she was lauded by the critics’ compliments. “Brumini from one part to another, shows greater maturity, and with her emotional strength and naturalness proves she can handle complex drama personalities”, strict critics have written. And with the last character role she played, „ Ružne/Brutte“ (Ugly) in the play of the same name, she once more proved that she knew how to act and sing the parts of a complex character. So Elena Brumini neither betrayed herself, nor the critics who most importantly are the audience themselves. “The Brutta role is fantastic and I feel I am going to remember it for a long time.” this tiny girl briefly tells us with an enviable acting energy and universal talent of the true Histrion. Playful, cheerful, spontaneous, this huge-tiny actress is Elena Brumini who is able to change her acting faces with great success. •

Rijeka: Tower centar, J.P.Kamova 81 Rijeka: Mercator centar, Osječka 71 Rijeka: Kaufland centar, Zametska 44 Matulji: Matulji centar, Kastavska cesta 5 Pula: Kaufland centar, Jurja Žakna 3


Novi grad / New city


Piše / Text by: Tamara Opačak Klobučar

Fotografije / Photos: Antonio Bujan, Kristijan Vučković

Art kino Croatia

Riječki “antipleks” za istinske ljubitelje sedme umjetnosti Rijeka’s “antiplex” for truly lovers of the seventh art Kad je prije godinu dana u Rijeci otvoreno prvo art-kino, u autentičnoj kino dvorani s gotovo stogodišnjom tradicijom prikazivanja filmova, inače prostoru posjeda Kapucinskog samostana, bila je to hrabra odluka koja je još jednom potvrdila da je ovaj grad drugačiji od drugih i spreman na iskorake upravo na području kulture. Riječki “antipleks”, malo kino u gradu, jedna od najljepših “single” kino dvorana u nas, pokazalo je da komercijalizacija, blještavilo i glamur nisu preduvjeti uspjeha i da Rijeka ima publiku

A year ago in Rijeka, the first art cinema in an authentic cinema hall was opened with a tradition of almost hundred years of film presentation, at the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin Monastery. This was a brave decision which, once more, proved the difference of this city from others and its readiness to move forward precisely in the area of culture. The Rijeka “antiplex”, a small cinema in the city centre, one of the most beautiful “single” cinema halls here, has shown that commercialisation,

kojoj je film prije svega umjetnost, vrijednost, svečanost i da je gledanje filma u kinu poseban doživljaj. U godinu dana prikazano je četiri stotine filmskih naslova i više od šestopedeset filmskih projekcija. Nizali su se ciklusi filmova nacionalne, europske i svjetske baštine, recentna filmska ostvarenja, autorske revije, retrospektive, dokumentarni, eksperimentalni i animirani filmovi koje je pogledalo dvadeset tisuća posjetitelja. Zaživio je i Filmski klub kao mjesto edukacije, komunikacije i istraživanja umjetnosti pokretnih slika, za sve filmofile, starije znalce i nove naraštaje koji upravo zahvaljujući art kinu postaju odgojena filmska publika. Slaveći u prosincu prvi rođendan svečanom premijerom remakea prvoga igranog filma snimljenog u Hrvatskoj prije stotinu godina, “Napad na Narodnu banku u Rijeci” redatelja Mladena Jurana, s riječkim glumcima i naturščicima, entuzijasti Art kina Croatia zasluženo su primali čestitke jer su imali hrabrosti okrenuti novu stranicu riječke filmske povijesti koja je u gradu na Rječini započela 1906. godine kad je otvoreno prvo stalno kino, u to vrijeme jedino u Hrvatskoj. Cilj otvaranja Art kina Croatia - stvaranje kvalitetne kontinuirane filmske ponude - ostvaren je. Stvoreno je mjesto koje objedinjuje kinoteku i art kino, mjesto gdje je najvažniji sadržaj film i to onaj drugačiji film koji u pravilu nema pristupa komercijalnim multipleksima. Art kino Croatia nametnulo se kao čvrsta točka riječkoga kulturnog života, pozicioniralo se na filmskoj karti Hrvatske i razvilo suradnju sa svim značajnijim institucijama filmske

splendour and glamour are not postulates of success and that Rijeka has a public that first of all, considers film as an art form, a value, and a celebration and that watching a film at the cinema represents a special adventure. In one year four hundred film titles and more than six hundred and fifty film projections have been shown, and have ranged in a series of film cycles of national, European and world heritage, recent film accomplishments, author’s reviews, retrospectives, documentary, experimental, animated films that were seen by twenty thousand visitors. The Film club also became active as a place of education, communication and research of the art of moving images, for all film lovers, older connoisseurs and new generations who, precisely thanks to the art cinema, have become an educated film public. To celebrate this, in December, its first birthday a ceremonial premiere of the re-make of the first film recorded in Croatia hundred years ago, “Napad na narodnu banku u Rijeci” (Attack on national bank in Rijeka) was shown, by Mladen Juran, with actors and non-professional actors from Rijeka, Art kino Croatia enthusiasts have accepted greetings with merit as they have had the courage to turn a new page in Rijeka, the city that lies on the Rječina River, with a film history that dates back to 1906 when the first permanent cinema was opened, at that time, the first in Croatia. The aim of opening the Art kino Croatia – the creation of a quality continuous film offer – has been accomplished. A A place that consolidates film archives and art cinema was



Cilj otvaranja Art kina Croatia - stvaranje kvalitetne kontinuirane filmske ponude - ostvaren je. Stvoreno je mjesto koje objedinjuje kinoteku i art kino, mjesto gdje je najvažniji sadržaj film i to onaj drugačiji film koji u pravilu nema pristupa komercijalnim multipleksima.

The aim of opening the Art kino Croatia – the creation of a quality continuous film offer – has been accomplished. A A place that consolidates film archives and art cinema was created, a place where film content is of prime importance, namely those films which are different and which do not usually have access to commercial multiplexes.

Zahvaljujući svojemu programu, u prvih šest mjeseci postojanja Art kino Croatia primljeno je u mrežu Europa Cinemas. Thanks to the program, in the first six months of existence, Art kino Croatia has been accepted in the Europa Cinemas. djelatnosti, ne odstupajući u programskom smislu od zacrtanoga. Potvrda pravoga usmjerenja stigla je i prije proslave prve godišnjice. Zahvaljujući svojemu programu, u prvih šest mjeseci postojanja Art kino Croatia primljeno je u mrežu Europa Cinemas koja je dio MEDIA programa Europske komisije namijenjenog razvoju europskoga filma i filmske industrije. Mreža koja je osnovana 1992. godine, predstavlja prvu međunarodnu mrežu kino dvorana čiji je cilj ojačati distribuciju europskih filmova što za riječku publiku znači još više vrijednih ostvarenja europskih kinematografija u njezinom art kinu koje je, kako je to s ponosom izraženo u sloganu, “Proud to be antiplex”! •

created, a place where film content is of prime importance, namely those films which are different and which do not usually have access to commercial multiplexes. Art kino Croatia has imposed itself as a steady point in the cultural life of Rijeka; it has positioned itself on the film map of Croatia and developed collaboration with all important institutions of the film industry without deviating from the program. Acknowledgment in the right direction arrived before the first anniversary. Thanks to the program, in the first six months of existence, Art kino Croatia has been accepted in the Europa Cinemas network which is part of the MEDIA program carried out by the European Commission dedicated to the development of European film and film industry. The network, founded in 1992, represents the first international network of cinema halls whose aim is to strengthen European film distribution which, for the public of Rijeka, which means even more valuable accomplishments of European cinematography in its art cinema which is, as it is proudly expressed in its slogan „Proud to be antiplex!“. •


Novi grad / New city


Piše / Text by: Gracijano Gregorović

Astronomski centar Rijeka nudi dva proizvoda u jednom pakiranju, stvarno gledanje svemira i projekcije u planetariju

Fotografije / Photos: Astronomski centar Rijeka / Astronomy Centre Rijeka

The Rijeka Astronomy Centre offers two products in one package, a real observation universe and projections in a planetarium

Riječki put do zvijezda Rijeka’s way to the stars Provesti vrijeme slušajući predavanje o ženama u astronomiji ili izumiranju dinosaura ili razvoju sisavaca na Zemlji, ili … Tih ili ima mnogo, a zbog njih vam svakako neće biti dosadno ako ste u Rijeci i odlučite posjetiti Astronomski centar Rijeka. S ciljem razvoja i popularizacije astronomije, srodnih znanosti i pratećih tehničkih i informatičkih disciplina među mladima i građanstvom, davne 1974. godine u Rijeci je osnovano Akademsko astronomsko društvo. Još tad su riječki astronomi željeli izgraditi zvjezdarnicu koja je trebala zadovoljiti potrebe za ozbiljnim radom na području astronomije, odnosno omogućiti i građanima da prošire obzore dalje no što se okom može vidjeti. Na inicijativu i zalaganje članova Akademskoga astronomskog društva Rijeka te uz potporu Grada Rijeke, 2001. godine je ostvaren dugogodišnji san - izgrađena je riječka zvjezdarnica, znanstvena ustanova opremljena modernim instrumentima i uređajima za promatranje i proučavanje nebeskih tijela i astronomskih pojava. Konkretno, riječka

Spend some time listening to a lecture about women in astronomy or dinosaur extinction or the evolution of mammals on the Earth or…many others of which you will never get bored should you find yourselves in Rijeka and decide to visit the Rijeka Astronomy Centre. The Academic Astronomy Association was founded in Rijeka back in 1974 with the aim of developing and popularizing astronomy, related sciences and supporting technical and information technology disciplines amongst young people and local people. Even then Rijeka’s astronomers wanted to create an astronomical observatory which would satisfy the needs for serious work in the area of astronomy and provide local people with the possibility of widening their views further away from what the naked eye can see. With the Rijeka Academic Astronomy Association initiative together with members’ efforts and the support of the City of Rijeka, the dream of a number of years was accomplished in 2001. The Rijeka astronomical observatory, a scientific institution equipped with modern

Zgrada u kojoj je danas uređen suvremeni Astronomski centar Rijeka nalazi se na grebenu brda Sv. Križ. Izgrađena je 1941. godine kao vojna utvrda za potrebe vojske u II. svjetskom ratu.

The building in which the modern Rijeka Astronomy Centre as it is organised today is located on the reef of Sv. Križ hill. It was constructed in 1941 as a military fortress for the needs of the army during the Second World War.



zvjezdarnica opremljena je astronomskim teleskopom MEAD LX 200, CCD kamerom, računalima i ostalom prijenosnom astronomskom opremom. Možda vam je ova rečenica zvučala previše stručna, ali sve u njoj navedeno je točno. Ipak, da pojednostavimo, zahvaljujući svemu navedenome s riječke zvjezdarnice mogu se promatrati Sunce, Mjesec, planeti Sunčeva sustava, bliže promjenjive zvijezde, mala tijela Sunčeva sustava (kometi, meteori, asteroidi) te galaksije i ostali magličasti objekti.

Stvarno i simulirano Astronomski centar Rijeka formiran je uklapanjem nove dvorane planetarija u postojeću utvrdu zvjezdarnice. Ovakvo oblikovno rješenje ima i posebno simboličko značenje. Izdvajaju se opservatorij s teleskopom, smješten unutar sferne kupole (stvarna slika svemira), a nasuprot njemu planetarij, smješten u geometrijskom tijelu poliedra (simulirana slika svemira). I opservatorij i planetarij dva su značajna i neizostavna sadržaja za bolje razumijevanje astronomije i svijeta koji nas okružuje u beskonačnim udaljenostima. Planetarij je uređen prošle godine i odmah je postao popularno mjesto sastajanja mlađe populacije koja je dobila priliku uz pomoć najsuvremenije digitalne tehnologije „doživjeti“ put u svemir. Projekcija se vrši pomoću digitalnoga sustava sa pet projektora. Njima se mogu prikazati 83 000 zvijezda, Sunce, Mjesec, planeti, Mliječni put i druge pojave na zvjezdanom nebu, razne slike kao i filmovi. Projektori također omogućuju promatranje noćnoga neba u bilo koje vrijeme i s bilo koje lokacije na zemaljskoj kugli. Nije za vjerovati da ćete biti u prilici otputovati na sva ta mjesta i gledati nebo, ali riječka zvjezdarnica je dobar nadomjestak. •

instruments and devices was built for observing and analysing celestial bodies and astronomical phenomenon. In this particular case, Rijeka’s astronomical observatory is equipped with a MEAD LX 200 astronomical telescope, a CCD camera, computers and other portable astronomical equipment. Perhaps this sentence sounds too professional, but everything mentioned is true. However, to simplify things, thanks to the above mentioned devices, the Sun, the Moon, the Solar System, closer unsteady stars, small Solar System bodies (comets, meteoroids, asteroids) as well as galaxies and other hazy objects can all be observed from the Rijeka astronomical observatory.

Reality and simulation The Rijeka Astronomy Centre was created by inserting the new planetarium hall into the existing astronomical observatory fortress. This kind of formative solution also has a symbolic meaning. The observatory with its telescope is located inside the sphere cupola (real Universe picture) and on the other side of the planetarium, situated in the geometric polyhedron body (simulated Universe picture) which are separated. Both the observatory and the planetarium are two important and obligatory contents for gaining a better understanding of astronomy and of the world surrounding us at infinite distances. The Planetarium was organised last year and immediately became a focal point for younger members of the population who got the chance of “experiencing” a journey into the Universe using the most modern digital technology. The projection is performed on a digital system containing five projectors. They can show 83,000 stars, the Sun, the Moon, planets, the Milky Way and other phenomena within the night sky, together with different pictures and films. Projectors provide an observation of the night sky at any time and from any location on the Earth as well. You will probably not have the chance of travelling to all of those places and watching the sky, but Rijeka’s astronomical observatory is a very good substitute. •


Novi grad / New city


Piše / Text by: Damir Herceg

Fotografije / Photos: Petar Trinajstić

Zanimljivo je da je prvo skijaško natjecanje na kvarnerskome području održano 1887. godine na Učki pored Rijeke, a u Rijeci je već 1885. osnovan i prvi skijaški klub u Hrvatskoj, devet godina prije nego u Zagrebu. Ubrzo su se skijaši „preselili“ na Platak gdje su skijali na 1111 metara nadmorske visine samo 10 km zračne linije udaljeni od mora. Pogled s planinskoga vrha prekrivenog snijegom na morsku pučinu zvuči nestvarno, osim ako ste na Platku, naravno. Ne čudi stoga što se tu od davne 1933. održava Jadranski slalom, najstarije skijaško natjecanje u ovom dijelu Europe. Novo izdanje za natjecatelje u muškoj konkurenciji, ovaj put pod imenom Europa kup, zakazano je za 7. ožujka - stoga uspnite se na Platak.

Uvertira u finale

Jadranski slalom prerastao je u Europa kup - dođite 7. ožujka na Platak

The Adriatic Slalom which became the Europa Cup race, comes to Platak on 7th March

S planine na more i nazad From the mountains to the sea and back

Održavanje Jadranskoga slaloma prekinuto je 1992. godine a obnovljeno 2006. godine kad je na njemu svoju posljednju utrku u karijeri „otpeljala“ (naravno, uvjerljivo pobijedivši) hrvatska i svjetska skijaška legenda Janica Kostelić, a bile su joj tek 24 godine. Janičinom oproštaju od skijanja nazočilo je više od tri tisuće gledatelja. Voditelj ovogodišnjega natjecanja, Febo Marinelli iz SKI kluba Rijeka, napominje kako će to biti pretposljednja utrka Europa kupa za sezonu 2009./2010., prije finala u Sloveniji, na kojoj će sudjelovati stotinjak skijaša iz cijeloga svijeta, uključujući i hrvatsku reprezentaciju. Riječanima će posebno zanimljiv biti nastup hrvatskih reprezentativaca Dalibora Šamšala i Danka Marinellia. Europa kup je „filter“ Svjetskog skijaškoga kupa. Prema najavama, već 2011. godine će se na Platku održati Europa kup u muškoj i ženskoj konkurenciji što znači dolazak na Kvarner najmanje 500-tinjak natjecatelja, trenera, servisera, ..., a uz njih i mnogo navijača.

The interesting fact is that the first skiing competition held in the Kvarner area took place in Učka, close to Rijeka, in 1887, and already in 1885 in Rijeka the first ski club in Croatia was founded, nine years before the one in Zagreb. Soon after the skiers “moved” to Platak where they skied at 1111 metres above sea level, just 10 km as the crow flies from the sea. The view from the mountain top covered with snow to the open sea sounds unreal, except if you find yourselves on Platak, of course. It is not strange, though, that the Adriatic Slalom, the oldest skiing competition in this part of the Europe has been held here since 1933. The new edition for competitors in men’s competition, this time under the name of Europa Cup, is set for 7th March, so take a climb to Platak.

The overture for the final After cancelation in 1992, the Adriatic Slalom was renewed in 2006 when the Croatian and world skiing legend Janica Kostelić ran her last race (winning convincingly, of course) when she was only 24 years old. Janica’s farewell skiing race was accompanied by over three thousand spectators. The head of this year competition, Febo Marinelli from the SKI club Rijeka, notices that this will be the penultimate race for the Europa Cup in the 2009/2010 season, before the final in Slovenia where around hundred skiers from the whole world will participate, including the Croatian national team. Rijeka inhabitants will follow the performance of members of the Croatian national team, Dalibor Šamšal and Danko Marinelli with special interest. The Europa Cup is considered a “filter” for the Ski World Cup. According to announcements, the Europa Cup men’s and women’s competitions will already be held on Platak in 2011 which means the arrival of at least 500



Piše / Text by: Gracijano Gregorović

U ožujku je Rijeka domaćin In March, Rijeka will host 11. Europskoga šahovskog the 11th European Chess prvenstva za muškarce i žene Championship for men and women

Rijeka je na potezu It is Rijeka’s move

Malo skije, malo jedro Na Platku su kao djeca na skije po prvi puta stali, a kasnije odskijali i u Svjetski kup, Hrvati Ana Jelušić, Dalibor Šamšal, Danko Marinelli i Matea Ferk. Na Jadranskome slalomu je u minulim desetljećima nastupio niz slavnih svjetskih skijaša - od Austrijanca Tonija Sajlera (1953.), Bugarina Popangelova do Slovenca Bojana Križaja koji je 80-tih godina prošloga stoljeća u tri navrata na tom natjecanju i pobijedio. U Križajevo vrijeme Jadranski slalom se održavao kao kombinacija slaloma i jedrenja na dasci u obližnjoj Kostreni, u čemu su se ogledale mnoge zvijezde svjetskoga skijanja, poput pokojnoga Roka Petrovića, Jure Franka, Andreje Leskovšek, ... O toj svjetskoj skijaško-jedriličarskoj kombinaciji tada su naveliko pisale mnoge europske pa čak i američke specijalizirane skijaške revije. Treba reći da je osim na Platku, u svijetu uz „miris mora“ moguće skijati na rijetkim skijalištima poput onoga u Sierra Nevadi povrh Malage ili na Burmani povrh Bejruta. Već spomenuti Bojan Križaj vjeruje da će Platak krenuti putem tih, ali i nekih japanskih skijališta koja „završavaju“ u moru, a Japanci „znaju“, zar ne? Što im ne bismo vjerovali? •

competitors, coaches, staff for ski servicing, etc. and with them a large number of fans to the Kvarner area.

A bit of skiing, a bit of sailing In their childhood, Ski World Cup Croatians Ana Jelušić, Dalibor Šamšal, Danko Marinelli and Matea Ferk took their first ski steps on Platak and then later raced in the Adriatic Slalom. Over the past decades, a series of world famous skiers have taken part such as the Austrian Toni Sailer (1953), Bulgarian Popangelov and Slovenian Bojan Križaj who, in the 1980s, won this race three times. In the Križaj period, the Adriatic Slalom was held as a combination of slalom and board sailing in the nearby village of Kostrena, in which many world skiing stars, such as the late Rok Petrović, Jura Frank, Andrej Leskovšek took part. Regarding this world skiing and sailing combination, many European and even American contemporary specialized skiing magazines wrote about it on a large scale. It is important to say that, apart from Platak, it is rare to find ski resorts where it is possible to ski with the “smell of the sea” and they are Sierra Nevada above Malaga and Burmani above Beirut. The afore mentioned Bojan Križaj believes that Platak will follow in the footsteps of these ski resorts, as well as a number of Japanese resorts which “end” in the sea, and the Japanese “know”, don’t they. Why wouldn’t we trust them? •

Jedna od varijacija šahovske igre poznata i kao kraljev gambit, ima i drugo, nama Hrvatima bliskije ime – Opatijska obrana (Abbazia Defense). Taj dio šahovske povijesti dogodio se 1912. kad je u Opatiji odigran međunarodni turnir na kojem se isključivo igrao kraljev gambit. A sada u grad, doduše ne Opatiju nego Rijeku, dolazi jedan još veći turnir – Europsko šahovsko prvenstvo za muškarce i žene.

One of the variations of the chess game, known as the king’s gambit, has another, for Croatians more familiar name - Abbazia Defense. This part of chess history occurred in 1912 when the international tournament was played in And now in the city, not Opatija, though, but in Rijeka another even bigger tournament is coming – the European Chess Championship for men and women.

U središtu kontinenta

In the centre of the continent

Tako će Rijeka od 5. do 19. ožujka biti kontinentalno središte šaha. Organizator je Šahovski klub „Rijeka“ u dogovoru s Hrvatskim šahovskim savezom te pod pokroviteljstvom Grada Rijeke i uz suradnju Europske šahovske unije. Nagradni fond je oko 200.000 eura, primjeren, rekli bi, jednom solidnom teniskom turniru. Natjecatelji će biti smješteni u luksuznim hotelima u Opatiji, slavnom hrvatskom turističkom središtu, a i šahovskom kako smo saznali na početku teksta, tek nekoliko kilometara udaljenom od Rijeke. Samo prvenstvo održat će se u novoj velebnoj sportskoj dvorani na Zametu. Riječ je o suvremenom javnom kompleksu u kojem se, uz sportsku dvoranu i knjižnicu, nalaze uredski prostori, brojni komercijalni sadržaji te javni trg i garaža. Ako vas zanima kako izgleda kad nastupaju vrhunski šahisti, dođite u Rijeku, jer Rijeka je povukla potez, red je na vama. •

From 5th to the 19th March Rijeka will be Europe’s chess capital. The organiser is the “Rijeka” Chess Club together with the Croatian Chess Federation and under the sponsorship of the City of Rijeka and in collaboration with the European Chess Union. The prize money is around 200,000 Euros, we could say appropriate for a well established tennis tournament. Competitors will be accommodated in luxury hotels in Opatija, the famous Croatian tourist destination, and as we found out at the beginning, a chess destination too, just a few kilometres from Rijeka. The Championships themselves will take place in the new excellent sports hall on Zamet. This is a modern public complex where besides the sports hall, there is a library, a number of business offices, numerous commercial facilities and a public square and garage. If you would like to know how it looks when world-class chess players are performing, why not come to Rijeka as Rijeka has made its move, now it’s your turn. •

Kula Simbolika je više no jasna, na logotipu prvenstva obrisi su Trsatske kule, ponosa grada Rijeke. Za vjerovati je da će brojni šahisti, a i gledatelji koji će posjetiti Rijeku, uzbuđenja koja im nude šahovske kule, u pauzama natjecanja zamijeniti uzbuđenjima koje im nudi velebni Trsat. The tower The symbols are more than clear: the Championship’s logotype contains the outlines of Trsat castle, the pride of the city of Rijeka. It is possible that the numerous chess players as well as observers visiting Rijeka, will exchange those excitements experimented when moving their chess towers will, during competition breaks, with excitements offered by the magnificent Trsat.


Novi grad / New city


Piše / Text by: Nevenka Koščić

Fotografije / Photos: Goran Kovačić

„Šah sam počeo ozbiljno igrati sa pet i pol godina, ali sam se i prije toga uigravao sa starijim bratom Markom“, o početku svoje šahovske karijere priča mladi Marin.

Marin Bosiočić, član Šahovskoga kluba Junior iz Rijeke Marin Bosiočić, a member of the Junior Chess club from Rijeka

“I started to play chess seriously when I was five and a half years old, but even before that I played it with my older brother Marko” says young Marin regarding the beginnings of his chess career.

Tako mlad, a već velemajstor

Europe, op. a.) take part and in which our national team, whose great contribution, also due to Marin’s play, won first place three times. He is a frequent guest at Open and Berger European tournaments in which a number of money prizes are won. We asked him if it was possible for chess players to make a living from playing. “Of course, even those as young as me. I don’t want to talk about the amount of money prizes, but I will say I can earn good pocket-money”, says this young citizen from Rijeka regarding the life of professional chess players.

So young and already Šahist a grand master

moram slozit

Marin Bosiočić student je treće godine riječkoga Ekonomskog fakulteta, ima samo 21 godinu, a već više od godinu dana obraćaju mu se s Velemajstore. Naravno, u šahovskim krugovima, jer je svojom nadarenošću za igru na 64 polja i uspješno baratanje s 32 figure te postizanjem tri zapažena rezultata na natjecanjima, u travnju 2008. postigao normu za spomenutu prestižnu titulu. Tituli su, naravno, prethodili uspjesi na državnim i međunarodnim natjecanjima na kojima je, u pojedinačnoj konkurenciji ili ekipno, osvajao prva mjesta. Dokaz su medalje kojima više ne zna broja, te 50-tak pokala.

Brzopotezni Marin Ostao je Marin malo zatečen kad smo ga upitali na kojem je natjecanju osvojio prvo priznanje. „Mislim da je to bilo treće mjesto na državnom natjecanju prije osamdevet godina, ali to i nije osobito važno. Državni prvak u kadetskom i juniorskom natjecanju bio sam tri ili četiri puta, ali za mene je najveći uspjeh što sam 2009. godine ušao u A reprezentaciju, te osvojio naslov prvaka Hrvatske u brzopoteznom šahu“, brzopotezno se prisjetio junak naše priče. Brzopotezno šahovsko prvenstvo Hrvatske održano je u Rijeci na prvi dan ljeta 2009. godine. Marin je bio najbolji među 40 „cugeraša“, a naslov prvaka preoteo je Ognjenu Cvitanu. „Ma ni pobjeda nad Cvitanom za mene nije osobito važan podatak. Važno je što sam prvak, a ne koga sam sve pobijedio“, ponosno će Marin. Za njega se zna i na međunarodnoj razini jer je uspješno sudjelovao na Mitropa kupovima (natjecanje šahista iz država srednje Europe, op. a.), na kojima je naša reprezentacija kojoj je veliki doprinos dao i Marin, tri puta osvojila prvo mjesto. Čest je gost na Open (otvorenim) i Berger (zatvorenim) turnirima Europe na kojima se osvajaju novčane nagrade.

Marin Bosiočić is a third-year student at Rijeka’s Faculty of Economics and is only 21 years old, and has been called a grand master for more than a year. In chess circles of course, thanks to his talent for playing on 64 fields and his successful handling of 32 figures, and by achieving three noted results in competitions, in April 2008 he obtained a certificate for the above mentioned prestigious title. The title was preceded, of course, by successes both at national and international competitions in which, in both single competition and with the team, he won first places. Proof of his success can be seen in the medals of which number he no longer remembers together with around 50 cups.

Blitz chess Marin Marin was a little surprised when we asked him at which competition he won his first acknowledgement. “I think it was third place at a national competition eight or nine years ago, but that is not of such importance. I have won the national championship in cadet and junior competition three or four times, but for me, my greatest success is represented with my becoming part of the national A team in 2009 and winning the Croatian championship in Blitz chess”, the hero of our story quickly remembered. The Blitz chess Croatian championship was held in Rijeka on the first day of summer in 2009. Marin was the best among 40 zugs and he captured the championship title from Ognjen Cvitan. “But none of the victories over Cvitan are of particular importance as far as I am concerned. The important thing is that I have become a champion and not who I defeated” Marin proudly says. He is even known on the international chess scene as he successfully participated on the Mitropa Cup (chess competition in which chess players from central

Pa zar i šahisti mogu živjeti od igre, pitamo ga? „Naravno, čak i ovako mladi. Ne bih o iznosu novčanih nagrada, ali reći ću da mogu zaraditi dobar džeparac“, o životu profesionalnih igrača šaha priča mladi Riječanin.

Pobijediti najbolje Marin se sa šahovskom pločom, koja zapravo više nije ploča nego su to 64 polja ucrtana na plastiku, druži svaki dan, a koliko će se posvetiti šahu ovisi o tome je li pred njim neko natjecanje. I sad nam otkriva da ni ta drevna igra koja nam je stigla s Dalekoga istoka, nije imuna na računala. Zapravo, šahisti vježbaju na računalima jer u današnje vrijeme ima jako puno šahovskih partija i softvera koje upravo tome služe. Nude puno varijanti pa tako igrati šah može brzo naučiti svatko tko to želi. Već se nazire i početak natjecanja na računalima, ali za njega će uvijek ostati puno zanimljivija igra na stolu. Titula velemajstora je već tu, a što u budućnosti, pitamo Bosiočića. „Sad moram raditi na rejtingu odnosno Fide-reitingu, kako se u šahu naziva uspinjanje na ljestvici najboljih. Za to treba pobijediti najbolje, ali ja i volim igrati s boljima od sebe. To je uvijek izazov i ako pobijedim, posebno sam sretan“, kaže Marin. Pred njim je značajno natjecanje i u 2010. U Rijeci će se, u novom Centru Zamet, u ožujku organizirati Europsko šahovsko prvenstvo na kojemu očekuje dobar plasman, a želja mu je sudjelovati i na Svjetskom prvenstvu zatvorenoga tipa. „Za to treba puno rada i puno najboljih rezultata. Lani su sudjelovala 24 najbolja igrača na svijetu i moj je cilj doći među takve velikane“, odlučno će Marin. Na kraju ga pitamo je li šah sport i pomaže li mu „mozganje“ nad pločom i u „mozganju“ nad knjigom. Odgovor je očekivan, šah je sport koji doduše ne jača tijelo već mozak, a to ne može štetiti ni učenju ni radu. Koncentracija i strpljenje osobine su dobroga šahista, a Marin je svakako dobar šahist. Iz tog razloga pred njim stoji velika sportska karijera. •

To defeat the best Marin hangs out with his chess board, which is no longer just a board, but 64 fields drawn onto a plastic base, each day and how much time he will dedicate to chess depends on what competition is ahead of him. And even now he reveals that this ancient game which originated in the Far East is not immune to computers. Actually, chess players can train on computers as there are a number of chess games and software used precisely for this. They offer a number of variants so anyone wanting to learn how to play chess can do it very easily now. He can see the beginning of competitions on computers in the future but as far as he is concerned, playing at a table will always remain much more interesting. The title of grand master is already here, and what about the future, we asked Bosiočić. “Now I have to work on my rating, or FIDE-rating, as the list of best players is called in chess. For this the best must be defeated, but I like playing with better players than myself. This is always a challenge and if I win, I feel extremely happy” says Marin. He has an important competition in 2010 ahead of him. The European Chess Championship will be organized in Rijeka, in the new Zamet Centre in March where he expects a good placing, and he would like to participate in the World Berger Championship. “For this a lot of work and a number of good results is necessary. Last year the championship gathered 24 of the best world players and my aim is to enter among those masters” Marin decisively says. Finally, we asked him if he considers chess to be a sport and whether his concentration over the board helped him to concentrate when learning. The expected answer was that chess is a sport which does not strengthen the body but the brain and that it cannot damage either his learning or working. Concentration and patience are characteristics of a good chess player, and Marin is certainly a good player, so a big sports career awaits him. •


Mozaik - događanja / Mosaic - events

Ožujak 2010.

Veljača 2010.

February 2010

Kazališne daske

Theatre boards

Hrvatsko narodno kazalište Ivana pl. Zajca početak veljače, 2. i 4., rezerviralo je za LA TRAVIATU, 5. i 6. veljače prikazuje se OPĆA BOLNICA Hriste Bojčeva. Zatim slijedi gostovanje Montažstroja i Plesnoga centra Tala iz Zagreba koji 8. veljače u 19.30 sati nastupaju s predstavom SRCE MOJE KUCA ZA NJU. KONCERT RUSKIH OPERNIH ARIJA I ZBOROVA možete poslušati 10. veljače. U subotu 20. veljače, točno u podne, održava se Subotnja matineja u foyeru i KOMORNI KONCERT GUDAČKOGA SEKSTETA ORKESTRA OPERE. U večernjem terminu slijedi premijera Aristofanove LIZISTRATE. Ista predstava održava se sve do 27. veljače.

“Ivan pl. Zajc” Croatian National Theatre has reserved the beginning of February, 2nd and 4th, for LA TRAVIATA, and on 5th and 6th February the OPĆA BOLNICA (GENERAL HOSPITAL) show by Hristo Bojčev will be performed. There then follows a guest performance by the Montažstroj and dance centre Tala from Zagreb who will perform the show SRCE MOJE KUCA ZA NJU (MY HEART BEATS FOR HER) on 8th February at 7.30 pm. You can listen to the CONCERT OF RUSSIAN OPERA ARIAS AND CHOIRS on 10th February. On Saturday, 20th February at noon, the Saturday matinee will take place in the foyer as well as THE CHAMBER CONCERT OF THE STRING SEXTET OPERA. In the evening follows the premiere of Aristofan’s LIZISTRATA. The same show will be played until 27th February.

Hrvatski kulturni dom na Sušaku je mjesto na kojemu 1. i 2. veljače možete pogledati komediju Davida Harea AMY’S VIEW/ DIFFERENTI OPINIONI (RAZLIČITA MIŠLJENJA) s početkom u 19.30 sati. Na istome mjestu u isto vrijeme, ali 9., 10. i 11. veljače, na repertoaru je još jedna komedija, ovaj put OPĆA BOLNICA, autora Hriste Bojčeva. Teatro Fenice 23. veljače u 12 i 19 sati organizira KONCERT ZA MLADE, pod ravnanjem dirigenta Igora Vlajnića. Gradsko kazalište lutaka Rijeka Predstava Pinocchio razveselit će najmlađe. Možete je pogledati 4. veljače u 19 sati, a 5. i 11. veljače u 18 sati. Dječja karnevalska povorka Kako klinci doživljavaju karneval provjerite 6. veljače u 13 sati kada na riječkom Korzu započinje Dječja karnevalska povorka u sklopu Riječkoga karnevala. Pomorski i povijesni muzej Hrvatskog primorja „Samo za odrasle“- cijelu veljaču imate priliku razgledati izložbu o kulturološkom i sociološkom aspektu seksualnosti i njezinom utjecaju na svakodnevni život i umjetnost. Specifičnost ove izložbe je što ćete vidjeti i radove nastale na radionicamaigraonicama s predškolskom djecom pod nazivom „Djecu (ne) donose rode“. Muzej je otvoren od utorka do petka u vremenu od 9 do 20 sati, a vikendom od 9 do 13 sati. Mali salon Ljubitelji umjetnosti u galeriji Mali Salon na Korzu mogu pogledati izložbu crteža Davora Vrankića. Karnevalska povorka 14. veljače, Valentinovo, dan zaljubljenih, a ujedno i dan kad se na riječkom Korzu, s početkom u 12 sati, odvija Međunarodna karnevalska povorka. Pridružite se tisućama i tisućama onih koji će se veseliti s maskom ili bez nje. Astronomski centar Rijeka Utorkom, srijedom, četvrtkom i subotom u 19.30 sati pogledajte projekciju filma „Utrka na Zemlju“. Petkom i subotom u 20.30 sati u Zvjezdarnici iskoristite mogućnost i teleskopom pogledajte u nebo.

Europsko šahovsko prvenstvo Rijeka će od 5. do 19. ožujka biti domaćin najvećega šahovskog događaja na kontinentu, Europskoga šahovskog prvenstva. Novosagrađeni Sportski centar Zamet ugostit će stotine sportaša i tisuće gledatelja. Prilika je to da vidite nešto drugačije lice sporta. Koliko je vas ikada bilo na šahovskome natjecanju? Malo, vjerujem. Stoga, eto prilike za stjecanjem novoga iskustva i to u društvu vrhunskih majstora. Nemojte misliti da borba neće biti žestoka kao na nekom nogometnome ili možda teniskom turniru jer organizator je za najbolje osigurao velike novčane nagrade.

March 2010 European Chess Championship From 5th to 19th March, Rijeka will host the biggest chess event on the continent, the European Chess Championship. The newly built Zamet Sports Centre will host hundreds of sportsmen and thousands of spectators. This is the chance to see another face of sport. How many of you can say that you have taken part in a chess competition? I believe a small number, so here is the chance to obtain a new experience in the company of excellent masters. Do not think there won’t be a strong fight as in some football or maybe tennis tournaments as the organizer offers large money prizes for the best participants.

Croatian Cultural Centre on Sušak will, on 1st and 2nd February, be the place where, at 7.30 pm, you will be able to watch David Hare’s comedy, AMY’S VIEW/DIFFERENTI OPINIONI (DIFFERENT OPINIONS). In the same place, and following the same schedule, but on 9th, 10th and 11th February another comedy, this time OPĆA BOLNICA (GENERAL HOSPITAL) by the author Hristo Bojčev will be shown. Teatro Fenice organizes, on 23rd February at 12.00 pm and again at 7.00 pm a CONCERT FOR YOUNGSTERS, under the direction of conductor Igor Vlajnić. The city of Rijeka Puppet Theatre The Pinocchio show will entertain the youngest spectators. You can watch it on 4th February at 7.00 pm, and again on 5th and 11th February at 6.00 pm.

Muzej moderne i suvremene umjetnosti Dolac 1 adresa je na kojoj možete razgledati izložbu ZBIRKA BIŠKUPIĆ. Muzej je otvoren od 10 do 13 i od 17 do 20 sati svakoga dana osim nedjelje i ponedjeljka.

Modern and contemporary art museum Dolac 1 is the address where you can visit the ZBIRKA BIŠKUPIĆ exhibition. The Museum is open from 10 am to 1 pm and from 5 pm to 8 pm every day except on Sundays and Mondays.

Children’s Carnival Parade Check out how children experiment the carnival on 6th February at 1.00 pm when the Children’s Carnival Parade starts on Rijeka’s Korzo within the Rijeka Carnival events.

Hrvatsko narodno kazalište Ivana pl. Zajca gledateljima 11. ožujka nudi premijeru opere ADRIANA LECOUVREUR u režiji Ozrena Prohića i pod dirigentskom palicom Nade Matošević. Još jednu premijeru, ovaj put dramu SVE O ŽENAMA koju je napisao Miro Gavran, izvest će Talijanska drama HNK Ivana pl. Zajca 24. ožujka.

“Ivan pl. Zajc” Croatian National Theatre offers spectators on 11th March the premiere of the ADRIANA LECOUVREUR opera, directed by Ozren Prohić and conducted by Nada Matošević. Another premiere, this time SVE O ŽENAMA (ALL ABOUT WOMEN) written by Miro Gavran, will be performed by the Italian ensemble from the “Ivan pl. Zajc” Croatian National Theatre on 24th March.

Rijeka Maritime and Historical Museum of the Croatian Coast “For adults only” – throughout February you will have the opportunity of visiting the exhibition in a cultural and social aspect of sexuality and its influence on everyday life and art. The specificity of this exhibition is that you will be able to see works created in workshops-playrooms by kindergarten children under the name “Children are (not) brought by the stork”. The museum remains open from Tuesday to Friday from 9 am to 8 pm, and on weekends from 9 am to 1 pm. Mali salon Art lovers can visit the exhibition of Davor Vrankić’s drawings in the Mali salon gallery on Korzo Street. Carnival Parade 14th February, St. Valentine’s Day, the day for lovers, and at the same time the day when the International Carnival Parade, beginning at 12 pm will take place through Rijeka’s Korzo. Join the thousands who with or without a mask will cheer on this annual carnival spectacle. Rijeka Astronomy Centre On Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 7.30 pm watch the film projection “Utrka na Zemlju” (Race to the Earth). On Fridays and Saturdays at 8.30 pm in the Astronomical observatory take the opportunity and watch the night sky by telescope.

Astronomski centar Rijeka Svake subote u 16 sati stručno vođeni PROGRAM ZA OBITELJ. Petkom i subotom od 20.30 mogućnost promatranja zvijezda i drugih nebeskih tijela. Do 15. ožujka, utorkom, srijedom, četvrtkom i subotom u 19.30 sati projekcija filma „Utrka na zemlju“, a potom do kraja mjeseca utorkom, srijedom i četvrtkom u istom terminu filma „Vibrato“. Pomorski i povijesni muzej Hrvatskoga primorja Predstavljanju monografije Željka Cetinića pod naslovom „Stranče – Vinodol, starohrvatsko groblje na Gorici“ prisustvujte 18. ožujka. Jazz tunel Na Školjiću Jazz Blues Session svakoga ponedjeljka od 21 sat, a Jazz Jam Session svake srijede od 20.30 sati.

Astronomy Centre Rijeka Every Saturday at 4 pm a professionally conducted PROGRAM FOR THE FAMILY will be carried out. On Fridays and Saturdays at 8.30 pm, we offer you the possibility of watching the stars and other celestial bodies. On Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 7.30 pm until 15th March the film projection „Utrka na zemlju“ (Race to the Earth) will be shown, and then until the end of the month, on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at the same time, there will be a projection of the "Vibrato" film. Rijeka Maritime and Historical Museum of the Croatian Coast Presentation of Željko Cetinić’s monograph under the name “Stranče – Vinodol, starohrvtasko groblje na Gorici” can be seen on 18th March. Jazz tunel On Školjić Jazz Blues Session every Monday from 9.00 pm, and Jazz Jam Session every Wednesday from 8.30 pm.



Travanj 2010.

Svibanj 2010.

Astronomski centar Rijeka

Risnjak Mountain Trek

Svake subote u 16 sati stručno vođeni PROGRAM ZA OBITELJ. Petkom i subotom od 20.30 mogućnost promatranja zvijezda i drugih nebeskih tijela. Utorkom, srijedom i četvrtkom u 19.30 sati projekcija filma „Vibrato“. Tijekom travnja, u suradnji s Akademskim astronomskim društvom Rijeka i Udrugom Zlatni rez održavat će se Festival znanosti.

Ako vam je dosadio uredski posao i tražite uzbuđenje u prirodi onda ga 23. svibnja možete pronaći u Nacionalnom parku Risnjak. Risnjak Mountain Trek je trekking utrka u kojoj natjecatelji u što kraćem vremenu svladavaju zadanu stazu utrke, trčeći ili hodajući. Na stazi su postavljene kontrolne točke koje je obavezno proći po zadanom redosljedu. Natjecatelji sa sobom nose svu propisanu obaveznu opremu, kao i tekućinu i hranu koja im je potrebna za utrku. Utrka se odvija na području Nacionalnoga parka Risnjak i u njegovoj bližoj okolici. Staza utrke nije označena i mijenja se svake godine. Dakle, potrebno je osnovno znanje čitanja karte i korištenja kompasa.

April 2010 Astronomy Centre Rijeka Every Saturday at 4 pm a professionally conducted PROGRAM FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY will take place. On Fridays and Saturdays at 8.30 pm there is the possibility of watching the stars and other celestial bodies. On Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 7.30 pm there is a projection of the film “Vibrato”. During April, in collaboration with Academic Astronomy Association Rijeka and Zlatni rez Association, the Science Festival will be held.

Muzej grada Rijeke "Akvizicije 2006.-2010.", izložba je predmeta, zbirki i umjetničkih djela prikupljenih u tom razdoblju, a koje ćete sve do rujna moći pogledati u Muzeju grada Rijeke.

Rijeka City Museum “Akvizicije 2006-2010”, exhibition of objects, collections and works of art gathered during the period of acquisition, which you will be able to visit until September at the Rijeka City Museum.

Hrvatsko narodno kazalište Ivana pl. Zajca U sklopu festivala Kamovfest u Hrvatskom narodnom kazalištu Ivana pl. Zajca 9. travnja će biti prikazana premijera predstave DA JE PROKLET KAM – elegija vrha zalutale duše. Toga poduhvata uhvatio se redatelj Larry Zappia. Jedan drugi redatelj, Damir Zlatar Frey i dirigent Nikša Bareza pružit će vam pak, čaroliju opere Gaetana Donizettia, LUCIA DI LAMMERMOOR. Sve što trebate učiniti je pojaviti se 24. travnja na premijeri u kazalištu.

“Ivan pl. Zajc” Croatian National Theatre On 9th April, as part of the Kamovfest festival held in the “Ivan pl. Zajc” Croatian National Theatre, the premiere of the „DA JE PROKLET KAM – elegija vrha zalutale duše” show will be shown. This undertaking was carried out by director, Lary Zappia. Another director, Damir Zlatar Frey and conductor Nikša Bareza will on the other hand offer you, the magic of Gaetano Donizetti’s opera, LUCIA DI LAMMERMOOR. All you have to do is present yourself at the premiere in the theatre on 24th April.

Pomorski i povijesni muzej Hrvatskog primorja Od 22. travnja pa sve do 20. lipnja, uz IV Međunarodnu konferenciju o industrijskoj baštini u organizaciji Udruge Pro Torpedo, postavljena je izložba NIKŠA MENDEŠ: „PO SVJETSKIM MORIMA“.

Rijeka Maritime and Historical Museum of the Croatian Littoral From 22nd April to 20th June, as part of the 4th International Conference on Industrial Heritage organized by the Pro Torpedo Association, the NIKŠA MENDEŠ's exhibition: “PO SVJETSKIM MORIMA” (THROUGH THE WORLD’S SEAS) is on show.

Dvorana mladosti DOM I TEHNIKA – Međunarodni sajam opreme, namještaja i unutarnjega uređenja pravo je mjesto da razmislite zaslužuje li vaš dom novi izgled.

Youth Sports Hall HOME AND TECHNICS –the international market of equipment, furniture and internal furnishing is the right places for you should you decide that your home deserves a new image.

Hrvatski kulturni dom Sušak HKD nije samo mjesto kulturnih događanja, to je mjesto održavanja svih značajnijih događanja, a ovoga puta Sajma novih tehnologija.

Croatian Cultural Centre Sušak The Croatian Cultural Centre is not just a place for cultural happenings, it is a place for all important events, and this time hosts the New Technology Market.

Mali salon Galerija Mali salon na Korzu ugostit će radove dvojice autora, Ivana Fijolića i Marina Cettine.

Mali salon The Mali salon gallery in Korzo Street will host the works of two authors, Ivan Fijolić and Marin Cettina.

Muzej moderne i suvremene umjetnosti „OD STATIČNE DO POKRETNE SLIKE“ naziv je tematske izložbe fotografija iz fundusa MMSU-a. Muzej je otvoren od 10 do 13 i od 17 do 20 sati svakoga dana osim nedjelje i ponedjeljka.

Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art “OD STATIČNE DO POKRETNE SILE” (FROM STATIC TO MOVING FORCE) is the name of the thematic photographic exhibition from the archive of the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art. The Museum will remain open from 10 am to 1 pm and from 5 pm to 8 pm every day except on Sundays and Mondays.

May 2010 Risnjak Mountain Trek Should you get bored with office work and are searching for excitement in nature then on 23rd May you can find it in the Risnjak National Park. The Risnjak Mountain Trek is a trekking race in which competitors in the shortest possible time overcome the set racing path either by running or walking. The path includes control points which must be passed through according to a set schedule. Competitors should take the prescribed obligatory equipment with them as well as any liquid and food necessary for the race. The race will be held in the Risnjak National Park area and its close surroundings. The racing path is not marked and is changed from year to year. So, it is necessary to have the basic knowledge of map reading and the use of a compass. Hrvatsko narodno kazalište Ivana pl. Zajca Svibanj donosi još dvije premijere u riječkom kazalištu. Zanimljiv je projekt SOMEWHERE CITY - multimedijalna predstava za djecu i odrasle redatelja Gorana Lelasa čija je premijera predviđena za 11. svibnja. Nekoliko dana kasnije, 22. svibnja, na svoje će doći ljubitelji baleta. Koreograf Staša Zurovac pobrinuo se da dožive vrhunsku izvedbu Ravelovoga baleta DAPHNIS I CLOE.

“Ivan pl. Zajc” Croatian National Theatre May brings another two premieres to Rijeka’s theatre. An interesting project SOMEWERE CITY, a multimedia show for children and adults directed by Goran Lelas whose premiere is foreseen for 11th May. A few days later, on 22nd May, ballet lovers will be satisfied. The choreographer, Staša Zurovac has taken care to experience an excellent performance of Ravel's ballet DAPHNIS AND CLOE.

Mali salon Sve što želite doznati o RI dizajnu doznat ćete na izložbi u Malom salonu na Korzu. Publici će se predstaviti autori D. Bralić, V. Cuculić, N. Gjurek, M. Mrduljaš i A. Kovač.

Mali salon All you need to find out about RI design can be found in the Mali salon gallery located on Korzo Authors D. Bralić, V.Cuculić, N. Gnjurek, M. Mrduljaš and A. Kovač will be presented to the public.

Jazz tunel Na Školjiću Jazz Blues Session svakoga ponedjeljka od 21 sat, a Jazz Jam Session svake srijede od 20.30 sati. Pomorski i povijesni muzej Hrvatskog primorja MUZEJI ZA DRUŠTVENI SKLAD, tema je edukativne radionice koja će se povodom Međunarodnoga dana muzeja održati 18. svibnja. Astronomski centar Rijeka Svake subote u 16 sati stručno vođeni PROGRAM ZA OBITELJ. Petkom i subotom od 20.30 mogućnost promatranja zvijezda i drugih nebeskih tijela. Do 15. ožujka, utorkom, srijedom, četvrtkom i subotom u 19.30 sati projekcija filma „Utrka na zemlju“, a potom do kraja mjeseca utorkom, srijedom i četvrtkom u istom terminu filma „Vibrato“. Pomorski i povijesni muzej Hrvatskog primorja Sve do 20. lipnja uz IV Međunarodnu konferenciju o industrijskoj baštini u organizaciji Udruge Pro Torpedo, postavljena je izložba NIKŠA MENDEŠ: „PO SVJETSKIM MORIMA“.

Jazz tunel On Školjić there is a Jazz Blues Session every Monday from 9.00 pm, and a Jazz Jam Session every Wednesday from 8.30 pm. Rijeka Maritime and Historical Museum of the Croatian Coast MUSEUMS FOR SOCIAL HARMONY is the theme of the educational workshop which will be held on 18th May for the occasion of the International Museum Day. Rijeka Astronomy Centre Every Saturday at 4 pm a professionally conducted PROGRAM FOR THE FAMILY will be carried out. On Fridays and Saturdays at 8.30 pm, we offer you the possibility of watching the stars and other celestial bodies. On Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 7.30 pm until 15th March the film projection „Utrka na zemlju“(Race to the Earth) will be shown, and then until the end of the month, on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at the same time, there will be a projection of the "Vibrato" film. Rijeka Maritime and Historical Museum of the Croatian Coast Up until the 20th June, together with the 4th International Conference on Industrial Heritage organized by the Pro Torpedo Association, the NIKŠA MENDEŠ’s exhibition:“PO SVJETSKIM MORIMA” (THROUGH THE WORLD’S SEAS) is on show.


Tako je nekad bilo / This is how it once was


Piše / Text by: Doris Žiković

Fotografije / Photos: Foto arhiv Miljenko Smokvina

In 1866 in Rijeka,the inventor, Ivan Luppis and the technical creator, Robert Whitehead created the torpedo, a weapon which changed the earlier conception of sea warfare. Advanced technical innovations, high profits and majestic buildings turned Rijeka, in that period, into a cosmopolitan city and a recognizable centre on the world map.

U 19. stoljeću jedan Riječanin i jedan Englez Rijeku su postavili u središte industrijski razvijenoga svijeta - zahvaljujući izumu torpeda In the 19th century one Rijeka and one British citizen positioned Rijeka in the centre of the industrially developed world – thanks to the invention of the torpedo

There is a secret connection


Luppisov izum The ingenious Luppis invention

Ivan Luppis Idejni začetnik Ivan Luppis i tehnički ostvaritelj Robert Whitehead u Rijeci su 1866. godine stvorili torpedo, oružje koje je promijenilo dotadašnje poimanje ratovanja na moru. Napredni tehnički izumi, visoki profiti i velebna zdanja, pretvorili su u to doba Rijeku u kozmopolitski grad i prepoznatljivo središte na karti svijeta.

Ima neka tajna veza Luppis je došao na zamisao da stvori napravu za razaranje brodova koja bi bila bez posade, njome bi se upravljalo s kopna, a eksploziv bi se aktivirao prilikom doticaja s plovilom. Godine 1860. svoj izum predstavio je caru Franji Josipu, a neposredno nakon toga upoznao se s britanskim strojarskim inženjerom Robertom Whiteheadom, upraviteljem tvrtke Stabilimento tecnico fiumano, s kojim je 1864. sklopio ugovor o usavršavanju izuma. Ime Roberta Whiteheada, utemeljitelja i prvoga vlasnika renomirane Tvornice torpeda, nedvojbeno zaslužuje da bude upisano zlatnim slovima u povijesti Rijeke. Iako britanski podanik, Rijeku je smatrao svojom drugom domovinom, intenzivno se zanimajući za komunalna pitanja, sudjelujući u osnivanju nekih tvrtki i udruženja, proširujući svoju tvornicu, podižući prelijepe palače, ulažući u grad velika sredstva i osobnu energiju. I danas nas na njega vrlo zorno podsjećaju na riječkom Dolcu Zammattijeve Casa veneziana i druge tri stambene zgrade.

Luppis came to the idea of making a device which would destroy ships and would contain no crew, being controlled from the land that would be activated on impact with the vessel. In 1860 he presented this innovation to the emperor Franz Joseph, and immediately following this encounter met the British mechanical engineer Robert Whitehead, a manager of the Stabilimento tecnico fiumano company, with whom he signed a contract regarding perfection of the innovation in 1864. Robert Whitehead’s name, as founder and first owner of the renowned Torpedo factory certainly deserves to be written in golden letters within the Rijeka’s history. Although a British citizen, he considered Rijeka his second home, being intensely interested in collective matters, taking part in the foundation of a number of companies and associations, extending his factory, building beautiful palaces, investing huge resources and personal energy in the city. Even today Zammati’s Casa Veneziana and another three residential buildings clearly remind us of him.

To perfection Collaborating with Luppis, Whitehead developed a completely new product and gave it the name torpedo. The first experiments with the torpedo were carried out on 20th December 1866, but Whitehead was not satisfied

Do savršenstva Surađujući s Luppisom, Whitehead razvija potpuno novi proizvod i naziva ga torpedo. Prvi pokusi s torpedom dogodili su se 20. prosinca 1866. godine, ali Whitehead nije bio zadovoljan pa se torpedo još dvije godine usavršavao.

Robert Whitehead



U riječkoj Tvornici torpeda od 1866. godine do kolovoza 1943. godine proizvedeno je 20.323 torpeda, 1.053 lansirne cijevi i 1.368 visokotlačnih kompresora. Tvornica je imala godišnji kapacitet proizvodnje od oko tisuću torpeda. Prije I. svjetskoga rata proizvodilo se do 800 torpeda godišnje, 1942. godine proizvedeno je 1.170 torpeda dok je rekordna mjesečna proizvodnja postignuta 1943. godine sa 160 proizvedenih komada torpeda.

Za lansiranje torpeda u riječkom brodogradilištu braće Schiavon adaptirana je topovnjača „Gemse“ na koju je ugrađena torpedna lansirna cijev, novi originalni Whiteheadov izum. Prva riječka torpeda nosila su ime LuppisWhitehead, a kasnije su se nazivala samo Whitehead torpedima. Taj se naziv zadržao gotovo stotinu godina. Iako je Whitehead izmijenio prvobitni izum i naposljetku izbacio Luppisovo ime, oduvijek je priznavao Luppisu pravo na to otkriće. Godine 1867. Whitehead se preselio iz Trsta u Rijeku i utemeljio prvu tvornicu torpeda

so improvements were carried out on the torpedo for a further two years. The gunboat „Gemse“ was adapted for the torpedo launching in Rijeka’s “braće Schiavon“ shipyard on which a torpedo launch pipe was embedded which was Whitehead’s new and original innovation. The first torpedoes from Rijeka were known as Luppis-Whitehead torpedoes, and later on as simply Whitehead torpedoes. That name remained for almost a hundred years. Although Whitehead changed the initial innovation, and in the end cast out the name of Luppis, he always admitted Luppis’ right to

From 1866 until August 1943, the Rijeka Torpedo factory produced 20,323 torpedoes, 1,053 launching pipes and 1,368 high pressure compressors. The factory’s annual capacity torpedo production was around a thousand. Before the First World War, 800 torpedoes were produced annually, and in 1942 1,170 torpedoes were produced. In 1943, the record monthly production counted 160 torpedo pieces.

Predsjednik riječke udruge Pro Torpedo, Miljenko Smokvina, je na 14. kongresu međunarodne udruge za industrijsku baštinu TICCIH u njemačkom Freibergu predložio formiranje svjetske mreže torpednih stanica. U slučaju da taj projekt zaživi, riječka lansirna rampa bila bi u njegovu središtu. Udruga Pro Torpedo pozvana je da se uključi i u European Route of Industrial Heritage (ERIH), jednu od najvećih mreža industrijske baštine povezane s turističkim itinererima. The president of the Rijeka Pro Torpedo Association, Miljenko Smokvina, at the 14th Congress of the International Association for Industrial Heritage TICCIH which took place in the German town of Freiburg, proposed the formation of a world’s network of torpedo stations. Should this project become reality, Rijeka’s launching ramp would have been in its centre. The Pro Torpedo Association was also invited to join the European Route of Industrial Heritage (ERIH) one of the largest networks of industrial heritage connected to tourist itineraries.

Proizvodnja torpeda u Rijeci potrajat će do 1966. godine. Uz hale bivše Tvornice još se nalazi građevina lansirne rampe iz 1930-ih. Torpedo production in Rijeka lasted until 1966. Next to the halls of the ex Factory, the 1930s building together with the launching ramp can still be found.


Zahvaljujući torpedu Rijeka je bilo u svijetu poznato središte u kojem su se nabavljala najsuvremenija tehničke sredstva. Tu su se kupovale licence za njihovu proizvodnju, tu je bilo svjetsko središte najmodernije industrije. Thanks to the torpedo, Rijeka became known in the world as a centre in which the most modern technical resources were purchased. Licences for their production were bought here, and the world’s centre of the most modern industry was located here.


Rino Gropuzzo


na svijetu. Tvornica će osnovati pogone u inozemstvu, s vremenom dopustiti i licenciranu proizvodnju u Engleskoj, Italiji, Americi, Rusiji, Francuskoj… Nakon I. svjetskoga rata zapadni dio Rijeke, u kojem je bila tvornica torpeda, pripao je Italiji pa proizvodnju torpeda od siječnja 1924. preuzima talijanska vojna industrija. To je trajalo do konca II. svjetskoga rata kada se tvornica vraća u „prave ruke“. Pogoni su djelomice osposobljeni za rad i počela je proizvodnja, od robe široke potrošnje, dizel motora i naravno torpeda. I tako sve do 1966. godine trajala je ta dvojna, civilno-vojna proizvodnja, a onda se odustalo od torpeda. Konačno je mirno mogao otići u povijest. •

the innovation. In 1867, Whitehead moved from Trieste to Rijeka and founded the first torpedo factory in the world. The factory he founded expanded abroad, in time it granted licensed production of torpedoes in England, Italy, America, Russia, and France… After the First World War, the western part of the city of Rijeka, where the torpedo factory was located, was taken over by the Italian military industry. That lasted until the end of the Second World War when the factory was returned to the “right hands”. Drives were partially enabled for work and the production of wide consumption goods, diesel motors and, of course, torpedoes began. This double, civil and military production lasted until 1966, when it was decided to cease torpedo production. It could finally become a peaceful part of history. •

Naziv torpedo ovo je oružje dobilo po ribi drhtulji čije je latinsko ime Torpedo marmorata. The weapon got the name torpedo after the torpedo fish whose Latin name is Torpedo marmorata.

Trideset godina izlaganja svoje duše javnosti. Otprilike toliko dugo riječki fotograf Rino Gropuzzo širom Hrvatske, bolje rečeno svijeta, javnosti na uvid izlaže svoje fotografske radove. Teško je nabrojiti sve magazine za koje je radio, sve galerije u kojima je izlagao, ali i nije potrebno. Vidjevši fotografije objavljene na ovim stranicama shvatit ćete tko je Rino Gropuzzo. Pretenciozno bi bilo reći – On je čovjek bez kojeg Rijeka i njezini ljudi ne bi bili isti. Ali, sasvim točna definicija umjetnika pod tim imenom mogla bi glasiti – to je čovjek bez čijega rada ne bi pamtili niti gdje ni u kojem vremenu smo živjeli. Thirty years exposing his soul to the public. That is approximately the amount of time that Rijeka photographer, Rino Gropuzzo has been exposing his photographic works of art to the public all over Croatia, or even better all over the world. It is hard to list all the magazines for which he worked, all the galleries where his works have been on show, but that is not important. Seeing the photographs published on these pages you will realize who Rino Gropuzzo is. It would be pretentious to say – He is the man without whom Rijeka and its citizens wouldn’t be the same. But, an entirely correct definition of the artist under this name could sound like this – he is a man without whose work we wouldn’t remember where we are and in which period we have lived.







Slasni kutak / Tasty corner


Piše / Text by: Barbara Grabušić

Steak restaurant Terminal omiljeno je mjesto u svijetu gurmana

Fotografije / Photos: Steak restaurant Terminal

Steak restaurant Terminal favourite place in the gourmands’ world

Ukusan provod na Terminalu Tasteful entertainment in Terminal

Glamurozan i luksuzan ugostiteljski kompleks - Steak restaurant Terminal – prostire se na čak 2.000 četvornih metara na trećoj, posljednjoj etaži novoizgrađenoga putničko -pomorskoga terminala u Rijeci, i danas je „must be there“ mjesto za dobar provod i savršen enogastronomski doživljaj. U prozračnome ambijentu s jedinstvenim pogledom na čitavi Kvarnerski zaljev savršeno su uklopljeni dizajnirani komadi namještaja, a delicije koje se nude zadovoljit će i najzahtjevnije gurmane te samo pojačati već ionako izvrstan dojam.

Ponuda koja prati trendove „U ponudi Steak restauranta Terminal je vrhunski izbor odrezaka pripravljenih dry-age metodom, ali i odrezaka od tune i lososa te dnevnoga degustacijskog jelovnika s posebno osmišljenim jelima“, ističe voditelj restorana Mladen Pavković te nas upoznaje s načinom na koji meso prolazi pomno kontrolirani postupak suhog odležavanja tzv. dry-aginga: „Suho zrelo meso može se naći samo u

Steak restaurant Terminal – a glamorous and luxury catering facility which is positioned over some 2000 square metres on the third and last floor of the newly built passengers and navigators terminal in Rijeka, and which today is a “must be there” place for good entertainment and a perfect oenological and gastro experience. In an airy atmosphere with a unique view over the entire Kvarner bay which are perfectly in keeping with the designer furniture and delicacies on offer and will satisfy even the most demanding gourmands and only strengthen the already great impression.

An offer that follows the trends “In the Steak restaurant Terminal’s offer an excellent choice of dry-aged steaks can be found, as well as an offer of tuna and salmon steaks and daily tasting menu made of specially created meals.”, points out the restaurant manager Mladen Pavković while he explains how the meat passes through a carefully controlled process of dry-aging:



Poput jahte Vrhunsku atmosferu Steak restauranta Terminal ne čine samo izvrsna hrana i vina te ništa manje važna vrsna posluga, već i savršen dizajn prostora kojega potpisuje riječki arhitektonski dvojac Saša Randić i Idis Turato. „Restoran ima dizajn jahte. Tu je sve u jednostavnosti. Nema puno materijala, samo bijela koža i drvo. Posebno smo ponosni na jing - jang klupe gdje klupa zapravo spaja dva stola. Kada čovjek sjedi , onda ona funkcionira kao separe, a kad hoda vidi preko nje“, ističe Idis Turato.

Kako chef kaže „Prije više desetljeća mesari su koristeći proces dry-aging skladištenja junjetine i govedine kroz određeni broj dana otkrili da meso postaje mekše i ukusnije. Navedene je pretpostavke nakon provedenoga istraživanja potvrdio i cijenjeni Kansas State University. Znanstveno je dokazano da je za puni ukus i veću mekoću odrezaka zaslužan dry-ageing proces“, rekao je vrhunski chef kuhinje Usmija Šuše čija je priprema jela više nego dojmljiva.

najboljim gurmanskim restoranima zbog skupoga procesa odležavanja. Ovim procesom meso junetine gubi 20 do 40 posto svoje mase. Fermentacijom vlaga isparava iz mišića dok prirodni enzimi razbijaju vezivno tkivo i odrezak postaje sočan i dobiva jedinstven pun okus“. Ne čudi stoga što je Steak restaurant Terminal ubrzo nakon otvorenja postao omiljeno mjesto javnih osoba i gostiju koji uz delikatesnu hranu mogu uživati i u vrhunskim vinima za čiji se izbor pobrinu Branko Muždeka, najbolji sommelier Hrvatske 2007. godine i sommelier Klaudio Jurčić. „Vinska karta restorana stalno se obogaćuje u skladu s najnovijim svjetskim trendovima, ali i enološkim događanjima u Hrvatskoj“ kaže Muždeka. Steak restaurant Terminal svrstava se tako u sam vrh enogastronomske ponude u Hrvatskoj, i ne samo u Hrvatskoj. •

As the chef says “A number of decades ago butchers found that meat became softer and tastier when using the process of dry-aging and storing the veal and beef over a number of days. These assumptions were taken after research was carried out and affirmed by the prestigious Kansas State University. It has been scientifically proved that the dry ageing process is responsible for the full taste and greater softness of steaks”, the excellent kitchen chef Usmija Šuše told us that the method of preparing meals is more than impressive.

“Dry mature meat can be found only in the best gourmand restaurants due to the expensive ageing process. Through this process the veal loses 20 to 40 percent of its mass. By means of fermentation, the moisture evaporates from the muscle and natural enzymes break the connective tissue and the steak becomes juicy and takes on its unique full taste”. It is not surprising, though, that soon after opening, the Steak restaurant Terminal became a favourite place for the public and guests who, besides the delicious food, can also enjoy the excellent wines which are carefully chosen by Branko Muždeka, voted best Croatian sommelier in 2007 together with sommelier Klaudio Jurčić. The “Restaurant’s wine list is continuously enriched in accordance with the latest world trends, as well as oenological happenings in Croatia, Muždeka says. Steak restaurant Terminal in this way has been positioned at the very top of the oenological and gastro offer both in Croatia and further afield. •

Like a yacht The excellent atmosphere in the Steak restaurant Terminal is not only created by the excellent food and wine and the equally important competent staff, but by the perfect design of the location signed by Rijeka’s architect couple, Saša Randić and Idis Turato. “The restaurant has been designed as a yacht. It’s all about simplicity. Just a few materials were used, white leather and wood. We are especially proud of the jing jang benches where the bench actually connects two tables. When someone is sitting, it has the function of a private diningroom, and when standing one can see above it”, points out Idis Turato.


Slasni kutak / Tasty corner


Piše / Text by: Nevenka Koščić

Fotografije / Photos: Natura Liburnia

Opatijac Ivan Turina jedan je od sedam profesionalnih pčelara na području Primorsko goranske županije Ivan Turina from Opatija is one of seven professional apiculturists working in the area of Primorsko-goranska County

Medeni suveniri Honey souvenirs „Svakom čovjeku u posebnim okolnostima u glavi sine neka ideja, a taj „klik“ u mozgu mene je početkom 1990-tih odveo k pčelama.“, tako nam je svoju odluku da se počne baviti pčelarstvom objasnio Opatijac Ivan Turina. Nakon petnaestak godina hobi je prerastao u profesionalizam i sada je jedan od sedmorice profesionalnih pčelara na području Primorsko-goranske županije. „Da ne bi bilo nesporazuma - ima puno pčelara, ali oni se pčelarstvom bave uz neki drugi stalni posao. Nama to nije nešto „drugo“ nego pravi stalni posao. U središtu Opatije supruga i ja imamo specijaliziranu prodavaonicu „Natura Liburnia“. U otvaranju nas je podržao Centar za brdsko-planinsku poljoprivredu. Ja se bavim pčelama, a supruga brine o poslovanju tvrtke. Moram reći da je njezina zasluga što smo pčelarstvo pretvorili u profesiju“, kaže Turina.

Med s geografskim porijeklom U zimskom periodu pčele miruju u košnicama u Korenskom pored Jušića, a u rano proljeće kreću u potragu za rascvjetanim šumama i livadama. Ovisno što u koje doba cvjeta, sele se u Motovun, Korajbu, Crni Lug i u Nacionalni park Sjeverni Velebit. Zanimljivo je da u Gorskom kotaru i na Velebitu pčele od napada medvjeda koji zbog larvi uništavaju košnice, čuvaju električni pastiri. Do kraja rujna marljivo skupljaju pelud, a rezultat je godišnja proizvodnja od pet do šest tona meda. „Sada imam 150 košnica, ali svake godine povećavam broj pa se tako povećava i količina meda. Uskoro će biti gotova nova punionica u Matuljima gdje ćemo imati puno bolje uvjete za rad nego u sadašnjoj, skučenoj. Za taj projekt dobio sam financijsku pomoć iz pretpristupnih fondova EU“, zadovoljno će Turina. Osim

“Every person has a special occasion and an idea came to me, and that “click” in the brain introduced me, at the beginning of 1990s, to the world of bees”, explains Ivan Turina from Opatija regarding his decision to start his business in apiculture. Some fifteen years later, his hobby became his profession and now he is one of the seven professional apiculturists within the area of Primorskogoranska County. “There should be no misunderstanding – there are many apiculturists, but they do apiculture as an additional job. For us, this is not a “secondary” job but a real permanent job. My wife and I have a specialized shop called “Natura Liburnia” in the centre of Opatija. The opening of our shop was supported by the Centre for hill and mountain agriculture. I deal with the bees and my wife manages the company business. I have to say that she should take the credit for making apiculture our profession.”, says Turina.

Honey with geographical origins In the winter period, bees are immobile in their hives in Korenski, close to the village of Jušići, and in the early spring they begin discovering the blossoming forests and meadows. Depending on which species of blossom in which period, they move to Motovun, Korjaba, Crni Lug and in the North Velebit National Park. It is interesting to note that in Gorski kotar and on Velebit, bees are protected from bear attacks which destroy their hives in order to get to the larvae by electrical shepherds. By the end of September they actively gather the pollen which results in the annual production of five to six tons of honey.

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četiri vrste meda, proizvodi apimix (kombinacija meda, peluda i propolisa), propolis, pelud, med u saću, med sa suhim voćem (orah, badem, smokva), svijeće od pčelinjega voska, te kao suvenire med u keramičkim posudama, ekokutijama i sličnim pakiranjima. „Naši medeni suveniri koje je kreirala supruga, ovjenčani su i nagradama. „Liburnijska barka“ je dobila prvu nagradu u Osijeku na izložbi autohtonih suvenira, a „Medena škrinja“ je nagrađena na sajmu suvenira u Opatiji. Dobili smo i Plavi cvijet Primorsko-goranske županije pa smo tako postali i dio turističke ponude“, pohvalio nam se Turina. A bit će još razloga za pohvalu jer u Matuljima Ivan planira postaviti ogledni pčelinjak i otvoriti ga učenicima, kako o pčelama i medu ne bi slušali samo teoriju te turistima kojima će to, očekuje Turina, sigurno biti zanimljivo. U oglednom pčelinjaku moći će se kušati med i kupiti suveniri. U poslu Turine stavljaju naglasak na hrvatski proizvod, a uskoro žele realizirati i ideju o medu s geografskim porijeklom. Za to postoje svi preduvjeti - samoniklo mediteransko bilje, jelove šume u okolici Crnog luga, istarski bagrem i lovranski marun, a sve su to polja i šume na kojima pasu njihove pčele. •

„Naši medeni suveniri koje je kreirala supruga, ovjenčani su i nagradama.", pohvalio nam se Turina. “Our honey souvenirs, created by my wife, have been awarded as well. ”, Turina said laudably.

We currently have 150 hives, but I increase their number every year, so the quantity of honey produced increases as well. Soon our new bottling department in Matulji will be finished where we will have much better working conditions compared to the current, narrower one. For this project I received financial support from UE preaccession funds.” says Turina with pleasure. Besides the four types of honey, we produce apimix (a mixture of honey, pollen and propolis), propolis, pollen, honey on the honey-comb, honey with dried fruits (walnuts, almonds, figs), candles made of bees wax and as souvenirs honey in ceramic canisters, eco-boxes and similar packages. “Our honey souvenirs, created by my wife, have been awarded as well. The “Liburnijska barka” (Liburnian boat) won first prize in Osijek at the exhibition of autochthonous souvenirs and the “Medena škrinja” (Honey chest) was awarded at the souvenir fair held in Opatija. We also won the Primorsko-goranska County Plavi cvijet (Blue flower) award and so have become part of the tourist offer.”, Turina said laudably. And there will be more reasons for acknowledgment, as Ivan plans to set up a demonstration apiary in Matulji and open it to students, where they will be allowed to see and not only listen to theory on bees as well as for tourists for whom this will surely be an interesting event expects Turina. The demonstration apiary will provide visitors with the possibility of tasting honey and buying souvenirs. In the business, the Turina family puts an accent on product made in Croatia, and they soon look forward to carrying out their idea on producing honey with a geographical origin. They have all the prerequisites to do that – wild growing Mediterranean plants, fir-tree forests in the surrounding of the village of Crni Lug, the Istrian locust-tree and Lovran chestnut, and as well as all these, are the fields where their bees pasture. •

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Piše / Text by: Željko Bročilović Carlos

Fotografije / Photos: Istravino

Malvazija Dajla Malvasia Dajla

Savršen pratilac

Perfect companion

„Hrvatska Toscana“, nazivaju mnogi Istru s njezinim brežuljcima, maslinama i vinogradima. Prije nekih šest ili sedam godina je blizu mjesta Dajla, Istravino, tvrtka sa 65 godišnjom tradicijom u proizvodnji vina, podigla svoje prve vinograde, a danas sa sigurnošću možemo reći da nisu pogriješili. Fantastičan položaj vinograda okrenutih moru, crljenica bogata mineralima i povjetarac koji danonoćno s mora donosi svježinu i djeluje u vinogradu kao prirodna klimatizacija nude sve potrebno za dobro grožđe, a potom i vino. Zato moj poziv – Morate probati malvaziju Dajla!, zvuči nekako prirodno, očekivano.

Istria is by many people called “Croatian Tuscany” with its hills, olive groves and vineyards. Somewhere close to the village of Dajla, some six or seven years ago, the Istravino, company with its 65 year old wine producing tradition, planted its first vineyards which were definitely not a bad idea. A fantastic position for vineyards facing the sea, the blood-red land (crljenica) which is rich in minerals and the breeze which, during the day and the night, brings freshness from the sea and affects the vineyard as a natural “air condition”, are all necessary conditions for good grapes, and consequently good wine. This is why my invitation – You must try the Dajla Malvasia! – sounds kind of natural, expected.

Oni koji traže vino za svaki dan naći će u Dajli savršenoga pratioca laganim hladnim predjelima na bazi povrća ili ribe... Those searching for an everyday wine will find in Dajla the perfect companion to be served with light cold vegetable and fish...

Svježe, sočno, odlično!

Fresh, juicy, excellent

U vinogradima je sve vrlo jasno - pri obradi loze se koriste isključivo organski preparati, nasadi su postavljeni vrlo moderno s gustoćom od nekih 5000 – 6500 čokota po hektaru, grožđe se bere isključivo ručno. U podrumu moderna tehnologija omogućuje kontrolu proizvoda od ulaska grožđa do izlaza boce na tržište. No, ono što fascinira je kvaliteta. Pisat ću o malvaziji, tipičnom istarskom vinu koje je zahvaljujući velikom zalaganju udruge vinara i vinogradara Vinistra postalo sinonim ne samo za kvalitetu Istre već i cijele „vinorodne“ Hrvatske. Nekome će se svidjeti, nekome možda ne, no činjenica je da je Istravino s malvazijom Dajla postavilo izuzetno visoke standarde. Mnogi moji prijatelji i poznanici odbacivali su mogućnost dobroga vina iz tzv. velikoga sustava, no nakon što su ga kušali, vrlo brzo su promijenili mišljenje. Malvazija Dajla, berbe 2008., reduktivnoga je tipa, svijetlo-žute, vrlo žive boje s odsjajima boje pistacija i srednjega viskoziteta. Miris joj odaje sortnost, osjeti se bogatstvo cvjetnih nota od kojih prevladava bagrem, kao i mirisi koštunjičavoga voća i citrusa. U ustima me dojmila svježina, sočnost i nevjerojatna mineralnost ovoga vina. Nemojmo pretjerivati u pohvalama, rekli bi mnogi, no … Oni koji traže vino za svaki dan naći će u Dajli savršenoga pratioca laganim hladnim predjelima na bazi povrća ili ribe, a ugodno će se sljubiti i s laganijim jelima od bijeloga mesa i delikatnim umacima. •

The vineyard cultivation is very clear – during the cultivation of the grapevines organic preparations are used exclusively, plantations are positioned in a very modern way with the density of some 5000-6500 vine plants per hectare, grapes are only harvested manually. Modern technology in the cellars provides control over the products from the time of entrance of the grapes into the cellar until the exit of the bottle ready for market. But the fascinating thing is the quality. I will write about Malvasia, a typical Istrian wine which has, thanks to the huge effort of the vintners association and Vinistra viticulturists, became synonymous not only for Istrian quality but for all Croatian “wine-growing districts” as well. Some will like it, some maybe not, but the fact is that with its Malvasia Dajla, Istravino has set some very high standards. Many of my friends and acquaintances had rejected the possibility of a good wine, a product of the so called mass-produced system, but soon after trying it, they changed their opinion. The 2008 vintage Malvasia Dajla is a reductive type of wine, with a light yellow, very lively colour and pistachio reflections and average viscosity. Its bouquet reveals its variety, and the richness of the floral aromas where locust blossom dominates together with the smells of stone and citrus fruits is also noticed. Whilst tasting it, I was delighted by its freshness, juiciness and unbelievable mineral qualities. Do not exaggerate with compliments, many would say, but…Those searching for an everyday wine will find in Dajla the perfect companion to be served with light cold vegetable and fish based starters and may be served pleasantly with light dishes of white meat and delicate sauces. •


Press clipping - Kako nas drugi vide / As others see us 501 MUST BE THERE EVENTS …Međutim, najbolji događaj u Rijeci tijekom godine za lokalne ljude i za turiste je bez sumnje karneval u latino stilu. U sadašnjem obliku utemeljen je prije samo četvrt stoljeća, a već je postao događaj koji privlači pažnju i izvan granica Hrvatske…. …Međunarodna karnevalska povorka uključuje 100 blještavih, ukrašenih alegorijskih kola iz mnogo zemalja koje prolaze gradom i koja prate 10.000 maskiranih sudionika. Sve to prati više od 100.000 očaranih gledatelja. Atmosfera je natjecateljska, a svako od alegorijskih kola pokušava nadmašiti ono drugo u smislu originalnosti i humora. Nakon povorke slijedi paljenje Pusta na brodu u riječkoj luci - riječ je o lutku okrivljenom za sve loše što se dogodilo u protekloj godini što će, nadajmo se, biti spaljeno zajedno s njim…

501 MUST BE THERE EVENTS …But the highlight of Rijeka’ s year for locals and tourists alike is undoubtedly the Latin-style carnival. This has been established in its current form for barely a quarter of a century, but has already become a massive occasion that attracts attention far beyond Croatia’s border… …The International Carnival Parade sees 100 brightly decorated floats from many countries progress through the city, accompanied by 10 000 masked participants, with the whole extravaganza watched by well over 100 000 enchanted spectators. The atmosphere is competetive, with each float seeking to outdo the others in terms of orginality and humour. After the parade comes the Burning of Pust on a boat in Rijeka harbour – he is a puppet blamed for everything bad that happened in the preceding year, which hopefully burns with him…

VN Vorarlberger Nachrichten, Austrija …U veljači se, u našem bliskom susjedstvu , hrvatskoj regiji Kvarner, uz miris mora i ozračje proljeća održava jedan od najvećih karnevala u Europi. S više od 150 000 maski i stotinu maškaranih skupina iz cijeloga svijeta, karneval u Kvarnerskome zaljevu obećava ludovanje i dobru zabavu. U skladu sa stoljetnom tradicijom i običajima, u okolici obalnih gradova, Rijeke, Opatije i Lovrana, održavaju se lokalne fešte i plesovi, ali i maštovite maskirane povorke iz kojih frcaju iskre mediteranskoga životnog veselja. Vrhunac toga uzburkanog šarenila predstavlja međunarodni karneval u Rijeci sa svojom specifičnom, multikulturalnom atmosferom. Odraz je to venecijanske, austrijske i slavenske tradicije koju u novije vrijeme obogaćuju maske s Dalekoga istoka…

VN Vorarlberger Nachrichten, Austria ...One of the biggest carnivals in Europe will be held in our neighbourhood in the Croatian region of Kvarner with the spell of the sea and the spring atmosphere. With more than 150,000 masks and hundreds of masked groups from all over the world, the Kvarner Bay Carnival promises partying and good entertainment. According to its hundred year- old tradition and customs, in the surroundings of coastal cities of Rijeka, Opatija and Lovran, local celebrations and dances, as well as imaginative masked parades are held which are full of the Mediterranean cheer and sparkle. The peak of this lively colourfulness is represented by the International Carnival Parade in Rijeka with its specific, multicultural atmosphere. This is a reflection of the Venetian, Austrian and Slavic tradition which has, recently, been enriched by masks from the Far East too...

Novi list, Hrvatska ….Četvrt stoljeća star je Riječki karneval, 25 godina on u pusno doba od Rijeke napravi najveseliji, najrašreniji i najluđi grad na svijetu. Odjene joj ruho maškarane svjetske metropole, i ovisno o kalendaru, Rijeka ga nosi. Više ili manje dana, sasvim je svejedno, bitno je da ga ona nosi ponosno i sa samo sebi svojstvenim šarmom. No svega toga ne bi bilo da u žilama onih koji nastanjuju grad na Rječini, ali i mjesto oko njega, ne teče mesopusna krv. I to stoljećima. Znalci kažu – mesopusna tradicija u našem kraju datira još iz prapovijesti…

Novi list, Croatia …The Rijeka Carnival is a quarter of a century old, for 25 years during the carnival period, it has made Rijeka the most cheerful, colourful and craziest city in the world. It dresses itself up in the clothes of the masked world’s capital and depending on the calendar; Rijeka wears them to the full. For The amount of time it does so is of no importance; the important thing is that Rijeka wears her costume proudly and with her characteristic charm. However, none of these would be possible if true carnival blood had not been running in the veins of citizens of the city lying on the Rječina River as well as in the surrounding villages for centuries. Experts say that the shrove-tide tradition in this area dates back to prehistoric times…

(OX)IGENO, Španjolska …Dalje od Venecije i Kanarskih otoka, u gradu Rijeci, održava se jedan od najposjećenijih i najspektakularnijih karnevala u Europi. Zabava je počela 17. siječnja podizanjem pusta i neće završiti do 18. veljače kad će velika Međunarodna karnevalska povorka preplaviti ulice središta grada kako bi poželjela dobrodošlicu proljeću. Očekuje se sudjelovanje više od 8.000 ljudi na finalnoj povorci koja će se održati pred oko 100.000 posjetitelja…

(OX)IGENO, Spain ...Away from Venice and the Canary islands, one of the most visited and a spectacular carnival in Europe is held in the city of Rijeka. Entertainment began on 17th January with the raising of the Pust and will not end until the 18th February when the great International Carnival Parade will overflow the city centre streets in order to welcome the spring. The presence of more than 8,000 people at the final parade in front of around 100,000 visitors is predicted...

Baječna nedele, Republika Češka …Kao uspomenu na Rijeku kući možete ponijeti poznati nakit “morčić” u obliku glave crnoga Maura s turbanom. Legenda kaže da je ovaj nakit nastao tijekom opsade Rijeke od strane Turaka, kad su se u borbu uključile i Riječanke i pomogle u oslobađanju grada. Njihovi muževi su svojim ženama dali izraditi posebne naušnice u obliku Turaka. Tajanstveni morčić navodno donosi sreću i ima čarobnu moć…

Baječna nedele, Czech Republic ...As a souvenir from Rijeka you could take home the famous jewellery the morčić in the shape of a black Mauri with a turban. Legend has it that this jewellery was created during the Ottoman siege of Rijeka, when even Rijeka’s women fought and helped to free the city. Their husbands ordered earrings for them in the shape of an Ottoman. The secret of the morčić supposedly brings luck and has magical powers...




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