6. 8.
14. 18. 22. 26.
IMPRESSUM NAKLADNIK / PUBLISHER Hand Press d.o.o. J.Trdine 2, 51 000 Rijeka e-mail: info@handpress.hr
28. 32. 36. 40. 42. 44.
Barbara Grabušić, Katarina Zorić, Andrea Bralić, Damir Herceg ,Ljiljana Mamić Pandža, Nevenka Koščić, Slavica Kleva, Zdravko Kleva, Tamara Opačak Klobučar, Igor Rivetti, Marinko Krmpotić, Goran Ježić, Doris Žiković, Inesa Antić
Rino Gropuzzo, Renzo Kosinožić, Damir Zamaklar, Miljenko Šegulja, Goran Mehanović
Hand Press d.o.o. e-mail: sandra@handpress.hr
46. 48. 50. 54. 56. 62.
Lingua-soft d.o.o.
Grafički zavod Hrvatske d.o.o. Radnička cesta 210 10000 Zagreb
ISSN 1847-5019
Izlazi dva puta godišnje published twice a year
Časopis je realiziran u suradnji sa Turističkom zajednicom Grada Rijeke The magazine was launched in collaboration with Rijeka Tourist Board
66. 70. 74. 78. 80. 82.
Uvodnik / Editorial Tema broja / This edition theme
Festival Riječke ljetne noći - Spektakularni kazališni, glazbeni i plesni nastupi The Rijeka Summer Nights Festival - Spectacular theatre, musical and dance shows
Intervju / Interview Jose Cura
Novi grad / New City Blagdan sv. Vida - Svetac s gradom u ruci A Festival of St. Vitus - A Saint with a city in the palm of his hand Hotel Kontinental - Mjesto dobrih vibracija The Hotel Kontinental - A place of good vibrations Tradicionalna akcija - Zauvijek "Volim Rijeku" The traditional activity - "I love Rijeka" forever Svetište Majke božje Trsatske - Stube nade The Our Lady of Trsat Sanctuary - Stairs of hope
Vojo Radoičić, poznati umjetnik- Podsjećanje na male stvari Vojo Radoičić, famous artist - Remembering the small things Hal's All Star Guitar Festival Ljeto na Gradini - jedna od najljepših "open air" pozornica Summer at the Castle - one of the most beautiful "open air" stages Glazbeni festival - Veličanstvena Hartera Music Festival - The magnificent Hartera MIK - Putujući festival već 46 godina čuva kulturnu baštinu MIK - Travelling Festival have already been conserving the cultural heritage for 46 years Osjeti život grada - boravak u Rijeci je nezaboravan Feel the city life - a stay in Rijeka is an unforgettable experience Muzej informatike Peek&Poke - Čarobni svijet računala The Peek&Poke Informatics Museum - A magical world of computers Bazenski kompleks Bazeni Kantrida Kantrida Swimming Pools Complex Međunarodna regata Fiumanka - Praznik jedrenja The Fiumanka International Sailing Regatta - Sailing holiday
Mozaik - događanja / Mosaic - Events Tako je nekada bilo / This is how it once was Putovima Frankopana - neispričana priča – Splet kula, dvoraca i starih gradova Through the Frankopans trail - a story untold - The combination of towers, castles and ancient cities Pjesnik Janko Polić Kamov – Vitez crne psovke Poet Janko Polić Kamov – The Knight of the Black Swearword
Zoom Petar Fabijan
Slasni kutak / Tasty corner Hotel Bonavia, Fine dining restoran Kamov - Stoljetna pustolovina Hotel Bonavia, Kamov Fine Dining Restaurant - A Century Adventure Pjenušac Valomet - Ispod površine Valomet Sparkling Wine Sirana Arabeska – Delicije Krčkih pastira Arabeska cheese factory - The island of Krk’s sheperds’ delicacies
Press clipping – Kako nas drugi vide / As others see us
Uvodnik Kakve li ideje! Pretvoriti grad u pozornicu i djela najvećih svjetskih umjetnika uprizoriti na mjestima na kojima se odvija stvarni život. Ako kazalište treba dočarati život, nije li onda najprirodnije da se predstave odvijaju baš tamo gdje života najviše ima - na ulicama grada. Riječki primjer dokaz je te teze, a Riječke ljetne noći izvrsna prilika da doživite ne samo umjetnost nego i Rijeku. Magazin Welcome to Rijeka pomoći će vam, uputiti vas i kroz tekstove vam otkriti što Rijeka nudi. To mu je uostalom i zadaća, a vjerujte da nije samo vrijeme kazališnoga festivala ono za vrijeme kojeg u ovom gradu možete uživati u punoći života. Radosti, uzbuđenja, zadovoljstva - toga u Rijeci ima cijele godine. Samo trebate odabrati želite li umjetnost, sport, druženje s ljudima ili nešto četvrto. Jedrenje i regata Fiumanka, Grobnik i motociklističke utrke, riječki teniski turnir na kojem se kalio i svjetski poznati tenisač Marin Čilić, koncerti na Trsatskoj gradini, izložbe u gradskim muzejima ili samo izlet u grad koji nudi dobru zabavu i odličnu gastronomsku ponudu, što god da odaberete nećete pogriješiti. Dame i gospodo na pozornici zvanoj Rijeka zastor je podignut, dođite i sami postanite dio vječne predstave. Glavni urednik, Tomislav Rukavina
Editorial What an idea! To turn the city into stage where the works of the world’s greatest artists are shown in places where real life takes place. If theatre needs to conjure up life, isn't this the most natural way to perform a show precisely where life is most present - on the city’s streets? Rijeka’s example is proof of this assumption and Rijeka Summer Nights is the best chance to experiment both art and the city itself. The Welcome to Rijeka magazine will help you, guide you and reveal through texts what Rijeka has to offer which is precisely its objective and believe it or not the period of theatre festival is one when this city can be enjoyed to the full. Cheerfulness, excitement, pleasure are all present in Rijeka throughout the year. You only need to choose whether you want art, sport, the possibility of spending time with people or something else. Sailing and the Fiumanka regatta, Grobnik and motorcycle races, Rijeka’s tennis tournament where world famous tennis player Marin Čilić learnt his trade, concerts at Trsat Castle, exhibitions in the city’s museums or just an excursion within the city which offers excellent entertainment and a wonderful gastronomic offer, whatever you choose, you won't make a mistake. Ladies and gentlemen, on the stage known as Rijeka, the curtain has opened, why not come and be a part of its eternal show. Editor-in-chief, Tomislav Rukavina
Tema broja / This edition theme
Piše / Written by: Barbara Grabušić Fotografije / Photos: HNK Ivana pl. Zajca
Riječke ljetne noći sedmu godinu zaredom nude spektakularne kazališne, glazbene, plesne nastupe vrhunskih umjetnika
The Rijeka Summer Nights seventh consecutive year offers spectacular theatre, musical and dance shows performed by outstanding artists
Kad grad postane
pozornica When a city becomes a stage Ono što su Dubrovniku Dubrovačke ljetne igre, a Splitu Splitsko ljeto, to je Rijeci festival Riječke ljetne noći. Posebnost je ljetnoga festivala grada na Rječini što se, iz godine u godinu, za održavanje programa otkrivaju novi prostori podatni za punokrvni ambijentalni teatar ili pak za dubinski glazbeni doživljaj. Za vrijeme festivala čije je trajanje mjesec dana, riječki trgovi, terase, napuštene tvorničke hale, plaže, gatovi pa čak i parkirališta postaju pozornice na otvorenom, postaju mjesta gdje se snovi pod zvjezdanim nebom, uz lahor i miris mora, čine mogućim. Naravno, sve to na pomaknut, originalan riječki način, na način grada po mnogočemu jedinstvenoga u Hrvatskoj.
Jedinstvena riječka Tosca I sedme Riječke ljetne noći donijet će posjetiteljima pregršt uzbuđenja. Sve počinje 29. lipnja, a završava 24. srpnja. Kao i prethodnih godina i ovogodišnje otvorenje počinje spektaklom i to, ni manje ni više, nego u srcu riječke luke na pontonu. Na njemu će solisti, zbor i orkestar HNK Ivana pl. Zajca izvesti završni dio veličanstvene Beethovenove Devete simfonije, znamenitu "Odu radosti". Festival će, također, završiti glazbeno- scenskim spektaklom i to "Balom na vodi" na Bazenima Kantrida, istim onim koji je prošle godine izazvao golemo oduševljenje publike. Od središnjih festivalskih događanja izdvajamo premijeru dramske predstave "Destetika" prema motivima djela Daniila Harmsa u režiji priznatoga europskog redatelja iz Makedonije Aleksandra Popovskog i u produkciji Hrvatske drame HNK
What Dubrovnik Summer Games mean to Dubrovnik, Split Summer to Split, to Rijeka it is its Rijeka Summer Nights Festival. The particularity of this summer festival held within the Rječina River city is that, from year to year, for those locations where the festival takes place, new and more suitable ones are discovered for the complete mood theatre or for a deep musical experience. During the month long festival, Rijeka's squares, terraces, abandoned factory spaces, beaches, piers and even parking lots become outdoor stages, developing into places where dreams seem possible under the starry sky, with a breeze and the aroma of the sea. Of course, everything is in the crazy, original way of Rijeka, in the way of a city that is unique in Croatia for a number of things.
Rijeka's Unique Tosca Even the seventh edition of Rijeka Summer Nights will bring its visitors a number of surprises. Everything begins on 29th June and ends on 24th July. As in previous years this year’s opening also starts with a show in the very heart of Rijeka's port, on the pontoon. There will be soloists, a choir and the "Ivan pl. Zajc" Croatian National Theatre orchestra performing the final part of the magnificent Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony, the eminent "Ode to Joy". The festival will, also, end with a musical and picturesque show "The Water Ball" at the Kantrida Swimming Pools Complex, the same one that last year provoked such huge public enthusiasm. From the central festival events we have selected a
Ivana pl. Zajca. U glazbenom programu čeka nas čak pet koncerata i dvije opere! Ponovno je na programu Puccinijeva "Tosca" ambijentalni operni spektakl van svake konkurencije koji se odvija na trima riječkim kulturno povijesnim lokacijama (Kapucinska crkva Gospe Lurdske, Pomorski i povijesni muzej Hrvatskog primorja- ex Guvernerova palača i Trsatska gradina) u trima različitim vremenskim razdobljima (takva je izvedba u Rimu upriličena samo za kamere). Prvi put izvedena 2008. godine riječka "Tosca", jedinstvena u svijetu, osvojila je mnoga priznanja kritike i struke (ansambl riječke Opere za ovu je izvedbu nagrađen prestižnom Diplomom "Milka Trnina"), ali ono što je važnije i publike. Ne čudi stoga da je istaknuti hrvatski kritičar Branimir Pofuk zaključio: "Uzbudljivost ovakve "Tosce" nadmašiti može samo Rim, jer tri riječka kulturno-povijesna lokaliteta uspješno su "odigrala" originalne lokalitete u Rimu- crkvu Sant' Andrea della Valle, palaču Farnese i tvrđavu Sant' Angelo".
Raspjevana plaža Prvi put na "Riječkim ljetnim noćima" prostor plaže bivšega Hotela Park na Pećinama postat će pozornicom, a okupirat će ju vrhunski glazbenici i orkestri. Među ostalim publika će uživati u koncertu "Izgubljene pjesme" svjetski poznatoga violinista Stefana Milenkovicha i gitarista Edina Karamazova, kojega je suradnja sa Stingom vinula u zvjezdanu orbitu. Danas istinska violinistička zvijezda Stefan Milenkovich, nekadašnje čudo od djeteta, svjetski poznat postao je već s deset godina, a nastupao je, primjerice, za Ronalda Regana, Mihaela Gorbačova i papu Ivana Pavla II. A da ne bude sve u ritmu klasike, uz šum mora na plaži Hotela Park širit će se i zvuci jazza. Istaknuti hrvatski jazzer Darko Jurković poznat je i van granica Hrvatske po vrhunskom
drama show, the "Destetika"premiere based on motifs of Daniil Harms’ work and directed by recognized Macedonian director, Aleksandar Popovski and produced by the "Ivan pl. Zajc" Croatian National Theatre’s drama section. Within the musical program we can expect up to five concerts and two operas! Puccini's "Tosca" is, once again, included in the program, the characteristic opera spectacle from each competition is held in three of Rijeka’s cultural and historical locations (the Capuchin church of Our Lady of Lourdes, the Maritime and Historical Museum of the Croatian Littoral – the former Governor's Palace and Trsat Castle) in three different time periods (this performance was organized in Rome just for the cameras). It was performed for the first time in 2008, and Rijeka’s "Tosca", which is unique in the world, won many critics’ and trade acknowledgements (the Rijeka Opera ensemble for this performance was awarded the prestigious "Milka Trnina" Award) but what is more important it gained public recognition. It is not strange, however, that the eminent Croatian critic, Branimir Pofuk concluded: "The excitement of this kind of "Tosca" can only be outshone in Rome, as three of Rijeka’s cultural and historical locations have successfully replaced the original locations in Rome – the St. Andrea della Valle church, the Farnese Palace and Sant’Angelo Castle".
The riotous beach For the first time at "Rijeka Summer Nights", the beach of the former Park Hotel at Pećine will become a stage and will be occupied by outstanding musicians and orchestras. Amongst others, the public will enjoy the "Lost songs" concert performed by the famous violin player, Stefano Milenkovich and guitarist, Edin Karamazov who became famous after working with Sting. Today, the true star violinist,
Kartica koja kupuje snove Festival izlazi u susret svojoj publici: novost je kartica „Riječkih ljetnih noći“ koja stoji 100 kuna, a s kojom se mogu kupiti dvije ulaznice za sve festivalske programe s popustom od 40% na redovne cijene. Popust se može ostvariti isključivo na blagajni Kazališta. sviranju gitare "two hands tapping" tehnikom. Jedini ovoljetni koncert koji neće biti izveden na novootkrivenoj lokaciji je koncert Zbora Opere HNK Ivana pl. Zajca koji će se održati u Katedrali sv. Vida, a iz programa istaknimo samo Misu Criolla argentinskoga kompozitora Ariela Ramireza iz 1964. godine. Najveću popularnost toj misi, posvećenoj argentinskim Kreolima, donio je tenor José Carreras koji ju je 1988. snimio na svojemu nosaču zvuka prodanom u milijunskim tiražama.
Film pod zvijezdama Novost je festivala i filmski program koji je ostvaren u suradnji s pulskim Festivalom igranoga filma i tvrtkom Videomarket Trade, a nosi naziv "Film pod zvijezdama". Četiri filma recentne europske produkcije selektiranih s najvećih svjetskih filmskih festivala u četiri dana za redom pod otvorenim nebom gledat će se na Trgu Matije Vlačića Ilirika. Na istome će trgu biti izvedena i ovosezonska premijerna uspješnica Talijanske drame. Riječ je o sjajnoj komediji "Tutto sulle donne"/"Sve o ženama" Mire Gavrana u režiji istaknute glumice, redateljice i pedagoginje Neve Rošić s fascinantnim glumicama, Elenom Brumini, Rosannom Bubolom i prvom damom Talijanske drame Elviom Nacinovich. Valja izdvojiti i premijeru predstave za djecu i odrasle "Trsatska gradina" riječke Kazališne radionice Malik te tradicionalnu književnu večer "Pisci pod zvijezdama". Ove godine tema je odnos poezije i novih tehnologija, a izbornica
A card which buys dreams The Festival meets the wishes of its public: the novelty is the “Rijeka Summer Nights” card which costs 100 kunas and with which two tickets for all the festival programs can be bought with a discount of 40% based on the regular prices. Discounts can be obtained exclusively at the Theatre’s cash-desk. Stefan Milenkovich, one time child prodigy, who became famous worldwide when he was only 10 years old, when he performed for renowned leaders such as Ronald Reagan, Mikhail Gorbachev and Pope John Paul II. And moving away from the classical rhythm, with the murmur of the sea in the background at the Park Hotel beach, sounds of jazz will also be heard. The eminent Croatian jazz player, Darko Jurković, also famous outside Croatian borders for his excellent guitar skills, using the "two hands tapping" technique will also be present. This year, the only concert which will not take place at the newly discovered location is the "Ivan pl. Zajca" opera choir’s concert which will take place in the St. Vitus Cathedral. We should also take care to select the Argentinean composer, Ariel Ramirez’s, Criolla Mass from 1964. This is one of the most popular arias, dedicated to Argentinean Criollos, brought by José Carreras who recorded it in 1988 on his album which sold a million copies.
Film under the stars A novelty at the Festival is the film program which was created in collaboration with the Pula Film Festival and Video market Trade Company, under the name "Film under the stars". Four films, of recent European production, have been chosen from the biggest film festivals, and will be watched for four days in a row under the open sky in Matija Vlačić Ilirik Square. At the same square this season's Italian drama premier hit will also be performed. We are
i voditeljica je Laura Marchig. Održava se, sukladno temi, u prostoru riječkoga Astronomskog centra što pripada kategoriji još jedne novootkrivene festivalske lokacije. Ukratko, "Riječke ljetne noći" i ove godine čine od grada veliku pozornicu, pozornicu na kojoj ćemo gledati komorne i velike ansambl predstave, uživati u muziciranju vrhunskih glazbena imena kao i u svjetskim celuloidnim uratcima . Neupitno raznovrstan program koji će, kao i prethodnih godina, zasigurno pronaći put do gledatelja različitih ukusa.
talking about the great Miro Gavran comedy, "Tutto sulle donne"/ "All about women" directed by the eminent actress, director and pedagogue Neva Rošić, with the presence of captivating actresses Elena Brumini, Rosanna Bubola and the first lady of Italian drama, Elvia Nacinovich. We should also highlight the premier of the children's and adults show "Trsat Castle" performed by the Rijeka’s Malik Theatre Workshop and the traditional literature night entitled "Writers under the stars". This year’s theme is the relationship between poetry and new technologies, and the selector and host is Laura Marchig. The show will take place, in accordance with the theme, within the Rijeka Astronomical Centre which is also of one of the newly discovered festival locations. Briefly, once again this year "Rijeka Summer Nights" turn the city into a huge stage, a stage where we can watch chamber music and large orchestras, where we can enjoy the musical skills of outstanding musical names as well as works of art from the world of celluloid. The unquestionably varied program will, as in past years, certainly find a way of reaching the tastes of all of its spectators.
Riječke ljetne noći u brojkama Dosadašnjih šest izdanja festivala „Riječke ljetne noći“ održano je pred gotovo 100 tisuća posjetitelja koji su imali priliku popratiti ukupnoc150 programa u izvedbi istaknutih i priznatih izvođača iz Hrvatske, regije i svijeta. Organizatori Riječkih ljetnih noći ponosni su na goste, svjetska proslavljena imena glazbene i kazališne scene koja su nas počastila sjajnim doživljajima na otvorenom poput tenora Josea Cure, trubačke jazz legende Artura Sandovala, violinističkog virtuoza Alexandera Balanescua, jednog od najpoznatijih izvođača flamenca na gitari Gerarda Núñeza, slavnoga koreografa Moa Yamamota, kazališnog maga Josefa Nadja, sopranistice Marielle Devie i mezzosopranistice Luciane D'Intino, zvijezde najprestižnijih svjetskih pozornica… Rijeka Summer Nights in numbers The last six editions of the "Rijeka Summer Nights” Festival were held in front of almost 100 thousand visitors who had the chance of following a total of 150 programs performed by eminent and recognizable performers from Croatia, from the region itself and from the whole world. The organizers of the Rijeka Summer Nights Festival are proud of their guests, world famous names from the music and theatre scene who have offered great outdoor experiences to their audiences such as Jose Cura, the tenor, jazz trumpet legend, Artur Sandoval, violin virtuoso, Alexander Balanescu, one of the most famous flamenco guitar performers Gerard Núñeza, famous choreographer Mo Yamamoto, theatre magician Josef Nadj, soprano Marielle Devi and mezzo-soprano Luciana D’Intino, who are all stars of the most prestigious world stages…
Intervju / Interview
Piše / Written by: Katarina Zorić Fotografije / Photos: HNK Ivana pl. Zajca
Jose Cura
Jose Cura slavni je tenor, poznati skladatelj i dirigent, briljantan izvođač te prirodni zabavljač. Nekoliko je puta posjetio Hrvatsku, a riječka publika imala je prilike dva puta uživati u njegovim nastupima. Veliki umjetnik trenutno radi na nekoliko projekata, a snima i nove materijale. Ipak, pronašao je vremena za razgovor s nama te nam otkrio svoj doživljaj Hrvatske i Rijeke. Vi ste danas jedan od najpoznatijih tenora na svijetu. Pjevate, režirate, skladate, dirigirate… Gdje pronalazite snagu i energiju za sve to? Jeste li se već umorili od tolikih angažmana? Da, istina je da se mnogo dajem poslu i stvarno puno radim. Ovih dana snimam nove materijale, aktivan sam na još nekoliko projekata, ali kad volite ono što radite onda vam nije teško odvojiti za to puno truda i vremena. Unutarnju snagu dobivam iz bogatoga unutarnjeg života. Nisam se umorio od bavljenja umjetnošću. Istina je da se znam umoriti, ali ne od umjetnosti nego od ljudi koji su dio showbusinessa. Nažalost, u ovom prekrasnom poslu nalazi se previše mediokriteta. Neki ljudi se zadovoljavaju prosjekom, osrednjošću, ali to nije dobar način rada. U svakom slučaju, ja se nastojim koncentrirati na onaj ljepši dio, na samu umjetnost koja je za mene način života. Nekoliko ste puta posjetili Hrvatsku. Može li se reći da postoji neka tajna veza između vas i Hrvatske? Sviđa li vam se naša zemlja? Hrvatska mi se stvarno sviđa, ali teško mi je reći da postoji baš neka posebna veza. Naime, mene sa svim lijepim mjestima i zemljama na svijetu veže posebna veza pa sam tako vezan i za Hrvatsku. U vašoj zemlji svidjela su mi se divna mjesta te pametni i suosjećajni ljudi. Mogu reći da je Hrvatska u svakom pogledu divna zemlja. Rado ovdje dolazim, a volio bih dolaziti i češće. Rijeku ste posjetili dva puta i publika je bila oduševljena vama. Kako ste vi doživjeli riječku publiku? Da, Rijeka ima posebno mjesto u mojemu sjećanju i iz Rijeke sam ponio puno prekrasnih suvenira. Iskreno, volio bih se opet vratiti u Rijeku. Pamtim divnu riječku publiku i rado bih opet nastupao pred njima. Čini mi se da smo se dobro shvatili. Međutim, nakon što je Mani Gotovac napustila kulturni život toga grada, nije me više nitko pozvao. Kada bi me pozvali rado bih se odazvao jer me za Rijeku vežu iznimno lijepa sjećanja. Stvarno lijepa iskustva…
Jose Cura is a famous tenor, composer and orchestra conductor, a brilliant performer and a natural entertainer. He has visited Croatia on a number of occasions and the public of Rijeka had the chance of enjoying his performances twice. This great artist is currently working on a few projects and is also recording new materials. However, he has found time to talk with us revealing his impressions of Croatia and Rijeka. Today you are one of the most famous tenors in the world. You sing, produce, compose, conduct...Where do you find the strength and energy for all that? Do you get tired of so many engagements? Yes, it is true that I dedicate a lot of my time to my work and I work a lot as well. These days I have been recording new material, I am active in a few other projects but when you like what you are doing it is not hard to spare a lot of effort and time for that. I get my inner strength from my rich inner life. I am not tired of working with art. The truth is that I sometimes get tired, but not from the art but from the people who are part of this show business. Unfortunately, in this beautiful work there are too many untalented people. Some people are satisfied with average, mediocrity but that is not a good way of working. In any case, I try to concentrate on the more beautiful part, on the art itself which is a way of life for me. You have visited Croatia several times. May we say there is some kind of secret connection between you and Croatia? Do you like our country? I really like Croatia, but it is hard to say if there is some special connection. In fact, I am connected to all the beautiful places and countries in the world with a special connection so in that sense I am connected to Croatia too. In your country I liked the beautiful places and the smart and supportive people. I must say that Croatia is in all senses a beautiful country. I come here willingly and would even like to come more often. You have visited Rijeka twice and the public was thrilled with you. What was your experience with the public of Rijeka? Yes, Rijeka has remained a special place in my memory and I brought many beautiful souvenirs from there. Honestly, I would like to return to Rijeka again. I remember the beautiful public of Rijeka and would like to perform in front of them again. I think we made a good connection. However,
Nastupali ste na Riječkim ljetnim noćima. Što mislite o tom festivalu? Mislim da je to sjajan festival, dobra realizacija nečije sjajne ideje. Meni je ostao u sjećanju kao dobro organizirani i uspješni festival. Nadam se da im i dalje ide dobro. Moje iskustvo s Riječkih ljetnih noći je u svakom slučaju pozitivno. Kako vam se svidjela Rijeka? Jeste li uspjeli razgledati grad? Nažalost nisam razgledao onoliko koliko sam htio, bilo je previše posla, naporan raspored tako da ne mogu točno reći kakav je grad Rijeka. Svakodnevno smo naporno vježbali i nije bilo vremena za šetnje i razgledavanje. Međutim, zapamtio sam Opatiju jer sam tamo proveo jedan predivan dan. Bio mi je to slobodan dan i stvarno sam uživao. Ono što sam vidio od Rijeke, mogu reći da je stvarno lijepo. Nadam se da ću imati prilike ponovno doći u Rijeku te stvarno vidjeti taj grad i doživjeti ga. Karijeru ste započeli u Argentini, a potom ste se preselili u Europu. Živjeli ste u Italiji i Francuskoj, a trenutno živite u Španjolskoj. Možete li se zamisliti da živite u Hrvatskoj? Primjerice, u Rijeci? Ne znam.. To ne bi bilo jednostavno. Kada bih se odlučio na život u Hrvatskoj, morao bih najprije naučiti vaš jezik, a to ne bi bio nimalo lagan posao. Iako je hrvatski jezik vrlo lijep i bogat, istodobno je i vrlo težak. Ipak, priznajem da bih volio češće dolaziti u Hrvatsku, volio bih imati aktivniji
after Mani Gotovac left the cultural scene of the city, nobody invited me again. If they had invited me I would have come because I have extremely fond memories which connect me to Rijeka. Truly wonderful memories... You have performed within the Rijeka Summer Nights event. What are your impressions about that festival? I think it is a great festival, a good realization of someone’s great idea. I remember it as being a well organized and successful festival. I hope they are still doing well. My experience from the Rijeka Summer Nights event is positive in all senses. Did you like Rijeka? Did you have time to visit the city? Unfortunately I didn’t do as much sightseeing as I wanted to, there was too much work to do, a difficult schedule so I cannot say exactly how the city is. We had demanding exercises every day and there was no time for walking and sightseeing. However, I remembered Opatija because I spent a beautiful day there. It was my free day and I truly enjoyed it. From what I saw in Rijeka though, I can say it is very nice. I hope I will have the chance to come there again and truly see and experience the city. You started your career in Argentina, and then you moved to Europe. You have lived in Italy and France, and you are currently living in Spain. Can you image yourself living in Croatia? In Rijeka, for example? I don’t know… That wouldn’t be simple. If I decided to live
Pamtim divnu riječku publiku i rado bih opet nastupao pred njima. I remember the beautiful public of Rijeka and would like to perform in front of them again. i bliskiji odnos s vašom zemljom, a možda bih čak i mogao unajmiti ili kupiti kuću negdje u blizini mora. Nikad se ne zna, život je uvijek pun iznenađenja… Posjetili ste mnoge gradove na svijetu. Možete li usporediti Rijeku s nekim od gradova koje ste vidjeli? Ne volim raditi usporedbe. Uspoređivanje nije šarmantno. Svaki grad je lijep na svoj način. Svaki grad je jedinstven pa tako i Rijeka. Kao što sam rekao, moja iskustva iz Rijeke su vrlo pozitivna pa mi spomen na Rijeku budi ugodne emocije. Biste li doveli obitelj u Hrvatsku na odmor? Bih, odmah sutra, ako me pozovete! Stvarno bi volio doći u Hrvatsku na odmor i to će se najvjerojatnije i dogoditi. Ne znam točno kada, ali hoće.
in Croatia, first I would have to learn your language and that is not an easy thing to do at all. Even if the Croatian language is very nice and rich, it is, at the same time, very difficult. However, I admit I would like to visit Croatia more often, would like to have a more active and closer relationship with your country and possibly even to rent or buy a house somewhere close to the sea. You never know, life is always full of surprises… You have visited a number of cities in the world. Can you compare Rijeka with some of the other cities you have seen? I don’t like to compare. Comparing is not elegant. Every city is beautiful in its own way. Every city is unique and so is the city of Rijeka. As I said before, my experiences here are very positive and just by mentioning Rijeka, pleasant emotions are awoken inside me. Would you take your family for a holiday in Croatia? I would, tomorrow immediately, if you invite me! I would really like to come to Croatia on holiday and it will probably happen. I don’t know exactly when, but it will.
Novi grad / New city
Piše / Written by: Nevenka Koščić Fotografije / Photos: Riječka nadbiskupija / Archdiocese of Rijeka, TZ Rijeka /Rijeka Tourist Board
U lipnju se slavi blagdan svetoga Vida, zaštitnika Rijeke
Festival duhovne glazbe Treću godinu za redom u čast sv. Vida održat će se festival popularne duhovne glazbe "Vid - fest". Cilj festivala nije natjecateljski nego je to, kako ističu u Uredu za mlade Riječke nadbiskupije, proslava Boga kroz sviranje i pjevanje glazbenih skupina, zborova i solista mladih iz cijele Hrvatske. Od pristiglih skladbi, koje bi trebale biti kršćanskoga karaktera s vjerskom porukom, organizacijski odbor će odabrati 20 koje će 13. lipnja biti izvedene na "Vid-festu".
A Festival of St. Vitus, the patron saint of Rijeka is celebrated in June
Svetac s gradom u ruci A Saint with a city in the palm of his hand
The Spiritual Music Festival
For the third year in a row, in honour of St. Vitus, the famous Spiritual Music Festival known as "Vid - fest" will be held. The festival’s aim is not a competition but, as the Office of young Rijeka archbishopric point out, is a celebration of God through young musical groups, choirs and soloists from all over Croatia playing and singing. From among those compositions received, which must be of a Christian character carrying a religious message, the organization board will choose 20 of them which will be performed on 13th June at the "Vid-fest".
sve vidi, odlazi i onima koji ne mogu doći njemu u pohode - nemoćnima i starima u domove i bolnice.
Vid, Vida…
Riječani mogu biti spokojni - njihov nebeski zaštitnik, sv. Vid, budno na njih pazi s drevnoga kamenog stupa za zastave smještenog na Trgu Riječke rezolucije. Među ljude je "izašao" u liku mladoga gospodina s palminom granom u jednoj i Rijekom u drugoj ruci. Takvim ga je davne 1509. godine prikazao jedan majstor i to je najstariji njegov lik sačuvan u Rijeci. Vjernici mu se odužuju i zahvaljuju molitvom u katedrali koja nosi njegovo ime, a svi građani zajedno, svatko na svoj način, slave njegov blagdan 15. lipnja, te nekoliko dana prije i poslije, koliko traju Dani sv. Vida, bogati brojnim vjerskim, kulturnim, znanstvenim, sportskim i ostalim događanjima. Održavaju se na javnim prostorima, u galerijama, na sportskim terenima, a kako Vid
Rijeka inhabitants can be serene – their patron, St. Vitus, is vigilantly watching over them from the ancient stone pillar for the flag on Riječka’s rezolucija Square. He "appeared" among common people as a young gentleman with a palm branch in one of his hands and the city of Rijeka in the other. A local craftsman was presented in this way back in 1509 and is the oldest preserved image of the saint in Rijeka. Believers repay and give thanks to him by praying in the cathedral which carries his name, and together, each in his own way, every citizen celebrates his festival on 15th June, as well as a few days before and a few days after. This is the period when the St. Vitus Days take place, embellished with numerous religious, cultural, scientific, sporting and other
Proslava blagdana se 1991. vratila tradiciji javnoga slavljenja, nakon gotovo 45 godina slavljenja vjerskih obreda samo u katedrali dok javnih priredaba nije ni bilo. To se može zahvaliti suradnji crkvenih velikodostojnika i gradske svjetovne vlasti. Sveti Vid je "opet" postao gradski patron, a datum njegova blagdana, 15. lipnja, Dan Grada Rijeke. Gradska vlast na čelu s gradonačelnikom Vojkom Obersnelom će i ove, baš kao i ranijih godina, imati pune ruke posla oko ovogodišnjega programa jer će se organizirati brojni prijemi za goste, gradske udruge i pojedince, među kojima je uvijek najzanimljiviji i najveseliji prijem najmlađih Riječana kojima su roditelji dali ime Vid, Vida ili neku drugu inačicu toga imena. Bit će šarenila na ulicama, a ako godina bude rodna, trešanja u košaricama dječaka i djevojčica. Osim toga održat će se puno sportskih priredaba među kojima je najznačajnija Fiumanka, koncerata od kojih se zanimljivošću izdvaja Hartera, obilazaka ustanova i prisjećanja na preminule sugrađane. Svjetovni dio proslave završava svečanom sjednicom Gradskoga vijeća na kojoj se zaslužnim građanima dodjeljuju visoka gradska priznanja.
Procesija zajedništva Vjerski dio proslave počinje iznošenjem zastave sv. Vida ispred katedrale i Trodnevnicom, a na sam blagdan slave se brojne mise, te na kraju svečana euharistija koju u zajedništvu sa svećenicima grada tradicionalno predvodi riječki nadbiskup, msgr. dr. Ivan Devčić. Posljednjih godina svečano misno slavlje se održava na Trgu Riječke rezolucije gdje, zbog uklesanog zaštitnikova lika i pristaje, a prethodi mu procesija gradskim ulicama. Baš kao u stara vremena,
events. Events take place in public areas, galleries, sports fields, and, as Vitus is all seeing, he himself visits those who are unable to visit him – the weak and the old in retirement homes and hospitals.
Vitus, Vita… After 45 years of celebrating only religious rituals within the cathedral where public exhibitions did not exist at all, the celebration of the festival returned to the tradition of public celebration in 1991. This occurred thanks to the collaboration of ecclesiastical high dignitaries and the city council. St. Vitus has once "again" become the city patron, and the 15th June has become City of Rijeka Day. This year’s celebration program will be very demanding for the city council, particularly for the mayor, Vojko Obersnel, as in the same way as previous years, the town will be full of guests, city associations and individuals receptions amongst which the most interesting and joyful is always the children’s reception known as Vid, Vida (Vitus, Vita) or other varieties of the name. The streets will overflow with colour and, if the year is particularly fertile, with cherries in the children’s baskets, a number of sporting events of which the most important is the Fiumanka sailing regatta, and concerts - in particular Hartera, with visits by institutions and those remembering their fellow-citizens who are no longer with us. The profane part of the celebration ends with a ceremonial City Council Assembly where meritorious citizens are awarded high city honours.
Community Procession The religious part of the celebration begins with the introduction of the St. Vitus flag before the cathedral and with a Three-day religious celebration, and on 15th June a number of Masses are celebrated with the Eucharist ceremonial at
Bit će šarenila na ulicama, a ako godina bude rodna, trešanja u košaricama dječaka i djevojčica. The streets will overflow with colour and, if the year is particularly fertile, with cherries in the children’s baskets. kada su u svetkovini, kako piše povjesničar Silvin Gigante, sudjelovali svi, od klera i gradske političke vlasti do običnoga puka. Ostale mise slave se u katedrali koju su na mjestu stare crkvice posvećene sv. Vidu sagradili isusovci. Katedrala je sama po sebi vrijedan kulturni spomenik, a u njoj je pohranjeno i drugo vrijedno povijesno blago, među kojim je 710 godina staro Čudotvorno raspelo uz kojeg se veže zanimljiva gradska predaja. Nekada se nalazilo na trijemu ispred crkve kako bi bilo dostupno za javno čašćenje. Tamo su jedom prilikom kartali neki besposleni Riječani. Predaja kaže da je neki Petar Lončarić, ljut zbog gubitka na kartama, a možda i pripit, bacio kamen u raspelo. Na mjestu gdje je udario raspelo tijelo je prokrvarilo, a pod njim se otvorila zemlja koja ga je progutala. Na površini je ostala samo bogohulna rulja koja je kasnije spaljena, a kamen se i danas nalazi uz raspelo. No, vratimo se sv. Vidu i njegovom životopisu i svetosti. Riječka prvostolnica najveća je crkva u Hrvatskoj posvećena ovom svecu, a koliki mu se značaj pridavao govori podatak da se Rijeka u srednjem vijeku zvala Rika svetog Vida. Neki povjesničari spominju i ime Sveti Vid na rijeci. Njegov blagdan je u najljepšem dijelu godine, a ako još vrijeme bude naklonjeno grad će biti jedna velika pozornica na kojoj će svi Riječani, ali i njihovi gosti, nekoliko dana uživati u bogatom programu.
the end which, together with all the city’s priests, is traditionally guided by Rijeka's Archbishop, monsignor PhD Ivan Devčić. Over the last few years the ceremonial Mass celebration has been held on the Riječka rezolucija Square where a statue of the patron can be found, and this is preceded by processions through the city streets.As in ancient times, as written by the historian Silvin Gigante, during the feast everyone took part from the clergy and city political government to common people. Other Masses are celebrated in the cathedral which was located in the place of the small old church dedicated to St. Vitus that was built by Jesuits. The cathedral is a valuable cultural monument where another valuable historical treasure is stored - a 710 year-old Miracle crucifix to which an interesting city legend is connected. It was once to be found on the porch in front of the church so that it was available for public reverence. On the place where it was knocked, the crucified body began to bleed and under him the earth opened making him disappear. On the surface only the blasphemous sumach which was later burned remained and even today a stone is located next to the crucifix. In spite of this, let’s get back to St. Vitus and his biography and holiness. The cathedral of Rijeka is the largest church in Croatia dedicated to this particular saint and its importance is proved by data that states that during the Middle Ages Rijeka was known as St. Vitus’ Rika. A number of historians have also mentioned the name of St. Vitus on the river as well. Its festival takes place in the most beautiful part of the year, and if weather conditions permit it, the city becomes a huge stage where all the local people and their guests enjoy a few days with rich program.
Sv. Vid Rođen je na Siciliji, a zbog čvrste odanosti Kristovoj vjeri u Rimu je bio mučen i usmrćen. Njegovo štovanje se brzo i snažno proširilo u slavenskim zemljama, a crkveni povjesničari smatraju da se to dogodilo zbog sličnosti njegova imena s imenom slavenskoga poganskog kulta Svantovida, pa su crkve građene na uzvisinama s kojih Vid, kao i Svantovid, sve vidi. Kako je jedino u slavenskom rječniku njegovo ime inačica za vid, u tim zemljama se slavi kao zaštitnik očiju i ljudskoga vida, a od njega pomoć očekuju i različiti obrtnici, glumci i plesači. St. Vitus Born in Sicily and due to his solid loyalty to the Christian faith, he was tortured and killed in Rome. The honouring of his name quickly and deeply spread across the Slavic countries and ecclesiastical historians believe this took place thanks to similarities of his name with the name of the Slavic pagan cult Sventevith so that churches were built on the heights from which both Vitus and Sventevith could see everyone. As only in the Slavic language its version means sight, and in those countries he is celebrated as the patron saint of eyes and human sight, and a number of craftsmen, actors and dancers look forward to his help.
Novi grad / New city
Piše / Written by: Andrea Bralić Fotografije / Photos: Hotel Kontinental
Novoobnovljeni Hotel Kontinental već je 122 godine zaštitni znak Rijeke
The newly renovated Kontinental Hotel has been a symbol of the city of Rijeka for over 122 years
dobrih vibracija A place of good vibrations
Hotel Kontinental od 1888. godine neprekidno posluje u samom srcu grada, na Rječini. Gradski je to hotel koji je tijekom svog dugogodišnjeg postojanja pružio gostoprimstvo rijekama putnika. Svoju dugu tradiciju Kontinental je započeo zahvaljujući Hinku Bačiću, istaknutom načelniku Sušaka, koji je 1885. godine odlučio financijski pomoći izgradnju hotela na samoj Rječini. Projekt je potpisao prvi školovani arhitekt Sušaka, Mate Glavan, a izgradnja impozantnoga zdanja trajala je tri godine.
Posao i užitak Zbog izvrsne pozicije u samom središtu grada i brojnih sadržaja, Kontinental je vrlo brzo postao omiljeno mjesto susreta Riječana, ali i njihovih gostiju, pa je s prosječnom popunjenošću od 65 posto do danas ostao jedan od najbolje popunjenih gradskih hotela. Dobre vibracije toga mjesta već godinama privlače mlade Riječane kojima je prostor ispred hotela omiljeno okupljalište. Prije dvije godine, neposredno prije proslave 120. godišnjice rada, hotel Kontinental je u potpunosti obnovljen i danas ima tri zvjezdice koje jamče kvalitetu usluga. Novim ruhom dobio je 65 soba i četiri apartmana, a nova kvaliteta u potpunosti je zadovoljila klijente koji se Kontinentalu iznova vraćaju i uživaju u pogledu koji se iz većine soba pruža na Rječinu i grad. Prava je avantura i ponovno otkriti bogatu i kreativnu gastronomsku ponudu hotelskoga restorana. Najljepše je u proljeće i ljeto kada se u delicijama mediteranske i kontinentalne
The Hotel Kontinental has been operating continuously in the very heart of the city, on the Rječina River since 1888, a city hotel which, in its long-term business activity, has offered hospitality to numerous travellers. The long Kontinental tradition began thanks to Hinko Bačić, the eminent Sušak mayor, who in 1885 decided to help the construction of the hotel on the Rječina River financially. The project was endorsed by the first professional architect from Sušak, Mate Glavan, and the construction of this impressive building took three years.
Business and pleasure Thanks to its excellent position in city centre and its numerous facilities, the Kontinental fast became a favourite meeting place for local people as well as for guests to Rijeka and still today remains one of the most frequented city hotels with an average occupancy of 65%. The good vibrations of this place have been attracting young Rijeka inhabitants here for years who find the area in front of the hotel as their favourite meeting point. Two years ago, just before the celebration of its 120th anniversary, the Kontinental hotel was completely renovated and today operates under three stars which guarantee the quality of its service. The 65 rooms and four apartments were refurnished received a new "outfit" and new quality for the completely satisfied Kontinental clients who continually come back to enjoy the view, which from most of the rooms extends over the Rječina
Prava je avantura ponovno otkriti bogatu i kreativnu gastronomsku ponudu hotelskoga restorana. It is real adventure to continually discover the rich and creative gastronomic offer of the hotel restaurant. kuhinje može uživati na prekrasnoj terasi u sjeni stoljetnih kestena. Kontinental nudi ukusne sezonske specijalitete poput domaćih raviola punjenih grdobinom u umaku od divljih šparoga, pačjih prsa u umaku od brusnica i meda te raznih toplo-hladnih salata i gotovih jela tradicionalne kuhinje. Šef kuhinje je višestruko nagrađivani Mario Brnečić. Ponudu obogaćuje i pažljivo odabrana vinska karta hrvatskih vina s najpovoljnijim cijenama u regiji. I na kraju, ali ne manje važno, ostaje reći kome je namijenjena ponuda hotela Kontinental. Prije svega to su poslovni ljudi s obzirom da je hotel smješten u središtu grada i sve je nadohvat ruke, od sjedišta tvrtki, do trgovina, stare jezgre grada... No, to je također i idealno mjesto za sve one koji žele spojiti posao i užitak, ali i pohvaliti se da su odsjeli u hotelu neprekidne, bogate tradicije duge 122 godine.
River to the city. It is real adventure to continually discover the rich and creative gastronomic offer of the hotel restaurant. The most beautiful is in the spring and summer, when specialties of the Mediterranean and continental cuisine can be tasted on the delightful terraced area, in the shade of the hundred year-old chestnut trees. The Kontinental offers tasty specialties such as homemade ravioli stuffed with frogfish in wild asparagus sauce, duck breasts in cranberry and honey sauce and a variety of hot and cold salads as well as prepared dishes from the traditional cuisine. The kitchen chef is the award winning Mario Brnečić. The offer is enriched with a carefully chosen wine list with Croatian wines at the most convenient prices of the whole region. Last but not least, we should say for whom this Kontinental offer is dedicated. Above all for business people as it is located in the city centre and everything is to hand, from company headquarters to shops, the old city centre... However, it is also an ideal place for all those wanting to combine business with pleasure, as well as boasting that they stayed in a hotel with a continuous and rich 122 year-old tradition.
SLASTICE IZ ZLATNOG DOBA "CONTA" U legendarnoj slastičarnici i kavani Cont ponovno se može uživati u raznolikoj ponudi slastica. Tradiciju Conta nastavlja tvrtka Artes čiji vlasnik Villy Bez obećava da će kavana i njezina terasa ostati omiljeno mjesto svih Riječana i njihovih gostiju. Osim ponude talijanskih kolača i dobroga sladoleda, u Contu će se nuditi ekskluzivna linija kolača iz zlatnoga doba riječke kavane koja i s novim vlasnikom zadržava slavno, staro ime. CONFECTIONERY FROM THE "CONT" GOLDEN AGE In the legendary Cont pastry shop and café, it is once again possible to enjoy a variety of sweets. The Cont tradition is being continued by the Artes Company whose owner, Villy Bez, promises that the café and its terrace will remain a favourite place for all Rijeka citizens and their guests. Besides Italian sweets and wonderful icecream, Cont will also be offering an exclusive variety of sweets from the golden period of this Rijeka café which, even under its new owner, has maintained its famous and ancient name.
Novi grad / New city
Piše / Written by: Andrea Bralić Fotografije / Photos: Rino Gropuzzo
Građani Rijeke se svakoga proljeća natječu tko će više doprinijeti uređenosti i ljepoti grada
This spring too, windows, balconies, courtyards, business premises’ shop-windows, catering facilities' terraces have been "blossoming" in the city of Rijeka…, and all thanks to the traditional "I love Rijeka" activity carried out by the Rijeka Tourist Board in collaboration with local government departments and other partners.
Every spring, the citizens of Rijeka compete in a competition that will contribute most to the city’s beauty
The best
"Volim Rijeku" "I love Rijeka" forever
I ovoga su proljeća "procvjetali" riječki prozori, balkoni, okućnice, izlozi poslovnih prostora, terase ugostiteljskih objekata itd., a sve zahvaljujući već tradicionalnoj akciji "Volim Rijeku" koju provodi Turistička zajednica Grada Rijeke u suradnji s odjelima gradske Uprave i partnerima.
Naj- Naj Riječka žila kucavica, Korzo, već godinama u proljeće dobiva cvjetni štih, ali cvijeće "vlada" i ostatkom grada. Natjecanju za najuređenije prozore, balkone, izloge, okućnice, poslovne prostore i terase se pridružuje sve veći broj građana, a zahvaljujući njima Rijeka je sve čišća, uređenija, na zadovoljstvo svih koji u njoj žive, ali i gostiju koji je posjećuju. Akcija "Više cvijeća - manje smeća" zasigurno je najpopularniji dio projekta "Volim Rijeku." Građani po povoljnim cijenama kupuju sadnice cvijeća, a na svakih pet kupljenih dobivaju dodatnih pet besplatno. Negdje oko blagdana Sv. Vida, kad je Rijeka najljepša, kreće i akcija ocjenjivanja najbolje uređenih okućnica, prozora, balkona i izloga poslovnih prostora. Po mjesnim odborima se provodi akcija "Naj-Naj" u kojoj se također ocjenjuju i nagrađuju najbolje uređene okućnice, vrtovi, prozori i balkoni. Rijeka je grad zelenila, a Riječani su ponosni na svoje gradske parkove. Ima ih 14, a najveći od njih su Park heroja na Trsatu, park na Mlaki te dva spojena parka - Vladimira Nazora i Nikole Hosta. Najmlađi park u Rijeci dovršen je ne tako davno, 2005. godine, a riječ je o Kazališnom parku kojeg je projektirao Dragutin Kiš čija je ideja bila da se oblikovanjem dočara duh 19. stoljeća. Zanimljivo rješenje privuklo je posjetitelje, pa su klupice u parku ispred kazališta zaista rijetko prazne, a park je dobio i Plavi cvijet, nagradu Hrvatske turističke zajednice za najbolje uređen park na području primorske Hrvatske. Po ugledu na europske gradove i u Rijeci postoji primjer pretvaranja gradskoga deponija u zelenu površinu. Naime, malo tko zna da je na mjestu najveće gradske zelene površine, na području današnjeg trsatskog parka, nekad davno bio gradski deponij.
During the spring period, Rijeka's central Korzo Pedestrian zone has for years, received its floral appearance, and flowers "rule" over the rest of the city as well. The competition for best arranged window, balcony, shop-window, courtyard, business premises and terrace each year brings together a larger number of citizens and thanks to them every day Rijeka is cleaner, better organised and as such satisfies all those who live there as well as its guests. The "More flowers – less rubbish" activity is certainly the most famous part of the "I love Rijeka" project. Citizens buy flower seeds for affordable prices, and for every five seeds bought they receive five additional seeds free of charge. Around the time of the St. Vitus holiday when the city of Rijeka is at its most beautiful, the activity of judging the best arranged courtyards, windows, balconies and shop-windows begins. The "Naj-Naj" activity is carried out within local committees where the best arranged courtyards, gardens, windows and balconies are also judged and awarded prizes. Rijeka is a city full of green areas, and its inhabitants are proud of their city parks. There are 14 of them and the largest ones are the Park heroja (Park of the Heroes) on Trsat, a park on Mlaka and the two interconnected parks of Vladimir Nazor and Nikola Tesla. The layout of the most recent park in Rijeka was completed in 2005 and is the Theatre park projected by Dragutin Kiš whose idea was to conjure it up by shaping a 19th century spirit. This interesting solution has attracted visitors so that the benches within the park rarely remain empty and the park was honoured with the Blue flower award, a Croatian Tourist Board award for the best arranged park in the coastal part of Croatia. Following the example of other European cities, Rijeka too has become an example of how the city’s rubbish dump can be turned into a green area. As a result, few people are aware that the area of the largest green zone in Trsat Park was once the city’s rubbish dump.
Novi grad / New city
Piše / Written by: Nevenka Koščić Fotografije / Photos: Riječka nadbiskupija / Archdiocese of Rijeka
Svetište Majke Božje Trsatske stoljećima magično privlači vjernike iz cijele Hrvatske i okolnih zemalja
Our Lady of Trsat Sanctuary has magically been attracting believers from all over Croatia and neighbouring countries for centuries
Stube nade Stairs of hope
Ne postoji niti jedan dan u godini a da u Svetištu Majke božje Trsatske nema vjernika željnih mira. Tako je to već sedam stoljeća u jednom od najstarijih hrvatskih Marijanskih svetišta, prepoznatljivom po mnogim znamenitostima među kojima prvo mjesto zauzima čudotvorna slika Majke Milosti. Pečat Marijinu Trsatu daje i predaja o kući Svete obitelji koja je 10. svibnja 1291. godine donesena na Trsatsko brdo, a tu je, prema pisanju Franje Glavinića, bila tri godine, sedam mjeseci i četiri dana, pa su već tada Trsat počeli pohoditi hodočasnici. Kad je u prosincu 1294. prenesena u talijanski Loreto, Nikola Frankopan je, kako bi utješio narod, dao sagraditi kapelicu, a papa Urban V je na Trsat
There isn’t a day in the year that there are no believers in search for peace at the Our Lady of Trsat Sanctuary. It has been like this for seven centuries in one of the oldest Croatian sanctuaries dedicated to the Virgin Mary, and recognizable as one of many sites where pride of place is taken by the miraculous painting of Our Lady of Grace. The seal to the Virgin Mary’s Trsat is given with the legend about the Holy family’s house which was brought to Trsat hill on 10th May 1291 and, according to the Franjo Glavinić's writings, remained there for three years, seven months and four days, so even at that time Trsat became a favourite place for pilgrims. When in December 1294, it was brought
poslao sliku Djevice kasnije nazvanu Majka Milosti koju je prema predaji naslikao sv. Luka Evanđelist.
Kraljica Jadrana Trsatsko svetište je s Rijekom povezano na poseban način, a riječki nadbiskup, msgr. dr. Ivan Devčić naglašava: "Nije veliko samo zbog broja hodočasnika nego poglavito po duhovnosti koja se u njemu doživljava i iz njega širi." Premda se, kad se spomene hodočašće, misli prije svega na blagdan Vele Gospe, kada se u Rijeku i na Trsat slijeva rijeka vjernika oni u Trsatsko svetište dolaze cijele godine. Blagdan Gospe Trsatske koji se slavi 10. svibnja, svojevrsni je početak hodočasničke godine. Tada u svetište hodočaste brojni pomorci koji ju nazivaju Kraljicom Jadrana i Zvijezdom mora, a kako i ne bi, kada su mnogi sačuvali živote u morskim neverama zahvaljujući zagovoru Gospi Trsatskoj, o čemu govore brojni predmeti u Kapeli zavjetnih darova. Tu su i zavjetni darovi bolesnika koji su po zdravlje nerijetko na koljenima dolazili Trsatskim stubama Petra Kružića. Tim čuvenim stubama i danas hodočaste mnogi vjernici koji spas od svojih nedaća dolaze izmoliti od Gospe Trsatske.
to the Italian town of Loreto, to console the people, Nikola Frankopan gave orders to build a chapel and Pope Urban V sent the Virgin Mary painting to Trsat which was, according to legend, painted by Luca the Evangelist and was later known as Our Lady of Grace.
The Adriatic Queen The Trsat Sanctuary is connected to Rijeka in a special way and the Archbishop of Rijeka, monsignor PhD Ivan Devčić points out: "It is not only wonderful for the number of pilgrims but particularly for the spirituality which is experienced there and which spreads from it." Even if, when pilgrimages are mentioned, the first thing that comes to mind is the Festival of the Assumption of Our Lady, when numerous believers come to Rijeka and to Trsat although pilgrims also visit the Trsat Sanctuary throughout the year. The Festival of Our Lady of Trsat, which is celebrated on 10th May, represents the beginning of the pilgrimage year. At that time, numerous sailors make their way towards the sanctuary, calling it the Adriatic Queen or the Sea Star and why wouldn’t they, when many of them have had their lives saved during sea storms thanks to mediation by Our Lady of Trsat of which the numerous objects located in the Oath Gifts Chapel are all testimony. There are also oath gifts from the sick people who often came in search of their health, climbing the Trsat Petar Kružić Steps on their knees. Numerous pilgrims still climb these renowned steps today begging Our Lady of Trsat for salvation from their grievances.
Poziv mladima Franjevci bi željeli na Trsatu okupljati čim veći broj mladih ljudi pa su na adrese škola i drugih ustanova odaslali poziv s porukom da je posjet Svetištu, Kapeli zavjetnih darova, riznici i pinakoteci moguć svakoga dana od 9.00 do 12.00 i od 14.00 do 18.00 sati uz najavu dolaska na telefon 051/452-900. A Call for Young People Franciscans would like to gather as many young people to Trsat as possible so they have sent invitations to schools and other institutions with a message informing youngsters that a visit to the Sanctuary, Oath Gifts Chapel, glossary and picture gallery is possible every day from 9.00 am to 12.00 pm and from 2.00 pm to 6.00 pm with previous arrival notification requested by phone on 051/452-900.
Najdraži hodočasnik
The favourite pilgrim
Svetište su pohodile stotine tisuća hodočasnika, ali je jedan ostao posebno zapamćen. To je pokojni papa Ivan Pavao II koji se Majci Božjoj Trsatskoj došao pomoliti u lipnju 2003. godine. Franjevci su se odužili svojemu najdražem hodočasniku postavljanjem njegove skulpture ispred bazilike koja novom snagom privlači hodočasnike, te gradnjom Aule Ivana Pavla II. Trsatsko svetište je u naše vrijeme postalo i začetnikom vjerskoga turizma u Rijeci. Tome se ne treba se čuditi, jer kako voli reći fra Serafin Sabol - prvi turisti su i bili hodočasnici. A na Trsatu se ima što vidjeti jer su franjevci sačuvali brojne vrijedne predmete pohranjene u riznici te prikupili umjetnine za pinakoteku. Kada se tome doda njihova poslovična dobrodošlica te spremnost da otvore i pokažu ljepote samostana i crkve, može se očekivati još veći broj hodočasnika i turista iz cijeloga svijeta.
The sanctuary has been visited by hundreds of thousands of pilgrims, but one of them has been especially remembered. This was the late Pope John Paul II who came to pray to Our Lady of Trsat in June 2003. Franciscans, in response to their favourite pilgrim have placed a sculpture of him in front of the basilica which attracts pilgrims with a new strength and with the construction of the John Paul II Hall, the Trsat Sanctuary has in our time become an originator of religious tourism in Rijeka. This is not something to be surprised at, as Friar Serafin Sabol likes to say – the first tourists were pilgrims. And there is much to see at Trsat as the Franciscans have preserved numerous objects of value saved in a glossary and have gathered artworks for their picture gallery. When we add to this their proverbial welcome and readiness to open and show the beauties of the monastery and church an even greater number of pilgrims and tourists can be expected from all over the world.
Novi grad / New city
Piše / Written by: Ljiljana Mamić Pandža Fotografije / Photos: Rino Gropuzzo
Vojo Radoičić poznati je slikar, kipar, grafičar, scenograf, on svojim djelima duhovito komentira svakodnevicu poput djeteta koje otkriva svijet Vojo Radočić is a famous painter, sculptor, graphic artist, and set designer, who comments everyday life in an amusing way through his works like a child discovering the world
Podsjećanje na
male stvari
Remembering the small things
Prvi riječki vapor "porinut" na Korzu, tuRIstički autobus i najpoznatija riječka pizzeria Bracera oslikani primorskim motivima vedrih boja, te prepoznatljivim likovnim izričajem tek su dio iznimno bogatog opusa 80-godišnjeg slikara, grafičara, ilustratora, scenografa i kipara Voje Radoičića kojim se grad na Rječini uistinu ponosi. Povjesničar umjetnosti Tonko Maroević jednom je prigodom izjavio kako su Radoičiću "krepost likovne kulture i dar sinteze otvorili vrata toplu i prisnu prostoru djetinjstva i dali za pravo da se naruga svijetu koji je zaboravio većinu malih stvari i snagu najranjivijih pletiva Bića." Naime, ovaj je Riječanin oduvijek okrenut moru, snovima o velikim i malim putovanjima, pa u svojim skulpturama, slikama i objektima duhovito prenosi djeliće zaboravljene svakodnevice, oslobođene gorčine koju nosi istina, uvijek iznova otkrivajući dio djeteta čija se radost življenja i danas zrcali u njegovim očima.
Duhovna igra On je jednostavno čovjek i stvaralac od sentimenta i iznimne kultiviranosti, kojemu je skromnost dala pravo na duhovnu igru. Radoičićevi radovi gotovo bajkovito, a opet nikad izmišljeno, prikazuju duhovite fragmente stvarnosti, redovito popraćene i tekstualnim opaskama. "Još kao srednjoškolac surađivao sam s više humorističkih časopisa, a ta mi je suradnja u studentskim danima omogućila da se osjećam poput bogatuna, jer sam uz ono što mi je majka slala, tako ostvarivao pristojan prihod. Iz tog razdoblja zadržao sam potrebu da neke detalje na slikama naglasim i riječima. Tako sam još kod prvih slikarskih radova počeo pisati dnevnik događanja koja su bila temelj svih mojih radova. No, tad se sve zakompliciralo. Kako bi Maroević rekao, kod
The first Rijeka steamboat "launched" in the Korzo pedestrian zone, the Tourist bus and the most famous pizzeria in Rijeka, are all painted in coastal patterns and cheerful colours with a recognizable artistic expression and are just part of the extremely rich opus by the 80 year-old painter, graphic artist, illustrator, set designer and sculptor Vojo Radoičić of whom the city on the Rječina River is extremely proud. Once the art historian, Tonko Maroević, said that the virtue of art culture and the gift of synthesis had opened the door for Radoičić to a cold and intimate childhood space and had given him the right to make fun of the world which had forgotten the little things of life and the power of the most vulnerable Human bonding. In fact, this Rijeka native has always veered in the direction of the sea, towards dreams of large and small voyages so that in a humorous way he transfers parts of forgotten everyday life to his sculptures, paintings and objects - free from the bitterness which the truth brings always revealing that part of the inner child that still enjoys life even today and is reflected in his eyes.
Spiritual game He is simply a sentimental and extremely refined human being as well as a creator to whom modesty has offered the right of the spiritual game. Radoičić’s works, almost like a fairy tale, and never in a completely unreal way, present amusing fragments of reality, often accompanied by textual comments. "Even as a high school student I collaborated with the more humorous magazines and that collaboration, during my student days, enabled me to feel like a millionaire as together with the money my mother sent me, I
Radoičićevi radovi gotovo bajkovito, a opet nikad izmišljeno, prikazuju duhovite fragmente stvarnosti, redovito popraćene i tekstualnim opaskama. Radoičić’s works, almost like a fairy tale, and never in a completely unreal way, present amusing fragments of reality, often accompanied by textual comments. mene su se stvorila dva "škafetina"; u jedan sam slagao ideje od tekstualnog dijela što je predstavljalo osnovni materijal, a onda bi na to dogradio likovni dio. Tako je i došlo do toga da sve moje slike potječu od ta dva elementa"- ispričao nam je slikar. U bibliografske podatke našega sugovornika, uz više od 170 izložaba u zemlji i inozemstvu, nominacije 2002. godine za prestižnu svjetsku nagradu H.C. Andersen (Mali Nobel), pedesetak kazališnih scenografija, rad na televiziji, nagradu Vladimir Nazor... ove godine upisana je i nagrada Grada Rijeke za životno djelo za posebna dostignuća u likovnoj i primijenjoj umjetnosti u kojoj je predstavio vedar i razigran svijet primorske svakodnevice. Radoičić je dobitnik mnogih nagrada i priznanja za umjetnost koju resi originalnost, nekonvencionalnost i radost igre, a glavna tema gotovo svih njegovih radova je more. Na Sajmu knjiga u Barceloni ovaj je istaknuti riječki slikar u kategoriji najboljih ilustracija 2004. godine dobio prvu nagradu za ilustraciju knjige Veljka Barbierija "134 male priče o hrani" koja je pak osvojila drugu nagradu. Rođeni Požežanin redoviti je član Hrvatskog društva likovnih umjetnika Rijeke,
made a decent profit. It was from that period that I retained the need to indicate details on my paintings using words. So even with my first paintings I began writing a diary of events which were at the base of all my works. But then everything got complicated. As Maroević would say, in my head two "drawers" were created; in one of them I folded up ideas from the textual part which represented the base material, and then I would add the artistic part. So, it transpired that all of my paintings originated from these two elements" – the painter explained. Amongst our speaker’s curriculum, with more than 170 exhibitions held in Croatia and abroad, a nomination in 2002 for the prestigious world H.C. Andersen (Little Nobel) award, around fifty theatre sets, work on TV, the Vladimir Nazor award… this year the City of Rijeka award has also been added to honour his life’s-work and special accomplishments both in fine art and applied arts where he has presented a cheerful and playful view of everyday coastal life. Radoičić has won many awards and much recognition for his artwork which is characterized by originality, unconventionality and by the joy of play with the main theme of almost all his works being the sea. At the Book fair in 2004 in Barcelona, this eminent Rijeka painter won first prize, in the category for best illustrations, with Veljko Barbieri's book "134 short stories about food" which won second prize. Radoičić was born in Požega and is a regular member of the Croatian Association of fine artists in Rijeka, Zagreb and the VBO (Verein Bildenden Kunstler Osterreichs, Wien- Schonbrun). He lives and works in Rijeka, Vienna and Begovo Razdolje. He is both a friend and collaborator to the great Austrian architect and painter
Zagreba i VBO-a (Verein Bildenden Kunstler Osterreichs, Wien- Schonbrun). Živi i radi u Rijeci, Beču i Begovu Razdolju. Prijatelj je i suradnik velikog austrijskog arhitekta i slikara F. Hundertwassera, te autor mnogih knjiga i tekstova za djecu i mlade. Odlikovan je i Redom Danice Hrvatske s likom Marka Marulića za doprinos u kulturi. Ipak, suhoparno nabrajanje nagrada i priznanja neće pojasniti o kakvom je čovjeku riječ, jer pišemo prvenstveno o čovjeku; toplom i iskrenom koji u svakoj prilici širi optimizam i pozitivnu energiju.
Nema predaje Za razliku od mnogih njegovih vršnjaka koji su u toj zlatnoj životnoj dobi prepušteni monotonom životu, Radoičić se odlučno suprotstavlja stereotipima. Još uvijek puno radi i to do ranih jutarnjih sati, posjećuje sva značajna gradska kulturna zbivanja, a kaže kako mu u njegovom kvartu na Gornjoj Vežici najviše nedostaje kafić u kojemu bi mogao "proćakulati" s prijateljima. Vojo ističe da nam svima nedostaje druženja, smijeha, toplih riječi i lica koja nam se vesele, odnosno osjećaja uzajamnog poštovanja i pažnje. Unatoč tomu što je iza njega osam desetljeća života, ni u jednom trenutku ne razmišlja o zaključenju karijere. "Neki kažu da nisam normalan i pitaju se kamo ću s tolikom lovom, ali znate da se u kazalištu i nakladništu ne zaradi tako puno, a honorar se često čeka i po dvije godine. No, zahvaljujući tolikom radu dobio sam puno nagrada, a što će vam veća satisfakcija od toga da ljudi priznaju vaš rad, da vas traže i još uvijek smatraju sposobnim za napraviti nešto dobro. Onda ne razmišljate o tome hoćete li nešto prekinuti ili ne. Nadam se da ću moći raditi do posljednjega daha i da neću biti pegula, pa će me neka bolest spustiti u krevet da krepavam"- poručuje naš sugovornik. Njegovi prijatelji i kolege primijetili su da svi slikari dugo žive, a Vojo odgovara kako sigurno postoji neka muza koja ih tjera da žive od slikarstva, čini ih sretnima i ispunjava unutarnji svijet koji, srećom, Vojo još uvijek bilježi na slikarskom platnu.
F. Hundertwasser and author of many books and texts for children and young people. With Red Danice Hrvatske he was also awarded the Marko Marulić character prize which is given for contributions to culture. However, a monotonous list of awards and recognitions will not explain the kind of a man we are talking about as above all, we are writing about a man – a warm and sincere man who, in every occasion, spreads optimism and positive energy.
No capitulation Compared to many of his contemporaries who, at such a golden age, let themselves go to a monotonous life, Radoičić decidedly opposes such stereotypes. He still works hard and until the early hours of the morning, he visits all the important cultural events in the city and says that in his Gornja Vežica neighbourhood he mostly misses a café where he would be able to "chat a bit"with his friends. Vojo points out that we all miss spending time with each other, laughter, warm words and cheerful faces that is the emotion of mutual respect and care. Besides the fact that he has 8 decades behind him, he does not have any intention of ending his career. "Some people call me crazy and ask themselves what I do with such a lot of money, but you know that in the theatre and publishing industry you do not earn that much, and often you have to wait two years for payment. But, thanks to the amount of work I have won many awards and what more do you need than the satisfaction of your works being recognized by others, who continue to look for you and still consider you able to produce something of worth. For this reason you do not think about ending something or not. I hope I will be able to work until my last breath and that I will not have the bad luck of an illness putting me to bed and killing me" – our speaker says. His friends and colleagues have noticed that all painters live long lives and Vojo retorts that a muse surely exists which forces them to live from painting, making them happy, filling their inner world which, luckily, Vojo still records on canvas.
Novi grad / New city
Piše / Written by: Ljiljana Mamić Pandža Fotografije / Photos: Damir Zamaklar
Krajem listopada Rijeka još jednom postaje "hram" u kojem se slavi gitara
Hal's All Star
At the end of October Rijeka once again becomes a "temple" celebrating the guitar
Guitar Festival
Po uzoru na poznati "Muriel Anderson's Guitar Night" u Nashwilleu, svjetski priznati riječki glazbenik Damir Halilić Hal koji je tijekom bogate karijere pozornice diljem svijeta dijelio s najvećim virtuozima akustične gitare kao što su Tommy Emmanuel, Muriel Anderson, Woody Mann, Peter Finger, Franco Morone, Clive Carroll i dr., u Rijeci je pokrenuo Hal's All Star Guitar Festival. Upravo navedene i još mnoge druge svjetske zvijezde Hal je u pet dosadašnjih izdanja Festivala doveo u Rijeku i na taj način ovaj grad urbanoga turizma svrstao među iznimno poželjne destinacije na svjetskoj karti gitarističkih metropola.
Dolaze najbolji Ovaj događaj izrastao je u jedan od najznačajnijih hrvatskih festivala gitare koji će 29. i 30. listopada ove godine okupiti eminentna gitaristička imena kao što su Amerikanac Woody Mann, Britanci Eddie Martin i Keith Thompson Band, te Nijemac Thomas Kleemaier. Woody Mann je legendarni njujorški fingerstyle gitarist koji je, osim po koncertnim aktivnostima, poznat i po edukacijskom radu, pa njegove amsterdamske i praške glazbene radionice uvijek iznova izazivaju veliko zanimanje i glazbenika i javnosti. Hal podsjeća kako je Woody učio od najboljih, između ostalog i od čikaškoga jazz inovatora Lennie Tristana, te blues velikana Reverend Garyja Davisa. Britanac Eddie Martin djeluje na dva kolosijeka; kao solist i kroz koncerte sa svojim triom. "Njegov solistički nastup karakterizira one-man-bluesband pristup, jer osim što svira gitaru istovremeno svira i usnu harmoniku i perkusije, pa će se na taj način predstaviti i u Rijeci. Kritika ga hvali kao "najbolje što je Britanija
Following the model of the famous "Muriel Anderson's Guitar Night" in Nashville, the world famous Rijeka musician, Damir Halilić Hal, who, throughout his rich career, has shared stages worldwide with greatest acoustic guitar virtuosos such as Tommy Emmanuel, Muriel Anderson, Woody Mann, Peter Finger, Franco Morone, Clive Carroll... founded in Rijeka "Hal's All Star Guitar Festival". Precisely those mentioned as well as many other world stars have been brought to Rijeka by Hal in the five editions of the Festival and as such have selected this city of urban tourism amongst other extremely desirable destinations on the world map of guitarists' capitals.
The best are coming This event has grown into one of the most important Croatian guitar festivals which will, on 29th and 30th October this year, gather eminent guitar names such as American Woody Mann, British Eddie Martin and The Keith Thompson Band and German Thomas Kleemaier. Woody Mann is a legendary finger style guitar player from New York who, apart from his concert activities, is well known for his educational work so that his music workshops held in Amsterdam and Paris always attract the interest of great musicians and the public. Hal reminds us that Woody learned from the best – that is the jazz journalist from Chicago, Lennie Tristan as well as from the blues genius Reverend Gary Davis. Eddie Martin from Great Britain operates on two sides; as soloist and at concerts with his trio. "His soloist performance is characterized by one-man-bluesband approach because besides playing guitar he also plays
Ovaj događaj izrastao je u jedan od najznačajnijih hrvatskih festivala gitare. This event has grown into one of the most important Croatian guitar festivals. u tom fahu dala od pojave Erica Claptona", a o sviračkome umijeću usne harmonike dovoljno govori podatak da ga je International harmonica Federation proglasila inovatorom instrumenta- najavio je Hal. Keith Thompson Band - jedan od trenutno najboljih britanskih R&B bandova, čiji je vođa studijski glazbenik sa dugogodišnjim stažom. Band je sastavljen od prekaljenih glazbenika, pa tako ritam postava dolazi iz John Mayallovih Bluesbreakersa, a saksofonistica Patsy Gamble je snimala i svirala sa mnogim zvijezdama kao što su Mick Jagger, Rod Stewart, itd. Thomas Kleemaier je bavarski fingerstyle gitarist koji snima za prestižnu izdavačku kuću Acoustic Music. No, to je tek dio programa dvodnevnog 6. riječkoga festivala gitare, dok će ostatak do daljnjega ostati neotkriven. U svakom slučaju, dobre svirke neće nedostajati.
the mouth organ and percussion and he will present himself in this way in Rijeka too. The critics praise him as "the best that Britain has produced in this sector since the appearance of Eric Clapton", and regarding his skill in playing the mouth organ it is enough to say that the International Harmonica Federation proclaimed him an instruments innovator" - announced Hal. The Keith Thompson Band – currently one of the best British R&B bands whose leader is a studio musician with many years experience. The band is composed of skilled musicians in that the rhythm crew comes from John Mayall's Bluesbrakers and the saxophone player, Patsy Gamble, who has recorded and played with a number of stars such as Mick Jagger, Rod Stewart... Thomas Kleemaier is a Bavarian finger style guitar player who records for the prestigious Acoustic Music record label. However, this is only part of the two-day program of the 6th Rijeka Guitar Festival, whilst the rest will be kept under wraps until further notice. In any case, good music will not be lacking.
Novi grad / New city
Piše / Written by: Slavica Kleva Fotografije / Photos: KUD Bašćinski glasi / Cultural and Artistic association Bascinski glasi
Petu godinu zaredom Trsatska gradina postaje "open air" pozornica
For a fifth consecutive year Trsat Castle becomes an "Open Air" Stage
Ljeto na
Gradini Summer at the Castle
povijesni prostor učini atraktivnim, privlačnim za publiku. Nakon preuređenja prostora, adaptacije najviše kule, saniranja vidikovca, "stambeni prostor" kule učinili su dostupnim posjetiteljima koji mogu razgledati povijesnu jezgru i posljednje utočište ratnika irsko-francuskog podrijetla u službi Habsburgovaca, Lavala Nugenta. I tako je Gradina postala top odredište, omiljeno okupljalište Riječana ali i mnogobrojnih gostiju, a cijeli prostor jedan od najljepših "open air" pozornica na tlu Hrvatske.
Vidimo se ponovo
Sve je spremno za start petoga izdanja "Ljeta na Gradini". Programski sadržaj vrlo je ambiciozan, a kvaliteta i atraktivnost tromjesečnih zbivanja na Gradini neupitna. Osim pogleda s Trsatske gradine na Riječki zaljev, koji oduzima dah, tek spuštanjem sumraka na Gradini se rađa prava čarolija, uz paljenje scenske rasvjete i čarobne igre povjetarca i mjesečine ambijent je nestvaran. Stoga kulturno umjetnički sadržaji "Ljeta na Gradini" iz večeri u večer postaju nezaboravan događaj.
Na "povijesnoj" pozornici Ideja da se nešto osmisli na Gradini rodila se još 2005. godine, a godinu kasnije, nakon prenamjene, započeli su nastupi umjetnika. Od tada do danas oko 45.000 posjetitelja pogledalo je koncert, likovnu izložbu, scenski program ili pak film, jedan od mnogobrojnih sadržaja koji su održani kroz prethodna četiri "Ljeta". Uz pomoć Odjela za kulturu Grada Rijeke i Turističke zajednice Grada Rijeke Kulturno umjetničko društvo "Bašćinski glasi" učinio je da se taj
Everything is ready for the start of fifth edition of "Summer at Castle". The program schedule is very ambitious, and the quality and attractiveness of the three months of events at Castle are unquestionable. Besides the view from Trsat Castle onto Rijeka’s bay which is breathtaking, only at sunset is the real magic born at the Castle, with the turning on of the stage lighting, magical dance of the breeze and moonlight, the atmosphere is unreal. Thus, the cultural and artistic events of the "Summer at Gradina" from night to night become an unforgettable event.
At the "historical" stage The idea to work out something at the Castle was born back in 2005 and one year later, after the conversion, artists’ performances started. Since then around 45,000 visitors have watched the concerts, art exhibitions, stage programs or films, one of many events which have taken place during the past four "Summers". With the help of the City of Rijeka Culture Department and Rijeka Tourist Board, the
Ovoga ljeta jedna od glazbenih poslastica zasigurno će biti cjelovečernji koncert na otvorenom Radojke Šverko s Big bandom HRT-a i četrdeset vrhunskih glazbenika. No, "Ljeto na Gradini 2010" ponudit će još mnogo iznenađenja. Nema dvojbe, dosadašnja organizacija "Ljeta na Gradini", raznovrsnost programa, večeri u kojima svatko nađe nešto za sebe, jamče vjernu publiku koja će se i ovoga ljeta naći na istom mjestu, Trsatskoj gradini.
04.06. Humanitarni koncert Rotary cluba 16.06. Vocal Studio Maraton Show 02.07. Tina Vukov (samostalni koncert) 17.07. Radojka Šverko, Simfonijski orkestar HRT-a i Big band HRT-a (Perivoj Gospe Trsatske - Trsat) 18.07. Matija Dedić trio 27.08. Jazz vikend: LeKap quartet, Ratko Zjača, Simone Zanchini, Adam Nussbaum i Martin Gjakonovski 28.08. Jazz vikend: Jazziana Croatica, Marko Tolja, Henry Radanović trio 29.08. Jazz vikend: Matija Dedić
"Bašćinski glasi" Cultural and Artistic Association made this historical location attractive to the public. Following the location’s refurbishment, modification of the highest tower, sanitization of the belvedere, the tower’s "living quarter" were made accessible to visitors who can look around the historical centre and the last sanctuary of the Irish-French warrior who served the Habsburg family, Laval Nugent. In this way the Castle became a top destination, favourite meeting point for Rijeka’s people and many of its guests and the whole area is one of the most beautiful "open air" stages on Croatian soil.
See you again This summer one of the musical delicacies will surely be the evening long outdoor concert performed by Radojka Šverko and Croatian Radio and Television's Big Band which includes forty excellent musicians. But, "Summer at Gradina 2010" will offer many other surprises. No doubt, former "Summer at Gradina", program diversity, nights where everyone finds something for themselves, guarantees a loyal public which will, even this summer, gather at the same place, at Trsat Castle.
04.06 Rotary club humanitarian concert 16.06 Vocal Studio Maraton Show 02.07 Tina Vukov (solo concert) 17.07 Radojka Šverko, Croatian Radio and Television’s Symphony orchestra and Croatian Radio and Television’s Big band (The Our Lady of Trsat’s garden - Trsat) 18.07 Matija Dedić trio 27.08 Jazz weekend: LeKap quartet, Ratko Zjača, Simone Zanchini, Adam Nussbaum and Martin Gjakonovski 28.08 Jazz weekend: Jazziana Croatica, Marko Tolja, Henry Radanović trio 29.08 Jazz weekend: Matija Dedić
Novi grad / New city
Piše / Written by: Inesa Antić Fotografije / Photos: just clubbing, TOMi....
Riječki Festival Hartera je već šestu godinu nezaobilazna "stanica" ljubitelja glazbe i pravi način da uz glazbu i ples dočekate ljeto
Rijeka’s Hartera Festival is already in its sixth consecutive year an inevitable "stop" for music lovers and just the right way to welcome the summer with music and dance
Veličanstvena The magnificent
Prijašnjim festivalskim izdanjima Hartere protutnjali su nezaboravni koncerti poput onog Roisin Murphya, Röyksoppa, Turbonegra, Jimmy Tenora i nekih od najsjajnijih DJ-setova. Rijeka pamti Alexandera Robotnicka, Jamesa Zabielu, Sebastiana, Simiana Mobile Disco i ne zaboravlja sjajnu Peaches u jedinstvenom DJ izdanju.
Istinski ljubitelji dobre glazbe i provoda pažljivo planiraju svoje "društvene obaveze" kako im se slučajno ne bi dogodilo da propuste "Veliki vikend zabave" 10. i 11. lipnja, na koji se pobožno hodočasti već šestu godinu za redom. Moćna riječka Hartera je pažljivim i zanimljivim krojenjem glazbenoga i popratnih programa priskrbila reputaciju festivala na koji se dolazi "na neviđeno" bez da se zna tko su izvođači. Povjerenje je uspostavljeno - pogreške nisu dopuštene niti se događaju. Kad je riječ o Harteri, floskula "još bolji program no prošle godine" je puka činjenica tako da festivalska publika i ne riskira previše. Ona zna da će dobiti svoju porciju dobre glazbe i nezaboravne zabave.
Originalno, energično, plesno Šesta Hartera bit će veličanstvena. Popis izvođača izaziva ozbiljnu fanovsku groznicu, nestrpljenje na državnoj i međudržavnoj razini, osmišljavaju se itinerari, 'skidaju' albumi, broje se dani. Spektakularnu petokraku predvodnika čine Moderat, Fuck Buttons, Digitalism, Klaxons i Atari Teenage Riot. Prava je to kombinacija istinski kvalitetne glazbe koja uspijeva istovremeno biti originalna, inovativna, beskrajno energična i plesna. Osim petorice veličanstvenih, zabavljat će nas bravure Erola Alkana i Youngblood Brass Banda, SymbolOne, Sleigh Bells, Duke Dumont,
True lovers of good music and entertainment carefully plan their "social commitments" in order not to accidentally miss the "Big entertainment weekend" of June 10th and 11th, to which they have been religiously gravitating for six consecutive years. The powerful Rijeka Hartera, by means of careful and interesting "tailoring" of the musical and accompanying programme, has gained the reputation of a festival to which people come without having to know the line up. Trust has been achieved – mistakes are not allowed and do not happen. The starchy phrase "an even better programme than last year" is a common fact within Hartera so the festival public does not take too many risks; it knows that it will get its portion of good music as well as unforgettable entertainment.
Original, energetic and full of dance The Sixth edition of Hartera will be magnificent. The line up provokes serious fan fever and impatience both on a national and an international level; schedules are being created, albums are being downloaded, days are being counted. The spectacular five headliners include Moderat, Fuck Buttons, Digitalism, the Klaxons and Atari Teenage Riot. This is just the right combination of truly high quality music which, at the same time, is successful in being original,
The Bambi Molesters, Dubioza Kolektiv, Zed Bias, Seiji, Redlight, Father, T.B.F., Cosmin TRG, My Buddy Moose, The Orange Strips, SERGEJ, Mz Sunday Luv, Greenmoney, Eddy Ramich, Pytzek i Arszenik. Netaknuta industrijska arhitektura i impozantan tvornički dimnjak od 83 metra bivše Tvornice papira, ukliješteni u fantastičnom klancu na samim vratima grada, inspirativna su scenografija za kulturna zbivanja što rasplesana publika Hartere itekako cijeni. Srećom su lokalne vlasti prepoznale potencijal prenamjene zgrade te se udružile s neformalnom grupom pojedinaca, koji će se kasnije nazvati Klubom ljubitelja buke, i lansirale Harteru kakvu poznajemo danas. Stara Hartera je u novome mileniju dobila i novu zadaću. Članovi Kluba ljubitelja buke (KLJB), riječki kreativci, Damir Martinović - Mrle, Goran Lisica - Fox, Saša Randić, Ivan Šarar i Idis Turato, glazbenici, arhitekti, marketinški stručnjaci a ujedno i organizatori Hartere, zaželjeli su na pravi način začiniti svakodnevicu svoga grada. I uspjelo im je, više puta. I ovoga šestog puta, uz njihovu pomoć bit će to divan početak još jednoga predivnog ljeta.
Previous Hartera Festival editions have included unforgettable concerts such as performances by Roisin Murphy, Röyksopp, Turbonegra, Jimmy Tenor and some of the greatest DJ-sets. Rijeka remembers Alexander Robotnick, James Zabiela, Sebastian, Simian Mobile Disco and will not forget the great Peaches in her unique DJ edition.
innovative and eternally energetic as well as adapted to dance. Besides the magnificent five, visitors will be entertained by the skills of Erol Alkan and the Youngblood Brass Band, SymbolOne, Sleigh Bells, Duke Dumont, The Bambi Molesters, Dubioza Kolektiv, Zed Bias, Seiji, Redlight, Father, T.B.F., Cosmin TRG, My Buddy Moose, The Orange Strips, SERGEJ, Mz Sunday Luv, Greenmoney, Eddy Ramich, Pytzek and Arszenik. The untouched industrial architecture and impressive 83 metre-high factory chimney of the former paper factory, forced into a fantastic canyon at the very gates of the city, are the inspiring set for cultural events, and the dancing Hartera public much appreciates it. Fortunately, local government has recognized the potential of the building’s conversion and got together with an informal group of individuals later known as Klub ljubitelja buke (The noise lovers club) and launched Hartera as we know it today. The old Hartera had a new task in this new millennium. The KLJB club, Rijeka’s creative people, Damir Martinović - Mrle, Goran Lisica - Fox, Saša Randić, Ivan Šarar and Idis Turato, are musicians, architects, marketing experts and the aim of the organisers of Hartera was to appropriately flavour their city’s everyday life. And they managed to do it, more than once. Even this sixth time, with their help Hartera will be a great start of a beautiful summer.
Novi grad / New city
Piše / Written by: Ljiljana Mamić Pandža Fotografije / Photos: Miljenko Šegulja
Travelling Festival
Melodije Istre i Kvarnera već 46 godina čuvaju kulturnu baštinu čakavskoga kraja Melodies of Istria and Kvarner have already been conserving the cultural heritage of the Chakavian dialect area for 46 years
Glazba određuje ljude, a ljudi glazbu
Melodije Istre i Kvarnera jedini su putujući festival u Hrvatskoj čijih stotinjak sudionika već 46 godina sredinom lipnja uveseljava stanovnike desetak gradova tri županije u zapadnom dijelu Hrvatske. Ovaj festival "čakavskoga songa" potiče glazbeno autorstvo koje uvažava lokalnu folklornu i jezičnu baštinu. Temelji se na etno glazbi kraja u kojem se odvija i u kojoj je osnova takozvana "istarska ljestvica", jedno od možda najzanimljivijih glazbenih pojava u svijetu, a njeguje glazbu i čakavski govor Primorja, Istre i Kvarnera. Ove godine MIK se održava od 18. do 26. lipnja. Domaćin prve večeri su Čavle, druge Opatija, a potom Krk, Labin, Bakar i Gračišće, te finalne Rijeka.
Melodies of Istria and Kvarner is the only travelling festival in Croatia whose hundred or so participants have been entertaining the inhabitants of around ten cities within three regions in the western part of Croatia in the middle of June for 46 years already. This festival of "Chakavian dialect songs" inspires musical creation that respects the local folklore and language heritage. It is based on the ethno music of the area in which it takes place and where the socalled "Istrian scale" was created, perhaps one of the most interesting musical phenomenon in the world, it cherishes the music and Chakavian dialect of Primorje, Istria and Kvarner. This year the MIK will take place from 18th until 26th June. The host of the first night will be Čavle, the second Opatija, then Krk, Labin, Bakar and Gračišće, and with the final night taking place in the city of Rijeka.
Osim u njegovanju karakterističnoga melosa, značaj festivala ogleda se i u suradnji novih tekstopisaca koji pišući pjesme čuvaju i dio glazbene i kulturne baštine. Tekstovi pjesama pisani su većinom na "čakavici", najstarijem obliku hrvatskoga jezika kojim se govori u tom dijelu Hrvatske, ali se pojavljuje i talijanski dijalektalni jezik kojim govori talijanska nacionalna manjina. Pjesme odišu toplinom i vedrinom i svake godine gotovo svaka od njih postaje hit kojeg se može čuti na svakom uglu, radiju ili u kući. MIK je jedinstven Festival i po nadaleko poznatim polusatnim televizijskim, radijskim i novinskim kartulinama tj. razglednicama putem kojih predstavlja gradove koji će ga ugostiti, priča svoju prošlost, donoseći bezbroj zanimljivih događaja iz svoje 46 godina duge povijesti. Koliko je MIK popularan medu publikom, kaže višegodišnji umjetnički direktor Festivala Andrej Baša, najbolje pokazuju prepuni koncerti za vrijeme njegova održavanja na trgovima gradova: "MIK njeguje etno izraz, u njegovim pjesmama izražen je način razmišljanja ljudi ovoga kraja, on dokazuje koliko glazba može utjecati na mentalitet ljudi i obrnuto, koliko mentalitet određuje glazbu." Poznato je kako ritam i harmonija glazbe najdublje poniru u unutrašnjost duše i tu zauzimaju najsnažnije uporište, što se nedvojbeno može očekivati i od ovogodišnjih pjesama s MIK-a. Dođite i uvjerite se.
Music defines people, and people define music Besides revering the characteristic popular music, the importance of the festival is reflected in the collaboration of new songwriters who, by writing their songs, conserve part of their music and cultural heritage as well. The song lyrics are mostly written in the "Chakavian" dialect, which is the oldest form of the Croatian language and spoken in that part of Croatia, although we can also find the Italian dialect which is spoken by the Italian national minority. Songs are full of warmth and serenity and almost every year most of them become hits which can be heard on every street corner, on the radio or at home. The MIK is a unique Festival as far as its regard to the widely known television, radio and newspaper postcards are concerned which have duration of half an hour, in particular those postcards that present the host cities telling the town’s story and bringing countless numbers of interesting events from its 46 year-old past. How famous the MIK is amongst the public, says the festival’s long time art director, Andrej Baša, is best shown by over full concerts during performance on the city’s squares: the "MIK cherishes the ethno expression, its songs express the way of thinking of the local people, proving how music can affect the people's mentality and vice versa, how their mentality determines the music." It is well-known how musical rhythm and harmony deeply enter the soul and find the strongest base there and this can most certainly be expected from this year’s MIK's songs too. Why not come and ascertain this fact for yourself.
Novi grad / New city
Piše / Written by: Andrea Bralić Fotografije / Photos: TZ Rijeka / Rijeka Tourist Board
Boravak je u Rijeci nezaboravan bez obzira proveli ga šetajući riječkim ulicama cijeli dan i kupujući ili razgledavajući znamenitosti
Is there a better place for pleasant "shopping" than the centre of the city of Rijeka? All those who have tried it will agree with a negative answer. Along the Korzo Pedestrian Street, the city’s central thoroughfare, there are numerous shops, commercial centres, book stores, galleries, jewellers... Luxury, world famous brands, consumer goods, designer jewellery and clothes can be found here. There are shops for children, shoe shops, sports equipment shops, opticians, perfumeries and stationer’s shops. Shopping in the city centre has a certain charm as everyone can combine business with pleasure.
By walking through the streets of the city of Rijeka you can spend the whole day shopping or sightseeing; either way a stay in Rijeka is an unforgettable experience
život grada
Turn for shopping, turn for sightseeing
Feel the city life
Ima li boljega mjesta za ugodan "shopping" od središta Rijeke? Nema, složit će se svi koji su to probali. Duž Korza, središnje gradske ulice, smještene su brojne trgovine, robni centri, knjižare, galerije, zlatarnice... Nude se luksuzni, svjetski poznati brendovi, roba široke potrošnje, dizajnerski nakit i odjeća. Nalaze se tu i trgovine za djecu, trgovine obućom, sportskom opremom, optike, parfumerije i papirnice. Kupovanje u gradu ima svojih čari jer svatko može spojiti ugodno s korisnim.
Red kupovanja, red razgledavanja Ukoliko zađete u stari grad, otkrit ćete galerije i suvenirnice u kojima su izloženi radovi riječkih umjetnika, a u blizini se nalazi i nekoliko zanimljivih knjižara s brojnim naslovima i ponudom publikacija i na stranim jezicima. Kad vas umori trka po trgovinama, slijedi zasluženi odmor na terasi jednog od brojnih kafića ili restorana. Kupovina se u Rijeci zaista može protegnuti na cijelo poslijepodne ili cijeli dan, a u tome uživaju brojni turisti za kišnih dana ili kada ih umori izležavanje na suncu. Osim kupovine, Rijeka im na jednom mjestu nudi i kulturno-povijesne znamenitosti, obilazak muzeja i razgledavanje grada tako da svatko može pronaći nešto za sebe. Red kupovanja, red razgledavanja uz dobru kavu ili ručak učinit će posjet Rijeci nezaboravnim. Neizostavan dio riječke "shopping" priče je i gradska tržnica čija su prva dva paviljona izgrađena još daleke 1880. godine. Mnogim posjetiteljima Rijeke najdraže je tržnicu i ribarnicu posjetiti u jutarnjim satima kada se osjeća posebna živost i ističe primorski mentalitet grada. Osjetiti način života mjesta u kojem se boravi, postao je "must" modernih turističkih putovanja, a upravo takav doživljaj nudi Rijeka.
If you find yourselves in the old part of the city you will discover galleries and souvenir shops where the works of art of Rijeka’s artists are exposed and close by there are a few interesting book shops with numerous titles and publications in foreign languages too. When you get tired of running around the shops, you can take a break or some deserved relaxation on the terrace of one of the numerous cafes or restaurants. Shopping in Rijeka can extend the entire afternoon or the whole day. Numerous tourists enjoy this kind of activity during rainy days or when they are bored of lying in the sun. Besides shopping, Rijeka also offers them cultural and historical sites, museum visits and, brief city sightseeing all in one place so that everyone can find something for themselves. A turn for shopping, a turn for sightseeing accompanied by a good coffee or lunch will make a visit to Rijeka unforgettable. The essential part of the Rijeka "shopping" experience is the city market whose first two pavilions were built back in 1880. Many Rijeka visitors find visiting the market and fish market in the morning hours most attractive as in that part of the day a particular energy is felt and the mentality of the coast is highlighted. Feeling the way of life of the place one visits has become an unavoidable part of modern travel arrangements. This kind of experience is exactly what Rijeka offers.
Novi grad / New city
Piše / Written by: Tamara Opačak Klobučar Fotografije / Photos: Muzej Peek and Poke / Peek and Poke Museum
Rijetki, stari, funkcionalni Muzej informatike Peek&Poke neobično je i zanimljivo mjesto koje treba posjetiti
The Peek&Poke Informatics Museum is an unusual and interesting place which should be visited
Čarobni svijet
A magical world of computers
"Promicanje informatičke kulture i očuvanje računalne povijesti" moto je za kojim se u Peek&Pokeu povode, a rezultati su vidljivi čim prošećemo prostorom i krenemo na put koji kronološki prikazuje razvoj računala. Osim najstarijeg izloška – Minivac kompjutera iz 1961., riječki muzej diči se kolekcijom u koju su uvršteni rijetki eksponati poput kalkulatora Procalculo, koji datira iz davne 1914., SGI Onyxa (pamtimo ga po specijalnim efektima u filmu Jurassic Park), Interact računala iz 1978. godine, prijenosnoga Apple Macintosh računala korištenog u misiji Space Shuttlea. No, Peek&Poke-ovci su posebno ponosni na "domaću" računalnu zbirku, koja nije ništa manje zanimljiva – tu je prvi europski džepni kalkulator nastao 1971. u tvornici Digitron u Bujama, hrvatsko školsko računalo Galeb te kompatibilno računalo Ivel Ultra koje se 1980-tih masovno proizvodilo u Ivanić-Gradu. Svi eksponati bili bi mnogo manje atraktivni da ih vrijedni informatičari nisu prvotno osposobili za rad pa tako posjetilac može osjetiti i istražiti mogućnosti svakoga pojedinačnog stroja.
Prošlost i budućnost U kratkom vremenu je 300 četvornih metara muzejskoga prostora postalo okupljalištem ljudi privučenih željom da vide i nauče nešto novo. Organiziraju se posjeti (muzej je posjetilo preko dvije tisuće i pet stotina učeničkih i studentskih grupa!), organiziraju se humanitarne akcije i proslave važnih datuma ljudskoga razvoja. Tako je tvrtka Lenovo odabrala riječki muzej za proslavu rođendana ThinkPad prijenosnih računala, T-Mobile i Apple sponzorirali su "iParty" - najveće druženje Apple korisnika u Hrvatskoj, inicijativom "Peek@Moon" odala se počast prvom čovjeku na Mjesecu, a manifestacijom "Yuri's night" prvom u svemiru uopće. Možda zvuči pretenciozno, no priča o Peek&Poke-u tek započinje jer, rutina i stagnacija tamo su nepoznati pojmovi.
Izložbeni prostor, knjižnica, Internet kutak, učionica ili dom tematskih skupova i projekata mladih umjetnika i glazbenika? Riječki muzej informatike Peek&Poke i više je od svega navedenog – primjer je to kako entuzijastična ideja može izrasti u projekt vrijedan divljenja. Preko tisuću i pet stotina vrijednih izložaka - računala, igraćih konzola, softvera, kalkulatora i dlanovnika, ali i računalnih časopisa i knjiga, Peek&Poke-u daje laskavi epitet računalnoga muzeja s najbogatijom stalnim postavom u ovom dijelu Europe. Rijeka je bogatija za jedinstveno mjesto u Hrvatskoj – muzej i računalni klub kojeg je, otkad su osnivači - Udruga ljubitelja računala Calculus, Udruga darovitih informatičara Rijeke i multimedijska agencija Kreativni odjel - otvorili vrata prvim znatiželjnicima u rujnu 2007. godine, posjetilo nekoliko tisuća ljudi.
An exhibition area, library, Internet corner, study room or a home for topical reunions and young artists’ and musicians’ projects? Rijeka's Peek&Poke Informatics Museum is more than everything mentioned above – it is an example of how an enthusiastic idea can turn into an admirably valuable project. Over one thousand five hundred valuable exhibits – computers, game consoles, software, calculators and handhelds as well as computer magazines and books give the Peek&Poke the flattering epithet of the computer museum with the richest permanent exhibition in this part of Europe. Rijeka is richer for this unique place in Croatia – a museum and computer club which, since its founders, The Calculus Computer Lovers Association, The Rijeka Talented Informatics Association and The Kreativni odjel Multimedia Agency, opened the doors to first inquisitive persons in September 2007, has been visited by several thousand people.
Bolji od najvećih Riječki muzej informatike Peek&Poke ne živi samo u informatičkoj prošlosti, dapače, to je prvi hrvatski muzej koji je zakoračio u budućnost. Naime, Peek&Poke je hiperviziran. Tako se na web stranici muzeja može razgledati dio zbirke u interaktivnoj 3D formi - čime se ne mogu pohvaliti niti najveći takvi muzeji u svijetu. Better than the greatest The Rijeka Peek&Poke Informatics Museum does not only live in the informatics past; on the contrary, it is the first Croatian museum to have made a step into the future. So, Peek&Poke has been hypervised. On the museum’s web page therefore you can browse through part of the collection in interactive 3D form - which even the largest similar museums in the world cannot boast.
Rare, old, functional "The promotion of informatics culture and the preservation of computer history" is a motto followed by the Peek&Poke whose results can be seen as soon as we walk through the place and begin a journey which chronologically shows the development of the computer. Besides the oldest item on show – the Minivac computer dating back to 1961, Rijeka’s museum is proud of its collection where rare exhibits have been chosen such as the Procalculo calculator which dates back to 1914, the SGI Onyx (remembered for its special effects in the Jurassic Park film), the 1978 Interact computer, the Apple Macintosh laptop used in a Space Shuttle mission. However, the Peek&Poke crew are particularly proud of their "national" computers’ collection which is as interesting as their international one – here we can find the first European pocket calculator manufactured in 1971 by the Digitron Factory in Buje, the Galeb Croatian school computer and the Ivel Ultra compatible computer which was mass-produced in the 1980s in Ivanić-Grad. All of the exhibits would be a lot less attractive if they hadn’t been made functional by diligent informatics enthusiasts so that visitors can touch and research the possibilities of each individual machine.
The past and the future In just a short time, the 300 square metres of museum space have become a favoured meeting point for people attracted by the desire to see and learn something new. Visits (the museum has been visited by over two thousand five hundred school children and student’s groups!), humanitarian activities and celebrations of important dates concerning human development are organized there. So Lenovo chose the Rijeka museum to celebrate the ThinkPad laptop’s birthday, T-Mobile and Apple sponsored the "iParty" – which was the biggest reunion of Apple users in Croatia. By way of the "Peek@Moon" initiative the first man on the Moon was honoured and the "Yuri’s night" event celebrated the first man in the Universe as a whole. It may sound pretentious, but the Peek&Poke story just at the beginning as routine and stagnation are unknown terms there.
Novi grad / New city
Piše / Written by: Zdravko Kleva Fotografije / Photos: Rijeka Sport
Kompleks "Bazeni Kantrida" izdvaja se u nizu sportskih objekata u Rijeci svojim arhitektonskim rješenjem i atraktivnošću položaja. Od 2008. godine "Bazeni Kantrida" su poprište važnih sportskih natjecanja i mjesto na kojem treniraju vrhunski sportaši, ali i više od toga. Postali su nezaobilazno središte u kojem Riječani i gosti Rijeke poboljšavaju kvalitetu svoje svakodnevice.
Ostvarenje sportskih ambicija
Novi bazeni na Kantridi postali su mjesto vrhunskoga sporta, ali i odmora i relaksacije New swimming pools on Kantrida have become a place of top-level sport as well as a place of leisure and relaxation
Bazenski kompleks
Bazeni Kantrida Kantrida Swimming Pools Complex
Središnji objekt "Bazena Kantrida" je zatvoreni olimpijski bazen s jedinstvenim pomičnim krovom koji gledateljima omogućuje da, osim praćenja onoga što se događa u bazenu, uživaju i u vizuri akvatorija Kvarnerskoga zaljeva. Na tribinama se može smjestiti 700 gledatelja, a na montažnom dijelu tribina je dodatnih 256 mjesta. Otvoreni olimpijski bazen potpuno je rekonstruiran i uređen. Na njegovim tribinama, u zimskom razdoblju kad je natkriven balonom, raspoloživo je 273 mjesta. Sljedeće godine, po završetku posljednje faze izgradnje, "Bazeni Kantrida" će raspolagati s mjestima za ukupno 2600 gledatelja. Pored bazena olimpijskih dimenzija nalaze se i dva manja. Dječji bazen veličine 5 x 10 m i dubine od 0,73 do 0,75 m, te bazen dugačak 25 metara, namijenjen za zagrijavanje sportaša, rekreaciji građana i školi plivanja za niže dobne skupine. Izgradnjom bazena za skokove u vodu stvorit će se i uvjeti za sinkronizirano plivanje, a zahvaljujući njegovoj dubini moći će ga koristiti i ronioci.
Rekreacija, opuštanje, zabava "Bazeni Kantrida" smješteni su uz more i okrenuti moru. Iz gotovo svakoga kuta bazena i prostora oko njih pogled seže
The "Kantrida Swimming Pools" complex is particularly prominent within a series of sport facilities in the city of Rijeka, with both its architectonical solution and the attractiveness of its position. It is located on the western part of the city, close to the existing outdoor Olympic swimming pool. Since 2008, the "Kantrida Swimming Pools" have been at the centre of important sporting competitions and a place for the training sessions of top-level sportsmen. Even more, the pools have become a place not be missed for Rijeka citizens and visitors improving the quality of their everyday life.
An accomplishment of sporting ambitions The central "Kantrida Swimming Pools" facility is an indoor Olympic swimming pool with a unique movable roof enabling spectators on the stands to enjoy both the show in the swimming pool and the view over the Kvarner Bay. There are 700 seats in the stands and a further 256 seats in the prefabricated part of the stand. The above- mentioned outdoor Olympic pool has been completely renovated and refurnished. During the winter period, when it is covered, it disposes of 273 seats on the stand. However, next year, once the last phase of the "Kantrida Swimming Pools" construction has been completed, it will have a total of 2,600 seats for spectators. Close to the Olympic swimming pool there are also two smaller swimming pools. A children’s swimming pool with dimensions of 5m x 10m and a depth of between 0.73m to 0.75m and a 25m long pool intended as a warm-up pool for athletes and a recreational pool for local residents, and a swimming school for younger groups. With the construction of a swimming pool for diving ( jumping),
Provod na plaži Oko "Bazena Kantrida" predviđa se uređenje 350 metara dugačke šetnice i plaže. Plaža će već u ljeto 2011. godine biti bogatija za mnoge sadržaje; stolni tenis, badminton, odbojku na pijesku… Za ugodan odmor na njoj će biti osigurano dovoljno zelenila te hladovine. Beach entertainment The layout of a 350 metre long promenade and beach area is planned around the "Kantrida Swimming Pools" complex. Already by summer 2011, the beach will be enriched with a number of facilities such as table tennis, badminton, beach volleyball... It will also provide enough green and shaded areas for pleasant relaxation.
Iz gotovo svakoga kuta bazena i prostora oko njih pogled seže na morsku površinu i obale, na panoramu Opatije i Lovrana te obronke Učke… From almost every corner and area surrounding them, the view reaches the sea and coast: the Opatija and Lovran panorama, the Učka mountain hills… na morsku površinu i obale, na panoramu Opatije i Lovrana te obronke Učke, zatim na otoke Cres i Lošinj te Krk. Cijeli taj prizor jednim se pogledom može obuhvatiti s trga na vrhu garaže u sklopu bazena. Posjetiteljima je na raspolaganju 150 parkirnih mjesta raspoređenih na tri etaže, a iz garaže se može doći do bazena oko kojega se nude i ostali sadržaji. Spomenimo fitness centar i wellness centar s finskom saunom i turskom kupelji, uslugama masaže, depilacije, manikure i pedikure. U ponudi su i aromaterapeutski tretmani. Posjetiteljima je na raspolaganju i trgovina sportskom opremom. Gosti ovoga velebnog zdanja mogu uživati na nekoliko terasa ugostiteljskih objekata. Pored recepcije nalazi se Caffe bar 08. Na samom vrhu garaže prostrana je terasa ugostiteljskoga objekta Mirage, sve omiljenijega okupljališta mladih, a ništa manje atraktivna nije ni terasa restorana Sorriso u razini plaže, kao ni njegova unutrašnjost natkrivena staklenom kupolom.
Ponos grada Kompleks "Bazeni Kantrida " predstavlja izniman sportski objekt, ponos Riječana koji su njegovu gradnju zdušno podržali i koji danas koriste sve što im on pruža. Rijeka je grad poznat po brizi za svoje stanovnike, od najmlađih do najstarijih, a "Bazeni Kantrida" pomoći će u širenju predodžbe o Rijeci kao zdravom gradu, gradu prijatelju djece, gradu ugodnom za življenje.
Novi zdravstveni kompleks Poliklinike Medico prostire se na 3 kata i nalazi se na adresi Agatićeva 8 u Rijeci. U novoopremljenom medicinskom centru očekuje Vas stručno osoblje, a najmodernija dijagnostička i terapijska oprema te individualan pristup svakom pacijentu pružaju najbolju medicinsku uslugu u najkraćem mogućem roku.
Medico Polyclinic on a new attractive location in the centre of Rijeka!
conditions will also be created for synchronized swimming and thanks to its depth, divers will also be able to use it.
Recreation, relaxation, fun The Kantrida Swimming Pools are located by and face the sea. From almost every corner and area surrounding them, the view reaches the sea and coast: the Opatija and Lovran panorama, the Učka mountain hills as well as the islands of Cres, Lošinj and Krk. The entire view can be taken in with just a single point on the square located at the top of the garage area within the swimming pool complex. Visitors have 150 parking places at their disposal over three floors, and the number of other facilities. We should also mention the fitness centre and health and beauty centre with a Finnish sauna and Turkish bath, as well as massage, depilation, manicure and pedicure services. The offer also includes aromatherapy. Visitors also have a sports equipment shop at their disposal. Guests to this excellent complex can find enjoyment on the terraces of the resident catering facilities. Close to the reception area is the 08 Café bar. At the top of the garage is a large terrace area of the Mirage catering facility which is steadily becoming a favourite meeting point for young people. No less attractive is the Sorriso restaurant terrace with its glass-domed interior located on the same level as the beach.
The pride of the city The "Kantrida Swimming Pools" complex is an exceptional sports facility, the pride of Rijeka’s inhabitants who wholeheartedly support its construction and who today are happy to make use of all that it offers. Rijeka is a city known for the care it has of its citizens, from the youngest to the oldest, and the "Kantrida Swimming Pools" will help to diffuse the image of Rijeka as a healthy city, a city for children and a pleasant city to live in.
WELCOME TO MEDICO POLYCLINIC Agatićeva 8 51000 Rijeka, Croatia Tel. +385 51 263 109, +385 51 263 991 Fax +385 51 601 153, +385 51 601 154 medico@medico.hr www.medico.hr Working time: Mon-Fri: 7.30-21.00 h Sat: 7.30-14.00 h
The new healthcare complex of Medico Polyclinic spreads over three floors and is located at the address Agatićeva 8 in Rijeka, Croatia. In the newly equipped medical centre you will be greeted by expert personnel, and the most modern diagnostic and therapeutic equipment, as well as individual approach to each patient, provide the best medical care in the shortest possible time.
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→ Surgical area → Daily hospital → Gastroenterology → Urology
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Novi grad / New city
Piše / Written by: Damir Herceg Fotografije / Photos: Fiumanka arhiva / Fiumanka archive
Stotine jedrilica ukrasit će riječku luku i na ovogodišnjoj, 11. po redu međunarodnoj regati Fiumanka
Hundreds of sailing boats will decorate Rijeka’s port at this year's, 11th consecutive, international Fiumanka regatta
Zlatni sponzor Već i danas Fiumanka ima sve elemente zbog kojih zaslužuje pažnju turističkoga sektora, a njezinim nadograđivanjem želi se dodatno ukazati na raspon mogućnosti i važnost suradnje na razvoju ovakvih projekata. Tijekom godina uspjela se dokazati kao manifestacija koju prepoznaju jedriličari ali i sponzori. Drugu godinu za redom INA je zlatni sponzor Fiumanke. "Organizacijskim pristupom i načinom surađivanja Fiumanka je opravdala očekivanja i uživa našu punu podršku", poručuju iz Ine uz napomenu kako društvena odgovornost za njih nije obaveza, nego veliko zadovoljstvo ako na taj način mogu sudjelovati u razvoju zajednice.
The Golden Sponsor Today the Fiumanka already has all the elements required to attract the attention of the tourist sector whilst its upgrade additionally indicates the range of possibilities and the importance in collaboration with regard to the development of these projects. Over the years it has been able to prove itself as an event recognized by yachtsmen as well as by sponsors. The INA oil industry is Fiumanka’s golden sponsor for the second year running. "With its approach to organization as well as in its collaboration, the Fiumanka exonerated our expectations and has our complete support.", Ina’s representatives declared adding that social responsibility was not an obligation for them although being able to participate in the development of the community was an enormous pleasure for them.
predstavljat će regata tradicionalno građenih brodova na jedra, koja svjedoči sa koliko ljubavi Hrvati čuvaju umijeće jedrenja tim "oldtajmerima". Za osobe sklone "jedrenju bez vjetra u kosi" organizirana je Virtual Fiumanka. Fiumanka je regata koja okuplja sve one kojima jedrenje predstavlja način življenja bez obzira na veličinu broda i materijalne mogućnosti. Doprinijela je povratku Riječana moru, a jednog dana mogla bi postati konkurencija slavnoj tršćanskoj Barcolani. Osim jedrenja Fiumanka će biti i u znaku dobre zabave, uz sudjelovanje niza dobrih glazbenika. Ulaz je, naravno, slobodan za sve.
time it is a story of Liburnians who are, thanks to their skill in speed boat construction and sailing, known as "people from the sea". A special attraction will be the traditionally constructed sailing boats’ regatta which proves just how much love Croatians dedicate to the skill of sailing with such old-timers. For those who like "to sail without wind in their hair" the Virtual Fiumanka has been organised. Fiumanka is a regatta that gathers all those who consider sailing a way of life, regardless of the boat size and the material possibilities. It has contributed to the return to the sea of Rijeka’s inhabitants, and one day might become competition for the famous Barcolana in Trieste. Besides sailing, Fiumanka will be marked by excellent entertainment as well as by performances from a number of outstanding musicians. The entrance will, of course, be free for all.
Sailing holiday Međunarodna jedriličarska regata Fiumanka najpoznatiji je praznik jedrenja na hrvatskome dijelu Jadrana, a ove godine održat će se po jedanaesti put, od 10. do 12. lipnja, kad će riječka putnička luka biti pod "opsadom" 200-tinjak brodova, od tradicijskih jedrilica do modernih "jurilica", poput "Maxi Shininga". Fiumanku 2010 činit će čak osam regata s tim da će se Velika Fiumanka održati u subotu, 12. lipnja na regatnom polju: Rijeka - Omišalj - Rijeka, sa startom ispred riječkoga lukobrana. Ostale regate su Press Fiumanka, Rotary Fiumanka, Seascape Regata, Virtual Fiumanka, Regata tradicijske gradnje, Skipers Fiumanka i Liburnijska regata.
Narod s mora Liburnijska regata održat će se po prvi puta i to na ruti Zadar - Rijeka, a predviđa se da bi mogla postati jedna od vodećih navigacijskih regata na Jadranu. To je ujedno priča o Liburnima koji su zbog svoje vještine izrade brzih brodova i jedrenja prozvani "narod s mora". Posebnu atrakciju
The Fiumanka International Sailing Regatta is the most famous sailing holiday in the Croatian part of the Adriatic and this year it will take place for the 11th consecutive time, from 10th to 12th June, when Rijeka’s passenger’s port will be under "siege" from around 200 boats, from traditional sailing boats to modern "speed boats" such as the "Maxi Shining". Fiumanka 2010 will even include eight regattas and the Big Fiumanka will be held on Saturday, 12th June on the course: Rijeka - Omišalj - Rijeka, with the start being in front of Rijeka’s breakwater. Other regattas include the Press Fiumanka, the Rotary Fiumanka, the Seascape Regatta, the Virtual Fiumanka, the traditional construction regatta, the Skippers Fiumanka and the Liburnian Regatta.
People from the sea The Liburnian Regatta will take place for the first time on a route from Zadar - Rijeka and is predicted to become one of the leading navigation regattas on the Adriatic. At the same
Mozaik - događanja / Mosaic - events
Mozaik - događanja / Mosaic - events Lipanj / June 2010.
27. 05. - 02. 06. KIČMA - 3. riječki sajam knjiga i festival časopisa
27. 05 - 02. 06 KIČMA - 3rd Rijeka Book Fair and Magazine Festival
05. 06. 6. trekking utrka "Risnjak Mountain Trek 2010" NP Risnjak
05. 06 6th trekking race "Risnjak Mountain Trek 2010" Risnjak National Park
07. 06. - 12. 06. Eko etno Rijeka - ulični sajam knjige u Rijeci
07. 06 - 12. 06 Eko ethno Rijeka - street book fair in Rijeka
10. 06. - 12. 06. Jedriličarska regata Fiumanka Riječka luka
10. 06 - 12. 06 Fiumanka Sailing Regatta Rijeka’s port
11. 06. - 12. 06. Festival elektronske glazbe "Hartera" Bivša Tvornica papira
11. 06 - 12. 06 "Hartera" Festival of electronic music Former Paper factory
13. 06. - 15. 06. Obilježavanje Dana Sv. Vida, zaštitnika grada Rijeke
13. 06 - 15. 06 Celebration of St. Vitus Days, Rijeka's patron saint
13. 06. Međunarodni plivački miting "Primorje 2010.- Sv. Vid" Bazeni Kantrida
13. 06 International swimming meeting "Primorje 2010 - St. Vitus" Kantrida Swimming Pools swimming pool complex
24. 06. - 27. 06. 10. Primorje Synchro Cup (međunarodno juniorsko natjecanje u sinkroniziranom plivanju) Bazeni Kantrida
24. 06 - 27. 06 10. Primorje Synchro Cup (international junior championship in synchronized swimming) Kantrida Swimming Pools swimming pool complex
29. 06. - 24. 07. Kazališni festival Riječke ljetne noći Razne lokacije
29. 06 - 24. 07 Rijeka Summer Nights Theatre Festival Various locations
30. 06. - 02. 07. Eko etno Rijeka - ulični sajam knjige s tematikom "Mitovi, vilenjaci, anđeli"
30. 06 - 02. 07 Eco ethno Rijeka - street book fair with thematic "Myths, elfs, angels"
Srpanj / July 2010. 18. 06.- 20. 06.
18. 06- 20. 06
FIM Sidecar World Championship 2010 – Rijeka Automotodrom Grobnik
FIM Sidecar World Championship 2010 Rijeka Automotodrom Grobnik
U kalendaru atraktivnih događanja i auto-moto natjecanja na Automotodromu Grobnik upisano je i održavanje utrke Svjetskoga prvenstva motocikla s prikolicom. Biti će to šesto po redu grobničko izdanje te popularne utrke. Grobnik je treća po redu destinacija na kojoj će se u dva dana voziti dvije bodovne utrke za Svjetsko prvenstvo. Također toga vikenda grobnička pista bit će mjesto ogleda motociklista koji skupljaju bodove za Europa cup i prvenstvo Alpe Adria. Sa svojim motorima s prikolicama pojaviti će se dvadeset posada iz deset zemalja. Domaćini i organizatori utrke s Automotodroma Grobnik očekuju i preko deset tisuća gledatelja, poklonika utrka motora, na tribinama i oko grobničke piste. Velika svjetska utrka World Sidecar Championship na Grobniku je uvijek poseban izazov. Naime u zadnjih pet godina na Grobniku su se odlučivali svjetski prvaci u ovoj disciplini. Primjerice lani su braća Ben i Tom Birchal prvi put pobijedili na Grobniku i ujedno osvojili svjetsko prvenstvo. Nastupao je i finski tim, prvaci svijeta Pekka Paivarinta i suvozač mu Adolf Hanni te Tim Reevers i Greg Cluze trostruki prvaci svijeta. Svi oni pojaviti će se i ove godine na utrci.
In the calendar of attractive events and car and motorcycle competitions at the Grobnik automotodrom, the World Sidecar Championship is to be staged. It will be the sixth in a row Grobnik edition of this famous race. Grobnik is the third consecutive destination where, over two days, two point-scoring races will be run for the World Championship. Moreover, that same weekend the Grobnik race track will hold trials for motorcyclists gathering points for Europa Cup and Alpe Adria Championship. Twenty teams from ten countries will appear with their motorcycles and side-cars. Grobnik Automotodrom race’s hosts and organizers expect over ten thousand spectators, motorcycle race fans, in the stands and around the Grobnik race track. The great world race World Sidecar Championship at Grobnik is always a special challenge. In fact, in the last five years at Grobnik the world champions in this discipline were decided. For example last year, brothers Ben and Tom Birchal won for the first time at Grobnik and at the same time won a world championship. Even the Finnish team took part, world champions Pekka Paivarinta and his codriver Adolf Hanni as well as Tim Reevers and Greg Cluze, triple world champions. All of them will appear at the race this year.
29.06. - 24. 07. Kazališni festival Riječke ljetne noći Razne lokacije
29.06 – 24. 07 Rijeka Summer Nights Theatre Festival Various locations
01.07. - 31.08. Izložba Podvodni ribolov i podvodne aktivosti na sjevernom Jadranu Pomorski i povijesni muzej Hrvatskog primorja Rijeka
01.07 - 31.08 Undersea fishing and undersea activities on north Adriatic exhibition Rijeka Maritime and Historical Museum of the Croatian Littoral
01.07. 16.08. Izložba Legendary Lee Miller Muzej moderne i suvremene umjetnosti
01.07- 16.08 Legendary Lee Miller Exhibition Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art
03. 07. -11. 07. Međunarodni šahovski turnir "Cvijet Mediterana 2010." Šahovski dom Rijeka
03. 07 -11. 07 International chess tournament "Mediterranean Flower 2010" Chess centre Rijeka
04. 07. 19. Likovna izložba na otvorenom Pul Kaštela Trsat
04. 07 19th Pul Kaštela outdoor art exhibition Trsat
08. 07. - 30. 07. Izložba Marcus Doyle Mali salon
08. 07 - 30. 07 Marcus Doyle exhibition Mali salon
14. 07. - 17. 07. Eko etno Rijeka, ulični sajam knjiga, stari zanati
14. 07 - 17. 07 Eco ethno Rijeka – street book fair in Rijeka, old crafts
Mozaik - događanja / Mosaic - events
Mozaik - događanja / Mosaic - events
Kolovoz / August 2010.
22. 09. - 26. 09.
22. 09. – 26. 09.
01. 08. - 31. 08. Ljeto na gradini Trsatska gradina
01. 08 - 31. 08 Summer at the castle Trsat Castle
Nautički sajam "Nautica" Riječka luka
"Nautica" nautical fair Rijeka’s port
14. 08. Tradicionalni koncert u organizaciji HGU PGŽ Podružnica Rijeka Crkva Marijina uznesenja
14. 08 Traditional concert organized by Croatian Music Union and County of Primorje and Gorski kotar Rijeka branch-office The Assumption of Mary church
15. 08. Hodočašće na Veliku Gospu Svetište Trsat
15. 08 Pilgrimage on the day of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary Trsat Sanctuary
15. 08. Tradicionalni koncert u organizaciji HGU PGŽ Podružnica Rijeka ispred Dvorane mladosti na Trsatu
15. 08 Traditional concert organized by Croatian Music Union and County of Primorje and Gorski kotar Rijeka branch-office in front of the Youth Sports Hall
27. 08. - 29. 08. Europsko motociklističko endurance prvenstvo, 3. utrka Alpe Jadran prvenstva Automotodrom Grobnik
27. 08 - 29. 08 European motorcycle endurance championship, 3rd Alpe - Jadran championship race Automotodrom Grobnik
Najstariji hrvatski nautički sajam, riječka Nautica, ove godine bilježi svoje 26. izdanje. Nautica je već tradicionalno u znaku promocije domaće nautičke proizvodnje, od plovila do razne nautičke opreme. Ove godine očekuje se stotinjak izlagača. Većina plovila je izložena u moru, te spremna za probnu vožnju. Sastavni dio Sajma je i izložba domaćih inovacija u pomorstvu i nautičkom turizmu, a održat će se i niz stručnih skupova, okruglih stolova i prezentacija na temu domaće proizvodnje plovila i nautičke opreme. Najuspješnijim izlagačima i ove će se godine dodijeliti tradicionalna nagrada "Zlatno jedro". Na Sajmu posjetitelji će se moći upoznati i sa slavnom hrvatskom pomorskom tradicijom, te primjerice vidjeti motor koji se svojevremeno ugrađivao u najpoznatiji riječki izum - torpedo, što je predstavljalo vrhunac svjetske tehnologije u 19. stoljeću.
The oldest Croatian nautical fair, Rijeka’s Nautica, this year celebrates it 26th edition. Nautica is traditionally marked by the promotion of national nautical products, from vessels to different nautical equipment. This year around hundred exhibitors are expected. Most vessels are on show at sea and are ready to be test driven. An integral part of the fair is the exhibition of local innovations in seamanship and nautical tourism, and numerous professional reunions, round-table discussions and presentations will be held on the topic of domestic vessels and nautical equipment production. The most successful exhibitors will be, even this year, awarded with the traditional "Golden sail" award. At the fair visitors will be able to familiarise themselves with Croatian maritime tradition and, for example, take a look at the vehicle which was in its time was embedded in Rijeka’s most famous innovation – the torpedo, which represented top of the range world technology in 19th century.
Rujan / September 2010.
29.06. – 24. 07.
07. 09 – 12. 09
ATP Challenger Rijeka Open Teniski centar Marčeljeva Draga
ATP Challenger Rijeka Open Marčeljeva Draga tennis centre
Teniska sezona počinje već u prvim danima godine, a sve završava finalom Davis cupa u prosincu. Tisuće igrača u tom razdoblju proputuje gotovo cijeli svijet u potrazi za bodovima i novčanim nagradama, a jednom godišnje teniska karavana zastane i u Rijeci. Na teniskoj turnirskoj karti svijeta Rijeka se nalazi od 2007. godine kada je počela priča o ATP Challengeru Rijeka Open. Bodovi i novac samo su dio razloga zbog kojih tenisači dolaze u Rijeku. Reket, mreža, loptice, sakupljači i suci sve je što igračima treba za vrijeme turnira, ali na terenima Teniskoga kluba Kvarner sve je to začinjeno i prekrasnim pogledom na more, dobrom organizacijom, punim tribinama te nizom popratnih događanja. U vrijeme Rijeka Opena grad je u znaku tenisa. Tako će se i ove godine tenis iz Marčeljeve Drage preseliti na jedan dan i u samo središte grada gdje će se održati Kids day i igračima najomiljeniji Players party. Sve su to razlozi zbog kojih ovaj turnir mnoge igrače, kako kažu, podsjeća na turnir u Monte Carlu.
The tennis season beings in the first days of the year and it end with the Davis Cup final in December. Thousands of players in that period travel around almost the whole world in search of points and money prizes and once a year the tennis caravan stops in Rijeka as well. Rijeka has been on the tennis tournament map since 2007 when the story of the Rijeka Open ATP Challenger began. But points and money are only one part of the reason why players come to Rijeka. Racket, net, balls, ball keepers and judges are all that players need during the tournament, but on Kvarner Tennis Club's courts all of that is flavoured with a beautiful sea view, good organization, full stands and series of accompanying events. During the Rijeka Open the city is a tennis symbol. Also this year the tennis will be moved for one day from Marčeljeva Draga to the very city centre Kids' Day and the player’s favourite Players Party will be held. These are all reasons why this tournament reminds many players, as they say, of the Monte Carlo tournament.
Mozaik - događanja / Mosaic - events
Mozaik - događanja / Mosaic - events
02. 10. - 03. 10. 10. Međunarodni karate turnir "Croatia Open" Dvorana mladosti na Trsatu
02. 10 - 03. 10 10th "Croatia Open" International karate tournament Youth Sports Hall at Trsat
16. 10. 8. trekking utrka "Učka Mountain Trek 2010." Park prirode Učka
16. 10 8th trekking race "Risnjak Mountain Trek 2010" Učka natural park
23.10. - 24. 10. Međunarodni plivački miting "Victoria - Primorje" Bazeni Kantrida
23.10 - 24. 10 International swimming meeting "Victoria - Primorje" Kantrida Swimming Poolsswimming pool complex
Studeni / October 2010. 04. 09. 8. pustolovna utrka "KI CHALLENGE 2010" - Rijeka Grobnik i Gorski kotar
04. 09 8th "KI CHALLENGE 2010" adventure race- Rijeka Grobnik and Gorski kotar
05.09. - 05. 09. Utrka srednjoeuropske zone u automobilizmu Automotodrom Grobnik
05.09 - 05. 09 Central Europe zone car race Automotodrom Grobnik
15. 09. - 25. 09. 28. Međunarodni salon vizualnih umjetnosti u Rijeci u organizaciji Hrvatskih željeznica Državni arhiv Rijeka
15. 09 - 25. 09 28th International saloon of visual art in Rijeka organized by Croatian railways State archive Rijeka
20. 09. - 26. 09. Svjetsko prvenstvo mladeži (U 18 i U 23) u boćanju Boćarski centar Podvežica
20. 09 - 26. 09 World youth championship (at 6 pm and 11 pm) in bocce Podvežica bocce centre
23. 09. - 26. 09. Florijana, sajam cvijeća i slastica Most preko Rječine ispred Hotela Continental
23. 09 - 26. 09 Florijana, flowers and pastries festival Bridge over the Rječina River, in front of the Hotel Continental
24.09. Dječji festival Kvarnerić Dvorana Mladosti na Trsatu
24.09 Kvarnerić Children's Festival Youth Sports Hall at Trsat
03. 11. - 10. 11. 15. Međunarodna revija lutkarskih kazališta Gradsko kazalište lutaka Međunarodna revija lutkarskih kazališta održava se svake godine u organizaciji Gradskoga kazališta lutaka Rijeka, a publici nudi prikaz različitih lutkarskih izričaja i tehnika. Uz kazališne predstave za djecu i odrasle održavaju se i lutkarske radionice za djecu, likovne radionice, izložbe, predavanja…Revija lutkarskih kazališta održava se od 1996. godine i jedina je manifestacija te vrste u regiji. I ove godine očekuju se nastupi brojnih svjetski poznatih umjetnika.
03. 11 - 10. 11 15th International Puppet Theatre review City Puppets Theatre International Puppets Theatre review takes place every year, organized by Rijeka City Puppets Theatre, it offers the public a visualization of different puppeteering expressions and techniques. Besides theatre shows for children and adults, puppeteering workshops for children shall be held as well as art workshops, exhibitions, lectures…the Puppets Theatres Review has been held since 1996 and is the only manifestation of this kind in the region. This year performances by numerous world famous artists are expected.
Listopad / October 2010. 10. 10. Zajčevi dani 2010. Hrvatsko narodno kazalište Ivana pl.Zajca Glazbeno-scenska manifestacija "Zajčevi dani 2010.", 18. po redu, nastavlja već posve prepoznatljivu tradiciju predstavljanja i revitalizacije te promoviranja hrvatskoga glazbenog stvaralaštva uopće, skladatelja i djela iz različitih razdoblja. Ove godine, u svom programu, uz dva koncerta i balet donose i tri operna djela hrvatskih skladatelja. Zajčevi dani bit će otvoreni sve do sredine prosinca 2010.. 10. 10 Zajc days 2010 "Ivan pl. Zajc" Croatian National Theatre
04. 11. - 07. 11. Sjevernojadranski sajam Dvorana mladosti na Trsatu
04. 11 - 07. 11 North Adriatic Fair Youth Sports Hall at Trsat
Music-stage manifestation "Zajc Days 2010" in its 18th consecutive year continues the renowned tradition of representation and revitalization as well as the promotion of Croatian music certain in general, of composers and works from different periods. This year the program contains two concerts, a ballet and three operatic works of Croatian composers. Zajc days will be open all until the middle of December 2010.
17. 11. - 20. 11. Eko etno Rijeka - ulični sajam knjiga, "Plodovi zlatnih polja i vrtova"
17. 11 - 20. 11. Eco ethno Rijeka – street book fair, "Golden fields and gardens fruits"
Novi grad / New city
Piše / Written by: Marinko Krmpotić Fotografije / Photos: Renzo Kosinožić
Splet kula, dvoraca i starih gradova na području Vinodola svjedoče o vremenu moćnih plemićkih obitelji Frankopan i Zrinski te pružaju mogućnost uživanja u spoju prekrasnih pejzaža, prirodnih ljepota, bogate povijesti i srednjovjekovne arhitekture
The combination of towers, castles and ancient cities in the Vinodol area bears testament to the era of noble families Frankopans and Zrinski and offer the possibility to enjoy the mixture of beautiful landscapes, natural beauty, rich history and middle-age architecture.
Putovima Frankopana – neispričana priča
Through the Frankopans trails – a story untold
Grobnik ove obitelji vidljiv je i u činjenici da su ostaci njihovih gradova, tvrđava, kaštela, kula i posjeda i danas sačuvani diljem Hrvatske.
Povijesna "škrinja s blagom"
Desetka za deset, ocjena je kojom bi se kroz igru riječi mogao vrednovati projekt Primorsko-goranske županije "Putovima Frankopana" kojim se krenulo u revitalizaciju te kulturnu, povijesnu i turističku valorizaciju deset frankopanskih kaštela Vinodola - kaštela koji čuvaju sjećanja i uspomene na obitelj Frankopana – knezove Krčke, jedne od najznačajnijih obitelji hrvatske povijesti i na njihovu višestoljetnu nazočnost tu u okolici Rijeke. Značaj Frankopana za povijest Hrvata mjerljiv je sa značajem velikih kraljevskih obitelji na prošlost i tradiciju najvećih europskih zemalja, a snaga i utjecaj
Ten out of ten is the grade that could be given to the County of Primorje and Gorski kotar’s project called "Through the Frankopan trails", a project which puts into motion the revitalization as well as the cultural, historical and touristic valorisation of ten Frankopan castles in the Vinodol area - castles which preserve the memories of the Frankopan family – island of Krk counts, one of the most eminent families in Croatian history and their several centuries long presence in the environs of Rijeka. The importance of the Frankopan family for Croatian history can be compared to the
Cilj projekta je bio objedinjavanje povijesnog, kulturnog, prirodnog i tradicijskog naslijeđa u stvaranju novog turističkog proizvoda. Obnovljeni kašteli postali su tako temelj budućeg turističkog projekta, koji će kroz splet kula, dvoraca i starih gradova svjedočiti o vremenu kada su na našim prostorima živjele moćne (rodbinskim vezama povezane) obitelji Frankopani i Zrinski, te suvremenim turistima pružiti mogućnost višednevnog uživanja u idealnom spoju prekrasnih pejzaža, prirodnih ljepota, bogate povijesti i srednjovjekovne arhitekture. Cjelokupni projekt je istaknuo bogato kulturno-povijesno nasljeđe Primorsko-goranske županije u čijoj se "povijesnoj škrinjici" nalaze počeci hrvatske pismenosti, zakonodavstva, turizma i industrije, a "štorija" o Frankopanima je itekako zanimljiva i dodatno je obogatila turističku ponudu i značaj našeg zavičaja. A ono što se posjetiteljima nudi je zaista pažnje vrijedno!
Spektakularni vidikovci Krenemo li od grada Grobnika susrest ćemo se s utvrdom koja je bila smještena na vojno, gospodarski i prometno najpovoljnijoj točki Vinodola - na brežuljku nad Grobničkim poljem. Kaštel je sazidan u obliku trokuta, opasan zidom, učvršćen kulama i polukulama, te djeluje atraktivno i moćno. Sličan mu je i onaj u Bakru smješten na povišenom
importance that great royal families had on the past and the tradition of the largest European countries. The power and influence of this family is also witnessed by the fact that the remains of their cities, fortresses, castles, towers and demesnes are preserved to this day throughout Croatia.
Historical "treasure chest" The project's aim was to unify the historical, cultural, natural and traditional heritage in order to create a new tourist product. The renovated castles became the foundation of the future tourist project, which, through the combination of towers, will bear testament to a time during which powerful Frankopan and Zrinski families (connected through parental relations) lived in our areas, and they will offer modern tourists the possibility of a several days long enjoyment in an ideal combination of beautiful beaches, natural beauties, rich history and middle-age architecture. The whole project emphasized the rich cultural and historical heritage of the County of Primorje and Gorski kotar in which "historical chests" contain the very beginnings of Croatian literacy, legislation, tourism and industry, and the "story" about the Frankopan family is more than interesting and has enriched the tourist offer and the significance of our landscape. And that what is offered to the visitors is indeed worth their while!
Spectacular belvederes If we set out from the town of Grobnik we will reach the fortress which was located on the hill above the Grobnik
Bakar platou na sjeverozapadnom kraju naselja. I ostaci obližnjeg Kaštela Hreljin smješteni su na povoljnoj strateškoj točci koja je dominirala nad putovima koje povezuju Primorje s unutrašnjošću Hrvatske. Kraljevica nudi čak dvije građevine - Stari grad Zrinskih kao manju frankopansku utvrdu, te velebni Dvorac Frakopan "Nova Kraljevica" kojeg je Petar Zrinski počeo graditi polovinom 17. stoljeća kao dvor svoje supruge Katarine Frankopan, sagradivši tvrđavu koja dominira okolinom i kontrolira ulaz u zaljev i luku. U Driveniku je na još u prapovijesti naseljenom brežuljku niknuo i danas atraktivni utvrđeni stari grad gdje je frankopanski kaštel podignut u srednjem vijeku, a u Grižanama su ruševni ostaci gradine koja je u srednjem vijeku sagrađena za potrebe obrane tog prometnog pravca. Bribir nudi Frankopansku kulu, jedini ostatak nekadašnjeg Kaštela tog srednjovjekovnog gradića, a iznad nedalekih Ledenica moguće je vidjeti ostatke Kaštela koji na uzvisini dominira okolinom i od kojeg se pruža nezaboravni pogled na Kvarner. Napokon, Novi Vinodolski nudi Kaštel i dobro očuvanu Kulu Kvadrac izgrađenu sredinom 13. stoljeća, a sam grad bio je jedno od najsnažnijih i najdugovječnijih uporišta Frankopana, mjesto u kojem je 6. siječnja 1288. godine sastavljen i usvojen Vinodolski zakon, najznačajniji hrvatskim jezikom i glagoljicom pisani pravni tekst. Kod svakog kaštela postavljene su informativne ploče s podacima o kaštelu i obitelji Frankopana. Ploče su ilustrirane tlocrtom i fotografijama kaštela. Sve je to dostupno na hrvatskom, engleskom, talijanskom i njemačkom jeziku, a autor teksta na pločama je akademik Petar Strčić.
Za oči i dušu Potrebno je istaknuti da na području Županije, osim ovih deset frankopanskih kaštela Vinodola, ima još desetak mjesta i lokaliteta koji se vežu uz Frankopane. Tako ljubitelji
field - the most viable point in Vinodol from both military and economical point of view, as well as in terms of traffic position. The castle was built in the shape of a triangle, circled by a wall, reinforced with towers and half towers which appear attractive and powerful. A similar tower is the one located in Bakar, on the elevated plateau on the northwestern part of the settlement. The ruins of the near-by Hreljin Castle are located at a vantage point which towered over the roads that connect the Littoral with the Croatian hinterland. Kraljevica offers two buildings – Zrinski’s Old town which represents a smaller Frankopan fortress and the magnificent Frankopan Castle, "Nova Kraljevica" which Petar Zrinski began to build in the middle of 17th century as a palace for his wife Katarina Frankopan. The fortress was built in order to dominate the surroundings and control the entrance into the bay and port. In Drivenik, on the prehistorically inhabited hill, a fortified even today attractive old town was constructed with the Frankopan’s castle built in the Middle Ages, and in Grižane one can find the ruins of a castle which was also built in the Middle Ages to defend the trade corridor. Bribir offers Frankopan’s tower, the only remains of the former Castle of this Middle Age small town, and above the near-by town of Ledenice it is possible to see the remains of the Castle which, on an elevated location, dominates the surroundings and provides an unforgettable view of Kvarner. Finally, Novi Vinodolski offers a Castle and well preserved Kula Kvadrac built in the middle of the13th century whilst the town itself was one of the most powerful
starina i povijesti mogu frankopansku prošlost "opipati" i u samom sjedištu Županije – u Rijeci, točnije na Trsatskoj Gradini što se uzdiže na strmoj stijeni ponad kanjona Rječine, ili na 5 mjesta na otoku Krku, od kuda su Frankopani i potekli, te u 4 mjesta Gorskog kotara, kuda su svoje posjede (i moć i prevlast) širili sve do samih sjevernih granica današnje Hrvatske. I zato je jasno da je upravo zeleno-plava Županija jedan od onih dijelova Hrvatske u kojoj je moguće istodobno oči i dušu napajati prirodnim ljepotama i slavnom poviješću. I zato - sjednite u automobil, uzmite kartu i krenite "Putovima Frankopana". Vjerujte, nećete požaliti!
Novi Vinodolski
and longest-standing of the Frankopan’s strongholds, where on 6th January 1288 the Vinodol code was drafted and adopted - the most important written legal text written in the Croatian language and in the Glagolitic alphabet. Information boards with information both about the castle and Frankopan family are located close to every castle. The boards are illustrated with a ground plan and photographs of the castle. All boards are available in Croatian, English, Italian and German and the author of the text on the boards is the academic Petar Strčić.
For eyes and soul It is important to point out that in the County area, besides these ten Frankopan castles in Vinodol, there are a dozen more places and locations which are connected to the Frankopan family. So lovers of antiques and history can "touch" the Frankopan’s history even in the very centre of the County - in Rijeka, more precisely at Trsat Castle which rises on the steep rock above the Rječina River canyon or at 5 locations on the island of Krk, where the Frankopans originate from, as well as at 4 locations in Gorski kotar where they expanded their demesnes (as well as power and supremacy) right to the northern borders of today's Croatia. Therefore, it is clear that this green and blue County is one of those parts of Croatia where it is possible to feed your eyes and soul surrounded by natural beauty and celebrated history at the same time. So – get into your car, take a map and set off on the Frankopan’s trails. Believe it, you won’t regret it!
Tako je nekad bilo / This is how it once was
Piše / Written by: Goran Ježić Fotografije / Photos: fotoarhive Mladena Urema i Vinka Antića/ Mladen Urem and Vinko Antic Archive
On August 8th 1910, a young man died in Barcelona who, during his life time mistreated and made all those around him crazy, and even today is still able to shock the world’s literature public who hail him as a true discovery. The most frightening Croatian poet, The Knight of the Black Swearword, as he was known, died before he turned twenty four. This miraculous pen feather which had been engraving was broken in a way suited only to the great and cursed - at just the right moment when his time was up. His name was Janko Polić Kamov.
Literature Anarchy
Hrvatska slavi 100. godišnjicu smrti velikog riječkog pjesnika Janka Polić Kamova, mladića koji je svojim stihovima šokirao suvremenike
Janko Polić Kamov na mostu na Rječini, djelo akademskog kipara Zvonimira Kamenara Janko Polić Kamov at the bridge over the Rječina River, work of art of the academic sculptor Zvonimir Kamenar
Croatia celebrates the centenary of Rijeka's great poet Janko Polić Kamov, the young man whose verses shocked his contemporaries
The first Croatian asphalt poet, born on 17th November 1886 in Sušak, a small provincial settlement which developed rapidly following the construction of the Zagreb-Rijeka railway. In the Birth register at Trsat he was registered as Janko Mate Vinko Polić. The young Polić finished the Pećine popular elementary school with excellent grades and very exemplary behaviour at Sušak. Whilst enrolled at the Sušak high school he continued with appropriate behaviour and studied well and in hindsight was only an illusion under which rebellion and disappointment were simmering of a book-learned and sensible boy who was mature before his time. Together with his companions and contemporaries Mijo Radošević and Josip Baričević he founded the Cefas Secret Society which was a revolutionary group and a literary and political association as well as a secret anarchist organization. Their aim was to start a rebellion and activate dynamite and bombs to blow up the whole of Croatia and
U Barceloni je 8. kolovoza 1910. godine umro mlad čovjek koji je za života uznemiravao i izluđivao sve oko sebe, a danas uzbuđuje svjetsku književnu javnost koja ga doživljava kao pravo otkriće. Najstrašniji pjesnik hrvatski, Vitez Crne Psovke, kako su ga nazivali, umro je s nepune dvadeset i četiri godine. To čudesno pero koje kleše slomilo se onako kako dolikuje samo velikima i prokletima. Baš kad je trebalo. Na vrijeme. Zvao se Janko Polić Kamov.
crne psovke The Knight of the Black Swearword Portret Janka Polića Kamova, djelo Mirka Uzorinca Janko Polić Kamov's portrait, Mirko Uzorinac's work of art
Literarna anarhija Prvi hrvatski pjesnik asfalta, rođen je 17. studenoga 1886. na Sušaku, malenom provincijskom naselju koje se ubrzano razvijalo nakon izgradnje pruge Zagreb – Rijeka. U Matičnu knjigu rodjenih na Trsatu upisan je kao Janko Mate Vinko Polić. Pučku školu na Pećinama mladi Polić završava 1897. godine na Sušaku s odlikom i veoma pohvalnim vladanjem. Upisan u sušačku gimnaziju nastavlja s primjernim vladanjem i dobrim učenjem, ali po svemu sudeći to je tek privid ispod kojega ključa pobuna i nezadovoljstvo načitanog, prerano sazrelog i osjetljivog dječaka. Zajedno sa svojim drugovima i vršnjacima Mijom Radoševićem i Josipom Baričevićem osniva tajno udruženje Cefas koje je ujedno revolucionarni kružok, literarno političko udruženje i tajna anarhistička organizacija. Cilj im je bio podići bunu, dinamitom i bombama dignuti u zrak cijelu Hrvatsku i pretvoriti je u revolucionarni kaos. Iskren i više nego što treba,
Janko Polić Kamov i Josip Baričević u Budimpešti 1909. godine. Portret jasno mijenja uvriježenu sliku Janka Polića Kamova. Janko Polić Kamov and Josip Baričević in 1909 in Budapest. This portrait clearly changes the inveterate vision of Janko Polić Kamov.
To čudesno pero koje kleše slomilo se onako kako dolikuje samo velikima i prokletima. Baš kad je trebalo. Na vrijeme. This miraculous pen feather which had been engraving was broken in a way suited only to the great and cursed - at just the right moment when his time was up.
Jankova majka Gemma Polić rođ Gerbaz Janko’s mother Gemma Polić, maiden name Gerbaz
Katarina Radošević udana Malinar, Kamovljeva Kitty, portret iz Đakova 1909. Katarina Radošević, married name Malinar, Kamov’s Kitty, portrait from Đakovo in 1909
upravo svečano spreman da bilo kome otkreše ono što mu ide Polića su i u školi počeli kažnjavati. Nakon jednog takvog sukoba s profesorom Polić biva isključen iz gimnazije i nastavlja školovanje u Senju. U Senju upisuje tamošnju gimnaziju, a stanuje u ultrakonzervativnom katoličkom konviktu Ožegovićianumu. Buntovan i prkosan dječak, koji je mnogo radio na vlastitu obrazovanju čitajući u to vrijeme, za đake, zabranjenu literaturu. Iz lošeg je došao u gore.
San o bijegu Stega je prevelika za mladića koji se još koju godinu prije spremao u zrak dignuti cijelu Hrvatsku. Pet mjeseci Senja bilo je više nego dovoljno. Isključen je. Odlazi u Zagreb gdje se obitelj u međuvremenu preselila zbog očeva bankrota na Sušaku. Sjeme bijega raste. Zagreb mu je sitan a Hrvatska mala. Bijeg bilo kamo, bilo kuda, bilo gdje, postaje opsesijom. Osamnaest mu je godina. Zdravlja je čas dobroga, čas lošega. Tamna strana obitelji Polić polako se natkriljuje nad Jankom ucjepljujući mu biljeg smrti kojim su njegovi najbliži obilovali umirući kao za okladu od raznih boleština, u ludilu i alkoholu. Pluća slobode kojima je obitelj Polić tako rado disala bila su neizlječivo bolesna. Od četrnaestero djece Ante i Gemme Polić samo je osmero kako - tako jedno vrijeme živjelo. Njihove smrti i samouništenja pratit će Kamova do kraja života. Umiru sestre, a potom otac i majka. Ostaju samo braća i san o bijegu. San koji uskoro postaje stvarnost. Bijeg i pisanje. I jedno i drugo grozomorno bjesomučno. Kao da sluti da kobni znaci razaranja i ludila nisu samo u drugima.
Urlik gnjeva Godine 1906. odlazi u Veneciju. Stanuje s bratom Milutinom koji studira glazbu. Teška tuberkuloza kostiju izjeda već tada darovitog skladatelja melankoličnih, intimnih i romantičnih melodija i on na jezovit način umire dvije godine kasnije. Godine 1907. vraća se u Zagreb. Piše "Tragediju
Najpoznatiji portret Janka Polića Kamova, do nedavno smatran i jedinim The most famous Janko Polić Kamov’s portrait, since recently considered the only one
turn it into revolutionary chaos. Honest beyond limits, always ready to reply as he saw fit, Polić began to be punished at school. Following one of these conflicts with a professor, Polić was expelled from his high school and continued his education in Senj. There he was enrolled in high school and lived in an ultra conservative Catholic Ožegovićianum boarding-school. He was a rebellious and defiant boy who worked hard on his education by reading literature, which at that time was forbidden for students. From bad he came to worse.
Dream of Escape Discipline was too much for the young man who just a year before had been preparing to blow-up the whole Croatia. Five months in Senj were more than enough. He was expelled. He went to Zagreb where his family, in the meantime, had moved due to his father’s bankruptcy on Sušak. The seed of his escape grew. Zagreb was too insignificant and Croatia was small for him. He became obsessed with escaping to anywhere.He was only eighteen years old. His health was sometimes good, sometimes bad. The dark side of the Polić family slowly overhung Janko, grafting into him the landmark of death with which his nearest and dearest abounded by dying as if in a wager from a variety of illnesses, madness and from alcohol. The lungs of freedom with which the Polić family so willingly breathed were incurably sick. From the fourteen children Ante and Gemma Polić had together, only eight of them lived in one way or another. Their deaths and self-destruction followed Kamov until the end of his life. His sisters died and after that his mother and father too. Only his brothers remained together with his dream of escape. That dream soon became reality. Escape and writing. Both terrible and possessed by the devil. As he foresaw those fatal signs of destruction and madness were not only present in other people.
mozgova" u vrijeme kad se oporavlja od preboljele upale pluća koju je dobio nakon jednog žestokog pijančevanja s drugovima. Po peru i piću. Nakon niza neuspjelih pokušaja da ukoriči svoje radove, u pomoć mu kao i obično priskače stalni mecena, brat Vladimir. Dvadesetogodišnji Janko Polić objavljuje odjednom četiri knjige: dvije zbirke pjesama "Psovka" i "Ištipana hartija" i dvije dramske studije "Tragedija mozgova" i "Na rodnoj grudi". Knjige su pravi šok za zagrebačku "kistihand i sluga pokoran" javnost. Kamov vrišti, urliče, zgraža se i pljuje, grozi se i škrguće zubima. Takva provala ljudskog gnjeva protiv himbenog morala, pisao je poslije Stanislav Šimić, ne bijaše zabilježena u hrvatskom jeziku.
Bezimeni otpadnik Kamov svoj orkansko lirski dnevnik, kojim naprosto razara cjelokupnu dotadašnju hrvatsku književnost, piše isključivo po diktatu slobode najavljujući skori dolazak europskoga ekspresionizma. Ljeta provodi u Puntu, gdje je brat Vladimir imao kuću, druži se s tamošnjim stanovništvom i piše. Klima povoljno djeluje na pjesnika koji se tu odmara nakon lutanja po Italiji. Iz Punta opet kreće na put. Italija, Francuska, Španjolska. Nepokolebljiva vjera u vlastito djelo ostaje. Godine 1910. Kamov je doputovao brodom u Barcelonu koja je tada bila najnemirniji grad Europe, ali i mjesto rađanja nove avangardne umjetnosti, grad koji se budi i buni. Janko Polić Kamov nastanio se u zgradi na broju 55 ulice Calle de Sant Pau u opskurnoj četvrti tik do raskošne Ramble. Napisao je tek dva članka i nekoliko dopisnica. Iznenada je obolio i dovezen je u bolnicu Santa Creu gdje su se liječili ili pak skončavali ubogi i siromašni. Nakon kratke trodnevne agonije umro je 8. kolovoza u 2 sata poslijepodne što se može pročitati u Registru otpuštenih i umrlih Bolnice de Santa Creu i Sant PAU. Otpadnik zlokobnog imena pokopan je kao što dolikuje hrvatskom pjesniku. Bez imena. U onom što se naziva Cementerio del Este – skupnom grobnicom katalonske sirotinje. Slučajno ili ne danas se na mjestu bolnice nalazi Nacionalna knjižnica Katalonije. I duše prokletih.
Scream of Anger In 1906 he went to Venice where he lived with his brother Milutin who was studying music. A difficult to diagnose bone tuberculosis had begun consuming an already extremely talented composer of melancholic, intimate and romantic melodies who died two years later in strange circumstances. In 1907 Kamov went back to Zagreb where he wrote the "Brains tragedy" at a time when he was recovering from pneumonia which he caught following a heavy drinking session with his companions. After pen feather and after drink. After a series of unsuccessful attempts to publish his works, his permanent benefactor, his brother Vladimir, came to help him. The twenty year-old Janko Polić published four books together: two collections of poems "A swearword" and "Paper pinched all over" as well as two drama studies the "Brains tragedy" and "On native lump". The books were shocking for Zagreb's "kistihand and obedient servant" public. Kamov is seen to scream, roar, abhor and spit, shudders and grinds his teeth. This eruption of human anger against hypocritical morals, Stanislav Šimić later wrote, was not registered in the Croatian language.
The Anonymous Renegade Kamov wrote his hurricane lyric diary, with which he completely shocked Croatian literature as a whole by then, exclusively according the freedom dictates announcing the immediate coming of European expressionism. He spent his summers in Punat where his brother Vladimir had a house, and he spent time with the local inhabitants and wrote. The climate affected the poet favourably and he rested here after wandering around Italy. He left Punat again and went to Italy, France and Spain. His unshaken faith in own work remained. In 1910 Kamov arrived in Barcelona by boat, which at that time was the most restless European city but was also the birthplace of the new vanguard art and a city that awakened and rebelled. Janko Polić Kamov found a place to live in the Calle de Sant Pau 55, in a transcendental neighbourhood, close to the delightful Rambla. He wrote just two articles and a few post cards. He suddenly became ill and was taken to the Santa Creu hospital where dejected and poor people were treated or died. After a short three day period of suffering he died on 8th August at 2 pm which is documented in the Santa Creu and Sant PAU hospital’s Register of patients that had either been released or had died. The fateful name renegade was buried as a Croatian poet should be buried. Without a name. In the so called Cementerio del Este – a mass grave used for the Catalan poor. Whether by chance or not, today on the place where the hospital was once located, we can now find the Catalan National Library. Together with the souls of the cursed.
ZOOM Petar Fabijan 70
Prve fotografije Petar Fabijan snimio je uz pomoć oca, također poznatoga fotografa. 1999. odlazi na studij fotografije u Padovu i na Istituto Superiore di Fotografia & Arti Visive gdje stječe zvanje profesionalnoga fotografa. Surađuje s časopisima, marketinškim agencijama, izdavačkim kućama, a 2004. otvara prvu samostalnu izložbu Druga strana UNIMA-e u Gradskom kazalištu lutaka u Rijeci. Njegov rad je prepoznat i od stručne javnosti pa je od 2006. član HDLU-a Rijeka koji mu 2009. godine omogućuje da postavi samostalnu izložbu autoportreta Putovanje u galeriji Juraj Klović. U veljači 2010. osvaja prvu nagradu na natječaju za najbolju sportsku fotografiju u Primorsko-goranskoj županiji za 2009. godinu. Petar Fabijan svestran je mladi fotograf, a kvaliteta njegova rada vidljiva je na stranicama koje smo posvetili njegovu nadahnuću
Petar Fabijan took his first photos with the help of his father, also a famous photographer. In 1999 he went to study photography in Padova, to the Istituto Superiore di Fotografia & Arti Visive, where he achieved the title of professional photographer. He collaborates with magazines, marketing agencies and publishing houses and in 2004 opened his first individual exhibition The other side of UNIMA at the City’s Puppet Theatre in Rijeka. His work is recognizable by the professional public so that, in 2006, he became a member of the Rijeka Fine Artists’ Association which in 2009 gave him the possibility of mounting an individual self portraits exhibition called Travel in the Juraj Klović gallery. In February 2010 he won first prize for the best sports photograph taken in 2009, in a competition held within the County of Primorje and Gorski kotar. Petar Fabijan is a comprehensive young photographer and the quality of his work can be seen on the pages we have dedicated to his inspiration.
Slasni kutak / Tasty corner
Piše / Written by: Tamara Opačak Klobučar Fotografije / Photos: Hotel Bonavia
Hotel Bonavia, Fine dining restoran Kamov Hotel Bonavia, Kamov Fine Dining Restaurant
Stoljetna pustolovina A Century Adventure "Ja lutam onud, kud glas se gubi i usnama hvatam zamirne zvuke ko smrtna duša, što život ljubi...", zabilježio je 1907. godine, ispisujući stranice "Ištipane hartije", riječki pjesnik i avangardni dramatičar Janko Polić Kamov. Upravo će ovi stihovi, gotovo stotinu godina kasnije, poslužiti kao inspiracija jednom sasvim drugačijem, no jednako ispunjujućem lutanju – gastronomskom putovanju na kojeg se otisne svaki gost koji kuša neki od specijaliteta Fine dining restorana Kamov. Na nekoliko koraka od Korza, mora i drevnih gradskih znamenitosti, u intimnom ambijentu i toploj atmosferi Grand hotela Bonavia, pomno odabrani jelovnici čekaju na vas da uronite u maštu i s njima krenete u čudesnu pustolovinu kreiranja okusa vlastitoga jela, od uvoda do raspleta, koje će se na taj način i samo pretvoriti u malo umjetničko djelo. Usto ćete, možda i nesvjesno, postati dijelom stoljetne priče o Bonaviji – priče koja je prve obrise poprimila davne 1876. godine i čija čarolija traje i danas.
Gdje god poželite Riječani vole "Kamov". Osim poslovnih ljudi koji odsjedaju u gradu, njegovi su najvjerniji gosti. Osoblje ih je stoga odlučilo dodatno razmaziti catering uslugom prilagođenoj à la carte ponudi restorana; tako, ako poželite svoj užitak romantične večere zadržati u privatnosti vlastitoga doma ili ga poželite na nekom za vas posebnom mjestu, "Kamov" će kao konobar, s odabranim jelima i potpunom uslugom, doći k vama i pobrinuti se da doživite iskustvo identično onom u restoranu. I prilagođeno svakoj vašoj želji. Oni koji se pak odluče posjetiti ga neće biti ništa lošije sreće – i kuhar i konobar rado će se povezati s gostom i pred njime dovršiti jelo, prema želji ili ukusu – fondirati sir, izmiješati tartar biftek ili začiniti riblji specijalitet. Gostima koji boluju od dijabetesa, celijaklije ili koji jednostavno požele jelo prilagoditi svojim navikama i ukusu, uskočit će s posebno za njih spravljenim jelima.
"I was wandering, where the voice gets lost and I catch the ceased sounds with my lips as death’s soul kisses the life…" noted in 1907, by Rijeka poet and avant-garde dramatist Janko Polić Kamov whilst writing the pages of his work "The Curse and Pinched Paper". Precisely these verses, almost a hundred years later, will serve as inspiration for a completely different, but just as filling type of wandering – a gastronomical journey which begins for every guest who tries one of the specialties from the Kamov Fine Dining Restaurant. Just a short distance from the Korzo pedestrian zone, from the sea and the ancient city sites, within the intimate environment and warm atmosphere of the Grand hotel Bonavia, an accurately chosen menus awaits you to dive into your imagination and follow you into a magical adventure - creating the taste of your own meal, from start to finish, and which in such a way will turn itself into a small work of art. At the same time maybe unconsciously, you will become part of a hundred year-old story about the Bonavia – a story which traced its first outlines back in 1876 and whose magic still continues today.
Wherever You Want Rijeka inhabitants like the "Kamov" restaurant. Alongside business people staying in the city, local people are its most faithful guests. So the staff have decided to spoil them even more by introducing a catering service adapted to the restaurant’s à la carte offer; so if you would like to reserve the pleasure of a romantic dinner in the privacy of your own home or in any of those special places you may have, the "Kamov" will include a waiter, selected dishes and full service and come to you and will take every care to make this experience identical to the one you usually enjoy in the restaurant Adapted to your every desire. On the other hand, those who decide to visit the restaurant in person will not be any the worse off – the chef and staff will willingly
…pomno odabrani jelovnici čekaju na vas da uronite u maštu i s njima krenete u čudesnu pustolovinu kreiranja okusa vlastitoga jela… …an accurately chosen menus awaits you to dive into your imagination and follow you into a magical adventure creating the taste of your own meal…
Doba inovacija U "Kamovu" trenutno traje doba inovacija: degustacijski jelovnik nadopunjuje se sezonskim – glavne kulinarske "zvijezde", svojevrsna uvertira u proljeće, ove su godine pečena orada punjena svježe ubranim šparogama i juneći medaljoni u umaku od lovranskih trešanja! Kako u restoranu, uz standardna, svugdje u svijetu prepoznata jela, prednost ipak daju kuhinji domaćih prostora, ne čudi što su se i u vinsku kartu, na koju su u "Kamovu" posebno ponosni, upisala vrhunska hrvatska vina. Blizak umjetnosti, restoran "Kamov" ponosno nosi ime velikoga pisca i polako se, kao i on, pretvara u riječki brand. I sam veliki ljubitelj ljepšega spola, ića i pića, umjetnik bi se zasigurno složio s uzrečicom skovanom u restoranu: "Gastronomija je kao žena. Što vas više opčinjava tim više za njom žudite, što više istražujete, veće užitke pruža."
collaborate with the guest and before his very eyes, will complete the meal according to guest’s own wishes and tastes - creating a cheese fondue, a beef tartar or flavour a fish specialty. Guests who suffer from diabetes, celiac disease or who simply would like to adapt their meal to their habits and taste will be offered specially prepared meals just for them.
The innovation period At the moment the "Kamov" is a place of innovations: a tasting menu is completed with a seasonal one – the main culinary "stars", a specific overture to spring, are, this year, roasted sea bream stuffed with freshly harvested asparagus and beef medallions in Lovran cherry sauce. In the restaurant, besides universally recognized meals, precedence is given to national cuisine, and it isn’t strange that the "Kamov" proudly includes excellent Croatian wines on its wine list. Being familiar with art, the "Kamov" restaurant proudly carries the name of this great poet and slowly, just as the poet himself did, is turning it into a Rijeka brand name. A great admirer of the gentler sex and of food and drink, the artist himself would surely agree with the byword forged in the restaurant: "Gastronomy is like a woman. The more she fascinates you the more you long for her, the more you research her, the greater the pleasures she offers you."
Umjetnost na tanjuru Već 134 godine, unutar zidova hotela, stvara se kulinarska umjetnost. Na čvrstim temeljima jednog od najstarijih, kultnih riječkih restorana, u jesen 2006. godine, stasao je "Kamov" i odmah odlučio skrenuti s dobro znanih staza svoga starijeg brata u čijim su specijalitetima uživali mnogi slavni glumci, glazbenici, ambasadori, premijeri... Novo ime restorana nije promijenilo visoku razinu kvalitete no svježinu i novi šarm mu daje spoj tradicionalne i avangardne à la carte ponude – od jednostavnih receptura naših nonića, preko punoće okusa Kvarnera ili modernijih slow-food specijaliteta do slastica internacionalne kuhinje, raznolikost i mijena (ponuda se, kao i jelovnik osvježavaju svakih nekoliko mjeseci) postaju njegova prepoznatljivost, što gosti odmah zamjećuju. Art on a Plate The culinary art has been performed within the walls of the hotel for 134 years now - on the strong foundations of one of the oldest, cult restaurants in Rijeka, in the autumn 2006, the "Kamov" restaurant was created and immediately decided to divert from the well known paths of its older brother whose specialities were enjoyed by many famous actors, musicians, ambassadors, premiers… With the new restaurant name the high level of quality has remained unchanged although a freshness and new charm is provided by the correlation of the traditional and avant-garde à la carte offer - from the simple recipes of our grandfathers, through to the solid Kvarner taste or more modern slow food specialties to international cuisine desserts, diversity and change (the offer like the menu, is refreshed every few months) becoming an identifiable sign which is immediately recognized by our guests.
Slasni kutak / Tasty corner
Piše / Written by: Ljiljana Mamić Pandža Fotografije / Photos: PZ Vrbnik
Pjenušac Valomet koji se proizvodi na Krku jedinstven je u svijetu, jer nigdje drugdje pjenušci ne fermentiraju pod morem Valomet sparkling wine manufactured on the island of Krk is unique in the world as nowhere else can we find sparkling wine that has been fermented under the sea
Under the surface
Valomet je lokalni izraz za stijenu o koju se razbija morski val. Valomet is a local expression for a rock hit by sea wave. Valomet je naziv pjenušca čija se fermentacija odvija 400 dana pod morem, na dubini od 30,6 metara, pa je stoga i atraktivan izgled boce, uslijed dugotrajnog boravka u moru, rezultat djelovanja morskih organizama poput algi i pužića. Za istaknuti je kako Hrvatska ima dva pjenušca kakva ne postoje nigdje u svijetu. Uz krčki Valomet čiji je proizvođač PZ Vrbnik, tu je i iločki Double gold - Kraljevski zlatni pjenušac kojega se pije s listićima od 24 karatnog zlata, a hit je ponude elitnih hotela u Dubaiu.
Pjena vala Vrbnički enolog Marinko Vladić naglašava kako je proizvodnja pjenušaca vrlo zahtjevan posao, pri čemu je neophodno ispuniti vrlo stroge kriterije. Pritom je iznimno važan ambijent u kojem se odvija biokemijski proces fermentacije. "Kad sam saznao da je temperatura vrbničkoga mora na dubini od 30 metara 12 Celzijevih stupnjeva, uz vrlo male oscilacije, da je svjetlost minimalna i bez UV zračenja, da nema buke, kisika, da je kontra tlak veći od tri bara, bilo mi je jasno što treba činiti. Spustili smo boce napunjene baznim vinom Zlatna Žlahtina, inokulirano specifičnim kvascima. Nakon godinu dana košaru punu boca izvadili smo iz mora, a u bocama je fermentacijom nastao pjenušac Valomet" ispričao nam je Vladić. Ako se pitate kako je ovaj pjenušac dobio ime i to ćemo Vam pojasniti. Valomet je lokalni izraz za stijenu o koju se razbija morski val, uslijed čega se more pjeni. Vladić naglašava kako je proizvodnja ovoga pjenušca još uvijek u eksperimentalnoj fazi i da će pravi rezultati biti poznati tek nakon deset godina. Već na samom početku nastanka pjenušca, dodaje, uočljive su organoleptičke ali i fizikalno-kemijske razlike. Vrbnički Valomet je pjenušac bez likera i bez ostatka šećera, što je bitna novina u proizvodnji pjenušaca koju nema nitko na svijetu. Tko to bude želio imati, u svom će vinogradu morati posaditi žlahtinu. Naime, surađujući s francuskim kolegama, enolozi su se složili da samo sorta žlahtina daje takvu mogućnost. Stoga je Valomet nedvojbeno atipični pjenušac u odnosu na, primjerice, one iz pokrajine Champagne, a mogu ga kušati čak i dijabetičari.
Valomet is the name of sparkling wine whose fermentation takes places under the sea for a period of 400 days, at a depth of 30.6 metres whilst its attractive bottle appearance, following a long-term stay in the sea, is the result of the effects of sea organisms such as seaweeds and cochlea. We should also mention that Croatia has two sparkling wines that do not exist anywhere else in the world. Besides the island of Krk’s Valomet produced by the Vrbnik Agricultural Association we can also find the Ilok Double gold – a regal golden sparkling wine that is drunk with 24-carat gold leaves and is famous in the elite hotels of Dubai.
The Wave’s foam Vrbnik oenologist, Marinko Vladić points out that the production of sparkling wine is particularly demanding where it is necessary to comply with very tough criteria. At the same time, the atmosphere where the bio-chemical fermentation process takes place is very important. "When I discovered that at a depth of 30 metres Vrbnik's sea temperature was 12 degrees Celsius, with low oscillations, that the light was minimal and there was no UV radiation, no noise or oxygen that the counter pressure was higher than 3 bars I knew what I had to do. We lowered bottles filled with base Zlatna Žlahtina (Golden Žlahtina) wine into the sea, inoculated with selected yeast. After a year, we drew the basket full of bottles from the sea, and within the bottles, following fermentation, "Valomet sparkling wine" was created, Vladić told us. If you ask yourselves how this sparkling wine got its name, we can explain that to you as well. Valomet is a local expression for a rock hit by sea wave, which then creates foam. Vladić points out that the production of this is still in its experimental phase and that the true results will only be revealed after a ten year trial period. Organoleptic, as well as physical and chemical differences are visible from the very beginning of sparkling wine production. Vrbnik’s Valomet is a sparkling wine that does not contain alcohol or sugar residue which is an important factor in the production of sparkling wine which cannot be found anywhere else in the world. Those who would like to have it will have to cultivate the Žlahtina wine variety in their vineyards. That is to say, that by collaborating with French colleagues, oenologists have agreed that only the Žlahtina grape can offer this possibility. This is why Valomet is undoubtedly unusual sparkling wine when compared, for example, with those from the Champagne region, and can even be drunk by people suffering from diabetes. suffering from diabetes.
Slasni kutak / Tasty corner
Piše / Written by: Doris Žiković Fotografije / Photos: Goran Mehanović
Specifičan okus krčkoga sira koji proizvodi Arabeska, bez primjedbi ostavlja i najizbirljivija gastronomska nepca
The specific taste of the cheese produced with Arabeska leaves even the most difficult gastronomic palate speechless
Vrlo često sir je neopravdano na popisu nezdravih namirnica uz objašnjenje da sadrži previše masnoće. Nutricionisti tvrde suprotno – pogrešno je izbjegavati sir jer sadrži tvari koje pogoduju zdravlju. Upravo stoga Francuzi, već stoljećima poznati upravo po izradi kvalitetnih sireva, jedu ga nakon obroka, prije deserta i to svega nekoliko zalogaja, izbjegavajući tako suvišne kalorije.
Krčkih pastira
It often happens that cheese is selected amongst the list of unhealthy ingredients, with the explanation that it contains too much fat. Nutritionists claim the opposite – it is wrong to avoid cheese as it contains substances which are good for the health. It is precisely for this reason that the French have for centuries known about the production of quality cheeses, eating it after the meal, before dessert and in just a few mouthfuls, thus avoiding excess calories.
The island of Krk’s sheperds’ delicacies
Ugledni britanski časopis Sunday Times uvrstio je Hrvatsku među jedanaest najboljih svjetskih gastronomskih odredišta, uz bok Francuskoj, Švedskoj, Indiji i Japanu. Lokalna gastronomija, kombiniranje hrane s vinima i upoznavanje pripreme hrane neizostavni je dio naše turističke ponude. Jedan od naših najpoznatijih mliječnih proizvoda je krčki sir, prepoznatljiv po vrhunskoj kvaliteti i specifičnome okusu. Riječ je o prvoklasnoj deliciji proizvedenoj od ovčjega i kozjeg mlijeka kojom se može započeti i završiti svaki obrok.
The prestigious Sunday Times magazine selected Croatia amongst the eleven best world gastro destinations, next to France, Sweden, India and Japan. The local gastronomy, wine and food combination and an encounter with food preparation is an obligatory part of the Croatian tourist offer. One of our most famous milk products is cheese from the island of Krk, which is recognizable for its excellent quality and particular taste. It is a first class delicacy produced from both sheep and goat's milk with which every meal can start and end.
Stoljeće i pol tradicije
A Century and half long tradition
A o kakvoj se tradiciji proizvodnje sireva radi na našem najvećem otoku dokazuje poduzetnica Adriana Rimbaldo, vlasnica sirane Arabeska iz Omišlja u kojoj se mliječne poslastice proizvodi na starinski način, kako su to radili i njezini preci. Umjesto da nastavi uhodani obiteljski posao s nekretninama, mlada ekonomistica odlučila
Regarding the traditional type of cheese production on our largest island, proof is offered by entrepreneur Adraina Rimbaldo, the owner of the Arabeska cheese factory where real milk delicacies are made in the ancient way as was carried out by her ancestors. Instead of continuing with the smooth-running family business
se sa suprugom Sašom vratiti iskonu. Naslijedila je bogatu obiteljsku tradiciju dugu više od 150 godina, ali, kako sama kaže, čak i puno dužu. Naime, tek se posljednje stoljeće i pol uzima kao obiteljsko nasljeđe jer su od tada počeli i s prodajom sira. Osim u tradicionalnoj i autohtonoj eko-proizvodnji ova sirana okušala se i u proizvodnji nekih novih vrsta, sljubivši okuse sira s ljekovitim travama Mediterana, slanim inćunima, smokvama, maslinama ili mirisima poznate krčke žlahtine. Desertni sirevi odraz su gastronomske baštine našeg dijela Sredozemlja na razmeđima okusa i mirisa, epoha i vremena. Sve to nije bilo lako napraviti, trebalo je puno truda i znanja kako bi se eliminirao miris i intenzivan okus kozjega mlijeka. Adriana je željela napraviti značajan pomak u svojevrsnoj potrazi za zaboravljenim sirevima, a da bi uspjela u modernoj reinterpretaciji tradicionalne recepture savjetovala se s vodećim svjetskim stručnjakom za sireve i ujedno glavnim tehnologom u jednoj od najvećih francuskih sirana Ivanom Larcherom. Njegovi su savjeti i recepture bili izuzetno važni za današnji pristup proizvodnji sireva s dodacima. Omišaljska sirana svoje proizvode plasira na vrlo zahtjevno i nadasve probirljivo tržište. Za sada zadovoljavaju potrebe kvalitetnih hotela, restorana i suvenirnica. A svi oni koji jednom konzumiraju ove mliječne delikatese ostaju vjerni Arabeski jer nepci i najizbirljivijih gurmana nemaju nikakvih primjedaba na ove prepoznatljive krčke proizvode.
in real estate, the young economist decided, together with her husband, to go back to her roots. She inherited the rich family tradition of over 150 years, but, as she says, of much longer. That is, only the last 150 years have been taken into consideration as a family heritage as it was then that cheese began to be sold. Besides its traditional and autochthonous eco-production, this cheese factory even has experience in the production of a few new varieties created by uniting cheese flavours with a few Mediterranean medicinal herbs, salted anchovies, figs, olives or aromas of the famous wine from the island of Krk – Žlahtina. Dessert cheeses are a reflection of the gastronomic heritage of the Croatian part of the Mediterranean on the boundaries of taste and aroma, epochs and times. This was not easy to make, and a great deal of effort and knowledge were necessary in order to eliminate the smell and the intense flavour of the goat’s milk. Adriana wanted to make an important step forward regarding the specific search of forgotten cheeses, and in order to succeed in the modern reinterpretation of the traditional recipe she consulted the world’s best cheese expert and at the same time the main technician in one of the largest cheese factories in France, Ivan Larcher. His advice and recipes were extremely important for the production of today’s approach to cheese with supplements. Omišalj's cheese factory launches its products onto a very demanding and above all selected market. They are already satisfying the needs of quality hotels, restaurants and souvenir shops. And all those who try these milk delicacies once remain faithful to Arabeska as the palate of the even the most difficult gourmands remain speechless when confronted with these recognizable products from the island of Krk.
Press clipping - Kako nas drugi vide / As others see us VJESNIK …Najboljim ostvarenjem ovogodišnjih Riječkih ljetnih noći proglašena je odlukom žirija predstava "Škrtac" u režiji Olivera Frljića, postavljena u Brodogradilištu "3. maj". Rad akademskog umjetnika Siniše Majkusa intendantici Nadi Matošević uručio je Bruno Lončarić. Nagrada publike pripala je zboru njemačkih dječaka "Tölzer Knabenchor", koji je poslao pismo zahvale. "Iznimno velik broj publike, ekskluzivnost većine programa i visoka umjetnička razina izvedbe - osnovne su karakteristike ovogodišnjeg festivala…
VJESNIK …The greatest accomplishment of this year’s Rijeka Summer Nights was proclaimed; by the jury as the "Škrtac" show directed by Oliver Frljić and set up at the "3 maj" shipyard. The work of academic artist Siniša Majkus was consigned to the manager, Nada Matošević by Bruno Lončarić. The public’s award was consigned to the German boys choir "Tölzer Knabenchor" who sent a letter of acknowledgement. "The extremely high number of visitors, the exclusivity of the programs and the high level of artistic performances - are the main characteristics of this year’s festival…
NOVI LIST …Vrelinu Španjolske i strast flamenco glazbe tako je plesom dočarala graciozna Carmen Cortes, inače Nunezova supruga, dok je emotivnost flamenca došla do izražaja u pjevanju Jesusa Mendeza. Ritmovi flamenca sinoć su dobro "prodrmali" Trsatsku gradinu, a oduševljena publika nagradila je sjajne izvođače...
NOVI LIST …Spain’s heat and the passion of its flamenco music was evoked by a dance performance by the charming Carmen Cortes, Nunez’s wife, whilst its deep feeling was revealed by the singing of Jesus Mendez. Yesterday evening, the rhythm of flamenco "shook" Trsat Castle, and a thrilled public awarded its outstanding performers…
LIVINGSTONE …"Tosca" je ovog ljeta u Rijeci na ovaj jedinstveni ambijentalni način izvedena samo jedanput, kao smioni eksperiment. Ali, nakon uspješnoga završetka i publika i kritičari bili su jednodušni u zaključku: ovo svakako treba ponoviti. U predstavi Damira Zlatara Freya ima još mjesta za postizanje veće uvjerljivosti, ali to su sve sitni detalji, poput žara i tamjana koji bih stavio u kadionice procesije u prvom činu ili pucanja streljačkoga voda u trećem. A posve sam sigiran u jedno: ova "Tosca" može i morala bi postaiti zaštitni znak Rijeke, njegova kazališta i svake godine sve boljega umjetničkog festivala Riječke ljetne noći…
LIVINGSTONE …"Tosca" was in Rijeka this summer, in a unique ambience, performed just once, as an audacious experiment. But, after a successful finish, both the public and the critics came to the same conclusion: that it had to be repeated at all costs. In Damir Zlatar Frey's show there is still room to achieve even greater credibility, but these are just tiny details, such as cinder and frankincense which I would insert as procession incensories in the first act or cracking of the shooting line in the third act. And I am entirely sure of one thing: this "Tosca" can and should become a symbol of Rijeka, of its theatre and of the increasingly enhanced Rijeka Summer Nights artist festival...