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Make booking as easy as possible and make sure you send a booking confirmation.
Address basic core guest expectations:
1. Website basics: ensure your website is tasteful and attractive, makes use of imagery, and is optimised for multiple platforms and search engines, relevant to your target markets.
2. Take note of the tone of voice used in your website: it sets guests’ expectations for what you offer. Make sure it’s welcoming and appropriate to your experience.
3. Make it easy: to find information about your experience and any options you offer.
4. Address your guests’ potential concerns: (health, safety, language, comfort, flexibility, cancellation, dietary, physical, environmental impact) and how you alleviate these.
Who does this well?
TreeTop Challenge’s introduction of an online booking system in response to negative comments about delays in the arrival process, ‘made it easy’ for guests, transforming their experience. The booking system for the ropes course staggers guest arrival times and staff are rostered according to demand. Previously, guests could arrive at the same time and face queues. Now at an allocated time, guests receive their safety equipment and information briefings and can make the most of their time on the ropes course. The change has resulted in a marked increase in positive online reviews.

This is an example of focusing on guest needs to ensure they have an exceptional experience, and want to return and recommend the operation to others.
5. Know your guests’ payment platforms: (e.g Unionpay, Alipay, Credit Card) and provide appropriate currency conversion for guests to easily convert to home currency.
6. FAQ’s: ensure your website answers the most frequent questions guests including refund, cancellation and change policies and respond to guest questions and feedback through all channels.
7. Mind other channels: most guests will book through your website, but some may reach out to you via social media or email to book. Ensure you respond to these in a timely manner.
Appeal to your guests’ emotions:
Your booking confirmation can start to build anticipation:
8. Share your story: use the confirmation email as a way of sharing more about your business, your story, your passion and values.
9. Use imagery: build anticipation for their experience with you through imagery, stories, blogs – either within the confirmation email or a link from the email.
10. Connect your guests to ‘your local’: your guest’s holiday will be enriched if they feel part of your community – connect your guest to local events or other local businesses, be personable, share stories of other local operators they might want to explore.
Additional Resources: Best Practices for Websites