A Sneak Peek Into Smart City Tartu
Smart City Tartu
Smart City Tartu
In a situation where many cities are competing with each other in the realm of technology to become “smart”, Tartu has always set its focus towards people. Tartu embodies wisdom and therefore boasts an excellent climate for business. Our aim is to be part of global economy and culture, but at the same time maintain our values – cooperation, greenery, compactness and safety. This gives us a possibility to create the best city for ourselves to live in. Tartu’s aim is to become better each day, while always remaining true to ourselves.
Livable Communities
Award 2019,
Capital of Culture
silver medal
Smart City Tartu
The city decided to fully streamline the area in front of the main railway station
Smart City Tartu
Enhancement of Landscapes and Public Spaces Tartu is a university town with a population of approximately 100,000 inhabi-
Vaksali Square
tants. Tartu is rather compact in terms of urban space, which makes it a great
The railway station is the gateway to
place for walking and cycling. Various
the rest of the city. The city decided to
public space projects, which support a
fully streamline the area in front of the
healthy lifestyle, have been carried out
station to create a good solution that
in Tartu over the recent years in order
considers all road users and to influence
to improve the urban living environ-
the way people entering the city move. A
ment of all citizens, reduce the carbon
streamlined space was created in what
footprint of road users and increase the
was formerly a large and chaotic asphalt
connection between the locals and their
square, to produce a square filled with
surroundings. All of the implemented
plants and benches where traffic has
initiatives have been recognised at
been directed away from the station
the state level and have won national
building in such a manner that only
architecture and landscape architecture
public transport can access the very
front of the building. The new solution was well received and serves its purpose perfectly, as there is now a place where
Tartu is rather compact in terms of urban space, which makes it a great place for walking and cycling
people can meet, pass the time at leisure or spend time with friends, colleagues or travelling companions. As the space is mostly aimed at public-transport users, cyclists and walkers, the new gateway to the city also encourages people arriving here to use the same modes of transport.
Smart City Tartu
Smart City Tartu
The universal design and diverse solutions mean that people of all ages and capabilities can find something active to do. Roosi Street
Public space in Annelinn
When the building of the Estonian
Annelinn is the district of Soviet-built
National Museum was completed, a goal
housing in Tartu, which is home to
was set to guarantee a safe and interest-
almost 30,000 people. Although nearly
ing journey from the city centre to the
all of the buildings planned in the district
new building. Roosi Street was therefore
were actually built, work concerning
made considerably safer, primarily for
public space was largely left unfinished
pedestrians and cyclists. Attention has
or not properly thought through. In
been paid to every detail on the street.
order to achieve a result that takes local
The main goal has been to highlight
interests into account, the city undertook
local values and therefore to make the
a multiannual project, which included
walk to the museum seem less of an
organising discussions, exhibitions, a
effort. Semi-natural biotic communities
vision competition, and, lastly, designing
have mostly been used in landscaping,
comprehensive infrastructure for light
which makes the street extremely lush
traffic. This is more than simply a space
and attractive in summer.
to pass through; it is a solution that
Playgrounds across town
has created places for various activities, which are frequently used by the locals. The universal design and diverse solutions mean that people of all ages and
In order to encourage people of all age
capabilities can find something active
groups to become more active, Tartu
to do.
has set itself the goal to build at least one playground in various districts of the city. Professional landscape architects are always involved to guarantee good architectural solutions; in addition to selecting the playground equipment, they ensure the entire territory is attractive and diverse.
Semi-natural biotic communities have mostly been used in landscaping, which makes the street extremely lush and attractive in summer. Smart City Tartu
The courtyard of Aparaaditehas
and their terraces, greenhouses, greenery, as well as a play area for children. Concerts, fairs, outdoor cinema sessions
Aparaaditehas, or the Widget Factory,
and other cultural events are organised
is a fairly new cultural factory in Tartu,
in the courtyard all year round.
which acts as an umbrella for numerous
and cafĂŠs, galleries and concert venues. In 2014, the citizens of Tartu decided that resources from the participative budget should be used to streamline the courtyard of the factory in order to make it even more attractive. The result is a comprehensive solution to a public space, which is enriched by several cafĂŠs
Smart City Tartu
Many ideas that were implemented as a result of participative budgeting have given a push to the development of certain districts.
Smart City Tartu
Tartu is also home to the Estonian National Museum – the very centre of national heritage
Smart City Tartu
Arts, Culture and Heritage Management Tartu is known as the cultural centre of
as the European Capital of Culture
Estonia. Many historically and culturally
2024.. The development and heritage
important landmarks and events have
management of culture, arts and history
been, and continue to be, created and
has been one of the key focuses of the
initiated in Tartu. For example, the first
City Government; therefore, the city
university – the University of Tartu – was
has a well-designed support system for
founded here in 1632 (currently among
cultural projects as well as for the orga-
the top 3% in the world), the national
nisers and developers of these projects.
theatre was created in Tartu in 1870,
The system has helped to enrich the
the first song festival took place in
city’s cultural life and cultural calendar
Tartu (1869) and Tartu is also home to
remarkably throughout the last decade.
the Estonian National Museum – the
The website kultuuriaken.tartu.ee helps
very centre of national heritage. And,
visitors and citizens alike find events
in summer 2019, Tartu was confirmed
taking place in and around Tartu.
Smart City Tartu
There are numerous festivals in the
organisers like to experiment with the
calendar that specifically focus on repre-
format of the festival to give life to the
senting the arts and architecture of
most interesting and bizarre street art
Tartu and embrace community life and
projects, explain the true nature of street
co-creation by the city, its communities
art to the wider public and support the
and local companies, such as:
active street art scene.
Urban Festival UIT
Tartu light festival TAVA
The festival programme includes pieces
TAVA, or Tartu in Light, is a compre-
that are either composed for or derived
from the urban space of Tartu: perfor-
festival of lighting and light art. The
main programme of the festival consists
games, including activities for children.
In previous years, UIT has had the plea-
installations, a conference, a light fair
sure of hosting artists from countries
and indoor exhibitions. In addition,
such as Italy, Spain, Great Britain, the
smaller-scale satellite programmes are
Baltic States, and as far afield as Brazil.
organised in collaboration with cultu-
Street art festival Stencibility
ral organisations and companies from Tartu. The whole event is site-specific – light art, as well as architectural lighting installations, are created, taking into
Stencibility is a street art festival in the
consideration the essence of Tartu, and
most authentic quintessential definition.
they are built on site.
The aim is to support free independent street art and do everything to support its existence. The festival unites artists and people who support this cause. The
Tartu Love Film Festival Tartuff Tartu Love Film Festival Tartuff, which is
17 newly renovated apartment buildings have had their walls painted with diverse pieces of art, created by artists from all over the world.
a favourite among locals, has been organised since 2006 and has offered its audiences strong emotions, self-reflection, wistfulness and recognition. Films that directly or indirectly speak about love are screened in the Town Hall Square over a period of six days, giving everyone the opportunity to experience the magic of cinema and love. In the summer of 2019, there were approximately 15,000 cinema visits in total. All screenings held
Smart City Tartu
Films are screened in the Town Hall Square over a period of six days
Smart City Tartu
during the festival are free of charge. The
film programme is always supplement-
Town) and Karlova, and the newer
ed by exciting discussions and various
family-friendly special events. The cosy
area are excellent representations of the
August atmosphere of Tartuff has made
cultural heritage, architecture and artis-
it one of the most cherished open-air
tic co-creation of Tartu, offering a spe-
festivals in Estonia.
cific alternative vibe and special milieu,
Community festivals
Supilinn Widget
which can only be enjoyed in Tartu. One fifth of the inhabitants of Tartu are students, and the youthful atmo-
Community festivals take place in vari-
sphere is part of Tartu’s core essence.
ous districts of the city, representing the
Therefore, students are considered to
life, developments and arts specific to
hold an important role in the city’s
that area and its inhabitants.
development. To keep up the student
In addition to the community festivals,
vibe and attract more international
the communal gardens and the old
students, several initiatives are sup-
Smart City Tartu
ported by the city and various institu-
Ministry of Culture, considers the inter-
tions. There are city-wide student festi-
national reach, community inclusion
vals in April and September, offering
and artistic quality of the festivals.
more than 100 events over the course of one week, there are art residencies
offered by the TYPA centre (formerly The Estonian Print and Paper Museum) and
Tartu is also known as a city of business
Tartu Artists’ Union as well as many
and innovation, where a strong start-up
other initiatives. In spring 2015, Tartu
community has developed during the
Student Days were recognised in Europe
last ten years. The city decided to fully
with the EFFE (Europe for Festivals,
streamline the area in front of the main
Festivals for Europe) quality label. The
railway station.. sTARTUp Day started
out in 2016 as an idea to incorporate the
European Commission and the Estonian
many business events organised in Tartu.
Surprisingly, the first festival ended up becoming the biggest business festi-
The first festival ended up becoming the biggest business festival in the Baltics.
val in the Baltics. In 2019, sTARTUp Day took place for the third time, bringing together 4000 participants and 100 world-class
brings together start-up-minded people to celebrate entrepreneurship in the smart city of Tartu.
Smart City Tartu
A clean environment and maintaining green city living have been Tartu’s focus for decades
Smart City Tartu
Environmental Protection and Green Economy A clean environment and maintaining
is to renovate one school a year, provid-
green city living have been Tartu’s focus
ing up-to-standard learning conditions
for decades. Tartu has always tried
while turning school buildings into
near-zero-energy buildings.
decisions regarding its environment, industry, infrastructure and the health of its citizens. An occasionally easily forgotten aspect of the quality of life in Tartu is that 99% of the city is covered by a fresh-water network. The city is constantly putting effort into protecting its
Tartu is aiming to become the first CO2-neutral municipality in the Baltic States
fresh groundwater sources and making sure our waste water is free of danger-
Tartu joined The Covenant of Mayors
ous pollutants. Tartu also has one of the
in 2014 to create better structure and
first municipal environmental educa-
measure its efforts in reducing the city’s
tion institutions in Estonia, established
environmental impact. The city took it
in 1949.
upon itself to reduce energy consump-
Smart homes
tion and CO2 emissions by 20% and increase renewable energy consumption to 20% of total consumption by
One of the priorities of Tartu City
the year 2020, compared with the year
Government is to support conscious
2010. Tartu is setting new goals for 2030
decisions for citizens in improving their
and is looking to further reduce CO2
lives and protecting the environment.
emissions by 40% compared to 2010.
The key project in recent years has
Development of the new action plan
been SmartEnCity project which has
has been a cross-sector effort involving
helped the city to support more than
local industry and entrepreneurs, NGOs,
1400 inhabitants of 17 Soviet-era apart-
the Ministries of the Environment and
ment buildings with 3.2 million euros
to renovate their homes and bring the
Tartu’s universities and neighbouring
40-to-50-year-old buildings into the 21st
municipalities. In 2020, Tartu will start
century. Whilst supporting this renova-
tion, the city has also been a role model
CO2-neutral municipality in the Baltic
in energy-efficient renovation. The aim
Smart City Tartu
Sustainable District Heating Solutions Tartu has been a user and promoter of
emissions by 70% compared with traditional on-site cooling solutions.
district heating since the 1970s. District heating is recognised as the most
The worldwide trend in mobility that
efficient and environmentally friendly
has seen the rise of private transporta-
means of heating the city. A mandatory
tion has also affected Tartu but in the
district heating network covers 80% of
recent years the city government has
the city. The network is 98% powered
made an effort to reverse the trend and
by local renewable energy sources,
make Tartu more cyclist and pedestrian
making Tartu’s heating CO2 emissions
friendly. More than 100 km of new bike
close to zero. In 2016, in cooperation
lanes have been built over the past five
with the district heating provider, the
years. The public transportation network
city started the first river-water-powered
was revolutionised in the summer of
district-cooling network in the Baltic
2019. More than 23 data sets were used
States. The cooling for the network is
to develop the new bus network, and the
provided by river water, and most of
data-based plan was finalised in cooper-
the power needed to operate cooling
ation with Tartu citizens. Since summer
station pumps and heat exchangers is
2019, all Tartu buses operate on CNG and
produced on site using solar panels. This
efforts are being made to use biogas
solution helps to reduce cooling CO2
produced from Tartu’s waste water. At
Smart City Tartu
the same time, the city launched Tartu
Tartu is to reduce private car use to 20%
Smart Bike Share System as a new
of all travel by the year 2040.
service within its public transportation system – 69 stations and 750 bikes (including 500 electric and 250 regular bikes). The first 20 weeks of the bike share system were a complete success, with more than 20,000 registered users, and over 447,000 rides made at a total mileage of over 1.3 million km. In other words, in those first 20 weeks, the bike share system was used to ride the equivalent distance to the moon and back and to the moon again. The goal for
The bike share system has been used to ride the equivalent distance to the moon and back and to the moon again
Smart City Tartu
One of the main challenges for Tartu in the upcoming years is the preparation to become the European Capital of Culture in 2024.
Smart City Tartu
Community Participation and Empowerment Inclusion is a natural part of life in Tartu.
major events that will attract thousands
Communities are used to being asked to
of locals and foreign guests, the Capital
give their opinions and these opinions
of Culture is expected to act together
are also taken on board. The opportunity
with its communities and various groups
to have a say is actively used and citizens
of residents – including those who
feel responsible for the development
rarely partake in cultural activities – and
of the city and the living environment.
include them as audiences and creators.
Tartu invites citizens to have their say on many different topics in order to make
Participative budgeting
better decisions. One of the main challenges for Tartu in
Tartu was the first local government in
the upcoming years is the preparation to
Estonia that started to organise partici-
become the European Capital of Culture
pative budgeting in 2013 to give citizens
in 2024. This is a broad cultural and
more opportunities to have a say in issues
developmental project, which will give
concerning the city’s development. The
all parties a common goal and a reason
model has been made even more inclu-
for closer cooperation. In addition to
sive and substantial in cooperation with
Smart City Tartu
communities. Many other municipalities
impact is clearly visible over the seven
in Estonia have used the Tartu model as
years this process has been active. Many
the basis for their participative budget-
ideas that were implemented as a result
ing process.
of participative budgeting have given
Participative budgeting gives citizens
a push to the development of certain
the opportunity to decide on which
districts. Thus, investing a relatively small
investments a certain amount of money
sum of money in the right places has
should be spent every year. In 2019,
had a much bigger impact than people
the amount was 200,000 euros, which
first anticipated. Ten ideas, which have
will be used for the implementation of
influenced the development of the city
two ideas. The City Council reviews the
in various regions and in various ways,
amount for the participative budget
have been implemented over the last
every couple of years and increases
seven years.
it if possible. The process includes idea-gathering, many discussions with experts and citizens, and a public vote in which the ideas to be implemented will
Idea-gathering platform ArcGis
be decided. In addition to the winning
The participative budgeting process is
ideas that actually get implemented, the
not the only idea-gathering the city has
participative budgeting process gives
organised to collect opinions and ideas
the City Government a lot of feedback
fROM citizens. The city has invested into
on problems that need to be solved.
the development of a geoinformation
One of the goals of participative budget-
system, and now the preparation of
ing is to encourage communities to
the comprehensive plan and the inclu-
cooperate more in issues concerning
sion of local residents has led to a new
the city’s development, and this positive
solution in the form of the ArcGis online environment, which allows all citizens and stakeholders constant access to
Participative budgeting gives citizens the opportunity to decide on which investments a certain amount of money should be spent every year.
information concerning the preparation of the comprehensive plan. In summary, the city constantly invests in tools for the inclusion of the general public and diversifies opportunities for everyone to participate in the planning process. Increasing the participation of young people
important to the city, as the implementation of plans is a long process and must include solutions suitable for all generations at the time of establishment.
Smart City Tartu
Ten ideas, which have influenced the development of the city in various regions and in various ways, have been implemented over the last seven years.
organise events that strengthen the feeling of community, such as district days, garden cafĂŠ days, etc. The City Government
activities of these societies and always listens to their opinions.
Tartu Welcome Centre The City of Tartu, the University of Tartu and the Estonian University of Life Sciences opened the Tartu Welcome Centre in August 2019. The aim of the
Public discussions
centre is to help those foreigners staying in South Estonia for a long time better
In addition to idea-gathering, Tartu
adjust to local life. The centre provides
organises public discussions on issues
all of the services meant for foreign-
important to the city. Members of the
ers (i.e. act as a one stop shop) so that
City Government have personally visited
foreign talents who arrive here do not
have to run around the city looking for
projects in order to speak to the local
different agencies to get their papers
community and listen to their opinions.
in order. Tartu has historically been an
international city because of its univer-
large numbers of people, were held in
sities, and Tartu Welcome Centre is a
almost all districts when the current
big step forward in helping foreigners
comprehensive plan for Tartu was being
integrate and to include them in the life
prepared or other important plans (the
of the city.
new bus line network for example) were introduced.
Cooperation with district societies The existence of interested and good partners is also important for successful inclusion. Many districts of Tartu have active district societies that look after the interests of their communities and discuss many important issues with the
The city constantly invests in tools for the inclusion of the general public and diversifies opportunities for everyone to participate in the planning process.
City Government. These societies also
Smart City Tartu
Tartu is a city of health. The city health day has been organised since 2004
Smart City Tartu
Healthy Lifestyle Tartu residents of all ages lead an active
emotion gained from exercise is more
lifestyle and love exercise. A compact
and green urban space encourages
sporting events attract thousands of
people to be active. Tartu is an impor-
people every year.
tant regional centre for amateur sports where various sporting events attracting
Numerous health events
numerous participants are held every year. Approximately 250 sporting events
Tartu is a city of health. The city health
are organised every year, many of them
day has been organised since 2004 and
international. The best known among
it gives citizens the opportunity to partic-
these are the Tartu Marathon competi-
ipate in health walks, have their health
tions, the Tour of Estonia (cycling), Miss
checked and ask specialists for advice
Valentine (gymnastics), Rally Estonia
about health and healthy behaviour.
(motorsport), the Tartu Mill Triathlon,
The campaign Walk for Health has been
in addition to many others. A series of
organised since 2007 and invites the
events is organised every year attracting
people of Tartu to walk more in order to
thousands of people who love being
boost their health. The health olympics
active. The fact that the head office of
for seniors have been held since 2013, the
the Worldloppet Ski Federation has been
goal of which is to activate and motivate
based at the Club Tartu Maraton in Tartu
senior citizens to be physically active.
since 2016 speaks of the importance of
The city also uses the Healthy Tartu logo,
Tartu in the organisation of international
which refers to all activities encouraging
sporting events.
a healthy lifestyle and promotes Tartu as an active city.
Children’s sporting events The Tartu Mini Complex Event was organised for the first time in 2007 on the basis of the children’s events of Club Tartu Maraton. The series was created
exercise consistently and provide the experience of participation in a grassroots sporting event, where the positive
Smart City Tartu
www.tartu.ee www.visittartu.com business@tartulv.ee
Photos by: Tanel Kindsigo - pp. 2, 10 Tiit Grihin - p. 4 Tiit Sild - p. 6 Meelis Lokk - pp. 8, 27 Maris Tomba - p. 9
Smart City Tartu
Kiur Kaasik - pp. 11, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21 Oliver Kuusk - p. 13 Silver Siilak - p. 16 Uku Peterson - p. 18 Heikki Leis - p. 24
Smart City Tartu
Smart City Tartu