Dežela dobrih zgodb
A Land of Good Stories
Dobrodošli v Žirovnici, v zeleni dolini na pragu Karavank, kjer gozdovi rišejo robove dišečim travnikom. Bogastvo naše literarne, čebelarske in arheološke dediščine je neusahljiv vir za vedno nova doživetja in čudovite zgodbe.
Te boste našli povsod – na planinskih poteh in gorskih travnikih, ki ležijo v varovanem območju Natura 2000, v skrivnostni vasici na vrhu Ajdne, ki jo varujejo orjaki, v rojstnih hišah, kjer so se rodili in ustvarjali največji mojstri peresa na Slovenskem, ob vaških koritih, kjer si lahko natočite pitno vodo, na panjskih končnicah, ki so posebnost naše ljudske dediščine, v skodelici domačega čaja in med gostoljubnimi domačini. V zeleni destinaciji lokalne zgodbe s ponosom pripovedujemo in jih ohranjamo za naslednje rodove.
Prešeren's Birth House – Museum
Namigi za izlet
Welcome to Žirovnica, in a green valley on the doorstep of the Karavanke mountains, where forests outline the edges of the fragrant meadows. The wealth of our literature, apiculture and archaeological heritage is an inexhaustible source for ever-new experiences and amazing stories.
You will find them everywhere – on hiking trails and alpine meadows that lie in the protected Natura 2000 area, in the small secret village at the top of Ajdna that is protected by giants, in birth houses where the greatest writing talents in Slovenia were born and created their works, at village troughs, where you can fill your water bottles with drinking water, on painted beehive frontal panels, which are a speciality of folk heritage, in a cup of homemade tea, and among hospitable locals. In our green destination, we are proud to tell local stories and preserve them for the next generations.
Tips for trips
Stol – the highest peak of the Karavanke mountains
Would you like to experience the passion of the king of the world? Hike up to Mt. Stol, whose peak stands at 2,236 metres above sea level.
– archaeological site
Ajdna (1,046m above sea level) is the most remarkable Late Antiquity archaeological site in Slovenia
Pozabljena in ponovno odkrita vasica na Ajdni
The forgotten and rediscovered village on Ajdna
Arheološko najdišče Ajdna je prostor poznoantične vasice iz 6 stol. s prezentirano starokrščansko cerkvijo. Na skalnatem zobu skrito najdišče je odkril arheolog Andrej Valič s pomočjo domačinov in lovcev. Leta 1976 so v zemljo zagrebli arheologi Gorenjskega muzeja in odkrili ostanke življenja nekdanjih prebivalcev na Ajdni.
Najdbe so skromne, nekaj lončenine, redki odlomki steklenih čaš in kovinsko orodje, žeblji in železna žlindra. O zgradbah priča razvaljeno kamenje in ožgani prostori ognjišč. Okoli 30 bajt se je stiskalo na ozkih terasah, najverjetneje na Ajdni ni živelo mnogo več kot 150 ljudi in nekaj koz. Preživljali so se s pašništvom na bližnjih planinah in obdelovali polja v dolini. Najdba bronastega pisala, stilusa, dokazuje, da je Cerkev po padcu Zahodnega rimskega cesarstva nadomestila državo in ohranjala stike s sredozemskimi središči.
Odkriti so bili temelji majhne cerkve. V vhodni veži in v stranski zakristiji so bili odkopani grobovi. V osrednjem je ležala ženska s srebrnimi uhani, bronasto zapestnico in prstanom. Imeti je morala pomembno vlogo v občestvu, da ji je pripadel grob sredi cerkve. Razbita oltarna miza in pod njo uničena skrinjica za svetniške relikvije izpričujejo, da je bila vasica konec 6. stoletja uničena v napadu. Najverjetneje je vas napadla avaroslovanska horda, prišleki iz panonskih nižin.
Zadnja izkopavanja so prinesla dokaze, da je Ajdna nudila zadnje zatočišče tudi skupini prebivalstva v času upora kneza Ljudevita Posavskega leta 820, ko se je v boju proti bavarski nadoblasti uprlo prebivalstvo vse do Hrvaške. Odkrita vojaška oprema na Ajdni kot so železni ostrogi, strelice in zanka za meč, izpričujejo krvav spopad na Ajdni in kažejo na čas, ki ga je Prešern tako preroško opisal v Krstu pri Savici.
Verena Perko
Archaeological site Ajdna is the location of the Late Antiquity settlement from the 6th century with a preserved early Christian church. The site, hidden on a rocky outcrop, was discovered by the archaeologists with the help of locals and hunters. In 1976 archaeologists from the Regional Museum Kranj started with excavations and discovered the remains of the ancient village on the rocky cliff on about 1000 metres of altitude.
The remains of objects are modest – some pottery, rare fragments of glass cups, metal tools, nails and iron slag. About 30 cottages were squeezed onto narrow terraces and it is likely that no more than 150 people and a few goats lived on Ajdna. They survived by grazing livestock on nearby mountain pastu-
res and cultivating fields in the valley. The village arose during times of plundering and military violence in the migration era. The danger forced villagers from the River Sava valley to retreat to the inaccessible rocky cliff. The discovery of a bronze writing implement, stylus, proves that the Church replaced the state after the fall of the Western Roman Empire and maintained connections with Mediterranean centres.
The foundations of a small church building have also been discovered. Tombs were found in the entrance vestibule and the side sacristy. In the central graveyard they found a burial of a woman with silver earrings, a bronze bracelet and a ring. She must have had an important role in the community to have been granted a tomb in the middle of the church. The broken altar table and the destroyed reliquary box beneath it indicate that the village was destroyed in an attack at the end of the 6th century. It is most likely that the village was attacked by an Avar-Slavic horde, newcomers from the Pannonian plains. The latest excavations provided evidence that site of Ajdna also offered the last refuge to a group of the population during the uprising of the prince Ljudevit Posavski in 820, when the population as far as Croatia rebelled against Bavarian supremacy. Discovered items of military equipment, such as iron spurs, arrows and a sword sling, bear witness of the bloody conflict on Ajdna and point to the time that Slovenian poet France Prešeren so prophetically described in his poems.
Nekoč rojstna hiša, danes muzej
Once a birth house, today a museum
kjer se še vedno čuti duh preteklih časov, vas popelje v življenje preprostega, kmečkega
A homestead where spirits of the past can still be felt and which leads visitors into the life of a humble peasant.
Fran Saleški Finžgar, eden pomembnejših slovenskih pisateljev, je svojo mladost preživljal v idilični gorenjski vasici. Avtor prvega slovenskega zgodovinskega romana Pod svobodnim soncem bi verjetno težko verjel, da je skromni dom, ki so ga ljubeče ustvarili njegovi starši in stari starši, danes prijeten muzej, razglašen za spomenik državnega pomena.
Vas Doslovče do neke mere še ohranja nekdanjo poselitveno sliko, ki je ob studenec v središču vasi pred mnogimi stoletji privabila prve naseljence slovanskega rodu. Studenec je danes ujet v vaški vodnjak, ki kar kliče, da si ob njem napolnite svoje steklenice za vodo. Od tu vas do domačije, skrite na koncu kolovoza na robu vasi, loči le še kratek vzpon. Poplačan bo s čudovitim razgledom na lepoto gorenjske pokrajine, ob jasnih dneh okronan z vencem zasneženih Julijcev s Triglavom na čelu. Posedite nekaj trenutkov na dvorišču muzeja in prisluhnite utripu vaškega dogajanja. Zdi se, kot bi se življenje tu ustavilo nekje v preteklosti in z bolj počasnim ritmom teče naprej. Skromna notranjost kajže še danes priča o nekdanjih prebivalcih, ki so se poleg obdelovanja zemlje preživljali z različnimi obrtmi. Finžgarjev ded je bil daleč naokrog poznan kot izjemen tkalec, na kar nas spomnijo stare statve v muzeju. Vonj črne kuhinje, ki je bila srce vsakega kmečkega doma, nas pozdravi že takoj ob vstopu. V spomin nam prikliče dimljene dobrote, ki so se nekoč sušile pod obokanim stropom. Vsak predmet skriva svojo zgodbo. Veliko anekdot o odraščanju v kmečki družini je v svojih delih zapisal pisatelj sam. Poznajo jih tudi naši vodniki, ki vas z veseljem popeljejo v nostalgičen svet starih časov.
Petra Kržan, lokalna vodnica
Namigi za izlet Tips for trips
Čopova rojstna hiša – muzej
Rojstna hiša enega najbolj izobraženih Evropejcev tistega časa. V hiši je na ogled film o Žirovnici, razstava o delu in življenju Matije Čopa in razstava o Ajdni.
Čop's Birth House – Museum
The birth house of one of the most well educated Europeans of his time. Visitors can watch a film and see an exhibition about the life and work of Matija Čop, as well as an exhibition on the Ajdna archaeological site.
Fran Saleški Finžgar, one of the most important Slovenian writers, spent his youth in a small, idyllic Gorenjska village. The author of the first Slovenian historical novel, Pod svobodnim soncem (Under the Free Sun), would probably find it hard to believe that his humble home, which was lovingly created by his parents and grandparents, is now an attractive museum, which has been pronounced a listed monument.
To some extent, the village of Doslovče itself still retains its former image from the time it was settled; the first settlers of Slavic descent were attracted many centuries ago by the well in the centre of the village. Today, the well is within the village fountain, which is an ideal place for passers-by to stop to fill their water bottles. It is just a short distance uphill from here to the homestead, which is hidden away at the end of a cart track on the edge of the village. Visitors are rewarded by wonderful views of the beauty of the Gorenjska landscape, which, on clear days, is crowned by a wreath of the snow-covered Julian Alps with Slovenian's highest mountain, Triglav, at the helm. Sit for a few moments in the courtyard of the museum and listen to village life. It is as if life here stopped somewhere in the past and continues today at a slower pace.
The modest interior still bears witness to the former inhabitants who, in addition to cultivating the land, made a living from various crafts. Finžgar's grandfather was known far and wide as an exceptional weaver; the old looms in the museum serve as a reminder. The smell of the black smoke kitchen, which was the heart of every rural home, greets visitors upon entry. It reminds us of the smoked foods that in the past were dried under the vaulted ceiling. Each object hides its own story. The writer himself wrote numerous anecdotes in his works about growing up in a peasant family. Our guides are also familiar with them and they are delighted to lead you into the nostalgic world of old times.
Petra Kržan, local guide
Janšev čebelnjak – spomenik
Prosto dostopen spomenik prikazuje čebelnjak, kjer se je Anton Janša prvič srečal s čebelami. Rojstni dan Antona Janše, 20. maj, je danes svetovni dan čebel.
Janša's Apiary – memorial
The freely accessible monument depicts the apiary where Anton Janša first encountered bees. Anton Janša's birthday, 20th May, has been proclaimed as World Bee Day.
Živali v Karavankah
Animals in the Karavanke
Slovenija je znana po živalski raznolikosti na majhnem območju. V gorskem svetu je manj motenj zaradi človekovih posegov v naravo, a težkim življenjskim razmeram so se prilagodile le nekatere živali.
Od gorskih kur divji petelin in gozdni jereb živita v gozdovih, belka in ruševec pa celo leto nad gozdno mejo. Divji petelin je zelo občutljiv na nemir v teritoriju, zato se v gozdu gibajmo po poteh in ne povzročajmo hrupa. Selivka planinska pevka in belka gnezdita v tleh, zato tudi na gorskih tratah odsvetujemo hojo izven poti.
V Karavankah gnezdita dva para planinskih orlov. Največkrat to ptico lahko opazimo, ko se v hribih ogreje in lahko med iskanjem plena jadra. Kogar navdušujejo oblike in barve, bo neizčrpen navdih in priložnosti za opazovanje zagotovo našel v svetu žuželk. Med številnimi je zelo zanimiv alpski kozliček, ki ga najdete na odmrlih bukovih deblih. Na prisojnih pobočjih med skalami družno živijo alpski svizci. Njihovo prisotnost zaznamo po njihovem značilnem žvižgu, s katerim naznanijo vsiljivca v svojem teritoriju. Če se jim ne približamo preveč, nas bodo pozorno opazovali izza kake skale.
Pot nam lahko večkrat prekrižajo plazilci: pogosta pozidna kuščarica, zelenec, modras, gad ali slepec. Če na vrhovih razvežeš nahrbtnik in se usedeš k malici, se ti bodo hitro pridružile planinske kavke. Lahko jim privoščiš kak grižljaj, obilno krmljenje pa ni zaželeno, saj si same zlahka najdejo naravno hrano. Nepozabno je opazovanje redkega sokola selca, ki med lovom ptic v zraku doseže hitrost do 80 metrov na sekundo. Spoštljivo uživajmo v čudovitih kotičkih narave in jih ohranimo za prihodnje rodove.
KozincSlovenia is known for its animal diversity in a small area. In the mountain world, there are fewer disturbances due to human intervention in nature, but only some animals have adapted to the difficult living conditions.
Among the species of grouse, the western capercaillie and the hazel grouse live in forests, while the rock ptarmigan and the black grouse live above the tree line all year round. The western capercaillie is very sensitive to disturbances in its territory, therefore it is important to stick to the trails in the forest and to avoid making noise. The Alpine accentor and the rock ptarmigan nest on the ground, therefore visitors are requested to keep to marked paths on mountain meadows.
Two pairs of mountain eagles nest in the Karavanke mountains. These birds can most often be seen when it warms up in the hills and they can glide while searching for prey. Those fascinated by shapes and colours will surely find inexhaustible inspiration and opportunities for observation in the world of insects. Among the many, there is the very interesting Alpine longhorn beetle, which can be found in the trunks of dead beech trees.
Alpine marmots live together among the rocks on sunny slopes. Their presence can be detected by their characteristic whistle, which they use to announce that there is an intruder in their territory. It is important not to get too close to them and allow them to watch us carefully from behind a rock.
Reptiles may be encountered along the way: common wall lizard, European green lizard, horned viper, adder and slowworm.
If you open your rucksack on the mountain peaks and sit down to have a snack, you will soon be joined by Alpine chough. You can treat them to a small snack, but abundant feeding is not recommended, as these birds can easily find natural food on their own. Watching a rare peregrine falcon, which reaches a speed of up to 80 metres per second while hunting birds in the air, is unforgettable. Let’s respectfully enjoy the beauties of nature and preserve them for future generations.
BorisVelika uharica (Bubo bubo) je velika 70 cm in je največja sova na svetu. V Sloveniji v zadnjem obdobju povečuje številčnost in območje gnezdenja. Mladiče vzreja v skalnih stenah, zato jih ogrožajo zgolj športni plezalci. Oglašanje samcev lahko zaznamo v večernih urah od marca do maja.
Lesser horseshoe bats use the attics of old houses, outbuildings and churches as their daily resting places, in addition to natural caves. While resting, they cling to the ceiling with their claws and wrap themselves in their winged membrane.
Mali podkovnjaki (Rhinolophus hipposideros) za dnevna počivališča uporabljajo poleg naravnih jam tudi podstrehe starih hiš, gospodarskih poslopij in cerkva. Ob mirovanju se s kremplji oprimejo stropa in zavijejo z letalno opno.
Črtasti ali ruski medvedki (Euplagia quadripunctaria) so okrog 50 mm veliki metulji, ki najraje živijo na vlažnih senčnih krajih. Niso pogosti, pojavljajo pa se od julija do začetka septembra. Aktivni so cel dan, parijo pa se ponoči.
Navadni gad (Vipera berus) je ena izmed štirih strupenih kač pri nas. Nad 1200 metri so osebki običajno povsem črni. Temna barva absorbira več sončnih žarkov in samotarske osebke lahko opazimo že, ko temperature presežejo 15 stopinj Celzija.
Tudi manj izkušeni obiskovalci gora prav v novembru najlaže opazijo gamse (Rupicapra rupicapra), saj so predvsem samci v tem obdobju bolj zaupljivi. V črnih svatbenih suknjah se postavljajo po izpostavljenih skalah, glavno pozornost pa namenjajo samicam. Z nabreklimi žlezami za ušesi narahlo drgnejo ob daljše travnate bilke in ruševje in s tem označijo priborjeno območje.
Lesser horseshoe bats use the attics of old houses, outbuildings and churches as their daily resting places, in addition to natural caves. While resting, they cling to the ceiling with their claws and wrap themselves in their winged membrane.
Jersey Tiger Moths are butterflies with a wingspan of around 50 millimetres that tend to live in damp and shady places. They are not common, but they appear from July to early September. They are active throughout the day and mate at night.
The Common European Viper is one of the four venomous snakes found in Slovenia. At heights of over 1,200 metres above sea level they are usually entirely black. The dark colour absorbs more sunlight, and solitary individuals can be observed when temperatures exceed 15 degrees Celsius.
Namigi za izlet Tips for trips
Dom pri izviru Završnice leži na idiličnem travniku na Smokuški planini, med Vrtačo in Begunjščico. Obdan z gozdovi in skalnimi vrhovi je pravi gorski raj.
The Dom pri izviru Završnice mountain hut is situated on an idyllic meadow on the Smokuska planina mountain pasture, between Mt. Vrtača and Mt. Begunjščica. Surrounded by forests and rocky peaks, it is a real mountain paradise.
Slap nam v različnih obdobjih, odvisno od padavin, ponuja različne poglede – od skromnih potočkov do bogate ledene zavese. Sprehod do slapu vam bo iz Završnice vzel dobrih 20 minut.
Depending on the rainfall, the waterfall takes on a different appearance at different times – from modest streams to a rich curtain of ice. It takes about 20 minutes to reach the waterfall on foot from Završnica.
Even less experienced visitors to the mountain can easily spot chamois especially in November, as males in particular are more trusting during this period. They stand on exposed rocks in their black ‘wedding suits’, paying primary attention to females. They gently rub long grasses and shrubs using the swollen glands behind their ears to mark their acquired territory.
Dolina Završnice je idealna za sprehode in kolesarjenje, pa tudi za različno zahtevne pohodniške podvige.
The Završnica valley is an ideal place for walking and cycling. The mountains of the Karavanke and Kamnik-Savinja Alps offers a range of hiking trails of varying levels of difficulty, all of which offer wonderful views of Lake Bled and the surroundings.
Dom pri izviru Završnice Dolina Završnice Završnica valley Slap Hudič babo pere Hudič babo pere waterfallSpoštujmo naravo
Respect Nature
Spoštujmo gore. Na izlet se odpravimo le ob stabilnem vremenu, primerno obuti in oblečeni. Hodimo previdno in pazimo, da ne prožimo kamenja.
Respect the mountains. Only set off if the weather is stable. Suitable footwear and clothing should be worn. Walk with caution and take care not to dislodge any stones or rocks.
Hodimo po označenih in urejenih poteh. Tako se ne bomo izgubili in motili prebivalcev gora.
Keep to marked paths and trails, so you don't get lost and so as not to disturb other 'residents' of the mountains.
Bodimo tihi. Hrup, kričanje in glasba motijo živali pri prehranjevanju in počitku. Še posebej so občutljivi v času parjenja, vzreje mladičev in pozimi.
Be quiet. Noise, such as shouting and music, disturbs animals when feeding and resting. They are particularly sensitive during the mating season, when raising their young and in winter.
Spoštujmo življenjski prostor rastlin in živali. Divje živali opazujmo od daleč. Hvaležne vam bodo. Ne pozabimo, tudi vodne in obvodne rastline so dom številnih živali. Ne uničujmo jih.
Respect the living habitat of flora and fauna. Observe wild animals from afar, they will be grateful. Don't forget that water and waterside plants are home to numerous animals. Don't destroy them.
Narava ni smetišče. Kar smo prinesli s seboj, tudi odnesemo in odložimo na ustrezno mesto.
Nature isn't a rubbish dump. Be sure not to leave any rubbish, take it with you and dispose of it in an appropriate place.
Spoštujmo predpise o nabiranju gob in rož ter gozdni bonton.
Adhere to the regulations on picking mushrooms and flowers, as well as how to behave in the forest.
Pse vodimo na povodcu. Za svojim ljubljenčkom pospravimo.
Dogs should be kept on a lead. Clean up after your dog.
Kaj okusiti
Useful information for visitors
What to taste
Discover the flavours of Žirovnica.
Zemljevid pohodniških in kolesarskih poti
Žirovnica je neusahljiv vir vedno novih doživetij.
of hiking and cycling trails
Žirovnica is a never-ending source of ever-new experiences.
Be sure to check the weather before setting off into the