Tabla Vrba 2 2024

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O, Vrba! srečna, draga vas domača O, Vrba! happy village, my old home France Prešeren

Cerkev sv. Marka St. Mark’s Church

Podružnična cerkev sv. Marka stoji na robu

St. Mark’s parish church is situated on the

vasi. Stavba je še iz časa romanike, kasneje

edge of the village. The building dates back

pa je bila prezidana po gotskem in baročnem

to the Romanesque period but was later re-

okusu. Notranjost je bila nekoč poslikana s

novated in the Gothic and Baroque style. The

freskami, od katerih so se ohranile le še za-

interior was formerly painted with frescoes,

plate. V vhodni cerkveni lopi stoji doprsni

of which only patches have been preserved. A

kip nadškofa Antona Vovka, ki se je rodil

bust statue of Archbishop Anton Vovk, who

v Prešernovi rojstni hiši v Vrbi. Cerkev sv.

was born in Prešeren’s birth house in Vrba,

Marka je spomenik državnega pomena.

stands in the entrance hall of the church. St. Mark’s church is a listed monument of national importance.

Prešernov spomenik v Vrbi Statue of Prešeren in Vrba

Kip dr. Franceta Prešerna v Vrbi je prva ki-

The statue of France Prešeren in Vrba is the

parska upodobitev pesnika. Osnutek za kip

first sculptural representation of the poet.

je leta 1865 izdelal slovenski kipar Franc

A draft design of the sculpture was made by

Ksaver Zajec. Osnutek je dolgo veljal za iz-

the Slovenian sculptor Franc Ksaver Zajec in

gubljenega. Našli so ga leta 1991 in ulili šti-

1865. For a long time, it was thought that the

ri kopije bronastega kipa. Spomenik je bil

draft had been lost, but it was found in 1991

odkrit 3. decembra 2000, ob 200-letnici pe-

and four copies of the bronze statue were

snikovega rojstva.

cast. The monument was unveiled on 3rd December 2000 to mark the 200th anniversary of the poet’s birth.

Vaška lipa sredi Vrbe Village Linden Tree in Centre of Vrba

Stara lipa sredi vasi šteje več kot dvesto let.

The old linden tree in the centre of the village

Pod njeno krošnjo je razporejenih šestnajst

is over 200 years old. Sixteen stones are set

kamnov, za vsakega vrbenskega gospodar-

in a circle beneath its canopy, one for each

ja eden. Pod lipo so se sestajali, razpravlja-

of Vrba’s householders. Beneath the linden

li in odločali o srenjskih stvareh. Dogovo-

tree they held meetings, discussed and made

rov niso zapisovali, kar so sklenili, je držalo

decisions about community issues. The agre-

kot pribito. Lipa sredi vasi, obdana s kamni,

ements were not recorded in written form,

v slovenskem prostoru ni bila nobena red-

but what was agreed upheld for ever. A lin-

kost, toda vrbenska lipa je edina, okoli kate-

den tree surrounded by stones in the centre

re so kamni še ohranjeni. Vaška lipa v Vrbi

of a village is not a rarity in Slovenia, howe-

je spomenik državnega pomena.

ver, Vrba’s linden tree is the only one with preserved stones. The village linden in Vrba is a listed monument of state importance.

Uporabne informacije Useful information Ostale znamenitosti Raziščite ostale znamenitosti v Žirovnici.

Other attractions Explore other attractions in Žirovnica.

Zemljevid pohodniških in kolesarskih poti Žirovnica je neusahljiv vir vedno novih doživetij.

Map of hiking and cycling trails

Žirovnica is a never-ending source of ever-new experiences.

Izdajatelj: Zavod za turizem in kulturo Žirovnica, zanj Matjaž Koman / Besedilo: Matjaž Koman, Verena Perko / Lektoriranje: Tadeja Ivančič Toth / Prevod: Adele Gray / Oblikovanje: Maruša Žemlja / Tisk: Napisi Bernik / Fotografija: Aleš Košir Publisher: The Žirovnica Institute for Tourism and Culture, director Matjaž Koman I Text: Matjaž Koman, Verena Perko / Proofreading: Tadeja Ivančič Toth / Translation: Adele Gray / Design: Maruša Žemlja / Print: Napisi Bernik / Photo: Aleš Košir

Namigi za izlet Tips for trips

Valvasorjev dom Valvasor Mountain Hut

Prešernova koča na Stolu Prešeren’s Hut on Mt. Stol

Planinski dom na Zelenici Zelenica Mountain Hut

Zavod za turizem in kulturo Žirovnica, zanj Matjaž Koman | Fotografije: Jošt Gantar, Polona Kus, Aljoša Selko, člani Planinskega društva Javornik - Koroška Bela Oblikovanje: Maruša Žemlja | Prevod: Adele Gray The Žirovnica Institute for Tourism and Culture, director: Matjaž Koman | Photo: Jošt Gantar, Polona Kus, Aljoša Selko, člani Planinskega društva Javornik - Koroška Bela Design: Maruša Žemlja | English Translation: Adele Gray

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