Bonton ob vodah Behaviour by water
Podtalnica, izviri, potoki in reke, slapovi, luže, mlake, jezera, ponikalnice, podzemski tokovi in kraški izviri, barja in močvirja ter številna umetna vodna telesa (jarki, zajezitve, kali, ribniki itd.) - vsem je skupno, da oblikujejo raznolik, bogat, pomemben in občutljiv življenjski prostor.
Groundwater, springs, streams and rivers, waterfalls, puddles, waterholes, lakes, sinkholes underground watercourses watercourses, as well as Karst springs, swamps, marshes and numerous of water (dykes, dams, ponds, etc.); what all these sources have in common is that that they form a diverse, rich, important and sensitive habitat.
Zavod za turizem in kulturo Žirovnica, zanj Matjaž Koman | Besedila: Tadeja Šubic, Urška Aljančič | Fotografije: Aleksander Marinšek, Urška Aljančič | Oblikovanje: Maruša Žemlja | Prevod: Adele Gray | Uredila: Urška Aljančič | Žirovnica, julij 2024 |
The Žirovnica Institute for Tourism and Culture, Director: Matjaž Koman | Text: Tadeja Šubic, Urška Aljančič | Photos: Aleksander Marinšek, Urška Aljančič | Design: Maruša Žemlja | English Translation: Adele Gray | Edited by: Urška Aljančič | Žirovnica, July 2024 |
Če opaziš vodne in obvodne živali, jih ne plaši in ne vznemirjaj. Previdno opazovanje ti bo prineslo več zadovoljstva.
If you spot aquatic animals or those that live by water, take care not to scare or disturb them. Watching them carefully and quietly brings a lot more satisfaction.
Onesnaževanje ob vodah lahko povzroči veliko škodo v naravi. Pri tem pa moramo pomisliti, da mnogih voda sploh ne vidimo, kot na primer podtalnice in podzemskih kraških vodotokov.
Water pollution can cause a lot of damage to nature. It is also necessary to take into account that there are numerous water sources that cannot be seen, such as underground streams and underground Karst watercourses.
Vodne in obvodne rastline ne uspevajo nikjer drugje, zato jih ne uničujmo. Poleg svoje raznolikosti in lepote so tudi dom številnih živali.
Aquatic plants and those that grow by water do not thrive elsewhere, therefore be careful not to destroy them. In addition to their diversity and beauty, they also provide a home to numerous animals.
Mnoge vode in njihova obrežja so lahko nevarna. Pri takih bodimo posebej previdni in se jim ne približujmo preveč.
Many water courses and their banks can be dangerous. In such cases, be particularly careful and don't get too close.
Kopanje v jezeru ni dovoljeno.
Bathing in the lake is prohibited.
Brez vode ni življenja
Potok Završnica izvira v Zelenici pod Stolom, teče po dolini Završnice in se izliva v Savo pri Mostah. Celotna dolžine struge znaša 8000 metrov, višinska razlika od izvira do izliva pa je 500 metrov. Završnico napaja tudi padavinska voda, ki se v kraškem svetu Begunjščice, Stola in Belščice le kratek čas zadrži na površju, ponikne in se po podzemlju pretaka proti prodnemu zasipu v dolino Završnice.
Potok napaja tudi istoimensko akumulacijsko jezero, ki se nahaja na nadmorski višini 640 metrov, s površino 2,5 ha in največjo globino 10 metrov. Jezero je nastalo leta 1914 za potrebe prve javne hidroelektrarne v Sloveniji, HE Završnica.
Ob tem pa ne smemo pozabiti tudi, da je voda izpod Karavank izjemno kvalitetna pitna voda. Zato moramo varovati vodne izvire in svet, po katerem tečejo, pred onesnaženjem.
Zavod za turizem in kulturo Žirovnica, zanj Matjaž Koman | Besedila: Tadeja Šubic, Urška Aljančič | Fotografije: Aleksander Marinšek, Urška Aljančič | Oblikovanje: Maruša Žemlja | Prevod: Adele Gray | Uredila: Urška Aljančič | Žirovnica, julij 2024 | The Žirovnica Institute for Tourism and Culture, Director: Matjaž Koman | Text: Tadeja Šubic, Urška Aljančič | Photos: Aleksander Marinšek, Urška Aljančič | Design: Maruša Žemlja | English Translation: Adele Gray | Edited by: Urška Aljančič | Žirovnica, July 2024 |
No Water, No Life
The Završnica stream originates in Zelenica, beneath Mt. Stol. It flows through the Završnica valley before flowing into the Sava River in Moste. The entire length of the riverbed is 8,000 metres and the height difference from the source to the outlet is 500 metres. The Završnica stream is also fed by rainwater, which in the karst world of Mt. Begunjščica, Mt. Stol and Belščica only remains on the surface for a short time before disappearing underground where it flows towards the gravel embankment in the Završnica valley.
The stream feeds the Završnica reservoir, which is located at 640 metres above sea level, has a surface area of 2.5 hectares and a maximum depth of 10 metres. The reservoir was created in 1914 for the requirements of the first public hydropower plant (HPP) in Slovenia, the Završnica HPP.
It is important to remember that the water from beneath the Karavanke mountains is extremely high-quality drinking water. That is why it is vital to protect water sources and the world they flow through from pollution.