Dežela dobrih zgodb
Dobrodošli v Žirovnici, v zeleni dolini na pragu Karavank, kjer gozdovi rišejo robove dišečim travnikom. Bogastvo naše literarne, čebelarske in arheološke dediščine je neusahljiv vir za vedno nova doživetja in čudovite zgodbe.
Te boste našli povsod – na planinskih poteh in gorskih travnikih, ki ležijo v varovanem območju Natura 2000, v skrivnostni vasici na vrhu Ajdne, ki jo varujejo orjaki, v rojstnih hišah, kjer so se rodili in ustvarjali največji mojstri peresa na Slovenskem, ob vaških koritih, kjer si lahko natočite pitno vodo, na panjskih končnicah, ki so posebnost naše ljudske dediščine, v skodelici domačega čaja in med gostoljubnimi domačini. V zeleni destinaciji lokalne zgodbe s ponosom pripovedujemo in jih ohranjamo za naslednje rodove.
Welcome to Žirovnica, in a green valley on the doorstep of the Karavanke mountains, where forests outline the edges of the fragrant meadows. The wealth of our literature, apiculture and archaeological heritage is an inexhaustible source for ever-new experiences and amazing stories.
You will find them everywhere – on hiking trails and alpine meadows that lie in the protected Natura 2000 area, in the small secret village at the top of Ajdna that is protected by giants, in birth houses where the greatest writing talents in Slovenia were born and created their works, at village troughs, where you can fill your water bottles with drinking water, on painted beehive frontal panels, which are a speciality of folk heritage, in a cup of homemade tea, and among hospitable locals. In our green destination, we are proud to tell local stories and preserve them for the next generations.
Prešeren's Birth House – Museum
The birth house of the greatest Slovenian poet, France Prešeren, has been transformed into a museum, which transports visitors back to the time of the poet’s childhood.
Stol – the highest peak of the Karavanke mountains
Would you like to experience the passion of the king of the world? Hike up to Mt. Stol, whose peak stands at 2,236 metres above sea level.
Ajdna (1,046m above sea level) is the most remarkable Late Antiquity archaeological site in Slove-
Žirovnici radi rečemo tudi zibelka kulture, saj je njena kulturna dediščina res izjemna. Če povemo v številkah – v register nepremične kulturne dediščine imamo vpisanih 141 enot, od tega pet spomenikov državnega pomena. Zato boste z zanimivimi in navdihujočimi zgodbami iz preteklosti obdani skoraj na vsakem koraku.
Vrhunske pesnitve in zanimive zgodbe so ustvarjali tukaj rojeni pesniki in pisatelji, katerih rojstne hiše so danes preurejene v muzeje. Med najzanimivejše zagotovo sodi rojstna hiša največjega slovenskega pesnika Franceta
Prešerna. Pesnik je avtor Zdravljice, ki je nastala leta 1844 in poudarja povezanost in prijateljstvo med narodi, zato je še kako aktualna v današnjem času.
Znani smo tudi po čebelarski tradiciji, saj je bil tu rojen Anton Janša, pionir in učitelj sodobnega čebelarstva na cesarskem dvoru na Dunaju. Panjske končnice na spominskem čebelnjaku so svojevrstna oblika ljudske umetnosti in prava zakladnica zgodb, ki so navdihovale naše prednike.
Skoraj 2000 let nazaj, v takrat zelo burno obdobje naših krajev, sega zgodba o Ajdni. Tedanji prebivalci so si visoko na hribu postavili vasico, ki danes obstaja le še v ruševinah. Vendar pa najdbe pripovedujejo zgodbe o njihovem verovanju, vsakodnevnih navadah, ustvarjanju … Zgodovina mogoče ne bo pritegnila vsakogar, se pa velja na Ajdno povzpeti že samo zaradi razgleda – vzel vam bo dih.
V kulturni dediščini bomo vedno našli znanje in izkušnje naših prednikov, če bomo le znali prisluhniti zgodbam, ki jih pripoveduje. Ohranjajmo našo preteklost, da bodo iz nje navdih črpali tudi naši potomci.
Žirovnica is also referred to as the cradle of culture, as it has a particularly exceptional cultural heritage. Putting this in numbers – in the register of intangible cultural heritage, the Žirovnica area has 141 entries, five of which are state listed monuments. Therefore, on almost every step you take here you will be surrounded by interesting and inspirational stories.
Poets and writers created excellent poems and interesting stories here; today their birth houses operate as museums. The birth house of Slovenia's great poet, Franc Prešeren, is certainly among the most interesting. As long ago as 1844, the poet wrote the Slovenian national anthem, which emphasises the close ties and friendships among nations, hence it is still relevant in today's times.
Žirovnica is also known for its beekeeping heritage, as it was here that Anton
Janša was born, the pioneer of teaching modern beekeeping at the emperor's court in Vienna. The painted frontal panels on his memorial apiary are a unique form of folk art and a real treasure trove of stories, which inspired our ancestors.
The story of Ajdna dates back almost 2,000 years to a very turbulent period for this area. High on a hill, the inhabitants of that time built a village, which today only exists in ruins. However, the finds tell stories about the villagers' beliefs, daily habits, creativity, etc. History may not appeal to everyone, but it is worth climbing up to Ajdna just for the breathtaking view alone.
Cultural heritage is a constant source of the knowledge and experience of our ancestors, providing we know how to listen to the stories they tell. We must preserve our past so that our descendants will also be able to draw inspiration from it.
''Domačija, kjer se še vedno čuti duh preteklih časov, vas popelje v življenje preprostega, kmečkega človeka.''
A homestead where spirits of the past can still be felt and which leads visitors into the life of a humble peasant.
Fran Saleški Finžgar, eden pomembnejših slovenskih pisateljev, je svojo mladost preživljal v idilični gorenjski vasici. Avtor prvega slovenskega zgodovinskega romana Pod svobodnim soncem bi verjetno težko verjel, da je skromni dom, ki so ga ljubeče ustvarili njegovi starši in stari starši, danes prijeten muzej, razglašen za spomenik državnega pomena.
Vas Doslovče do neke mere še ohranja nekdanjo poselitveno sliko, ki je ob studenec v središču vasi pred mnogimi stoletji privabila prve naseljence slovanskega rodu. Studenec je danes ujet v vaški vodnjak, ki kar kliče, da si ob njem napolnite svoje steklenice za vodo. Od tu vas do domačije, skrite na koncu kolovoza na robu vasi, loči le še kratek vzpon. Poplačan bo s čudovitim razgledom na lepoto gorenjske pokrajine, ob jasnih dneh okronan z vencem zasneženih Julijcev s Triglavom na čelu. Posedite nekaj trenutkov na dvorišču muzeja in prisluhnite utripu vaškega dogajanja. Zdi se, kot bi se življenje tu ustavilo nekje v preteklosti in z bolj počasnim ritmom teče naprej.
Skromna notranjost kajže še danes priča o nekdanjih prebivalcih, ki so se poleg obdelovanja zemlje preživljali z različnimi obrtmi. Finžgarjev ded je bil daleč naokrog poznan kot izjemen tkalec, na kar nas spomnijo stare statve v muzeju. Vonj črne kuhinje, ki je bila srce vsakega kmečkega doma, nas pozdravi že takoj ob vstopu. V spomin nam prikliče dimljene dobrote, ki so se nekoč sušile pod obokanim stropom. Vsak predmet skriva svojo zgodbo. Veliko anekdot o odraščanju v kmečki družini je v svojih delih zapisal pisatelj sam. Poznajo jih tudi naši vodniki, ki vas z veseljem popeljejo v nostalgičen svet starih časov.
Fran Saleški Finžgar, one of the most important Slovenian writers, spent his youth in a small, idyllic Gorenjska village. The author of the first Slovenian historical novel, Pod svobodnim soncem (Under the Free Sun), would probably find it hard to believe that his humble home, which was lovingly created by his parents and grandparents, is now an attractive museum, which has been pronounced a listed monument.
To some extent, the village of Doslovče itself still retains its former image from the time it was settled; the first settlers of Slavic descent were attracted many centuries ago by the well in the centre of the village. Today, the well is within the village fountain, which is an ideal place for passers-by to stop to fill their water bottles. It is just a short distance uphill from here to the homestead, which is hidden away at the end of a cart track on the edge of the village. Visitors are rewarded by wonderful views of the beauty of the Gorenjska landscape, which, on clear days, is crowned by a wreath of the snow-covered Julian Alps with Slovenian's highest mountain, Triglav, at the helm. Sit for a few moments in the courtyard of the museum and listen to village life. Its as if life here stopped somewhere in the past and continues today at a slower pace.
The modest interior stills bears witness to the former inhabitants who, in addition to cultivating the land, made a living from various crafts. Finžgar's grandfather was known far and wide as an exceptional weaver; the old looms in the museum serve as a reminder. The smell of the black smoke kitchen, which was the heart of every rural home, greets visitors upon entry. It reminds us of the smoked foods that in the past were dried under the vaulted ceiling. Each object hides its own story. The writer himself wrote numerous anecdotes in his works about growing up in a peasant family. Our guides are also familiar with them and they are delighted to lead you into the nostalgic world of old times.
Čop's Birth House – Museum
Janšev čebelnjak – spomenik
Prosto dostopen spomenik prikazuje čebelnjak, kjer se je Anton Janša prvič srečal s čebelami. Rojstni dan Antona Janše, 20. maj, je danes svetovni dan čebel.
Janša's Apiary – memorial
The freely accessible monument depicts the apiary where Anton Janša first encounted bees. Anton Janša's birthday, 20th May, has been proclaimed as World Bee Day.
Petra Kržan, lokalna vodnica Petra Kržan, lokalna vodnicaSlovenija je »dežela na prepihu«. Zaradi razgibanega reliefa, geološke zgradbe, zemljepisne lege in podnebja je tudi njeno rastlinstvo izredno bogato in raznoliko. Na naših tleh se prepletajo in križajo srednjeevropska, alpska, sredozemska, panonska in ilirsko-dinarska flora. Med rastlinami najdemo tudi okrog 70 vrst, ki rastejo samo pri nas, ki jih ne najdemo nikjer drugje na svetu in ki označujejo posebnost našega ozemlja. Tudi število vrst na enoto površine je izjemno veliko. Pri nas raste približno ena petina evropskih rastlinskih vrst!
Na pobočjih in travnikih od Save do vrha Stola uspeva veliko rastlin. Mnoge med njimi so pogoste, srečujemo jih na vsakem koraku, nekatere pa so redke in so pravi botanični biseri.
Vsaka rastlina ima svojo zgodbo. Posebno pozornost zbujajo vrste, ki so dobile ime po naših botanikih, saj se v teh imenih zrcali bogata zgodovina botaničnih raziskovanj našega ozemlja. Znamenite so vrste, ki imajo pri nas klasično nahajališče ali rojstni kraj, kjer je botanik rastlino videl, jo preučil in ji dal ime. Nekatere so redke, pri nas imajo le malo nahajališč. Mnoge so ogrožene zaradi trganja in spreminjanja njihovega življenjskega okolja, zato jih zavarujemo s posebnimi zakoni, kot je območje Natura 2000, ali uvrščamo na rdeče sezname.
Redke ali ogrožene, avtohtone ali pogoste, čisto običajne cvetlice – prav vse so na svoj način lepe, zanimive in edinstvene.
Ko bomo hodili po sončnih poteh v osrčju Karavank, odprimo oči in tudi srce! Ustavimo se pri Zoisovi zvončici, planiki, Zoisovi vijolici, kranjski liliji ali zlatem jabolku, lepem čeveljcu … Vzemimo si čas in doživimo rastline v naravi, občudujmo in spoštujmo jih!
Nada PraprotnikSlovenia is a 'land on a current of air'. Due to its undulating relief, geological structure, geographical location and climate, its flora is extremely rich and diverse. Central European, Alpine, Mediterranean, Pannonian and Illyrian-Dinaric flora intertwine and cross here. There are around 70 endemic species of plants that cannot be found anywhere else in the world and that characterise the special nature of the territory of Slovenia. The number of species per unit of surface area is also extremely high. About one fifth of European plants grow in Slovenia.
A lot of plants thrive on the slopes and meadows from the Sava river to the top of Mt. Stol. Many of them are abundant and can be found all around, while others are rarer and are real botanical gems.
Each plant has its own story. Species that are named after Slovenia's botanists arouse particular attention, as the names reflect the wealth of history of botanical exploration in the country. The most well known are those species with a classic location in Slovenia, where a botanist saw the plant, studied it and named it. Some are rare and are only found in a few locations in our country. Many are threatened by the destruction and alteration of their living environment, so they are protected by special laws, such as the Natura 2000 area, or placed on red lists.
Rare or endangered, native or common, completely ordinary flowers – they are all beautiful, interesting and unique in their own way.
Open your eyes, and your heart, when walking on the sunny trails in the heart of the Karavanke mountains! Stop and admire, among others, the Zois's bellflower, edelweiss, Zois's violet, Carniolan lily and the Lady's slipper. Take your time to experience plants in nature, admire and respect them.
Nada PraprotnikDom pri izviru Završnice leži na idiličnem travniku na Smokuški planini, med Vrtačo in Begunjščico. Obdan z gozdovi in skalnimi vrhovi je pravi gorski raj.
Dom pri izviru Završnice mountain hut
The Dom pri izviru Završnice mountain hut is situated on an idyllic meadow on the Smokuska planina mountain pasture, between Mt. Vrtača and Mt. Begunjščica. Surrounded by the forests and rocky peaks, it is a real mountain paradise.
Zoisova zvončica (Campanula zoysii)
Spada med naše endemite in je »prava hči slovenskih planin«. Če bi izbirali cvetlico, ki naj bi predstavljala slovensko, sončno stran Alp, bi se odločili za Zoisovo zvončico, ki se je pri nas ohranila še iz časov pred ledeno dobo.
Planika ali očnica (Leontopodium alpinum)
Pradomovina planik so gorovja v osrednji Aziji. Postala je simbol alpskega rastlinstva. Bila je prva zavarovana rastlina pri nas. Na Goriškem so jo zavarovali že leta 1896, dve leti kasneje pa tudi na Kranjskem in Štajerskem.
Zoisova vijolica (Viola zoysii)
»Najlepši otrok naših gora!« Tako jo je imenoval botanik, ki jo je poimenoval po Karlu Zoisu. Njena domovina so gorovja na zahodnem delu Balkanskega polotoka, v osrednjih Karavankah ima severozahodno mejo razširjenosti.
Kranjska lilija ali zlato jabolko (Lilium carniolicum)
V Sloveniji je razširjena v Alpah, na Krasu, Notranjskem, Snežniku in v Zasavju. Ime nam pove, da so jo krstili po nekdanji deželi Kranjski, ki je obsegala Gorenjsko, Dolenjsko in Notranjsko.
Lepi čeveljc (Cypripedium calceolus)
Lepi čeveljc je naša najlepša orhideja ali kukavičevka. Zaradi zlato rumene medene ustne je dobil latinsko ime, ki nas spominja na Venero, saj v prevodu pomeni Venerin čeveljc. Uspeva zelo raztreseno in ponekod zelo redko v svetlih bukovih gozdovih.
Slap Hudič babo pere
Slap nam v različnih obdobjih, odvisno od padavin, ponuja različne poglede – od skromnih potočkov do bogate ledene zavese. Sprehod do slapu vam bo iz Završnice vzel dobrih 20 minut.
Hudič babo pere waterfall
Depending on the rainfall, the waterfall takes on a different appearance at different times – from modest streams to a rich curtain of ice. It takes about 20 minutes to reach the waterfall on foot from Završnica.
Zois's bellflower
The Zois's bellflower is among Slovenia's endemic plant species and is the ‘real daughter of Slovenian alpine pastures'. If we were to choose a flower to represent the Slovenian, sunny side of the Alps, it would be the Zois's bellflower, which has been preserved in our country since before the Ice Age.
The ancestral homeland of edelweiss are the mountains in Central Asia. It has become a symbol of alpine vegetation and was the first protected plant in Slovenia. It was protected in Goriška as early as 1896, and two years later also in Carniola and Styria.
Zois's violet
‘The most beautiful child of our mountains!‘ This is how the botanist described the Zois's violet, which is named after Karl Zois. Its homeland are the mountains in the western part of the Balkan peninsula, while it has a northwestern limit to its distribution in the central Karavanke mountains.
Carniolan lilly
In Slovenia, the Carniolan lilly is found in the Alps, the Karst, Notranjska, Zasavje and on Mt. Sneznik. It was named after the former Carniola, which encompassed Gorenjska, Dolenjska and Notranjska.
Lady's slipper
The Lady's slipper is Slovenia's most beautiful orchid. It got its Latin name due to its golden yellow honey pouch, which is reminiscent of Venus, as its translated name means Venus's slipper. It thrives over a very wide area and in some places, very rarely, in bright beech forests.
Završnica valley
The Završnica valley is an ideal place for walking and cycling. The mountains of the Karavanke and Kamnik-Savinja Alps offers a range of hiking trails of varying levels of difficulty, all of which offer wonderful views of Lake Bled and the surroundings.
Dolina Završnice je idealna za sprehode in kolesarjenje, pa tudi za različno zahtevne pohodniške podvige. Dom pri izviru Završnice Dolina ZavršniceSpoštujmo gore. Na izlet se odpravimo le ob stabilnem vremenu, primerno obuti in oblečeni. Hodimo previdno in pazimo, da ne prožimo kamenja.
Respect the mountains. Only set off if the weather is stable. Suitable footwear and clothing should be worn. Walk with caution and take care not to dislodge any stones or rocks.
Hodimo po označenih in urejenih poteh. Tako se ne bomo izgubili in motili prebivalcev gora.
Keep to marked paths and trails, so you don't get lost and so as not to disturb other 'residents' of the mountains.
Bodimo tihi. Hrup, kričanje in glasba motijo živali pri prehranjevanju in počitku. Še posebej so občutljivi v času parjenja, vzreje mladičev in pozimi.
Be quiet. Noise, such as shouting and music, disturbs animals when feeding and resting. They are particularly sensitive during the mating season, when raising their young and in winter.
Spoštujmo življenjski prostor rastlin in živali. Divje živali opazujmo od daleč. Hvaležne vam bodo. Ne pozabimo, tudi vodne in obvodne rastline so dom številnih živali. Ne uničujmo jih.
Respect the living habitat of flora and fauna. Observe wild animals from afar, they will be grateful. Don't forget that water and waterside plants are home to numerous animals. Don't destroy them.
Narava ni smetišče. Kar smo prinesli s seboj, tudi odnesemo in odložimo na ustrezno mesto.
Nature isn't a rubbish dump. Be sure not to leave any rubbish, take it with you and dispose of it in an appropriate place.
Spoštujmo predpise o nabiranju gob in rož ter gozdni bonton.
Adhere to the regulations on picking mushrooms and flowers, as well as how to behave in the forest.
Pse vodimo na povodcu. Za svojim ljubljenčkom pospravimo.
Dogs should be kept on a lead. Clean up after your dog.
Koristne informacije za obiskovalce
Useful information for visitors
Kaj okusiti
What to taste
Zemljevid pohodniških in kolesarskih poti
Žirovnica je neusahljiv vir vedno novih doživetij.
Map of hiking and cycling trails
Žirovnica is a never-ending source of ever-new experiences.
Preden se odpravite v gore, preverite vremenske razmere.
Be sure to check the weather before setting off into the mountains.
Poletni festival Summer festival