In pravijo, da v gori Ajdni še vedno grad visok stoji, da nihče vanj ne more, orjakov pa že davno ni. (Ljudska)
It is said that a tall castle still stands on Ajdna, That no-one can enter it, and the giants are long gone. (Folk Legend)
Izdal/Published by: Zavod za turizem in kulturo Žirovnica Institute for Tourism and Culture Žirovnica
Avtorica/Author: ddr. Verena Perko
Strokovni sodelavec/Collaborator: dr. Milan Sagadin
Vodja projekta/Project manager: Matjaž Koman, ZTK Žirovnica
Fotografije/Photographs: Gorenjski muzej Kranj, avtor/Photographer: T. Lauko, Klemen Čepič, Miran Dolar, Drago Holynski, fototeka ZTK Žirovnica in fototeka Gorenjskega muzeja Kranj
Virtualna rekonstrukcija Ajdne/Virtual reconstruction of Ajdna: Fototeka ZVKD Slovenije, OE Kranj, izdelal Mitja Brandt, Avgusta d.o.o., Idrija
Lektoriranje/ Proofreading: Judita Babnik
Prevodi/Translation: Adele Gray
Oblikovnje/Design: Andrejka Čufer
Tisk/Printed by: Medium, d.o.o.
Predmete hrani Gorenjski muzej v Kranju. Objects are preserved in the Regional Museum Kranj. Žirovnica, 2017
Ajdna je kamniti zob pod Stolom, ki je s svojim izročilom o Ajdovski deklici od nekdaj vznemirjal domačine. Od nekdaj so se ljudje spraševali, kdo je živel tam zgoraj, kdaj in zakaj se je moral umakniti na tako nedostopen kraj. Pot na Ajdno čez izpostavljene pečine je bila do nedavna znana le redkim domačinom in tako se je arheološko najdišče ohranilo domala nedotaknjeno.
Andrej Valič, odličen terenski arheolog, se je v sedemdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja prvič povzpel na Ajdno z lovci. Pod grmičjem in med drevesnimi koreninami je prepoznal ostanke prastare vasi. Leta 1976 so se pod njegovim vodstvom začela arheološka izkopavanja. Odkritja je z velikim zanimanjem spremljala vsa strokov na javnost in še posebej okoliški domačini. Na dan so prišli ostanki poznoantične vasice izpred 1400 let. Ko so bila izkopavanja končana in so v Gorenjski muzej v Kranju prišle redke, pa vendar izredno pričevalne najdbe, so ponudile marsikateri odgovor. Odprla pa so se tudi številna nova vprašanja.
Arheologi so nameravali ostanke zidov na Ajdni zagrniti z zemljo. Toda za pradavno dediščino navdušeni domačini so vztrajali, da se raziskave nadaljujejo in se na najdišču postavi rekonstrukcija vsaj ene od zgradb. Začela so se obsežna, draga in izjemno zahtevna konservatorska dela pod okriljem Zavoda za spomeniško varstvo v Kranju, ki jih je dolga desetletja vodil Milan Sagadin. Ob posameznih posegih je bilo izvedeno še nekaj izkopavanj, pri katerih sta sodelovala tudi Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti in Gorenjski muzej. Zadnja izkopavanja so potekala med letoma 1999 in 2004. Na dan so nepričakovano prišli tudi predmeti iz 9. stoletja, iz časa staroslovenske kneževine Karneole s središčem v Karniju (današnji Kranj).
Ajdna is a tooth-shaped peak beneath Mt. Stol, which, due to its legend about the Heathen Maiden, has long been a source of disquiet among locals. In bygone days people used to ask who lived up there, and when and why they must have had to flee to such an inaccessible place. The path to Ajdna over exposed cliffs was, until recently, only known by a few locals, and therefore the archaeological site has remained intact.
Andrej Valič, an excellent field archaeologist, first climbed to Ajdna with hunters in the 1970s. Under shrubs and among tree roots, he identified the remains of an ancient village. In 1977 archaeological excavations began under his leadership. The findings were followed with great interest by the professional public and especially locals. Remains were unearthed from a Late Antiquity village dating back 1400 years. When the excavations were completed and the rare, albeit well-proven, findings came to the Regional Museum in Kranj, they offered many answers and also raised a number of new questions.
Archaeologists intended to cover the remains of the houses on Ajdna with soil. However, to pre serve the ancient heritage enthusiastic locals insisted that the research be continued and that at least one building should be reconstructed on the original site. Extensive, expensive and excep tionally complex conservation work began under the auspices of the Institute for the Protection of Monuments in Kranj, which was led for decades by Milan Sagadin. Several further excavations were carried out individually, during which the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts and the Regional Museum in Kranj were also involved. The last excavations took place between 1999 and 2004. Unexpectedly, objects were also unearthed from the 9th century, from the times of the old principality of Carneola with its centre in Carnium (today’s Kranj).
Virtualna rekonstrukcija antične vasice na Ajdni, izdelana na podlagi izsledkov dolgoletnih arheoloških raziskav.
A virtual reconstruction of the Late Antiquity village on Ajdna, constructed on the basis of the results of years of archeological research.
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Uvodne besede za popotnico Introductory Words
Izkopano gradivo hrani Gorenjski muzej v Kranju. Vključeno je v stalni razstavi Železna nit in Prelepa Gorenjska. Zaradi priljubljenosti Ajdne, kamor pogosto zahajajo domačini, je bila že dol go v zraku ideja o majhni razstavi v Žirovnici, kjer bi bilo mogoče izvedeti kaj več o starodavni vasici pod Stolom. Tako je leta 2016 na Čopovi domačiji nastala pričujoča razstava o Ajdni.
Z originalnimi predmeti in s kopijami, v sliki in besedi je prikaza na kratka zgodba o vasici, ki je pred poldrugim tisočletjem nudila domačinom varno zavetje v naročju gora. Nekaj najdb dokazuje poseljenost Ajdne že v času zgodnjega rimskega imperija. Drobna bronasta sponka v obliki ptičke, katere verna podoba s pomočjo sodobne informacijske tehnologije prhuta v hologra mu sredi razstave, je bila izdelana v času zgodnjega rimskega imperija. Morda je bila v resnici le prinesena na Ajdno. Toda ker so bili odkriti še drugi predmeti iz tega časa, je verjetneje, da je nekaj prebivališč stalo tam gori že pred več kot 1900 leti, v času zgodnjega rimskega imperija. V polni meri pa je vasica zaživela v turbulentnih časih pozne antike, ko so po dolinah plenile vojaške tolpe na svoji poti proti Italiji. Zadnje raziskave so pojasnile propad vasice na Ajdni, ki je izginila v plamenih zavojevalcev konec 6. stoletja. Kdo so bili napadalci? Slovanska plemena, ki so vdirala proti Zahodu? Oddelek najete bizantinske vojske? Tolpa razbojnikov, ki je plenila za svoje preživetje?
Ne vemo. Eno je gotovo: peščica zidanih hiš in lesenih bajtic s cerkvijo je izginila v plamenih. Ostale so ruševine, kamor se je v 9. stoletju zatekla skupina konjenikov. Ostrogi, obešalnik za meč in drugo okovje, odkrito na vrhu poznorimskih ruševin, je značilna oprema staroslovanskega plemstva. Sklepamo, da je frankovska vojska na Ajdni obračunala s peščico upornikov iz kneževine Karneole. Iz zgodovinskih virov je znano, da se je zgornjesavsko prebivalstvo pridružilo pridružilo Ljudevitu Posavskemu v uporu proti Frankom leta 820. Po zmagi nad upornim knezom je frankovska vojska zasledovala ostanke vojske. Najverjetneje so uporniki v orlovskem gnezdu pod Stolom našli svoje zadnje, usodno zatočišče.
Razstava je nastala v sodelovanju Zavoda za turizem in kulturo Žirovnica, Občine Žirovnica, Gorenjskega muzeja v Kranju in Zavoda za spomeniško varstvo v Kranju.
Ddr. Verena Perko, muzeološka vodja razstave o Ajdni
Virtualna rekonstrukcija antične vasice na Ajdni, pogled z jugovzhodne strani
A virtual reconstruction of the Late Antiquity village on Ajdna, viewed from the southwest side
The excavated materials are pre served by the Regional Museum in Kranj. They are included in the permanent exhibitions ‘The Iron Thread’ and ‘Beautiful Gorenjska’. Due to the popularity of Ajdna – it has become a popular hiking destination among locals – there had long been in the air the idea about having a small exhibition in Žirovnica where it would be possible to find out more about the ancient village beneath Mt. Stol. Thus, in 2016 an exhibition was set up in Čopova domačija (Čop’s House).
Through original objects and copies, in pictures and in words, a short story is presented about the small village on Ajdna which for half a millennium offered secure shelter to locals in the embrace of the mountain. Some of the findings prove that Ajdna was settled as far back as in the time of the early Roman Empire. A small bronze brooch in the shape of a bird, the religious portrayal of which – through the use of modern technology – flutters in a hologram in the centre of the exhibition, dates from the time of the early Roman Empire. Perhaps it was actually only brought to Ajdna. However, as other objects from that time were also found, it is more probable that some simple dwellings were already there more than 1900 years ago. The village fully came to life in the turbulent times of Late Antiquity, when military gangs ravished the valleys on their way to Italy. The last research offered an explanation for the collapse of the vil lage on Ajdna which disappeared in the flames of the invaders at the end of the 6th century. Who were the invaders? Slavic tribes who were forcing their way towards the West? A unit of the hired Byzantine army? A gang of bandits who pillaged for their own survival?
We don’t know, but one thing is certain. A handful of brick houses, wooden shacks and a church disappeared in flames. Only ruins remained, to where a group of cavalrymen fled in the 9th cen tury. Spurs, hangers for swords and other mountings, found at the top of the Late Antiquity ruins, are typical equipment used by the old Slavic nobility. It can be concluded that the Frankish authorities on Ajdna took revenge on a handful of rebels from the Principality of Carniola. From historical sources it is known that the residents of the Upper Sava valley joined the revolt of Prince Ljudevit Posavski in the battle against the Franks in 820. Following victory over the rebel prince, the Franks pursued the remnants of his army. Most probably, the rebels found their fate – their final shelter – in the eagle’s nest beneath Stol.
This exhibition was created in co-operation with the Institute for Tourism and Culture Žirovnica, The Municipality of Žirovnica, the Regional Museum in Kranj and the Institute for the Protection of Monuments in Kranj.
PhD Verena Perko, Author of the Ajdna Exhibition
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Ajdno so vse do nedavnega poznali le redki domačini. Od leta 1976 do 2004 so potekale na Ajdni arheološke raziskave, ki so jih spremljali zahtevni konservatorski posegi. Odkriti so bili ostanki vasice s cerkvijo iz 6. stoletja po Kr., kamor so se ob koncu Zahodnega rimskega cesarstva umaknili ljudje iz doline. Zaselek je obsegal okoli 20 hiš in preprosto cerkev.
Skromne najdbe pričajo o tamkajšnjem trdem življenju. Ko ni bilo nevarnosti, so ljudje obdelovali polja v dolini in pasli živino po okoliških planinah. Po številnih ostankih plitvih lončenih skodel sklepamo, da je bila vsakodnevna jed močnata kaša. Železarski izdelki, ki so po tisočletju in pol skorajda brez sledi rje, kažejo vrhunske veščine ajdenskih kovačev.
Ajdna je bila uničena ob koncu 6. ali v začetku 7. stoletja. Da so jo oplenili in požgali napadalci drugačne vere, sklepamo po porušenju cerkve in oskrunjenju oltarja. Še vse do nedavnega je veljalo, da je vasica po uničenju utonila v pozabo. Med zadnjimi izkopavanji pa so prišli na dan kosi staroslovenske plemiške konjeniške opreme iz 9. stoletja. Zdi se, da je bila Ajdna priča zadnjega obračuna Frankov s Karneolci.
Until recently Ajdna was only known by a few locals. In the period from 1976 to 2004 archeo logical explorations took place at Ajdna, which were combined with complex conservation measures. Remains of a small village from the 6th century AD were discovered to where people retreated from the valley at the end of the Western Roman Empire. The small village comprised around 20 houses and a simple church.
The modest finds testify of the hard life there. When they were not in danger, locals cultivated the fields in the valley and herded livestock on the surrounding highlands. According to the numer ous remains of shallow clay bowls, it is assumed that the staple diet consisted of a porridge-type dish. Iron products which, after a millenium, have remained almost rust-free, demonstrate the superior skills of the Ajdna blacksmiths.
Ajdna was destroyed at the end of the 6th or beginning of the 7th century. It can be assumed from the destruction of the church and desecration of the altar that it was pillaged and set alight by attackers of other religions. Until recently it was thought that after being destroyed the village had disappeared into oblivion. During recent excavations pieces of old Slavonic noble equestrian equipment from the 9th century were unearthed. This find points to the fact that Ajdna was the place of the final charge of the Franks against Carniolans.
Arheološke raziskave na Ajdni leta 1979, čiščenje zidov: Andrej Valič (levo) in Janez Meterc
Archeological research on Ajdna in 1979, cleaning walls; Andrej Valič (left) and Janez Meterc
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Zakaj so se ljudje umaknili na Ajdno
Na Ajdno so se ljudje naselili v kriznih časih razpada Zahodnega rimskega cesarstva leta 476. V tistih časih so ljudstva Vzhoda in Severa prodirala proti Italiji, ropala in plenila po deželi. Cesarska vojska je razpadla in vojaki so se še sami pridružili plenjenju. Mesta, vasi in kmetije so bili porušeni. Preživeli so se umaknili v težko dostopne, skrite kraje.
Prebivalci Ajdne so bili skoraj gotovo domačini iz krajev pod Stolom. Samo njim je bil znan prostor na skalnem zobu in edino oni so vedeli za skrite steze, ki so vodile na Ajdno. Vse je bilo treba pritovoriti na hrbtu. Prepadno pot so poleg ljudi zmogle le še mule.
Na Ajdni ni bilo prostora za vrtove, kaj šele njive. Prebivalci so še naprej obdelovali svoja polja v dolini in pasli živino na bližnjih planinah. To kažejo odkrita kmečka orodja in zvonci za živino.
Na Ajdni ni moglo prebivati kaj dosti več kot 150 ljudi. Naselje je obsegalo okoli 20 preprostih, zidanih in lesenih, s sko dlami kritih hiš in cerkev. Stavbe so se pred pogledi in vetrom skrivale na treh ozkih, kamnitih terasah, na sončni strani tik pod vrhom. Zapisov o življenju na Ajdni ni, vse, kar je znanega, sklepamo iz arheoloških odkritij.
3. Bronasta zaponka, 1. stoletje, in železna zaponka, 3. in 4. stoletje, za spenjanje oblek.
Zaponki sodita med redko gradivo, ki izpričuje, da je bila Ajdna obljudena že v času zgodnje rimske dobe.
Bronze brooch for clothes, 1st century and iron brooch, 3rd and 4th centuriesfor sewing clothes.
The brooches are among the rare material that bears testament that Ajdna was settled as far back as in early Roman times.
Why people fled to Ajdna
Ajdna was settled during the crisis times of the collapse of the Western-Roman Empire in 476.
At the time, people from the East and North advanced towards Italy, robbing and looting across the country. The Imperial army had collapsed and the soldiers had themselves joined in the plundering. Towns, villages and farms were destroyed. The survivors retreated to inaccessible, hidden, places.
The residents of Ajdna were almost certainly locals from the towns and villages beneath Mt. Stol. It was only they who knew about the area on the rocky tooth and only they knew about the hidden paths which led to Ajdna. Everything had to be transported on their backs. In addition to people, the precipitous path could be traversed only by mules.
There was no space on Ajdna for gardens, let alone tilled fields. The residents continued to cultivate their fields in the valley and herded livestock on the nearby highlands. This is witnessed by the findings of farm tools and cattle bells.
It is unlikely that there could have been more than 150 people residing on Ajdna. The settlement comprised around 20 simple, brick and wood shingle-covered houses and a church. The buildings were hidden from view and protected from wind on three narrow stone terraces on the sunny side directly beneath the top of Ajdna.
2. Kmečko orodje in drugi drobni izdelki ajdenskih kovačev, 6. stoletje
Farming tools and other small implements made by Ajdna’s blacksmiths, 6th century.
1. Keramična oljenka, svetilka na olje, 6. stoletje Ceramic oil lamp, 6th century
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Cerkev in v njej pokopani, časti vredni pokojni
Cerkvica je stala na zgornji terasi. Bila je preprosta, podolgovata stavba z vhodno vežo, s krstilnico in z grobno kapelo ob strani. Oltar je po tedanji navadi stal na vzhodni strani. V majhni koščeni skrinjici, relikviariju, ki je ležal skrit v vdolbini v oltarju, so bile skrbno čuvane relikvije neznanega svetnika. Brez tega nobena krščanska cerkev tedaj ni mogla biti posvečena.
Cerkev je bila v notranjosti poslikana, tla so bila prevleče na z maltnim tlakom. V cerkvenem tlaku je bilo vkopanih 11 grobov. V osrednjem grobu ob vhodu je ležala mlada žena z bronastimi uhani in verižico, s srebrno zapestnico in prstanom s križem. Pravico do groba v cerkvi so od nekdaj imeli zgolj izbranci, predvsem moški. Ne vemo, zaradi česa je pokojnikom, posebej pa še mladi ženi, pri padla ta izjemna čast.
Prvotno stavbo je najverjetneje porušil potres. Skrbno so jo obnovili, prizidali grobno kapelo in krstilnico na severu ter skoznjo odprli nov vhod. Cerkev je bila le nekaj desetletij za tem dokončno uničena. Porušena in požgana je bila skupaj z vasjo konec 6. stoletja. Nespoštljivo razbitje oltarja, oskrunjenje grobov in uničenje svetih predmetov dajo misliti, da so Ajdno uničili zavojevalci drugačne vere.
1. Virtualna rekonstrukcija antične vasice na Ajdni, pogled z jugozahodne strani na cerkev z vhodno lopo
A virtual reconstruction of the Late Antiquity village on Ajdna, viewed from the southwest side of the church with entrance booth.
2. Bronasta uhana, zapestnica in deli verižice ter srebrn prstan iz groba mlade žene, pokopane sredi ajdenske cerkve
Bronze earrings, bracelet, parts of necklaces and a silver ring from the tomb of a young woman buried in the centre of the Ajdna church.
The church and those buried in it, who were an honour whorty
A small church stood on the upper terrace. It was a simple elongated building with an entrance hall, a baptistery and a tomb chapel at the side. The altar, according to the customs from those times, stood on the east side. In a small bone chest, in a shrine, which had lain hidden in a recess in the altar, there were care fully guarded relics of an unknown saint. Without this, no Christian church could have at that time been consecrated.
The interior of the church was painted, the floors were covered with mortar flooring. Beneath the floor of the church were 11 buried graves. In the central grave at the entrance there laid a young woman with bronze earrings and necklace, a sil ver bracelet and a ring with a cross. The rights to the graves in the church had long been only for the chosen few, mostly men. It is not known why she was afforded such honour. The first building on this site was most probably destroyed by an earthquake. It was carefully rebuilt, and a grave chapel and baptistery were added on the north side, through which a new entrance was opened. Just a few decades later, the church was completely destroyed again. It was demolished and burnt down, together with the rest of the village, at the end of the 6th century. The disrespectful dismantling of the altar, desecration of the graves, and destruction of holy objects lead to the belief that Ajdna was destroyed by invad ers of other religions.
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»Županova pisarna«, stan za obrambno posadko, skladišče in cisterna za vodo
Dve hiši na terasi pod cerkvijo odlikuje osrednja vloga, velikost in trdnost gradnje. Vsaka je imela zajetno cisterno za vodo, saj brez vode življenje na Ajdni ne bi bilo mogoče. Tudi po najdbah, odkritih v notranjosti obeh hiš, lahko sklepamo, da sta stavbi služili skupnosti.
Prva je bila velika, trdno zida na hiša z zajetno cisterno za deževnico. Hiša je zavzemala osrednji prostor na terasi.
V njej so bili odkriti tudi odlomki amfore za uvoženo vino in olje. Druga, manjša zgradba z vhodnim vetrolovom, je le žala tik ob spodnjem robu naselja. Branila je dohod po stezi iz doline. Ob še ohranjenem hišnem pragu sta bili odkriti dve puščični osti. Tičali sta v plasti žganine, ki je prekrivala ruševine, in sta skoraj gotovo priči zadnjega napada. V notranjosti je poleg preostalih najdb ležalo železno pisalo, stilus. V ruševini zahodnega zidu pa je prišlo na dan človeško okostje z železnim rezilom med rebri. Z njim je bil najverjetneje pokojnik pokončan, ko so napadalci hišo zavzeli, branitelje pobili in vas požgali.
Spodnja hiša je očitno imela obrambno lego ob vhodu v vas, morda je bila stan za obrambno posadko. Osrednjo, najbolj mogočno hišo v vasi bi morda lahko označili za nekakšno »županovo pisarno« z arhivom, s skladišči in cisterno za vodo. Po propadu cesarstva je namreč Cerkev poskrbela za upravne in obrambne naloge države. Skrbela je tudi za trgovske in verske stike z Bizancem, kar kažejo odkriti odlomki posodja, amfor za mašno vino in olje iz severne Afrike in Sirije.
‘A Mayor’s office’, a small house for the defence crew, a warehouse and a water cistern
Two houses on the terrace beneath the church are distinguished by the central location, size and strength of the construction. Each had its own bulk water cistern, since life without water would have been impossible on Ajdna. According to the finds discovered in the interiors of both houses, it can be assumed that the buildings served the community.
The first was a large solidly-built house with a bulk tank for collecting rainwater. It occupied the central area. In the house fragments of amphorae for imported wine and oil were discovered. The other small building, with an entrance windbreak, was located right at the lower edge of the set tlement. It defended the approach from the paths leading from the valley. Two arrowheads were discovered beside the still preserved doorstep. They were set into a layer of the charred remains that covered the ruins and were almost certainly witness to the final attack. In the interior, in addition to other finds, there was a stylus - an iron writing implement. In the ruins of the western wall a human skeleton was discovered with an iron blade between the ribs. It is most likely that this was the cause of death of the deceased, when the attackers overran the house, killed the defenders and set fire to the village.
1. Železna ostroga, okov za nož in puščični osti, gradivo, ki je bilo odkrito v ruševinskih plasteh hiš na spodnji terasi vasice
Iron spur, knife sheath and arrowheads; materials that were discovered in the ruins of houses on the lower terrace of the village.
2. Železen stilus, ki dokazuje, da je bilo v 6. stoletju v vasi manjše upravno središče
Iron stylus, proof that in the 6th century the village was a small administrative centre.
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Osemnajstkrat kaša, poj je pa nedela
Skromne najdbe pričajo o trdem življenju na Ajdni. Med ruševinami preprostih hiš je bilo največ odlomkov doma izdelane lončenine, loncev in skled. Kaže, da je bila vsakodnevna jed močnata kaša, najverjetneje iz tedaj pogostega ječmena.
Med ruševinami hiš odkrito kmečko orodje priča, da so ljudje v mirnih časih še ob delovali svoja polja v dolini in pasli živino po okoliških planinah. Železarski izdelki, ki so po tisočletju in pol skorajda brez sledi rje, kažejo na odlično kakovost železa in vrhunsko znanje ajdenskih kovačev. O kovaštvu na Ajdni pričajo tudi pogosto odkriti kosi žlindre in najdba železarskega volka v lopi na najnižji terasi. Železarske peči so najverjetneje ležale na pobočju nad Ajdno, pod Valvasorjevo kočo, kjer prižubori na plano manjši vodni izvir. Tam bi lahko bile tudi živinske staje.
Na Ajdni so živeli ljudje iz bližnjih vasi. Njihova govorica je koreninila v starih je zikih, ki so bili le govorjeni, pisne rabe pa niso poznali. V stoletjih rimskega cesar stva je prebivalstvo prevzelo latinščino in krščanstvo. Latinščina je bila uradniški in vojaški jezik ter jezik cerkvenega obredja. V tej vlogi se je ohranila še vse do prejšnjega stoletja. Najdba pisal na Ajdni dokazuje, da je bila latinščina v vsakdanji rabi še vse do konca 6. ali celo začetkov 7. stoletja.
Eighteen times porridge, then came Sunday
The modest finds testify to the hard life on Ajdna. Among the ruins of the simple houses there were pieces of homemade pottery, pots and bowls. This points to the every day food being a porridge-type dish, most likely made from the barley that was common at that time.
Among the ruins of the houses, findings of farm tools testify that, during times of peace, locals still cultivated their fields in the valley and herded livestock on the surrounding highlands. Iron products, which after a millenium have remained almost rust-free, demonstrate the excellent quality of the iron and superior knowledge of the Ajdna blacksmiths. Further evidence that there were blacksmiths on Ajdna was found in the discoveries of pieces of slag and the finding of an iron bloom in a shed on the lower terrace. Iron stoves were most likely situated on the slopes above Ajdna, beneath the Valvasor hut, where a small spring of water rippled to the surface. There also could have been a cattle pen.
People from the nearby villages lived on Ajdna. Their dialect was rooted in old language, which was only spoken, written use was not known. During the centuries of the Roman Empire the population adopted Latin and Christianity. Latin was the official and military languge, used in church rituals. In this way the language was maintained right up until the previous century. The finding of a writing implement, a stylus, proves that Latin was still in use right up until the end of the 6th century or even the beginning of the 7th century.
1. Železna noža, ključa, zaponka, puščične osti, pasni zaključek in odlomki drugih izdelkov ajdenskih kovačev, 6. stoletje
Iron knife, key, brooch, arrowheads, belt clips and fragments of other items made by Ajdna’s blacksmiths, 6th century.
2. Kos zmečkanega, bronastega kotlička z okrašenim robom
A piece of crushed bronze kettle with a decorative edge.
3. Andrej Valič, izkopavanja v notranjosti cerkve, 1979 Andrej Valič, excavating the interior of the church 1979.
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Ajdna, nema priča zadnjega obračuna Še vse do nedavnega je veljalo, da je po uničenju konec 6. ali v začetku 7. stoletja Ajdna utonila v pozabo. Ko so v poznoantičnih ruševinah odkrili kose staroslovenske plemiške konjeniške opreme iz 9. stoletja, je postalo jasno, da je bila Ajdna kraj zadnjega obračuna Frankov s Karniolci.
Konec 6. stoletja so v naše kraje vdrle skupine avaroslovanskega ljudstva. Uničili so zadnje ostanke rimske države, te daj je bila požgana tudi vas na Ajdni. V 7. in 8. stoletju se je slovanski živelj pomešal s preostanki staroselskega prebivalstva. Prevladala je slovanska govorica. Na večjem delu današnjega slovenskega ozemlja je nastala samostojna slovanska kneževina Karneola s središčem v Kranju.
Iz zgodovine vemo, da so se leta 820 Panonci uprli nasilni frankovski oblasti. Upornike je vodil Ljudevit Posavski iz bližine današnjega Siska. Pridružili so se mu tudi Karneolci ob zgornji Savi. Frankovska vojska je najprej potolkla Ljudevitove upornike, nato obračunala še s preostalimi. Sklepamo, da se je manjša skupina plemiških konjenikov iz Karneole zatekla na Ajdno.
Na Ajdni odkriti predmeti, posebej ena od ostrog in obešalnik za meč, so primer ljivi z opremo starohrvaških in moravskih knezov iz 9. stoletja. V Sloveniji pa najdemo največ podobnosti s konjeniško knežjo opremo z Bašlja nad Kranjem, ki je pripadala staroslovenskemu plemstvu iz Karneole.
Ajdna, a silent witness to the final charge
Until recently it was assumed that Ajdna was destroyed at the end of the 6th, or even the beginning of the 7th, century and it was lost to oblivion. When pieces of old Slavonic noble equestrian equipment from the 9th century were discovered in the Late-Antique ruins, it became clear that Ajdna was the place of the final charge of the Franks with Carniolans.
At the end of the 6th century groups of Avaro-Slavonic people invaded these areas. They destroyed the last remains of the Roman State, and at that time the village on Ajdna was also burnt down. In the 7th and 8th centuries the Slavic population has mixed with the remains of the indigenous population. A larger part of the territory of today’s Slovenia became an independent Slavonic principality, named Carneola, centred in Kranj.
From history it is known that in the year 820 the Pannonians resisted an assault by the Frankish authorities. The rebels were led by Ljudevit Posavski from the vicinity of today’s Sisak. He was joined by the Carneoloans along the upper Sava valley. The Frankish army continued to assault the Ljudevit rebels, then took revenge on the others. It is assumed that a smaller group of noble cavalrymen from Carneola retreated to Ajdna.
The objects discovered on Ajdna, in particular one of the spurs and a hanger for a sword are comparable with the equip ment of the old-Croats and Moravian princes from the 9th century. In Slovenia the great est similarity is found with the princely equestrian equipment from Bašelj above Kranj, which belonged to the old Slavonic nobility from Carneola.
3. Svinčeni uteži, odlomek zlatega nakita in pozlačen, bronast uhan
Lead weights, fragment of gold jewellery and goldplated, bronze earring.
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Železna ostroga, oprema staroslo venskih knezov, 9. stoletje Iron spur, equipment used by old Slavic princes, 9th century
Železen obešalnik za meč, oprema staroslovenskih knezov, 9. stoletje
sword hanger, equipment used by old Slavic princes, 9th century.
Bronasta zaponka v obliki ptičke
A bronze brooch in the shape of a bird
A bronze brooch for clothing, in the shape of a bird, was discovered at the beginning of the research on Ajdna. It was discovered among the ruins of houses from the 6th century, however, it is much older.
That kind of buckle was worn by women in the 1st and 2nd centu ries. Was Ajdna already inhabited at that time? Or was the buckles found in the valley, perhaps during work on the fields, and was later brought up to Ajdna? Did one of the Ajdna maidens stitch together a plaid with it? This will never been known.
The Ajdna bird is today a symbol of the small ancient village high under Mt. Stol. Destroyed, forgotten, and once again uncovered, similar to how every day birds fly early up into the sky.
Bronasta zaponka za obleko v obliki ptičke je bila odkrita že na začetku raziskav. Na dan je prišla med ruševinami hiš iz 6. stoletja, vendar je mnogo starejša. Take sponke so nosile žene v 1. in 2. stoletju. Je bila Ajdna poseljena že tedaj? Ali pa so sponko našli v dolini, morda pri delu na polju, in jo prinesli na Ajdno? Si je z njo spenjalo svoje ogrinjalo katero od ajdenskih deklet? Tega ne bomo nikoli izvedeli.
Ajdenska ptička je danes simbol starodavne vasice visoko pod Stolom. Uničene in pozabljene ter ponovno odkrite, podobno kot se tudi ptica vsak dan znova zarana dvigne v nebo.
Pogled z Ajdne na Zgornjesavsko dolino View from Ajdna into the Upper Sava Valley
Ajdna v jesenskih barvah Ajdna in autumn colours
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Arheološka razstava o Ajdni v Čopovi rojstni hiši v Žirovnici
Archaeological exhibition about Ajdna in Čopova rojstna hiša (Čop’s Birth House) in Žirovnica.
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PRVA VITRINA (desno od vhoda)
Večina predmetov, odkritih na Ajdni, je iz 6. stoletja. Nekaj drobnega nakita, med drugim prav bronasta zaponka v obliki ptičke, pa daje sklepati, da je Ajdna dajala zavetje ljudem iz doline že tudi v 1. ali 2. stoletju.
1. Bronasta glavica igle za spenjanje oblačila, vel. 1,1 x 0,8 cm, inv. št. AJ 364
2. Bronasta zaponka v obliki ptičke, vel. 3 x 2,6 cm (kopija)
3. Bronasta zaponka za oblačila, vel. 5,6 x 1,3 cm, inv. št. AJ 346
4. Železna igla za šivanje, vel. 7 x 0,1 cm, inv. št. AJ 370
5. Keramičen vijček za prejo volne, vel. 3,2 x 2 cm, inv. št. AJ 950
6. Bronast kraguljček, vel. 3,5 x 2,4 cm (kopija)
Naselje na Ajdni je nastalo v nemirnih časih po padcu Zahodnega rimskega cesarstva konec
5. stoletja, ko se je prebivalstvo umaknilo iz dolin v varno zavetje.
1. Železen ključ, vel. 17,3 x 4,8 cm(kopija)
2. Železna pločevina, vel. 9,1 x 2,5 cm (iz zbirke Janeza Meterca)
3. Železna triroba puščična ost, vel. 6,5 x 1,2 cm (kopija)
4. Železna enokrilna puščična ost, vel. 5,7 x 1,2 cm (kopija)
Po najdbi številnega orodja za kmečka in gozdarska opravila ter živinskega zvonca lahko sklepamo, da je prebivalstvo Ajdne obdelovalo njive v dolini in paslo živino po bližnjih planinah.
1. Železna sekača na uho, vel. 14,8 x 7,1 cm (kopija)
2. Odlomek železnega kladiva na uho, vel. 4,9 x 2,5 cm, inv. št. AJ 214
3. Železen srp, vel. 35 x 3,1 cm (kopija)
4. Železen živinski zvonec, vel. 9,3 x 5,2 cm (kopija)
Puščične osti so poleg redkih, malo večjih nožev edina vrsta orožja, ki je bilo odkrito na Ajdni. (Kopije, Gorenjski muzej v Kranju)
Ddr. Verena Perko, 15. maj 2017
1. Železen stilus, pisalo, vel. 9,8 x 0,5 cm, inv. št. AJ 373
2. Železen stilus, pisalo, vel. 9,9 x 0,5 cm, inv. št. AJ 352
3. Železen stilus, pisalo, vel. 14 x 0,5 cm, inv. št. AJ 362
4. Keramična posoda, šir. ustja 13,2 cm, viš. 13,8 cm (kopija)
Večina posodja, orodja in orožja je izdelek domačinov, prebivalcev Ajdne. Posebej železarski izdelki so izjemno kakovostni, rja se jih komaj dotakne. (Kopije in originali, Gorenjski muzej v Kranju)
1. Keramična skodela, šir. ustja 13 cm, viš. 5,4 cm, inv. št. AJ 331a
2. Keramična skodela, šir. ustja 17 cm, viš. 4,5 cm, inv. št. AJ 331b
3. Železen trak, vel. 5 x 0,9 cm, inv. št. AJ 363
4. Rezilo železnega noža, vel. 6 x 1 cm, inv. št. AJ 360
5. Žebelj, vel. 15,5 x 1,2 cm, inv. št. AJ 210
6. Železna konica, vel. 19,5 x 0,8 cm, inv. št. AJ 952
7. Žebelj, vel. 13,2 x 1 cm, inv. št. AJ 949
8. Železna konica, vel. 15 x 1,2 cm (iz zbirke Janeza Meterca)
9. Žebelj, vel. 10,3 x 2,5 cm (iz zbirke Janeza Meterca)
10. Žebelj, vel. 9,8 x 1,7 cm, inv. št. AJ 372
11. Žebelj, vel. 12,2 x 2,2 cm (iz zbirke Janeza Meterca)
Utež, pisalo, rezila in druga obrtna orodja izpričujejo trgovske stike in obrtna znanja ajdenskih prebivalcev. (Originalni predmeti, Gorenjski muzej v Kranju)
1. Svinčena utež z železno zanko za obešanje, vel. 6 x 4,1 cm, inv. št. AJ 209
2. Železna konica, orodje (?), vel. 12,7 x 1,1 cm, inv. št. AJ 527
3. Rezilo železnega noža, vel. 10,8 x 1,3 cm, inv. št. AJ 528
4. Del bronastega kotlička z okrasnim robom in zavihkom za ročaj, vel. 11 x 13,8 cm (iz zbirke Dušana Prešerna, Jesenice)
1. Rezilo železnega noža, vel. 12,5 x 1,6 cm, inv. št. AJ 951
2. Železna triroba puščična ost, vel. 6,9 x 1 cm (kopija)
3. Železna puščična ost, vel. 7,4 x 1,2 cm (kopija)
4. Železna rombična puščična ost, vel. 8,6 x 1,1 cm, inv. št. AJ 352
Pisala, železni stilusi za vrezovanje pismenk v povoščene tablice, kažejo, da je bila Ajdna poleg verskega tudi upravno središče življenja, ki se je po padcu Zahodnega rimskega cesarstva še ohranilo po dolini in okoliških hribih. (Kopije in originali, Gorenjski muzej v Kranju)
Železne puščične osti in členi verižnega oklepa,
Iron arrowhead and pieces of chain mail armour, 6th century.
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6. stoletje
Relikviarij, skrinjica za svetniške ostanke, ki je prvotno ležala skrita pod oltarjem in so jo ob uničenju cerkve in oskrunjenju oltarja konec 6. stoletja zavrgli. (Kopija, original hrani Gorenjski muzej v Kranju)
1. Skrinjica iz koščenih ploščic z bronastim okrasjem, s ključavnico in z ročajem, vel. 15,9 x 7,6 cm (kopija)
Odlomki keramičnega posodja iz severnoafriških delavnic, od koder je prišlo s trgovino z oljem in vinom, najverjetneje za potrebe cerkvenega obredja, evharistije. (Kopija in originali, Gorenjski muzej v Kranju)
1. Keramična svetilka na olje, vel. 11,3 x 7 cm (kopija)
2. Odlomek ustja keramične sklede, izdelane na obalah Male Azije, vel. 3,2 x 4,1 cm, inv. št. AJ 370
3. Odlomek ustja keramične sklede, izdelane na obalah Male Azije, vel. 4,1 x 5,6 cm, inv. št. AJ 369
4. Odlomek ustja male amfore za vino, izdelane v severni Afriki, vel. 4,4 x 4,1 cm, inv. št. AJ 368
Predmeti iz groba mlade žene, pokopane v osrednjem grobu ajdenske cerkvice in uničenega hkrati s cerkvijo in z oltarjem konec 6. stoletja. (Kopije, originalne predmete hrani Gorenjski muzej v Kranju)
1. Deli bronaste verižice, dol. 6,3 cm (kopija)
2. Srebrn prstan z okrasom vrezanega križa, šir. 2,1 cm (kopija)
3. Bronasta zapestnica z nesklenjenimi, odebeljenimi konci, šir. 6,8 cm (kopija)
4. Uhana iz bronaste žice, šir. 5 cm (kopija)
Puščični izstrelki iz ruševin v napadu uničenih ajdenskih hiš, konec 6. stoletja. (Kopije in originali, Gorenjski muzej v Kranju)
1. S svincem obtežena puščična ost, vel. 16,3 x 2,1 cm, inv. št. AJ 364
2. Železna triroba puščična ost, vel. 6,9 x 1 cm, inv. št. AJ 364
3. Železna puščična ost s krilci, vel. 7,4 x 1,2 cm, inv. št. AJ 364
4. Železna triroba puščična ost, vel. 9,6 x 1,1 cm, inv. št. AJ 364
5. Železna enokrilna puščična ost, vel. 5,7 x 1,2 cm, inv. št. AJ 364
Železni ostrogi, del opreme slovanskih knezov in njihovega spremstva, prva polovica
9. stoletja. (Kopiji, original hrani Gorenjski muzej v Kranju)
1. Železna ostroga z okrasno narezanim robom, vel. 13,6 x 7,5 cm (kopija)
2. Železna ostroga, vel. 16 x 11 cm, (kopija)
The majority of the objects that were found at Ajdna date from the 6th century AD. It can be concluded from the few small pieces of jewellery, among them a bronze brooch in the shape of a bird, that Ajdna offered a refuge for people from the valley as far back as the 1st or 2nd centuries AD.
1. Bronze needle head for binding clothes, size 1.1 x 0.8cm
2. Bronze brooch in the shape of a bird, size 3 x 2.6cm
3. Bronze brooch for clothes, size 5.6 x 1.3cm
4. Iron needle for sewing, size 7 x 0.1cm
5. Ceramic spindle for wool, size 3.2 x 2cm
6. Bronze sleigh bell, size 3.5 x 2.4cm
The settlement on Ajdna was established during the times of unrest after the fall of the Western Roman Empire at the end of the 5th century AD, when residents fled from the valley to seek safe shelter.
1. Iron key, size 17.3 x 4.8cm
2. Sheet iron, size 9.1 x 2.5cm (from Janez Meterc’s collection)
3. Iron three-edged arrowhead, size 6.5 x 1.2cm
4. Iron single-pointed arrowhead, size 5.7 x 1.2cm
It can be concluded from the findings of numerous tools for farm and forest work, as well as a cow bell, that the inhabitants of Ajdna cultivated fields in the valley and grazed their livestock on the nearby highlands.
1. Iron axe, size 14.8 x 7.1cm
2. Fragment of iron hammer, size 4. x 2.5cm
3. Iron sickle, size 35 x 3.1cm
4. Iron cow bell, size 9.3 x 5.2cm
In addition to rare, slightly bigger knives, arrowheads are the only type of weapon that was found on Ajdna (copy, Regional Museum Kranj).
1. Iron knife blade, size 12.5 x 1.6cm
2. Iron three-edged arrowhead, size 6.9 x 1cm
3. Iron arrowhead, size 7.4 x 1.2cm
4. Iron rhombic arrowhead, size 8.6 x 1.1cm
Writing implements - iron styluses - witnesse that, in addition to a religious centre, Ajdna was also an administrative centre after the fall of the Western Roman Empire. (Copies and originals, Regional Museum Kranj).
1. Iron stylus, writing implement, size 9.8 x 0.5cm
2. Iron stylus, Writing implement, size 9.9 x 0.5cm
3. Iron stylus, Writing implement, size 14 x 0.5cm
4. Ceramic vessel, width 13.2cm, height 13.8cm
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The majority of vessels, tools and weapons are the products of locals – the inhabitants of Ajdna. The iron products are of especially high quality and have remained almost rust-free.
(Copies and originals, Regional Museum Kranj).
1. Ceramic dish, width 13cm, height 5.4cm
2. Ceramic dish, width 17cm height 4.5cm
3. Iron band, size 5 x 0.9cm
4. Iron knife blade, size 6 x 1cm
5. Nail, size 15.5 x 1.2cm
6. Iron point, size 19.5 x 0.8cm
7. Nail, size 13.2 x 1cm
8. Iron point, size 15 x 1.2cm (from Janez Meterc’s collection)
9. Nail, size 10.3 x 2.5cm (from Janez Meterc’s collection)
10. Nail, size 9.8 x 1.7cm
11. Nail, size 12.2 x 2.2cm
Weights, writing implements, blades and other tools testify to the trading and craft skills of the inhabitants on Ajdna.
(Original objects, Regional Museum Kranj).
1. Lead weight with an iron loop for hanging, size 6 x 4.1cm
2. Iron tool, size 12.7 x 1.1cm
3. Iron knife blade, size 10.8 x 1.3cm
4. Part of a small bronze kettle with a decorative edge and handle, size 11 x 13.8cm (from Dušan Prešern’s collection, Jesenice)
A reliquary - a casket for the remains of saints - which originally lay hidden beneath the altar and was discarded during the destruction of the church and desecration of the altar at the end of the 6th century AD.
(Copy, original preserved in the Regional Museum Kranj).
1. Small bone chest with bronze decorations and a lock and handle, size 15.9 x 7.6cm
Fragments of ceramic vessels from North African workshops from where they came with the trade of oil and wine, most likely for the needs of church rituals, such as the Eucharist.
(Copy and originals, Regional Museum Kranj).
1. Ceramic oil lamp, size 11.3 x 7cm
2. Fragment of a ceramic bowl from Asia Minor, size 3.2 x 4.1cm
3. Fragment of a ceramic bowl from Asia Minor, size 4.1 x 5.6cm
4. Fragment of a wine amphora from Northern Africa, size 4.4 x 4.1cm
Objects from the grave of a young woman, buried in the central tomb of the Ajdna church and destroyed at the same time as the church and the altar at the end of the 6th century AD. (Copy, original objects are preserved in the Regional Museum Kranj).
1. Parts of bronze chains, length 6.3cm
2. Silver ring with an engraved cross, width 2.1cm
3. Bronze bracelet with thickened ends, width 6.8cm
4. Earrings, bronze wire, width 5cm
Arrow projectiles from the ruins of the Ajdna houses destroyed during the attack at the end of the 6th century AD.
(Copy and originals, Regional Museum Kranj).
1. Lead weighted arrowhead, size 16.3 x 2.1cm
2. Iron three-edged arrowhead, size 6.9 x 1cm
3. Iron winged arrowhead, size 7.4 x 1.2cm
4. Iron three-edged arrowhead, size 9.6 x 1.1cm
5. Iron single pointed arrowhead, size 5.7 x 1.2cm
Iron spurs, part of the equipment used by Slavic princes and their escorts in the first half of the 9th century AD. (Copies, originals preserved in the Regional Museum Kranj).
1. Iron spur with decorative carved edge, size 13.6 x 7.5cm
2. Iron spur, size 16 x 11cm
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Žirovnica leži v zeleni dolini na pragu Karavank. Bogastvo njene literarne, čebelarske in arheolo ške dediščine je vasem pod Stolom dalo ime »zi belka slovenske kulture in čebelarstva«, območje pa se ponaša z domačnostjo in lepoto pokrajine.
Raziskovanje kulturne dediščine Nagrajena Pot kulturne dediščine Žirovnica vabi k aktivnemu odkrivanju tradicije. Pot povezuje kulturnozgodovinske spomenike vasi pod Sto lom, med katerimi je pet osrednjih točk. To so rojstna hiša Matije Čopa, prvega slovenskega jezikoslovca, bibliotekarja in enega največjih evropskih učenjakov svojega časa; čebelnjak Antona Janše, prvega učitelja čebelarstva na čebelarski šoli na Dunaju; rojstna hiša Frana Saleškega Fin žgarja, duhovnika, literata, ki se je v slovensko književnost vpisal kot mojster ljudske besedne umetnosti; rojstna hiša Janeza Jalna, pisatelja in dramatika, ki je navdih za svoja dela iskal v naravi in življenju preprostih ljudi v domačem okolju; rojstna hiša dr. Franceta Prešerna, največjega slo venskega pesnika, ki je svojo vizijo o enakopravnosti in prijateljskem sožitju med vsemi narodi izrazil v Zdravljici, slovenski himni.
Zelena energija
Po območju občine Žirovnica vodijo mnoge spre hajalne, planinske, kolesarske, gorskokolesarske in jahalne poti, ki ponujajo številne možnosti za rekreacijo. Zelena dolina Završnice, kjer je ob jezeru urejen Rekreacijski park Završnica, je priljubljeno izhodišče za vzpone na bližnje gorske vrhove in obiske planinskih postojank (Valvasor jev dom, Prešernova koča na vrhu Stola, Dom pri izviru Završnice ipd.). Valvasorjev dom, priljubljena točka med domačimi planinci, je najpogostejše izhodišče za vzpon na Stol (2236 m), najvišji vrh Karavank, in izhodišče za obisk Ajdne, poznoantičnega arheološkega najdišča.
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Žirovnica lies in the green valley below the Karavanke mountain range. The richness of its literary, beekeeping and archaeological heritage carved a path for the villages under Mt. Stol to become the “cradle of Slovenian culture and beekeeping”, and this region is well-known for its hospitality and the beauty of its landscape.
Exploring the cultural heritage
The prize-winning Žirovnica Cultural Heritage Trail invites you to actively explore the area’s tradition. The trail connects the cultural and historic monuments along five core sites in the villages below Mt. Stol. These are the birth house of Matija Čop, the first Slovenian linguist and librarian and one of the greatest European scholars of his time; apiary with the beehives of Anton Janša, the first beekeeping teacher at the School of Beekeeping in Vienna; the birth house of Fran Saleški Finžgar, a priest and scholar who marked Slovenian literature as the master of folk literature; the birth house of Janez Jalen, a writer and playwright who searched for inspiration in nature and the lives of simple people in their local environment; and the birth house of Dr. France Prešeren, Slovenia’s greatest poet, who expressed his vision of equality and symbiosis between all nations in his most famous poem “Zdravljica” (A Toast), which also became Slovenia’s national anthem when the country became independent.
Green energy
The municipality of Žirovnica abounds in walking, hiking, cycling, mountain biking and riding trails, thus offering a multitude of options for recreation. The green Završnica valley, where the Završnica recreational park is landscaped by the lake, is a popular starting point for hiking in the nearby mountains and visiting mountain huts (Valvasor jev dom, Prešernova koča hut at the top of Stol, Dom pri izviru Završnice hut etc.). Valvasorjev dom, a very popular hut among local mountaineers, is the most common starting point for the ascent to Mt. Stol (2236m), the highest peak of the Karavanke mountain range, and is also one of the starting points for visiting the Ajdna ancient archaeo logical site.
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Pravo predstavo o izredno zanimivi in slikoviti legi antične vasice Ajdna pa vam bo omogočil zgolj vzpon na arheološko najdišče, ki je najlažje dostopno iz smeri Valvasorjevega doma (1181 m). Do tja je od Završniškega jezerca pet kilometrov vožnje po makadamski gozdni cesti. Priporočamo pa, da se iz doline odpravite kar po bližnji, dobro označeni peš poti. To je srednje zahtevna planinska pot, ki jo boste prehodili približno v eni uri. Od Valvasorjevega doma do Ajdne je še 30 minut hoje, tik pod ciljem pa imate možnost izbire med plezalnim in pohodniškim pristopom do vrha skalne pečine. Pot si skrajšate tudi tako, da se proti vrhu poti proti Valvasorjevemu domu preusmerite proti Potoški planoti in ste nato pozorni na oznake odcepa za Ajdno.
Turistične zanimivosti
1. Arheološki park antične vasice Ajdna
2. Hidroelektrarna Završnica, tehniški muzej
3 Dolina Završnice, rekreativni park Završnica, slap Hudič babo pere, akumulacijsko jezero, trim steza, prostori za piknike …
4. Turška jama, arheološko najdišče ob poti k Valvasorjevemu domu
5. Pot kulturne dediščine Žirovnica, hiše znamenitih mož (Čop, Prešeren, Finžgar, Jalen in Janša)
Food and drink
1. Archaeological Park of the Late Antiquity village of Ajdna 2. Završnica hydro power plant, Technical Museum 3. Završnica valley, Završnica Recreation Park, ‘Hudič babo pere’ waterfall, reservoir, trim trail, picnic areas 4. Turška jama cave, archaeological site by the path to the Valvasorjev dom mountain hut 5. Žirovnica Cultural Heritage Trail, houses of famous local men (Čop, Prešeren, Finžgar, Jalen and Janša)
1 Valvasorjev dom mountain hut, Moste 79, traditional Slovenian food
2 Gostišče Lovski dom restaurant, Moste 68e, speciality game dishes
3 Gostilna Trebušnik restaurant, Žirovnica 10, traditional Slovenian food
4 Gostilna Knafelj restaurant, Žirovnica 86a, traditional Slovenian food
5 Ajdna Grill, Žirovnica 59c, grilled food
6 Sporty Bar, Žirovnica 63
7 Bife Gregor snack bar, Moste 44
8 Carniola Brewery, Moste 117a
9 Pri Daretu Pizzeria, Selo pri Žirovnici 11a
10. Gostišče Osvald restaurant, Selo pri Žirovnici 17
11 Bistro Noč, Selo pri Žirovnici 42a
12. Pizzeria Ledina, Smokuč 50
13 Dom pri izviru Završnice mountain hut, Doslovče 46
1 Valvasorjev dom, Moste 79, tradicionalna domača hrana
2 Gostišče Lovski dom, Moste 68e, divjačinske jedi
3. Gostilna Trebušnik, Žirovnica 10, tradicionalna domača hrana
4. Gostilna Knafelj, Žirovnica 86a, tradicionalna domača hrana
5. Grill Ajdna, Žirovnica 59c, jedi z žara
14 Bar Zavrh, Zabreznica 75 Hrana in pijača
6 Sporty bar, Žirovnica 63
7 Bife Gregor, Moste 44
8 Pivovarna Carniola, Moste 117a
9. Picerija pri Daretu, Selo pri Žirovnici 11a
10. Gostišče Osvald, Selo pri Žirovnici 17
11 . Bistro Noč, Selo pri Žirovnici 42a
12 Picerija Ledina, Smokuč 50
13 Dom pri izviru Završnice, Doslovče 46
A hike up to the archaeological site is the only way to get a true feel for the exceptionally inter esting and picturesque location of the settlement on Ajdna. It is most easily accessed from the Valvasorjev dom mountain hut (1181m). It can be reached by taking the 5km-long forest road from the Završnica lake, or we recommend taking the well-marked hiking trail from the valley. It takes approximately 1 hour to reach the hut on the moderately demanding trail, and from there a further 30 minutes to reach Ajdna. Shortly before the top there is a choice of a more demanding climbing route or an easier hiking trail to reach the peak.
Valvasorjev dom A
Planinska pot na Ajdno Hiking trail to AjdnaArheološki park antične vasice Ajdna
Selsko-Zabreška planina
353434 35 14 Bar Zavrh, Zabreznica 75
3636 Zavod za turizem in kulturo Žirovnica Žirovnica 14, SI-4274 Žirovnica +386 (0)4 580 15 03 info@visitzirovnica.si www.visitzirovnica.si