Rastlinstvo v Karavankah Vegetation in the Karavanke mountains
Slovenija je »dežela na prepihu«. Zaradi razgibanega reliefa, geološke zgradbe, zemljepisne lege in podnebja je tudi njeno rastlinstvo izredno bogato in raznoliko. Mnoge rastlinske vrste so ogrožene zaradi trganja in spreminjanja njihovega življenjskega okolja, zato jih zavarujemo s posebnimi zakoni, kot je območje Natura 2000, ali uvrščamo na rdeče sezname. Ko bomo hodili po sončnih poteh v osrčju Karavank, odprimo oči in tudi srce! Vzemimo si čas in doživimo rastline v naravi, občudujmo in spoštujmo jih!
Nada Praprotnik
Slovenia is a 'land on a current of air'. Due to its undulating relief, geological structure, geographical location and climate, its flora is extremely rich and diverse. Many species of plants are threatened by the destruction and alteration of their living environment, so they are protected by special laws, such as the Natura 2000 area, or placed on red lists.
Open your eyes, and your heart, when walking on the sunny trails in the heart of the Karavanke mountains! Take your time to experience plants in nature, admire and respect them.
Spoštujmo predpise o nabiranju gob in rož ter gozdni bonton. Adhere to the regulations on picking mushrooms and flowers, as well as how to behave in the forest.
Spoštujmo življenjski prostor rastlin in živali. Divje živali opazujmo od daleč. Hvaležne vam bodo. Ne pozabimo, tudi vodne in obvodne rastline so dom številnih živali. Ne uničujmo jih.
Respect the living habitat of flora and fauna. Observe wild animals from afar, they will be grateful. Don't forget that water and waterside plants are home to numerous animals. Don't destroy them.
Narava ni smetišče. Kar smo prinesli s seboj, tudi odnesemo in odložimo v koš/na ustrezno mesto.
Nature isn't a rubbish dump. Be sure not to leave any rubbish, take it with you and dispose of it in an appropriate place.
Zoisova zvončica Zois's bellflower (Campanula zoysii) Kranjska lilija ali zlato jabolko Carniolan lilly (Lilium carniolicum) Planika ali očnica Edelweiss (Leontopodium alpinum) Lepi čeveljc Lady's slipper (Cypripedium calceolus) Zoisova vijolica Zois's violet (Viola zoysii)