Dragon Tales !
Thinking about thinking in the PYP MRISA Leadership Celebrating Peace One Day 2013/14 Diploma Results
Issue 18 August - October 2014
Dragon Tales !
Thinking about thinking in the PYP MRISA Leadership Celebrating Peace One Day
Issue 18 August - October 2014
2013/14 Diploma Results
Thank you to everyone who contributed to this edition of Dragon Tales. In particular my heartfelt thanks to Ms Elaine for generously sharing her time and expertise.
If you would like to submit an article for the next issue please make sure you do so by Friday 19th December 2014.
If you are a student or a member of the teaching sta please submit your article to Mr Jon (Primary) or Ms Jo (Secondary).
Other members of the community should submit their articles to Ms Annie (Communications Manager) at annieb@ourvis.com).!
Thinking about thinking in the PYP! p7
Field Trips ! p10
MRISA Leadership! p14
IB Diploma Results! p16
From the Director Dear%VIS%Community%
The%new%school%year%has%commenced%with%a%lot%of% energy% and% ac:vity.% The% pages% following% will% give% you%a%sense%of%how%that%energy%has%been%focused% on% learning,% reflec:on% and% thinking.% All% schools% are% great% places% to% be.% VIS% takes% that% to% a% whole% other%level%in%so%many%ways.%As%you%read%through% these% stories% you% will% see% the% engagement% of% students% in% crea:ng% special% moments% for% themselves%and%their%peers%and%you%will%have%the% chance%to%see%how%knowledgeable%our%staff%are%in% leading%the%students.%
As%a%parent,%you%may%not%always%have%the%chance% to%see%the%school%from%the%perspec:ve%of%an%early% years% to% grade% 12% program.% You% will% oGen% be% looking% at% the% school% through% the% eyes% of% your% own% child% and% the% grade% they% are% in.% But% Dragon% Tales% does% allow% you% to% see% that% our% primary% students%are%experiencing%the%world%and%thinking% deeply,% just% as% our% IB% Diploma% students% are.% You% have% the% chance% to% read% about% leadership% programs% and% spor:ng% events% that% involve% a% whole% range% of% ages.% You% will% see% the% wholehearted% involvement% of% teachers,% parents% and% students% in% making% a% contribu:on% to% our% community.% And% you% will% see% the% results% of% hard% work%in%our%Diploma%results%from%last%year.%
Dragon% Tales% gives% you% a% snap% shot% of% the% ac:ve% place%that%we%share%each%day.%It%gives%you%an%insight% into%the%broad%and%balanced%educa:onal%opportuni:es%that%our%school%provides%to%our%students.%I%hope%that%you% enjoy% reading% these% stories% and% trust% that% the% snapshot% shows% how% the% VIS% experience% inspires,% challenges% and% prepares%our%learners%for%life.%
! Best regards ! ! ! ! !
Primary Reflections Jon Davidson Primary Principal
On%September%19th%we%celebrated%Interna:onal%Peace% One%Day%for%the%fourth%:me%at%Vien:ane%Interna:onal% School.% Each% year% we% have% built% on% the% theme% and% provided% some% wonderfully% engaging% ac:vi:es% for% all% the% students% in% the% school.% For% me% there% were% two% aspects%of%the%day%that%came%out%so%strongly.%% Firstly% the% day% was% en:rely% student% focused% and% student% driven.% Our% secondary% students% planned% the% whole% day% down% to% the% last% detail,% complete% with% spreadsheets%that%covered%who%had%to%be%where,%with% whom%and%when.%One%thing%they%quickly%learnt%on%the% day%was%that%liQle%kids%don’t%tend%to%:me%themselves% down%to%the%minute,%but%thanks%to%our%teaching%staff% we%managed%to%move%things%on%and%so%most%children% carried%out%most%ac:vi:es.%%
The% second% aspect% that% shone% through% the% day% was% the% truly% interna:onal% nature% of% our% school.% The% beau:ful% costumes% were% just% the% beginning.% There% were% many% languages% being% spoken% around% the% feast% put% on% by% the% Parents% and% Friends% Associa:on.% Each% language% was% mirrored% by% the% spectacular% array% of% delicious%food%that%was%brought%in.%A%big%“thank%you”% should%be%extended%to%the%amazing%community%that%is% Vien:ane%Interna:onal%School.%% In% many% ways% the% day% was% a% microcosm% of% what% our% world%could%and%should%be%–%dozens%of%na:ons%coming% together% with% one% aim;% to% be% together,% sharing% food,% s h a r i n g% go o d% : m e s ,% c e l e b ra: n g% d i ve rs i t y,% commonali:es%and%above%all%celebra:ng%peace.%%
The% heartwarming% aspect% of% watching% young% adults% work% with% youngsters% was% the% caring,% nurturing% side% that% came% out.% It% was% a% joy% to% see% selfSconsciously% “cool”% teenagers% plan:ng% flowers% or% pain:ng% flowerpots%with%four%year%olds;%the%care%they%took%of% our% liQle% ones% was% a% tribute% to% the% students% in% the% secondary% school.% They% were% the% learner% profile% personified.%%
Thinking about thinking in the PYP Katherine Williams PYP Coordinator In%order%to%be%successful%inquirers%who%build%knowledge%and%understanding,%students%need%to%develop%skills%to% get% along% with% others,% communicate,% think,% research% and% develop% agency% and% independence.% These% skills% are% relevant%and%transferable%across%all%subject%areas%and%crucial%to%lifelong%learning.% In%the%PYP,%this%set%of%skills%are%called%approaches)to)learning%S%one%of%which%is%thinking%skills.% What%are%thinking%skills?% Through% the% learner% profile,% students% and% teachers% strive% to% develop% the% aQributes% of% thinkers.% In% the% PYP,% students% develop% and% apply% thinking% skills% to% acquire% knowledge,% comprehend% meaning,% apply% learning% in% new% ways,% analyse,% synthesise% new% learning,% evaluate,% think% dialec:cally% and% develop% skills% of% metacogni:on,%that%is,%thinking%about%their%own%thinking%and%the% thinking%of%others.%% So%how%are%thinking%skills%taught%at%VIS%and%why%is%this%important?% One% way% students% engage% with% their% own% thinking% processes% is% through% visible) thinking.% As% most% thinking% is% not% ‘seen’,% teachers% use%learning%contexts%to%make%thinking%visible%and%more%concrete.% Students% develop% and% use% a% language% of% thinking% and% their% learning% environments% are% rich% with% evidence% of% their% thinking.% Teachers% model% and% teach% visible% thinking% rou:nes% and% communicate% the% importance% of% being% aware% of% our% thought% processes% while% learning.% This% helps% students% become% beQer% at% thinking%crea:vely%and%cri:cally%and%be%able%to%ar:culate%it.%They% learn%to%observe%closely,%organise%opinions%and%ideas,%reason%and% reflect%on%how%they%are%making%meaning.%Students%learn%strategies% for%evalua:ng,%observing,%analysing%and%ques:oning%to%go%beyond%memorisa:on%of%facts%to%dig%deeper%into%more% complex% concepts.% They% develop% ‘habits% of% mind’% and% a% ‘culture% of% thinking’% which% enrich% learning% and% foster% curiosity%and%mo:va:on%beyond%the%classroom.% Visible% thinking% rou:nes% are% simple% prompts% or% steps% that% can% be% used% in% a% group% or% individually.% They% are% designed% to% be% easy% to% remember,% prac:cal% and% relevant% to% a% wide% range% of% applica:ons% such% as% formula:ng% ques:ons,%making%connec:ons,%challenging%ideas%and%exploring%mul:ple%perspec:ves.%You%may%have%seen%some% visible%thinking%in%your%child’s%classroom.%Here%are%some%examples%of%how%student%thinking%is%valued,%promoted% and%cul:vated%at%VIS.
References and further reading Informa:on%for%this%ar:cle%and%further%reading%about%visible%thinking%can%be%found%at:% visiblethinkingpz.org% pz.gse.harvard.edu% Video:%PZ%Thinking%Rou:nes,%Sue%Borchardt,%hQp://vimeo.com/108000553% Create%a%Culture%of%Thinking,%Ron%Ritchhart,%hQp://www.ronritchhart.com/COT_REsources.html% Making%the%PYP%Happen,%IB,%2009
Creativity in the PYP Crea%vity:+It’s+not+what+you+know….++ it’s+what+you+do+with+it.+ Crea%vity+is+a+way+of+thinking.++ Crea:vity%begins%with%a%founda:on%of%knowledge.%We% learn% to% be% crea:ve% by% experimen:ng,% exploring,% ques:oning% assump:ons,% using% imagina:on% and% synthesizing%informa:on.%
Crea:vity% can% be% easily% seen% and% admired% in% a% pain:ng%or%in%a%picture,%a%liQle%less%so%in%a%story%and% even% less% so% when% looking% at% a% set% of% responses% to% math% problems.% However% the% key% is% in% the% conversa:on;% when% we% talk% to% our% students% about% what%they%are%doing%and%why?%The%crea:vity%in%what% is%happening%in%our%dynamic%learning%environments%is% abundantly%clear.
Our% PYP% classrooms% are% puhng% crea:vity% into% ac:on% in% different% ways.% We% are% providing% opportuni:es% so% that% each% child% can% develop% fully% into% knowledgeable,% crea:ve,% independent% thinkers.% Thinking% crea:vely% helps% to% develop% strategies% to% deal% with% the% unexpected.% Being% crea:ve% is% not% restricted% to% one% subject% but% is% embedded%across%our%program.% Crea:vity% in% our% classrooms% looks% like% lots% of% different%things.%.%.% wri:ng%a%story% drawing% building%blocks% catching%bugs% crea:ng%sand%sculptures% designing%machines% crea:ng%a%movie%or%book% preparing%a%play% sharing%ideas% presen:ng%a%puppet%show% solving%a%Math%problem% %crea:ng%a%display% wri:ng%a%poem% taking%photographs% telling%a%story% explaining%thinking% problem%solving% thinking%about%big%ideas%
Model making with clay…
“Dancing is super creative especially when your make up your own move” Grade 3 Student
“I love taking photos so people can see what my brain ideas are..” Grade 2 student
“These are really good, look at all the details and how real there are” Grade 4 student
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Field Trips Braving the adventure As% an% educator% some% of% my% least% favorite% days% are% when%we%pack%up%the%students%to%venture%out%of%the% school% for% a% field% trip.% As% a% traveller% I% love% the% excitement% of% exploring% the% unknown% and% learning% new%things.%Add%students%to%mix%and%I%am%a%mess.%My% main% responsibility% as% an% educator% is% to% create% a% safe% learning% environment% and% when% the% students% leave% the% controlled% environment% of% school,% I% stress.% So% needless%to%say%that%on%the%morning%of%every%field%trip% I%am%a%complete%wreck.%% A%million%ques:ons%flood%my%mind:%Did%I%remember%to% pack%the%first%aid%kit?%Do%I%have%a%list%of%all%emergency% contact%numbers?%What%if%someone%gets%sick,%hurt,%or% worse…What%if%we%lose%a%child?!%Although%nothing%has% ever%gone%wrong%I%am%wrought%with%nightmares%about% field%trips%gone%wrong.%%% Reflec:ng% on% all% this% angst% makes% me% wonder.% Are% field%trips%necessary?%%I%spoke%to%the%Grade%5%students% about%my%feelings%and%asked%them%some%ques:ons:% 1. Do%we%really%need%field%trips?%Can%we%just%not%go% on%them?% 2. What%do%they%(the%students)%get%out%of%field%trips?% So%here%are%some%student%perspec:ves%on%field%trips:% “We%want%to%have%some%fun%when%we%are%learning%and% learn%in%a%different%way%than%usual…%we%get%to%see%cool% things.%And%we%learn%about%the%unit%and%ourselves%and% how% other% people% express% themselves.% We% get% inspira:on%to%do%work.”%%MaQhew%Fennena% “It% is% also% a% good% experience% for% us% to% work% in% a% different%learning%environment,%for%example%this%week% my%class%went%to%ISCat%Gallery,%we%didn’t%have%to%sit%on% chairs% or% work% at% tables% and% that% was% a% good% break% from%doing%that%earlier%in%the%day.%“%%Louis%Davidson% “I%think%we%need%field%trips%because%it%helps%you%learn% more%things%than%learning%in%class.%You%can%see%instead% of%reading%or%listening%to%something.”%%Won%So% “I%like%field%trips%because%they%are%so%exci:ng%and%you% can%learn%a%lot.%When%you%have%field%trips%you%can%see% the%real%thing%instead%of%a%picture%on%a%computer.”%% Morgan%Semone%
“They% give% the% students% a% break% from% the% long% and% :ring%classes.%They%are%fun.%“%Oliver%Holmes% “When%we%go%to%field%trips%it%is%like%a%second%or%a%third% class%room….and%mostly%there%are%enough%teachers%to% save%the%children.”%Nikolai%Gessner%
So% what% the% students% are% saying% is% that% they% want% to% be% excited% and% inspired% by% real% things% in% life.% Seeing% something%on%a%computer%or%reading%about%it%from%a% book% does% not% compare% to% real% life% explora:ons.% I% agree% and% I% am% glad% to% hear% that% students% are% so% passionate%about%learning.%
They% also% state% that% they% want% a% break% from% those% horrible% tables% and% chairs!% I% think% the% teachers% can% accommodate% that.% In% addi:on% they% have% confidence% that% there% are% enough% teachers% to% save% the% children% (mostly).% I% am% glad% that% they% feel% confident% in% our% super%hero%skills%(mostly).%
However%it%is%not%just%students%who%have%good%things% to% say% about% field% trips.% Research% says% that% field% trips% increase%student%interest,%knowledge,%and%mo:va:on% (Behrendt,% M.,% &% Franklin% T.% 2014).% Thank% you% to% Grade% 5% for% persuading% me% to% see% field% trips% as% the% exci:ng% explora:on% which% they% are.% So,% yes,% I% will% con:nue% to% go% on% field% trips% and% I% will% try% to% enjoy% them.%I%will%s:ll%take%my%colorScoded%checklist%but%I%will% also% be% more% mindful% of% the% learning% opportuni:es% and%the%purpose%behind%these%learning%adventures.% Behrendt, M., & Franklin T. (2014). A review of research on school field trips and their value in education. International Journal of Environmental and Science. Education, 9(3), 235- 245. doi: 10.12973/ ijese.2014.213a
Written by Anne Zuidema
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” — Mark Twain
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So'what'does'reflec7on'look'like'at'VIS?' At%the%start%of%the%school%year,%Grade%2%students%took% a% closer% look% at% the% IB% learner% profile% and% its% ten% aQributes.% Working% in% small% collabora:ve% groups,% students%picked%one%aQribute%to%focus%on.%The%group% that% focused% on% ‘reflec:on’% captured% the% meaning% of% this% aQribute% in% the% following% picture.% This% visual% prompt%is%oGen%referred%to%when%students%are%asked% to%reflect%about%their%learning%in%class.% Following% their% Unit% of% Inquiry% into% Who) We) Are,% students%in%Grade%4%reflected%on%their%learning%at%the% end% of% the% unit.% They% considered% all% elements% of% the% PYP% (knowledge,% conceptual% understandings,% skills,% ahtude% and% ac:on)% and% offered% their% own% thoughts% about%their%learning:%
Reflec3on) –) “IB) learners) strive) to) give) though9ul) considera3on) to) their) own) learning) and) experience.) They) are) able) to) assess) and) understand) their) strengths) and) limita3ons) in) order) to) support) their) learning)and)personal)development.”)Making'the'PYP' Happen' As%one%of%the%ten%aQributes%of%the%IB%Learner%Profile,% reflec:on% is% key% to% lifelong% learning.% Students% at% VIS% are% challenged% and% encouraged% to% reflect% on% their% learning% every% single% day.% Whether% it% is% through% conversa:ons% with% peers% aGer% a% par:cular% learning% experience,%or%through%discussions%with%their%teacher% during% the% school% day,% or% in% conversa:ons% with% parents,% students% need% the% opportunity% to% iden:fy% their% successes% and% challenges% in% order% to% beQer% focus%their%future%learning.%
Social) values) was) the) most) helpful) to) my) understanding)of)the)unit)because)I)learnt)that)values) can)be)shared,)like)local)Laos)people)have)a)value)to) go)to)the)temple)and)pray.)(Tara,%4L)% During) our) first) unit) I) was) posi3ve.) I) was) slow) but) I) tried.) I) always) try.) I) showed) apprecia3on) to) other) peoples’) ideas) and) work) by) looking) at) their) work.) I) liked)other)peoples’)ideas.)(Dhong,%4L)) The% new% VIS% library% design% is% aimed% very% specifically% to%create%a%unique%experience%for%students%to%enjoy%a% moment% of% reflec:on.% Below% are% some% images% that% capture% a% few% of% these% moments% in% the% library% that% are% some:mes% flee:ng% and% solitary% and% at% others% shared%and%boisterous.%%
Reflec:on% provides% students% with% the% opportunity% to% enjoy% and% share% in% their% many% accomplishments.% In% thinking% about% their% successes,% students% are% able% to% iden:fy% what% areas% of% their% learning% they% feel% confident% and% safe% in.% This% sense% of% accomplishment% promotes% a% posi:ve% outlook% to% their% learning% and% allows%them%to%share%their%exper:se%and%experiences% with%others.% Reflec:on% also% allows% students% the% opportunity% to% think% about% those% areas% of% their% learning% they% find% challenging.% This% is% not% seen% as% failure,% but% rather% a% chance%for%future%growth.%AGer%all,%noSone%can%be%an% expert%at%everything!%
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Secondary Reflections Jo Loiterton Secondary Principal 2020+Vision+–+Who+will+we+be+for+the+class+of+2020?++ I%am%always%interested%to%know%how%our%adult%view%of% educa:on,% our% hopes% and% dreams% for% our% students% and% our% community% for% the% future,% fit% with% our% student’s%vision.%%So%I%asked%some%of%the%Class%of%2020,% our% Grade% 7,% what% they% thought% they% and% VIS% would% be%like%by%the%:me%they%graduate.%%It’s%tough%going%for% any% of% us% to% imagine% VIS,% Vien:ane% and% Laos% in% six% years’% :me.% % Rapid% change% is% common% place% everywhere%now.%So,%aGer%we%got%through%the%obvious% and% immediate% hopes% (less% work,% more% holidays,% bigger% lockers,% driving% a% car% to% school),% I% asked% them,% “What%do%you%really%like%about%VIS?%What%do%you%hope% will%grow?%%What%do%you%hope%will%change?”%%% Every% student% expressed% in% some% way% the% sense% of% community% and% belonging% that% is% so% strong% at% VIS.%% Students% genuinely% like% and% appreciate% the% close% connec:ons% they% have% with% each% other% and% with% teachers.% % The% students% also% appreciate% the% diversity% of% their% learning% community.%% They%are%aware%that%it%is%a%rare% and% privileged% posi:on% to% be% c o n s t a n t l y% e x p o s e d% t o% different% ideas% and% ways% of% being%in%the%world.%%One%of%the% boys% said% “I% hope% we% can% s:ll% argue% about% things,% but% in% a% good% way”.% % When% I% asked% what% he% meant,% he% said% “not% everyone%thinks%the%same%way% as% me,% I% have% to% make% sure% I% listen% to% what% people% say;% it% makes% me% think% hard% about% what% I% really% think,% I% need% to% be%openSminded”.%%%%
! ! ! One% student% asked% me% “do% you% think% that% computers% will%be%different%by%then?”%I%asked%“in%what%way?”%She% said,% “will% we% be% learning% differently% with% computers% by% 2020?”% I% replied% “I% imagine% there% will% be% differences”.% % She% commented% “I% hope% that% they% are% more% interac:ve,% that% we% can% learn% with% students% all% around% the% world% together,% but% also% that% not% all% our% learning% is% all% on% computer”.% % I% said% “so% you’d% like% to% con:nue% a% balance% between% computer% and% other% ac:vi:es?”%%“Yes,%I%like%that%now%too”%she%replied.%% “I%really%want%to%do%the%IB%Diploma!%Will%we%s:ll%have% the% Diploma% in% 2020?”% I% always% love% the% eagerness% and% sense% of% an:cipa:on% that% some% students% experience%while%they%wait%to%“arrive”%at%this%point%in% their%educa:on.%%They%want%the%challenge.%%They%want% to%prove%that%they%are%up%to%the%task.%“I’m%preQy%sure% we% will”,% I% replied,% but% also% added,% “there% might% be% other%op:ons%too%by%then,%would%you%look%at%those?”% “No,%I%want%to%do%the%IB%Diploma%but%I%think%it%might% be%good%for%other%kids%who%want%different%things”.%%% When%I%ask%students%their%opinion%about%something,%I% am%almost%always%asked%“but%will%we%get%a%say?”%%This% :me,%when%I%was%asked,%it%was%easy%for%me%to%respond% “absolutely,% aGer% all% it’s% your% educa:on% and% your% future”.%%And,%I%think%at%least%from%the%point%of%view%of% the% Class% of% 2020,% our% future% is% already% in% their% good% and%capable%hands.%%
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MRISA Leadership Summit This%year%the%MRISA%Leadership%Summit%was%held%in% Phnom% Penh,% at% North% Bridge% Interna:onal% School% Cambodia% (NISC)% where% the% theme% was% “Equality) of) Opportunity”.% % Our% team% consisted% of% 6% secondary% students% (Wesley% Wan,% Anthony% Goffin,% Hana% Seadedt,% Sophie% Vongkhamsao,% Negar% Mohtashami% Khojasteh% and% Renee% Gilbert)% as% well% as% two% secondary%teachers%(Mark%Loiterton%and%Ka:e%Berry).%%% Our%journey%began%with%a%midSday%flight%on%Thursday% 11th% to% Phnom% Penh% where% we,(the% students% met% with% our% host% families.% % The% leadership% summit% ac:vi:es% did% not% start% un:l% 8am% the% next% morning,% where%we%assembled%at%the%NISC%school%library%along% with%42%other%students%from%7%different%schools%in%the% S.E% Asian% region.% % AGer% a% welcome% by% the% officials% (student%organizers%from%NISC),%we%had%the%privilege% of%listening%to%an%inspiring%and%touching%speech%from% ScoQ% Neeson,% an% exSpresident% of% 20th% Century% Fox.%% Mr.%ScoQ%moved%to%Cambodia%10%years%ago%to%start% up% an% organiza:on% for% underprivileged% children% in% Cambodia%and%is%now%the%Execu:ve%Director%of%the% Cambodian%Children’s%Fund.%%%
led%a%workshop%called%“Three%Bullies%and%a%Dictator”% which% was% very% well% received% by% the% other% par:cipants.% Some% other% memorable% workshops% led% by% other% schools% included% “ethical% monopoly”,% “equality%personali:es%jigsaw”,%“sensory%depriva:on”,% “wolf%in%sheep’s%clothing”%and%many%more.% On% the% second% day,% Negar% Mohtashami% Khojasteh% presented% a% keynote% speech% on% equality) in) wealth% and%how%prosperity%has%a%large%influence%in%society.%%% Overall%this%trip%was%a%privilege%to%be%a%part%of%and%we% were% all% proud% to% represent% VIS% on% the% 2014% MRISA% Leadership%Summit.% WriNen)by)Mark)Loiterton%
AGer%this%we%par:cipated%in%a%variety%of%workshops% which% were% run% separately% by% individual% schools% over%the%next%two%days%of%summit.%%We%VIS%students%
MYP update Even% though% the% school% year% is% s:ll% quite% new,% it% seems% there% has% been% an% extraordinary% amount% happening%in%the%MYP%at%VIS.% %Students%are%regularly% par:cipa:ng%in%a%range%of%exci:ng%ac:vi:es%and%new% ini:a:ves,%and%some%fantas:c%connec:ons%are%being% made% in% dayStoSday% learning% experiences.% Here% are% just%a%few%highlights%of%the%first%couple%of%months%in% the%MYP.%% New+curriculum+framework+ This% year% saw% the% introduc:on% of% new% curriculum% changes% that% have% taken% place% at% MYP% schools% around%the%world.%Students%have%been%working%hard% to% ensure% they% understand% how% these% changes% can% enhance% their% learning% experiences% and% have% largely% transi:oned% well.% Whilst% there% have% been% a% number% of%elements%that%students%have%welcomed,%by%far%the% biggest% source% of% happiness% has% been% the% move% to% align% the% amount% of% criteria% for% each% subject% (4% criteria% with% a% maximum% achievement% level% of% 8).% I% commonly%hear%phrases%like%“it%just%makes%it%so%much% easier”.%%Teachers%con:nue%to%evolve%and%adapt%units% of% work% within% this% new% framework% to% ensure% students%con:nue%to%be%engaged%and%challenged.%
MYP+Informa%on+session+ The% IBMYP% informa:on% session% on% 20th% August% was% an%opportunity%for%all%parents%to%find%out%more%about% important% aspects% of% the% programme.% This% session% outlined%the%big%picture%elements%of%the%MYP,%such%as% the%use%of%key%and%related%concepts%in%units%of%work,% how% global% contexts% play% a% role% in% student% learning% and% how% students% are% challenged% to% take% charge% of% their% own% learning% through% inquiry.% Of% specific% interest% was% informa:on% rela:ng% to% assessment% and% the%use%of%criteria.%If%you%were%unable%to%aQend%this% session% or% would% like% further% informa:on% about% anything% MYP% related,% please% feel% free% to% see% me% in% room%3123%or%contact%me%on%jonathans@ourvis.com+ Con%nuing+connec%ons+ There% are% so% many% other% highlights% that% could% be% men:oned,%but%I%will%limit%them%to%just%a%few:%% •!
Students%con:nue%to%make%connec:ons%between% their%learning%experiences%inside%and%outside%the% classroom.% Most% notably,% the% recent% SALSA% trips% contained%many%curriculum%connec:ons%that%are% valuable% realSlife% experiences% linked% to% the% units% of%work.%%%
Our%grade%10%students%con:nue%to%work%:relessly% on% their% personal% project,% the% significant% culmina:ng%inquiry%of%the%MYP.%The%process%that% these% students% are% undertaking% draws% on% important% disciplinary% and% interdisciplinary% skills% and% understandings% that% have% been% developed% over%the%first%four%years%of%the%MYP.%%
Lastly,%I%would%like%to%highlight%the%excellent%work% ethic% and% posi:ve% ahtudes% I% have% witnessed% among% our% MYP% students.% I% am% delighted% at% the% consistent,% posi:ve% feedback% about% the% way% students%approach%their%learning%in%MYP%and%the% manner%in%which%they%have%embraced%the%recent% changes%within%the%programme.%%%
Service+and+Ac%on+ One% element% that% teachers% in% the% secondary% school% (both%MYP%and%DP)%are%looking%at%strengthening%this% academic%year%is%the%connec:on%between%service%and% ac:on.% %Tradi:onally,%this%has%focused%on%community% service% ini:a:ves,% which% have% always% been% a% major% element% of% both% programmes.% We% are% looking% to% extend% this% by% focusing% on% how% students% can% take% ac:on% as% a% result% of% their% learning% experiences% and% how% they% can% use% their% knowledge,% understandings% and% skills% to% plan% for% and% undertake% meaningful% service% projects.% % This% will% be% the% focus% of% the% upcoming% staff% work% days% in% November,% where% teachers% will% par:cipate% in% one% of% two% workshops% that% are% being% facilitated% by% experienced% external% workshop%leaders.%%
Jonathon Smedes MYP Coordinator
IB Diploma Programme Challenging, Inspiring and Preparing Learners for Life
Our Learners
Teresa Foard, IB DP Coordinator
In 2013—2014 the fi h group of IB Diploma candidates graduated from VIS. Through the establishment of strong student support structures, the implementa on of internal assessment criteria and the close tracking of ongoing student achievement we are beginning to see trends in the IB Diploma programme which show that VIS results compare very favorably with Global results. Our gradua ng class for 2013—2014 and the en re VIS Community can once again be proud of the outstanding IB Diploma results achieved. Significant Highlights in the 2013—2014 school year are 83% of VIS candidates received a Bilingual IB Diploma - Compared with the global mean 28.22%. Highest VIS Diploma score: 36 VIS Mean score 31 is above Global mean score 29.81 Average grade obtained per subject is above global mean Diploma Sta s cs 2014 Number of candidates
Average points (max. 45)
Average points worldwide (max. 45)
Highest diploma score
Average grade obtained
Average grade worldwide *
World pass rate percentage
VIS % Bilingual Diplomas
Global Bilingual Diplomas
Mr. Bounlerth, Natalie, Jackie and Billie in Language A : Lao Literature
Recognized Globally Over 135 000 students worldwide received results in the May 2014 session marking an 6.5 percent increase above last year. They join a community of more than 1 200 000 Diploma Programme graduates in 141 countries across the globe. This session showcases an average diploma score of 29.81 points (of 45 possible maximum), and 146 students receiving a perfect score. Dr Shiva Kumari, Director General of the Interna onal Baccalaueate, said “I wholeheartedly congratulate the May 2014 graduates. I commend them on their dedica on and drive in accomplishing this hard earned achievements. Universi es con nue to value the diploma graduate. We know the graduates are well condi oned in cri cal thinking, researching and deep knowledge that prepares them to thrive in the universi es they a end. And just as importantly, to enter their next phase of study with the mindset and inspira on to give posi ve shape to and influence today’s complex world.” The VIS Community congratulates the Class of 2014 on their achievement. It is clear that without the tremendous support, guidance and care of teachers, parents and the wider VIS
VIS IB Diploma Sta s cs 2010—2014 2010
Average Points
Highest Points
Average Grade
community that success in such an academically challenging programme would not be possible. We know that all of our graduates are
prepared for their next inspiring and
challenging adventures in life, as interna
global ci zens. Sok Dee Class of 2014!
College Preparation Laurie Derickson VIS School Counselor
College%Prepara:on%is%heavily%under%way%for%12th%grade%students%here%at%VIS.%Students%are%encouraged%to%begin% to%research%universi:es,%programs,%entrance%exams,%admission%requirements,%and%deadlines%star:ng%in%the%11th% grade.%The%2nd%year%of%the%DP%program%is%challenging%enough%on%its%own,%this%makes%it%even%more%important%that% students%are%prepared%to%begin%the%applica:on%process%as%early%as%possible%during%their%12th%grade%year.%Here%at% VIS% we% have% students% that% aQend% universi:es% all% over% the% world% aGer% they% have% graduated.% It% is% a% stressful% process% and% :me% consuming% for% students% and% families,% but% with% prepara:on% and% organiza:on% the% applica:on% process% becomes% easier.% In% the% end,% the% reward% is% acceptance% to% universi:es% and% programs% around% the% world% that%students%and%family%are%excited%about.%Rosy%LaQanavong,%a%current%12th%grade%student,%describe%the%process% below%in%her%own%words.%% “Preparing%for%university%has%been%a%challenging%process%for%me%so%far.%To%prepare%for%college,%I%have%to%be% organized% and% have% great% :me% management.% Right% now,% I’m% in% the% process% of% wri:ng% five% applica:on% essays%for%my%universi:es%and%gehng%feedback%from%my%English%teachers.%% On% top% of% the% five% essays,% I% have% to% keep% up% with% my% school% assignments.% This% is% what% makes% it% very% challenging%for%me.%There%were%:mes%when%I%get%really%overwhelmed%by%all%the%work%I%had%to%do.%%
When%preparing%for%university,%I%had%a%clear%date%of%the%deadline.%I%decided%to%start%on%my%applica:on%a% few%months%before%the%deadline.%Every%day,%I%would%work%on%my%university%applica:on%step%by%step.%I%get% the%things%that%I%can%get%done%on%my%own.%If%there%are%things%that%I%need%help%on,%I%would%seek%help%from% the% counselor.% Asking% ques:ons% is% great% because% it% gets% me% back% on% track% again% preparing% for% my% universi:es.% University% prepara:on% is% difficult,% but% I% know% that% all% the% efforts% that% I’m% puhng% into% the% process%will%be%worth%it%at%the%end”%%
International Peace One Day Interna:onal%Peace%One%Day%at%VIS%2014%was%again%another%day%of%celebra:on%and%collabora:on.%This%is% a%day%where%we%annually%come%together%and%celebrate%our%diverse%community%from%all%over%the%world% as%a%whole%school%community.%At%midday%we%par:cipated%in%a%parade%around%the%school%site%as%one%VIS% family.% We% gratefully% appreciated% the% wonderful% spread% of% cuisine% for% lunch% provided% by% our% Parents% and% Friends% CommiQee.% Secondary% student% Xaynalong% Mongkhoune% commented;% “I) think) the) parade) was) really) good) as) you) could) visually)see)how)many)na3onali3es)we)have)in) our) community) and) from) where) we) all) iden3fy.”% 2 0 1 4% s a w% s o m e% n e w% c r o s s S s c h o o l% collabora:ons%with%Grade%9%planning%ac:vi:es% for% the% Primary% School% in% the% morning.% Grade% 12% students% and% our% youngest% community% members% from% the% Early% Years% Centre% worked% together% all% morning% on% a% new% flower% bed% design%and%pain:ng%flower%pots.%Watching%how% caring% and% sensi:ve% the% Grade% 12% students% were% in% mo:va:ng% and% caring% for% the% EY% children% was% heartwarming.% EY% students% fully% joined%the%parade%this%year%by%waving%flags%and%making%lots%of%noise%as%the%centerpiece%for%the%parade% to%walk%around.%They%certainly%created%atmosphere%and%helped%make%it%an%enjoyable%part%of%the%day.% The%new%parade%banners%by%primary%grade%level%teams%were%thoughyul%and%caught%on%camera%by%Laos% Na:onal%TV%that%showed%up%to%document%parts%of%our%celebra:on.%New%too%was%our%first%guest%speaker,% Mrs.%Rusinow%from%the%local%organiza:on%Care%Interna:onal.%A%deeply%mo:va:ng%speech%reminding%us% all%of%our%own%responsibili:es%to%further%the%no:on%of%peace.% 2014% saw% for% the% second% year% running% a% secondary% team% of% 30% students% step% up% into% taking% greater% ownership%over%planning%the%structure%and%content%of%the%day.%Grade%6,%7,%8%and%10%were%busy%for%the% majority% of% the% morning% crea:ng% Peace% slogans% on% TSshirts.% This% was% a% popular% ac:vity% and% Isabella% Chapman% from% Grade% 8% comments,% “I) like) the) way) the) TPShirt) ac3vity) was) connected) strongly) to) our) theme)about)Peace.”%
Some%students%developed%their%leadership%skills%by%choosing%larger%roles%for%the%day’s%prepara:on.%The% community% should% be% proud% of% the% combined% efforts% from% the% three% main% student% leaders,% Rosie,% Rupina% and% Lauren,% who% are% all% in% Grade% 12.% Student% leader% Rupina% Beak% comments;% “IPOD) was) an) amazing)journey)for)me.)I)learned)to)be)openPminded,)riskPtaking)and)a)principled)leader)of)the)group) and)the)best)part)of)it)was)seeing)everyone)enjoying)the)day.")Lauren%adds,%“For)me)the)experience)of) being) an) IPOD) leader) made) me) more) of) a) riskPtaker.) I) gained) an) understanding) of) the) importance) of) peace)and)peace)one)day)throughout)the)world)and)in)the)VIS)community.)I)learnt)how)to)become)a) stronger) leader) because) I) hadn't) taken) so) much) responsibility) for) an) event) such) as) Peace) One) Day) before.)This)was)a)fun,)amazing)and)useful)experience)for)me!”%In%fact,%Rosy%Nhkum%has%con:nued%this% CCP% group% as% ‘VIS% Peace’% and% the% group% are% indeed% mee:ng% weekly% to% plan% further% events% to% raise% awareness%and%take%ac:on%for%Peace.%%
Thank%you%to%all%the%hardworking%staff%who%make%this%special%day%happen%and%we%all%look%forward%to%what% evolves%for%IPOD%2015.%Jun%Yi%Mo%who%headed%up%the%student%photography%and%film%crew,%tasked%at%documentS ing%the%events%of%the%day,%was%asked%to%leave%us%all%with%his%las:ng%impressions%of%IPOD%2014.% “Peace)one)day)planted)the)seeds)of)peace)in)the)hearts)of)children)all) the)around)world.)Peace)one)day)also)acts)as)an)important)role)in)VienP 3ane)Interna3onal)School.)During)peace)one)day,)as)a)leader)in)the)film) crew,) I) saw) a) lot) of) wonderful) moments) that) are) taken) by) my) teamP mates.)I)can)see)those)primary)students)have)a)really)good)understand) about)peace)one)day)when)they)draw)and)paint)about)what)does)peace) look)like)for)them.))I)asked)a)Korean)primary)student)"What)is)peace)for) you?")He)said,)"Peace)is)when)South)Korea)join)back)with)North)Korea”)It) is)really)impressive)that)I)heard)from)a)primary)student!)I)feel)the)seeds) in)their)hearts)are)growing)to)giant)trees”)) Jun%Yi%Mo
Jade Morivson says “It was fun. I enjoyed spraying the letters on and designing our phrase.” Isabella Chapman says “I like the way the T-Shirt activity was connected to peace.” Xaynalong Mongkhoune “I think the parade was really good as you could visually see how many nationalities we have in our community and where they are all from.” “International Peace One Day helped me become balanced as a student because I was able to organize a school event and keep track with my school work.” Rosy Nhkum "IPOD was an amazing journey for me. I learned to be open-minded, risk-taking and principled leader of the group, and the best part of it was seeing everyone enjoying the day.” Rupina Beak
"There is no way to peace; peace is the way." Mahatma Gandhi
Vientiane International School Sports
David Williams Activities Director As%I’m%sure%you%are%all%aware,%VIS%par:cipates%in%many%spor:ng%ac:vi:es%over%the%school%year%with%a%large%perS centage%of%the%school%body%being%a%part%of%this.%Every%day%aGer%school%during%the%Co%curricular%Programme%(CCP)% and%on%the%weekend%there%are%all%kinds%of%ac:vi:es%happening%here%at%VIS,%not%only%spor:ng.% Students%can%par:cipate%in%CCP’s%from%Early%Years%through%their%whole%school% life%to%Grade%12.%Compe::ve%games%start%from%as%early%as%Grade%4%with%the% primary%teams,%then%the%junior%teams%and%finish%in%the%senior%teams.% As% well% as% compe:ng% in% Mekong% River% Interna:onal% Schools% Associa:on% (MRISA)% VIS% competes% in% a% % local% League% named% Vien:ane% School% Sports% Associa:on%(VSSA).%The%league%currently%has%8%par:cipa:ng%schools%playing% over% 3% age% levels% these% schools% include:% Australian% Interna:onal% School,% Kiehsack% Interna:onal% School,% Vien:ane% PaQana% School,% Eastern% star% Bilingual% School,% Sengdara% Bilingual% School,% Lycée% Français% Josué% Hoffet,%Panyathip%Interna:onal%School%and%VIS.%% Currently%Teams%are%compe:ng%in%the%Primary%and%Junior%basketball%season%and%Senior%Volleyball%Season.%%Senior% Volleyball%travelled%to%Hanoi%on%October%30th%for%their%MRISA%tournament%and%Junior%basketball%travel%to%Ho%Chi% Minh%on%November%13th%for%their%MRISA%tournament.%% Being%new%to%the%school%this%year%I%have%been%amazed%with%the%amount%of%students%and%the%wider%community%that% are% a% part% of% an% ac:vity% aGer% school% and% at% the% weekend.% I’ve% come% to% school% on% a% Saturday% morning% and% the% school%almost%feels%busier%than%a%school%day%with%football%on%the%field,%volleyball%on%front%court,%drama%in%the%black% box,%swimming%in%the%pool,%students%teaching%students%from%VIS%sister%school%and%I’m%sure%I’ve%missed%ac:vi:es% out.%%% For%more%informa:on,%photos,%news%and%more%on%sports%and%Co%curricular%Ac:vi:es%please%visit%the%VIS%Ac:vi:es% Google%site%at:% hQps://sites.google.com/a/ourvis.com/visa/%
Jump Reflection !
In%August,%11th%grade%students%and%secondary%student%council%leaders%had%the%opportunity%to%take%part%in%a%one%or% two%day%training%lead%by%the%JUMP!%Founda:on.%The%goal%of%the%JUMP!%INSPIRE%program%is%to%provide%a%forum%for% students%to%explore%inspira:on%and%learn%how%inspira:on%can%lead%to%personal%and%community%ac:on.%VIS%students% were%able%to%develop%an%awareness%of%how%these%ideas%contribute%to%their%personal%leadership%style%and%how%to% put%this%into%ac:on%in%both%their%personal%lives%and%within%a%community.%
Our% student% council% students% had% the% opportunity% to% reflect% on% the% vision% and% mission% of% the% school% and% set% SMART%goals.%Student%established%a%clear%ac:on%plan%for%student%council%this%year,%and%were%able%to%determine% roles% and% responsibili:es% for% crea:ng% collabora:ve,% educa:onal% and% fun% school% ac:vi:es.% Student% council% members%leG%the%one%day%event%ready%to%implement%these%goals%and%objec:ves%into%our%school%community.%The% below% exert% was% wriQen% by% one% of% our% 11th% grade% students,% Wesley% Wan,% who% aQended% the% two% day% JUMP!% training.%%
“JUMP% was% a% very% interes:ng% experience.% Through% the% games% and% ac:vi:es,% we% became% more% aware% of% the% importance% of% being% a% part% of% our% communi:es% and% contribu:ng% to% its% success.% Having% been% founded% by% IB% students%(or%exSIB%students),%we%felt%that%they%genuinely%understood%what%we%were%about%to%get%into%and%were% able%to%provide%us%with%construc:ve%pieces%of%advice.%We%definitely%leG%the%JUMP%program%as%more%balanced%and% ac:ve%students.”
Grade 6 Transition The% Grade% 6% students% have% had% a% wonderful% start% to% the% year% in% the% Secondary% School.% %The%have%taken%on%the%challenges%of% the% transi:on% with% enthusiasm% and% posi:ve% ahtudes.%%% In% Advisory% students% have% set% goals% for% themselves% and% discussed% how% they% will% change%and%what%they%will%learn%this%year.% %In% PSHE,% students% have% been% supported% by% teachers%and%each%other%in%learning%the%ATLs% s u c h% a s% : m e% m a n a g e m e n t% a n d% organiza:on.% %Students%have%been%supported% in% developing% the% skills% of% being% on% :me,% organizing% themselves% and% their% possessions,% and% using% their% lockers% and% student% planners% appropriately.%%% The%Grade%6%Advisory%groups%look%forward%to% more%team%building%over%the%SALSA%week.%%%%
Creativity, Action and Service Crea:vity,% Ac:on,% and% Service% (CAS)% is% a% core% component% of% our% IBDP% program% at% VIS% and% within% the% IB% curriculum.%Students%at%VIS%are%required%and%encouraged%to%pursue%what%they%are%passionate%about%and%to%go% out%into%the%local%community%to%make%a%difference.%Within%our%CAS%program,%students%are%reaching%out%to%our% local%community%and%crea:ng%a%las:ng%impact%on%those%around%them%on%a%daily%basis.%Below%is%a%reflec:on%of% CAS%from%Beautrice%Soo%Phavorchith,%a%current%12th%grade%student%at%VIS%and%the%East%Asia%Regional%Council%of% School%(EARCOS)%Global%Ci:zens%award%winner.%
“To%me,%Crea:vity,%Ac:on,%Service%(CAS),%is%not%just%a%necessity%to%receive%the%IB%diploma,%but%an%opportunity.%I% believe% that% CAS% helps% students% of% the% IBDP% to% become% wellSrounded% and% global% ci:zens,% through% the% eight% outcomes% required% to% complete% it.% Personally,% CAS% has% provided% me% with% the% opportunity% to% become% much% more%openSminded%to%what%happens%in%our%school%and%to%be%aware%of%what%we%could%do%to%help%improve%not% only%our%school%community,%but%also%the%local%communi:es%around%us.%%
Through% the% requirements% of% IBDP% to% complete% CAS,% a% few% others% and% I% set% up% a% CAS% project% called% ‘Youth% Educa:ng%Youth%School’%(YEYS),%where%we%teach%children%from%out%Sister%School,%Ban%Saphanthong%Tai%Primary% School,% a% variety% of% subjects% such% as% P.E,% English,% Music,% etc.% on% Saturdays% twice% a% month.% Ini:ally,% it% was% established%and%seen%as%an%ac:vity%only%to%complete%the%requirements%we%needed%to%pass%the%IBDP,%however,%as% we%con:nued%to%teach%the%children%and%develop%a%strong%rela:onship%with%our%Sister%School,%I%began%to%realize% that%CAS%is%much%more%than%just%a%requirement,%but%a%chance%for%us%to%have%a%short%break%from%academics%and% pursue% other% passions% and% interests.% AGer% realizing% this,% I% began% ini:a:ng% other% CAS% ac:vi:es% that% I% am% passionate% about,% such% as% dance% and% photography% aGer% school% programs,% humanStrafficking% awareness% coali:on,% MUN,% etc.,% which% made% me% enjoy% CAS% much% more% and% not% see% it% as% just% a% requirement% I% had% to% complete.%%
CAS%has%helped%me%to%develop%the%skills%I%need%to%become%a%global%ci:zen,%who%is%a%person%who%shows%great% responsibility%and%contributes%to%building%the%values%of%a%growing%world%community%and%carries%a%great%vision%of% the%world%as%a%whole,%which%is%why%I%believe%that%CAS%provides%a%great%opportunity%to%the%students%of%the%IBDP.”%% Beatrice%Soo%Phavorachith