Español Santillana Level 1 Sampler

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Teacher’s Edition Sampler

Program Accredited by the University of Salamanca

See Inside Level 1 Unit 2

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HIGH SCHOOL SPANISH AS A WORLD LANGUAGE PROGRAM Students become part of the adventure as they learn Spanish and become “fans del español”! Students learn Spanish as they follow four students traveling to fascinating places in the Spanish-speaking world. Students become online “fans” and vote for Andy, Tess, Tim, and Diana, who compete by taking on amazing challenges or “Desafíos.”

Student Resources Preparation Workbook for AP*

High School


* AP is a registered trademark of the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product.

Student Edition

Practice Workbook

Literature NIVEL INtrODUCtOrIO

i LIBrO 2


i LIBrO 1










Mack es un hombre curioso y atrevido. Le encanta viajar y conocer otras culturas. En esta ocasión va a la Isla de Pascua, desde allí vuelve a Santiago de Chile y toma un avión a Buenos Aires para visitar a su nieto Tim. En este viaje, va a conocer los moáis de la civilización rapanui, los lugares más característicos de Buenos Aires y también al misterioso Mac.

menos de 700 palabras


menos de 1000 palabras

menos de 2000 palabras


menos de 2500 palabras


menos de 700 palabras

menos de 1000 palabras


menos de 2000 palabras menos de 2500 palabras

C O L E C C I Ó N L E E R E N E S PA Ñ O L NIVEL Un principe para Tess-COVER_v2.indd 1


menos de 300 palabras

El Secreto de su nombre_COVER_v2.indd 1



CONTENIDOS: • Presente de indicativo de los verbos doler y sentirse. • Imperativo. • Ir a + infinitivo. • Partes del cuerpo. INCLUYE • Síntomas y enfermedades. AUDIO EN MP3 • Hábitos saludables. • Los deportes.

El sueño de Diana NIVEL


menos de 300 palabras


menos de 400 palabras menos de 700 palabras


menos de 1000 palabras


menos de 1500 palabras


menos de 400 palabras


menos de 700 palabras


menos de 1000 palabras


menos de 2000 palabras


menos de 2000 palabras


menos de 2500 palabras


menos de 2500 palabras

menos de 300 palabras menos de 400 palabras


menos de 700 palabras


menos de 1000 palabras


menos de 2000 palabras


menos de 2500 palabras

Cuando Mack conocio a Mac_COVERv2.indd 1



• Builds college and career readiness • Supports differentiated instruction • Makes cross-curricular connections • Provides opportunities for Integrated Performance Assessment • Enhances and enriches the Español Santillana experience Each level includes 40 projects aligned to the Español Santillana program covering Communication, Cultures, Comparisons, Connections, Communities, and a Final Reflection, plus evaluation rubrics and suggestions for implementation!

Cuando Mack conoció a Mac

Blackline Masters can be used for independent study, individual portfolio development, differentiated instruction, or whole-group practice and enrichment.

Rosana Acquaroni INCLUYE AUDIO EN MP3

Topics range from nutrition to music, civil engineering to human resources … and all while developing Spanish language proficiency and cultural competence!

Dos historias y un final

4/04/14 10:57

4/04/14 11:00

Spanish Works!

Take your Spanish instruction to the next level as students see their language and cultural skills employed in their area of interest!

ISBN 978-1-68292-543-0

Rosana Acquaroni 4 menos de 1500 palabras

Dos historias y un final_COVER-v2.indd 1



Rosana Acquaroni 4 menos de 1500 palabras


4/04/14 11:03


El sueño de Diana_COVER_v2.indd 1


El secreto de su nombre

Estas vacaciones, Marcela y Janet van a Miami. Allí, Marcela va a trabajar en una escuela de Música de la Pequeña Habana y Janet va a estudiar guitarra clásica. Por otra parte, Gary y Andy van a viajar a España. Quieren visitar Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Granada…

menos de 400 palabras

Rosanamenos Acquaroni de 1500 palabras



CONTENIDOS: • Presente de indicativo de los verbos irregulares. 2 • El verbo gustar. • Expresar deseos y preferencias (Diana quiere estudiar fotografía; 3 Rita prefiere los mercados de la calle). • Los demostrativos. 4 • La comparación. • Pronombres de objeto directo e indirecto. • La ropa y el calzado. 5 • Comidas y bebidas.

CONTENIDOS: • El pretérito de los verbos regulares terminados en -ar, -er, -ir. • El pretérito de los verbos irregulares ser, ir, decir, hacer, estar y tener. • El imperativo negativo. i NIVEL • Expresar causa. INtrODUCtOrIO INCLUYE • Expresar cantidad: los indefinidos. AUDIO i EN MP3 • Los viajes. • La ciudad. LIBrO 4 • La naturaleza y el medio ambiente.

Levels 1A 1B


menos de 1500 palabras


Dos historias y un final Rosana Acquaroni


Un príncipe para Tess

Diana y su tía Rita están de vacaciones en Guatemala. Diana recibei menos de 300 palabras en su celular una invitación para ir a Lima y participar en un programa de cocina peruana. En Perú le esperan aventuras increíbles.

See the Spanish language and Hispanic cultures at work in your community and across the curriculum!


1A 1B


El sueño de Diana Rosana Acquaroni

i LIBrO 4


menos de 400 palabras


Dos historias y un final Rosana Acquaroni

menos de 300 palabras





Spanish Works!

i 1





El sueño de Diana Rosana Acquaroni


CONTENIDOS: • Presente de indicativo de los verbos ser, tener y estar. • Expresar posesión: adjetivos posesivos. • Características físicas y rasgos de personalidad. NIVEL i INtrODUCtOrIO • Estados y sensaciones. INCLUYE • Relaciones de parentesco. AUDIO NIVEL


El secreto de su nombre Rosana Acquaroni

Son las ocho de la mañana. Tim y sus compañeros tienen clase de Español. El tema de hoy es México, pero Tim está muy cansado… Ahora nuestro protagonista está en Coyoacán (México). No tiene dinero, no tiene comida…, pero tiene una importante misión: descubrir un nombre secreto. C O L E C C I Ó N L E E R E N E S PA Ñ O L

Tess y sus hermanos, Karen y David, están de vacaciones con su tío George en San Juan de Puerto Rico. Una noche Tess entra en su habitación y descubre dieciséis rosas rojas sobre la cama. ¿Quién es su príncipe misterioso? Un príncipe para Tess Rosana Acquaroni

Cuando Mack conoció a Mac Rosana Acquaroni


AP* Preparation Workbook



El secreto de su nombre Rosana Acquaroni

CONTENIDOS: • Expresar existencia: el verbo haber. • Presente de indicativo de los verbos regulares terminados en -ar, -er, -ir. • Expresar obligación: tener que + infinitivo, hay que + infinitivo. • La vivienda: muebles y objetos de la casa. NIVEL INtrODUCtOrIO • Las tareas domésticas. • Actividades de ocio.

Assessment Program





i LIBrO 2

Un príncipe para Tess Rosana Acquaroni




Cuaderno para hispanohablantes (Heritage Speaker Workbook) (1–3)

Teacher Components

Cuando Mack conoció a Mac Rosana Acquaroni




Speaking and Listening Workbook

Rosana Acquaroni 9 781682 925430

4/04/14 11:01

Enrichment Library

4/04/14 10:58

ES HS1_SpanishWorks_COVER_Gray.indd 1

Teacher’s Edition and Video Program

19/06/17 4:16 p.m.

Spanish Works!

TABLE OF CONTENTS Teacher’s Guide Overview ................................................2–3 Writers and Reviewers .........................................................4–5 Unit Overview..............................................................................6–11 Unit Structure............................................................................12–23 Scope and Sequence Level 1....................................24–25 Background and Research........................................... 26–31 Level 1, Unit 2 ...........................................................................32–71

SMARTCENTERTM Teacher SmartCenterTM provides an array of resources to help plan and deliver lessons and assess student progress, including teacher dashboard, online assessment, interactive performance assessments, and more!

Interactive Practice Workbook


Fans Online Practice Activities

Speaking and Listening Workbook

Online Assessment


A full range of instructional resources supports instruction, provides flexibility, and facilitates classroom management. Wrap-around Teacher’s Edition is an all-in-one, manageable guide designed to help deliver effective instruction. • Comprehensive lessons with suggestions, strategies, and activities help teachers adjust instruction to any teaching situation. • Differentiated instruction activities in every lesson help meet the needs of all students—from beginning to advanced and heritage speakers. At-a-glance look at standards covered and materials needed


Unit 2


Expresar Expresarexistencia existencia existenciayyyylugar lugar lugar Expresar Expresar existencia lugar

Unit 2

Los Los coquíes coquíes en en la la casa casa

Expresar existencia y lugar


Mira, Mira,abuelo, abuelo,una unacasa casaamarilla amarilla con conjardín. jardín.EsEslalacasa casadedelalaseñora señora García. García.¿Toco ¿Tocoa alalapuerta? puerta?

In Desafío 2 Tim and Mack search for coquíes at Mrs. García’s house in order to take pictures. Students talk about where people, animals, and things are located using the verb estar. Standards


1.2, 2.2


1.2, 1.3




1.2, 1.3 1.1, 1.2, 3.1, 3.2, 4.2 3.1

32. Cultura Tu desafío

Resources Vis. Pres.

Escucha Escuchay ydecide. decide.Listen Listenand anddecide decidewhether whetherthe thefive fivesentences sentencesyou youhear hear are aretrue true(cierto) (cierto)ororfalse false(falso). (falso).

La fotonovela


Before Viewing Ask students to review the expressions they learned in Unit 1 to greet someone they meet for the first time.


While Viewing Ask students to pay close attention to Ana García’s house and write down the names of the parts of the house that they observe in the video based on the vocabulary they learned in Desafío 1.


After Viewing Ask students to write a summary of what



AUDIO SCRIPT See page 85 I.




1.1.ElElcoquí coquíestá está

a.a.alallado ladode delalacasa. casa.

2.2.Los Loscoquíes coquíesestán están

b.b.en enlalacocina cocinade deAna AnaGarcía. García.

3.3.ElEljardín jardínestá está

c. c. detrás detrásde delalaescalera. escalera.

4.4.Tim Timestá está

d.d.encima encimade delos loslibros. libros.

Los coquíes The sound the coquí frogs make at night is very distinct. The inhabitants of the island often say they miss the murmur of these creatures when they go to sleep if they move to other countries. Because of this, it is relatively easy to find recordings of the coquíes on the web. Some students may relate to this if they grew up in rural areas where the sound of crickets or birds may fill the nights.

Los Loscoquíes coquíes ElElcoquí coquíesesuna unarana rana(frog) (frog)pequeña. pequeña.Es Esun unsímbolo símbolo de dePuerto PuertoRico. Rico.Los Loscoquíes coquíesproducen producenun unsonido sonidosimilar similar aasu sunombre: nombre:“co-quí”. “co-quí”.

32 32 ¿Cómo son los coquíes? ¿Cómo son los coquíes?

¡Abuelo, ¡Abuelo,hay hayununcoquí coquí enenlalaestantería! estantería!¡Está ¡Está encima encimadedelosloslibros! libros!

¿Dónde ¿Dóndeestán estánlosloscoquíes? coquíes? ¿Están ¿Estándetrás detrásdedelala escalera? escalera?

Gracias, Gracias,Tim. Tim.¡No ¡Nohay haycasas casas feas feasenenelelViejo ViejoSan SanJuan! Juan!

Preparation Ask volunteers to read the text in the speech bubbles for each image.


Warm-Up / Independent Starter


Une. Une.What Whatisisthe thecaption captionfor foreach eachphoto? photo?Match Matchthe thephrases phrasesininthe thecolumns columnstotocreate create the thecaptions. captions.


Teaching Suggestions

A sk students to write six sentences in Spanish about the houses and streets of Old San Juan.

33. Ask students to look up the animal that represents their state if they do not know. Point out that every state also has a state flower.

31 31 ¿Dónde están? ¿Dónde están?




Expresar existencia y lugar

Modelo Modelo 1.1.Cierto. Cierto.

Gracias, Gracias,señora señora señoraGarcía. García. García.Usted Usted Usted Gracias, Gracias, señora García. Usted tiene tieneuna una unacasa casa casamuy muy muybonita. bonita. bonita. tiene tiene una casa muy bonita.

Hola, Hola,Mack. Mack.Hola, Hola, Tim. Tim.Bienvenidos Bienvenidos a amimicasa. casa.


30 30 ¿Comprendes? ¿Comprendes?

Tim Timand andMack Mackarrive arriveatatAna AnaGarcía’s García’shome. home.There Therethey theyhave havetotofind findsix sixcoquíes coquíes hidden hiddenthroughout throughoutthe thehouse houseand andtake takephotos photosofofthem. them.



Additional cultural information to support instruction as student complete the activities in the “C-boxes”

Presents meaningful treatment of the 5 Cs

lige. lige.Choose Choosewords wordstotocompose composean anaccurate accuratedescription descriptionofofaacoquí. coquí. E E

feo feo

Continuará… Continuará…

2.2.¿ ¿



elelViejo ViejoSan SanJuan. Juan.

están estánlos loscoquíes? coquíes?¿Están ¿Están

3.3.¡Abuelo, ¡Abuelo,hay hayun uncoquí coquí




simbólico simbólico

bonito bonito

Answer Key

grande grande

TUTUDESAFÍO DESAFÍO Use thewebsite websitetotolisten listentotoaacoquí. coquí. Usethe

de delalaescalera? escalera?

lalaestantería! estantería!¡Está ¡Está

animal animal

What Whatanimal animalrepresents representsyour yourstate stateororyour yourcountry? country?Why Whydo doyou youthink thinkititwas waschosen chosen as asaasymbol? symbol?

Completa. Completa.Complete Completethe thestatements statementsusing usingthe thefotonovela fotonovelaabove. above. 1.1.No Nohay haycasas casasfeas feas

pequeño pequeño

33 33 Comparación Comparación

29 29 Detective de palabras Detective de palabras

de delos loslibros! libros!

102 102ciento cientodos dos

ciento cientotres tres103 103

29.   1. en 2. Dónde 3. detrás

4. en 5. encima

30.   1. Cierto 2. Falso 3. Falso

4. Falso 5. Cierto

31.   1. c 2. d 3. a 1. b 27/12/1015:26 15:26 27/12/10 300347 300347 __ 0112-0169.indd 0112-0169.indd129 129

300347 300347 __ 0112-0169.indd 0112-0169.indd128 128

Differentiated Instruction

27/12/10 27/12/1015:26 15:26

Developing leARneRS

expAnDing expAnDingleARneRS leARneRS

HeRiTAge HeRiTAgelAngUAge lAngUAgeleARneRS leARneRS

CoopeRATive leARning

• Have students rewrite the fotonovela and highlight the words they know from the previous unit and the previous desafío. Then ask them to count the number of words highlighted. How many words do they already know?

•• A Ask students to cover the speech bubbles sk students to cover the speech bubbles in the fotonovela so only the pictures remain. in the fotonovela so only the pictures remain.

•• T The coquí is a typical animal of Puerto Rico. he coquí is a typical animal of Puerto Rico. As a result it is a symbol of national identity. As a result it is a symbol of national identity. What other symbols are representative of What other symbols are representative of other Spanish-speaking countries? Some other Spanish-speaking countries? Some examples: El examples: Eltoro toroen enEspaña; España;elelcóndor cóndor en enPerú; Perú;elelquetzal quetzalen enGuatemala. Guatemala.

• Place students in groups of four. Each group should have: – Two strong readers in Spanish. – Two students who need help with reading skills in Spanish.

ave students write a script of what they •• H Have students write a script of what they would say in each situation. would say in each situation.



• Have students read (or reread) the dialogue together. Students pick out the words they understand from the dialogue such as cognates, previous vocabulary, and previous grammatical structures.

32.   Answers will vary. 33.   Answers will vary. Sample answer: The bald eagle is the symbol of the United States. It is found in the West and Southwest of the country. It is a bird that represents might, speed, and strength, which are admired qualities.

Additional Resources Fans Online activities

32. Point out that the word coquí is masculine: el coquí. As a result, it is modified by masculine adjectives (ending in o). 194 102

103 195

Point-of-use icons Guided viewing activities help with comprehension


Differentiated Instruction activities in every lesson


At-a-glance look at unit objectives, language skills covered, lesson duration, themes, functions and forms, and cultural activities Unit 2

Resources for easy, stress-free planning

Puerto Rico

Overview Unit 2

Unit Plan Objectives

La llegada



Estimated time: 1 session.

Estimated time: 4 sessions.

Estimated time: 4 sessions.

• To describe one’s house.

Dialogue: En San Juan.

Dialogue: La casa más colorida.

Dialogue: Los coquíes en la casa.

• To describe in detail.

Functions & forms: • Greeting people. • Using useful conversational expressions.

Functions & forms: • Expressing the number and gender of nouns. • Using articles with nouns.

Culture: • San Juan.

Culture: • Las calles del Viejo San Juan. • Los techos tropicales.

Functions & forms: • Expressing existence using the verb haber. • Asking questions with hay. • Expressing where things are using the expression estar en.

• To identify people and things.

• To express existence and location. • To describe one’s classroom. • To identify the location of objects. • To express common activities.

• To ask and state frequency of chores performed.

• To describe characteristics of the tropics.

• To identify key concepts in an informational text and the facts that support them.

• To express obligation or necessity.

• To explore cultural aspects of Puerto Rico.

Teacher SmartCenterTM provides an array of resources to help plan and deliver lessons and assess student progress, including teacher dashboard, online assessment, interactive performance assessments, and more!

Culture: • Los coquíes. • La Casa Blanca.

Contents Contents Vocabulary



• Parts of a house.

• To identify nouns, gender, number, and articles.

• The composition of the streets in Old San Juan.

• To express existence using the verb haber.

• Units of measure used in Puerto Rico.

Estimated time: 4 sessions.

Estimated time: 4 sessions.

Estimated time: 1 session.

Dialogue: ¿Quién prende la luz?

Dialogue: Una excursión.

Dialogue: En el Viejo San Juan.

• To express location or place.

• Design and rationale of roofs in Puerto Rican buildings.

• To conjugate present tense verbs.

• Symbols of Puerto Rico. • Famous Puerto Rican monuments.

Functions & forms: • Expressing an obligation that somebody has using tener que + infinitive. • Expressing a general obligation using hay que + infinitive. • Expressing how often something is done by using certain adverbs.

Functions & forms: • Review of Desafíos 1–4.

• To express obligation with tener que and hay que.

Functions & forms: • Expressing certain actions using regular -ar, -er, and -ir verbs.

• Furniture. • Household items. • Household chores and actions. • Leisure activities. • Useful expressions.

• To specify frequency using adverbs.


• Geographic map of Puerto Rico and the Caribbean.

TODO JUNTO / El encuentro


Culture: • La Bahía de Mosquito. • Asopao.

Culture: • Las casas de los indígenas de Puerto Rico. • El Viejo San Juan.

Culture: • Las cuevas de Camuy.

Evaluation Evaluation Criteria Criteria • Ask and give information about people and things.

• Tell chores that one has to do and talk about what one feels like doing.

• Recognize and use nouns, articles, regular verbs, and adverbs of frequency.

• Describe someone’s normal activities at home and how frequently he or she does them.

• Describe the rooms and furnishings in a house. • Express place and location.

• Use the verb haber and expressions with tener que and hay que.

• Express understanding of some of Puerto Rico’s customs, geographical aspects, and historical facts. • Recognize the differences between linguistic expressions in Spanish-speaking countries and the United States.



Estimated time: 1 session.

Estimated time: 2 sessions.

Mapa cultural: Puerto Rico and the Caribbean.

Project: Una visita guiada por la Casa Blanca.

Reading: El Morro.

Self-evaluation: Autoevaluación.



Standards covered in the unit and crosswalk of communicative and cross-curricular standards

Unit 2

Unit 2

Puerto Rico

Lesson Plans (90-Minute Classes)

Standards for Learning Spanish 1.1. Interpersonal mode • Participate in discussions on a given topic. • Talk to a classmate about the challenges. • Discuss impressions of a photo. • Play a guessing game. • Participate in a question-and-answer sequence based on describing the location of objects. • Compare two photos with a classmate. • Take a poll among classmates to rank household chores. • Interview students to gather information. 1.2. Interpretive mode • Watch a story on DVD and answer comprehension questions. • View a story and demonstrate comprehension by matching, true / false, fill-in-the blanks, and / or multiple choice.


2.1. Practices and perspectives • Understand the reasons for the composition of old streets in Puerto Rico. • Recognize the system of measurement in Puerto Rico. • Understand why Puerto Ricans build their houses and roofs the way they do. • Understand the origins of Puerto Rican traditional dishes. 2.2. Products and perspectives • Obtain information about the Bahía de Mosquito, the cuevas de Camuy, El Yunque, the coquíes,

• Read a text and make comparisons to student’s own experience. • Read a text and gain information through the second language. 1.3. Presentational mode • Write captions for a series of photos. • Write a description of one’s house. • Give an oral description of a floor plan. • Act out a dialogue written by the student. • Note items in a photo or not in the photo. • Describe the location of personal items. • Write a postcard to a friend describing a room in one’s home. • Represent the findings of a poll in a bar graph. • Write a letter to one’s parents describing the chores one has while on a trip to Puerto Rico.

Communicative Skills

• • • •

4.1. Compare languages • Compare gender and number of nouns in Spanish and English. • Compare noun-adjective agreement in Spanish and English. • Compare the punctuation used with questions in Spanish and English. • Compare contractions and their use in Spanish and English. • Compare verb patterns in Spanish and English.

4.2. Compare cultures • Compare common • Participate in discussion on a given topic. household chores at home and in other cultures. • Initiate a guessing game with another student. • Compare typical dishes • Discuss photos with a classmate. in various cultures. and understand their importance to Puerto • Interview students to gather information. • Compare architectural Rican patrimony. features affected by culture • Obtain information from an oral exchange. Writing Reflect on the houses of indigenous people and climate. • Understand a partner’s clues in order to exchange information. in Puerto Rico and why they were constructed the way they were. • Obtain information from an oral exchange. Listening • Understand a partner’s clues in order to exchange information. Reflect on the contributions of famous Puerto Ricans. • Understand a text or blog about Puerto Rico. Reading Research the biographies of famous Puerto 5.1. Spanish beyond • Understand an online article on a particular topic. Ricans. the school setting Understand the importance of El Morro • Gain information through in Puerto Rican history. advertisements. Interpretive Mode of the Casa Blanca Understand the importance • Write a postcard. to Puerto Ricans. • Listen and identify ideas or photos. • Represent information Listening

Unit 2



• 11, 24, 25, 26, 36, 41, 42, 60, 70, 75, 83, 86, 88, 97, 101 • 27, 34, 56, 99 • 25, 27, 41, 44, 50, 64, 87 • 36, 60, 70, 83, 90, 97

using graphs. • Prepare an oral presentation • Listen and evaluate or interpret the information. of a photo diary. • Use context in order to complete a text • Write a short text about • Obtain literal information and make inferences from a text. 3.2. Viewpoints through language / culture a famous historical • Gain information on• Synthesizing key concepts in a reading passage. why houses in Puerto Rico monument. predominantly have flat roofs. 5.2. Spanish for lifelong • Learn about the wonders of the Bahía de learning Mosquito. Presentational Mode • Take a virtual tour • Learn about the cuevas de Camuy. • Present information or results orally to the class. Speaking of La Casa Blanca. • Discover the types of Taino homes. • Act out a script or dialogue. • Design a poster. • Play a famous monument • Summarize or report information. Writing guessing game.




To introduce Puerto Rico and to discuss the pairs’ challenges

Puerto Rico / La llegada (86–91) • Warm-Up: Country orientation • Puerto Rico / Images and functions • Presentation: En San Juan • Expresiones útiles and ¿Quién ganará?

1 2–5

10 m. 20 m. 25 m. 35 m.


To introduce Old San Juan, to speak about the parts of a home, and to speak about people, animals, places, and things

Desafío 1 – La casa más colorida / Vocabulario / Gramática (92–97) • Warm-Up: Independent Starter • Fotonovela: La casa más colorida • Cultura: Las calles del Viejo San Juan • Vocabulary: La vivienda • Comunidades: Apartamento disponible • Grammar: Los nombres • Comparaciones: Los techos tropicales

6–8 9 10–12 13–14 15–18 19

5 m. 20 m. 10 m. 20 m. 5 m. 25 m. 5 m.

To speak about people, animals, places, and things and to integrate vocabulary and grammar and to assess student proficiency

Desafío 1 – Gramática / Comunicación / Evaluación (98–101) • Warm-Up: Independent Starter • Grammar: Los artículos • Comunicación: Review • Final del desafío • Quiz on Desafío 1

To introduce coquíes and to speak about furniture and objects in the home

Desafío 2 – Los coquíes en la casa / Vocabulario (102–105) • Warm-Up: Independent Starter • Fotonovela: Los coquíes en la casa • Cultura: Los coquíes • Vocabulary: Muebles y objetos de la casa • Cultura: La Casa Blanca

29–31 32–33 34–36 37

5 m. 30 m. 10 m. 35 m. 10 m.

To express existence, to say where things are, and to integrate vocabulary and grammar

Desafío 2 – Gramática / Comunicación (106–111) • Warm-Up: Independent Starter • Grammar: Expresar existencia. El verbo ‘haber’ • Grammar: Expresar lugar • Conexiones: El Yunque • Comunicación: Review

38–42 43–46 47 48–50

5 m. 25 m. 25 m. 5 m. 30 m.

To assess student proficiency, to introduce Mosquito Bay, to speak about household tasks

Desafío 2 – Evaluación / Desafío 3 – ¿Quién prende la luz? / Vocabulario (111–115) • Warm-Up: Final del desafío • Quiz on Desafío 2 • Fotonovela: ¿Quién prende la luz? • Cultura: La Bahía de Mosquito • Vocabulary: Las tareas domésticas


Interpersonal Mode


3.1. Interdisciplinary connections • Research the building of roads during the colonial period. • Learn about Old San Juan. • Research apartment advertisements online and in newspapers. • Research tropical rainforests and their characteristics. • Research the phenomena of “bioluminescence.” • Use a Venn diagram to display information.

Puerto Rico



• 22, 31, 80 • 49, 73, 91 • 36, 60, 70, 83, 90, 97 • 6, 27, 34, 99


• 49, 82, 91, 94, Lectura • Tu desafío

Activities • 2, 10, 17, 25, 35, 54, 57, 68, 77, Activities 89, 93 • 30, 40, 48, 71, 79, 81, 82, 85


• 6, 18, 28, 29, 51, 74, 92, • 94, 96, 102 • Lectura



Activities Time

20–24 25–27 28

51 52–54 55 56–59

5 m. 30 m. 25 m. 15 m. 15 m.


Resources / Homework

1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 4.1, 5.1,

Visual Presentation Audio Video Practice Workbook

1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 4.2, 5.1

Visual Presentation Audio Video Practice Workbook Tu desafío




To describe family relationships, to express possession, to integrate vocabulary and grammar, and to assess student proficiency

Desafío 3 – Gramática / Comunicación (115–121) • Warm-Up: Conexiones: Una encuesta • Grammar: Verbos regulares en -ar. • Cultura: Asopao • Grammar: Verbos regulares en -er y en -ir. Presente • Comunicación: Review



To assess student proficiency, to introduce the Río Camuy Caves, and to express leisure activities

Desafío 3 – Evaluación / Desafío 4 – Las cu de Camuy (121–125) • Warm-Up: Final del desafío • Quiz on Desafío 3 • Fotonovela: Las cuevas de Camuy • Cultura: Las cuevas de Camuy • Vocabulary: Actividades de ocio

1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 4.1, 4.2, 5.1, 5.2

Audio Practice Workbook


Desafío 4 –Gramática / Comunicación / Evaluación / Todo junto (126–131) • Warm-Up: Independent Starter • Grammar: Expresar obligación • Comunicación: Review • Final del desafío • Quiz on Desafío 4 • Todo junto

1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 4.2, 5.2

Visual Presentation Audio Tu desafío

To express an obligation and to express frequency, to integrate vocabulary and grammar, to assess student proficiency, and to integrate language in context


1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 4.2, 5.1

Audio Practice Workbook Tu desafío

To learn about Puerto Rican culture and traditions, to learn about El Morro, and to review vocabulary, grammar, and culture

El encuentro / Mapa cultural / Lectura (132– • Warm-Up: Independent Starter • Conexiones: Las casas de los indígenas d Puerto Rico • El encuentro: En el Viejo San Juan • Mapa cultural: Puerto Rico • Lectura: El Morro • Read project outline (142–143)


To create a guided tour of La Casa Blanca and to assess student proficiency

Proyecto / Assessment (142–143) • Project presentations • Autoevaluación • Test

1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 5.1, 5.2

Visual Presentation Audio Video Practice Workbook Tu desafío

15 m. 15 m. 25 m. 10 m. 25 m.


• 49, 60, 95, 100 • 28, 51, 74, 92 • 24, 45, 46, 58, 59, 70, 72, 85, 89, 90, 95, 103


Pacing Guide for 50-and 90-minute class periods

Cross-Curricular Standards Subject



Language Arts

• Compare elements of English grammar with Spanish equivalents. • Proofread an original piece of writing.

• 15, 20, 38, 43, 61, 66, 84 • Proyecto

Social Studies

• Locate political and geographical divisions of Puerto Rico and the Caribbean. • Research the early history of Puerto Rico.

• 99


• Learn about indigenous and modern architecture. • Learn about famous Puerto Rican artists and designers.

• 19, 96 • 100


• Write a script. • Act out a dialogue.

• Proyecto • 28, 51, 74, 92, Proyecto

• Proyecto



Español Santillana is a collaborative effort by two teams specializing in the design of Spanish-language educational materials. One team is located in the United States and the other in Spain. Editorial Staff in United States © 2011 by Santillana USA Publishing Company, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Anne Smieszny Ana Isabel Antón Andrea Roberson

Editorial Staff in Spain

Susana Gómez Belén Saiz Clara Alarcón Cristina Aparecida Duarte

Published in the United States of America.

Linguistic and Cultural Advisers in Latin America and in the United States

Español Santillana Teacher's Edition Level 1 ISBN-13: 978-1-61605-250-8 ISBN-10: 1-61605-250-3

Antonio Moreno

Illustrators: Bartolomé Seguí, Jorge Arranz Picture Coordinator: Carlos Aguilera

Luis Guillermo Bernal

Cartographer: Tania López Cartographic Coordinator: Ana Isabel Calvo

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Production Manager: Ángel García Encinar Production Coordinator: Marisa Valbuena, Julio Hernández Design and Layout: Javier Pulido, Alfonso García, Fernando Calonge, Hilario Simón, Pedro Valencia Proofreaders: Gerardo Z. García, María A. Pérez, Jennifer Farrington, José Ramón Díaz, Lawrence Lipson, Laurie Price Photo Researchers: Mercedes Barcenilla, Amparo Rodríguez Santillana USA Publishing Company, Inc. 2023 NW 84th Avenue, Doral, FL 33122 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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Editorial Director, Santillana México

Mayra Méndez Editorial Director, Santillana Puerto Rico Editorial Director, Santillana Guatemala Editorial Director, Santillana Perú

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Reviewers Dr. Tamara Alsace

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Dr. Josefa Báez-Ramos

James Orihuela

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4 4

Writers and Reviewers

Writers (Teacher's Edition) María Inés García

Lori Langer de Ramírez

Andrea Roberson

Miguel Santana

Austin, TX

Great Neck, NY

Miami, FL

Tampa, FL

Writers (Student Book) Dr. Miguel Santana

received his PhD in Hispanic literature at the University of Texas–Austin. Dr. Santana has taught Spanish at the elementary, high school, and college levels, and has worked as a Spanish editor and writer for numerous educational publishers in the United States. Miguel Santana is also an author of several novels.

Dr. Lori Langer de Ramírez

received her doctorate in curriculum and teaching from Teacher's College, Columbia University. She is chairperson of the ESL and World Language Department for Herricks Public Schools, New York. Dr. Langer de Ramírez is the recipient of many prestigious awards.

Eduardo Fernández Galán

received his Licenciatura en Lingüística Hispánica from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. He has taught Spanish at Montgomery High School in Montgomery, New Jersey, and The College of New Jersey in Ewing.

Dr. Michele Guerrini

received her PhD in Romance languages from the University of Pennsylvania. She has worked as director of bilingual and EFL departments at Richmond Publishing in Spain and as an adjunct assistant professor of Spanish at The George Washington University in Washington, DC.

Cristina Núñez Pereira

received her Licenciatura en Filología Hispánica from the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia and is a Licenciada en Periodismo from the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.

Belén Saiz Noeda

received her Licenciatura en Filología Hispánica from Universidad de Alicante. She was a professor of Spanish language and culture and was in charge of Spanish teacher education at the Universidad de Alcalá and at other institutions.

María Inés García

received her masters in Spanish from Texas A & I University. She is a former director of the Languages Other Than English program for the Texas Education Agency, and was the Spanish specialist with the agency for 26 years.

María J. Fierro-Treviño

received her MA from the University of Texas–San Antonio. She was the director of Languages Other Than English program for the Texas Education Agency. She has taught Spanish at the secondary and college levels, and has worked as an instructional specialist, and as a presenter of professional-development seminars.

Contributors Janet L. Glass

Maria Elena Messina

Dwight-Englewood School, Englewood, NJ

Adrian C. Wilcox High School, Santa Clara, CA

Dr. Frances S. Hoch

Dr. Gerardo Piña-Rosales

Raleigh, NC

North American Academy of the Spanish Language, The City University of New York (CUNY) Lehman and Graduate Center, New York, NY

Jan Kucerik Pinellas County Schools Largo, FL

Dr. Dave McAlpine University of Arkansas–Little Rock, Little Rock, AR

Advisers Trina M. Gonzales-Alesi

María Orta

John Glenn Middle School of International Studies, Indio, CA

Kennedy High School, Chicago, IL

Paula Hirsch

Murchison Middle School, Austin, TX

Nina Wilson

Windward School, Los Angeles, CA

Developmental Editor

Editorial Coordinator

Editorial Director

Belén Saiz

Anne Smieszny

Enrique Ferro

Writers and Reviewers


KeyIdeas Ideas Key

motivatingstory story 1.1.AAmotivating EspañolSantillana Santillanatells tellsaastory storyofoftravels travels 1.1.Español andchallenges. challenges. and Fourpairs pairsofofenthusiasts enthusiastsofofthe theSpanish Spanishlanguage languageand andHispanic Hispanicculture culturewant want Four explorethe theSpanish-speaking Spanish-speakingworld: world:itsitspeople, people, cities, regions, and totoexplore itsitscities, itsitsregions, and cultures. itsitscultures. Becauseofofthis, this, theyhave havedecided decidedtotocreate createthe theFans Fans español website Because they deldel español website andtototravel traveltotodifferent differentcountries countriesininorder ordertotodiscover discoverand andshow showunique unique and aspects of each place. aspects of each place. eachcountry, country, thefour fourteams teamscompete, compete, takingonondifferent differentdesafíos, desafíos, InIneach the taking challenges, thatthey theymust mustcomplete. complete. ororchallenges, that

Thechallenges challengespresent presentexceptionally exceptionally 2.2.The motivatingsituations situationsand andfascinating fascinatingplaces. places. motivating Eachunit unitpresents presentsfour fourchallenges challengesrelated relatedtotothe thepeople, people, theregions, regions, the Each the ororthe culturesofofa acountry. country.For Forexample, example, theteams teamsparticipate participateininthe theritual ritualofofthe the cultures the voladores Papantla Mexico, preparea adish dishcontaining containingpaiche paichefish fishinin voladores dede Papantla ininMexico, prepare Iquitos, Peru, andcompete competeininthe theStairs StairsMarathon MarathonininValparaiso, Valparaiso, Chile. Iquitos, Peru, and Chile.

Thestudents studentsdecide decidewhich whichteam teamwins wins 3.3.The thechallenge challengeinineach eachunit. unit. the thebeginning beginningofofeach eachunit, unit, studentsdiscuss discussthe thechallenges challengesand andmake make AtAtthe students predictionsabout aboutwhich whichpair pairwill willwin. win.AtAtthe theend endofofthe theunit, unit, studentstake take predictions students votetotodecide decidethe thewinners winnersofofthe thechallenge challengeaccording accordingtotoa apreviously previously a avote establishedcriterion: criterion:the themost mostoriginal, original, themost mostfun, fun, themost mostrelevant, relevant, established the the andsosoon. on. and Active participation thestoryline storylinepromotes promotesstudent studentinvolvement involvementand and Active participation ininthe motivation. motivation.



Unit Overview

DESAFÍO TUTUDESAFÍO TheTuTu desafíosection sectionthat thatappears appears The desafío certainpages pagesis isintended intendedtoto ononcertain motivatestudents studentsand andpromote promote motivate independentwork. work. independent Upon accessing theFans Fans Upon accessing the deldel españolwebsite websitetotododothe theproposed proposed español activity, studentsearn earnpoints, points, activity, students whichthey theycan canaccumulate accumulate which throughoutthe theyear. year. throughout

4 Los desafíos

¿Quién g


Habla. Wh at will be and discu the challen ss it with ge for ea your class ch pair? Th mates. ink abou

t this ques




La máscara de jade

Vamos de com pras

Diana y Rita

DESAFÍO 3 Tres trajes típicos

Patri cia y


DESAFÍO 4 Un mercado especial

Mack y Tim

Janet y Andy

5 Las votacion


Decide. Yo u decide. You will vo te to choo se the most interestin g challenge . Who do you think will win?




_ 0170-0 225

.indd 175

ciento cu

arenta y

nueve 149



¿Quién ganará? México

Puerto Rico



Estudiantes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 14


Unit Overview


Key Ideas

2. The integration of culture into the units

1. Culture is the framework for learning Spanish. Culture is present throughout the unit: in the challenges, in the boxes that feature the five Cs of language learning, in the section titled Mapa cultural, in the readings, and in the final project. Culture is also present in the practice activities: students analyze the culture of a particular country, compare it with their own, and transfer what they have learned to their own reality.

DESAFÍO 1 La máscara de jade

Rita a ay yRita Dian Dian

Findaajade jademask maskininAntigua. Antigua. Find

2. Culture is presented in an original way. Each challenge features a cultural element of the country of focus, and this element is related to the theme of the unit. For example, Desafío 1 in Guatemala showcases an element of traditional Guatemalan culture: jade masks. Elements of the culture of each country are also presented in an organized way in the Mapa cultural section.

3. Culture is recognized in all its richness. Culture is explored as a perspective, a practice, and a product. For example, students reflect about a quinceañera party, table manners, courtesy expressions, foods, and dances. Culture is exhibited from a variety of angles: Major cities such as Mexico City; San Juan, Puerto Rico; and Antigua, Guatemala. Archeology, architecture, and the fine arts: Tikal, the Zócalo, Frida Kahlo, and so on. Customs such as festivals, traditional clothing, foods, and sports. Youth culture, such as music and fashion.




An example example of of the the integration integration of of culture culture An Country: Guatemala Guatemala Country:

Theme: Shopping and clothing

DDEESSAAFÍFÍOO 2 Vamosde decompras compras Vamos



Tres trajes típicos

Un mercado especial

Janet y Andy

Patricia y Tess

Mack y Tim

Acquire three traditional garments in Tikal.

Buyarticles articlesofofclothing clothingininaamall mall Buy Guatemala. ininGuatemala.

Locate a bag of worry dolls in the Chichicastenango market.

Mar Caribe Be li c e


ad maya de



1. La gran ciud

Beliliccee Be Honndduur raass Ho El El SSaal vl vaaddoor r

ragguuaa Niccaara Ni


100 100

staa Cost Co Riccaa Ri

Ho n d u r a s


El Salvad or

ice Belice Bel

ico México Méx má Pannaamá Pa

200 200 millas millas

PAC Í F I C O angoo stenang hicasten Chichica Chic

una república Guatemala es . Por de Centroamérica con México. el norte limita pequeño más país un Es de Tennessee do esta el que 13 y tiene más de tantes. millones de habi Guatemala La capital de es la ciudad de núcleo más Guatemala, el roamérica. grande de Cent


gua Antigua Anti ala temala Guatem Gua





5050 millas millas osos kilómetr kilómetr 5050



Lugar de muchos árboles.

200 millas 99

or vador Salvad El Sal El


kilómetros 100 200

Belice México

Pa n a má


de Guatemala

Mensajes des

s to research. s. of these topic the types of shop ibe. Choose one Investiga y escr (size, color) and you like. the buildings with a singer rico. Describe Compare him 1. El centro histó appearance. know. his ribe Desc val with one you 2. El cantante. pare this festi Com lo. Diab 3 3. La Quema del 2

El centro histórico emala. de la ciudad de Guat

ences.s. sentence theseesent correctctthes tocorre mapto themap Usethe la. ibe.Use emala. Escribe. Escr Guatema queGuat

of Escribe. Use two

anchooque osanch menos paísmen unpaís esun Belice.e. icoes queBelic México choque 1. Méx 1. estrecho másestre paísmás unpaís esun ragua.a. Nicaragu durasses queNica Hondura deque 2. Hon 2. grande másgran paísmás unpaís esun laes Belice.e. emala queBelic Guatema eñoque 3. Guat 3. pequeño máspequ paísmás unpaís esun laes la ema ema Guat Guat 4. 4. ta

esented on the is the bird repr The quetzal es freedom. flag. It symboliz ction, Guatemalan danger of extin quetzal is in Because the species. a protected ared decl y it has been t role in man rtan impo played an The quetzal s. Mayan myth


ioness porcione Proporc Pro

190 ciento noven

de Guatemala Ni c a ra2.gEl u a quetzal: el ave

Co st a Ri al. c a ) Un quetz

as duras Hondur Hon

ala temala Guatem Gua

lá Sololá Solo


(1) Ruinas de la ciudad de Tikal (Petén).



¿Qué significa Guat

osos kilómetr kilómetr 200 100 200 0 0 100


part the northern flatlands in ted The region of n. Here is loca is called Pete l of Guatemala city. The Tika2 ense Mayan km Tikal, an imm 576 of covers an area the to nt National Park vale is equi miles). This is. (222 square Chicago, Illino by the city of area occupied

Tikal l Tika

ee MMaar r CCaar ri ibb i coo MMééxxi c


La tradición Diablo. de la Quema del

El cantante Ricardo Arjona.

il to a friend.

write an e-ma rtant facts to

the most impo

ta y uno 191

ciento noven





d 217

225.ind 300347 _ 0170-0


d 216

225.ind 300347 _ 0170-0





Antigua Guatemala






50 millas kilómetros 50

El Salvador


Unit Overview



Guatemala Desafíos en Centroamérica



La moda en Guatemala





To describe and compare clothes and


To talk about shopping Vocabulario El centro comercial

footwear Vocabulario D escribir la ropa y el calzado

Gramática Verbos con raíz irregular (e > ie)

Key Ideas


Gramática Los demostrativos La comparación. Adjetivos de valor comparativo

El verbo ir

To express likes

To speak when shopping To speak

To express Vocabulario likes To express La ropa y el calzado

when shopping Vocabulario Vocabulario Las compras Las compras

likes Vocabulario Vocabulario Gramática La ropa y el calzado La ropa y el calzado El verbo gustar

Gramática Gramática Verbos con raíz Verbos con raíz irregular (o > ue) irregular (o > ue)

Gramática Gramática El verbo gustar El verbo gustar

3. An organization based on learning

El mercado El de mercado de Chichicastenango Chichicastenango



Trajes tradicionales guatemaltecos

170 ciento cuarenta y ocho

300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 170

27/12/10 15:34

ciento cuarenta ciento y cinco cuarenta 145 y cinco 145

300347 _ 0170-0225.indd



15:34 27/12/10


1. The units are organized in three major blocks. La llegada

1. The linguistic nucleus: La llegada, the Desafíos, Todo junto, and El encuentro. This is the fundamental and most extensive part of the unit, and the focus within is on vocabulary, grammar, and communication.

En Antigua The four pairs gather in Antigua, a beautiful colonial city in Guatemala. There they will receive their tasks from Rolando Boj, a young Guatemalan clothing designer. But before, they are going to buy some traditional Guatemalan-style clothes.

Este sombrero es bonito, abuelo. ¿Cuánto cuesta?

Porque las sandalias son más auténticas.

Es barato. Cuesta 30 quetzales.

LaLallegada llegada

¿Les gusta este vestido? Es de algodón y está en oferta.

Me gusta. Es cómodo.

¿Vamos al centro Yo voy al centro Yo voy al centro comercial comercial. Tú comercial. vas Tú vas o al mercado? al mercado.

¿Por qué no llevas zapatos?

Prefiero la blusa blanca.

A mí también me gusta.

1 ¿Comprendes? Une. Match each question with the corresponding answer. A



1. How much is the hat? Porque son a. Porque más auténticas. son más auténticas. 2. What does Mack say about the hat? Una blusa b. blanca. Una blusa blanca. 3. What does Rita prefer instead of the cotton dress? Cuesta 30 c. quetzales. Cuesta 30 quetzales. 4. Why does Andy wear sandals? Al centro d.comercial. Al centro comercial. 5. Where is Tess going shopping? A mí también e. A mí me también gusta. me gusta. ciento cuarenta y siete 147 y siete 147 ciento cuarenta

172 ciento cincuenta

27/12/10 15:3427/12/10 15:34

27/12/10 15:34 300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 173

300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 172

ETAPA ETAPA 1 Hablar Hablar sobre DESAFÍO 111 sobre ETAPA Hablarcompras sobre compras compras 7 Predicción

La máscara de jade

Where will Where Diana and goand next? Choose oneChoose of these options. Escoge. will Rita Diana Rita go next? one of these options. 1. A la tienda de regalos.

Diana and Rita are in Antigua, where they must find a Mayan jade mask. Rolando Boj, their Guatemalan host, has given them a picture. They must visit stores, show the picture of the mask, and ask questions! Will they find it?

¡Son las nueve de la mañana! ¿A qué hora abre esa tienda?

2. Al mercado. Al Museo 3. del Al Museo Jade. del Jade.

8 La vendedora informa Escucha y ordena. Diana and Rita are asking a market salesperson questions. Listen and number the questions in the order you hear them.

Esta es la foto de la máscara. Es una máscara maya y es de jade.

a. ¿Cuánto cuesta esa máscara? b. Perdón, ¿usted vende objetos de jade? c. ¿A qué hora abre el Museo del Jade? d. ¿Y tiene máscaras de jade?

2. An in-depth look into culture: the Mapa cultural and the Lectura. The cultural maps offer an insight into each country. The reading section highlights a cultural aspect while practicing reading comprehension skills and strategies.

Nosotros no tenemos máscaras de jade. ¿Por qué no preguntan en el mercado?

Los Losdesafíos desafíos

1. objetos Sí, vendo Sí, vendo de objetos jade. de jade. 2. Tengo tres máscaras, pero no son de jade. Tengo tres máscaras, pero no son de jade. 3.del El Museo delaJade abre a las once. El Museo Jade abre las once. 4. Estaestá máscara está en oferta. Esta máscara en oferta.

Foto Museo del jade

¡Claro, el mercado! Podemos ir allí, hay muchas personas.


¡Ah, sí, hay una máscara así en el Museo del Jade!

Antigua es una ciudad de la región central de Guatemala. Está rodeada por tres volcanes: Agua, Fuego y Acatenango. Es famosa por sus edificios del siglo XVII. Antigua es también una ciudad moderna y multicultural.

Continuará… 6 Detective de palabras Completa. Based on the fotonovela above, choose the word from column A or B that completes each sentence correctly. A

1. ¡

las nueve de la mañana!

2. ¿A qué hora


9 Comparación. What is odd about this statement? Antigua es una ciudad moderna.



esa tienda?

Look up the meaning of the word to antigua help youtoanswer. help you answer.



Foto Foto Máscaras Máscaras

Relaciona. Match each question above with an answer below.


3. Nosotros no

máscaras de jade.



4. ¿Por qué no

en el mercado?



the website to learn more aboutmore Antigua. Use the website to learn about Antigua. TUUse DESAFÍO

ciento cincuenta ciento y uno cincuenta 151 y uno

ciento cincuenta

27/12/10 15:35 300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 177

300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 176


27/12/10 15:3527/12/10 15:35



93 Itinerario de compras

94 El desfile de moda escolar

Escucha y escribe. Andy is talking about the shopping plans of the group. Listen and write the store each one goes to. Modelo Tim

Your schoolYour hasschool decided to decided put on atobenefit show. Describe Escribe. has put onfashion a benefit fashion show. Describe the articlesthe of articles clothing of that will bethat shown. Useshown. demonstratives and comparisons clothing will be Use demonstratives and comparisons and say how much the items cost.


1. Mack 2. Diana y Rita

Modelo Esta blusa verde es de algodón. Cuesta veinte dólares. Aquellas sandalias son más caras que estos zapatos.

3. Patricia y Tess 4. Andy y Janet


Todo junto Habla. Talk with your partner about the clothes in the picture. Say which of them you like, you dislike or you prefer, and why.

3. Putting knowledge into action: the Repaso pages and the Proyecto. Students review the vocabulary and grammar of the unit, then do a project in which they integrate the unit’s key linguistic and cultural concepts in a communicative way.

MeModelo gusta laMe blusa verde. Me gusta el color verde y no es cara.y no es cara. gusta la blusa verde.mucho Me gusta mucho el color verde Me gustan las pero no me pero gustanoelme color anaranjado. Me camisas, gustan las camisas, gusta el color anaranjado.

HABLAR Y ESCRIBIR 95 Tus gustos Habla. Look at the picture and talk about it with a partner.

Escribe. Write what the characters want to buy and where they go. Modelo Tim quiere unos tenis nuevos. Va a la zapatería.

1. Describe la ropa. 2. ¿Te gusta esta ropa? ¿Por qué?

Habla y escribe. With three classmates, discuss your own shopping itinerary. Then write it down.

Escribe y representa. A man and a woman are talking with a clothes vendor in Chichicastenango. Write their conversation and act it out.

Modelo Andrea quiere un regalo para su amigo. Va a la tienda de regalos. Andrea y David quieren comprar unos cuadernos. Van a la papelería. 186 ciento ochenta y seis

ciento ochenta y siete 187 y siete 187 ciento ochenta

300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 212

27/12/10 15:38

27/12/10 15:3827/12/10 15:38

300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 213

MAPA CULTURAL M a r C a r i bM M e aarr CCaarri ibbee M MééxxBe i iccolioc e



Be Beliliccee




20000 millas

100 100


Co Cost staa Ri Riccaa Pa n a má

200 200 millas millas

1. La gran ciudad maya de Tikal

Tikal Tikal

The region of flatlands in the northern part of Guatemala is called Peten. Here is located Tikal, an immense Mayan city. The Tikal National Park covers an area of 576 km2 (222 square miles). This is equivalent to the area occupied by the city of Chicago, Illinois.


Ho n d u r a s Ho Honndduurraass El El El S a l v a d o r SSaal lvvaaddoorr Ni c a ra g u a Ni Niccaara ragguuaa O C É A N O OOCCÉÉAANNOO



México M Mééxxiiccoo

Pa Pannaamá má

kilómetros kilómetros kilómetros 100 200 00 100 100 200 200

(1) Ruinas de(1)laRuinas ciudaddedelaTikal ciudad de Tikal (Petén). (Petén).

¿Qué significa Guatemala?

2. El quetzal: 2. El quetzal: el ave deelGuatemala ave de Guatemala The quetzal The is the quetzal bird is represented the bird represented on the on the Guatemalan Guatemalan flag. It symbolizes flag. It symbolizes freedom. freedom. Because the Because quetzal the is in quetzal danger is of in extinction, danger of extinction, it has beenitdeclared has beenadeclared protected a species. protected species.

Chichicastenango Chichicastenango Chichicastenango

ElElmapa mapa



H o n d u r aH sHoonndduurraass

Sololá Sololá Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala

The quetzal The played quetzal an important played an important role in many role in many Mayan myths.

Antigua Antigua Antigua Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala


(2) Un quetzal.

Lugar de muchos árboles.

Guatemala es una república de Centroamérica. Por 0 25 00 50 25 25 50 50 millas millas millas el norte limita con México. kilómetros kilómetros kilómetros 0 25 5000 25 25 50 50 Es un país más pequeño que el estado de Tennessee y tiene más de 13 millones de habitantes.

El SalvaE dEo ll rSSaallvvaaddoorr

99 Mensajes desde Guatemala Investiga y escribe. Choose one of these topics to research. 1. El centroDescribe histórico.the Describe the(size, buildings and of the types of shops. buildings color)(size, and color) the types shops. 2. ElDescribe cantante.his Describe his appearance. Compare withyou a singer appearance. Compare him with a him singer like. you like. 3. La Quema del Diablo. Compare this festival with one you know.

La capital de Guatemala es la ciudad de Guatemala, el núcleo más grande de Centroamérica.




98 Proporciones Proporciones Proporciones

2. Vocabulary and Grammar are presented in short, well-defined sections.

Escribe. Use Escribe. Escribe. the map Use Use tothe the correct map mapthese to tocorrect correct sentences. these thesesentences. sentences. 1. México 1. es 1. México un México país es menos esun unpaís país ancho menos menos queancho ancho Guatemala. que queGuatemala. Guatemala. 2. Honduras 2. 2. Honduras es Honduras un país es más esun unestrecho país paísmás más que estrecho estrecho Belice.que queBelice. Belice. 3. Guatemala 3. 3. Guatemala Guatemala es un país es más esun ungrande país paísmás más quegrande grande Nicaragua. que queNicaragua. Nicaragua. 4. Guatemala 4. 4. Guatemala Guatemala es un país es más esun unpequeño país paísmás másque pequeño pequeño Belice.que queBelice. Belice.

El centro histórico de la ciudad de Guatemala.

El cantante Ricardo Arjona.

La tradiciónLa tradición de la QuemadedellaDiablo. Quema del Diablo.

Use two ofUse the two mostofimportant to write anto e-mail a friend. Escribe. the most facts important facts writeto anae-mail

190 ciento noventa

ciento noventa ciento y unonoventa 191 y uno 191

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REPASO Vocabulario

27/12/10 15:3827/12/10 15:38

DESAFÍO 1 1 En la tienda. Match eachMatch question eachinquestion column Ainwith column the corresponding A with the corresponding answer answer in column B.

El centro comercial

Vocabulary and Grammar have been organized in short, unified, two-page sections. This system facilitates focus on the topic being studied.


ir de compras mirar vitrinas

to go shopping to window-shop

comprar vender

to buy to sell

Las tiendas la papelería la tienda de música la tienda de regalos la tienda de ropa la zapatería

el cliente / la clienta customer el vendedor / la vendedora salesperson ¿A qué hora abre…? ¿A qué hora cierra…?

… open? At what time does … close?

abierto(a) cerrado(a)

stationery store music store gift shop clothing store shoe store open closed

At what time does

La ropa

Los Losrepasos repasos

blouse shirt T-shirt jacket skirt pants shorts sweater dress scarf cap gloves hat boots sandals sneakers shoes socks

Materiales el algodón el cuero la lana

cotton leather wool

Colores amarillo(a) anaranjado(a) azul blanco(a) morado(a) negro(a) rojo(a) rosado(a) verde

cheap, inexpensive expensive

el precio el dinero la tarjeta

price money credit card

costar gastar pagar

to cost to spend to pay

el número la talla

shoe size size

estar en oferta estar de moda quedar bien quedar mal quedar grande quedar pequeño ser de (mi) talla

Describir la ropa y el calzado Características ancho(a) wide estrecho(a) tight corto(a) short largo(a) long cómodo(a) comfortable

barato(a) caro(a)

How much to be … on cost? sale does to be in fashion to fit well to fit badly to be too big to be too small to be (my) size

Los números

yellow orange blue white purple black red pink green

1. Nosotros vamos de picnic. 2. Ana tiene que ir a una fiesta de quinceañera. 3. Hace frío, pero tengo que pasear al perro. 4. Juan va a la clase de español. 5. El padre de Tess va a una cena formal. 6. Yo voy al gimnasio.

DESAFÍO 3 3 Tu ropa favorita. Answer each question yourgiving own opinion. Answer eachgiving question your own opinion. Modelo

treinta y uno treinta y dos cuarenta cincuenta sesenta setenta ochenta noventa cien

thirty-one thirty-two forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety one hundred

A. ¿Te gustan los pantalones de algodón? B. No, prefiero los jeans. 1. ¿Te gustan las faldas largas? 2. ¿Te gustan las blusas anchas? 3. ¿Te gustan las camisas negras? 4. ¿Te gustan los pantalones cortos? 5. ¿Te gustan los tenis de cuero?

DESAFÍO 4 4 ¡Están en oferta! Write a conversation with a partner. Follow the guidelines below. • You: Ask if they have colorful sneakers. • Salesperson: Say yes and that they are on sale. • You: Ask how much they cost. • Salesperson: State the price and ask what size and color the customer wants. • You: Give your size and color preferences. • Salesperson: Ask how the customer is going to pay. • You: Say you are going to pay with credit card.

194 ciento noventa y cuatro

300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 220



Unit Overview



Expresiones ¿Cuánto cuesta(n)…?

El calzado las botas las sandalias los tenis los zapatos los calcetines


A las nueve a. Ade laslanueve noche. de la noche. En la tienda b. Ende la música. tienda de música. En una zapatería. c. En una zapatería. En esa tienda d. En esa de ropa. tienda de ropa. En la papelería. e. En la papelería.

2 ¿Qué llevo? Write the most Writeappropriate the most appropriate clothing forclothing each place for each or event. place or event. Las compras

la blusa la camisa la camiseta la chaqueta la falda los pantalones los pantalones cortos el suéter el vestido la bufanda el gorro los guantes el sombrero

1. ¿Dónde puedo comprar unas sandalias? 2. ¿Dónde venden cuadernos y lápices? 3. ¿A qué hora cierran esta tienda? 4. ¿Dónde venden discos compactos? 5. ¿Dónde están en oferta estas blusas?

ciento noventa ciento y cinco noventa 195 y cinco 195

27/12/10 15:39 300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 221

27/12/10 15:3927/12/10 15:39

In each unit there are four desafíos.

e ango



27/12/10 4



4 Los desafíos

¡Las sandalias están en oferta!

To ask for prices:

Habla. What will be the challenge for each pair? Think about this question and discuss it with your classmates.

¿Cuánto cuesta(n)?

To give prices: Cuesta(n) diez quetzales.



To ask for and give reasons: ¿Por qué no llevas zapatos? Porque las sandalias son más auténticas.

Vamos de compras

La máscara de jade

To say something is (not) in style: (No) Está de moda.

To say something is (not) on sale:

Diana y Rita

(No) Está en oferta.

To ask at what time a store opens / closes:

Patricia y Tess

¿A qué hora abre /cierra la tienda?


2 En la tienda de turistas 2

Un mercado especial


B cierra a las nueve. está de moda. está en oferta. el sombrero.

abre a las nueve. no está de moda. no está en oferta. la blusa.

1. La tienda… 2. Este vestido… 3. La blusa… 4. Me gusta…

3 ¿Cuánto cuesta? 3

¿Cuánto cuesta el sombrero?



Janet y Andy

Mack y Tim

El sombrero cuesta cinco dólares.

Habla. Talk about the prices of the following items. Take turns asking the price and answering with a partner.

5 Las votaciones Decide. You decide. You will vote to choose the most interesting challenge. Who do you think will win?

3 4


el muñeco - 5 dólares

y siete 147

0 15:3427/12/10 15:34


Tres trajes típicos

Escucha. The pairs are at the market in Antigua. Listen and write true sentences.

el vestido - 18 dólares la blusa - 14 dólares


el textil - 29 dólares ciento cuarenta y nueve 149

148 ciento cuarenta 148 ciento y ocho cuarenta y ocho

300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 174 174

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300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 175

27/12/10 15:35



DESAFÍO 1 11 Las recomendaciones de Rolando Boj

17 ¿Qué piensan hacer?


Escucha y escribe. Rita can’t understand Rolando Boj’s voice mail. Help her! Listen to the message and write down this information about the three stores he mentions.

Vocabulario El centro comercial

¿Qué tienda es?

¿A qué hora abre?

Verbos con raíz irregular (e > ie)

¿Qué venden allí?

Verbos irregulares

de ropa

ir de compras

de regalos

Completa. Diana is talking about her shopping experiences. Complete each sentence with the most appropriate word.

de música

1. Compro zapatos en la . venden blusas de Guatemala. 2. En la simpática. 3. En esta tienda de regalos hay una 4. Son las nueve. La tienda abre a las diez. ¡Ahora está




lav -ar

Modelo Centro comercial. 8:00 a. m.– 8:00 p. m.


527/12/10 15:35

te 187

3827/12/10 15:38

no 191

:3827/12/10 15:38

co 195

:3927/12/10 15:39


Primera Calle


prend -er



abr -ir

Tercera Calle Tercera Calle

Quinta Calle

Cuarta Calle


nosotros cerramos nosotras


vosotros cerráis vosotras

usted él ella


ustedes ellos ellas


Oriente Quinta Calle





Cuarta Calle



18 Hacemos planes

• Yo. Investigar la cultura maya. • Todos. Hablar mucho español.

Modelo A. ¿Vas a la zapatería todos los días? B. No. Voy a veces. A. ¿Por qué? B. Porque no compro zapatos todos los días.


preferir (to prefer) querer (to want)

1. "Tía "Tía Rita, Rita, nosotras nosotras 1.


3. Rita Rita no no 3.

Use the website to watch a documentary on jade.

4. La La vendedora vendedora 4. ciento cincuenta y tres





el mensaje mensaje de de Rolando Rolando Boj. Boj. el

Use the website to investigate about countries of Central America.

27/12/10 15:35

Escribe y representa. Imagine you and a friend are meeting at the mall to go shopping. Create the scene with a partner. Then act it out for the class. Modelo A. Tengo que ir al centro comercial. B. ¿Qué quieres comprar? A. Quiero comprar unos tenis.


31 ¿Qué pasa en la historia? Lee y ordena. The photographs are out of order. Read the dialogue and sequence the exchanges appropriately to conclude this Desafío. Did Diana and Rita find the mask?

la tienda tienda aa las las dos dos de de la la tarde. tarde. la



ciento cincuenta y cuatro

0 27/12/10 15:35 300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 179

¿Tienen máscaras de jade? ¿A qué hora abre la tienda del museo?

29 Una escena en el centro comercial

Mar Caribe Be li c e

Belize, what countries make up Central America? Write their names.

el desafío desafío ahora." ahora." el

en la la máscara máscara de de jade. jade. en



Gu at e m al a

19 Investiga y escribe. Besides Guatemala and

Completa.Complete Complete the the sentences sentences with with the the appropriate appropriate form form of of the the verbs. verbs. Completa.

for the Mayas?


200ciento400 cincuenta millas kilómetros 400

27/12/10 15:35 300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 181

300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 180

Vamos al hotel. ¡Tenemos la máscara!

Modelo Este fin de semana quiero ir de compras con mi hermano. Tengo que ir al centro comercial…

Golfo de México

Guatemala está en América Central. Este país y Belice marcan la transición entre Norteamérica y Centroamérica.

En Guatemala 16 En Guatemala

14 Piensa y explica. Why do you think jade was important

Sí, tenemos una máscara de jade muy bonita.

Escribe. Where do you want to go this weekend? Where do you have to go? Write a paragraph that includes the following information: • When you plan to go. • Where and why you want to go or have to go. • Who is going with you.

yo prefiero yo quiero

¿Dónde empieza Centroamérica?

Final del desafío

1. la tienda de ropa 2. la tienda de música 3. la tienda de regalos 4. el centro comercial 5. la papelería

28 En tu agenda

Estos son nuestros planes. Tess quiere comprar ropa típica…

and explain why they are irregular.

ciento cincuenta 152 ciento y dos cincuenta y dos

300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 178 300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 178

Habla. How often do you go to these five places? With a partner, take turns asking the questions. Ask for and give the reasons behind each answer, using ¿por qué? (why) and porque (because).

• Andy y yo. Visitar el Museo del Jade. • Tim y Mack. Ir de compras.


15 Comparación. What irregular English verbs do you know? Give three examples

El jade es una piedra (stone) preciosa. Esta piedra era (was) sagrada para los mayas. En Antigua hay un importante Museo del Jade y muchas tiendas de regalos venden objetos de jade.

3. 9:15 a. m. – 4:45 p. m.

yo empiezo yo entiendo yo pienso

¡Es la papelería!

En esta tienda venden bolígrafos.

27 ¿Con qué frecuencia?

• Tess. Comprar ropa típica.

Lee y escribe. These are Diana’s notes about what the characters want to do in Guatemala. Read and transform them into an e-mail. Use querer + infinitive.

Note: The e > ie stem change affects all the present tense forms except nosotros, nosotras and vosotros, vosotras. This is why these verbs are called “boot or shoe verbs.”

• Other verbs like cerrar are: empezar (to begin) entender (to understand) pensar (to think)


Escucha y contesta. Diana and Rita are planning a day of shopping in Guatemala. Listen, and then say whether the following statements are true (cierto) or false (falso). 1. Rita no quiere ir de compras. 2. Diana tiene que comprar un suéter. 3. Rita está cansada: no quiere mirar vitrinas. 4. La tienda de ropa está cerrada hoy.



2. Diana Diana yy Rita Rita 2.

2. 10:00 a. m. – 9:00 p. m.


yo tengo, tú tienes…



Segunda Calle


El jade RECUERDA ¿A qué hora…? 6:00 5 A las seis 6:15 5 A las seis y cuarto 6:30 5 A las seis y media 6:45 5 A las siete menos cuarto

A. ¿A qué hora abre el centro comercial? B. El centro comercial abre a las ocho de la mañana. A. ¿A qué hora cierra? B. Cierra a las ocho de la tarde.

1. 8:30 a. m. – 6:30 p. m.


Esta tienda está abierta. Abre todos los días.

Esta tienda está cerrada. Cierra los domingos.


10 ¿A qué hora…? 10 Habla. Talk with your partner about the hours for three of the stores above. Your partner will ask you at what time they open and close.


Verbos con raíz irregular (e > ie)


Segunda Calle

Modelo Hay un mercado en la Alameda de Santa Lucía.


yo soy, tú eres…

Escribe y habla. Think of a store in a local mall. Write a description and read it to a partner. Can he or she guess what type of store it is?

26 Un día de compras C

Remember: To identify the stem of a verb, delete the -ar, -er, -ir endings from the infinitive form.

Primera Calle


la clienta


• Irregular verbs may change the stem or the endings.

• Some verbs, like cerrar (to close), require a stem change from e to ie.

Habla. There are many stores in downtown Antigua. Tell your partner the ones you see.

la papelería

Alameda de

la vendedora

la zapatería


for example, are irregular verbs.

13 En Antigua

mirar vitrinas


• Irregular verbs do not follow typical conjugation patterns. Ser and tener, 12 Habla Diana

la tienda

Modelo 1. Tess

30 ¿Qué tienda es?


Escucha y relaciona. Diana is telling Rita what their friends are planning to do. Listen and match each plan with a destination.

y cinco



300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 184

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ciento cincuenta y nueve

ciento cincuenta y ocho

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300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 185


27/12/10 15:35

El encuentro El encuentro

En la ciudad maya de Tikal

96 Al llegar Escribe. Write a script for Rolando Boj and the four pairs at the finish line. Be sure to …

The four pairs are in the Temple of the Grand Jaguar, Tikal. Rolando Boj is there to greet them. They have all completed their tasks. Who will win?

• Indicate destinations.

Janet: Vamos a Tikal. • Describe clothes and shoes.

tim: Llevo un traje de algodón y sandalias de cuero. • Express likes and dislikes.

Tess: Me gusta el huipil de Janet. Me gustan los pantalones de Andy.

¡Me gusta mucho ir de compras en Guatemala!

Estos trajes típicos son mas cómodos que la ropa moderna.

• Ask and answer questions about

ElElencuentro encuentro

clothing and prices.

En la bandera de Guatemala también hay un quetzal.

andy: ¿Cuánto cuesta tu blusa? diana: ¡Cuesta veinte quetzales y me queda grande! Representa. In groups, act out your script.

97 Las votaciones Decide. Which pair had the most interesting challenge? Take a vote to decide!

¡Es una máscara preciosa! Quiero comprar un objeto de jade para mi mamá.

Los muñecos quitapenas son bonitos y baratos. ¡Puedo comprar muñecos para mis amigos!

Interesante 188 ciento ochenta y ocho 188 ciento ochenta y ocho

ciento ochenta y nueve 189

300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 214 300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 214

27/12/10 15:38 300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 215

27/12/10 15:38

LECTURA LECTURA EStRatEgia Visualizar imágenes del texto


100 Tus imágenes


Dibuja. Which pictures came into your mind as you read Desde Chichicastenango? Draw or sketch the most vivid ones. Then compare your pictures with your partner’s.

Chichicastenango, 10 de enero de 2010 Hola, Nicole. ¿Cómo estás?

Escribe y habla. Choose the pictures you relate to the text and point out the sentences or ideas in the text that they refer to. Are these pictures similar to your own images? Explain your answer. 1



Yo estoy muy contenta. ¡Me gusta mucho Guatemala! Te escribo desde Chichicastenango, una ciudad pequeña a 145 kilómetros de la capital. “Chichi” es parte de la región maya y muchas mujeres llevan vestidos tradicionales mayas con colores y bordados1 muy lindos. Este es el vestido de las mujeres:

REaDing StRatEgy REaDing StRatEgy

Visualizing images Visualizing images from text from text

1. tun o cinta. Representa una serpiente.

Creating pictures your in your Creatinginpictures mind as you read mind as you read will improve willyour improve your comprehension and comprehension and can make can reading make reading more enjoyable. more enjoyable.

LaLalectura lectura


2. Huipil. Es una blusa tradicional de algodón con bordados. 3. Cinturón bordado.

VisualizingVisualizing will also help will also help you connect you what you youwhat connect are reading toreading what to what are you know and you will know and will help you summarize help you summarize the text. the text.


101 ¿Está claro? Decide. Decide whether each of the statements is true (cierto) or false (falso).

4. Corte. Es una falda larga y estrecha.

1. Chichicastenango es una ciudad pequeña. 2. El mercado de Chichicastenango es enorme. 3. En el mercado de Chichicastenango no hay artesanía indígena. 4. A Beth no le gustan los vestidos tradicionales de las mujeres mayas.

En Chichicastenango hay un mercado muy famoso. ¡Es como un centro comercial enorme! Hay muchos productos de artesanía indígena. A mí me gustan las máscaras y los textiles. La cultura maya es realmente fascinante. La próxima vez2 podemos visitar Guatemala juntas3 . Beth 2. Next time

Elige y escribe. Which of the following are typical of a traditional Mayan costume? Make a list. 1. falda estrecha y corta

Hasta pronto. Besos.

1. embroidery

102 Los trajes tradicionales mayas

4. sombrero con forma de serpiente

7. falda estrecha y larga

2. cinturón negro

5. falda larga y ancha

8. blusa de lana blanca

3. cinta para el pelo

6. blusa de algodón con bordados

9. cinturón con bordados


3. together

Watch the video about Chichicastenango and describe the market in a letter to a friend.

192 ciento noventa y dosnoventa y dos 192 ciento

ciento noventa y tres 193

300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 218 300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 218

27/12/10 15:38 300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 219



DESAFÍO 1 5 ¿A qué hora? Answer each question with a complete sentence.

Verbos con Verbos raízcon irregular raíz irregular (e > ie)

La Lacomparación comparación(pág. (pág.174) 174)

(pág. 154) (pág. 154)

más más ++adjetivo adjetivo++ que que (more (more… …than) than) menos menos ++adjetivo adjetivo++ que que (less (less… …than) than) tan tan ++adjetivo adjetivo++ como como (as (as… …as) as)




cierro yo

cierras tú

usted usted él cierra él ella ella

27/12/10 15:38

nosotros cerramos nosotras vosotros cerráis vosotras ustedes ellos cierran ellas

Special Specialforms: forms: mejor mejor peor peor

(better) (better) (worse) (worse)







DESAFÍO 3 to make the gender and number of the adjective agree with the noun it describes.









Modelo Esta camisa es más cara que aquella camisa.





1. Estos guantes (10 dólares) - aquellos guantes (5 dólares) - barato 2. Esos pantalones (G) - estos pantalones (P) - ancho 3. Estos zapatos (10) - esos zapatos (10) - grande 4. Esa camiseta (P) - esta camiseta (G) - pequeño

A mí me gusta

me gustan

A ti

A tite gusta

te gustan

A usted A él A ella

A usted A él le gusta A ella

le gustan

Verbos con raíz irregular (o > ue)



nos gustan

A vosotrosA vosotros os gusta A vosotrasA vosotras

os gustan

A ustedes A ustedes A ellos A ellos les gusta A ellas A ellas

usted él puede ella

les gustan

Other verbs like poder: contar, volar, recordar, volver.


paSo 3 Dramatiza la compra y venta de muñecos

2. Wind strips of paper around the framework to make the body.

3. No, no recuerdo el precio de la camiseta. 4. Aquel gorro cuesta cinco dólares.

3. Dress your doll with pieces of brightly colored fabric or yarn. 4

9 Guatemala maya. Answer the questions.

4. Color the head and hair and draw the mouth and eyes.

1. ¿Qué país está al norte de Guatemala? 2. ¿Qué representa el quetzal para los habitantes de Guatemala? 3. ¿Qué prendas son típicas de Guatemala?

196 ciento noventa 196 ciento y seisnoventa y seis

• Make a list in Spanish of the materials you have used. Use a dictionary if necessary. ciento noventa y siete 197

27/12/10 15:39300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 223

¿Estás triste? Este muñeco quita las penas. Está en oferta.



nosotros podemos nosotras vosotros podéis vosotras ustedes ellos pueden ellas

A nosotrosA nosotros nos gusta A nosotrasA nosotras


1. Use a length of wire to make the body framework. Bend back the ends of the wire so they don’t cut you.

8 Haz la pregunta. Write the question that corresponds to each answer. 1. Esta blusa cuesta quince dólares. 2. Yo vuelvo a casa a las tres y media.


• Write an advertisement to place alongside your doll.

Estos muñecos son pequeños. Llevan…

• Make your own worry doll. Follow these steps:

DESAFÍO 4 (pág. 182)

Ask what time the gift shop opens and closes. Say what you want to buy there. b. Can you say where someone is going? Tell your partner where you go after school.

El proyecto

7 Comparaciones. Compare the price or size of the clothing below. Remember


A mí

300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 222 222

3. sombrero verde - ellos 4. vestido rojo - usted

Far away


Do these activities to evaluate how well you can manage in Spanish.

• Study these worry dolls. Then describe what they look like and how they are dressed.

A ella le gusta la blusa blanca.

At a distance

El verboElgustar verbo(pág. 164)


a. Can you talk about store hours and shopping?

Modelo blusa blanca - ella


Unidad 3 ¿Qué has aprendido en esta unidad?

paSo 1 Crea tus muñecos quitapenas

with the appropriate form of the verb gustar.

Los demostrativos (pág. 172) Distance

• Display the dolls as Andy and Janet have done.

Guatemalan children use muñecos quitapenas to deal with worries and stress. In this project, you will make a doll for a class display, and do a role play to buy and sell dolls at a class market.

6 Gustos. What do these people like? Write sentences

1. pantalones azules - yo 2. sandalias negras - nosotros

nosotros yo voyyo vamos nosotras vosotros tú vastú vais vosotras usted usted ustedes él va él ellos van ella ella ellas

muñecos quitapenas

1. ¿Cuándo cierran ustedes la tienda? (8:30 p. m.) 2. ¿A qué hora empiezan las clases? (8:00 a. m.) 3. ¿A qué hora vas de compras? (5:00 p. m.) 4. ¿Cuándo piensan ustedes volver? (10:00 p. m.)


Other verbsOther like cerrar: verbs like empezar, entender, pensar, preferir, pe querer.

El verboEl ir verbo (pág. 156)

paSo 2 Prepara una exposición de muñecos

Una exposición de

Modelo ¿A qué hora abre usted la tienda? (9:00 a. m.) Yo abro la tienda a las nueve de la mañana.

27/12/10 15:39

• Prepare a shopping dialogue with a partner. Use this outline:

A. Ask what the doll is made of. B. Describe it in detail. A. Ask how much the doll costs. B. Give the price. A. Say how many you want. Pay and say thank you.

d. Can you direct attention to things around you? Tell a classmate which book is yours: the one next to you or the one ten feet away. e. Can you compare things? Compare the price of two articles of clothing. Ask a classmate to compare the quality of two pairs of jeans.

Evaluate your skills. For each activity, say Very well, Well or I need more practice.

• Optional: Decide what you can do with your doll. For example:

– Un regalo para tu madre. – Un regalo para un(a) niño(a) enfermo(a).

198 ciento noventa y ocho

300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 224

c. Can you say that you like something? Ask a classmate if he or she likes your shoes.

ciento noventa y nueve 199

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27/12/10 15:39


Unit Overview


Organization of the Unit: The Challenges

The first part of the unit tells the story of the challenges that the teams will face in each country. 1. La llegada The initial pages contain three elements: A fotonovela that shows the arrival of the participants in the country. This section presents the vocabulary and the grammar of the unit in context. The story is followed by comprehension activities. A section with Expresiones útiles. A page titled ¿Quién ganará? where, students make predictions about which team will win this stage of the challenge.

2. The Desafíos On these pages, the target linguistic concepts are developed in greater detail. Each Desafío comprises 8 or 10 pages in which vocabulary, grammar, and communication are developed. After the challenges, a double-page titled Todo junto provides communicative activities that integrate the vocabulary and the structures taught throughout the unit.

3. El encuentro As a closing to the story line, the four teams meet at a culturally significant place (El encuentro) and talk about the tasks they have completed, using the structures and the vocabulary presented in the unit. At the end, students vote for the team they consider the winner.



Unit structure

La llegada

En Antigua

¿Quién ganará?


4 Los desafíos

¡Las sandalias están en oferta!

To ask for prices:

The four pairs gather in Antigua, a beautiful colonial city in Guatemala. There they will receive their tasks from Rolando Boj, a young Guatemalan clothing designer. But before, they are going to buy some traditional Guatemalan-style clothes.

Habla. What will be the challenge for each pair? Think about this question and discuss it with your classmates.

¿Cuánto cuesta(n)?

¿Vamos al centro comercial o al mercado?

¿Por qué no llevas zapatos?

Yo voy al centro comercial. Tú vas al mercado.

To give prices: Cuesta(n) diez quetzales.



To ask for and give reasons: ¿Por qué no llevas zapatos? Porque las sandalias son más auténticas.

Vamos de compras

La máscara de jade

To say something is (not) in style: (No) Está de moda.

Este sombrero es bonito, abuelo. ¿Cuánto cuesta?

To say something is (not) on sale:

Porque las sandalias son más auténticas.

Es barato. Cuesta 30 quetzales.

Diana y Rita

(No) Está en oferta.

To ask at what time a store opens/closes:

Patricia y

¿A qué hora abre /cierra la tienda?


2 En la tienda de turistas

Me gusta. Es cómodo.

Tres trajes típicos

Escucha. The pairs are at the market in Antigua. Listen and write true sentences.

¿Les gusta este vestido? Es de algodón y está en oferta.

Prefiero la blusa blanca.

Un mercado especial

A 1. La tienda… 2. Este vestido… 3. La blusa… 4. Me gusta…

A mí también me gusta.

B cierra a las nueve. está de moda. está en oferta. el sombrero.

abre a las nueve. no está de moda. no está en oferta. la blusa.

¿Cuánto cuesta el sombrero? Habla. Talk about the prices of the following items. Take turns asking the price and answering with a partner. 1

Une. Match each question with the corresponding answer. How much is the hat? What does Mack say about the hat? What does Rita prefer instead of the cotton dress? Why does Andy wear sandals? Where is Tess going shopping?

a. b. c. d. e.

Porque son más auténticas. Una blusa blanca. Cuesta 30 quetzales. Al centro comercial. A mí también me gusta.

el muñeco - 5 dólares


el textil - 29 dólares ciento cuarenta y nueve 149

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7 Predicción

La máscara de jade

Escoge. Where will Diana and Rita go next? Choose one of these options.


1. A la tienda de regalos.

2. Al mercado.

8 La vendedora informa Escucha y ordena. Diana and Rita are asking a market salesperson questions. Listen and number the questions in the order you hear them. DESAFÍO 1

Vocabulario Esta es la foto de la máscara. Es una máscara maya y es de jade.

¡Son las nueve de la mañana! ¿A qué hora abre esa tienda?

3. Al Museo del Jade.

11 Las recomendaciones de Rolando Boj Escucha y escribe. Rita can’t understand Rolando Boj’s voice mail. Help her! Listen to the message and write down this information about the three stores he mentions.

El centro comercial a. ¿Cuánto cuesta esa máscara?

¿Qué tienda es?

Foto Máscaras

b. Perdón, ¿usted vende objetos de jade? de ropa c. ¿A qué hora abre el Museo del Jade? d. ¿Y tiene máscaras de jade?


¿A qué hora abre?

¿Qué venden allí?

17 ¿Qué piensan hacer? Escucha y relaciona. Diana is telling Rita what their friends are planning to do. Listen and match each plan with a destination.

12 Habla Diana

DESAFÍO Completa. 1 Diana is talking about her shopping experiences. Verbos con irregular (e > ie)each sentence with the most appropriate word. Relaciona. Match each question above with raíz an answer below. Complete

la tienda Nosotros no tenemos máscaras de jade. ¿Por qué no preguntan en el mercado? ir de compras

de regalos

1. Compro zapatos en la . Verbos irregulares de música 1. Sí, vendo objetos de jade. venden blusas de Guatemala. 2. En la verbs do not follow typical conjugation patterns. Ser and tener, • IrregularFoto Comunicación 2. Tengo tres máscaras, pero no sontienda de jade. simpática. 3. En esta de regalos hay una forMuseo example, are irregular verbs. del jade ser

yo soy, tú eres…

3. El Museo del Jade abre a once. 4.las Son las nueve. La tienda abre a las diez. ¡Ahora está tener yo tengo, tú tienes… 4. Esta máscara está en oferta.

Modelo 1. Tess





26 Un día de compras 13 En Antigua

6 Detective de palabras comprar

Esta tienda está cerrada. Cierra los domingos.

de Guatemala. Está rodeada por tres volcanes: Agua, Fuego y Acatenango. Es famosa por sus nosotros yo cierro cerramos Esta tienda . Antigua esnosotras también edificios del siglo XVII

está abierta.

una ciudad moderna yAbre multicultural. vosotros tú cierras todos cerráis los días. vosotras

las nueve de la mañana!


esa tienda?

él cierra ellos Antigua ella es una ciudad moderna. ellas

3. Nosotros no

máscaras de jade.

4. ¿Por qué no

en el mercado?

Habla. Talk with your partner about the hours Son for three of the stores above. Your partner will

abre ask you at what abren time they open and close. tengoModelo Centro tenemos comercial. 8:00 a. m.– 8:00 p. m. pregunta preguntan A. ¿A qué hora abre el centro comercial? B. El centro comercial abre a las ocho de la mañana. A. ¿A qué hora cierra? B. Cierra a las ocho de la tarde.

ciento cincuenta

1. 8:30 a. m. – 6:30 p. m. 152


¡Es la papelería!

ESCRIBIR Y HABLAR 94 El desfile de moda escolar

Modelo Poniente

Quinta Calle

Escribe. Your school has decided to put on a benefit fashion show. Describe the articles of clothing that will be shown. Use demonstratives and comparisons and say how much the items cost.


Note: The e > ie stem change Habla. How often do you go to these five places? affects all the present tense With a partner, take turns asking the questions. forms except nosotros, vosotras. This is why these ¿Vas a la zapatería todos los días? verbs are calledModelo “boot orA.shoe B. No. Voy a veces. verbs.”

Quinta Calle

1. Mack 3. Patricia y Tess 2. Diana y Rita 4. Andy y Janet 1. la tienda de ropa 2. la tienda de música 3. la tienda de regalos ¡Hola! Sí, tenemos una máscara 4. el centro comercial Estos son nuestros planes. Tess quiere comprar ropa típica… de jade muy bonita. 5. la papelería

2. 10:00 a. m. – 9:00 p. m.

3. 9:15 a. m. – 4:45 p. m. En Guatemala 16 En Guatemala

19mi hermano. Investiga y escribe. Besides Guatemala and Modelo Este fin de semana quiero ir de compras con

Completa.Complete Completethe thesentences sentenceswith withthe theappropriate appropriateform formofofthe theverbs. verbs. Tengo que ir al centro comercial… Completa.

ciento cincuenta y dos

"TíaRita, Rita,nosotras nosotras desafíoahora." ahora." 1.1."Tía eleldesafío empezar DianayyRita Rita enlalamáscara máscarade dejade. jade. 2.2.Diana en 27/12/10 15:35 300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 179 pensar Ritano no mensajede deRolando RolandoBoj. Boj. 3.3.Rita elelmensaje entender Lavendedora vendedora tiendaaalas lasdos dosde delalatarde. tarde. 4.4.La lalatienda

300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 178



Modelo Esta blusa verde es de algodón. Cuesta veinte dólares. Aquellas sandalias son más caras que estos zapatos.

Final del desafío Vamos al hotel. ¡Tenemos la máscara!

El jade

A. ¿Por qué? Look up the meaning of the word antigua to help you answer. RECUERDA • Other verbs like cerrar are: El jade es una piedraB.(stone) preciosa. Esta piedra era los (was) sagrada Porque no compro zapatos todos días. ¿A qué hora…? empezar yoAntigua prefierohay un importante Museo del Jade Use the website yo to empiezo learn more aboutpreferir Antigua. para (to losprefer) mayas. En TU DESAFÍO(to begin) 6:00 5 A las seis entender (to understand) yo entiendo querer (to want) yo y muchas dequiero regalos venden objetos de jade. 28 tiendas En tu agenda 6:15 5 A las seis y cuarto pensar (to think) yo pienso 6:30 5 A las seis y media Escribe. Where do you want to go this weekend? Where do you have to go? 14 Piensa y explica. Why do you think jade was important siete Comparación. What irregular English verbs do you know? Give three examples 6:45 515 A las menos cuarto Write a paragraph ciento cincuenta y uno 151that includes the following information: for the Mayas? and explain why they are irregular. • When you plan to go. Guatemala está en América Central. Este país y Belice • Where and why you want to go or have to go. 177 27/12/10 15:35 marcan la transición entre Norteamérica y Centroamérica. TU DESAFÍO thewith website • Who isUse going you. to watch a documentary on jade.

¿Dónde empieza Centroamérica?

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300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 176

27 ¿Con qué frecuencia?

Ask for and give the reasons behind each answer, 9 Comparación. What is odd about this statement? nosotras and vosotros, using ¿por qué? (why) and porque (because). usted ustedes

10A ¿A qué hora…? B 2. ¿A qué hora

Escribe y habla. Think of a store in a local mall. Write a description and read it to a partner. Can he or she guess what type of store it is?

Oriente Remember: To identify the stem of a verb, delete the -ar, -er, -ir endings En esta tienda Primera Calle Escucha y contesta. Diana and Rita are planning a Poniente day Habla. There are manyinstores from the infinitive form. Primera Calle venden bolígrafos. of shopping Guatemala. Listen, and then say whether in downtownthe Antigua. Tellstatements your lav -ar prend -er abr -ir Oriente Y ESCRIBIR ESCUCHAR following are true (cierto) or false (falso). Segunda Calle Poniente partner the ones you see. 18a CalleHacemos planes • Tess. Comprar ropa típica. Segund la zapatería la papelería 1. Rita no quiere ir de compras. Verbos con raíz irregular (e > ie) 93 Itinerario de compras Calle Oriente • Andy y yo. Visitar el Museo del Jade. Modelo Hay2.unDiana mercado Tercera Lee y escribe. These are Diana’s notes tiene que comprar un suéter. Poniente verbs, like cerrar (to close), require a stem change from e to • SomeABIERTO Tercera Calleabout what the characters en ie. la decansada: Santa CERRADO Escucha want y escribe. about theIrshopping plans of the group. • Tim y Mack. de compras. to do Andy is talking Antigua 3.Alameda Rita está no quiere mirar vitrinas. Oriente Calle Lucía. Listen and write thethem store each one goes to. VERBO CERRAR (TO CLOSE). PRESENTE in Guatemala. Read and transform Cuarta • Yo. Investigar la cultura maya. Poniente 4. La tienda de ropa está cerrada hoy. Cuarta Calle Antigua es una ciudad de la región central into an e-mail. Use quererTim + infinitive. Modelo zapatería • Todos. Hablar mucho español. Singular Plural Oriente Alameda de

Continuará… vender Completa. Based on the fotonovela above, choose the word from column A or B that completes each sentence correctly.


30 ¿Qué tienda es?


la clienta



mirar vitrinas la vendedora ¡Ah, sí, hay una máscara así en el Museo del Jade!

¡Claro, el mercado! Podemos ir allí, hay muchas personas.



• Irregular verbs may change the stem or the endings.


el vestido - 18 dólares la blusa - 14 dólares

Hablar sobre compras

Diana and Rita are in Antigua, where they must find a Mayan jade mask. Rolando Boj, their Guatemalan host, has given them a picture. They must visit stores, show the picture of the mask, and ask questions! Will they find it?

1. ¡

Decide. You decide. You will vote to choose the most interesting challenge. Who do you think will win?

148 ciento cuarenta y ocho

ciento cuarenta y siete 147

27/12/10 15:34 300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 173


5 Las votaciones


172 ciento cincuenta

300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 172

El sombrero cuesta cinco dólares.

3 4


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


Janet y Andy

Mack y Tim

3 ¿Cuánto cuesta? 1 ¿Comprendes?



Escribe y representa. Imagine you and a friend are meeting at the mall to go shopping. Create the scene with a partner. Then act it out for the class.

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ciento cincuenta y ocho

300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 184

¿Tienen máscaras de jade? Mar Caribe Be li c e

¿A qué hora abre la tienda del museo?

Gu at e m al a

Belize, what countries make up Central America? ciento cincuenta y tres 153 Write their names.

29 Una escena en el centro comercial

Modelo A. Tengo que ir al centro comercial. B. ¿Qué quieres comprar? A. Quiero comprar unos tenis. 300347 _ 0170-0225.indd

ciento cincuenta y cuatro

300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 180

Golfo de México


Use the website to investigate about 27/12/10 15:35 countries of Central America.

Modelo Me gusta la blusa verde. Me gusta mucho el color verde y no es cara. Me gustan las camisas, pero no me gusta el color anaranjado. 0 0


Habla. Talk with your partner about the clothes in the picture. Say which of them you like, you dislike or you prefer, and why.



200ciento400 cincuenta millas kilómetros 400

y cinco


31 ¿Qué pasa en la historia?

27/12/10 15:35


Lee y ordena. The photographs are out of order. Read the dialogue and sequence Habla. at the picture and talk about it the where exchanges to conclude this Desafío. Did Diana and Rita find Look the mask? Escribe. Write what the characters want to buy and they appropriately go. with a partner.

Modelo Tim quiere unos tenis nuevos. Va a la zapatería.

Habla y escribe. With three classmates, discuss your own shopping itinerary. Then write it down. 27/12/10 15:35

300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 185

Modelo Andrea quiere un regalo para su amigo. Va a la tienda de regalos. Andrea y David quieren comprar unos cuadernos. Van a la papelería.

cincuenta y nueve 159 1.ciento Describe la ropa. 2. ¿Te gusta esta ropa? ¿Por qué? 27/12/10 15:35 Escribe y representa. A man and a woman are talking with a clothes vendor in Chichicastenango. Write their conversation and act it out.

186 ciento ochenta y seis

ciento ochenta y siete 187

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El encuentro

En la ciudad maya de Tikal

96 Al llegar Escribe. Write a script for Rolando Boj and the four pairs at the finish line. Be sure to …

The four pairs are in the Temple of the Grand Jaguar, Tikal. Rolando Boj is there to greet them. They have all completed their tasks. Who will win?

• Indicate destinations.

Janet: Vamos a Tikal. • Describe clothes and shoes.

tim: Llevo un traje de algodón y sandalias de cuero. • Express likes and dislikes.

Estos trajes típicos son mas cómodos que la ropa moderna.

Tess: Me gusta el huipil de Janet. Me gustan los pantalones de Andy.

¡Me gusta mucho ir de compras en Guatemala!

• Ask and answer questions about

En la bandera de Guatemala también hay un quetzal.

clothing and prices.

andy: ¿Cuánto cuesta tu blusa? diana: ¡Cuesta veinte quetzales y me queda grande! Representa. In groups, act out your script.

97 Las votaciones ¡Es una máscara preciosa! Quiero comprar un objeto de jade para mi mamá.

Decide. Which pair had the most interesting challenge? Take a vote to decide!

Los muñecos quitapenas son bonitos y baratos. ¡Puedo comprar muñecos para mis amigos!

Interesante ciento ochenta y nueve 189

188 ciento ochenta y ocho

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27/12/10 15:38


Unit structure


Organization Organization of of the the Unit: Unit: The The Structure Structure of of aa Desafío Desafío Each Desafío is organized into four sections. The Desafío is the story of each team’s challenge, and is therefore the basis of the story line. It also develops key vocabulary and grammar around a communicative function.

1. El Desafío (Presentation)

2. El vocabulario

The Desafío begins with a fotonovela, in which the team’s challenge is presented using the target vocabulary and grammar in a realistic context.


Hablar sobre compras

3. Al Museo del Jade.

El centro comercial

8 La vendedora informa

Nosotros no tenemos máscaras de jade. ¿Por qué no preguntan en el mercado?

¡Claro, el mercado! Podemos ir allí, hay muchas personas.


Completa. Based on the fotonovela above, choose the word from column A or B that completes each sentence correctly. A


las nueve de la mañana!

1. Sí, vendo objetos de jade. 2. Tengo tres máscaras, pero no son de jade. 3. El Museo del Jade abre a las once. 4. Esta máscara está en oferta.




3. Nosotros no

máscaras de jade.



4. ¿Por qué no

en el mercado?



la vendedora

Completa. Diana is talking about her shopping experiences. Complete each sentence with the most appropriate word. 1. Compro zapatos en la . venden blusas de Guatemala. 2. En la simpática. 3. En esta tienda de regalos hay una 4. Son las nueve. La tienda abre a las diez. ¡Ahora está

la clienta




Modelo Hay un mercado en la Alameda de Santa Lucía.

Esta tienda está abierta. Abre todos los días.

Esta tienda está cerrada. Cierra los domingos.

Habla. Talk with your partner about the hours for three of the stores above. Your partner will ask you at what time they open and close. Modelo Centro comercial. 8:00 a. m.– 8:00 p. m. A. ¿A qué hora abre el centro comercial? B. El centro comercial abre a las ocho de la mañana. A. ¿A qué hora cierra? B. Cierra a las ocho de la tarde.

Use the website to learn more about Antigua.

1. 8:30 a. m.–6:30 p. m. ciento cincuenta y uno

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la papelería

Habla. There are many stores in downtown Antigua. Tell your partner the ones you see.


Primera Calle

Tercera Calle


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RECUERDA ¿A qué hora…? 6:00 5 A las seis 6:15 5 A las seis y cuarto 6:30 5 A las seis y media 6:45 5 A las siete menos cuarto

2. 10:00 a. m.–9:00 p. m.

Unit structure

Cuarta Calle



Oriente Quinta Calle

El jade El jade es una piedra (stone) preciosa. Esta piedra era (was) sagrada para los mayas. En Antigua hay un importante Museo del Jade y muchas tiendas de regalos venden objetos de jade.

14 Piensa y explica. Why do you think jade was important for the Mayas?


3. 9:15 a. m.–4:45 p. m.

Use the website to watch a documentary on jade.

ciento cincuenta y dos

300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 178

The linguistic material presented in each Desafío is complemented with boxes in which four of the five C’s from the standards are developed: Culture, Comparisons, Communities, and Connections.





Tercera Calle


Quinta Calle


Segunda Calle


Cuarta Calle

ciento cincuenta y tres

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The “C-Boxes”


Primera Calle


Segunda Calle

10 ¿A qué hora…?

Antigua es una ciudad moderna.


la zapatería


Look up the meaning of the word antigua to help you answer.

ciento cincuenta

300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 176

mirar vitrinas

Antigua es una ciudad de la región central de Guatemala. Está rodeada por tres volcanes: Agua, Fuego y Acatenango. Es famosa por sus edificios del siglo XVII. Antigua es también una ciudad moderna y multicultural.



esa tienda?

¿Qué venden allí?

13 En Antigua

9 Comparación. What is odd about this statement?

2. ¿A qué hora

de regalos de música

ir de compras


¡Ah, sí, hay una máscara así en el Museo del Jade!

6 Detective de palabras

1. ¡

la tienda Foto Máscaras

Relaciona. Match each question above with an answer below.

Foto Museo del jade

¿A qué hora abre?

12 Habla Diana


a. ¿Cuánto cuesta esa máscara? b. Perdón, ¿usted vende objetos de jade? c. ¿A qué hora abre el Museo del Jade? d. ¿Y tiene máscaras de jade?

¿Qué tienda es?

de ropa

Escucha y ordena. Diana and Rita are asking a market salesperson questions. Listen and number the questions in the order you hear them.

Esta es la foto de la máscara. Es una máscara maya y es de jade.


2. Al mercado.

Escucha y escribe. Rita can’t understand Rolando Boj’s voice mail. Help her! Listen to the message and write down this information about the three stores he mentions.


Escoge. Where will Diana and Rita go next? Choose one of these options. 1. A la tienda de regalos.

Diana and Rita are in Antigua, where they must find a Mayan jade mask. Rolando Boj, their Guatemalan host, has given them a picture. They must visit stores, show the picture of the mask, and ask questions! Will they find it?

¡Son las nueve de la mañana! ¿A qué hora abre esa tienda?

11 Las recomendaciones de Rolando Boj

7 Predicción

La máscara de jade

Alameda de


On Onthe thevocabulary vocabularypages, pages,the thenew newwords wordsand andphrases phrasesare are presented presentedwith withthe thesupport supportofofimages. images.Students Studentsuse usethe the vocabulary vocabularyininfollow-up follow-upactivities. activities.

Communication is developed throughout the book in the vocabulary and grammar activities. A section at the end of each Desafío is also dedicated to Communication.


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3. 3.La Lagramática gramática

4. La comunicación

On Onthe thegrammar grammarpages, pages,students studentsare aregiven givenexplanations explanations ofofkey keystructures, structures,which whichare arepracticed practicedalong alongwith withthe thekey key vocabulary. vocabulary.

On the communication pages, there are progressively more open-ended activities allow students to apply the key vocabulary and grammar in communicative situations. The Desafío ends with a fotonovela, which is a continuation of and a conclusion to the initial fotonovela.


DESAFÍO 1 17 ¿Qué piensan hacer?

Gramática Verbos irregulares

Modelo 1. Tess








yo tengo, tú tienes…

1. 2. 3. 4.

• Irregular verbs may change the stem or the endings. Remember: To identify the stem of a verb, delete the -ar, -er, -ir endings from the infinitive form. lav -ar

prend -er

18 Hacemos planes





nosotros cerramos nosotras


vosotros cerráis vosotras

usted él ella


ustedes ellos ellas


• Andy y yo. Visitar el Museo del Jade.

Habla. How often do you go to these five places? With a partner, take turns asking the questions. Ask for and give the reasons behind each answer, using ¿por qué? (why) and porque (because).

• Tim y Mack. Ir de compras. • Yo. Investigar la cultura maya. • Todos. Hablar mucho español.

Modelo A. ¿Vas a la zapatería todos los días? B. No. Voy a veces. A. ¿Por qué? B. Porque no compro zapatos todos los días.


Note: The e > ie stem change affects all the present tense forms except nosotros, nosotras and vosotros, vosotras. This is why these verbs are called “boot or shoe verbs.”


yo empiezo yo entiendo yo pienso

preferir (to prefer) querer (to want)

What irregular English verbs do you know? Give three examples and explain why they are irregular. Comparación.

¿Dónde empieza Centroamérica?

Completa.Complete Completethe thesentences sentenceswith withthe theappropriate appropriateform formof ofthe theverbs. verbs. Completa. 1. "Tía "TíaRita, Rita,nosotras nosotras 1. 2. Diana DianayyRita Rita 2. 3. Rita Ritano no 3.




4. La Lavendedora vendedora 4.


eldesafío desafíoahora." ahora." el

enla lamáscara máscarade dejade. jade. en

elmensaje mensajede deRolando RolandoBoj. Boj. el cerrar


31 ¿Qué pasa en la historia? Lee y ordena. The photographs are out of order. Read the dialogue and sequence the exchanges appropriately to conclude this Desafío. Did Diana and Rita find the mask?

latienda tiendaaalas lasdos dosde dela latarde. tarde. la

ciento cincuenta y cuatro

0 0

300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 180 180

Modelo A. Tengo que ir al centro comercial. B. ¿Qué quieres comprar? A. Quiero comprar unos tenis.


Use the website to investigate about countries of Central America.

¿Tienen máscaras de jade? ¿A qué hora abre la tienda del museo?

Escribe y representa. Imagine you and a friend are meeting at the mall to go shopping. Create the scene with a partner. Then act it out for the class.

Be li c e

Belize, what countries make up Central America? Write their names.


Vamos al hotel. ¡Tenemos la máscara!

29 Una escena en el centro comercial

Mar Caribe

Gu at e m al a

19 Investiga y escribe. Besides Guatemala and

Sí, tenemos una máscara de jade muy bonita.

Modelo Este fin de semana quiero ir de compras con mi hermano. Tengo que ir al centro comercial…

Golfo de México

Guatemala está en América Central. Este país y Belice marcan la transición entre Norteamérica y Centroamérica.

16 En Guatemala En Guatemala

Final del desafío

la tienda de ropa la tienda de música la tienda de regalos el centro comercial la papelería

Escribe. Where do you want to go this weekend? Where do you have to go? Write a paragraph that includes the following information: • When you plan to go. • Where and why you want to go or have to go. • Who is going with you.

yo prefiero yo quiero


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

28 En tu agenda

Estos son nuestros planes. Tess quiere comprar ropa típica…

entender (to understand) pensar (to think)

Rita no quiere ir de compras. Diana tiene que comprar un suéter. Rita está cansada: no quiere mirar vitrinas. La tienda de ropa está cerrada hoy.

27 ¿Con qué frecuencia?

• Tess. Comprar ropa típica.

Lee y escribe. These are Diana’s notes about what the characters want to do in Guatemala. Read and transform them into an e-mail. Use querer + infinitive.

• Some verbs, like cerrar (to close), require a stem change from e to ie.

Otherempezar verbs like (tocerrar begin) are:

¡Es la papelería!

En esta tienda venden bolígrafos.

abr -ir

Verbos con raíz irregular (e > ie)



Escucha y contesta. Diana and Rita are planning a day of shopping in Guatemala. Listen, and then say whether the following statements are true (cierto) or false (falso).

for example, are irregular verbs. yo soy, tú eres…

Escribe y habla. Think of a store in a local mall. Write a description and read it to a partner. Can he or she guess what type of store it is?

26 Un día de compras

• Irregular verbs do not follow typical conjugation patterns. Ser and tener, ser

30 ¿Qué tienda es?


Escucha y relaciona. Diana is telling Rita what their friends are planning to do. Listen and match each plan with a destination.

Verbos con raíz irregular (e > ie)

200ciento400 cincuenta millas kilómetros 200 400

y cinco

27/12/10 15:35 300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 181


27/12/10 15:35


ciento cincuenta y ocho

300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 184

ciento cincuenta y nueve

27/12/10 15:35 300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 185


27/12/10 15:35

No más preocupaciones Los muñecos quitapenas (worry dolls) son típicos de Guatemala. Estos muñecos resuelven (solve) tus problemas. Habla de tus preocupaciones (worried) con ellos por las noches, en tu cama. Por la mañana, tus problemas estarán resueltos be solved). El(will costo de la

vida El costo de la refiereExplain. a cuánto cuesta vivir 59 Compara. Are there similar beliefs in vida your se culture? en una ciudad o en un país. ¿Son iguales los precios en todas las tiendas de tu ciudad? ¿Qué tiendas son más caras, las grandes o las pequeñas? ¿Son más caras las tiendas de los centros comerciales las tiendas de losybarrios Los o trajes tradicionales los textiles representan la cultura (neighborhoods)? de un país. En Guatemala y en otros países las mujeres usan

Moda y cultura

Alfredo Gálvez. Tejedoras de Atitlán.

una especie de blusa larga: el huipil. Es una prenda (garment)

87 Investiga. Findcomún out theaprice of three articles of clothing at a mall La perspectiva muchas comunidades indígenas de Latinoamérica.

and at a smaller shop. Which store is more expensive? Why do you think Los artistas usan la perspectiva para representar en un cuadro this is the case? 39 Piensa y explica. thedequestions. la Answer posición los objetos. Los objetos más grandes parecen (appear) 1. Is there a typical attire thatinexemplifies cerca yGuatemala. los objetos pequeños parecen estar lejos. TU DESAFÍO Use the website to check pricesestar at a store your country or your state? 2. How do these clothes reflect the cultural 64 Dibuja. Draw three objects in perspective to illustrate heritage of your community?

the concept of demonstratives.


Use the website to watch how huipiles are made.


Unit structure


The Vocabulary DESAFÍO 4 Vocabulario

A careful selection.

¿Cómo está la

La temperatur a


¡Cuidado! El plato está caliente.

Key vocabulary has been selected, considering the specifications of organizations dedicated to the instruction and evaluation of Spanish, including the Instituto Cervantes and the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP). In general, the most commonly used and standard Spanish terms have been chosen, rather than regional variants. Whenever possible words close to their English counterparts (cognates) have been included. The basic criteria for the selection of vocabulary were frequency of use and relevance to students’ everyday life, interests, and needs.

El helado frío

Los sabores


La sopa caliente





¿Te gusta? ¡Qué rico!

Está malo.

Organization by topic or situations.

Está bueno.

Está delicioso.

76 ¿Cómo está la

comida hoy?

Escribe. Describ e the

Modelo El jug 1

se foods and

o de maracuy á está frío.

2 The vocabulary is organized by topic or by situations related to the theme of the unit. For example, Unit 4, dedicated to the theme of food, includes words relating to foods and beverages, meals, and food stores. el chocolate

las papas

236 dosciento s tre

inta y seis



el refresco



la torta

la naranja

300347 _ 022 6-0281.i

ndd 262

Theme: Food Desafío 1

Foods and beverages: pan, papa, maíz, sopa, verduras, frijoles, huevos, pollo, carne, pescado, helado, tarta, frutas, manzana, naranja, plátano, limón… Meals: desayuno, almuerzo, cena.

Desafío 2

Food stores: supermercado, mercado, panadería, pescadería, frutería, carnicería. Actions in the kitchen: cortar las verduras, mezclar la ensalada, cocinar, probar la comida.

Desafío 3

At the table: el mantel, la servilleta, el tenedor, el vaso, el plato, el cuchillo, la cuchara, la botella, la sal, la pimienta, el azúcar, la taza... Actions and conditions related to food: comer, beber, poner la mesa, limpiar la mesa, limpio, sucio.

Desafío 4

Describing foods and beverages: caliente, frío, dulce, salado, picante, agrio, malo, bueno, delicioso.




Unit structure


La llegada

En Antigua The four pairs gather in Antigua, a beautiful colonial city in Guatemala. There they will receive their tasks from Rolando Boj, a young Guatemalan clothing designer. But before, they are going to buy some traditional Guatemalan-style clothes.

The The instructional instructional focus: focus: work work on on many many levels. levels.

Este sombrero es bonito, abuelo. ¿Cuánto cuesta?

¿Les gusta este vestido? Es de algodón y está en oferta.

Me gusta. Es cómodo.

Yo voy al centro comercial. Tú vas al mercado.

Porque las sandalias son más auténticas.

Es barato. Cuesta 30 quetzales.

1. 1.Fotonovelas Fotonovelas These Theseinclude includenew newvocabulary vocabularywords wordsand andexpressions expressionsthat that students studentscan canunderstand understandthrough throughtheir theirvisual visualororverbal verbalcontext. context. The Theactivities activitieshelp helpstudents studentsfocus focuson onthe thelexical lexicalitems itemsand and formulate formulatehypotheses hypothesesabout abouttheir theirmeaning. meaning.

¿Vamos al centro comercial o al mercado?

¿Por qué no llevas zapatos?

Prefiero la blusa blanca.

A mí también me gusta.

1 ¿Comprendes? Une. Match each question with the corresponding answer. A

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


a. b. c. d. e.

How much is the hat? What does Mack say about the hat? What does Rita prefer instead of the cotton dress? Why does Andy wear sandals? Where is Tess going shopping?

Porque son más auténticas. Una blusa blanca. Cuesta 30 quetzales. Al centro comercial. A mí también me gusta.

172 ciento cincuenta

ciento cuarenta y siete 147

300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 172

27/12/10 15:34 300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 173

27/12/10 15:34

DESAFÍO 1 11 Las recomendaciones de Rolando Boj Escucha y escribe. Rita can’t understand Rolando Boj’s voice mail. Help her! Listen to the message and write down this information about the three stores he mentions.

Vocabulario El centro comercial

2. 2.Vocabulario Vocabulario

¿Qué tienda es?

¿A qué hora abre?

¿Qué venden allí?

de ropa

12 Habla Diana la tienda

The Thenew newwords wordsand andexpressions expressionsare arepresented presentedon onthe the vocabulary vocabularypages pagesinineach eachDesafío Desafíowith withthe thesupport supportofofimages. images. Students Studentspractice practicethe thevocabulary vocabularyfirst firstininclosed-ended closed-ended activities activities(less (lessdifficult) difficult)and andthen thenininopen-ended open-endedactivities activities (more (moredifficult), difficult),where wherethey theycan canapply applythe thevocabulary vocabularyinin real-life real-lifesituations. situations.

de regalos

Completa. Diana is talking about her shopping experiences. Complete each sentence with the most appropriate word. 1. Compro zapatos en la . venden blusas de Guatemala. 2. En la simpática. 3. En esta tienda de regalos hay una 4. Son las nueve. La tienda abre a las diez. ¡Ahora está

de música

ir de compras


13 En Antigua




Esta tienda está abierta. Abre todos los días.

Esta tienda está cerrada. Cierra los domingos.


Modelo Hay un mercado en la Alameda de Santa Lucía.

Primera Calle




Segunda Calle


Segunda Calle Lucía

la clienta

la papelería

Tercera Calle Tercera Calle


la vendedora

la zapatería

Primera Calle

Alameda de

mirar vitrinas

Habla. There are many stores in downtown Antigua. Tell your partner the ones you see.



Cuarta Calle

Quinta Calle


Cuarta Calle


Quinta Calle



10 ¿A qué hora…? Habla. Talk with your partner about the hours for three of the stores above. Your partner will ask you at what time they open and close.

RECUERDA ¿A qué hora…? 6:00 5 A las seis 6:15 5 A las seis y cuarto 6:30 5 A las seis y media 6:45 5 A las siete menos cuarto

Modelo Centro comercial. 8:00 a. m.– 8:00 p. m. A. ¿A qué hora abre el centro comercial? B. El centro comercial abre a las ocho de la mañana. A. ¿A qué hora cierra? B. Cierra a las ocho de la tarde.

1. 8:30 a. m. – 6:30 p. m. 152

2. 10:00 a. m. – 9:00 p. m.

El jade El jade es una piedra (stone) preciosa. Esta piedra era (was) sagrada para los mayas. En Antigua hay un importante Museo del Jade y muchas tiendas de regalos venden objetos de jade.

14 Piensa y explica. Why do you think jade was important for the Mayas?


3. 9:15 a. m. – 4:45 p. m.

Use the website to watch a documentary on jade.

ciento cincuenta y tres

ciento cincuenta y dos

27/12/10 15:35 300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 179

300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 178


27/12/10 15:35



93 Itinerario de compras

94 El desfile de moda escolar

Escucha y escribe. Andy is talking about the shopping plans of the group. Listen and write the store each one goes to. Modelo Tim

3. 3.Gramática, Gramática,Comunicación, Comunicación,and andTodo Todojunto junto


1. Mack 2. Diana y Rita

Escribe. Your school has decided to put on a benefit fashion show. Describe the articles of clothing that will be shown. Use demonstratives and comparisons and say how much the items cost. Modelo Esta blusa verde es de algodón. Cuesta veinte dólares. Aquellas sandalias son más caras que estos zapatos.

3. Patricia y Tess 4. Andy y Janet

Key Keyvocabulary vocabularyisisreinforced reinforcedand andused usedinindifferent differentcontexts, contexts, along alongwith withrecycled recycledvocabulary vocabularyfrom fromprevious previousunits. units. Habla. Talk with your partner about the clothes in the picture. Say which of them you like, you dislike or you prefer, and why. Modelo Me gusta la blusa verde. Me gusta mucho el color verde y no es cara. Me gustan las camisas, pero no me gusta el color anaranjado.

HABLAR Y ESCRIBIR 95 Tus gustos Habla. Look at the picture and talk about it with a partner.

Escribe. Write what the characters want to buy and where they go. Modelo Tim quiere unos tenis nuevos. Va a la zapatería.

Habla y escribe. With three classmates, discuss your own shopping itinerary. Then write it down. Modelo Andrea quiere un regalo para su amigo. Va a la tienda de regalos. Andrea y David quieren comprar unos cuadernos. Van a la papelería.

1. Describe la ropa. 2. ¿Te gusta esta ropa? ¿Por qué?

Escribe y representa. A man and a woman are talking with a clothes vendor in Chichicastenango. Write their conversation and act it out.

186 ciento ochenta y seis

ciento ochenta y siete 187

300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 212

27/12/10 15:38 300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 213

REPASO Vocabulario

27/12/10 15:38

DESAFÍO 1 1 En la tienda. Match each question in column A with the corresponding answer in column B.

El centro comercial


ir de compras mirar vitrinas

to go shopping to window-shop

comprar vender

to buy to sell

Las tiendas la papelería la tienda de música la tienda de regalos la tienda de ropa la zapatería

el cliente / la clienta customer el vendedor / la vendedora salesperson ¿A qué hora abre…? ¿A qué hora cierra…?

4. 4.Repaso Repaso At Atthe theend endofofthe theunit, unit,vocabulary vocabularyisisreviewed reviewedand and pre-assessment pre-assessmentactivities activitiesare areincluded. included.

… open? At what time does … close? At what time does

La ropa

open closed

El calzado las botas las sandalias los tenis los zapatos los calcetines

blouse shirt T-shirt jacket skirt pants shorts sweater dress scarf cap gloves hat

Describir la ropa y el calzado

cotton leather wool

Colores amarillo(a) anaranjado(a) azul blanco(a) morado(a) negro(a) rojo(a) rosado(a) verde

yellow orange blue white purple black red pink green

barato(a) caro(a)

cheap, inexpensive expensive

a. b. c. d. e.

A las nueve de la noche. En la tienda de música. En una zapatería. En esa tienda de ropa. En la papelería.


el precio el dinero la tarjeta

price money credit card

costar gastar pagar

to cost to spend to pay

el número la talla

shoe size size

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Nosotros vamos de picnic. Ana tiene que ir a una fiesta de quinceañera. Hace frío, pero tengo que pasear al perro. Juan va a la clase de español. El padre de Tess va a una cena formal. Yo voy al gimnasio.


estar en oferta estar de moda quedar bien quedar mal quedar grande quedar pequeño ser de (mi) talla

How much to be … on cost? sale does to be in fashion to fit well to fit badly to be too big to be too small to be (my) size

3 Tu ropa favorita. Answer each question giving your own opinion. Modelo

Los números treinta y uno treinta y dos cuarenta cincuenta sesenta setenta ochenta noventa cien

thirty-one thirty-two forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety one hundred

A. ¿Te gustan los pantalones de algodón? B. No, prefiero los jeans. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

¿Te gustan las faldas largas? ¿Te gustan las blusas anchas? ¿Te gustan las camisas negras? ¿Te gustan los pantalones cortos? ¿Te gustan los tenis de cuero?

DESAFÍO 4 4 ¡Están en oferta! Write a conversation with a partner. Follow the guidelines below. • You: Ask if they have colorful sneakers. • Salesperson: Say yes and that they are on sale. • You: Ask how much they cost. • Salesperson: State the price and ask what size and color the customer wants. • You: Give your size and color preferences. • Salesperson: Ask how the customer is going to pay. • You: Say you are going to pay with credit card.

194 ciento noventa y cuatro

300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 220


¿Dónde puedo comprar unas sandalias? ¿Dónde venden cuadernos y lápices? ¿A qué hora cierran esta tienda? ¿Dónde venden discos compactos? ¿Dónde están en oferta estas blusas?

Expresiones ¿Cuánto cuesta(n)…?

boots sandals sneakers shoes socks

Características ancho(a) wide estrecho(a) tight corto(a) short largo(a) long cómodo(a) comfortable

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

2 ¿Qué llevo? Write the most appropriate clothing for each place or event. Las compras

la blusa la camisa la camiseta la chaqueta la falda los pantalones los pantalones cortos el suéter el vestido la bufanda el gorro los guantes el sombrero

Materiales el algodón el cuero la lana

abierto(a) cerrado(a)

stationery store music store gift shop clothing store shoe store

ciento noventa y cinco 195

27/12/10 15:39 300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 221

27/12/10 15:39


Unit structure


The Grammar

DDEESSAAFÍFÍOO11 GGrarammát áticicaa

A decision guided by experience.

Ve Verbrbos osco connrara

The selection and sequence of the grammatical elements was determined keeping three fundamental criteria in mind: the use of the structures, their productivity in communicative contexts, and their difficulty. For example, the verbs ser, estar, and tener are presented before the verb gustar because they are more frequently used, they are more productive, and they present fewer difficulties for English speakers than the verb gustar.

ízízirr irreg egulularar(e(e>>ieie Ve Ve rbrb ososirr irr eg eg ulul )) arar eses ••Irre Irre gugu larlarveve rbs rbsdodonono t t fol fol low low typ typ ica ica for forexex l co l co am am nju nju ple ple gaga tiotio , are , areirre n npapa irre tte tte gugu rns rns larlarveve . Se . Se rbs rbs r an r an .. d dten ten er,er, sese rr yoyososo y,y,tútúere ere s… s… ••Irre Irre ten ten gugu erer larlarveve rbs rbsma yo yo ma ten ten y ychch go go , , tútútie anan gegethe tie ne ne theste s… s… ste mmororthe Re Re me me theenen mb mb er: er:ToToide din din gsgs .. ide ntinti fyfythe theste ste mmofofa aveve fro fro mmthe theinfinf rb, rb,dede iniini let let tivtiv e e e efor the the for m.m. -ar-ar , -er , -er , -ir , -irenen din din gsgs lav lav-ar -ar prpr en en d d-er -er

abab r r-ir-ir Ve Ve rbrb ososcoco nnrara ízízirr irr eg eg ulul arar(e(e>>ie)ie) ••SoSome meveve rbs rbs , lik , lik e ecece rra rra r (to r (toclo clo sese ), ),req req uiruir e ea aste VV ste ERB ERB mmchch OO CER CER anan RA RA gegefro RR (TO (TOCLO fro mme CLO SESE ). ).PRES PRES EN EN TETE Sin Sin gu gu lar lar


cie cie rro rro


cie cie rra rra ss

Plu Plu ral ral no no soso tro tro ss ce ce rra rra no no mo mo soso tra tra ss ss vovo soso tro tro ss rrá rrá vovo isis soso tra tra s s cece

usus ted ted élél cie cie rra rra ellell aa

usus ted ted eses ellell osos cie cie rra rra nn ellell asas

•• O Othe the r ve r ve rbs rbsliklik e ecece

rra rra r are r are ::

Organization: Grammar linked to communicative functions.

em em pepe zaza r r(to(tobebe gin gin )) en en ten ten dede r r(to(tounun dede rst rst anan d)d) pepe nsns arar(to(tothi thi nknk ))

15 15 C C om om pa pa rara

yoyoem em pie pie zozo yoyoen en tie tie nd nd oo yoyopie pie nsns oo

No No te: te:ThTh e ee e> >ieieste ste mmchch anan gege affaff ecec tstsallallthe thepre pre sese ntntten ten sese for for ms msexex cece ptptnono soso tro tro s,s, nono soso tra tra s sanan d dvovo soso tro tro s,s, vovo soso tra tra s.s.ThTh isisisiswh wh y y the the sese veve rbs rbsare arecaca llelle d d“b“b oooo t or t orshsh oeoe veve rbs rbs .”.” prpr efe efe rirrir(to(topre pre fer fer )) qu qu ere ere r r(to(towa wa nt) nt)

yoyoprpr efi efi ero ero yoyoqu qu ier ier oo

cici ón ón . . Wh Wh atatirre irre gugu larlarEnEn anan d dexex gligli shshveve pla pla ininwh rbs rbsdodoyoyo wh y ythe the y yare u uknkn areirre ow ow irre ? ?Giv gugu Giv larlar e ethr .. thr eeeeexex am am ple ple ss

In general, the presentation of grammar is linked to 16 16 En En G G ua ua tete mm alal aa a communicative function. For example, in Unit 1, dedicated to Co Co mp mp letlet a.a.Co Co mp mp letlet e ethe thesese nte nte ncnc eseswit wit h hthe theapap pro pro pripri ate atefor for the theme of personal life, the following functions and structures 1.1."T"TíaíaRitRita,a,nonososotratras s mmofofthe theveve rbs rbs .. el el de de sa sa fío fío ah ah 2.2.DiDi ora ora an an ."." a ay yRit Rit aa en enlalamá are learned: má sc sc ara aradedejad 3.3.Rit jad Rit e.e. a ano no em em pez pez ar ar

pen pen sarsar

elelme me nsns ent ent ajededeRo aje end end er er Ro lan lan doBo do 4.4.LaLaveve Bo j. j. nd nd eded ora ora lalatie tie nd nd a aa alas cerr cerr lasdo ar ar do s sdedelalatar tar 154 154 ciecie dede . . nto nto cin cin cue cue nta nta y cua y cua tro tro

Theme: Personal Life

300 300 347 347 _ 017 _ 017 0-02 0-02 25.i 25.i ndd ndd180 180

27/ 27/ 12/ 12/ 101015:3 15:3 5 5

Desafío 1 Identifying yourself and others

Subject pronouns The verb ser

Desafío 2 Describing people


Desafío 3 Describing family relationships

The verb tener Possessive adjectives and the preposition de (to show possession)

Desafío 4 Expressing states and feelings

The verb estar



Unit structure

La llegada

En Antigua The four pairs gather in Antigua, a beautiful colonial city in Guatemala. There they will receive their tasks from Rolando Boj, a young Guatemalan clothing designer. But before, they are going to buy some traditional Guatemalan-style clothes.

Didactic Didactic Focus: Focus: the the use use of of concise concise and and organized organized information. information.

Este sombrero es bonito, abuelo. ¿Cuánto cuesta?

The Thefotonovelas fotonovelasinclude includenew newstructures structuresthat thatstudents students can cancomprehend comprehendby bytheir theirvisual visualororlinguistic linguisticcontext. context.The The activities activitieshelp helpstudents studentstotofocus focuson onthese thesestructures structuresand and totoformulate formulatehypotheses hypothesesabout abouttheir theirmeaning meaningand andusage. usage.

Me gusta. Es cómodo.

Yo voy al centro comercial. Tú vas al mercado.

Porque las sandalias son más auténticas.

Es barato. Cuesta 30 quetzales.

¿Les gusta este vestido? Es de algodón y está en oferta.

1. 1.Fotonovelas Fotonovelas

¿Vamos al centro comercial o al mercado?

¿Por qué no llevas zapatos?

Prefiero la blusa blanca.

A mí también me gusta.

1 ¿Comprendes? Une. Match each question with the corresponding answer. A

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


a. b. c. d. e.

How much is the hat? What does Mack say about the hat? What does Rita prefer instead of the cotton dress? Why does Andy wear sandals? Where is Tess going shopping?

Porque son más auténticas. Una blusa blanca. Cuesta 30 quetzales. Al centro comercial. A mí también me gusta.

172 ciento cincuenta

ciento cuarenta y siete 147

300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 172

27/12/10 15:34

300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 173

27/12/10 15:34

DESAFÍO 1 17 ¿Qué piensan hacer?


Escucha y relaciona. Diana is telling Rita what their friends are planning to do. Listen and match each plan with a destination.

Verbos con raíz irregular (e > ie) Verbos irregulares

2. 2.Gramática Gramática

Modelo 1. Tess







• Irregular verbs do not follow typical conjugation patterns. Ser and tener, for example, are irregular verbs. ser

The Thegrammar grammarboxes boxespresent presentinformation informationininaaconcise conciseand and graphically graphicallyorganized organizedmanner. manner.Each Eachgrammar grammarbox boxconcludes concludes with withaacomparison comparisonbetween betweenSpanish Spanishand andEnglish. English. The Thegrammar grammaractivities activitiesare aresequenced sequencedaccording accordingtotodifficulty, difficulty, from fromclosed-ended closed-endedactivities activitiestotoopen-ended open-endedand andpersonalized personalized activities. activities.

yo soy, tú eres…


yo tengo, tú tienes…

Irregular verbs may change the stem or the endings. Remember: To identify the stem of a verb, delete the -ar, -er, -ir endings from the infinitive form. lav -ar

prend -er

abr -ir

18 Hacemos planes

Verbos con raíz irregular (e > ie) VERBO CERRAR (TO CLOSE). PRESENTE





nosotros cerramos nosotras


vosotros cerráis vosotras

usted él ella


ustedes ellos ellas

• Tess. Comprar ropa típica. • Andy y yo. Visitar el Museo del Jade.

Lee y escribe. These are Diana’s notes about what the characters want to do in Guatemala. Read and transform them into an e-mail. Use querer + infinitive.

• Some verbs, like cerrar (to close), require a stem change from e to ie.

• Tim y Mack. Ir de compras. • Yo. Investigar la cultura maya. • Todos. Hablar mucho español.


Note: The e > ie stem change affects all the present tense forms except nosotros, nosotras and vosotros, vosotras. This is why these verbs are called “boot or shoe verbs.”


¡Hola! Estos son nuestros planes. Tess quiere comprar ropa típica…

Otherempezar verbs like (tocerrar begin) are:

yo empiezo yo entiendo yo pienso

entender (to understand) pensar (to think)

preferir (to prefer) querer (to want)

yo prefiero yo quiero


What irregular English verbs do you know? Give three examples and explain why they are irregular. Comparación.

¿Dónde empieza Centroamérica?

En Guatemala 16 En Guatemala 1. "Tía "TíaRita, Rita,nosotras nosotras 1. 2. Diana DianayyRita Rita 2. 3. Rita Ritano no 3.


Belize, what countries make up Central America? Write their names.

eldesafío desafíoahora." ahora." el




enla lamáscara máscarade dejade. jade. en


elmensaje mensajede deRolando RolandoBoj. Boj. el cerrar

Mar Caribe Be li c e Gu at e m al a

19 Investiga y escribe. Besides Guatemala and

Completa.Complete Complete the the sentences sentences with with the the appropriate appropriate form form of of the the verbs. verbs. Completa.

4. La Lavendedora vendedora 4.

Golfo de México

Guatemala está en América Central. Este país y Belice marcan la transición entre Norteamérica y Centroamérica.

Use the website to investigate about countries of Central America.


latienda tiendaaalas lasdos dosde dela latarde. tarde. la 0

ciento cincuenta y cuatro

0 300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 180

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200ciento400 cincuenta millas kilómetros 400

y cinco

300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 181


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93 Itinerario de compras

94 El desfile de moda escolar

Escucha y escribe. Andy is talking about the shopping plans of the group. Listen and write the store each one goes to. Modelo Tim

Escribe. Your school has decided to put on a benefit fashion show. Describe the articles of clothing that will be shown. Use demonstratives and comparisons and say how much the items cost.


1. Mack 2. Diana y Rita

Modelo Esta blusa verde es de algodón. Cuesta veinte dólares. Aquellas sandalias son más caras que estos zapatos.

3. Patricia y Tess 4. Andy y Janet

3. 3.Comunicación Comunicaciónand andTodo Todojunto junto Key Keygrammatical grammaticalstructures structuresare arereinforced reinforcedby bytheir their application applicationininopen-ended, open-ended,communicative communicativeactivities. activities. Habla. Talk with your partner about the clothes in the picture. Say which of them you like, you dislike or you prefer, and why. Modelo Me gusta la blusa verde. Me gusta mucho el color verde y no es cara. Me gustan las camisas, pero no me gusta el color anaranjado.

HABLAR Y ESCRIBIR 95 Tus gustos Habla. Look at the picture and talk about it with a partner.

Escribe. Write what the characters want to buy and where they go. Modelo Tim quiere unos tenis nuevos. Va a la zapatería.

1. Describe la ropa. 2. ¿Te gusta esta ropa? ¿Por qué?

Habla y escribe. With three classmates, discuss your own shopping itinerary. Then write it down.

Escribe y representa. A man and a woman are talking with a clothes vendor in Chichicastenango. Write their conversation and act it out.

Modelo Andrea quiere un regalo para su amigo. Va a la tienda de regalos. Andrea y David quieren comprar unos cuadernos. Van a la papelería. 186 ciento ochenta y seis

ciento ochenta y siete 187

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REPASO Gramática

DESAFÍO 1 Lacomparación comparación(pág. (pág.174) 174) La

(pág. 154)

más ++adjetivo adjetivo++que que (more (more……than) than) más menos++adjetivo adjetivo++que que (less (less……than) than) menos tan adjetivo++como como (as (as……as) as) tan ++adjetivo

Cerrar cierro


nosotros cerramos nosotras vosotros cerráis vosotras ustedes ellos cierran ellas

usted él cierra ella

4. 4.Repaso Repaso Key Keygrammar grammarisisreviewed reviewedatatthe theend endofofthe theunit unitby bymeans means ofofpre-assessment pre-assessmentactivities. activities.

5 ¿A qué hora? Answer each question with a complete sentence.

Verbos con raíz irregular (e > ie)


27/12/10 15:38

Modelo ¿A qué hora usted tienda? a. m.) Yo abro laabre tienda a lasla nueve de la(9:00 mañana. 1. ¿Cuándo cierran ustedes la tienda? (8:30 p. m.) 2. ¿A qué hora empiezan las clases? (8:00 a. m.) 3. ¿A qué hora vas de compras? (5:00 p. m.) 4. ¿Cuándo piensan ustedes volver? (10:00 p. m.)

Specialforms: forms: Special mejor mejor peor peor

(better) (better) (worse) (worse)

DESAFÍO 2 6 Gustos. What do these people like? Write sentences with the appropriate form of the verb gustar.

Other verbs like cerrar: empezar, entender, pensar, preferir, querer.

Modelo blusa blanca - ella

A ella le gusta la blusa blanca.

1. pantalones azules - yo 2. sandalias negras - nosotros

El verbo ir (pág. 156) yo



usted él va ella

Los demostrativos (pág. 172)

nosotros vamos nosotras vosotros vais vosotras ustedes ellos van ellas

singular Distance





7 Comparaciones. Compare the price or size of the clothing below. Remember







At a distance





Far away





to make the gender and number of the adjective agree with the noun it describes. Modelo Esta camisa es más cara que aquella camisa. 1. 2. 3. 4.

El verbo gustar (pág. 164) singular


A mí

me gusta

me gustan

A ti

te gusta

te gustan

Estos guantes (10 dólares) - aquellos guantes (5 dólares) - barato Esos pantalones (G) - estos pantalones (P) - ancho Estos zapatos (10) - esos zapatos (10) - grande Esa camiseta (P) - esta camiseta (G) - pequeño

DESAFÍO 4 Verbos con raíz irregular (o > ue)

8 Haz la pregunta. Write the question that corresponds to each answer.

(pág. 182)

1. Esta blusa cuesta quince dólares. 2. Yo vuelvo a casa a las tres y media.


A usted A él A ella

le gusta

le gustan



A nosotros A nosotras

nos gusta

nos gustan


A vosotros A vosotras

os gusta

os gustan

A ustedes A ellos A ellas

usted él puede ella

les gusta

les gustan

Other verbs like poder: contar, volar, recordar, volver.

nosotros podemos nosotras vosotros podéis vosotras ustedes ellos pueden ellas

3. No, no recuerdo el precio de la camiseta. 4. Aquel gorro cuesta cinco dólares.

9 Guatemala maya. Answer the questions. 1. ¿Qué país está al norte de Guatemala? 2. ¿Qué representa el quetzal para los habitantes de Guatemala? 3. ¿Qué prendas son típicas de Guatemala?

ciento noventa y siete 197

196 ciento noventa y seis

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3. sombrero verde - ellos 4. vestido rojo - usted


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Unit structure


The Mapas Culturales The mapas culturales propose a systematic study. The Mapa cultural section offers an organized and systematic study of each country, analyzing its regions and some characteristic cultural aspects. MAPA CULTURAL MM aa r rC Ca a r irbi b ee


0 0

The first page contains general information about the country: its location, size, population, capital, etc.

100 100

ElEl Slavlavda od ro r Sa a ra NiNi c ac ra g ugau a Co Co stst aa RiRi c ac a

200 200 millas millas

The region of flatlands in the northern part of Guatemala is called Peten. Here is located Tikal, an immense Mayan city. The Tikal National Park covers an area of 576 km2 (222 square miles). This is equivalent to the area occupied by the city of Chicago, Illinois.


Ho Ho n dnudruar sa s


1. La gran ciudad maya de Tikal

Tikal Tikal

Be li ec e Be li c

MM é xéixci oc o

BBeel ilci cee

MMééxxi ci coo

Pa a má Pa n an má

kilómetros kilómetros 100200 200 0 0 100

(1) Ruinas de la ciudad de Tikal

¿Qué significa Guatemala?

The TheMapa Mapacultural cultural offers offersaaselection selectionofof representative representativecultural cultural aspects: aspects:places, places,people, people, traditions, traditions,customs, customs, and andfolklore. folklore.


2. El quetzal: el ave de Guatemala The quetzal is the bird represented on the Guatemalan flag. It symbolizes freedom. Because the quetzal is in danger of extinction, it has been declared a protected species.

Chichicastenango Chichicastenango Sololá Sololá


Guatemala es una república de Centroamérica. Por el norte limita con México. Es un país más pequeño que el estado de Tennessee y tiene más de 13 millones de habitantes.

HHoonndduur ar as s

Guatemala Guatemala

The quetzal played an important role in many Mayan myths.

Antigua Antigua Guatemala Guatemala


(2) Un quetzal.

Lugar de muchos árboles. 0 0

0 0



5050 millas millas

kilómetros kilómetros 5050

EEl lSSaal vl vaaddoor r

99 Mensajes desde Guatemala Investiga y escribe. Choose one of these topics to research. 1. El centro histórico. Describe the buildings (size, color) and the types of shops. 2. El cantante. Describe his appearance. Compare him with a singer you like. 3. La Quema del Diablo. Compare this festival with one you know.

La capital de Guatemala es la ciudad de Guatemala, el núcleo más grande de Centroamérica.




98 Proporciones Proporciones Escribe.Use Usethe themap maptotocorrect correctthese thesesentences. sentences. Escribe. Méxicoesesun unpaís paísmenos menosancho anchoque queGuatemala. Guatemala. 1.1.México Hondurasesesun unpaís paísmás másestrecho estrechoque queBelice. Belice. 2.2.Honduras Guatemalaesesun unpaís paísmás másgrande grandeque queNicaragua. Nicaragua. 3.3.Guatemala Guatemalaesesun unpaís paísmás máspequeño pequeñoque queBelice. Belice. 4.4.Guatemala

El centro histórico de la ciudad de Guatemala.

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300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 217

Culture in the Mapas Culturales México

La Ciudad de México: la antigua Tenochtitlán El sur: la población indígena

Puerto Rico

El Viejo San Juan La salsa, la esencia de Puerto Rico


La gran ciudad maya de Tikal El quetzal: el ave de Guatemala


Los incas, reyes de las montañas Las líneas de Nazca


Madrid: paraíso de pintores El sur: la herencia árabe

Estados Unidos

Huellas hispanas en los Estados Unidos Estados con historia hispana Concentración hispana en las ciudades


El tango Buenos Aires


La Isla de Pascua Pablo Neruda Los chinchineros



Unit structure

La tradición de la Quema del Diablo.

ciento noventa y uno 191

190 ciento noventa

300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 216

El cantante Ricardo Arjona.

Escribe. Use two of the most important facts to write an e-mail to a friend.

27/12/10 15:38

Reading Reading Reading Readingmaterials materialsbuild buildcompetency competencyfor forreading readingininSpanish. Spanish. Thereading readingmaterials materialspresent presentan anopportunity opportunitytotopractice practicethe thegiven givenvocabulary vocabularyand andgrammatical grammatical The structures,while whileimproving improvingstudents’ students’ability abilitytotointerpret interpretnew newvocabulary vocabularyand andgrammatical grammaticalstructures structures structures, fromspecific specificcontexts. contexts. from Theuse useofofnumerous numerouscognates cognatesmakes makesthe thecontext contextmore moreunderstandable understandableand andhelps helpsstudents students The increasetheir theirvocabulary. vocabulary. totoincrease

The Thereadings readingswork workwith with different differenttypes typesof oftexts. texts. Thereadings readingspresent presentan anoutstanding outstanding The aspectofofthe theculture cultureofofaacountry countryand and aspect relateitittotoaatype typeofoftext. text.The Thediverse diverse relate selectionofoftexts textsstrengthens strengthensreading reading selection comprehensionwhile whilesuggesting suggestingmodels models comprehension forlanguage languageproduction. production. for

Theme ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Type of Text

Teotihuacan The fortress of San Felipe del Morro The market of Chichicastenango The festival of Inti Raymi The Picasso painting Guernica Hispanic Heritage Month La vuelta al mundo… by Ricardo Mariño Oda a la manzana by Pablo Neruda

Each Eachreading readingisislinked linkedto toaa comprehension comprehensionstrategy. strategy.

An informative text. A travel blog. A letter. A travel brochure. An art catalog. An invitation to a cultural festival. A short story. A poem.

LECTURA EStRatEgia Visualizar imágenes del texto

100 Tus imágenes



Dibuja. Which pictures came into your mind as you read Desde Chichicastenango? Draw or sketch the most vivid ones. Then compare your pictures with your partner’s. Escribe y habla. Choose the pictures you relate to the text and point out the sentences or ideas in the text that they refer to. Are these pictures similar to your own images? Explain your answer.

Chichicastenango, 10 de enero de 2010

Eachunit unitfocuses focuseson onaaspecific specificreading readingstrategy: strategy: Each identifyingcognates, cognates,identifying identifyingkey keyconcepts, concepts, identifying visualizingimages imagesfrom fromthe thetext, text,formulating formulating visualizing assumptionsand andquestions, questions,and andso soon. on. assumptions Applyingthese thesestrategies, strategies,students studentsdevelop develop Applying theirability abilitytotoread readand andunderstand understandSpanish Spanish their texts. texts.

Hola, Nicole. ¿Cómo estás?




Yo estoy muy contenta. ¡Me gusta mucho Guatemala!

REaDing StRatEgy

Visualizing images from text

Te escribo desde Chichicastenango, una ciudad pequeña a 145 kilómetros de la capital. “Chichi” es parte de la región maya y muchas mujeres llevan vestidos tradicionales mayas con colores y bordados1 muy lindos. Este es el vestido de las mujeres: 1. tun o cinta. Representa una serpiente.

Creating pictures in your mind as you read will improve your comprehension and can make reading more enjoyable.


2. Huipil. Es una blusa tradicional de algodón con bordados. 3. Cinturón bordado.

Visualizing will also help you connect what you are reading to what you know and will help you summarize the text.


101 ¿Está claro? Decide. Decide whether each of the statements is true (cierto) or false (falso).

4. Corte. Es una falda larga y estrecha.

1. 2. 3. 4.

En Chichicastenango hay un mercado muy famoso. ¡Es como un centro comercial enorme! Hay muchos productos de artesanía indígena. A mí me gustan las máscaras y los textiles.

102 Los trajes tradicionales mayas Elige y escribe. Which of the following are typical of a traditional Mayan costume? Make a list.

La cultura maya es realmente fascinante. La próxima vez2 podemos visitar Guatemala juntas3 . Hasta pronto. Besos. Beth 1. embroidery

2. Next time

Chichicastenango es una ciudad pequeña. El mercado de Chichicastenango es enorme. En el mercado de Chichicastenango no hay artesanía indígena. A Beth no le gustan los vestidos tradicionales de las mujeres mayas.

1. falda estrecha y corta

4. sombrero con forma de serpiente

7. falda estrecha y larga

2. cinturón negro

5. falda larga y ancha

8. blusa de lana blanca

3. cinta para el pelo

6. blusa de algodón con bordados

9. cinturón con bordados


3. together

ciento noventa y tres 193

192 ciento noventa y dos

300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 218

Watch the video about Chichicastenango and describe the market in a letter to a friend.

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Unit structure


The Project

The project provides an opportunity for integrating and applying knowledge. Each unit closes with a project that encourages students’ creativity and communicative capacity, while activating vocabulary and grammatical structures that students have learned. Each project develops a communicative activity that integrates cultural and linguistic information.

Project. Una exposición de muñecos quitapenas Vocabulary


● ● ● ●


● ●

Clothing. Characteristics, material and colors of clothing Shopping The verb gustar Demonstrative adjectives Comparisons Present tense of irregular verbs: e > ie and o > ue). Indigenous traditions Traditional handicrafts from Guatemala.

Project Tasks México

Create a presentation about Diego Rivera.

Puerto Rico

Organize a visit to the Casa Blanca Museum in San Juan, Puerto Rico.


Arrange an exhibit of Guatemalan worry dolls.


Create a restaurant menu and role-play serving the “customers.”


Make a poster about hygiene habits.

Estados Unidos

Deliver a presentation about a distinguished Hispanic person in the United States.


Create a travelogue.


Participate in a campaign to protect endangered animals.



Unit structure

The activities activities are are separated separated into into steps. steps. The Each Eachproject projectdevelops developsfrom fromaaset setofofactivities activitiespresented presentedsequentially sequentiallyininseparate separatesteps. steps.Each Each step stepisisclearly clearlydefined definedand andincludes includesguidelines guidelinestotohelp helpstudents studentscomplete completethe theactivities. activities.

Unaexposición exposiciónde demuñecos muñecosquitapenas quitapenas Una PASO 1 Crea tus muñecos quitapenas PASO 2 Prepara una exposición de muñecos PASO 3 Dramatiza la compra y venta de muñecos

The unit unit closes closes with with aa self-evaluation. self-evaluation. The At Atthe theend endofofeach eachunit unitisisaaself-evaluation self-evaluationsection sectionwith withquestions questionsthat thatcorrespond correspondtotothe theunit unit objectives, objectives,so sothat thatstudents studentscan canreflect reflectupon upontheir theirprogress. progress.

PROYECTO paSo 2 Prepara una exposición de muñecos

Una exposición de

Presentation of the task Steps

muñecos quitapenas

• Display the dolls as Andy and Janet have done.



¿Qué has aprendido en esta unidad?

Guatemalan children use muñecos quitapenas to deal with worries and stress. In this project, you will make a doll for a class display, and do a role play to buy and sell dolls at a class market.

Do these activities to evaluate how well you can manage in Spanish. a. Can you talk about store hours and shopping? Ask what time the gift shop opens and closes. Say what you want to buy there.

paSo 1 Crea tus muñecos quitapenas • Study these worry dolls. Then describe what they look like and how they are dressed.

b. Can you say where someone is going? Tell your partner where you go after school.

• Write an advertisement to place alongside your doll.

Estos muñecos son pequeños. Llevan…

Projectinstructions instructions Project

Unidad 3

• Make your own worry doll. Follow these steps:


1. Use a length of wire to make the body framework. Bend back the ends of the wire so they don’t cut you. 2

paSo 3 Dramatiza la compra y venta de muñecos

2. Wind strips of paper around the framework to make the body. 3

3. Dress your doll with pieces of brightly colored fabric or yarn. 4

4. Color the head and hair and draw the mouth and eyes. • Make a list in Spanish of the materials you have used. Use a dictionary if necessary.

¿Estás triste? Este muñeco quita las penas. Está en oferta.

• Prepare a shopping dialogue with a partner. Use this outline:

A. Ask what the doll is made of. B. Describe it in detail. A. Ask how much the doll costs. B. Give the price. A. Say how many you want. Pay and say thank you.

d. Can you direct attention to things around you? Tell a classmate which book is yours: the one next to you or the one ten feet away. e. Can you compare things? Compare the price of two articles of clothing. Ask a classmate to compare the quality of two pairs of jeans.

Evaluate your skills. For each activity, say Very well, Well or I need more practice.

• Optional: Decide what you can do with your doll. For example:

– Un regalo para tu madre. – Un regalo para un(a) niño(a) enfermo(a).

198 ciento noventa y ocho

300347 _ 0170-0225.indd 224

c. Can you say that you like something? Ask a classmate if he or she likes your shoes.

ciento noventa y nueve 199

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Unit structure


Scope and Sequence

Contents Contents

Unidad Unidad


Vocabulario Vocabulario

Unit Unit11

México México 30–85 30–85

Unit Primeros pasos


• Spelling and pronouncing words

in Spanish ............................................. 2 • Greetings and introductions .................. 4 • Goodbyes and courtesy expressions ............................................. 6 • The classroom ......................................... 8 • Useful classroom expressions ............. 10 • Asking questions ................................. 12 • Days and dates ................................... 14 • The school schedule ........................... 16 • Weather and seasons ........................... 18 • Three reasons to learn Spanish ........... 20 • Spanish around the world ................... 22 • Learning strategies ............................... 24 • Review ................................................ 28

Unit Unit22

Puerto Puerto Rico Rico 86–143 86–143 Unit Unit33

200–255 200–255

••Foods Foodsand andbeverages beverages ••Food Foodstores stores ••AtAtthe thetable table ••Describing Describingfood food

256–309 256–309

••Parts Partsofofthe thebody body ••Personal Personalhygiene hygiene ••Symptoms Symptomsand andillnesses illnesses ••Basic Basicremedies remedies ••Healthy Healthyhabits habits

Unit Unit55

Unit Unit66

Estados Estados Unidos Unidos 310–363 310–363 Unit Unit77

Argentina Argentina 364–417 364–417

• Grammar summary ............................R1

Unit Unit88

• Spanish-English glossary ................ R14

Chile Chile

• English-Spanish glossary ................ R31 • Grammar index ............................... R46 T30


Scope and Sequence

footwear footwear

••Shopping Shopping

Unit Unit44


aahouse house

••Household Householdchores chores ••Leisure Leisureactivities activities

144–199 144–199

España España


••The Thehouse house ••Furniture Furnitureand andobjects objectsinin

••The Theshopping shoppingcenter center ••Clothing Clothingand andfootwear footwear ••Describing Describingclothing clothingand and

Guatemala Guatemala Perú Perú

••People People ••Physical Physicalcharacteristics characteristics ••Personality Personalitytraits traits ••Family Family ••States Statesand andconditions conditions

418–471 418–471

••The Theworld worldofofwork work ••Hobbies Hobbies ••Free Freetime time ••Sports Sports

••Transportation Transportation ••Travel Travel ••Destinations Destinationsand andlodging lodging ••The Thecity. city.Location Locationand and

directions directions

••The Theuniverse universe ••Geography Geography ••Political Politicaldivisions divisions ••Numbers Numbersfrom from101 101toto1,000 1,000 ••Nature Natureand andthe theenvironment environment

Gramática Gramática ••Subject Subjectpronouns pronouns ••The Theverb verbser ser ••Adjectives Adjectives ••The Theverb verbtener tener

••Expressing Expressingpossession: possession:

••Nouns Nouns ••Articles. Articles.Agreement Agreementwith withnouns nouns ••Expressing Expressingexistence. existence.

••Regular Regular-er-erand and-ir-irverbs, verbs,

The Theverb verbhaber haber

••Expressing Expressinglocation location ••Regular Regular-ar-arverbs, verbs,present presenttense tense

––Possessive Possessiveadjectives adjectives ––The Thepreposition prepositiondede ••The Theverb verbestar estar

present presenttense tense ••Expressing Expressingobligation: obligation: ––Tener Tenerque que++infinitive infinitive ––Hay Hayque que++infinitive infinitive ••Adverbs Adverbsofoffrequency frequency

Cultura Cultura ••Mapa Mapacultural: cultural:Mexico Mexico ••Mexico MexicoCity: City:Tenochtitlan Tenochtitlan ••The Thesouth: south:the theindigenous indigenous

••Lectura: Lectura:Teotihuacán, Teotihuacán,ciudad ciudad

••Mapa Mapacultural: cultural:Puerto PuertoRico Rico ••Old OldSan SanJuan Juan ••Salsa, Salsa,the theessence essenceofof

••Lectura: Lectura:ElElMorro: Morro:Blog Blog

dedelos losdioses dioses

population population

Puerto PuertoRico Rico

See a full Desafío, pages 50-59

••Stem-changing Stem-changingverbs verbs(e(e>>ie)ie) ••The Theverb verbirir ••The Theverb verbgustar gustar ••Demonstratives Demonstratives

••Comparison. Comparison.Comparative Comparative

••Adverbs Adverbsofofquantity quantity ••Expressing Expressingwant, want,preference, preference,

••Irregular Irregularverbs verbsininthe theyoyoform form ••Direct Directobject objectpronouns pronouns ••Indirect Indirectobject objectpronouns pronouns ••Stem-changing Stem-changingverbs verbs(e(e>>i)i)

••Mapa Mapacultural: cultural:Peru Peru ••The TheIncas, Incas,kings kingsofofthe the

••Lectura: Lectura:Festividad Festividadinca inca

••The Theverbs verbsver, ver,oír, oír,oler, oler,

••The Theverb verbsentirse sentirse ••Affirmative Affirmativetútúcommands. commands.

••Mapa Mapacultural: cultural:Spain Spain ••Madrid: Madrid:aapainter’s painter’sparadise paradise ••The Thesouth: south:ananarabic arabic

••Lectura: Lectura:ElElGuernica, Guernica,

and andrejection. rejection.The Theverbs verbs querer quererand andpreferir preferir

and anddecir decir ••Reflexive Reflexiveverbs verbs ••The Theverb verbdoler doler

••Affirmative Affirmativecommands. commands.

Irregular Irregularverbs verbs ••IrIraa++infinitive. infinitive.Time Time markers markersininthe thefuture future ••The Thepresent presentprogressive progressive ••The Thepreterite preteritetense tenseofofregular regular

-ar -arverbs verbs ••The Thepreterite preteritetense tenseofofregular regular -er-erand and-ir-irverbs verbs

••Expressing Expressingcause: cause:porque porque

and andpor por ••Expressing Expressingquantity. quantity.Indefinites Indefinites ••Irregular Irregularverbs verbsininthe the preterite. preterite.Decir Decirand andhacer hacer

adjectives adjectives ••Stem-changing Stem-changingverbs verbs(o(o>>ue) ue)

••Mapa Mapacultural: cultural:Guatemala Guatemala ••The Thegreat greatMayan Mayancity cityofofTikal Tikal ••The Thequetzal, quetzal,national nationalbird bird

dedeviajes viajes

••Lectura: Lectura:Desde Desde

Chichicastenango Chichicastenango

ofofGuatemala Guatemala

Regular Regularverbs verbs

••The Thepresent presentparticiple participle ••Stem-changing Stem-changingverbs verbs(u(u>>ue) ue)

mountains mountains ••The TheNazca Nazcalines lines

del delInti IntiRaymi Raymi

dedePablo PabloPicasso Picasso

heritage heritage

••Mapa Mapacultural: cultural:United UnitedStates States ••Hispanic Hispanicinfluence influence

ininthe theUnited UnitedStates States ••States Stateswith withHispanic Hispanichistory history

••Concentration ConcentrationofofHispanic Hispanic

people peopleinincities cities ••Lectura: Lectura:Celebramos Celebramos

lalaHerencia HerenciaHispana Hispana

••Time Timemarkers markersininthe thepast past ••The Thepreterite preteritetense tenseofofthe the

••Mapa Mapacultural: cultural:Argentina Argentina ••The Thetango tango ••Buenos BuenosAires Aires

••Lectura: Lectura:LaLavuelta vueltaalalmundo mundo

••Irregular Irregularverbs verbsininthe the

••Mapa Mapacultural: cultural:Chile Chile ••Easter EasterIsland Island ••Pablo PabloNeruda Neruda ••The Thechinchineros chinchineros

••Lectura: Lectura:Oda Odaaalalamanzana manzana

verbs verbsser serand andirir ••Negative Negativecommands commands

preterite. preterite.Estar Estarand andtener tener ••Expressing Expressingpermission permissionand and prohibition prohibition

dedeCinthia CinthiaScoch Scoch


Scope and Sequence


The Spanish Language of the United States Gerardo Piña-Rosales The North American Academy of the Spanish Language First of all, dear reader, let us focus on the title of this essay: “The Spanish Language of the United States” instead of “The Spanish Language in the United States.” The difference between these two prepositions is an essential one: it implies that we have begun to speak of a United States Spanish with its own characteristics, as one more of the multiple variants of the Spanish language spoken around the world.

Spanish Speakers in the United States It is estimated that there are some 45 million Spanish-speaking people in the United States, which translates into 15 percent of the nation’s population, and it is expected that this figure will rise to more than 150 million Spanish speakers by 2050. In other words, it is highly probable that the United States will become the country with the largest number of Spanishspeaking inhabitants on our planet. More than half of the 45 million Spanish speakers were born in this country, and they make up a younger-than-average portion of the overall population: 48 percent of Hispanics are younger than 25 years of age. Whether or not a minority language replaces the language spoken by the majority depends, above all, on the new generations; thus, the relative youth of the Hispanic population will undoubtedly influence the future of the Spanish language in the United States.

Spanish Variants When we speak of the Spanish language of the United States, it is important to point out that we are not referring to a monolithic, uniform language, but to one that encompasses a number of variants. In this regard, we can divide the country into several linguistic areas, each with its own distinct characteristics. In the West and Southwest, where 60 percent of Hispanics reside, a chicano variant of Spanish is spoken; in Florida, and especially in Miami, a Cuban variant of Spanish is heard. In the Northeast, including New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut, a Caribbean form of Spanish is spoken. Furthermore, one can hear isleño Spanish in Louisiana and a distinctive form of Spanish spoken in the region of the Sabine River (Louisiana and Texas).

English Influences The massive influence of English has imparted a unique imprint on the Spanish language of the United States, which contrasts with that of other Spanish-speaking countries. T32


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This Thisparticular particularinfluence influenceisismanifested manifestedininnew newvocabulary, vocabulary,much much ofofititbased basedon on“borrowed” “borrowed”words, words,which whichhave havecontributed contributedtoto the theincorporation incorporationofofanglicisms anglicismsinto intothe theSpanish Spanishspoken spokeninin those thosecountries. countries.

English EnglishInfluence InfluenceatatWork Work Hispanic Hispanicimmigrants immigrantstry trytotolearn learnand andspeak speakEnglish Englishatattheir their workplace workplaceand andinintheir theirassociations associationswith withAmericans. Americans.This Thiseffort effort totocommunicate communicatetends tendstotofacilitate facilitatethe theuse useofofSpanglish. Spanglish. InIntime, time,ififthey theyhave haveaacertain certainlevel levelofofeducation, education,they theylearn learnboth both languages languageswell welland andbecome becomebilingual. bilingual.There Thereisisaadesire desire totoacquire acquireaabetter betterknowledge knowledgenot notonly onlyofofEnglish Englishbut butalso also ofofthe theSpanish Spanishofoftheir theirheritage. heritage.

Spanglish Spanglish AAdistinctive distinctivecharacteristic characteristicofofthe theSpanish Spanishlanguage languageofofthe the United UnitedStates Statesisisthe theso-called so-called“code-switching,” “code-switching,”which whichconsists consists ofofaaspeaker’s speaker’suse useofofboth bothlanguages languagesduring duringaaconversation. conversation. Since Sincethis thismeans meansofofcommunication communicationhas hasnot notbeen beenmethodically methodically bothamong amongthe the studied studieduntil untilrecently, recently,aacertain certainnotion notionexists exists——both thatititisisaarandom random general generalpublic publicand andamong amongcertain certaineducators educators——that mixture mixtureofoflanguages, languages,i.e., i.e.,Spanglish. Spanglish.InInfact factititisisaaprocess process with withits itsown ownstructural structuralconventions, conventions,one onethat thatalso alsoplays playsaa unique uniquerole roleamong amongbilingual bilingualSpanish Spanishspeakers, speakers,precisely preciselyas as an analternative alternativetotocommunicating communicatingininaasingle singlelanguage. language. The Theeconomic economicimportance importanceofofthe theSpanish Spanishlanguage languageofofthe the United UnitedStates Statesisisgreater greaterthan thanthat thatofofany anyother otherSpanishSpanishspeaking speakingcountry. country.The TheSpanish Spanishlanguage languagewould wouldsurvive surviveififonly only for forthe theUnited UnitedStates. States.

Bibliography Amastae, Jon and Lucía Elías-Olivares. Spanish in the United States: Sociolinguistic Aspects. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982. Elías-Olivares, Lucía, ed. Spanish in the U.S. Setting: Beyond the Southwest. Rosslyn, VA: National Clearinghouse for Bilingual Education, 1983. Lipski, John M. Varieties of Spanish in the United States. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2008. López-Morales, Humberto, ed. enciclopedia del español en los estados Unidos. Madrid: Instituto Cervantes/Santillana, 2008.

Teaching Teachingand andLearning: Learning:Language Languageand andCulture Culture Janet JanetGlass GlassDwight DwightEnglewood EnglewoodSchool, School,Englewood, Englewood, New NewJersey JerseyRutgers RutgersUniversity University

Alfred AlfredNobel’s Nobel’sPeace PeacePrize Prizewished wishedtotoreward reward“the “theperson person who whoshall shallhave havedone donethe themost mostororthe thebest bestwork workfor forfraternity fraternity between betweennations.” nations.”What Whatcould couldbe bemore morecritical criticaltoday? today?As As teachers teachersofofworld worldlanguages, languages,our ourmedium mediumisislanguage, language,but butour our message messageisisone oneofofcultural culturalambassador. ambassador.Besides, Besides,what whatisismore more intriguing intriguingtotoaastudent studentthan thantotolearn learnhow howtotomake makeaanew newfriend friend from fromanother anotherculture, culture,totoenter enteranother anotherworld? world?This Thismotivation motivationisis what whatstimulates stimulatesour ourstudents’ students’curiosity curiosityand andhelps helpsthem themmaster master the thelanguage. language.But Butonce oncehooked, hooked,how howcan canwe wemake makethe themost mostofof their theirinterest? interest?

Five-Senses Five-SensesCulture Culture We Wecan canstart startbybyintegrating integratingculture cultureinto intothe thewhole wholelanguage language instruction instructionprocess, process,making makingsure surethat thatculture cultureunderscores underscores every everylanguage languageactivity activityand andisisatatthe thecore coreofofthe theunit. unit.We Wecan cango go beyond beyondcultural cultural“awareness” “awareness”and andtry trytotoexperience experiencethe thetarget target culture cultureininthe theclassroom classroomwith withsmells, smells,touches, touches,simulations, simulations, tastes, tastes,rhythms, rhythms,and andvideo videoclips. clips.Learning Learningisisenhanced enhancedwhen when exchanges exchangeswith withpeople peoplefrom fromthe thetarget targetculture culturehappen happenearly early and andoften. often.As AsByram Byrametetal. al.say sayinin“Developing “DevelopingIntercultural Intercultural Competence CompetenceininPractice,” Practice,”“the “thetask taskisisrather rathertotofacilitate facilitate learners’ learners’interactions interactionswith withsome somesmall smallpart partofofanother anothersociety society and andits itscultures cultures… …and andencouraging encouragingthem themtotoinvestigate investigatefor for themselves themselvesthe theotherness othernessaround aroundthem.” them.”Let’s Let’slift liftititoff offthe thepage! page!

this habit of polite language reflect its culture? Accepting responsibility is a very high priority in Japan. As a result, we find it is a culture that discourages blame and is relatively free of lawsuits. Cultural instincts become internal, hidden, and subconscious. Through the target language, we strive to have our students uncover these influences, empathize with the people, and be able to interact in culturally appropriate ways.

Research Says Meanwhile, research has confirmed what we have sensed. In a survey of young students studying language and culture, their responses to “People from other countries are scary” and “Hearing a language that’s not English makes me nervous” was a resounding “No!” Students not in the program answered “Maybe” and “Yes.” So, as we make the foreign become familiar, the familiar will become a bit more foreign. By bringing cultural experiences into the classroom, measuring the outcomes, aiming for deep understanding and exchanges, we put linguistic and cultural abilities together and at the forefront of our shrinking world. ¡Sí, se puede!

Measuring MeasuringCulture Culture When Whenititcomes comestotoculture, culture,students studentsare arealways alwaysasking, asking,“Does “Does ititcount?” count?”Although Althoughwe wehave havecurrently currentlycome comeaalong longway wayinin measuring measuringthe thelanguage languageproficiency proficiencyofofour ourstudents, students,we weare are challenged challengedtotodo doas aswell wellwith withtesting testingcultural culturalappropriateness. appropriateness. Culture Culturehas hastotobe betaught taughtsystematically systematicallyand andthen, then,assessed. assessed. How Howpowerful powerfulititisistotoshow showstudents studentsevidence evidenceofoftheir theirown own cultural culturalcompetence, competence,yet yetmore moreexploration explorationofofhow howtotobest best assess assesscultural culturalcompetence competenceisisneeded. needed.

Seeing SeeingOur OurOwn OwnCulture Culturewith withNew NewEyes Eyes As Aslanguage languageteachers, teachers,we wealso alsomake makethe themost mostofofstudents’ students’ interest interestwhen whenwe weshow showhow howlanguage languageshapes shapesour ourthoughts, thoughts, and andleads leadstotohow howwe webehave. behave.Most Mostofofus usdon’t don’tbecome becomeaware aware ofofour ourown owncultural culturalassumptions assumptionsuntil untilconfronted confrontedbybyanother another world worldview. view.When WhenI Iwas wasininJapan, Japan,for forexample, example,people peoplefrequently frequently apologized apologizedas aspart partofoftheir theirdaily dailyconversation. conversation.They Theysaid, said,“Sorry “Sorry I Idisturbed disturbedyou” you”when whencalling callingsomeone someoneon onthe thephone. phone.How Howdoes does

Bibliography Byram, Michael, A. Nichols, and D. Stevens. “Developing Intercultural Competence in Practice.” Multilingual Matters Ltd. 3 (2001). Kennedy, Teresa, et al. “The FLES Attitudinal Inventory.” Foreign Language Annals, ACTFL 33(3), May/June 2000: 278–289. Wright, David A. “Culture as Information and Culture as Affective Process: A Comparative Study.” Foreign Language Annals, ACTFL 33(3), May/June 2000: 330–341. T33

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The Integration of Language, Culture, and Content in the Three Modes of Communication Brandon Zaslow Site Director, California Foreign Language Project, Department of Education, Occidental College, Los Angeles, California Work with teachers who are implementing a standards-based instructional approach shows that the integration of language, culture, and content is the area of greatest challenge and the aspect of standards-based practice that has the most transformative effect on student learning. Preparing students to use language for real-world purposes in culturally appropriate ways requires that teachers specify the tasks students will need to carry out in order to function in targetlanguage communities. The most efficient way to gain access to language, culture, and content is through the use of authentic materials, those that are designed for individuals who speak the language and share the culture and its perspectives on content. Semi-authentic video, audio, or print media are often used to ensure that all of the language, culture, and content necessary for successful real-world language use are available for learning.

Interpretive Mode Teachers use a variety of strategies for making language, culture, and content comprehensible. They prepare students for interpretation by interesting them in the theme of the lesson, building on previous knowledge, and previewing key language, culture, and content. They ask students to make predictions, provide non-linguistic supports to meaning, and work with texts multiple times using different interpretive tasks that focus student attention on language, culture, or content. Often teachers break up texts into smaller segments in order to help students skim for main ideas and then scan for supporting details. Texts with storylines or content that can be divided into logical parts are easier to understand and recall.

Interpersonal Mode When learners understand the materials used during interpretive communication, they need a great deal of practice to use the language, content and cultural knowledge and skills to participate in real-world tasks. In order to gain proficiency in interpersonal communication, learners need to practice carrying out real-world tasks in multiple settings combining various elements of language, culture, and content. Recycling communicative elements that will occur in culminating tasks ensures that students will be successful in spontaneous, unrehearsed interpersonal communication. As students gain proficiency using their language in a variety of culturally-authentic settings, teachers integrate language, culture, and content in more demanding simulations or real-world interpersonal tasks. T34


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Presentational PresentationalMode Mode When Whenstudents studentshave havehad hadan anopportunity opportunitytotopractice practicewith withothers others and andcarry carryout outaanumber numberofofinterpersonal interpersonaltasks tasksusing usinglanguage, language, culture, culture,and andcontent, content,they theywill willhave havedeveloped developedthe theskills skillsnecessary necessary totocarry carryout outreal-world real-worldpresentational presentationaltasks taskswith withsufficient sufficientclarity clarity and andaccuracy accuracytotobe besuccessfully successfullyunderstood understoodby byaatarget-culture target-culture audience. audience.Presentational Presentationaltasks taskscan canbe beoral oralororwritten writtenororcombine combine both bothspeech speechand andwriting. writing.ItItisisimportant importantwhen whenconstructing constructing presentational presentationaltasks taskstotofocus focuslearner learnerattention attentionon onculturally culturally appropriate appropriatebehavior behaviorand andtarget-culture target-cultureaudiences. audiences.InInwritten written presentational presentationaltasks, tasks,rubrics rubricsare areuseful usefultotoguide guidethe themany manydrafts drafts that thatmay maybe benecessary necessarytotoproduce produceaaclear clearand andaccurate accuratetext textthat that communicates communicateseffectively effectivelywith withthe thetarget targetaudience. audience.

Conclusion Conclusion Although Althoughchallenging, challenging,the theintegration integrationofoflanguage, language,culture, culture,and and content contentinininterpretive, interpretive,interpersonal interpersonaland andpresentational presentational communication communicationwill willtransform transformworld worldlanguage languageclassrooms classroomsand and prepare preparestudents studentstotofunction functioneffectively effectivelyinintarget-language target-language communities. communities.

Bibliography National Standars in Foreign Language Education Project. Standards for Foreign Language Learning in the 21st Century. Lawrence, KS: Allen Press, Inc., 1999. Anderson, Nancy, ed. Spanish for Native Speakers. AATSP, 2000. Ballman, Terry L., Judith E. Liskin Gasparro, and Paul B. Mandell, eds. The Communicative Classroom. AATSP, 2001. Birckbichler, Diane W. and Robert M. Terry, eds. Reflecting on the Past to Shape the Future. ACTFL, 2000. Galloway, Vicky, ed. Teaching Cultures of the Hispanic World: Products and Practices in Perspective. AATSP, 2001. Gunterman, Gail, ed. Teaching Spanish with the Five C’s: A Blueprint for Success. ACTFL, 2000. Heining-Boynton, Audrey L., ed. 2005-2015: Realizing Our Vision of Languages for All. ACTFL, 2006. Lafayette, Robert C., ed. National Standards: A Catalyst for Reform. ACTFL, 1996. Omaggio-Hadley, Alice. Teaching Language in Context, 3rd ed. Boston: Heinle and Heinle, 2001. Shrum, Judith L. and Eileen W. Glisan, Teacher’s Handbook: Contextualized Language Instruction, 4rd ed. Boston: Heinle and Heinle, 2010.

Teaching Teaching Vocabulary Vocabulary and and Grammar Grammar Using Using Authentic Authentic Literary Literary Texts Texts and and Other Other Reading Reading Selections Selections Dr. Dr.Emily EmilySpinelli SpinelliExecutive ExecutiveDirector, Director,American AmericanAssociation AssociationofofTeachers TeachersofofSpanish Spanishand andPortuguese. Portuguese. Professor ProfessorEmerita EmeritaofofSpanish, Spanish,University UniversityofofMichigan-Dearborne Michigan-Dearborne For Formany manyyears yearsthe theforeign foreignlanguage languageprofession professionviewed viewedthe the teaching teachingofoflanguage languageand andthe theteaching teachingofofliterature literatureas astwo twovery very separate separateand anddistinct distinctactivities. activities.AtAtall alleducational educationallevels levelsthe the reading readingofofliterary literarytexts textswas wasoften oftenseen seenas asaatask taskthat thatonly onlyvery very advanced advancedstudents studentscould couldundertake. undertake.As Asaaresult, result,the theearly earlyyears years ofofinstruction instructionwere weregenerally generallydevoted devotedtotolearning learningthe thelanguage language so sothat thatstudents studentscould couldstudy studyliterature literatureininupper-level upper-levelcourses. courses.

Authentic AuthenticTexts TextsDefined Defined InInthe the1970s 1970sthis thisseparation separationofoflanguage languageand andliterature literatureteaching teaching was waschallenged challengedas asresearchers researchersininlanguage languageacquisition acquisitionadvocated advocated for forthe theuse useofofauthentic authentictexts textsand andmaterials materialsininthe thelanguage language classroom. classroom.Widdowson Widdowsonpointed pointedout outthat thatthe thelanguage languagepresented presented totostudents studentsdoes doesnot notneed needtotobe besimplified simplifiedfor foreasy easyaccess. access. He Hefurther furtherstated statedthat, that,“Nowadays “Nowadaysthere thereare arerecommendations recommendations that thatthe thelanguage languagepresented presentedshould shouldbe beauthentic.” authentic.”Wallace Wallacelater later defined definedauthentic authenticlanguage languageas asthat thatfound foundinin“…real-life “…real-lifetexts, texts, not notwritten writtenfor forpedagogic pedagogicpurposes.” purposes.”Soon Soonthereafter, thereafter,authentic authentic materials materialsgradually graduallymade madetheir theirway wayinto intotextbooks textbooksininthe theform formofof advertisements, advertisements,brochures, brochures,menus, menus,schedules, schedules,and andother otheritems items utilized utilizedinindaily dailylife. life.However, However,literature literaturewas wasstill stillnot notviewed viewedas as suitable suitablematerial materialfor forlanguage languagelearning. learning.

Contemporary ContemporaryView ViewofofLiterary LiteraryTexts Texts Recently, Recently,aareport reportfrom fromthe theModern ModernLanguage LanguageAssociation Associationcalled called for foran anend endtotothe theseparation separationofoflanguage languagecourses coursesand andliterature literature courses coursesand andrecommended recommendedaacurriculum curriculum“in “inwhich whichlanguage, language, culture, culture,and andliterature literatureare aretaught taughtas asaacontinuous continuouswhole.” whole.”This This contemporary contemporaryview viewofofthe therole roleofofliterature literaturereinforces reinforcesthe thenotion notion that thatliterary literarytexts textscan canbe beused usedtototeach teachlanguage languagebeginning beginningatat the theearliest earliestlevels. levels.InInaddition additiontotoproviding providinglanguage languagemodels models for forstudents, students,literary literaryselections selectionsalso alsoprovide provideauthentic authenticcultural cultural information, information,help helpcritical criticalthinking thinkingskills, skills,and andemphasize emphasize historical historicaland andliterary literarytraditions. traditions.

Reading ReadingStrategies Strategiesand andActivities Activitiesto toPromote Promote Comprehension Comprehension ItItisisnow nowgenerally generallyaccepted acceptedthat thatliterary literaryand andother otherauthentic authentic texts textsshould shouldnot notbe besimplified simplifiedorormodified modifiedininorder ordertotohelp help students studentscomprehend comprehendthem. them.Rather, Rather,students studentsshould shouldbe be provided providedwith withreading readingstrategies strategiesand andactivities activitiesprior priortotoreading reading the theselection. selection.InInturn, turn,these thesestrategies strategiesand andactivities activitieswill willhelp help students studentscomprehend comprehendthe theauthentic authenticmaterial. material.

Pre-reading, During-reading, and Post-reading Activities Generally the strategies, explanations, and activities related to a reading selection fall into three categories called pre-reading, during-reading, and post-reading activities, depending on when they are used in relation to reading the selection. Pre-reading strategies provide students with reading techniques such as reading for gist, understanding the genre of the text, or forming hypotheses about the theme or topic of the text. Pre-reading activities can involve a presentation or review of vocabulary or grammar structures used within the literary selection. Vocabulary activities typically focus on cognate recognition, word families, prefixes and suffixes and other information designed to assist students with comprehending individual words. Grammar activities generally focus on recognition of parts of speech, verb forms and tenses, and word order. Other pre-reading activities focus on cultural information that have students compare or contrast cultural products, practices or perspectives found in the text with those found in their own cultures. During-reading activities generally help students focus on the pre-reading strategies and other information taught or reviewed in the pre-reading phase. Finally, the post-reading activities focus on comprehension and ask students to demonstrate what they learned while reading. By helping students comprehend authentic texts through the use of pre-reading strategies and activities, we expand their language capabilities while strengthening their cross-cultural and literacy skills.

Bibliography Bernardo, Sacha Anthony. “The Use of Authentic Materials in the Teaching of Reading.” The Reading Matrix 6 (2006): 60–69. Foreign Languages and Higher Education: New Structures for a Changed World. New York: Modern Language Association, 2006. Wallace, Catherine. Reading. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992. Widdowson, Henry G. Aspects of Language Teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1990. T35

Background and Research


Motivation Jan Kucerik Pinellas County Public Schools, Pinellas County, Florida A seventh grade student known to his Spanish teacher as “Juanito” ambles reluctantly into his beginning Spanish classroom. He greets the teacher, not with an enthusiastic “Buenos días, señora,” but instead with the question on the mind of many of his classmates, “What are we doing in here today?” Although we would like to believe that the question has been posed out of genuine interest in the classroom activities, we realize that Juanito’s question is motivated by selfpreservation. He worries that he might be unprepared for, or embarrassed by, the activities Señora has planned for the day.

What Motivates Our Students Motivation is crucial to teaching and learning. Whenever we feel a desire or need for something, we are in a state of motivation. Juanito is motivated to survive the class period, and his teacher wants him to thrive and share her passion for the Spanish language and Hispanic culture. He has a need to feel safe, yet his teacher understands that he must take risks in order to acquire language. He wants to avoid struggle, and she knows that great effort is involved in negotiating meaning and learning from mistakes. Although human beings are motivated to learn from birth, students are often not motivated to learn what we want them to learn in the way that we want them to learn it. They do, however, select information and learning experiences that are important to them every day. Teachers continue to work tirelessly to motivate their students, but most focus on extrinsic motivators, which may not be enough to truly engage students in the long term. How do we make students feel connected to learning? How do we make them feel as if the learning could not happen without them? How do we create excitement for learning, resulting in students eagerly entering our classrooms each day?

Relationships Are Key We rely on the standards and performance guidelines to articulate authentic tasks and clear goals. We persevere in our commitment to adjust the learning environment and the content to attract students. Most importantly, we recognize that our relationships with our students and their relationship with the learning process are crucial. Students must believe that they can be successful and experience incremental growth through learning experiences carefully designed around small chunks of meaningful language, leading to purposeful communication. Learning must be fun. Students are more likely to retain the language they acquire in a learning context that they enjoy. T36


Background and Research

They Theymust mustfeel feelthat thatthey theyare arepart partofofthe thelearning learningenvironment, environment, that thatthey theybelong belongtotothe thetarget targetculture, culture,while whilethey theyare areacquiring acquiring their theirnew newlanguage. language.They Theymust mustunderstand understandthe thepurpose purposeofof the thelesson lessonand andhave havethe thefreedom freedomtotoselect selectlanguage languagethat thatisis important importanttotothem themalong alongthe theway. way.

Motivation Motivationand andLearning Learning Students Studentsare aremotivated motivatedtototake takepart partininSpanish Spanishclass classwhen whenthe the context contextthrough throughwhich whichthe thelanguage languageisispresented presentedand andpracticed practiced isismeaningful, meaningful,serves servesaapurpose, purpose,and andrelies relieson onthe thestudents studentstoto bring bringitittotolife. life.Effective Effectiveteachers teachersunderstand understandthe thelink linkbetween between motivation motivationand andlearning, learning,and andselect selectlanguage languageand andcultural cultural contexts contextsthat thatrely relyon onthe thestudents studentstototell tellthe thestory. story.“What “Whatare are we wedoing doingininhere heretoday, today,Señora?” Señora?”“We “Weneed needyou, you,Juanito, Juanito, totohelp helpguide guideus uson onour ourlearning learningjourney.” journey.”

Bibliography Blaz, Deborah. Foreign Language Teacher’s Guide to Active Learning. Larchmont, NY: Eye on Education, Inc., 1999. ———. Bringing the Standards for Foreign Language Learning to Life. NY: Eye on Education, Inc., 2002. Curtain, Helena, and Carol A. Dahlberg. Languages and Children—Making the Match. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 2004. High, Julie. Second Language Learning through Cooperative Learning. San Clemente, CA: Kagan Publishing, 1993. Marzano, Robert J., Debra J. Pickering, and Jane E. Pollock. Classroom Instruction that Works. Baltimore: ASCD, 2001. Omaggio, Alice H. Teaching Language in Context. Florence, KY: Cengage and Heinle, 2000. Patrick, Paula. The Keys to the Classroom. Alexandria, VA: The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, 2007. Rogers, Spence. 21 Building Blocks Critical to Leaving No Child Left Behind. Evergreen, CO: PEAK Learning Systems, Inc., 2003. Rogers, Spence, Jim Ludington, and Becky Graf. Teaching and Training Techniques: Lighting the Way to Performance Excellence. Evergreen, CO: PEAK Learning Systems, Inc., 2003. Rogers, Spence, Jim Ludington, and Shari Graham. Motivation and Learning: A Teacher’s Guide to Building Excitement for Learning and Igniting the Drive for Quality. Evergreen, CO: PEAK Learning Systems, Inc., 1999. Shrum, Judith L., and Eileen W. Glisan. Teacher’s Handbook: Contextualized Language Instruction. Florence, KY: Cengage and Heinle, 2005.

Features Features of of Backwards Backwards Design Design found found in in Español Español Santillana Santillana Carol CarolMcKenna McKennaSemonsky SemonskyAssociate AssociateProfessor ProfessorEmerita, Emerita,Georgia GeorgiaState StateUniversity University Principles PrinciplesofofBackwards BackwardsDesigne Designe Backwards BackwardsDesign, Design,developed developedby byGrant GrantWiggins Wigginsand andJay JayMcTighe, McTighe, isisan anapproach approachtotounit unitdevelopment developmentthat thatputs putsthe theemphasis emphasison on big bigideas ideasand andenduring enduringunderstandings understandingsrather ratherthan thanon ondiscrete discrete skills skillsand andcoverage. coverage.ItIthas hasthree threemain mainsteps: steps:1)1)identify identifydesired desired results; results;2)2)determine determineacceptable acceptableevidence; evidence;and and3)3)plan planlearning learning experiences experiencesand andinstruction. instruction.Assessments Assessmentsare areperformanceperformancebased, based,reflect reflectthe thebig bigideas, ideas,and andare aredesigned designedbefore beforethe the instructional instructionalactivities. activities.

Step StepOne: One:Identify IdentifyDesired DesiredResults Results InInstep stepone, one,teachers teachersdefine definethe theunit’s unit’sgoals, goals,its itsessential essential questions questionsand andenduring enduringunderstandings, understandings,as aswell wellas asthe thekey key language languageskills skillsstudents studentswill willacquire acquireas asaaresult resultofofthe theunit. unit. Enduring Enduringunderstandings understandingsare arethose thosethat thathave havevalue valueininreal real life lifebeyond beyondthe theclassroom, classroom,that thathave haveaapotential potentialfor forengaging engaging students, students,and andthat thatinclude includecore coretasks tasksthat thatare areessential essentialand and integral integraltotothe thesubject subjectmatter. matter.For Forworld worldlanguage languageteachers, teachers, national, national,state, state,and andlocal localstandards standardsas aswell wellas asthematic thematic planning planningprovide provideessential essentialguidelines guidelinesand andcontexts contextswhen when defining definingdesired desiredresults. results. Español EspañolSantillana’s Santillana’soverall overallformat, format,that thatofofthematic thematicunits units centered centeredaround aroundyoung youngpeople peopletraveling travelingininvarious variousSpanishSpanishspeaking speakingcountries, countries,addresses addressesenduring enduringunderstandings, understandings, such suchas, as,“Who “Whoare arethe theSpanish-speaking Spanish-speakingpeoples peoplesofofthe the world worldand andhow howdo dothey theylive?” live?”and and“How “Howare areour ourlives livessimilar similar and anddifferent?” different?”The Thethemes themesare arebroad broadand andreflect reflectcultural cultural perspectives. perspectives.For Forinstance, instance,ininLevel Level1, 1,Unidad Unidad3,3,the thestated stated theme themeisis“shopping “shoppingininthe thecontext contextofofMayan Mayancultures culturesand and Guatemala’s Guatemala’shistoric historiccities.” cities.”

Step StepTwo: Two:Determine DetermineAcceptable AcceptableEvidence Evidence InInstep steptwo, two,teachers teachersdecide decidewhich whichevidence evidencewill willshow showthat that students studentshave haveaagrasp graspofofthe thebig bigideas ideasand andenduring enduring understandings. understandings.Wiggins Wigginsand andMcTighe McTighesuggest suggestthat that performance performancetasks tasksprovide providethe thebest bestevidence. evidence.For Forworld world language languageteachers, teachers,performance-based performance-basedassessments, assessments,focused focused on onstudent studentuse useofofextended, extended,communicative communicativelanguage languageinin authentic authenticsituations, situations,are arerecommended. recommended.However, However,the theuse useofof extended extendedlanguage languagerequires requiresinitial initialskill skillbuilding buildingwhere wherecore core vocabulary vocabularyand andstructures structuresare aremastered masteredfirst. first. Español EspañolSantillana Santillanaoffers offersaawide wideselection selectionofofcontextualized contextualized formative formativeassessments assessmentscentered centeredon onthese thesecore coreskills skillsas aswell well

as summative assessments that prompt extended and authentic language. Students are given an opportunity to reflect on their accomplishment of the goals by using the Autoevaluación at the end of each unit.

Step Three: Plan Learning Experiences and Instructions It is in step three, in the planning for learning experiences, where Español Santillana excels. Both the textbook and ancillaries offer plentiful and contextualized practice of essential skills that form the building blocks necessary for meaningful communication. Practice exercises represent real-life situations. Daily plans found in the Teacher’s Edition facilitate planning for both regular and block scheduling. The Teacher’s Edition directly links unit content to standards and offers many ideas to address individual differences, including suggestions for reaching all learners via multiple intelligences and differentiated instruction. Español Santillana has a selection of ancillary materials, including websites, DVDs, and other multimedia from which teachers may choose in order to design the most effective instruction, matching both their initial desired results and their students’ individual needs.

Bibliography Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition. Creating an Assessment Unit Process: Backwards Design. University of Minnesota. July, 2010. <http://www.carla. CreateUnit/p_1.html>. National Standards in Foreign Language Education Project. Standards for Foreign Language Learning in the 21st Century. Lawrence, KS: Allen Press, Inc., 1999. Wiggins, Grant and Jay McTighe. Understanding by Design. Power Point presentation. Winter 2004. < mtuniontalk.pdf>. ———. Understanding by Design, Expanded 2nd Edition. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 2005. T37

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Puerto Rico Desafíos Desafíos en en el el Caribe Caribe La La llegada llegada En EnSan SanJuan. Juan.............................................. .............................................88 88

DesaFÍo DesaFÍo11 Identificar Identificaryydescribir describirlugares lugares............92–101 ............92–101

DesaFÍo DesaFÍo22

Expresar Expresarexistencia existenciayylugar lugar.............102–111 .............102–111

DesaFÍo DesaFÍo33

Expresar Expresaracciones accioneshabituales habituales..........112–121 ..........112–121

DDeessaaFFÍÍoo 11

Identificar Identificaryydescribir describirlugares lugares La Lacasa casamás máscolorida.............................92 colorida.............................92

Vocabulario Vocabulario

La.vivienda...........................................94 La.vivienda...........................................94

gramática gramática

Los. Los.nombres. nombres.........................................96 ........................................96 Los.artículos..Concordancia.del.nombre....98 Los.artículos..Concordancia.del.nombre....98

Comunicación Comunicación................................... ...................................100 100 Cultura Cultura. .

Las.calles.del.Viejo.San.Juan. Las.calles.del.Viejo.San.Juan. ...........93 ...........93

DesaFÍo DesaFÍo44

Comunidades Comunidades. . Apartamento. Apartamento.disponible. disponible....................95 ...................95

Expresar Expresarobligación obligación oonecesidad necesidad....................................122–129 ....................................122–129

Comparaciones Comparaciones. . Los.techos.tropicales.......................97 Los.techos.tropicales.......................97

Todo Todo junto junto..................................... .....................................130 130 Conexiones Conexionesígenas..ígenas.. de.Puerto.Rico........................................ de.Puerto.Rico........................................131 131

El El encuentro encuentro

DDeessaaFFÍÍoo 22 Expresar Expresarexistencia existenciayylugar lugar

En EnelelViejo ViejoSan SanJuan. Juan................................. ................................132 132

Los Loscoquíes coquíesen enlalacasa.........................102 casa.........................102

Mapa MapaCultural Cultural

Vocabulario Vocabulario

Puerto. Puerto.Rico. Rico............................................. ............................................134 134

leCtura leCtura

ElElMorro. Morro.Blog Blogde deviajes............................ viajes............................136 136

repaso repasoVocabulario Vocabulario................................. .................................138 138 repaso repasogramática gramática................................... ...................................140 140 proyeCto. proyeCto. 142

Autoevaluación Autoevaluación.................................... ..................................143 143 ..............104 ..............104

gramática gramática

Expresar.existencia..El.verbo.haber......106 Expresar.existencia..El.verbo.haber......106 Expresar. Expresar.lugar. lugar.....................................108 ....................................108

Comunicación Comunicación......................................110 ....................................110 Cultura Cultura. .

Los. Los.coquíes. coquíes...................................103 ..................................103 La.Casa.Blanca..............................105 La.Casa.Blanca..............................105

Conexiones Conexiones. .

El. El.Yunque......................................109 Yunque......................................109



Book 1 Unit 2

300347 300347__0008-0025.indd 0008-0025.indd 12 12

27/12/10 27/12/10 15:07 15:0730 3

Video Video program program DDeessaaFFÍÍoo 33 Expresar Expresaracciones accioneshabituales habituales ¿Quién ¿Quiénprende prendelalaluz?. luz?...........................112 ..........................112

Vocabulario Vocabulario

Las.tareas.domésticas........................114 Las.tareas.domésticas........................114

gramática gramática

Verbos.regulares.en.-ar.. Verbos.regulares.en.-ar..Presente.........116 Presente.........116 Verbos.regulares.en.-er.y.en.-ir. Verbos.regulares.en.-er.y.en.-ir. Presente. Presente.............................................118 ............................................118

Comunicación Comunicación......................................120 ....................................120 Cultura Cultura. .

La.Bahí La.Bahí Asopao. Asopao..........................................117 .........................................117

Conexiones Conexiones. .

Una.encuesta................................115 Una.encuesta................................115

DDeessaaFFÍÍoo 44 Expresar Expresarobligación obligaciónoonecesidad necesidad

Videos Videos ••Puerto PuertoRico. Rico.Desafíos Desafíos en enel elCaribe Caribe ••El ElViejo ViejoSan SanJuan Juan ••La Labahía bahíabioluminiscente bioluminiscente de deVieques Vieques ••Mapa Mapacultural culturalde dePuerto Puerto Rico Rico

Audiovisuales Audiovisuales En EnSan SanJuan Juan La Lacasa casamás máscolorida colorida Los Loscoquíes coquíesen enlalacasa casa ¿Quién ¿Quiénprende prendelalaluz? luz? .........................122 .........................122

Vocabulario Vocabulario

Las Lascuevas cuevasde deCamuy Camuy

gramática gramática

Expresar.obligación: Expresar.obligación: –.Tener –.Tenerque.+.infinitivo que.+.infinitivo –.Hay –.Hayque.+.infinitivo. que.+.infinitivo. ......................126 ......................126

www.fansdelespañ www.fansdelespañ

Comunicación Comunicación......................................128 ....................................128 Cultura Cultura. . ....................123 ....................123

/10 2/10 15:07 15:07300347 300347__0008-0025.indd 0008-0025.indd 13 13


Book 1 Unit 2 27/12/10 27/12/10 15:07 15:07


Unit 2

Puerto Rico

Objectives • To identify people and things. • To describe one’s house. • To describe in detail. • To express existence and location. • To describe one’s classroom. • To identify the location of objects. • To express common activities.

• To ask and state frequency of chores performed.

• To describe characteristics of the tropics.

• To identify key concepts in an informational text and the facts that support them.

• To express obligation or necessity.

• To explore cultural aspects of Puerto Rico.

Contents Contents Vocabulary



• Parts of a house.

• To identify nouns, gender, number, and articles.

• The composition of the streets in Old San Juan.

• To express existence using the verb haber.

• Units of measure used in Puerto Rico.

• Furniture. • Household items. • Household chores and actions. • Leisure activities. • Useful expressions.

• To express location or place.

• Design and rationale of roofs in Puerto Rican buildings.

• To conjugate present tense verbs.

• Symbols of Puerto Rico.

• To express obligation with tener que and hay que.

• Famous Puerto Rican monuments.

• To specify frequency using adverbs.

• Geographic map of Puerto Rico and the Caribbean.

Evaluation Evaluation Criteria Criteria • Ask and give information about people and things.

• Tell chores that one has to do and talk about what one feels like doing.

• Recognize and use nouns, articles, regular verbs, and adverbs of frequency.

• Describe someone’s normal activities at home and how frequently he or she does them.

• Describe the rooms and furnishings in a house. • Express place and location. 85A


Book 1 Unit 2

• Use the verb haber and expressions with tener que and hay que.

• Express understanding of some of Puerto Rico’s customs, geographical aspects, and historical facts. • Recognize the differences between linguistic expressions in Spanish-speaking countries and the United States.

Overview Unit 2

Unit Plan La llegada



Estimated time: 1 session.

Estimated time: 4 sessions.

Estimated time: 4 sessions.

Dialogue: En San Juan.

Dialogue: La casa más colorida.

Dialogue: Los coquíes en la casa.

Functions & forms: • Greeting people. • Using useful conversational expressions.

Functions & forms: • Expressing the number and gender of nouns. • Using articles with nouns.

Culture: • San Juan.

Culture: • Las calles del Viejo San Juan. • Los techos tropicales.

Functions & forms: • Expressing existence using the verb haber. • Asking questions with hay. • Expressing where things are using the expression estar en.


Culture: • Los coquíes. • La Casa Blanca.

TODO JUNTO / El encuentro


Estimated time: 4 sessions.

Estimated time: 4 sessions.

Estimated time: 1 session.

Dialogue: ¿Quién prende la luz?

Dialogue: Una excursión.

Dialogue: En el Viejo San Juan.

Functions & forms: • Expressing certain actions using regular -ar, -er, and -ir verbs.

Functions & forms: • Expressing an obligation that somebody has using tener que + infinitive. • Expressing a general obligation using hay que + infinitive. • Expressing how often something is done by using certain adverbs.

Functions & forms: • Review of Desafíos 1–4.

Culture: • La Bahía de Mosquito. • Asopao.

Culture: • Las casas de los indígenas de Puerto Rico. • El Viejo San Juan.

Culture: • Las cuevas de Camuy.



Estimated time: 1 session.

Estimated time: 2 sessions.

Mapa cultural: Puerto Rico and the Caribbean.

Project: Una visita guiada por la Casa Blanca.

Reading: El Morro.

Self-evaluation: Autoevaluación.


Book 1 Unit 2


Unit 2

Puerto Rico

Standards Standards for for Learning Learning Spanish Spanish 1.1. Interpersonal mode • Participate in discussions on a given topic. • Talk to a classmate about the challenges. • Discuss impressions of a photo. • Play a guessing game. • Participate in a question-and-answer sequence based on describing the location of objects. • Compare two photos with a classmate. • Take a poll among classmates to rank household chores. • Interview students to gather information. 1.2. Interpretive mode • Watch a story on DVD and answer comprehension questions. • View a story and demonstrate comprehension by matching, true / false, fill-in-the blanks, and / or multiple choice.

2.1. Practices and perspectives • Understand the reasons for the composition of old streets in Puerto Rico. • Recognize the system of measurement in Puerto Rico. • Understand why Puerto Ricans build their houses and roofs the way they do. • Understand the origins of Puerto Rican traditional dishes. 2.2. Products and perspectives • Obtain information about the Bahía de Mosquito, the cuevas de Camuy, El Yunque, the coquíes,

3.1. Interdisciplinary connections • Research the building of roads during the colonial period. • Learn about Old San Juan. • Research apartment advertisements online and in newspapers. • Research tropical rainforests and their characteristics. • Research the phenomena of “bioluminescence.” • Use a Venn diagram to display information. 85C


Book 1 Unit 2

• Read a text and make comparisons to student’s own experience. • Read a text and gain information through the second language. 1.3. Presentational mode • Write captions for a series of photos. • Write a description of one’s house. • Give an oral description of a floor plan. • Act out a dialogue written by the student. • Note items in a photo or not in the photo. • Describe the location of personal items. • Write a postcard to a friend describing a room in one’s home. • Represent the findings of a poll in a bar graph. • Write a letter to one’s parents describing the chores one has while on a trip to Puerto Rico.

• • • •

and understand their importance to Puerto Rican patrimony. Reflect on the houses of indigenous people in Puerto Rico and why they were constructed the way they were. Reflect on the contributions of famous Puerto Ricans. Research the biographies of famous Puerto Ricans. Understand the importance of El Morro in Puerto Rican history. Understand the importance of the Casa Blanca to Puerto Ricans.

3.2. Viewpoints through language / culture • Gain information on why houses in Puerto Rico predominantly have flat roofs. • Learn about the wonders of the Bahía de Mosquito. • Learn about the cuevas de Camuy. • Discover the types of Taino homes.

4.1. Compare languages • Compare gender and number of nouns in Spanish and English. • Compare noun-adjective agreement in Spanish and English. • Compare the punctuation used with questions in Spanish and English. • Compare contractions and their use in Spanish and English. • Compare verb patterns in Spanish and English. 4.2. Compare cultures • Compare common household chores at home and in other cultures. • Compare typical dishes in various cultures. • Compare architectural features affected by culture and climate.

5.1. Spanish beyond the school setting • Gain information through advertisements. • Write a postcard. • Represent information using graphs. • Prepare an oral presentation of a photo diary. • Write a short text about a famous historical monument. 5.2. Spanish for lifelong learning • Take a virtual tour of La Casa Blanca. • Design a poster. • Play a famous monument guessing game.

Overview Unit 2

Communicative Skills Interpersonal Mode



• Initiate a guessing game with another student. • Discuss photos with a classmate. • Interview students to gather information.

• 11, 24, 25, 26, 36, 41, 42, 60, 70, 75, 83, 86, 88, 97, 101 • 27, 34, 56, 99 • 25, 27, 41, 44, 50, 64, 87 • 36, 60, 70, 83, 90, 97


• Obtain information from an oral exchange. • Understand a partner’s clues in order to exchange information.

• 22, 31, 80 • 49, 73, 91


• Obtain information from an oral exchange. • Understand a partner’s clues in order to exchange information.

• 36, 60, 70, 83, 90, 97 • 6, 27, 34, 99


• Understand a text or blog about Puerto Rico. • Understand an online article on a particular topic.

• 49, 82, 91, 94, Lectura • Tu desafío

• Participate in discussion on a given topic.

Interpretive Mode Listening


• Listen and identify ideas or photos.

Activities • 2, 10, 17, 25, 35, 54, 57, 68, 77, Activities

• Listen and evaluate or interpret the information.

89, 93 • 30, 40, 48, 71, 79, 81, 82, 85

• Use context in order to complete a text • Obtain literal information and make inferences from a text. • Synthesizing key concepts in a reading passage.

• 6, 18, 28, 29, 51, 74, 92, • 94, 96, 102 • Lectura

Presentational Mode



• Present information or results orally to the class. • Act out a script or dialogue.

• 49, 60, 95, 100 • 28, 51, 74, 92


• Summarize or report information.

• 24, 45, 46, 58, 59, 70, 72, 85, 89, 90, 95, 103

Cross-Curricular Standards Subject



Language Arts

• Compare elements of English grammar with Spanish equivalents. • Proofread an original piece of writing.

• 15, 20, 38, 43, 61, 66, 84 • Proyecto

Social Studies

• Locate political and geographical divisions of Puerto Rico and the Caribbean. • Research the early history of Puerto Rico.

• 99


• Learn about indigenous and modern architecture. • Learn about famous Puerto Rican artists and designers.

• 19, 96 • 100


• Write a script. • Act out a dialogue.

• Proyecto • 28, 51, 74, 92, Proyecto

• Proyecto


Book 1 Unit 2


Unit 2

Puerto Rico

Lesson Lesson Plans Plans (50-Minute (50-Minute Classes) Classes) Day Day

Objectives Objectives


To introduce To introduce Puerto Rico and Puerto Rico and to discuss the to discuss the pairs’ challenges pairs’ challenges









10 10

To introduce To introduce Old San Juan Old San Juan

To speak about To speak about parts of a home parts of a home

Puerto PuertoRico Rico//La Lallegada llegada(86–91) (86–91) • Warm-Up: Country orientation • Warm-Up: Country orientation • Puerto Rico • Puerto Rico • Images and functions • Images and functions • Presentation: En • Presentation: EnSan SanJuan Juan • • Expresiones Expresionesútiles útilesand and¿Quién ¿Quiénganará? ganará? Desafío Desafío11––La Lacasa casamás máscolorida colorida(92–93) (92–93) • Warm-Up: Independent Starter • Warm-Up: Independent Starter •• Fotonovela: Fotonovela:La Lacasa casamás máscolorida colorida • • Cultura: Las Cultura: Lascalles callesdel delViejo ViejoSan SanJuan Juan Desafío Desafío11––Vocabulario Vocabulario(94–95) (94–95) • Warm-Up: Independent Starter • Warm-Up: Independent Starter • Vocabulary: La • Vocabulary: Lavivienda vivienda • • Comunidades: Apartamento Comunidades: Apartamentodisponible disponible

To speak about To speak about people, animals, people, animals, places, and places, and things things

Desafío Desafío11––Gramática Gramática(96–99) (96–99) • Warm-Up: Independent Starter • Warm-Up: Independent Starter • Grammar: Los • Grammar: Losnombres nombres •• Comparaciones: Comparaciones:Los Lostechos techostropicales tropicales • Grammar: Los • Grammar: Losartículos artículos

To integrate To integrate vocabulary and vocabulary and grammar and to grammar and to assess student assess student proficiency proficiency

Desafío Desafío11––Comunicación Comunicación//Evaluación Evaluación(100–101) (100–101) • Warm-Up: Independent Starter • Warm-Up: Independent Starter • • Comunicación: Review Comunicación: Review • • Final Finaldel deldesafío desafío • Quiz on • Quiz onDesafío Desafío11

To introduce To introduce coquíes and coquíes and the second the second challenge challenge

Desafío Desafío22––Los Loscoquíes coquíesen enlalacasa casa(102–103) (102–103) • Warm-Up: Independent Starter • Warm-Up: Independent Starter •• Fotonovela: Los Fotonovela: Loscoquíes coquíesen enlalacasa casa •• Cultura: Cultura:Los Loscoquíes coquíes

To speak about To speak about furniture furniture and objects and objects in the home in the home

Desafío Desafío22––Vocabulario Vocabulario(104–105) (104–105) • Warm-Up: Independent Starter • Warm-Up: Independent Starter •• Vocabulary: Muebles Vocabulary: Mueblesy yobjetos objetosde delalacasa casa •• Cultura: Cultura:La LaCasa CasaBlanca Blanca

To express To express existence and to existence and to say where things say where things are are

Desafío Desafío22––Gramática Gramática(106–109) (106–109) • Warm-Up: Independent Starter • Warm-Up: Independent Starter • Grammar: Expresar • Grammar: Expresarexistencia. existencia.ElElverbo verbo‘haber’ ‘haber’ • Grammar: Expresar • Grammar: Expresarlugar lugar • • Conexiones: Conexiones:ElElYunque Yunque

Activities Activities Time Time

11 2–5 2–5

5 m. 5 m. 5 m. 5 m. 10 m. 10 m. 10 m. 10 m. 20 m. 20 m.

6–8 6–8 99

5 m. 5 m. 20 m. 20 m. 25 m. 25 m.

10–12 10–12 13–14 13–14

5 m. 5 m. 30 m. 30 m. 15 m. 15 m.

15–18 15–18 19 19 20–24 20–24

5 m. 5 m. 20 m. 20 m. 5 m. 5 m. 20 m. 20 m.

25–27 25–27 28 28

5 m. 5 m. 20 m. 20 m. 10 m. 10 m. 15 m. 15 m.

29–31 29–31 32–33 32–33

5 m. 5 m. 35 m. 35 m. 10 m. 10 m.

34–36 34–36 37 37

5 m. 5 m. 35 m. 35 m. 10 m. 10 m.

38–42 38–42 43–46 43–46 47 47

5 m. 5 m. 20 m. 20 m. 20 m. 20 m. 5 m. 5 m.

To integrate To integrate vocabulary and vocabulary and grammar and to grammar and to assess student assess student proficiency proficiency

Desafío Desafío22––Comunicación Comunicación//Evaluación Evaluación(110–111) (110–111) • Warm-Up: Independent Starter • Warm-Up: Independent Starter 48–50 48–50 • • Comunicación: Comunicación:Review Review 51 51 • • Final Finaldel deldesafío desafío • Quiz on • Quiz onDesafío Desafío22

5 m. 5 m. 20 m. 20 m. 10 m. 10 m. 15 m. 15 m.

To introduce To introduce Mosquito Bay Mosquito Bay and the third and the third challenge challenge

Desafío Desafío33––¿Quién ¿Quiénprende prendelalaluz? luz?(112–113) (112–113) • Warm-Up: Independent Starter • Warm-Up: Independent Starter •• Fotonovela: Fotonovela:¿Quién ¿Quiénprende prendelalaluz? luz? • • Cultura: La Cultura: LaBahía Bahíade deMosquito Mosquito

5 m. 5 m. 35 m. 35 m. 10 m. 10 m.



Sessions Sessions

Book 1 Unit 2

52–54 52–54 55 55

Standards Standards

Resources Resources// Homework Homework

1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, Visual Presentation Visual Presentation 2.2, 4.1 2.2, 4.1 Audio Audio Video Video Practice Workbook Practice Workbook

1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, Visual Presentation Visual Presentation 2.2, 3.1, 5.1 2.2, 3.1, 5.1 Video Video TuTudesafío desafío 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, Audio Audio 3.1, 3.2, 5.1 3.1, 3.2, 5.1 Practice Workbook Practice Workbook TuTudesafío desafío 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.2, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.2, Audio Audio 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 4.2 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 4.2 Practice Workbook Practice Workbook TuTudesafío desafío

1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 4.2, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 4.2, Audio Audio 5.1, 5.2 5.1, 5.2 Practice Workbook Practice Workbook

1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.2, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.2, Visual Presentation Visual Presentation 3.1, 3.2, 4.2 3.1, 3.2, 4.2 Audio Audio TuTudesafío desafío 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.2, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.2, Audio Audio 3.1, 4.2, 5.2 3.1, 4.2, 5.2 Practice Workbook Practice Workbook TuTudesafío desafío 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 3.1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 3.1, Audio Audio 4.1, 5.1 4.1, 5.1 Practice Workbook Practice Workbook TuTudesafío desafío

1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, Audio Audio 4.2, 5.1 4.2, 5.1 Practice Workbook Practice Workbook

1.1, 1.2, 1.3. 3.1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3. 3.1, Visual Presentation Visual Presentation 3.2 3.2 Audio Audio Video Video TuTudesafío desafío

Overview Unit 2

Day Day

Objectives Objectives

11 11

To speak about To speak about household tasks household tasks

Desafío Desafío33––Vocabulario Vocabulario(114–115) (114–115) • Warm-Up: Independent Starter • Warm-Up: Independent Starter • Vocabulary: Las • Vocabulary: Lastareas tareasdomésticas domésticas • • Conexiones: Una Conexiones: Unaencuesta encuesta

To express certain To express certain actions in the actions in the present present

Desafío Desafío33––Gramática Gramática(116–119) (116–119) • Warm-Up: Independent Starter • Warm-Up: Independent Starter • Grammar: Verbos • Grammar: Verbosregulares regularesen en-ar. -ar.Presente Presente •• Cultura: Asopao Cultura: Asopao • Grammar: Verbos • Grammar: Verbosregulares regularesen en-er -ery yen en-ir.-ir.Presente Presente

To integrate To integrate vocabulary and vocabulary and grammar and to grammar and to assess student assess student proficiency proficiency

Desafío Desafío33––Comunicación Comunicación//Evaluación Evaluación(120–121) (120–121) • Warm-Up: Independent Starter • Warm-Up: Independent Starter •• Comunicación: Comunicación:Review Review • • Final Finaldel deldesafío desafío • Quiz on Desafío • Quiz on Desafío33

To introduce the To introduce the Río RíoCamuy Caves Camuy Caves

Desafío Desafío44––Las Lascuevas cuevasde deCamuy Camuy(122–123) (122–123) • Warm-Up: Independent Starter • Warm-Up: Independent Starter •• Fotonovela: Las Fotonovela: Lascuevas cuevasde deCamuy Camuy

75–77 75–77

5 m. 5 m. 45 m. 45 m.

15 15

To express leisure To express leisure activities activities

Desafío Desafío44––Vocabulario Vocabulario(124–125) (124–125) • Warm-Up: Las • Warm-Up: Lascuevas cuevasde deCamuy Camuy • Vocabulary: Actividades • Vocabulary: Actividadesde deocio ocio

78 78 79–83 79–83

5 m. 5 m. 45 m. 45 m.

16 16

To express an To express an obligation and to obligation and to express frequency express frequency

Desafío Desafío44––Gramática Gramática(126–127) (126–127) • Warm-Up: Independent Starter • Warm-Up: Independent Starter • Grammar: Expresar • Grammar: Expresarobligación obligación

84–88 84–88

5 m. 5 m. 45 m. 45 m.

To integrate To integrate vocabulary and vocabulary and grammar and to grammar and to assess student assess student proficiency proficiency

Desafío Desafío44––Comunicación Comunicación//Evaluación Evaluación(128–129) (128–129) • Warm-Up: Independent Starter • Warm-Up: Independent Starter • • Comunicación: Review Comunicación: Review • • Final Finaldel deldesafío desafío • Quiz on • Quiz onDesafío Desafío44

12 12

13 13

14 14

17 17

18 18

19 19

Sessions Sessions

To integrate To integrate Todo Todojunto junto//ElElencuentro encuentro(130–133) (130–133) language in context language in context • Warm-Up: Independent Starter • Warm-Up: Independent Starter • • Todo Todojunto junto • • Conexiones: Conexiones:Las Lascasas casasde delos losindígenas indígenas de dePuerto PuertoRico Rico • • ElElencuentro: encuentro:En EnelelViejo ViejoSan SanJuan Juan

Activities Activities Time Time

56–59 56–59 60 60

5 m. 5 m. 35 m. 35 m. 10 m. 10 m.

61–64 61–64 65 65 66–70 66–70

5 m. 5 m. 20 m. 20 m. 5 m. 5 m. 20 m. 20 m.

71-73 71-73 74 74

89–91 89–91 92 92

Standards Standards 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 3.1, 5.1 3.1, 5.1

Audio Audio Practice Workbook Practice Workbook

1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 4.2, 3.2, 4.1, 4.2, 5.1 5.1

Audio Practice Audio Practice Workbook Workbook TuTudesafío desafío

Audio Audio Practice Workbook Practice Workbook

5 m. 5 m. 20 m. 20 m. 10 m. 10 m. 15 m. 15 m.

5 m. 5 m. 20 m. 20 m. 10 m. 10 m. 15 m. 15 m.

93–95 93–95 96 96

5 m. 5 m. 20 m. 20 m. 5 m. 5 m.

97–98 97–98

20 m. 20 m.

99–100 99–100 101–103 101–103

5 m. 5 m. 20 m. 20 m. 20 m. 20 m. 5 m. 5 m.

To learn about To learn about Puerto Rican Puerto Rican customs and customs and traditions and to traditions and to learn about El learn about ElMorro Morro

Mapa Mapacultural cultural//Lectura Lectura(134–137) (134–137) • Warm-Up: Independent Starter • Warm-Up: Independent Starter • • Mapa Mapacultural: cultural:Puerto PuertoRico Rico • • Lectura: Lectura:ElElMorro Morro • Read Project Outline (142–143) • Read Project Outline (142–143)

20 20

To create a guided To create a guided tour of tour ofLa LaCasa Casa Blanca Blanca

Proyecto Proyecto(142–143) (142–143) • Warm-Up: Prepare project presentations • Warm-Up: Prepare project presentations • Project presentations • Project presentations

5 m. 5 m. 45 m. 45 m.

21 21

To assess student To assess student proficiency proficiency

Assessment Assessment • • Autoevaluación Autoevaluación(143) (143) • Test • Test

10 m. 10 m. 40 m. 40 m.

Resources Resources// Homework Homework

1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 3.1, 4.1, 5.2 3.1, 4.1, 5.2

Visual Presentation Visual Presentation Audio Audio

1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 5.1 5.1

Audio Audio Practice Workbook Practice Workbook TuTudesafío desafío

1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 3.1, 4.1, 5.1 3.1, 4.1, 5.1

Audio Audio Practice Workbook Practice Workbook

1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 5.1 5.1

Audio Audio Practice Workbook Practice Workbook

1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 5.1, 5.2 3.2, 5.1, 5.2

Audio Audio Practice Workbook Practice Workbook TuTudesafío desafío

1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 5.1, 5.2 5.1, 5.2

Video Video Practice Workbook Practice Workbook TuTudesafío desafío Project work Project work

1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 4.2, 5.2 4.2, 5.2

Practice Workbook Practice Workbook Repaso Repaso––Vocabulario Vocabulario (138–139) (138–139) Repaso Repaso––Gramática Gramática (140–141) (140–141)

1.2, 1.3 1.2, 1.3


Book 1 Unit 2


Unit 2

Puerto Rico

Lesson LessonPlans Plans(90-Minute (90-MinuteClasses) Classes) Day Day

Objectives Objectives


To introduce To introduce Puerto Rico and Puerto Rico and to discuss the to discuss the pairs’ challenges pairs’ challenges

Puerto PuertoRico Rico / La / Lallegada llegada(86–91) (86–91) • Warm-Up: Country orientation • Warm-Up: Country orientation • Puerto Rico / Images and functions • Puerto Rico / Images and functions • Presentation: En • Presentation: EnSan SanJuan Juan • • Expresiones Expresionesútiles útilesand and¿Quién ¿Quiénganará? ganará?

To introduce Old To introduce Old San Juan, to San Juan, to speak about the speak about the parts of a home, parts of a home, and to speak and to speak about people, about people, animals, places, animals, places, and things and things

Desafío Desafío1 1– –LaLacasa casamás máscolorida colorida / Vocabulario / Vocabulario // Gramática Gramática(92–97) (92–97) • Warm-Up: Independent Starter • Warm-Up: Independent Starter • • Fotonovela: Fotonovela:LaLacasa casamás máscolorida colorida • • Cultura: Cultura:Las Lascalles callesdel del Viejo ViejoSan SanJuan Juan • Vocabulary: La • Vocabulary: Lavivienda vivienda • • Comunidades: Comunidades: Apartamento Apartamentodisponible disponible • Grammar: Los • Grammar: Losnombres nombres • •Comparaciones: Comparaciones:Los Lostechos techostropicales tropicales

To speak about To speak about people, animals, people, animals, places, and things places, and things and to integrate and to integrate vocabulary and vocabulary and grammar and to grammar and to assess student assess student proficiency proficiency

Desafío Desafío1 1– –Gramática Gramática / Comunicación / Comunicación // Evaluación Evaluación(98–101) (98–101) • Warm-Up: Independent Starter • Warm-Up: Independent Starter • Grammar: Los • Grammar: Losartículos artículos • • Comunicación: Comunicación:Review Review • • Final Finaldel deldesafío desafío • Quiz on • Quiz onDesafío Desafío1 1

To introduce To introduce coquíes and to coquíes and to speak about speak about furniture furniture and objects and objects in the home in the home

Desafío Desafío2 2– –Los Loscoquíes coquíesenenlalacasa casa / Vocabulario / Vocabulario (102–105) (102–105) • Warm-Up: Independent Starter • Warm-Up: Independent Starter • • Fotonovela: Fotonovela:Los Loscoquíes coquíesenenlalacasa casa • • Cultura: Cultura:Los Loscoquíes coquíes • • Vocabulary: Vocabulary:Muebles Mueblesy objetos y objetosdedelalacasa casa • • Cultura: Cultura:LaLaCasa CasaBlanca Blanca

To express To express existence, to say existence, to say where things are, where things are, and to integrate and to integrate vocabulary and vocabulary and grammar grammar

Desafío Desafío2 2– –Gramática Gramática / Comunicación / Comunicación (106–111) (106–111) • Warm-Up: Independent Starter • Warm-Up: Independent Starter • Grammar: Expresar • Grammar: Expresarexistencia. existencia. ElElverbo verbo ‘haber’ ‘haber’ • Grammar: Expresar • Grammar: Expresarlugar lugar • • Conexiones: Conexiones:ElEl Yunque Yunque • • Comunicación: Review Comunicación: Review

To assess student To assess student proficiency, to proficiency, to introduce introduce Mosquito Bay, Mosquito Bay, to speak about to speak about household tasks household tasks

Desafío Desafío 22 – Evaluación – Evaluación / Desafío / Desafío 33 – ¿Quién – ¿Quién prende prende lala luz? luz? / Vocabulario / Vocabulario (111–115) (111–115) • Warm-Up: Final • Warm-Up: Finaldel deldesafío desafío • Quiz on • Quiz onDesafío Desafío2 2 • • Fotonovela: Fotonovela:¿Quién ¿Quiénprende prendelalaluz? luz? • • Cultura: Cultura:LaLaBahía BahíadedeMosquito Mosquito • Vocabulary: • Vocabulary:Las Lastareas tareasdomésticas domésticas








Book 1 Unit 2

Sessions Sessions

Activities Activities Time Time

11 2–5 2–5

6–8 6–8 99 10–12 10–12 13–14 13–14 15–18 15–18 1919

20–24 20–24 25–27 25–27 2828

29–31 29–31 32–33 32–33 34–36 34–36 3737

38–42 38–42 43–46 43–46 4747 48–50 48–50

5151 52–54 52–54 5555 56–59 56–59

Standards Standards

1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 10 m. 10 m. 2.2, 3.1, 4.1, 5.1, 2.2, 3.1, 4.1, 5.1, 20 m. 20 m. 25 m. 25 m. 35 m. 35 m.

5 m. 5 m. 20 m. 20 m. 10 m. 10 m. 20 m. 20 m. 5 m. 5 m. 25 m. 25 m. 5 m. 5 m.

5 m. 5 m. 30 m. 30 m. 25 m. 25 m. 15 m. 15 m. 15 m. 15 m.

5 m. 5 m. 30 m. 30 m. 10 m. 10 m. 35 m. 35 m. 10 m. 10 m.

5 m. 5 m. 25 m. 25 m. 25 m. 25 m. 5 m. 5 m. 30 m. 30 m.

15 m. 15 m. 15 m. 15 m. 25 m. 25 m. 10 m. 10 m. 25 m. 25 m.

Resources Resources// Homework Homework Visual Presentation Visual Presentation Audio Audio Video Video Practice Workbook Practice Workbook

1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, Visual Presentation Visual Presentation 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, Audio Audio 4.2, 5.1 4.2, 5.1 Video Video Practice Workbook Practice Workbook TuTudesafío desafío

1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, Audio Audio 2.2, 3.1, 4.1, 4.2, 2.2, 3.1, 4.1, 4.2, Practice Workbook Practice Workbook 5.1, 5.2 5.1, 5.2

1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.2, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.2, Visual Presentation Visual Presentation 3.1, 3.2, 4.2, 5.2 3.1, 3.2, 4.2, 5.2 Audio Audio TuTudesafío desafío

1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, Audio Audio 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, Practice Workbook Practice Workbook 4.2, 5.1 4.2, 5.1 TuTudesafío desafío

1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, Visual Presentation Visual Presentation 3.1, 3.2, 5.1, 5.2 3.1, 3.2, 5.1, 5.2 Audio Audio Video Video Practice Workbook Practice Workbook TuTudesafío desafío

Overview Unit 2

Day Day

Objectives Objectives


To describe family To describe family relationships, to relationships, to express express possession, to possession, to integrate vocabulary integrate vocabulary and grammar, and and grammar, and to assess student to assess student proficiency proficiency

Desafío Desafío3 3– –Gramática Gramática / Comunicación / Comunicación (115–121) (115–121) • Warm-Up: Conexiones: • Warm-Up: Conexiones:Una Unaencuesta encuesta • • Grammar: Grammar: Verbos Verbosregulares regularesenen-ar. -ar. • • Cultura: Cultura: Asopao Asopao • • Grammar: Grammar: Verbos Verbosregulares regularesenen-er-ery en y en-ir.-ir. Presente Presente • • Comunicación: Comunicación:Review Review

To assess student To assess student proficiency, to proficiency, to introduce the Río introduce the Río Camuy Caves, and Camuy Caves, and to express leisure to express leisure activities activities

Desafío Desafío3 3– –Evaluación Evaluación / Desafío / Desafío4 4– –Las Lascuevas cuevas dedeCamuy Camuy(121–125) (121–125) • Warm-Up: Final • Warm-Up: Finaldel deldesafío desafío • Quiz on • Quiz onDesafío Desafío3 3 • • Fotonovela: Fotonovela:Las Lascuevas cuevasdedeCamuy Camuy • • Cultura: Cultura:Las Lascuevas cuevasdedeCamuy Camuy • Vocabulary: • Vocabulary: Actividades Actividadesdedeocio ocio

To express an To express an obligation and to obligation and to express frequency, express frequency, to integrate to integrate vocabulary and vocabulary and grammar, to assess grammar, to assess student proficiency, student proficiency, and to integrate and to integrate language in context language in context

Desafío Desafío4 4–Gramática –Gramática / Comunicación / Comunicación // Evaluación Evaluación / Todo / Todojunto junto(126–131) (126–131) • Warm-Up: Independent Starter • Warm-Up: Independent Starter • Grammar: Expresar • Grammar: Expresarobligación obligación • • Comunicación: Comunicación:Review Review • • Final Finaldel deldesafío desafío • Quiz on • Quiz onDesafío Desafío4 4 • • Todo Todojunto junto

To learn about To learn about Puerto Rican culture Puerto Rican culture and traditions, and traditions, to learn about to learn about ElEl Morro, and Morro, and to review vocabulary, to review vocabulary, grammar, and grammar, and culture culture

ElEl encuentro encuentro / Mapa / Mapa cultural cultural / Lectura / Lectura (132–137) (132–137) • Warm-Up: Independent Starter • Warm-Up: Independent Starter • • Conexiones: Conexiones:Las Lascasas casasdedeloslosindígenas indígenasdede Puerto PuertoRico Rico • • ElElencuentro: encuentro:EnEnelel Viejo ViejoSan SanJuan Juan • • Mapa Mapacultural: cultural:Puerto PuertoRico Rico • • Lectura: Lectura:ElElMorro Morro • Read project outline (142–143) • Read project outline (142–143)

To create a guided To create a guided tour of La tour of LaCasa Casa Blanca and to Blanca and to assess student assess student proficiency proficiency

Proyecto Proyecto / Assessment / Assessment (142–143) (142–143) • Project presentations • Project presentations • • Autoevaluación Autoevaluación • Test • Test



10 10

11 11

Sessions Sessions

Activities Activities Time Time

6060 61–64 61–64 6565 66–70 66–70

5 m. 5 m. 25 m. 25 m. 5 m. 5 m. 30 m. 30 m.

71–73 71–73

25 m. 25 m.

7474 75–77 75–77 7878 79–83 79–83

15 m. 15 m. 15 m. 15 m. 25 m. 25 m. 5 m. 5 m. 30 m. 30 m.

93–95 93–95

5 m. 5 m. 20 m. 20 m. 20 m. 20 m. 10 m. 10 m. 15 m. 15 m. 20 m. 20 m.


5 m. 5 m. 5 m. 5 m.

84–88 84–88 89–91 89–91 9292

97–98 97–98 99–100 99–100 101–103 101–103

25 m. 25 m. 25 m. 25 m. 25 m. 25 m. 5 m. 5 m.

Standards Standards

Resources Resources// Homework Homework

1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, Audio Audio 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, Practice Workbook Practice Workbook 4.2, 5.1 4.2, 5.1 TuTudesafío desafío

1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 3.1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 3.1, Visual Presentation Visual Presentation 4.1, 5.1, 5.2 4.1, 5.1, 5.2 Audio Audio Practice Workbook Practice Workbook TuTudesafío desafío

1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 3.1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 3.1, Audio Audio 4.1, 5.1 4.1, 5.1 Practice Workbook Practice Workbook TuTudesafío desafío

1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, Video Video 3.1, 3.2, 4.2, 5.1, 3.1, 3.2, 4.2, 5.1, Practice Workbook Practice Workbook 5.2 5.2 TuTudesafío desafío Repaso Repaso – Vocabulario – Vocabulario (138–139) (138–139) Repaso Repaso – Gramática – Gramática (140–141) (140–141) Project work Project work 1.2, 1.3, 2.2, 3.1 1.2, 1.3, 2.2, 3.1

40 m. 40 m. 10 m. 10 m. 40 m. 40 m.


Book 1 Unit 2


Unit 2 2

Puerto Rico

Una conversación

–Hola, Carlos. –Hola, Juan. ¿Cómo estás? –Bien. Mira, te presento a Felipe. Es mi hermano. –Encantado, Felipe. –Mucho gusto. –Lo siento. Tengo que irme. Tengo clase de Inglés. –Hasta luego, Carlos. –Hasta luego, Juan. Adiós, Felipe. –Adiós. 17 ¿Qué ves?

1. Mi profesora de Español se llama Ana. 2. Mis hermanos son muy altos. 3. Antonio Garcés es el profesor de Música. 4. Teresa, Ana y María son mis amigas. 25 Tiene un garaje...

– Andy, estoy en un apartamento muy bonito. Tiene una sala muy grande, una cocina, dos dormitorios y dos baños. ¡Ah! Y también tiene un garaje. 30 ¿Comprendes?

1. La casa de la señora García es muy bonita. 2. La señora García está en el dormitorio. 3. Las casas del Viejo San Juan son feas. 4. No hay un coquí en la estantería. 5. Hay un coquí encima de los libros. 35 Un hotel bonito

1. Tiene una bañera y dos lavabos. 2. Es muy bonito. Tiene mesas pequeñas y sillas, y también tiene flores. 3. Tiene dos mesitas de noche y una cama muy grande. 4. Tiene una mesa grande y seis sillas. Es grande y elegante. 40 La casa del abuelo Mack

Mi casa es pequeña. Hay dos dormitorios y dos baños. Tengo un jardín muy bonito. Hay muchas flores en primavera. En la sala no hay muchos muebles, pero hay un sofá muy bonito. Hay un garaje, ¡es muy grande! ¡Bienvenidos a mi casa!

54 Fotos Fotosde delalabahía bahía

1.1. Diana no comprende el enigma. Diana no comprende el enigma. 2.2. Las casas están lejos de la bahía. Las casas están lejos de la bahía. 3.3. Rita toca el agua. Rita toca el agua. 4.4. La luz está dentro del agua. La luz está dentro del agua. 57 Pistas Pistas

1. MMónica, hay mucha basura. Por favor, ¿puedes sacarla? 1. ónica, hay mucha basura. Por favor, ¿puedes sacarla? 2. LLos platos están sucios. ¿Puedes lavarlos, por favor? 2. os platos están sucios. ¿Puedes lavarlos, por favor? 3. HHija, estoy muy cansada. ¿Puedes pasear tú al perro, por favor? 3. ija, estoy muy cansada. ¿Puedes pasear tú al perro, por favor? 4. ¡Huy, el suelo está muy sucio! ¿Puedes pasar la aspiradora? 4. ¡Huy, el suelo está muy sucio! ¿Puedes pasar la aspiradora? 5. MMónica, tu cuarto está muy desordenado. ¿Puedes ordenarlo? 5. ónica, tu cuarto está muy desordenado. ¿Puedes ordenarlo? ¡Gracias! ¡Gracias! 68 Andy Andyen encasa casa

1. AA las nueve, sacudo los muebles. 1. las nueve, sacudo los muebles. 2. AA las once y media, corto el césped. 2. las once y media, corto el césped. 3. AA las dos, paso la aspiradora. 3. las dos, paso la aspiradora. 4. AA las cuatro y media, barro el suelo. 4. las cuatro y media, barro el suelo. 71 ¿Quién ¿Quiénpasea paseaalalperro? perro?

1. TTim y Andy pasean al perro. 1. im y Andy pasean al perro. 2. RRita abre la ventana. 2. ita abre la ventana. 3. DDiana barre la sala. 3. iana barre la sala. 4. AAna García y Tess barren la escalera. 4. na García y Tess barren la escalera. 5. MMack saca la basura. 5. ack saca la basura. 77 Actividades Actividadesde depreparación preparación

1. Tengo que leer la guía turística sobre Puerto Rico. 1. Tengo que leer la guía turística sobre Puerto Rico. 2. Tengo que llevar las botas. 2. Tengo que llevar las botas. 3. Tengo que preparar un sándwich. 3. Tengo que preparar un sándwich. 4. Tengo que apagar la luz. 4. Tengo que apagar la luz. 79 Preferencias Preferencias

– – Tess, ¿cuáles son tus actividades de ocio? A mí me gusta usar Tess, ¿cuáles son tus actividades de ocio? A mí me gusta usar la computadora. la computadora. –Yo también uso la computadora y escribo correos electrónicos. –Yo también uso la computadora y escribo correos electrónicos. –Y todos los días cuido a mi mascota y escucho música. –Y todos los días cuido a mi mascota y escucho música. – – Yo leo revistas y hablo por teléfono. Diana, tengo ganas de ver Yo leo revistas y hablo por teléfono. Diana, tengo ganas de ver la televisión. la televisión. –¡Yo también tengo ganas de ver la televisión! ¡Te acompaño! –¡Yo también tengo ganas de ver la televisión! ¡Te acompaño!

48 La cocina de Ana García

1. El refrigerador está cerca de la ventana. 2. Hay un microondas. 3. La estufa está a la derecha del microondas. 4. Hay dos mesas al lado de la ventana. 5. El microondas está a la izquierda de la ventana.



Book 1 Unit 2

81 Conclusiones Conclusioneslógicas lógicas

1. MMaría siempre hace sus tareas en casa. Pasea al perro, ordena 1. aría siempre hace sus tareas en casa. Pasea al perro, ordena la casa y lava los platos con frecuencia. la casa y lava los platos con frecuencia. 2. AAndrés tiene muchos amigos y habla mucho por teléfono. 2. ndrés tiene muchos amigos y habla mucho por teléfono. 3. AAna tiene ganas de preparar un sándwich. 3. na tiene ganas de preparar un sándwich.

Audio Scripts Unit 2

4. 4. Felipe y Mateo pasean al perro en el parque, pasan la aspiradora Felipe y Mateo pasean al perro en el parque, pasan la aspiradora y cortan el césped, pero no tienen ganas de ver la televisión y cortan el césped, pero no tienen ganas de ver la televisión ni de leer libros. ni de leer libros. 82 82 Los Losplanes planesde deMónica Mónica

¡Tengo muchas cosas que hacer! ¡Tengo muchas cosas que hacer! El sábado tengo que escribir correos electrónicos a Juan y a Carmen. El sábado tengo que escribir correos electrónicos a Juan y a Carmen. Y tengo que escuchar el nuevo CD de Beyoncé. Y tengo que escuchar el nuevo CD de Beyoncé. A las ocho tengo que ver en la televisión la película La A las ocho tengo que ver en la televisión la película Lamáscara máscaradel delZorro con Zorro con mis amigas. Y después tengo que cuidar a mi gato y leer la revista Tiempo. mis amigas. Y después tengo que cuidar a mi gato y leer la revista Tiempo. El domingo tengo que preparar los sándwiches para el picnic con mamá. El domingo tengo que preparar los sándwiches para el picnic con mamá. También tengo que hablar por teléfono con el tío Carlos, porque es su También tengo que hablar por teléfono con el tío Carlos, porque es su cumpleaños. cumpleaños. Y por la tarde tengo que usar la computadora con papá para hacer las Y por la tarde tengo que usar la computadora con papá para hacer las tareas de Ciencias. tareas de Ciencias. ¡Uff! ¡Tengo que hacer muchas cosas! ¡Uff! ¡Tengo que hacer muchas cosas! 85 85 ElElfin finde desemana semana

1. 1. MMi mamá y yo tenemos que usar la computadora. i mamá y yo tenemos que usar la computadora. 2. 2. HHay que preparar el almuerzo. ay que preparar el almuerzo. 3. 3. PPapá tiene que cortar el césped. apá tiene que cortar el césped. 4. 4. Yo tengo que cuidar el perro. Yo tengo que cuidar el perro. 5. 5. HHay que ordenar la casa. ay que ordenar la casa. 6. 6. PPapá y mamá tienen que limpiar la cocina. apá y mamá tienen que limpiar la cocina.

89 Patricia y Tess no tienen tareas

–Hola, amor, ¿qué tal? –Hola, querida. Todo bien, gracias. ¿Qué tal en Puerto Rico? – Muy bien, gracias. Oye, Bill, ¿quién hace nuestras tareas en casa? –¡Karen, David y yo! Ahora yo corto el césped. – Bien. Hay que limpiar el garaje y lavar los platos. ¿Lo hacen Karen y David? –Sí. Karen limpia el garaje y David lava los platos. –Muy bien. ¿Y quién lava la ropa? –David lava la ropa. Y yo saco la basura. –Ok, muy bien. Gracias, cariño. ¡Hasta pronto! –Adiós, querida. 93 El fin de semana de Janet y Tim

–Tim, ¿tú haces tareas en casa los fines de semana? –Sí, claro. ¿Y tú? –Sí. Todos los sábados paso la aspiradora. –Yo no paso la aspiradora, pero casi siempre lavo los platos. –Uff, yo también lavo los platos. –Y yo a veces ayudo a mi padre a cortar el césped. – ¡Qué tarea! Yo no corto el césped, pero muchas veces cuido a nuestro perro. ¿Y por la tarde qué haces? – Hago las tareas y escribo correos electrónicos a mis amigos. ¿Tú escribes correos electrónicos a tus amigos? –No, pero hablo por teléfono con ellos todos los fines de semana.


Book 1 Unit 2



Unit 2

Puerto Rico


The Unit

The themes of this unit are housing and household chores. The four pairs meet their host, Mrs. García, in San Juan, Puerto Rico. The four pairs complete the following tasks related to Puerto Rican culture:

Puerto Rico Desafíos Desafíos en en el el Caribe Caribe

– Desafío 1. Andy and Janet have to find the most colorful house in Old San Juan. – Desafío 2. Tim and Mack have to find six local frogs, or coquíes, and take a photo of them. – Desafío 3. Diana and Rita have to solve a riddle related to Mosquito Bay, a bioluminescent bay. – Desafío 4. Tess and Patricia have to find a rare species of blind fish in the caves of Camuy River, in the north of Puerto Rico.

Activities Puerto Rico

Standards 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2




11 Toidentify identify To and anddescribe describe places places

ElElcoquí coquí

Vocabulario Vocabulario La vivienda La vivienda Gramática Gramática Los nombres Los nombres Los artículos. Los artículos. Concordancia Concordancia del nombre del nombre

Resources Video

Toexpress express To existence existence and andlocation location Vocabulario Vocabulario Muebles y objetos de la casa Muebles y objetos de la casa

Teaching Suggestions

. .

Gramática Gramática Expresar existencia. El verbo Expresar existencia. El verbo haber haber Expresar lugar Expresar lugar

Warm-Up / Independent Starter Using the pictures on this page as a reference, students should take a few moments to write what they already know about the island. They write down a short list of things they know about Puerto Rico and a second list of things they would like to learn about this Caribbean island.

ElElViejo ViejoSan SanJuan Juan 8686ochenta ochentay yseis seis

The Challenge

300347 300347 __ 0112-0169.indd 0112-0169.indd112 112


Puerto Rico Puerto Rico is one of the islands of the Greater Antilles in the Caribbean. Since 1952, it is a commonwealth, or estado libre asociado, of the United States. Puerto Ricans are U.S. citizens, and do not require visas to enter the United States. San Juan is the capital city, and one of its most visited attractions is the fortress called El Morro. It was used to defend the city from pirates and privateers. The map of Puerto Rico provides a reference for the information on the locations presented in this section. Focus attention on Puerto Rico by asking students to say what they know about this island, its people, and its traditions. Elicit personal experiences related to Puerto Rico and its culture.

. 86 178


Book 1 Unit 2


27/12/10 27/12/1015:25 15:253003 300


El Viejo San Juan

El coquí El coquí

Spain was the colonial power that ruled over Puerto Rico for close to five hundred years. The conquistadors left their mark on the administration and architecture of the island. The streets and buildings of Old San Juan date back to the 16th and 17th centuries. The city was founded in 1521 and named after John the Baptist, or San Juan Bautista. The colorful buildings along cobblestone streets are one of the characteristics that make this former colonial town memorable to visitors and vibrant to its inhabitants.

ElElcoquí is a small frog that is named after the coquí is a small frog that is named after the loud sound it makes. It is often considered loud sound it makes. It is often considered the Puerto Rican national symbol because it the Puerto Rican national symbol because it is most commonly found in Puerto Rico and is most commonly found in Puerto Rico and the nearby islands. the nearby islands.

See a full Desafío, pages 50–59

Unit 2

Puerto Rico


Picture Discussion Use the photos to have students share any information they have on the four topics. Some general questions are: – What do you know about San Juan? – Have you heard of the coquí frog? – What do you know about bioluminescent bays? – What do you know about underground rivers?



El Viejo San Juan Ask students what they can tell about El Viejo San Juan based on the first photo. Are there any features that tell us about San Juan’s colonial heritage?


Toexpress express To

La La La Labahía bahía bahía bahía bioluminiscente bioluminiscente bioluminiscente bioluminiscente


El coquí Ask the class to tell what kind of animal is in the photo. Does it seem big or small? Is this type of animal a likely choice to represent a tropical island? Ask students if they know what animal and flower are used as their state symbol.

obligation obligation or ornecessity necessity


Vocabulario Vocabulario Actividades de ocio Actividades de ocio


Gramática Gramática Expresar obligación: Expresar obligación: – Tener – Tenerque que+ infinitivo + infinitivo – Hay – Hayque + infinitivo que + infinitivo Adverbios de frecuencia Adverbios de frecuencia

Toexpress express To habitual habitual actions actions


La bahía bioluminiscente Can students name any other bioluminescent animals? What can students tell about this bay from the photo? Where is it located and what other animals could possibly live around this bay?


Vocabulario Vocabulario Las tareas domésticas Las tareas domésticas

Las cuevas de Camuy Ask students to comment on the features of the caves that they can see in the photo. Has anyone explored above—or underground caves in the past? Can anyone explain why people may not explore underground caves as much as those above ground?

Gramática Gramática Verbos regulares en -ar Verbos regulares en -ar V erbos regulares en -er Verbos regulares en -er y en -ir y en -ir Las Lascuevas cuevas de deCamuy Camuy ochenta ochentay ysiete siete8787

7/12/10 12/10 15:25 15:25300347 300347 __ 0112-0169.indd 0112-0169.indd113 113

27/12/10 27/12/1015:25 15:25



La bahía bioluminiscente La bahía bioluminiscente

Las cuevas de Camuy

Bioluminescence is the light that comes from Bioluminescence is the light that comes from living creatures (from the Latin lumen, meaning living creatures (from the Latin lumen, meaning “light”). There are many animals that give off “light”). There are many animals that give off light, such as fireflies. In a few places on Earth, light, such as fireflies. In a few places on Earth, given very special conditions, one is able to given very special conditions, one is able to see light coming from the waters of the ocean see light coming from the waters of the ocean and bays. Microorganisms that give off light and bays. Microorganisms that give off light use it as a defense mechanism. The motion use it as a defense mechanism. The motion in the water from a predator triggers the light, in the water from a predator triggers the light, which in turn attracts bigger fish that eat the which in turn attracts bigger fish that eat the smaller ones that feed on microscopic smaller ones that feed on microscopic organisms. It takes special equipment organisms. It takes special equipment to photograph bioluminescence. to photograph bioluminescence.

These caverns were formed by the Camuy River that flows through them. Untouched for centuries after the native Taino people used them, the caverns were re-explored in the 1950s. This underground river and cavern system is among the longest in the world. Underground rivers and cave systems have been explored less than those above ground because of the difficulties in reaching those areas and the dangers associated with underground exploration. A species of blind fish lives in the caves. If there is no light, fish have no use for eyes as sensory organs.


The overall objective of Unit 2 is for students to learn to talk about where they live and about daily household chores, as well as some activities done in their leisure time. By the end of the unit, students will be able to


– Express existence (there is / are) of people and things as well as their location. – Talk about daily activities and household chores. – Express an obligation related to chores. To get started, ask students how they describe


houses and other places where people live. What are the types of words one uses to talk about places?

87 179

Book 1 Unit 2


La La llegada llegada

Unit 2

La llegada

En En San San Juan Juan


. .

In this section, the pairs are in Old San Juan, looking for the home of their hostess, la señora García. Students see vocabulary in context, with pictures and illustrations. Presenting new words directly in this manner helps students develop their Spanish vocabulary with background knowledge while engaging them with the text. You can preview the vocabulary before reading or watching the fotonovela, or review it afterwards. Activities



1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2



The Thepairs pairsgather gatheratatElElMorro, Morro,one oneofofthe thelargest largestforts fortsbuilt builtby bythe theSpaniards Spaniardsininthe theCaribbean. Caribbean. Ana AnaGarcía, García,their theirhost hostininPuerto PuertoRico, Rico,has hasinformation informationabout abouttheir theirnext nexttasks, tasks, but butthey theyhave havetotofind findher herfirst! first!They Theyget getclues cluesabout abouther herwhereabouts whereaboutsfrom fromaagroup group ofofactors actorsre-enacting re-enactingthe thedefense defenseofofthe theisland islandagainst againstaaBritish Britishinvasion invasioninin1797. 1797.

Morro ElElMorro

Resources Vis. Pres. Tienen Tienenque quevisitar visitar una unacasa casaenenelel Viejo ViejoSan SanJuan. Juan.

No Nohay haycasas casas enenElElMorro. Morro.

LaLaseñora señoraGarcía Garcíavive vive enenuna unacasa casacon conjardín. jardín. Pasea Paseaa asusuperro perrotodos todos loslosdías. días.

Teaching Suggestions


Warm-Up / Independent Starter

¡Atención! ¡Atención!LaLaseñora señora García Garcíaestá estáalallado lado del delcoquí. coquí.

Introduce the topic and ask students to study the pictures and text in silence for a moment and write down the words they understand or already know. Students write five sentences about what they


learned about El Viejo San Juan and Puerto Rico from the previous day's lesson.


Preparation Ask students to pay close attention to the video and audio sections to look for familiar vocabulary words, and to note how they are used.

La fotonovela


Before Viewing Ask a student to read the introduction. Point out the picture of El Morro to exemplify the types of forts buit by the Spaniards to protect the city from pirate attacks as well as from other European naval powers.


While Viewing Point out to students the soldiers’ style of dress and their surroundings. Also, show students who the real Mrs. García is and ask them to keep her in mind as they go through the unit.

180 88


Book 1 Unit 2 Desafío 2

88 88 ochenta ochenta ocho 114 114 cuatro cuatroy yocho

300347 300347 __ 0112-0169.indd 0112-0169.indd114 114

27/12/10 27/12/1015:25 15:25300347 30034

Differentiated Instruction

Developing leARneRS

expAnDing expAnDingleARneRS leARneRS

• In order to practice identifying nouns and adjectives, play a simple game with the class. One student calls out a word from this section. Then the class answers back if the word is a noun (nombre) or an adjective (adjetivo). You may also ask students if the noun or adjective is masculine (masculino) or feminine (femenino).

•• A Ask students to work in pairs to write sk students to work in pairs to write sentences with the following words and sentences with the following words and expressions from the presentation: visitar expressions from the presentation: visitar una unacasa, casa,pasea paseaalalperro, perro,alallado ladodel delcoquí, coquí, en enElElMorro, Morro,con conjardín. jardín.

Unit 2

La llegada

Perdón. Perdón.¿Es ¿Esusted usted lalaseñora señoraGarcía? García?


No, No,nonosoy soylalaseñora señora García. García.LoLosiento. siento.

After Viewing Go through the captions one by one, having

YoYosoy soyAna AnaGarcía. García.Estoy Estoy alallado ladodel delcoquí. coquí.¿Dónde ¿Dónde están estánloslosparticipantes? participantes?

a different student read each one. Then ask students to make comparisons between the style of dress of the soldiers and our military. Do they wear the same style of clothing? Do our forts and bases look the same as El Morro?

Activities 1. H ave the class go over the words in this activity and select the ones for which they know the Spanish or the English translation. Then they write the Spanish word next to each English translation. For example: dónde – where; perro – dog; casas – houses.

¡Mira, ¡Mira,abuelo, abuelo,ahí ahíhay hayuna una casa casacon conjardín! jardín!¡Es¡Eslalacasa casa dedelalaseñora señoraGarcía! García!

Answer Key 1. 1. d 2. c 3. e 4. b 5. a

Additional Resources

11 ¿Comprendes? ¿Comprendes?

Fans Online activities Practice Workbook

eachquestion questionwith withthe thecorresponding correspondinganswer. answer. Une. Match Une. Matcheach AA


1. What 1. Whatplace placedo dothe thecharacters charactershave havetotovisit? visit? 2. Where 2. Wheredoes doesMrs. Mrs.García Garcíalive? live? 3. There 3. Thereare arenone noneofofthese theseininElElMorro. Morro. 4. Where 4. WhereisisMrs. Mrs.García? García? 5. Mrs. 5. Mrs.García Garcíadoes doesthis thisevery everyday. day.

a. Pasea a. Paseaaasu superro. perro. b. Al b. Allado ladodel delcoquí. coquí. c. c. En Enuna unacasa casacon conjardín. jardín. d. El d. ElViejo ViejoSan SanJuan. Juan. e. e. Casas. Casas. ochenta ochentay ynueve nueve8989

2/10 12/1015:25 15:25300347 300347 __ 0112-0169.indd 0112-0169.indd115 115

27/12/10 27/12/1015:25 15:25

HeRiTAge HeRiTAgelAngUAge lAngUAgeleARneRS leARneRS

ToTAl pHYSiCAl ReSponSe (TpR)

• • AAsk student to discuss why they believe sk student to discuss why they believe the Spanish built forts such as El the Spanish built forts such as ElMorro Morro to defend the port. Ask students to work to defend the port. Ask students to work in groups of three to write one paragraph in groups of three to write one paragraph with their reasons for the heavy fortifications with their reasons for the heavy fortifications in Puerto Rico. in Puerto Rico.

• In order to receive maximum usage and practice of polite language, the class performs the following: – Point to students as they count off 1 to 5. All of the 1s represent the word Perdón, the 2s represent Lo siento, the 3s ¡Cuidado!, the 4s Gracias, and the 5s De nada. – You read a paragraph containing these expressions, and every time students hear theirs, they raise their hands. Repeat it twice if time allows.

181 89

Book 1 Unit 2 Desafío 2


Unit 2

La llegada

¡Cuidado! ¡Cuidado!




ToToget getsomeone’s someone’sattention: attention: Perdón. Perdón.

In this section, students learn expressions of courtesy. Presenting new expressions by grouping them into categories helps students develop their Spanish vocabulary.

ToTosay sayyou youare aresorry: sorry: Lo Losiento. siento.

ToTocall callattention attentiontotosomething: something: Mira. Mira.



Expresiones útiles

1.2, 4.1


1.2, 4.1






1.1, 1.2, 1.3

ToTowarn warnsomeone someoneofofaadanger: danger:


¡Atención! ¡Atención! ¡Cuidado! ¡Cuidado!


22 Una conversación Una conversación ordena. Listentotothe thedialogue dialogueand andwrite writethe theletter letterofofthe thesentences sentences Escucha Escuchay yordena. Listen ininthe theorder orderyou youhear hearthem. them. a.a.Lo Losiento. siento.Tengo Tengoque queirme. irme. b.b.Adiós, Adiós,Felipe. Felipe.

c.c.Mira, Mira,tetepresento presentoaaFelipe. Felipe. d.d.Hola, Hola,Juan. Juan.¿Cómo ¿Cómoestás? estás?

theexpressions expressionsininthe thecolumns. columns. Une. Match Une. Matchthe

Teaching Suggestions


Warm-Up / Independent Starter Ask students to study the Expresiones útiles in silence for a moment and write down the words they remember.


1.1.Lo Losiento. siento.Tengo Tengoque queirme. irme. 2.2.Adiós, Adiós,Felipe. Felipe. 3. Mira, 3. Mira,tetepresento presentoaaFelipe. Felipe. 4. Hola, 4. Hola,Juan. Juan.¿Cómo ¿Cómoestás? estás?


a.a.Juan Juanintroduces introducesFelipe FelipetotoCarlos. Carlos. b.b.Carlos Carlossays sayshe’s he’ssorry. sorry. c. c. Carlos Carlossays saysgoodbye. goodbye. d. Carlos d. Carlossays sayshello. hello.

33 Expresiones Expresiones Matcheach eachexpression expressionwith withthe thecorresponding correspondingpicture. picture. Relaciona. Relaciona.Match ¡Cuidado! ¡Cuidado!




Ask students to repeat each expression in the Expresiones útiles box after you, paying attention to pronunciation.

Lo Losiento. siento. BB

¡Mira! ¡Mira! CC

Perdón. Perdón. DD

Activities 2. B efore playing the audio, preview in the following way:

– Pronounce each expression. Ask students to repeat. – Ask students when they would use these expressions. – This is also an opportunity to add expressions such as Con permiso, Por favor, Qué pena, or Lo lamento. If time allows, have students improvise conversations in pairs using Expresiones útiles.

3. After students complete this activity, you may ask volunteers to act out each scenario.

182 90


Book 1 Unit 2 Desafío 2

9090noventa noventa

3003 27/12/10 27/12/1015:25 15:25 30034

300347 300347 __ 0112-0169.indd 0112-0169.indd116 116

Differentiated Instruction

Developing leARneRS

expAnDing expAnDingleARneRS leARneRS

• In order to practice basic greetings and introductions, ask students to form groups of three or four and introduce themselves to the rest of the students in the group.

• • SStudents can invent situations in which one tudents can invent situations in which one or more of the expresiones would be used. or more of the expresiones would be used. In groups, they can write and act out In groups, they can write and act out a dialogue for each situation. For example: a dialogue for each situation. For example: A. Hola, A. Hola,llego llegotarde. tarde.Lo Losiento. siento. B. No B. Noimporta. importa.Bienvenido. Bienvenido. A. Gracias. A. Gracias.

Unit 2

La llegada

¿Quién ¿Quién ganará? ganará? 44 Los desafíos Los desafíos ¿Quién ganará?

Whatwill willbe bethe thechallenge challengefor foreach eachpair? pair?Think Thinkabout aboutthis thisquestion question Habla. Habla.What and anddiscuss discussititwith withyour yourclassmates. classmates.

4. Have students look at the pictures and ask them which pair they think has to face the most difficult challenge. Elicit different answers.



Remind students that:

Los Loscoquíes coquíes en enlalacasa casa

1. Andy and Janet have to find the most colorful house in Old San Juan. 2. Tim and Mack have to find coquíes. 3. Diana and Rita have to solve a riddle. 4. Tess and Patricia have to find a rare species of blind fish in the caves of Camuy River.

Foto Fotodedeununcoquí coquí

Foto Fotodel delViejo ViejoSan San Juan Juan

dydy t yt yAnAn nene JaJa

ss má aamá cas La Lacas da da ori ori col col

Tim Timy yMM acakck


AUDIO SCRIPT See page 85 I.


luz? prendelalaluz? ¿Quién ¿Quiénprende

uy uy Cam deCam vas vasde cue Las Lascue

Foto Fotodedelalabahía bahía luminiscente luminiscente

Foto Fotodedelas lascuevas cuevasdede Camuy Camuy

Answer Key Tes Tes s ys yPat Pat ricia ricia

2. d, c, a, b. ▶ 1. b 2. c 3. a 4. d

Dia Dia nanay yRita Rita


55 Las votaciones Las votaciones Youdecide. decide. Decide. Decide.You You Youwill willvote votetotochoose choose the themost mostdifficult difficultchallenge. challenge. Who Whodo doyou youthink thinkwill willwin? win?

4. Answers will vary.


5. Answers will vary.

noventa noventay yuno uno9191

300347 __ 0112-0169.indd 0112-0169.indd117 117 2/10 12/1015:25 15:25 300347

27/12/10 27/12/1015:25 15:25

HeRiTAge HeRiTAgelAngUAge lAngUAgeleARneRS leARneRS

SpeCiAl-neeDS leARneRS

• • HHave students discuss the importance of ave students discuss the importance of being punctual in different social situations. being punctual in different social situations.

• To learn how to optimize this approach, ask students to get into groups of four and state in English the context or situation in which they would use the following expressions: ¡Cuidado!, ¡Atención!, Perdón, Lo siento.

hare with the whole class and identify • • SShare with the whole class and identify similarities and differences. similarities and differences.

A. Perdón. B. ¡Mira! C. ¡Cuidado! D. Lo siento.

Additional Resources Fans Online activities Practice Workbook

183 91

Book 1 Unit 2 Desafío 2



Unit 2


Expresar Expresarexistencia existencia existenciayyyylugar lugar lugar Expresar Expresar existencia lugar

Los Los coquíes coquíes en en la la casa casa

Expresar existencia y lugar

Tim Timand andMack Mackarrive arriveatatAna AnaGarcía’s García’shome. home.There Therethey theyhave havetotofind findsix sixcoquíes coquíes hidden hiddenthroughout throughoutthe thehouse houseand andtake takephotos photosofofthem. them.



Mira, Mira,abuelo, abuelo,una unacasa casaamarilla amarilla con conjardín. jardín.EsEslalacasa casadedelalaseñora señora García. García.¿Toco ¿Tocoa alalapuerta? puerta?

In Desafío 2 Tim and Mack search for coquíes at Mrs. García’s house in order to take pictures. Students talk about where people, animals, and things are located using the verb estar.




1.2, 2.2


1.2, 1.3




1.2, 1.3 1.1, 1.2, 3.1, 3.2, 4.2 3.1

32. Cultura Tu desafío

Resources Vis. Pres.

Gracias, Gracias,señora señora señoraGarcía. García. García.Usted Usted Usted Gracias, Gracias, señora García. Usted tiene tieneuna una unacasa casa casamuy muy muybonita. bonita. bonita. tiene tiene una casa muy bonita.

Hola, Hola,Mack. Mack.Hola, Hola, Tim. Tim.Bienvenidos Bienvenidos a amimicasa. casa.



Teaching Suggestions


Warm-Up / Independent Starter A sk students to write six sentences in Spanish about the houses and streets of Old San Juan.


¡Abuelo, ¡Abuelo,hay hayununcoquí coquí enenlalaestantería! estantería!¡Está ¡Está encima encimadedelosloslibros! libros!

¿Dónde ¿Dóndeestán estánlosloscoquíes? coquíes? ¿Están ¿Estándetrás detrásdedelala escalera? escalera?

Gracias, Gracias,Tim. Tim.¡No ¡Nohay haycasas casas feas feasenenelelViejo ViejoSan SanJuan! Juan!

Preparation Ask volunteers to read the text in the speech bubbles for each image.

La fotonovela


Before Viewing Ask students to review the expressions they learned in Unit 1 to greet someone they meet for the first time.


While Viewing Ask students to pay close attention to Ana García’s house and write down the names of the parts of the house that they observe in the video based on the vocabulary they learned in Desafío 1.


After Viewing Ask students to write a summary of what happened.

Activities  32. Point out that the word coquí is masculine: el coquí. As a result, it is modified by masculine adjectives (ending in o). 194 102


Book 1 Unit 2 Desafío 2

Continuará… Continuará… 29 29 Detective de palabras Detective de palabras Completa. Completa.Complete Completethe thestatements statementsusing usingthe thefotonovela fotonovelaabove. above. 1.1.No Nohay haycasas casasfeas feas 2.2.¿ ¿



elelViejo ViejoSan SanJuan. Juan.

están estánlos loscoquíes? coquíes?¿Están ¿Están

3.3.¡Abuelo, ¡Abuelo,hay hayun uncoquí coquí



de delalaescalera? escalera?

lalaestantería! estantería!¡Está ¡Está


de delos loslibros! libros!

102 102ciento cientodos dos

27/12/1015:26 15:26 27/12/10 3003 300

300347 0112-0169.indd128 128 300347 __ 0112-0169.indd

Differentiated Instruction

Developing leARneRS

expAnDing expAnDingleARneRS leARneRS

• Have students rewrite the fotonovela and highlight the words they know from the previous unit and the previous desafío. Then ask them to count the number of words highlighted. How many words do they already know?

•• A Ask students to cover the speech bubbles sk students to cover the speech bubbles in the fotonovela so only the pictures remain. in the fotonovela so only the pictures remain. ave students write a script of what they •• H Have students write a script of what they would say in each situation. would say in each situation.

ded ded

Unit 2


30 30 ¿Comprendes? ¿Comprendes? Escucha Escuchay ydecide. decide.Listen Listenand anddecide decidewhether whetherthe thefive fivesentences sentencesyou youhear hear are aretrue true(cierto) (cierto)ororfalse false(falso). (falso).

Expresar existencia y lugar

Modelo Modelo 1.1.Cierto. Cierto.

33. Ask students to look up the animal that represents their state if they do not know. Point out that every state also has a state flower.

31 31 ¿Dónde están? ¿Dónde están? Une. Une.What Whatisisthe thecaption captionfor foreach eachphoto? photo?Match Matchthe thephrases phrasesininthe thecolumns columnstotocreate create the thecaptions. captions. 11





AUDIO SCRIPT See page 85 I.



1.1.ElElcoquí coquíestá está

a.a.alallado ladode delalacasa. casa.

2.2.Los Loscoquíes coquíesestán están

b.b.en enlalacocina cocinade deAna AnaGarcía. García.

3.3.ElEljardín jardínestá está

c. c. detrás detrásde delalaescalera. escalera.

4.4.Tim Timestá está

d.d.encima encimade delos loslibros. libros.

Los coquíes The sound the coquí frogs make at night is very distinct. The inhabitants of the island often say they miss the murmur of these creatures when they go to sleep if they move to other countries. Because of this, it is relatively easy to find recordings of the coquíes on the web. Some students may relate to this if they grew up in rural areas where the sound of crickets or birds may fill the nights.

Los Loscoquíes coquíes ElElcoquí coquíesesuna unarana rana(frog) (frog)pequeña. pequeña.Es Esun unsímbolo símbolo de dePuerto PuertoRico. Rico.Los Loscoquíes coquíesproducen producenun unsonido sonidosimilar similar aasu sunombre: nombre:“co-quí”. “co-quí”.

32 32 ¿Cómo son los coquíes? ¿Cómo son los coquíes? lige. lige.Choose Choosewords wordstotocompose composean anaccurate accuratedescription descriptionofofaacoquí. coquí. E E

feo feo

pequeño pequeño

animal animal

simbólico simbólico

bonito bonito

Answer Key

grande grande

33 33 Comparación Comparación What Whatanimal animalrepresents representsyour yourstate stateororyour yourcountry? country?Why Whydo doyou youthink thinkititwas waschosen chosen as asaasymbol? symbol?

TUTUDESAFÍO DESAFÍO Use thewebsite websitetotolisten listentotoaacoquí. coquí. Usethe ciento cientotres tres103 103

29.   1. en 2. Dónde 3. detrás

4. en 5. encima

30.   1. Cierto 2. Falso 3. Falso

4. Falso 5. Cierto

31.   1. c 2. d 3. a 1. b

27/12/1015:26 15:26 7/12/10 300347 300347 __ 0112-0169.indd 0112-0169.indd129 129

27/12/10 27/12/1015:26 15:26

HeRiTAge HeRiTAgelAngUAge lAngUAgeleARneRS leARneRS

CoopeRATive leARning

•• T The coquí is a typical animal of Puerto Rico. he coquí is a typical animal of Puerto Rico. As a result it is a symbol of national identity. As a result it is a symbol of national identity. What other symbols are representative of What other symbols are representative of other Spanish-speaking countries? Some other Spanish-speaking countries? Some examples: El examples: Eltoro toroen enEspaña; España;elelcóndor cóndor en enPerú; Perú;elelquetzal quetzalen enGuatemala. Guatemala.

• Place students in groups of four. Each group should have: – Two strong readers in Spanish. – Two students who need help with reading skills in Spanish. • Have students read (or reread) the dialogue together. Students pick out the words they understand from the dialogue such as cognates, previous vocabulary, and previous grammatical structures.

32.   Answers will vary. 33.   Answers will vary. Sample answer: The bald eagle is the symbol of the United States. It is found in the West and Southwest of the country. It is a bird that represents might, speed, and strength, which are admired qualities.

Additional Resources Fans Online activities

103 195

Book 1 Unit 2 Desafío 2



Unit 2

DESAFÍO 2 Vocabulario – Muebles y objetos de la casa Presentation






1.1, 1.3, 5.2




1.1, 1.2, 1.3 1.1, 1.2, 2.2, 3.1, 4.2 1.2, 3.1

37. Cultura Tu desafío

En Enelelbaño baño

lavabo elellavabo

cómoda lalacómoda ducha laladucha

mesitadedenoche noche lalamesita

bañera lalabañera


lalacama cama


Teaching Suggestions


Warm-Up / Independent Starter Have students rewrite each vocabulary term using indefinite articles instead of definite ones.


Preparation Ask students to scan the words in the pictures on the page to look for words they can understand (because they are similar in English or they learned them before). Write them on the board and review the concept

. .

of cognates and how they help learners acquire new vocabulary. Then read aloud the rest of the vocabulary words and ask students to repeat after each word is modeled. Point at each picture as you say the words with the class.

Activities 34. Remind students that articles must agree in gender and number with the nouns they modify. 37. In the Cultura section, students are asked to think about the value of learning about older buildings in order to preserve the history and heritage of a community.



Muebles Mueblesyyobjetos objetosde delalacasa casa En Eneleldormitorio dormitorio

In this section, students will learn new vocabulary to talk about furniture and appliances, review the use of articles with nouns and practice gender and number agreements.


Vocabulario Vocabulario

Book 1 Unit 2 Desafío 2

inodoro elelinodoro

armario elelarmario

En Enlalacocina cocina

En Enlalasala sala

refrigerador elelrefrigerador

sofá elelsofá televisor eleltelevisor

estantería lalaestantería

estufa lalaestufa

mesa lalamesa

microondas elelmicroondas silla lalasilla

lavaplatos elellavaplatos

34 34 Muebles Muebles Makeaalist listofoffour fourthings thingsthat thatcould couldbe beinineach eachofofthe thefollowing followingrooms. rooms. Escribe. Escribe.Make 1. la 1. lasala sala 2.2.eleldormitorio dormitorio 3.3.lalacocina cocina 4.4.elelbaño baño Talkwith withaapartner partnerabout aboutyour yourlists, lists,but butnot notininthe thesame sameorder orderas asabove! above! Habla. Habla.Talk See Seeififyour yourpartner partnercan canguess guesswhich whichroom roomyou youare aretalking talkingabout. about. Modelo Modelo Este Estecuarto cuartotiene tieneuna unamesita mesitadedenoche, noche,una unacama, cama,un unarmario armarioyyuna unacómoda. cómoda. 104 104ciento cientocuatro cuatro

300347 0112-0169.indd130 130 300347 __ 0112-0169.indd

27/12/1015:27 15:27 27/12/10 300 3003

Differentiated Instruction

Developing leARneRS

expAnDing expAnDingleARneRS leARneRS

• To help students learn the gender of the vocabulary, and to review the use of articles, create a worksheet with short blanks in front of ten of the words in the vocabulary. Have students fill in the blanks working in pairs. Sample words: baño, sofá, lavaplatos, microondas, televisor.

•• T o help students learn the vocabulary, write To help students learn the vocabulary, write four headings to four separate columns on the four headings to four separate columns on the board la board lasala, sala,lalacocina, cocina,eleldormitorio, dormitorio,elelbaño. baño.

• Explain that compound words such as lavaplatos and microondas are generally masculine and singular (el).

sk four students at a time to come to the •• A Ask four students at a time to come to the board and each write one word from the board and each write one word from the vocabulary that corresponds to each vocabulary that corresponds to each category until there are four words under category until there are four words under each heading. each heading. ave students include the article, indicating •• H Have students include the article, indicating if each word is feminine or masculine. if each word is feminine or masculine. hen ask the class for other words they •• T Then ask the class for other words they could add to each category and write them could add to each category and write them under each corresponding heading. under each corresponding heading.

Unit 2


35 Un hotel bonito 35 Un hotel bonito decide.Tim Timisislooking lookingatatthe thewebsite websiteofofhis hishotel hotelininSan SanJuan. Juan. Escuchay ydecide. Escucha Heisisdescribing describingthe thephotos photosaloud aloudtotoMack. Mack.Listen Listenand anddecide decidewhich whichone one He heisisdescribing describinginineach eachsentence. sentence. he AA



Vocabulario – Muebles y objetos de la casa


AUDIO SCRIPT See page 85 I.


Juan Ponce de León Juan Ponce de León was a Spanish explorer who may have accompanied Christopher Columbus on his second voyage to the New World. Ponce de León became the first Governor of Puerto Rico by appointment of the Spanish Crown. He is also famous for his exploration of Florida, the first-known European excursion there, as well as for being associated with the legend of the Fountain of Youth (la fuente de la juventud), which was said to be in Florida. He died in Cuba in 1521 from a wound caused by a poisoned arrow from the Calusa Indians in Florida.

36 ¿Dónde está el sofá? 36 ¿Dónde está el sofá? Answerthe thequestions questionsbybyindicating indicatingthe themost mostlogical logicalplace placefor foreach. each. Escribe.Answer Escribe. Modelo ¿Dónde ¿Dóndeestá estáelelsofá? sofá? Modelo

sofáestá estáenenlalasala. sala. ElElsofá

¿Dóndeestá estálaladucha? ducha? 1.1.¿Dónde

¿Dóndeestá estáelelcarro? carro? 4.4.¿Dónde

¿Dóndeestá estáelelrefrigerador? refrigerador? 2.2.¿Dónde

¿Dóndeestán estánlas lassillas sillasyylalamesa? mesa? 5.5.¿Dónde

¿Dóndeestán estánlas lascamas? camas? 3.3.¿Dónde

¿Dóndeestá estáelelmicroondas? microondas? 6.6.¿Dónde

Nowask askaaclassmate classmatewhere wherefive fiveother otheritems itemsare. are.You Youshould shouldboth bothask ask Habla.Now Habla. andanswer answerinincomplete completesentences, sentences,as asininthe theactivity activityabove. above. and

LaCasa CasaBlanca Blanca La LaCasa CasaBlanca Blancade deSan SanJuan Juande dePuerto PuertoRico Rico La unmonumento monumentohistórico. histórico.Es Eslalacasa casade delalafamilia familia esesun Poncede deLeón, León,elelexplorador exploradorespañol. español.Hoy, Hoy,esta estamansión mansión Ponce unmuseo. museo. esesun

Answer Key

37 Comparación. 37 Comparación. What Whatisisone oneofofthe theoldest oldest buildingsininyour yourcommunity? community?What Whatwas wasititoriginally originally buildings usedfor? for? used thewebsite websitetotolearn learnmore moreabout about Usethe DESAFÍO Use TUTUDESAFÍO theCasa CasaBlanca. Blanca. the

cientocinco cinco105 105 ciento

27/12/1015:27 15:27 7/12/10 300347 0112-0169.indd131 131 300347 __ 0112-0169.indd

27/12/1015:27 15:27 27/12/10

HeRiTAge HeRiTAgelAngUAge lAngUAgeleARneRS leARneRS

CRiTiCAl THinKing

•• H Have students go through the vocabulary list ave students go through the vocabulary list and put an alternative word for each and put an alternative word for each vocabulary word and list others that are not vocabulary word and list others that are not mentioned. mentioned.

• In situations when many family members come to stay at one house, the living conditions can be unusual. People sleep in rooms that are not typical bedrooms, and gather in places where people don't usually gather.

hen have students draw a picture of each •• T Then have students draw a picture of each room in the house and label the parts of the room in the house and label the parts of the room. room.

• Going through the floor plan of a house tell where people could possibly sleep, gather, shower, cook, etc. For example: people would not cook in the cocina, but may use the grill in the jardín; people would not sleep in the dormitorio on a cama, but sleep in the sala on the sofá.

34.   Answers will vary. Sample answers: 1. La sala: la estantería, el sofá, la silla, la mesa. 2. El dormitorio: la cama, la mesita de noche, la cómoda, el armario. 3. La cocina: la estufa, el horno, el lavaplatos, el refrigerador. 4. El baño: el inodoro, la ducha, el lavabo, la bañera. ▶ Answers will vary. 35.   1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D 36.   1. La ducha está en el baño. 2. El refrigerador está en la cocina. 3. Las camas están en la habitación. 4. El carro está en el garaje. 5. Las sillas y la mesa están en la sala. 6. El microondas está en la cocina. ▶ Answers will vary. 37.   Answers will vary.

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Book 1 Unit 2 Desafío 2



Unit 2

DESAFÍO 2 Gramática – Expresar existencia.  El verbo haber

Gramática Expresar existencia. El verbo haber La forma verbal hay



• In Spanish, the form hay is used to express existence. It is equivalent to there is/are.

In this section, students will learn the use of the verb form hay to express there is / there are and how to use it as a negation: No hay… They also learn to use hay in questions. Students will also learn to ask how many people,


animals, and things there are (¿cuánto(a)?, ¿cuántos(as)?) as well as where they are (¿dónde?). They will learn about punctuation marks in Spanish and the opening (upside-down) question mark.

Hay Hay un un dormitorio dormitorio en en mi mi casa. casa.

Hay Hay dos dos ventanas ventanas en en la la sala. sala.

• The Spanish form equivalent to there isn’t or there aren’t is no hay: No hay No hay dormitorios dormitorios grandes. grandes.

No hay No hay jardín jardín en en el el hotel. hotel.

Preguntas con hay

• To ask about the existence of something, use hay: ¿Hay ¿Hay garaje garaje en en la la casa? casa?

Answers usually include Sí or No: Sí, hay un un garaje garaje pequeño. pequeño. – Affirmative: Sí, hay – Negative: No, no hay No, no hay garaje garaje en en la la casa. casa.

• To ask how many people, animals, or things there are, use the question words cuánto, cuánta, cuántos, or cuántas followed by a noun and hay.




3.1, 4.1




1.2, 1.3




1.1, 1.3, 5.1



¿Cuántos ¿Cuántos dormitorios dormitorios hay hay en en la la casa? casa?


¿Cuántas ¿Cuántas salas salas hay hay en en la la casa? casa?

Notice that the question word agrees in number and gender with the noun. • To ask where something can be found, use the question word dónde followed by hay: ¿Dónde ¿Dónde hay hay un un garaje? garaje?


Note: In Spanish, questions are punctuated with a question mark at the beginning (¿) and at the end (?) of the sentence.

38 Piensa. How are questions punctuated in English? Which punctuation marks are used at the beginning and end of English sentences?

39 En la foto… Escribe. Write two sentences for each photo. In the first, write about one thing that appears in the photo; in the second, write about one thing that does not appear.

Teaching Suggestions






Warm-Up / Independent Starter Have students write the correct article and gender of the following nouns that end in letters other than o and a: 1. (la) pared 4. (el) microondas 2. (el) garaje 5. (el) televisor 3. (el) jardín 6. (el) refrigerador


Preparation Ask a student volunteer to read the presentation of the form hay of the verb haber. Point out that with hay one can use numbers to tell how many of an item there is or are (¿Hay una o dos ventanas?). That is why we can use hay with the question

. . .

word cuántos(as) which means “how many”: ¿Cuántos estudiantes hay? It is very similar to asking how many exist or are there, but hay does not tell us any more information (such as where the items are located). In order to tell someone where an item is, we use the question word ¿dónde?: ¿Dónde hay una casa colorida? We generally answer these questions with the preposition en.

198 106


Book 1 Unit 2 Desafío 2

armario armario -- cómoda cómoda

escalera escalera -- ascensor ascensor

lavaplatos lavaplatos -- microondas microondas

sofá sofá -- mesa mesa

Modelo Modelo 1. 1. Hay Hay una una cómoda. cómoda. No No hay hay armario. armario. 106 106 ciento ciento seis seis

27/12/10 27/12/10 15:27 15:27 300 300

300347 300347 __ 0112-0169.indd 0112-0169.indd 132 132

Differentiated Instruction

Developing leARneRS

expAnDing leARneRS

• In pairs, ask students to take out some of the items in their book bags (mochilas) and place them on the table. They take turns telling what items are or are not on the table using hay: Hay tres lápices. No hay bolígrafo.

• Have students work in pairs to formulate a dialogue using the floor plan of their own house with the verb haber. 1. Students draw a picture of the floor plan of their home. 2. They formulate questions such as ¿Qué hay en tu casa? ¿Cuántos cuartos hay en tu casa? 3. Finally, each partner responds to the question using the vocabulary.

Unit 2

40 La casa del abuelo Mack


Escucha. Mack is describing his house. Listen and say whether these statements are true (cierto) or false (falso).

Gramática – Expresar existencia.  El verbo haber

1. 1. Hay Hay tres tres dormitorios. dormitorios. 2. 2. Hay Hay tres tres baños. baños. 3. 3. Hay Hay un un jardín jardín con con muchas muchas flores. flores. 4. 4. En En la la sala, sala, hay hay un un sofá sofá muy muy bonito. bonito. 5. 5. Hay Hay un un garaje garaje grande. grande.

Activities 39.  Extend this activity by having students form questions for each item using ¿dónde? 1. ¿Dónde hay una cocina? 2. ¿Dónde hay un dormitorio?

41 En tu casa Habla. With a partner, write what is in this house, using complete sentences. Say how many there are of each thing. Can you list everything? Modelo Modelo Hay Hay dos dos dormitorios dormitorios yy una una sala. sala.

40. To prepare students for this activity, review some vocabulary words and numbers. 42. You may want to have students work in pairs and go around the classroom pointing at each item. One student asks the question and the other points at the item as they give their answer.

AUDIO SCRIPT See page 85 I.

42 En tu salón de clase

¿Cuántas pizarras hay en el salón de clase?

Answer Key

Hay dos pizarras.

Habla. Choose four of the words in the box to describe your classroom, and ask a partner how many of them there are. Your partner will ask you about the remaining four. Answer in complete sentences. sillas sillas televisores televisores puertas puertas chicos chicos

38.  ? ; “ ” and ( ). 39.  Answers will vary. 40.  1. Falso 2. Falso 3. Cierto 4. Cierto 5. Cierto

relojes relojes profesores profesores chicas chicas ventanas ventanas

41.  Answers will vary. 42.  Answers will vary. ciento ciento siete siete 107 107

27/12/10 27/12/10 15:27 15:27 300347 300347 __ 0112-0169.indd 0112-0169.indd 133 133

HeRiTAge lAngUAge leARneRS • There are two useful expressions in Spanish that use the verb form hay. No hay de qué is used when someone thanks you, and it means “you are welcome.” No hay problema means “no problem” or “sure” and can be used after someone asks for a favor. • Ask students to decide which expression they would use in each of these situations: – Andy helps Janet walk on the cobblestoned streets of Old San Juan and she thanks him. What would Andy say? – You walk into a café in San Juan and ask if you may use the bathroom. What would the server say?

27/12/10 27/12/10 15:27 15:27

MUliple inTelligenCeS: Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence

Additional Resources Fans Online activities Practice Workbook

• In order to present the class with bodilykinesthethics, ask for all of the students to stand at their seats. – If you make a true statement about their surroundings, they remain standing. – If you make a false statement, they sit down. – If you make a statement that could be both true or false, then students turn around one time in a circle.

107 199

Book 1 Unit 2 Desafío 2



Unit 2

DESAFÍO 2 Gramática – Expresar lugar Presentation

. .

In this section, students learn the words and expressions used to express the location of people and things using the verb estar. Students should be able to ask where something or someone is, and answer using adverbs of place or prepositional phrases indicating where something or someone is in relation to something or someone else. Students learn about the tropical rainforest

Gramática Gramática Expresar Expresarlugar lugar La La construcción estar construcción estar en en saywhere wherethings thingsare, are,use usethe theverb verbestar estarfollowed followedbybywords wordsthat thatexpress expressplace. place. •• ToTosay ElElcoquí coquíestá está en el jardín. en el jardín.

Thepreposition prepositionen enexpresses expresseslocation. location.ItItisisequivalent equivalenttotothe theEnglish Englishwords wordsat, at,in, in,on, on, •• The and andinside. inside. ElElcoquí coquíestá estáen enlalasala. sala.

ElElcoquí coquíestá estáen enlalaestantería. estantería.

Adverbios Adverbios y expresiones de lugar y expresiones de lugar anyother otherwords wordsand andphrases phrasesare areused usedtotoshow showlocation. location. •• M Many


¿Dónde ¿Dóndeestán estánlos loscoquíes? coquíes?

in Puerto Rico.




3.1, 4.1








1.3, 5.1

47. Conexiones

1.1, 1.2, 3.1

Tu desafío

3.1, 3.2

aquí aquí


Teaching Suggestions

ahí ahí

allí allí

alallado ladodedelalaflor flor

lejos lejosdede lalaflor flor cerca cercadede lalaflor flor

detrás detrásdedelalaflor flor

encima encimadedelalaflor flor

delante delantededelalaflor flor

aalalaizquierda izquierda dedelalaflor flor

debajo debajodedelalaflor flor

aalaladerecha derecha dedelalaflor flor

Remember Rememberthese thesecontractions: contractions:

. .

Warm-Up / Independent Starter In order to compare the furniture in a hotel with what one finds in a house, ask students to write two headings: En un hotel and En una casa. Students write four sentences in Spanish, two affirmative and two negative, under each heading using the words and expressions from the previous lesson. For example: En un hotel no hay un lavaplatos.


Preparation In preparation for this grammar lesson on locations, ask students to recall what questions were asked in the fotonovela when Tim and Mack where looking for coquíes. Remind them that Mack asked ¿Dónde están los coquíes? Write the question on the board and have

. .

students look up the answers. Then write the answer on the board: ¡Hay un coquí en la estantería! ¡Está encima de los libros!

200 108


Book 1 Unit 2 Desafío 2


ElElcoquí coquíestá estáalal lado de lado de lalaflor. flor.

de de++elel==del del

ElElcoquí coquíestá estáencima encima del del libro. libro.

43 43 Comparación. Comparación. What Whatcontractions contractionsare arethere thereininEnglish? English?Are Arethey theyoptional optionalorornot? not?

108 108ciento cientoocho ocho

300347 300347 __ 0112-0169.indd 0112-0169.indd134 134

27/12/10 27/12/1015:27 15:27 300347 30034

Differentiated Instruction

Developing leARneRS

Expanding expAnDingLEaRnERS leARneRS

• For more practice listening and writing using the vocabulary for parts of a house and furniture, do a dictation activity in class.

••Draw Draw a picture of a house with its different a picture of a house with its different rooms. rooms. Then ask students to tell you what Then ask students to tell you what rooms rooms are next to each other: La are next to each other: La cocina cocinaestá está alallado ladodel delcomedor. comedor.

• Ask students to write the numbers 1–5 on a piece of paper in preparation for a dictation of five sentences in Spanish. • At the end, have students switch papers with a partner, then write the correct answers on the board so that students can verify their partner’s answers. Then ask students to return the sheets to the original writers.

Then expand the activity with two new expand the activity with two new ••Then phrases phrases to express where something is to express where something is located: located: está está aalalaizquierda izquierdade de(del, (del,de dela), la), está estáaalaladerecha derechade de(del, (del,de dela). la). You may You may also also add the words arriba and abajo. add the words arriba and abajo.

Unit 2

44 44 ¿Dónde ¿Dónde está el gato? está el gato?


Habla. Askaapartner partnerwhere wherethe thecat catisisinineach eachpicture. picture. Habla.Ask 11




Gramática – Expresar lugar Activities 44. Divide the class into pairs and ask each student to alternate between asking questions and giving a response.

Modelo Modelo A. A. ¿Dónde ¿Dóndeestá estáelelgato gatoeneneleldibujo dibujo1?1? B.B.ElElgato gatoestá estáaalalaizquierda izquierdadedelalasilla. silla.

45. Go over the photo with the class and ask if there are questions about the vocabulary.

45 45 ¿Qué ¿Qué hay y dónde está? hay y dónde está? Escribe. Choosefive fivethings thingsyou yousee see Escribe.Choose ininthis thisphoto photoand andwrite writesentences sentences indicating indicatingwhere whereeach eachone oneis. is. Use Usethe theverb verbestar. estar.

47. For this activity, students may need to consult an encyclopedia, or search for information online.

Modelo Modelo ElEltelevisor televisorestá estálejos lejosdel delsofá. sofá.

46 46 ¿Dónde ¿Dónde está ahora? está ahora?


Escribe. Saywhere wherethese thesethings thingsare areright rightnow. now.Be Bevery veryspecific. specific. Escribe.Say

El Yunque

Modelo Modelo mi miCD CDfavorito favorito Mi MiCD CDfavorito favoritoestá estáenenmi micuarto, cuarto,encima encimadedemi mimesita mesitadedenoche. noche. 1.1.mi milibro librofavorito favorito 2.2.mi micama cama

3.3.mi micómoda cómoda 4.4.mi miarmario armario

5.5.mi mimesita mesitade denoche noche 6.6.mis mislápices lápices

El Yunque National Forest is located on the eastern end of the island of Puerto Rico. It is commonly known as only El Yunque, a Spanish approximation of the Taino word yu-ke, which experts think means “white lands.” To Spaniards, however, the lightning storms that occur there reminded them of the sound of a giant hammer hitting an anvil (yunque in Spanish).

7.7.mis miscuadernos cuadernos 8.8.mis misbolígrafos bolígrafos

El El Yunque Yunque En Enelelnordeste nordeste(northeast) (northeast)de dePuerto PuertoRico Ricoestá estáElElYunque, Yunque,elel único únicobosque bosque(forest) (forest)tropical tropicalen enlos losparques parquesnacionales nacionales de delos losEstados EstadosUnidos. Unidos.Allí Allíviven vivenmuchos muchoscoquíes coquíes yymuchos muchosanimales animalesyyplantas plantasdiferentes. diferentes.

Answer Key

47 47 Piensa. Piensa. What Whatkinds kindsofofanimals animalsmight mightyou youfind find ininaatropical tropicalrainforest? rainforest?What Whatconditions conditionsdo do they theyneed needtotosurvive? survive?


Visit Visitthe thewebsite websitetotoview viewthe theflora flora and andfauna faunaininElElYunque. Yunque.

ciento cientonueve nueve109 109

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27/12/10 27/12/1015:27 15:27

HERiTagE HeRiTAgeLangUagE lAngUAgeLEaRnERS leARneRS


••Spanish Spanish speakers and students often wonder speakers and students often wonder what what the difference is between allá and allí. the difference is between allá and allí. Explain Explain that they both mean “over there” and that they both mean “over there” and either either word can be used. Ask students to word can be used. Ask students to think think of three situations in which they would of three situations in which they would use use the words allá or allí. the words allá or allí.

• Have students get in groups of four and write sentences with al lado de using their classmates and the vocabulary. For example: Carlos está al lado de Mary. • Ask one person from each group to read aloud the group's sentences while students try to rearrange themselves into the locations which they hear: Carlos está al lado de Mary. (Carlos would then move next to Mary.)

43. English has many contractions such as it’s, isn’t (is not), doesn’t, didn’t, wasn’t and won’t. They are optional as opposed to Spanish, where they are mandatory. 44. 1. 2. 3. 4.

El El El El

gato gato gato gato

está está está está

a la izquierda de la silla. debajo de la silla. encima de la silla. detrás de la silla.

45. Answers will vary. 46. Answers will vary. 47. Some animals one might find in a tropical forest are insects and tropical birds. They need warm temperatures.

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109 201

Book 1 Unit 2 Desafío 2



Unit 2


Comunicación Comunicación

Comunicación Presentation


48 48 La cocina de Ana García La cocina de Ana García

In this section, students will put into practice what they have learned in Desafío 2. They will listen to a conversation between Tim and Andy, read a postcard from Tess to Marisa, and talk with a partner about the furniture in a living room using the verb estar and the words used to express location. Activities



49 49 En el hotel En el hotel dibuja.Tess Tessisisdescribing describingher herhotel hotelroom roomininPuerto PuertoRico RicototoMarisa. Marisa. Lee Leey ydibuja. Read Readher herdescription descriptionand anduse useitittotodraw drawaapicture pictureororaafloor floorplan planofofthe theroom. room.



1.2 Audio 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 4.2, 5.1 1.1

51. Final del desafío

1.2, 1.3


talkingtotoAndy Andyabout about Escucha. Tim Escucha. Timisistalking Ana AnaGarcía’s García’skitchen. kitchen.Listen Listentotothe thefive five statements statementsand anddecide decidewhether whethereach each one oneisistrue true(cierto) (cierto)ororfalse false(falso). (falso).

¡Hola, ¡Hola,Marisa! Marisa!¿Cómo ¿Cómoestás? estás? Mi Mihotel hotelaquí aquíen enPuerto PuertoRico Ricoestá estámuy muybien. bien. Mi Micuarto cuartoestá estáen enelelprimer primerpiso. piso.Tiene Tieneuna unacama cama grande grandeyyun unsofá sofácerca cercade delalaventana. ventana.ElEltelevisor televisor está estáencima encimade deuna unamesa mesapequeña, pequeña,delante delantedel delsofá. sofá. ElElbaño bañoesesmagnífico: magnífico:elelinodoro, inodoro,lalabañera bañera yyelellavabo lavaboson sonmuy muymodernos. modernos.No Notengo tengococina, cocina, pero perohay hayuna unamesa mesayyun unpequeño pequeñorefrigerador. refrigerador.

Teaching Suggestions

Detrás Detrásdel delhotel, hotel,hay hayun unjardín jardíngrande grandecon conmesas mesas yysillas. sillas.¡Hay ¡Haycoquíes coquíesen eneleljardín! jardín! ¡Los ¡Loscoquíes coquíesson sonmuy muygraciosos! graciosos! Hasta Hastapronto. pronto.


Warm-Up / Independent Starter

Escribe. Now Escribe. Nowwrite writeaapostcard postcardtotoMarisa Marisaand anddescribe describeaaroom roomininyour yourhome. home. Describe Describeeverything everythingitithas hasand andwhere whereeach eachitem itemisislocated. located.Include Includeaaphoto photo orormake makeaadrawing drawingon onthe theback. back.


they know the names, such as el profesor, el bolígrafo, la ventana, la puerta, los estudiantes, and el techo. For example: Los estudiantes están delante del profesor.


Preparation Remind students that the goal in this section, Comunicación, is to use as much of the material studied to be able to read, listen, speak, and write in Spanish. They should keep in mind the objective to be able to express their ideas in Spanish using the vocabulary and grammar they have studied. Remind students to make the most out of each


activity, reading out loud whenever possible and paying attention to pronunciation. They should check the written activities for spelling and use the dictionary.

202 110


Book 1 Unit 2 Desafío 2

Colonia ColoniaCentro Centro Ciudad Ciudadde deMéxico México México México45230 45230

Tess Tess

To practice the words to tell location from the previous lesson, ask students to write six sentences in Spanish using the words and expressions from the Gramática and the Vocabulario. Students use objects in the classroom for which

Marisa MarisaPérez Pérez Avenida AvenidaMorelia Morelia23 23

Presenta. Presenta.Present Presentyour yourdescription descriptiontotoyour yourclassmates. classmates. Modelo Modelo

MiMicasa casaestá estáen… en… Tiene… Tiene…

110 110ciento cientodiez diez

27/12/10 27/12/1015:27 15:27 3003 300

300347 300347 __ 0112-0169.indd 0112-0169.indd136 136

Differentiated Instruction

Developing leARneRS

expAnDing expAnDingleARneRS leARneRS

• Find an image of a room, house, or floor plan. Have students complete the following table about the items they see.

•• In order to give students a review of the In order to give students a review of the Grámatica in this Desafío, have students Grámatica in this Desafío, have students work on the difference between hay and está. work on the difference between hay and está.


¿Qué hay?

el sofá

Hay un sofá.

¿Dónde está? Está al lado de la ventana.

•• S Students complete sentences using the tudents complete sentences using the following model: following model:    ––En Enlalacasa casade delalaseñora señoraGarcía Garcíahay hay... ... ––ElEl//los los//lala//las las......está(n) está(n)en en(al (allado ladode de// debajo debajode de//encima encimade) ... de) ... hen have them create five sentences like •• T Then have them create five sentences like the model. the model.

Unit 2


50 50 Diferencias Diferencias escribe.With Withaapartner, partner,find findfour fourdifferences differencesbetween betweenthe therooms roomsbelow. below. Habla Hablay yescribe. Say Sayand andwrite writethe thedifferences differencesininSpanish. Spanish.


Modelo ModeloA.A.En Eneleldibujo dibujo1,1,hay haydos dossofás. sofás. B.B.YYeneneleldibujo dibujo2,2,hay hayuno. uno.



49. Ask students to pay attention to the greetings in the postcard. They should use them when they write their own card. Verify correct use of vocabulary, adjectives, and verbs.


Encourage students to make a collage. You can turn this into a class project by asking the class to bring in clippings of parts of houses and apartments. Provide glue and posterboard and allow fifteen minutes to create the collages in groups of three or four. You can also assign this as homework.

Final Final del del desafío desafío ¿Dónde ¿Dónde elelcoquí? coquí?


uno. Aquí Aquí 2 2 uno. Está Está 3 3 lavabo. lavabo.¿Hay ¿Haymás? más?

Sí.Sí.Ahí Ahíhay hayuno, uno, 4 4 laladucha. ducha.

Remind the class to include negative sentences such as No hay un ático.

AUDIO SCRIPT See page 85 I.

No Nohay haycoquíes coquíes 55 lalasala. sala.

Hay Hayuno uno 6 6 lalapuerta puertadel del


Answer Key

¡Hay ¡Hayununcoquí coquí enenelel 8 8 ! !


48.   1. Falso    2. Cierto 3. Falso

49.   Answers will vary. Sample answer:  En mi casa hay cinco garajes. También hay un ascensor y tres pisos. No hay un sótano.

51 51 ¿Qué pasa en la historia? ¿Qué pasa en la historia? representa.Fill FillininTim Timand andMack’s Mack’sdialogue dialoguefor forthese thesescenes. scenes. Escribe Escribey yrepresenta. Some Someblanks blanksmay mayrequire requiremore morethan thanone oneword. word.Then Thenact actout outthe thedialogue. dialogue. ciento cientoonce once111 111

12/10 /12/1015:27 15:27 300347 300347 __ 0112-0169.indd 0112-0169.indd137 137

27/12/10 27/12/1015:27 15:27

HeRiTAge HeRiTAgelAngUAge lAngUAgeleARneRS leARneRS

CoopeRATive leARning

•• S Students often have difficulty distinguishing tudents often have difficulty distinguishing between the uses of hay, tiene, and está. between the uses of hay, tiene, and está.

• To help students learn vocabulary from each other, have students draw a floor plan of their ideal home, complete with furniture.

reate some situations where students •• C Create some situations where students describe streets, houses, and people and describe streets, houses, and people and ask students to answer the questions ask students to answer the questions ¿Dónde ¿Dóndeestá(n)?, está(n)?,¿Qué ¿Quéhay?, hay?,¿Qué ¿Quétiene(n)? tiene(n)? ncourage a discussion on the uses of hay •• E Encourage a discussion on the uses of hay versus versustiene and está. tiene and está.

4. Falso 5. Cierto

• Ask them to switch the images of the ideal home with a classmate. Then each student has to explain the ideal home of his or her classmate: En la casa ideal de Javier hay…

50.   Answers will vary. Sample answer: Dibujo 1: cuatro sillas, dos sofás, el televisor y el cuadro a la izquierda, la ventana a la derecha. Dibujo 2: dos sillas, un sofá, la ventana a la izquierda, el televisor y el cuadro a la derecha. 51.   1. está 2. hay 3. debajo del 4. en / dentro de

5. en 6. en 7. refrigerador 8. jardín

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111 203

Book 1 Unit 2 Desafío 2



Unit 2


ESCUCHAR ESCUCHAR 93 93 ElElfin finde desemana semanade deJanet JanetyyTim Tim Escucha Escuchay ydecide. decide.Listen ListentotoJanet Janetand andTim Timtalking talkingabout aboutwhat whatthey theydo do on onthe theweekends weekendsatathome homeand anddecide decidewho whodoes doeseach eachofofthese theseactivities. activities.



In this section, students will learn more about Puerto Rico and its pre-Columbian heritage. They also read about the life of an inhabitant from colonial times.


Students will integrate the language objectives from all four Desafíos in Unit 2.

Janet Janet

Tim Tim

1.1.Pasar Pasarlalaaspiradora. aspiradora. 2.2.Lavar Lavarlos losplatos. platos. 3.3.Cortar Cortarelelcésped. césped. 4.4.Cuidar Cuidaraalalamascota. mascota. 5.5.Escribir Escribircorreos correoselectrónicos electrónicosaalos losamigos. amigos.






1.2, 1.3, 3.1


1.3, 5.1, 5.2 1.2, 1.3, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2

96. Conexiones

Resources Audio

Teaching Suggestions

6.6.Hablar Hablarpor porteléfono teléfonocon conlos losamigos. amigos.

LEER LEERYYESCRIBIR ESCRIBIR 94 94 Una Unapágina páginamisteriosa misteriosa Lee Leey yescribe. escribe.Diana Dianafound foundthis thispage pagefrom froman anold olddiary diaryininan anantique antiqueshop shopininOld Old San SanJuan. Juan.Read Readit,it,and andanswer answerthe thequestions. questions. 1.1.¿Quién ¿Quiénescribe escribeeleldiario? diario? 2.2.¿Cómo ¿Cómoeseslalacasa? casa?

2525dedeoctubre octubredede1518 1518 Mi Micasa casadedeCaparra Caparraesesbonita. bonita.Mi Mimadre madreyyyoyoestamos estamosmuy muybien bienaquí. aquí. LaLasala salayylalacocina cocinason sonmuy muygrandes. grandes.Casi Casisiempre siempretenemos tenemosque queabrir abrir laslasventanas ventanasyylaslaspuertas puertasporque porqueaquí aquíhace hacecalor. calor.Mi Midormitorio dormitorioesespequeño. pequeño. Hay Hayuna unacama camayyuna unamesita mesitadedenoche. noche. Mi Mimadre madreyyyoyotenemos tenemosmuchas muchastareas. tareas.Todos Todosloslosdías díasella ellabarre barreelelsuelo. suelo. AAveces vecesyoyopreparo preparoununplato platocon conarroz, arroz,carne carneyyverduras. verduras.Aquí Aquísesellama llamaasopao. asopao. También Tambiénlavo lavoloslosplatos platosyylimpio limpiolalacasa. casa. Tengo Tengoganas ganasdedevisitar visitarlalabahía, bahía,pero peroestá estámuy muylejos lejosdedeaquí. aquí.Mi MitíotíoJuan JuanPonce Ponce dedeLeón Leóntiene tieneuna unacasa casaallí. allí.Sus Suscartas cartasson sonmuy muyinteresantes. interesantes.


Warm-Up / Independent Starter Have the students complete this sentence. En mi casa no hay…


Preparation In order to prepare the class to consider the historical impact of the colonial experience in Puerto Rico, ask students to reflect on the impact of the arrival of Juan Ponce de León in the New World.


He arrived in 1508, after seeing the island in 1493 while traveling with Christopher Columbus. What would one expect to find on the island?

Activities 95. Require students to use at least two activities for each of the three days. When finished, tell students to put their pictures and captions in the order in which the activities occur, labeled Día uno, Día dos, and Día tres. Have students decorate a front and a back cover for their photo diary before presenting them to the class. 96. Ask students to skim the passage and look for familiar words or cognates. Point out that some of the words are from the original inhabitants of the island. Have them list the words and write a definition according to the reading. 222 130


Book 1 Unit 2 Desafío 2

3.3.¿Dónde ¿Dóndeestá estálalacasa? casa? 4.4.¿Qué ¿Quétareas tareasrealizan realizanestas estaspersonas? personas?

130 130ciento cientotreinta treinta

300347 300347 __ 0112-0169.indd 0112-0169.indd156 156

27/12/10 27/12/1015:29 15:29

Differentiated Instruction

Developing leARneRS

Expanding expAnDingLEaRnERS leARneRS

• To visually reinforce the vocabulary for the parts of a house (and the information about the house presented in the reading), you may want to ask students to draw the layout of the rooms as they imagine it based on the description in the diary.

••Have Havestudents studentswrite writeaaletter letterback backtotothe the author authorofofthe thediary. diary.They Theycan canwrite writeititfrom from the thepoint pointofofview viewofofaaTaino Tainoadolescent adolescentwho who lives livesininaabohío. bohío.(Information (Informationfound foundininthe the Conexiones Conexionesreading.) reading.)What Whatkind kindofof information informationwould wouldthey theyexchange? exchange?

Unit 2


HABLAR HABLARYYESCRIBIR ESCRIBIR 95 95 Un Undiario diarioen enfotos fotos Escribe. Escribe.Make Makeaalist listofofthe theactivities activitiesyou youand andyour yourfamily familydo doatathome homeover overthree threedays. days. Escribe. Escribe.Use Usephotos photosorordraw drawpictures picturesofofthe themost mostcommon commonactivities, activities,and andwrite write aacaption captionfor foreach eachone. one.The Thecaption captionshould shouldintroduce introducethe thepeople peopleininthe thephotos, photos, and andsay sayhow howoften ofteneach eachactivity activityisisdone. done. Modelo Modelo

Mi Mimadre madre yymi mihermana hermana lavan lavanelelcarro carro muchas muchasveces. veces.

YoYopaseo paseo aami miperro perro todos todoslos losdías. días.

AUDIO SCRIPT See page 85J.


Las casas taínas

Presenta. Presenta.Assemble Assemblethe thephotos photosinto intoaadiary. diary.Be Becreative! creative!Share Shareyour yourdiary diary with withyour yourclassmates classmatesininan anoral oralpresentation. presentation.

The Tainos used mainly plants and wood to build their houses in order to keep them cool in the tropical heat. Their houses were similar to North American tepees, but animal skins were impractical in the heat. There also were very few large mammals to be found on the island, so skins were rare. Beds and furniture were made of cotton or large, smooth leaves, and they constructed woven hammocks, seats, and cradles for their babies.

Las Lascasas casasde delos losindígenas indígenasde dePuerto PuertoRico Rico En EnPuerto PuertoRico Ricohay haydos dostipos tiposde decasas casasindígenas: indígenas:elelbohío bohíoyyelelcaney. caney. ElElbohío bohíoesesde deforma formacircular circularyytiene tieneun untecho techocónico. cónico.No Notiene tieneventanas. ventanas.Tiene Tieneun unsuelo suelo de detierra tierrayypocos pocosmuebles. muebles. ElElcaney caneyesesmás másgrande grandeyyde deforma formarectangular. rectangular.Tiene Tieneventanas ventanasyymás másmuebles mueblesque que elelbohío. bohío.ElElcaney caneyeseslalacasa casadel delcacique, cacique,eleljefe jefede delalacomunidad comunidad(chief). (chief).

96 96 Piensa Piensayycontesta. contesta.Answer Answerthe thequestions. questions. 1.1.¿Esta ¿Estafoto fotoesesde deun unbohío bohíooode deun uncaney? caney?¿Cómo ¿Cómololosabes? sabes? (How (Howcan canyou youtell?) tell?) 2.2.¿Qué ¿Quécrees creesque quehay haydentro dentrode deesta estacasa? casa?¿Quién ¿Quiénvive viveallí? allí? 3.3.Imagina Imaginaque quevives vivesen enun unbohío. bohío.¿Qué ¿Quétareas tareastienes? tienes?


Listen Listentotothe thequestions questionsfor foryour yourMinientrevista MinientrevistaDesafío Desafío44on onthe thewebsite. website.

ciento cientotreinta treintay yuno uno131 131

12/10 /12/1015:29 15:29

HERiTagE HeRiTAgeLangUagE lAngUAgeLEaRnERS leARneRS

CRiTiCaL THinKing

••Ask Askstudents studentstotocome comeup upwith withaanew newtask task totosuggest suggestfor foraafuture futureteam teamininPuerto PuertoRico. Rico. Students Studentscan canresearch researchother otherfeatures featuresofof the theculture cultureon onthe theisland islandand andpresent present their theirproposals proposalstotothe theclass. class.

• Have students think, pair, and share (first think alone to generate hypotheses, then pair with a partner to discuss viewpoints, and finally share with the class) about the following prompt. • Taking the four tasks into consideration, what might a Puerto Rican person think about the challenges chosen for this unit? What do the challenges show about Puerto Rican culture and heritage? Are there any aspects of Puerto Rican culture that aren’t included that a native Puerto Rican might want included?

Answer Key 93. Janet: 1, 2, 4, 6. Tim: 2, 3, 5. 94. 1. Este diario es de la sobrina de Juan Ponce de León. 2. La casa es cómoda. 3. La casa está lejos de la bahía. La casa está en Caparra. 4. Barren el suelo, cocinan, lavan los platos y limpian la casa. 95. Answers will vary. ▶ Answers will vary. ▶ Answers will vary. 96. Answers will vary. Sample answers: 1. Esta foto es de un bohío. Porque es de forma circular. 2. Hay pocos muebles dentro de la casa. Una familia vive allí. 3. Sacudir los muebles, barrer el piso y ordenar la casa.

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131 223

Book 1 Unit 2 Desafío 2


El El encuentro encuentro

Unit 2

El encuentro

En En el el Viejo Viejo San San Juan Juan The Thefour fourpairs pairsreturn returntotoOld OldSan SanJuan. Juan.They Theyall allbring bringthe theproof proofofoftheir theircompleted completedtasks. tasks. Who Whowill willwin winthe thechallenge challengeininPuerto PuertoRico? Rico?



The pairs, who have brought proof of their tasks, meet back in Old San Juan. This encounter serves as a context for reviewing the vocabulary and grammar learned in Unit 2. Students will decide who wins the challenge in Puerto Rico.




1.2, 2.2


1.1, 1.3


1.1, 5.2


Teaching Suggestions  En la En lafoto fotoestamos estamosalallado ladodede lalacasa casamás máscolorida coloridadel delViejo Viejo San SanJuan. Juan.Sus Susparedes paredesson son dedemuchos muchoscolores. colores.


Warm-Up / Independent Starter Ask students to remember what happened in the four challenges, and write what they think the characters might say when they get to Old San Juan.



Tenemos Tenemos Tenemos Tenemos fotos fotos fotos fotos de de de de coquíes coquíes coquíes coquíes en en en en lalalala casa casa casa casa de de de de lalalala señora señora señora señora García. García. García. García. Están Están Están Están encima, encima, encima, encima, alalalal lado lado lado lado yyydebajo ydebajo debajo debajo de de de de los los los los muebles. muebles. muebles. muebles.

Mira, Mira,mimitía tíay yyoyo estamos estamosenenuna una canoa canoaenenlalabahía. bahía. Nosotras Nosotrasprendemos prendemos lalaluz luzdedelalabahía. bahía.

Ask students to get into four groups according to the pair they voted for as the winners of the challenge in Puerto Rico. They should write a brief summary of the task, where it took place, who took part, and how everyone was feeling.

Aquí Aquíestamos estamosenenlala cueva. cueva.¡Hay ¡Haypeces pecesenen laslascuevas cuevasdedeCamuy! Camuy!

La fotonovela

. . .

Ask students to study the pictures. Let them read individually and then share their impressions with the class. Have students write the names of the different characters and how they feel or what they have achieved. Assign pairs of students one of the four scenes to act out for the class. They can create their “photo” by illustrating it on a card or small posterboard.

Activities 97. Divide the class into pairs and ask each to read the captions together. You may want to review question words with the class. They may use the dictionary to prepare the interviews. 224 132


Book 1 Unit 2 Desafío 2

132 132ciento cientotreinta treintay ydos dos

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27/12/10 27/12/1015:29 15:29 300 3

Differentiated Instruction

Developing leARneRS

expAnDing expAnDingleARneRS leARneRS

• In groups, students write a short dialogue between one of the pairs. They remember what the pairs had to do in their challenge and write it down.

•• T o reinforce conjugation, ask students To reinforce conjugation, ask students to report what the characters say in the to report what the characters say in the fotonovela, fotonovela,changing the first person to changing the first person to the third person. the third person.

• The different groups share with the class.

et more confident students begin talking •• L Let more confident students begin talking and elicit responses from less confident and elicit responses from less confident students. students.

Unit 2

El encuentro

97 97 Al llegar Al llegar

Aseach eachpair pairreaches reaches Escribe. Escribe.As the thefinish finishline, line,local localjournalists journalistsare are waiting waitingtotointerview interviewthem. them.Write Write questions questionsfor forthe thejournalists journaliststotoask. ask. Be Besure suretotomention: mention:

98. Write the names of the members of each pair in the challenge and the results of the class vote for the winning pair.

• •The Thenames namesofofeach eachpair pairand andaabrief brief

description descriptionofofeach eachperson. person.

If time allows, let students present to the class and explain briefly why they have chosen their winning pair.

• •Where Whereeach eachpair pairisisfrom, from,and andwhat what

each eachperson personoften oftenhas hastotodo doand andfeels feels like likedoing doingatathome. home. • •Where Whereitems itemsororpeople peopleare areininthe the photo photoofofthe thetask. task. • •How Howoften oftenthe thepeople peopledo doactivities activities similar similartotothe theones onesfor fortheir theirtask. task.

Answer Key

Nowuse useyour yourquestions questions Habla. Habla.Now totointerview interviewaaclassmate. classmate.Your Yourclassmate classmate pretends pretendstotobe beone oneofofthe thecharacters. characters. Record Recordhis hisororher heranswers. answers.Then Thenswitch switch roles. roles.

97. Answers will vary. 98. Answers will vary.

Modelo ModeloA.A.¿Cómo ¿Cómotetellamas? llamas? B.B.Me Mellamo llamoPatricia. Patricia. A.A.¿Y ¿Ydededónde dóndeeres? eres?


98 98 Las votaciones Las votaciones Whichpair pairhas hasdone done Decide. Decide.Which the themost mostdifficult difficultchallenge? challenge? Take Takeaavote votetotodecide. decide.

do odo o

Difícil n.n.n.n. Jua Jua nnnJua nJua Sa Sa Sa nía nía nía níaenenenenSa esa esa esa esa art art art dododododedededeart rca rca rca rca Me Me Me Me

ciento cientotreinta treintay ytres tres133 133

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27/12/10 27/12/1015:29 15:29

HeRiTAge HeRiTAgelAngUAge lAngUAgeleARneRS leARneRS

CoopeRATive leARning

•• A Ask students to write a blog of eight to ten sk students to write a blog of eight to ten sentences expressing how they feel about sentences expressing how they feel about the tasks the characters had to do in this the tasks the characters had to do in this unit, and a description of the tasks they do unit, and a description of the tasks they do at home. at home.

• After students have completed the unit, ask the class to talk in small groups about what they have learned. Have students write the areas in which they need improvement, so they can concentrate on those areas during the review.

133 225

Book 1 Unit 2 Desafío 2


Es Es Es ta tata ddodosos s UUnUnidnidoidosos s


Unit 2


Puerto Rico



Puerto Rico

CCuCububaba a


. .

This section presents Puerto Rico through facts and physical features so learners can see the country from other perspectives. The map of Puerto Rico serves as a reference point for the readings and the activities.

HHaHaití aití ití Mé Mé Mé xxicxicoico o

Mapa cultural 99. 100.

Standards 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 5.2 1.1, 3.1, 5.2 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 5.2

Resources Video


Cultural Topics El Viejo San Juan. The old capital city has an approximate population of 438,000 inhabitants. The original town, Old San Juan, was founded in 1521 and is the oldest capital in the United States. It sits on a small peninsula facing the Atlantic Ocean. It is very pleasant to visit Old San Juan today, with stores, restaurants, and cafes along its cobblestone streets. There are signs along the ramparts of the walled city, giving visitors information and maps of the local sights. La salsa, la esencia de Puerto Rico. Salsa is a


musical genre popularized by Cuban and Puerto Rican performers in the twentieth century during the 1960s and 1970s. The word salsa means “sauce,” which reflects the mix of flavors that come into play in this style of music. The style’s popularity spread all over the world, including Japan, where concerts sell out.

J JaaJma ama ma i ci cai ca a

BBeBelic elic lic ee e

Puerto PuertoRico Ricoestá está Oislas Oislas C OCÉ CÉA É AAntillas. N ANN OOO en enlas las Antillas. ElElarchipiélago archipiélago de PPA PAC ACÍCÍFÍFIFICde ICO Clas Olas O Antillas Antillasestá estásituado situado alalsur surde deFlorida, Florida,entre entre elelmar marCaribe Caribe 0 00 0 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 y yelelocéano océano Atlántico. Atlántico. millas millas millas millas

Pu Pu Pu eer erto to r to RRi R ci coi co o

MMM aarar rddedelel lCCaCarari ribibebee

urasras s GGuGuauate atete mmamalaalala HHoHonondndudura ElElEl Sa Sa Sa lvlvalvadadodor or r


RReRepepúpúbúblic blic lic aa a DDoDomi omi mi nnicnicaicananana a

NNic Nicaicar ar argaguguaua a

San San San Juan Juan Juan CCoCosta osta sta RRi R ci cai ca a Pa Pa Pa nnanamamámá á

ElElterritorio territoriode dePuerto Puerto Rico Ricoestá estáformado formadopor por tres tresislas islasprincipales: principales: Puerto PuertoRico, Rico,Vieques Vieques y yCulebra. Culebra.

Isla Isla Isla Isla de de de de Culebra Culebra Culebra Culebra

Isla Isla Isla Isla de de de de Vieques Vieques Vieques Vieques 0 00 0

1515 1515

3030 3030 millas millas millas millas

kilómetros kilómetros kilómetros kilómetros 0 00 01515 15153030 3030

kilómetros kilómetros kilómetros kilómetros 0 00 0100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200

¿Sabes ¿Sabesque quePuerto PuertoRico Ricoeses ununEstado EstadoLibre LibreAsociado Asociado con conloslosEstados EstadosUnidos? Unidos?

La Lacapital capitalde dePuerto Puerto Rico Ricoes esSan SanJuan. Juan.

Sí,Sí,por poreso esoloslospuertorriqueños puertorriqueñosson son ciudadanos ciudadanosestadounidenses. estadounidenses.

99 99 ¿Dónde? ¿Dónde? ¿Dónde? yyescribe. yescribe. escribe. Read Read Read the the the sentences sentences sentences and and and say say say which which which country country country each each each one one one refers refers refers to. to. to. Lee Lee Lee ••Está •Está Está alalal sur sur sur de de de Nicaragua. Nicaragua. Nicaragua. ••Está •Está Está alalal oeste oeste oeste de de de Haití. Haití. Haití. ••Está •Está Está alalal este este este de de de República República República Dominicana. Dominicana. Dominicana.

Play Play Play aaguessing aguessing guessing game game game with with with aapartner. apartner. partner. Choose Choose Choose aaplace aplace place on on on the the the map, map, map, Habla. Habla. Habla. then then then give give give your your your partner partner partner aaclue. aclue. clue. He He He ororor she she she asks asks asks questions questions questions tototo find find find out out out where where where you you you are. are. are. Take Take Take turns. turns. turns. Modelo Modelo ModeloA. A.A. Estoy Estoy Estoy alalal norte norte norte de dede ElElEl Salvador. Salvador. Salvador. B.B.B. ¿Estás ¿Estás ¿Estás en enen Guatemala? Guatemala? Guatemala? A. A.A. Sí. Sí. Sí. 134 134ciento cientotreinta treintay ycuatro cuatro

27/12/10 27/12/1015:29 15:29 3003 300

300347 300347 __ 0112-0169.indd 0112-0169.indd160 160

Differentiated Instruction

Teaching Suggestions


Warm-Up / Independent Starter Students compare the map of Mexico from Unit 1 with the map of Puerto Rico. They write five sentences with ideas about possible similarities and differences between Mexico and Puerto Rico.


Preparation Project a map of Puerto Rico as students read the opening text. Use a pointer to link each sentence to the map.

226 134


Book 1 Unit 2 Desafío 2

Developing leARneRS

expAnDing expAnDingleARneRS leARneRS

• You may want to help students understand the map and the information on the page by bringing books or using the Internet to find information.

•• O On the board, list six important cities of n the board, list six important cities of interest in Puerto Rico (such as Mayagüez, interest in Puerto Rico (such as Mayagüez, Río Piedras, and Cayey) as well as six Río Piedras, and Cayey) as well as six famous Puerto Rican landscapes (such as famous Puerto Rican landscapes (such as the Laguna the Lagunadel delCondado, Isla Condado, IslaVerde Beach, Verde Beach, and El and ElYunque). Yunque).

• Ask them to find specific things on the map or the resources they have available. Let them work in groups and give them support when needed.

sk students to relate what they have seen •• A Ask students to relate what they have seen about Puerto Rico so far with these places. about Puerto Rico so far with these places. Ask them to compare and contrast them Ask them to compare and contrast them with places they are familiar with in the with places they are familiar with in the continental United States. continental United States.

Unit 2

MAPA CULTURAL 1. 1. El Viejo San Juan El Viejo San Juan

Have students read the two speech bubbles. Point out that the word ciudadano (citizen) comes from ciudad. Ask students to think about the school systems in Puerto Rico. Do they think that Puerto Rican students are required to learn the same lessons as American students since all Puerto Rican citizens are also United States citizens? How would the Puerto Rican curriculum be similar and different to that of the United States?

(1)(1)ElElVieViejojoSaSan nJuJuanan. .

e a ra

2. 2. LLa salsa, la esencia a salsa, la esencia de Puerto Rico de Puerto Rico

aaenenPuPuerertotoRiRicoco. . (2(2) )FeFeststivaival ldedesasalsls

Puerto Rico

. .

Old OldSan SanJuan Juanisisthe thetraditional traditionalcenter centerofof the thecapital capitalofofPuerto PuertoRico. Rico.ItItisissurrounded surrounded by byhistoric historicwalls, walls,and andisisfull fullofofcafés, cafés,art art galleries, galleries,squares, squares,and andchurches. churches.


Salsa Salsaisisaastyle styleofofLatin Latinmusic musicthat thatisisvery very popular popularboth bothininPuerto PuertoRico Ricoand andininthe the United UnitedStates. States.Important Importantsalsa salsabands bands from fromPuerto PuertoRico Ricoinclude includeElElgran grancombo combo dedePuerto PuertoRico Ricoand andLa Lasonora sonoraponceña. ponceña. These Thesebands bandsmix mixCaribbean Caribbeanand andAfrican African rhythms rhythmswith withAmerican Americanjazz jazzmusic. music.

99. Inquire if students have learned about geographical descriptions in other classes such as social studies or geography. You may want to ask what constitutes a continent, and remind them that it is a large landmass. If an island is surrounded by water on all sides, then what is a peninsula? What is an archipelago?

100 100 Puertorriqueños famosos Puertorriqueños famosos ManyPuerto PuertoRicans Ricanshave havehad hadan animpact impacton onpopular popularU.S. U.S.culture. culture. Escribe. Escribe.Many Find Findmore moreinformation informationon onthese thesefamous famousPuerto PuertoRicans. Ricans.Use Usethe thequestions questionsbelow below totoguide guideyour yourresearch. research. Jennifer López Jennifer López

Willie Colón Willie Colón

Ricky Martin Ricky Martin

Benicio del Toro Benicio del Toro

Roberto Clemente Roberto Clemente

Hiram Bithorn Hiram Bithorn

Luis Muñoz Marín Luis Muñoz Marín

Giannina Braschi Giannina Braschi

Answer Key   99.

• •Where Wherewere werethey theyborn? born?What Whatisistheir theirbackground? background? • •Why Whyare arethey theyfamous? famous? • •What Whatare aretheir theirmost mostimportant importantcontributions contributionstotoPuerto PuertoRican Ricanculture? culture?

Presentone oneofofthese thesepeople peopletotothe theclass. class.Use Usethe theinformation informationyou youfound. found. Habla. Habla.Present ciento cientotreinta treintay ycinco cinco135 135

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27/12/10 27/12/1015:29 15:29

HeRiTAge HeRiTAgelAngUAge lAngUAgeleARneRS leARneRS

CoopeRATive leARning

•• S Students who can read some Spanish can tudents who can read some Spanish can most likely find different research sources most likely find different research sources for the activities on this page than students for the activities on this page than students who are searching only in English. who are searching only in English.

• Puerto Rico is comprised of three main islands, including Culebra and Vieques, which are popular tourist destinations.

hese students can share with the class any •• T These students can share with the class any research sources or pieces of information research sources or pieces of information that they find that are only available in the that they find that are only available in the Spanish language. Spanish language.

• You may want to ask students to work together and find information about the history of Culebra, Vieques, and the former naval bases on both islands. Why were these bases of strategic importance? Why did the U.S. Navy close each base?

• Costa Rica • Jamaica, Cuba • Puerto Rico ▶ Answers will vary.

100. Answers will vary. Sample answers: – Jennifer López (b. New York, 1969). Famous pop singer. – Willie Colón (b. New York, 1950). Famous trombone player. – Benicio del Toro (b. Puerto Rico, 1967). Famous actor and producer. – Roberto Clemente (b. Puerto Rico, 1934 –1972) Famous baseball player. – Hiram Bithorn (b. Puerto Rico, 1916-1951). The first Puerto Rican pitcher in MLB. – Luis Muñoz Marín (b. Puerto Rico, 1898-1980). Politician. – Giannina Braschi (b. Puerto Rico, 1953). Poet, novelist, and essayist. ▶ Answers will vary.

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Book 1 Unit 2 Desafío 2



Unit 2

LECTURA El Morro Presentation

. .

In this section, students will learn to identify key concepts while scanning a reading in Spanish in order to optimize their understanding of the text. The strategy of identifying key concepts can be combined with the Unit 1 reading strategy (identifying cognates) in order to pre-read a text with better focus and clarity. Students read about one of the most visited


historical sites in Puerto Rico: El Morro. Construction on this fort began in 1539, and in 1983 it was declared a World Heritage Site by the United Nations. Students learn about its history and architecture.

Vista aérea del Morro. Vista aérea del Morro.

REAding REAdingStRAtEgy StRAtEgy

Key concept synthesis Key concept synthesis Activities



1.2, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2


1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 3.1




1.3, 3.1, 5.1, 5.2

Tu desafío

1.2, 3.1, 5.2



Cultural Topics El Morro. There are many forts similar to El Morro throughout the Caribbean, but the width of the walls and the height of the building (six levels) makes El Morro one of the most impressive examples of this type of construction from the Age of Exploration. For this reason it was designated a World Heritage Site by the United Nations in 1983. Because students may not be familiar with World Heritage Sites, ask them to look up other such sites online. Have them brainstorm the types of qualities one might find in a World Heritage Site.

Teaching Suggestions


Warm-Up / Independent Starter Students scan the reading for cognates. They write a list of six words. Some possible answers include favorito, castillo, defender, ataques, túneles, and rampas.

228 136


Book 1 Unit 2 Desafío 2

As Asyou yougo gothrough throughaareading, reading, look lookfor forclues cluesthat thatwill willhelp help you youidentify identifykey keyconcepts. concepts. Key Keyconcepts conceptsare arethe themost most important importantideas ideasthat thatyou you would wouldtalk talkabout aboutwhen when explaining explainingaatext texttotosomeone someone who whohas hasnot notread Clues Cluesthat thatmay mayhelp helpyou you identify identifykey keyconcepts conceptsare are the thetitle, title,the theillustrations, illustrations, words wordsthat thatstand standout out because becauseofoftheir theircolor colororor the thethickness thicknessofofthe theline line (bold (boldtype), type),the thetopic topic sentence sentenceinineach eachparagraph, paragraph, summary summarystatements, statements, and andthe theconclusions. conclusions.

Garita. Garita.

El El Morro Morro Blog Blog Blog Blogde de de deviajes viajes viajes viajes

El castillo de San Felipe del Morro El castillo de San Felipe del Morro Puerto PuertoRico, Rico,22 22de deenero enerode de2010 2010 Mi Minombre nombreesesRicky, Ricky,tengo tengo16 16años añosyysoy soyde dePuerto Puerto Rico. Rico.Mi Milugar lugarfavorito favoritoen enSan SanJuan Juaneseselelcastillo castillo de San Felipe del Morro. de San Felipe del Morro. ElElMorro Morroesesuno unode delos losfuertes fuertesmás másantiguos antiguos XVI . Los . Losespañoles españoles de deAmérica. América.EsEsun uncastillo castillodel delsiglo sigloXVI hacen hacenelelcastillo castillopara paradefender defenderlalaciudad ciudadde delos losataques ataques por pormar. mar. Dentro Dentrodel delMorro Morrohay hayun unlaberinto laberintode detúneles, túneles,pasajes pasajes yyrampas rampasyyunas unastorres torresllamadas llamadasgaritas. garitas. ¡Tienes ¡Tienesque quevisitar visitarelelcastillo! castillo!¡Imagina ¡Imaginaelelfuego fuego de delos loscañones cañonesyyelelasalto asaltode delos lospiratas! piratas!Además, Además, desde desdeElElMorro Morrohay hayunas unasvistas vistasfantásticas. fantásticas. Hoy HoyElElMorro Morroda dalalabienvenida bienvenidaaalos losbarcos barcos que queentran entranen enlalabahía bahíade deSan SanJuan Juanyyofrece ofrece aasus susvisitantes visitantescasi casi500 500años añosde dehistoria. historia.

136 136ciento cientotreinta treintay yseis seis

300347 300347 __ 0112-0169.indd 0112-0169.indd162 162

27/12/10 27/12/1015:29 15:29 300 3

Differentiated Instruction

Developing leARneRS

expAnDing expAnDingleARneRS leARneRS

• In order to review words to express location using the verb estar, have students ask each other where each part of the fort is located in relation to the others.

•• In order to facilitate a better understanding In order to facilitate a better understanding of the defensive purpose of El of the defensive purpose of ElMorro Morroand its and its design, point out the picture of the garita design, point out the picture of the garita or fortified observation tower. or fortified observation tower. sk students to devise some theories as •• A Ask students to devise some theories as to the purpose of the observation posts to the purpose of the observation posts and the reasons for its design. What were and the reasons for its design. What were soldiers looking out for? Why were guards soldiers looking out for? Why were guards in an enclosed tower? in an enclosed tower? timulate a discussion about the photo of •• S Stimulate a discussion about the photo of ElElMorro Morroand the purpose of its design. and the purpose of its design.

Unit 2

EStRAtEgiA Sintetizar los conceptos clave EStRAtEgiA Sintetizar los conceptos clave


101 101 Conceptos clave Conceptos clave

El Morro

hablay yescribe. escribe.Read Readthe theblog, blog,and anddiscuss discussElElMorro. Morro. Lee, Lee,habla Then Thenuse usethe themost mostimportant importantideas ideasininthe thetext texttotocomplete completethis thistable. table. Use Usethe thecolumn columnon onthe theleft leftfor forthe theimportant importantconcepts conceptsfrom fromthe thereading reading and andthe theone oneon onthe theright righttotonote noteconnections connectionswith withother otherparts parts ofofthe thetext. text. Key concepts Key concepts 1.1.ElElMorro Morroes esun unfuerte fuerte muy muyantiguo. antiguo.


Preparation Before reading this passage, point out the Reading Strategy feature to the class. Ask what strategies they have previously learned and review the concept of familiar words, or cognates. Discuss the new strategy and review what key

Supporting details in the text Supporting details in the text


1.1.ElElMorro Morrotiene tienecasi casi 500 500años añosde dehistoria. historia.

concepts are. Point to the headings and titles on the page and explain to students that they will read a blog by a 16-year-old Puerto Rican named Ricky. Go over the illustrations and photos. What do they

coMPREnSión coMPREnSión

. .

102 102 ¿Qué sabes sobre El Morro? ¿Qué sabes sobre El Morro? Readthe thesentences sentencesand andsay saywhich whichones onesare aretrue true(ciertas). (ciertas). Elige. Elige.Read

tell us about the reading? Read the passage in class and ask volunteers to

1.1.ElElMorro Morroeseselelfuerte fuertemás másantiguo antiguodel delNuevo NuevoMundo. Mundo. 2.2.ElElMorro Morroestá estáen enlalabahía bahíade deSan SanJuan. Juan. 3.3.ElElMorro Morroesesun unedificio edificiodefensivo. defensivo. 4.4.En EnPuerto PuertoRico Ricohay haypiratas. piratas.

point out the key concepts.


103 103 Un monumento histórico Un monumento histórico

101. Have students read the whole passage first before completing this activity. Then they should copy the chart headings on a piece of paper and put the model as their first entry.

Writeaashort shorttext text Escribe. Escribe.Write describing describingaafamous famous historic historicmonument. monument. Include Includethese thesepoints: points: • •Cuál Cuálesessu sunombre. nombre.

102. This true-or-false activity encourages students to look for details in the text.

• •Dónde Dóndeestá. está. • •Cómo Cómoes. es. • •Qué Quécosas cosashay. hay.

Answer Key Fuerte de San Jerónimo Fuerte de San Jerónimo (San Juan). (San Juan).

101. Answers will vary. 102. Ciertas: 2, 3.

Earnpoints pointsfor foryour yourown ownchallenge! challenge!Visit Visitthe thewebsite websitetotolearn learnmore more TUTUDESAFÍO DESAFÍO Earn about aboutElElMorro. Morro.

103. Answers will vary.

ciento cientotreinta treintay ysiete siete137 137

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HeRiTAge HeRiTAgelAngUAge lAngUAgeleARneRS leARneRS

SpeCiAl-neeDS leARneRS

•• E Explain to the class that similar Spanish xplain to the class that similar Spanish fortifications of the 17th and 18th centuries fortifications of the 17th and 18th centuries can be found in Cuba, St. Augustine (Florida), can be found in Cuba, St. Augustine (Florida), Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic), Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic), Veracruz and Acapulco (Mexico), Portobello Veracruz and Acapulco (Mexico), Portobello and Panama City (Panama). These and Panama City (Panama). These fortifications proved to be effective most fortifications proved to be effective most of the time. of the time.

• Visual aids are useful to most students because they help support other means of retaining new information and making connections with the ideas presented in a reading.

sk groups of students to come up with the •• A Ask groups of students to come up with the main reasons for building strong fortifications main reasons for building strong fortifications along the Caribbean. along the Caribbean. If time allows, ask groups to research and •• If time allows, ask groups to research and give a brief presentation on these forts. give a brief presentation on these forts. How do they compare with El How do they compare with ElMorro? Morro?

Additional Resources Fans Online activities

• Encourage students to complete the task assigned in Tu desafío and create posters with photos that illustrate El Morro and other similar forts. • You can ask the class to help generate a list of websites that have good resources for this project.

137 229

Book 1 Unit 2 Desafío 2


REPASO REPASOVocabulario Vocabulario

Unit 2


LaLa vivienda vivienda

Vocabulario Presentation

. . .

In this section, students will review the vocabulary presented in Unit 2—the words and expressions related to housing, living spaces, and furniture. In addition to new nouns, students will go over the new verbs or actions related to household chores and leisure-time activities. Activities are organized by Desafío to help reference the section of the unit where the material is presented. Activities





1.2, 1.3






Teaching Suggestions


Warm-Up / Independent Starter Students now have two sets of vocabulary lists they should know: the vocabulary from Unit 1 about descriptions and greetings, and that from Unit 2 about houses and household chores. Using the verbs ser, tener, and estar, have the

Muebles Muebles y objetos de la casa y objetos de la casa

El El edificio edificio el el apartamento apartamento el el ascensor ascensor la la escalera escalera el el garaje garaje el el jardín jardín la la planta planta baja baja el el primer primer piso piso

apartment apartment elevator elevator stairs stairs garage garage yard yard ground ground floor floor first first floor floor

LaLa casa casa el el baño baño la la cocina cocina el el comedor comedor el el dormitorio dormitorio la la sala sala

bathroom bathroom kitchen kitchen dining dining room room bedroom bedroom living living room room

El El cuarto cuarto la la pared pared la la puerta puerta el el suelo suelo el el techo techo la la ventana ventana

wall wall door door floor floor ceiling ceiling window window

. .

Preparation Play a lightning round of vocabulary recognition with items in the classroom, photos, or other images of the vocabulary. Students can call out answers or write them down. If written, have students exchange papers to check for spelling and article agreement. This can help them develop an eye for proofreading their own Spanish as well.

Activities 2. B efore assigning this activity, review the words and expressions to tell location. 4. T o prepare students for this activity, have some volunteers tell the infinitive that corresponds to the action in each picture. 230 138


Book 1 Unit 2 Desafío 2

closet closet bed bed dresser dresser nightstand nightstand

EnEn la sala la sala la la estantería estantería la la mesa mesa la la silla silla el el sofá sofá el el televisor televisor

bookcase bookcase table table chair chair sofa sofa television television setset

EnEn el baño el baño la la bañera bañera la la ducha ducha el el inodoro inodoro el el lavabo lavabo

bathtub bathtub shower shower toilet toilet sink sink

EnEn la cocina la cocina la la estufa estufa el el lavaplatos lavaplatos el el microondas microondas el el refrigerador refrigerador

stove stove dishwasher dishwasher microwave microwave oven oven refrigerator refrigerator

Las Las tareas domésticas tareas domésticas barrer barrer el el suelo suelo cortar cortar el el césped césped lavar lavar loslos platos platos limpiar limpiar el el baño baño ordenar ordenar la la casa casa pasar pasar la la aspiradora aspiradora pasear pasear al al perro perro sacar sacar la la basura basura sacudir sacudir loslos muebles muebles

to to sweep sweep thethe floor floor to to cutcut thethe grass grass to to wash wash thethe dishes dishes to to clean clean thethe bathroom bathroom to to straighten straighten upup thethe house house to to vacuum vacuum to to walk walk thethe dog dog to to take take thethe trash trash outout to to dust dust thethe furniture furniture

Acciones Acciones habituales en la casa habituales en la casa abrir abrir la la ventana ventana to to open open thethe window window apagar apagar la la luzluz to to turn turn thethe light light offoff prender prender la la luzluz to to turn turn thethe light light onon


class write six sentences: three with descriptions of someone in their family, and three with descriptions of their house or apartment.

EnEn el dormitorio el dormitorio el el armario armario la la cama cama la la cómoda cómoda la la mesita mesita dede noche noche

Actividades Actividades de ocio de ocio to to take take care care of of a pet a pet to to listen listen to to music music to to write write anan e-mail e-mail

cuidar cuidar a la a la mascota mascota escuchar escuchar música música escribir escribir unun correo correo electrónico electrónico hablar hablar por por teléfono teléfono leer leer una una revista revista usar usar la la computadora computadora verver la la televisión televisión

to to talk talk onon thethe phone phone to to read read a magazine a magazine to to use use thethe computer computer to to watch watch TVTV

tener tener ganas ganas dede

to to feelfeel likelike

138138 ciento ciento treinta treinta y ocho y ocho

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Differentiated Instruction

Developing leARneRS

Expanding expAnDing LEaRnERS leARneRS

• Help students review the vocabulary to talk about chores by having them write a sentence with each verb associated with a noun that logically matches the tarea doméstica. For example, we can associate barrer el piso with la sala to write Mi tía no barre la sala.

• Review • Review question words related to the question words related to the vocabulary vocabulary learned in this unit. Then ask learned in this unit. Then ask students students to work in pairs using the list to work in pairs using the list toto ask a partner questions. ask a partner questions. A. A. ¿Dónde ¿Dónde leemos leemos una una revista? revista? B. B. En En la la sala sala o en o en el el dormitorio. dormitorio.

Unit 2



1 1 ¿Dónde ¿Dónde están? están? Where Where is is it?it? Match Match each each item item in in column column A with A with a place a place in in column column B.B.




1. 1. la la estufa estufa 2. 2. la la cama cama 3. 3. la la ducha ducha 4. 4. el el césped césped 5. 5. el el sofá sofá

a. a. el el jardín jardín b. b. el el baño baño c. c. la la sala sala d. d. la la cocina cocina e. e. el el dormitorio dormitorio

Answer Key


1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

2 2 Mi Mdormitorio. i dormitorio. Look Look at at thethe photo photo and and write write sixsix sentences. sentences. Use Use these these phrases: phrases: Modelo Modelo LaLa silla silla está está delante delante dede la la mesa. mesa. 1. 1. delante delante dede 2. 2. detrás detrás dede 3. 3. a la a la izquierda izquierda dede

4. 4. a la a la derecha derecha dede 5. 5. encima encima dede 6. 6. al al lado lado dede

2. Answers will vary. 3. 1. c 2. c 3. a 4. a 5. c

DESAFÍO DESAFÍO 3 3 3 3 Actividades Actividades y lugares. y lugares. Complete Complete each each sentence sentence with with thethe logical logical option. option. 1. 1. En En una una cocina… cocina… a. a.cortamos cortamos el el césped. césped. 2. 2. EnEn tutu dormitorio… dormitorio… a. a.lavas lavas loslos platos. platos. 3. 3. EnEn el el jardín… jardín… a. a.corto corto el el césped. césped. 4. 4. EnEn el el baño… baño… a. a.limpio limpio el el inodoro. inodoro. 5. 5. EnEn la la sala… sala… a. a.cuidas cuidas a las a las mascotas. mascotas.

b. b.paseamos paseamos al al perro. perro.

c. c.preparamos preparamos sándwiches. sándwiches.

b. b.sacas sacas la la basura. basura.

c. c.usas usas la la computadora. computadora.

4. El sábado: – Usa la computadora. – Escucha música. El domingo: – Come sándwiches. – Ve la televisión.

b. b.sacudo sacudo loslos muebles. muebles. c. c.limpio limpio el el baño. baño. b. b.veo veo la la televisión. televisión.

c. c.paso paso la la aspiradora. aspiradora.

b. b.lavas lavas loslos platos. platos.

c. c.lees lees una una revista. revista.

Additional Resources


Fans Online activities Practice Workbook

4 4 Fin Fin de semana. de semana. Look Look at at thethe pictures pictures and and say say what what Roberto Roberto is is doing doing this this weekend. weekend. El El sábado sábado

d e b a c

El El domingo domingo

ciento ciento treinta treinta y nueve y nueve 139139

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HERiTagE HeRiTAge LangUagE lAngUAge LEaRnERS leARneRS • Ask • Ask students to work in groups of three to go students to work in groups of three to go over over the vocabulary list, and select the words the vocabulary list, and select the words and and expressions that are cognates (such expressions that are cognates (such asas garaje) and that they can easily associate garaje) and that they can easily associate with with the English term. the English term. • Review what false cognates are. Are there what false cognates are. Are there • Review any any false cognates in the vocabulary list? For false cognates in the vocabulary list? For example: example: horno means “oven” but could horno means “oven” but could bebe thought to mean “horn” (cuerno). thought to mean “horn” (cuerno).

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MULTipLE inTELLigEnCES: Visual-Spatial intelligence • For words that are not cognates, have students draw a visual mnemonic device that helps them remember the word. For example, a horn sticking out of the oven may help students remember horno. A set of stairs made of scales may help remind them of escalera.

139 231

Book 1 Unit 2 Desafío 2


REPASO REPASOGramática Gramática

Unit 2

REPASO Gramática

Los nombres: género y número Los nombres: género y número (pág. (pág.96) 96)

Expresar lugar Expresar lugar (pág. (pág.108) 108)

Formación del femenino Formación del femenino

estar estaren en aquí aquí ahí ahí allí allí

Masculine Masculineform form



In this section, students will review the grammar structures presented in Unit 2. Students go over gender and number agreements, including nouns and articles. They will review the words used to express

. .

obligation, the use of the verb form hay, and the conjugation of regular verbs in the present tense. Activities are organized by Desafío to help

Feminine Feminineform form

Ends Endsinin-o. -o.

Changes Changes-o-ototo-a. -a. elelniño niño→→lalaniña niña

Ends Endsinina a consonant. consonant.

Adds Adds-a. -a. elelprofesor profesor→→lalaprofesora profesora

alallado ladode de next nexttoto aalaladerecha derechade de totothe theright rightofof aalalaizquierda izquierdade de totothe theleft leftofof

Formación del plural Formación del plural Singular Singularform form

Plural Pluralform form

Ends Endsinin a avowel. vowel.

Adds Adds-s. -s. eleledificio edificio→→los losedificios edificios

Ends Endsinina a consonant. consonant.

Adds Adds-es. -es. elelascensor ascensor→→los losascensores ascensores

reference the section of the unit where the material is presented. Activities



1.2, 1.3






1.3, 5.1

9. Cultura

1.2, 3.1


cerca cercade de lejos lejosde de

near, near,close closetoto far farfrom from

debajo debajode de encima encimade de

under under on, on,on ontop topofof

delante delantede de detrás detrásde de

ininfront frontofof behind behind

en en

at, at,in, in,on, on,inside inside

Los artículos Los artículos (pág. (pág.98) 98) singular singular

plural plural

mascul. mascul. femen. femen. mascul. mascul. femen. femen. definidos definidos



los los

las las

indefinidos indefinidos

un un

una una

unos unos

unas unas

Expresar existencia. El verbo Expresar existencia. El verbo (pág.106) 106) haber haber (pág.

Teaching Suggestions

totobe beatat/ /inin/ /on on/ /inside inside here here there there over overthere there

hay hay11noun noun no nohay hay11noun noun

Adverbios de frecuencia Adverbios de frecuencia (pág. (pág.126) 126) nunca nunca casi casinunca nunca rara raravez vez aaveces veces muchas muchasveces veces casi casisiempre siempre siempre siempre todos todoslos losdías días

never never almost almostnever never seldom, seldom,rarely rarely sometimes sometimes many manytimes, times,often often most mostofofthe thetime time always always every everyday day

there thereisis/ /are are there thereisisnot not/ /are arenot not

Expresar obligación Expresar obligación (pág. (pág. 126) 126) Expresar obligación Expresar obligación (pág. (pág. 126) 126)


Warm-Up / Independent Starter Ask students to write five sentences, each representing at least three of the boxes on the grammar review page. They should identify the three grammatical structures with colors or highlighters.


Preparation Suggest that students use this grammar review as a quick guide to test whether or not they need to go back to any Desafío to do a more thorough study of the structures presented in Unit 2. Go over the uses of hay versus hay que and have


students give you some examples of each. Ask some Warm-Up questions with ¿dónde hay? and ¿cuántos hay?

Activities 6. Have students work independently to write their answers and then come together as a class to verify the answers.

232 140


Book 1 Unit 2 Desafío 2

Verbos regulares. Presente de indicativo Verbos regulares. Presente de indicativo (págs. (págs.116 116yy118) 118) Lavar Lavar lavo lavo lavamos lavamos lavas lavaslaváis laváis lava lava lavan lavan

Prender Prender Abrir Abrir prendo prendo prendemos prendemos abro abro abrimos abrimos prendes prendes prendéis prendéis abres abresabrís abrís prende prende prenden prenden abre abre abren abren

tener que 11 infinitivo tener que 11 infinitivo tener tener que que infinitivo infinitivo An obligation somebody has: An obligation somebody has: An Anobligation obligationsomebody somebody has: has: Él Él tiene tiene que que cortar cortar elel elel césped. césped. Él Él tiene tiene que que cortar cortar césped. césped.

hay hay que que 11 11 infinitivo infinitivo hay hay que que infinitivo infinitivo General General obligations, obligations, rules, rules, or or norms: norms: General General obligations, obligations, rules, rules, or or norms: norms: Hay Hay que que lavar lavar los los platos. platos. Hay Hay que que lavar lavar los los platos. platos.

140 140ciento cientocuarenta cuarenta

3003 300 27/12/10 27/12/1015:29 15:29

300347 300347 __ 0112-0169.indd 0112-0169.indd166 166

Differentiated Instruction

Developing leARneRS

expAnDing expAnDingleARneRS leARneRS

• Have students work in pairs to practice the gender of nouns by playing a game in which one person says a noun from the unit and the other gives the corresponding article. For example: la pared.

•• U Using the words and structures listed in sing the words and structures listed in the Repasos, have the class create ten the Repasos, have the class create ten sentences combining household chores, sentences combining household chores, tener que, and adverbs of frequency. tener que, and adverbs of frequency. For example: Nunca For example: Nuncatengo tengoque quebarrer barrer elelsótano. sótano.

• They should each work on five nouns for a total of ten words. • Then they should look together for adjectives that can be associated logically with the nouns. For example: la pared alta.

Unit 2



55 La casa. La casa. Choose Choosethe thearticle articlethat thatbest bestaccompanies accompanieseach eachnoun. noun. 1. 1. Ellos Elloscuidan cuidan jardines. jardines. coquí 2. 2. Hay Hay coquíen eneleljardín. jardín. paredes 3. 3. paredesson sonaltas. altas. profesores 4. 4. profesoresson sonserios. serios.

a.a.elel a.a.lala a.a.Las Las a.a.Unas Unas

b.b.los los b.b.una una b.b.Unos Unos b.b.Los Los


c.c.unas unas c.c.un un c.c.Los Los c.c.Las Las

7. F or extra practice, have students select one more personal pronoun for each exercise and write the corresponding conjugation of the verb. From the example, Juan corta el césped, students can vary it with yo: Corto el césped.

DESAFÍO 2 DESAFÍO 2 66 L Los muebles. os muebles. Write Writefour foursentences sentencesdescribing describing the theposition positionofofthe thethings thingsininthis thispicture. picture.

9. A sk students to work independently to review the culture content for each question. Then come together as a class to discuss the answers.

1. 1. delante delantede de 2. 2. detrás detrásde de 3. 3. alallado ladode de 4. 4. cerca cercade de Modelo Modelo Las Lassillas sillasestán estándelante delantededelalaventana. ventana.

Answer Key

DESAFÍO 3 DESAFÍO 3 77 Tareas domésticas. Tareas domésticas. Say Saywhat whateach eachperson personororgroup groupusually usuallydoes doeson onthe theweekend. weekend. Modelo Modelo Juan Juan- -cortar cortarelelcésped césped

Juan Juancorta cortaelelcésped. césped.

1. 1. Ellos Ellos- -sacar sacarlalabasura basura 2. 2. Ustedes Ustedes- -pasear pasearalalperro perro


3. 3. Nosotros Nosotros- -sacudir sacudirlos losmuebles muebles 4. 4. Yo Yo- -barrer barrerelelsuelo suelo


6. Answers will vary.

88 ¿ ¿Qué tienes que hacer? Qué tienes que hacer? Write Writesentences sentencesabout aboutyour yourobligations. obligations. EN CLASE… EN CLASE… Estudiar. Estudiar.


EN CASA… EN CASA… Usar Usarlalacomputadora. computadora.

Hablar Hablarespañol. español.

Hacer Hacerlas lastareas. tareas.

Usar Usareleldiccionario. diccionario.

Ordenar Ordenarmi micuarto. cuarto.

Modelo Modelo En Enclase clasehay hayque queestudiar. estudiar.

1. Ellos sacan la basura. 2. Ustedes pasean al perro. 3. Nosotros sacudimos los muebles. 4. Yo barro el piso.

8. Answers will vary.

Modelo Modelo En Encasa casatengo tengoque queusar usarlalacomputadora. computadora.

9. 1. Es un fuerte defensivo. 2. La salsa. 3. Porque tiene la mayor concentración de organismos bioluminiscentes del mundo. 4. Es el centro histórico de la capital de Puerto Rico. Sus calles son de piedra, muy bonitas.

6) ) 26) 6)

99 ¡Viva Puerto Rico! ¡Viva Puerto Rico! Answer Answerthe thequestions. questions. 1.1.¿Qué ¿Quées esElElMorro? Morro? 2.2.¿Cuál ¿Cuáles eslalamúsica músicatípica típicade dePuerto PuertoRico? Rico? 3.3.¿Por ¿Porqué quées esimportante importantelalaBahía Bahíade deMosquito? Mosquito? 4.4.¿Qué ¿Quées eselelViejo ViejoSan SanJuan? Juan?¿Cómo ¿Cómoson sonsus suscalles? calles?

:: s:

1. b 2. c 3. a 4. b

ciento cientocuarenta cuarentay yuno uno141 141

Additional Resources 27/12/10 27/12/1015:29 15:29

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HeRiTAge HeRiTAgelAngUAge lAngUAgeleARneRS leARneRS

SpeCiAl-neeDS leARneRS

•• A Ask students to combine the words and sk students to combine the words and expressions that express location expressions that express location (localizadores) and the map of the Caribbean (localizadores) and the map of the Caribbean to tell where the countries in the Caribbean to tell where the countries in the Caribbean are located in relation to each other. For are located in relation to each other. For example: example:Cuba Cubaestá estácerca cercade delalaRepública República Dominicana. Dominicana.Está Estálejos lejosde deVenezuela. Venezuela.

• Students may be overwhelmed by the information on the review pages. They may have an easier time focusing their attention on the topics found in a Desafío if they concentrate on each one individually.

Fans Online activities Practice Workbook

• Have students label four pages Desafío 1, Desafío 2, Desafío 3, and Desafío 4. They should identify the grammar box that goes with each Desafío’s objectives and copy it at the top of the corresponding page. • Then the answers for each Desafío’s review activity can be placed on the page where the key information is found.

141 233

Book 1 Unit 2 Desafío 2



Unit 2


Una Unavisita visitaguiada guiadapor por

La Casa Blanca

la la Casa Casa Blanca Blanca


The Thedirectors directorsofofthe theCasa CasaBlanca Blancamuseum museumwant wanttotocreate create aaliving livingexhibit exhibitofofthe thePonce Poncede deLeón Leónfamily familyhome. home. AAtour tourguide guidewill willlead leadvisitors visitorsthrough throughthe theCasa CasaBlanca Blanca describing describingeach eachpart partofofthe thehouse houseand andgardens. gardens.InIneach eachpart, part, visitors visitorswill willmeet meetcostumed costumedactors actorsrepresenting representingthe thePonce Ponce de deLeón Leónfamily. family.The Theactors actorswill willanswer answervisitors’ visitors’questions questions and andexplain explainwhat whatthe thefamily familynormally normallydoes doesthere. there.

. .

In this project, students will prepare a reenactment of the Ponce de León family’s daily household tasks using the Casa Blanca museum as their set. Students will follow a series of small steps that, when put together, produce a script that pushes the level of Spanish in the class to new heights.



Your Yourproject projectinvolves involveswriting writingthe theguide’s guide’scommentary commentary and andaabank bankofofquestions questionsand andanswers answerstotoprepare preparethe theactors actors for fortheir theirrole. role.

El explorador Juan Ponce de León. El explorador Juan Ponce de León.


Paso 1

2.1, 2.2, 3.1

Paso 2

1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 4.2

PASo PASo1 Investiga sobre la Casa Blanca 1 Investiga sobre la Casa Blanca

Paso 3

1.2, 1.3

Paso 4

1.1, 1.3, 3.1, 5.2

• •Get Getinformation informationabout aboutthis thisfamous famoushouse. house.For Forexample: example: ––Where Whereisisthe themuseum museumlocated? located? ––What Whatareas areasand androoms roomsdoes doesitithave? have? • •Search Searchfor forphotos photosofofthe thehouse houseand andits itssurroundings. surroundings.

Teaching Suggestions

• •Research Researchclothing clothingtypical typicalofofthe theperiod periodso soyou youcan canprovide provide some someappropriate appropriatearticles articlesofofclothing clothingfor forthe theactors. actors.

En el jardín hay muchas fuentes. En el jardín hay muchas fuentes.


Preparation Because the Proyecto is a group effort, students need to follow the instructions closely. Students should take into consideration each step of the presentation one at a time. In order to avoid making errors with false cognates


and sentence structure, advise students to refer to the Repaso de vocabulario and Repaso de gramática to check their Spanish.


Step-by-Step Instructions  Read the introduction with the class. Ask students to identify the key elements of the project from the instructions. Then follow these steps:

. .

Interior de la Casa Blanca. Interior de la Casa Blanca.

142 142ciento cientocuarenta cuarentay ydos dos

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Content Content


in this step depend in part on how well students have completed Paso 1, so the group should evaluate their materials and decide if more research is needed.

234 142


Book 1 Unit 2 Desafío 2

Organization Organization

1 point 1 point

Limited relevance. Limited relevance. Inefficient use of class Inefficient use of class Information is Information is time. Information is time. Information is incomplete or not based incomplete or not based disorganized or unclear. disorganized or unclear. on research. Little on research. Little Spanish is used. Spanish is used.

3 points 3 points

Basic information Basic information is correct. Relevant is correct. Relevant information but lacks information but lacks significance. Spanish is significance. Spanish is used most of the time. used most of the time.

Students need to decide how they will find the information for each part.

Paso 2  Divide the class into small groups. The results

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Rubric for Evaluation

Paso 1  Each student should do some research individually before pooling their information with their group. Divide each question for analysis with the class.

Un dormitorio. Un dormitorio.

Presentation Presentation Communication is Communication is unclear. Many errors in unclear. Many errors in vocabulary and grammar. vocabulary and grammar.

Good communication. Class time is used well. Class time is used well. Good communication. Mostly correct Information and content Information and content Mostly correct vocabulary and grammar. are mostly organized but are mostly organized but vocabulary and grammar. lack some clarity. lack some clarity.

PASo PASo2 2 PPrepara el material para el guía repara el material para el guía y los actores y los actores • •Prepare Prepareaascript scriptfor forthe theguide. guide.Remember Remembertotoinclude include information informationfor foreach eachplace placevisited visitedon onyour yourtour. tour. For Forexample, example,identify identifyeach eachplace placeand anddescribe Modelo Modelo A A hora horaestamos estamosenenlalacocina. cocina.La Laestufa estufa esesgrande. grande.

Unit 2

Unidad 2


Autoevaluación Autoevaluación

La Casa Blanca

¿Qué has aprendido en esta ¿Qué has aprendido en esta unidad? unidad?

Do Dothese theseactivities activitiestotoevaluate evaluatehow how well wellyou youcan canmanage manageininSpanish. Spanish. a.a.Can Canyou youidentify identifyand anddescribe describeplaces? places? Describe Describeyour yourhouse, house,aaroom, room, ororsome somefurniture. furniture. b.b.Can Canyou yousay saywhere wherepeople peopleororthings things are? are? Talk Talkabout aboutyour yourkitchen: kitchen: say saywhere wherethe theappliances appliancesare. are. Ask Askaafriend friendtotodescribe describehis his ororher herroom roomand andtotodraw drawaafloor floor plan c.c.Can Canyou youtalk talkabout abouthousehold household chores? chores? Say Saywhat whatchores choresyou youand andyour your siblings siblingshave havetotodo, do,and andhow howoften often you youdo dothem. them.

La cocina de la Casa Blanca. La cocina de la Casa Blanca.

• •Prepare Preparethe thequestions questionsthat thattourists touristswill willprobably probably want wanttotoask askthe theactors. actors.Write Writethe theanswers, answers,too! too! Modelo Modelo A. ¿Preparan A. ¿Preparanustedes ustedeseleldesayuno desayunoaquí? aquí? B. B. Sí. Sí.Preparamos Preparamoseleldesayuno, desayuno,elelalmuerzo almuerzo yylalacena. cena.También Tambiénbarremos barremoselelsuelo suelo yylavamos lavamoslos losplatos. platos.

PASo PASo3 Comprueba y evalúa 3 Comprueba y evalúa

d.d.Can Canyou youtalk talkabout aboutyour yourfree-time free-time activities? activities? Ask Asktwo twoclassmates classmateswhat what they theydo doatathome homeon onthe the weekend. weekend.

Evaluate Evaluateyour yourskills. skills. For Foreach eachactivity, activity,say say Very Verywell, well,Well, Well,oror I need I needmore morepractice. practice.

• •Check Checkyour yourwork: work: ––IsIsthe thecultural culturalinformation informationclear clearand andcorrect? correct? ––Are Arethe thetexts textscorrect correctand andcomplete? complete? • •Proofread Proofreadyour yourwork workcarefully. carefully.

vocabulary and agreements, a second verify the verbs and conjugations, a third approve the flow of ideas and organization of the script, and a fourth check that the finished script complies with every step required in the instructions and rubric for the project.


Paso 4  Now the groups should be ready to practice their scripts. Allow ample time for students to practice.


Evaluation D iscuss the rubric before beginning the project. Encourage students to refer to the rubric as they prepare their projects.


Content E xplain the importance of good data collection (Paso 1). Students should select information that is interesting and relevant. To develop research skills, ask students to provide quotes in correct format and to include a list of sources, especially if they need to go back to them for more research.


Organization Let students decide what information to include, and then reflect on the length of their written script and the time in oral performance. Decide whether you want to evaluate the project individually or in groups.

PASo PASo4 Ensaya tu guión y actúa 4 Ensaya tu guión y actúa • •Practice Practiceyour yourscripts: scripts:take taketurns turnsbeing beingthe theguide, guide, the theactors, actors,and andthe thetourists. tourists. • •IfIfpossible, possible,prepare preparecostumes costumesand andsimple simpleprops. props. ciento cientocuarenta cuarentay ytres tres143 143

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5 points 5 points


Paso 3  Have one student in the group check the

27/12/10 27/12/1015:30 15:30

Content Content

Organization Organization

Presentation Presentation

Relevant, interesting Relevant, interesting information. Many information. Many details, and significance details, and significance is highlighted. Spanish is highlighted. Spanish is used exclusively. is used exclusively.

Class time is used Class time is used wisely. Information wisely. Information and content are clearly and content are clearly organized visually and organized visually and logically. logically.

Clear communication. Clear communication. Correct and complete Correct and complete vocabulary and grammar. vocabulary and grammar.

. .

Presentation Students should use as much Spanish as possible. They should check grammar and vocabulary (Paso 3) before completing the project. Rehearsals should enable them to present confidently and fluently, as well as guarantee a good grade. Encourage creativity and a style that holds their classmates’ attention.

143 235

Book 1 Unit 2 Desafío 2


Instructional Materials and so much more! Santillana USA’s Middle and High School program is designed to prepare students for college and career-level Spanish. Students build a solid linguistic and cultural foundation and have fun learning Spanish as they take on cultural adventures in each level.


What is the Plus?

Accreditation and Certification, and Study Abroad Opportunities Santillana has partnered with the University of Salamanca and the University of Alcalá de Henares to bring you Español Santillana Plus, a comprehensive benefits package that includes: • Expert Program Accreditation by the University of Salamanca • Student Language Certifications by the University of Salamanca • Teacher Scholarship Opportunities in Spain at the University of Alcalá de Henares

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