Visions of a Christian Poet

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OF A CHRISTIAN POET Written and Illustrated by

Jerry Wall

Š Copyright 2017 Seraphim Press - E-books All rights reserved Cover Design: Gerald Lee Wall



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Jerry Wall

Dedication To my wonderful wife, My delightful daughters, My Great grand kids And my two canine companions. Most of all, to Him who rescued me from death, Who gave me new breath, Who opened my eyes, To see eternal mysteries And the Holy Spirit, My teacher, tutor And friend.

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Visions of a Christian Poet

Forward We too often expect that the prophetic word will be a “Thus saith the Lord”; a gift of the Spirit spoken only in the confines of the church. But often we see the prophetic also revealed in dreams, visions, inspirational song or writings and even in symbolic acts and deeds. The prophetic is simply God speaking. The forthcoming word of God is trying to convey something through the Holy Spirit and often it’s through unconventional means. Was God simply sparing Paul’s life when he shook off the serpent into the fire or was he trying to convey something more meaningful. Was he showing that the devil may strike but will end up in the fire! Preachers often find dual messages in the scripture, on telling an event while also showing a symbolism that speaks another truth. Jesus often spoke in parables that conveyed hidden meanings to “those who had ears to hear”. Occasionally I do get words of prophecy to the church and speak it forth but more often I get pictures or prophetic visions while in prayer. Along with the prophetic poetry the Lord has given me over the span of over 45 years, I have included a few of the visions I have been given. Some of them were for individuals or my local church but these in this book I feel have a greater scope and are for others in the body of Christ. Prophecy is to edify, exhort and comfort. Hopefully the Lord will convey both encouragement, conviction, warning and consolation to the hearers. It indeed is the last days and the promise is to send his Spirit upon all flesh to strengthen us in difficult days and prepare us for a better day.

Even so, Lord Jesus Come!

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Jerry Wall

Introduction Visions of a Christian Poet is more than a book of poetry. Its intent is to be poetic, prophetic, revelatory and inspirational. Jesus said that in the last days He would pour out His Spirit and that “your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:” Acts 2:17 Sometimes visions and dreams come in different forms and what I have intended to do is to pen biblical and spiritual truths through the media of rhyme and blank verse. Some of the poems are strictly devotional, while others are more prophetic. These spiritual inspirations and insights are intending to draw back the curtain and give the reader a vantage point to see the world’s spiritual plight as well as the Christian hope. Occasionally God has done so and has given me dreams and visions which were sometimes personal and many times for individuals or for the body of Christ at large. Jesus appeared to John the Apostle to show him “things which are, and which were, and which are to come.” (Revelations 1:4). Every culture needs to see the past, the present and the Future. To Prophesy simply means to speak forth. Some prophecy is forth coming, or for the future but the prophetic spirit speaks equally to our past and present situations. My illustrations are merely a visual representation of my poems and visions to graphically reinforce its conveyance. I hope you will read this with an open heart and allow the Holy Spirit to do His full work in you. It might be for building up, convicting or comforting (1 Cor.14:3), but as the Lord promised: He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith...” Rev. 3:22

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Table of Contents The Loner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Mystery!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 He Speaks!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 The Narrow Road . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 The Kings Garden. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 The Death Wagons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Two Worlds! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 The Least of These. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Paper, Rock and Wind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 The Plot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 He’ll See You Through! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Creator Hater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Not Words Alone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 The Three Boxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Transition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 The Vision of the Cornfield. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Time. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 The Patmos Prophecies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Two Outcomes! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

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Table of Contents - (continued) The Glass Bottle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 The Time Altar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Symbolism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 The Great Contrast. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 A Buoy in the Storm! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Ode to the Lonely!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Tophet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Rejected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Forgotten Nation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 The Door to Freedom. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 The Tree of Life!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 The Frozen Orchard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Come Away!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 He Is!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 The Dark Waters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sea Harmony. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 The Elder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

Interactive Table of Contents:

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J. Wall

Jerry Wall

The Loner Bleak and Battered, Tattered Mind; Shrouds of Sorrow; Clouds that Bind. Lovers’ left now Heartaches’ Pain. Loneliness again.

Empty Arms limp by my Side; Sit in Shadows; Wounded Pride. Watered Vision, Hope Deferred, Silence Loudly Heard.

Dry Hot Desert’s misery. Hallucinating Memories. Love’s Oasis not in Sight. The Loners Plight.

But must Bravely turn away; Past Forsaken as Night turns Day. Go again, Cautious in the Sun, Loner on the run.

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Visions of a Christian Poet

Jerry Wall

Mystery! Teacher, Teacher, tell me a great story. Explain to me your hidden allegory. Open my blind eyes and enable me to see. Reveal to my heart your wondrous Mystery! Savior, Savior, convict oh my soul; My self-serving ways you alone know Convince my condition and allow me to be Thy full expression of Love’s Mystery. Alter my life and change thou my ways. Pardon and redeem my vilest of days. Impart a new nature and grant me the key To the hidden treasure of your deep Mystery Master Master , expose from the start The secret chambers of Your own heart; Where Spirit’s prompting set men free And Your voice unshackles this great Mystery. I wait for Your coming when things now unseen Will be brought to the light of the eyes of who will see. No longer a glass darkly, but as He is we shall be. Then alas they’ll be no need, for the great Mystery!

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Visions of a Christian Poet

He Speaks! I know no sound, nor earthly noise Celestial or terrestrial, could speak to me Nor even the choir of the angelic voice Would satisfy what I truly seek The din of words through of all the ages, Words written, in history The sounds of truth from woeful sages Yet not enough to set me free No voice of man, or spirit spoken No beckoning call or great decree Can fill the ear, the heart, the soul Like our Maker’s voice when it comes to thee! When fears and doubt and devils rage; His voice, comes as a remedy. To step upon the devils stage And speak that shadows soon will flee I hear not wind nor earthly chatter Nor reckon with the roaring sea; For beyond the beckoning call of matter His Spirit speaks His word to me. 7 Page 5

Jerry Wall

The Narrow Road I was at a Christian conference and on the second day during worship a vision enfolded before me. I saw a long path stretched out before me. The name Jesus ran through out the center of the path. I noticed that on both the left and right side of the name of Jesus was a distinct demarcation and outside the center where the name of Jesus was there were names of hundreds of other things scribbled to the left and right. It said things like family, career, ministry and many important things but I also saw things like entertainment, hobbies, TV, books, computer, as well as many trivial things and personal interests. I noticed that the path in front of me got narrower and narrower. But I saw that the center path where the name of Jesus was written remained the same size. It was the area outside that had all the scribblings of these other things that got narrower and narrower until only the essential things of life remained and finally even these disappeared until only the name of Jesus was left as the path continued in the distance towards him. I had the impression that the vision was saying that as we walk our life where there are many concerns and areas that we spend time and effort on but Jesus must be central to our walk. However as we continue our walk, eventually these things must lose their importance and focus until nothing in our walk remains but Jesus.

Jerry Wall

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The Sending The Father with the Son through the Spirit and the Word Who hovered o’er the deep to spark creations birth; He sent the power of His might Turned the darkness into light And made the starry heavens and the earth. The Makers best creation came from the lowly ground A body fashioned in His likeness became creations crown Into the cold body of death The Creator sent His heavenly breath And through man, Gods companionship was found. God's earth was replete with splendor, mans Garden a delight Adam in the cool of the day would bask in the Creator's light At mans command the animals bowed But one to share life, none was found So God from slumber made a woman sent to Adam's side. One act of disobedience, so high the awful cost. Perfection became tainted and paradise was lost. Now death to stalk immortal man; Forever barred from Edens land God sent them out, to know the Godly loss.

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The Sending (continued) One child, heir, and wombs that bear, descend the sinful throes As seeds of fear and sorrow bed the deadly rows Yet God plants a holy nation Through patriarch and people chosen Was sent the prophet, priest the word of Hope And in the fullness of time, in covenant twice He sent the heaven's Son to be the sacrifice. A Father's gift, for man to scorn Yet death the reason the Son reborn. The Creator's plan was to pay the purchase price. Salvation secured for those who will believe. The Son's returns, the message now the means. The Spirit has now been sent And man called to repent; The gift of Life to those who have received! The final days approach and judgments nigh! For fear or love now comes returning Christ. Forever man is now destined to go. The wicked now are sent below And final sending a new earth and heaven's skies.

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Jerry Wall

The Kings Garden

In my Garden soft and green No rarer beauty ever seen; No sweeter fragrance or eyes delight; No greater grandeur pa ss my sight. No any of all I’ve e’er possessed Could match my Lord’s great holiness. You walked pa ss my old brick wall s And they turned to Gates of Gold. You walked through my simple yard And a wondrous Garden grew. You entered in my shabby House And now a Palace stands; You came into this Paupers Room And took hold of a Princes hand!

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Visions of a Christian Poet

The Kings Garden (cont.) Where once a ground so hard and dry; A heart so cold ‘neath a sunless sky. Where weeds of sin did overrun And one’s parched life a fruitless one, Did find your rays, your warmth your rain And healed the land by blood drenched stain. For in a Garden long ago Forbidden fruit curse soul and soil ; And man was banished from his paradise To live by sweat and grueling toil . And wanderings cruel could not abate The need to purge the land. Though angel’s sword bar Eden’s gate And waters flood both mire and man. Yet in another garden, the Master came To sow the weeping blood and pray. For on the marrow he would plant deep Into the lowest hell the cursed tree. For unless a seed fall down to die It can not live again and rise. The king has planted a new garden Oh peaceful Paradise! Page 11

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The Kings Garden (cont.) The Beauty is His glory Reflected in their eyes. The fragrance of His Presence Is abiding with his own As His love forever leads us To the waters of his throne. Come now oh saints behold the Ma ster’s garden! Where dwellers know the beauty of His pardon. Tis here the Tree of Life sits by the river shore And heal s the people now forever more; The flowers worship and we forever sing. To His glory in the Garden of the King.

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The Death Wagons

At a prayer meeting I had a very vivid yet strange vision. I saw two old wagons like in the pioneer days traveling across the plains. These were not like a covered wagon but more like a buckboard or cart with wooden sides. There were people walking dressed in the old western garb. Men had cowboy hats on and the women had the little bonnets with long dresses. They were all walking westward to stake there homestead and were tired but kept walking. The men driving the wagon kept offering people a ride in the wagons and they were delighted but when they started to climb up they peered into the wagons and said “no thanks” and got down. I was looking at the wagons from ground level so could not see what was in the wagons. But saw many people decline the ride once they looked inside. Suddenly I saw a man ride up on horseback (an angel?). I found myself sitting behind him on the horse and now from that vantage point I could see what was in the cart. In the two wagons were four coffins. The tops were off and there were 4 corpses in them. The rider of the horse rode up to the wagons and said to the drivers “ If you get rid of the dead you can make room for the living.” As I came out of the vision I knew immediately the wagons represented two different things. First it represented the church, and perhaps typifies the condition of many churches. Many churches don't want to bury their dead. Many in their congregation are spiritually dead and they keep carrying them and are not allowing room for the living. There are rotten corpses in their churches but people don't want to get rid of them. This also speaks of Christians that are carrying dead works and they don't want to give them up. But often dead branches must be broken off to make room for living branches. Pioneering means Page 13

Jerry Wall breaking new ground and moving to new places. Many people need help getting to these new places in the Lord but they wont get on board when the see death in our ministries. Churches need to let go of things that are not producing life and make room for the kind of people that will bring life to our ministries. Why 2 carts? One represents the church and the other represents Christians that follow the flesh. Why 4 coffins. That night the Lord revealed 4 hindrances in the church. 1 Religiousness. Many churches are bound by the spirit of religion which is death not life. 2) An Absalom Spirit. This is a spirit of rebellion. As Absalom (David's Son) stood at the gate and tried to win over the people with flattering words He eventually drove his father out and took over control of the nation. This division is death to a church and many a church has split and fallen into ruin because of it. 3) A Denominational spirit. I saw clearly that although there is nothing wrong with a church being part of a denomination many churches have supplanted the word of God and the move of the spirit to a dead liturgy and the external control of denominational influence rather than the control of the Spirit of God. Like a religious spirit the denominational spirit takes the internal spontaneity of a local body of believers and forces it into the rigors of its own functions and control. It is like rigor mortis settling in on a corpse and drives the life out. The ridged hierarchy control often stifles the life of the church. 4) The fourth coffin is a spirit of complacency. The lack of zeal and the spirit of slumber set in. The body becomes lethargic, then inactive and finally dies. The sad part is not just that these things happen but that many don’t want to let them go. We need to bury the dead things of the church and ourselves to make room for the living.

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Two Worlds!

Two words in conflict. Two worlds apart. There wage the war of Light and of Dark; Good and Evil; right or wrong, Truth versus deception, weak versus strong. Two worlds opposing: One love, one hate. For all, two choices; For some, too late. Two roads to follow. Two homes to dwell. Two destinations; One Heaven, one Hell. Two worlds colliding. Two worlds to see. When Time stops And then begins eternity. Two forces fight: The Rebel and the Son. Two to finally battle But only one outcome. Two kingdoms hidden, Two rule apart. To wage the battle For the human heart. Page 15

Jerry Wall

Two unseen armies, Two plans for men; One for salvation And one for sin. Two worlds before us, The spirit and the flesh.

One chance to see. One life. One death. One answer only, For both wise and fools. Two worlds in conflict, Which will you choose.

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Visions of a Christian Poet

The Least of These Shorn of beauty, mind or soul , Birth bequeaths the stone ungemmed; As common a s the Princes foe, A Pauper child in wageless dread, Left empty at life’s door. Mockery rings the bell and runs; Abandoned like a hunter’s arrow In futile conquest of the sun. The weeping voice of orphan’s sorrow For shadows yet to come. In adolescent’s solitude And doleful sad reflection; Resentful bitter attitudes For schoolhouse peer rejection Murmurs loud the bitter feud. Ala s with age and pockets bare, Like battered shores from raging sea s; Befriended by none nor one to share’ Nor suicidal thoughts appea se The painful isolator’s fear. Forgotten soul s in life’s great stream Who found in Savior, pardon paid, Sought not in vain this holy dream; When earthly pompous glories fade The lea st shall greater be esteemed. Page 17

Jerry Wall

Paper, Rock and Wind

At church the Lord gave me a prophetic word along with a short vision. I saw a piece of paper stuck in a crack of a rock. It was like the wailing wall in Jerusalem and I knew that prayers were written on the piece of paper. The wind started blowing and the paper started flapping like crazy. I thought any moment the paper was going to fly out and I wanted to either pull it out before the wind blew it away or try to push it in deeper but I heard the Lord say wait and do not touch it. The wind blew more furious but could not yank the paper from the wall. Finally the wind gave up and left. The Lord said that our prayers are in the cleft of the rock and the enemy will try to do all he can to pull the prayers out and often we want to touch them when we see our prayers threatened but we need to be patient and trust that the Rock is stronger then the winds of adversity. Eventually the storm will pass and our prayers will be answered. A woman approached me later and said this really spoke to her because this is exactly what she was going through. Some times our prayers will be tested but we must patiently wait and leave it in Gods hands and in season He will answer.

Jerry Wall

The Plot

Kidnapped by sin, Held Hostage by Death. Ransomed by Blood. Set free by Grace! Page 18

Visions of a Christian Poet

He’ll See You Through! Oh The trial s that test the soul ; The fire that purifies the gold; The winnow which separates the chaff; The wind that shakes the clinging branch. Though testings harsh may seem so cruel Jesus says He'll see you through! Oh the storm s that rage within; Temptation, doubts, that lead to sin. Confusion's voice which seem s to reign In darkened nights with lonely pain. Take heart my friend for it is true: Jesus said He'll see you through! When friends abandon and love -ones scoff; The world is mocking and you feel lost. When Satan's laughter rings in your ear And heartaches broken brings to tear, Your not alone, it's nothing new For Jesus says he'll see you through! When comes at la st the final trial And Death stalks up to close your file, Fear will flee and woe wont stand; A lighted figure will take your hand. Then Heaven's glories will come for you As Jesus says He'll see you through.

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Creator Hater World Invader Comes for your soul; Defies the Maker His lies are his goal. The great deceiver Has a master plan. Kill the Creator and rule over man. Creator Hater, The evil Instigator; Insidious, sly and cruel. Christ is greater and will return later to will deal with the likes of you. Heavenly Exiled, Sower of Sin. Tell me now, will you fall for Him! Defiler of man; no mystery to solve. I see your plan! Let them think they evolved!

Creator Hater, science debator. They’ve made themselves you see. There is no Maker , and Jesus a faker; You taught them not to believe! You think you’ve won Most evil fool, When the Creator returns They will all know the truth! Then judgment will fall From angels to men, The Creator will call His creation to Him! Creator Hater’ Youll’ see Who is greater, and the place where believers dwell But for those decieved who refused to believe He has Created a Haters Hell!

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Not Words Alone Does time allow such flagrant choice, Impoverished heart content? Do Murmurs echo valid voice Sufficing records rent? Do simple words incarcerate Where sinful acts impute? Can decades seas of sin abate The intellect astute? Spurious words, fallacious pledge, Cannot attribute change. Nor inadvertent verbiage Insure relenting stains. Only heart full’s complete remorse And former deeds abjured, Can do what words alone endorse: A pardon set secure.

For Peace decreed is absolute And sorrowed sin is stayed, When honest at the Savior's feet You find your debt is paid!

2 Corinthians 7:10, Romans 10:10, James 2: 18, Matthew 12:37, Matthew 3:8

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The Three Boxes

One night as I was about to go to bed I stood up off the couch and began to have a vision. I sat down and saw someone in the church and later told her of this vision I had for her. I believe it spoke to myself as well and perhaps to others. I saw a woman sitting in a dark room on the floor. She had three glass boxes over her, one larger than the other. She was trapped and trying to get out by banging on the first box. As I looked closer I saw that the boxes were not made of glass or plastic but ice. I knew that the three boxes were named Insecurity, Rejection and Past Failures. These three things were encasing her and trapping her. She began to bang on the first box which was insecurity but it did no good. The ice wall was too strong, too thick and too cold for her to push or bang on. After all her efforts she was exhausted, she just sat in the darkness and cried but I heard the Lord speak “Do not strive but just focus on me�. As she did, a warmth came over her and soon the fire of God engulfed her. The fire then began to melt the ice block around her and as the fire grew larger each box quickly melted until she was finally set free. The Love of God can melt away our insecurities, rejection and past failures if we just focus on Him. Jerry Wall

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Jerry Wall

Transition I have spent the day In sudden sway; Swept away in dark dismay. Have you heard The cunning voice of his wicked word That whispers like an evil bird; In hidden head games steeped in blushing shame? Confusion clouds; Raining down foggy shrouds; Chattering echoes of demon sounds; Perplexing rivers like senseless crowds. Drifting forth; No sense of worth A painful prisoner of planet earth; Trapped amid the lewd and loud! A holy sign! A word in my mind, The softly spoken name divine! Shadows flee. Now I see; Casting down now fantasies His truth my peace of mind.

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The Vision of the Cornfield

During a prayer time I was taken in the spirit and received the following vision: I saw a church sanctuary. All the chairs in the sanctuary lined up in rows. Suddenly the chairs where in a field still lined up in rows. The chairs then turned into rows of corn stalks. The leaves were green and I opened a stalk and saw lush yellow healthy corn. The Lord called forth the sun and the rain to nourish the field and it grew and was healthy. But then the evil one called forth three things against the field. He called forth a blight that blackened many kernels and destroyed many ears of corn. Then he called locusts to come and they damaged the leaves and stalks and took bites out of some of the corn. Then he called forth a few large black rats. They scurried along the ground and ate the low hanging corn, even their husks. The rats got fat off much of the corn that had fallen to the ground. The healthy cornfield became sickly and ugly. But then the Lord sent into the cornfield 3 groups of people. The first were people who had smoldering branches or plants in their hands. In unison they walk down the rows of corn and smoke from their branches filled the air and covered the field. The smoke drove off the rats and locust and destroyed much of the blight. Afterwards another group of people walked the rows but these people had in their hands firebrands. They set fire to the stalks that were heavily blighted so they would not contaminate the healthy stalks. After the fires died down, the Lord brought forth the rain and sun again and restored the field. The stalks grew taller and healthier. Then the Lord sent the third group in. These were gleaners. They plucked the health ears of corn and filled large baskets and brought them to the owner of the field. The vision was so profound; I could hardly speak of it afterwards. This is my personal interpretation This vision is about the church, I knew this when I saw the sanctuary of chairs which represents the people. The chairs turned into healthy corn stalks which represents a healthy church. God waters and suns it. It is His church. Satan sent 3 things in to try to destroy it. Page 25

Jerry Wall The first is blight which is like a disease. I saw that this blight was gossip in the church and division. It represents internal turmoil like backbiting, gossip, slander, jealousy, division and so forth. This destroys many in the church. The second was locusts. They were eating mainly the leaves and outside of the stalks. I think this represents circumstances, outer turmoil, financial issues, and external situations. The locusts did eat some of the kernels so these things affected many in the church. The third was rats. I knew immediately when I saw them that they were demons. They went after the low hanging stalks which are weak Christians; those on the fringe, or those with little depth of spirituality. The rats also got fat off the corn that had fallen to the ground. These are dead Christians or those playing religious games that really have no life in them. The enemy was destroying the church but the Lord sent in smoke to drive out the locust. I believe this is worship, the manifestation of His presence and the cloud of His glory. As His presence came in, the enemy had to flee. But God also sent in the fire to destroy the contaminating corn. I believe this fire is judgment. God will purge his church of those who are so severely blighted that they might contaminate others with their wickedness. The Lord then will do more than restore. He will send the rain of His spirit and the light (sun) of His word to heal and make the stalks higher and healthier than before. It is important for me to say this. This vision is both a warning and an encouragement. It is my sense that much of this vision has already happened and perhaps it is even a history of this church. I sensed in the vision that perhaps we are in the Smoke stage. That the enemy has done much to divide and destroy this church but that now we are entering a period of worship, adoration and devotion through prayer and personal thanksgiving and praise. The cloud of glory is coming forth and destroying the work of the enemy. The fire however is yet to come. Judgment begins in the house of the Lord and He will purge out hypocrisy and evil from the camp. This will be somewhat painful but will eventually enable the Lord to bring a health and stable and growing church to abound. As I said; a warning and an encouragement.

Jerry Wall

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Time A que stion of time ; Allot men t confi ned. Momen t s pa ssi n g, sa yi n g, doi n g; Sel fi sh pursui n g, Wholly uncon sciou s of the Di vi ne . Oc cupy space . Your earthly place . Alwa ys obtai ni n g, yet ne ver enough , Heart bea ti n g tough . Crea tor’s will , somehow era sed. The Sun a nd the Moon Swi tc h place a t noon . The Ea st meet We st i n the global da nce . It spi n s u s i n a t ra nce Bu t both will be shaken soon . A ce ssa tion of years. A hi story of fears; The curtai n of time i s now closed. The hourgla ss exposed. The ret urn i s now here . Huma ni t y ha s sun g. It s la st son g i s done He ha s taken awa y the sa nds of time ; Woe to the Bli nd Eter ni t y now ha s begun . Page 28

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The Patmos Prophecies (Based upon the Book of Revelation)

Behold where thunder roars and lightning clicks; The Son of Man amid the Seven Candlesticks. In Golden Girdle and Vesture dipped in blood; His head and hair like wool , And white a s sunlit snow, And His eyes like a flaming fire Which burns a s crimson coal ; The glory of His presence before me stood. In awesome wonder slain fell I at la st, And beheld his holy feet a s burnished bra ss. Like many rushing waters His voice did sound. His right hand upon my shoulder fell , And I in reverential dread Heard him call My name, And slowly lifted up my head To see His shining face in golden crown. His countenance shown bright a s the noonday sun, Page 29

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His voice moved heaven and earth a s one. "I am the Alpha and the Omega !" said He. The First and the La st; The Beginning and the End, He who wa s once dead. But now who lives again. He who conquered death and carries Hell's key. "Fear not my son but write down what you see; The things which are and the things that shall be." So with vision of Future and Present and Pa st, My trembling hands wrote What my a stonished eyes saw; The horrors and the glories; The great plagues and la st wars, And the famines and fighting’s I watched in agha st. The Demonic Horseman and the Angelic Host The two Witnesses led by the Holy Ghost. And ala s I saw Satan, That Serpent who fell , And the people were judged By that great Book of Life. The nations had crumbled; God ended all strife; The righteous in Heaven and the wicked in Hell . A voice said "Behold! The Tabernacle of God is with men; They shall be His people and God will dwell with them. In that new city All shall be free; Page 30

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No Sorrow or Death; No Crying or Pain" Then the Lord turned to me, And I heard Him say... "Behold I come quickly and My reward is with me."

I Slept I Dreamed I Awoke I Lived I Sinned I Died I Cried Page 31

Two Outcomes!

I Slept I Dreamed I Awoke I Repented I Lived I Died I Lived Forever!

Jerry Wall

The Glass Bottle This short vision I had during a church service. I told it to the pastor who had me share it with the congregation. “I saw a glass bottle drop and shatter on the ground. A man picked up the pieces and tried to glue it back together. It had it’s basic shape but was full of cracks and fissures and was unusable. This is what happens when we or others try to put our broken lives back together. We become ugly and useless. Then I saw the same scenario but the Lord swept up all the pieces. He took them and put them in a furnace and melted them down and then poured the molten glass into a new mold. The bottle was now MORE beautiful then the original. We must allow God to take our broken life even though we may have to go through fire but in the end we will be made into something far more beautiful then even what we were originally.�

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The Time Altar Page 33

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Jerry Wall


Two Earths - present earth, new earth Two Pillars- Both Testaments (Hebrew & Greek) also Pillar of Cloud (Glory) & Pillar of Fire (judgment). Tree of Life - one in the Garden, one in heaven. Sand in time hourglass turned to skull (death of time) Foundation is Star of David (Judaic Roots) Top of hourglass is cross with Star of David- Christ, Son of David is Redeemer 1st Pillar has Hebrew word Blood on it (also root word for Adam). Second Pillar has Alpha/Omega sign for Jesus with his blood sprinkled on the post.

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The Great Contrast The World

The Lord

In search of joy, And world delight No pompous play Fill s voidless Plight. No earthly whim, No gleeful rise Or foolish dream s Do satisfy.

What Joy to find And great delight Your Righteousness Before God’s sight. No ugly mar No guiltful fright, But Cleansing soul Illumined with light.

No drugged state Though self induced; No liquid stupor Can produce An inner rest As revived youth Or contenting place In anchored Truth.

Now crisp, clear mind; Before confused. Mental wa shing Thought’s refuse. Spirit’s peace Comforts soothe; Assurance set In knowing Truth.

Though mouth doth ta ste And belly’s filled; Pa ssing time And hungry still . Temporary hangs Like fogged fear, And all obtained Is turning to nil .

Heavenly bread And belly’s filled. Living Waters Running still . Eternity shines; All seem s real . Forever climbing Glories hill .

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Jerry Wall

A Buoy in the Storm!

One night, as I started to lie down to sleep I immediately saw a short vision of a violent storm in the ocean. The waves were huge and I saw myself floating on the surface riding the crest of the waves. As the waves swelled, I quickly rose to the top like riding on a moving mountains to great heights and then quickly falling to the bottom of the wave. Giant walls of water moving up and down before me. I felt the water splash on me occasionally and sometimes I would sink just below the surface of the water but would bob back up. Then as if I were a video camera I turned around 180 degrees and saw myself in the water not as a person but I was a bright buoy with lights blinking. I knew It could not only float but was safely tethered securely to the ocean floor. The next day I was pondering on the meaning of the vision and somehow new it related to the church.. I did some research on buoys and found there are three main kinds of buoys with three main purposes. First there are Location

buoys. Location buoys can mark a dive site and crab site or fishing spot or even a wreak site or anything important below the surface that normally cannot be seen. Then there are Warning buoys. These often have lights or radars on them and help ships avoid certain waters. Perhaps it's a shoal or dangerous reef or waters. The third kind of buoy is a Navigational buoy. Sailboats use them in races. They also help ships move into ports by directing them to safe channels. I think the Lord was showing me that the church can be like these buoys. . Some times the church gives warnings in storms and even though it may get tossed to and fro it will stay always afloat when it is securely anchored to Him. Some times the church is a locator beacon to things hidden. It rises as a marker to show us that there is treasure in deeper waters. Other times the church it is to help others navigate to safe waters. It helps us to safely come into the harbor and find our moorings.

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Ode to the Lonely!

Wandering star on a sleepless night, The pattern of a loner’s plight.; Upon an isolated searcher’s course, In heaven’s circuit, takes silent flight.

Like a hitchhiker’s road when the sun goes down, Where few lights seen but shadows abound. Left in darkness to ones own remorse; To mocking crickets and night -time sounds. The abandoned prisoners know well their wall s, To contemplate like paraplegic soul s What destined them to quiet enclosures In timeless closets and mental hall s. In an empty bedroom veiled in lace Lies a newly anguished widows face. Well s of tears and hearts exposure; Sorrow comes to take his place. Yet on a hill , despised and forsaken, A tree -nailed man whose heart wa s broken Cries to His Father who turns away, And left alone His soul wa s taken. Three days later and centuries pa st, Ultimate loneliness destroyed at la st. His powerful presence ha s come to stay, This mold of comfort which love ha s ca st. Page 38

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Tophet Oh Tophet! How well you speak! Yea even today your flaming fire is well prepared! Illusively you have purchased many sons and daughters. The ancients built you altars and sacrificed their young Yet still you are not satisfied. I hear the angered cries of mourners And worse, the tormenting screams of your victims. Tophet, O many-headed monster; Death is your playmate and Sheol your only friend! How well you disguise your fires As you lick the bones of the innocent. The foolish fed you as you lied; Like a brooding pet they set your meal. And though your altar has been torn down, Your gaping mouth is feeding still. How well the poet wrote: “Though eons past to present plight Like a fire from a spark; Though you hid your ancient gates You roamed the misty night Consuming man within the dark! You feast upon their cindered bodies and gnaw upon their souls. your keeper sets your ghastly banquet. and laughs within his grisly walls; and hunger you do not know. Tophet, O Beast of the flame; Tell me now if you can. Do you know your master’s name? For the one who fed you all this time Soon on him alone you’ll dine!’’ ~ Page 42

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Rejected Drunken drifter in darkened alley lay. Dripping rain in streams , the mist of gray. Shadow sits alone in sodden shame; Sorrow’s teardrops, covered in the rain. Drunkard’s vomit, the stench of sinner’s plague. Bottled bed-blanket drapes the human dregs. Rejected soul now driven to despair; In languished longing for someone’s selfless care. Bleary eyes do watch what mind accepts; Across the street and up the church-house steps; Umbrellaed patron greeting pastor’s hand Does spark a light of hope in darkened man. Profound, the shadow staggers puddled street. The steps do somehow know the fallen feet. With cry of anguish and rambling reach of woe This dire drifter plunges through the door. The social shock resounds the holy wall s, And eyes are coldly cast at seekers call . The preacher points at agreeing Deacon’s nod, And says “All filth remove from house of God.” The greeter escorts the dripping arms away, So righteous saints can truly freely pray. “Clean yourself and then perhaps we’ll see.” The door slams shut to sound of turning key. Clouds in mockery cry, The arrow found it’s mark. Page 44

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Drifter runs to hide in sheltered dark. Bitter weeping, hope but a fraud. Angered mind defiantly call s to God. But suddenly shining light before him quakes. In awe a sober mind within awakes. He sees the Son of God arrayed in light; His face speaks awareness of his plight. To the church He points with His nail -scarred hand, And spoke: “My child please know and understand. For within those stain glass wall s and velvet pews There I myself have al so been refused.” “Come, where I abide, so shall you be” The man in salty tears fell to his knees. “Could you Lord forgive one such as I?” “For this my son is why I came and died!” “When those self-righteous saints before me stand, Ill point to you and gently take your hand. And say “Because you locked your doors to sinner’s cries, My Kingdom gates are bared, your entrance is denied!” * * * The morning rain found a body in the street. The undetected smile was covered by a sheet. The flashing red lights the preacher saw did give An inspiring Sunday sermon on “How not to live.” Page 45

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Forgotten Nation

Oh nation of refuge, land of great Light For the solace of pilgrims in desperate flight; Your arms were once opened to the Christian throng A land of right to weather the wrong. They bade farewell to past friends and kin And sold all they had as they did to their sin. They embarked the torrent waters, entrusting God’s care, And launched out to the unknown with naught but prayer. Neither wearisome waves, nor storms could abate The Faith of a people in this country so great. For as Canaan to Israel was the Promised Land. God called out his people with no lesser hand. Your shores were her shelters, from oppression abroad; To establish this people “One nation under God”. Through winters wars and the fight of truth’s cause You strove to establish His righteous Laws. His freedom he granted “the land of the free”. The gospel goes forth with all liberty. You preached His mercies and proclaimed to the unjust. And set up a banner “In God we trust”. Page 47

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Forgotten Nation


With wisdom and wealth God blessed your generations, And exalted you far above all other nations. His commandments you hallowed; His will you preferred. You judged by his book and honored His Word. Your Christians churches, laws and schools, Were righteous beacons before nations cruel. You fought for the poor, the wronged and oppressed And for all these things by God you were blessed. Life was still sacred and your Creator you knew Gave indelible rights of life and liberty to pursue. But you took liberty too far and gave license to men To pursue all manner of evil and sin. First you followed a lie, a great puzzle you solved, You didn’t need a Creator, You simply evolved! You slowly taught men that God they should hate By a deception called “separation of church and state.” So now remove God from courts and all schools And God forbid if in our government He rules. Forget what he said like “thou shalt not kill” Abortion is legal, a woman’s rights are more real. Page 48

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Forgotten Nation


You do not allow students to pray at all But wonder why children are shot in your halls. Now gays have more rights then Christians today And you still fail to see the judgement of aids. Television is not the spokesman of the just But you call it entertainment when it’s all violence and lust. Morality use to propel one to succeed Now the fittest survive by deceit and self-greed. Though revivals have warned you and prophets you knew, Like criers of Barabas you foolishly choose. And now at this hour the time is far spent Will you hold to your opinion or turn and repent! For you o great nation, backslidden in sin Your hand-raise torch has faded and dimmed. Remember the Woes the prophet did write “to puts light for darkness and darkness for light” For God still holds the nations in hand. When his Son soon returns, who will stand? The ears of the nations will hear the trumpet blast “The Last will be first and the first will be last” O forgotten nation no longer under God, Your enemies will come, under their feet they will trod Your leaders are wicked, your teachers have killed God’s shepherds you’ve smitten, His prophets you’ve stilled But God is not mocked. His judgement is true Accounts shall be settled and debts shall accrue. And God shall be remembered for all eternity. But the nation who has forgotten, shall forgotten be. Page 49

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The Door to Freedom

At a Intercessory prayer meeting I had a short vision:

I saw several people in a long hallway. It was like a hotel hallway with multiple doors on both sides. They were in danger and needed to get out. They went to both ends of the hallway and saw fire escapes but both sides were burning with fire. They started crying and I asked them what was the problem. They said that they were told that there are dozens of doors but all but one of them would lead to death. ONLY ONE DOOR would lead to life and freedom, however they only had one choice. Every door lead to utter darkness and they could not decide which was the correct door. They kept weeping and I said don’t worry the Lord will show the way. I prayed and then said “So all doors lead to darkness only one to light, freedom and escape but you don’t know how to choose the correct door?” “ Yes” they said. I said the answer is easy. Go turn off the lights to the hallway. So they found the light switches and turned off all the lights. As we stood in darkness I said “Now look under the doors and see which one has light coming from underneath. They saw one door with a sliver of light coming from beneath it and they opened that door and step out into freedom. Sometimes we need to be put into darkness to see the light. A candle in the daylight is often hard to see but at night it is easy to see. Always look for the light Jerry Wall in darkness. (Matt. 5:15) Page 50

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The Tree of Life!

A child was I a strolling Near my house a wooded ground, As I did near every weekend To hear the forest sound.

The smell of greenness everywhere; The music birds did play, Would lure me to the calling Of the forest in the day.

One day while I was wandering I saw a wondrous sight: A splendid flowered garden Broke forth within the light.

And in the midst I found, My eyes could scarce believe, A large bronze tree with golden fruit, And silver were its leaves.

Before it stood an angel With a sword made like the sun. He said “Beware Oh little one, No further shall thou come�. But as I gazed upon the fruit I soon began to cry, For had I left without a taste I knew that I would die. Page 52

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The Tree of Life

Do not weep anymore my child!” The Angel said to me “For there is a way to enter in And yonder is the key!”


He pointed to the forest edge And lo my eyes beheld, A bloody man nailed to a tree Whose blood flowed to the ground.

“Run quickly to the Ancient! One drop will set you free!” So I ran and ran and then a man Jumped out in front of me.

His dark eyes and fiery tongue To me spoke angrily: Touch not for parents will be mad If home you come bloody!”

But I sped swiftly on and stood Before the bloody man. As I touched his heel it seemed He smiled, Then to the Angel I ran.

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I presented him that precious drop; A golden fruit he gave to me “Sufficient is thy offering child, Enter now thy rest, Lo come eternity!”

Jerry Wall

The Frozen Orchard

One night a prayer meeting the following Vision came to me. I saw great judgment coming to the house of God. I started weeping for holiness and purity. “Only the True Levites!” I kept crying out as I recalled the ark of the covenant been touched and carried by unworthy people. I started praying for the priest, Levites, prophets and leadership to take hold of the churches. I physically began to shake as I have never done before as I spoke: “ God is going to shake the church to see what remains.” Then I saw in a vision a field of trees which represented the churches. Some were tall and large and some were short and small . Some were straight, and some were twisted. The Branches were the leadership of the churches. A great freeze blew in the orchard and froze many branches encasing them in ice. Then a great wind came through and broke off many of these branches. A warmth then came in like spring and melted off the ice. A strange thing happened: Rain fell on a sunny day with no clouds in the sky and the remaining branches grew new buds which flourishes and produced much fruit. A purging is coming to the House of the Lord and hidden things will be revealed. Unclean things will be exposed in God’s house and God will break the branches off of many who are in leadership in churches around

the world. The Lord gave me a word that he is going to make a distinction as clear as he did between Korah and Moses. No more strange fire! No more mixture! No more hypocrisy! No more religious pretense. People in high spiritual places will be brought down and men in obscurity shall rise to those places.

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Come Away! Come my Love away with me My beloved song my bride I have prepared a glorious place for thee And In my Fathers house you’ll see The exchange of earth for the heavenlies And contented forever you’ll abide. Come my jewel, behold the fate, Eden anew, perfect paradise New white garments for you await And there within the heaven’s gate Abiding love in God’s estate My hand and heart, the over-comer’s prize Come sit down at the Bridal Feast Splendid table spread with joy Fill you hearts with mirth and peace, Let earthly pain and burdens cease For I have slain the evil beast And worldly trouble will be no more.

Jerry Wall

He Is!

He is the Alpha and Omega , the First and the La st. He is the great I AM, the Future and the Pa st. He is the Lily of the Valley, the beauty of the field. He is the Rose of Sharon, to Whom I bow and Yield. He is the Door to God, He stands a s Heavens Gate . He alone is the Way, the director of our fate . He is the Bread of Life and in Him I will feed. He is great Provider of all I’ll ever need. He is the Lion of Judah, The ruler of the Land. And yet the Lamb of God, sacrificed for man. He is Me ssiah, Deliverer from our chains. He is King of Kings, and forever He will reign. He is the Truth, unalterable is He . He is the Life , He is eternity! He is the Healer of spirit, fle sh and mind. He is the Light of the World, His glory always shine s. He is our Maker, the Creator of man. He is the Potter, we the clay in His hands. He is Sustainer of our walk and our path. He is the Judge , for either ble ssing or wrath. He is Ma ster, we serve him alone He is the returning Lord, who will soon take us home .

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The Dark Waters

At a Friday night Prayer meeting at the church I had the following vision:

I saw a woman drowning in deep black waters. I knew immediately that the woman was the body of Christ, the church; God’s precious people. I somehow understood that the waters were dark troubled waters representing tribulation and trials. The woman struggled and was holding her breath and when she thought she was about to die, she somehow burst through the surface of the waters and gasped for a breath of air but then sunk back into the waters. Again she struggled and held her breath as long as she could but some how she reached the surface again and gasped for air and sunk back into the black waters. This happened several times and finally she broke through the surface and was able to keep her head above the waters. She found herself treading water and felt greatly relieved as long as she kept her head out of the water and could breath. She was still however in the black waters and after treading water for awhile she began to push herself forward. Soon she was able to swim in the dark waters. Her confidence grew and she was no longer afraid. She finally swam out of the dark waters through red blood-soaked waters and finally into pure clean waters. The Lord began to speak to me that often we must go through three phases as a Christian The first phase is struggling. We will encounter difficulties and trouble and at times it will seem overwhelming. We sink in despair and it seems often as if we are drowning and at the point of death and yet at that point the Lord allows us to gasp a breath of fresh air. His spirit sustains us briefly but many times we fall into the waters and Page 57

Jerry Wall struggle with our faith, our walk even sometimes our even existence but in our struggles God helps us to break through the surface to give us hope. The second phase is when we learn to tread water. We finally break through and even though our troubles don’t go away we somehow can keep our head above the waters. We gain a measure of confidence breathing in Gods air turning our attention from the despair of the waters to the hope of the air we breath. His spirit is now there continually even while we tread water and turn helplessness to hope. The third phase is conquering adversity. Sooner or later we realize we can not stay in our condition and must make a small effort to push forward. The momentum teaches us to swim in the dark waters. Now all fear is gone and faith has taken over. We have risen above our circumstances and now can confidently navigate out of the dark waters. We must past through the bloody waters. This is God bringing us to the blood of Christ to cleanse us from the murkiness of sin. Then we finally enter pure and clear waters. A place of holiness, purity and victory!

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Sea Harmony Tranquil Seas Illuminating Quiet Skies; Jeweled Reflections Flickering Colored Light; Summer Breeze, His Voice On Moving Water; Sing In Perfect Praise With Seagulls Flight. Proud Waves Boast Against The Shore, Clapping Adoration To The Hidden King. Master’s Sea Creatures In Depths Implore: “Gifts Of Exaltation Bring!” Clamoring Crabs In Sunlit Sand-Dance; Porpoise Leap; Exuberant Joys. Angels Frolic Foam-Clad Ridges As Rhythmic Waves Make Musical Noise. All Together Sea And Water Creatures Delight As Nature’s Redemption Song Is Sung. Transformation, Now Curseless Features, Heavens’ Glories; New Earth Has Come!

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The Elder My youth has left me Like a single eagle searching empty skies. So time in awkward melodies And one-time flagrant rhapsodies, Does drift as hopeful dreams subside. Exhaustive course; once gallantly strove; Majestic knight on whited horse The youthful pledge to yonder course. How futile to seek the changing horizon Or to vainly grasp the place of setting sun. Passive moments now stir the air And children's laughter breaks despair. Once I did run with glee in search of elder wise, And now I sit and point to seeking few. Instructive from my former pain To guide yet others in wise refrain. Lessons learned now teachers make. Apprentices of experience's craft; The Markings on an elder's staff. My journeys plot a mighty map On struggling roads and resting grove, May yet a wiser elder make!

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