April 2014 Volume 3 No. 4
VISUAL LANGUAGE contemporary fine art
Charles Dunne
PhotographerSpotlight Spotlight VL Photographer Suzanne Stevenson Charles Dunne
Sunshine in a Cup http://www.rsaimages.com
http://www.rsaimages.com VisualLanguageMagazine.com - VL Magazine | 3
Photographer Spotlight Charles Dunne
“I have photographed many things in the past twenty-five years. Photography is the great medium for sharing ideas and images. With a world of subject matter, along with plenty of conceptual topics to choose from, a photographer has a limitless well of material to work from. But I always find myself drawn to making images of the natural part of the world we live in. It’s beauty, whether in great landscapes of our National Parks, or macro shots of our own backyard treasures, is awe inspiring.When I am composing an image of, say, a bee pollinating a flower, or the box turtle that invaded our garden and began dining on our last cantaloupe, I am struck by the thought that if someone were not here to capture it, this beautiful scene would vanish, without having ever been noticed or appreciated. For me, the thought that there are multitudes of transitory, beautiful moments of time in nature is all the impetus that I need to get my camera and head outdoors!”
Sliding Daisies
Daisy #8 http://www.rsaimages.com VisualLanguageMagazine.com - VL Magazine | 5
Photographer Spotlight Charles Dunne
Field of Flowers
Bloom 4565 http://www.rsaimages.com
Photographer Spotlight Charles Dunne
Butterfly 838
Bloom 144
Blue Wildflowers 32 http://www.rsaimages.com
Photographer Spotlight Charles Dunne
Seven Wildflowers http://www.rsaimages.com
Bachelor Button Pair http://www.rsaimages.com