Visual Language Magazine Vol 4 No 2 February 2015

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Visual Language

Jeanne Illenye

Features: Karen Margulis . Jeanne Illenye . Dawn Waters Baker . Kathy O’Leary


February 2015 Volume 4 No. 2

contemporary fine art


visual language contemporary fine art Subscribe Free Today.

February 2015 Vol 4 No 2 ŠGraphicsOneDesign1998-2014

Capturing Nature’s Transient Beauty. Jeanne has begun to periodically lighten her palette and occasionally alter the perspective on her subjects, yet always relying on her classical roots such as employing the Hogarth Curve in varying forms within her compositions, sensitivity to light and shadow, a base of earth tones applied in thin glazes, to ultimately produce larger, fresher paintings. It is in these newest works where simplification of format and intensification of focus continue to reveal lighter, more emphatic paintings that simultaneously retain a delicacy of touch and sensitivity of spirit for which Jeanne is recognized. Perennial inspiration from her bountiful gardens, a reverence for nature and an acute awareness of the effects of time upon her subjects are what identify Jeanne Illenye’s work as both endearing and enduring as she captures nature’s transient beauty. - VL Magazine | 3

VL Cover Artist

Jeanne Illenye

Victoria Pendragon




Cover Artist Jeanne Illenye 3 Capturing Nature’s Transient Beauty.

Painter’s Keys - Sara Genn 11

Top Artists to Collect 22 Carolyn Hancock, Kristine Byars, Marchita Priest, Hilda Rueda, Suzy Pal Powell, and Tina Bohlman

Pastels Karen Margulis 44 My journey with pastels began ten years ago. Busy raising my two children, I had not touched a paintbrush in 20 years. Pastel was the perfect medium for me. - VL Magazine | 5


Kathy O’Leary 124 “When did you realize you loved art and want-

ed to be an artist?

In 1989, having rediscovered I still had my drawing skills (developed from early college experience) I was drawn to painting and drawing again as a release from stresses of my job. As my skills grew rapidly I decided in 1990 that I wanted to leave my job and work closer to the field of art. After a year working for the local art’s council, being around art every day, artists, helping curate and hang shows, I quit to work full time at my own art. I committed myself to learning as much as I could, to see whether I could do this professionally. I honed my skills working at first in watercolor, pastel, mono printing, and finally trying oils. From my first experimentation with oils as a medium (in ‘94), I knew immediately that this was my medium and that the life I wanted was as a painter working in oils.

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Dawn Waters Baker 66 Dawn feels like her first language was beauty. That was how her heart was stirred to art. Born and raised a missionary kid she learned to look for it in the cracks and crevices of lives much harder then her own. In college, she learned how to find her own way to express her heart through painting.



Jeanne Illenye 118 “Artist Jeanne Illenye’s deep passion for animals is evident in her sensitive oil portraits which eloquently capture the expression of each individual pet. It has often been said that Jeanne has an innate ability to capture the essence of their very souls in her delicate portraits.”.

Index Directory of Artists and Galleries 138 In alphabetical order, you can easily find all featured artists and advertising artists, along with featured galleries in our index directory. - VL Magazine | 7

Mark Yearwood

“Earth Dance” 40’’x30’’ Mixed Media on Canvas Select Prints available at

Barsky Gallery 49 Harrison Street Hoboken, NJ 07030 888.465.4949

Richard Levine Pastel Painter Landscape and Figurative

“Harbor Mist, Lubec�

Davis & CO Fine Art



visual language magazine Contemporary Fine Art

Visual Language Magazine Staff Editorial Editor -in-Chief Laurie Pace Contributing Editor Lisa Neison-Smith Consulting Editor Nancy Medina Feature Contributor Sara Genn Painter’s Keys CFAI Contributor Kimberly Conrad Feature Writer Dave Justus Feature Editor Art Reviews Hall Groat II Feature Contributer Barry Scharf VL Sponsor ARTSPAN Eric Sparre Advertising Contact: Marketing and Development Executive Director Business/Management Stacey Hendren All Artwork is Copyrighted by the Individual Artists. Visual Language Magazine Vol 4 No 2 10 | VL Magazine -

February 2015 This was composed for Late December. I read once that we all have a “happiness set-point,” and that it usually returns about six months after a trauma or extreme life event. In other words, a miserable person who wins the lottery is soon a miserable millionaire. Likewise, joyful souls have a knack for bouncing back from adversity. Scientists suggest that we can rewire our brains for a higher happiness set-point by smiling, visualizing beautiful experiences and paying attention to the good stuff of life. Artists, while often sensitive, are also attuned to wonder and appreciation. They know that in these moments of magic happiness flourishes. Last month I watched penguins skim in from the Tasman Sea, pulling sleek, rope-like wakes behind them like miniature ocean liners. Post-dusk, a Prussian blue horizon and the high purrs of hungry chicks made me stop in the night breezes, as dutiful parents regurgitated anchovies for their young. Then, as quickly as the wonder came, it left, leaving in its place a little hole that grew in the shape of longing. I lugged that hole back along the boardwalk towards the city like it was a giant boulder -- cold and rhetorical -- What to do with all this beauty, without my Dad to share it with, to be my witness and to make its meaning? My husband, Peter, squeezed my hand as we walked in silence. “So this is grief,” I thought. Grief is stunning and artful, flaring like a fever when faced with magic. “What a wonder.”

The Painter’s Keys - Sara Genn

The Painter’s Keys Robert and Sara Genn

Sincerely, Sara PS: “Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.” (Hamilton Wright Mabie) Esoterica: This morning I re-read a letter Dad wrote to you on Christmas Day, 2001. Here’s part of it: “It’s the night before Christmas and I’ve decided to paint. My daughter, Sara, (the artist) phones and tells me the four stages of life: ‘You believe in Santa Claus You don’t believe in Santa Claus You are Santa Claus You look like Santa Claus’ “It’s sort of like an extra bit of peace has been provided for this little extra blast with the brush. My son James (the filmmaker) phones to ask if I saw the documentary on PBS about Jewish kids and Arab kids crossing checkpoints in Israel and Palestine in order to play ordinary kids games with each other. I tell him I want to see that one. My son David (the musician) phones to say he can’t think of anything I need and by the way what do I need? I can’t think of anything I need. Not a thing. Except perhaps better work -- and he can’t help me much with that. ‘How’s about a book on How to Paint,’ he suggests. ‘Go for it,’ I say. “Then the intercom goes off. It’s Carol. I clean my brushes and lay my finger aside of my nose. I remember to put the lid on the Titanium white. I’m feeling like the down of a thistle. I attach Emily’s antlers. There’s Clausal duties.” (Robert Genn) - VL Magazine | 11

Colorado Homes & Lifestyles BEST

ART GALLERY, 2010 & 2012 - 5280

TOP 24 GALLERIES IN THE USA, 2012, 2013 &

Artwork (l to r): Laurie Justus Pace, ‘The Gathering One’- Original Oil on Canvas, 3 Svetlana Shalygina, ‘Silhousettes De Versailles’ - Mixed Media on Canvas, 36” x 36”

Bruce Marion, ‘The Adventure Begins’- Original Acrylic on Canvas, 36” x 48”; Allen



& 2014 - American Art Awards

- Luxe Magazine



- Denver Life

5490 Parmalee Gulch Rd. Indian Hills, CO 80454 (only minutes from Denver) 303-697-9006

32” x 48”; Larisa Aukon, ‘Continental Divide’ - Original Oil on Panel 24” x 36”; ”; Dominique Samyn, ‘Sage’- Acryilc & Venetian Plaster on Panel, 40” x 32”; n Wynn, ‘Joy Ride’ - Mixed Media Sculpture, 26” x 32” x 9”

f i n e a r t Life in Motion

“Tango Dip” 8 x 8 Oil

Connie Chadwell

Phyllis DeQuevedo “A Work in Progress”

Smiling Dutchman 18” H x 11” W x 11” D Bronze Edition of 15

Jonelle T. McCoy

“Best of Show” 30”x40” Gallery Wrap

Portrait of a Paso Fino Mare accentuated with texture to give visual interest, depth and impact.

“Forest Path"


11" x 14"

Michal Ashkenasi

Michal Ashkenasi Abstract Figurative and Minimalistic Paintings and Photography

Left Page: Floral 2 Above: Floral 3 Right: Floral 1

Adirondack Series: The Great Range From The Brothers, October 54” x 84”

John Whitton Bria


TOP ARTISTS to Watch and Collect

Suzy Pal Powell

Marchita Priest 22 | VL Magazine -

Hilda Rueda

Tina Bohlman

Kristine Byars

Visual Language Magazine Featured Artists this month delve into the beauty of each of our selected artists and their unique approach to creativity. Carolyn Hancock loves painting character and beauty. Her color choices are intuitive, with unexpected color combinations that in the finished painting read true. Kristine Byars uses bold oils to create paintings that spark warm emotion. Her work captures life, and is often coupled with humor. Marchita Priest Oil paint is her medium of choice. Plein air painting is her joy. In Marchita’s studio, she holds workshops and has open studio paint day with her fellow artists. Hilda Rueda Art is the Universal language that transcends geographical borders, ethnicity, religion and time. I intend to communicate heart to heart with the viewer and reader through my paintings and poetry and to contribute my grain of sand to make this world a better, more joyful, more tolerant place to live. Suzy Pal Powell “I feel very blessed by God that He allows me to create. He gives me the passion and desire as well as the ideas of what to paint. I believe it all comes from Him.� Tina Bohlman A native Texan, Tina Bohlman has used the state in which she was raised as both the inspiration and the canvas for her art. Basically self-taught, Bohlman works in both watercolor and oil to create breathtaking plein air paintings and brilliant rural landscapes.

Carolyn Hancock


Carolyn Hancock

If I could paint only one thing, it would be the face in that small window of time that says, “this is me.� I love painting character and beauty. My color choices are intuitive, with unexpected color combinations that in the finished painting read true. I believe travel to different cultures and countries influenced my work and those color choices. My painting style is in transition, going from a detailed drawing of the face to a painterly, looser effect. I am a pastel only artist, and have studied with renowned pastel artists. Basically self-taught, I know that important pieces of the knowledge of those artists filtered into my work. I am an Associate Member of the Pastel Society of America and President of the Pastel Society of Southeast Texas. I blog through my website, write a monthly newsletter, and take time away from the easel via the golf course.

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Kristone Byars

Born in the Midwest, my parents created a strong foundation, instilling in me a great love of nature and all creatures. I love, and take pride in what I do. I use bold oils to create paintings that spark warm emotion. My work captures life, and is often coupled with humor. As a former graphic artist, I’ve gained a wide range of artistic versatility beyond my first love of painting. From illustrating a children’s book, Montana The Police Horse, to designing and painting murals for the primates at Black Beauty Ranch animal sanctuary. My work hangs in both public and private permanent collections and is represented in several galleries. Inspiration is gained through world travel. I cherish U.S. small towns and National Parks. My husband and I live in Texas with our horse and Golden Retriever. My goal as an artist is to capture the personalities, images, and moments that make life wonderful.

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Marchita Priest

I am a native Texan living in the Houston area. At an early age I eagerly watched my Father as he worked at his drafting table. I would pick up his pencils and doodle on notebook paper. Paint by numbers and sketching were my pastime when I couldn’t be outside. In high school, I was asked to draw the mascot for the inside and the outside covers for our annuals. As an adult, classes and workshops have led me to painting in the studio and en plein air(outdoors). Oil paint is my medium of choice. Plein air painting is my joy. In my studio, which is a converted welding shop, I teach, hold workshops and have open studio paint day with my fellow artists. Larger paintings are always on my easel. Contemporary, abstracts and realism all find their way on my canvas’. Marchita’s love of travel, seeing the beauty and experiencing the sights, sounds and smells of the earth are the catalysts to creating art. Painting outdoors and from real life is my passion.

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Hilda Rueda

Colombian born artist, trained as a Petroleum Engineer. She studied art with several artist, both in Canada and Brazil. She has exhibited in Canada, Brazil, and California and currently in Houston, where she has her studio. She has received several awards both locally and abroad. She also writes poetry and is an active member of several art organizations: The Woodlands Art League, DaVinci Artist Gallery, Dutch Art Gallery, The Jung Center, Houston; American Women Artists, Women in the Visual and Literary Arts. MY WORK Art is the Universal language that transcends geographical borders, ethnicity, religion and time. I intend to communicate heart to heart with the viewer and reader through my paintings and poetry and to contribute my grain of sand to make this world a better, more joyful, more tolerant place to live. My human figures are not simply a representation of an individual, they are soul portraits of the deep emotions, feelings and passions that every human being goes through in his/her existence. They are you and me and all the human race, all bound to the same roots, same ancestry, same language.

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Suzy Pal Powell

I have always drawn and doodled, and never had art in school. Finally in the late 80’s I started painting as a hobby, first with oil, then pencil/pastels, and then in 1990, watercolor. In 2010 I started doing torn paper collages, and in 2014, duo oils. I never had art in school, so I have learned from books, workshops, artist friends, and lots of hours in my art room. I feel very blessed by God that He allows me to create. He gives me the passion and desire as well as the ideas of what to paint. I believe it all comes from Him. I have also been blessed by my family and friends who constantly encourage me, and allow me the craziness that comes with being an artist! My work has been featured in one of North Light’s books, ‘Incite’ and in 2 of the Artistic Touch books by Chris Unwin, as well as some other publications. Suzy ‘Pal’ Powell

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Tina Bohlman

A native Texan, Tina Bohlman has used the state in which she was raised as both the inspiration and the canvas for her art. Basically selftaught, Bohlman works in both watercolor and oil to create breathtaking plein air paintings and brilliant rural landscapes. She is a veteran of numerous competition plein air and “quick draw” events including, Plein Air Southwest–Outdoor Painters Society, Dallas, Texas; Sedona Plein Air Festival-Sedona, Arizona; and Paint The Parks-Estes Park, Colorado. In addition to managing a busy art career, she’s active within the art community; President of Outdoor Painters Society; 2015 chair of the annual Plein Air Southwest Salon; Founder & chair of her home town’s 10th annual Paint Historic Waxahachie; and Advertising chair for Women Artists of the West. Her paintings are in private and corporate collections in 34 States, and 8 countries.

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Memberships: Master Signature-Artists Of Texas; Signature-Outdoor Painters Society; Signature-Women Artists of the West; Signature-Contemporary Fine Art International; Signature-International Plein Air Painters; Associate-American Women Artists; Associate-Oil Painters of America; Associate-American Impressionists Society, Southwest Watercolor Society. - VL Magazine | 35

Still Life

Joyce Pihl

The Barn

A Splash of Red

Joyce Pihl

Country Road, Acxrylic on Canvas 14” x 18”

Filomena Booth Energy . Color . Passion

Corey Watson phone: 209-352-7943

Aspen S P A C E S Corey Watson

In the Fog 20” x 16” (c) Leija Roy

Lelija Roy

BAUER Logan Bauer

Logan Bauer spent much of his elementary and secondary school years overseas. He took his first painting class in London, England at the age of 13 years old. Upon his return to Arizona, he continued to take art classes at Phoenix College, and it was not until recently that painting stopped being a part time endeavor or hobby, but it became a full time commitment. He presently paints out of his studio located in Northern Arizona near Prescott.

Landscapes, Life Drawings, Still Life, Figurative Portraits


Karen Margulis - VL Magazine | 45


Karen Margulis

My journey with pastels began ten years ago. Busy raising my two children, I had not touched a paintbrush in 20 years. Pastel was the perfect medium for me. I was working full time and pastels were easy to leave out allowing me to paint in my free time. I was also drawn to pastels by their vibrancy and the immediate gratification they provide. With pastels what you see is what you get. The colors never fade, crack or yellow. There is no drying time or mixing paint. They can be layered for infinite interest. They are versatile, easily mixing with other media. Clean up is easy. Most of all I was seduced by the tactile nature of pastels. You just pick up a stick of color and paint! Like any new painter, I was anxious to get past the ‘pastel painting learning curve’ so I challenged myself to paint a small daily painting and post it to my blog.... just to keep me accountable. What happened as a result, I could never have imagined. Not only did I start to get comfortable with the pastels and improve as an artist, I met the most wonderful people online. People who shared my passion for art, nature, travel. People who encouraged me and motivated me to keep paint-

ing everyday. Daily painting and blogging became my refuge and my passion. Soon I began sharing what I was learning about pastels and painting on my blog. It became a teaching tool. I now paint and teach full time. It is a joy to be able to share the wonderful medium of pastel through my workshops and my blog. In addition to considering myself a Daily Painter I also love painting en plein air. I have several pastel kits suited to different situations. There is nothing better than being outside observing and responding to the scene with pastels. I consider my plein air paintings studies and I often use them to develop larger paintings in the studio. My plein air experiences have taught me valuable painting skills. I have learned to simplify and find what is important in a scene quickly. This year I will be sharing my love of pastels around the world as I travel to teach workshops. I will also present two demos at the Biennial convention of the International Association of Pastel Societies. I am happy to be an ambassador for this wonderful medium.

Meadow Music 8 x 10

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Karen Margulis

Arrival of the Canvas

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Applying Texture - VL Magazine | 49


Karen Margulis

Mountain Meadow 8 x 10

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Blue Skies Ahead 18 x 24 - VL Magazine | 51


Karen Margulis

Summer Reprise 11 x 14

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Moody Marsh 18 x 24 - VL Magazine | 53


Karen Margulis

I was born in Connecticut, grew up in South Florida, and spent summers in the North Carolina Mountains. I currently live in Marietta, Georgia, just outside of Atlanta. I graduated from the University of Florida with a BA in Education. I operated a family day care for 21 years so that I could stay home with my own 2 children. We traveled every summer with the kids and tried to visit every National Park. Most of my paintings are inspired by the photos I took on these adventures. I am now painting and teaching pastel classes and workshops full time. I am represented by several galleries in the Southeast as well as several online galleries. I am a Member of Excellence in the Southeastern Pastel Society and a Signature Member of the Pastel Society of America. I have also achieved Master Circle status with the International Pastel Society of America.

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Where the Fairies Play - VL Magazine | 55

discover art . inspire collectors

Laurie Pace

DAVIS&CO f i n e a r t g a l l e r y Home is where the art is.

engage discussion . celebrate life

Anthony A Gonzalez


Bob Coonts

“Northern Night”, 24”x36”, Actrylic on Canvas

“Prancer II”, 36”x60”, Acryllic on Canvas

“Teton Summer”, 36”x48”, Acrylic on Canvas

The Good People The Spirit of the Paint Viewing a Laurie Justus Pace painting is a rich experience that drips with color and emotion. Her passionate works are alive with movement, boldly created with a wide brush and a palette knife. She loves working with oils, dramatically carving out the paint and transferring her energy to the canvas and ultimately on to the viewer.

Laurie Justus Pace The Good People Beach Walk 32 x 48 Oil on Canvas The La Jolla Gallery

Eric Bodtker Irises

Ghost Series

Sanda Manuila

Barbara Haviland

Sunflowers Three 12” X 9”

Barb’s Garden Art

Vicki Rees

Visit my website.


Studio Visit

Dawn Waters Baker

“It was when I was happiest that I longed most... The sweetest thing in all my life has been the find the place where all the beauty came from.� - C.S. Lewis from Til We Have Faces



Dawn Waters Baker Language: Beauty

Dawn feels like her first language was beauty. That was how her heart was stirred to art. Born and raised a missionary kid she learned to look for it in the cracks and crevices of lives much harder then her own. In college, she learned how to find her own way to express her heart through painting. After college Dawn got married. Her husband is a gentle gift who likes quiet as much as she does. They had three kids and the quiet left. It birthed a joy found in working on what’s important and striving for love in all things. She likes to think of her work as a “glimpse of the mystery.” The metaphors of life held in branches, cloud wisps and water. There is something that compels Dawn to paint, not what is literally seen but what is felt. For her, the window into the spiritual is nature. It seems to be the image that she is invited to pass through into something much richer and deeper and full of beauty.

Her art is collected by many businesses as well as private owners. Some of which are: Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas Eye Care Associates, Dallas Baptist University, Melanie McNutt (of Collin Street Bakery) and Dr. Mark Young (President of Denver Seminary). She currently finished five original drawings for the book, Why, O God? published by Crossway books has been on the cover of Louise Penny’s New York Times Bestselling work, Still Life, and Mark S.M. Scott’s current book, Pathways of Theodicy. She is a Signature member of Artists of Texas. Dawn is affiliated with Mary Tomas Gallery in Dallas Design District, Smith Klein Gallery in Boulder, Colorado, Davis & Co. in Spring, TX and currently with White Stone Gallery in Philadelphia, PA. Her work has been in National shows including The National Weather Biennale, The Jubilee Museum Sacred Art Biennale, CIVA Contemporary Images of Mary and Ex Nihilo at Roberts Wesleyan College. Her work is available internationally through Veritasse based in London, England.

Canyon Storm 5 x7 Oil

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Dallas Skyline - VL Magazine | 69


Dawn Waters Baker Language: Beauty

Valley of Light

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Dawn Waters Baker Language: Beauty

After Glow

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Dawn Waters Baker Language: Beauty

Pool of Bethseda

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John 1

Redemption - VL Magazine | 75

A Basket of Flowers

Roseanne Snyder

Suzy Pal Powell “ I’m Thinking “

Elaine Vileria

Woman Dancing

Abstract/Realistic Drawing and Pastels

Anomalous Dispersion

Dyan Newton Colors of Life

Hill Country Living Contact:

vanessa katz

Buddha Dog

Nancy Medina Painting Under the Tuscan Sun A Painting Dream Getaway During the Peak of Poppy Bloom Season June 6-13, 2015 Tuscany, Italy

“Celebrating the stories and legends of Texas and the Great Southwest through original art, prints and books.�

601 E Hwy. 82 - Nocona, Texas 76255 . 940-825-7226 . Facebook: Texas Trails Art Gallery Tuesday through Saturday 10 to 6 . Sunday 1 to 5 . Closed Mondays.

Judy Mackey

“Patience” Oil on Canvas

“Patience 2” Oil on Canvas

“Patience 3” Oil on Canvas

“Patience 5” Oil on Canvas

Judy Mackey

“No Worries” Oil on Canvas

Roberta McGowen

Visual West Photography


Jacquie McMullen Pastel Artist

Stories in Landscape


Colors Make Me Happy

Daisy Pink 24 x 24 inches Acrylic on Canvas

She began painting at age 2 on small pieces and by age 3 moved up to full size canvas. Lady L is the granddaughter of Texas Artist Laurie Pace.

Mary Jo Zorad contemporary fine art

“You Have the Power” 12 x 12 Acrylic “Sedona” 16 x 20 Acrylic


Lisa McKinney

Had I Known

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VL Artist Interview with Kathy O’Leary

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Kathy O’leary

Interview When did you realize you loved art and wanted to be an artist? In 1989, having rediscovered I still had my drawing skills (developed from early college experience) I was drawn to painting and drawing again as a release from stresses of my job. As my skills grew rapidly I decided in 1990 that I wanted to leave my job and work closer to the field of art. After a year working for the local art’s council, being around art every day, artists, helping curate and hang shows, I quit to work full time at my own art. I committed myself to learning as much as I could, to see whether I could do this professionally. I honed my skills working at first in watercolor, pastel, mono printing, and finally trying oils. From my first experimentation with oils as a medium (in ‘94), I knew immediately that this was my medium and that the life I wanted was as a painter working in oils. Who has been your mentor, or greatest influence to date? I live in an artistically rich community, surrounded by supportive talented artists, but my greatest influence has come from a circle of local women artists (working in various mediums) I’ve grown close to over the years. They have supported, encouraged and challenged me (and each other) and together we have grown beyond where our individual dreams could have taken us. Who is another living artist you admire and why? The artist (and friend) I admire is a painter named Jim McVicker. He is now beginning to garner much deserved national recognition for his work. I admire him for his skills as a painter, his ability to interpret beauty in the landscape, the still-life and the figure. All without any apparent ego, willing to share his thoughts, and open to learning from others. He works only from life. His studio was close to mine when I was starting out, and I watched him (and his wife, Terry Oats) come to work everyday to his studio 7am - working in the studio or on location, until the sun set. He was such a good model for me to learn how you grow as an artist. Now I see his artistic sensibilities, his drive and commitment to his craft paying off. What is your favorite surface to create work on or to work with? Describe it if you make it yourself. My favorite surface to work on is good quality canvas or linen, double primed, preferably oil primed. What are your favorite materials to use? My favorite materials include good quality oil paints (I’m still exploring colors/brands that work best for what I’m trying to do. My favorite medium (used sparingly nowadays) is Dan Smith Alkyd medium, cut with poppy oil and Gamsol (mineral spirits). My favorite brushes right now are Windsor Newton hog bristle, flats and brights.

Right Page: Indian Island View 30x36 100 | VL Magazine -

Gasing Up

Hornet Sunset - VL Magazine | 101


Artist Interview with Kathy O’Leary

Do you have a favorite color palette? 3 blues - Ultra Marine, Kings Blue, Cerulean 3 reds - Alizarin crimson, Cad. Red med or other Medium red & Transparent Earth Red 3 greens - Sap Green, Veridian, Cadmium green 4 yellows - Raw umber, Yellow Ochre, Cad. Yellow deep, Cad. yellow light (or lemon yellow) White - Usually Titanium or Titanium/zinc white How often do you work on your artwork? How many hours a week? I work on my art, almost daily. At least 6 days/week, probably 40 - 55 hrs/week. What is the one thing you would like to be remembered for? Probably the change I made in mid-life from working in the natural food business to being a professional artist. I’m an example of that fact that with hard work, commitment, and a passion for art, it can be done. There are many culprits that can crush creativity, such as distractions, self-doubt and fear of failure. What tends to stand in the way of your creativity? What stands in my way the most is self-doubt, sometimes fear of failing at what I’m trying to do. How do you overcome these obstacles? I over come this, sometimes more successfully than others, by going to work every day. Starting a new painting. By reminding myself it’s about the process and not to allow myself to get immersed in the competitive and comparative mode with other artists. Going to museums, galleries, reading books on art, all show me how very different we all are as artists, and there are many paths to living an artistically creative life. What are your inspirations for your work? My inspiration for my work first and foremost comes from my travels and explorations of the landscape in my home state, California. Next it comes from visiting galleries and museums and seeing all the different takes possible on any one subject. I try to pay attention to what really touches me at a visceral level. I’m inspired by those artists who take off on a different style, mode to express themselves, particularly those working with the landscape as their subject. What is your favorite way to get your creative juices flowing? Some of my favorite ways to get my juices flowing are: -Meditate first before starting work for the day. -Doing a small painting (6 x 8) of some subject (ex: photo of a landscape), or small still life, using 100 brush strokes (or close to it). -Hanging a large piece of blank paper on my wall and with tempera paints, taking about 30 minutes to paint what ever I’m feeling, using big brushes and bright colors )sometimes totally abstract, sometimes figurative). Which work of yours is your favorite? Right now, it’s “Earth, Air, Fire-Mt. Shasta”. Painted on location it’s one of my newest ones.

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Afternoon Shadows 24x36

Back Country Trail 24x36 - VL Magazine | 103


Artist Interview with Kathy O’Leary

Dunescape 36X48 104 | VL Magazine -

Lavender Fields Below Shasta 12x16 - VL Magazine | 105


Artist Interview with Kathy O’Leary Steadfast 30” x 48” x 1.5” Canvas 106 | VL Magazine - - VL Magazine | 107


Artist Interview with Kathy O’Leary

Getting to know you Q&A What is your favorite color in your closet? Red What book are you reading this week? Richard Schmid's Alla Prima II Do you have a favorite television show? Bones, & Antiques Road Show What is your favorite food? East Indian What color sheets are on your bed right now? Green What are you most proud of in your life? With my husband of 47 years raising an intelligent, sensitive, hard working, progressive son, who in turn is an amazing parent and marriage partner, and making a successful mid-life career change. Who would you love to interview? My long dead great uncle, Willard "Spud" Johnson, a writer and poet, and good friend to writers (D.H. Lawrence) and artists (Georgia O'Keefe) in Taos New Mexico between 1930's - 1960's. Do you have a passion or hobby other than painting? What is it? No. Who would you love to paint? The women in my circle of women artist friends. If you were an animal what would you be and why? Human If you were stranded on a desert island and could only take three things, what would they be? A watercolor paint set, paper, some good pot. Share something with us that few people know about you. That I have a degree in Social Welfare. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? Somewhere in central, rural California, close to our son and his family, equidistance to both ends of the state I love to paint, with a home and studio surrounded by several acres of natural, interesting landscape. 108 | VL Magazine - - VL Magazine | 109

Palette Knife Painters

Kimberly Conrad “Pouring Color Into Your Life”

Moving Metals Cerulean B-6 18” x 18”

Moving Metals

Moving Metals Cerulean B-5 18 “ x 18�


Carol A. McIntyre “Floating Winds, “ 28x21, Oil on Canvas


Diane Whitehead “Animals are my muse. The scratch of the paw, pounce of a hoof, gesture of the head, alert ear, quiet stride, powerful shape, ancient wisdom. All come to play with the shapes I see as I paint.�


“Looking After Them” Jeanne Illenye - VL Magazine | 119


Jeanne Illenye Looking After Them

“Artist Jeanne Illenye’s deep passion for animals is evident in her sensitive oil portraits which eloquently capture the expression of each individual pet. It has often been said that Jeanne has an innate ability to capture the essence of their very souls in her delicate portraits.”

Spiritual Connection For anyone who takes the time to gaze into the eyes of an animal, particularly our pets, there is always a moment of deep recognition...a flash of communication that captures our hearts...that touches us in a unique way, which is why I can understand how it has been said that animals are the eyes of God. What began as an afterthought, since I’d established a reputation solely as a still life artist, painting custom pet portraits has become a truly gratifying experience for both my clients and myself. Actually a culmination of circumstances, it became evident that a stirring desire to do more for animals in need, along with a curiosity as to whether or not I could even paint pets with a sufficient degree of accuracy, is what inspired me to introduce this new genre of pet portraiture to my portfolio. Selling Online I was already a Power Seller on ebay for several years and the recipient of seven Artist Choice Awards for my still lifes. However, I recall becoming enthralled with such artistic diversity including a new exposure to portraits of wildlife and pets, that I pondered whether I could actually paint them, too. So I created two small portraits, a white wolf entitled “Golden Eyes” and a fawn entitled “In Hiding”. Shortly thereafter, I humbly submitted both portraits as application to a small group of online artists who raised funds for animal charities and rescues, where I was graciously accepted. Looking After Them Although having always donated to animal rights organizations, I still wanted to raise awareness in my own small way, and membership in this group along with creating a new blog would perhaps provide a venue which would in essence help give animals a voice. At the time, I was also in mourning for the recent loss of our cat who came into our lives most unusually. Found 12 years prior as a kitten thrown into a city street gutter and left unconscious, my mother-in-law had picked her up, felt no signs of life so put her in a box and began digging a grave to bury her; alas she awoke and leapt out of the box! My husband brought her to me where she immediately climbed on my neck and slept there every single night for nearly 12 years. Her buoyant personality brought us such joy that I wanted to share her story of survival and determination through seizures and ultimately, illness. I dedicated my blog to her for the purpose of raising funds via my pet portraits to be donated in part to those less fortunate than our beloved and pampered pets.

Right Page: Daisy 14 x 11 120 | VL Magazine -

Homecoming - VL Magazine | 121


Jeanne Illenye Looking After Them

Pet Portraits Painted with Love When embarking upon a custom portrait, I always encourage clients to share a bit about their pets’ personalities as this not only prompts an occasional laugh at their adorable antics, but also remains on the forefront of my mind while painting, which I firmly believe contributes to the creation of a more sensitive and accurate portrait. For commissioned portraits I always work from clients’ photos and encourage them to email as many images as desired so that I can view additional angles and more fully comprehend bone structure, posture and facial expressions and most particularly their deep, soulfully expressive eyes. If a client’s favorite photo is missing an ear, paw or tail I can refer to the other photos as well, or if they would like an entirely different background setting such as a garden, pile of plush pillows, oriental rug, or classical background I am always delighted to oblige. Paintings in Memoriam This is truly near and dear to my heart as I know how important our furred and feathered friends are to us. They are family members who share our daily lives, which is why I feel especially honored when selected to paint a portrait in memoriam. Often I will receive an email from a client who had previously purchased still lifes, asking me to urgently paint their pet’s portrait as they’d just passed the night before or even earlier that day. While it’s always a tender time for people, I do my best to comfort them by obliging their requests as quickly as possible. In fact, I always say a little prayer before beginning each portrait asking for guidance to create not only an accurate depiction of each pet, but also to infuse the painting with an energy that expresses the magnitude of their love…and in turn, the love doted upon them. Tears of Joy The most fulfilling compliment a client can convey is that their portraits were received with tears of joy! So often my portraits are commissioned as gifts to someone else, especially as poignant memories for one who is seeking comfort after losing a pet. When I receive comments such as, “I am mesmerized by the pet paintings you have done. How did you ever figure out how to paint their souls?” I must admit that I, too, have tears of joy. That is the ultimate gift for me to receive, and the ultimate gift for me to give is filling the void in someone’s heart with warm and precious memories every time they view their pet portraits…hence my slogan “Pet Portraits Painted with Love”. Future Endeavors Custom notecards of every portrait are offered to my clients at the conclusion of their paintings. Also, I offer charming Christmas cards featuring my painting of a darling little Westie in a Santa Hat entitled “Patience” which is still selling five years later. Having been met with such consistent popularity, I am inspired to create several new Christmas and holiday cards as well as a new line of gift items which will be offered later this year. If you would like to commission your pet portraits kindly email me at Right Page: OSA 10 x 8 122 | VL Magazine - - VL Magazine | 123


Jeanne Illenye Looking After Them

Honeymooners 12 x 12 124 | VL Magazine -

Gus Ragdoll Cat 8 x 10

William and Henry - VL Magazine | 125


Jeanne Illenye Looking After Them

Monet 10 x 8

Harry Beagle 18 x 14 126 | VL Magazine -


Lizzie 20 x 16 - VL Magazine | 127

Alejandro Castanon Vino Dipinte Art Gallery

602 Orient St

San Angelo, TX 76903


Texas Art

Artists of Texas


Felicia Marshall

“Dressed Up”


Left page: “Sunshine on Hope”


Index of Features and Advertisers Alejandro Castanon 128-129 Artists of Texas 132-133 Artists Out of Bounds 22 Barbara Haviland 64 Bob Coonts 58-59 Carol Jo Smidt 17 Carolyn Hancock 24-25 Connie Chadwell 14 Corey Watson 40 Daily Painters 136-137 Daily Painters Abstract Gallery 114-115 Davis & CO 56-57 Dawn Waters Baker 66-75 Diane Whitehead 116-117 Dyan Newton 80 Elaine Vileria 78-79 Eric Bodtker 62 Felicia Marshall 134-135 Filomena Booth 38-39 Hilda Rueda 30-31 Jacquie McMullen 90-91 Jeanne Illenye cover, 3, 118-127 Joenlle T McCoy 16 John Whitton Bria 20-21 Joyce Pihl 36-37 Judy Mackey 86-87 Karen Margulis 44-55 Kathy O’Leary 98-109

Kimberly Conrad 112-113 Kristine Byars 26-27 Kristine Kainer 130-131 Lady L 92-93 Laurie Pace 60-61 Lelija Roy 41 Lisa McKinney 96-97 Logan Bauer 42-43 Marchita Priest 28-29 Mark Yearwood 8 Mary Jo Zorad 94-95 Michal Ashkenasi 18-19 Mirada Fine Art 12-13 Nancy Medina 82-83 Nathalie Kelly 139 Painters Keys Sara Genn 11 Palette Knife Painters 110-111 Phylis De Quevedo 15 Richard Levine 9 Roberta McGowen 88-89 Roseanne Snyder76 Sanda Manuila 63 Suzy Pal Powell 32-33, 77 Texas Trails Art Gallery 84-85 Tina Bohlman 34-35 Vanessa Katz 81 Vicki Rees 65 Victoria Pendragon 4

Nathalie Kelley

“Christmas Candy” 8 x 10

“Blowing Off Steam”

VL 140 | VL Magazine -

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