Vitalise July 2014

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vitalise JULY 2014 # Issue 75


VITALISE M aga zine

10 | Featur e

VEGGIES: THE RAW TRUTH REGULARS | 06 The dietician is in | 13 Message board | 21 Health highlights | 22 Performance chart

in this issue - Vitalise - Issue 75





inside This Issue July 2014, issue 75










04 THE VITAL FOUNDATION 10 feature 08 THE workplace Veggies: the raw truth psychologist is in 14 condition close-up Will the true leader please Do you feel the burn? stand up? 18 a vital feast Sticky and sweet

06 THE dietician is in 16 HEALTH SNIPPETS 21 health highlights 22 chart Performance

editorial team

CLUB QUERIES Please direct any Vital Club- or subscription-related queries to our Vital Club Administrator on email or tel. 021 900 2500.


Design & Layout

alison rITCHIE

Contributing Writers

Food Styling

Wilmarié Beyers, Andrea du

Illanique van Aswegen

Plessis, Raquel Goaté, Pam


Pillay, Nadine van Staden

Johan Wilke


Stock Images

tania heyns


02 · JuLY 2014

DOWNLOAD All this now available for FREE at the click of a button

welcome - Editor's letter

alison rITCHIE

- Vitalise Editor -

Editor's letter


his year we will be celebrating Mandela Day without the great man who inspired the occasion. Naturally, it will be a time for reflection when we all go back to our own Madiba story. We all have one; a story of a family member who knew him, or a time when you saw him. He may have even touched your life personally. Whatever the story, it will be remembered with great fondness and he will be on all our minds. This is why we have chosen to dedicate this issue of Vitalise to the memory of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela.


The print version of Vitalise is no longer available, but we are thrilled that Vital Club membership is now free and new members are able to join via our website All the benefits: • Vitalise, our new digital magazine • Product discounts of 20% (excl. VAT) when purchasing directly from our factory and online shops • Exclusive competitions to Vital Club members ONLY • Discount coupons • PLUS: We offer free nutritional advice!

Call 0800 22 33 11 toll-free


My own story takes me back to a time when I was still working as a journalist. I was unexpectedly asked to film an interview with struggle veteran Ahmed Kathrada. It was my first on-camera interview, and I was extremely nervous. As first interviewees go, I couldn’t have picked better. As a political activist in his own right, Kathrada is a man to be highly admired. However, my brief was not to delve into the man himself, but to gain better insight into one of his life-long friends, Nelson Mandela. As I sat in his lounge, and as the nerves started to dissipate, I just listened to the tales of the men who made enormous personal sacrifices for the greater good. It was a privilege to hear these stories from him, and it is something I will always treasure.

I recently reread Ahmed’s Kathrada’s tribute at Nelson Mandela’s funeral, and he captured quite eloquently what we all should remember in the run-up to our former president’s birthday: “Mandela, your abundant reserves of love, simplicity, honesty, service, humility, care, courage, foresight, patience, tolerance, equality and justice, continually served as a source of enormous strength to many millions of people in South Africa and the world. You symbolise today, and always will, qualities of collective leadership, reconciliation, unity and forgiveness. You strove daily to build a united, non-racial, non-sexist and democratic South Africa.” Taking inspiration from this, in this issue of Vitalise, we have asked our in-house industrial psychologist to give some insight on how to become a better leader in your own life. Now is as good a time as any to make changes, as I am sure inspiration is at its peak with us joining together to celebrate Mandela Day. Yours in good health,

PS please email me at I would love to hear from you. 03


MAKE YOUR 67 MINUTES COUNT The time for sitting back and hoping for change has long past, South Africans are called to join in and protect the women and children of this country. The Vital Foundation heeded Nelson Mandela’s call to action in 1983: “It is in your hands to create a better world for all who live in it.” On 18 July 2014, the Vital Foundation rallied Vital Health Foods staff and volunteers all over the country to join in the fight against woman and child abuse.

The Vital Foundation focused on four organisations: Cape Town: Nazareth House Johannesburg: Jo’burg Child Welfare DURBAN: YouthKZN Port Elizabeth: SOS Children’s Village


he Vital Foundation would like to encourage and empower communities to protect their women and children and say: phansi nge abuse (down with abuse). The smallest contribution can make

the biggest impact in a person’s life, if all South Africans join hands and tackle the problem head-on, the cycles of abuse can be broken down, and promote behaviour change that will have a lasting impact.

In the spirit of uTata Nelson Mandela, we say phansi nge abuse. Together as one we can make a difference. 04 · JuLY 2014



he first round of donations to organisations fighting woman and child abuse was made by the Vital Foundation in April 2014. The foundation has spent some time to get to know these organisations and the great work they accomplish every day.



he Vital Foundation has officially opened the second round application cycle for funding from 1 June 2014 to 31 July 2014. Organisations are encouraged to please apply online at or to contact Nadine van Staden on 021 900 2650. Applicants who have previously applied for funding are welcome to apply again. All applications will be submitted to the Vital Foundation board, after a thorough screening process, on 1 September 2014. All applicants will receive feedback by 30 September 2014.

Sisters Incorporated, headed up by Linda Fugard, is run by a passionate team of eight staff members in Kenilworth, Cape Town and has helped women and children in need since 1959. The organisation was founded by four doctors' wives with the vision to help protect pregnant, single teenagers and women considering putting their babies up for adoption. They also accommodated teenage girls who were placed on a detention order by the court. It was a natural progression to open their doors to abused women and their children during the 1980s.

Sisters Incorporated offers residential care and shelter to abused women and their children, as well as rape survivors and pregnant women considering adoption for three to six months in the main shelter, and a further six months in the second-stage shelter. Clothing, toiletries and shoes are provided. Beneficiaries receive counselling, medical and legal assistance, and support in getting children into schools. Sisters Incorporated also has an on-site crèche and aftercare facility available. “The funding that we will receive from the Vital Foundation will empower residents through therapeutic intervention. This is achieved with one-on-one counselling, skills and life skills training programmes and assisting children to heal through crèche programmes,” says Fugard. For more information, please visit 05

the dietician is in

FAQs Answers to frequently asked questions

There are so many multivitamins to choose from. How do I make the right choice?

I have just found out that I am pregnant and want to ensure that I am eating correctly, and that my baby is getting all the nutrients required for healthy development. Do you have any advice for me? You have started with the right attitude, but remember that you need to take care of your nutritional needs as well as the needs of your baby. Eating the right foods will definitely ensure that optimal growth occurs

06 · JuLY 2014

during organ development, especially the brain, the skeleton and limbs. You should ensure your diet is rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, fatty fish, low-fat dairy and water. Each pregnancy differs and therefore individual requirements may differ – this is why supplementation is always essential. Taking a multivitamin like Vital Pregnant Women + will ensure that you are covered if eating becomes an issue.

Firstly, make a note of your needs. If you are healthy, you can go for a general multivitamin like Vital Gold, which provides you with most of the nutrients you need on a daily basis. If you are in a particular age group, you can look at supplements like Vital Over 45’s or Vital Over 60’s, which are formulated according to what nutrients become more important with age. If you have a medical condition like high cholesterol, for instance, then ensure that there are no precautions on the pack for this condition or for the medication you take for the condition and then choose as you would if you were healthy.

pam pillay

- Nutritional Expert Vital Health Foods

Pam Pillay is a registered dietician (BSc Dietetics) with a passion for good health and nutrition. She finds fulfilment in educating and enlightening people on the significant impact of leading a healthy and well-balanced life. Pam firmly believes that we are what we eat. Contact Pam on our toll-free nutritional helpline or ask her advice on our website.


WIN! A Vital pregnant women+ hamper Click here to enter

Vital Pregnant Women+ Nutritional needs dramatically increase during pregnancy and breast-feeding to support both mother and developing baby. Vital Pregnant Women + is a comprehensive multivitamin and -mineral formulation, expertly formulated to meet your increased needs during this time.


JOIN THE VITAL CLUB AND WIN A Vital WELLNESS hamper Click here to enter


W W W.V I TA L . C O. ZA 07

the workplace psychologist is in

will the true leader

please stand up? Vital Health Food’s in-house industrial psychologist shares some insight on how to become a better leader in your own life. Now is as good a time as any to make changes, as inspiration is at its peak with us all joining together to celebrate Mandela Day.


he 141 000 000 articles that you can access when you google “leadership” serve as testimony to the interest and impact of this global character trait. I once attended a leadership seminar where the presenter asked us to put a finger on the table for every true leader that you know. Most of the people in the room couldn’t even put down one finger. I have pondered about why true leadership is so evasive. The impact of a true leader is immense: think about Steve Jobs, Mother Theresa and our own Madiba. They have all literally played a role in shaping our world. True leadership needed more than ever Uncertainty, layoffs, amalgamations and everincreasing pressure in the workplace demands true leadership. True leaders keep their people motivated, engaged and inspired regardless of 08 · JuLY 2014

incredible political, social and economic transition. In challenging times like these, all eyes are on the leaders and their ability to create an inspiring vision and to guide the people around them out of the chaos.

"These changes call for leaders who are flexible, who are change catalysts, and who can engage a team during tough times."


It’s more than a job – it’s a calling True leaders invest in a cause they believe in. They do not hesitate to sacrifice their own comfort for the greater good. I think about Florence Dodovu, a housewife, mother, granny and foster mother extraordinaire, living in an informal settlement, who shares her twobedroom house and limited resources with seven abandoned children she has single-handedly been caring for. Our own Tata Madiba, who sacrificed a comfortable family life and his own freedom for a cause, a vision he had for

this country. Great leaders are not bound by a salary or by working hours. They will do what is called for to achieve the vision they have. The need for emotionally intelligent leaders As businesses change, competitive pressure puts a new value on people who are optimistic and selfmotivated, who can adapt to rapid change and have the inner drive to outdo themselves. These changes call for leaders who are flexible, who are change catalysts, and who can engage a team during tough times.

the workplace psychologist is in

PRIMAL LEADERSHIP Recent research has focused a great deal on the role of emotional intelligence in leadership. Many studies claim that up to 90% of a leader’s success is dependent on their emotional intelligence. The ability-performance paradox highlights the fact that highly talented individuals do not always deliver as leaders. Some fail because their emotional intelligence does not match their cognitive intelligence (IQ). Essential qualities include: ✓ The ability to inspire and engage ✓ The ability to recognise and react to the emotions and feelings of other people, and the skill to help them handle and manage their emotions ✓ The ability to create an optimistic work culture ✓ The ability to create a sense of ownership among employees ✓ The ability to address rapid social and technological change

Wilmarié Beyers - HR Executive -

Vital Health Foods Wilmarié is a registered industrial psychologist (MA Industrial Psychology). Her passions are positive psychology, people development and behavioural assessment. She encourages a balanced approach to health by focusing on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels.

Click here to watch Nelson Mandela’s inspiring definition of ubuntu




the raw truth

010 路 JuLY 2014


Nutrition guidelines recommend five portions of fresh fruit and vegetables per day as part of a balanced diet. For some people this already seems unrealistic, so new recommendations that indicate one should consume seven to 10 portions per day is raising eyebrows and questions. Andrea du Plessis explores these new theories.

VEGETABLES: Five peR day not enough

Scientists from the UK recommend that we should increase the recommendation to seven to 10 portions of fresh fruit and/ or vegetables per day, based on a study reviewing causes of death and death risk in a group of more than 65 000 people (Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 31 March 2014). Results from this study showed that a higher intake of fruit and vegetables is linked with a lower death risk from cancer, stroke and heart disease. Health benefits seem to increase exponentially with each extra daily portion of vegetables, while fruit shows less favourable results.

in abundance in red peppers, guavas and citrus fruit to name a few. • Minerals such as magnesium, iron and calcium are found in dark green vegetables. • Soluble and insoluble fibre that support healthy digestive function are found in all fruit and

"Pack veggie power into your family’s meals by making your own pesto"

vegetables, while some also contain prebiotics, nutrients that are Vegetables play an favoured by the healthy essential role in building bacteria in our healthy families and digestive systems. healthy homes, providing • Apart from all this necessary nutrients that goodness, an added are hard to acquire from bonus is that the bright other foods. colour pigments in fruit and vegetables happen • Vitamins, notably vitamin to be potent antioxidants C, needed for a healthy that fight disease and immune system, are found support vitality.

why we need vegetables

Health problems associated with a low intake of fruit and vegetables include constipation, spastic colon, irritable bowel syndrome, increased susceptibility to infections due to poor immune function, slow healing of wounds and fatigue.

how to eat more vegetables

Your favourite winter comfort foods make it easy to eat more vegetables: Stews: Substitute potatoes with more nutritious vegetables such as butternut, baby marrows and carrots. They provide the stodgy comfort-food texture, more flavour and fewer carbohydrates.

for a flavourful, delicious crunchy stir-fry: purple cabbage, carrots, onions, red peppers, baby marrows, celery, green beans and bean sprouts. Pasta: Enrich your bolognaise sauce by adding grated carrots, finely chopped celery, cauliflower, mushrooms and onions. Pesto: Pack veggie power into your family’s meals by making your own pesto: combine two cups of blanched baby spinach, two cups of blanched broccoli, a handful of rocket leaves, two cloves garlic, half a cup of grated parmesan and half a cup of olive oil; add salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste.

Soups: There is no better way to get multiple portions of vegetables in one meal. Stir-fries: If you get bored with stews and soups, try this interesting combination of chopped vegetables


ANDREA DU PLESSIS - Nutritional Expert -

Vital Health Foods

low-carb winter veg

Follow this guide to low-carb veggies, which are ideal to stop those kilos from piling on this winter

Andrea du Plessis is a registered dietician (BSc Dietetics, MPhil Exercise Science) with a passion for good health achieved through nutrition, natural remedies and a healthy lifestyle. She is a regular contributor on the SABC 3 show Expresso (weekdays 06:00–08:30). Ask her advice on Health24 (the Vital Vitamin Expert) or her Facebook page.

The Vital Expert recommends Vegetable

*Carbohydrates (g/100 g)

Use this in

Baby marrows (courgettes / zucchini)


Unbelievably simple, satisfying Italian vegetable soup: boil sliced tomatoes, baby marrows and onions in vegetable stock until soft. Serve with a dollop of basil pesto.



This broccoli salad has a delicious nutty flavour: combine two cups of raw grated broccoli, one can of lentils (fluid drained), half a cup of crumbled feta, two chopped spring onions, a squeeze of lemon juice and black pepper to taste.

Brussels sprouts


Add to stews and soups. They provide rich flavour and if cooked soft, a lovely stodgy texture without the carbohydrates.



Add plenty of cabbage to your beef or lamb stew, season with nutmeg, and leave out the potato – you will not miss it.



Add plenty of carrots into a meaty stew to substitute potatoes; they add more flavour and have 75% fewer carbohydrates. Grate carrots into a thick hearty soup; they can replace other starchy vegetables to thicken the soup.



For a delicious, creamy substitute to mashed potatoes, puree boiled cauliflower, flavour with nutmeg and a sprinkle of parmesan.



Adds flavour and nutritional value to soups and a lovely crunch to any winter salad.



Grill large mushrooms in the oven, rub with olive oil and top with crumbled feta, black pepper, garlic and rosemary.

*Potato contains 20 g carbohydrates per 100 g

012 · JuLY 2014

WIN! A Vital gold hamper Click here to enter

Vital Gold Vital Gold is the ultimate one-a-day A–Z supplement. This unique, expertly formulated combination of 32 vitamins, minerals, omega-3 fatty acids and micronutrients contains ginseng for vitality and antioxidantrich blackcurrant extract.

And if you are still not inspired, here are some more reasons to motivate you to eat more vegetables: Low cost: Seasonal vegetables are the most cost-effective, nutritious food available. Grow your own: Start with rocket, spinach and baby marrow as they require very little TLC. Freeze them for a lazy day: Cooked or raw vegetables can be frozen without compromising their nutritional value. Low-carbohydrate options: Ideal for high-protein diets.

message board

kind regards

Your feedback

Please email


Vital Co-Enzyme Q10 Vital Co-Enzyme Q10 is a high-potency source of co-enzyme Q10, an essential substance needed for energy production at cellular level, as well as for cardiovascular health. As a powerful antioxidant, co-enzyme Q10 combats free radicals. The nutrient declines with ageing and as a side-effect of some anti-cholesterol medication.

Vital Mini Rice Cakes Vital Chamomile Tea “Recently, while shopping at my local mall, I came across Vital Mini Rice Cakes. It caught my eye, but I was a bit sceptical to buy it because I have always heard that rice cakes were bland and tasted like cardboard, but the name, Cream Cheese and Chives, appealed to me so I bought it. It was divine. I even got my hubby and colleagues to taste it and they all agreed. Thank you for a wholesome, great-tasting treat.”

“It has been a long time since I found a decent chamomile tea and I just wanted you to know that Vital Chamomile Tea is awesome. It actually does calm my nerves, and I find myself telling people about it. I sleep better after having had a cup before bedtime and it quiets my racing head after a hard day at the office. Thank you for this and I hope it doesn’t leave your product line anytime soon.”

Eustacia Pillay/Benoni, GAUTENG

Irmi le Roux/Midrand, GAUTENG

key ingredients: Co-Enzyme Q10 Vitamin E

100 mg 5 mg

Heart health tips: • De-stress your heart Stress is linked to many physical reactions in the body, including raising blood pressure, heart rate and levels of the stress hormone cortisol. To achieve a state of complete relaxation you need to completely disconnect; this means no email, Facebook or TV. • Reduce blood pressure by reducing your salt intake High blood pressure is a risk factor for heart disease. If a concerted effort is made to reduce your salt intake, you can help to lower blood pressure.

b e n e f i ts : • F ree from azo-colourants, tartrazine and aspartame • Naturally wheat-free • Preservative-free and MSG-free

ben efits: • Helps with anxiety, insomnia, spastic colon, hay fever and menstrual cramps • Naturally caffeine-free • Chemical-free, oxygen-bleached tea bags

• Sleep to your heart’s content People who sleep fewer than seven hours a night have higher blood pressure and higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Recent research has also indicated that people who do not get enough sleep are more than twice as likely as others to die of heart disease.


condition close-up

do you feel the burn? Your urinary system, also known as the renal system, is responsible for making urine and carrying it out of your body. It includes two kidneys, two ureters, the bladder and the urethra. The kidneys are the body’s natural blood filters and remove water-soluble waste, which is directed to the bladder. The ureters are the tubes that run from the kidney to the bladder, and the urethra carries the urine from the bladder to exit your body. 014 · JuLY 2014

condition close-up


Urinary tract infections (UTI) can be painful and uncomfortable. More common in women than in men, UTIs can also occur in children. There are two different types of UTI, namely lower (bladder and urethra) and upper (kidney and ureters). A lower UTI is less serious than an upper UTI, and each has its own symptoms. These symptoms can sometimes spread from one to the other. SYMPTOMS OF LOWER UTI


Cloudy urine


Urinating more often than usual

Uncontrollable shivering

Pain or discomfort when urinating


Loss of bladder control


Odd smelling urine


Blood in the urine

Side, back or groin pain which increases when uriniating

Abdominal pain


WIN! A Vital cranberry complex hamper Click here to enter


Tips to support bladder health: In the case of upper UTI, there is a higher risk of complication, so please visit your doctor should you have any of the symptoms. If you have any of the following risk factors, you should also visit your doctor, as these will increase your risk and allow for complication from a UTI:


• Kidney disease • Diabetes •W eak immune system because of chemotherapy or HIV/Aids • Pregnant • Over the age of 65

Drink cranberry juice regularly

A UTI can usually work its way out of your system in four to five days. However, there are steps you can take to reduce your risk of developing a UTI.

Dried cranberries can also support bladder health – snack on these in-between meals, or include in your breakfast cereal or muesli

rink six to eight D glasses of water per day

Vital Cranberry Complex is expertly formulated to assist in preventing urinary tract infections. Cranberry has been shown to inhibit adherence of certain bacteria to the urinary tract’s mucous membranes. Added sage leaf, stinging nettle, L-arginine, buchu and vitamin C make this a comprehensive formulation. key ingredients: Cranberry Extract Sage Leaf Extract Stinging Nettle Extract

check out some tips from Andrea about bladder infections

200 mg 12.5 mg 25 mg

Vital Health Foods Nutritional Expert BSc Dietetics, MPhil Exercise Science

HEALTH SNIPPETS with andrea As a regular contributor on the SABC 3 show Expresso (weekdays 06:00–08:30), Andrea du Plessis is able to share her passion for good health achieved though nutrition, natural remedies and a healthy lifestyle. Information about health and nutrition is constantly updated – read on for some guidance on what is current and of interest to you. Post your questions on Andrea’s Facebook page

• Call our toll-free helpline on 0800 22 33 11 • Email • Visit our website – – and post a question on the ‘Ask our experts’ page • Visit and post a question to the Vital Vitamin Experts on the ‘Experts’ page • Tune in to Expresso, weekdays between 06:00 and 08:30 on SABC 3, for your daily Vital expert health tip.

016 · JuLY 2014

health snippets with andrea


more than just a head of broccoli

Vegetables: five per day not enough?

Broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables are known to assist in the prevention of chronic disease and cancer. A better understanding of the active components in broccoli and their mechanism of action were revealed in a study conducted by the UK Institute of Food Research. Sulforaphane, derived from glucoraphanin, was identified as the bioactive component. It is believed to activate and retune genes involved with ageing and disease progression. (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, September 2013, 98(3):712–722)

7 to 10 portions of vegetables per day is what we should aim for according to a research study published in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health (31 March 2014). why so many? A higher intake of fruit and vegetables is linked with a lower death risk from cancer, stroke and heart disease in the Health Surveys for England study which comprised 65 000 participants. Health benefits seem to increase exponentially with each extra daily portion of vegetables, while fruit demonstrated less favourable results.

Results sumary Seven or more portions of fruit and vegetables per day were linked with:

42% 25% 31%

reduction in overall mortality rates

lower cancer risk

lower risk for heart disease and stroke

is this realistic? Even for the super health conscious, aiming for seven to 10 portions of vegetables per day may be biting off more than most can chew. Our diets of refined and processed foods are inadequate with regard to the antioxidants, vitamins and minerals we need to stay healthy. While multivitamins can help fill the gaps, we should aim to increase our intake of nutrient-rich vegetables.

ON EXPRESSO EAT MORE VEG Watch these recipes on YouTube, transforming your least favourite vegetables into new taste sensations. ✽ Courgettes with garlic and mint ✽ Cumin-roasted cauliflower salad ✽ Courgette and feta fettuccini

Give our feature on page 12 a read for some tips on how to increase your intake of veggies this winter.




Asian cooking is known for combining savoury with sweet, and the blend is usually a gastronomic winner. We have put together two such Asian delights we hope you enjoy.



(serves 4)

• • • • • • •

1 tablespoon peanut oil 500 g lean beef strips ½ teaspoon garlic paste salt and pepper to taste 2 tablespoons Vital Chilli Soy Sauce 2 tablespoons honey 2 tablespoons sweet chilli sauce 2 tablespoons toasted sesame seeds low GI wholewheat wraps 125 ml sour cream small red onion, thinly sliced small red pepper, thinly julienned

WIN! A Vital SOY SAUCE hamper Click here to enter

018 · JuLY 2014

Heat the peanut oil in a frying pan and add the beef strips. Fry in batches, if necessary, until the beef strips are brown. Add garlic, pepper and salt and fry for a further minute. Remove the beef strips from the pan and add Vital Chilli Soy Sauce, honey and sweet chilli sauce to the pan and return to the heat for a minute to combine the sauces. Add the beef and thoroughly coat with the sauces, then remove from the heat. Add the toasted sesame seeds. Spread sour cream on one of the wholewheat wraps and place some beef strips in the middle of it; you can then add onion and red pepper. Fold the wholewheat wrap over into a square and enjoy.




(A sweet Indian carrot pudding)

Checklist: (serves 4–6)


20 g butter 500 g finely grated carrots 1 litre fat-free milk 100 ml brown sugar 5 ml ground green cardamom 1 tablespoon toasted Vital Sunflower Seeds 1 tablespoon toasted almond nibs

• • • • • • •

Melt half the butter in a thick-base pot and add the carrots. Sauté the carrots for 10 to 15 minutes until the mixture turns a pale colour. Add the milk, bring to the boil and then reduce the heat to medium. Cook until all the milk has been absorbed by the carrots. This can take about 30 to 40 minutes. Add the sugar and stir until the mixture thickens, as the addition of sugar will liquefy the mixture again. Once the mixture thickens, add the remaining butter and the ground cardamom and mix until the mixture starts to form a ball. Remove from the heat and allow to cool. Sprinkle Vital Sunflower Seeds and almonds over pudding.

This pudding can be served hot or cold.

WIN! A Vital SUNFLOWER SEEDS hamper Click here to enter

020 · JuLY 2014


Health Highlights


When directing any product-related enquiries to our Vital experts, you can be sure that you’ll receive friendly, efficient and expert customer service. VITAL OMEGA 3 & 6 Concentrate


Vital Omega 3 & 6 Concentrate capsules contain omega-3 fatty acids from fish and flaxseed oils, and omega-6 fatty acids from borage oil. Omega-3 fatty acids are traditionally used to support the immune, cardiovascular and nervous systems, memory and concentration, and healthy cholesterol levels. The omega-6 fatty acid GLA is traditionally taken by women for general health.

Vital Gold is the ultimate one-aday A–Z supplement. This unique, expertly formulated combination of 32 vitamins, minerals, omega-3 fatty acids and micronutrients contains ginseng for vitality and antioxidant-rich blackcurrant extract.

As these omega-3 and 6 fatty acids cannot be made in the body and are lacking in the modern diet, supplementation is essential.

key ingredients: Fish Oil Flaxseed Oil Borage Oil

400 mg 350 mg 250 mg

What is unique about Vital Gold? It contains blackcurrant extract, which has potent antioxidants called anthocyanidins that help to protect body cells and tissues against the damaging effects of free radicals. It is also known to boost the immune system. key ingredients: Ginseng Root Extract Blackcurrant Extract Salmon Oil

20 mg 4,77 mg 150 mg

pam pillay

- Nutritional Expert -

ANDREA DU PLESSIS - Nutritional Expert -

“Love Vital products, I watch Expresso every morning for the latest info and tips. It is informative and interesting. Thank you!” Lois Carol Wessels, Facebook

Please click here to ask our experts any question you may have 021



DEfInition/ fact

risk factors/ symptoms

Concentration and memory

The brain, as part of the nervous system, is responsible for memory and concentration. Problems with memory and concentration may be caused by stress, being overworked, insomnia, fatigue, ageing or certain medical conditions.

• • • • • • •

Can’t concentrate Struggle to remember things Studying for exams/tests Can’t focus on work/schoolwork Stressed Overworked Mentally fatigued


Fatigue is characterised by low energy levels, persistent tiredness, diminished concentration and inability to perform normal tasks. Fatigue is typically a symptom of being overworked, insomnia, stress or a medical disorder.

• • • • • • • •

I am always tired I wake up unrefreshed I have late nights/insomnia I skip meals I am on medication I can’t concentrate I am stressed I am very busy and/or active

Sexual performance (male)

Trouble with sexual performance can affect men of all ages and is caused by various factors, including stress, anxiety, smoking, alcohol, medication, diabetes, insufficient exercise, fatigue, poor diet and blood pressure problems.

• • • • • • • • •

Poor libido Diabetic On medication High blood pressure Don’t exercise Very stressed Suffer from anxiety and/or depression Smoker High alcohol intake

022 · JuLY 2014

*Disclaimer: This table is meant as a guide. Consult your physician if using chronic medication or with hypersensitivity to nutritional supplements. If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, some supplements may not be suitable. Please contact the Vital helpline (0800 22 33 11) for further advice.

product recommendations

lifestyle tips

Vital IQ Boost Vital Kids Study Power Vital Ginkgo Biloba Vital Omega 3 Concentrate Vital Maxi B Vital Vitamin B Complex Vital Kids A-Z Multi Chewable Vital Kids A-Z Multi Syrup Vital Kids Omega 3 Sherbet

• D rink enough water – dehydration causes poor concentration • Do crossword puzzles or Sudoku • Use your senses – read aloud, sniff rosemary oil, play music • Get enough sleep • Eat regular meals – unstable blood sugar decreases memory and concentration • Exercise regularly

Vital Vitacharge Vital Gold Vital Herbal Elixir Vital Maxi B Vital Kids A-Z Multi Chewable Vital Kids A-Z Multi Syrup

• I f you’re also weak, faint, dizzy and pale, have an iron test • Never skip meals • Get to bed early • Drink 6–8 glasses of water: dehydration can cause fatigue • Exercise regularly

Vital Enduramax (men only) Vital Maxi B Vital Zinc Complex Vital Omega 3 Concentrate Vital Omega 3 & 6 Concentrate

• Get daily exercise • Find ways to de-stress • Connect with your partner in other ways, like cuddling or massage • Get enough rest – have regular bedtimes • Eat a healthy diet • Check package inserts of medications • Quit smoking and reduce alcohol intake





R10.00 off


024 路 JuLY 2014

TO THE DEALER: Please allow the bearer R10,00 (incl VAT) off the price of a Vital Omega 3 & 6 Concentrate pack. A voucher obtained against the sale of a Vital Omega 3 & 6 Concentrate pack may only be redeemed by sending for a cash refund to: Coupon Clearing Bureau, PO Box 32003, Braamfontein 2017 Invoices providing purchase of sufficient stock to cover vouchers presented for redemption must be proven on request. Only original copies will be accepted. Misuse of this voucher constitutes fraud. Expiry date: 31 February 2015


R10.00 off

PRODUCT COUPON TO THE DEALER: Please allow the bearer R10,00 (incl VAT) off the price of a Vital Gold pack. A voucher obtained against the sale of a Vital Gold pack may only be redeemed by sending for a cash refund to: Coupon Clearing Bureau, PO Box 32003, Braamfontein 2017 Invoices providing purchase of sufficient stock to cover vouchers presented for redemption must be proven on request. Only original copies will be accepted. Misuse of this voucher constitutes fraud. Expiry date: 31 February 2015

If you would prefer to purchase Vital products directly from your retailer instead of at our online store, please make use of these coupons for your convenience.


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