White Christmas is a dark fairy tale about a little girl searching a magical forest for her missing brother on a snowy christmas morning.
Started in 2016 as a 16 page project , this comic was shelved after four pages with plans to complete it one day, but no real desire to. It was originally an idea for a short story that i had in 2015, which was fleshed out in a indie comic class in 2016, by inspiration drawn from the black mirror episode of the same name. This year, trying to move away from heavy handedness and of the original plot, I adapted the script and updated the pencils, as well as altered a few details in the original four pages for continuity. What you see now is the final 12 pages. The other four served as a more detailed flashback, and are not fully scripted, but could one day become an accompanying once sheet mini-comic prequel. Who knows? I certainly didn't think I would actually finish this one, but amazingly here it is!