2009 WWP Answers to Prayer

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Children are ‘at risk’ world wide Christians need to pray for them Here’s why…

Children are at risk because of war‌

300,000 child soldiers are fighting in conflicts in more than 40 countries.

Source: The Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers

But when Christians prayed for ‘children at risk’…

‌in Sierra Leone 600 imprisoned child soldiers were released‌

…and in the Democratic Republic of Congo the law was changed to prevent the recruitment of child soldiers.

God answers when His people pray

Children are at risk because of prison‌

500,000 children are estimated to be in prison. Many of them have not been charged or tried. Source: The International Centre for Prison Studies

But when Christians prayed for ‘children at risk’…

‌a girl prisoner in the Philippines was released into the care of a Christian children’s home, who helped reunite her with her mother.

God answers when His people pray

Children are at risk when they have special needs‌

But when Christians prayed for ‘children at risk’…

‌ in India a boy with special needs, who had been refused a place at school, was granted one‌

‌ and in Colombia a boy, neglected from birth and suffering behavioural difficulties, was placed in the care of a foster family.

God answers when His people pray

Children are at risk when they live and work on the streets‌

If you were to say the names of every street child in the world – allowing one second per name – it would take you more than three years. Source: Action International

But when Christians prayed for ‘children at risk’…

… children in Kampala, Uganda who had been ‘swept’ off the streets by the police were resettled…

‌ and in Kenya 600 street children prayer-walked through Nairobi. Christian workers later noticed an increase in loyalty and respect.

God answers when His people pray

Children are at risk because of malnutrition and disease‌

Every year ten million children under the age of five die from treatable and preventable diseases. Source: UNICEF

But when Christians prayed for ‘children at risk’…

‌ in China Christians decided to jointly provide health and hygiene education for parents.

God answers when His people pray

“Arise, cry out in the night, as the watches of the night begin; pour out your heart like water in the presence of the Lord. Lift up your hands to Him for the lives of your children, who faint from hunger at the head of every street.� Lamentations 2: 19

Let’s pray…

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