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Oskar Rivera Discusses Staying Strong Through Present Adversities

Oskar Rivera Discusses Staying Strong Through the Present Adversities

By Malorie Mackey


Oskar Rivera is a long-time friend and partner of VIVA GLAM Magazine. He’s the most fashionable man we know, and when it comes to public relations, he is an absolute pro. We know that we can trust his brand, Rivera Productions, with all of our PR needs.

But even more than that, we see Oskar as a well-rounded person we can all look up to. He’s health conscious and knows how to stay fit, he’s extremely social, and he’s very knowledgeable when it comes to marketing and management. It’s been a while since we sat down with Oskar, so we were thrilled to check in with him and talk more about his business, his lifestyle, and the COVID-19 pandemic.

Oskar, it’s so good to hear from you after this crazy year. The COVID-19 pandemic brought about some tough times for everyone. How did the lockdown affect your public relations business, Rivera Productions?

As you might know, public relations is all about socializing and working directly with people, so my business was 100% affected by the pandemic. For one year, I did very little business which made me transition into new industries. My primary business was producing events for my clients, and all that got cancelled due to Covid-19. It was really tough for a person like me who is continuously working on my business, as I was forced to stop doing what I love, which is producing events, socializing and connecting with people.

What did you learn about yourself and your business while being stuck in quarantine?

I learned a lot. I learned that when you are alone, and no one is around you, that you find answers through silence. For one moment I stopped, and I started to worry about my income. That’s when I started exploring other revenues that were thriving during

quarantine. I found out that online businesses such as digital marketing were doing very well during this time. I learned that I’m a natural go-getter, and I was open minded enough to add digital marketing as a service inside my company. I realized that everyone was stuck inside alone on their computers and cellphones, spending hours a day on social media. This is why I started offering and selling the service of setting up Instagram shopping and content creation for e-commerce businesses. I also learned the value of spending time with family members and being present in the moment because when the world is open, everyone is busy doing their own thing. But during the pandemic, I learned to enjoy time with those who matter the most.

Do you have any other advice or insights for everyone as we emerge from quarantine and get back to our normal lives?

I encourage you all to be grateful and to be kind. Focus on what matters, and take care of yourself, your family and those around you. Incorporate a regular workout routine into your life and take care of yourself, especially to avoid getting sick. Wear a mask, be responsible and considerate when socializing, but still try to get back to your normal life and incorporate activities into your schedule that you like to do. This was a hard time for all of us, and it really taught us how to be present in the moment and to appreciate life and health even more. It taught us who the real people we can count on are. Most importantly, it taught us that life is fragile and that we should enjoy it and appreciate it while we are here.

I heard that your Instagram got hacked and deleted. I’m so sorry. How did that affect your business, and how are you bouncing back from this?

Yes, unfortunately my account got hacked and deleted. I would go into more detail on how this happened, but I don’t want to give those con artists any power or attention. I don’t think this will affect me too much because I have strong business partnerships that I’ve made over the last 12 years. The only issue I’m worried about is reaching those who are new to working with me or the people that don’t know me well. I’m taking this time as a rebirth to reconsider who I want to have business relationships with and who I want to give my time and attention to. You can follow the new account I just created at @riveraxproductions.

I hope we were able to give you a daily dose of inspiration through Oskar’s perseverance during this hard time. Despite the challenges COVID-19 threw his way, he was able to adapt and stay strong physically and mentally. And he was able to change and grow Rivera Productions throughout these strange times. Be sure to keep up with Oskar on his new Instagram, @riveraxproductions.

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