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Giuliano Vivanet

Adjunct Professor of "E-Learning per adulti e organizzazioni" at University of Genoa (Italy). In 2003 he received the magna cum laude Italian Master-level degree in "Education Sciences", in 2005 the Italian First level Master degree in “E-Learning for the school, University and enterprises”, and in 2009 a Ph.D in “Languages, Cultures and Information and Communication Technologies” from the University of Genoa. Currently, he is involved as temporary researcher on e-learning issues at the "E-learning and Knowledge Management Laboratory" of the Department of Communication, Computer and System Sciences (DIST) of the University of Genoa. His scientific interests are focused on e-learning, semantic web application in learning context, ontologies for education, instructional design and learning resources. Since 2006 he has published more than 20 publications in these fields.
