Advice from an Expert:
CHILDREN AND MENTAL HEALTH By Amanda J Williams PhD Over the past year, we have all struggled with how COVID has impacted our lives. Some of us soldiered on making the best of what we had, and some felt the devastating impacts of this global pandemic more than most.
Dr.Williams currently resides in Loudoun County and earned her Ph.D. in School Psychology from Texas A&M University. At the beginning of our interview, we asked her why she chose the mental health profession.
The CDC conducted a survey that showed 40.9% of individuals surveyed stated they experienced adverse mental or behavioral health conditions. These ailments are not exclusive to adults. Our children have also been victims of the impacts that COVID has had on their lives.
“I have always been interested in the treatment of mental health conditions since I was young. When I went to college, I took a Psych 101 course and fell in love with the field. The idea of understanding individual life Amanda J Williams PhD NCSP experiences and ways to enact change was fascinating to me. In general, I am very interested in growth, and I saw psychology as a great opTo gain more insight on the topic, I spoke portunity to learn how to be useful for other with a local psychologist whose training people growing and changing. While workand practice to date has been with children ing on my BA, I joined a clinical psychology and teens. Meet Amanda J. Williams, Ph.D., lab studying ways to prevent teen suicide. It NCSP