life Published by Viva!, the vegan campaigning group DuCk EGG SCAnDAl Viva! exposes cruel farm Green Grow the Tatties O Tolhurst’s veganic farming Crunch Time for CapitalismSays Tony Wardle SArchitects’amCarter ‘I just love animals!’ NatuRe in DangeR Viva! Wildlife Campaign to the rescue Tantali Tsing hai Ta stes! Exotically simple recipes The 84-year-oldwho can’t stop running Vegan Campout 2022 – bigger, better, best

C e l e b r a t e a n d E m b r a c e y o u r M i n d , B o d y a n d S o u l : b e i n s p i r e d , b e a c t i v e , b e s p i r i t u a l , b e e m p o w e r e d , b e b l e s s e dC o m e a n d j o i n u s f o r 3 d a y s ! B e h a p p y , a n d b e y o u r s e l f ! To book tickets and for full details about the show visit 14, 15, 16 October, 2022 Alexandra Palace, LONDON The Mind Body Soul Experience is a happy, safe place where you can escape and discover. It’s a weekend long celebration of everyone’s uniqueness, o ering just what you need to understand and achieve your full potential. Listen to inspiring talks, celebrate YOU and meet like minded people.

7 VEGAN FOR ALL LIFE Viva!’s fight is a fight for life for ourselves, animals and the planet. Humankind’s abuse and exploitation of animals lies at the heart of most of the planet’s accelerating problems. The crushing number of farmed animals slaughtered every year impacts on almost every ecosystem and is the driving force that has propelled planet Earth into its sixth mass extinction The tens of billions of victims of this massacre are brushed aside by governments across the world Viva!, however, is constantly revealing the abject conditions in which they are forced to live by secretly going inside factory farms They are not only cruel but provide stinking reservoirs of disease where antibiotic resistance flourishes, deadly superbugs mutate and pandemics take root. Over the years we have captured the headlines with our exposés, triggered the decline of meat, fish, egg and dairy consumption and spurred the vegan revolution forwards Viva! is a registered charity (1037486) viva org uk ON EVERY FRONT Viva! has four sections which are displayed on our website, a mass of verifiable information on why veganism is imperative to the future everyone ’ s and everything’s future Viva! Animals provides fascinating information on all the species exploited for food in the UK and fun facts about their private lives You can, however, also witness Viva!’s brave undercover investigations that show the shocking reality of the UK’s meat, egg, fish and dairy industries. Viva! Planet explains why animal farming is the driving force behind all the world’s environmental crises It also explores the solutions Viva! Health is science based and exposes the links between animal products and ill health; but also why varied vegan diets protect us It takes you through the A to Z of diseases and the A to Z of nutrients Viva! Lifestyle is packed with advice on how to go vegan, plus has over a thousand recipes. Our V7 and V30 programmes make it easy for anyone to go and stay vegan Contents life 81 HOW TO GET THIS MAGAzINE Join Viva! for just £17 to get your copy of Viva!life magazine four times a year You’ll also receive a supporters’ card giving you discounts at hundreds of shops and on services and holidays (see plus a free car sticker Call 0117 944 1000 (Mon Fri, 9 5) or join online at 7 DUCK EGG EXPOSé Cruel farm ditched 10 VEGAN FARMING Iain Tolhurst shows the way 15 VIVA! POLAND Still supporting Ukraine 16 SAM CARTER INTERVIEW Architects’ frontman animal crazy 18 A TOUCH OF THAI Delicious new recipes 23 NATURE IN DANGER Crunch time across the globe 24 WILDLIFE CAMPAIGN LAUNCH Fighting to save animals 28 WE’RE HEADING FOR THE ROCKS Says Viva!’s Tony Wardle 30 VEGAN CAMP OUT Bigger, better, brilliant 35 GREEN GAzELLES 10 18 viva org uk 3 12 Life Science 14 My Vegan Town 21 Media Life 32 John Robb’s column 33 Amazon Smile/Thank yous 34 Lifestyle 37 Merchandise 38 Viva! Street Actions 39 Paul Youd 40 Book reviews 41 Vbiz latest 16 23

Yours for the animals
Viva! Founder & International Director Juliet Gellatley Executive Assistant Jess Nagji Nunn Editor Tony Wardle Managing Director & Head of Campaigns Laura Hellwig Head of Investigations Lex Rigby Head of Communications Faye Lewis Public Relations Rachel Stone Campaigns & Outreach Alice Short, Rory Cockshaw, Jasmine Clark, Dani Lawton Head of Research Dr Justine Butler Viva! Health Veronika Prošek Charvátová Office Manager & Supporters’ Liaison Laura Turner, Beata Rzepecka Wilk, Renata Rzepecka Bookkeeping & Legacies Administrator Carla Sheppard Merchandise, Business & Events Emily Coster, Charlotte Heath, Lucy Constable Food & Cookery and VRC Maryanne Hall, Pia Werzinger Design The Ethical Graphic Design Company Ltd Web & IT Roger Peñarroya i Zaldívar, Conor Haines, Jeremy Ludlow Podcast Presenters Faye Lewis, Lex Rigby Editorial enquiries 07956 496923 Advertising enquiries 0117 944 1000 Membership enquiries 0117 944 1000 info@viva org uk Online viva org uk veganrecipeclub org uk vivafarming org uk vivavegancharity vivacampaigns vivacharity Viva!, 8 York Court, Wilder Street, Bristol BS2 8QH In my job, it would be easy to become disillusioned! Over 20 years ago I was the first person to film inside a duck factory farm and the shocking images were splashed across national media. Earlier this year, our investigators exposed a huge duck egg farm in Lincolnshire and the dire conditions appeared to have changed very little. Twenty years of ignoring suffering, 20 years of callous indifference, 20 years of bullsh*t welfare claims (see page 7). Have we failed? I have always said; the only certain way to end animal suffering is to stop eating them and that’s what people are doing in increasing numbers. The battle we have been waging for 28 years started off slowly, with few apparent victories but as time passed we eventually saw a blossoming in the beliefs we had been propagating in imaginative ways Actually, they were not beliefs but hard, cold, scientific facts Now, we are no longer alone and all the world’s great institutions are saying pretty much the same as us diets based on meat, dairy, eggs and fish are destroying the world The stumbling block to change is a lack of will as our Government and many others remain absolutely silent on a tragedy of apocalyptic proportions It indicates a complete lack of intellect or an absence of will. Either way, it is an unforgivable dereliction of duty.
Our new Nature in Danger report is launched on page 23 and spells out in stark terms how close we are to a point of no return while on pages 24 25, we launch our new wildlife campaign Eating the Earth starkly shows how meat and dairy are driving the world’s magnificent wildlife and ecosystems into the abyss. On page 28, Tony Wardle considers the all powerful, all consuming, all conquering rise of capitalism the ‘Beast’ and establishes that its policy of constant growth is at the root of our problems and is incapable of remedying them Metalcore may not be your first choice of music, but on page 16 we talk to Sam Carter of the hugely successful metal band, Architects His love of animals and dedication to them is so inspiring that I’m almost ready to become a head banger right now (almost) Vegan Camp Out is back again bigger, better, bolder than ever; and so much hotter! It has become a phenomenal success (read the report on page 30) The Green Gazelles, an all vegan rugby team that challenges people’s misconceptions of ‘weedy vegans’, and our campaigns team joined them for a game in Richmond, Surrey (page 35) I want to express my personal gratitude to, and admiration for, a very special man. Paul Youd has started to run ultramarathons one after another to raise funds for Viva! That would be remarkable whoever did it but for someone who took up running only during the lockdown, it is exceptional For someone approaching his 85th birthday it is phenomenally, fantastically, awe inspiringly superb. Thank you Paul respect! Huge respect!
Juliet Gellatley Founder & International Director 4 life General enquiries Contact Viva! on 0117 944 1000 (Mon Fri 9 5) Email Write to Viva! at: 8 York Court, Wilder Street, Bristol BS2 8QH Welcome life

Martin Shaw to Juliet:
“How suddenly veganmoved from fringe to mainstream was wonderful to behold, dand ue in no small part to you and the rest Vat iva! Thank you djust oesn’t cut it ”
lifelines viva org uk 5
The Drum awards is a global awards program which recognises best practice, the best companies and the best people from across the marketing and communications industry And this year Skylark Media picked up three awards for their work with Viva! Skylark/Viva! were nominated first for an Animation/Illustration award for This is Fine and were up against BBC Creative and Aardman Animations. We won joint GOLD with Aardman! Next came a BRONzE for the Online Viral Ad for This is Fine To cap the evening off, we won SILVER for best TV campaign for Takeaway the Meat What an extraordinary outcome for the two very talented teams
Bang the DRUM
uk Climate ChangeFailure – Official
A major initiative started by Viva! Poland, working with other groups, is to obtain one million signatures under the European Citizens’ Initiative, calling on the EU to create a Fur Free Europe It calls for the banning of all fur farms and fur products from the entire European market Viva! Poland are working hard on this great campaign but sadly we, in the UK, can only sit on the sidelines and do nothing as we are no longer a member of the EU! eurogroupforanimals org/fur free europe
The government’s advisers have warned them that they are heading for failure on their plans to limit climate change. The Climate Change Committee (CCC) says that unless policies are radically improved, the government will need to try another tack by persuading people to fly less and eat less meat It also cites a “shocking” lack of policy to insulate people’s homes and criticises the scrapping of previous insulation policies
Fur Ban – UK on the sidelines
The BBC’s environment correspondent, Roger Harrabin, concluded his report on these failures by sitting at a table with a full English in front of him “Tell people to eat less meat?” he asked as he popped a chunk of bacon into his mouth “Well, that’s not going to happen!”
What a shameful, dismissive and negative way to end such an important story where failure threatens all our lives
The CCC also said the environment department, Defra, was guilty of “magical thinking” over cutting planet heating emissions from farms It issued the stark warning that unless housing and farming are tackled, the UK won’t achieve its target to reach net zero emissions by 2050

Pigs to HumanMRSA
Spanish guitarist and Viva! supporter, Mark Barnwell, and singer Tamsyn Berry have recorded a beautiful version of the Sting song, Fragile, with profits going to Viva!. Mark is a passionate vegan and wanted to support our campaign on how eating animals is causing a terrifying wildlife wipeout Mark told us the intense story behind the recording: “I first met Tamsyn (Piskie Tams) in August 2018, when we were both playing at the same fund raising event I immediately liked her I watched her duo play and was impressed with her voice smooth, captivating and oozing luxuriance
Another Viva! Hero
A highly antibiotic resistant strain of MRSA that arose in pigs thanks to farming practices can jump to humans, scientists say. The strain has become the dominant type of MRSA among livestock in Europe over the past 50 years but is now a growing cause of MRSA in humans
“A year later, after a ‘virtual rehearsal’, we covered Fragile and it went so well that I wanted to make a studio recording
6 life lifelines A record for Viva!
“After an immense amount of surgery and lasting injuries, Tamsyn got in touch in 2022 and said she was ready to record Fragile I so loved Tamsyn’s take on this classic she has such a lovely voice “The lyrics are relevant to so many things in the world right now so it seemed appropriate to donate the profits to Viva! for their incredible wildlife campaign and how veganism is central to saving all life ”
Following our report from Viva! Poland in the last issue of Viva!life, Agata Szczepaniuk was determined to raise money for Viva! Poland, our sanctuary and the incredible work we are doing with Ukrainian refugees and their animals She walked an astounding 260 miles from south Manchester, through north Wales to Holyhead, got the ferry to Dublin, walked from Dublin to Belfast, and finally took the ferry to the Isle of Man. Agata said: “The money I raised will be transferred to Viva! Poland to help them support Ukrainian refugees with companion animals I will be so glad knowing that we can help them together in the difficult situation they face ” It took 12 days, much sweat, many blisters and some tears but she made it and raised £650 in the process! She logged the miles each day using Strava and uploaded footage of the journey on YouTube. It’s not too late to donate, just head to Thank you Agata!
Fragile is available for streaming here: And the video (available in 4k) is here:
A new study found that the CC398 strain has maintained its antibiotic resistance over decades in pigs and other livestock and is capable of rapidly adapting to human hosts while maintaining that resistance
But in February 2020, tragedy struck when Tamsyn’s car was in a collision with a lorry and she was left in a coma fighting for her life
“Historically high levels of antibiotic use on pig farms may have led to the evolution of this highly resistant strain of MRSA,” says Dr Gemma Murray, a lead author of the study published in eLife

NO WATER nO liFE viva
Viva! investigators expose the sickening reality of duck egg production and discover…
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Who doesn’t love ducks? Who hasn’t gone down to the local pond to revel in feeding them? These beautiful animals are designed for life on water webbed feet for swimming and bills brilliantly designed to sieve out food particles from rivers and ponds head dipping, swimming, dabbling and bathing It’s all about water! And yet In 2004, Viva! were the first people to expose UK duck factory farming and deeply embarrassed the Co op and M&S who said they championed animal welfare We filmed thousands of birds crammed into windowless sheds, the lame, dead and dying amongst the living with no access to outdoors and no water in which to swim or clean themselves. Just recently, 17 years later, we returned to a duck farm, one that produces eggs, and what did we find? An almost carbon copy reproduction of 2004 All that’s changed, it seems, is the marketing hype! We’d received a tip off from an ex worker about the conditions on this Lincolnshire duck egg ‘farm’ and despite having countless investigations under their belts, our investigators were sickened and saddened by what they discovered Again with no water, except from automated drinkers, these beautiful creatures were covered in their own faeces, some were lame, some injured and some dead but left to rot in the filthy, waterlogged sheds To obtain a clearer picture and gather further evidence, we installed hidden cameras and one of our investigators describes the scene “The smell was the first thing to hit me as I trudged ankle deep through layers of straw, sodden with faeces It was immediately clear how bad the conditions were lame and injured ducks were everywhere and had clearly been left to suffer. The cynicism was breath taking! Under the Animal Welfare Act (2006) ducks are supposedly entitled to have sufficient water to bathe,

Following our investigation, Lincolnshire Co op suspended Quack! Duck Eggs and has now made that decision permanent A Viva! victory for ducks!
8 life preen and dip their heads
“Mice and pigeons accessed the ducks’ feed troughs almost at will, making the transmission of deadly viruses such as bird flu, a serious danger. Biosecurity was non existent.
“Our hidden cameras recorded some disturbing footage, such as a worker aggressively grabbing a lame duck by one wing before callously dislocating her neck by pulling her head and feet in opposite directions A different worker lifts a duck by her head and then spins her body round and around, I presumed in order to kill her but when he drops her to the floor she runs away, disorientated A second worker grapples with her and breaks her neck before throwing her into a corner as trash ”
During our investigation, none of the ducks left the filthy sheds unless dead and our informant confirmed our suspicions. During the seven months they worked at Field Farm, none of the ducks was ever allowed outdoors but the flock spent their entire lives living in their own faeces When their egg laying productivity drops and they’re no longer deemed profitable, they are killed in gas chambers a death as cruel as their lives
On their website, Stonegate call themselves the “free range and organic egg specialist,” painting an idyllic picture of egg farming and saying “the care and welfare of the animals is of utmost importance ” Oh dear, oh dear!
“I could not help contrasting this human induced misery with the pristinely clean, happy and beautiful wild birds I regularly see and it brought tears to my eyes “I saw drakes marked with leg rings in amongst th female ducks, with whom they mated repeatedly One poor lame and immobile duck was continually mounted by different drakes as she was unable to evade them Our informant told me that initially the drakes and ducks are separated but once they’ve mated, the drakes are simply left with the flock which means that many of the eggs on sale will be fertilised and some may contain foetuses
“Although simple nest boxes are provided for laying ducks, the reality is that they lay eggs anywhere and everywhere on the filthy floor.
Duck eggs are marketed as a luxury food but consumers are being sold a lie! This farm provides eggs to Stonegate, a big player in the UK industry who supplies major supermarkets The farm also provides the Lincolnshire Co op with it’s branded Quack! Duck Eggs
“As I walked around, the number of injured ducks was staggering, with many pushing themselves along the squalid litter on their bellies. Unable to walk, they were frantically flapping their wings in a bid to move One had an unusually upright gait and was clearly in great pain When I looked closer, it appeared that her leg was rotting away. Pecking injuries were everywhere as were burns on feet and hocks from the ammonia sodden litter.
Field Farm sells under the Quack! Duck Eggs brand and on its website claims: “We have learnt over time that the happier our birds are, the more eggs they lay and the tastier they are, so it is really important to us and our customers that our birds are as happy as can be!”
The only water available here came from dirt encrusted, bell shaped drinking points
Stonegate aren’t the only ones to bullsh*t consumers
It would be laughable if this cynical propaganda wasn’t designed to cover up acute mass suffering. They clearly believe that no one has any interest in exposing them or rather they did. They now know what Viva! can do!

Viva! travelled to Lincoln and joined passionate supporters to demand that Lincolnshire Co op drop Quack! Ducks Eggs for good!
Viva! Campaigns’ exposé revealed shocking conditions at Quack! Duck Eggs’ Lincolnshire facility, many of which are sold by Lincolnshire Co op Our day of action demanded that the giant store should drop the farm as a supplier Our supporters sprang into action by emailing and sending postcards to the CEO of Lincolnshire Co op to highlight the cruelty their stores were supporting. The result was that the Co op temporarily suspended sales of the eggs at its stores. Not good enough! We wanted the residents of Lincoln to know the cruelty that was being perpetrated not far from their homes so we organised a day of action outside a Co op in Lincoln city centre to put pressure on the store to drop the farm permanently!
On Saturday, June 18, we joined 20 volunteers, both local and from further afield, and vegan activist group, Lincoln Animal Rights, for a day of action. Armed with giant posters and a TV screen, both of which revealed shocking imagery from our undercover footage, as well as dedicated leaflets, we lined up outside the store and talked to consumers After reading our leaflet, one woman was visibly upset having discovered that factory farmed ducks have no access to water. Another was emotional after seeing the footage of lame ducks helplessly dragging their bodies across the filthy barn floor. Like many others, they had been persuaded by slick marketing that egg laying ducks have higher welfare standards than hens There was a common response to our video from the majority, who said they would no longer buy duck eggs They were particularly shocked to discover that all this was happening on their doorsteps. It is actions such as this that allow us to talk one to one with people and give advice on the whole factory farming industry and help them along the vegan road by explaining the resources we have that can help them Typical was the family that first wanted to know more about Viva!’s work and then signed up to our V7 meal plan seven days of recipes, advice and supportBombarded by constant industry and government claims of the ‘best animal welfare in the world’ it’s no wonder people are confused and we see that when we talk to them They are often grateful to be shown the truth through the array of information on our website ( and frequently download our free Vegan Recipe Club app! As we’ve always said the only way to save animals from suffering is to stop eating them! Our protest gained traction in the local media, with a journalist from Lincolnshire Live joining us on the day and a big section on BBC Lincolnshire’s midday news including putting the managing director of Quack! Duck Eggs on the spot A big thank you to all those who joined us on the day.
Campaigner Alice Short reports how a Day of Action in Lincoln shocked consumers ACTiOn Viva! talking to locals embarrassed the Co op who have since announced a permanent ban on Quack! Duck Eggs
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10 life
“We don’t buy in fertility here Our soil health comes from fertility building crops and green manures”, Tolly says Scooping a handful of soil from the ground, he invited our slightly bemused team to smell its pungent earthy aroma Green manures such as lupins, red clovers and trefoils are grown to encourage fertility, fungi and bacteria to the soil At the end of the season, they are cut down and ploughed back in. They can be undersowed (beneath other crops) or in rotation
No wonder the neighbouring Hardwick House was the inspiration for Toad Hall in Wind in the Willows This thriving habitat and rich biodiversity is achieved while producing 120 140 tonnes of food per year from over 100 different crops and with no animal inputs The soil is classified as ‘low grade’ and not suitable for horticulture, which meant that Tolly had a big challenge on his hands. He explored stock free organic (bio cyclic veganic) farming to improve soil fertility without chemicals, pesticides or animal manure and slaughterhouse by products Using animal manure usually from cruel factory farms adds high levels of antibiotics and other chemical residues and mostly is a product of animal feed imported from deforested land.
When Iain ‘Tolly’ Tolhurst starts talking, his passion for the land he has worked for the last 40 years is written all over his face Wisdom and tenacity from weathering the many seasons has given Tolly an interminable zest for life “We farm for biodiversity it is not simply a happy by product of growing food”, he says and that is abundantly clear Driving into Hardwick Estate’s Tolhurst Organic Farm you can’t help but notice the stark contrast to the surrounding fields of grazing animals grass and nothing else It was the hottest day of the year so far when the Viva! Farming team visited the 17 acre site on the banks of the River Thames in the panoramic Chiltern Hills The thick, hot air buzzed with the sound of insects and a gentle breeze rippled across the seas of wildflowers and lush vegetables An English rural idyll!
At Tolhurst Organic, the fields are divided into seven blocks in a seven year rotation where at any one time a third of the farm is under green manure. Stopping in front of neatly lined rows of 3,500 squash in 13 different varieties, Tolly explains: “Next year this will all be green manure Not cropping builds fertility and soil structures and the roots OF HOPE
A man who has proved vegan farming is the way to go talks to Kerri Waters, Viva!’s farming coordinator

The team at Tolhurst Organic sows one crop per day, staggered to allow for harvesting 52 weeks a year That includes nine tonnes of onions, 18 20,000 potatoes per hectare and 1,000 kilos of strawberries Conventional farmers are shocked that such yields can be obtained using a veganic system The farm provides 120 fruit and veg boxes each week and it’s all done without pesticides or disease control A similar pasture acreage would produce less than six tonnes of very unhealthy beef!
Tolly explained that disease is linked to soil health and plants can usually cope with disease if the soil is good enough. Iain operates a ‘whole systems’ approach, with tall, uncut hedgerows, unmown strips of land and lines of ‘beetle banks’ every 40 metres, where insects and wildlife flourish They are all connected in a kind of biodiversity superhighway!
Thank you to Iain Tolhurst and his team and if you want to support the farm as a customer, go to: tolhurstorganic co uk If we want to be self sufficient we need to start eating seasonal foods that can realistically be grown here
The only serious pests, according to Tolly, are the pigeons
viva org uk 11 of green manures go deep down into the soil
Tolly also has a small coppice of trees to produce wood chip to sow on crops for extra fertility
Chickweed roots, for example, grow up to two metres and move nutrients into the layers of soil beneath us” There is no need for extra irrigation as fissures in the topsoil help water to penetrate further down This way of farming stores carbon and builds biodiversity the place was teeming with wasps, butterflies, insects and worms
“Food has been devalued”, Tolly explains, “and a cheap food policy has led to it only representing nine per cent of people’s budget We are looking at a potential economic and food crash in this country ” His farm operates on a very tight profit margin and receives no government subsidies But there is good cheer “If we double horticulture output, we could meet current demand for fruit and veg and we could grow protein crops here, especially lentils and chickpeas and breeding programmes could increase potential yields ” His glasshouses were part of a wartime scheme that illustrates precisely Tolly’s point Food self sufficiency went from 40 per cent to 95 per cent so perhaps we can fix our broken food system and end animal farming by repurposing the self sufficiency model from the past?
A beautiful vegan lunch of farm produce under a makeshift gazebo ended our tour but the conversation continued Tolly explained that food self sufficiency is low in the UK and declining and the problem is that consumers expect the same produce every time they shop, such as imported bananas. If we want to be self sufficient we need to start eating seasonal foods that can realistically be grown here.
There is a Tudor walled garden steeped in history that originally would have been worked by 40 labourers and fed most of the estate. Its glasshouses were built during World War Two to increase food production but then laid derelict until Tolly restored them to their current glory They allow foods to be propagated and grown all year round At the gates of the Estate is Lin’s Veg Shed, which sells produce to the public and was the domain of his late wife, Lin The packing shed was built by Tolly himself and serves as a hub for the whole estate, hosting events, community meetings and food demonstrations and this community spirit is at the core of Tolly’s vision for the future of farming. Growing food isn’t easy and the farm is very labour intensive. Even before Brexit, it was hard to find staff as the job isn’t just labouring and skilled people with growing knowledge are needed. The Tolhurst team live and work on the farm and some have been there for decades a testament to Tolly’s inspiring nature.
Worms are the primary processors of green material and aid drainage and Tolly’s farm has one of the highest earthworm counts scientists have ever seen in the UK, at 10 million per hectare, including a species found only in woodland

Viva! Health dissects the latest scientific research and makes it easy to understand Here we update you on recent findings B Y D R J U S T I N E B U T L E R , H E A D O F R E S E A R C H , V I V A ! lifescience 12 life
Guglielmi G 2022 Climate change is turning more of Central Asia into desert Nature Epub ahead of print
Central Asian deserts spread
Climate change
Biodiversity loss is a threat to humanity but is often overlooked when considering the environmental impacts of diet A recent study estimated the biodiversity impacts of five different diets in the US, estimating how many species would die following the widespread adoption of each diet It also considered the impact of halving food waste in all five scenarios
Not surprisingly, the meat heavy, traditional US diet was catastrophic, condemning 200 species to extinction, 80 of them outside the US Reducing food waste would save only 25 species However, the worst diet of all was the Mediterranean diet, which would increase extinctions to 240 species because of greater cattle production for higher dairy consumption In addition, more land would be needed to grow grain to feed farmed fish. Best diets were the vegetarian and Lancet Planetary Health diets, which led to 30 per cent fewer extinctions, largely because less pastureland for livestock would be needed. Reducing food waste on these diets would halve the overall biodiversity footprint Lead author, Dr Quentin Read, did not include a vegan diet in the study but said that he believes the results would have been better if he had Read QD, Hondula KL and Muth MK 2022 Biodiversity effects of food system sustainability actions from farm to fork Proceedings of the National
As global temperatures rise, deserts in Central Asia have spread north by as much as 100 kilometres, according to new research Scientists found that since the late 1980s, temperatures have risen across Central Asia, including parts of China, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan Mountain regions have become hotter and wetter, accelerating the retreat of glaciers and these changes threaten ecosystems and those who rely upon them Human activities such as mining and agriculture contribute to desertification This research suggests that governments in Central Asia, and the rest of the world, should focus on sustainable farming
THE FuTuRE iS FunGi …swap beef to save the forests
“The food system is at the root of a third of global greenhou gas emissions, with ruminant meat production being the singl largest source ” said Dr Florian Humpenöder, who led the stud protein quality of microbial meat is equivalent to beef but req 90 per cent less land and water and produces 80 per cent less greenhouse gas emissions
Crucial to protect biodiversity
Diet change
Replacing just 20 per cent of the world’s beef consumption wi h microbial protein, such as Quorn a protein derived from fung could halve deforestation over the next 30 years, according to latest analysis It would reduce future increases in global pastureland and cut deforestation and related CO2 emissions i whilst also lowering methane emissions Deforestation, of cou also devastates wildlife
Humpenöder F, Bodirsky BL, Weindl I et al 2022 Projected environmental benefits o replacing beef with microbial protein Nature 605 (7908) 90 96

Focus on cancer
This study found that men consuming 430 grams of cows ’ milk (1¾ cups) a day had a 27 per cent higher risk compared to those consuming 20 grams (half a cup) a week and a 63 per cent higher risk than those consuming none at all
Vegan diets can help people who are overweight or have type 2 diabetes to lose weight and lower their blood sugar levels, research suggests A review of 11 studies involving almost 800 adults compared the effects of a vegan diet with other diets on what’s termed ‘cardiometabolic risk factors’, such as body weight, BMI, blood sugar levels and cholesterol They found that compared with other diets, following a vegan diet for three months significantly reduced body weight as well as lowering blood sugar levels and cholesterol
Orlich MJ, Mashchak AD, Jaceldo Siegl K et al 2022 Dairy foods, calcium intakes, and risk of incident prostate cancer in Adventist Health Study 2. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
Shah S, Mahamat Saleh Y, Ait Hadad W et al 2022 Adherence to healthy and unhealthy plant based diets and risk of breast cancer overall and by hormone receptor and histologic subtypes among postmenopausal women Abstract presented at: Nutrition 2022, annual meeting of the American Society for Nutrition; June 14 16, 2022
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Vegan diet for weightloss and lower blood sugar
Termannsen AD, Clemmensen KKB, Thomsen JM et al 2022 Effects of vegan diets on cardiometabolic health: A systematic review and meta analysis of randomized controlled trials Obesity Reviews Epub ahead of print
Plant based diets reduce the risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women, according to research presented at a meeting of the American Society for Nutrition Researchers collected data from over 65,000 women and found that those who followed a healthy, plant based diet of fruit, vegetables, pulses and wholegrains, for the longest period of time, had the least risk of cancer compared to those who ate animal products and less healthy foods
Dairy increases risk for prostate cancer
Epub ahead of print
Plant based diets reduce risk of breast cancer
“This rigorous assessment of the best available evidence to date indicates with reasonable certainty that adhering to a vegan diet for at least 12 weeks may result in clinically meaningful weight loss and improve blood sugar levels, and therefore can be used in the management of overweight and type 2 diabetes,” said Anne Ditte Termannsen, of the Steno Diabetes Centre in Copenhagen, who led the research.
Research shows men who consume dairy, especially milk, have a higher risk of prostate cancer than those consuming little or no milk
The biggest increases in risk were seen at relatively low intakes of dairy and there was little difference between full fat and low fat products Non dairy sources of calcium such as plant milks did not increase the risk and the authors say that the difference could be due to sex hormones in dairy milk Up to three quarters of lactating cows are pregnant, when their hormone levels are high, and prostate cancer is a hormone responsive cancer It may also be due to the growth hormone IGF 1, which promotes certain cancers, including prostate Professor Gary Fraser, the study’s principal investigator, said: “The parallels between our breast cancer in women paper a year ago and this paper relating to men, are striking It seems possible that the same biological mechanisms are at work ” He added: “If you think you ’ re at higher than average risk, consider the alternatives of soya, oat, cashew and other non dairy milks ”

14 life
Exploring a new town is one of the best things about a holiday, whether here at home or mooching around far flung destinations.
Great vegan places to eat, play and stay Download free today via the App Store or Google Play
I’m sure we ’ ve all been to at least one restaurant that claims to offer vegan food and then you discover what it is chips and a side salad. Wow, would never have thought of that!
Sitting down to dinner should be the perfect end to a day not hunting around for somewhere that doesn’t think vegan food is as complicated as quantum physics. We’ve all experienced it and that is why we ’ re launching our new free app: My Vegan Town My Vegan Town allows you to browse plant based and vegetarian eateries near to wherever you happen to be, with recommendations from like minded people who have dined there themselves When using the app, you’ll have access to all the top restaurants at your fingertips with the ability to contact them for reservations and see directions all in one simple tap It couldn’t be simpler Not only is this app ideal for travel but it will also help you discover new favourites in your hometown Branch out and try new places, new tastes and new surroundings safe in the knowledge that wherever you choose will have delicious vegan options And it doesn’t just stop with culinary delights. My Vegan Town also acts as a directory for vegan shops, accommodation, services, sanctuaries and events so you’ll always be in the know on where to go From manicures to make up, hotels to hair salons, live like a local and explore the very best vegan businesses with My Vegan Town
Sampling local cuisine is major part of this experience but as a vegan, it can be tricky, not to say disappointing Many plant based people travelling abroad struggle to communicate their dietary choices when a different language is in play, often having to rely on shaky translations and dated internet reviews To be fair, it’s often not that easy in English speaking countries either Some restaurants engage in tokenism a little afterthought stuck on the bottom of the menu

DAy – ŁóDź ACTiOn
VEGGiE WEEk – nO 16
Viva! UK weren’t the only ones to mark NARD an annual global day of action as Viva! Poland joined in, too June 5 saw actions in 105 cities on six continents where activists went out onto the streets for animal rights Each one held a poster of a different species to depict the massive scale of animal exploitation by humans Łódź activists were proud to support the initiative in their city for the first time.
has picked up our White Lies campaign but it has an nity Not only do many dairy cows spend their lives in grazing’ systems but as an added welfare insult, they are chained on short tethers No studies are needed (although there are plenty) to tell you that these herd animals cannot interact or socialise with their own kind and can fulfil none of their natural instincts They lack physical exercise and have to lie in their own excreta The result is acute mental trauma and incomprehensibly, this torture is subsidised by the EU.
viva org uk 15
This year ’ s Veggie Week was a hybrid combination of online and live events Among the guests were Dr Joel Fuhrman, originator of the Personal Diet Plan, and Karolina Pilarczyk, a spectacular Polish drift driver (look it up!). There was a premiere screening of Michał Siewierski’s Takeout, a film about the burning of the Amazon rainforest for meat and dairy. Biedronka, one of Poland’s biggest supermarkets, joined in with their own branded products Go Vege It resulted in the publishing of an ebook in Polish and Ukrainian and special discounts in their stores
Neo and Majo are two chicks who were rescued by undercover activists during Poland’s Stopcage and Go Veg campaigns These are the lucky ones who will not end up in the slaughterhous but will live their lives at the Hen’s Feet Sanctuary for rescued hens, turkeys and ducks
hered Dairy Cows
Still Helping
On June 14, Viva! Action for Animals took part in the fifth global day of action to stop the cruelty of live animal transport They raised awareness on the streets in Łódź, Bełchatów, Poznań and Wrocław
The crazy demands early in the invasion have died down somewhat but we are still caring for some 70 animals from Ukraine and have managed to rehome a similar number, carrying out careful home checks for each one an extraordinary achievement Although there has been a reduction in the number of refugees arriving at Warsaw’s now famous Western Station, Viva!
Poland is still helping 20 30 refugees and their animals every day Close cooperation with the group ID Ukraine continues and we are delivering around 20 tonnes of pet food to them every month as the situation is still dire for Ukraine’s animals
Viva! has demanded a ban on these systems which, predictably, has been met by the dairy industry with the usual disinformation images and claims of happy, contented cows As well as a petition, there is a determination to thrust the issue in front of the public through local media, street events and a wide ranging billboard campaign in the coming year Right now, the Viva! Poland team are carrying out investigations into several tethered dairy farms There will be further developments!

“Nobody has a number one album who makes our kind of music and writes about the things we do,” says Sam with a wry smile. “It’s like Leicester winning the Premier League! Not being able to promote the album due to Covid made it so much tougher.”
Twelve years after going vegan, “long and filled with Linda McCartney sausages,” Sam came into contact with the charity Wunder Dog Rescue It started with the pandemic lockdown “I’m not very good at sitting by myself and nothing was filling that hole,” Sam says It was then he met Kasey Carlin, who runs Wunder Dog, and became aware of Maggie and Millie the dogs “When Kasey asked me to come along and meet them, oh my God, it was like meeting The Beatles,” he laughs
When I catch up with Sam via Zoom, almost in one breath he commends Viva!’s Takeaway the Meat TV ad, talks about his work as a UK ambassador for marine conservation organisation, Sea Shepherd, and tells me he is a partner of Wunder Dog Rescue a charity based near his hometown of Hove
“Maggie is an amazing dog and I fell in love with her and her story kills me every time I think about it She was used for target practice and shot 14 times,” he says in disbelief “She is blind, has one ear but is now a PAT dog (Pets as Therapy) who goes to schools, hospices, Faye Lewis, Viva!’s Head of Communications, talks to Architects’ frontman, Sam Carter, about his vegan journey, being a Sea Shepherd ambassador and his love of animals
“It has always been important for me and Architects to draw attention to selfless people and animal charities everywhere These people aren’t raising money to live lavish lives; they’re raising it to do good When you have a platform like ours, for me it would be insane to sit there and say to my fans ‘tell me how cool I am,’” he laughs. “It’s is not about me, I am not amazing! “I wanted to do something with Sea Shepherd but the sea absolutely terrifies me,” he laughs. “When we played in Australia, Sea Shepherd turned up to sell merch and I spoke to them, bought a shirt and wore it relentlessly I invited them to all our UK shows after which they got in touch to say ‘you talk about us every night and wear the shirt so would you like to become an ambassador?’ I was flattered! Later, I visited the boats in Australia and Paul Watson came to our gig in Paris They are heroes of mine! Governments aren’t doing anything, so we have to do it It’s crazy ”
16 life ARCHiTECTS
rchitects is one of Brighton’s hottest exports and frontman Sam Carter has just uttered the words that vegans love to hear: “I just feckin’ love animals! “I have always sung about things that matter but the audience has grown,” he explains “Once I would tell 100 people what is important and now it’s more like 10,000 ”
For anyone who hasn’t heard of Architects, they were rising fast when barely out of their teens and Sam joined them in 2006 In 2015, the band made a collective decision to go vegan. “Within hardcore rock and metal there is a very compassionate community and animal rights and liberation are the definition of compassion and empathy,” Sam explains Architects released three successful albums and were touring worldwide when in 2016, guitarist and songwriter Tom Searle tragically died of skin cancer. It was a huge blow to the band but eventually Josh Middleton was announced as their new guitarist. They continued to prosper, arena tours came fast and they ticked off iconic venues such as Alexandra Palace and the Royal Albert Hall By February 2021, they had their first number one album, For Those That Wish To Exist, recorded at Abbey Road Studio and featuring the Parallax Orchestra

When I got back to the tour bus, someone said there’s a dog in the car park so I looked and saw Lucky. She widdled her head, looked at me, and I thought ‘oh shit’ She was in a state and a battle began to save her.”
Both Sam and Kasey are passionate vegans and struck up a friendship it was then Sam realised the true cost of looking after the dogs. Kasey was in the red despite having a day job and Sam stepped in “The band and I made the decision to design a hoodie to raise funds and the amount raised was incredible We also donate separately as a band It makes a huge difference and every time I see Kasey, we both start crying,” he admits To begin with, Kasey had no idea who the band was “She just thought I was a crazy dog guy,” Sam laughs I don’t know about crazy but he’s certainly a dog guy In April 2022, he released his first children’s book, Sophia Fox Dog Gets Adopted, co written with his fiancé, Abby Kirk The idea stemmed from Abby’s working in a school where many children had been in foster care or adopted These kids’ stories were not represented in children’s books, and so they wrote a book to show the class that their stories were important too, using their own rescue dog, Sophia, as the lead character “Sophia is from Romania and she is my best friend I never felt anything like that in my life,” Sam admits “She was six months old, wandering the streets but now she lives in Hove and whatever she wants she has,” he laughs His second dog, Lucky, was also rescued from Romania“Iwas playing a show out there and gave a really impassioned speech pleading for the dogs of Romania
“I said I’ll pay for whatever she needs No question, I ove her, she is my dog. It worked and days ater she was dropped off in Hove ” Sam aughs: “Both my dogs are spoiled and have better lives than me!”
“The best part about being vegan is that you know you are not responsible for the horrible things that happen to animals,” says Sam. “I’m not vegan for health –I ust love animals!” org uk
You can read Maggie’s story in Maggie the Wunderdog the little street dog who learned to love again It is written by Kasey Carlin abebooks co uk
“It’s a lot of work for a one woman operation and she is doing fundraisers for dog wheelchairs, which are not cheap. I messaged her and asked how much was left to raise and instantly transferred the money Every time I saw her rescue another dog, I messaged her to offer my support ”
Sam Carter, centre (top left) and bottom left, is driven by his passion for animals
and old people’s homes to comfort humans who are sad and have anxiety Despite what humans have done to her, she is still one of the kindest, loveliest dogs in the world and I walk with her twice a week you wouldn’t know she’s blind! *
Sam couldn’t take the dog with him and phone calls back and forth to Romanian Rescue Appeal in the UK n the middle of the night culminated in a call from a ocal woman called Maria. She turned up 15 minutes ater and collected Lucky She later texted to say that Lucky was very ill. Sam relives the moment.

tingling ta ste of Thai You don’t have to get caught up in the airport mayhem this summer just recreate our heavenly Thai dishes and find yourself transported to the pristine beaches of Ko Samui and the sublime mountains of Chiang Mai. You’ll find all of the magic ingredients including tamarind, creamy coconut milk, lemongrass, kaffir lime, aromatic spices and fluffy jasmine rice. If you ’ re short of time, try our instant Thai soup or one pot Pad Thai for some speedy deliciousness. Our friends at The Omni Collective have an extra special Thai inspired farinata for us so there’s plenty to choose from! W O R D S A N D P I C T U R E S ( E X C E P T O M N I ) B Y V I V A ! ’ S F O O D A N D C O O K E R Y M A N A G E R M A R Y A N N E H A L L Instant Thai Soup l ½ large mug of boiling water l ¾ medium carrot, peeled l ¼ red pepper l ½ apple l 1 cm ginger l 1 cm red chilli (deseeded) l Couple of sprigs coriander or ¼ flat teaspoon of dried coriander l Splash plant milk l 1 tsp bouillon powder (eg Marigold, vegan) l Cashews for decoration 1 Place all ingredients in a blender, pouring on boiling water last, and blend until smooth 2 Decorate and serve immediately
18 life

viva org uk 19 One Pot Pad Thai l Oil for frying (ideally sesame) l 1 packet stir fry vegetables l 1 packet ‘straight to wok’ ribbon noodles (approx. 150g) l 2 handfuls marinated tofu pieces (eg Cauldron) l 1 handful peanuts, roughly chopped l 1 2 tbsp peanut butter l 3 tbsp soya sauce l 3 tbsp sweet chilli sauce l Juice of ½ lime l Optional extras: fresh chilli, fresh coriander, Thai crackers (Sainsbury’s do a vegan version), vegetable spring rolls (most are vegan but check the packet) 1 Heat a little oil in a wok or large frying pan and add stir fry veg 2 Fry for a few minutes before adding all the other ingredients 3 Stir frequently for a few minutes to ensure that the noodles are cooked and the peanut butter has softened and is evenly distributed 4 Serve immediately Thai Aubergine Curry l 3 large aubergines, each cut into 6 slices (lengthways) l Sesame oil for frying (or rapeseed) l 5 shallots or 1 large onion, finely diced l 2 cloves garlic, crushed l 1 stick lemongrass (bashed) l 1 tsp tamarind paste l 4 tbsp soya sauce l 2 tins coconut milk l 2 tbsp syrup (eg maple, agave) or 1 tbsp brown sugar l 1 tsp stock powder (eg Marigold, vegan) l Juice of 2 limes Spices l 2 tsp ground cumin l 2 tsp ground coriander l ¼ tsp ground nutmeg l ½ tsp cinnamon l ½ tsp chilli powder l Pinch ground cloves l Pinch fennel seeds 1 Fry aubergine slices on each side until golden with a little oil and salt OR pre heat oven to 180°C (fan)/350°F/Gas Mark 4, lightly coat slices in oil, a sprinkle of salt and roast until golden turning once (around 15 minutes a side) then set aside (we charred ours on a griddle pan first a few minutes on each side) 2 Lightly fry shallots/onion with fennel seeds in the sesame oil until soft and golden 3 Add crushed garlic and fry for a further minute 4 Add all spices, stir and fry for another minute 5 Add coconut milk, tamarind paste, lemongrass, soya sauce, stock powder, syrup/sugar, bring to the boil and simmer 20 30 minutes to reduce 6 Adjust flavour adding more soya sauce, syrup or lime juice as desired 7 Remove lemongrass and serve with rice and optional extras Jasmine rice, Thai crackers (Sainsbury’s do a fish free version), fresh coriander, Thai Basil, lime, unsweetened vegan yoghurt, sweet chilli sauce, toasted cashews

9 Serve on individual plates, top with the salad mixture then mix coriander, lime juice and avocado together with a pinch of salt and place on top. Sprinkle with lime zest and you ’ re done.
2 Finely chop spring onions, set aside and start the salad
5 Once the water is at a rolling boil, add a generous pinch of salt, green beans and mangetout Blanch for a minute to a minute and a half, remove them and place in the cold water
7 Heat a medium sized frying pan and add some rapeseed oil Whilst heating, stir in spring onions and kaffir lime paste and stir well
Here is a truly delicious recipe from our friends at The Omni Collective! They now have a super restaurant in Peckham where they focus on micro seasonal sharing plates They are also available for outside catering!
Combine gram flour, water and baking powder and whisk until smooth leave to rest for 20 minutes It will thicken as it rests
8 Once oil is hot, add a ladle of the mixture and cook until browning on one side (about two minutes) Flip and cook for a further two minutes before transferring the pancake onto a plate Repeat until all the mixture is finished
3 Fry the red onion, garlic, chilli and ginger on medium low heat until softened and onions are translucent
20 life Thai Farinata (Serves 4) Pancakes l 200 g gram flour (chickpea flour) l 450 ml water l 1 tbsp baking powder l 2 spring onions (finely chopped) l 2 tbsp kroeung kaffir lime paste (can use vegan Thai green curry paste) l A healthy pinch of salt l Rapeseed oil Green bean salad l Generous glug of rapeseed oil l 1 red onion, diced l 2 cloves of garlic, crushed l 1 red chilli, deseeded l A thumb of ginger, peeled and finely chopped or grated l 1 handful of green beans l 1 handful of mangetout l 1 carrot, ribboned l 1 bag of rocket (or other salad leaves for decoration) l A small handful of sultanas l 3 plum tomatoes, cut into quarters l Lemon juice l 2 avocados, smashed l 1 tsp kroeung kaffir lime leaf paste (or Thai green curry paste) l A handful of fresh coriander l 1 lime, squeezed and zested
4 Bring a medium sized saucepan of water to the boil and prepare a large bowl of iced water for the green beans and mangetout once they’ve been blanched, to cool them and prevent overcooking
In a separate bowl, combine onion mixture with carrot ribbons, rocket, tomatoes and sultanas Once cooled, drain beans and add to the rest of the mixture Season to taste, adding a squeeze of lemon juice and mix so salad is evenly coated Feel free to add more rapeseed oil or olive oil to finish

Pricey retail outlet, Fortnum & Mason, ran a recipe competition inviting entrants to create a jubilee trifle to commemorate the Queen’s platinum jubilee. The winning lemon and amaretti trifle entry contained eggs, butter, cream and gelatine. Viva! condemned it, saying: “There is no need for ingredients that have been derived from an animal. The science shows that a vegan diet is more sustainable ” As the Queen’s favourite food is reportedly foie gras, she probably didn’t give a damn
Viva! Farming on GB News
Kerri Waters, farming co ordinator, represented Viva! spectacularly well on GB News in May for their feature: Can going vegan save the planet? Kerri was supported by vegan fitness coach, Jay Gardner, and opposed by the Countryside Alliance and journalist Ross Clark (Telegraph), whose only qualification for this topic appears to be writing a satirical fiction about climate change Whilst Kerri was calm, articulate and reasoned, the presenter peddled all the usual nonsense about humans being omnivores and needing animal protein, vegans being extremists and propagandists who would love to force veganism on us This TV channel boasts of its inbuilt right wing bias it keeps quiet about its inbuilt stupidity!
They also covered our demonstration outside Lincolnshire Co op urging them to make their ban on sales of Quack! Duck Eggs permanent which they now have Result!
The US based Greenhero podcast did a long interview with Juliet on her voyage to veganism, her early life and the founding of Viva! After 28 years with Viva! I’d heard all the questions before but Juliet was so engaging that I was drawn in and listened to the entire hour’s interview. Really is worth a listen on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and Stitcher
Several East Midlands titles covered our shocking duck egg story, including a big piece in Lincolnshire Live It said that Viva!’s ‘disturbing new footage’ appears to show ducks being abused by workers and living amongst rodents and maggots
The cruelty of West Ham United’s Kurt zouma sparked outrage earlier this year when he was filmed by his brother kicking and slapping his Bengal cat He could have faced five years in prison but escaped with 180 hours of unpaid community work and was banned from keeping cats for five years. West Ham United fined him £250,000 two weeks’ wages and he was dropped from a sponsorship deal with Adidas. Viva! complained that none of this forced him to address his offensive behaviour The Daily Star said: “The UK’s leading vegan charity, Viva!, branded the sentences ‘appalling’ ” Head of communications, Faye Lewis, said: ‘It was a ‘tick box’ exercise rather than providing an opportunity to change a slap on the wrist!’
Juliet Gellatley was a guest on BBC Radio London in June to discuss the inspiring work Viva! and Viva! Poland are doing to support refugees and their companion animals fleeing Ukraine She talked about how moving it was to go with Viva! Poland staff to a train station in Warsaw and greet people arriving who had very few possessions but carried their companion animals in their arms This highly sympathetic interview ended with the interviewer encouraging listeners to visit our UK website, make a donation or consider volunteering at the Viva! Poland sanctuary.
media LIFE Viva!’s media blitz for the animals B Y T O N Y W A R D L E , E D I T O R viva org uk 21

22 life e compassionate living Help the animals at Dean Farm Trust sanctuary by joining your Local Fundraising Group Scan the QR code to find out more E

As farming intensifies in the UK, a quarter of our mammals and nearly a half of all birds are at risk The use of pesticides and fertilisers, higher stocking densities, loss of field margins, hedgerows, wooded areas and farm ponds are driving the losses. And as for the once vast ancient woodlands, just 2 4 per cent of Britain remains covered Wildfires are not only blazing in Australia and California but also in the Arctic whilst human encroachment into wildlife habitats is increasing the risk of zoonotic diseases such as Covid 19, Ebola and HIV/AIDS, with their pandemic threat
viva org uk 23 Nature in Danger Animal agriculture and wildlife: a world out of balance D R J U S T I N E B U T L E R , H E A D O F R E S E A R C H , V I V A !
There is, however, still hope just but to make a difference we have to act now It is imperative to make the connection between animal agriculture, environmental destruction and disease We must protect ecosystems and allow wild animals to live their lives free from human interference The simple fact is that serious action is needed right now and if we don’t take it, eating animals will be the death of us more by ordering a copy of Nature in Danger animal agriculture and wildlife: a world ture in danger
One million species of animals and plants are at risk of extinction and that includes us humans! “Without biodiversity, there is no future for humanity”, says David Macdonald, Professor of Wildlife Conservation at Oxford University Our new report, Nature in Danger, explains why so many species are under threat, from the inhabitants of African savannahs to Arctic glaciers, and outlines why animal agriculture is at the heart of the problem and the consequences of inaction As the global population grows, so does the demand for meat, fish, eggs and dairy and the result is an imbalance of life on Earth that is staggering There are 24 billion chickens in the world at any given time three birds for every person. Sixty per cent of mammals on Earth, by weight, are livestock, 36 per cent are humans but only four per cent are wild creatures. Forests are being felled to make way for livestock, oceans are being decimated by industrial fishing and the rate at which animals are dying is unparalleled since the last mass extinction 66 million years ago. The cause this time is not a massive asteroid but us From the huge African elephant down to tiny dung beetles, we are losing species at a thousand times the natural rate Most of the estimated nine million different species on the planet have not yet been classified and many will become extinct before they’ve even been identifiedMagnificent African cheetahs and humble British hedgehogs, reclusive water voles and hooded seals of the North are just a few of those threatened by livestock farming and aquaculture. Only 1,200 mountain gorillas remain and Western chimpanzees are critically endangered; Africa’s original 10 million elephants have been reduced to around 350,000 while Sumatran elephants are being lost to expanding oil palm plantations Valuable palm kernel meal is used as animal feed, including in the UK and little, if any, comes from sustainable sources Eat a ham sandwich and you kill a Sumatran elephant; eat a steak and you destroy a lemur in Madagascar; eat a chicken and you wipe out an Amazonian parrot it’s that stark! The Amazon, in fact, is biologically the richest region on Earth and it is rapidly disappearing More than half of the world’s marine species face extinction by the end of this century and even microscopic phytoplankton are continually declining they are the basis of the entire marine food chain, store carbon and provide half of all the Earth’s oxygen

Viva!’s latest campaign, Eating the Earth, reveals that at the heart of this appalling problem is the demand for meat, dairy, fish and eggs and this is the number one driver of wildlife loss worldwide.
Eating the Earth builds on our important environment campaign, Vegan Now!, which focuses on the destructive nature of animal agriculture It emphasises that the science shows that going vegan is the most important single step we can take to protect the planet and our future. But it’s not just the earth systems that are on the brink of collapse due to animal agriculture all living creatures are threatened. Thousands of wild animals face extinction because of peoples’ diet and without wildlife nothing will survive. And that includes us Because of the accelerating rate of this loss, wildlife experts are now referring to it as the sixth mass extinction We have no idea how many species have
eAting the EarTH
We are experiencing the world’s sixth mass extinction from the majestic land animals that roam the earth to the tiny critters who are often unseen but are essential for humanity’s survival. The science is clear wildlife is on the brink of annihilation and currently, one million species are threatened with extinction.
Viva!’s campaign to save the world’s wildlife gets under way

This frightening reality seems bleak but our Eating the Earth campaign stresses that there is a solution and it’s pretty simple. Going vegan is the way to save the world’s wildlife it is the only way! Eating the Earth was laun at Viva!’s first ever Vegan Po Restaurant Viva! staff, patr influencers, press and the pu together for a weekend of c three course, fine dining exp plant based chef Anton Petr to the depths of the jungle a diet can help save the plane
There are many ways you can get involved with this vital new campaign. For a start, you can explore the species at risk of extinction using our interactive map, which provides a snapshot of the thousands impacted by global meat, dairy, fish and egg demand Using case studies, it reveals how the problems are often closer to home than we think Viva! travelled across the East of England from August 11 to 16 as part of our third Viva! La Burger Tour, handing out free vegan burgers to members of the public, titillating their taste buds while raising awareness of the impact meat and dairy are having on the planet and its wildlife We visited Southend on Sea, Ipswich, Norwich, Cambridge, Peterborough and Leicester (more information next issue). We also have an exciting Swaps to Save Wildlife Week of Action coming up from 12 18 September keep your eyes peeled on our socials and campaign website for ails. Join local groups across the country in egan outreach events in your area to help wildlife and the planet. our own stall and help empower people to make h to vegan alternatives helping save both the d wildlife while putting an end to animal suffering elebrate just how good vegan food can be, and ence we can make through widespread change ur more and order your stall pack and leaflets for wildlife. is still a narrow window to make rence to the world so please help mpaign by getting involved or g our campaign messages ore information and use our g #EatingTheEarth if sharing ial media. GOING, GOING, GONE. AN ASTEROID WIPED OUT THE DINOSAURS – MEAT AND MILKSHAKES MAY WIPE OUT HUMANKIND AND OUR DIET IS RESPONSIBLE. WE ARE IN THE SIXTH MASS EXTINCTION – AND EXTINCTION IS FOREVER THE UK’S DIET OF MEAT, DAIRY, FISH AND EGGS
viva org uk 25 already been lost but the rate is thought to be up to 1,000 times higher than the natural rate and is rising Volcanic eruptions or asteroids have been responsible for previous mass extinctions but this one is a result of exploitative human activity and can be prevented It is vital that this biological annihilation should be stopped as without wildlife, food systems will collapse, forests will stop growing and ecosystems, such as carbon storage, will no longer function. From the pollinators that secure our food system to the seed dispersers that promote growth, humanity cannot survive without wildlife.
At the launch we revealed report, Nature in Danger W y research, Dr Justine Butler, it is a harrowing read but offers a vital insight into the world’s biodiversity loss (see page 23) We also shared our revamped Extinction Countdown leaflet and both the report and leaflet are available from the Viva! Shop We also premiered our latest environment film highlighting the absurdity of the situation that we are literally eating the Earth to accommodate meat, dairy, fish and egg demands.
Wildlife is running out of space to live as their habitats are rapidly being converted into grazing land for livestock and to grow swathes of monoculture crops to feed to them
Many of these places are in countries with the largest number of wildlife species and the UK is implicated through its imports of meat and animal feed. Incredibly, 85 per cent of our agricultural land is used just for animal farming but even this is not enough and we are stealing vital land from wild animals in other parts of the world

The response to our new campaign was phenomenal
Top: We invited high profile influencers who spread our message far and wide on social media Above left: A refreshing starter of watermelon salad with homemade, creamy whipped ‘feta’, crunchy corn, cherry tomatoes, radishes and a zingy mint dressing Above: Anna was delighted to be part of the launch, which she found thoroughly informative and eye opening
Guests were gripped by our Eating the Earth campaign video, a visual representation of how humanity is destroying wildlife (see opposite) The powerful message is amplified by our newly published report, Nature in Danger, by Viva!’s Dr Justine Butler It highlights why one million species are living under threat and why animal agriculture lies at the heart of the problem The report also spells out the consequences of inaction. You can find Nature in Danger on our website: in danger. We have also launched an interactive wildlife map where users can discover which animals are in danger of extinction and how UK diets are fuelling this decline Have a look for yourself at the earth.
26 life ant Eating the Earth yle on July 30 and 31 with pop up restaurant in the was attended by high s, environmentalists and y oured a three course, 100 per cent vegan, fine dining meal
Left: We decorated the venue with hard hitting facts about the loss of our world’s wildlife and how meat, dairy, eggs and fish are the main cause of it
The delicious treats were handcrafted by plant based specialist, chef Anton Petrov, who is renowned for creating culinary delights made from sustainable and foraged ingredients Our guests were blown away by his sensational food creations, full of delicious surprises such as creamy whipped ‘feta’, deconstructed aubergine parmigiana and almond panna cotta.
Managing director Laura Hellwig gave a passionate speech to kick off the evening, urging everyone to come together to tackle the huge challenges of wildlife loss by going vegan Patrons included vegans and non vegans and we had many comments from meat eaters saying that their eyes have been opened to a new world and that they won’t be eating meat again
eating the EaRth ks off in Style
Explore the new webpage to find out more about the campaign and order our great new campaign leaflet

Viva!’s Pia Werzinger greets people at Vegan Life live with her usual enthusiasm
Eating the EaRth stunning new campaign video
In between conversations the Viva! team even managed to try some delicacies and were spoilt for choice with the wide range of caterers representing food from all over the world showing that the sky's the limit when it comes to vegan cuisine
To launch the Eating the Earth campaign, we worked with Plant Based News to produce a short but dramatic campaign video. Taking the form of a mock news report, the video conducts viewers through a journey of wildlife destruction It shows how our appetite for meat, dairy, fish and eggs is wiping out thousands of species and the underlying cause is people’s selfishness and ignorance Eye catching footage of animals enjoying their natural habitat are juxtaposed with real life coverage of natural disasters, triggered by human’s consumption of animal products Shocking clips show animals fleeing their homes against a backdrop of wildfires and chaos, interlaced with images of factory farming. Conceived and scripted by Tony Wardle and edited by Robbie Lockie, the soundtrack is by DZEKO known for his collaborations with Post Malone and Preme and DJ James Piros.
An atmosphere of excitement was buzzing around the halls of Alexandra Palace where over 200 exhibitors were offering a myriad of vegan delights including, but in no way limited to, clothing, footwear, chocolate, cheese, jewellery, cosmetics, vitamins and even vegan cruises!
Viva! was also busy getting involved in the wider festival Pia Werzinger, Viva!’s Food & Cookery Social Media Coordinator, gave a mouth watering cooking demonstration of how to make Vegan Italian Frittata and a White Chocolate Cheesecake (recipes available on Vegan Recipe Club), while over in the lecture theatre, Viva!’s environment campaigner, Jasmine Clark, was raising awareness of the devastating impact of meat and dairy on the world’s wildlife.
Viva! also had a stall, raising awareness of our latest campaigns, and selling a wide array of merchandise from Viva!’s shop the profits of which go back into supporting our vital work It was fantastic to be back connecting with such passionate people after a long break from these in person festivals Events such as these are essential in supporting people on their vegan journey one person commented that our Everyone’s Going Vegan! magazine that was given out for free to attendees, persuaded them that they must become vegan!
The bespoke music creates a sense of urgency which is exactly what the message of the video conveys: act now before it’s too late You can view the video by going to the earth
Overall, we thoroughly enjoyed our return to Vegan Life Live and are counting down the days to next year!
Vegan Life Live is described as a weekend you won’t forget and it certainly lived up to this reputation when Viva! attended over the weekend of 11 12 June After a three year hiatus due to Covid 19, London’s award winning indoor vegan festival returned in full swing welcoming the public back to revel in all things vegan
viva org uk 27

The Beast did extraordinary things built magnificent cities and mastered communication via land, sea and air; cured diseases and made eye watering scientific discoveries. But nothing was sacrosanct in this stampede of development Whales were almost eliminated for soap and corset stays; Monarch butterflies were decimated to make dye for bank notes; furry creatures were trapped for coats and parts of glittering birds were destined to become fripperies on ladies’ hats
It’ s Crunch Time
It did not include black Africans who had only nominally been released from the excruciating barbarity of slavery and whose labour provided the economic underpinning of this new society And as for the wild animals that abounded, they were inconsequential Sixty million magnificent bison reduced to just a hundred or so in next to no time; some five billion passenger pigeons hunted to extinction in the blink of an eye and these were merely the canaries in the coal mine, indicators of the destructive capacity of a dangerous viral species
When the first white colonists arrived in Africa, they shook their heads in wonderment at what they found black people, entirely new customs, extraordinary animals and exotic vegetation But they weren’t phased, they had a plan they shot the animals, enslaved the people and ripped the heart out of this new, magnificent environment And so was set in train a philosophy that has had primacy ever since and is only now reaching its disastrous endgame yet still we cling to it, bereft of alternatives.
It’s apogee came in the United States with what started as a noble aim to rescue the wretched of the world: “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” That did not, of course, include the Native American indigenous population, whose men, women and children were slaughtered almost for fun and their lands expropriated
The Beast devised ways of getting as many pigs, sheep, cattle and chickens as possible onto people’s plates so it could boast how well it looked after them and therefore win their continued support. Little did The Beast know, however, that this orchestrated orgy of pain and torture was to be its Achilles’ heel and would eventually threaten its downfall
The Beast required constant feeding with vast amounts of capital (dosh) so it could buy better equipment, innovate, prosper and above all expand by producing ever more ‘things’ to sell guns or gaskets, pork chops or parasols, it didn’t matter what. It’s imperative was to keep growing, growing, growing selling, selling, selling because it knew that once that process stopped it would collapse in on itself and the game would be up If you fail to pay your capital investors more and more each year they desert you
The rocks lie dead ahead after centuries of following the wrong compass heading, says Tony Wardle “Grow, grow, grow your boat as fast as she will go; stuff the forests, fields and seas we have to have more dough”
28 life
Don’t get me wrong, the US doesn’t carry all the blame they simply took an early UK model, honed and polished it and turned it into a global philosophy They just happened to be better at it than most and perfected what in 1854, British novelist William Makepeace Thackeray termed capitalism The Beast Mr Marx, of course, latched on to it a decade later and wrote his almost incomprehensible book about its shortcomings Das Kapital And that set in train decades of grunting and growling at each other like two challenging dogs while the planet declined around them

The Beast was in other ways very cleve support networks of the like minded that universities and media, governments, fina experts and religions who, despite their degrees, diplomas and supposed intelligence, all offered servile support (partly because they did extremely well out of The Beast) and brushed aside one simple reality how can you have permanent growth in a world of finite resources? Not a single answer was forthcomingDespitehis bitter opposition to The Beast, Mr Marx was little better and industrial growth was his cure for everything, too but by dictat and oppression When popular revolt brought that experiment to an end, there was only one game left in town “Grow, grow, grow your boat as fast as she will go; stu the forests, fields and seas we have to hav dough”Andso here we are, in evolutionary ter twinkling of light away from when it all Beast is also still here, obese beyond belie control, still roaring and demanding to b genuflected to. Its demands have brought damage to the air we breathe, to the fore the prairies and mountains; it has destroy soil and wrenched from it as many of its precious minerals as it can And the wild creatures we supposedly adore, they’re still being destroyed by The Beast in such numbers that many are cartwheeling into extinction as the planet increasingly becomes uninhabitable for them Meanwhile, it is casting its covetous eyes into space where moons and planets await, saying: “Yes, matey, that’s next!” while its court of sycophants eagerly agreesWehave a habit of electing leaders who have no idea how to lead because they have all been drawn into the orbit of The Beast. They talk about our declining planet and say, with emotionally charged voices: “Yes, it’s terrible and we will do something!” But they don’t because The Beast won’t allow it They play around the edges by banning plastic straws to keep them from the sea while subsidising mighty vessels that drag the beating heart out of the oceans. We know, they know, almost every global advisory body knows that livestock, through no fault of their own, have become the most deadly pandemic of all time they are literally eating the Earth We also know from the very latest government commissioned National Food Strategy that nothing will be done about it Meat and dairy consumption has to be slashed and alternatives said its author, Mr Henry Dimbleby “Can’t hear you,” said the government and so the status quo continues and The Beast triumphs once more
Why, why, why when the threat looms as blisteringly stark as a gigantic meteorite thundering towards us? And here’s your answer! Meat and dairy, with all their adherent parts, constitute the greatest industry on Earth Collapse that and the game is up, the Emperor has no clothes and The Beast is done for The choice is stark and in many ways is summed up by a TV interview I saw recently between a female Insulate Britain demonstrator and Richard Madeley on GMB Puffed up with all the phoney outrage he could muster, Madeley demanded to know how she could justify inconveniencing people by blocking traffic Of course he was cross, he’s a Beastie. Like so many others, The Beast has given this middle aged, middle class, white, middle of the road, privileged, wealthy ‘journalist’ everything he has. Perhaps that’s why I’ve never heard him utter a single word that challenges The Beast Vegans understand it all too well and have the oh so simple answer but the rocks are ahead and unless the masses quickly start to follow our path around them, we’re all in deep trouble and their ain’t no lifeboat!
viva org uk 29

Right: Juliet Gellatley wows a huge audience, as does Tony Wardle (below right) The scale of the event was extraordinary with three huge marquees and over 100 stalls
B Y F A Y E L E W I S , H E A D O F C O M M U N I C A T I O N S
30 life It’s back, it’s bigger and it’s better with 13,000 vegans attending the three day event at Stanford Hall, Leicestershire. What do you get if you combine Simon Amstell talking about Berlin leather clubs; Viva!’s Juliet Gellatley on coming face to face with a mountain gorilla; a drag queen’s plaudits for inventing veganism; an all ages rugby tournament; an 8am mind and body bootcamp; and a backing track of hardcore music? The answer is 72 hours at Vegan Camp Out
The food was seriously good with a whole swathe of stalls up and running for the first punters when they arrived What an extraordinary variety of incredible flavours there was, a huge choice from contemporary to international There was plant based sushi, Ethiopian, Indian, Indonesian and Chinese food, hot dogs, fish and chips, an incredible hog roast, street food, Southern American style barbeque, kebabs and so much more
SPONS…animals, activism and a rollicking good time
Having been voted the UK’s best and biggest vegan festival, with thousands of vegans and vegan curious types gathering for a weekend of talks, performances, music, incredible food, afterparties and er... yoga (if you’re so inclined), the festival was as ever, unapologetically ambitious and buzzing with energy. Without doubt, the best cruelty free event ever With its new setting, there was considerably more space than in previous years, with acres of grassland, innumerable shady trees and a big pond (small lake) in which many took a dip
Vegan Camp Out

Others included Eat of Eden, Jam Delish, Eat Some Ting and Livity Plant Based Cuisine who offered my favourite food of the weekend, Caribbean cuisine and shout out to the “more” man who served it
viva org uk 31 2022
There were big name vegan eateries such as Halo Burger, V Bites, Wholesome Junkies, Frost Burgers, VFC, Chickenish and HUNS
Juliet Gellatley is a household name at this point, best known for her tireless campaigning with Viva!. Her first talk of the weekend, Ditch the Dairy, is one which has been repeated in different forms many times, due to the resounding impact it has With updated, recent figures, Juliet delivered a sturdy, science based discussion, focusing on breast and prostate cancer and the proven health benefits of a vegan diet. This was followed up on Sunday with her talk, Face to Face with a Mountain Gorilla.
Matt Pritchard was later found at the Viva! stall for meet and greets and a book signing that went on for hours. As always, an absolute pleasure.
The line up included major celebrities, musicians and influencers such as Simon Amstell, Earthling Ed, JME, Evanna Lynch, Gaz Oakley, Bimini Bon Boulash, Matt Pritchard, Heather Mills, Preacher Lawson and, of course, Viva!’s Juliet Gellatley, Tony Wardle and Laura Hellwig Clad in a black, own brand t shirt, with his trademark glossy hair, Earthling Ed (or Ed Winters to his mum), looked more shampoo model than viral debate hero but his was the name on everybody’s lips that weekend Riding high after his debut novel, This Is Vegan Propaganda (Ebury Publishing and Kindle), the main stage was packed for his talk and he was followed pretty much everywhere he went by devotees His calm and measured approach still packed a punch and was the perfect counter to the more flamboyant stage presences of the weekend Preacher Lawson, Simon Amstell and Bimini Bon Boulash (all ferociously virtuosic in their own rights) Matt Pritchard, probably the only act that can legitimately thank having his ass strimmed on TV for making him famous, has come a long way since those Dirty Sanchez days. At VCO he closed his talk with a poignant coup de theatre, where he showed clips from a forthcoming documentary about his life and vegan journey, before introducing his dog to the audience a crowd pleasing finale. He was later found at the Viva! stall for meet and greets and a book signing that went on for hours. As always, an absolute pleasure. Speaking of meet and greets, Hench Herbivore’s hour long allotted time was extended to almost three hours just so he was able to see everyone that had made the effort to queue up for him. If that isn’t a reason to love him, I don’t know what is As always, it was great to speak to Viva! Health & Fitness ambassador and Green Gazelles founder Brendon Bale, and meet England rugby prop and Bristol Bison head coach, Sasha Acheson (see you on the podcast soon)
Above: Hench Herbivore spent three hours with fans at the Viva! stand while Matt Pritchard (left) signed books for an almost endless queue of devotees

Lettuce be Let it Be
The King Beatle, Macca, is now 80 and is still going strong Powered by plants and finally embraced as the super gifted melody king and not put down with a snarky sneer, he was one of the first pop veggies and is a beautiful relic from the high tide of hope that was the sixties When I peer out at the world it’s often with despair We are truly in desperate times a toxic masculinity has created a toxic planet World leaders are not only detached from nature but detached from humanity Like fumes of aftershave, that toxic masculinity leaves behind a trail of war, famine and money at all costs, air full of filth and oceans full of infernal eternal plastic Now that we are sliding into the heart of darkness there can only be hope and a realisation a revelation that change is not going to come from the top.
Those grim faced old men drenched in power are going to thrash around like the psychopaths they are Yet do not despair! The cavalry is on the horizon and they are not thrashing their horses to death and not waving sabres of doom but are charging in with ideas and a bizarre optimism in the face of the sixth great extinction. They are a new breed of old guard who have woken up and smelt the coffee but also Gen Z the truly sonic youth who will bail us out Our oldie job is now to hold the door of hope open for them to surge through and reshape this world, not because they think it’s cool but because they have no choice Growing up in the seventies, plastic was the new god, Tupperware parties and plastic bags and burgers defined that decade Kebab shops were exotic and the stench of animal death was not even thought about Vegetarians were exotic weird creatures in my home town of Blackpool not to be trusted! Now that we vegans are a new normal and have clawed our way to a substantial minority, we need to keep our eye on the ball and keep gently persuading our friends and neighbours that mass slaughter is not the only way to sustain our existence It’s all part of the same process whether animal or human we are all specks of flesh in nature and we have one common song… Lettuce be Let it Be Media man, punk bred John Robb
P h o t o © M e l a n i e S m i t h
While it’s easy to concentrate on the standout talks and performances from much loved grime artist JME to activist speaker Dr Alice Brough what shouldn’t be overlooked is the relentless hard work by the Viva! team who pulled together for long hours, under a scorching sun, to talk about the issues that matter. Conversation with the general public included spreading awareness of critical issues and concerns including exposing the atrocious factory farming industry and the lies of the dairy industry. A huge number decided to support our fight and joined us While everyone was fizzled out by the end, it was an incredibly inspiring event and talking to members of the public cemented how far veganism has come and how much support there is for Viva!’s life changing work for theTanimalshanksto everyone who spoke to us this weekend and who made a donation or joined Viva! We can’t wait to see you next year!
Viva!’s Tony Wardle delivered his rousing Dairy Beef and Bullshit talk, while Viva!’s Managing Director, Laura Hellwig, spoke about How to Save More Animals, while calmly fielding curveball questions such as: “Are there more fruits or vegetables?”
The human race are the only creatures capable of destroying the whole planet That would be some achievement in a vast and empty cosmos where we are probably the only flicker of life in a cold eternal emptiness And yet! we are not only the only creature capable of destruction, we are also the only creature that actually gives a fuck about the planet That’s some dichotomy and some wrestling bout beyond good and evil or even beyond god and Elvis! Will we pass the test? I remain optimistic there is an empowerment and energy in positive thinking even in the face of this smog filled slaughterhouse politics of madness

l June
l June
Jo Dixon, Martin Barlow, Simone Roper, Carol O’Leary and Josh £230 70 raised May 14, Tyneside Vegan Music Festival Simon Hughes, Ambar Hughes and Maya Hughes £168 raised. May 15, Manchester Vegan Festival Mia Glennon and Partner £192 raised. 5, Morecombe Vegan Festival Kerry Wilson, Carrie, Ian and Ruby the Chihuahua £184.65 raised. 12, Great Yorkshire Vegan Market Susan May, Nicola May and Lesley Hall £142.18 raised. aren’t already, we would love you to be a Viva! stall volunteer! We are always looking for friendly people to help run our stalls it’s not confrontational and everyone says what fun it you ’ re interested, email or fill out our form at viva org uk/campaign with us/stall volunteers … love it or hate it, it’s here to stay
If you
is! If
viva org uk 33 You help to make our work possible and we thank you for that By volunteering to run a Viva! stall at your local vegan events you give us an important presence we wouldn’t otherwise have All your efforts in selling merchandise and handing out information help our campaigns enormously l April 24, Taunton Vegan Market
A Big Thank You to our wonderful stall volunteers Above: Mia Glennon and partner Manchester Vegan Festival Right: Kerry, Ruby and Ian Morecombe Vegan Festival. Far right: Simon Hughes and Maya Hughes Tyneside Vegan Music Festival
AmazonSmile is the nicer side of Amazon Its website has the same range of products but the difference is, when you shop through the URL smile amazon co uk, 0 5 per cent of the net purchase price can be donated to charity When first using it, you will be prompted to select a charitable organisation and Viva! is one of them Over the past few years, we ’ ve received a few thousand pounds this way without even announcing the scheme and it costs us nothing. If you already have an Amazon account, simply visit and log into your Amazon account From the ‘Pick your own charity’ search bar, select Viva! (there are 40,000 there) and you’ll receive an email from Amazon and you ’ re ready to start. If you have the Amazon Shopping App just turn on AmazonSmile in your device

Panda London Bamboo bedding
The Conscious Candy Co Vegan Fried Eggs I am so happy that these have finally been veganised! They taste amazing and (from what I remember) taste the same as the non vegan ones! They have been created by The Conscious Candy Co and are delicious! We have recently added them to the Viva! shop so be sure to check them out! The vegan fried eggs are the UK’s first ever and are vanilla flavoured with a subtle orange tang and are palm oil free! How egg cellent! £2 99 You can also find a fizzy gummy mix and a non fizzy mix pouch from Conscious Candy on the shop too! £2 99
Grocycle Mushroom Kit
If you love mushrooms, then this is for you! You can use this kit to grow your own delicious oyster mushrooms in just 14 days! It’s super easy and guaranteed to grow The kits are made by mixing coffee grounds and straw with oyster mushroom spawn and incubating it under ideal conditions. They are then shipped to you for the fun part! Once you receive the kit all you need to do is cut a hole in the bag, spray with water each day and watch them grow!
The first harvest is approximately two weeks after opening and once you have finished harvesting them you can soak the kit overnight and repeat for another couple of crops!
Make an amazing oyster mushroom steak by The Wicked Healthy or try the Broccoli and Oyster Mushroom Tempura with Forced Rhubarb Sauce both recipes on the Vegan Recipe Club app delicious! £19
I have recently invested in some bamboo bedding and it was the best decision! It’s super soft and feels so luxurious The Panda London bedding is completely vegan using bamboo instead of the usual down filled duvets It’s also very light but not so much that it gets too cold in winter the bamboo is temperature regulating and breathable so no need to swap for a winter or summer duvet! There are so many pros to getting bamboo bedding like it being naturally antibacterial, odour resistant and hypoallergenic (so great for anyone one who suffers from eczema or allergies)! It is also moisture wicking and easy to look after. It can be washed on a low temperature and dries quickly so no need to waste loads of energy cleaning it Best of all though, is that Panda London claim that bamboo is the world’s fastest growing plant, which only needs a third as much water as cotton And they claim not to use any harmful chemicals, meaning their bamboo is organically grown so the earth and water remain clean And if you need any more convincing then, Pa protect animals and their natural habitats by sourcing bamboo only fro cruelty free and vegan all round! Writing this now makes me want to get back into bed it s that comfy!
Bamboo bedding from £19 95 £180
Fry on
or Grow?Sleep

Driven by energetic passion for both rugby and veganism, they created a community club “ so that like minded athletes can thrive together, normalise veganism, raise funds for charity and promote earth caring behaviours on and off the rugby pitch!” They also work with companies and charities such as Viva! to shout about the benefits of veganism and encourage others to make the change
The brainchild of husband and wife team, Brendon and Amy Bale, the club came about by accident in 2018 Amy went plant based for health reasons and then dutiful husband Brendon agreed to accompany her just for a week They were both amazed to discover the difference in their energy levels and how much better they felt after just seven days and that was it!
Last year, Brendon Bale and the Green Gazelles featured in our sports nutrition video Without the Meat one of our most popular online videos ever with well over 300,000 views!
The Green Gazelles are a rugby club with a difference They describe themselves as “a community space for like minded rugby and environmental enthusiasts” Unlike regular rugby clubs they have a flexible global membership of 200 players who they can call on to form a team in almost any country oh, and they also happen to be the world’s first entirely vegan rugby club!
This year, on June 11, at the athletic ground in Richmond, Surrey, the Green Gazelles took part in the Summer Social a one day sports festival sponsored by Viva!. Juliet Gellatley’s sons, Jazz and Finn were there to hand out information, leaflet and talk to rugby fans, encouraging them to try vegan. Green Gazelles posted: Thanks @vivacharity for being our Tournament Sponsor we will rep you well on the pitch And so, they did! BBC Sport were there and Green Gazelles were the plate winners their first silverware of 2022! After the event, Brandon emailed us: “A superb success for Green Gazelles Rugby Club, bringing together our like minded community, spreading our message through rugby and winning some silverware None of this would have been possible without the support from Viva! Finn and Jazz mixed in super well and helped us to share our message through sport.”
Here’s to a long and inspiring partnership, Green Gazelles
Green Gazelles… the accidentally vegan rugby team N , V I V A !
viva org uk 35
Finn and Jazz Wardle Gellatley with a mass of information at their fingertips
Brendon has also just signed up as a health and fitness ambassador for Viva!, alongside former rugby union Under 20s Wales player, Lewis Robling Together they will be featuring in a new Viva! campaign promoting veganism for sports and fitness, primarily targeting young men aged 18 35; a massively underrepresented group within the vegan community They will help to challenge the old misconceptions that you have to eat meat in order to be masculine and get the nutrients you need to be a top athlete Brendon says: “This is a perfect fit for me As director of the Green Gazelles, I encourage the team with their training and ensure they get the best plant based diet possible It’s been great working with Viva! for the past year a charity incredibly passionate about what they do I want to inspire the next generation of young athletes to put down the chicken and eggs and opt for a vegan diet in order to reach their full athletic potential This project will help transform people’s lives.”

(Mon Fri, 9 5) Check out our campaigns on ‘I’m goIng to JOin viVa!’s UNdeRcoVer TEam!’
The woman pictured is a model but we want to thank Cynthia Harper for her extraordinary generosity Viva! in your Will saving life
Please remember
so we can go on
animals 36
For information on leaving a W ill, see or ring
Cynthia’s a realist and knows her time is now limited She has always supported Viva!’s campaigns against animal cruelty but with few resources. When she finally goes, Cynthia knows she’ll leave some decent money and wants to use some of it to save animals from suffering. That’s why she intends to support Viva!’s exposés of factory farming. Viva! is changing the face of Britain and Cynthia still wants to be a part of it wherever she is 0117 944 1000

Merchandise And why not add an adorable plush toy to your Adopt an Anima ou then why not a lush smelling vegan candle
These plush toy animals from Living Nature have realistic features, a super soft body and sweet curly or fluffy tails making them adorable companions You are sure to have lots of fun playing with them and their super softness is ideal for bedtime cuddles Each toy has a tag which includes educational animal facts so your mini humans can learn about their favourite animals! £14.99 each
Beneath the Wood is a Viva! award winning vegan sanctuary based in Wales that provides permanent homes for dogs with behavioural issues, pigs, sheep, cats and horses Set up by Sasha Bennett in 2009 you can currently adopt pigs and sheep but we will soon be adding new adoptees from Viva! Poland and other sanctuaries Keep an eye out for them!
Choose from the adult pack, which includes a letter, personalised certificate, a colour photo of the animal you have chosen to adopt, a postcard about Viva! and the sanctuary and a six month letter updat Or choose the kids pack (for under 12 year old’s) which also includes an animal factsheet and accompanying keepsake folder.
viva org uk 37
A littleRetail manager, Emily Coster, has a few new ideas to tempt you New adoptions! From Beneath the Wood
Working with Beneath the Wood animal sanctuary, we have refreshed our adoption scheme so you can support rescued animals or get your friends and loved ones to by sending them an adoption gift!
Sweets In The City the Vegan Jelly Edit Jar of Joy A whole jar of vegan sweets what could be better! They contain a mix of classics, including flying saucers (a personal favourite), fizzy cherries, fizzy cola bottes, tongue painters and more! 450g. £10
Adopt Oreo the Pig £25 Adopt Rodney and Laces the Pigs £25 Ad t Pi i th Sh £2
Vegan Bunny Candle
Living Nature Plush Piglet / Small White Lamb
These candles have been handcra using artisan techniques and thei signature vegetable wax blend gives a long lasting scent and clean burn All vegan bunny candles use sustainably sourced materials, natural ingredients, are both plastic and cruelty free and, of course, are vegan! Treat yourself to the lavender candle with pure essential oils lavender is known for its naturally relaxing properties and is claimed to provide a peaceful sensation that helps to reduces nervous tension and stress. Great for meditation, yoga sessions, long baths and maybe just for lighting before you go to sleep! £8-15 And if sweets are your thing then check out these delicious treats!

To drive home just how urgent the situation is and the need to switch to a vegan diet, Viva! has partnered with My Emissions to support Bristol restaurant, The Canteen, in calculating the carbon footprint of their menus to help consumers make an informed choice –which will invariably mean choosing vegan options.
38 life Demand for meat, dairy, fish and eggs is destroying the planet. Animal agriculture is rooted in almost every single issue within the climate crisis, it is a leading cause of global heating and the main cause of deforestation, land use change, wildlife loss, and air pollution.
Eating a diet based on animal products is substantially more damaging to the planet than vegan alternatives. As Joseph Poore, climate researcher at the University of Oxford states: “A vegan diet is probably the single biggest way to reduce your impact on planet Earth.”
We are calling on the Government to make this a legal requirement for restaurants across the country. Calorie counts have become mandatory on the menus of cafes and restaurants in England with more than 250 employees –carbon counts are also now essential given the urgency of the climate and wildlife extinction crises. Consumers need to know the part they’re playing in it and that requires the Government to take meaningful action. Eating just one beef burger can generate as much as 3.05kg CO2e – that’s the equivalent of driving an average petrol car for over 10 miles. A vegan alternative is more than 10 times more at just 0.3kg CO2e. What we choose to eat makes a huge difference to the planet. Carbon emissions, land use, water use and wildlife loss are all dramatically reduced by choosing vegan options comparted to meat and dairy choices. The chart shows just how great the difference is. The campaign has started to make headlines in regional, national and international media, Forbes India, Yahoo news, Bristol Post, MalayMail amongst them.

Paul Youd is a phenomenon. Eighty four years young, he is undertaking not one, not two, but THREE ultramarathons to raise vital funds for Viva! this summer His goal was to raise £1,400 over the three events; a target he has already smashed with just one of the three events under his belt! Far from being a life long athlete, Paul only took up running in his eighties! He tells me: “When the first lockdown began, in March 2020, I figured I’d like to come out of it with a new skill and I thought running was maybe something I could do I measured out a 20 yard track on my back lawn and began to run round it; slowly at first, running up to a mile a day After eight weeks, I was running 10k. “As my stamina built up, I began to feel I could put this exercise to good use. I heard that animal sanctuaries were in dire straits and so I fundraised for Dean Farm Sanctuary (old friends of Viva!). I intended to run 100k over 10 days 10k a day “I had anticipated that each day would be more and more tiring but with each run I was feeling stronger So, I did a bit more each day, finished up with 110k and over £4,000 for Dean Farm Sanctuary “I’d tried running in my forties but stopped because of pain in my knees But this time, at the age of 82, I had no twinges at all! I had given up all animal products in the early 2000s after looking at the dairy and chicken industry and not liking what I saw so I went vegan It had been painful to shake hands with my gnarled joints and fingers but after several months on being plant based I was totally pain free ” Paul embarked on the 100k Jurassic Coast Challenge on May 14 and raised an incredible £1,401 for Viva! (more with Gift Aid) Next came the 50k South West Coast 2 Coast ultramarathon on August 6 and finally, he will complete the 50k Chiltern 50 on September 24 “I fell in love with ultramarathons after doing the South West Coast 2 Coast last year, says Paul “It combines my two passions: helping animals and running/walking.” And all this despite breaking a leg earlier this year
Runner extraordinary!
You too take p fitness chall funds for V, select the challenge you would like to complete and select Viva! from the drop down options of charities to support.
The 84 year old ultramarathon runner talks to Jess Nagji Nunn
During Paul’s August ultramarathon, he was accompanied by a film crew for a forthcoming documentary called, I Could Never Be Vegan! “There should be plenty of publicity for Viva!” he adds Sure should, Paul Paul’s preferred fundraising platform is, who charge no fees, and they featured him in their recent blog too: blog wonderful org/the 84 year old vegan running Ever the activist, Paul often hands out vegan leaflets while running his ultramarathons I love his final comments:“Aswell as saving animals, I want to show people you can be fit, healthy and strong as a vegan even into old age should I ever get there!” to donate. You can also keep up with Paul (if you can!) on his blog
Paul Youd
To support Paul and Viva! visit
viva org uk 39

Tim Bailey (with Dr. Alice Brough)
From the bestselling author of Feral, Monbiot provides a breath taking first glimpse of a new future for food and for humanity
Feeding the World Without Devouring the Planet
Tim Bailey is an environmental scientist and prominent farm pollution expert and this farm to fork investigation digs deep to reveal the devastation that’s being caused but also provides us with a kinder, more compassionate, sustainable and healthier way forward In sounding the alarm on the impact of animal based agriculture, Bailey relies on his 30 year experience of regulating the industry Dr Alice Brough was an industry vet and contributed to Viva!’s award winning documentary, Hogwood a modern horror story £22
40 life All Viva! Vegan Book Club choices are available from Tel: 0117 944 1000 (Mon Fri, 9am to 5pm) vegan BOOK CLUB
This first book in Star’s Earthlings trilogy is a coming of age, hard hitting fantasy fiction The Earthlings’ world is a dark and dangerous place one that Vallaeartha, Peridot’s mother, has tried to protect her from since birth. Young Peridot knows nothing of The Changing the enslavement of humanity nor that her family are of magick descent and can control earth, wind, fire, water and spirit If Peridot can only learn how to control her magick gifts in time, she may be able to save the world Star has a keen eye for detail and her descriptions of industrialised farming, in this world as well as her fictional one, are harrowing Animal rights is at the heart of this trilogy and I’m well and truly hooked With book two, Dominion, due this summer, I will hopefully find out whether Peri can gain control of her Elemental, break free of her captors, save Euan and re join the resistance! £8.99
George Monbiot
Livestock’s Longer Shadow: Hope Lives in Kindness
One of the most important books of its kind since Ruth Harrison’s Animal Machines (1964), Livestock’s Longer Shadow exposes how, from a UK perspective, we really treat animals, our health and our planet through the ways we farm and consume animals and that most people are unaware of it.
On A Budget Henry Firth & Ian Theasby Bosh! are at it again with their ultimate money saving, plant based cookbook! Henry and Ian know how to make outrageously tasty, super satisfying food without breaking the bank, which is why they are Sunday Times’ bestselling authors Over 100 delicious recipes that prove that great tasting food doesn’t have to cost the earth from hearty midweek dinners and comfort food feasts to indulgent brunches and unbelievably tasty treats My favourites are the Indian spiced cauliflower wings and the right good rice pud delicious! £16.99
Drawing on advances in soil ecology, Monbiot reveals how our changing understanding of the world beneath our feet could allow us to grow more food with less farming We meet the people who understand this and are hese methods, he land from d poisons and new ways to in and fat w how the tiniest ould help us e with the planet, ving systems, and replace the age of extinction with an age of regenesis £20
Farming is the world’s greatest cause of environmental destruction and the one we are least prepared to talk about. We criticise urban sprawl, but farming sprawls across thirty times as much land We have ploughed, fenced and grazed great tracts of the planet, felling forests, killing wildlife and poisoning rivers and oceans to feed ourselves Yet millions still go hungry! But now, the food system itself is beginning to crumble as the soil itself loses fertility Regenesis offers a new vision a new future for food and humanity
Earthlings: The Beginning Ray Star

They say they have expert nutritionists who are led solely by science for the most effective, absorbable and plant based supplements drvegan com
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