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mount of press coverage Viva! is receiving ploded over recent months and ularly gratifying is an upsurge in health age Our Dr Justine Butler is now antly hitting the news and correcting the misleading health advice Proactively, her e on going vegan to live longer made it he Shropshire Star, Express and Star, and on Sunday, Gazette (Middlesbrough), by Telegraph – and so many more, nearly n total Tens of millions of people reading ut the health benefits from an expert!


ustine also had a third large article in ent weeks published in the Daily Express his one on vegan diets for reducing high od pressure


director Juliet was the guest on the equivalent of Desert Island Discs on dublin Fm’s Off the Record her eight record choices were interspersed with powerful animal stories Juliet also turned a planned five minute segment on lBc radio into 12 minutes as she talked about the need for veganuary.

Viva!’s media blitz for the animals


Inspired by the Plant-Based Universities campaign, Euronews reports that students at Scotland’s Stirling University have voted to make all the meals in their Students’ Union plant-based by 2025 By the next academic year, 50 per cent of options at the student union’s three food outlets will be plant based, rising to 100 per cent by 2025

George Monbiot has thrown his weight behind the move, saying: “It’s fantastic to see the next generation taking control of their future and putting humans, nonhuman animals and the planet first ”


The Herald reports that Edinburgh has become the first European capital to commit to a shift towards plant-based diets to lower the city’s “consumption-based emissions”

The city’s council has endorsed the Plant Based Treaty, launched during COP26 in Glasgow, which calls for a move towards diets with less meat and dairy products. The Treaty spells it out: “Overall, the science is clear – meat and dairy consumption must reduce to achieve climate targets,” Scottish Green councillor, Steve Burgess, introduced the initiative

Viva! has worked with the council on reaching this decision

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