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it doesn’t seem a year since coP26, when we all hopped on a train to glasgow to see if there was going to be any vital changes coming of course, as expected, it was all hot air from the top table. more poisonous and foetid, decomposing gases escaping from the leaky fissures and fuzzy vents of our ill-gotten leaders’ well-fed mouths and cavities, filling the planet with their empty words and deranging the ozone even more with their inaction
A lot of talk and a lot of headlines may look good in PR terms but we are dealing with a very sick patient here Meanwhile youth, who were locked out of the palatial palaces of bullshit, made a million new connections and were inspired from the street level to make their own changes
The time to wait for the modern dinosaurs to change the planet is over and as the metamorphic meteorite thunders towards us and the sixth great extinction looks more and more likely, the dinosaurs’ puffed out their expensive, carnivore chests and high cholesterol carnivore frames and blathered the PR blather
The only solution now is the time-honoured one of DIY that we perfected in our punk rock youth – Do It Yourself culture Back then, when the world was more innocent and making music was a primal concern, it was about releasing your own music on your own terms and not waiting for permission of the major labels and their A and R Noel Edmonds lookalikes
These days, with a far bigger problem on our plates than a mere soundtrack, DIY has been replaced by DIT – Doing It Together And we have to come together, as John Lennon once sang, to make this thing happen without world leaders
We do not need their permission
They are welcome to join in but the agenda is no longer being set by them – the future is ours and it’s doable if we hold our nerve.
Some 85 per cent of the population want to do their bit –they just need to know what their bit actually is.
Conversely, the human race is schizoid enough to turn the whole thing into dust We are the only creature that can destroy the planet and save it all entwined into one confusing ball It’s like the endless arguments of Twitter – a perfect snapshot of the paralysis we have brought to the planet
And now COP27 in Egypt, which feels exactly the same the same great intentions and the same fuzzy results We had considered going and the idea was to borrow a catamaran with Dale Vince from Ecotricity at the helm, because he can actually sail one of those damn things
We were going to arrive like a motley crew of planteating eco pirates But the real action goes on way beyond the talking shops as the network of demonstrators throng with people out there actually delivering the stuff. Despite the powers that be, the grass roots will change the planet in a billion small, sustainable steps…