Contemporary Chinese Caligraphy
01 logo 03 logo usage 05 typeface 07 colors 08 illustration 11 illustration usage 14 3rd street wall 17 pole banner 19 bart poster 21 video 23 website
Contemporary Chinese Caligraphy Contemporary Chinese Caligraphy
Contemporary Chinese Caligraphy
Franklin Gothic Book Regular
Contemporary Chinese Caligraphy
Font size: 203 pt Align right
Leading:193 pt
Color varies (see logo usage page)
Logo usage
Do not Lower case the fist letter Align right Use two colors
Clear Space The Clear space around the logo is the width of C and h in “Chinese�. As indicated (green line) in the graph on left.
Contemporary Chinese Caligraphy
Contemporary Chinese Caligraphy
#A45E7D RGB: 164/94/125 CMYK: 36/73/32/4
#FFFFFF RGB: 225/225/225 CMYK: 0/0/0/0
Contemporary Chinese Caligraphy
#56B0AD RGB: 86/176/173 CMYK: 65/11/35/0
#FFFFFF RGB: 225/225/225 CMYK: 0/0/0/0
Contemporary Chinese Caligraphy
#CECECE RGB:206/206/206 CMYK: 18/14/15/0
#000000 RGB: 0/0/0 CMYK: 0/0/0/100
Contemporary Chinese Caligraphy
#400F1B RGB: 64/15/27 CMYK: 48/85/65/70
#FBF28B RGB: 251/242/139 CMYK: 3/0/56/0
Contemporary Chinese Caligraphy
#D6E5C0 RGB: 214/229/192 CMYK: 17/2/29/0
#515E30 RGB: 81/94/48 CMYK: 64/43/93/33
Color System
Background Color
#56B0AD RGB: 86/176/173 CMYK: 65/11/35/0
#30C5EF RGB: 48/197/239 CMYK: 63/0/2/0
#3B3189 RGB: 59/49/137 CMYK: 95/99/8/1
#400F1B RGB: 64/15/27 CMYK: 48/85/65/70
#F8F297 RGB: 248/242/151 CMYK: 4/0/50/0
#DC962E RGB:220/150/46 CMYK: 8/95/94/1
Bart two sheets
#D6E5C0 RGB: 214/229/192 CMYK: 17/2/29/0
#ED4F52 RGB: 237/79/82 CMYK: 1/84/66/0
#B9C19F RGB: 185/193/159 CMYK: 29/16/42/0
Light Box Poster
#A45E7D RGB: 164/94/125 CMYK: 36/73/32/4
#F49AC0 RGB: 244/154/192 CMYK: 0/50/1/0
#5D254A RGB: 93/37/74 CMYK: 58/92/43/37
Pole Banners
#CECECE RGB:206/206/206 CMYK: 18/14/15/0
#D7BA3A RGB:215/186/58 CMYK: 18/22/92/0
#A29233 RGB:162/146/51 CMYK: 38/34/99/6
3rd Street Wall
Secondary Colors
#CFC05D RGB:207/192/93 CMYK: 21/18/78/0
#66C05D RGB:102/144/85 CMYK: 64/26/82/7
#FFFFFF RGB: 225/225/225 CMYK: 0/0/0/0
#F45D31 RGB:244/93/49 CMYK: 0/79/89/0
#FCB13E RGB:252/177/62 CMYK: 0/35/85/0
#000000 RGB: 0/0/0 CMYK: 0/0/0/100
#C8A076 RGB: 200/160/118 CMYK: 22/37/58/1
#FAF8E2 RGB: 250/248/226 CMYK: 2/1/12/0
#515E30 RGB: 81/94/48 CMYK: 64/43/93/33
#679056 RGB: 103/144/86 CMYK: 64/26/8/18
#FFFFFF RGB: 225/225/225 CMYK: 0/0/0/0
#5A5A5A RGB:90/90/90 CMYK: 63/55/54/28
#000000 RGB: 0/0/0 CMYK: 0/0/0/100
Illustration Style
Pole Banners
size 36 x 72 inches This set of pole banner shows the evolution of Chinese character “Bird�
Contemporary Chinese Caligraphy
Nov em be r1 , 20 14 –
Janu ary 1, 2 015
Light Box poster
size 47.5 x 69 inches This set of pole banner shows the evolution of Chinese character “Flower�
Bart Posters (2 sheet)
size 46 x 60 inches This set of BART posters show the evolution of Chinese character “Car”
Third Street Wall
size YBCA third street wall This third street wall poster shows the evolution of Chinese character “Fish�
Video Storyboard
Video These are screen shots of the evolution of Chinese Character “Fire”
Web Storyboard
Website This website contains all illustration element from posters and work as navigation to interact with audiences.
Yeaba buena center for the arts (ybca) address:701 Mission St, San Francisco, CA 94103 contact number: (415) 978-2787
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Closed Closed Closed 12:00 – 8:00 pm 12:00 – 8:00 pm 12:00 – 8:00 pm 12:00 – 6:00 pm
Gurella Campaign
你好,我的名字是約翰 Hello, My name is John 你最近好嗎? How have you been?
Interactive Sceens locat in SF This is an interactive piece between the exhibition and audience. The target is to bring the audiences’ attention to this exhibition and participate.
Take a picture with me and bring it to this exhibition to redeem your free gift.
Contemporary Chinese Caligraphy