Lawrence R. Armstrong "Libertà di Espressione"

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Lawrence Armstrong: Lawrence R. R. Armstrong: Libertàdi di Espressione Espressione Libertà FIRENZE - APRILE 2014

Lawrence R. Armstrong: LibertĂ di Espressione

Arttour International Publications Inc. 45 Rockefeller Plaza Suite 2000, New York, NY 10111 Tel (800) 897-1167

Printed in Italy - Graphic Design by Alan Grimandi Published by Arttour International Publications Inc. 45 Rockefeller Plaza Suite 2000, New York, NY 10111 Tel (800) 897-1167 Š Copyright 2014 Arttour International Magazine. All copyrights are reserved by the authors. The copyrights of all published artwork are retained by the artists. Reproduction of any published material without the written permission of the magazine's publisher is prohibited by law.

“I have always been aware of and fascinated by layers in the natural and built environment: layers of space and time, layers of intellect, of emotion, of synthesis and interpenetration of form, of solid and void, of chaos and order, of simplicity and complexity.” Lawrence R. Armstrong

"Sono sempre stato consapevole e affascinato da strati nell'ambiente naturale e costruito: strati di spazio e tempo, strati di intelletto, di emozione, di sintesi e di compenetrazione di forma, di pieno e vuoto, di caos e ordine, di semplicità e complessità." Lawrence R. Armstrong

Le opere di Lawrence R. Armstrong riflettono la ricchezza della sua mente come architetto e come artista. Nel suo lavoro nulla accade a caso o per caso. Egli esplora il concetto di strati e luce con un attento esame per la linea e la geometria. I temi comuni sul suo lavoro utilizzano colori vivaci, forme e livelli che giustappongono e si intersecano ispirati alla riconciliazione dell'uomo con la natura. Armstrong crea composizioni armoniose ed equilibrate che esprimono i suoi valori culturali, ma soprattutto la sua visione l'universo, la vita e il rapporto tra le parti e il tutto. Viviana Puello - Editor in Chief Arttour International Magazine

Lawrence R. Armstrong works reflect the richness of his mind as an architect and as an artist. In his work nothing happens randomly or by chance. He explores the concept of layers and light with careful consideration to line and geometry. The common themes on his work utilize bright colors, forms and levels that juxtaposed and intersect inspired by the reconciliation of humans with nature. Armstrong creates harmonious and balanced compositions expressing his cultural values, but more importantly his view at the universe, life and the relationship of the parts to the whole. Viviana Puello - Editor in Chief Arttour International Magazine

Lawrence R. Armstrong: Libertà di Espressione Una mostra individuale che esplora i pensieri e le creazione della mente di un architetto Curata da Viviana Puello - Editrice Capo di Arttour International Magazine Artista, designer, architetto di successo; amministratore delegato della dinamica ed internazionale gran firma dell’architettura Ware Malcomb (, Lawrence Armstrong è immensamente talentuoso e visionario. Ispirato da artisti ed architetti moderni, Armstrong è ben noto per il suo innovativo e creativo approccio. La sua arte è composta da pezzi bidimensionali e tridimensionali, che si ispirano all’ambiente che ci circonda. Queste composizioni astratte sfidano gli spettatori a pensare ai loro limiti e a riconsiderarli: il concetto di giustapposizione ed intersezione è al vero centro degli sforzi artistici di Armstrong. Nel lavoro di Armstrong, sia nell’architettura che nell’arte, si può chiaramente notare ed affermare che esso sia un maestro nella manipolazione di più piani. Il suo lavoro è in parte influenzato dalla sua interpretazione dei piani in elementi naturali e in strutture artificiali, spazio e tempo, intelletto ed emozione. Egli afferma: “Sintesi e Compenetrazione di Forma, del Solido e del Nullo, del Caos e dell’Ordine, di Semplicità e Complessità, appaiono a me spontaneamente, involontariamente, provocate da influenze sensoriali. Posso essere ispirato dal nulla, e il concetto rimane fermo per giorni o settimane fino a che lo strumento adeguato non diventa chiaro”. Lawrence Armstrong vive e lavora ad Orange County, California, e viaggia attraverso il mondo per esibire i propri lavori. Lawrence Armstrong è amministratore delegato di Ware Malcomb, proprietario e artista di LRA Art ed è nel Consiglio di Amministrazione della Fondazione Kent State University. Lawrence viaggerà dalla sua città natale di San Clemente, a Firenze, in Italia, al fine di presentare un’intrigante selezione dei suoi migliori dipinti e sculture in vetro in un’esibizione curata da Viviana Puello, Editrice Capo di Arttour International Magazine e Direttrice Artistica di Vivid Arts Network.

Lawrence R. Armstrong: Libertà di Espressione A Solo Art Exhibition Exploring the Thoughts and Creations of an Architectural Mind. Curated by Viviana Puello - Editor in Chief of the Arttour International Magazine Artist, designer and accomplished architect, and CEO of the dynamic, international architecture firm, Ware Malcomb. ( Lawrence Armstrong is immensely talented and a visionary. Inspired by artists and modern architects, Armstrong is well known for his innovative and creative approach. His art is composed of two- and three- dimensional pieces that are inspired by the environment around us.These abstract compositions challenge viewers to think about their boundaries and to reconsider them, and the concept of juxtaposition and intersection is at the very heart of Armstrong's artistic endeavors. In Armstrong’s work, whether architecture or art, one can clearly see he is a master manipulator of layers. His work is partly influenced by his interpretation of layers in natural elements and man-made structures, space and time, and intellect and emotion. According to the artist, "Synthesis and Interpenetration of Form, of Solid and Void, of Chaos and Order, of Simplicity and Complexity, appear to me spontaneously, involuntarily, provoked by sensory influences. I can be inspired by anything, and a concept gestates for days or weeks until the appropriate media becomes clear." Lawrence Armstrong lives and works in Orange County, California and travels the world to exhibit his work. Lawrence Armstrong is the CEO of Ware Malcomb, owner and artist at LRA Art, and is the chair at Kent State University Foundation Board of Directors. Lawrence will travel from his hometown in San Clemente to Florence, Italy in order to present an intriguing selection of his best paintings and glass sculptures in an exhibition curated by Viviana Puello, Editor in Chief of the Arttour International Magazine and Art Director of the Vivid Arts Network.

Biografia Lawrence Armstrong ha una unico sfondo variegato di progettazione , e incarna un approccio rinascita alla vita. Egli non è solo un artista di talento , ma un architetto di successo, designer e amministratore delegato di una dinamica , studio di architettura internazionale , Wa r e Malcomb . ( ) Fondata nel 1972 , Ware Malcomb fornisce progettazione , architettura, interior design , progettazione grafica e servizi di ingegneria civile . Nel 1992 , Lawrence e il suo partner hanno comprato l'azienda dai proprietari originali . Da allora , ha guidato l'azienda nella sua crescita di successo e l'evoluzione . Ware Malcomb è considerato un leader nella progettazione per il settore immobiliare commerciale . L'azienda ha 12 uffici negli Stati Uniti , Canada e Panama. Lawrence è ben noto per il suo approccio strategico visionario al design e business. La sua attenzione sulla creatività e l'innovazione influenza tutti i suoi sforzi artistici . Lawrence si ispira architetti e artisti moderni . Tiene molti libri schizzo basate su osservazioni e idee. Quando Lawrence non è in esecuzione il suo studio di architettura, lavora nel suo studio d'arte o in viaggio con la sua macchina fotografica e taccuini . I suoi viaggi internazionali hanno influenzato la sua arte. Ha viaggiato in tutto il mondo, tra cui Nord America, America Latina, Europa , Giappone e Medio Oriente . Lawrence ha ricevuto il suo Bachelor of Architecture Degree (1980) e Corso di laurea in Architettura ( 1979) da Kent State University , dove ha anche trascorso un semestre di studio all'estero in Italia . Lui è un architetto di licenza in oltre 40 paesi ed è una LEED ( Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design ) accreditato professionale attraverso l' USGBC ( United States Green Building Council ). Lawrence è stato docente ospite per USC Lusk Center for Real Estate , Graduate Program Real Estate . Era un Giurato Design per il Progetto

Progettazione Integrata Quarto Anno di Kent State University. Lawrence è stato un portavoce su una varietà di pannelli per NAIOP e di altri gruppi immobiliari commerciali . E 'stato pubblicato in una varietà di supporti, tra cui Metro OC , Real Estate Business Online , Magazine e Professional Development Report Magazine . Per le sue realizzazioni come CEO , Lawrence è stato riconosciuto come Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award Winner e Finalista nazionale nel 2008. Per l'arte e il design personale , Lawrence ha ricevuto questi premi individuali : Premio , Shaker Piazza cerchio all'interno di un Design Competition Square, Cleveland Premio , Terminal Tower Design Competition Premio, OC disegno o modello comunitario Mostra d'Arte

Biography Lawrence has an unique, diverse design background, and embodies a renaissance approach to life. He is not only a talented artist, but an accomplished architect, designer and CEO of a dynamic, international architecture firm, Ware Malcomb. ( Established in 1972, Ware Malcomb provides planning, architecture, interior design, graphic design and civil engineering services. In 1992, Lawrence and his partner bought the firm from the original owners. Since then, he has led the firm in its successful growth and evolution. Ware Malcomb is considered a leader in design for the commercial real estate industry. The firm has 12 offices in the United States, Canada, and Panama. Lawrence is well known for his strategic, visionary approach to design and business. His focus on creativity and innovation influence all of his artistic endeavors. Lawrence is inspired by modern architects and artists. He keeps many sketch books based on observations and ideas. When Lawrence is not running his architectural practice, he is working in his art studio or traveling with his camera and sketchbooks. His international travels have influenced his art as well. He has traveled extensively throughout the world including North America, Latin America, Europe, Japan and the Middle East.

Lawrence received his Bachelor of Architecture Degree (1980) and Bachelor of Science in Architecture (1979) from Kent State University, where he also spent a semester studying abroad in Italy. He is a licensed architect in over 40 states and is a LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design) accredited professional through the USGBC (United States Green Building Council.) Lawrence has been a guest lecturer for USC Lusk Center for Real Estate, Graduate Real Estate Program. He was a Design Juror for the Fourth Year Integrated Design Project for Kent State University. Lawrence has been a speaker on a variety of panels for NAIOP and other commercial real estate groups. He has been published in a variety of media including OC Metro, Real Estate Business Online, Development Magazine and Professional Report Magazine. For his accomplishments as CEO, Lawrence was recognized as an Ernst & Young’s Entrepreneur of the Year Award Winner & National Finalist in 2008. For personal art and design, Lawrence has received these individual awards: Award, Shaker Square Circle within a Square Design Competition, Cleveland Award, Terminal Tower Design Competition Award, OC Design Community Art Exhibition



Inspiration Flashes of Light Appear to me spontaneously, involuntarily, provoked by sensory influences. Unannounced initial thought may derive from music, written text, built or natural environment, person, mood, event or any combination of the above. A concept gestates for days or weeks, until the appropriate media becomes clear. I create a sketch, and try to understand it for a period of time. The piece then comes out of me very quickly. Several pieces result, produced in rapid succession. Much of my work is done in a small series, and normally executes very closely to the first flash of light that appeared. I have noticed that the many passions in my life manifest through me in a similar way. A formally trained architect, I received my Bachelor of Architecture Degree from Kent State University. I have studied and created art all of my life. I draw inspiration from compositions in nature and the built environment. I am intrigued by the natural tension between opposing

forces along the following themes: Chaos/Order, Free Form/Precision, Random/Planned, Solid/Void. My influences come from the modern architecture and art world, and include Corbusier, Meier, Eisenman, Pollack, Chihulley, Warhol, Arnoldi.

Layered Vision My work, both in Art and Architecture, is an ongoing exploration of the concept of Layers. I have always been aware of, and fascinated by Layers in the Natural and Built Environment. Layers in Space and Time. Layers in Intellect, in Emotion. Synthesis and Interpenetration of Form, of Solid and Void, of Chaos and Order, of Simplicity and Complexity.


“Amor 1.1” Layered Glass Sculpture 24” x 18” x 12”



“Filla1.0” Layered Glass Sculpture 15” x 12” x 18”



“Amor 1.0” Layered Glass Sculpture 15” x 12” x 8”


“Achilles” 22

Acrylic on Layered Canvas & Wood 60” x 46” x 4”

“Flourish” 24

Acrylic on Layered Canvas & Wood 97” x 61”

“Fan Fare” Acrylic on Layered Canvas & Wood 71” x 53”


“Solstice” Acrylic on Layered Canvas & Wood 35” x 67” x 9” 26


“Order” Acrylic on Layered Canvas & Wood 35” x 33” 28

“Cocktail Hour” 30

Acrylic on Aluminum 28” x 22”

“Marana AM” Acrylic on Aluminum 28” x 22”


“Mattina Di Pascua” 32

Acrylic on Aluminum 28” x 22”

“Red Blaze” Acrylic on Aluminum 28” x 22”


“Burst” Acrylic on Layered Paper 28” x 22” 34

“Neptune” Acrylic on Layered Paper 22” x 28” 35

“Triniti 3.0” Acrylic on Canvas 24” x 24”


“Orb 3.0” Acrylic on Canvas 24” x 24”


Per ulteriori informazioni sull’esibizione contact: VIVID ARTS NETWORK EMAIL:INFO@VIVIDARTSNETWORK.COM

Printed in Italy - Graphic Design by Alan Grimandi Published by Arttour International Publications Inc. 45 Rockefeller Plaza Suite 2000, New York, NY 10111 Tel (800) 897-1167 © Copyright 2014 Arttour International Magazine. All copyrights are reserved by the authors. The copyrights of all published artwork are retained by the artists. Reproduction of any published material without the written permission of the magazine's publisher is prohibited by law.

Lawrence R. Armstrong: Libertà di Espressione “Le opere di Lawrence R. Armstrong riflettono la ricchezza della sua mente come architetto e come artista. Nel suo lavoro nulla accade a caso o per caso. Egli esplora il concetto di strati e luce con un attento esame per la linea e la geometria. I temi comuni sul suo lavoro utilizzano colori vivaci, forme e livelli che giustappongono e si intersecano ispirati alla riconciliazione dell'uomo con la natura. Armstrong crea composizioni armoniose ed equilibrate che esprimono i suoi valori culturali, ma soprattutto la sua visione l'universo, la vita e il rapporto tra le parti e il tutto.” Viviana Puello - Editor in Chief Arttour International Magazine

“Lawrence R. Armstrong works reflect the richness of his mind as an architect and as an artist. In his work nothing happens randomly or by chance. He explores the concept of layers and light with careful consideration to line and geometry. The common themes on his work utilize bright colors, forms and levels that juxtaposed and intersect inspired by the reconciliation of humans with nature. Armstrong creates harmonious and balanced compositions expressing his cultural values, but more importantly his view at the universe, life and the relationship of the parts to the whole.” Viviana Puello - Editor in Chief Arttour International Magazine

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