Water Sport Arena _Architecture Design Work

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Water Sport Arena Urban renew for city spiritual values in Gotherborg, Sweden In the past, Goteborg was developed from industry and the city was started from the harbor. When the industrial activities leaving the river bank, citizens are trying to re-find the city’s historical spirit and move back there. Thought the rebuilding the river bank, it will arouse the passing memory to the citizen and connect the both sides of the city which was divided by the river and industrial activity. Banana Pier was an industrial site where is on the opposite of riverbank. When the place was abandoned from people, plants are beginning to grow up there. Therefore, I want to utilize the concept of the plants to shape the Banana Pier into a new natural environment for citizen having activities with nature space.



Site survey and concept According to the materials I found on the site, the design concept was set as “new activities make the space full of vitality, like the plants growing up.� The pier was a factory; there is not any natural element. However, after the factory moved away, the nature found a way back. Therefore, I believe that when we want to have new activities in a space, we need to make the space vibrant and full of vitality, and make it easy to be noticed for people.

Concept In the photo collage, I tried to image the future activities on this pier and hope the environment would become nature.

On the study model, I expected the shape of the ground could be the structure as well.

Site analysis from urban context Banana-pier is a long and narrow artificial pier, located opposite to the central public harbor of Goeborg, faced to both riversides.

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I the urban context, I tried to make the banana-pie to become the bridge which extends the activitues in central of Goeborg to the riverside and connecta the people in both sides. It also provides more public apsce to the residents.


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Diagram of urban planing

Making a bridge for connecting city activities First of all, I want to shape the structure to be like the plants growing up from the broken part some where between the ground and water, because this is the interesting situation I found in Banana pier. Concept of space connection

With this context, I planned to cut the land from the middle, and set a harbor to connect both sides of the river and rise ground just like plants growing up between the ground and water. Then there will be some space in the between and people will do activities in this interesting landscape.

Site plan

Grass Ramp Plan The grass ramp will be raised like a hill. People can have any kinds of sports on the hill with river view in the city center.

Wooden Ramp Plan The wooden ramp is extending into the river, so people could feel closer with nature such as coming to the beach. Also people can have any kinds of water sport there, for example, sail or rowing a boat..

City arena This space can provide the water sport and any other kinds of activities for the citizens who really enjoy the nature. The free form of landscape is coming from the plants which indicate the new life is growing. The special from is also positions the end-point of view to center of the city. It also extends the view and activity to another side of the river.

Programs and Materials There are two main materials I used, wool and grass, to define the character of programs. Due to the ground is different high in different place, some space could provide the space such as a beach for tacking rest or having son bath, some space which is in between of the ramps could provide a indoor activities such as coffee shop or performers’ stage . There are many possibilities for citizen’s life activity.

Detail and Structure The structure of grass ramp will be made with concrete. The landscape will be created with different high to be more close to the nature ground.

This part is the interface of two ramps with two different structure and material. The connection part will be made up with the mixing.

The structure of wooden ground will be made with truss. The landscape will be created with different high to be more close to natural ground. People can have activities and take rest in this arena.

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