These bags and accessories are handcrafted at a small Columbian factory that truly knows how to care for their employees. Every worker has health, accident and unemployment insurance - and guaranteed work one year ahead. Proper wages replace piecework, so you will know that every detail and stich on our bags have received all the necessary love and attention. And always to the spirited tunes of salsa.
Purse Peter Size 11x10 cm black, brown, natural
Purse Hans Size 12x10 cm black, brown, natural
CASE FOR GLASSES Size 9,5x18 cm black, brown, natural
Key Purse Size 8x11 cm blue, black, brown, natural, yellow, red
Cardholder Size 7,5x10 cm blue, black, brown, natural, yellow, red
coin purse Size 11x9 cm blue, black, brown, natural, yellow, red
Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure... Than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat. Theodore Roosevelt
SEJR bags and wallets are made with the thickest, most supple Vaqueta leather from South American cattle that roam around the breathtaking Andean landscape 2,500 meters above sea level. Their hides are famously fine and due to the cold air, free of insect marks. DISPLAY
FOLDER paper / FOLDER Ipad Size 52x30 cm black, brown, natural
Handles are sturdy saddle leather. All our leather products have been oiled and waxed for protection and to bring out the natural deep hue. No two products are quite
Toilet bag small Size 18,5x11x5 cm black, brown, natural
Toilet bag Size 27x15x13 cm black, brown, natural
Notebook bag Size 40x30x10 cm (15”) black, brown, natural
Messenger bag small Size 22x27x6 cm (Ipad) black, brown, natural
Messenger bag Size 37x30x7 cm (13”) black, brown, natural
Weekend bag small Size 50x32x24 cm black, brown, natural
Weekend bag Size 58x38x26 cm black, brown, natural
Travel bag Size 40x35x22 cm black, brown, natural
Excessive luxury should never look like excessive luxury. Make it simple – and it will be beautiful no matter what.
“Sejr” means victory in Danish. But “Sejr” is also the fond nickname that friends used to call Birgitte Sejrsen back in school. With Birgitte as the designer behind all SEJR products, the brand name was an obvious choice. The elegant logo is quite simply her signature.
www.sejrcopenhagen.com SEJR a/s • Allingbjergvej 4 • 4050 Skibby • Denmark • phone: +45 2947 5066 • mail: info@sejrcopenhagen.com