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REPORT 23.9.

me? visual language technique? working method?

image maker that inspire me: what?

ecstatic communicative surfaces grabbing attention, performative design, investigate the assignment within more softwares, using art as a tool for design 1 contextual research (internet) 2 idea 3 sketching (photoshop, illustrator, hand-drawing, experimenting in photostudio, finding proper fonts, 3D sketching, uncreative appropriating and skimming the internet) 4 decisionmaking + discussing 5 discussing with the client 6 finalizing (illustrator, 3D MAx or ZBrush, indesign, photoshop, aftereffects) 7 applying to different surfaces Manuel Buerger The Laboratory of Manuel Bßrger: - Research & Concept Services - Publishing Business - Internet Aware Art Solutions - Design & Teaching Practises - Visual Enlargment The Laboratory’s strength lies in its unique sense for (de)articulation of design zeitgeist + narrative thinking. The Laboratory aims for neverending communication - cultivating the merge of thoughts and form.


d works

A The Cosmic Dancer

Laboratory Work: Artdirection, Writing Medium: Animation, Ideas, Magazine Typeface: Helvetica Fun Factor: 69% Commerical Factor: 69% Theory Factor: 69% Research: Cosmic, Disco, Nietzsche, Tattoo File Size: 10MB Color: Black

The Cosmic Dancer tries to explore the possibilities of escaping from and with myths to new directions of cultural production. The Cosmic Dancer cuts with history through destroying everything… and (re)building new pathways. The 4 pages brochure with a single text-insert shows different approaches in form of wild combinations of thoughts, pictures and quotes: Starting from the idea that philosophers envy dancers of their skills to turn and move very quickly and fast to different points, this printed research form offers insights from indian mythology to symbols of transcendence to enabling power of users to altermodern ideas of Nicholas Bourriaud. ~°~The artist becomes “homo viator”, the prototype of the contemporary traveller whose passage through signs and formats refers to a contemporary experience of mobility, travel and transpassing. This evolution can be seen in the way works are made: a new type of form is appearing, the journey-form, made of lines drawn both in space and time, materialising trajectories rather than destinations. The form of the work expresses a course, a wandering, rather than a fixed space-time ~°~ Nicholas Bourriaud, Altermodern, 2009


Laboratory Work: Artdirection, Design, Photography Medium: Magazine Typeface: Helvetica, Roboto, Union Fun Factor: 88% Commerical Factor: 93% Theory Factor: 90% Research: Editorial, Iphone, Realness File Size: 100MB Color: Pink

C “Einsatz hinter der V.ierten Wand”

Laboratory Work: Artdirection, Design Medium: Flyer, Poster Typeface: Catull, Helvetica Fun Factor: 86% Commerical Factor: 77% Theory Factor: 89% Research: Brick Wall, Copy&Waste, Jungle, Semiotics, Thomas Pynchon, Utopia File Size: 100MB Color: Yellow

Design for theater play by copy&waste for Ringlockschuppen, Mülheim The Laboratory designed the campaign (printed matters) for “Einsatz hinter der V.ierten Wand”, a theater play production by copy&waste for Ringlokschuppen, Mülheim an der Ruhr. The design pretty much refers to the reference jungle copy&waste put on the stage. Visual links can be found in the tag list in the righten column. Get lost…

D transmediale: BWPWAP

Work: Artdirection, Corporate Design, Design Medium; Magazine, Poster, Webpage Typeface: Impact, Union Fun Factor: 91% Commerical Factor: 91% Theory Factor: 80% Research: Meme, Noob, Recontextualisation, The Whole Earth Catalog File Size: 1000MB Color: Black, White

Transmediale 2013 suggests that this classification crisis, spurred on by new technologies and shifting knowledge paradigms, opens up a rich space of cultural negotiation and artistic intervention. The significance of Pluto does not, in the end, have so much to do with the definition of what a planet really is or is not. Instead, the story of Pluto is about our cultural situation: how technological development and new knowledge paradigms change our cultural imaginaries. [...]� From thecurratorial statement of transmediale 2013 newspaper: Imitating the rhythm of flatscreen reading, the design works with actual screensizes of different mobile devices and translate them onto paper – deconstructing also the aesthetics of digital interface design for paper’s sake. For some further design decisions read the righten columne.

E transmediale: IN/COMPATIBLE

Laboratory Work: Artdirection, Corporate Design, Design Medium: Magazine, Poster, Webpage Typeface: Arial, Georgia, Utopia, Verdana Fun Factor: 90% Commerical Factor: 90% Theory Factor: 97% Research: Dystopia, Incompatibility, Parallel World, Utopia, Wisdom File Size: 10000MB Color: Gold, Raibow

Working with the “Promised Land” idea (see on the rigthen column), the significant reference pictures the sky, the heaven, the admirable thing beyond us. Translating this connotation into a unique material, we were using metal-coated paper (from the eastern side of the globe) that shines not only golden, it also reflects rainbow colors, so to say: attracts attention on a very high level. The design of a centered black tunnel with its rounded (!) worth pursuing rectangle at the horizon, shows the gesture of our compulsion and drive for contemporary technology. It questions the relationship of the striving human rather user as in/compatible part in our glowing digital culture. Shineyness vs. black vacuum of shallow promises generate the “techno-cultural-uneasy” effect, that connects directly to transmediale’s exhibition “Dark Drives”. Speaking about the design: The transparent pvc folder features different pockets on the inside, to organize all printed matter. A compatible system for in/compatible products…

F Digital Folklore

Laboratory Work: Artdirection, Design Medium: Book Typeface: Arial, Comic Sans Fun Factor: 100% Commerical Factor: 80% Theory Factor: 80% Research: Merz Akademie, Noob, Penis, Pizza, Ted Nelson, Vernacular, Wisdom, Complexity, High Level Folklore File Size: 1000MB Color: Neon Green

“Technical innovations shape only a small part of computer and network culture. It doesn’t matter much who invented the microprocessor, the mouse, TCP/IP or the World Wide Web and what ideas were behind these inventions. What matters is who uses them. Only when users start to express themselves with these technical innovations do they truly become relevant to culture at large. Users’ endeavors, like glittering star backgrounds, photos of cute kittens and rainbow gradients, are mostly derided as kitsch or in the most extreme cases, postulated as the end of culture itself. In fact this evolving vernacular, created by users for users, is the most important, beautiful and misunderstood language of new media. As the first book of its kind, this reader contains essays and projects investigating many different facets of Digital Folklore: online amateur culture, DIY electronics, dirtstyle, typonihilism, memes, teapots, penis enlargement, …” -- Part of the Introduction by Olia Lialina & Dragan Espenschied review by rhizome: “This playfulness, and cohesiveness, makes a great vessel for persistent and at times rigorous analysis of online life, which itself has always been rooted in exploration, discovery and excitement, and benefits from complimentary conveyances (especially when things get technical!).“

A WeberWoche woche

Work: Artdirection, Design, performative design Medium: poster, flyers, brochure, teaser Typeface: Agipo Fun Factor: 100% Commerical Factor: 70% Theory Factor: 90% Research: post-choreography, contemporary performance, Deleuze File Size: 2200 MB Color: grey, yellow, blue

Displacement of the role of a designer as an escape from BUREAUCRACY. A program on Max Weber’s notion of enchantment and disenchantment at Stroom Den Haag. Event celebrated the re-enchantment of the world and ideas. Artists, performers, filmmakers and theoreticians were part of a multifaceted program aimed at questioning the role of enchantment in today’s Western society. Curated by post-choreographerBruno Listopad and Stroom Den Haag.

B Wrapping The Rodina

Work: Artwork, Design Medium: digital poster, spread print Typeface: Stanley Fun Factor: 90% Commerical Factor: 0% Theory Factor: 60% Research: happiness, space File Size: 10 MB Color: blue, red, green, black

This particular work serves as a kind of invitation for another artist/desigenr or photographer to reinterpret it. At that time we did little research on nostalgia. We found out that sentimentality for past in relation to design is more like a decoration. Rather then the “good old days” we focused on near future. “Innovative nostalgia combines an understanding of the future with proven qualities of the past.” — Koert Van Mensvoort. This particular poster articulates nostalgic feeling towards CMYK in RGB times. The Soirée graphique is an annual Swiss graphic design exhibition in KOMET (Bern) is a platform for creatives from a variety of fields, such as graphic design, visual arts, and photography. It fosters visual design, inspires new art and reflects the latest trends in contemporary graphic design. Credits: Cyanne van den Houten

C Keep smile / VykoupenĂ­

Work: Artwork, Design, timemanagement Medium: large print 6x9 Typeface: Druk, Agipo Fun Factor: 90% Commerical Factor: 50% Theory Factor: 50% Research: happiness, space, small city society File Size: 5000 MB Color: blue, red, yellow

Anti-sentimental contextual graphic design at Banska St a nica, Banská štiavnica, SK. 54m2 large post-digital paint in new God of the Internet Shrine. More pics here. english translation will come soon: Do města vstupujeme v době, kdy jsme se stali ze soudruhů občany a následně z občanů uživateli. Vyzbrojení programovou nedůvěrou v nostalgii, postupujeme podle předem připraveného plánu: na konkrétním místě redefinovat naši roli. Na základě diskuze s kurátory formulujeme cíl: konverzi ke štěstí. Přijímáme roli terapeuta – naším nástrojem je spiritualita. Transformujeme nádražní halu ve svatyni Boha Internetu. Tvoříme srozumitelný povrch. Volíme jednoduchou ikonografii umožňující sdílení. Navržené spirituální schéma návštěvníkům nabízí přijmout roli “současného uživatele”, osvobozeného od sentimentu, zbaveného melancholie a nostalgie. Post-digitální katarzi ilustrujeme na přepisu – “updatu” textu pamětní desky. Oslavně budovatelský text z 50. let je převyprávěn současným jazykem v aktuálním ideologickém kontextu. Prostoru dominuje symetrická kompozice, parafráze iluzorní nástěnné malby. Estetiku kultu podřizujeme existenci v hyperrealitě. Situace se nazývá Vykoupení.


Work: Artdirection, Design Medium: online flyers, teaser Typeface: Monosten Fun Factor: 100% Commerical Factor: 90% Theory Factor: 30% Research: surface, attention economy, hackers, image trap File Size: 520 MB Color: rgb and derivates

Innovative on-line design “all inclusive� for pop-up club NEONE, Prague. Concept of fly-trap: catch every passing picture. Devil is in detail. Scroll down for visual impact.


Work: Artdirection, Design, identity Medium: Books, poster Typeface: Suisse BP Fun Factor: 70% Commerical Factor: 10% Theory Factor: 40% Research: value, architecture, mirror board paper, city, pantone combinations and irises File Size: 1000MB Color: Silver, red, blue, yellow

Poster is advertising new books byMox Nox publisher in their real sizes and authentic colors. The visual appearance is determinated by printing technology. As the main typeface for publishing house was chosen Suisse BP by Ian Party which “redefines the very sense of tradition itself”. Series of books about architecture and urbanism by MOX NOX Publishing. Simple design provides good legibility and orientation due to “laser” system. “Lasers” appears on every introductory page of each chapter ando goes down, in the same way as your reading is approaching end of the book. Cover system is improved by color surfaces distinguished by name of author and book title on Mirror Board Silver paper.

Tereza Rullerova for KABK Image

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