Project The History of My Town School 5

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Project done by pupils of the 9th form School â„–5 Consulted by teacher Eryomina Olga Olegovna

We’d like to present you our project “The Wonders of My Town”. This topic is very important to us because Khartsyzsk is the Town of our dreams, We were born here, our parents and grandparents were born here too. We want it always to be beautiful and clean. What do we think about this problem?

I think it is very important for all of us to save spirit of our town, to preserve its nature and beauty which have their charm and history.

But whether it is all in blossom or covered with snow our town is always lovely.

The airms of the project are:

- Develop students language skills using interactive forms: interview, discussion. - To promote students creativity, to motivate students in expressing their opinions on the problems under discussion. - To learn more about our Native Town. - To find more information about our Town. - To choose pictures which we like best and describe them. - To talk about famous people from our Town. - To develop students skills in giving opinion. - To learn to work together as a team.

Hello, Ladies and Gentlemen! We welcome you to Khartsyzsk. It is industrial town in Donetsk region. We present our guests with extraordinary gifts: a spiritual uplift and physical strength, a charge of vigour and energy, inspiration and a sense of true beauty. Khartsyzsk – Ты символ Родины для нас Khartsyzsk – Ты наша сила, И Украина и Донбасс Растят Khartsyzsk, как сына! It is located on the Krinichnay – Ilovaysk rail line in upland area about 15 miles (25 km) east of Donetsk. – It is the central part of Donetsk region.

The railway station is a popular meeting place

HISTORY OF KHARTSYZSK During the 60-ies. XIX century. around Khartsyzsk they began to extract coal. Since the late 90th. XIX century to 1917 in the village of Khartsyzk there were a mechanical plant,a boiler and a mechanical plant (from 1914 - Pipe Plant), two machine shops (future plant "Armlit" and Machine Works), a brickyard, two steam mills, developed rail Management stations Khartsyzk. In the village worked as parochial school and two year railway school. In the 50th - 70th. XX century Khartsyzk expanded production rapidly introducing new and sometimes unique, technology, construction of new industrial enterprises. Khartsyzsk Metalware Plant appeared, the food concentrates plant, bakery, Zuyevskaya GRES-2, repairmechanical plant, the new railway companies in Ilovaiskoe Budenovskiy pit shaft construction administration № 8. In the short time there were built several mines, including three large - № 35, № 39 and the mine "Communist." All the coal companies merged into a powerful trust "Oktyabrugol", located in Khartsyzsk. In the jubilee of 1969 Khartsyzsk industry and its subordinate cities and towns 21 times won first place in the grand total of work in union and republic ministries. Thus by the early 80s. Khartsyzk became a major industrial center of Donetsk region. So it remains to this day. During these years, a large scale housing and community facilities went on. The city grew and transformed, changed its appearance beyond recognition. New landscaped streets and sidewalks, residential neighborhoods, schools, kindergartens, hospitals, shopping centers, cultural centers have appeared - all created for the residents of favorable conditions of life, work and leisure. In 1982 the city trolley-bus was put into operation. The pride of the towns people-Recreation Park named after Chekhov.


Station square mid 60s 20c

New Home Satellite, 1963


Arch of the main entrance to the park early 50-ies. 20 century.

Lenin Square, the shop Russia 70th. The 20th century.

The railway station in 1913

Railway Station Square 50-ies. The 20th century.

Food concentrates plant, 70th. the 20th century

Modern Khartsyzk City received its name after the hartsyzs. In the XVI-XVIII centuries in Ukraine, so called free people - Cossacks, fugitive peasants, impoverished nobles who lived in the area and fought against the Tatars ("hartsyz" from the tour. - A robber, a free man). Now Khartsyzsk territory - a modern industrial city, being nicknamed recently "Donbas in miniature." Almost all sectors of our industrial economy in the region are available in Khartsyzsk: coal, machine building, metallurgy and energy, rail transport and construction. Industries are represented by more than 20-large industrial enterprises, which have major socio-economic importance: PAO "Khartsyzsk Pipes" Khartsyzsk subsidiary of PJSC "ON" Stalkanat - Silurian "Silurian plant," CE "Zuyevskaya TPP" LLC "Vostokenergo", JSC "Zuevsky Energy and Mechanical Plant" Joint Venture "Donbass-Liberty", LLC "Armlit-Donbass", LLC "Khartsyzsk Engineering Works", a mine after SP Tkachuk, mine, "she went on," SE "Shahterskantratsit" Ilovajskij railway junction, JSC "Khartsyzsk bakery."

In Khartsyzk for over 30 years trolley park have been operating. Trolley routes run through the major areas of the city, providing residents a comfortable journey and to freely roam around the city. The city has well-developed trade and entrepreneurial business, with more than four thousand subjects of entrepreneurial activity. In Khartsyzk there are 4 markets, where you can buy a full list of goods consumed. Also in the city there are well-known supermarkets such as "ATB", "Silpo", “Glutton", "Foxtrot", "Brusnytsya." Khartsyzk has well developed social infrastructure. The city has 14 secondary schools, a gymnasium, three different profiles of the Lyceum, a specialized school, an educational complex. There are also 19 pre-schools. To prepare qualified young men and women it has the opportunity to provide training in post-secondary educational institutions: colleges Zugresskom Khartsyzsk and Donetsk National Technical University of diversified high schools. Extracurricular life of students and students is represented by the Center for children and teenagers, young naturalists stations and two stations of young technicians. Khartsyzsk Health system is represented by the central city hospitals, clinics, ambulance station, Zugresskoy city hospital № 2. In addition, there is a network of private medical institutions, the most famous of which is the center limfohirurgii by. N. Shmatkov.

The sphere of culture is represented by Palace of Culture, libraries, schools, arts, museums and cinemas. Favorite places of rest of the townspeople can rightly be called the recreation park named after Chekhov, Shevchenko boulevard Mother alley, online mall, City Square, soldiers-internationalists, the area of ​a Palace of Culture and, of course, "Khartsyzsk Arbat." Many of these recreation place are a free zone to access the Internet. Important role in the cultural life of the city folks plays the theater"Torch" and a model theater-studio "Debut"; hartsyzyan and guests delight with the performances of dance clubs, vocal studio, theater events, as well as other numerous creative groups. In the sports area of ​the city, we can say with pride about the newly opened branch of the Academy of Football Club "Shakhtar" (Donetsk). In addition, the championships of football are held in the town football club «Khartsyzsk." Also, the city opened two sports schools, the school of Olympic reserve, 3 Palaces of Sports, 3 stadiums, 3 swimming pools, where residents Khartsyzsk, regardless of age, engaged in various sports. Children have the opportunity to attend more than 30 sports clubs. The city has a climbing wall, equestrian, rowing base for rowing and canoeing. Available to every resident of playgrounds, soccer fields, tennis courts. Also in Khartsyzk there is a center of physical culture, sport and sociological rehabilitation. Today Khartsyzk - a city that has developed industry, social and transport infrastructure. Despite all the difficulties in creating new jobs it develops production, creates a favorable investment climate. But no matter how much industry Khartsyzsk has the city remains clean and green with many places of recreation, aboth in Khartsyzsk itself, and in its beautiful surroundings.

Khartsyzsk land has unique natural landscapes, which are part of the territory prirodoohranyaemye regional landscape park "Zuevo." Equipment, gardens, parks, malls and recreation areas for citizens creates a contrast between heavy industry and the beauty of the steppe edges. With each new year the program is being implemented to improve the economic, social and cultural development of Khartsyzsk.



The streets are lined up with chestnut trees. Пройдусь по Краснознаменской, Сверну на Полупанова, И на Вокзальной улице я постою в тени… My native town becomes especially beautiful in spring when all are green. This time we like to tramp down the streets of my town.

I think it is very important for all of us to save spirit of our town, to preserve its nature and beauty which have their charm and history. But whether it is all in blossom or covered with snow our town is always lovely.

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